Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 29, 1855, Image 3

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    unthighn nurnal.
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Wednesday lorning, August 29, 1855.
IVO WA NI Mt nws iat,> EDITORS,
The "JOILIIINAI. ,, has 300 Subscri
bers more, than any other paper
iu this county.
Agents for the Journal.
The following persons we have appointed Agents
for the Iluxrirrunom Jontuctr., who are author
ised to receive and receipt for money paid on sub
scription, and to take the names of new subscri
bers at our published prices. •
We do this for the convenience of our subscri
bers living at a distance front Huntingdon.
Joni.; W. Tuomrsox, Esq., Hollidaysburg,
SANlttim COEN, East Barren,
GEonon W. CORNELIUS, Cromwell township.
• lluxur liIMBON, Clay township.
DAVID ETNIRII, Cromwell township.
Dr. J. P. Aslleon, Penn township,
WAREIIAK MArrnms - , Franklin township,
SAMUEL S•rxrrov, Jackson township,
JNO. C. IVATsos, Brady township,
Moms Bit° wx, Springfield township,
We. Him - lummox, Esq., Warriorsmark
CEOIRIE W. WHITT ea r n, Petersburg,
Ilumur NEPF, West Barren.
Potts EALSRACH, Waterstreet,
CHARLES MICKLEY. Tod township,
- A. M. Bt.stn, Dublin township,
Gxonoli WILSON, Esq., Tell township,
JAMES CLARK, Birmingham.
NATHANIEL Lyric, EMI., Spruce Creek.
Alai. \V. Boone, Alexandria.
11. F. IVALLAcn, Union Furnace.
SIMEON,.WRIGHT, Esq., Union township.
DAvin CLARKSON, Esq., Cass township.
SAHUEL Wta•rox, Esq., Franklin township.
Davin PARKER, Esq., Warriorsmatk.
DAvin AURANUT, Esq., Todd township.
Dn. J. Ammum SHADE, Dublin township.
We to-day orowd our columns with the
late foreign news, received per steamer
Pacific. It is interesting. We have . been
compelled to crowd out a numlor of edit°.
ri6l articles intended for this issue.
American Meeting•
'the article we had prepared about the
American Moss Meeting, in this borough,
on Wednesday last, by somo mishap, was
knocked into pi. The meeting was large
ly attended, and very enthusiastic. Suc
cess to the good cause. •
Young poltroons, scarcely from the nip
ple, dictating to men "learned in the ways
of tho world." It is essentially disgust
ing, and we hope the yeomen, of the coun
ty any .• keep their eyes peeled," for the
lads. Boys, Heaven's net going, to be
reached from crab aliple trees.
Icet it Sol
The ticket formed on Inst week, by the !
Fusionist loaders, reminds us very much
of a Kangaroo—its strorrg parts are be-'
hind. The fore-logs of the ticket arc en
tirely too short for n good run on their own
hook ; and as the hind legs were hitch ed
on merely to help the animal along, we
shall not be surprised to see them become
a little mutinous in performing that up-hill
task. We give the ticket as nominated,
in another column.
The Tempest Chair
Our townsman, E. C. SUIIIIIICTS, EST,
haseotnpleted this novel improvement, and
we understand an agent will start soon for
the purpose of disposing of the rights. It
is a novel contrivance, and no doubt will
meet a ready sale.
It is fashioned after the manner ofa roo
lring chair, and at every motion of the
chair, a fine breeze is wafted over the bo
dy by some internal construction. It con
be seen at Long & Decker's store.
Another Pie Nio.
On Thursday next, a mammoth picnic
party will come off near Marklesburg, on
the Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad.
It is presumed that some seven or eight
hundred persons will be present, mostly
citizens of our borough. Extensive pro.
parations are being wade, and wo are in•
formed that there will be no lack of any
which might render the participants
comfortable and happy. Providence per
mitting, and the weather continuing good,
we expect to "bear a hand."
Some busy-body is industriously circa
the report that the accounts of some
of the patrons of the Hunt. Journal, have
been left in the hands of a J. P. for collec
tion. Title is a base fabrication. • AVe
have not, and do not intend doing such an
action, neither have wo served notices on
any of our patrons, to that effect. It is the
weak efforts of a depraved eneiny—Loco
foctistn—to injurethe
- •
MISS ELLA DRAYTON, of this borough,
has been unanimously appointed by the
school Directors of Hollidaysburg, teacher
of the Cirantmar School of that place.—
Miss Drayton is one of the most accom
plished teachers Huntingdon County has
ever produoed and the people of Hollidays
burg have shown their good judgement in
selecting her for that responsible station.
For the Presidency.
The name of Judge Gardiner, now of
the Court of Appeals of New York State,
is mentioned in high Democratic quarters
as a candidate for the Presidency. Judge
is a democrat of (ho Radical school and
by his course with reference to tho Anti-
Rent troubles, was chosen Lieutenent.Gov
ernor of the State 'over Hamilton Fish, In
4+46 whoa Silas Wright was defeated us a
andidate for Governor by John Youug.
