~~~~. 1 !,-4P-ASr 4 tl6e . ( 1 ? , '.: ii If , 0 atti ~4 4 : iv ii A i fr,,,, li) lii i ,- ! A jo ILI ,:- 1! ,.,, ~,,i. ;„t WILLIAM BREWSTER, EDITORS. SAM. G. WHITTAKER, TERMS The "HIJNTINODON JOURNAL" is published at to following rates: If paid in advance $1,50 If paid wiihiu six months after the time of subscribim, 1,75 If paid at the and of the year 2,00 Anil two dollars and fifty cents if not paid till Mar the expiration or the year. No subscription wilt lin takou for a less period than six months, toil nopaper will be discontinued, except at tho qition of thu Editor, until allarrearages are paid, iabscribers living in distant counties,or in other ho required to pay invariably in tdva ace. 'rho above terms will bo rigidly adhered .o in all eases. A DVERTISEMENTS Will be charged at the following rates: I Insertion. 2 Its. 3 do. iix lines or less, 25 $ 371 $ 50 lne square, (In lines,) 50 75 1 00 Iwo " (31 " ) 100 150 2on Nue° " (48 " ) 150 225 3 . 08 . . . . . 11u,iuess nice llama:deg by the Quarter, Halt Year or Year, will be charged the following rates: 3 mo. 6 mo. 12 me. Ilne square, $3 00 $5 00 $8 00 'l'wo squares, 5 00 8 00 12 00 Three squares, 750 10 00 15 00 raur squares, 900 14 00 23 00 Leko squares, 15 00 25 00 38 00 Ten squares, 25 00 40 00 60-00 Business Cards not exceeding six lines, one year, $4.00. JOB WORK: Ace! handbills, 30 copies or lass, ti tt « tt C. 4 00 BLANKS, foolscap or less, per single quire, 1 50 "4 or more quires, per " I 00 eir Extra charges will ho made for heavy e i r Alt letters on business must be POST PAID secure attention. Al The Law of Newspapers. 1. &Writ. , 'rho du tod giro express ?mike to the contrary, are conshkred us wishtny to continue their sulmeription. 2. of sithscribffs order the discredinuonce ()ethylr newspaperx, the publisher - mug continue to .scud !Gent unlit all fllTearafiCS are 11 sutewribers neglect or refit., to tan their ,wqoallcr4freln the (05, to which Meg ore direc ted, . theo,orc hdd ,Wportsible until they have sailed W it. sad red , ,ed Mon discontintr,ol. 4. tf subserihersrentnee to ether rho, with o ut info,niny the publisher, and the newspapf rs are sent to the /brute). dirertion, they arc lull rr.aponcible. a. Persons who continue to reetire or take the paperfrem the Vice, a r e to be consulered as sub scribers and as such, eq.tally reseasibh , for sabsrriP as if they had ordered thew mines entered upon the publi,hers hoots. The ('aorta have abe ,ventedly decided. AN a net .1/.1.T He to prifornt his duty at !living reasonable ,oliee 'tiro/Hired by the reguln tiOnS of the Post OW, Deport'' , nt, rf the neg lect 01 . re 1..0 to to jiMit the Vire, newspapers address...Li to hint, rcs:hi, the flest chaster liable to the poblesher fio. the ssbseription prir e. 13W PUSTM As r.U.I IS e voitanol by law to notiiy publisbei, by letter when their publi ention, are to rit,il or net eallea for by persons to Dhoti they ar, and to give the reason or such it is also theirtbity to rrtnik all !nick letter.:. We will thank pieit• ina,ters to keep es posted up in relation to this matter. clat Vocto). I Reach My Home as Evening Dies. BY QUALLON, I reach my home as evening dies, And oh I what glances meet my own -41 laughing girl with eager eyes, The sweetest stars that ever shone ; An angel of mirth and grace, With fairy feet and heavenly face. I muse I.sido the cheerful fire, And eicture faces now no more, As fancies never cease to tire, But bring me back the scenes of yore '(he village green, the tiny stream, That flit before me like a dream. And everything resplendent beams, No sorrows o'er my musinys roll, Earl, moment with a treasure diems, . _ And realms of gold entrance my soul, While Eden's path lies at my feet, My heart feels heaven at every beat. My smiling angel ulimbs my knee, And nought around my gladness mar.; ; l ler sunny word:; gush fresh and free, - , And opulent us Italian stars -1 it it her littlu lips of Aud shyly woos the vein:red kiss I watch her earnest mile, All meatball with dimples as it grows, With not a trace of earthly guile, While all its rosy radiance throws A blush like stuninerun toy cheek The more it plays the less I speak. And lore's rich heaven goes floating by, pleasure wears II deeper hut: ; Lends in an autumnal Ay, uh tillUi Or gold and paths of blue; fhe suesets lion a Sorter Ham, And poetry a higher claim. t hula communion most divine, And clasp my darling to my breast ; While 'tureen her curls her beauties .\u.l UCH closed 111 delicious rest I'uic it daisy on the suit, Whew dewy heart reflects its God. ltliscettaittott.s. AN IRISH Wunma.