Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, September 05, 1855, Image 1

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Original Vottrn,
lin. the "Journal.
To be lot at a very desirable rate,
A snug little house and a healthy estate.
'Tin n bachelor's heart and the agent is ehence.
Affeetion'a the rent, to be paid in udyfinee.
The owner, ns yet, has lived.itrit alone;
So the fixtures are not of much valet liutsoon
'Twill be furntithed by Cupid himself, if n wire
Takes a lease for the tern, of her natural lab,
Then ladies, dear , lndien, pray do not forgot,
Au excellent bachelor's heart's to be let.
Tha tenant will have a few taxes to pay
"Love, honor, and," heaviest item. “uhey."
As regardsthp good will the subscr:ber'sinclin'd
To have that, if agreeable, settled is kind—
Indeed, if he could, such a mutter arrange,
He'd be highly delighted to take in exchange;
Provided, true title by prudence is 6110W6,
Any heart unineumbered and free as his own.
So ladies, dear ladies, pray do not forget,
An excellent baultelor's bend's to be let,
For the "Juurnal.
The zephyr softly, gently blew,
And played amidst the trees,
A:d all around wan still, and hushed,
Except the rustling br4eze.
I sat beneath mild Luna's ray,
. And thought of her I love ;
Though now she is far, fur away,
My heart will with her rove.
Though fur away thy form has gone,
In memory thou art new, •
To bring sweet joy to the heart of one,
"" Whilst thou art roving there.
Wilt thou a flitting thought on one
Who loves thee well, be , O ow,
Whose every wish is with thee gone
'Midst charms that ever glow.
And sometimes from the crowded throng
Wilt thou in silence turn aside
To think of eon, who'll ne'er forget,
Though hope and joy have fled and died,
Huntingdon. Anne.
l'er the .Journal.
Why is it 1
If "all the world's astage, and men are actors,"
Why don't the "in.,titution" o'er break down?
Or else, to make it equal to its fiteter3,
Why hoist the drivers got a horn to sound?
The world's no stage, nor nothing of the kind,
Su says old Plato, Herschel and Joe Dragon,
But as it moves, we'll have you all to mind,
If 'tis no quiet stage, of course it is a wagyin'
Huntingdon. S. steers. Pr,
Delivered before a meeting of the Friends
of Temperance, held in the borough
of Birmingham, Aug. 31, 1855.
life. President, Ladies As Gentlemen:
Intemperance is an evil of momentous
magnitude, destroying its 1000-10,000, ,
yes, its 100,000 . annually. Intemperance
ingulfs within its secret and insidious folds
its untold victims, and leads them step by
step, down, down its dark and hidden ways '
to a premature grave. Do I use language
too strong? Do I ley n charge to this evil,
unsupported by facts—evidence, and the
impartial observation of every discrimina
tive mind 1 Well would it be far human
ity, fur the race of man, if the views I
have of intemperance with its baneful
consequences, were nothing but a mere
chimera of my own imagination; but, there
is with Intemperance itself', a horrid reali
ty, and with the consequences attendant
upon it, especially to the family of the
poor debased inebriate, a world wide fa
talky which no language can describe.—
' Well indeed may the philanthropist mann
at the ruin and desolation, that is so wide.
' ly and universally spread by Intemperance,
and its certain attendants. It is a duty
then incumbent upon every fever of his
species. to earnestly enquire, what reme
dy could be best adapted? what antidote
could be best applied to remove this crying
evil from our land Yes, far from every
laud. That man would immortalize his
name and chnraoter that could but devise
a plan, by which this evil could be check
ed in its intetuated course of destruction
and woe. Sure destruction io the inebri
ate, with woe and misery to his family,
land all that are connected with him. Let •
us then reason together for a short time,
of the extent and wretchedness of intent
peruses., its sad influences, seine of its evil
effects, and of what possibly might stay it
in its expansive course. It is a very com
mon remark that three f itsrths of all crimes
committed can be traced directly or hell
reedy to the sin end evil of intemperance.
