Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 22, 1855, Image 3

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    ~.-• ==
foul ennui.
Agreeably to public notice, the Convention
met at the Public School !Luse, in the bor.
4ough of Huntingdon, and organized by elect.
log Daniel W. Womelsdorf, Esq., of Franklin,
President, and David F. Tussey of Pinter Sec.
rotary. . _ .
A motion was then submitted, requiring each
delegate to pledge himself that he has no con.
nection with the secret political organization
commonly called Know Nothings.
The resolution was adopted (only two dele.
gates Dr. Brown and David elmlit,on, Esq.,
from Cass, dissenting) and the following pledge
woe subscribed to by all of the delegates, ex.
cept the two abr.,: named, to wit. Whereas,
as te have net iii Convention in aecordauce
with the long.establi ••• 11'hig
Party of lltudingtle., • . , to',.uncle a
tie'-et 1,, 1, • I ..1 at Ow ensuing
! lt , : .t tt t.rttutt, tinder the
11, 111,0,6 Or
this C0nv,, , ... • . ' ~ and
tho 't ! !
anti t tst t. I tt
ever: T'oc,
R,solt••••1, 'flint we sincerely and truly
Our honor as men nod es Whip that •,••
no u.u,, r with the see:et .• •
unit •• Ktuov
any (ale., name whate , el ! tliat we aro Wh1.. , ,, iit
Ktith and practice, and nor no allegiance to
thrill or any other party that duea not endorse
rind curtain our principles of opposition 1., all
ouch secret and oath-bound political organiv,
Resotecd, That an fully, freely, and unreser
vedly- make and give the above pledge unto
each oilier, and as evidence of our political
faith and assent therounto, w•e do hereby sub
scribe our 111114e3.
On motion it was resolved to be ine4edient
to make any nominations fn. County Offices,
by the Convention at this time, but that n Coln•
mittee he elected to take into consideration, the
propriety of nominating a full Whig Ticket un•
der the new, apparently changed political con•
dition of the party in the county.
Ou motion'oln.; Committee illen proceeded
to elect the Committee pt:uuided in the above
rwolution, with power to nominate 11(1111 Whig
icdomeed expedient, or to meet a rite'•
Inr Committee to ho elected by the Democratic
Counly Comamtion, for the purpose of forming
0 ticket. to bo styperied at the coming election
by all trim are opposed to stmli secret, political
organizations, 0, bare ,orting Up 11115,0gA 00,
Within Ito last yew,
Daniel W. Womelsdurf, Esq., Lewil
Enode, Danid D. Wood, domes McDonald,
end Henry Cornprobst were declared US wing
MC duly elected members of thenforesaid Com.
oi. ~.o..'••• \\''. :11, E w:ts doe.
to I • , , to tilt, Whig State
;.r. • . '; ; ;,,,, to, Iforrislmtrg on
• !t. :tut Cod. dohs
it !,,. : ! as Httrilish,
F 1,11.1, L.l. 1 Ct./110.0e,, Or
Bli a,' 1 • I ~,,,, r 113.1 1/01.
Oa 1110ii ,, 11, ._ „o i,p titeir Presi
dent oppointt.ol It 1 • eoett tolvtisltip Its
ilk, Whig Coolity • . for the ensuing
',rite following gentletnon cottopose the Com.
titittec :
......„ .
Col. John A. Doyle, Hnutingdon ; Samuel
Wigton, Franklin; John hung, West ; John
I /can, Linn, Shirley ; Simon
Grat,i, Cromwell ; Isaac Smith, Coos ; James
McDonald, Brady ; David F. 'Vussey, Porter ;
John Davis, hliirris ; J,ort Cummins, Jack
son ; Wm. Hutchison, IVarriortmark ; Henry
I). ItoldAnn, ; R. Davidson, Barren ;
Isaac i h Penn.
On motion, the Convention adjourned.
Wheat Sprouting.
Even admitting that a larvae portion of the
wheat crop has been subjected to the lateheavy
rains, and sprouted in consequence, it by no
means follows that the farmer is 'ruined' and
a 'famine' inevitable in consequence. An
able article in the New Verb Tribune—a pa
per which is always thormOdy posted sp in all
important facts—completely knocks the wind
out of these 'sprouting' paniegnarkers. The
writer shows that when wheat is sprouted a
good winnowing machine will remove most of
the injured kernels which metre cycellent feed
fur animals. If there be a predominance of
sprouted grains in the print that goes to mill
it is not spoiled for food ; it is only spoiled for
light broad. Tie dough rising by the ordinary
process has a tendency to spread out and form
a sticking mass that will not be breaded into
loaves. It oaken good unleavened bread, and
is quite nutricious, with a sweetish taste.—
By many persons bread made or sprouted
wheat in pretered; but in market the least ap
pearance of grown kernals will injure the sale.
Some millers even contend that one per cent
of such kernels will injure the quidity of the
whole. It is therefore imp:staid to the larintr
that he should be very craefal to beep the
sprouted sheaves seperme fume 11: sound, and
should also seperate the sound s h e me
scund grain in uhtnowing, Ho her possible.
Henry Clay's Late Mansion.
A Sharp and spicy CMlL.Veniy II:t5 been go.
log on tweiat dot r elev. editor Prentice, of
Chu sville Journal and Mr. J. 1% Clay, a
son of Henry Clay, for the wanton tearing
Clown of the house in which tho great Stales•
man lived. In concludinz his reply to Prea•
tico, young Clay says :
"Except what havirbeen sold of these boxes
and woes deposited with Mr. John Wilson for
din purpose stated, the loan who says I have
sold one particle of the old tiltioce of my father's
is it liar and a villain, and 1, before Cod, pro•
nu nee him to be so." _ . .
