Mtlittinghit `,ll,ournal. Who is Safe There seems to exist a strange apathy i; the public mind wish regard to the case \s•-• • ~ ,s olqu ' lu N , P 4 '3 e ‘-`l'; 414 ; stt , nia kndw he i, innocent. The. public . Wednesday Morning, October 3, 1855. know he is innocent. And yet he remains , lIIIEWSTER,I ilBT( incarcerated, the violin of one inan's i,IM. 1 )I:'S4 G. WHITTAKER. S . stinacy ; and for any thing we know, he The “JOURNAIP has 300 Subscri, , must stay in Moyntnensing prison until it hers more, than any other paper shall please Judge Kano to permit his re in this county. lease. • rt ,, ar.A.nre.3,-..,..2n5.,, , rrs,srproAnr....rnan,-1-7,0 THE NEW LIQUOR LAW. , Dr. Johnson used to say, that the right A.; the first or October. the day err which tht , of Habeas Corpus was the one advantage tin Ow ,ale or I.i. which freemen hurl over slaves. Precibus oh., ‘tnt , t,t, h e , passed, the s coo- us that right is, it exists not in this count ry he 1,, know somethin g Of the mot- while Kane is on the bench. Any one, oft•ropeated inquiry, "Will the low nay los., his liberty on any pretext. he enforeedtal,eoupled with that nleo . Win the li tuna sellers obey awl most candid and respectful reply to a pies lion from a judge may be styled contempt of court, and a man is a prisoner during the pleasure of that judge. Why this in difference to an abuse of power so mon strous and so unprecedented ? Is this Ea rope, or is it America? Is Moyamensing prison to be anotner Bastin! ? Is the W ire-de-cachet system to be revived? While Kane is judge, no citizen is safe. While W illiamson is in prison, America is not free. Let the next Congress be overwhelm ed with demands for the impeachment of Avt to re 1~~ u• hnu. cogatnrics. We .fuly predict, however, that wo...thing will tyl done both ways. There are in the field, both determined upon their course, and "when Greek nets Greek, then comes the tug awn," The Tem perance League has been formed for the ex- I press purpese of enforcing the law, and pre- i ventinglts repeal; while the Innkeeper's League a secret association, was organized with a view to resist the law, and support for the fingisla ture only such into as sue pledged to vote for the repeal of the so-called 'Jug Low.". Wc . learn from our exchange . ; throughout the Slut, that 1.0 of the plltlnlnent retailers have expro,ted their dcterminatiofi to continue the ! solo of 11',11, us 1.101 atter the Ist of October tool in case they are prosecuted, then to test the law by the ordeal of the Com ts. There um three laws now in force, constiin ting our present ligeor license system : The lit:chalet,. Law, the Stuvlay Law, nod the Act of April last. the 10'0018101s ortheso vari tics nets, the 1 . 011,a1.,g results are arrived at : I. Entire prohibaho, on Stualsy. 2. The ab olition of all aril.kio4 house.; ; and sales by Entire prohibition or sale .5 temperate adults. 4. idling from hinds and and other places of hnsi , liyon fo lie sold by tinnattiealized citizens. 9. The deelniation by the State, that "Intoxicating liquors is lei part of entertain mint I it man,aud hori," not the holding of persons legally re:ipen,:ble for the flarlingCA re• belting !hie either giCt or tale. Fur the information of our readers, we hare taken the trouble to make an abstract of the tict which goes hoe effect on the first lust. einttll quaut:ty to all pot,one, tran.. , Co• or Iloilo'. eating to sol I. All dtiMkintr. heasen prohibited, and n fine not exceeding $3O, with imprisonment not ex ceeding one month, for selling, and affording n place, inducement, or any other ciinvenience, whore intoxicating liquor may be sold anddrank For the second offence $lOO and not exceeding three months impristmtnent. The same penab ' ties when two or mono pe:sons combine, theme to sell, and the other to furnish a place tbr drinking; or for aiding or abetting. 2. All sales in lens measures than a quart, prohibited. Courts of Quarter Sessions may —not shall—grant licenses to eiti,ns of' the States, provi ded they he of temperate he bits ' and give bond, with two .trood securities, in the sum - of $lOOO, conditional for the faithful oh servanee of ell laws relating to the sale of said liquors, to be tiled in Court; on which bowl fines stud costs may be collected, upon the eat, xletion of lho principal. The applicant for li cense mast present this petition, have it lawful ly advertised, and the Court shall fix a time when objections may be heard. ...No hotel, tavern, eating house, oyster house or theater, nor any other place of refresh ment or amusement, snot receive license to sell by any Illeitattre ahntovi r, nod no en hateralized person under any circumstances: . 4. -Druggists ar prohibited from selling its toxieating beverages, except when mixed with ' other medicines. 5. Clerks of Quarter Sessions cannot issue a license until the bond has been tiled, flees paid and the certificate furnished. Fees fur' license, three times the present amount but no license granted liar less than $3O. G. Persons licensed to sell by the quart and greater measure, must frame their license, und place it conspicuously in then , chief pl.e or business, cr roach it.; and all rules contrary to this act punialmd, according t o the' second sue. Con. C„n si ~i fur ' fltiling to rettum places kept in violation of this net, lined net exceeding 850, and imprisoned from one in three months. 