ffiuntingbn'*arnal. _ N, . ... r ..,...... ,..,. .. „., , 4,11 , 1 01 - 41111 z tvreii / . ~1" 07-- ' -------. 's 4.,,,Nik‘c X.- . Ri\kt *7. • w,- , ' • --kJ, ,- -4:-.4L, 1i..-.111 • - 1 I Wednesday Morning, S eptember 12, 1855. WILLIAM BREWSTER,EDITORS: SAM. G. WHITTAKER. The "JOURNAL. has 300 Subscri bers more, than any other paper in this county. Agents for the Journal. The following persons we have appointed Agents for the HUNTINGDON JOURNAL, who two author i to receive and receipt for money paid on sub scription, and to take the names of new subscri bers atoor published prices. . • We do this for the Convonience of our sabscri• hers tiring nt a distance from Duntingdon. JOHN W. THOMPSON, Esq., Hollidaysburg, SAMUEL (CNN, East Barren, Gutman W. Corrtrirmus, Cromwell township. HENRY HUDSON, Cloy township. DAvin ETlma, Cromwell township. P. As norm, Penn township, I. IVAnnirma MATTErtsr, Franklin township, SAMUEL STEPNEY, Jackson township, COL JNO. C. WATSON, Brady township, Monnis BROWN, Springfield township, WM. Ifurcnixtrox, Esq., Warriorsmark tp., tlsonon W. Wnirrsann, Petersburg, Minty NEFF, West Barra, Jonx BALSBACH, Waterstreet, Maj. CHARLES MICKT.EY. 'rod township, A. M. BLAIR, Dublin township, ixonon Wil.sorr, Esq., Toll township, - JAMES CLARK, Birmingham. NATHANIEL. LYTLE, Esq., Spruce Creek. Maj. W. Boone, Alexandria. B. F. WALLACE, Union Furnace. SIMEON WEIGHT, Esq., Union township. DAVID CLARKSON, Esq., Cass township. SAMUEL IVirprox, Esq., Franklin township. DAvin PARKER, Esq., Warriorsmark. Dowtn AURANDT, Isq., Todd township. Do. J. Ar.t•RED SHADE, Dublin township. The News from Europe. The intelligence brought by the last steamer from Furope, is not of that exciting and inter cstiug character which was generally antici pated. We are still without definite informa t ion as to the bombardment of Sevastopol, but it seems to be certain that great preparations were being made to renew the attack on a larger scale than any yet attempted ; and that it. is intended to be followed by an assault. We may therefore, expect soon to hear of some de. risivo action, either resulting in the triumph of the Allied forces, or a repulse which will he equivalent to a defeat, and settle the mooted qaestion whether Sevastopol can be taken. The news from Germany in relation to the grain crop is of a very unfavorable character. The supplies at, this time or the year are usu• ally very small and the prices not high, but the uceounts from Nist Prussia,Pomeranio, Silesia, Mecklenburg and Holstein have caused great excitement. Rye will give hardly onelittlf the average. The Wheat has been so much ui lured by the rust that the entire loss of it is feared, while the disease of potatoes has been of so great extent, that the worst is to be ex r•cterl. The stock of old Wheat is entirely ex haosted. Under CiretintStanrem price. in nll the Continental Markets, with the exception .1* Holland, have considerably advanced. The Yellow Fever, There appears to be no abatement of this terrible scourge at the Smth. Hundreds have already fallen victims to the dreadful plague, and the accounts still being recei ved are by no means indicative of any . change for the better. The news from the cities of Portsmouth and Norfolk, receiv ,d sip to the time of our going to press, is awful in the extreme. The citizens of the places who coald, have left, and tho re• ' staining inhabitants are suffering front fa mine as well as fever•. The number of deaths for the twenty•four hours ending on Thursday morning, at 2 o'clock, was sev enty. The fever has attacked the physi cians wlu went from this and neighboring Staten. No less than four from Philadel phia, and one front Columbia, are down. It is hoped that they will speedily recover. Only one man is left out of 18 employed ut tho Railroad Depot at the commence ment. About five hundred cases exist at Portsmouth, up to the last date. The citizens of Baltimore, send down daily a steamboat loaded with pt °visions, for the sufferers. Besides this, they have subscribed very liberally in answer to the uppdals for assistance from other places. In Boston a very largo meeting of the cit izens had been held, and measures adopted for the aid of the sufferers. Some $lOOO have been forwarded by the merchants, and a similar amount by the other citizens of Ike place. Assistance is pouring in from all quarters. Monsieur Tonson come Again. The liitle croaker of this borough, with remarkable condescension ' , hails with do light another American paper." Oh, ye godsand little fishes ! That's cool. An other American paper—g.ro-organized," ot that. Now we would simply advise the voluminous editor of the little croaker, to lake a walk among the people of the coun ty, and then inform us whether lie will in sist upon his self-constituted, meat-axey organ shi p. Bachelor's Fare. We have noticed for some time in the :hitleysburg Herald, a writer ender the signature "Fannie." Fannie is an enthu siast, or something akin thereunto. Wo like Fannio's style well, and if she is an good as the sentiments she utters we would he tempted to give up our bachelor's fare. How is it friend Lutz 1 Crowded Out. We are again compelled to crowd out a number of communications intended for last week's paper. We are sorry for this, but it is unavoidable. .Wait a little longer.' The Little Croaker. The two hundred and ten readers of the Huntingdon fimerican, printed and pub lished in this borough, are treated to a con• glomerated hash of suspicious rhetoric.