ulii-Goutt-. PJ Ali SUM .EF ()DS , Cry AT 'FU IN OLD ). ' k ~`, Square, the I,l,est sjrnaN , . %ND tilr,l3ll.;i: ever brret • the Imrotts:!t Of I tuntingdon. LEIIIIIPS' bITSII :11111 I..:lltCy 'rho Inte.it style and host A sortutent of Underileeve4, call: blitek and figured Silks, a gr.••• • told Chineea, Lamns, I ' liviretl, plain and barred, Ed, i tliney and blvd. Gimp, S:r., I Ic.id Gloves, Gents' Black do.. and Silk Iltlkfs., black Italian (..ratats, HATS A, C.i PS, BOOTS 1 1 / 4 . eel n line mciortnient fl(lol,,st, A Bond supply 044.11E5H 11.1 iID IVA f E. (,)/ 7!/.7 VS /?E. LAS , SII . .I/?1: .1 My stock hns been selected with Ow grente , t care in regard t , t ,indity Hod Price. eel I flatter my,cle that I , -An indneements to purcha sers not to be Iwind ekewt!ere• anti ,ce 111 , ' ti en,l examine 11,r your selves. Thankful rnr the patronage of the past by In' friends and the public generally, I. respeetrully solicit n essrdinnonee o 1 tho kanb, April 10. IS:S-11. If , you want to get the Worth of your Money, call at IL P. Gwiu's Cheap Stare. 01. P. Sx WEN,. • H. A S opened one of the hugest and prett assortment, of Spring nod Summer goods cver two - night to thii piste. Con,isting Cloth.., 'astnne, Vetting , , Kentnekt• Jen., Cotton Striven, Linens. 'Aluslins, Indies Dress Goods. Phi. :tad Fancy Silk, Plain and I'igar,..l t'tiutli, Spriag Detain, Ilerage Detain, Phin lierage at' all t:olor, ileharg, Dre,. D o . mestie A hr.., lat ul Lftwns nil a great variety of pritit,, Hosiery. of I\ll kinds, I hid, Silk, Hid Slitts, Long and Shot, Veils, Cu *uderslnerrs, riltinanzetts, Etnliruirdered Hand kerchiefs, Stamped Collars and Undorsleeves, 'l e ad D ivs ,es, Ladies Caps, Ribbons, Colored Crapes, Florence Silks, Gentlemens Fancy Ilandlorchiefs, Dress Trimmings, and a variety of goods to numerous to mention. Also, a large as,ortment of Bonnets, Flats, Matt nod Shoes, Oil Clothe, Cedar Ware, Bock et,, nibs, &c. (troceries, Queenswaro, hardware and Salt. The public aro respectfully incited to call and examine env goods, as I can and n•ifl sell cheap er than the cheapest. MI kinds of Country Produce taken in ex• change for goods at the highest market prices. huntingdon, April 3, 18.15.—tf SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. SEUSTOPOL NOT TAKEN I 3) IT AVE in,t received from Phil:v . 4+,l6o the hand;:otne,t as4ortmeut fti . GOOliA PV(.I . OfTOl . - VII to the citizens of this place, :opt at lower pri el,l then can ho got at any other holm, consi,t 'tog as t DRESS GOODS, IlCil il; 6.111. r Silk.e, rat,:e FOR THE LADIEN. (:u ChimeLett , , CedeMeetre. the greulest variety .Itl ire' 'fricri:r.in.4, in town. TIOOTS AND HIIO ES tich ;As Cve Boots, Li, an:l Si i p 1,7 rs, Miet, eilOdi . eiiS . BOW, G~ii!,.. , 31 ;;re ,n 1 HATS AND CAPS. such .1 , AI 1,1.1 e!: 5i1,, li.,:suth Hut: ...very variety, l'aninna nail St raw lint., awl o beautiful assui 4linainit,, English, Straw, Brady, Silk a i .:• ••• Bluurner awl Flat, r. than CA er. ,ri S 1111 l 004 IS —ry variety anal :CARPET AND OIL CLOTHS. alt , l at e:,,e0.,10y 1"w GROCERIES of every varid,y, :Lad of gutul j! ty. We a, determitwil to .11 our obi .lock offal • re,1u,,,1 price, We have bn band every variety of Goods umully Lept in a country riture. April 10, 1N55-tf. BROAD TOP DITO Last arrival of Spring aura Suatater • Q;40019. C UNNINGIIANI & DUNN I,:!ve j!..!! return( ! from l'hiladelphia, 411,1 IPINV cliolllll,. the oi , l stand of Jo,ial, Son at ihe head of the Broad Top Ita , in, a , plendid •ortaent of new goods, con,ist log of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard-state, Queens-ware, Cedar-ware, Dots, boots and shoes. A Is°, I;zi CON, Ehill ANL, PL.1,17.:1,', unfl in short everything that is usually kept in a country store. The public. are respectfully invited to call and examine our Stock, us We nee determined not to he undersold he any house in town. . All kinds of country product) Cohen in ex• change fur Goods nt the highest market prier, Prompt attention laid to storing. nnd t4ward• ing all kinds of inerclutudisc, produce, ;:c. Huntingdon, April it, 1855.—ty 31 i ( a ) t; ' , 1 ; i N t ;A tic t 'Knives ; a very large quantity at E. 14. Slianft Ntore. • LaDIES DrESS GOODS, Nluq. I)elanes, D. Delano, 1)e C,inglianis, and a Omit, I.! ..; 'GEO. GWIS, at the ttart• A bountiful assortment of Silk Die,: I'.l c•evnt, Black Silk, and Bonnet Lining, ust rccoin ad and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON j UST received and tbr sale, Ham, Shoulder, • Side, Dried Reef, Lake Trent, White rph also Dried Peaches, Dried Apples, &c., Sc., for ' , ale by J. & W. SAXTON. LAnllis Loafing and Silk work Gaitors, Kid 1 -J Morocco, and Goat Boots and Shoes at the store of GIG). I;OLD CIIAINS—A tine variety for sale, Ye Ey low, Sit Eno. SNARE'S. us.]: REcEivED mid lorsale Fish, SO/ and • /Wish, by J. &W. SAXTON. VW!' IA by the hl,l. Wheat by the ha,11..1 for ,ale at D.l'. (.111INS. ty . ilzrET Bugg, just reeeive.l and fi, sale be ic• IV. SA X WA, A great variety of Fans, of en ery variety un.l for sale Inc .1. W. 5.