" Prentice rejoins ut grand style, flooring his
antagonist at every blow'. We have rosin on
ly for the following extract :
..31r. J. r, . Clay says : -Was not the 111a1181011
tore down my mansion ? 1 did not inherit it
front my father Ind purchased it when oll'srod
by his executors at toddle auction to the high
est biller." Yes, BO doubt it not his man
sion ; and he was under no direct pecuniary ob
ligation to his father for it inasmuch as he
it from his flutter's executors and paid
,iur it. And Min is his excuse for its destruc
tion. It Ives his properly ; lie ountcd ;
had ri g ht to do what he pleased with it ;ho
had by lag as much control over it as over any
of his negro Inds ; and no, without a' thought,
of the immortal father whose presence had con
'SCUM,: every bison and rafter and plank and
stick and shingle to the hearts of hundreds of
thousands of American freemen he tore it down.
Ay he bethought hint Self that his legal title
mos good, that the law of the land could take
no hold out bits, that no one could prosecute
hint for damages, and so he demolished the sa
cred edifice witlmm remorse or emotion. Ile
says hittisclf thot he has been denounced 'both
in public and iu private for the deed, and we
can tell hint that the heart 0C the country revol
led at it evmi as that mighty heart would have
at t h e demolition of the Venerable mansion at
Mt. Version by the young seism of Washington
into whose hands it has fallen, and who, uo
doubt, hus as valid a title to it as Mr. J. B.
Clay had to the old 111.8 . 10111 or Ashland.
A WAGER.- A Mr. Ten-Eyck, or Louisiana,
has offered in the city of New York, to bet
$30,000 that lien. Pierce Will obtain twenty
Status, aril $.:t0,000 01010 that he will he elect
ed' President at the next eleetion, if noutinated
by the Peuteeraey.
(loon News ea: THE STAR GAZERS.—Those
who love to investigate the mysteries of the
starry hemisphere will be glad to learn that no
less than five of the planets are now visible.
• Venus can be seen about noon with the naked
eye, if the atmosphere is very clear. She will
be on the meridian at about 21 o'clock, P. N.
at a point four degrees south of the equinoctial
line. She reaches her greatest brilliancy on
the 25th inst. Jupiter is now the most con
spicuous glory of the night. lie passes the met
rblian a few minutes after midnight, running in
declination of 13 degrees south. Saturn is
visible in the latter portion of the night, rising
about one o'clock in the highs northern dccliva•
tier' of 22 degrees. Mars gets tip just before
daylight, and is consequently invisible. Those
who te eyes or glasses are good enough may get
s peep at Morse hal Very early in the morning,
as he rises ab , ,at toil:light sissy iu the north
east, his deelinc:ion la!ing those 18 degrees
nort h.
the ba., by.
1,, •'. Mr. Philip C. I.lozwol, of
, Ana Swope, of Coin town•
111 Nil T. EN. T. lE. T. EN. T.
Train leaves P.M. P.M. I'. M. A,M.
Petersburg, 2.45 9.07 3.52
Huntingdon, 3.02 0.22 4.09
Mill Creek, 2.15 9.43 4.18
Mt. Union, 2.33 2.47 4.31
Tien. Goma Wear.
Train leaves P.M A.M. A.M.
Mt. Union, 4.16 7.12 6.26 6,26
Mill Creek, 4.33 7.25 - 6.J9 6.39
Huntingdon, 4.48 7.38 6,21 6.52
Petersburg, 5.0:3. 7.42 7:03. 7.05
Flour—The stock continues very li7ht, but
there is no deomnd for expert, and vales are li
mited to the wants of the Leine trade, at :0,00
.(a it... 1,25 for coalmen and toad broods, and
80,50(0,10,50 for choice lots et,dra ;Ind fancy
family flour. Rye Flour nod Corn Meal are
scarce awl firmly held at previous quotations.
Grain—There iu more Wheat otliffing to-day,
(Ltd the, Market is dull ,s o t unsettled ; ;tom.,
9000(k10,000 buThedi were disposed of, mostly
in the forepart of the day, ;it kite daior ?
Io7e for fair prime red,, inclu
ding about dOO9 bushels choice Tennesseo rt
103 e ; 20(10 bushels to arrive, at a pries not
public!, and 2500 bushed; Southern whits
29(0 20 , i0, no in quality. AL the close there
51:111 bltyOri,of UM, rates.-
1( .to'l wanted; the last tales or 110 W
Curti continues in Moody
demand, whit but little ofrering ; ahout, LAO
boslatls'yell., brought 1.10(?. '',l9 rents ; ; t
sale of white was aI,A made, at tt, price pot pub
lic,. Oats are inactive, with further sales of
11000(q 10110 bttsltels Southern, mostly at 00(0)
400, including ,nme itititrior lots at less rates.
The subscriber is constantly manufacturing
Files and Rasps of superior quality anti at the
lowest prices, equal to the best imported goods
and much cheaper.
Maindiodurers and Mecbanics can ham
their old flies recut and made equal iu new, at
about half the original cost. Hat 2 inches
$2,00 per dozen ; Flat, 14 inches ii 2,72 per
dozen ; Saw-tiles, half round, Millsaw and oth
er files in proportion. Single files and frae-
Ronal parts of dozens charged nt the same
rules, and warranted satislactury:_____
No. GI New Street between Race & Vine 3;
Second and Third Ste. Philadelphia.
Aug. 22, 1855.-3 m.