— We cannot spare much space in criticining upon the learned professor's hashed, re hashed and balderdashed nonsense, but we will do what we can to give the "little croaker" some notoriety, and lay its claims on the public, before our readers. In the last sheet, three columns of matter are de voted to the Huntingdon Journal ; a long winded, and agonized article, to prove the "American" the organ of the k. n. order, Of the county. In the first place, the 'American' quotes a number of articles, which it unblushing ly asserts appeared "verbatim" in this pa per at difTerent periods ; we have a recol lection of the articles in question appear ing in the Journal, but not in the mutilat ted condition they appeared in the 'Amer ican."Phe ungenerous editor of that pa per, has, by publishing false statements, and in many instances openly and wilfully prevarilliting, made himself entirely ob noxious to the lovers of morality, and we could not of course exrct anything else from him. But, we do not shrink from anything we have ever said. All the ar ticles alluded to by the American, as they appeared in the Journal, convey 'our pre sent sentiments entirely, and that our rea ders may know them, wo will give their suns and substance in a nut-shell. We said the k. n. ,)arty should not proscribe experienced men, and we think so yet.— We said the k. n. party should repudiate old, worn out, party hacks—we think so yet. We said we were in favor of open American organization—we think so yet. We said the Whigs should have nominat ed a full Whig ticket, and we would have supported it, and that ns they refused no to do, but rather unite with Locofocos, all allegiance betwixt loyal republicans, and the party representatives who would es pouse Locofocoism, was, and should be at an end. This in sum, substance, and bulk is the whole matter those articles con tained, which the "American" paraded in its columns, to prove that the Journal was not the ' , re-organized" (as it terms it) or gan of Americanism ! Does it not bring vividly to mind the picture of the drown ing man catching at straws 1 S•al ? In the second place—we now propose showing the grounds upon which the A merican lays its claim to the organship.— The , American" printing materials were purchased by a company. Some of the stockholders wets politicians, some office seekers, one, and the principal one, a traf ficker in the damning poison, whi•:h de stroys its 80,000 victims in this Common wealth annually. The object of the poli tical office-seekers is very evident. They wish to make it the raft whereon they can drift into office. But it would never do for one of the stock holders to become ed- itor, but the editor must be a pliant tool, a mere drudge for the "company," never theless, notwithstanding. The "compa ny" It must be confessed, showed the phrenological knowledge of its members, in the selection of James S. Barr, a good• natured, simple soul, and we believe, an itinerant schoolmaster. (Our devil informs us, he is the same individual who, to the immortal shame of Iluntingdon County, be it said, was elected County Superinten dant, to prevent his filling•..a place in the Peer House.) ln the selection of the work man, honesty, we presume was not consid ered of any vital consequence. Now the “Ainerican” stands before the American party of the County in its true colors. A tool for a few office•hunters. Will it support such men as its editor's masters ? We have but one more word, and we dismiss the subject. Who is the most consistent American ? Let us see. The Huntingdon Globe assails one of the editors of this paper, for editing the first American paper in the county ; we now allude to the Standing Stone—and, denounced him because he "supported and labored for the success of the Ameri can ticket." This was when success to the American cause appeared hopeless.-- The Globe asserted all this, as every one knows. Now, where was James S. Barr, then. Did he practice the principles ho preached ? Did ho dare, poor as he was, act a freeman's part ? No ! Shame to his craven heart, lie dishonored his profes sion. We have the evidence, in his own language. We have reasons to believe he done his utmost against the success of the ticket. Now in view of this, would it not be creditable for the present editor to engage in some occupation to Nhich his natureand education may call him. We think so. That Address, The able address we published last week should have been credited to James C. Clarke of Birmingham. ge"'The proceedings of the Teacher's Institute were received too Into for inser tion in this weeks paper. They shall ap pear in our