)wfiio -----.*-;.- , 4 -- . 1%.* A. _ ''' , ~. ~ .e- - R"- 1 . ' ,_,------ - - :---('-- -- It, " • -- ‘-:.‘ - ;:s'- , • -, - , ,--- ,r mss , '...,: ~:,- -,-- .. • -t—, -,i) c-- viv,crt.NEßAxt • ~. -"fr -... -.,. , • ~,,,, :%.:. - Wednesday Morning, Angust. 22, 1855. WILLIAM nut:mama, ? Emons. SAM. G. IV IEfiIrAKIER. The •`.llOlliN AL , has 300 Subscri bers more, Hwy' any . other paper fat this county. Agents for the Journal. The following persons we have appointed Agents for the liusrmsooott JOURNAL, who are author ised tort:moire and receipt for money paid on sub seription, and to take the names of new subscri bers at our published prices. We do this for the convenience of our subscri bers living at a diSDIRCO front lluntingdun. JOUN W. TRIOMPSON,Esq., Hollidaysburg, SAMUEL COEN, East Barren, GEORGE W. CORN cm., Cromwell township. Hutinv Itunsoa, Clay township. Davin LTNIRE, Cromwell township. Dr. J. P. Asucon, Penn township, Wawdtst Ma.rrzun, Franklin township, SAMUEL Scarsay, Jackson township, Col. JNO. C. WAvsoN, Bra.ly township, MORRIS . DROWN, Springfield township, Wet. IIUTUDINSON,Ewt., WitlriurSllMCE Gtionon W. WIIITTAKI,U ; Petersburg, Hexer NEFF, West JOHN BALSII,ICIi, Waterstrect, Maj. Citanrd:s !‘.T,CKLEY. Tod LOWIIiIIIII, A. M. BLAIR, Dublin township, Gummi, WiLsos ' Esq., Tell township, • JAMES CLARK, llirmingbam. biarmintEr. LYTLE ' Esq., Spectre Creek. Maj. W. Mount:, Atexandria. B. P. Ward..tce, Union Foresee. Stimosr WRIGIIT, Eeq., Union township. DAvtn CLARKSON, ' Ca. township. SAMUEL Wei roc, Esq., Franklin township. DAVID PARE., Warriommark. Davin Au tit.ta, Todd township. bp.. if. Aixamt S ' untE, Rollin i p. To Correspondents, We are receiving an almost infinite num ber of communications. We will have to beg our friends to "May their hands." The communication relative to school affairs is respectfully declined. It would provoke an endless controversy. Miss Ws 'line,' imrharei may appear next is sue. It is accepted. Our "Kate" will be about next week, with another pieee of original poetry. Katy, be a little more brief, next time. OUR BOOK TABLE Godey's Lady's Book for September is before us and is brilliantly illuminated with very splendid engravings. Send and get it. Only $3 a year. The Yankee Nutions has also been re ceived, and a more fun-provoking, side tickling affair, we never knew. The pre cent number is, emphatically, worth the price of the year's subscription. Great Central Camp Meeting. We are requested to inform our readers that a Camp Meeting of tho Methodist E piscopal Church, wilt be held near Tipton Station on the Pen nsy I van ia Rail road, com mencing on the 24th inst. 'Pickets at half the usual price, will be issued by the Pa U. li., to remain good until the close of the meeting. All the trains on the load will stop at that point, and persons can lea 4 at almost any hour they desire. It is repre sented that there is plenty of house-room for the accommodationof visitors, THE WEATHER Dean Swili.—Pray, do you retnember any goad %tether at the world ? _ - COndryman ue Loot,.—Yes, Sir, I thaiA; God I remmaber a great deal of good weather• in my tline. Dean Su:A—That is more than I can say. I never remember any weather that was rut too but or too cold, too wet or too dry ; but God Almighty contrives it, at the end of the year 'Lis all vary wall. (The Dean pas on die hat, and exit.) Last year we had a 'parched Drought. The earth was parched and baked, vege tation was burned up, and grain and fruit destroyed. Not only Farmers, but Met. chants, Preachers and Newspapers, all over the Union, were complaining and la menting over the unaccountable and terri ble weather by which we were afflicted, and the crops ruined. This year, it is just the reverse. Hain falls in floods. Grain sprouts in the head, and Hay rots in the field, from excess of moisture. And here wo arc again, all grumbling and grievinp;over the unaccoun table and terrible weather, by which our hopes are blasted. Certainly something about the matter is wrong. But whether it is in the weather which it pleased a Wise Providence to send, or in the men who neglect to make provision against the weather's changes, is a point at least worthy of consideration. In Egypt and parts of India not a drop of rain falls during the whole summer.—. Nevertheless, they contrive to raise wheat barley and millet in abundance. We un derstand this is done not so much by grum bling at the Drought, as by using cisterns, wells and streams to irrigate the hind. In England, it is rare to have as clear a Harvest season as even this. Nut unfrc fluently there is not a day of uninterrupted sunshine for alumni,. Yet they manage to get in crops very much like ours. We have uo doubt put up a reasonable amount of complaints, but they also thatch their shocks of grain over with straw, so that the rain will run ofl, while the interior is dry tug, It is true that the Egyptians are only half-civilized pagans, and that the English are little better than foreigners ; while we arc native born Republicans and Christ ians. Nevertheless, we are not prepared to pronouce that they arc altogethcr,wrong to this matter, and that we are right in as sinning the Weather to be the only one to :dame. THE NEWS Gr• nu WEEK. 