% vrox. tirA line lot of t 1.. 'o„ : , 1 I S(.l,' 1, I_,ANEOI. 7 S. 11U1 \'l'.lls FIDIALE Birmingham,. Huntingdon county, Pa. i 4 aituntctl uu the Pcuusylowia linil u.o.t, one of the mw.: lo,ationi ;it t ht. Auto. It ie :to e,y of au retired, lienlthful. mid iIIITOURtICII romAntie mountain 5t...m.n . . thnt 110 011 C WhO „kilt. lt, lentn, COOl , l tint' 1111 institution more tit- Experomeol who nre . . Troy Seniinariew ;..,. I nllll 110 pill]. inf.; (, r. iho hiSt T111,1 , 1“y .11 , 1 . J1 :tip! cm 101111 (., C 1,1 1. .,,, to ~ h..,11 o,lle 0i and no.lt..luction.: .11 are expected to h9:11,1 ill the llttiltling with Ow whit gives e mention to their in'erektntitl atlyance , 'I ,Con room , ' per SGO 00 1. 00,. I)ritwing ;11.0rnment.0 Extra. I. \V. WARD, A 10. 1 .1.1 1 117, IS:e7, 11'. 11101)11)5 , ,s's .INI) ,tA F CURE, For Ilit. prevention Cur,• ttna lietnittent bevel:, revor .Igite, and Fox er.Dninh trneral Debility Night ettt,, and ell tithed . .. nil: or w hi c h b n y e a voitiolon might in Mallad' to . ..,li:tteo. is a inviiral antidote whie'.l Will entirely protect my resident or traveller even in thu most sickly or swampy localities, from nun ir nun, dine.., whatever, or Any injury from constantly inhaling Malaria or 3liinotia. - It will instantly cheek the Ague in persons who hone :mitered for any length or time, from one day to twenty years, so that they need corer to Inter another chill, he continuing in use ac cording to directions. 'the patient at once begins to recover appetite and Atretwli, and continues until a permanent and tactical cure is effeetcd. One . .r two bottles wilt nogwer For ordinary flees ; some may require store. Directions Kin- German, French noel Spanish, aecomonny melt bottle. Price one dollar. Liberal dis ,oonts ittl.ln to the , :. ~ : . t,, I liaVC ,•.•. , • ••llhodc's Fever tont Agu, 10 Miliaria, nml !MVO te•tegi it 1 . ../ 1 . 1' . ;. envy, Quinine, and Strychnine, but 11.11 C 1,(11 r01.10:1 particle of either in it, err have 1 loumi I Lilly substance in its composition that would prove injurions to the constitution. JAMESIt. CIIILTOM, 111. 1). Chemist.' EVII)ENCE Lewisburg, Cuion Cu., Pa., May 2, 1855. Mr. J. A. Rhodes—Dear Sir t The box of medicine you sent me Wll3 duly received 00 the Ilth id April. 1 hare sold about ore half of it, and so far the people who hare used it, and six of the eases were of lung standing ; my sister. who had it fur lire or six years bock, and could never get it stopped, except by Quinine, and that only as long as she would take, is now, 1 think, entirely cured by your remedy. C. R. NicGINCII, CAUTION TO AGUE s urFEREns. Take no more Arsenie, Tunics, Mercury. Qui nine, Febrifuge,. Strychnine, or Anti-Perioili, any kind. Thu well-known inefficiency of these noxious pokoni proves them to be the Ml spring Mffilse medical principles, or of merecint ry quacks. The only remedy in existence that is both sore and harmless to 1:110DES . Ell AND AGUE CURE. Atti,sls—ln Huntingdon, The t o te Rend & Sum nut fur side liy deniers ,getimilly. Marrh 1 . 0.; EA A cent 1.1,. lin. Cu...,t.i'il.llcity.iii run,,,aipti,...,Vititta and ell We veren Io ' • lnr. Curtim' liy;.;ezkit Vtpor at hl 1yr.,." With nu, metit.,d noes t,, perfee: 1,11t1; ; an to evideme of ,;lieh rer ., or the Iceatinent. ILI , evident tl2:‘, breiiliiiiig an ngree.thle, healing vopur, the medicinal properties must conic in direct com . , tact with the . wlktle or the arial cavity or the lungs, MO thus escape the many and variett ,ini7ta'es produced upon them when introduced into the stomach, tool subjected to the process of digestion. The Ilygenou is for sale at nll the druggitt3' through , nt the country. Dutchmota 14. Tho Inhaler is worn on the hreatt under the linen without the knot. inconvenience—the tout a the I.utly being sufficient to cooperate the 111111 , 11,T , Or CASES of CUIIES like the fel ler, lug might be named. One Peckage of Ily geana Inc cured to of the ASTHMA of six ,year, standing. Jas. F. Kt.', ?an,' ann.', Pa I nin cured of ASTIINIA of 10 years standing I•y 1)r. elll I lygenilo. Price three 11,11,a, I't-1,1 4 0,--!-;‘,11 liy and I;tr 1) £ N.,. 119 Ca.aala•rs \". - I scat expro, ra..t 1:161,1 'tclt N. It.