The action of a few individuals, in this
borough and county, reminds us of the
scientific movements of a crab. But
a few years ago, says a cotemporary, these
men were members of the Whig party,
but being disappointed there in the gratifi
cation of their aspirations, they left it.—
There is a class of individuals in Hunting
don County, who would not scruple de
stroying the Whig Party, if their own sel
' fish ends could thereby be advanced. It
is very plate that such men have had a
great deal to do with the late "fusion" ac
tion. 'Phey have joined the ranks of Le
cofocoistn, and they have proposed to the
firm-hearted Whigs of the county to do
likewise. And this invitation has not been
altogether rejected ; a Whig or two has
consented, out of a mere desire for pastime
we preSume, to take a hand in fixing for
the "hewers of wood and drawers of wa•
ter" of the now so called Democratic par
ty, their political tactics. Degrading as
a "fusion" position is to the Whigs of old
Huntingdon County, we have no idea that
they twill tamely submit to such humilia•
lion. They are men, as well as others,
and have all the feelings of independent
manhood that will lead them to reject with
scorn the dominion that is thus proposed
for their control. They arc not so blind
that they cannot see that the mantruvering
going on among the Locofoco leaders is de
signed for selfish purposes, and for the el
evotion of these men through the election
of Simon Cameron to the United States
Senatorship. If they are content to be
come mere inanimate blocks on whose
shoulders these men may seek to mount to
power, they will submit to the degrading
position in which Locoloco management
has placed them ; but if they have the spi
, rit and independence which two take them
to have, they will refuse thus to be sold to
their enemies like unresisting sheep, at so
much per head. Now is the time for Bo•
!necrotic Whigs to show to the world their
attachment to the great celiac of Whig
principles. That they will stand upon
the old Republican principles of Clay and
Webster, and oppose the centralizing pow
er of despotism, orhich the Pierce admin
istration is endeavoring to build up.
Kanzas Matters, Again.
The proceedings of the Kanzas Legis
lature, part of which we publish in anoth
er column, will be read with interest by
those vlio are lovers of law and order.—
The laws are unworthy of a South Caro. •
lina Legislature, and of course, wo do riot
presume that the free citizens of Kanzas
will pay the slightest regard to them.
loist they should not. Gen. Pierce may
now see in what precarious position his
anti-republican actions have placed him.
The sympathizer with, and supporter of
lawless ruffians. The St. Louis Democrat
commenting on these diabolical laws of the
unprincipled scoundrels who compose the
present Koons Legislature, justly observes
—it is ru ither more nur less than making
a dtflerence of opinion upon a constitution
al question a penitentiary offence. It is
not less true that if the Kanzas Legisla
tors had laid their heads together to study
out a scheme whereby to defeat their own
plans, and to play into the hands of the ab
olitionists, they could not have devised one
more efficacious than this. It indicates
the extreme excitement at present prevail
ing on the subject of slavery in Kanzas,
and it also shows the absurdity of permit
ting any political subject whatever, to whirl
away those affected by it into a vortex of
madness and folly. A correspondent of
the above named paper, thinks that in its
utter disregard which it shows of the nat
ural rights of free speech and thought, it
is only paralleled by the Massachusetts
.'Personal Liberty Bill." The comparis
on is not a fair one. Equally unconstitu,
tional and unjust, the Kanzas law is more
worthy of reprobation from its sanguinary
hue. Extremes beget extremes, and front
the conflict of warring forces, results peace.
After a few more displays as these, we
shall perhaps see the sober and rational
majority of the country shamed into dis
cussing political subjects in an impartial,
temperate, and reasonable manner ; look
ing more confidently titan ever to the con
stitution, federal union, and States' rights
—one and inseparable, as the guiding prin
ciple of our policy.
The American Organ.
We have frequently been asked the
question, whither we ere the Organ of the
American Party of the County. Our sub
scriptions list embraces the principle men
of that party, and n o are looked upon by
the majority of the leading members of
the organization as the only to/ Ameri
can Paper in the County. As no action
has as yet been taken by the different
councils, in regard to the appointing or
sclecting,an organ, we would suggest to
our American bretheren throughout the
county, the propriety of increasing the
subscription list to the Huntingdm Jour
nal, as the only recognized organ of Amer
icanism in the county.
Pue Yer,Low Favna.—The increase of
the yellow fever at Norfolk anti Richmond
together with the commendable exertions
inching, in almost every direction now, to
send forward relief to the sullbrers, are the
newest events of the day. We have no-
thing new by telegraph from New Or
The Late South Carolina Movement.
