' rs,'" `2V "' ISCELLANEOUS. CASSVILI,E SEMINARY—MaIe and , Female. Ecv. J. T. TOMLIN. Prlnc!pal, - - • Miss E. V, MANN, Preceptiess. The Anniversaiy Exhibition of this Institute kill take place Lie 27th and 28thof September. Ladies' Exhibition, evening of the 27th. An. nivorsary address by Rev.. Alfred Cookman, of Morning of the 2Stli, at 10 o'clock, mid the Gentlemen 's Exhibition in the evening same day. A general tatendance of friends and patrons is solicited. Fall nod Winter session will open Nor. lot. The temporary difficulties that had arisen between the 'faculty and Trustees, have been , amicably settled, and all will move on with its usual activity and interest. Arrangement are being wade for the erection of nowt cottaft huildings upon the Seminary grounils for the private rooms of gentlemen, reserving the largo Seminary building for la: dies:exclusively. The sexes will thus be on opposite sides tf the grounds, and the gentlemen who wish it canlteard thcinselves. Expenses per quarter, for board, tuition, end heavy articles of Furniture In advance,— :; , 25 011 Farther information can be bad Itv takes the principal, J. T. TOM I. I N. 12, 11452.—t0. SHERIFF'S SALE. DV virtue 'Wu writ of Fira Fa. to mo directed, D I will sell on the premises, on nurse/rig, the lltl day of October, next ' the dedendant's . ri g ht nod interest in the fullowin g described property t.t. wit : A LOT UP GROUND near Saulshurg, in Ilnrree ifuntingdon.connty, contain ing seventeen acres, more ur bounded by lands of Ocorge Jackson' on the north, Alex ander Bell on Ulu we=t, John Hack on the South, Re. Seized, taken into oxeculion, and to be sold an the properly of John Harper, JOSHE A G 11 EENLAN I), Sherin utlice, '. riji: Huntingdon. ) Sept. 12, 1552..-4110. STRAYS. Came to the hum of the subscriber in 11 - ope. district, at the School House adjoining the town well township, about the 6th of of Warriorsmark. ••• 'r September, a Cow, with red and 4th district, composed of the township of white specks on its sides ; one Hopewell, it the School House at Rough and Steer, with white on the forehead rtrendy Furnace, in said township. and spotted behind. The steer is supposed to 6111 district, composed of the township of be about three. years old, nod the cow nbout Harsco, at the house of James Livingston (for twelve. There ore no marks whatever. The merly John Harper,) in the town of Snulsburg, cow has a mark underside the left car. The in Said township. owner is desired to prove property and take 6th district, composed of the township of them away, otherwise they will he disposed of I Shirley, at the house of D. Fraker, in Shirleys according to Inv. burg. 7th district, composed of Porter rind Walker townships, and so ranch of West township as is included in the following boundaries, to wit : beginning at the south-west corner of Tobias Caitlin:in a farm inn the Mink of the little Juni ata river, at the lower end of Jackson's nar rows, thence in a north-easterly direction to the most southernly part of the farm owned by Michael Maguire, thence north 40 degrees west to the top of Tussey's mountain, to intersect the line of Franklin township, thence along sold line to little Juniata river, thence down the same to the place of beginning, at the Public School House opposite the German Reform Church in the borough of Alexandria. Otis district, composed of the township of Franklin, at the house of Jacob Metter], now occupied by G. W. Matters, in said township. 9th district, composed of Tell township, at the Union School House, near the Union Meet ing House, in said township. 10th district, composed of Springfield town- Ihip, at the School House near Hugh Maiden's fin said township. 11th district, composed of 'Union i p., at the School House near Ezekiel Coilniti s, in said township. 