It this was correct, it would be bad enough,
but, as bad as this proportion would be, it
comes far short of the reality ; now fur the
proof of this assertion. In 19 counties its
the State of New York the convictions for
crime it: 1854, were 16,196, and out or
this number, 14,336 (87 per aunt,) were '
i caused by intemperance. Of 653 persons
1 that swore its one year committed to the
house of correction in Boston, 453 were
drunkards. Of 3000 persons that were in
one year admitted to the work house in
Salem, Massachusetts, 2900 were brought
;there by intemperance. Of 502 males in
I the Alms Home, in Nosy York, net 20,
I says the Superintendent, can be called so
-1 ber ; and, horrid to humanity, of 601 fe-
I males, not as many as 50 were exempt
1 from drunkenness. There has only been
three murders committed in New York
in the last 15 years, out of a vast number,
I but, were traced to this curse of humanity,
I intemperance; and in the same length of
I time in our own Philadelphia, but 19 mur
ders.werc there perpetrated, save those
tflgiseil by liquid fire. Yes, nine tenths
of all the crimes of our land, and all the
expense of litigation for crime, oats be,
•: yes, has been, traced to the excessive use
of this body and soul destroyer; and by
official statistics published in other lands,
the proportion of crime inputable to intem
perance is even greater than in the United
States. The tile of England, the brandy of
France, and the schnapps of fiermany
with the wines of Southern Europe, do
their work for the Prince of Darkness with
encomium) dexterity, ]n short, whenever
qnd wherever the will, yields to the blind
linfatuatton of intemperance, the heart
chills, becomes a cold heartless despotism,
smitten by Ged, and withering beneath his
curse, is califs's', of committing crimes, at
1 which, philanthrophy and humanity stand
aghast I like figures for proof, they are
not apt to lie, particularly, whets returned
on oath by the Marshal's to the Superin
tendent of census of the United States.—
$ 1 25
1 50
These returns give the number publicly
engaged in the liquor traffic. Did they
but give the number of moderate, gentle
manly drinkers, with those that had advan
cud a step farther, and, then a step down,
down to the full equipped troops of his
Satanic majesty, the vast number would in
deed be appalling.
Why ladies and gentlemen, the number
of distilleries of rum in the United States
in 1846 were 10,3013, with 406 breweries;
they manufactured 64,670,357 gallons of
fire ; there was then 12,223 men
engaged in this iniquitous business, and
a capital of $9,147,898. That the extent
may be more plainly illustrated, I will here
observe, that this government, so celebra
ted for making iron, has but 804 furnaces,
and in all but .10,497 tnen engaged, and a
capital of but $20.432,131 invested, that
is, but 5 men with $2OO capital making
iron, the great blessing of our country.
to 2 men with $lOO capital making whis
key, the infernal curse of every land. To
make a comparison still mor4 plain, there
was raised to the United States in 1849,
the year for which the census was taken,
65,797,896 bushels of potatoes. only 2 per
cent more bushels of potatoes, (that save
many from starvation) than gallons of rum;
that is the awful cause of so many of our
famines. It is impossible to arrive at a
correct conclusion of the amount paid an-
Dually for liquors to drink. We may bow
-1 ever, approximate to something very near
the truth, by taking ono particular place
where au account was kept. In Brooklyn,
Kings county, New York, containing a
population of 06,838, there was spent in
1854 over $4,000,000. Brooklyn is con
venient to the city of New York, a great
place of general resort on the Sabbath for!
loafing whiskey-dririkers; it is probable'
therefore that $1.000,000 may be attribu-1
ted to the City loafers yearly, leaving 2,-
000.000 for the residents of Brooklyn to
consume—being $20.73 for each individu
al; large or small, male or female. If all
portions of our country equalled this, the
sum worse than thrown away, according
to the census of 1850, would have been i
*450,534,6703, being a sufficient sum to
furnish every soul on our earth with a Bi
ble worth 50 cents, on the first day of
January every year, or a sum sufficient
to erect a church and Schoolhouse in ev
ery city, town, village, and besides this,
every Post Office in the United States at a
cost of $0,000; pay to every clergyman in!
