Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 29, 1855, Image 2

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    *trip dos.
The War News,
Renewal of Bombardment.
The steamship Pacific arrived at New York
on Wednesday morning, from Liverpool, with
European dates to tho I Ith inst.
The Havre steamship Meg° had arrived off
Southampton on the evening of the 10th.
The general aspect, of the newil from the sent
of war is unsatisfactory, and the most import
taut item is that the bombardment of Sevasto•
pol was resumed oh the 10th.
Omar Pasha has been appointed to the com
mend of the Turkish troops in Asia.
The siege of liars continues without any de
finite result.
Derdiansk bas been again partially bombar.
It is reported iu Paris that Revel has been
successfully bombarded, but the truth probably
is that the fleet are assembling in the Baltic
for the suppposed immediate attack upon Rel
The French Government publishes an infla
ted account of a discovered Legitimist conspi
racy to excite an insurrection iu Spain, and so
further the ends of Russia.
It is definitely stated, but still seems ques
tionable, that Spain will supply 25,000 troops,
to be in the pay of the Allies. Portugal, it is
also said will supply :0,000 troops.
The Italian general Pepe is dead.
Mlle. Rachel, the distinguished tragedienne,
is among the passengers by the Pacific.
NAVAT, ArrAcu rt , o'N Rm.:L.—The Times' Pa.
ris correspondent writes :—I am assured that
letters have been received from a consul at one
of the Baltic ports, announcing that the allied
squadron had attacked Revel, that the attack
was successful, and considerable damage
done tothat'place.
. . .
- - - -
fnr llows. •
timicxr.—A despatch from
enna, in the Paris papers,
states that the 1).1.
...iard of the Malako ff and Rectal, will he rococo•
meneed on the 10th inst.
Aug. 7-11 P. M.—l have nothing of interest to
communicate to you. The enemy has not un
dertaken anything against our trenches. Some
cases of cholera have reappeared.
Berlin, Aug. B.—A despatch from Prince
Oortschakoff, dated Aug. S. says—'there is no
thing new, the enemy's lire is feeble.'
THE Bi.sog Std.— Trak, Aug. 9.—Thu al
lies are demolishin,,o the fortifications of Anapa
contrary to the wishes of the Circassians, who
are, however, usable to oppose the fleet. Gen
eral Vivian has gone to the Black Sea, to
choose a landing place for troops somcwhine
mar. Batoum.
Gortschrthoft issued un order of the day on Ju
ly 234, to impress the Russian troops with the
idea that the benediction of priests and the pre
seam of sacred images had always given vic
tory to the Russians in their earliest wale, and
he refers to the benedictions of the Archbis
hops of Chinff and Kherson, and the produe
timi of sacred images and pictures being the
pledge of fresh triumphs.
Kans.—The Invalids Russo publishes reports
from Oen. llouravieff, dated July 11th repeat
ing the operations in Asia. The main body
of the Russian army eommanded the Exeroum
road, and patrols examined single individuals.
On the 10th a reconnoissance was tends of
Kars. -lhiring the two hours occupied in tak
ing plans of the localities, the garrison was in
great agitation.
Seven battalions pi infantry and two rogi.
ments of regular cavalry lett the entrenchment
but remained under cover of the guns,
and did not even try to harrass the Russian re
treat. On the sth a detachment of Turkish
cavalry, engaged in driving back the Russian
outposts and collecting gram and forage, was
encountered and defeated. The Turks lost
70 men killed, 100 men wounded, and 14 taken
prisoners in this
The Neapolitan Ambassador at Paris has
demanded that an advertisement should be gi•
ven to the three journals which had tnade re•
marks on the barbarities committed by his Si
cilian Majesty's Minister of Police. The de
mand was rejected. It is reported that adeath
had taken place under the new system of basti
nado at Naples.
Fifteen thousand men, supplied by .10 regi
meats quartered in the North and East, will
pass through Paris during the month of August
on their way to join the army in the Crimea.—
The detachments furnished by other regiments
will proceed directly to the ports of embarks•
A Vienna letter, in the Cologne Gazette
states that the re-establishment of the pronto
cial congregations in the Italian States of Aus
tria, is soon to be followed by the representa
tive institutions in the other countries of the
crown, under the form of private councils at
tached to the administrative authoritid. Trade
schools, public charity, she., will be under their
superintendence. One cf the first questions to
be laid before them by the imperial government
will be the reorganization of the communes.
These Councils are to be composed of the
'representatives of the landed interest, town
ships, the clergy, and the ur.iversity. They
are only to give their opinion upon mutters,
laid before them by the government, but the
initiative is to be granted to certain commit
tees to be presided over by the Governors of
the provinces.
Letters from Vienna positively deny the ex
istence of the letter attributed to the Empress
Dowager of Russia.
Qrsova, July 29.—Whilst the Warnsdin fron
tier regiment was returning from Wallachia,
whore it had been in eantoments for some time,
and is just relieved by n Banat regiment, the
cholera broke out with such virulence on board
the steamer conveying them, that within a few
hours nearly three hundred of them were at
tacked, about a hundred of whom died, inch,.
ding some of the officers.
In consequence of this the commanding
Lieutenant Colonel ordered the steamer to draw
in close to the shore, a little below this place,
and disembarked the whole of his men, where
they bivouaced the first night, and remain for
the present, whilst tents, medicines and other
comforts have been sent to their relief from
here. The panic amongst the men was very
great as they firmly believed their provisions
had been poisoned.