A meeting of the K. N. State Council,
was held at Charleston on the 14th inst.,
at which time and place the order emphat
ically declared its independence of all oth
er organizations in the United States, and
repudiated connexion with those Councils'
that disapproved of the Philadelphia plat
forms. The meeting was significant, not
only from the fact that it distinctly repudi
ated the Catholic test, and refused to be
bound by the National Council, but from
the unanimity with which its proceedings
were conducted. As there is also in Lou
isiana, a strong body of sympathisers with
this South Carolina section, the movement
will probably be watched with interest cit.,.
en among the many and varied political
entanglements which tire daily developing
themselves. On the following day a meet
ing of the State flights and anti-KnoW Ne
thing citizens of Charleston was held, at
which the American party was denounced
all its phases and principles, as oppos
ed to the doctrines of State and the inter
! ests of the South."
The Kangaroo Ticket,
On Wednesday last, the committees ap
pointed by the Whig and Locofoco Con
ventions, for the purpose of fixing up a
ticket to be supported by the filibusters of
the County, met in secret conclave, and we
believe, harmoniously agreed Upon the fol
lowing ticket. The Whigs in Italics, and
the Locos in Roman.
For Assembly—lh•. John .VcCulloch,
Treasurer—Gralliim Miller.
" County Commissioner—Stun - nal Elm
" Poor Director—Win. Menu.
" Auditor—D. Tisscy.
It will be seen that the head and t nil of
the herring are topped off with W higs, as
if that would enable the Locofoco kite to
sail gaily into office. It reminds us very
sensibly of the fable of the monkey, get
ting the cat to pull the chestnuts out of the
fire, and of the monkey then enjoying a
monopoly of the nuts. We shall see what
the Whigs of the county think of these so
called "fusionists." For the present, we
are mum.
Albert Con Alb le, Judge of the First Ju
dicial District of Maryland, died at Cam
den, N. J.., on Wednesday evening, sur
rounded by his family. fle had been for
a long time past suffering from a disease
of the heart, aggravated recently by a long
and arduous trial. In the death of this dis
tinguished jurist, the Bar of Baltimore
has lost one of its brightest ornaments,
and the State ono of the ablest judges
that graced the Bench.
'Plii•LAD2lr.filliA rai'lll1 7 E2'T :.'J.".
Flour—There is but very little demand to
day, either for export or home use, and .the
market is very dull. 300 WA extra sold to go
oast at $9,25, and standard brands were free.
ly offered at $8,75, without finding buyers, ex.
cept in small lots at front $8,75 to 59,50 . for
fair retailing to choice brands anti extra, and
fancy lots at higher rates ; 262 Tibia superfine
slightly damaged red sold by auction at $9
per bbl. Corn Meal is steady, and a further
sale of 400 bblit Pennsylvania Meal was made
at $1,50 per bbl. lOpe Flour scarce at $745
per bbl. Grain—Receipts of Wheat are mod
erate, but the demand has fallen off and the
market is dull and drooping to-day. Sales of
TOT. 1000a5000 bush Southern are reported,
mostly made last evening, at $1,7541,80 for
good reds, and $1,90 liar whites, including
a small lot of choice Penna. at $1 93. Sales
of prime Tennessee red to the extent of 5000
bushels were also made, on terms nut public.
Several lots inferior red nt $1 G5O 70. Itye
is dull, and a further small sale of new wits
made at $1 12. Corn is in better demand and
scarce today at 95c for yellow. Sales of 6000
bush Western mixed are reported, on private
terms. Oats continue in steady demand, and
3000a4000 bush Southern have Veen sold at
40alle, mostly at the former rate. In Gro
ceries there has been very little movement to.
day; stocks are light, and holders very inn in
their views.
V/2YDDV12 , 11 . 1.) ,
- or Germantown Road anti New Market
Streets, on the North Pennsylvania Rail Road,
Constantly on hand or made to older, the fol.
lowing highly approved Flour Mill Machinery.
Woodwanl's Patent Portable Mills and Smut
Johnston's Patent Iron Concave Bran Dos.
tom _ _ _
Stover's Patent Poet Saving Corn Kilns,
Plsrson's Patent Barrel hoop and Moulding
Improved Bridge Steps and Bushes fur M
The best Anchor Brand Bolting Cloth.
Johnston's Patent Cast Metal Con•
1 1/ 2ta 16 220
East and South-East of the Ohio and Mississip
pi Rivers.
Warranted to take out of the offal of every
Bushel Ground, front I to 21 lbs, of standard
flour, which could not be bolted out on account
of the electrical adhesior, to the Bran.
rill. Rev. VM.
No. 1. For a Mill doing 20 to
60 Uhl. every 24 hours I war. 8 in. 500
No. 2. For a Mill doing 50 to
100 bbls. 13 24 hou. I warrant 8 in. 475
No. 3. For a Mill doing 100 to
150 bblu. 7124 hon. 1 warrant 8 in. 415
No. 4. For a Mill doing 150 to
:100 lib's. 1124 hou. I warrant 8 in. 400
NOTICE :—I hereby warn all persons against
infringing . thy rights, Homed by Letters Pa
tent as above, us 1 will prosecute all persons
making, selling, or using any Bran bunters
with an Iron or Cast Metal Concave in vio
lation of the Letters Patent of Joseph John
ston, dated April '2•lth,
N. H.--State and County Patent Bights for
all the above Machines fur Sale.