'rhe steamship Ainslie:it, arrived from Liverpool, on the 17th inst., at Boston,— The news she brings is of no Very great importance. An additional loan of £7,000- 000 has been voted by the British Perlin 'sent, for carrying on the war. A mem ber of Parliament, has asked the govern meet to furnish information "on • the very important subject of the neutrality of the United States." • Lord Pahnerstone replied that en arrangement had existed ut Halifax by which persons going there from any quarter whatever might be enrolled, but it appearing that it led to questions whether or not the laws of the United States had been violated, the British Government be ing desirous that no such questions should by possibility. arise, has put an end to the enlistment of forces at Halifax. Spain a grees to send a legion into the Crimea pro vided England will guarantee to her the possession of Cuba. It is thought Eng land will make the guarantee, by die con sent of France. A French despatch from Sevastopol, says that the approaches on the side of the Malakoff, advance consider ably. They now touch the place. Ever ything is prepared for a general action in about fifteen days. The Viceroy of Egypt is negotiating with the Bedouins to serve in the Crimea. A London newspaper says that the siege of Sevastopol is about to be raised ; and that a communication .had been received from Germany by the Western Powers which may lead to startling results. —The sea serpent, which liar created such as stir in the country, and whose ex istence tvas believed only to have a place in distempered imaginatiens, has been not only seen, but actually caught in a small lake in the interior of New York. How he came there is a mystery ; but it is pre sumed the take has communication with the ocean. 'l'he particulars of his capture, his appearance, and so on, are given at some length in the Philadelphia North American of the 17th inst., front which we get our information. The snake was captured by a few old whalers, who harpooned bite. The snake is fifty-nine feet five inches in length, and is said to be a most disgusting looking creature. The head is about the size of a calf's ; within eight feet of it the neck gradually swells up to the thick ness of a foot in diameter, which continues for fifteen inches, and then tapers down the other wa, constantly increasing in size however, as . it recedes from the head, un dl the monster has a diameter of over two feet in the centre, giving a girth of over six feet. - It then tapers off towards the tail, which ends in h fin which can be ex panded in the shape of a feu until it is I .three fret across, or closed in a sheath.— • The whalenten contemplate keeping the monster in his present position until an a gent of Air. Barnum arrives,.who has been telegraphed.. This is' as we receive it ; and whether it ben hoax or not, we are un• able to say. We shall know fora certain. ty by our next issue. —Official returns from 74 counties in ' Kentucky, and the reported majorities from remaining counties, reduce the majority of Morehead, (K. N.) for Governor to 4200. From the eighth Congressional District, official returns give A K. Marshall, Amer ican, a majority of 1410 over Harrison, Dem. In the 10th district, the official re. turns give Swope, American, over Harris, Dem. a majority of 405. The vote for Congress in tat eighth district of North ! •Carolina, resulted in the election of Cling man, Dem, over Carmichael, Amarican , by a majority of 1493. The South Caro lina Know Nothing. State Council has abol ished the Catholic test, and allows any na tive to join the order who renounces all civil allegiance -to any foreign potentate. —Canal Coal, said to be of excellent quality, has been lately discovered in But ler County, Pa., by a company of eastern capitalists who Lave been exploring for a, and have bought up the land. The veins are from two and a half to five feet thick, and the basin, as far as explored, extends from North Washington northeast to Per ry township, Armstrong county. —The Yellow Fever has broken out in Virginia, with great violence. In Ports mouth, on Thursday, there were fifteen new cases of yellow fever, and twelve deaths. The fever at Norfolk is increasing. In Baltimore, $5,000 has been raised for the sufferers. Five deaths and three new cases of yellow fever occurred at Rich mond on Thursday. The Great Mistake. The lamentable mistake which tha A merican Party has made, and which it does not appear to wish to rectify, is per mitting old, worn•out, miserable party hacks, to act as their bellwethers. It will not do. The sovereign people aro not go ing to be hoodwinked, bamboozled, and pulled round by the noe, by men who pro fess what they do not practice. It won't do. We know individuals who have the audacious effrontery, to wish to be consid ered leaders of oSamism," who, no long er than the lute Presidential election, de clared upon the stump, 'although every seal should forsake the good old ship of Whig principles, yet t./" will stick to her and 1 will perish with her." This bom bast is flaw entirely forgotten, and why ? Because them is a chance for office. Oh tempera ! Now we do not often tender advice, but we would merely suggest the propriety of kicking every known office seekct ant at the pithy. The Territory of Kanzas• The eyes of America are upon this new territory, the very noise of which, but t years ago, Was familiar to none but youth- Cul students in western American geogra- ! phy, and to those who were curious in in. I dian affairs. 