12th district, composed of Brady township, at the School house known as the Centre School house in, said township. 13th district, composed of Morris township, at the house now occupied by Abraham Moyer, (Inn-liceper,) late Alex. Lowry, Jr., in the vil lage of Waterstreet, in said township. 14th district, composed of that part of West tp., not included in the 7th district, at the pub lic School House on the farm now occupied by Miles Lewis, (formerly owned by James En nis,) in said township. 17th district, composed of that part of Walk er township lying southwest of a line commen cing opposite David Corbin's Holm, at the Um ion township line, thence in a straight lino, in cluding said Corbin's house to the corner of Por ter township, entire Huntingdon and Woodcock valley road, at the house of Jacob Mngahy, ni said township. 16th district, composed of the township of Ted, at the Green School House in said tp. 17th district, composed of that part of West tp., on the south east side of Warrior ridge, be ginning at the line of West .d Henderson townships, sit the foot of said ltidg?, to the line of Marren tp., thence by the division lino of Barren arid West townships, to the summit of Stems mountain, to interned the line of Hen derson and West townships, thence by said line to place of beginning, a. the house now occu pied by Benj. Corbin, onlllurry's Run. 18th district, composed of Cromwell tp., at the house now occupied by David Etnirc, Orbiscinia. 19th district, composed of the Borough of Birmingham, with the several tracts of land near is and attached to the same, now owned and occupied by Thomas M. Owens, John K. MeCahan, A. Roberson, John Gensinner and Wm. Censimer, the tract of land now owned by Coo. rC John Shoenberger, known as the Porter tract, is annexed to said district, situate its Use township of Warriorsinark, at the public school house in said Borough. 20th district, composed of Cass township, at the public school house in Cassville, in said tp. 21st district, composed of Jackson township, at the house of Robert Barr, now occupied by Joins thirst % at MeAleavy'sTort, in said tp. 22d district, composed of Clay township, at tine house of Josh. Shore, at the Three Springs in said township. 23d district, composed of the township of Penn, at the public school house in Markin burg, in said township. 21th district, composed of that part of Shir ley township, lying and being within the follow ing described boundaries, to wit t Beginning at the intersection of Union and Shirley township lines with the Juniata river, on the south side thereof; thence along said Union township line for the distance of three miles from said river ; thence eastwardly by astraight line to the point where the main from Eby 's mill to Germany Valley, crosses the summit of Sandy Ridge;— thence northwarilly along the summit of Sun dy Ridge to the river Juniata, and thence up said river to the place of beginning ; at the public School House in Blount Union, in said district. 25th district, composed of the Borough of iluntingdon, at the Court House in said hot , ourd, I also make known and give notice, as in and by the 13th section of the aforesaid act, I am directed, "that every person, except justic es of the peace, who shall hold any °thee or appointment of profit or trust under the gov ernment of the United States, or or this State, or of any city or incorporated district, whether a commissioned officer or agent, who is or shall he employed under the legislative, executiveor the judiciary department of this State, or of the U. States, or any city or incorporated this. trict, and also, that every member of Congress and of the State Legislature, and of the select or common council of any city, commissioners of say incorporated district, is by law iucapa- JACOB SUMMERS, So 1. 