Dr. John McCulloch,
OfTers his professional services to the ci times or
Huntingdon and vicinity. Office, Mr. Hide
brand's, between the Exchange and Jackson's
Huntingdon, Aug. 29, 1855.
Came to the farm of the subscriber in Hen.
• demon township, about the last of
July, a black and white spotted
Cow, suoseti to be about three
years old. Tie owner is desired
to prove property and take heraway, otherwise
she will be disposed of accordin g to law.
Aug. 29, 135541,
To Farmers & Butohers !
The subscribers bating arrived from the West
with n superior lot of lino and coarse wool sheep,
inform farmers, butchers, rind the nubile gener
ally, that they are selling Om otf at Ners Mill,
near Petersburg. Tire emit,: stock consists of
dry ewes and mothers, of which; about 800 are
lit cm mutton. As they ate determined to sell,
you had better call soon, or you will miss n bar
B. 1.. NEFF.
Nefl's Mill, near Petersburg. [,114. 29. 3t.
The subscriber titjers fat sale a tract of land
situate in Clay township, Huntingdon County,
Pa., one mile and s- hall' west ul the Three
Springs, containing one hundred and seventy a
cres, more or lets ; adjoining lands of the heirs
of George Hudson, deCd., and land of Jonathan
Miller on the west, and the said Hudson ou the
south west. A SQUARE LOG HOUSE,
26 by sn,aud square log double barn, and
4,4•T'..2Vs"e:"Tu?oreullentrt on the
7:Lb water r . the far and wes t
branch of the Three Spring Crek
running through the same. Any person wish
ing to see or purchase the property, wilt please
inquire of the subscriber on thopromises.
Clay tp., Aug. 29, 1855..
The subscriber being desirous of censoring to
tho West, offers hit them Sisllotett in West Town
ship, on the road leading frosts Petersburg to Me-
Alavy's Fort, for sale. Ilk furor adjoins land of
William Armstrong, Thomas F. Stewart, and
others, containing about
265 ACRES. .
About 70 acr7selTare7l,;(li7a7goml state of
cultivation. The balance is well timbered.—
The improvements aro n
■ s LOG HOUSE, and small .4„r ,
Tenant House a now bank ,
11 al barn 80 by 45 feet. ,
There is also on the premises a young ORCH
ARD , and water, piped to the door from onavae
failing spring of water. This plantation is high
ly productive, being good limestone land. It is
situated within 4imiles of Petersburg, where
the railroad and canal passes through. The sub
scriber is anxious to sell at private sale and if
not sold. will offer it at public sale, ut the Court
House, in the Borough of Huntingdon, at the
November Court.
Terms mode easy to suit purt:itts,
Tl - 1631A8 lIA
A ttglt , t 20, 1855.
The Scientific American.
Eivi.mmnD ENaItAVINUS AsD nuns.
The Eleventh Annual Volume of this useful
publication commences on the 17th day of
September next.
The •Seieutille A ineriera is an illustrated
periodical, devoted chiefly to the promulgation
of information relating to the various leclittn
ic and Chemic Arts, 110.4611 Manufactures,
Agriculture, Patent luventions, Engineering,
Millwork, and all interests which the light of
practical science is calculated to advance.
Reports U. S. Patents grunted are also Ind,-
lished every week including official copies of
all the patent claims, together with news and
information upon thousands of other subjects.
The contributors to the Scientific American
are among the most eminent Scientific and
practical men of the times. The Editorial
Department is universally acknowledged to be
conducted with great ability, and to be distin
guished, not only for the excellence and truth
fulness of its discussions, but for the fearless
ness with which error is combated and false
theories are exploded.
Mechnnies, inventots, Engineers, Chemists,
Manufacturers, Agriculturists, nod peoplo of
every profession in Likt, will find the &lentil.
is American to be of great value in their res
pective callings, counsels and suggestions
will save theta lox feeds of dollars annually,
besides affording theta a continual source of
knowledge, the experience of which is beyond
pecuniary estimate. . .
The Scientific American it published once a
week ; every number contains eight large quar
to pmnst, forming annually It conspleto and
splendid volume, illustrated with several hun
dred ori. 4 ittal em;savings.
einem copies sent gratis.
tki,TELOlS.—Single Subscriptions, S 2 a
year, er Mr six months. Five copies, for
six months, 5.1; fur a ycur,sB.
For further Club rates and for statement of
the fourteen large cash prizes offered by the
publishers, see Scientific American.
Southern Western and Canada money, or
Post Unice Stamps, taken at par for subscrip
Letters should bo directed to..