8. importers may sell in the original package without appraimement and license I commis sioned auctioneers are also exempted ; domes. tie producers, breweries and distilleries, may sell liquors made by them, in quantities not less than i!ve gallons. 9. Ap7aiser3 of licenses, tinder this net, up. pointed according to former laws, Cut,' t 111 Philadelphia, where three reputable in no way connected with, nor interested in, the liquor business, shall be appointed annually by the Court of Quarter Session 3. Fair Play--No Gouging. The last issue at' lluntingTlon — Globe con tains au article which wo think is not entirely correct. It is the sue in which is embodied the allegation that we refused publishing the colu mn:de:aim' of the 43 anxious inquirers of Pe tersburg. This is a mistake. Why we did not pUblish the article, has already been stated.— We did nut refuse. The communication we ro treived and published from some of our towns Ines, contained almost peecisely the same test ier as the Petersburg affair and was evidently the concoction of the same iudividunl. Wo stated that the "43" were answered lathe com ments upon the communication we published. Cum slow, Lewis, fitir play. ATTEMPTED SPICIDE.-A young man of about eighteen years of age, living in the western part of this county, attempted to commit suicide on Friday last, by swal lowing an ounce of laudanum. • Ile went to bed, but it was discovered on him in time to prevent any serious 'consequences. Some love allitir was the cause of his foal ish freak. Tus Cour•ry FAIR.—•'AII things aro now ready," su for as regards the ground, &c. Next week we presume will be a brisk time, with the fair, encampment, &c. T Pert:.—The health of the Pope is declining ; he himself expresses doubts whether he will live to see another anniver sary of his election, and speculation is al ready rife about his successor. of Passmore Williamson. He has been in prison now nearly ten weeks. His in , nocenee of the charge of "contempt," on the pretenee of which he was committed hy Judge Knne, is as clear as the sun in the heavens. Judge Kane knows he is in nocent. The State judges of Pennsylva. the tyrant, SEBASTOPOL HAS CALEN!-It will be seen by the foreign news in to-day's paper, that the allies have at length effected the de struction of Sebastopol. This, however, by no means decides the fate of Russia.— It may be looked upon as an event of im mense importance to the decaying fame of England, as a reprieve from the deep hu miliation and disgrace which has rested upon her since her entrance upon the Cri mean war, but it will not subject Russia. or end the war. The same spirit maw char acterize, the Huss, as in the days of Na. polean the Great, and as willing hearts and ready hands may now be found to lay in ruins their homesteads to stay the pro. gress of the invader, as at Moscow. Great rejoicings were mode in England on the reciept of the very agreeable in formation of the fall of this long-besieged city. Thirty thousand human beings were slaughtered. Mexico.—Affairs in Mexico are getting more and more tangled. There aro six candidates for the Presidency—Carrera, the acting President; Alvarez and Com onfort in the South ; Degolado and others in Michoacan arid the Central portion of Mexico ; with Vidauri and Garza on the Northern frontier. Carrera has one ad van Li* over all; lie has actual possession and does not mean to surrender, if lie can help it. lie has the military to sustain him, and in Mexico the sword oftener settles I:o!iti cal questions than the ballot box. A Goon 'rims —As last Saturday was the day fixed for the last grand 'flare up" of the subjects of King Alcohol, they ac cordingly took advantage of it, and mode night bedious with their jollifications. All day Saturday, there was a continual run ning to the liquor venders with buckets, coffee-pots, teapots, tea canisters, coal buckets, and other indescribable articles, fur a supply of the 0 0 be joyful I" We would refer those who indulged too freely on Saturday night, to the abstract of the new liquor law, published in ono; her col umn, as a c'tapering off" powder. CANAL COMNISSIONER.-The fusionists of the State, Whigs, Americans and lIe• publicans, have nominated a Thomas Nich olson, as candid.ite for Canal Commission er. Mr. Marlin, the Know Nothing can., didate, has declared his intention to devote himself to efforts for the election of Mr. Nicholson. THE STATE FAIE.—The State Fair at Harrisburg was very well attended, some 40,000 people were present it is estimated. President Pierce together with a few oth er officials were present. The articles on exhibition were not so numerous as last year. BUCIIANAN—It is said by a W ashington correspondent, that the Hon. James Bitch. anon, Minister to England, is about to lead to the altar the widow of the late President James K. Polk. GRAHAM'S MAGAZINE.—We have recei ved the October No. of the above named magazine, which contains its usual amount of interesting matter. A. H. See, Phila delphia, $3 per year. AemENT.