19, 1853—:11." Accommodation Line. rpm.: would respectfully inf,ni 1 the &yelling public that he has Hacks run. rang from Jlill Creek to Cuirsville, twice a wek: leaving Uassville at 7,i o'clock on Monday"; and Fridays, and returning Milne days. Ills hacks are good ; their drivers careful, rind persons travelling on this route, will do well by giving bite their v7'imousf. Sept. 12, IsLs.—ly DISSOLUTION. Whatever pa rtnershiii which existed between the undersigned in the Surveying business 1-ns been dissolved by mutual consent.. J. SIMPSON AFRICA, J. I•'. RAMEY. The business will be eunduettd as formUely by .1. Simpson Africa.. Sept. 12, P,33.—tfi Sale of Valuable Real Estate, itvirtue dm, power conferred upon me by the last will and tesuoncnt of Nancy Neff lane el' west township, fluntinwlon Comity, &c . d., I will expusc to public sale on Friday, tho 19 tletebet, 1855, at one o'cloc!:, P. N., on the premises, the followine deacribod real estate late the propel ty of caul dee'd., vizi All that pinuudion, and tract of limestone bottom land, in West township:dere:mid. Ad joining 1111110 of John Ciegory, Samuel Mytou and others enflaming 1251 10).00. . - - About lOU acres of which are cleared and in excellent cultivation. The improvements Are a pod two story dwelling house a frame batik barn, tool oui buildings. There is a good Orchard upon it. Running fountains of wa ter at both house and barn and it is situated live miles from the Pennsylvania Railroad and Canal nt Petersburg. Terms made known on day of Salo. JACOIS lIARNCAME, Sept, 1 201,1 855.—ts. Execatnr. FARM FOR SALE, The subscriber being desirous of removing to the West, offers hit farm situated in West Town ship, on the road tooling front Petersburg to Me- Alacy's Fort, for sale. Hit farm adjoins land of William Armstrong, Thomas F. btewart, and others, containing. about X 6 5 ACRES. About 170 acres cleared, nod in a good state of cultivation. The balance is well timbered.— The improvements are a a LOG HOUSE, and small; ' . 1 Tenant House a now bank I barn 80 by 45 feet. There is also on the premises a young 011C11- ARD , and water piped to the door front a never failing spring of water. This plantation is high ly productive, being good limestone land. It jo situated within tulles of Petersburg, where tie railroad and canal passes through. The sail scriber is :111N1.16 to sell at private solo rind if not sold. u ill oti.~r it at public sale, at the Court House, in the florough of Huntingdon, at the NOVCIIII. Terms inadc e,isy to suit purchase•. TIIO3IAS 11,131E11, u,list 29, 1,),. XX; ECTEG MACtIZTia MACHINES. i,'or the cure of White Swellings —Curvatureof lho spine; Dyspepsia ; Neuralgia ; Mouton: tine ; Disease of the Kidneys, Ovarm, Womb, fit., &e. A book accompanies each machine, virimplidl instructions in the application of it in tubercular and scrofulous diseases. Mani, lin:tared nod fur solo by W. C. k.J. Neff, Nu. :II South ith Street, l'hi:adelphia, Pa. Scptembor iii, 1885. Administrator's Notice, Letters of Administration on the estate of .lobo Ker, deed., late of Walker township, Huntingdon County, haritv been granted to the undersigned, by the lit:Oster of said roan • ty. All persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment, and all persons bar ing claims will present them duly authenticated tint settlement._ ....... HENRY M. KER, WILLIAM ERR, 1 Adm'rs. September 5, I em. DISSOLUTION. T"Epartrtrship heretofore existing between Drs. Brown and Hagerty is this day by inn lota consent Alidsolvod. All persons knowing themselves indebted to the said firm, will please call and settle Until accounts without delay. H. L. BROWN, J. H. HAGERTY. Much 27 1655-tr. 1 OOKING GI. ,08, just received and fur sal !, J. it. IV. 4.4...):70.11: God Save the Coininon vs ea Ith .efp. • a PROCLAMATION OF GENERAL ELECTION, NT TO AN ACT OF THE GF,N -JI oral Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled ‘'An net relating to the elections of this Commonwealth," approved the second day of July, A. D. 18:19, 1, JOSHUA GREENLAND, high Sheriff of the County of Huntingdon, in. the State of Pennsylvania, do hereby make known and give notice to the el. rotors of the County aforesaid, that n General Election will be held in said County of Hunt ingdon, on the NgrOVD TUESDAY (9th rbry) of OCTOBEJI,I e 55, at which time State and County Officers, as follows, will be elected: One l'ei:son to till the olliceof Canal Corn. inissioner of the Commonwealth of Pennsylca• Two Persons to represent the counties of Ituntingdon and Blair in the House of Hecire si mm quativcs of the Coonwealth of Pennsy tint. Olio person to fill the office of Treasurer for it, County of Huntingdon. One. Person to fill the office of County Cont. mi,itmer fur the County of Huntingdon. thw l'erson to fill the office of Director of the Poor, for the County of Huntingdon. One Person to fill the office of Auditor fur the County of Huntingdon. One Person to till the office of Coroner for the County of Iluntingdon. In pursuance of said Act, I also hereby make . . known and give notice, that the places of kohl ing the aforesaid General Election in the se, real election districts within the said county,are OS fellows Ist district, composed of Henderson town• ship, and all that part of Walker township not in the 16th district, at the Court House in the Borough of Huntingdon. 2d district, composed of Dublin township, at Pleasant Hill school house, "hear Joseph Nets• on's in said township. :k1 district, composed of on much of Warri °rained( township as is not included inthe 19th ble of holding or exercising at the same time, the oflice or appointment of judge, inspector, or clerk of any election of this Commonwealth, and that no inspector, judge, or other officer of any such election, shall be then eligible to any office to he then voted for." Also, that in the 14th section of the act of Assembly, entitled an "Act relating to execu tions and for other purposes," approved, April 16, 1849, it is enacted that the aforesaid 13th section "shall not be construed ns to prevent any militia ollicer or borough officer from ser• ring no judge, inspector or clerk, for any gene• ral Or special election in this Commonwealth." ... PuraUnlit to the provisions contained in the 67th section in the act aforesaid, the judges of the aforesaid districts shall respectively take charge of the certificate or return of the elec. tion of their respective districts, and produce them at a meeting of one judge from each die. trict, at the Court ° House, in the Borough of Huntingdon, on the third day after the day of the election, being for the present year on Fri' day, the 12th day or October :text, then and there to do and perform the duties required by law of sttid judges. Also, that where a judge by sickness or unavoidable accident, is unable to attend said meeting of Judges, then the cer• Omar) ardent aforesaid shall be taken charge of by one of the inspectors or clerks of the e• lection of said district, and shall do and per• form the duties required of said judge unable to attend. Also, in the GlEt section of said act, it is en acted that "every general and special election shall he opened between the hours of eight and ten in the forenoon, and shall continuo without. interruption or adjournment until seven o'clock in the evening when the polls shall be closed.' Given tinder my hand at Huntingdon, the 10th day of September, 1855, and ql* the Indepen• denee of the U. Stake, the smutty minth. JOSHUA GREENLAND, Sheriffs °nice,l . Sheri. Shunt., Sept. 