next issue. eir — Tho small pox has broken out at Norfolk and Portsmouth. er-Wo have received a communication signed by several Whigs of the her ough, propounding several questions to us, which is too late for this issue. We shall attend to it next week. OUR BOOK TABLE. Graham's Magazine for September, a real gem, is before us. This magazine is unsurpassable, and one of our particular favorites. The August number has also been re ceived, and is magnificent. The genuine worth of Graham can only be realized by a perusal of its pages. $3 per year. The Farm Journal for September is on our table. It is the iaost useful work for the farmer, published. Only ono dollar a year. rWe have reoeived Dr. Hunter's ..Medical Specialist," and Journal of Dis eases of the Chest. This periodical is in tended (or circulation among all classes of renders, and will be published on the Ist of every month at $1 per annum, by Messrs. Sherman & Co., No. 1 Vesey St., New York. Cominy—The Circus.' Avralva—Fever and Ague. kr-The borough "pnronts" arc having our streets thoroughly repaired. 11,.". A man was shot lit Philadelphia last week, by a bar-keeper named Doraud. fte.V.- There is a camp meeting going on at present in Cromwell township, this county. A mon n amed Joseph Woodcock, resi ding in Clay township, was killed by a fall from his horse, near Sidling Hill Gap, on Friday. Almost an Accident—A train on the Broad Top It. It. ran over a twig last week, nod the Globe has half a column about it. Oh Peter! A Good Time.—The "piemickers" at Mill Creek on Thursday last, had a fine time. We are informed that some five hundred persons were present. The Altoona Brass Band enli vened the affair with lino music. MEDICAL NOTICE. n n. C. L. KELLING, of Mechanicsburg, an nounces to the afflicted, that ho well be in Huntingdon on the 10th, 11th, and 12th days of October, at Mr. R. Stewart's Temperance House, fbr consultation. #TarricV, On the 6th inst, ley thn bey. S. If. Itch', Mr. Charles If. Daily, to Miss. Phoebe Poe. dy near Water Street. Pll[ll2r_o2l:'.) - ITlil Til2lilnrii7,L:.lo Flour has bees quite active, and 6®7000 barrels standard and good straight brands have been taken for export at $7,50, including some small lots at $7,371, and extra at $7,75®58 per barrel. The market closes with more buy ers than sellers at $7.50 for shipping brands.— The home demand is better within the range of $7,071®57,75 and $8 per barrel for common brands, and extra and fancy brands at higher figures. Rye Flour and Corn Meal are quiet at previous quotations. Wheat is notes plan. ty, and prime lots are is request at fully previ ous rates. Seine BG9OOO bushels wine sod of at 1650_4170 cents for fled, and 1.75185 cents for White of fair and prime quality.— Curs remains very dull at 95 cents for Yellow. Some small sales were made from store at that nAute. stye is in steady domonid, with hill her sales of 2000 bushels Pennsylvania and Wes. tern at 109 cts. Oats continua dull, with sales of 6®7000 bushels Southern at 39®40 cents —the latter fbrvcry prime lots. Lewistown - Advertisements. . NEW .1S1) JJESIRABLE RTAL-alctia OFbeautiful patterns and elegant designs, al together surpassing in practical use and ty le the Parlor and Room Stoves sold here for the last lour years, among which will be found the Opal Parlor Stove, open and close fronts ; the Jewel Parlor stove, the most beautiful coal stove in the market ; the Fairy Queen Air-tight for wood ; this stove is the admiration of all who have seen it—it is (in appearance) indeed a Fairy Queen ; the Hunter 8 Air-tight Fianklin; the Room Parlor ; the Room Franklin ; the Floral Air-tight Parlor and Franklin ; the Me tropolitan Coal Burocr—this stove is symmetri cal in shape, splendidly ornamented and unri valled in its capacity for throwing outheot with small amount of fuel ; the Roman, Grecian and Philadelphian six plates, from 16 to :32 inches in length, for wood ; the numbers 4,5, 6, aro just the stove for farmers—will take a stick of wood from 26 to 32 inches in length—plain and neat styles, the sides are in two pieces, ri vetted together to prevent usurping or cracking front heat. All these stoves (with many others) are new in this market, and are warranted superior in utility, economy and beauty to any stoves we have. To one and all wo say "come" and we will be glad to show you what we have, sell you what we car., and endeavor to please you by low prices, courtesy, nod attention. P. C. FRANCISCUS. Sept. 12, 1855-Imo. LUMBER YARD. 10!,000 Fat o i o l o r e d t :11 , !11 25,00 feet, 1 inch dry boards. 20,000 " a " " 20,000 3 feet Plastering Lath. 20,000 4 feet " " 6,000 ft fence bds. 4,000 feet Hemlock and White Pine. 40,000 sawed studding , shingles, 24a26 inch. On Luna and to arrive. • Terms—Cash. In about two tnouths I expect to have cocci. ved a full and ample stock of country and Sus. (Dickmn% stuff, of all grades and qualities, as may be wanted. F. G. FRANCISCUS. Sept. 12, 1855-1 m /DOZEN Ten Plate Stoves, assorted, sites it from 18 to 30 inches. F. G. FRANCISCUS. Supt. 12, 1855-11 n. QTRAW CUTTERS, several patterns & prices k) FODDER " CORN SHE LLERS, PLOUGHS, &c, just re ceived by . F. G. FRANCISUUS. Sept. 12, 1855.