Chambers burg & Bit. Union
rim e It o r r e ce t a
rho rostzeitortLonf
Chambershurg and lion of Sta g es sine
Union, cannot ho but
disadvantageous ton largo section to the country
has, at considerable expense and trouble, stile
arrangements to run a line of Stages Tri-weekly
between the two. paints. Good horses and eons,
fitrtable Stages have been Pl a ced on the route,
anti experienced and trusty drivers will superin
tend the running of the Coaches. 'the proprie
tor of the line is desirous that it Le maintabstal,
and he therefore calls upon the public generally
to patronise it; confident that it will be lot their
mutual advantage. Snore attention nevv.nry
will he given, and the running of tho Stages will
be vegeta,
Stages leave Mt. Uuiun, ovary Tuesday,
Thursday ' and Saturday oveninga, arriving at
Chambersburg the next day at 2 o'clock. Re
turning, lertve Chamber:dime tilo sonic night at
10 o'clock, arriving at Mt. Cnion early the fol
lowing evening in Ram for the Cars. Stages
stop at Shiricysharg, OrLisunia, Shade Gap,
Burnt Cabins, Fattnettsburg, llorse Valley,
Strasburg and Keeer's store.
Cr.,.V . Fare through to intermediate points
in proportion..
August 22, 1853.—tf.
Persons knowing themselves indebted to the
late firm or Fronk sad Noir or Marklusburg, ei•
ther by note, book ; or any unsettled account, are
hereby 'twilled that it settlement is not made on
or• hetm•o the Ist day of Noventher, their accounts
will he placed in the hands of proper officers for
collection. . _...—..
Aug. 22, 1635.-tn..
Broad Top Laud for Sale.
By virtue of a decree of the Court of Common
Pleas of Huntiagdon County, the undersigned
Committee of Williutu Settle, a Lunatic, will
sell at public Bala, a tract of land situate in Hope
well tun:whip, Huntingdon Co., adjoining lands
ofJohn Allowity, John Hoover, Isaac Cook and
others, containing about
119 Acres.
Sale will he lictll the tavern of Thomas
Spears, on Broad 'rup, on I lth Sept next, at I
o'clock, I'. M. Terms of sale, ono-third of the
purchase coney to be paid on confirmation of
sale and the balance in two equal annual pay
ments with interest to be secured by the bonds
fuel murigagos out the premises.
com. of William Settle.
Aug. 22, 1855.—15.
West Penis square, Philadelphia.
Organized on the plan of the Industrial Culla
gus 01 Continental Europe, and the only College
in the Union in which gentlemen graduate in the
industrial professions.
Third year, COMIII.CitIa DSO DAY, Soptem-
Ler 17th, 1855.
Mathematics nod Engineering , Prof. 8. LI Pea
wly. General and Applied Chemistry A. L.
Kennedy. Mechanics and Machinery, M. U.
Bundler. Geology, Alineralogy and Mining,
W. S. Howson. Architeal and Tepographl
Drawing, .1. Kurn. Modern Languages, V. De
For catalogues and Maher information apply
to A. L. KENNEDY, Pre.d. of Faculty.
Aug 22, 1855. 21.
Will sell off his summer stock of dress goods at
reduced prices.
The Scientific American.
The Eleventh Annual Volume of this useful
publication comment, on the lith tiny of
SeAtoinher next.
. . . .
The 'Scientiffe American' is an illustrated
periodical, devoted chiefly to the promulgation
of information relating to the various Mechan
ic and Cheinie Arts, hlt,tiial Manuliteturcs,
Agriculture, Patent Inventions, Engineering,
Millwork, and all 'literals which the light of
practical science is calculated to advance.
Itepurts U. S. 'Patents granted arc also pub•
reds, d every %reel: of
all Ow pa.ent new:: :Ihd
informatton upon thou:mods of oi l ier slthjeets.
ti: coi,trii , ,ts to the
are anion; the must Bcientiliu and
practical men of the tin,,. The EditoriAl
Department ho 01111 . 01,1011 11,1;11016.S. , 011 10 be
conducted with great ability, and to ho distin
guished, not only for the exec:ln.:co and truth
ful.s, of its disciussions ; but lin- the fini•less
liess with which error IS COIIII/111011 10111 fake
!henries are exploded. •
Meehnnics, inventots, Engineers, Clieinists,
Manufacturers, Agriculturists, end people of
every profession in Life, will find the
ie American to be of great value in their res
pective callings, counsels nad suAgestions
will save them, hundreds of dollars annually,
besides atibriling them a continual source of
knowledge, the experience of which is beyond
pecuniary estintatp.
The Sifientilic American it published once a
week ; every number contains eight large quar
to pages, forming annually a complete rind
splendid volume, illuatrated with several hun
dred original cno.ravin,.
giV . Speeimen copies ,ent gratis.
&Z•TERMS,—SingIe a
year, or tit Ibr six moth.. Five copies : fur
six month.:, ; fern year,
, .
For ruff', Club rates and air statement: of
the ['mirken largr cash prizes offimsl by time
publishers, see Scientific American.
Southern \\ tern Canaan, money, or
Post ()give Stamps, lulucu at par for sulmerip
Letter; ..,11311!.1 be dirceted to.
128 Colton Street, New York.
enihrficii,,, every Variety to be had,,,?'.. '
in Boston, New York and
subscriber has just received and pliers .'.•
extremely low. Ilis stock of STATI , t A 1! . :
is of great on niaty nod superior yntlity
lows t—Foolsem.s, Letter, Note end Wrnpl , in,
raper. Envelope.: of every kind; (101 l
Steel Penn, Portmonias, Pocket Osaka, I.