'Fite name, like that of Sev- I astopol, has become familiar within a very short time, through the sheer force of over powering circumstances. The bad con duct of statesmen, or of men occupying the positions of statesmen, have made it very common to tfie world in a very brief I period. Kanzas territory is formed out of a region that, five and thirty years since, was solemnly consecrated to freedom, in accordance with the terms of a treaty be tween two contending parties. We, on our side, have strictly observed the terms of that treaty, and never thought of depar ting from them. The other party has completely disregarded them. The mem bers of it threw the treaty overboard, as a mere political trick, in 1854, and gave to slavery the sante position as freedom. Nor is this the worst. What has follow ed from the disregard of great obligations is in perfect keeping with so gross an in stance of bad faith. Freedom has not been allowed to stand even on an equality with slavery. Thu mere limits of the act of vi olation have not been kept. Lawlessness has been introduced into the territory, and now rules there. The theory - of the law there is, that the friends •of freedom and the friends of slavery are to start on the same terms, which in itself would be bad enough, under all the circumstances, call ing to mind that the rule ought to be differ ent, and recollecting that slavery can exist na where save in titter violation of the na tural right. The territory has been over run by armed men from other communi ties, whose trill and not that of the actual settlers, now stands embodied in the Leg islature of ICanzas, (so culled,) which is ! sitting on the borders of Illisrouri, and which has adopted the laws of Missouri, for the territory. This last act alone would be 2 gross violation of the Nebraska act it self, for slavery exists in Missouri, and to extend her laws over the territory is to in augurate there a slave code before the peo ple, or even those who claim to be the peo ple, but are not, have pronounced whether I slavery shall exist there or not. No atten tion ought to he paid to the action of such a Legislature. The next Congress should refuse to recognize it. No appropriations for the territory should be made while it is under the dominion of a set of lawless interlopers. It should not be admitted in ! to the Union with slavery among its insti tutions, even if the people should be unan imously in favor of that institution. The spirit of the law in all cases, and its direct commands in some, have been violated to get things to the state in which they now are, and the people of the republic will not have such villanous acts endorsed by a na tional legislature elected with express ref erence to the question. PHILADELPHIA•NOMINATIONS. Tho Americans of Philadelphia, jud ging from the tone of their papers there don't seem to have been eery fortunate in their nominations ; arid the system of gen eral ballotting, the papers say, hiss resul ted in more intrigue and corruption than any system ever before introd tired . The Democrats there once tried the came plan of nominating, and abandoned it on ac count of its impracticability and corrup tion. ,The Philadelphia Suit, the oldest American paper of the city, seems to be heartily disgusted with the character of many of the teen who have succeeded in obtaining nominations, and attributes the unfortunate selections to the system that seas ad ipted in nominating. The Suit goes on to picture the results of the" late balloting, stating the distracted state of the party produced by the bad nominations made, and says the better portion of the party "say that there is nothing in the laws or regulations of the party compelling them to vote for 'natural fools." We trust other sections may burn wisdom from the experience of Philadel phia. Republican State Convention. We published last week a call fora mee ting of all freemen opposed to the eaten sion of slavery, and we give our views of slavery, in another article in to-day's paper. The citizens of Pennsylvania, without re gard to former party distinctions, who are willing to unite in a new organization to resist the further spread of Slavery and the increase of the Slave power, are called up on by a committee composed of some of the very best men of the Commonwealth, in cluding men of all political parties, to meet Convention at Pittsburgh, on the sth day of September, 1855, to organize a Republican party in this State, which shall give - expression to the popular will on the subjects involved in the repeal of the M is souri Compromise, and co-operate with oth er organizations of a similar character in other States. Wo think this is a mighty and excellent movement, and the object in view ono whioh must eventually become the great subject of the day. Advertisements. We invite special attention to the now advertisement:, in to•dry's paper. ltead them all, The advertising columns of the .formia/ c, the place to luok for wants, The Action of the Whig County Con- veution. Contrary to the expectations of ourself, th e ‘N• bi g county Convention T was sparse ly attended. A quorum not being pres ent. 