our country a salary of $lOOO, and there
would yet remain a sufficient sum to pay
$42,51, for clothing and educating every
white child in the United States, between
the ages of 5 and 20 years. 'l'here can
be no estimate made by titan of the sin and
iniquity perpetrated by the desecration of 1
that day which is set apart to be ker. holy'
in drinlcing, awl its evil attenclantssits com
mitted by the New Yorkers, in expending
their million of dollars in Brooklyn. This:
estimate will be made by One greater than
man. Is it to be wondered the public mind
has become so incensed, so excited, I 'night
say, so alarmed, at the awful extent of 1
the liquor traffic and cornsumption. with;
the attendant crime and expense. If men!
will still persist the manufacturing, fur
-1 tusking, and drinking of this certain poi-
son, forbearance on the part of an insultud
community to resist and redress this alar
ming grievance, would seem to he an ac
quiescence in iniquity. I would here ask,
bas there not been an indifference maul- 1
• rested by the professed friends of temper
once to their own true interests, a reckless
and encouraging course pursued to the sel-1
ler and drinker, by our supporting them in'
their business, pursuits, professions arid
callings, to the exclusion of sober and well
disposed citizens; but more on this point
In 1849 there were 26,840 clergymen
of the different professions. Admit all'
were faithful in their Master's cause, what
mural and religious 'streams would have 1
been poured forth ; what a mighty work of
good act'omplished had it not been for the
retarding influence of intemperance, with 1
I the breakers, rocks, sand bars, and deep
'ravines, all arranged to defeat the good
work of reformation, and to fill the pook.l
ets of the liquor manufacturer. Why, in 1
that same year—,lB49—there were in the ;
United States 22,485 licensed tavern-keep.l
1 ers, 24,470 licensed doggeries, under the '
name of groceries, with 5,179 assistant bar
keepers, snaking in all 52,434; just 2 li
sellers to each clergyman. If it ;
were possible to ascertain the number of
unlicensed dens of iniquity, sitr'as of pulls- -
ties, or, in more polite and fashionable lan.;
guage,dfillking saloons, supported by the
sale of intoxicating liquors, each clergyman;
each minister of the Myst High, would
have some half dozen ministers of hid Sit.
tonic majesty, to counteract all Iris effbrts
for good. The most moderate calculation
makes the number of drunkards in the
United States snow 800,000, and of lime
that go to a drunkard's grave some 400,000
; annually. Whitt a solemn thought. With
in the limits of our boasted country -,19ii.,
NO of our number are cut down annum.y.
by the drinking of rum, while these words,
taken from thet Book, the. truth of which
none dare question—are proclaimed far
i end wide that, "Drunkards shall not inher
it the kingdom of God." Oh ! what a
horrid thought. Drinker, think of this
before it is too late.
The misery, the agony, the distress, the
calamities produced by intemperance are
not confined to the drunkard alone. If
they had to bear all within their own scor
ched and obdurata heart, within their own
bloated and disfigured carcass, it would be
bad enough ; but, the innocent and unof•
fending must sutler ; the weeping parents,
the heart stricken wife, the disgraced, im
poverished and often out cast off spring,
nll have to suffer for the iniquity of the
inebriate Could we but realize the nu.
nies of those parents, who, with cure, nur•
tared their dear Tittles ones, training them
in the path of duty, promising themselves
consolation in their declining years. Could'
we but read their thoughts, when this dear
ly loved one first took the social cup. He
thought there was no danger of his ever
becoming a drunkard. He could just take
a little or leave it alone as he pleased.—
Rut ith ! very soon it afforded in ire pion..
sure to take than to let it alone; so from
step to step, he sunk, sunk, sunk to a
drunkard's grave; to a drunkard's hull !