--Dr. Cu. O.' olt 16 N.k nod ONLY GENUINI. Inise imitucioni or silo owl INJURI OUS counterkits. Sltuu theni on you ‘‘up.l.l po;son. Suitt by 111;SSEI.I. & S(:110TT, No. Mt Iliad:et Street, Philadelphia, who will cell flee let at Proprictori ratc, CLOTHING ! A New Assortment Just Opened And Will be sold 30 per cent. l'ilE CIIEIPES'r ▪ iz( 01,\N respeetrtzlly intllrrus hi; .ntstuirters /Is Itinl tla• itultlie generally. that he has just opellett at Ins ..ttue rtnan iu Market Sluare, II un btoel: ,•I I:eady !nude Cl4,tlaing for Spritr3i ;Ind Siiiniiier, hi.wk I ) and 1?rook ( Idacl, and laney eassinet and curdnrf, l'ant,loons ; CI .SSOrthieja of N'ests.ll.ll, Lap:, ?leek and pot.het Ilankerelliefs Shirts. Setspeti.:ers. Carpet Trniiks, &c.. all ofn hick he will sell cheaper than the :an:e illy of (.00tli c:to bo ourehased at retail in or aoy other ostahlisloneht in the custom. l n ' V ii tln 'Ciili T ‘°l l toA to oa7dxttioi tocklorolu:htllii elsowhore. Iluotlngd lon, April 23, 1833—i s. MRS. SARAH KULP wishes to inform the ladies of Huntingdon and the surroundiN country that she has moved next door to Charles Miller at:love the Presbyterian Church, Hill St., where she intends carrying on the fancy and strew Millinery business. Having received the latest city fashion, she it prepared to attend to an that may favor her with their ,ilsthit. April 10, 1855-ti S. A. K1 . 11.P. WISSOtt /THE partnership lieret(Are exiting betuvesit A It(pun and Nlosier i 4 by mutual consent nail all persons tliceiselres in ,lelaca to thu said firm, will please call awl hel de their tweinitits %thlaiiit delay. :\ I • •,. .1; i'i• cs halt, •• • .• luu,mtnia • 31 , 31 thr• %tor, 0, MISCELLANEOUS. FIVE PElt CENT SAVING FUND, or The Naiional Safety Company. 11;11.11Slreet, •-•,,.• • I. PIM .11 , 111111 Incorporated by the state of Penn sylvania in 1511• 'WIVE PER CENT interest is given and the money is always paid took whenever it is ealled for, without the necessity of giving notice ton it beforehand. People who hive Liege sums put their money in this Safety Fund, on account of the bupeeior safety and convenience it aftbrels, but any sum, large or small. is received. VINO FUND has more than half a mil lion of dollars, securely invested the the safety orilepositoes. The Oitice is open to receive and pay money every day.. front 9 o'clock in the morning till 7 o'clock in the evening, and on Monday mid Thursday evenings, till 9 o'clock. People who l u n•e money to put in; are invited to call nt the office for further information. L. BENNER, Pres't. MOBEIZT SELFIIII , IJE, Vice Fecal. W3I. NJ, 1. 187,4. itEMVB. a.;:4/(HT, Bedding and Carpet WAREHOUSE, No. IIS South Second Street. 1 . 1 VI; not., ABOVE firRUCE SHEET, Where be keeps constantly on hand a full assort mem or every ortiele in his line of business. Feathers,Feather Beds, PATENT SPRING MATTRESSES, Thar, Mom, Corn Mask noel Straw MATTRESSES, rde,t rupestri, Topestu, Brussels, Three-Ply, Ingnda, renetimi, List, Rag and limp Carpotings, Oil Clothe, Canton Malliogs. Cocoa and Spanish Mattings, Floor and Stair Maggots, Hearth Rugg," Door Mats, TABLE AND PIANO COVERS. To which lie respectfully invites the attention or inivelmers. (Dot. 4, '54.-Iy. A SPLENDID ARRIVAL FALL AND WINTER a,,lalinia:o, A 1 11113 lIUNT/Nal.oN A. WILLOUGHBY, \S ,just returned from the cast with a large -Li !Ind splendid assortment of Fall and Winter Clothing, for men and boys, made in the latest fashion and in the most thimble manner. Who ever wants to be dressed better and cheaper than anybody chic in town, lot him call at IV•t.t.ounitnx'a CHEAP Cl.orntsr•. Saint:, one dote• west of T. & Son's drug store. Iluntingdon. Call and see for yourselves Oct. 18, 1554. Illl►E OIL AM) LEATHER STORE. D. KIRKPATRICK, o. 21. Soffili Third Street, Between Market and (Thema Streets. Philadelphia, IL% s sm. - E, Pry and Green Salted Patna Kips. TANNERS' OIL, Tanners' and Curriers' .Tools, AT THE LOWEST rnirEs ASH I,ON THE rtEsr All k iiitls of Leather in the Rough wanted, tio . hicl the highest market price will he given in cash, or taken in exchange for Hides. Leather Stored free of Charge and Sold on COIIIIIIiNSIOII Dee. 20, 1851.—1 y. VBEARV W. IA. No 6,gaunt Third Street, now MAIIKET, Philadelphia. Importer, Manufacturer and General Has Constantly on hand, and Alnays Finishing, 11l kinds of Leather, Morocco, Call Skins', Sheep Skins, &c,, &c. The attention of Country Merchant, and Man aneturers, Iv solicited, RED AND OAK SOLE LEATHER. Der. NEW STAGE LINE. ITIIE submit', waahl re , peetfully inform the 1 traveling public that he in now running a lino M!. 1711iTi toprbisoniu, as follows: , From Orbisonitt to Mt. Union and hack again, every day, intersecting the Champersburg line nt Orhisouia. Passengers wishing to go to Shade Cap, or any other plo,e, will be taken on without delay. Ills Harks ore good and comfortable, and he is determined to have none but good and steady drivers; in a word, his desire is to carry passengers in comfort and safety. JAMES S. BUIIKET. trid—mio, Nos. e. y. INDUSTRY MUST PROSPER. T N, BALL respectfully solicits the attention .01 the fimming community to a quality of Phosytof which he is now manufacturing, and will have ready for sale in a few days, he in nine pre pared to make harrows, wagons, cults, wheel barrows, &c., fie., and to do all kind of repairing at the shortest notice, and in the most substantial manner. Shopon N. W. corner of Montgmery and Wald, ingtuu stn. Mara 27 1835-tr. FEMALE LIBRARY ABBAPIATION TIL . E library will be open emu 'inlay after neat, at :t o'clock, in their room in the Court House. Subscription GU cents a year.