--Last week sonic medical officers wore called upon to exam ine the situation auntie Irish inhabit:tate, Atuated at the bottom of Westgate Leeds. One of the medical men asked the mis :u:ss of these houses : 'Why don't you keep It cleaner!' The reply matte by the woinan was hat she was a poor widow and uouldu't Alford it. , Ilow loop, have you beau a widow?' as. 1.L.1 LI, 11,,111. , sulo cuough, your honor, fur throe tar,' .01 what complaint did yuui I SEE NO STAR ABOVE THE BORIZON, DaO3IISINO LIGHT TO QUIRE UE, BUT THE INTELLIED,y, PATRIOTIC, UNITED Wow PARTY OF TILE UNITED STATES.". A LAY SERMON. "For when yo ought to be teachers, yo have need that one tench you ; and are become such as have need of milk."•—llcb. v. 12. I have often thought, my reverend breth ren, that religious teachers, whose employ ment is teaching others, too frequently, if not always, stand in need of preaching ad dressed to themselves. , 'They have need that one teach them." If a lay preacher were employed to write and deliver ser mons particularly adapted to their wants, to their peculiar defects and infirmities, once in a week, he Would be as useful, and do ns much good as any minister who pretends to teach the laity every Sunday. Ministers have great faults, which almost invaaably result front their profession, and the peculiar routine of their employ ment. They are always occupied in detecting and exposing the faults of others ; but they never hear of their own faults. A certain customary reserve and affected deference towards them, even when thdy aro young, simple, and comparatively ignorant, and this even from old and learned men of oth er professions, makes them arrogant and dogmatical, and is apt to pull them up with the vain notion that they are really infalli ble, or, at least, in wisdom and knowledge far in advance of most other persons. But, my brethren, this is not the case. This very deference and reserve is the surest way to prevent the acquisition of knowl edge and the enlargement of the intellect. Bold opposition would teach us our faults and defects, our errors and ignorances, our false conclusions and logical infirmities. the pulpit, there is, unfortunately,, no opposition, no contradiction. Not only custom, but the law itself forbids it. Eve ry thing, however weak and absurd, is quietly heard at the time ; and politeness exacts, that afterwards no.criticisms and exposures should be made to the preacher in conversation. If, after a sermon, lie should meet company nt dinner, or, in the. evening, at a meeting of religious convene and discussion, it would be a strange thing for him to hear his sermon reviewed, or his ' contested'. Thus ignorance and prejudice remain fixed, and feeble seltcon ccit runs up like a weak plant in the shade. SI 25 1 50 2 50 It is not so with lawyers. They arc con• smutty exposed to criticism, to opposition, to the detection and exposure of ignorance, false reasoning, and every species of 111011- weakness. Property of clients, increase business, professional reputation, schemes of ambition, all are dependent on logical acuteness, thorough knowledge, std intel lectual strength. No politeness, no re - serve, no affected deference will screen the ignorant, the indolent, the weak lawyer &old overthrow and disgrace. But this very opposition, this rough, unfeeling dis cipline, will, in time, if it be wisely impro. ved ; impart strength and ability, and raise him to respectability if not to eminence.— Such is not often the minister's lot. Un opposed, he becomes more and more self sufficient and dogmatical. All his first or airs arc retained, end he is daily falling in• to new ones. The pulpit, perhaps, is the very worst logical school. Another misfortune of a minister is, that he associates mostly with the women.— ' The ladies of his society, usually strive to outdo each other in their attentions to him, and their influence over !din. Ile must attend their rming circles and other be nevolent coteries, and is to be consulted by them is their constitution, management, and ways and moans. /du must stake his appearance at their evening parties, and converse with every lady present. Ile must make his daily calls en some ono or uwru el the family of his charge, and there lie rarely meets any but females. This is net all. 