Realize it you can the feelings of those
parents, when with tearful eyes. *and a
throbbing heart, they entreated with their
sou to desist, and supplicated with their
God to spare him, but so maddening and
bewitching was the influence of the pot.
son, that nil was in vain, their son was
lost, their prop was removed, and their
gray hairs hastened with sorrowing, to an
early and untimely grave. These scenes
are of daily and almost hourly occurrence,
yet, how many of us remain as Stoics, en•
tiroly indifferent to what is passing around
and in our midst. Then awake all, and
see to it—that our duty be fully performed,
that we may not be denounced in a coining
day, as lukewarm and unprofitable stew
ards—while Satan's emissaries are busily
enlisting recruits for the kingdom of dark
ness. There are other ties besides the
parent thr t intemperance effects.. Let us
imagine a young and tender plant, trained
in a garden of love and purity, knowing
no guile, being a stranger to deception,
yielding her young heart , and her band,' splendour. On a certain day, the collec.
her all, to her chosen one for life. lota- I tion for this purpose was taken up in a
gine the parents surrendering the dearly I certain Catholic church in our immediate I
cherished child of their lave, to the man 1 vicinity ; there was an Irish girl attending!
of ?remise; all, apparently, is sunshipe; ; the meeting. that was at the time living 1
the future is looked forward to with anti- with an elder oldie Presbyterian Church.'
cipations of joy; but Eh, how soon many a' After returning home she yes boasting to
dark and lowering cloud eershadow the I the lady of the house of how much had
hopes and prospects of this once happy been raised, observing, , Indade Madam,
bride. l'he serpent has entered their I the Presbyterians were more liberal than I
happy home—the husband has tasted the the Catholics, in giving money for the sup-1
accursed drug—her every power is bro't ; port of our Pope. Meny of them gave a
to bear—her every influence is now exer- I shilling while we gave but a sixpence."—
ted—the pledges of their presented. 12d.—An eminent Attorney of a town not
But, her effort ;is rejected. First, by the I a hundred miles from Huntingdon, who
mist promise of a reformation, next, held . - for years had occupied the enviable and
ferenee, then coldness, then ,neglect, and ' honorable position ul a champion of teat
then by cruelty. It is as true as there is I peranee, going from place to place deliver
a sun in the firmament, that intemperance' trig lectures, with burning and impassion
makes a man selfish, neglectful, irritable, I ed eloquence ; none doubted his sincerity. '
fault finding, brutish, and even develish. I Yet, how the mighty iney fall ! Even
It debases the mind, corrupts the heart, ! this man, who from education and study,
pollutes the feelings, and destroys both ' was so well versed in the operations of the
soul and body. W hat, oh ! what must be human mind, and who was considered in
"the feelings of that heart-stricken wife.— ; corruptible, for pilule paltry peltsolcl
Could she lie down and die in peace, it 1 self to the enemy. He lent his. overpow
would boa source of some consolation.— , ering influence and eloquence in a way
i But no, she lives tai see and experience I calculated to support and protect in our
the bursting of the fearful storm from a I village a loathsome nuisance, a den of id-
summer sky. Her afflictions have no li. pity, a sink of polution, a place where
mits—she must endure—the proper has drunkards congregate, where unsuspecting
I no peace—everything for the future is ; youth were entrapped, where debauchery I
I dark, evil, foreboding, Wretchedness and 1 rerghns, and where, from day to day, and
misery. She must live to see hint, to i from night to night, nothing but the pro-
I whom she had yielded a. willing heart, I faint oath and ribald jest of drunken orgies'
I passing to and fro, daily—leathsome . could be heard.- The excuse given for his
pearanee, brutalized in mind, unkind and mipostacy, being, that on imperfect human
I utterly regardless of her and their child. law sustained such u corrupting and soul
rem,destroying nuisance. An atterney who and their home nothing but an empty I
hovel, destitute of every comfort of life.— has a sincere regard for Temperance and I
Poor woman ! she males the attempt to' his own reputation, should and would re•
reclaim. [low is she likely to be rewarded ?use being retained as counsel for the dcba.