The news from Kars direct comes down to
the 14th of July—six days later than the de.
apatch of Gen. Monravietf, describing his pro
menade in the muumnins. It is interesting (or
several reasons. Ileside, showing that the
enemy had not entirely cut oil the communica
tion, of the garrison—an undertaking, we con
ceive, that would require larger fumes 'bun
those under his command—it shows that the
garrison were in good spirits, and not the
least inclined to give up the contest.
In former wars the Turks always showed
themselves deficient not only in stratagem, hut
in quick military judgement of the intentions.
Prince Paaltiowiteli owed nearly all his glory
his great Aid in deceiving his opponents,
and moving the little army with more celerity,
and unfaltering determination, than the Si:ru
in:l. and Puelati opin,sed to him.
lle was always beforehand, they were inva
riably too late. An imposing demonstrAtion
in. one direction was followed by a rapid march
iu another. and thus he bewildered his foes,
nod eat up their troops in detail. Gen Mourn•
vieff has evidently followed closely in the steps
of his great exemplar and old comrade. Coun
ting on the laxity of Turkish vigilance, his first
movement was an attempt to surprise Kars ;
but he had not Turks alone to deal with, and
the presence of half a dozen Europeans fres
trate(' Ids plan.
Having tailed, and knowing that the Turkish
weakness was to quit a good. position to light
a battle in a bad one, 'and against gut enemy
who seemed to have made a mistake, dared
the Turks by a flank march; and offered the
larther provocation of leaving a detachment at
the Keni Kieni while he carried the main body
into the mountains in the hope of seducing the
Turla to quit Kars and risk a battle.
It new appears that after he returned to the
camp he continued these tactics, probably with
a view of wearing out the patience of the gar.
risen. mitts on the 10th of July au 'attack'
was made on the Karadagh, which tailed—pro.
bably only a demonstration with a view of ta•
kin advantage of anything that might "turn
up. l On the 12th, Muuravieff, we are told,
left only his Outposts before Kars, and appear.
ad to move again towards Erzeroum with the
main body.
On the 12th, bJwever, this movement proved
to have been a feint ; for the enemy returned
in three, and made demonstrations against two
different quarters of the Turkish positions.—
The object of the opp-ations is pretty well ap•
preciated at Kars, fur, as the writer of the let
ter from which we derive our information re
marks, "The Russians manoeuvred with the
view of inducing us to quit our position, which
we value too much to hazard."
On the Nth of July, therefore, Gen Mourn.
via' was still encamped before Kars. Ills own
despatches do nut come down later than the
111th July, and chiefly report skirmishes of the
The view of the Asiatic campaign, which we
have hitherto taken, that Gen. Mouravieff will
not obtain soy signal success, because he can.
not satbly lengthen his communications with
the Russian frontier, scents more likely than
ever to prove correct.
But we aro rather confirmed in our views by
two statements in the journals—that Omar
Pasha is tojoin the army in Asia, and the
the more problematical but not altogether an.
likely statement, that Gen. Vivian has
stantinople to choose a huiding place fur the
Turkish Contingent somewhere on the Asian
coast of the Black Sea.
The report ineations Batoum. Now the
presence of Omar Pasha alone, and the probe
built.), of the arrival of the Turkish Contingent,
no despicable force ; fuels, it true, nut likely to
be unknown to the Russian General —must
have great weight in his decisions. . . .
TO Russians can less allbrd to meet with a
reverse than the Turks, because a defeat in
Asia, ever so inconsiderable, would inflict
heavy blow on Russian prestige. Gem Mourn.
vielf, a more enterprising soldier than the Ar
tneman Prince llubutuff, who preceded him, is
risking sotnethiug in order-that he might gain
much ; but fur all duo reserves fur the tam
seen, we may be permitted to doubt whether
he has not already discovered that unless his
adversaries make some great blunder, he will
not neemnplish his aims.
La Nesse publishes the following authentic
and very interesting letter frum a correspon
dent nt Burs:
Kars, July N.—Since the march of the
Russians from the side of Koni•Kemi, and To•
they have appeared several times be
fore us. The tbilowing is a succinct resume
of the little allairs of daily occurrence between
the ottposts :
On the 10th all the Russian forces showed
themselves before Kers, bat only fur the pun.
pose of a reconnoisance,While no attack against
Karndagh foiled. The Russians 'mananivered
for a long time, with the view of discovering
our feeble side, but all that occurred woe a tiro
of musketry upon the front of our position.
The next day the cavalry, nearly 800 men,
went to the mountains towards Tchaknult, but
were prevented from going further by the for
ces stationed there, and retired, pillaging a vil
lage. On the 12th, Gen. Mouravietf changed
his camp, and stationed liiinself at Buiuk-lli
, kurek, in the direction of Erzeroutn, leaving
only hisoutposts before Kars. An engagement
took place between n party of envalry who had
gone towards Tchaknak middle Bashi Bluetit:B.
The !alter attacked the enemy with great bra
very and prevented them front going Either.
Spain has joined the Allies continent of 25,
000 men.