— New books hare been added to the former en cellent collection—" Fanny Fern's' popular writings, "Bayard Taylor's" tic. Tho further patronage of the public will enable the cams. Goss to be still more extended.— By order of the Proaident, Jan. 22 185.1. LEATHER. FRITZ, HENDRY ts. CO. No. 29 North THIRD Street, PHILA. and dealers in RED and OAK SOLE LEATHER and KIL T '. Feb. 2,011 5.13.—1 y. J. Sl3u•sur Arntc,. J. F. LY_l Fe lt jt * . i `EA ZID _ . ItACT IAL SUR.VEYOifC tittive with DAN mt. ArnicA, Esq., llil'street, between Montgomery and Smith streets, Hunt nuthin, Penn', [Sept. 214'24. tf.] A BEArrivuL assortment of Fancy Cussi• I. mers Cloths, Summer Wear, for men and boys. Also , Carpet Bugs. &c., &e, just receit•- aI au.! Mr sale I,y J. & W. SAXTON. Ore. Matterig, lieraze de Lnnes,Bern• I.) zits. and Lawns of every variety and solos, :est received and for solo by .1: & W. SAXTON, HAT Ns.—oleskin No, I and 2, of the latest styles. Kossuth Bats of various styles and totalities—will he sold low at the cheap store of GE O. G117.V. A i.,t „, tl i a , n , 4l \ 1.. MISCELLANEOUS. GREATEST MEDICAL DISCO VERY OF THE AGE. Kennedy, of Roxbury, lies tliscoveroti in one of nor common pasture weeds a remedy ARMITAGE'S Electro-Magnet Lightning Roils. A TIER many years' close investigation and I numerous experiments, the Patentee taken pleasure in informing the public that he has arri ved at the true principles of protecting families, dwellings and property from the dentructive in fluence of Lightning. The calamities that every Ckv, Town. Village and Country little vic tim to annually. through the groan negligence of its inhabitants. is beyond ealculatinn, especially when the remedy ,any to obtain--this in found in Armitage's Patent Magnetic Lightning Rods, and in thin alone. This Rod has been examined by the mo,t seientitie gentlemen in the world—Profess'. M'Alurtrie, Johnson. Pallor and many others that have ex amined them, recommend end speak of them in T aor three bottled will clear the system of the 1 he • ~r nnorobntion , amt that cures ATTEIfa EMI) MEM ) the 11 . 1.1 . 5 t Scrofula down to a common pimple. lIC lit tried it to over 1100 eases, and never failed except in two eases, (both thunder humor.) li e has now in his pn•sessinn were two hundred certificates of its viotue, nll within twenty miles of lloatiim Two bottles aro warranted to euro a nursing sore mouth. Ono to three bottles will ono tl a worst kind ofyimplos on the face. . . . ti . aighest terms of approbation, and linen pro nounced them the only safe rods in use in this or nny other country, for the protection of Lives and Property. One ndynntoge in to divine mid throw hock n port of the electric fluid harmless to the clouds; in time of n stroke this enables the roil to conduct that portion of fluid that belongs to the earth without the slightest danger of leaving the conductor. This rod lian many othmr tam once the old one. The only piner of man "r tic Mar toeing is in . . . . Two bottles are warrantpd to curo the worst ens° of Erysipelas. . . One to two bottles tee warranted to core all homer in to Eyes. Two bottles ore warranted to eure running of the curs nuil blotches innong the heir. Poor to Six bottICA ere waiTentell to core rer• rept nod riming nicer, . . Two to three bottles are Warlltnted to curl the Wo,t ease ar 'trio to three bottles are warranted to core the oast desperate ease ar Three to four bottle, are warranted to cure the salt rheum. Fire to eight bottles will cure the wor.t en c of seroftitt. A benefit is always cs.perieured from the first bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted when the above quantity is taken. Bender, I peddled over a thousand bottle.: of this in the vicinity of Boston. 1 knew the effect of it in every case. So sure as water will eatin guish lire, so sure will this core humor. I never sold a bottle of it but that sold another; titter a trial it always speaks for itself. There are two things about thin herb that appear to me surpri sing ; first that it grows in ear pastures, in some places quite plentiful, and yet its value has never here known until I discovered it in 1846—second that it should care ell kind.; almna.. In order to give some idea of the saddest rise and groat popularity of the diseoverT. I will state that in April, 1853, I peddled It and sold about six bottles per day—in April, 1854, I sold over one thousand per day of it. Some of the wholesale Druggiits who hove been in busine,s twenty and thirty years, say that nothing in the annals of patent medicines was ever like it. Ths re is a universal praise of it Iron nil spiarters. In my owo practice I always kept st strictly for humors—but since its introduction as a general family medicine, great and wonderful virtues have been found in it that I never suspected. Several cases of epileptic tits—a diseAse which was always considered incurable, have been cu red by a Tow bottles. 