—A brakeman on the Pa. Railroad, was severely injured by being struck on the head whilst the train was passing under a bridge a short distance a bove this place. Bami•:ay.—A number of New York Ci• ty Aldermen havo been indicted for ac cepting bribes from certain individuals, for using their influence in procuring various offices, &c. KENNEDY'S BANK No•ro REVIEW for October is before us. It is the best work of the kind published. Kennedy & Bro., Pittsburgh, $3 per year, weekly. Next week, wo shall be able to gi ye our usual amount of reading matter. ~arrie~, On Thursday evening, apt., '2sth inst., by Geo. AI. Whittak,q, Bag Mr. Joseph I. Birk• him. and Sarah Updike, both of Petersburg. _'t IC~', In this borough on tie morning of the 206. inst, Juniata F daughter of John F. and Mary ltamy, aged 1 year, 7 months and 10 days, Tiagillbai32ll./A TS'LLARIE23 . :,', 4 0 Flour meets with a moderate inquiry for ex port, but the want of stock, particularly of standard shipping brands, which are very scarce limits operations. About 1000 bbls mixed brands were disposed of at $B, and 1300 bbls ex tra, mostly Western, at $8,18.1a8,25 per bbl, the markets clash, very firm at these rates.— ''he home demand continnes moderate at from $8 to $9 for common to extra and fancy Mini. ly brands. Corn Mont and Rye Flour remain quiet, but very firm, with light stocks on sale; 100 bids of the former sokl at $4,50 for Penn'a. Meal, and some small lots of the latter nt $5 6,25 per bbl. Grain—The receipts of Wheat continue light, and the demand rather less ac tire to-day. Sales reach some 6000a7000 bush clr, mostly reds, at sl,BoalBB cents, as in qual ity. including near 4000 bushels Tennessee at 1,86a188c., the latter for prime, and some small sales of Penn's. white at 200a205e., for fair to choice lots. Of Rye further sales of 1500 bushels are reported in lots at 112 c. for Penn'a. Corn is in steady demand, with light receipts, and almost 3300 bushels Penn'a. yet• low have been disposed of at 91 a 92c., mostly at the former rate in store. Oats continue firm, and about 2500 bushels Southern brought 41., afloat. EUITIWO@M 2@2MATiff. MHE present session of this Institution will close on Wednesday, October Xd. The ex hibition will take !dace in the evening. The ox amituttion the week previous. These exercises the piddle generally are invited to attend. The next session wilt commence the last Wednesday of October. The institution is located at Shade Gap, a quiet nod retired place, free from all temptation to vice, idleness or dissipation. The location is a healthy one, being situated among the inountains. It is entirely free from the nui sances so common along our rivers and so destruc tive to heidth. The course of instruction is such ns has becn found by experience most suitable for expanding and developing the powers of the mind. The student is early taught to rely upon himself, to think, to reason, find investigate the different subjects which are hronght hint. The govern ment is strict but mild, only requiring who t is Mr the student's highest good. Amend him is thrown, as far as practicable, the restraints and comlutts of a well fegulated Christian home. Shade Gap, in situated 17 miles from the Mount Union station of the Pennsylvania Rail Road, from which place there will be a line of stages. T.ERklS—$5O per session of five months, this includes tuition, room-rent and board. Wash ing, light and fuel extra. For further particu lars address ' W. U. WOODS, Principal, Shade Gap, Sept. 26, 1855.-3 m. STRAY STEER. Came to the residence of The subscriber, on or about the Ist of September ~744VN last, a stray steer, with a white *A t thee, and some white about the legs and belly, and piece cut out of the right ear ' with a slit in the ear. The ow ner con have the above property by proving property and paying charges. DEN.f. F. WALLACE. Morris tp., Oct. 3 , 1853-30 IL ROMAN 1 fas Just Received his I] ai WEIS ING, CLOTH If you want to buy good Cheap Goods, CALL AT 31. r. OVitlaf.%. D. P. Gwiti has just received from Phihula phia a large and beautiful stock of PALL AND WINTER GOODS; consisting of the most litshionablo Dress GOOlii, for Ladies and Gentlemen, such as French Me rinues, Alpacas, Paramatta Cloth, Persian Cloth All Wool de Lains, Fancy de Loins, Dainties Copings, Black and Fancy Dross Silks, C. and Prints or all description. Also, Cloths, assis , niers plain and fancy Cassinets, Vestings, Sze. ALSO, a large lot of dress Trimmings,..lrcss Buttons, Itilthunds,Bonnat Silks, Gloves, Mitts, Woolen and Cotton flosiory, Laces, Veils, lTri derslecv es, Collars, Chinsanetto, Rieuletts, Silk Bonnets, and a variety of Dress Goods sou nu merous to mentbn. Flannels of all kinds, Linseys, Woolen Table Covers, Shawfs,Coniforts, bleached and tudilea rind Muslin,, Ticken, Checks, Ginghams, &e. Groceries of all kinds, Hats Bt Caps, Soots and Shoes, Oil Cloths, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE Buckets, Tubs, Baskets, and all goods usually kept in a country Store. Sly old customers, and as many new ones us can crowd in are respectfully requested to come and examine my goods. All kinds of Country produce taken in ex change for goods, at tho highest market prices. October 3, 1055. BROAD TOP LAND FOR SALE. By virtue of a decree of the