The Madrid correspondent of La Preset
Madrid August 4,—Nothwithstanding all the
telegraphic despatches to the contrary, the
news which I have mentioned iv confirmed.—
the Spanish government has resolved to join
the alliance of the Western Powers. fhe
number of the contingent is not yet fixed, but
25,000 men are spoken on It is stated that
the representatives of France and England
have been officially informed of this 'coo-
It would be difficult to enumerate all the
commentaries to which this news has given
occasion. The chief of them turn upon the
alvantugis which Spanish credit will derive
from this combination. People are talking of a
considerable loan, to be guaranteed by France
and England, but of this I can affirm not!,
Tho correspondence of the Independence
Madrid, Aug. 3.—The resolution of the
Spanish government to taken. Marshal O'Dom
nell liar passed two days with the Queon. On
his arrival a long and interesting cabinet coun
cil was held , and it was decided that Spain
should join the Western Alliance, and furnish
a contingent of 23,000.
This resolution was notified yesterday coo
tdng to the ministers of France and England.
At the council Marshal O'Donnell nod general
Zabala took the-lead in advocating the alliance.
M. Halves protnptly adhered to their opinions,
the Minister of Grace and Justico was undeci
ded, and young Alonzo Martinez, Minister of
Public works, was opposed to the policy Folio
tied. The Ministers of War and Finance with
held their opinions until Espartero should do
clam himself.
At first the Marshal was opposed to the pro.
ject, but he has since acquiesced in the argu
ments of O'Donnell and Zabala. The govern.
Inca will have to bring the matter before the
Curter, as the latter must vote the funds forth°
expedition. It is said that General Prim will
be advanced to the rank of lieutenant-general,
and appointed to command the expedition.
It might have been thought that the Infalli
ble Father of the Infallible Church, who had
proclaimed to all Chrisendoin his egrecious
exultation in having declared a new Article
of Faith in this nineteenth century, must have
laid in a st6ck of ghostly tit:dance end grate:a.
ton sufficient to last his time, and might hare
sung his “.Niinc dimities," in sublime indepen
dence of alt sublunary contigeneics.
Much to our concern, however, Pepe Pius's
Soul, he tolls us, is "disolated with inereditable
anguish." What is still more lamentable, is
that the Holy Father finds himself compelled
to do violence to "that mauseetude and mild.
ness, which,"—he acquaints us—lie derives
froM nature itself, and to arm himself with that
severity which, he further acquaints us, his
parental heart holds in horror I
Spain. Switzerland, Piedmont, have con
btrunied Pope Pius to put Lath "the Aimstol
ie mwerity." His Sardinian Majesty and his arc formally declared to have incur
red .the greater excommunication, and the
other ecclesiastical ceitsmes and penalties in.
Rioted by the Sacred Canons, the Apestolie
Constautioni, the General Councils, and shove
all, the Holy Council of Treat."
The Pope is too gallant a man to go quite
sn far against Queen Isabella at present, and
therefore contents himself with reprobating
and abrogathig the recent constitutioold laws
of that country, and declaring them null and of
none effect, so far ns they pretend to regulate
celesinstical property, or deprive the Church of
its "power and liberty" to engage in active per.
secution of members of any other communion:
lion who exist in Spain.
As regards Swituerland, His Holiness is too
much distressed nt nll that is going, on there,
to nnburtheu himself in details of his griofa
against that country, but he means to hold no•
other allocation to the Secret Consistory en
that subject. Spain mid Piedmont supply the
lamentable subject matter for the two idiom,
tions now given to the world.
The reader will ask ; what are they all about?
Why, about the law surpressing the greater
number of monastic orders is Piedmont, and
that recently passed in Spain, abolishing the
tenure of property in =amain, and
toting the public Hinds for land, as the some
of ecclesiastical revenues.
. .
In short, as General Zavalrt, the Spanish
Minister for Foreign Affairs, tells his Holiness
very plainly its answer to his present remom
strances, the main dispute is about a matter of
money. "The Q11.11'3 Government," writes
the Minister,"cannot forbear from expressing
the profoun concern with which, animated as
it is by sincerely Cad.lie dispositions, it secs
the Holy See engaged in a struggle in which
—even granting all its allegations—nothing is
in question but materialand mundane inter
We shall not, of course, enter into the argu
ment between the Pope and the General ns to
the right sense of the Concordat of ISM.—
The latter, indeed, cuts that question short, in
a style which might suggest matter for reflec
tion to his holiness by sayiti hat`at the point
things have now reached ght which
the question must now be It matters
little whether the terms of the article of the
Concordat in question should be understood
in one way or another."
That is a slight intimation to Pi. IX that
he is not living in the age of Gregory VII.—
His Holiness, however, is in his altitude also,
and insists that the Concordat definitely estab
lished that the Catholic Religion "should con
tinue to be the only religion of the Spanish
nation, to the exclusion of ereryother worship,
and that the Church should always retain the
use, of her primitive right to acquire new prop
erty, held by whatever title or 'tenure, and that
this right of property in the Church should be
invi.,lable, nut only. for what it then possessed,
but for whet it might acquire hereafter."
As rega.rds the matter of . money, which is
really substantial part of the grieVance,
General Zuvaly replies that the Church is only
included in the general rule now established
against the tenure of property in mortmain;
and has no right to complain that it is included
in that general rule, which admits nu exception
ecclesiastical or secular.
With regard to the alleged infringements of
the rights of the Catholic religion as the solo
religion of Spain, the Minister points out that
I no other form of public worship is permitted.
The liberty of the Church, then, one would
think, remained intact—even to the extent
that no other Church but herself enjoys a ves
tige of it.