'lbis being the positive state of of it was not only imprudent but abso• bitchy presmaptuous on the part of the at tending delegates to take any action, on political questions, and yet they have tak en measure for an unconditional surrend er of the j s nlorious old party" to Locofoco ism. A betninittee was appointed to con fer with the Locofocos, to see what meas ure should be adopted to seour . e. the elec tion of a ' , fusion ticket." We object to the right hf this (so-called) Whig County Conventioa "selling" our party to the hel lish power of Locofocoism, for divers rea sons, which tee shall now proceed to ley before our.icaders. We do rot recognize this meeting us the Convention of the republican Whigs of the County, because the persons attend mg were in a manner self-constituted, or openly cho,ten by Locofocos. The fact of ten or a d4zen of individuals, constituting themselves -the representatives of the free, enlightendd whips of Huntingdon Coun ty, and icr' solemn ~ assembly met," sell, bargain, throw away fora price, the party they pave heretofore professed an attach ment for, it-beyond doubt a humiliating spectacle. 'L Before 7elosing this article, we have a statement or two to make, which we can substantiate by good witnesses. In seve ral districts, leading Locotocos took active part in the selection of delegates, and were instrumental in electing several. In the `‘one-horse convention," a bigoted Locofe eo was the originator of the "fusion" reso lution, thus showing indubitable evidence of a proconcerted scheme between office seeking Locofocos and dishonorable and disloyal Whigs. However, the Whigs of the County are now acquainted with the position in which they stand. If they en dorse the action of the "fusionists," and embrace the corrupt and damning proposals of the party which scrupled not to stigma tise Henry Clay as a monster and a mur derer, they do it with the certainty of to tal annihilation staring 'them in the face. To us, the path of duty is marked out ve ry clearly. Wo cannot support Locofo cos for office, because our conscience for bids it ; we will not support a , fusionist," because that would be lending our aid to the building up of corrupt ideas, calculated to crush out the pure, wholesome and re publican principles,of Americanism. We will support honest, moral men, and only such. If the whig party is to become ex tinct, justice to the memory of Harry Clay required that it should only become so, when battling was of no avail. We shall wait patiently to see what the action of the two fusion committees, which are to meet on Friday next, will be. In the meantime, wo repudiate all connection with the semi•Locofoco Convention, and declare the Whigs of the County absolved from offering any allegiance to it. Open American Nominations. We sea by our Lancaster county exchan ges, that the American party of that coun ty through its Executive Uoinmittee, has ordered an open election in the different boroughs, wards and townships, on Satur day, the 18th of September, at which all citicens of the county, favorable to the A merican cause are invited to attend and participate in the selection of candidates to be supported by the American party at the coming general election. The return judg- es urn to meet in Lancaster city, on the Monday following, and add up the votes, and the persons having the highest num ber of votes shall be the candidates of the party for the offices specified. No mem ber of the American party is permitted to electioneer for any office—the party being determined to act upon the American prin ciple that the office should seek the man, and not the man the office. This is manifestly the true course, and one which we should be happy to see the Americ, party of Huntingdon county a dopt. V. hat say our American friends ? Are they Loh willing to come out openly in imitation of their Lancaster brethren. The plan is a good one and should be uni• versally odopted. The principal object which has hereto. fore actuated political men, it is a notorious fact, has nut been an honest desire to pro. mu Igato the doctrines they hold, in a polit ical point, but to make their party the step ping-stole to office. The plan proposed by the Americans of the shove named coun• ty, is essentially republican. It debars the greedy, avaricious leech, or at least it gives the honest, unassuming man, an equal chance with such. We have only to look around us to see how numerous are the office-seekers who profess to be Americans. Such men aro Isere clogs to the energies of n party, and wo care hot how strong the party may be which is afflicted with this corrupt, put Ail and dangerous epidemic, unless some rem edy be applied, it must eventually become extinct. Dead. Wks, Painter, the old editor of the West Chester Register Examiner, died in that borough on Sunday lust, at the good old ago of 73 yours. Ile was a min of positive character, and saw r u nny ups and downs in his long and eventful A Beautiful Christian Editor, Truly. "Free Soil, and no I{ell. 