Court of Continue Pleas of Huntingdon county, the undersigned Committee of Wm. Settle, a lunatic, will sell at public sale, a tract of land situate in Todd tp., Huntingdon County, adjoining lands of John Alloway, John Hoover, Isaac Cook and others, containing shout 172 acres more or less. Thu sale will be held at the tavern of Thomas Speer, on Brood Top, on the 18th day of Octo hvient, at 1 o'clock, I ' . M. _ . Term; of Sale—One third of the pnrchnse money to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and the balance in two equal amnia' paymento to be secured by the bonds and mortgages on the pro mises. JOHN Z. SMITH, Coin. of Wm. &Bk. Oct. 3, 1855,-3t. PERRYSVILLE AND Fanneltsburg St a ge, \ iv IL L S X e rl . i .. l. in E f lN y and Friday Mornings. Returning will learn FANNETTSIIURG on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Murninge, connecting with the Express Trains neat and west in the morning, and the Mail train in the evening. COMMITTEE. Oct. 3,1855.-3 m. llama Taus.--F roue the Washington (I). C.) star.—Prof. Chas. Do Grath's - Electric Oil," from Philadelphia, is already . spokenof in Wash ington us being all that is cla imed for it. People hourly come into the Drug more of Stott & Co., with a cured hand, a cured foot, violent neural gia auppoti, a mottling reduced, &c., nod t hey say it is wonderful. Messrs. Stott & Co. arc daily witnesses to these facts, and as they hays within u few days retailed over $3OO worth, Choy have had frequent opportunities of learning the effects of this gre at remedy. They would not sell it it it were not good, for they are high min ded men. MTSCP,T,LANF,OUS. Now is the time to purchase FALL &,WINTER GOODS (...r• Havetust received from Philadelphia, the lar gest and finest assortment of Dry Goods ever of. fered to the citizens of this place, end surround ing country ; such ns Merinos, Apnens, Muslin do Lanes, Paramus Cloth, Persian Cloth, Mark and Colored Silks and every variety of Dress Goods and Trimmings. Also, Cloths, Cassim err, Vestings, Call and See one of the finest assortments of Trimmings broil to this place ; also, Collars, Undersli,eves,Chi mozots' Gloves of every variety, Ladies' Scarfs and the best assortment of Shawls ever offered. CARPETS, dtc. A splendid lot of the lineNt Carpet and Oil Cloth. HARDWARD, of every variety, and t lie best assortment in tone, QUM ENEMA R 72, of every description, and at lower prices than eon he got nt and• other house. GROCERIES, although they are a little up, we will try and sell as low us the lowest. .HATS & CAPS, HOOTS & SHOES, the hugest and best assortment over °nem], and at lower prices. WILLOW WAILII, and every variety of Goods, such as are usually kept in a country stare. Call and see before, purchasing any otl or place, nod if we can't sat isfy you of the fart, we will cave under. October 3,1855. 1e hest assortment of Carpet and Gil Cloth just received and for solo by J. & W. Sexton. mho handsomest assortment of Do lanes, Per sona Cloth, Lucille Cloth, Berage do Louses, Pernmetto Cloth, and all wool Monitions, all wool de lanes, of the best styles and eelooted with the greatest care, for sale by J. & IV. SAXTON. 500 fo U r . ob st s il t o ls i Tted received and The greatest variety of Boots and Shaes ever offered for sale by J. &W. SAXTON. L adles' Collars, Uodaralceres, Chimaretts, mud i _v!) , e r n a t , i v tift 3 t o l n l i o i t et o s f , - (;:it;s r ,. also Sills 11 great variety of Belts, hlead Dresses, Brure 1_ lets, Trimmings, &e., by J. & IV. Saxton. r fjus t h i. a c n o t n a int ro a r s so o li e t ur y n I?lrre. extonk , As b w ev o ir s ii t l n a g s s s:l y ine.., at vzlv . ,4lk x l=or- E! ) l y ier's Ague Powders, js . st & r . d s V i ttzle The best lot of Shawls, such es Broglie, Cassi .l iner, Bay state sad square shawls, just recd and for sale by .1. & W. SAXTON. T &W. SAXTON will ta- ke all kinds of rosin. . try produce in exchange for goods at their cheep store, south-west corner of Public Square. by J assortment of O An xor,r,.. Take notice that I have this day bought the follow ng property of Nicholas Shook : Four head of hogs, ten acre,, of en., one third of ale- Veit acres of buckwheat, and two-thirds of two acres more, one plow, one shovel, two set t : of horse gears, one wagon, seve‘ehairs, ono lot of potatoes, ono clock and wash-stand, one cup board, one Cook stove, three hots and bedding which 1 have loft with hint, until I see proper to reinovo them. I caution all persons from taking them into execution, or otherwise meddling with them. JAMES HAMILTON. Oct. :1, 1855.-3 t. BOOKS! BOOKS!! 25,000 r=bouf.,7l' _ embracing every variety to be had ' in Boston, New York and Philadelphia—the subscriber has just received and oilers for sale extremely low. His stock- of STATIONARY is of great variety awl superior quality as fol lows :—Foolscaps, Letter, Note and Wrapping Paper. Envelopes of every kind ; Gold and Steel Pens, Portmonics, Pocket Books, Pen Knives,Pocket Knives, he. School Books of every ind used in the country, at wholesale and retail prices. 