untinghnft)ltrual. NlWzy - c Wednesday Morning, August 15, 1955. - - • WILLIANI BREWSTER, rrons. SAM. G. WHITTAKER. 5 The "JOURNAL , ' has 300 Subscri bers snore, than any other paper in this county. Agents for the Journal. Thu following persons we have appointed Agent for the Heauxonort Jou IMAL, who are outlaw load to receive and receipt for money paid on sole aeription, nod `take tiro woos at new subsea bars at oar puMbod prices. Wed° Chic for fhe convenience of our subscri bore living at a distance front Huntingdon. JOHN NV. THOM I'ALIN, Esq., Holtalysburg, SAM UFA COEN, Easi, thtriee, Guonot: Cruntwell townslii. li.nv IltrosoN,!lay tn) 1'115111 (1. DAvin ETNIHE, Cromwell township I% As',ow, l'enn!.ownship, f. WAnt:ilin MAT'raals, Franklin township ; SuMll.l. S rixr EY, JUCLSUM township, Col. Jan. C. W., 1,40 n, Brady township, l\tonnis BROWN, Springfield township, WM. lIIITCMINRON, ESil., Wiitrinridnarli Guonon W. WurtrAK LH, Petcraburg, litaray Nerr, West Barre,. JOHN BALSBAIIII, Waterstreet, Maj. Cirsur,ns Minim.. 'roil township A. M.Lfrou, Dublin tutvughiv, Gamma Wimmx, Esq., Tell ruwndlip, .I . Asma CLAna, Birmingham. N.l THANIEL fel - 11.11, FA., Spruce Creek Mnj. W. Moo., Alexandria. B. F. WA r.r.Aum, Union Furnace. Sismosi WRltilr. Esq., Unien tosSoship. DA VII) CLAIMKOiI, LSII., (MISS if.lllBllll, KA 11110. WulTwi, Esq., Franklin township Esil.,lVarrioraninrk. DA, in A ruAiiirr, FAL., Todd totrnship. Dn. S. linAny, Dublin township. Whig Delegate Election; The Whig Delegate clef:lien in thitFlonough resulted in the selection of A. Cannon, Enq. and henry Cornprobst, Esq., an the delegate: to represent Oulu in the County Convention John A nnitage, 1:s(1.0i:us Chairman and Cul J. A. Doyle, Secretary. The Broad Top Pic Nie, This was decidedly it fine affair. Al. though business forbade us joining the party of merry lads and blooming lasses, our heart went with them. The beautiful ..pot selected by the managjrs, (Fountain Grove) is unrivalled for beauty. It is a ' , spirit-stealing nook," • where many sum mer days might be charmingly spent ; the interlacing boughs of the surrounding lux uriant' :pods cover it with impervious ,hade, and near by is a cavernous hollow, inade by the moss•grown rocks, down hick a small stream with a noise like ca ctde echoes refroshitigly through the still forest scene. A b tut one hundred per. sons . were present, and all came home char med with their pleasant party.. Groot praise is due the energetic and gentle manly managers, for the comfortable man ner in which everything mos conducted ; 4,nd in making this, the first pie iiic on the Broad Top Rail Road, worthy of the dent, Borough." The Late Elections. The recent elections held in several of the southern states, have rcsu heti general. ly, in the triumph of Pierce, and Slavery, as was reasonably expected would be the case, by every political man of experience. We have not complete returns from any of the states, as yet, but sufficient to enable Its to form correct conclusions, as to the complexion of affairs. . In North Carolina, a majority of the Congressmen elected arc Locofocos, and tierce administration supporters. The latest returns from Alabama, indi. Late the election of Shortbridgo, the nom. inee of the American party. If the re turns as telegraphed be correct, Short bridge will be the Governor. Tennessee it is said has gone Pierce by a small majority. Johnson, the Democrat ic nominee for Governor, it is presumed is elected. In '`old Kennit," the Americaus ap- pear to have carried everything below them, electing their Governor, a majority of the Congressmen, and almost all the members of the State Legislature. The State Teachers' Association. The State •l'eachers' Association held a meeting at Pittsburg during the present week, at which Professor W. V. Davis ; of Lancaster, presided. From the proceed ings we learn that the recent school law, establishing a certain standard of qualifica tions for teachers, has caused a general do• round for places where teachers might be properly educated, and accordingly, nor mal schools have already been established in the counties of Lancaster ; Berk.