Kidoes, Pocket Knives, &e. School Books o:
every kind used in the country, 01 wholesale and
retail priem
- - -
1000 I'IP.CES WALL I'APEIt of the
latest prettie,t stylo:t,.jeqt re
e3ived and for sale at Philadelphia retail prices.
All the above stuck the public will lied it to
be to their interest to cull :111 , 1 examiho before
purchasing elsewhere, as he is determined to give
satisfitetion to evert• customer. Store opposite
Whittaker's hotel, Railroad street.
Huntingdon, April 10, 1055.-tf
2VVlD:ralErff 25.i' ILAW,
Attends to buying, selling and locating Lands
and land warrants, pays taxes, loans Money on
Heal Estate secnrity,on commission, examines,
and makes abstracts of title, &e. Any business
intrusted, will be attended to promptly and with
Refer to Hon. Hen. Taylor and Members of
the liar at Huntingdon.
May 1•Ith, 1815—Cmo.
Terror:: wishing the a!mve articles . , or either
or theta, will do well to call on the subscriber,
near Plane No. 4 Portage Rail Reel, where they
can obtain a good article and at it low price.—
There is a good way of shipping the articles,
either by Penna. Rail Road, or by Public Itn
',moments. Persons at a distally.° con obtain
the above articles by addressing the subscriber
at hemlock, Cambria County, Pa.
July 18, 1855-2 m.
MOTICE is hereby given to all persons who
.111 have already saltseribed townel the cree
tioa or a Met ho list Episcopal Church in the
htwon:.;ll or Ilmaingdoil, that Mr..lutnes Sax
ton has Loon apponitc,l treasurer °litho buil
ding coma:Mtn:. :nal that ha is authorized to
remit, payluctil . 9a Iho.;o subscriptions.
GEORG E W. G 1:`,7, LR,
NOTICE k hereby given that the partner:l6p
heretofore existing between the und,r,igtt
ad (trading under the firm of Conch & Dunn,)
is tie day dissolved by minim! cement. 'Die
book, or said tins are in the betels at' David
Dunn with whom nil concerned will please to
make immediate settlement.
April 10, 1655-If.
TUE partnership heretofore existing, between
Drs. Brown and flagerly is this day by no-
Vaal consent dissolved.
All persons knowing thetnsiilvos indebted to
tho soul firm, will please call sod settle their
accounts without delay.
11. L. BROWN,
March 27 1855—tc.
67.4 1)1;..1. R. lIEWI'Vr, Surgeon
71 Dentist, respectfully pliers his
prokssional cervices to those who
may wislt operations on tbc teetli. ()dice with
1), Hewitt, ..".lexaiciria, Iluntiugtion Co.. Pa.
April IS, 1055-6 m..
1 TH still have a few of thu celebrated "Reel
VV (drilla ou and and for sale, being
Itaxions to elusc out, wilt sell theta low, and
warrant them to work
Mill Creek, Aug. 8, 1835—Gt.
(1 ENT Cray eta and Scarfs ()revery variety.—
also Gray Stocks, just received told for sale
by J. & W. SAXTON.
JUST receiving, this week, Mackerel, Herring
c., and fur solo by J. 4: W. SAXTON.
VISIT, Salt, Plaster, Nails, Iron and Steel, till
kind, of country product, taken in exchange
Cur Goods ut the sturo of
A tal ,.„, ,; triuly of Ital . or
1.4 (1 1 ,.. , )K til.k....e3,jutr,i.l:ll;c!!‘..iiii&urut:vbal
List of Premium:,
To be awarded by the Agricultnral Society
of Huntingdon county, at the Fuir to he held
at Huntingdon ou the 10th, l 1,11 and 12th of
October, 1032.-
i . ILL ,S tc: is
Best Stallion,
2il best do,
Sd best do,
Best two or tlir, yeor old colt, 3
Bost, sitchio;; colt. utiler I year,
Pest brut,ll mare,
NEAT ST( )(21.
Best pair of working oxen,
2il best do,
2d hoot do,
2d best do,
11,1. vow,
2 , 1 best tlo,
Best 2 year old heifer,
it 2 It ti . It
hest lot of calve,,,
line wooled Itto:1,,
2 , 1 I.test, do,
Best Solttlidown do,
Best lung-w , ,01,1
2‘l beg do,
Bed. lot, of fine ewe:,
2a hest do,
lied lot of low; wooled do,
Best lot or ~,Litiohvo:
Tle,t boar,
2,1 hest du,
best du,
liest sow,
2d latt,
Best litter ul'lri s;
PLO W N (.;
n(,i;ic[i,ll:¢AL IMrla;2l]:Nl'
Best Plow, 3 00
Best harries, 2
Best eultivatim,
Best side hill plow, 3
Best windmill,
Best wheat Mill, :1
liret et m drill,
Best horre rldt , 2
Best realm•,
Bert mower, :1
- Disuretionary Inemitinis ut tam iLllttv mite
be give❑ Mr articles nut minim:ruled iu tic
thorn list to Um tonount of $l2.
Best. wheat,
2d ben, do,
13i , st. Indian corn,
:2.1 1,1:. du
! .