1 000 PIECES WALL PAPER of the latest and prettiest styles, just re ',lye,' and for sale at Philadelphia retail prices. All the above stock the public will hind it to he to their inter:tit to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere, as he is determined to give satisfaction to every customer. Store opposite Whittaker's Hotel, Railroad street. WM. COLON. ! Huntingdon, April 10, 1655.-tf PILES AND RASPS, NEW STREET FILE WORKS, PHILADELPHIA. The subscriber is constantly inanusUcturing Files and Rasps of superior quality and at the lowest prices, equal to the best imported goods and much cheaper. Manufacturers and Mechanics can hare their old files recut and made equal so new, at about half the original cost. Flat 12 incises $2,00 per dozen ; Flat, 14 inches $2,75 per dozen ; SaW-files, half round, Millsaw and oth er files in proportion. Single files nod frac tional parts of dozens charged at the same rates, and warranted satisfactory. J. B. SMITH'. No. GI New Street between Race & Vine & Second and Third Stn. Philadelphia. Aug. 22, 1855.-3 m. SETTLE UP. Persons knowing themselves indebted to the late firm of Frank and Nett of Marklesburg, ei ther by note, book, or any unsettled account, aro hereby notified that it settlement is not made on or :tele., the Ist day of November, their necounts will he placed in the hands of proper officers for collection. ANDREW G. NEFF. Aug. 22, 1855.-tn." DENTISTRY. P"" D n m it itis j er ' esi i , l e i gt r aky rT Zs ge h o i n s professional services to those who may wish operations on the teeth. Office with Dr. Hewitt, Alexandria, Huntingdon Co., Pa. April 10, 1855—Cm.. GENT Cravats and Scarfs of every variety.— also Gray Stocks, just received and fur sale ho J. & W. SAXTON. JUST receiving, this week, Mackerel, Herring &e., and for sale by J. &W. SAXTON. F ISH,I , 'hister, Nails, Iron and Steel, all II S of l 'fcou4ry produce taken in exchange for Uuuti' the 'to" of J. & W. SAXTON. sale by great variety of handsome Ginghams Aand fur Si.. W. SAXTON.' MEDICAL NOTICE. D. C. L. K1.a.1.1N0 ; of Mechanicsburg, an• minces to the afflicted, that he well be in kiuutiugdon un the 10th, 11th, and 12th days of October, at Mr. R. Stewart :0 Teruperatme House, fur consultation, MISCELLANEOUS; WOODYWADIDiogi MACIIIN . II;_ . SHOP AND FRENCH BURR MILL 1.111.'261r1C0".ic1. Corner of Germantown Road and New Market Streets, on the North Pennsylvania Itail Road, Philadelphia. COllStillitlY on hand or made to order, the fol.. !owing highly approved Flour Mill Machinery. Woodward's Patent Portable Milli and Smut Machines. Johnston's Patent Iron Concave Bran Ibri. I ter, Stover's Patent Fuel Saving Corn Kilns. Pkrson's Patent. Barrel Hoop and Moulding Maebir.oB. Improved Bridge Steps and Bushes for Mill Spindles. WARRANTED, The best Anchor Brand Bolting Cloth Herr & Calico Mill Stoned. Corn, Colo and Plaster Crushers. ALSO SOLE OWNER Id: Johnston's Patent Cast Metal Von- cave 173 , it2'h Dc East and Suuth-Eaa of the Ohio and Mississip pi Rivers Warranted to take out of the offal of every Bushel Ground, front Ito 21 Its, of standard flour, which could not be bolted out on account of the electrical adhcsior, to the Bran. NOTICE hereby warn all persons against infringing niy rights, secured by Letters Pa- tent ns above, ns I will prosecute all persom making, selling, or using any Bran Dusters with an Iron or Cost Metal Concave is oio lutist, of the Letters Patent of Joseph John. :don dated April 2.1111, TII6MAS IL WOODWARD, Proprietor. • N. B.—State and County Patent Rights for all the above Machines for Sale. August 29, 1855. tf "WARMERS' AND MECHANICS' FIBE, .12 MARINE AND LIFE INSI.7ILANCE COM PANY, Office LEN N BUILDING, N. AV. confer Second mid Walcut streets. I'llIl..! 11 I: 1.1111.1. CAPITAL $300,000. This Company effects Fire insurance on Buil , dings, Goods, Furniture, &c. MARINE INSURANCE On VESSELS, " CARGO, To all ports in the World. " I'IIEIOIIT, Inland insurances on Goods by rivers, lakes, 1 canals, railroad, and land carriage to all parts of the Union. Also, insurance upon LIVES, upon the must 1 1 favorable terms. Janes E Charles Binge°, , Ed. 11. Ileltultold, F. C. Brewster, I Istme Leech, non. Thomas D. Florence George If. Armstrong, Edward P. Middleton, George Ilelmbold, Thomas Mondertield, TIP iMAS 13- 'FLORENCE, President, E. WAD R. See'y WM. BREWSTER, Agent, rtiwrinrinon, P.A. Nwricr. is hereby given to all persons whom it tony concern that from and after the next set tlement by the County Auditors of Huntingdon County, (in January MO no claim or demand Its no person, egainst said County on account of nun road or bridge view, election, or service of any kind rendered said county, and which is of en older standing than six years, will ho allowed in nettlemosn, by-arid Auditoria-, end all kmands uncalled for and unclaimed up to the time spe cified, will he considered as forfeited and forever shut out ; and the certificate, order or paper on which it is predicated, rejected and thrown aside Ilse cancelled paper. RALPH CROTSLEY, PERRY MOORE, HENRY BREWSTER. May 23, 1855, a. W. THOMPSON, 2T:faiqi4:;( 2lti I.lLao AND ctonn ss NER FOR PENN' A DAVENPORT, lOWA, Attends to buying, selling and locating Lauds and land warrants, pays taxes, Mans Money on lied Estate security,mt commission, examines nod makes abstracts of title, &c. Any business intrusted, will be attended to promptly and with fidelity. to Hon. Geo. Taylor and Members of the Bar at Huntingdon. Mn'.' 