'rids is the platform of principles upon which, the editor of the Globe—bil lewis —stated, before the Looofocos in the dele gate election, he stood. "Free Soil, and no Hell !" is it not enough to make the blood curdle in the, veins of Christians, when men (?) holding such pernicious doctrines as hove control of public journals.— Parents, can you consistently place in the hands of your children a paper, whose ed itor would instil into the mind the doc trine of Am) unt.t." The editor of that model sheet, the Globe ; may perhaps one day have cause to regret that he ever endeavored to promul gate such doctrines ns "No HELL" A fit companion truly for Tom Payne. A viper. A creature at which the moral community will always point the finger of scorn, and avoid as the most detestable thing that lives and breathes. THE MAN ron PREBIIYE:\T.—AE Ohio cuter', porary hoists the name of Theodore Freling_ huysen for President. Whet a glorious. old name for a leader! How inspiring and cheer ing the thought of-such a great and good man for the Chief Magistracy of the nation. How suggestive of high and noble purposes—of in tegrity, truth and honor•. The heart of the pa triot, the friends of humanity—of law nod or• der—would rejoice to have Theodore Freling huysen at the hchn of State. But alas ! this is the day of small politicians, mean, low (ionic egognes, fillibustering pa , riots, nod slavery pro• pagandists. When will their day end, nod a brighter nod inure glorious period begin for our country. curd nib.. Northern Progress. Many articles have recently been copied in the North from certain incendiary newspapers published at the South, in which the condition of society in the free States was studiously mis represented and abused, and the impression has been created that a deep seated feeling of, aversion to us hits heroine general at the Sonth• To show that such is not the case, we need on ly produce the following extract front the Char leston Mercury, a paper always considered peculiarly ultra. It is taken from an article expressive of dissent from the new fangled pro scription of foreign immigrants : "In those Stnto where population was dense, restrictions upon the political privileges of for eigners might be imposed •, while in others where populatiOn was needed, immigration might be invited by easier conditions. this was the system, this the solo tion, this the true American idea, as established by the stages of 'B7. Acting upon this idea, some of the States j threw open to foreigners, upon the easiest terms the right of suffrage. They established veil• cies in the seaboard cities which should enc.- rage foreigners to settle. among them i and pushing this same spirit to the utmost bounds, they sent agents even to the cities of Europe to advance there the great object of incressing ' population, anddeveloping their resources.— And mark what this system has effected ! The North and the West have heen bountifully sup- plied with. European labor. Foreig,n lands have built their railroads, erected their ma .ni• lieent public works, worked their mines, the I their fields, dug their canals—in short, made the North what it is, an almost magic loud, in the extent and beauty of its material progress." This has about it none of that simulations tradiction which has of late become so rife in the columns of the Rielunouil Enquirer. The ' latter would have people believe Shot the free States are crammed with all Forts of espies's.° and incongruous elements—that their prosper ity is delusive and fictitious—that the system upon which their organization is bused is de structiye of all permanent good, and COll only end in anarchy. With a strange sort of Quix otic zeal, the Enquirer has freely challenged northern presses to fight these phantoms otitis own conjuration, and impugned their ability and the goodness of their cause bec-ause they refused to engage in the task of proving that prosperity is not ruin, nor the freedom of the solute population an absolute evil. Were we have the testimony of an older and a far bet . er soldier than the Enquirer to refute the cutest. ides of the latter. The Mercury does not deem it absolutely necessary to the defence et the North and its coincident results should be ma• lignetl. And the strange condition of senti ment at the South may be imagined when we say that the general tone of the Charleston Mercury is now infinitely more national and American than that of the Richmond En quirer and some other Southern papers, salmon language reads more like the reasonings of the Court Journals of