0, what a mercy if it will proveetfectunl in oil cases of that dreadful mal ady—there ire but few wise have snore of it than I have. I know of several cases of Dropsy, all of whom aged people cared by it. For the various disea ses of the Liver, Si-k Headache, Dyspepsia, Asthma, Fever and Ague, Pain in the Side , Dis eases of the Spine, and particnlarly in diseases oldie Kidneys, &c., the discovery has done more good than any medicine over known. No change of diet ever necessary—eat the host yon can got and enough of it. DinEiTrioxs von - Usc.—Adults one table spoonful per (lay—Children over ten years de, 3Clt —Ch to eight years teaspoonfull. As no directions can bo applies- Mc to all constitutions, take sufficient to operate on the bowels twice a day. Man itfitei'urell by DONALD KENNEDY, .Vo. 13U Se., Roxbury, Mass. 'Price $l,OO T. W. DT(yrr, Gencrlll :Agent fur Poiinsylra— Agents.—N. Y. City. C. V. Click ner, el Barclay Street.—C. 11. Ring, 199 Broad way.—Rashton & Clark, 279 llroatlway.—A. B. It. Sands, 100 Fulton Street. Cur sale by G. W. Brehm., MeVeytown; Mrs. Mare Marks, Lovi,town; T. Rend & S., Hun ti npfitt. . . And sold by Agent, generally Ali,y •_l, 185:,--1y. A Miracle of Science. C. 1,. Kelling or Mechanimliurg Cumber. fJ awl reality Pt., announces to those elle bat with Tum:o's, Wens, Cancers, Polypus, Lupus Moles or Marks, Scrofula or King's Eril and all diseases that have been usually treated with Caustic or Knife, he can remove them by an entirely new method, without cutting, Intro- ing, or pain neither Chloroform or Ether is ad misistered, to the patient. It is no matter on what part of the hotly they may be ho can remove them with perfect safe ty, and in a remarkably short time. No Min eral oi Vegetable poison is applied; and no money required until a cure is perfected. Prulapsis Uteri, Female complaints, Chronic, Venereal and all other dioceses treated with positive success. Full particulars can be ob tained by addressing in either English or Ger man, past paid. Patients can be accommoda ted with Board on reasonable terms. Mechanicsburg is one of the prettiest nod healthy towns in this or any other State. It is 8 Mlle; from Harrisburg on the C. V. ft. It. and accessible from all parts of the Union. The Dr. will visit eases in any part of the Slate when desired. . Kind reader if you know any afflicted fellow creature, delay not to tell them or this treat t. January IC, 1555 7 1 y, BANKING MOUSE BELL, GARRETTSON & CO., lht Northgerat Corner qf Hill and Montgonic. vy .Creels, is Me Borough qt . Huntingdon, P which a general Banking business is COW 11 , tumplate , J!?be done._ Drafts . on Philadelphia, Pittsburg, &c., oleovs for sale. I hillections made at the princi pal points in the United States. Money received on deposit,pnyable on demand, withont Interest; also for 3,6, and 12 months, payable with reasonable rates of interest thereon. Members of Firm: Huniday.xturg, J. M. BELL, WM. JACK, H. 11. JOIiNBTON A WM. M. Lloyd. Huntingdon, Pa., A. P. WILSON, W3E. Ihmits, Jib, J. GLo. All. K., 'lllOl3. FISIIKR, WM. I'. °CHINON, JOHN SCOTT, JA NIES Ilwtx,., Ge.o. W. GARRETT., Ilmitinpluu I'd., July 12, 1834. CHEAP BOOKS, CHEAP BOOKS AT P' llz-110 '11 ) ? 2,) THE CHEAP HOoksELLEH. N. It'. CORNER SIXTH ARCH ST, PHILADELPHIA. Ho is constantly receiving from the Trude, Sales, nod other auction sources large supplies of carefully selected Books in all Departments , of Literature. SELECT. ItE1.I(illll'S. t , 1'N11.51" .11•VEN11.1 , , AND TOY BOOKS. &v. . wit ail laws, and at all ',vices. Books or esentution, &e. Bibles, Testaments Prayer Books with u very largo and extensive variety of Staple and Fancy Stationary, , of I.IIC best finality and lowest prices. Remember the North West corner Sixth and • Arch St., Philntlelpliitt. May ita. 1855.-Iy. A fresh supply of Garden mu Risley' Gardensjust reveircd, and for •.d, I. v MISCELLANEOUS Viite door.l 4", ili 1,1 1i1;1, Wll,O all perm,ns are respectfully invited to call ntid examine for themselves. tar sale Whole• sale tnnl Retail, by Tilts. AUNT 1T.1(11 . .., Orders promptly attended to. 