'rho men who collect around the minister, though often good and pious ate such as are sometimes called "old wo men." Their intellects have a feminine character. They are more under the influ once of feeling and imagination than reason and reflection. In short ministers urn so touch in the society of ladies, and lady like men, and are comparatively so little in that of well educated, superior mos, that their hod. eta becomes feminine by habit. Conse quently their pulpit discourses are loose, illogical, common-pluce and uninteresting. ' Their statements are stale and fr.:quently unfounded, and have been repeatedly shown to be so ; and their arguments are weak, inconclusive, and probably such as have again and again been employed, and as often refuted. If ministers would be sound, efficient and respectable in the pql. pit, the y inorta:,,ociute much with laymen of stroug ore mtd and solid knowledge, and discuss. important qucstams freely with HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1855. professional books, and the old arguments, but they must read the opposite side, and learn how such supposed facts and old ar guments have been answered. They should study not only the theological works of other sects, but the controversial writings of the most able and learned deist also. In quoting scriptural authorities in support of any theological or moral point they should cite them fairly, candidly, and according to the trite and rational meaning shown by the context. They should not blindly content themselves with taking mechanically such as are in ele mentary works, or in old books, but such as are satisfactory Mid convincing to their minds, and not easily shown to be inappli cable, vague, and inclusive. In short, ministers must be honest, intel ligent end intellectual; not having recourse to weak sophistry and unsupported state ments, under the belief that their audien ces have not knowledge or un,,derstanding enough to detect such attempted imposi tions. It is not uncotnmou that a large portion of the hearers are better informed, and possess more logical acuteness, titan the preacher himself. I forbear, my brethren, to mention other dangers and disadvantages, too often ari sing from the intimacy and sympathy ex isting between a minister and his fair pa rishioners. I may recur to them on a fit. tare occasion.—Boslon Wives and Daughters• A cotemporray, who is somewhat postod up in satin and statistics, talks as follows : "While the business mon of America proverbially live poorer, dress shabbier, work harder, and many more hours, than in any other country in the world, their wives and daughters are ten times more idle, more extravagant, and more use less." It strikos us them is ,ome truth in that extract. Mr. Brocha, of the house of I3ro. ohs; Buckram & Co., toils front twelve to sixteen hours per day. Brocha last year made *22,000. What becomes of it 'Pen thousand dollars of the same were spent by Sits. Brocha for new furniture, 'to spite the Maxwells,' while a large portion of the !:glance was expended on .Blauche and Sarah,' so Out they might go to Newport, and 'show the Fantadlings' that there were other diamonds in Yew York besides those which were inherited from a great-grand father, 1010 found in Wilt a princely for tune and a diseased liver. Brocha hat) been in business since 15-10. Ho does a large and lucrative business. People who 'nave never been iu his parlor and kitchen imagine that Brocha is worth it quarter of a million of dollars, while those who have beets in, wonder how he dodges the Sher iff. Brocha is still toiling, and is still ma king money, and yet, if he should die to. morrow ; it is questionable whether his as sets would equal his liabilities. Brocha will 'probably end his days by testing the virtue of a shilling's worth of strychnine. Should we be site of the jurors who sit upon-the body, VAS should bring in the fol lowing verdict :—.Died from the visita tion of an extravagant wife and two sense• less daughters." Dirs. Partington on Propriety. 'What a study fur a sculpin said Mrs. Partington on board the Chelsea ferry boat, as she saw a row of nude boys standing on a raft near the ferry, awaiting the mo ment to take a plunge. Their clear cuti cle gleaming in t h e sun, and muscular beauty nod youthful grace were revealed in every line. 'What a study for a scalp in ! and how I love to sue the little dears so enjoying themselves.' 'Little (leas said old Roger, touching the Brahmin, '1 should call them little bears P The Brah min, who was familiar with such scenes on the banks of the Ganges, said not a word. 'How shockingly improper !' said Miss Prim, turning awry her eyes, 'don't you think it very improper, Mrs. Partiugton 1' Mrs. I'. looked again. 