—1in0. UICHIGAN PLOUGHS, m EAGLE .. J A MESON IRON " For eale br F. G. FRANCISCUS. Sept. 12, 1851-Imo. RIFLES, double and single barrelled Guns, some extra French Powder Flasks and Pouches, patent Wads, Rifle Powder, Shot of all sizes generally used. F. G. FRANCISCUS. Sept. 12, 1855.—1m0. STOVE POLISH WE have ror sale the best Stove Polish used. A small quantity will brighten a rusted Stove into cleanliness and beauty in a short time. F. G. FRANCISCUS. Sept. 12, 1855.—1m0. MISCELLANEOUS. ®Cia.A4 many on 1 TILE PRICES .OF STOVES ,;z - STOVES The Lewistown Stove Warehouse, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, F. (3. FRANCISCUS, Agent. WING made arrangements this season with several of the Eastern Foundries, I am enabled to offer for sale at Commission Prices, the largest and best stock of all kinds or stoves ever presented for the choice nod inspection of the public. Call and see the Superior "New World" Cook, the, unexceptionable Globe, the excellent Girard, Flat Top Cook, Chrystal Cook Clutiniiiim Cook, EnchantresS, P.,lin Cook, Ju niata Cook, &c. _ F. G. Fit ANCISCLIS. Sept. 12, 1833—tin. ONE thousand pounds SHEET ZINC. 3000 pounds English and American Sheet Iron. 100 pounds Russian Shem. Iron. G. NCISCUS. Sept. 12, 1835.-Imo. TO SPORI'SMEN; (re. 116 IF LE R BARELS, tuisorted. :t0 to 150 Balla, weighing 7 to 11 ponnd , , warranted, with all kinds of Leeks and best Rifle Trimmings, for sale by F. G. FIIANCISCUS. Sept. 12, 1055.--into. WANTED. The :School Directors of Porter township wish to employ four nom peteutTeachers, to lake charge of the public Schools of Porter Dis trict, to whom liberal wagei will be given.— Schools to open about the 15th of October and continue for four months. The County Superintendent will meet with School Directors of Porter District, in the bor ough of Alexandaa on Saturday the 13 of October, fur dm purpose of examining the ap plicants. 11. GRAFPIUS, Sept 12th 1855.-3 f. Sale of Valuable Real Estate. By virtue of the power conferred upon me by the last will and testament of Nancy Neff late of Woo. township, Ifuntingdott Comity, deed., 1 will expose to public sale on Friday, the 19 October, 1855, at one o'clouk, I'. 8., on the premises, the font wins desoribad real estate late the property of stud dee'd., viz: . All that plantation, and tract of limestone bottom land, in West township aforesaid. Ad joining lands or Job n Gregory, Samuel Myton nod others contaoning 125 t acres. About 100 acres of which are cleared and in exoellcut cultivation. Tho improvemen's are a good two story dwelling house a (mine km& barn, and out buildings, There is a good Orchard aeon it. Running fountains of` wa ter at both house and barn and it is situated live miles from the Pennsylvania Railroad and Canal at Petersburg. Terms made known on day of Sale. JACOB lIARNCAME, Sept, 12th, 1855.—t5. Executor. STRAY COW. Came to the firm of subscriber in Hen. .NL.:S„ ---- A Berson township, shout the last of '' ' July, a black and white spotted cow, supposed to be about three Ce‘tv.;;.4. years old. The owner is desired to prove property and take her away, otherwise she will Ito disposed of according to law. JOHN SIMPSON. Aug. 29, 1 , 55-:;1. _. IMO HEAD OF STOCK, AND T•2`l7 maaT, To Farmers & Butohers ! The subscribers having arrived from tho West with a superior lot of fine and come wool sheep, inform limners, butchers, and the public gener ally, that they aro selling them ott at Nett's Mill, near Petersburg. The entire stock consists of dry ewes and wethers, of which, about 30t) aro fit for mutton. As they me determined to sell, you hind better call soon, or you will miss n bar gain. J. W. ISENBERG, B. L..NEFF. Nefi's Mill, near Petersburg. [Aug. 20, 30 4aaa , v7 0 [barm FOR SALE. The subscriber offers fot sale a tract of land situate in Clay township, Huntingdon County, Pa., ono mile and n-half west at the Three Springs, containing one hundred and seventy a cres, more or loss ; adjoining lands of the heirs of George Hudson, dee'd., and had of Jonathan Milner on the west, and the said Hudson on the south west. A SQUARE LOG HOUSE, It,, by au, : nu t square log double barn, andi," an apple orchard on the prom - • ises. Two never faithig springs of ..• water on the farm, and the west fnssr branch ot• the Three Spring Creek miming through the sumo. Any person wish ing to see or purchase the property, will please inquire of the subscriber on the promises. W.M. CUNNINGHAM. Clay tp., Aug. 29, 1855. st• FARM FOR SALE. 'rho subscriber being desirous of removing to the West, aims his Ihrni situated in West Town ship, on the road leading from Petersburg to Mc- Alavy's Fort, for sale. his farm adjoins land of William Armstrong, Thomas F. Stewart, and others, containing about .V.GS ACRES. About 170 acres cleared, and in a good state of cultivation. Tho balance is well timbered.