•, Alle gheny, Somerset and Centro ; and the suo• teas of those points to the nece,city fur a State institution. The Lancaster Normal School orned on the 17th of April, and during the session 117 teacloirs have atten ded for instruction, of whom 125 were from Lancaster, and the others from (Wier .. ent portions of the State. A resolution was adopted by the Association, authori zing the appointment of a committee to petitimothe Legislature for the establish. ment ofa State Normal School. Gratify ing accounts were given to the At , tociutien oldie workings of the normal schools in Allegheny and (!entre counties. A num ber of interesting disquisitions on abstract oubjects were read by various member., of the As.socialion. A number of trout thi, The Harmonious Democracy.—• Rich and Racy Scones, 'l'he Locofoco delegate election show which came off in this borough ou last Sat- nrday evening, presented some features worthy of notice, not given in the hand bills. It was a perfect farce ; not the free expression of opinion of an independent I)einocriey, but an inquisitorial conclave of designing t t °penny demagogues, who took upon themselves the self assurance and presumption to proscribe every indi vidual who would ant subscribe to a pledge declaring his iisconneetion with the lc. n organization, and a positive ngreement ne ver to become n member of such an order. Now this we consider in perfect keeping with the character of Locofncoistn, but it doss look rather shabby on the part of the majority of the prime movers in this pro ceeding, who ore well known to be reject ed k. of more properly Ic. o. k. n's— Out of some two hundred and odd votes in the borough, barely one-fifth of the number was polled. This proves plainly one of the two facts, that either the Democracy are amalgamating. in a most fearful man ner, with the proscribed order of dinidnight conspiiators," or "dark•lantered gentry," or else the delegate election was not the unanimous expression of the so called Du • inocracy. At art early hour, the two factions which embrace the Democracy of the borough, were ou the ground, each eager to secure the officers. A creature of the Cameron wing, notorious for his stupidity, was li• nally chosen, und the panorama began to move. The chairman, with "114; lit tle round is ily, That shook when to laughed, Lit.ti a bowl rull el jcllr;' filled the chair with great sellsatisfaction. Then began the tviro-pulling to secure the delegates. Hough words w,re exchanged between the Cameron and anti-Catnoron leaders, and the little 'friar' forgetting his station, called one a bar, and inady some `Moyamensing demonstration' towards the opponent of his master. M ore Lbw it was thought the meeting would end inn general."muss," but through the exertion of a few of the law and order citizens, par tial quiet was restored, although the little chairman was compelled le make an inter nal as well as external application of fluid extract, to smother his 'Win' intlipm , hun' and keep down his angry feelings. Take it all in all, we have never - witnessed a time disgraceful scene, and with many oth ers, including a number of respectable Democrats, tee left, perfectly disgusted. The NeW AeFallean Party. We find the following call in the Pitts burg Gazette, copy of which has been sent to us. It is, we believe, the first author ized summons yet issued fora State Con ye:l6°a of the A nti-Nebruska, or Ilepubli nth patty Of Penisylvania.• In the list of names appended use Limo of members of all the old organizations. Whilst •we ex pressao opinion as to the movement itself we ~tiblish the call for the information of our reader,, the more especially as it con tains the names of Whig. leaders of high standing : ncpublimt Stale Cmavention.