:11:(2,11ANI(.' \ INIPLE \NI)
do side sub: hmthyr, 1
do.kip nod call,kin, 1
do sidc, harue, ::id upp,r, I
do A 1,1,111 1 ,01 or tuavblo work, I
do 61,, , , bu,tt of earthen awl gunk; once, 1
do ..',11,, ;:hd bridle, I
do Imo bw,..rrive, 2
do buggy,l
do la of c,bin,•l warp, 1
du I.lrenic it variety or tin ware. 1
Best butter,. 1 00
2,1 best 0,1, 3
3d best do, 2
Best clie,e,
al bust do, _
3,1 best do, 1
Best Inmey, 2
Best two loaves or Mem:,
Best dispiny or, lir,: C. 1 . 1,, I
liest display eriiiickles. 1
test specimen 0r Itard ;wail, 1
licit :iput,ilnen or Isillqvi candle., I •
Best hearth ru.4, 1
2n,1 best, 50
Best carpet, , 3
2.1 beet, 2
Best flannel, 3
2nd do, 2
Wiest quilt, It
2ud best do, 2
Best wool socks, 1
Best worsted de, 1
Best ornamental liccillework, 1
Best silk embroidery, 1
Best worsted de, 1
liest spechuen of sbellwork, 1
Best du waxwork, 1
l'realitous of 50 cents each may be nwartioa
ol,:riogi4ots articic, not 4munterated in this
ahoy, the amount of $lO dollars at the
di•,cutio, ols the J
irou lici . i,TurtA I.
111,,t and great .L yariQty ul tLiplvs, 3 00
2.1 hcst do,
Ilod do,.en roll ni.,.1.. , !, 2
2d Dust do 1
11,4, ,11 , 4cii whiter du, 2
2(1 li,:st, do, I
licit dozen peituttei, '
2,1 best .10, 1
Best licurs, 2
2tl I,st du, 1
Best /dittos, 2
2d bust in I
Best quineuv, 1
Best native grapes, 2
2d'best do, 1
Best display of grapes,
Best enitiburries. (cultivatud) "
2tl best du,
Best display of lluwecs in blutao, 2 00
2d best do. 1
Best varicty of dahlias, 2
2d hest do, 1
Best display or plains,
neSt VIA:I.On,,
21 Lest.
Bcst SW,A at' /1,,
BOA halt 04 , 111 tointitous,
2.1 best do.
• huirduheit
" bee.,
iivst " parsnips,
Best, " carrots,
Best. " turnips,
Best " (ado.,
Bust " stalks of calory,
Best two heads of cabbage,
Bart beaus,
PO u um.
Best pair of turkeys,
lkst " gem,
Best " ducks,
Best " Shanslud,,
Best display of poultry,
'rho sartieles and stoat exhibited innst be
mannlin:lured, raised or owned by the exhibi
tor to entitle hint to the premium. Fer the
ono ilullue premiunti a copy of th e j ou ,
nal" or other publicatiou for one year may be
ruh.tlituted. And in.:toad of the premiums of.
lured above in the Horticultural and Floral de
pertinent., literary premium., ulequal of grottl•
, :aux
$5 00
Thc Creaks! . I %,lical Ilivrovery Age id
AYERS cwriciirric rims.
They don't help complaints, but they citre
One Box has Nava DyFpri'Fia.
Three Boxes have cured the worst vacs of
Two Boxes have Caeca Erysipelas.
Tln•oe Boxes are sure to eleansthe system from
Beihi—often less than one lines it.
s lioxeis hove completely cured the tvorst
of ulcers on the Icr.s.
Small dos., sehl9m fail to cure the Piles.
One. dose cores the headache arising fruit a
foul stomach.
Strong doses often repeated expel every worm
from the body. They should be given to chil
dren, who ore olwapt Moro ur less afflicted with
this ,cottrge... . .
As as gentle Physic they have no equal.
One 800 mares derangement ui the Liver.
Haifa Mu surest' Cold.
'They purify the blood, and thus strike tat flat
foundation of every disease.
As a Dinner Pig there ia not .heir equal la
tee world.
They are purely vegetable, anal can do no
Immo, hut do of:cowl - titbit nu unaccountable
amount of QllOll.
Prepared by 1)11. J. C. AYER, Lowell, Moss,
and ,1 by every respectable Druggist in New
T1108.11E:kr) & SON, lloutingdon, 130.
('1!1:11 & PORTER, Alt,audria, Ea., J. 11.
11g1MMER Co. Wu! er , lreet, EA,J. kl. ROL
LER, retorshurg, itna by ail dealers everywhere..
Aug 15, 1853--211.
An napeOven:out worthy of the Pro
gressive ,t_ge.
mte eeeehh. kith o of
the ,c nelinowlo4! ! , e.l Ly :1;1 wii.,
'moo them in use. .1:1 Icy fr. - cry 000 who
IH•to, tc, Ice :!trer',or to alinhing ,r the
. .
- .
They zti'c tondo of the best material, ttmlor the
nuervision of the sub...cri!,er, ‘‘ . lu is peen red
them ot :my point in this or the adjoi:l--
ing counties. This itmchine po,sesse , many 1,1-
mitagcs over .y °tin, of tine 1:in01, from the
tio, it in no manner veers the eloth:.:11.:,
som., eh:l is e;;F-ier
Klee ramie.; from to SCVCII
tie ent.,erlher to give
eniire satisna.;ion. it it• ~re, not erytLing
he so._ ., ,ire chart, trill be mule. A trial is
v0r...,1y invite.? 1r..1 locket satisfaction wee
rmittol. A strong rt, t.minemlattwi for the Ina
chi. is the ittunLer niread.y
SO 30
Any pw,on who w;, , 1n,..nn; or t:iesa nutic lei,
can be accommoLlo,ted by nadressing
. _
'WM:MI.:RA' AN!) MECHANICS' 1 , 11`,E
coma Second not) Walnnt streets.
P.MLI /)
CAPITAL S.tdo,ouo.