'Well,' said she, didn't see it was, till you spoke of it ; perhaps it is ; but may be the poor child is crippled.' I mean the propriety of going into the water before folks,' persisted Miss Print. 'Oh, that is quite another thing,' said llrs. P., smiling, 'and depends upon how we look upon it. If the boys don't have any idea of impropriety, I don't see why we should have. If our own minds are pup we would sue no impurity.— This is a queer world, where we swallow mountains of impropriety in private, and choke at a burn little boy.". She took a pinch of snuff as Miss Prim went into dip cabin, mid Ike stood longingly looking at the boys, its they plunged like frogs be neath the surhic.:, lituke two button hunt his jacket, halt kirgLifid, he (dud Is it so 1 Somebody—we don't kno t : , who, and it makes no chili:twee—dins Nevis young men to beware of the mulct, Young man keep yotr eye peeled when you arc after the wenten ! Is the pretty dress or form attrt:7ti re ! Or a pretty face, even 1 Flounc r, boy, aro of no consequence. A preci face will grow old. Paint will tva,tl off. Thu sweet smile of the flirt will give way to the scowl of the termagant, The neat form will be pitched into cal Another and far different being will '!co the place of the lovely goddess who sot es sweet and eats your candy. Keep yo , eye peeled, boy, when you are alter th— women. If the little dear is cross and ,o icolds at her mother in the back room, yovnay he sure that you will get particular f.; around the house. If she apologizes for washing dishes, you will need a girl fawher.— If she blushes when found t the wash tub, be sure that she is of the codfish aris tocracy, little breeding and little sense.— If you marry a girl who knows nothing but to commit woman-slaughter on.the piano you have the poorest piece of musio ever got up. Find one whose mind is right, then pitch is. Don't be hanging around like a sheep, as though you were ashamed to be seen in the day-time, but walk up like a chicken to the dough, and ask for the ar ticle like a man. What do You Work For? . This meets the eye immersed in I'm- I ness, and eager in the pursuit of gain.— You have laid your plates so cheerfully and sagaciously, that you are sure of the result. Others may fail but wealth will find you rich and prosperous. Now you are toiling day by day. Early and late you ply your busy task, and scarcely have • time for any other tho'ts elan those which concern our business. But you du not mean to be always thus harrraesed ! When you reach a position that shall have placed you beyond the contingencies et trade, you will inure mon:, leisu rely.— Then you take your etts.% Yuu will not cease to labor, but you twit vary you: toils by enure enjoyments. -.Your riches, however, will be progressive—they will accumulate until they have reached the sum you have already proposed as the ut most or your desires. This gained, you will labor no longer. Your money shall purchase all that your desire, or your wish. Caro shall thee be banished, and stalely exiled as intrude upon your happiness.— The decline of life shall find you without an anxious thought for yourself or your fussily, and suriounded by everythmg that can make you condonable. But, my dear friend, alter that you must die. That cannot be avoided. Wealth cart purchase no exemption front this final destiny. It may buy everything else, but it cannot bribe death. [low wretched will your condition that be, if you leave prepared for everything else, and not fur this—if you have surveyed the journey of life, and made provisions fur all its wants, but have never cast your eye forward to eternity, or sought to make your peace with Clod ! As this must be the end, what trill it profit you to gain the whole world and lose your own soul? The Leaning Tower at Pisa. "Thu Leaning 'fewer was still there, and it certainly leans more, appreciably, than the picture represents. This curios ity of architeetu re is perhaps, better known than any other to persons who have never traveled, nod yet not ono outof a hundred to whom the Leaning Tower of Pisa is familiar by name, can tell for what pur pose it was built. It is nothinq its the world but the the belfry of the Cathedral, by whose side it stands, and front which it is separated by a toad. The ancient sp. tent was to make two separate construe. tions of the church and the belkower.