14th, ISssfrollo. r 0 V Ala rpm , . undersigned a ishcs to inform his friends I and the public generally that he has moved his shop to the building of And. Harris., for merly occupied by hint no Collector's °aim, Hill Pt. Where be intends carrying on tho Tailoring hic.iness on such terms as will not fail to gire satislitetion to all that may favor him with their custom. He wishes to return thanks for the liberal pa tronage heretofore received and hopes by stria attention to business to merit a continuance (t 1 the sumo. EROS 11. KULP. April 10, 1855-tf. _ Clunnhersburg & Mt. Union STAGE LINE REVIVED THE undersigned aware that a suspension of the line of Stages over the road between Chumbersburg and Mt. Union, cannot be but disadvantageous to a large section to the country has, at considerable expense and trouble, mule arrangements to run a lino of Stages Tri-weekly between the two points. Good Horses and coop fortable Stages have been placed on the route, and experienced and trusty drivers will superin tend the running of the Coaches. The proprie tor of the line is desirous that it bo maintained, and he therefore calls upon the public generally to patronise it, confident that it will be for their Humid advantage. Every attention necessary will be given, and the running of the Stages will be regular. inr Stages leave Mt. Union, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday evenings, arriving at Chamber:burg the next day at 2 o'clock. Re turning, leave Chtunbersburg the same night at 10 o'clock, arriving at Mt. Union early the fol lowing evening in time for the CRCs. Stages stop at Shirleysburg, Orbisonia, Shade Gap, Burnt Cabins, Fannettsburg, Horse Valley, Strasburg and Keofer's store. . . 3,00; to intermediate poin ts in proportion. JOHN JAMISON August 22, 1855.—tf. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between the undersign ed (trailing under the firm of Conch & Dunn,) is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The books of said, firm aro in the hands of David Dunn with Whom all concerned will please to make Immediate settlement. GEORGE COUCH, DAVID DUNN. April 10, 185,5-tf. ---• Dr. John McCulloch, ()Mrs his professional services to the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity. Office, Mr. llial brand's, betwoon tho Exchaugu and Jackson's Hotel. Huntingdon, Aug. 20, 1835. A Choice lot of dried boof just received and for sale at the new store of CUNNINGHAM &DUNN. T_TAM, Shoulder and Flitch, jest received and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. MISCELLANEOUS AYER'S PILLS. The U•realc4l Medical Diararery of• the Aye AYERS CATHARTIC PILLS. They don't help complaints, hut they ca them. Due Box has cured Dyspepsia. Three Boxes have cured the worst cases Scrofula. Two Boxes hare Cured Erysipelas. Three Boxes are sure to eleamthe system fro] Boils—often less than one dues it. Two Boxes have completely cured the wor of ulcers on Clot logs. . . Small doses se ldom foil to cure the Pilcs. One dose corns the headache arising from foul stomach. Strong doses often repeated expel every wort from the hotly. They should he given to chi dren, who are always more or less afflicted wit this scourge, As a gentle Physic they have no equal. One Box cures derangement of the Liver I IMF a Box cures a Cold. They purify the blood, and thus strike at the foundation of every disease. As a Dinner Piii there is nut Ink equal ii tne world. They are purely vegetable, and can do no harm, lint do accomplish an unaccountable amount or good. Propared'by DR. j. C. AYER, Lowell, Mass ; end sold by every respectable Druggist in New England. TIFOS. BEAD & SON, Huntingdon, Pa., BU. 11Elt & PORTER., Alexandria, Pa.. .1. HUMMER & Co. Water,treet, Pa., J. NI. ROL• LEH, Petersburg, and by all kale', everywhere, Ang 15, 1855-21 n. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. Where nosy be obtained the most speedy rem sly for SECRET DISEASES.—CIects Strictures, Seminal Weakness, Pain in the Loins:, Affections of the Kidneys, and all those peculiar aliections arising from a secret habit, particularly the youth of both sexes, which if not cured, produces con stitutional debility, rendering marriage impossi- s Isle, and in do end destroys both and Body. 1 Young Men, especially, who have become the victims of Sol itary Vice, that dreadful stud destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thou sands of young men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening senates with the thunders of I eloquence, or waked to ecstucy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. Married Persons, or those contemplating marriage, bring aware of physical weakness, should immediately consult Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. LII, Dr. Johlistori, office No. 7 South Fredrick St., seven doors from Baltimore Street, cast side up the steps. 'BeV, particular in obtaining the name and number, or ; you will mistake the place. A cure warranted, or no charge made, in free one to two days. TAKE ]Sorter.