Tlds Company effects Fire Insurance oh Buil.
diugq, Goo,h,l!tniturc.&e.
, ......—..
" CARGO, To all ports in the World.
- • - • - • - - •
Inland insurances on Goods by rivers, lake , ,
canals, railroad, nod land eaTriage to all parts of
the Union.
Also, insurance itpon LIVES, upon the most
favorable terms.
Hon. Thomas B. Florence James E. Neal],
George H. Armstrong, Chnrles
Edward I'. Aliddleton, Ed. R. Ilelmbuld,
Heorge Ileltnho F. C. Brewster,
'l'homn• Mrinderfield, Tonne Leech,
EDWAIID R. Llm.sinot.n, See'y
Will. ItICEIVSTER, Agent,
and tha public geocndlr tint he has sunned
his shop to the building or And. Harrison, for
nicely occupied by hint as Collector's office,
Hill Ht.
Where he intends carrying on the Tailoring
business on such trims as will not fail to give
satisfaction to all that may flivor him with flair
Ito wishes to return thank., for the liberal pa
tronage heretofore received and hopes by strict
attention to business to merit a continuance of
the same. ENOS 11. KULP.
April to,
Drs. D. 11.,, C. 1V!. (;ratios, havh2g form
ed a I\ partm,,hip, under the title of
Brute Gratius, rd!'er their procc.,icautl,,,i
ces to the citizylli of Alexandria, red 11.3 our
runialing country.
011iet.—that formerly occupied by Dr. liourz.
DANIEL iturrz, m. 1).
14'.N1. CillAlfll7:4, M. D.
June C., 1833.-3 m
TOSEPII DOUG LASS, in McCunncllstown
has constantly on hand, v. 4 mania rifles,
:mil is prepared to make and repair Cons of all
kinds at the slantest noCee.
April 21, 1555-Iy,
CLOTHS ./IXD C./1.0131E11.E5,
plain and fancy, at very low prices, at the store
01' Otto. GWIN
WBEAT by the bushel and Flour oy the barrel
I fur sale at the cheap new Store of
IyttEn g
APPLES, peeledand unpack:ft just
, reavirc:/ and for sale by
E White
N.til rud Iron, ill,c rceeived
Ig - , : , 21(1 . . , : ) , 1 r t‘ t " ..71 A well-selectul lot of Earthen
N ails and spike, A
42,011Crai ilsiortilletil
( . 111.VElt Butter liflivvs, and Salt Spoons, at
E. Snare's (!:,eid, Jewelry Store,
DARASOLS the very best tlnelity r,,na ;3
▪ to MO each for sale by
Tyra: WHITE LEAD, just received end Per
▪ sale by J. & AV. SAXTON.
1 , 111 , 1 f il m,: a,ortment of Boots awl Shoat
ever uttered in town, Par sale low by
.1. tg IV. sAxroN.
Gold ll'atChe. AY illbu sold by Nit. tiNsAt
Mar then elsewhere.
L)!1 IMEEELS No. 1 Herring, j d
,just arrive
and ler sale at the store of
300 mJS. Coro for halo by
pc,k shud uucl Hue llcrritt d just received by
IAIWET Haw, Looking 1.;:at,.. 'ft titika,
•.• C‘VIN,
C. G. Huss., C. %V..,
Wholesale Deniers in Proe•isions,
F;i4E PI r, :i.vo'nvi/ sioN
Mr:FtCHADIT3,„ _
Nu. :125, Liberty Slime!,
TT51:1.71(;, P.l.
neve now on hand a very large and choice
.noel; Thwon, to which we partienlarlv denim to
invite oar friend= and dealer, generally.
May 9,1555.-7 m.
7 . .t•
it may concern that li•oni tel all, set•
tic:meat lit the Comity A mlifors i:f
Comity, (in ;liinuary I& f) no claim c r cirri:::.
by any person, against said County on nee: .ii
or any reel or bridv viow, or xe, ie. ,
imy kind rendered ~ainv, and w hieh. i , f
older standing il!an years, will be idlowed ii
settlement by sail .Inditor.: , all demand,
unealled ihr and unclaimed tip to the time sin,
cilied, will be comidered as forfeited and forevel
shut mit ; and the certificate, (mice oe paper or
whieli it is predicated, rejected and thrown ash!,
as a cancelled p,!,er.
1.1 . 11 OrtoTSLEY,
'PERRY l‘looltE,
91s. _--.;; ~
Where may hc obtained the most speedy rein•
v for
iiEcizET I)ISEA.S3;S.--Glects Strictures ;
i-leminal ii saltness, Pain in the Loins, Affection,
of the Kidneys, nail all those peculiar talectiont
atiming from a secret Imbit, pertieularly the youth
of both sexes, which if not cored, 'produces
stitutional debility, rendering marriage impossi
ble, and in the end destroys both Mind and Body.
Young Men,
especially, who have become the victims of Sol-
Vioe, that dreadnll and destructive habit
which an a uoily tl an untituely grave thou
snmli of young. men of the most cxabed tnlents
and brilliant int,bcct, ,:yo might other,7l,e Lave
entranced listc.nim; clones with the thunder, of
elquence, OV W:11,211 to ecstacy the living lyye,
unty call with full con!,denve.