'Fermi east). Recommendations. Pim., Aug. 111, 184 I Ism., this day carefully inspected lt conductor or Lightning nod. with vane and index, erected by Mr. Thomas Armitage. on Bellevue House, Gloucester, nod have no hesitation in saying th a t it is not only the hest that I have over seen, but that it is the only one I hove yet examined that is constructed on strictly seientilie principles. It is with much pleasure that I recommend this conductor to the attention of owners of buildings. IL MeNIU wrin I am well satisfied that the Magnetic Lightning Paul, manufactured by Mr. Thomas Armitage, of Philadelphia, is the best that has ever been made. I hove spent several years in the study of the laws of electricity and magnetism, and have nn hesita tion in saying that these Hods are construeted upon the only principle of safety. The electric shock is received and dispeised by the magnet at the top of the red, and it would he impossible, according to the lows of attmetion and repubdon, for it building to lin injured by a stroke of light ning when protected by 000 01 there reds. 1 Lave been aequointed with Mr. Armitage for see cent years, and betbre he coratnenced the man, facture of these rods 1 examitml the principle on which they are constructed, and felt convinced' that their adoption would be attended with com plete success. The increasing demand for these A N supply an oerae e ratios, rods, and the extensive sales in all parts of the OTII BR fresh and super , iAiority. ample commendation of their utility a Berage, till wool f d ß e Bag g e, d find part TRACY E. WAT,LER, M. D. cotton from 20 to :171 ens per yd. Also another Rising Sun, Philad. cm., April 10, 18 &2. fresh simply of Trimmings, just ree'd and for ! sale by .1. & W. SAx - rn, The lbllowing extract is taken from nn editori- BEA UTIFUL lot of Gents. Gaitors. Ladies Al in the Gamma.. Telcyraph, edited by Major ,! A we -timi,,C.,;:ictonlictoari:it,,,,S,liincs, Shots,G c o n f ts a . n ß e o n o , i t t ß e a s sm society,es Fncas "The bogus rod placed upon our dwelling. iust received and for sale In, have had taken down; and another ereted by Mr. : Ammon, to which we would call the attention , rm s. of our 111110(0, and readers generally. It , .1. & . SA tat. up on trite scientific principles, and is a rod that „„ lion been approved by the highest authority, 1111,1 „L. f 11, Wellington, Cottage. will bear the most thorough exan;i,v 'file; ,, Gotha , and rther flock, for sale who have been deceived, no we Base heel, should at li , m• Jewelry Store, lose ten time in having a proper protection ttgainst itantingdott. lightning, substituted. The cost is a mere beg- TA - 01;131,E Barrelled English Snub ne , l 'l'n ;:t atone when eotnpared with the entire safety of , 1 . 1 pu tetso sh '. r:er i t, tier y , ~,e rret_ our .rouses and barns against this destructive ele med from fotee, dollars to thirtyeet. 'lr. AI:MIT-WEN advertisement will be found in the columns of this paper; and we feel s a l e h p I. &W. SA x . rox es thouo we were performing at imperious duty to the community, by thus inviting to it general attention-. hl 1..M1,1.1911.1, Dec. 4, 1852. Mr. T. Aumiefol:, Vine Street, west of Twelfth Street, Philadelphia. l\lr Dr.tu Stu : Alice atrial of many weeks, it affords me treat pleasure to inform eon that J am highly delighted with the lightning rod pm placed upon my house nt Busticton. As far my chemical knowledge CMOICS me to porn,~, an opinion, I am satisfied you have do the correct principles in the adaptation , protect property from destruction by soon as the advantages of your arrange, - • understood, 1 sot convinced that low ped,•• • • he found so reckless as to fail to avail then, of the protection :anal.' by pow rods. Wi,d:; you all success in your enterprise, ean routs truly, JAMES MeeI.ENTOrK. M. D.. No. I. North Eleveitth Stre , -••• rtofessor of Anatomy, Ehilndelplda Medicine. SAMUEL 1100 R. Hart/don, Union Co., P,., Is Agent for Huntingdon, nod adjoining mantles, and will furnish the Hods on the same manner as the Proprietor. Any person desiring to be sup plied with the nods coo leave their order with the Editor of the Journal, or with Hollins Miller, of the Rail Road Hotel. April 12,'54. HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY. Tho C. McGILL returns histbanksi • to his friends and tho public ••,, for their very liberal patronage, and ' hopes by strict attention to business* !. to merit a continuance of the some, in all kinds of Castings, Cooking Stoves, Air-Tight, Ten Plato Wood and Coal Stoves, of se, oes zes, and ull kinds of Ploughs: this Lane.s.:t, cud the Plank Barshear patterns, and Keystone No. 4 Self-sharpcning and Hill side Ploughs, and Shears to suit all kinds of Ploughs in the country; Rolling-mill and Forge Castings, Grist and Saw mill Castings, Lewistown Threshing Machine Patterns, and the four horse suol two horse power of Chamhershurg patterns; and all other kinds of castings too numercas to mention, all of which will be sold cheaper than over for cash and all kinds of country protince. Also, old mettle taken in exchange for castings. Huntingdon, November It, 19511. ROBBED, BUT NOT DISHEARTENED. Brilliant Display of Jewelry. public iicucrolly, and the raseel3 whe, some time since, entered my store and won°. veil valuables to the amount of about SI PM without toy permission, ore informed that I bare ;list opened a more general and better assortment of articles in toy line of lAsiness than was ever brought to Huntingdon, consisting of Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, Fine