Her kind attentions and entreatiee are re. I sed Hum Seller and his advocates. lie ,
ceivecl with indifference—with an angry should let that degrading duty be perform- '
and frabidden coldness, and not unfrequmni• ed by the insignificaut pettifogging whif
tly with a direct repulsion. But does she I fete, whose nature and training have entire-
cease in her heavenly efforts I No, ree, ly disqualified them from being worthy of
nut while life endures. It is not in cc- I engaging in any respectable trial. 3.—A
cordance with the nature and character true friend of temperance, morality and ;
of women to cease doing good until life is the protestant religion, a few evenings ago ;
entirely extinct. ...It was not woman who lin conversation welt several other gentle- I
slept during the nodes of Gethsemane--1 men, wham were making loud protestations
needing the Catholics, Drunkards and Li
it was not woman who denied her Lord in
the palace of Cuiphas--it was not woman quer Sellers, &c., in a neighboring town,
who deserted his cross on the hill of coolly made this remark to these pharisui
j But it was woman that dared to cal gentlemen, “That so long as they sup-
testily her respect for his corpse, that pro-'. ported, gave countenance aud encourage
cured spices for embalming it. and that; 'tient to Catholics, Drunkards arid Liquor
was found last at night, and first in the 1 Sellers, &c., they were nothing enure than
morning , at his sepu l c h re .. Time has ne e 'ibree cent professors' ". I don't consider
Cher Unpaired her kindness, shaken her mt . necessary for rue to draw any conclu.
constancy, or ciningcd lme'r eharacter."--- ; `'ors of the evils which must result fronts
She still perseveres as a sense of duty clic. the iuci !eine given ; they clearly explain
trues, with prayers and entreaties that themselves. It may however be necessa
would win back any heart, not rendered ry fur us to inquire individually of our
callous, by the perverting influence of selves, "what has been our course Have
such low sensual indulgenCe, as that pro- we cast in our unite with the true fleets-2s
' clueed by the use of intoxicating drinks.-- of temperance and order 1" If we have,
Yet, the ear of mercy is not closed, Ile well for us. If we have not, let our lips
tient doeth all things well, may in blindness, be sealed until we can cast aside ull hypo
fur with him is all power, strike.the scal es ' crisy and deceit: if the avowed friends
from the inebriates eyes, restore and clothe of temperance had us outs man, united,
i him in his light mind again. There are, went forth, and proclaimed temperance as
however, but few instances of such a re-; a release from degradation and misery, and
formation, yet enough to teach, and encou- . had fearlessly carried into practice the pro
rage us to persevere in the good work of ; Cession made, by yielding their support to
..reclamation. The only safe course is, to none but sober citizone,—what an encour
never, never,tiever touch, taste or handle agemen tto the doll Ling and wavering; but
the unclean thing. I have, intentionally, I sorry am Ito say, the very opposite has
digressed from the affliction and agony of I been the general rule of action among the
the wife, and home nil time drunkard, with mein of our profession. Temperance mein
the closing scenes oldie once lovely, but, lot us look around us. We hear one say,
now bloated, shapeless moss of humanity, ''what a pity it is Doctor suds ii-one drinks;
with Ink polluted words, tilling the chain- • for he is such a nice man. I really can
; her of death. 'I here, there,--see those , not think of having any other Doctor in
old, gray•hairod parents, about to sink into Imy family." Again, we hear one say :
liternity--brought so low by sorrow and What a beautiful store Mr. So-and-So has.