:cteric:l p rf;11111,
or those comempho log marriage, lain;; aware u.
physical ivcal,nc,,, slomld imir.ediatoly coastal
i)r. J., :old I.c rc " health.
oillee Nu. 7 South :Fredric!, Bt., t.ltrea tluor,Crottt
Baltimore Btr,et, ea t side wit the steps. K , i1 . " 33e
particular in rthtniniot, the wt"•e anl tutsulter, ur
2mtt IN ill tuft tal.e the phtee.
onv to iv.,
TAKE Johnqton's 111111,
thl Stel ,4 . Ills very c,,ten.ive prnc
llel' i 5 it i;uarantee, that he the Ullly
,41)ev I,Lvsician to 1,1,1,13 I
1)r. ton. p,:lher ! '` . I Cu;;. ...
: . ,
va,st ' of Cio 1 I
111 C t. erir 1:1: 11. , ' :I •
bled with ringing in the ears and ! •..I wht n
ttrdeep, great nervommess, being v,lara.c.i at sud
den so ands, and bashfulness, with frequent blush
ing attended sometimes with derangement of
mind, were cured immediately.
A CI.T.VIN Disr..,r.—lt is a melancholy feet
that thowands fell ViVtims to this horrid disco
Oct Mg to the unskilfulness or ignorunt pretenders
who by the use of that 'deadly poison Mercury,
rain the Constitution, causing the twit scrious
simptc.nis of that dreadful disease to mai., their
appearance, such as ull . ections of the head, e,
throat, skin, etc., progressing frith frightful ra
pidity till death puts it period to their dre;tqCl.l
setlering, by sending them io that Bourne whence
no traveler returns.
'flan PA c n Nor ion.--Young men who
have injured them-elves by a certain practice in•
dillged'in when alone—a habit ftoquentlx learned
from evil companions, or at school—stint effects
of which urn nightly felt, even whoa asleep, and
if not cored renders marriage impossible, and de
stroys both mind and body.
What a pity that a young man, the hope alas
country and the darlingof his parents should be
from all prospects and enjoyments of
life by the consequence ofdeviating from the path
of nature and indulging inn cextain secret habit.
Such ',ems boded. contemplating Marriage,
should reflect that in sound mind and body are
the most necessary requisites to promote connu
bial happiness, Indeed without these, the jour
ney through life becomes a weary pilgrimage,
the prospect hourly darkens to the view, the
mind becomes shadowed with despair, and tilted
with the melancholy reflection, that the happiness
of another becomes blighted with our owl..
es young men, and all who have injured tilem.
selves by private and improper indulgme•
are F,OlllO of the ;ad and
melancholy effects pcodneed by early habits t
Youth, vizi Weakness of the hack and Limbo,
ihans in the heed, Dimness of Sight, Loss of
Muscular power, Palpitation oleic Heart Dys
pepsin, Nervous Irritability, Detangements of the
Digestive Funetiom, Cencrel Debility Symptoms;
of Consumption. te.
MENTALLY—The fearful cfrects on th r: slo
much to be dreaded; Itco, (df ineawy,
of ideas, Depression el' Spirit, Soil Forts ,
Aversion to Society, Sell Distrust, Love ot .
the., arc some of the coils produced.
'Thousands of persons of all VIS,CII.II notrjn I,c
what is the cause of their declining health. 'toe
ing their vigor, becoming weak, ',Mellott emticia.
cod, hare singular appearance about the oyes,
tough and spatulas at consumption.
Married persons, or those contemplating mar
riage, being aware of physical weakness, should
immediately consult Dr. J. and be restored to per
fect health. Offlee, No. 7, South Frederick-St.,
Baltimore, Md.
ALL SunetcAL pormaytons PEuronorn.-
11. 11. Let no Ibis° delicacy present you, but ap
ply immediately either personally or by letter.
Skin Diseases Speedily Cured,
To STRANGEII3.—The many thousands mad
nt this Institution within the last ten years, and
the numerous important Surgical Operations
performed by Dr. imessed by the Reporters of
the papers, and many other persons, notices of
whath have appeared again and again before the
public, is a sunietent guarantee that the afflicted
will find n o:filial morhonorable physician.
As there moo so many ignorant and worthless
quacks advertising themtelves as Physicians,ruin
ing the health of the afflicted Dr. Johnston would
ray to those unacquainted with his reputation that
his Credentials Diplomas nlways hangin his
Weakne , , itnmediatuly curud,
friir All I, I ,i , l—ren,clics sett by
May I
1' No. 2 Sltuvel;, jt.t reed.
1 ' by J. & W. XTON.
A of Berago do Leine I'm:-
in the piece, front I?4ots up to CO
etc. per yard, just received end for solo by
J. 6. ll'. .S.'AXTO.N.
rrlly. best assortment of 11,tiery in town con
sisting of Ladies, Gentlemen, Miss. Mill
Children of ovory variety for salt: by
"TAMS, SHOULDERS, and Mita just recut.
-Lived and for side by
Teheapest and hest lot of Malley Berege,
out Bcrage (Jo Loins, elso Satins iust reed
and for sale by J.& w.
A Clmice lot of driud beef ,i'dst end
tor .ale la the new store of
"ft 1:11. Shot:: L. I 1 i;.;
Ai 1 H;CE 1,1,A N.EO US.
,- ,LJEapii . vLTI,-,:yys - y ..r..-2',..fi1i1,`,Y
RF UM - 11F S
Issued tinder the seal, sanction and authority
Free Medicine
VANIA, APRIL 29, 185 a.
-I Jl4,ltsiliil 510.1,-,f1111d2
Also for supplying the Community
itL relia
ble remedies wherever a Competent Physician
canuot or will not be employed, have purehaaed
!rota Dr. JOHN It. ItOWAND, his celebrated
RowaLd's Tonle Mixture .