Naples, Berlin, Vienna and St. Petersburg than of newspapers protbssing to be governed by the, teaching of Jeffers.. There is a world too much of useless revi ling and mutual recrimination going on bs• two. the North and South. We were about to say between the ultras of the two sections, but the phrase has now lost its meaning. It has heroine a very difficult matter to telf who are, and who are not ultras. What is to be gained by all this ? Will it exalt the interests of either section? We doubt it. Thu rabid presses of both sections ero stimulating their followers to extreme measures, by representa tions that, if they are only firm and united, the opposition must yield. Both must be disap• pointed. The South especially may leek in vain fur the usual tame and spiritless Words sion of the North to shier demands under stress of the ever ready threats of disunion.— And if her representatives go to the next-Con gress, in the confident expectation of victory they will march back with colors trailing in the dust. It is betters to go to look at things as they are. Our Southern friends Must be prepared to concede the full nut unrinestlona• ble triumph of the real popular sovereig nty . in Kansas, its it may ho vindicated at genuine elections, uncontrolled by armed mobs. Trte 'have. In ILLINOIS.—The nail (Ohio) Commercial says: "A friend of ours, recently returned front a tom through northern and southern Illinois, confirms all the statements hitherto published of the vast grain crops now on the ground and being gathered in that country. :Between St. Louis and Vitt. rennes a groat deal of wheat is rotting on the ground, for want of labor or machinery to seem) it BARNUM'S EXPENDITURES FOR TM: PUBLIC. Minium says in the recent letter defending himself from the cant cry of Iminbugi—"ln twenty years.' have expended over two millions of dollars in catering for the public curiosity and amusement. When I first bought the American Museum its expenses were less than $2O per day—now they amount to $3OO per day, the price of tickets remaining the same. Thirty years ago a traveling menagrie was fit• IA out on a capital of $lO,OOO. Mine cost me $lOO,OOO. I also added to its uttractions Gen. Tons Thumb, to whom I paid $lO,OOO per annum beside liquidating all his exp. , ,e,, including the coot of his clothing." THE LOUISVILLE RIOTS. The Louisville Journal, of Monday last, published a large number of affidavits, which clearly establish the fact that the ":;Looting and killing and maiming of innocent, uuolfea• ding and unsuspecting American citizens, on their late election day, by Trish art fiermans, in the quiet streets, at a considerable distance from the polls," were the commencement of the riots. We have not room for there affida vits in HI, but they prove the "outrages were committed by foreigners; that the first blood• shed was the work of foreigners ;mud the Amer kans had given no provision whatever for the commission of such dreadful criers These now-proved facts are entirely the re. 'verse of what the Gswelle, Cl e an, and other unscrupulous papers have repeatedly stated to their renders ; and show what excesses foreign ers, sustained by the influence of the Demo cratic party, and other demagogues, are ready to commit a you persons guilty of no crime,, and in the quiet dischnlye of it constitutional'' duty. We annex a summary 01 the affidavits re fared to, and ask that it be attentivelyread: These affidavit:3, it will be seen, are for the most part the sworn scoAments of respectable and nliable men, who were eye.wittlesses of the matters to which they dispose. Some of them are statement; upon, otd/t, or foreigners and Cat/ell-8, wior livod in the hmnediate n,ighborhooll of the erotic of the riot, hod some netually were great sufrerere thereby. 1" corn the testimony of Me, Corolino (obese husband, an Irishman vuol a Homan . Catholic, was in all probability among those killed in Quinn's house:.) it appears that for smut: weelts previous to oh;, eleetions, the Trish in the neighborhoodt where the riot occurred lord been Itrocuring :11113 and preparing the a fight ; and that on the Saturday night el the American torch light procession she had heard these Irshmen say that "they V= led to te liere that the procession would be small, by those utho opposed the Know Nothings; that she stow limo of them with arms, and heard them say twat they intend to Wh+ the prOres. 