weeping, caused by the intemperance era I Why he keeps everything. He email have
dearly loved son. 'There, there, see that' my custom, any how ; knowing, at the
heart-broken, bereaved. wife—whose nor• seine time, he both sells and drinks of the
rows no tongue can describe, with the accursed poison. Again—what a splendid
mou,ning, and weeping children, and I fellow Mr. Sueln-a•one is. Ido like him
friends dropping the bitter tours-- Oh! let' very well Ile shell have my vote-that's
us clove from our eyes, the scene, the aw. sure; yet, with a greet long. face, add,--
ful scene of a drunkard's couch. Let our 1 What a great pity the poor fellow Oinks.
every power be brought ipto requisition in ' Yet with liquor and all,
the furtherance of our heavenly mission He's the man liar them still:
--temperance. Intemperance being aim Altho' bitter as gall,
evil of• so much mngnitude, morally, soci• They will swallow the pill.
ally, and pecuniary, it becomes the imper- Oh Consistency, thou art a jewel.
alive duty of every well wisher of the hit• I sisteucy—how degrading.
man Family, to pursue such n course, mud; Mr. President,l appeal to yau---I appeal
adopt such remedies, as may be best cal- I to every ono present, if the case is not as
culatecl to check and remove this alarming' I have described : not only here, but eve-
I and eoul.des,roying scourge of man. It rywhere. Can we then reasonably expect
may be proper to enquire, what has been any permanent reform from societies and
the usual course pursued, the different ; penalties, while our professions are hollow
plans devised, with the efforts reduced; I and a mockery. The reformation must be
and let us improve by our course that plan I gin at home. Temperance men must its
that has been mast beneficial. 'Phis would prove their tnanners and encourage their
be the part of wisdom, fur it is folly, yes, ; friends. If men will persist in refusing to
worse than folly, to labor without some' hearken to the voice of wisdom, don't en
small token of success, Temperance se. I courage them by any means, in their stub
. defies, temperance lectures, and legal en- ! born, headlong, downward course. Let
gametes have all been tried, and to a cer- I us all adopt and Pursue to the end, this
fain extent have done good; but have they . convistent course, and with the blessing of
done all that might have been reasonably I an overruling Providence, some of us may
expected ? Has the curse of intemper.' be spared to see and rejoice in the days
ance been as effectually checked as it , and years of a temperance milleniure,
shnitld have been ? Certainly we have
not the evidence of the fact. There mast
therefore, be an error in some way ; there
has been u defect in our system or in our
practice. In certain localities touch good
has been done, and in others but very little.
The question ilten arises•-•
‘Vhat is the cause ? Every one of us
has been taught from our earliest infancy,
that precept 'tiats good, but example better. ,
Have we then beeninconsistent in our pro
fessions ? While lecturing to others have
we promised the precepts we taught f If
we have not, our . condtict has been that of
the hypocrite, not the deceiver; fur the
veil was too flimsy to deceive any one.—
We only deceived ourselves. Permit me
to illust - rate thin point by two or three inci•
dents. First—At the tints the Pope was
banished from Rome to Gaeta, the faithful
everywhere raised funds, called peter
pence," to solvort ill regal
lAIN 4, ,4 44 A 1 I ,
, it
I I . I I
, 4 ,
AlysTEatous.—Some chance clip of the
moveable split double action pen—we
mean the scissors—deposited the following
on our desk, What it means we know
not, but as it is evidently fine writing, we
give it a place. There is something in
that conception of the velet foot oscilling
wit stealthy thread, which deserves admi
'Front that velvet-footed official, who os
cillated with stealthy tread from midnight
conclave to the State House, and who, if
rumor does not lie, is again at his shabby
tricks of sly detraction end pretty deceit'
with the present executive—to the rosy- 1
faced keeper of the Council Chamber;
door—officials of all grades (but not all,
thank [leaven) were ready for the were'
onslaught on their political chief.