Knives, ia„ Pistols, Perfumery, Pot t Mutt- z tittles Silver Warn, and Fancy ' ; Articles, &c., etc. My old frionds and customers, and the public in general throughout the county, are requested to call and examine my assortment. EDMUND SNARE. Huntingdon, March 29, 1'894. Jowl Scorr, SAMUEL. T. nitowN g..iT1114 Attorneys at Law, Huntingdon, l'a., Office same as that formerly occupied by John Scott, Esq. Oct. 19, 1853. TO WOOL CARDERS. THE undersigned have for unto a second-haml ed Carding Machine, with all the ne cessary fixtures, which they oiler for sale very tow. Any one wishing to purchase will do well to (AI and see it. 10ESSI.Elt Alin Creek, April 12, 1854. HOOVER Still at Ills Post MILK undersigned, now engaged in putting up 1 Armitage's Electra Magnetic Lightning Hods in this and adjoining counties, would res pectfully call the attention of the intelligent pub lic to the great superiority of this Patent, at ft mason like this, when accidents to property and life almost daily occur, it is the dictate of Mumm ify, as well as interest, to make use of the best means of security in our power, for though the Lightning ho in the bands of 111 m who rules the • storm, Ills protection and blessing are always ronnected with ottr owu eon, SAMUEL HOOVER. July 26, M . O. It: BUSINESS ITEMS. HousEKEEpEns. LOUSEKEEPERS study your interests, why i go to Auction and pay extravagant prices for half-made Futmerr HE? C,tll nt No. 1, North NINTH street, and examine the lat•gest assort ment of the best made harniture nod Bedding in the city, reacher Beds, Hair, Blink, end Straw Mattresses; n large assortment of fancy What nots, Sofa Tables, marble tops, and Waslmmods; Walnut and Mahogany French Tete-a-tetes. Di vans, Wardrobes. Bookcases; French 110,m M, Fancy Stalled Seat. Cane seat, Witutst,v. 4- See Chairs, Counting-house, and cant-see t Sthob., Settee anti Arm-chair Cushions; l.'othme throi t ore mmla in every style and color: Soft !ie.!: ,1111 ',mtge.:, wholesale and retail, and wArramv , l to give satisfaction, and sold nt the lowest priers. Sep. 20, 1953, Real Esta y te Agency: The undersigned has established an 'menu for the Sale rind l'arrhase of 'teal '::slate iii If 1111thg11011 A 1,. 11,-011 wi,titing to sell or pr,ltase ran giro Ili a tt” Tription or the property, its bat:t• lion, tittality, and terms. Ire ett,tto , In tt.4,lley on sue': 1,11., as Ws. SOl s !li' TIIONIAS P. CAMPBELL. TTORNEY TLA II; Will:metal to all bu.int, entrusted to lit, nearly oppoiitt 0:e Cowl llon , e. .May 4,':,:1. A. W. BENEDICT. ITTORXEY .11' Latr, Informs his old friends and the piddie that he has returned to Ilk old home, and will attend to nll bu , i)less in his profession, entrusted to him, with thkiiry and his best ability. Otlice in Main Street, south side, the last hunse below the Court house. Huntingdon, Mny . _ . . Adams & Co.'s Express. T. N. 8 1 11MONTON, Agew, Hunting, Money, l'aeka!r,, 000.0 ofall kinds, re forwctr.iol of the ri,k of the compnny Milli the ,11.,,,aml principal towns in the United State. .May 1,'52. TII e,e,to.:t variety of Dress TrintiningA, Fan, er.tvat, Tyde Tarot, Drec Colinrs, (Itemizer., Taney Utter thereto, Kid nml Lyle 'llirend Glove-. tool Hosiery of every enrich., just reeei retl for sale by J. R W. ii.lX.TriN. TLS! iweiving the handsomest lot of Carpets ever calor.] in this place. Also, Oil Clothe, which will ho sold low by six/. A LAIIOE anti splendid assortment of 3 - nets Misses' nits and eltildrens' Hats ant at low prices at the store, of (; l i 'IS. k•.,„„,t: J \I ~ .. 1~. p. a':, Ti.~ I;or Rade by I r 1 ; !I. . • A beatitind • —arced lip ilSilk,jitsi received :Ind r ,It.;•1" .1. A largo lot of Shoos—Loco Boots, Buskins, aMisses and Children's at the Store or D. GRIN. BOOTS 5110 ES, i o u t r men and boys, a good nsamiineni, id the store CEO. UWIN. A I.i,e assortment or Lawns and Bonze de jest received at the. cheap store id ..... l). P.•GIVIN LAMS)! stutply CI., 1., 1.. Simnibroy, just received and .1. 4:: \V. SAXTON 2000 i1t..,:,•ti..,(,1,,'•fr,i.,!'',!:',vi."..,7,."7:xiv.e cyr; .13.1111117:1.$ No. 1 lierrieg (. lost t..t.•1, and thr sole at the store or 11.:( 5 t , , , , , ,, ,,, ,: i t: , :r . :. r , , , ici, or ihtrnin gi l l. , , , , , ; ,. t (T, ... 1 ,, , ,,.:, A 5 ' .. , , i , ',1, : • g,e '1 „ 1- ,?et e ., (l ,a B r - 1T:',7, : . '' , ' , 1 ,.! .. ,: ':,' . 1. ,. 