10, 1655. Lewistown Ads - eel isements, NEW AIVI) DEW-B.IIILE O n'TSTM, beautiful patterns and elegant designs, at. together surpassing in practical use and style the Parlor and Room Stoves sold here fur the last four years, among which will be found the Opal Parlor Stove, open and close fronts ; the Jewel Parlor stove, the most beautiful coal stove in the market ;. the Fairy Queen Aimight for wood ; this stove'ss the admiration of all who have seen it—it is (in appearance) indeed a Fairy Queen ; the limiter s Air-tight Franklin; the Room Parlor ; the Emma Franklin ; the Floral Air-tight Parlor and Prantlin ; the Me tropolitan Coal Burner—this stove is symmetri cal in shape, splendidly ornamented and nnri valled in its capacity for throwing outheat with small amount of fuel ; the Roman, Grecian and Philadelphian six plates, from 16 to :;*2 inches in length, for wood ; the numbers 4,5, 6, are just the stove for farmers—will take a stick of wood from 26 to 32 inches in length—plaits and neat styles, the sides aro in two pieces, ri• vetted together to prevent warping or cracking from heat. All these stoves (with many others) are now in this market, and are warranted superior in utility, economy and beauty to any stoves we have. To ore and all we say "conic' and we will be glad to show you what we have, sell you what we car., and endeavor to please you by low prices, courtesy, and attention. F. (1. FIIANCISCUS. Sept. 12, 1853-Imo. V. 1.1 2 1.111 1 1 ial-iffljV IN T. PRICES OF STOVES f 4 STOVES The Lewistown Stove Warehouse, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, F. G. FRANCISCUS, Agent. HAVING made arrangements this season with several of the Eastern Foundries, I am enabled to offer for sale at Commission Prices, the largest and beat stock of all kinds of stoves ever presented for the choice and inspection of the public. Call and see the Superior "New World" Cook, the unexceptionable Globe, the excellent Girard, Flat Top Cook, Chrystal Cook Champion Cook, Enchantress, Penn Cook, Ju niata Cook, &e. F. G. FRANCISCUS. Sept. 12,1855-Im. LUMBER YARD, 10,000 Fat. o o 1 0 tl 4 r , y b l o tt a t r t.. Am lea 1 inch dry boards. 20,000 20,000 3 feet Plastering Lath. 20,000 4 feet " 6,000 ft fence lids, 4,000 feet Hemlock and White Pine. 40,000 sawed studding shingles, 2'1a20 inch. On hand and to arrive. Terms—Cash. In about two months I expect to have recei ved a full and outdo stock of country and Sus quehanna stuff, of all ..lrades and qualities, as may be wanted. F, FRANCISCUS. Sept, 12, 1855-1 m MICHIGAN PLOUGHS, PLOUGHS, fill EA G it JAMESON IRON For aulo by F. G. FRANCISCUS. Sept. 12, 18.11-Imo. RIFLES, double and single barrelled Guns, some extra French Powder Flasks and Pouches, patent Wads, Rifle Powder, Shot of all sizes generally used. F. G. FRANCISCUS. Sept. 12, 1855.-Imo. STOVE POLISH ME have for sale the best Stove Polish used. VV A small quantity will brighten a rusted Stove into cleanliness and beftuty.in,..a.!‘hort time. F. G. FIUNCISC US. Sept. 12, 1855.—1in0. nYE thousand pounds SHEET ZINC. U 3000 pounds English and American Sheet Iron. 100 pounds Russian Sheet Iron. F. G. FRANCISCUS. Sept. 12, 1833.—1m0. TO SPORTSMEN, dv. 115 L . t :t ' o t to ' l ' a t it ' , ' ltur t 7t . pou nds, warranted. with all Kinds of nod heat Rifle Trimmings, for sale by F. U. FRANCISCLTS. Sept. 12, 1855.-Imo. 4DOZEN Too Plato Stoves, assorted, sizes from 18 to 30 inches._ F. G. FRANCISCUS. Sept. 12, 1855-1 la, rAw CUTTERS, several patterns & prices FODDER " CORN SHE LLERS, PLOUGHS, &c, just re. ceived by F. G. FRANCISCUS. Sept. 12, 1855.—1 me. WANTED. The School Directors of Porter township wish to employ four competent Teachers, to take charge of the public Schools of Porter Dis trict, to whom liberal wages will be given.