128 Fulton Street, New York.
211..w.cim al' ltaT/,
C0.11.1/f. , . , /ri.VRR FOR.
Attends to baying, selling and locating Lands
and land warrants, pays taxes, loans Money on
Real Estate' security,on commission, examines
and makes abstracts of title, &e. Any business
intrusted, will be attended to promptly nod with
linter to lion. Geo..Titylor and Members of
the Bar at Huntingdon.
May Ittb, 1555-61 no.
Persons wishing the above articles, or either
of theta, will do well to call en the subscriber,
near Plane No. 4 runup Rail Road, where they
can obtain a good article and at a low price.—
There is a good way of shipping the articles,
either by Priam Rail Road, or by Public Ins
proveumts. Poisons at a distance can obtain
the above articles by addressing the subscriber
at Ilcudoet, Caunbria County, Pa.
July 18, 1855-2 m..
NOTICE is hereby given that the partiltusitip
heretofore existing between the undersign
ed (trading tinder the firm of Conch & Dunn,)
is this day dissolved by . mutual consent. The
hooks of said firm are in the hanilg rf David
Dunn Wttlt whom all concerned will please to
make immediate settlement.
April 10, lefis-tf.
will .ikon Ilia °m.o. :tua of
rcatteed price..
The Greatest Medical Disr,rery of the Aye is
They don't help complaints, but they cure
Ona Brix has hired Dyspepsia.
Three Boxes have cured the worst eases of
Two Boxes litre Cured Erysipelas'.
Three Boxes ore sure to elennsthe system from
Bells—often less then one does it.
Two Boxes hare completely cured the worst
of ulcers on the legs.
Small doses seldoin fail to care the Piles.
One dose cures the headache arising from. a
foul stomach.
Strong. doses often repeated expel every worm
from the hole. They shoehl he given to chil
dren, who aro always more or loss afflicted with
As n - ntle Physic they have no einal.
(Inc - .l3ax cures dernngement of the Liver.
Ilalf a llox cures 0 Cold.
They purify the blood, nnil thus strike at the
fonislation of every disease.
As el/inner l'ill there is not _heir equal in
toe world.
They are purely vegetable, and con do no
harm, but do neeoraplish an unaccountable
amount of good.
. .
Prepared by 1)R. J. C. AYER, Lowell, Moss,
and sold by every respectable Druggist in New
TiIos:READ & SON, Huntingdon, Pa...BE
CHER & rouTEu, Alexm.l,in, Pa., J. 11.
HUMMER & Co. Wntersirect,Pa.,.l. M. MIL
LER, Petersburg, and by ull dealers everywhere.
Aug 15,1555-2nr
An Improvement worthy of the Pro
' gressive Age.
rf"elreb„sol,Ter iL.iniruer,',Ve.ltl,r,"l2 l lloenveerti . f
these superb &ticks' acknowledged by nil who
have them in use, nod by every one who has tes
ted them, to he superior to anything of the kind
ever brought before the public.
They are made of the best material, under the
supervision of the subscriber, who is prepared
to deliver them many point in this or, the adjoin
ing counties. This machine possesses many ad
vantages over any other id the kind, from the
fart, that it in no manner wears the clothing,
uses less soap, unit is easier trucked.
The price ranges front six to seveedollars.
The subscriber temyrtals this machine to give
entire satisthetion. If It does not do everything
be says, no charge will be made. A trial it
earnestly invited and perfect satisfaction war
ranted. A strong recommendation for the ma
chine is the number already sold.
Any person who wishes one of these articles,
can be accommodated by addressing
Aleximirht, lluntingtlon Cu., Pa.
May 10, 1555-lon.
curacy &mei and Walnut streets.
./q///,.IDELI JILL
Thk Company effects Fire insurance on Buil
dings, Goods, Furniture, &c.
" CARGO, To all ports in tho World.
Inland insurances on Goods by rivers, lakes,
canals, railroad, and land carriage to all parts of
the Union.
Also, insurance upon LIVES, upon the !nest
favorable terms.
I lon. Thomas B. Florence James
Gemeo 11. Armstrong, Charles Reece,
Edward I'. Middleton, lid. R. Ilelibold,
George Helinbold, P. C. Brewster,
Thomas Menderlield,
linwAnD R. Hur.sium.n, Sec'y
Itt.Pri 0 V.A.,1";.
lallE undersigned wirnl to inform his friends
11110 the public generally that he has moved
to the building of And. Ilarrison, for
merly occupied by him as Collector'. office,
Hill St. .
Where he Intends carrying, on the Tailoring
businc , s on such terms as will not fail to givo
satisfaction to all that may favor hint with their
Ile wishes to return thanks for the liberal pa
tronage heretofore received and hopes by strict
attention to businesS to merit n continuance of
the same.' ENOS 11, KULP.
April 10, 1855-tr.
Drs. P. Deutz & IVm. Grath's, haring form
ed a Medical partnership, under the title of
Nunn .& Gratitts, offer their professional servi
ces to the citizens of Alexandria, and the sur
rounding country.