We have just stumbled upon the follow- ! burg Chronicle 'goes in' as follows:
ing pretty piece of mosaic, laying amid a ! Longfellow never created a more exqui
multitude of those less attractive : I site figure than this :
"No snow falls lighter than the snow of ; The night shall be filled with music,
age ; but none is heavier, for it never' A
And the cam that infest the day
Shall fold their tents like the !crabs,
melts." And as silently steal away.
'Pho figure is by no means novel, I:'a I
But a friend of ours who lives in Allegha
the closing part of the sentence is new ns ny, has beat him completely in parody,
well as emphatic. The scripture repre- (and 'in a horn.') He had been reading
cents ago by the almond tree, which bears in the papers abdut an indefinite number
blossoms of the purest white, of burglaries in our sister city, and Bud
'•The almond tree shall flourish"—the denly warming up with the divine afflatus,
head shall be hory. Dickens says of one I seized the pen and wrote :
of his characters, whose hair is turning The night shall be tilled with robbers,
gray, that it looked as if Time had lightly And the villains that sleep all day
splashed his snows upon it in passing.
Shall open the shutters with chisel.,
"It never melts"—no, never. Age to And silently steal away !
inexorable; its wheels must move onward;
they know not any retrograde movement,
the old man may sit and sing—"l would I
were a boy again," but be grows older as I
he sings. He may read the elixir of youth, ' k
but he cannot find it ; he may sigh for the
secret of that alchemy which is able to make
him young again, but sighing brings it not,
lie may gaze bacicward with an eye long
ing upon the rosy 'schemes of early years,
but as one that gazes on his home front the
deck of a departin,g ship, every moment
bearing him further and further away.—
Poor old man ! he has little more to do
than die.
''lt never melts." The sooty of winter
comes and sheds its white blossoms upon
the valley and mountain, out soon the
sweet spring follows and smiles it all away.
Not so with that upon the brow of the tos•
tering veteran ; there is no spring whose
warmth can penetrate its eternal frost.—
It came to stay. Its single flakes fell un-
noticed, and now •it drilled there. We
shall see it increased, see lay the old man
its his grave ; there it shall be absorbed by
the eternal darkness, far there is no age in
Yet why speak of age in a mournful
strain' It is beautifnl, honorable, elo•,
quent Should we sigh at the proximity of
death, when life and the world are so full
of emptiness ? Let the old exult because
they are old ! If any must weep, let it be
the y eking, at , H
that are before tharn.
It'• your fiat•irons are rough and smoky,
lay a little fine salt on a flat surface, and
rub them well ; it will prevent them from
sticking to anything starched, and make
Rub your griddle with fine salt before
you grease it, and your cake will not stick.
W hen walnuts have been kept until the
meat is too much dried to be good, let them
stand in milk and water eight hours and
dry them, and they will be as fresh as
when new.
It is a good plan to keep your different
kinds of piece, tape, thread, etc. , in sep
orate bags and there is no t line lost in look
ing for them.
Oat straw is best for filling of beds, arid
it is well to change it as often au once a
- Cedar chmts are best to keep flannels,
for cloth moths are never found in them.
Red cedar chips are good to keep in draw.
ers, ward robes,closets, trunks, etc., to keep
out moths.
When cloths have acquired an unpleas
ant odor, by being from the air, charcoal,
laid in the folds, will soon remove it.
If black dresses have been stained, boil
It Mindful of fig leaves in a quart of water,
and reduce it ton pint. A sponge dipped
, in this liquid and rubbed upon them, will
entirely remove stains from crapes, LO n •
hazines, etc.
In laying up furs for summer, lay a tal
low candle in or near them, and danger
front worm will be obviated.
There is no being on the habitable glubc
more degraded and more contemptible ill.,
a tattler. Vicious principles want of him
esty, servile meanness, despicable
ousness, form its character. Has he wit'
In attempting to display it he makes hits
self a fool, Has ho friends ? By unhes
itatingly disclosing their secrets he will
make thorn his most bitter enemies. By tel
ling all he knows, he will seen discover to
the world that he knows but little. Does he
envy au individual I His tongue fruitful
with falsehood defames his character.—
Does he oovet favor from any one ? He
attempts to gain it by slandering ethers.