— Schools to open about the 15th of October and continue for four months. The County Superintendent will meet with School Directors of Porter District, is the bor ough of Alexandria on Saturday the 13 of October, for the purpose of examining the up plicants. If. GRAFFICS, Sept 12th 1853.-3 t. Sec. RAILROAD HOURS. TRAMS GOING EAST. Mitil T. I Ex. T. I Ex. T. I E. T. Train (cares P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. Petersburg, 2.45 9.07 5.52 12,30 Huntingdon, 3.02 9.22 4.08 1.05 Mill Crook, 3.15 9.33 4.18 1,38 Mt. Union, 3.33 9.47 4.31 2,20 Potion GOING WEST. Train lenves P.M A.M. P.M. A.M. Mt. Union, 4.10 6.20 7.12 5,25 Mlll Creek, 4.33 6.39 7.25 5.55 Huntingdon, 4.48 6,52 7.38 7.02 Petersburg, 5.03 7.05 7.45 7,30 U~7OO~u`7G~Q~.~~ MACHINE SHOP AND FRENCH BURR I S.MILL STONE,. 111;,A 'F - Vi.El•4 J Corner• of Germantown Rood and New Market Streets, on the North Pennsylvania Rail Road, Philadelphia. Constantly on hood or mole to older, the fol• lowing highly approved Floor Mill Machinery. Woodward's Patent Portable Mills and Stout Machines. Johnston's Patent Iron Concave Bran Bus. tore. Stover's Patent Fuel Saving Corn Kilns. Pi,xson's Patent Barrel Mop anal Moulding Madites. _ . Improved Bridge Steps and Bushes for Mill Spindles. ........ WARR A NTH D, The best Anchor Brand Bolting Cloth Burr Calico Mill Stones. Corny Cole and Plaster Crushers. ALSO SOLE OWNER OF Johnston's Patent Cast Metal Con- IL-AAR! cave V-M-IL . _ East and South-East of the Ohio and Ilississip pi Rivers. Warranted to take out of the offal of every Bushel Oround, from 1 to 21 lbs, of standard floor, which could not be bolted out on account of the electrical adhesion to the Bran. NOTICE :—I hereby warn all persons against infringing my rights, secured by Letters Pa tent as above, as I will prosecute all persons making, selling, or using• any Bras Dusters with an Iron or Cast Metal Concave in vio lation of the Letters Patent of Joseph John. stor., dated April 24th, 1854. THOMAS B. W001:WARI), Proprietor. N. B.—State and County latent Rights for all the above Machines for Side. August 211, 1855. tf FILES AND RASPS, NEW STREET FILE WORKS, rtut..Aut:t.rtn.t, The subscriber is constantly manuflocturing Files and Rasps of superior quality and at the lowest prices, equal to the best imported goods and much cheaper. Manufacturers and 'Mechanics can have their old files re-cut and made equal to new, at about half the original cost. Flat 12 inches E'.2,00 per dozen ; Flat, 14 inches $2,72 per dozen ; Saw-files, half round, Millsaw and tith er files in proportion. Single tiles and frac tional parts of dozens charged at the same rates, and warranted satisfactory. 3. B. smrrir. No. 61 Now Street between Race & Vine & Second and Third Philadelphia. Aug. 22. 1555.-Thn. Chamber,burg & Mt. ITniott STAGE LINE REVIVED. TIIE undeNi,neil aware that a suliension of I the line of Stages over the road between Chambersburg - Mt. Union, cannot be but disadvantageous to n large section to the country has, at considerable expense and trouble, mode arrangements to ran a lino of Stages Tri-weekly between the two points. Good Horses and con, fortable Stages have been placed on the route, and experienced and trusty drivers will superin tend the running of the Coaches. The proprie tor of the lino is desirous that it be maintained, and he therefore calls upon the public generally to Patronise it, confident that it will be for their muted advantage. Every attention necessury will be given, and the running of the Stages will be rognrar. TSingcs leave Mt. Union, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday evenings, arriving at ClutnibM,burg the neat day at 2 o'clock. Re turning, leave Chninlicrshurg the same night at 10 o'clock, arriving at Mt. Union early the fol lowing evening in time for the Cars. Stages stop at Shirleysbnrg, Orbisonitt, Shade Gap, Burnt Cabins, Fannettsburg, Horse Valley, Strasburg and Km:trees store. ft'Fare through $8,00: to intermediate points in proportion. JOHN JAMISON. August 22, 1855.