This is not enough, however, for a Church
which has had an Inquisition at its orders. =
Throughout these allocutions the liberty mud
power or the Church are always coupled. Its
yoe call the Church free, remonstrences his
Holiness, where she may not persecute heret
ics at their own hearths, as well ns interdict
their altars?
The New Bill Passed by the Kansas Le
The following is the bill passed in the Kam
ens Legislators, on the Bth inst., entitled "Au
Act to. Punish Offences against. Slave Proper
Au Act to Punish. Qrences against Slave
Section 1. Every person, bond or free, con
victed of raising a rebellion of slaves, free ne
goons or mulatoes—shall suffer death.
Sec. '2. Every free persim who shall aid in
any rebellion of slaves, &e., or do anv overt
act or in furtherance thereof—shall sullbr
See. 3. If any person shall, by speaking
writin , ' r, or printing, advise induce, &v., any
slaves to rehel, conspire against, or murder any
citizen of Kanzas, or shall import or aid ip
importing such documents, he shall set,
See. 4. If any person shall entice, decoy or
carry out of Ktinzas any slave belonging to
another, with intent to deprive the owner there,
of the services of such a slave, or procure the
freedom of such slave, he shall sutler death, or
be imprisoned at bard labor for not less than
ten years.
Sec. a. If any person shall wayt in mil
ting, cot., (as above)—shall suffer death.
Sec. G. If any person shall entice or curry,
away out of any State or territory of the U. S.,
any slave * * and shall bring such
slave into this territory, etc., * 5 0 *—
he shall suffer death, or be imprisoned at hard
labor for not less thus ten years.
See. 7. If any person shall entice anyslave
to escape from the service of his master or own
er * or shall aid any slave in es
caping * * * he shall be imprisoned
at hard labor for not less than live yews.
Sec. 8. If any person in this territory shall
aid or harbor any escaped slave from another
State * * such person shall be pun
ished in like manner as if such slave had esca
ped from his master in this territory.
See. 9. If any person shall resist any
cer while attempting to arrest any slave that
may have escaped * * * or shall res.
cue such slave, or aid such a slave to escape
I from the officer—the person so offending shall
be imprisoned at hard labor for not less limn
two years.
Sec. 10. If any marshal, sheriff, or consta
ble, or the deputy of any such officer, shall,
when required, refuse to aid or assist in the ar
rest or capture of any slave that may have es
caped, sack officers shall be fined not less than
$lOO, or more than $OOO. . .
I Bee. 11. If any person print, write, intro
duce into, publish or circulate, or cause to he
brought into, printed, written, published or
circulated, or shall knowingly aid or assist in
bringing into, printing, publish, or circulating
withal' thin territory any book,. paper, &e. con-
Mining any statements, doctrines, culcula
led to produce a disaffection among the slaves
of this territory, he shall be punished by im
prisonment at hard labor for not less than live
/0..8c, 12. If any person by speaking or
writing assert or mantels', that pCIWOIId ItaVe not
Me right to hold slum in the territory, or shell
introduce into K 111120.5, print, publish, write,
circulate, or cause to be introduced into Wu
territory, written, printed, publish, or circulated
in this territory, any hook, paper, magazine,
pamphlet or circular, containing any denial of
the rights of persons to bold slaves to this ter
ritory, such persons shall be deemed guilty of
felony, and minified by imprisonment at hard
labor fur a term not less than two years.
Sec. 13. No person who is conscientiously
opposes:l . W holding slaves shall
sit a, ajuror, on the trial of any prosecution of
any violation of auy of the sections of this
to be its force aft.. Sept. Id, 1z435.
At a Ins meeting of the friends of Temper
novo ant loot Order, held in the Hall of the
Sons of Temperance, in the Borough of Bir
mingham on Friday' evening, August 24th,
1855, John Owens, Esq., was called to the
chair, Rev. Israel W. Word and ltev. Elisha
Butler were selected as Vice Presidents, nod
John W. Steneroad chosen Secretary. After
the presiding officer had briefly stated the ob•
ject of tho meeting, the Rev. Thomas Ward
submitted the, following preamble and resole•
lions, which were unanimously adopted.
We the inhabitants of the Borough of Bit ,
minghtun and vicinity, both male and female,
feeling a deep and abiding interest in the wet•
farq,- prosperity and peace of our community,
all of which were to some extent, involved to
the prosecution recently carried on against a
number of our most esteemed and respectable
young men, for the alleged demolition by them
of the most corrupting, and peace disturbing
nuisance with which any village MO infected
and afflicted, deem it our duty to give public
expression to that which we believe to be the
pervading sentiment of this neighborhood.—
Peso/red, That we now as ever look upon
tippling houses, and groggeries, where deon•
kermess, disorder and crime arc engendered
and encouraged, es nuisances of the worst
kind, and ifthey he as confessed and admitted
by the comisehemployed by the prosecutor in
the case alluded to, nothing better than "Dui.
sauces sustained by law," it is time we should
take decided measures to rid ourselves as well
of such laws, as of the nuisances which they are
alleged to sustain.
Setand, That while se utterly depreciate a
resort to anything like mob law for the correc•
lion of the ordinary misdemeanors that occur
in the community, it is asking too much of pa
rents and relations to stand by and daily see
their sons and friends slowly murdered, and
dragged down, without putting cords a band at
user ) to arrest- their remorseless destroyer.