— The improvements aro a MID HOUSE, and small s. Tenant House a now bank • • barn 80 by 45 feet. There is also on the premises a young ORCH ARD , und'w•ater piped to the door from a never failing spring of wator. This plantation is high ly productive, being good limestone laud. It is situated within 21 miles of Petersburg, whore the railroad and canal passes through. The sub scriber is anxious to sell at private salo and if not sold, will offer it at public sale, at the Court House, in the Borough of Huntingdon, at the November Court. . . Terme mode easy to suit purchaser. THOMAS HAMER August 29. 1855. XI. EC !T RQ C MME* MACHINES. For the cure of White Swellings—Curvature of the spine ; Dyspepsia ; Neuralgia ; ltheutoa tism ; Disease of the Kidneys, Ovaria, Womb, &c., &c. A hook accompanies each machine, giving full instructions in the application of it in tubercular and scrolulous dioceses. WOW factured and for sale by W. C. & J. Neff, No. 31 South 7th Street, PhiMdelphia, Pa. September 5, 1855. Administrator's Notice. Letters of Administration on the estate of John Ker, dee'd., late of Walker township, Huntingdon County, having been granted to the undersigned, by the Register of said coon. ty. All persons Indebted to said estate will make immediate payment, and all persons liar• ing claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement. _ ..... HENRY M. KLR, *!. Ade.. WILLIAM SLR, 6upletuber 5, 1853. MISCELLANEOUS. ANER'S PILLS. The Greatest Medical Discorery qr the Age is AYERS CATHARTIC PILLS. They don't help complaints, but they cure them. One Box tuts cured Dyspepsia. Three Boxes 11550 cored the worst roses of Scrofuln. Two Boxes have Cured I?ysipeles. Three Boxes are sure to elesnstlie system from Boils—often loss then one does it. Two Boxes have completely cured the worst of ulcers on the legs. Small doses seld;im fail to cure the Piles. Use close cores the headache Basing from a fool stomach. Strong doses often repented expel every worm front the body. They should ho given to chil dren, who are always more or less afflicted with this scourge! . . As a gentle Physic they have no equal. One Box cures derangement of the Liver. llaif a Box cures a Cold. They purify the blood, and thus strike at the foundation at' every disease. As n Dinner Pill there is not ,heir equal in tno world. They arc purely vegetable, and can do no harm, but do accomplish an unaccountable amount of good. Prepared by 011. J. C. AYER, Lowell, Mass, and sold by every rcsitectable Druggist in New England. THOS. READ & SON, Huntingdon, PA, BU CHER & PORTER, Alexnudria, Pa., J. 11. 110 MMER & Co. Wok cstreet, Pat., J. M. HOL LER, Petersburg, and by all dealers everywhere. Aug 15, 1855-2 in. VARMERS' AND MECHANICS' FIRE, it MARINE AND LIFE INSURANCE COM PANY, Office LENNIG'S BUILDING, N. W. corner Second and Walnut streets. Pllll-1 DELI /MI. • CAPITAL 8300,000. WS Company elli,ets Firu Insurance on Buil• dings, Gooda, Furniture, &c. MARINE Es;SURANcE --, On VESSELS, " CA R((), To all ports in the World. " PllEitlliT, Inland insurances on Cowls by rivers, lakes, canals, railroad, nod land carriage to all parts of the Union. Also, insuranco upon LIVES, upon the most favorable terms. flume Tons Hon. Thomas B. Florence .James E. Neal], George 11. Armstrong, Charles Hinges, Edword P. Middleton, Ed. R. Mambold, George Helmbold, F. C. Brewster, Thomas Mandedield, Isaac Leech, THOMAS It. FLORENCE, President, Enw.tun B. Ilra.unocn, Sec'y Will. BREWSTER, Agent, PA. J. MT. THOMPSON, Avvorton aT COMMISSIONER FOR PENA" A DAVENPORT, lOWA, Attends to buying, selling atpl locating Lands and land warrants, pays taxes, loans Money on Real Estate security,on commission, examines and makes abstracts of &c. Any business intrusted, will be attended to promptly and with fidelity. Refer to Hon. Goo. Taylor and Members of the Ear at I luntingdon. May 1.1 ill, 1E455-6mo. stictiw a. Elm tib. Persons wishing the above articles, or either of them, will do well to call nn the subscriber, near Plane No. 4 Portage Bail Road, where they can obtain a good article and at a low price.— There is a good way of shipping the articles, either by Pen.. Hail Hoed, ur by Pnblic Im provements. Poisons at a distance can obtain the above articles by addressing the subscriber at Ilendock, Cambria County,Pa. DVID \V. FOX. July IS, 1851—.? m. REMOVAL. rpuE undersigned uishes to inform his friends I and the public generally that he has moved hissing, to the building of And. Harrison, for merly occupied by him as Collector's office, Hill St. Where he intonils carrying on lho 'Tailoring business on such terms us will not fail to give satislitetion to all that may favor hint with their custom. Ile wishes to return thanks for the liberal pa tronage heretofore received and hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continuum of the same. ENDS 11. KULP. April 10, 1855-tf. MEDICAL NOTICE. Drs. D. Houtz & Wm. Grafts, having form ed a Medical partnership, under the title of Houtz & Griffins, olfor their professional servi ces to the citizens of Alexandria, and the sur rounding country. Guise—that formerly occupied by Dr. Houtz. DANIEL HOUTZ, M. D. WM. GIIAFIUS, M. D. June 27, t855.