—tf. BOOKS! BOOKS!! 25 1 000 a l t . Tp .d o 7 pU l l l t : r B bOo l li n e— w ir....4.WA . embracing every variety to be hada:Tar in Boson, New York nod Philadelphia—the subscriber has just received mi , ti , olTors for sale bl extremely low. Ills stock of ATIONAII Y is of great variety and superior quality as fol lows .---Foolscaps, Letter, Note nod Wrapping Paper. Envelopes of every kind ; Gold and Steel PON, Portmonies, Pocket Books, Pen Knives, Pocket Knives, &c. School Books of every kind used in the country, nt wholesale and retail prices. 1000 PIECES WALL PAPER of the latest and prettiest styles, just re eared and for sale at Philadelphia retail prices. All the above stock the public will find it to he to their interest to call and examine. before Purchasing elsewhere, as he is determined to give satisfaction to every container. Store opposite Whittaker's Hotel, hailroad street. WM. COLON. Huntingdon, April 10, 1055.—1 f SETTLE UP. Persons knowing themselves indebted to the late firm of Frank and Nell of Marklesburg, ei• titer by note, book, or any unsettled account, arc hereby notified that it settlement is nut made on or before the lam day of November, their accounts will be placed in the hands of proper officers for collection. ANDREW G. NEFF. Aug. 22, 1855.-tu.• DENTISTRY. DR. J. R. DEWITT, Surgeon Dentist, respectfully offers his m• professional services to tliose who may wish operations on the teeth. Office with Dr. Hewitt, Alexandria, lluntingdon Co., Pa. April 10, 1855—Me. GENT Cravats and Scarfs of every variety.— also Gray Stocks, just received and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. JUST receiving, this week, Mackerel, Herring &c., and l'oc sale by J. & \V. SAXTON. LMSII, Salt, Plaster, Nails, Iron and Steel, all 1 : kinds of country produec taken in exeliange for Goods ut the stare of J. & W. SAX'rON. A groat variety of handsome Gingham. and for sale by J. A. W. SAXTON. • MEDICAL NOTICE. LIR. C. L. KELLING, of Mechanicsburg., an nounces to the afflicted, that ho well ho in untingdon on the 10th, 1 Ith, and 12th days of October, at Mr. It. Stewart's Temperance house, for consultation. M 1 SCELLANEOUS. AYER'S PILLS. T/€c Graded Medical DiBroverg V the A : p, AYERS CATHARTIC PILLS. They don't help complaintg, but they' onto them. • Onc Box has cured Dyspersln. Three Boxes have cured the worst cases of Scrofula. Two Boxes Imre Cured Erysipelas. Three Boxes me sure to dramatic system from leils—often less thou one does it. Two Boxes have completely cared the worst of ulcers on the legs. Small doses seldom fail to core the Pilcs. One dose cures the headache arising from is foal stomach. Strong doses often repented expel every worm from the body. They should he given to chil dren, who arc nlways more or less aalllieted with this scourge: . As a gentle Physic they have no equal. (Inc Box cures dernngentent of the Liver. Half a Box cures n Cold. They purify the blood, and thus strike at the foundation of every disease. As is Dinner Pill there is not dhcir equal in tno world. They are purely vegetable, and eon do no harm, hot do accomplith no onto:countable amount of good. Prepared by DID. J. C. AYER, Lowell. Dims, and sold by every respectable Druggist in Now England. Tiros. HEAD & SON, Huntingdon, Pa.. BU• CHER & PORTER, Alexandria, Pa.. J. 11, II( Elt & Co. Waterstrect, Pa., J. M. ROL. LEH, Petersburg, and by all ticalea, everywhere. Aug 15, 1855-11 m. ji , ARMERS' AND MECHANICS' MEE MARINE AND LIFE INSUItAXCE CUM PANY, Odic° LENNIG'S BUILDING, N. IV corner Second and Wnlnct