I:von•n fin• uplverds of twenty-five years uc
the ,ely sure tool ,afe care fur
Awl hi- inestimable remedy
Which approved and popular Reme
dies, tottetlier with the University's lietnetly in
Complaints of the lungs,
The University's Remedy for Dyspepsia or
The University's Remedy for Costive Bow•
Al,ri the 1 lniecrf.ity's Almanac may be bad.
at the I3rancli Dispensary, or Store of
Moore & Swoope, Alexandria, llunt. Co., Pil
'rho,. Head, & ion, llnntimeu,
William liell, LI - 44 it
Hessler & Dro„ Mill Creek, "
D. P. Kepner, Mbliintown, Juniata "
Itenner & Crawford,Phompsontown "
Thos : Dia7holter, 112.10 ersyn " "
1). Gingrich (7o: "knw Mexico, •'
Jonathan Zeller. Litton, Cumberland
W. S. l'rowell, New Cumberland 6 ,
L. 1.1.
F Cnslow, Milton If
James Bleakle'y, Franklin. Von:lngo "
Is( Thompson, Thmemisville, Bluir, cc
Pont Bops, Franklin Forge,
(k Ber , i,treser, Frrinkstowu, " "
I). Willlines, ti
11. Myers,
J. 'l'bu n
11VS .11, I lead Crook.' "
litulage, Williaroburg,
T. Foils, 2nd Lock below "
I;iukaid linury Yellow Springs, "
E. Goodfellow, Hollidaysburg,
Jacob Alclutvre, 11arausburg, '
I:.:tic Wayncsbove,
l"kry Orr, liollidaphurg,
,l•; mss Bell, Johnstown,
E. Lamhert,,,, Franklin,
J. M. William, McVey:Aiwa,
J. IL Smith, :Newton Hamilton. 'tt
P. C. Craiac, "
lit it L.
Strodo,,lr., Strotle'slls
Mary Marks, Lewistown,
A. W. Moss, "
G. IV. Buchanan, hlcVeytono, .".
tr. Son, Johnstown, Cambria
EiviintlotMN Highly Concentrated
L. Diseases of the Bladder told Ki Incpi ()b.
structions of tho Urine, Chronic Gonorgoic
Oleos, Weaknesses, and all clfsoascs
tho Sexual Or-ana
whatever rause they may have originated.
0,1 no matter of how long stamliog.
It you hero contFnetcil - the terrible disease,
v when once seated in the system, will gu
down from ono generation to another, undermi
ning the constitution and snapping the very vital
fluids of life, do not trust yourself in the hands
of Quacks, who start op every day in a city like
this, and fill the papers with glaring falsehoods
too well calculated to derive the youngund those
not acquainted with their tricks. You cannot
he too careful in the selection of a remedy in
these cases,
been yroiniineetl by eminent physician:
It is n inedieine perfectly Plonstuit in its taste
and very innocent in its actidn, iqtl yet so thor •
°ugh that it
of the rank nod poisonous virus of this dreadful
disease ; and, unlike other remedies it does not
dry up the diseuse !ti the blood.
Constitutional Debility.
l•rosght on by self-abuse, a roost terrible dis
ent.e, midrib has brought thousands of the hu
man ruse to untimely graves, thus blasting the
brilliant hopes of parents, tool blighting iu the
bud the glorious ambition of many a noble
youth, can bo cured by this
And as a medicine which must benefit everybody
from the simply delicate to the confined nod do.
fludring invalid, no equal is to be found,
fielmbold's Ilighly , Concentrated
For purirying the Blood, removing nil iliscasus
arising from excess of Memory, from
any exposure in life, chronic constitu
tional disease, nrisiti,g from au im
pure state of the BlOod,and the
',illy reliable and effectual
known remedy out,
for the eure of
Scrofula Salt
Rheum, -
Scald Bead,
Ulcerations °title
Throat and Legs,
Pains and Swellings
of the Bones, Totter, Vint
pies on tha Face, and all sca
ly Eruptions of the Skin, 4, AC.
This article is now proscribed by sonic cif the
newt dictinguishcd Physicians in the country,
awl has proved more efficient in practice than
preparation of Sarsaparilla yet Wilfred the pub
lic. Several cases of secondary Syphilis, Mer
curial and Scrofulous diseases have entirely re
covered in the incurable wards of our Public In
stitutions which had for many years resist e d ev
ery mode of treatment that could be devised.—
These eases knish striking es;amples of The
saltitary effects of this medicine iu arresting
some of the most inveterate diseases, after the
glands were destroyed and the hones already af
NOTlCE.—Letters froin responsible Physi
cians nod Professors of several Medical Colleges
and certificates of cures front patients will he
found acconipanying both Preparations,
Fluid Extract of Roan, SI Louie or ti hot. $3
6 4 Sarsaparilla. `• " " "
equal in strength to one 'gallon Syrup of Sarsa
Prepared and sold by H. T. lIELMBOLD..
Chemist, 263 Chestnut St., near the Girord
Loose, Philadelphia.
To ho had at Thos. Rend di Son, Huntingdon,
Pa., and of Druggists and Dealers everywhere.
tri - All Letters di•rrted to the Proprietor or
rteare immediate (Weak,.
!Roy 13, 1833-Iy.
A FINE Ltsgortment of Linea Coats, Vests
and l'auts from el upwards for solo nt the
cheap clothing store or ROMAN.
rpnE hest assortment of Carpet over offered,
41- quid at lower prices than eon be got at any
other establiehment. Just received and for sale
by J. & W. SAXTON.
I UST mcuivetl nud to; sale—Mackerel. Sbad
!!,rrit,.. nom ; Codibli, by
1. 11. z. , A xros