81707 i ." Joseph flucker, a German and a Catholic, who livccr ionne of Quinn's houses, (which Were burned,) says there were seventy : lire or one lauldre , t kishmeit living in that row, and they haul many visitors of their countrymen : that during two or three weeks preeceding II election, ho saw many of them often with pi, tuls and guns, sod heard one of them, who had several pistols, say, on the Saturday ls,fore the election, that he was ready; that he had seen Quinn currying arms into his house, and that Quinn had insiskd upon his (Hacker's) voting although Quinn knew that he (trucker) was not entitled to a vote. James Bickham saw the Irish eight or ten in number, on the morning of the election, moulding a large quantity of bullets in the eel. tar• of one of these houses, and on the name morning, from 10 to 3 o'clock, Thos. 11ii. Flnr• ell-saw numbers of these Irishmen, armed with PintolB and buwie•knives, passing in and out from the houses of this row. These M. had begged Mrs. Wall's husband to receive arms in his house. The women hail slept in their clothes the previous night, so as to be ready to leave upon the shortest totter, and Met. Ruby Dodd, and EliCabetli Dodd and Margaret Dodd her daughters, corroborate all these statements as-to the preparations that hail been made by the Irish in the neighborhood of M;tin and Elevciith streets. It is pdais to every one that wit., wore opposed to the Know-N . .011[145, - wh., tliese Irish to believe that tlte Atderican pri.r,don would be small and instigated them to maim uu attaek'upon it, must 'allude to the demo- Foga. - of the Sag Nicht party, who have thus lulls:n(41 mid aroused the passions of these poor wretches and misled to them the commis skin of the horrid crimes which began the ri! ots in that neighborhood. This is the key to the whole of the subsequent proceedings.— The poor miserable Irish wire led to teliere that American party was small, that Ameri cans were their enemies. It is unnecessary for ;is to characterize such conduct and the er-sants who could be guilty of it as they de serve to be characterized. A diierimicatiug piddle will. without any sug,t-s!i , Lunt us, place the fiat of cundeintiatiutt r• who arc tntilty tl such • H. gr. R. I.f. Lee states that t•. •. was Ma lit tle or no fighting at tho eighth ...ard polls da ring the day and that the foreigners were not at any time dri ecu from tho polls. All the other deponents concur in their . his tory of the commencement of the riot. A few unarmed, unsuspecting, and unoffending Amer ican citizens were quietly seated at the corner of Tenth and Main strums conversing togeth Cr, harming no one, interfering in no day with any ono. Then 111811111C11 went from thin fort Of QUitlll'3 filled as it subseque,ly appeared. with men and arms, station and ready . at the windows and door-way: te discharge thew load. ed weapons. These men, armed each with a pair of revolvers, passed through the little knot of Americans, and without stopping Imp whore returned immediately, rudely push ing against .° of the Americans and without parley, or ceremony, all three whipped nut their pistols and commenced firing utely among the Americans. Tho first shot from their pocket guard was the signal fir a general broadside from the houses along Main street—whose occupants were evidently waiting for this signal with their gnus in position to commence firing. The scene is described by ono of the witness as presenting the appear- ante of a "shed of flame 'fire streets Mau runoly were quiet and there where but few per. SUM passing, but ovary American within sight was made a target for the bullets of the blood thinty Irishmen. Poor Rhodes was the first victim; he and Dougherty, also mortally won. ded, were at the tune engaged in performing a friendly Oct towards 0. Connell, an Irishman and a Catholic. Graham fell about the same time. These then scorn to have been the on ly Awerietuts at the time upon the square ex cept those who were forced to flee from the pis. tols of the throe Irishmen who commenced the attack at the corner of Tenth street. Simulta neously with this firing from Quinn's houtc, two of the Irish who happened at the thno to lie out of the fort,garrisoned the coffee house at the corner of Market and Chapelund thence in accordance with the plan of operations commenced firing upon all Americans pas sing by. It is not necessary here for us to allude to the inhuman cruelty and cold.blooded barbari ty of the ferocious creature who deliberately stopped out of the house and finished the mur der or Rhodos, within sight and hearing of his own home and the dear ones there, nor need we mention the fact that there wero two men at every window of Quinn's house as testified by Mr. White, nor that when the houses were attacked by the Americans infuriated, crazed, by inhuman acts, with duns, escaped from the back of these buildings us stated by Mr. Lee. There is the testimony let every ono read it carefully and ponder upon it. No candid , man can do so without comin ,, to the conclu sion that the attack was nate(' by the Irish upon unoffending native citizens without any provocation, and after all the votinx .was over at the polls, and after the riot in the First Ward had been suppressed, that the attack was the only came and commencement of the riot ,• and that it bud been previously planned and determined upon among rho Irish at least as long before as the Saturday previous. CoeuT.—Our Court adjourned on Friday w,,k, ' , whit., 1.:6 .4 lead, Veit oicinors. ti&" Trust in God nod persevere. air Friendship is one soul in two bodies. The population of Wisconsin is 550,000 bar Yellow fever, in a virulent form, has up peered at Bayou Sara, La. Quiet—The puppy who has been barkii.g the last month in vain, fur a notice. Agrr At Indianapolis they have a dancing school kept by Mr. and Mrs. Shanks. o:Z^ln St Louis recently the Know Toth lugs were Llefoated in a local elcotion. • kern, is said there are over 200 I)iviiions f the Sons of Temperance in California. ta. 