His approach is feared, his person hated,
his company unsought, and his sentiments
despised us emanating front a heart fruit.
ful with guile, teeming with iniquity, load
ed with envy, hatred and revenge.
VOL. 20. NO. 36.
Our Clip
LADIES' BONNETS.-- . Stella," in her
"auburn Letters" to the Worcester "Pal.
latliutn," makes pertinent allusions to the
present style of ladies' bonnets. She
says :
"They are ruining the eyesight of all
who wear them. The rays of the sun
come directly upon the eye, and the vic
tim squints, wrinkles upon her forehead,
sheds n few natural tears; and hurries on
to the shade of the nearest building to give
her eyes a moment's rest. No gentleman
wears a hat without a brim, or a cap with-
out a visor: but the ladies—though soft
creatures that they, are—can only seek
shelter behind what may be supposed to
be their motto: "Grin and bear it," or
as it hat been poetically rendered, "Suffer
and be strong."
A MEAN MAN.--We have heard ofmean
men in our day but a correpsondent of the
St. Louis Reveille mentions one to whom
must he yielded the palm:—'Palk about
mean men ! why there's that Bill Johnson
he's the meanest man I ever heard tell on.
—Bill was a constable there. Why don't
you think he had an execution against me
for a little matter of groceries, and he came•
out and leveled at my old woman's ducks,
and wanted me to drive 'em up and ketch
'em for him, and I told him to ketch
'ant himself; and so he chased 'em round
the house, and every time he'd ketch a
dock, he'd set down and wring its head
off and '
N ElatlVAßS.—They're the oncomforta
blest set o' neighbors that over yer know
ed," said Mrs. Snigglefritz.
"One never gets q minnit's peace of e'm.
First, there's our Tom a heaven' stones
and breakite in o' windows. '1 lien Joe,
he's alleys a callin' on 'en names, an' set
tin' Grip at their heels when they 'come
home from tneetin'. And the critters, out
there in the pastur', they're everlastin'
over the bars inter their tater-patch.
"What with one think and another, I'm
I gettin' pesky tried on 'in, and I shan't
feel a sixpen's•'orth o' sorrer, if some fine
day finds 'cm It-todding,' bank where they
kern from."
HOGS ROOTI NO —To prevent hogs from
rooting, cut across the nose, just above the
gristle of the snout, by which you will se
ver the nasal tendon, by which the opera
tion is performed. Then split the gristle
of the nose up and down the lace, and the
work is done. For the long-nosed, flap
eared breed, cut the nose pff eighteen in
ches above the snout.
frerA lad came in great haste into a
drug store the other morning, and half out
of breath exclaimed ; "Mother thent me
dote to the hothecarypop to get a thimble
cult of palingolic. Hub's as thick as dick
enth, not expected to live front one end
to tether,"
mgr. Do you mean to challenge the ju
ry!" whispered a lawyer to his Irish cli.
ent in California. ' , Yes be jabes3," was
the answer, 'if they dont acquit me, I mean
to challenge every spalpeen of 'em; I
wants ye to give 'em all a hist of it too."
ear If you hnve any of those homely
excrescences about you, called warts, make
a strong decoction of white oak bark, and
apply it twice a day, In two or three
weeks the warts will disappear. This fact
will interest the ladies.
po. - - A. western writer thinks that if
the proper way of spelling tho is though,
and ate eight, gna bo beau, the proper
way of spelling potatoes is Poughteigh.
teaux. The new spelling for softly is
11111 r Tho 111Orttl Drama.—They are
playing at one of the theaters in this city
a piece called "Hell on Earth." Querry
Isn't Hell ott Earth" represented night.
It' at every theater'