Oilic2—that formerly occupied by tie. 110111 A.
June i 7, 11355.-3 m
TOSEPD DOUGLASS, in McConnellstown
ei has constantly on hand, ready made rifles,
and is prepared to make and repair Guns of all
kinds at the shortest notice.
April 23, 1855-Iy,
plain and fancy, at very low prices, at tho storo
AATIMAT by the bushel and Flour oy the barrel
fur sale at the cheap new Store of
riIIIED APPLES, peeled mid unpecled just
1--freceived end for solo by
CUNN I M;11.01 & DUNN.
punk; whiteLeaainu, nod for solo
by CUNN 'N611.1:11 & DUNN.
for sale
and Nail rod Iron, just received
f t ° i
fiItOCK.F.RY—A well-selected lot of Earthen
‘../IVaro, for rale by
Nails and spikes. A general assortment by
(jILVER Butter linivos, and Salt Spoons, at
E. Snaro'sChoapJoweley Storo,
- • •
DARASOLS of tho very best quality hoot 75
I to 350 each for solo by
- - •
PURL WHITE LEAD, just received tind fcr
solo by J. & W. SAXTON.
THE iiinest assortment ol Boots and Shoos
over offered in town, for note low b
X y
Gold Watches willbo sold by Hu. SNAIi
ower than elsewhere.
20 BARRELS No. I Borring, just arrived
and for solo at tito storo
'GhO. Gn Iv.
300 BUS. Corn for sato by.
posh Sited and Roe Herrings just reeoived by
t ' , ARP= Bags, Looking Glasses end Tnipks,
jbatreccivcd .1,1 ter AIL I , v 0. UWEI.
C. G. Ersemr. C. iirrT.Le.
210SiVi.Er VIMMAJ.4O
Wholesale Dealers in Previsions,
No. 325, Liberty Street,
!lave now on hand a very large and choice
stork Bacon, to which we partienlarly desire to
invite our friends and dealers generally.
May tl, 1855.-7 m.
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons whom
it may concern that from and after the next set
tlement byline County Auditors of Ilnutingd,
County, (in January 1856) no clnim or demand
by any per , on, against said County on account
of any road or bridge view, election, or service of
any kind . rendoed said enemy, awl which is of en
older ,thnfling thnn six rears, will he allowed in
settlement. by said Auditors , and all dentnntis
uncalled for and unclaimed up to the time spe
cified, will Inc considered as forfeited and forever
shut out ; and the certificate, order or paper on
which it is predicated, rejected and thrown aside
as a cancelled piper.
May 98, 1855.
Whore may be obtained the most speedy rem
dy .
SECRET DISEASES.—GIeets Strictures,
Seminal Weakness, Pain in the Loins, Affections
of the Kidneys, and nil those peculiar affections
arising from a secret habit, particularly the youth
of both sexes, which if not cured, produces con
stitutional debility, rendering marriage impossi
ble, and in the and destroys both Mind and Body.
Young Men,
especially, who have become the victims of Sol
itary Vico, that dreadful and destructive habit
which annually sweeps to nu untimely grave thou
sands of young men of the most exalted talents
and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise hare
entranced listening senates with the thanders of
eloquence, or waked to ecstacy the living lyre,
may call with full confidence.
Married Persons,
or those contemplating marriage, aware of
physical weakness, should inirceiliatele consult
Dr. J., and be restored to perthet health.
Dr. Johnston,
office No. 7 Soutlt Fre7l;ieViii.,;:iven doors from
L'eltinture Street, east side up the steps. IFTIM
particular in obtaining the name and number, or
you will mistake the place.
A cure werranted, or no charge made, in front
ono To two days.
Mtn ' Johnston's office is in his
dwelling, up die steps. ills very extensive prac
tice is a sufficient guarantee, that he is the only
propel physician to apply to. ,
Dr. Johston, member of the Royal College of
Surgeons. London, graduate from one of the
most eminent Colleges of the United States, end
the greater part of whose life has been spout in
the:lliTspitals of London, Paris Philadelphia, and
elsewhere, has effected mine of the most aston
ishing cures that were ever Unowit, many trou
bled with ringing in the ears and head when
intim, groat nervousness, being alarmed at Mil
' don sounds, and bashfulness, with frequent blush
ing attended sometimes with derangement of
mind, were cured immediately.
A CnnTAIN DffinAse.—llt is a melancholy fact
that thousands fill vietims to this horrid disease
owing t , , the unskilfulness of ignorant pretenders
wholly the use of that deadly poison Mercury,
ruin the Constitution, causing the most serious
symptoms of that dreadful disease to make their
appearance, such as unctions of the head, nose,
throat, skin, etc., progressing with frightful ra
pidity till death pots a period to their dreadful
suill:ring, by sending them io that Bourne whente
no traveler returns.