—Dr. Johnston's office is in his dwelling, up the steps. Ills very extensive prac tice is n sufficient guarantee, that ho is the only propel physieinn to apply to. Dr. Johston, member of the Royal College of Surgeons. London, graduate froth one of the most eminent Colleges of the United States, and the greater part of whose life has been spent in the,llospitals of London, Ports Philadelphia, and elsewhere, laps effected some of the most astou ! letting cures that were ever known, many trou bled with ringing in the cars and head when I asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at stal -1 den sounds, and bashfulness, with frequent blush ing attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. A CETITAIN DISEASE.—IC is a melancholy fact that thousands Bill victims to this horrid disease owing to the unskilfulness of ignorant pretenders ! who by the use of that deadly poison !Mercury, ruin the Constitution, causing the most serious symptoms of :hat dreadful disease to make their nppearanee, such as affections of the hem!, nose, throat, skin, etc., progressing with frightful ra pidity till death puts a period to their dreadful sußring, by sending them to that Bourne whence no traveler returns. Tout Nortcx.--Young men who lime injured themselves by a certain practice in dulged its *hen alone—a habit ftequently learned from evil companions, or at school—the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, end d' not cured renders marri,t4e impossible, tend de stroys both tnind and body. What a pity that a young man, the hope of his country, and the darling of his parents should he snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life by the consequence ot deviating from the path of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons before contemplating Marriage, should reflect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connu bial happinesq, Indeed without these, the jour ney through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, find tilled with the melancholy reflection, that the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own. CONSTITUTIONAL DEBILITY. -Dr. J. address es young men, and all who have injured them selves by private and improper indulgence. . . Ure . some of the sail and melancholy eDets produced by early habits of youth, vim Weal:nes:: of the Bark Mill Limbs, Pants in the head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular power, Palpitation of the Heart Dys pepsia, Nervous Irritability, lbitangements of tho Digestive Functions, General Debility Symptoms of Consumption, &e. . . . kitocr.okr—The fearful effects on the mind are mach to be dreaded; Lost of memory, Confusion of ideas, Depression of Spirit, Evil Forbodings; A version to Society, Self Distrust, Love of Soli t Sc., are some of the evils produced. Thousands of persons of all ages,can now judge what is the cause of their declining health. Los hog their vigor, becoming weak, pale and emacia cod, have singular appearance about the eyes, tough and symtoms of consumption. 111 n. vied persons, or those contemplating mar riage, being aware of physical weakness, should immediately consult Dr. J. and be restored to per fect health. Office, No. 7, South Frederick-St., Baltimore, Md. Ate. SURGICAL OPERATIONS PERFORMED.— N . B. Bet no ffilse delicacy prevent you, big ap ply immediately either personally or by letter. Skin Diseases Speedily Cured, To STRANOEIIB.—Thu many thousands cured at this Institution within the last ten years, and the numerous important Surgical Operations performed by Dr. J.,wituessed by the Reporters of the papers, and many other persons, notices of which have upptlat ed again and again before the public, is a sufficient guarantee that the afflicted will find a skillful and honorable physician. As there arc so many ignorant audit/worthless quacks advertising themselves as Physicians,ruin ing the health of the afflicted Dr. Johnston would say to those unacquainted with his reputation that his Credentials or Diplomas always hang in his office. Weakness of the organs immediately eared, and full vigor restored ktir Ail letters post paid—remedies sent by iVitty 22, 1855.-Iy, 10 DOZEN Ames' No. 2 Sh()Yds, just renei• yed and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. Amost beautiful lot of Beruge do Leine pat terns, and in the piece, from 182 ets up to 50 cts. per yard,just, received and for sale by J. 4. W. S.4XPON. THE best assortment of Uosiery in town con sisting of Ladies, Gentlemen, Mink rind Children of every variety for sale by J. & W. SAX TON. HAMS, SHOULDERS, and Flitch just revui. -I—Lved and for sale by CUNNINGHAM & DUNN. MISCELLANEOUS. IT[llB reAlillll Y REMEDIES ) Issued under the sanction anti authority THE UNI VERSITY OF Free Medicine AND POPULAR. KNOWLEDGE. CHAR. TERED BY THE STATE OF PENNSYL VANIA, AURIL 29, 1833. WITH A CAPITAL OF $lOO,OOO, 1L FOR THE pultroSE A ItRES TING 'IIIE EVILS 010 ALL , i:c . i.li_i - ii;rj'lPzi •.P_l•ik,-.'l-,_r_iLiJill ‘, 1 141k , ki F:kunot ur Will Oct 111100 r!ttri;;;;:s'e,i' from Dr. JOHN It. 110 NVA . ND, his celebrated Rowanii's Tonic Mixture Enown for upwards of twenty-live years a• ! the oily sure and sale cure for FEVER & AGUE &G And his inestimabie remedy f BOWEL COMPLAINTS, ROWAND'S UP DE BLACKBERRY ROOT, Which highly approved and popular Rome • dies, together