Ttird, That while the Court and 'the jury
under the technical inks of law, which their
oaths bind them to respect, could not act other
.wiso thou they did, we fully adopt and endorse
the statements made to Governor Pollock to
the abet, that if technical rules did require
to convictamre, sabu•al JUSTICE required there
should ho no punishment. That the action of
his Excellency the Governor in granting a par
don promptly for the arrest of sentence, meets
our most hearty approbation, and entitles hint
to the most cordial thanks of the lovers of vir
tue in every community.
Fourth, That we feel Under obligations of
no ordinary character to Messrs. Scott, Camp
bell, and Williamson fur theii able defence of
our young friends, knowing as they did, if they
bud participated, it was in the Abatement of a
most louthsotne nuisance, in whichome of
their tre*ates had been entrapped, in the tray
that leadeth down to the ehambera of death.
That at this juncture, it is highly im
politic, and what the enemy ought nut expect,
for the friends of Temperance to relax their of
forts, while his allies are its the field marshal.
ling their forces, and appropriating their means,
in desperate struggle to prolong the malignant
reign of Alcohol, and to subvert the happiness
of mankind.
That the Editors of the Huntingdon and
Hollidaysburg papers, nod all Temperance pa
pers be respectfully requested to publish the
proceedings of this snorting.
Sigr.ed by the Officers.
Hew they Live in Liberia.
The little seed of republican liberty which
years ago was transplanted from the idioms of
the United States to the African continent, has,
.under benign influences with which it buS been
surrounded, groWn into a vigorous young repub
lic, and .bids her to because at some future day,
a pnworfiskand iu fl uential nation.
- The results of the enterprise of planting barb
proved all that was anticipated. Liberia is nose
the cherished home and refuge of the fugitive
and outcast colored race—the only free and
civilized land in all the world where colored
men can and do fill every office in the gift of
the peeple sect where they are able to develop
ever high a noble faculty of their existence.
Liberia is net much of no agricultural coml.
try. Most of settlers have farmed upon a small
scale, for the season that a very few modern la
bor-saving machines oc improvements have
been introduced there. Tho earth, however,
is cultivated much more cheaply and easily
than in America.
There are but few drones in Liberia. All
who really wish for employment can find afield
for their labor either as mechanics, limners,
merchants, or day workmen. Upon the furies
both Ann:rivalts and native Africans ere era.
ployed. The difference in their powerS of use
fulness may be conjectured front the fact that
in April last the wages of Americans were sty•
mity•five cents n tiny, and of the natives twelve
and a half cents.
A tract of land is given, under certain restyle.
tions, to each emigrant, and after being clear.
ed of timber by cutting and burning, rum and
cassada nee hoed into the grouhd. The soil is
seldom plowed, and there are no working oxen
nod but few heroes in the State. When the
rice is ripe it is cut with a knife. Beside rice
and cassnda the emigrants also lain and sell
corn, and other vegetables. Sugar cane and
coffee, too, flourish remarkably well.
There are, of course, no slaves in Liberi
Shivery is prohibited by the constitution and
laws of the republic. The natives, neverthe•
less, frequently hind their children for a cer.
Min period to the emigrants, in compensation
for money loaned, nr assistance rendered ; but
this is contrary to the laws. The number of
native Africans in the republic ut the present
time, is about two hundred thousand,
They live in the old patriarchal style, moving
about from place to place, and until subdued
by the Liberians, the different tribes were con.
gaudy at war. Many of them are now partly
civilized, and all aro rapidly coming under the
gentle influences of civilization.
The climate of Liberia is very healthy after
the process of acclimating is over. But many
of the new comers die tinder the acclimating
fever. It is said by residents of the place that
the lbver is more fatal to individuals from the
Southern part of the United States than it is to
Northerners.—Boslon Journal.
Death of Abbott Lawrence.
Hon. Abbott Lawrence died :lON residence
in Boston on Saturday morning. Ho had suf
fered a long and painful illness, and although
hopes of a favorable change wore entertained
up to a very recent period, the. result was
not unexpected. Hu had lost COINCIOUNIICSS
smut hours before his death, sod his lust tau.
mods wore not apparently attended with
much bodily pain.
The Baltimore American says, Mr. Law.
renco was born at Croton, Massachusetts, in
the year 1792. Ho has fur many years been
omineetamong merchant minces and wealthy
uninulaeturos of Now England, and has taken
an important part in promoting the prosperity
of Boston, and of the state ot Massachusetts.
lie was well informed in public: affairs, and We
views were always enlightened and patriotic.
Under President TAYLOR'S Administration
he was appointed Minister Pir the United
States et the Court of St. James, and ho fil
led Oat high otlice with groat dignity and
much ability. with entire fidelity to the hiterege
of his country and with praiseworthy solicitude
to promote and mantain the most friendly re
lations with the Covermuent to whom ho was
accredited. His death will be sincerely and
widely lamented.
ll;trA man has been arrested at Rochester,
charged with deserting his legal wife, and tub
ing up with u spiritual one. The
required him to give bail for the support of his
real wile oral children, and threatened him with
punisluncut if he ptuved reffuelory.