—Tho citizens of Pennsylvania, without sugar d to fit/yer tas. ty distinction, who urn to units in a new organization to mist the Nam spread of very nod the increase of the slave power, arc ',quested to meet in Muss Convention, the oth slay of September, 1855, at 11 o'clock., A. M., to organize a Republica:l Tarty in this State, which shall give es premium to the popular will so the subjects involved in the repent of the Alissouri Compromise, and co-operate with oth. er organinations of a similar character is tither States. George Darbie, Allegheny county. John W. Howe, Crawford county. Jonn S. Mann, Potter county. John Allison, Beaver county. John M. Kennedy, PhdadeOda county Win. B. Thomas, do Joseph Markle Westmoreland county. lenjumin Northumberland Co. Murtin Bell , Blnir county. 11. IL Frazer, Susquehanna county. I. 11. Cobb, Tioga county. Thaddeus Stevens, Lancaster county Alex K. Nlceluro, Franklin county, Alfred Matthias, Indiana county. Powder Mill Explosion. A powder house in Wilmington, contain• lug about u ton and a half of powder, was blown up one day last weuk, causing a number of deaths, and doing tin amount of injury to property. The full particulars of the ca•n are given in our exchanges, from which we understand that the cause of the explosion is attributed to a workman, who had been in the habit of smoking on the premises. All the workmen connec ted whh the establishment were killed at once ; fragments of bodies were found at a distance of live hundred yards from the place of explosion. The true, around the drying house were blown up by the roots, and fields were literally covered with frog moots of wood, cinders and the remains of the victims. Itofnaed. John L. Dawson, who was recently ap pointed Governor of Kanzai, in room of Guy. A U. Reeder, removed, refuses to accept. Wu understand the appointment has been tendered to Wilson • Shannon of Ohio. Mr. Dawson, we understand, has an eye on the United States Senatorship, sod fur this reason refused the Governor ship. ff. — Dilly Lewis thinks we should bu voged or Illegal voting. Now Billy, you are wrong. You tenteuther, certainly, a high fr.yumibitity event, that happened once on a time. Don't you. Well yuu lawn you wu.u.'t put in dinutwe vile. • I notv, 4,114. IQU.. The Only Way to "Ftuse." The Iron Democrat appears to consid er our plan for the action of the Whig par• ty, during the coming campaign, to be rather proscriptive, so far as relates to the party ho upholds. Well, Mr. Democrat, we mean just what we say ; a fusion with the Democracy, would, inevitably destroy the character of the great Whig Party It would not be consistent on our part to fa vor a Whig and Locofoco amalgamation, for the simple reason that the principles of the latter organization, are as corrupt and an ti •republioan now, as in the days of Clay and Webster. A fusion therefore, must necessarily embrace candidates for offloe chosen from the ranks of each party, and hence, we would, by favoring a fusion, be constrained to support men holding opin ions and views contradictory to those we h toe always believed to be the soundest, and Which are of the greatest advaniege to our country. To lend our support to Locofocoisno, is out of the question. But this brings us to the query : flow will we consent to fuse ? On the single system ; i. e. the Whig party will nomi nate a pure ticket, composed of loyal, re publican men, who have t Ito good of the whole country at heart, who are enimently patriotic, untarnished by the prejudicial iiinciplea of any corrupt private organiza tion for the promotion of selfish ends. If the ticket su nominated meets the views of Democrats, let them 'lay hold.' This, we feel satisfied, is the only fusion to which the IVhigs of Huntingdon County will give their hearty and unanimous consent. The Public Lands. We learn that the exposition of public lands sold within the past fiscal year pre sents 80111 C surprising results, and yet such ai are characteristic of the working of our Government. The following recapitulation of the table embraces the most important items : Acres. TOllll quantity of !antis for cash, 14,689,363 'l' tat quantity suld in the Free &Ales awl 'rerrirorics. 