-3m Dr. John McCulloch, offe,s Lis professional services to tlio citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity. Mice, Mr. Mile brand's, between the _Exchange sad Jackson's Hotel. Huntingdon, Aug. 29, 1855. GEO. GWIN Will soil off his summer stock of dress goods at reduced prices. TOSEPII DOUGLASS, in MeConnellstown sI has constantly on hand, ready made cities, and is prepared to make and repair Guns of all kinds at the shortest notice. April 23, 1835-Iy, CLOTHS ./!ND CASSLAIERES, plain and fancy, at very low prices, at the storo of GEO. GWIN. WIINAT by the bushel and Flour oy the barrel for sale at the cheap now Store of CUNNINGHAM % DUNN. TIMED APPLES, pooled and impeded just J-Jtecoived and far sale by CUNNINGUAM & DUNN. pURD White Load just received and for sale by CUNNENGDAM & DUNN. Horse Shoe and Nail rod Iron, just received and for sale by oUNNINGIIMII C DUNN. FIROCKEIq—A well-selected lot of Earthen VlVare,tbr tale by CUNNINGHAM & DUNN. N ails and spikes. A general assortment by CUNNINGIIAM & DUNN CULVER Butter Knives, and Halt Spoons, at j. 3 E. Snare's Cheap Jewelry Store, DARASOIA of the very hest quality from 75 ▪ to 350 each fur sale by J. L W. SAXTON. DUKE WHITE LEAD, just received and for ▪ sale by J. 4 W. SAXTON. moll fi nes t assortment of Boots and Shona ▪ ever offered in town, for sale low by J. tS• W. sA.A.roiy. t:oht Watches willbe sold by Eo. Sate sorer than elsewhere., re BARRELS No. 1 Hawing, just arrivcd anti for sale at the store of GEO. C4W4N. MISCELLANEOUS C. G. HuBSEY. C. WELLA. ;,;‘ .1-Y[%[lll.s)2 FORMERLY C. WELLS & CO., PORK PACKERS, Wholesale Dealers in PrOvisions, Am) OZNEXAL COMMISSION 2VIERCH.A.NTS, No. 325, Liberty Street, COMMIHCIAL ROW, PITTSBURG, PA, Have now on hand a very large and choice stock Bacon, to which we particularly desire to invite our friends and deal., generally. May it, 1855.-7 in. Xoo.lt, VEILX. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons whom it may convent that from and after the next set tlement by the County Auditors of lluntingdon County, (in January 1856) no claim or demand by any parson, against said County on account of any road or bridge view, election, or service of any kind rendered said county, and which Is or an older standing than six years, will he allowed in settlement by said Auditors , and all demands uncalled for and unclaimed up to the time spe cified, will be considered as rorreited and forayer shut out and the certificate, order or paper on w hi c h it in predicated, rejected and thrown aside as a media paper. RALPH CROTSLEY, PERRY WHALE, HENRY BREWSTER, Also the University's Almanac may be lad. May 23, 1555. aOtt Branch Dispensary, or Store of BAL'FIMORIE LOCK HOSPITAL.. Moore & Swoop°, Alexandria, line Co., Ps. 'flies. Read & Son, lltiating'n, " Whore may be obtained the most speedy rem- Willi am B e n, .. dy for Kessler & Bro., Mill Creek, " SECRET DISEASES.—GIeets Strictures, G. F. Kepner, Miffiintown, Juniata " Seminal Weakness, Pain in the Loins, Affections Benner & Crawford, Thompsontown .. ... of the Kidneys, and all those peculiar nflections Th.. ohaitholtaer, Patterson .. ... arising from a secret habit, particularly the youth D. Gingrich & Co. New Mexico, . 5 " of both sexes, which if not cured, produces con- Jonathan Keller. M ilton, Cumberland - stitntional debility, rendering marriage imposg- W. S. Prowell, Now Cumberland .. .. hie, and in the end destroys both Mind and Body. L. B. Ri per , .. .. d 6 Young Men, Jno. V Casino', Milton .. If especially, who have become the victims of Sol- James Bleakley, Franklin. Venango " itary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit M Thompson, Duncatsville, Blair' " which annually sweeps to on untimely grave thou, Boat Rom Franklin Forge, it if sands of young men of Ike moat exulted talenta Idea, 13ergstresser Frankstown, .. .. and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have B. Williams, Hollidaysburg entranced listening senates with the thunders of ti. Myers, .. 4. eloquence, or waked to eessaey the living lyre, J. Th ompson , ~ 64 6. may call with full confidence. Jno. ilyston, Head Crooked Dam " .• Married Persons, .7. A. Rutlage. Williamsburg, " .. or those contemplating marriage, ist.ing aware of 'l'. Falls, 2nd Lack below " physical weakness, should immediately consult Kinkaid & Lattry Yellow Springs, .. Sk Dr. J., and he restored to perfect health. E. Goodfellow, Hollidaysburg, .5 55 Dr. Johnston, Jacob Mclntyre, Martinsburg, " ... office No. 7 South Fredrick St., seven doors from IL Mentor. Waynesboro, Baltimore Street, cast side up the steps. IWBe Mary Orr, Hollidaysburg, 1. .. particular in obtaining the name and number, or James Bell, Johnstown, Cambria, '• you will mistake the place. R. Lamberts.en, Franklin, Venango," A cure warranted, or no charge made, in from Chas. Ritz, Lewistown, Mffiin, " one to two days. .7. M. Williams. BleVeytown, CS f , TARE NOTICIL—Dr. Johnston's office is in his .1. It. Smith, Newton Hamilton. I" " dwelling, up the steps. His very extensive prate- P. C. Craige, " ' SS 1.. tire is a sufficient guarantee, that he is the only J. W. Smiths. " propel physician to apply to. Jas. Strode, Jr., Strode's Mills " 1 . Dr. Johstnn, member of the Royal College of Mary Marks, Lewistown, Surgeon, London, graduate from ono of the A. W. Moss, .. 