connExcr.—A circumstance of a somewhat ex
traordinary character occurred a short time
since in ono of the flourishing towns of the
Midland counties. A clergyman died, and his
mother and sisters, on the third day alter his
decease, recollecting that no likeness remained
of the once cherished son and brother, it was
agreed, ere the grave closed over hint, that the
body should be unshrouded and a
. portrait ta
ken. A young lady of some professional celeb
rity was engaged for the task. Site, with the
assistance of the attendant, took off J) shroud,
and placed the body in the requisite posture ;
but other duties requiring the artist's attention,
the sketch was deferred till noon. About 12
o'clock, at.the foot of the bed, the lady com
menced and went through an hour's work on
the imago of the dead. At this stage of the
proceedings, by some unaccountable motion,
the head of the death-like figure fell on the
side. Nothing daunted, the artist carefully
l took the head to replace it, when lit ! the eyes
opened, and staring her full in the face, "the
dead" inquired, "Who aro you 2" The young
'professional,' without trepidation, took the
bandage froM the head and rubbed his neck.
he immediately saw the shroud and laughed
immoderately. The artist quietly calls the fain.
ily ; their joy may be imagined but not descri
ed. That evening, he who hid lain three days
in his shroud, bemoaned by mothers andsisters
with agonizing tears, begladdened their hearts
by taking his accustomed place at their tea M.
ble, and at this moment is making an oxen*
sion to North Wales.—Foreign raper.
Atal`" A spirited woman is Mrs. Smith, who'
publishes the following advertisement in the
Mt. Holly Mirror. We cheerfully republish
the racy document gratis, and shall feel amply
repaid if it will enable her to adMinister the
punishment she desires upon her faithless bus•
band. She is evidently one of thi. "strong
minded sort."
My husband gone ! —Two Lollar 8 Reward.—
I feel it to be my duty to inform the public
that toy hushaa, George Smith, has left me,
without just cause—and as it is believed that.
lie has gone off with another tnan's wife, I de
sirg to warn ell woman from having anything.
to do with him—for if he will dosort one be will
another—and no confidence can be placed in
He is of short stature, rather stout, cluck
complexion, jet black hair, nod pretty good
If he has taken another woman with hint, as
I suppose he has, I shall consider him rather
"smolt fish" and never live with him again—
but I should like to see him for about half an
liner, just to let him have the length of toy
tongue—and oh I wouldn't 1 give it to him.—•
Anybody who will bring both back, so that be
can have my opinion of him, shall receive two
dollars of hard-earned money.
II Esti morn Sat ITU.
Mt. Holly, July 30th.
Day Book says there is fine pasture all over
the country now, and the price of butter ought
to be down to a shilling a pound. Why isn't
it ? Because the women and girls don't know
how to make it. For twenty years past the
girls' butter•making education has bees sadly
neglected. They can play the piano, but can•
not churn ; can dance, but can't skim the milk;
can talk a little French, but don't know how to
work out the The women who
made the butter in Westchester, Duchess and
Orange counties are passing away and there
ore none to take their places. That's why but.
ter is high, the Day Book thinks ; batboy° not
the women been supereeded by the churning
machines? Now we regard ice cream the
cause of dear butter,besules theimmense quan
tity deli!): used in families, It is mere proti
table to sell the milk and cream than to make
it into butter.
A .1 ti WEDDIN,—Tho Syrncoso (New
York) Organ describes the ceremonies of a
Jewish wedding which recently took place in
that city:—The bride, richly attired in white,
closely veiled, with her friends, advanced from
ono side of the house ; while at the same,time
the groom with his friends came from the otis
or. The priest commenced by singing alone,
with his back to the parties. Wine was then
presented to the groom and bride, and again
the priest sang, with several little boys dressed
fur the occasion. Then an exhortation' or ad.
dress ; rud more drinking of wine. Here the
bride commenced crying, which was soon fol.
lowed by the groom ; a ring wits given and
they were declared married. Both kissed both
cried, and both returned to their former posi•
tion, and the ceremony was concluded.
Dat.Acii or Puommt.—The Clarksville To.
bacco Plant relates a somewhat amusing ease
of breach of promise of marriage. Squire
John Bradsber, of Person county, N. C., had
been a widower for only a few months. He
wits seventy years of age, began Courting Misr
Franky Lea, a lade of 67, who possessed the
attractive dowry a 512,000. Ho was accepted
and a day for the marriage fixed ; but a you!,
ger sailer (Ur. Johnson. - the same age of the
lady herself) sent word by n neighbor that she
might have him if she choose. She contented,
and they were secretly married an hoar before
the ceremony which was to make Squire Brad.
shoe a happier man was to come off. Brad.
slier threatens legal process.
fying to learn from the Genoa correspondent of
the Nd*ark Advertiser, that notwithstanding
the menacing proclamations of the Bishop, the
officers of the government aro executing the
law closing tho useless monkeries of the coun
try, with no other interference than a simple
written protest against the' right of the State
to interfere wills the investments of the Church.
It is understood that a diplomatic hint from the
Emperor Napoleon, touching the alliance of
England and France with Sardinia, has stayed
the thunders of Vatican.
EMIOUATION TO WiscoNst,thas become quite
epidemic in Kentucky and South Ohio. From
Cincinnati many persons of wealth and enter
prise are driven away by the illiberal legisla
tion of Ohio on the subject of taxable'properth
Thu Kentucky emigrants go to Wisconsin to
engage in the business of stock raising. Mi
gration front Kentucky to Wisconsin is a sin
gular feature, but the Cincinnati Gazette says
it is a reality.
A New Order.—A new "order" has sprung
into existence, the mysterious symbols of which
ace, M. 0. W. lA—Modern Ordure(' With Bea
ters. We understand it has several members
in this county. They are "down" ot: the liquor
Circe Gush Elmore, Esq., Associate of the
Supremo Court of Kanzas, has been removed,
on grounds similar to those assigned for Gov
ernor Reader's displacement, and Judge Moore
of Alabama, appointed in hts place.