with the University's Remedy fur Complaints of the Lon:ts, 'rile University's Remedy for Dyspepsia or Indiges . tion. The University's Remedy fur Costivo Bow. Also the University's Almanac may be had at the Branch Dispensary, or Store of Moore & Swoop°, Alexandria, Hunt. Co., I Thos. Bead & Son, " William Bell, Kessler & Bro., Mill Creek, 44 B. F. Kepner, MiOblation, Juniata Benner & C rawlord, Thompsontown 44 'rhos. Oberholtzer, Patterson 1). Gingrich & Co., New Mexico, " Jonathan Zeller. Milton, Cumberland W. S. Prowell, New Cumberland 1.. B. Him, Jno. F Caslow, Milton James Moakley, Franklin, M Thompson, Denermsvilla Danl Bova, Franklin Forge, Geo. Bergstresser, Frankstown, 4( 1). Williams, Hollidaysburg tt H. Myers, t; J. Thompson, duo. 11 vston, Head Crooked Dam 4, J. A. Butlnge. Williamsburg, " T. Falls, 2nd Lock below 4 4 Einkaid & Laury Yellow Springs, 44 E. Goodfellow, Hollidaysburg, .4 Jacob Mclntyre, Martinsburg, 4 4 B. Menses.. Waynesboro, Mary Orr Hollidaysburg, James Bell, Johnstown, Cambria, B. Lamberts., Franklin, Venag go , Chas. Bits, Lewistown, J. M. Williams. MeVeTtown, .4 - J. It. Smith, Newton Hamilton, l; I'. C. Craig°, " J. W. Smith. " Jas. Strode, Jr., Strode's Mills Mary Marks, Lewistown, A. W. Moss, " G. W. Buchanan, MeVeytown 11. Kratzer & Son, Johnstown May 10, 1655-8 m Venango Blair, a Cambria HELMBOLD'S tji].P.lllllllE :P.fsrfP2227llTll , ,i , L HelmbohPs Highly Concentrated COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCRE, For Diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys, Ob structions of the Urine, Chronic Gonorrhea Gleets, Weaknesses, and all diseases of the Sexual Organs, lIETIIEU 11 , 1 MA L'F.l - 01eFIIIA from whatever cause they may have originated an d no matter of how lung standing, If you have contracted the terrible disca,c, which, tritest once seated in the system, trill go down from oao generation to another, undermi ning the constitution and snapping the very vital fluids of life, do not trust yourself in the hands of Quacks, who start up every day in a city like this, and fill the impel, with glaring falsehoods too well calculated to derive the young and thus° not acquainted with their tricks. You cannot be too careful in the selection of a remedy in these ems. THE FLUID EXTRACT. RUCHE has been pronounced by eminent physician, THE GREATEST REMEDY EVEI KNOWN It is a medicine perfectly pleasant in its taste and very innocent in its notion, and yet so thor ough that it ANNIHILATES EVERY rAirricLE of the teak and poisonous virus or this dreadful disease ; and, unlike other remedies it does out dry up the diocese in the blued. Constitutional Debility. brought on by stilf-abuse, a most terrible dis ease, uhich has brought thousands of the hu man race to untimely graves, thus blasting the brilliant hopes of parents, and blighting in the bud the gloriuus ambition of many, it noble youth, can be cured by this INFALLIBLE REMEDY. And non medivine 'which must benefit everybody &tan the shindy delicate to the confined and de. snaking invalid, no equal io to be found, AC'I'IAU 110111 AS A (• I IIE, AND VENTATIVE Helnabold's Highly Concentrated COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT SARSA PARILLA, For purifying the Blood, removing all discuss arising than excess of Mercury, from any exposure in life, chronic constitu tional disease, arising from an im pure state ofthe Blood,and the only reliable and effectual known remedy out, for the cure of Scrofula Salt Rheum, Scald Head,. Ulcerations ofthe Throat and Legs, Mils and Swellings of the Bones, 'Pettey, Pint pies on the Face ' and all sca ly Eruptions of the Skin, &e. . . This article is now prescribed by some of fl o , most distinguished Physicians in the country, and has proved more efficient in 'Practice than preparation of Sarsaparilla yet offered the pub lic.' Soveral‘eases of secondary Syphilis, Mer curial and Scrofulous diseases have entirely re covered in the incurable wards of our Public In stitutions which' had fur many years resisted ev ery mode of treatment that could bo devised.— These cases furnish striking examples of the salutary effects of this medicine in arresting some of the must inveterate diseases, after the glands were destroyed and the bones already af fected. NOTICE.--Eettcrs from responsible Physi cians and Professors of several Medical Colleges and cortitiettics acmes from patients will be found accompanying both Preparations, PRICES, Fluid Extract of Dacha, $1 bottle or o bet. $5 " " Sarsaparilla. " « << t‘ equal in strength to one gallon Syrup of Sarsa parilla. Prepared and sold by 11. T. lIELMCOLD, Chemist, Via Chestnut St., near the Girard House, Philadelphia. To be bad 01 Thos. Read & Son, Huntingdon, Pa., and of Druggists and Dealers everywhere. E0"-411 Letter: tli,cted to the Proprietor or Agent Iconic, immediate attention. May 13,1855-Iy, AFINE 'assortment of Linem Coats, Vests and rants from 87} upwards for sale at the cheap clothing store of IL ROMAN. lIE best assortment of Carpet ever offered, T 'and at lower prices than can be got at any other, establishment. Just received and for sale lay J. & W. SAXTON. "[UST received a.d for tiale—Meekcrel, Shad, Herring, Trout, and Codfish, by T. & W. SAXTUN.