— Thu mwders have improved upon this plan, by clapping the spire on top of the edifice to which it belongs. Thu whole mission of the tall Campanil of Pisa, is accomplished when a couple of ropes are carried up by it to the chime which swings at the summit. It is entirely hollow and cyl indrical, the walls being just thick enough to admit of a winding staircase. The top is as dangerous a place as I ever remem ber to have sects, and I doubt whether a person of ony disposition to giddiness could get safely round the exterior edge, unprotected as it is by railing or bolus trade. Gums Ilateus.—Ono of our smart city urchins, hearing iris fakhor read an arti cle in dm paper in relation to a new inven tint at I ricl,a ut :;lass Wicks exclaimed, ! 1 know what theta , •W hat me rimy ?" inquired one el the fatally. . . . Will Lager Bier Intoxicate? Lager Therappears to have got into the heads of people all over the country since the Temperance movement began, nothwithstanding the assertion that it will not intoxicate, and, as one evidence of the fact, we subjoin a metrical effusion, which was sung by the Newport Glee Club, at 4 barbecue given by the American party in Campbell county, Kentucky. Lager Bier. Atn.—".filitin and Ditcm, Fill 'eel up, fill 'eta up, fill 'cm up here, Swi glass lager uut try glass bier. (Repeat) Der Ditcher gutepany is D. geed gumpany Ash every maid from Yatmany. (Repeat.) CHORUS. Up 111141 der wino not down wit der or. Don't care nix for tlmnbronee here. (Repot.) Per Ditcher drinks schnaps, tint der Yankees drinks rum, Cut der Kentucky boys aro pumpkin, some. (Repaal,) Cusses. Der lemlinns coming sure, Ditchers go to .. . wino. For Tumuli L. Jones, ant der man call Swope. (Repeat.) Dcr Ditcher bees a Democrat, Ws food of der lark, Dut ho doesn't like Sagnicbts—be doesn't like dor Clark. (Repoli.) We Ditchers loved Lim•, out we lovos good bread, Unt nil good Ditchers will vote for Morehead. (licpcut.) COULDN'T Oi'r Ilm—The following is from tho last number of the Southern Mil itary Gazette. It reads like one of iloop. vr's stories Old John Stirchem was for many years known as one of the shrewdest men about Montgomery. In fact, there were many persons who did not hesitate to say that his shrewdness was nothing but rascality. The chief peculiarity of John was that he could prove anything under the face of , the heavens,ilhe chose to do so, in a court. of justice. Even the lawyers got to be af raid ()Phial. One of their number had a note for $lOO, on old John, and for Solon time he was afraid to sue on it, lest John should prove a set off of some sort against it, although there tons nothing of the sort' existing in rerility. A bright thought oc curred to Greo,bag. lie would sue in , the mum of Peter Squizlefanter, and as no such man ever existed it would be difficult to show that he ever owed 9archem any thing. He did so. At the trial Sarehem proved by three witnesses that Peter Squizloranter was an old , residenter,' and Wag inffibted to hull the said John, at the time of the supposed transfer of thy note, and continually since, in a sum double the a»tount due on it I Nobody ever 'took issue" with Sarchein after that ! Tun I.3,orTut OF BOVNE.--0410 hundred and sixty five years ago viz , on July Ist., 1600, William, Prince of Orange, with a Protestant army, defeated the Irish Cath olic forces under Janus 11, ou the banks of the ricer I3oyne, in Ireland. It was a bloody battle, and the Catholic army lost 1500 mon in killed and wounded, besides many prisoners. The Protestants follow ed up their victory with great ardor, and James was compelled to leave the country In this memorable battle the Duke of Schomberg, at that time the most celebra ted commander in Europe, was killed.— The Catholic prisoners were, many of them, .cropped," or notched in the ear, by the Orangemen, and two tunes inven ted, called "Croppiea lie down" and ~B ollne Water," and to this day they ne ver fail to arouse, when played, the stron gest passions an,l the fiercest anger of the Roman Catholics. Upon the pages of history the Battle of Boyne bears a conspicuous place, and it was one of the proudest victories of that great man, William, Prince of Orange, the defender of the Protestant faith, and the preserver of the liberties of England. Tim MY PARJERS7LA Paris ((lie.) pa per tells a good story of two boys, one thir teen, and the other eleven, who on account' of the illness of their father, were left to work the farm. They thoroughly plough. ed and cross ploughed three acres of rath er rough ground, which they then sowed and then harrowed it three times over. They also a,sisted in clearing one acre of new land, which was sown with wheat.