1.t' :., Store. fAIN(:111:11S-1.1ni.,tic , • ',civet] att 1). P. (MIN'S (' BARRELS Hoe "'erring, just received w. L kJ for sale at the store of GEO. GRIN. A SPLENI)ID assortment (Igothijn., reeeivol CAIDION'S, FISH .I.ND 3./117', t'u, sale At the store or GEo. (;WIN p( front 25rears ul, to tie 5u 25rle? of f. I. S superfine t titan.l l;it : t i. the sto irg, L ant li s li to n rs ' X r" 7. " kl l ll. n LO Y u s G ' l C „ ' i lo r th. A S s iP , E tt lr e I s i to a r r o ti o p of Cider Vinegar for GEO. GWIN. PERFUMERY—A goot , lot, of tho best,at EDMUND SNARE'S. 113A t l i t e G e y ie. D p E co L ri tI r Nj8, i onll . l4,6sLt t i;Zy *. p 1112 URG llama 111Iichf: 6!l cheap; 1 1 :1,j l ‘N y (oner i a s t inti Unts i f . ;f received A superior lot of for sale at the ELE PH A N T. 500 l y r co,. Fish, s, in endless society, it lieu . Sanat:'s, ANoute r c u tl:ut variety of line 11Z • April HShoulder. and Flitch, li, solo at the dore,i (41.:11. (MIN. SCELL NEOUS, linens, CLOCKS, AM) JPIVELRI: The subscriber. thankfnl to his friends and pa trons, and to the Politic gonewallt•, for their p.t• tronagc, still coutinnes to curry on at. thu s o me stand, one door ettst of Mr. C. Cotte's Hotel, Mar• ket street, Huntingdon, where he will attend to all who will thvor him tw•ith their custotn, unit al so keeps on hand It good nssortment of WATenne, Ct.arhs, Jim nuns', &e., he., all of which he is determined to sell it lOW pVity, Watches and of all kinds will Le lel eirel et short entice, ind having mode ar rangements with a good workman, all repairs will he , tone in ft neat and durabla manner, and every person leaving articles tbr repairing %hall ha, their done at the preei,o time. By paying strict attention to lniine , s, and selling at low rates, he hopas to receive a share of public patronage. JOSEPII lilOt M , Iluntingdon, Sept. 7, 1852.—tf. THOS. READ, Would respectfully harm his frierals n ' nff tLc public, that lie lint on hand and is receiving t'ov the coming season, it fine assortment of , CD LI '7o a;• of Wittchc9, Chains, Ilreniq Pins. Fin ;; i'l• I~illL' &e. 'LU GOLD PEN, 1 , I: 11 , 4 ...1,1 . 101 . . to V.! , y ,IN11• j, with ICI, tIAVII linmo tuf,l every l'eu W,arwited. lin did you ever. nr I never 3lerreott ns w hitt a treat: (let Read's (told Pan, they're extra tine, Nod only found in North Titled Street.: splendid Pen Where did you gat it Pure Diammul Pointed, can't he lienti Yes, nay friends, there's no hurnbuging In Head's (told Pent; of:Nor:it Third St, t Gold Pen is tin tlui on% Thiel N:rco, %el,: Are:l ..C,4,1 Side THOS. READ Lots in Altoona for Sale. I.(rIS FOR S<• FN, T.TOONA si x ies north of Llollinaysbarg,anii uLout elle !nibs no,ti,- west of Allegheny Furnace, In,ir enmity. After the 21st (lay of May, tlie LoTs in sold Town will be open to the public for sole. It is well known that tn^ Penneylvenia Rood Cornpany leee .el: rind for t'ne Tnetinn 1: The Rail Road willbe opened early in the Call throiviti,, , at olive a huge amount of trade to this place. The main inducement at this time in of fering Lots for sale, being to secure the ',qui,- ite Machinists and Triipsmen, and homes for the Machinists and nth employees of t:ie Ruit Road Company. Early application will secure Lots at a low price. For further information ripply to C. H. MA V ER, at Altoona, or to R.. 1. MeAl lIRTR lE. Hollidaysburg. Mo. I, ISlg—tt. TUD7Ins JAcusoN, Tomah. 1 FRANIII . AN Blair county. Lancaster ,ounly DAVIn M'Atillinnir, WILLIAII GI.EIM, Huntingdon co. Lituraster count! JAMES GARDNER, llinCis. It. BRYAN, . Blair ~ ,unty. I.,,astor eounty. Central l'enp , a, Ranking House, (yr BRrAN, (Wire en A Ho - k) gheuy street, a few doors west of the Coot t House, and nearly opposite toe I'ost Olth e , Hol lidaysburg, Pa. The Company is now recite to tran , aet bosi lleSS. Upon money deputed for a specific period of three, six, nine or twelve months, in terest will he paid at suet, rates as arse u~oall~ allowed by Savinge Institution, T.an%ient posit. received, payable uu dou,,ud. Br:VAN, Hollidaysburg, AL:), Notice to Tity4- , 1 \ - (‘TICE is licrvloy 3:. Jr.'~ii. ji~~: it^ S Et). L. NEFF, N., trAvING located himself iu W.utctoc;•v., cr in this county, would reipecirully professional services to the the; and the country adjacent. BErFERENCYS: J. B. Laden, M. I). Gen. A. I'. • M. A. Henderson, " 1. J. 11. Dorsey, " Hon. Jana, G,ine M. Stewart, " lobo lion. George Taylor. - - Jaeob M, tlemmill, M. I)., .44.raneri,t. Johl. " orNeW ',.trge PoNiau I)4mie.tien.,l Fr0,,,11 Alpacva, say;: 1 , 4tr01,.0. , . brown avid Mead, . or ribbons. nwl n goods InlieA tool n , l ;nice enn't I.c Lent, to CIA). CIV,'IN'S Store, .• II • t1:1! iit•: riv j'.ll. sale ot I. (i VIN . , • hi,. in store gna cor salu I; . t W I VS Scorc. ies' ~~ ~~;. „ Fluid H , . hand,mo a... , ortnient for sMe at w,VIVS Jan..l, I• .. A. P. 1, 'WILSON d, PETRIKIN, ./ITTORNEYS LAW, iIuNTINaboN, P.l. Prnetieo in the several Courts of Huntingdon, Blair, Cambria, Centre, Minlin rind Juniata Coun: ties. March 23, 1853. ALL KINDS OF Ti fano. Tr JOB PRINIING, A S PROGRAMMES, CARDS &C And all Kiuds el . Legal Blanks, j Used by Magistrates & Others I Printed at Ow .191 ANAL OFFICE. 111LANKS.-Almly. Ent• your Blind:, at tl,r "Journal (Mice." %V.. Lav a now prepare.' a y(-_ t ry superiorartielc of DEL:1)8,110N t;: • all1(ibll•;\'I'\i \i iv,',•,v,v.r.l at 5a N,.t.pi ti.‘l.• re, • .r.:11 from I I VieuVa rip. GEO. GtVIN. Fur • - patterns. uf (. CAVI