Me.. Our devil says he would ho willing to
take a “hotter hair' oven if his angel had no
wings, provided Ito could induce some ono of
the sex, to look favorably upon his ugly propor.
Mons, and—and—espeeiv//1 if she had Me
VW" A cow was missed at. Akron, Ohio, mid
thirty days afterwards, was found olive in tho
flume of un old !nil!. She had neither food nor
water, for that time, yet recovered het }width.
The mill wits not running,
SW The Louisville Times sup : Numbers
of our foreigu citizens continue to leave the ci•
ty, mut minty others are preparing to sell their
property and leave.
Mail T. Ex. T. IE. T. 1 Ex. T.
Train leaves P.M. P.M. P.M. A,M.
Petersburg, 2.45 9.01 3.52
Huntingdon, 3.02 9.22 4.09
Mill Creek, 3.15 9.33 4.18
Mt. 'Union, 3.33 9.47 .4.31
Train leaves P.M P.M. A.M. A.M.
Mt. Union, 4.10 7.12 6.22 6,26
Mill Creek, 4.33 7.25 0.119 0.39
Huntingdon, 4.48 7.38 . 6.25 0.52
Petersburg, 5.03 7,19 7.05 7.05
The subscriber is constantly manufacturing
Files and Rasps of superior quality and at the
lowest prices, equal to the best imported goods
nod much cheaper.
Manufacturers and Mechanics can have
their old files re•cut and nude equal to new, at
about half the original cast. Flat 12 inches
$2,00 per dozen ; Flat, 14 inches $2,72 per
dozen ; Saw4iles, ball round, Milbaw and oth.
er tiles in proportion. Single files and free•
liana' parts of dozens charged at the same
rates, and warranted satisetory„
- -
J. B. SnITI I.
No. GI New Street between Race Vine &
Second and 'Phial St,. Philadelphia.
A lig. 22, I
t'llankhcr , ,biarg & lOC Villioll
Tundersigned aware that a surponsio of
1 n
the lino of Stages over the road between
'Clunnbersburg and Mt. Union, ennnot tte but
disadvantageous to ton large section to the country
has, ut eensidorable expense and trouble, mule
arrengements tonic aline of Stages Tri-weekly
between the two p‘iints. Good Horses end com
fortable Stages have been placed' an the route,
• and experienced and trusty-drivers will superin
tend the running of the Coaches. The proprie
tor of the lino is desirous that it let maintained,
and he therefore calls upon the public generally
to patronise it, confident that it will bo for their
mutual advantage. Every attention necessary
will hegiVoll, and time running of the Stages will •
be regula.
454''Stages leave Mt. Union, every Tuesday,
Thursday, and Satnrdny evenings, arriving at
Chambersburg the next day at 2 o'clock. Ito
turning, have Chambershurg the same night nt
to o'clock, arriving at ML. Union early the fol
lowing evening in time for the Vars. Stages
stop at Shiricyshurg, Orbisonia, Shade Gap,
Burnt Cabins, Fannettsburg, Dome Valley,
Strasburg and Keerer's store.
11;45T.tre through 53,00: to intermediate point , :
to proportion.
August 22, 1855.—ti.
Broad Top Land for Sale.
By virtue of a deereo of the Court of Common
Pleas of Huntingdon County, the undersigned
Commit tee of William Settle, a Lam i iio, will
sell at public sale, a tract of land situate in Ilope
well township, Huntingdon Co., adjoining lands
()Mobil Alloway, John Hoover, Isaac Cook and
others, containing about
112 Acres,
Salo will ho held at the tavern of Thomas
Spears, on Broad Top, on II th Sept next, nt
o'clock, I'. M. Terms of sale,.one-third of the
purchase money to be paid on confirmation of
sale end the balance in two equal animal pay
ments with interest .to be secured by the bonds
and mort:.,mges on tits premises.
jOIIN 53.11. TH,
Com. of William Settle.
Aug. 22, 1655.-I.s.
West Penn square, Philadelphia.
Organized on the plan of the Industrial Colle
ges of Continental Europe, and the only College
in the Union in which,gentlenton.gratitiate in the
industrial professions.
Third year, eomnieneint; MONDAY, Septem
hoc.l7tik, .1953. • • ~
Mathematics and Engineering, Prof.' E. IT Pea
body. General and Applied Ulannidry A. L.
Kennedy. Mechanics end Machinery, 11. 11.
Boucher. Geology, Mineralogy and Mining,
W. 8. Rowse. Architect'l Topograpli'l
Drawing, J. Kern. Modern Languages, V. De
For catalogues nod further information apply
to A. L. KENNEDY, Prest. of Ffentty.
Aug. 22, 1853.-2 t.
Persons knowing theinselvce indebtc.l to the
late firm of Frank and 3leff of Marklosburg,
wr by note book, or any unsettled account, are
hereby notified that it settlement is not made on
ur liefore.tho Ist day of November, their accounts
will he placed in the hands of proper officers for
Aug. 22, 1853.-tn.•
25,000 nvix..pumiLEßsrbozwio
embracing every variety to be badQk
In Boston, New York and Philadelphia—the
subscriber hes just received and offers for sale
extremely low. His stock of STATIONARY
is of great variety and superior quality as fol
lows :—Foolsraps, Letter, Note and Wrapping
Paper. Envelopes of every kind ; Gold and
Steel Pens, Portmonies, Packet Books, Pon
Knives, Pocket Knives, he. School Books of
every kind used in the country, at wholesale and
retail prices.
latest and prettiest styles, just re
csived end for stile at Philadelphia retail prices.