Taut, I'matcuLAn NOTICIL—Young men who
hate injured themselves by a certain practice in
lulged iu when alone—a habit ftmittently learned
Prom evil companions, or at school—the abets
nt which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and
if not cared renders marriage impossible, and de
stroys both mind and body. .
NN hat a pity that a young man, tho hope of his
country, and the darling of his parents should be
snatched from all prospects and onjoymonts of
life by the consequence ofdeciating from the path
of nattu•o Land indulging in a certain secret habit.
Such persons beforu contemplating Marringo,
should reflect that a sound mind and body are
the most necessary requisites to promote cOnuu-
Wel happiness, Indeed without these, the jour•
ney through life becomes a weary pilgrimage,
the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the
mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled
with the tnelancholy reflection, shot the happiness
. .
oTti7iotl7e;beeinnesliliglited with our own:
Contyryrunos:Ar. Dniiiist v.—Dr. J. address
es young men, and all who have injured them
selves by private nod improper indulgence.
IMPI.,,,SANA.—These are some of the sad and I
melancholy effects produced by early habits of
youth, viz: Weaknem of the Buck and Limbs, I
Patns in the bead, Dimness of Sight, Loss of
Muscular power, Palpitation of the Heart Dp
pepsin, Nervous Irritability, Detungements of the
Digestive Functions, General Debility Symptoms
of Consumption, &c.
MENTALLY—The fearful effects on the mind are
much to be dreaded; Loss of memory, Confusion
of ideas, Depression of Spirit, Evil Forboilings;
Aversion to Society, Self Distrust, Love of Soli
tude, &c., are some of thu evils produced.
Thousands of persons of all ages,can now judge
what iv the cause of their declining health. Los
ing their vigor, becoming weak, pale and =twin
cod, havu singular appearance about the oyes,
tough and symtoms of consumption.
blurried persons, or those contemplating mar-
riugc, being aware of physical weakness, should
Immediqtely consult. Dr. J. and ha restored to per- ,
fact health. Office, No, 7, SOuth Frederick-St.,
Baltimore, Md.
N. 11. Let no false delicacy prevent yen, but N.'
ply immediately either personally or by letter.
Skin Diseases Speedily Cured,
To STRANGEIIS.—rho many thousands cured
at this institution within the last ten years, and
the numerous important Surgical Operations
performed by Dr. J.,w itnessed by the Reporters of
the pallet's, and many other persons, notices of
Which have appealed again and again before the
public, is a sufficient guarantee that the afflicted
will find n skillful and honorable phys7einn.
As there are so many ignorant And worthless
quacks advertising themselves as Physicians,ruin
ing tho health of the afflicted Dr. Johnston would
say to those unacquainted with his reputation that
his Credentials or Diplomas always hang in his
Weakness of the organs immediately cured,
and full vigor restored
/0' All letters post paid—remedies sent by
May 22, 1855.-Iy.
• •
10 DOZEN Ames' No. 2 Shovels, jun rccei•
ved and for sale by J. & W. sAxToN.
AA most beautiful lot of Berago do Laino pat
tarns, and in dm pieco, from ley cts up to SO
.cts. par yard,j tut received and for side by
J. 6- It SAXTON.
IIE best assortment of Hosiery in town eon
meting of Ladies, Gentlemen, Misses and
Children or every variety for sale by
HAMS, sitouLDEus, and }Man just mei.
vgd and for sale by
MBE cheapest and best lot or Chaney Borne,
d B do Loins, also Satins, just rec'd
and Nr eulo by J.& W. SAXTON.
A chuke lot of dried hoof jut rootaved and
/1 to rate ut the 'sew store of
el:NNINUII.111 6: DUNN.
Shtiliklel Mid Elitela, jtbt rocci% J anti
to ~Se by \V. !-..x•roN
Issued under the seal, sanction and authority
Free Medicine
VANIA, APRIL 29, 1853.
Jl~l ! J J u 1
Also fur supplying the Community with relia
ble remedies wherever a Competent Physician
cannot or will not he employed, have purchased
from Dr. JOHN It. 110 WAND, his celebrated
Rowand's Tonic Mixture
Known for upwards of twenty-five years a ,
the only sure and safe cure for
Ind hiq inestimable romedyfor
Which highly approved anti popular Reme
dies, together with the University's Remedy fat
Complaints of the Lungs,
The University's Remedy for Dyspepsia ov
Tile University's Remedy for Costive Bow
-- Also the University's Almanac may be had.
at the Branch Dispensary, or Store of
Moore & Swoope, Alexandria, Hunt. Co., Po
Thos. Read & Sun, Ilunting'n,
William 13c11,
Kessler 4: Bro. Mill Creel:,
B. F. Kepner , Dlifilintown, Juniata ••
Benner & Crawford, Thomfsontown "
Thos. Dherholtzer, Patterson "
. • .