'The ladies of the Baptist pernesicm, held a fair in this belong!' on last week. BEF!'llussie. averages about eight min to a square mile ; France 170, and England 270. Xe.lt is estimated that linlf a million of dol. lain am expendettat Cape May every season. Bev. Dr. Murray, author or the "Kirwan" lettere r ha; hens lecturing in Toros, Plis-New counterfeit notes on die tank of Cape Fear, N. C., are in circulation at the South. th.o. Trinihie d it i 3 maid, has accepted the Know Nothim noinintaiun for Covernor of Ohio. ur"l rich girls midi, rich men poor and iniluslrious poor girls make poor mei. rich. /I,..Y.Cutiov-grwiti,ll inixod with Indian !nes! and fed to young chicicrns, cures and prevent, the gapes. J. 0. liamilbia is about to publish the remaining volume, 4.1• hie I . :alter, Alexander Hamilton. • girl , ri sbie, the litusu or the Continental en the lq in f., nl. Itia tunny i' ;u. , ) ..:) Covernor of o: . tom . Bell ins been chosen t • •.• i., a liowor which with, ~• , •,,, I,,•• blooms not again tban,,t, v.. I \\ tvar.4. u . A reunion °Rho chief naturalists of !he continent of Europe is to take pinee nt Vienna nt the close of August. kr , 23 — Stevens, n prominent lender or the I,i, cofueo pity in lienrgia, calls it the "Dry lint Panty. Classics!, that.. /3iy:s- JI is said that Paraguay has not only opened lot internal rivers to the Brazilian tla;! but to the lags of all foreign nations. ,Col. Donel,n, a brother or Andrew Done Non, is eleeied to the State Senate from Sumner county, Tennessee. He is an anti- K. N. SfrtirFanny Fern says there are hut. three Milldams men in New York city, and one or them is Horace Greeley. There's taste liar you fielLY“The bueahent crop, it is stated, pro. miser n very large yield, so Clint during the cooling winter “,lapjitel, - will hc cheep and plenty. Vay - Womairs eye nppenrs most hewilnl when it glances through a tear, as the light or a star seems more brilliant wiles it sparkles on Er r. 03 Sunday last, at Niagara suspension bridge, 5 Ilion got into a skiff, and breaking an oar, they were drawn into the whirlpool amt nll drowned. r At Cinoi,mati On Tuesday of 'nit week. 1:,!•,, porlion ~fee heavy stone corniee,on the , Th , ,uy's new Bank builaing. eri h wall, and prnjectin feel, fell, ' '•• 7 rrsons. Modest 1/, v. • girl thir, teen years old, at Hartford, Conn., is a spies - slid so immer and diver, and boldly jumps int- , the water from a pier thirtpffive feet high. She is not encumbered with a bathing dress on these occasions. "Iu Sweden, n man who is seen drui, four times, is exposed in the churchyard pai I eiy."--/..e. If sneh were the case in "thesediggins," we would have a standing army is our graveyard nll the time. A Hundred Years of Methodism in America —ln 1753, five Methodists settled in the city of New York, and formed the first society in America. To 1833, just a century later, the Methodist Church in the United States nuts hers over four millions of worshippers. • The Sara.—From the creation of the world, men have been accustomed to regard the stars with reverence, and the highest degrees of en. lightenment has never been able to efface the idea from the Ands of the masses, that destiny • is written in those "shining, orbs of heaven." to The liquor dealers of New York, met in State Convention, at Syracuse, on Wcdnes• day, and adjourned on Thursday, after pledg ing their bent efforts to overturn the Prohibitor ry Law at the polln, and to vote for no man not Fledged. The Convention also appointed State Committee: DTlut Yellow Fever is committing Terri• ble ravages at Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va.— A despatch dated August 7th, reports 20 eases and 16 deaths at Portsmouth during the preee• ding 37 hours. There have boon 66 deaths at together up to last Tuesday. The disease is also on the increase at Norfolk. L.ZA chap in Boston, en Monday stole an apple valued at one cont. •On being hrer,;nt., up in the Police Court ho was fined $2 and. costs. Tuckerman, the Bai!road Treasurer, stole $245,000. On being charged with,tho theft, ho owned up, and was continued in 0ft..., till he showed his employers how he did it. Cool and Compact.—The Springfield &pub • lice n says :--"It has always been a marvel with us how Christian men could sport with the melancholy hallucination and infirmities of their fellow men, as those aro doing for in stance, who ace inciting the hopes of Br, Mel len, Daniel Pratt and Franklin Pierce, of suc cess as Presidential candidates in 1856. wirldr. Dawson, of N., who was appointed Governor of Kansas nod declined it, says that he was the father of the homestead Bill, and the Southern Nebraskals approached him, pro. miming to support his bill, if ho would support the Nebraska Bill. lie agreed to do the job, voted for the fraud, and then the Slave holders deserted an 4 defeakd his hill. Eli, regret, ILA act.