-- It grew well, especially that first sown, but at harvest the father being still sick, there were none to gather the grain but these two little lads. Having neither strength or skill to use the cradle, they grasped the sickle with a resolute hand, and reaping what they could each clay, persevered until the whole four acres were harvested by them alone. Thu produce of this crop would command in market $136, and they did a good deal of work un the tam beside. This shows; what buys can du it they really set ahem it, and make inid play ul play--nut '- EW EBSTER. Advance Payments for Newspapers. No subscriber should object to the pay in advance system. Those who wanted to hear Jenny bind sing had to pay in ad vance, and what were her divinest strain, compared with those which flow front ed itors' pens I You cannot tuko your seat in a ricketty mail coach, or fly-from-the track railroad - car, without paying in ad vance for the risk of being killed. If you would hear a concert, literary lecture, or see Tom Thumb or that Siamese Twins, you must plank down your twenty-five, or fifty, or one hundred cents, before you can pass tho threshold. Nay, if any one has so little regard for his own character as to want to read Barnum's Autobiogra phy, he must first pay for it. And yet limn hesitate and cavil about laying in advante for a paper furnished at a price on the very brink and utmost verge of prime cost. DUELLING.—George a Prentice, editor of the Louisville Jouriud, thus sets forth his opinions on the subject of duelling : “We scorn and abhor the whole infam ous code of duelists. If at our present age we were to allow ourselves to fight a duel with Mr. J. 13. Clay, on account of our comments upon his abusive article recent ly published by us, we should feel as though we had forfeited all claims to man kind's respect and our own. Yet we do not call ourselves non-combatants. If any man feels himself mortally aggrieved at any publication of ours, he knows, wheth er we accept a challenge from him or not, where to find us, and he may seek us when and how he pleases. NV° hold ourselves responsible for what we write, if we think we have given any man just cause to seek our life, we will either permit him to take it without resistance, or, criminal as she act may be, obey his call to the field ; and if any recognized gentleman dues us no deadly an injury as to make us thirst for Lis blood and vio cannot send him to the gallows, we will sutunions him to the field —and it, in such a case, the summons be unheeded, we will poise ourselves upqn our own will, nal seek redress wherever we can find it.” STRANG? FACTS.-M. Delisle once ob• served a fly, only as large as a grain of sand, which run three inches in a half sec ond, and in that space made the enormous number of five hundred and forty steps. A man being able to walk as fast in propor tion to his size, supposing his step to mealiii sure two feet, he would, in the course of a minute, have run upwards of twenty miles task far surprising our express railroad engines, or the famous seven league bcotsrecorled the nursery table. In kaolin insect,:i far excel man, or arty other an i mat whatever. The lueust (grass hopper) can leap two hundred times it, own length. If a man were six feet long, and could leap as high and as far as either the locust referred to or the flea, he might stand near the Dow Church, Clicupside leap up into the air above the top of St. Paul's Cross, and alicht at the bottom of Ludgote hill, which would be something more wonderful than ever entered the minds of the writers of fairy tales moon ceivo ef. The insect called the frog•hop per can leap more than two hundred and filly times its own length. Some spiders can leap a couple of feet upon their prey. A flea can jump two hundred and fifty times its length—could a man jump pro, portionally his length it would be equal to a quarter of a mile! 'lnc nuns MAN.—A correspondent of the New York Day rook tells the fol lowing antiliquor story : An exceed:ugly thirsty individual went iuto some place and inquired for a glass of brandy. Ile was told they did not keep the proscribed article, whereupon he stated in the most pitiful strains the extent and desperate nature of his thirst. A person standing by said to him : 'Do you see that counter ?' 4 Yes,' eagerly answered the thirsty in dividual. 'Well, sir,' he continued, 'you piece a shilling on that counter. No one will silo you—no one will know that you put it there but the shilling will disappear soon after you turn from it. After you have left the shilling, go out doors and down the street to the first corner, then turn to the right and go up the street until you come to an alloy ; then follow the alley um til you arrive at a blacksmith's shop.