streets. PHILADEM I: CAPITAL Sluomo. This Company'effects Inc Insurance on Buil. dings, Goods, Furniture, &c. MARINE INSURANCE On VESSELS, ' 4 CARGO, To nll ports in the World. " FREIGHT _ Inland insurances on Goods by rivers, taboo, canals, railroad, and land carriage to all parts 01 the Union. Also, insurance upon LIVES, upon the most favorable terms. Hon. Thomas B. Floroll..; James E. Neal!, George 11. Armstrong, Charles Mugu, Edward P. Middleton, Ed. B. Ilelmbold, George I lehnbold, E. C. Brewster, Thomo, Manderlield, Isaac Leech, 'II 01 AS B. FrAmENcE, President, liowaeo It. llmmuot,, See's. 1111. BREISTS'rER, Agent, Ilrxmonnx, J. W. THOMPSON, Y ‘JY., AND COM.I/./S.' , I I ).VER FOP. PENN'. DAVENPORT, lOWA. A'tends to buying, selling and locatint Lou, and land warrants, pays toles, loans Money on Real Estate security,on commission, examines and makes abstracts of title, be. Any business intrusted, will be attended to promptly and with fidelity- Refer to Ilan. Oco. Taylor and Members or the Bar at Ilantinglion. May Itth, 1855-6 mo. AXM-04* . A,:t. THE undersigned vs ishes to inform his friends 1 and the public generally that be hos moved his shop to the building of And. Harrison, for merly occupied by hint us Collector's Hill St. Where be intends carrying on the Tailoring business on such terms no will not fail to give satisfaction to all that cony favor him with dwir custom. Ile wishes to return thanks fur the liberal r.a tronap heretofore received and hopes by ,trim attention to business to merit a confine:nice m' the same. ENOS 11. Lid'. Aprillo, 1855-tf. NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between the undersign ed (trading under the firm of Couch & Dunn,) is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The hooks of said firm are in the hands of David Dunn with whom all concerned will please to make immediate settlement. GEORGE COUCH, DAVID DUNN. April 10, 1855-tr. MEDICAL NOTICE. Drs. D. haute & Wm. Grath., having form ed a Medical partnership, under the title ot• Houtz & Grallus, O'er their professional servi ces to the citizens of Alexandria, and the sur rounding country. Office—that formerly occupied by Pr. Houtz. DANIEL HOUTZ, M. D. V.P.A (tIZAI , II7ti, M. D. June 27, 1815.-3 m Dr. John McCulloch, nffirs his professional services to citizens M . UHuntingdon and vicinity. Office, Mr. brand's, between the Exchange and Jackson's Hotel. Huntingdon, Aug. 29, 1855. GEO. GWIN Will sell wilds summer stock of stress goods lit reduced prices. TOSEPH DOUGLASS, in AI ceonnellstown has constantly on hand, ready made tikes, and is prepared to make and repair Guns of all kinds at the shortest notice. April 23, 1853-Iy, CLOTHS AND CASSLMERES, plain sad iltacy, at very low prices, at the store of OHO. GWIN. WHEAT by the bushel and Flour ay the barrel v v fur sale at the cheap new Store of CUNNINGHAM & DUNN. "[WED AI'PLES, peeled and u»peelvd just J./received and Pm gals by CUNNINGHAM & DUNN. DURE Withal . ..adjust received and for sale Eby CUNNINGHAM &DUNN. Horse Shoe and Nall rod Iron, just received and for solo by CUNNINGHAM & DUNN. 1 - 111OCKERY—A well-selected lot of Earthen Viiraro, for solo by 'CUNNING HAM & DUNN. A general assortment by CVNNINGIIAM & DUNN N ails and spikem, CULVER Butter Knives, and Salt Spoons, at 0 E. Snare'sCheapJewelry Store, - - --- PARASOLS atlas very boat quality front 75 to 350 cacti for solo by J. & W. SA XTOS. DURK WIIITE LEAD, just rereive4 and 11, 1 sale by J. & W. SAXTON. THE flinvit assortanent of Boots and Shoos ever aerial in town, for sale low by J. d• IV. SAXTON. Gold Watches willbo sold by ED. SNAR ower thou elsewhere. 2ri BARRELS No. I 'Tarring, just arrived and for sale at the store of GEO. GIVIN. 1700 Bushels Bituminous Cual just received and fur sale by Offluiagiutos it Unao.