'I I, most eminent Colleges of the United States, and G. W. Buchanan, ISfeVeylown, SS S. the greater pert of whose life has been spent in H. Kratzer & Son, Johnstown, Cambria" the:Hospitals of London, Paris Philadelphia, and May 16, ISSS-thn. elsewhere, has effected some of the most aston- --- fishing cures that were ever known, many trou bled with ringing in the ours and head whenl HELAIBOLD'S asleep, great nervousness, 'being alarmed at sad- i "-F. 7 - ,..s,ie o rii '..irt? t - ,JDrostre) AEq A 9'? rifewikc . .....L . den sounds, and bashfulness, with frequent blush- IJJ is il•,-11-1-4 S' LUIZ, ..7'. '.."'"'. ‘. '''''' ''''' Ilelinbold's Highly Concentrated ing attended sometimes with derangement of COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, mind, were cured immediately. A CERTAIN DISEASE.—It is a melancholy fact that thousands fall victims to this horrid disease For Diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys, °b owing to the unskilfulness of ignorant pretenders structions of the Uri., Chronic Gonorrhoea who by the use of that deadly poison Mercury, Gluts, Weaknesses, and all diseases of ruin the Constitution, coming the most serious the Sexual Organs, symptoms of that dreadful disease to make their IVIIETIIER IN NC A T aa on Wil24-N.T417, , gsa op . ~...I.i. ano ccions or rne fiend, nose, from whatever cause they may have originated Pant7s n kin, etc., progressing wills frightful ma-and no matter of how long standing. pidity till death puts a period to their dreadful II you have contracted the terrible di sease , sulfuring, by sending theta io that Bourn° whence ' which, when once seated in the system, wilt go no traveler returns. I down from ono generation to another, undermi- TAKE Pawricutan NOTICE.—Young scion who : ring the constitution and snapping the very vital have injured themselves by n certain practice in- ' fluids of life, do not trust yourself in . the hands Bulged in when alone—a habit ftesi acuity learned ' of Quack., who start up every day in a city like from evil com p an i ons , or at sch oo l—the effectq this, and 1111 rho paws with glaring falsehoods at which are nightly felt, oven when asleep, and , too well c:?,lcelated to thailve the young and those if not mire d ren d ers marr i age i m p oss ibl e , and de- ' not acquainted with their tricks. You cannot strays both mind and body. I be too careful in the selection of a remedy in What a pity that a young man, the hope of his ' those cases. country, mud the darling of his parents should be j THE FLUID EXTRACT BUCRU snatched from all prospects .d enjoyments of , has been pronounced by eminent physicia ns life by the consequence oftleviating from the path 11 THE GREATEST REMEDY EVER perfectly plasma in its taste of so r il l s , n a ture and inC ro f g r i:g e l o n n a te e n c ii rti t n iiig seczt r l r s i t a ib g i t t ,, . lls s , a medicine KNOWN should reflect that a sound mind and body are and very innocent io its action, and yet so time the most necessary requisites to promoM canna- (igh that it hial happiness, Indeed without these, the jour- , ANNIHILATES EVERY PARTICLE ' nay thrangli life becomesa weary pilgrimage, at' the rank and poisonous virus of this dreadful the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the disease ; and, unlikc other remedies it does not and tilled dry up the diseltSC in the blood. mind becomes shadowed with despair, with the melancholy reflection, that the happiness i Constitutional Debility. of another becomes blighted with our own. e•I brought us, by self-abuse, a most terrible dis- CONSTITUTIONAL DIIIIILITY.--DT. J. adtsress-A . selves by private and improper indulgence. j man race to untimely graves, thus blasting the es young men, and all who have injured than- j ease, Vlach has . brought thousands of the hu b. the glorious ambition of sonny a noble Isicuissaxa.—'l'llese are some of the and and I brilliant hopes of parents, and blighting in th e medicine INFALLIBLE slhiehm.,btneil REMEDY. O , c r y h 0 d y melancholy effects produced by early habits of 1 youth, viz' Weakness of the back nod Limbs, , Pains in the bead, DimIICIA of Sight, Loss of youth, can be cured by this And as a from the simply delicate to the cuufined and de. Muscular power, Palpitation of the Heart flys spairing invalid, no equal is to he found, pepsin, Nervous Irritability, Detangements of the Digestive Functions, General Debility Symptoms I ACTING 130TH AS A CURE AND PRE of Consumption, &e. VENTATIVE, MENTALLY—The fearful effects on the mind nro I much to bo dreaded; Loss of memory, Confusion of ideas, Depression of Spirit, Evil Forboclings; Aversion to Society, Self Distrust, Love el Soli tude, &c., aro some of the evils produced. Thousands of persons of all ages,can nowjullgo what is the cause of their declining health. Los ing their vigor, becoming weak, pale and emacht cad, have singular appearance about the eyes, tough and synttoms of consumption. Married persons, or those contemplating mar riage, being aware of physical weakness, should immesliotely consult Dr. J. and ha restored to per fect health. Office, No. 7, South Frederick-St., Baltimore, Md. Alas SURGICAL OPERATIONS PERFORMED.