ii. Gingrich & Co. Now Mexico,
Jonathon Zeller. Milton, Cumborlond
W. S. Trowel!, New Cumberland
L. B. Riper,
Jim. 1 Caelow, Milton
,lames Bleakle . y, Franklin, Venango
M Thompson, Ditneimsvillo, Blair,
Dant Boya, Franklin Forge,
Geo. Berv, , strener„ Frankstown, "
1). Williams, Hollidaysburg "
11. Myers,
3. Thompson,
duo. Dyston, Head Crooked Dam "
.1. A. Rutlnge. Williamsburg, "
T. Valls, 2nd Lock below " '•
Kiukaid & Laury Yellow springs, "
E. Goodfellow, Hollidaysburg,
Jacob Atelnvje, 11nri'inshirr.g,
11. Mcnscr. iVainosbero,
Mary Orr, llollidaysburi, aa
James 8011, Johnstown, Cambria, `'
IL Lambertson, Franklin, Veining°, "
Chas. Ritz, Lewistown, Milliu, "
J. M. Williams. bleVeytown,
J. R. Smith, Newton Ilamatuu, 64
I'. C. Cm
Jas. Strode, Jr., Strode's Mills "
Mary Marks, Lewistown,
A. ➢fuss,
C. W. Duch . .., McVcytown, "
H. K mazer & Son, Johnstown, Cumbria
May to, 1853-Bin. ,
11E4E111)01(1's Highly Concentrated
For Diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys ' Oh
struetions of the Urine, Chronic Gonorrluna
Glects, Weaknesses, and all tliseasos of
then Sexual Omuta
from whatever cause they may have originated
and no matter of how long standing.
•• • •
IF you have contracted c 'the torah) (ii•e;,3e,
which, when once seated in the system, w
lonic front one generation to another, undermi
ning the constitution and snapping the very vital.
Maids of life, do not trust yourself in the hands
of Quacks who start up every day in a city like
this, and lilt the paws with glaring Ildsehoods
too well calculated to decive the young and those
not acquainted with their tricks. You CitIMOL
. . . . .
bu too . eureful iu the selection of a remedy in
these cams.
has leen pronounced by eminent physiciane
It is a medicine perfectly pleasant in its taste
and very• innocent in its action, and yet so thor
ough that it
oldie rank and poisonous virus of this dreadful
disease ; mid, unlike other remedies it does nut
dry up the diucase in the blood.
Constitutional Debility.
brought ou by self-abuse, a most terrible illu
mine, militia has brought thousands of the hu
man rare to untimely graves, thus blasting the
brilliant hopes of parents, and blighting in the
bud the glorious ambition of many it noble
youth, eau be cured by this
And as a medicine which must benefit everybody
from tho simply delicate to the ...Mined and do.
spairiug invalid, no equal is to ho found,
lielmbold , d Highly Concentrated
For purifying thu Blood, removing all &oases
arising from c.ccss of Mercury, from
anZexposure in life, chronic colt'stittt
tiunul disease, arising front an im
pure state of the Blood,and the
unly reliable and effectual
know remedy out,
for the cure of
Scrofula Sale
Scald Head,
Ulceration. ofilte
Throat and Legs,
Pains and Swellings
of the Bon., Tettcr, Pita
pies on the Face, and all sca
ly Eruptions of the Skin, &c., &c.
This article is now proscribed by some of the
most diAthguishcd Physicians in the country,
and has proved more efficient its practice than
preparation of Sarsaparilla yet oflbred the pub.
tic. Several eases of secondary Syphilis, Mer
curial and Scrofulous diseases have entirely re
covered in the incurable wards of our Public In
stitutions which had for many years resisted ov
ery mode of treatment that could be devised.—
These cases fitrnish striking examples of the
salutary effects of this medicine in arresting
some of the most inveterate diseases, utter the
glands were dostroyed and the bones already af
— i,(s ; PlCE.—Letters from responsible Physi
cians and Professors of several Medical Colleges
and certificates of cures from patients will be
found accompanying both Preparations,
rill CBS,
Fluid Extract of finch% Si bottle or 6 bot. $5
4 ‘ Sarsaparilla. " " 44 44
equal in strength to ono gallon Syrup of Sarsa
Prepared and sold by H. T. HELMBOLD,
Chemist, 263 Chestnut St., near the Girard
House, Philadelphia.
To be hod of Thou. Head & Son, Huntingdon,
Pa., and of Druggists and Dealers everywhere.
07 - All Letters di•ceted to die l'roprictur yr
Agent receive immediate attention.
May 13,1855-Iy.
AFINE assortment of Idiom Cout4, Vests
and Ponta from 87} °petunia for sale at the
cheap clothing _ store of 11. ROMAN.
THE best assortment of Carpet ever acrid,
and at lower prices than can be gut at any
other mtablislouent. Just received and for sale
by J. & W. SAXTON.
UST iocolved aud for sale—Mackerel, Shad
llcattig, Truutowd Codfish, by