All the above stock the public will Ilnd it to
be to their interest to call end examine before
purchasing elsewhere, as he is determined to give
satisfaction to every customer. Store opposite
Whittaker's Hotel, Railroad street.
Huntingdon, April 10, 1855.-tr
THE partnership heretofore existing between
Drs. Brown and Hagerty is thistle) , by mu.
turd consent dissolved.
MI persons knowing themselves indebted to
the said firm, will please call and settle their
accounts without delay.
March 21
DU, J. U. mivyrrT, Surgeon
" • ipmeotisslona'rrs7rcrtiteuislY olibra his
thoso echo
may wish operations on tho teeth. Office with
Dr. Hewitt, Alexandria, Huntin g don Co.. F.
April IC, 1855—ttre.
HIE still have a few of the relchrata "Ross
VV Grain Drills" on hand and for sale, being
anxious to close out, will sell them low, and
warrant them to work well.
Mill Crock, Aug. 8,18554 t.
-.'r r i a t y "s to a ck d s,7u c s a t rf r s e ( c!o r i v :l l. an Yy rf l i c r il..—
by J. & W. SAXTON.
J UST receiving, this week, M oekorol, Burring
&c., and for side by J. &W. SAXTON.
F ISH, Salt, Plaster, sails, Iron and Steel, all
kinds of country produce taken in exchange
for Goods to the store of
ALrLutvaricky of huoio
by tL
jtol received dud for Jai
L°b°KlNGr 6 - v .V.1..177'0Y
List of Premiums,
Tu be awarded by the A grieulto
of Huntingika county, at dm Fair
at Huntingdon on the 10th, 11th
October, 1855.
Huns Es.
2d beet do,
best do,
Best two or Lbrcc year old coll.
Best sucking colt under 1 year,
Pest brood
Best pair of working oxen,
2d best do,
3d best do.
Best bull,
2d best do,
Best cow,
2d best do,
Best 3 year old brill,.
li 2 ' l{ it 1
Dest lot of calves,
SI-11011 .
Best fine wooled buck.
2d best do,
Best Southdown do,
Best long•wooled do,
2(1 best do,
Bert lot or fine wooled ewe
2d best do,
Best lot of long wooled do.
Beet lot of south.lown.
Beat boar,
2d best do,
Id best do,
Best aow,
2d best,
Best litter el pig;
Best Plow, •
Best harrow,
Best cultivator,
Best side hill plow.
Best windmill, 4.
Best wheat drill,
Bert corn drill,
Bost horse rake,
Best reaper,
Bost mower,
Discretionary premiums
be given for articles nat. Viitimer
above list to the amonnt et $1:1.
!lest wheat.
2tl best do,
Bost Indian eon,.
2d best do,
Best onts,
Best buckwheat,
Best pair of home shoes,
do made meat vessel,
do cooking stove,
do washing machine,
de set forming liarness,
do set single harness,
du pair boots,
do pair shoes
do side sole leather,
do kip and cull-skin,
do side, hau•oess and upper,
do specimen of marble work,
do specimen of end.' and slow
do saddle nod bridle,
do two horse earriaf4e,
do boggy,
do lot Of cabinet ware,
do greatest variety of till
DOMESTIC MA N .1.1."1 . 1
Best butter,
2d best do,
ill best do,
Best cheese,
2d best do,
best do.
Best honey,
Best twoJouve4 of hrc:ui,
Best display of prea i•t's
Bent display of pickles.
Best specimen of hard
Best specimen of itilMiv
Best hearth roe.
2nd best,
Bost carpet.
2nd bent,
Best flannel,
2nd do,
2nd best do,
Best wool socks.
Best worsted do,
Best ornumentul neoMewurk,
Best silk embroidery,
Best worsted. do,
Best specimen of shellworh,
Best do waxwork,
Premium of 50 ecuLt Cikelt may
for meritorious articles not (mow
above list to the amount of $lO d
discretion of the Judges.
Boa and greatest variety el tipples
2nd best do,,
Best dozen fall apples,
2,1 bent do -
Best dozen winter do,
2d best do,
Bost dozen peaches,
2d best do,
Best pears,
2d best do,
Best plums,
2d best do, .
Best quince;
Bost native grapes,
2d best do,
Best display or grapes,
Best cranberries, (cultivated )
2d best do,
Best display of flowers in bloom,
2d best do.
Best variety of dahlias,
2d best do,
Best display of plants,
Best potatoes,
2.1 best.
Bost sweet potatoes,
Best half dozen tomatoes.
2d best do.
Best half dozen peppers,
Best " beets,
Best " parsnip;,
Best ." carrots,
Best " turnips,
Best " otlions,
Best stalks of cote' y.
Bost two heads of cabbage,
Best beans,
Best pair of turkeys,
!lest geese,
Best " ducks,
ilest " Shanghais,
Rest display of poultry,
The articles and stock exhibit
manufactured, raised or owned by
tor to Will° him to tho !amnia]
one dollar premiums a copy , of the
nut" or other publication for one 3
substituted. And instead of she p
food above in the Horticultural um
partmouts, literary premiums act',
or value mar be awarded.