— N. B. Let no false (toilette,' prevent you, but ap 7 ply immediately either personally or by letter. Skin Diseases Speedily Cured, To STRANGERS.—The ninny thousands cured at lIII3IIIStiIIIIIOII within the last ten yours, and the numerous important Surgical Operations performed by 1)r. J.,witnessed Icy the Reporters of the papers, and matey other persons, notices of winch have enflamed again and agnin before the public, is a sufficient guarantee that the afflicted will find a skillful and honorable physician. As there are so many ignorant and worthless quacks advertising themselves as Physicians,ruin ing the health of Ito afflicted Dr. Johnston would say tothose. unacquainted with Isis reputation th at hg i Credentials or Diplomas always hang in Isis Weakness of the organs immediately cured, full vigor restored .1"All letters post paid—remedies sent by May 22, 1953.-1;'. 1 0 D veVitE si fUt e le 1,; 3. .1 4 . 2 " W e . iggi:ViZT• A most beautiful lot of Berago do Laine pat .C3- terns, and in the piece, from te:icts op to tin cts. per yardjust received and for sato by J. d. H. SAX 'ON. 1 111L i b u tt:t o r. e i r , l i ze , nta n ll e o t s , !e oi r i t:t i t i o ss n e lt c, u o n n i i Children of every variety ler solo by • J. & W. SAXTON. HAMS, SH OULDERS, and Iliteh just recut uud tor sale by NNINGII4I DUNN, IIDE cheapest and hest tot of Challey Borage, and Mirage de Laine, also Satins, just ree'd and fur sale by .14 W. SA X.TIIN. AChoice lot of dried beef just received and for sale at the new store of CUNNINGHAM &.I)UNN. HAM, Shoulder and Flitch, just I mired and for rale by J. & W. SAXTON. MISCELLANEOUS. OEUWIEII4.7 M1E11.7 REMEDIES, Issued under the seal, sanction and authority THE UNIVERSITY or Free Medicine AND POPULAR KNOWLEDGE. CIIAR TERED BY THE STATE OF PENNSYI. VANIA, APRIL 29, 1853. IVITiI A CAPITAL OF $lOO,OOO, MAINLY FOR THE PURPOSE OF AIMS TINO THE EVILS OF ALL filf(3.clVU - 11301 Also for supplying the Community with Mitt ble remedies wherever a Competent Physician cannot or will not be employed, have purchased from Dr. JOAN It. ROWAND, his celebrated Rowand's Tonic Mixture Known for upwards• of twenty-live years as the only sure and safe cure for FEVER & AGUE &C And his inestimable remedy fur BOWEL COMPLAINTS, ROWA'N D'SbYlt UI OF BLACKBERRY ROOT, Which highly approved and • popular Renie dies, together with the University's Remedy fur Complaints of the Lungs, The University's Remedy fur Dyspepsia in Indigestion. Thu University's Remedy for Costive Bow els. Heiman°ld , s Highly Concentrated COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT SARSA PARILLA For purifying the Blood, reinirving all diseases arising from excess of Mercury, front any exposure in life, chronic constitu tional disease, arising from an im pure state of the Blood,and the only reliable and effectual known remedy out, Inc tha cure of SerofulaSalt Scald Bead, 131cerations °Rho Throat and Legs, Pains and Swellings of the Bones, Totter, Pim plea on the Face, and all sca ly Eruptions of the Skin, &c., - - - This article is now prescribed by some of the most distinguished Physicians in the country, and has proved more efficient in practice than preparation of Sarsaparilla yet offered the pub lic. Several cases of secondary Syphilis, Mer curial and Scrofulous discuses have entirely re covered in the incurable wards of our Public In- StillitiONS which had for many years resisted ev. cry mode of treatment that could be devised.— These cases furnish striking examples of the salutary effects of this medicine in arresting some of the most inveterate diseases, after the glands were destroyed and the bones already af- Acted. --- NOTlCE.—Letters from responsible Physi cians and Professors of several Medical Colleges and certiAcates ofetwes from patients will be found accompanying both Preparations, PRICES, Fluid Extract of Boolm, $ . l bottle or ti bot. $5 " Sarsaparilla. " " equal in strength to one gallon Syrup of Sarsa parilla. Pronarcil and sold by H. T. HELMBOLD, Chemist, In 3 Chestnut St., near the Girard House, Philadelphia. To be had of Thos. Read & Son, Huntingdon, , and of Druggists and Dealers ovcrywhere. 'lb'''.4/1 Leiters cli , ected to Me Propnetor ar trent receive immediate attention. May 13, 1404.'-1b AMINE assortment of Linen COUIS, Vests and Punts fruit! 67' a upwards for sailisett the cheap clothing star, of 11. ROMAN ever Owed ; rr I d b o e r s t io a w s c so r rt i ii r le c T s a be got ul' Carpet at any other establishment. Just once,' red for "I. J. & W. SAXTON. 1 U,T teethed any fur ctia—Alackeral, Shad, Tww, rod Codfish. by J. & W. SAXTON.