— Open the door and enter the shop and M one corner you will see a de.k and in that you will find a b the of brandy and a cup. Tab,: a drink and Dave oierythiti!as you hail It. VOL. 20. NO. 34. PADDY'S IDEA Or PERDITION...4'M I\l, - Carty was 'a broth of a boy,' and altogeth er as 'dacont' a man and as handy with a spade as any of the whole five hundred who were at work upon the railroad, then and now in process of building in the Ilot them part of Ohio. He was a groat law., rite with the overseer, on account of his faithfulness and integrity of character, but he had one fault that sorely grieved hi. employer. Though as sober as a sexton for six days in the week, Pat could novel resist the temptation of 'pay day,' and when Saturday came round never failed to get as 'drunk as a lord.' Haying tried ev ery other• reformatory expedient in vain, the overseer at length bethought of the priest, who prevailed on Pat to 'take the pledge.' and sent hint on his way rejoicing But, alas ! the next day was 'too many' for poor Pat, who staggering through the village at noon, met no less a personage than the priest who had attempted to re form him. 'You're lost, Pat--•entirely lost! said his reverence, with a sigh of genuine sorrow. rat was bewildered fora moment, lint having stared about him until Ito had fairly ascertained his local whereabouts, he exclaimed triumphantly--'Lost?---is it lost I am 1 lost, in broad daylight, half way be tween Jimmy Stacy's and the court-house the divil wid your nonsense.---Bodoo Paul. LATtnattso.---habella Burke J tt,tice Dullatal fur a warrant this mom "Minher Justice--1 want a warrarit. wt Mrs. Lynch and her son Mick. 1 left illy things in their charge, and they um me sugar, and thin lathered the hku the devil ---- and here's the marks to show by token of that same." She made a notion to remove her cloth, from her bosom and shoulders, where she had "been devilishly abused," at which th,. Justice a movement of horror at the pro. posed exposition, exclaimed : No so, my .good woman, dog% du that, I beg of you. Can't stand it —can't stand it. Mustn't do it." Then she endetivored to. whisper, but the justice ejaculated : "ean't hear whis pering;" upon which hatella, who wai ugly and forty, with a voice like a fore man of an engine company, said : "Well then be jebers, an' 1'11811(ga it out ••-nu' they ate ate sugar, and they cold me blankets, and the bed flout umber nw, and the devil it ono of thews better nor at theaf," yelled she at the top of her voice., astounding every body in Court, and tna • king the cells in the watch-house riug ,wain. She was quieted in a few monieutf, anal receiving the warreut, murmured, "the holy Virgin bless you," went elf to her revenge.-•-•BVitlo R ji. , June 1;; 1 Tow You So. Wife, wife, our cow' dead—choked with a turnip.' , Prold you so. 1 always sed she choke herself with thorn turnips.' .13ut it was a pumpkin—' , Wall it's all the same. know'd alt along how it would be. Nobody but ,t ninny like you would ever feed a caw pumpkins that wasn't chopped.' 'The pumpkins were chopped. Ana 'avant the pumpkins neither that choked her. 'Twas the tray--and the end on't sticking out of her mouth now.' 'Ugh ! ugh ! There goes my broad tray No longer ago than yesterday I told yev that the oow would swallow that tray.' PLUCKING A HAT.—lrish girls are al ways pretty smart, but once in a while they commit blunders and aro generally so ludicrous and funny that it is impossi Lie to get angry with them. At one of the houses in the city lives one who has been over but a few weeks. Lively as a cricket industrious as a bee, and honest and roil. ling to do, she course is well liked by those with whom she has taken up her abode. A short time ago, one of the men who is something of a joker, happened to kjll a large rat. He handed it to Nelly and told her he wanted it cooked for his din ner. Nelly with a modest courtesy took the animal and proceeded to the kitchen. short time after the lady of dna hens° had occasion to go to the kitchen, where she found Nelly trying to pull the fur from the rat which she occasionally dipping into a kettle of scalding water. "Why, Nelly ! what are you about I' , asked the astonished lady. "Suntan' it's trying to pluck the feath ers off this thing lam said she, 'for Mr. —towld me to cook it for dinner." Thu lady soon put a stop to the perfor mance, and told Nelly with all the gravity slip could eutinand, that the tuna had been playing a juke uptin her. "Troth an' joke it is sure enough," said she, "im 1 never ~ tw slch le:libels to stick