7,691,000 'fetal quantity 00111 i 0 the Slave States and '.l.'erritories, 7,267,000 Total amount of cash receipts $10,549,000,00 Received from sales in Free receipts, 7,915,0110,00 110,011.04 from sales in filave states 2,604,000,00 Art./01W; price per acre for all the States, 71 i\verogoplee per acre 1.2 r free stateg, Averniie price per acre fir slave gal.., The greatest quantity,ef land sold in any State, and at the highest market price, was in lowa, where 3,276,000 acres were sold at $1,24 per acre. The next greatest quantity was disposed of in Missouri, when 2,506,000 acres were sold at an average of 43 cents per acre. The lowest average price . was in Indiana, where the small remnants oft half century's traffic in Gov ernment real estate brought only 17.7 cents per acre. 'rho next lowest average was ,Alabama, where nearly 2.300,000 acres sold for a trifle over halt a million of dol lars equal to 23 cents per acre. • Those fact are additional proofs of a truth sufficiently well established before, namely, that while the benefits and favors of the General Government fall chiefly up on the South, the chief burdens of its sup port devolve upon the North. We pay enormous prices for the regions we annex at the South, as in Texas and the Me•silla Valley, from which not a farthing will be roulized ; we lasi:MO° public treasure in original payments to Southern Imams for their laid titles, nod generally double or treble the amount in the allowance of frau dulent claims growing out of theta ; the expenses of surveys at the South are double those at the North—and the grand result of the whole is that lands at the North acquired at half price yield to the national treasury three times as much as those at the South. In otljer words, while acqui sitions on the freOide of the line of divis ion are a source id revenue and national strength, Southern accessions servo no oth er purpose but to absorb the revenues deri von front the contributions of the opposite section. Heavy Defalcation, This is manifestly the age of defaulters. Nu sooner does the public mind become composed over "bust up," than it is disturbed by another. There is a story told of an aged African woman who had Leen a slave in America, but ea being lib• orated she wont to Liberia. She soon ac cumulated property, cnough to purchase a ~n ative," or two, and of course led them a Inird life. When asked why she knowing the evils of bondage, kept slaves, she re• plied, "Oh ! I outs do as they do in Ole Virginney." The following which we find in an eastern "x" looks us if the oth er brad habits of white people were spread ing among the "children of Night." "E -vil examples corrupt good manners :" "A society of colored persons,ii;rthit:.7i ttro,nsorynAilzreitcla7lfie,rr t the ii)tulerpofse of aidin g emigrants to Liberia, have made the wt• fortunate discovery that their tieusurer, Dennis Smith, a brother Africaii, has be. come a defaulter io the full amount of the funds of the association—sumolMO." We hope to hoar the 'full particulars" of the examination, which will, of course, take piano, together with the 'explanation' which Dennis will make to tho "stuckhol• der;." ikirWlien we ixe u lucid puctty ;;irl, with it Tice but iiiiiecetit air, with dude, whith we call hardly help kkaitig, unit with a pair alma. icily Uwe ',yea, which utaincil .iefeeity their ailken utt alwavi that alit %%a., mat a laud puddle, dad that wc had td, hit tiew . Su ~aye cut -devil." OUR BOOK TABLE. TDB UNITED STATEN MAGAZINE for Au. gust was received last week, but too late to receive notice. This is, emphatically, a good magazine ; wolf worthy the patro. nage of the public, the price being but .1 per year. Send and get it. THE SACRED CIRCLE, is the title of a neat little monthly, we have been recei ving for some time past. It is devoted to the science of Spiritualism, and is edited by Judge Edmonds, Dr. Dexter, and oth ers. The believers in the spiritual sci ence would do well to subscribe for it, if they desire their faith strengthened. PETERSON'S MAOAZINE for August, is be fore no, a rich, interesting, beautiful and desirable work. It is a book which all lovers of literature should possess, and we heartily recommend it to the public favor. INVENTOR is the title of an excel lent new scientific magazine, the first num bar of which is before us. It is a splen di.l work, and if we may judge of the fu ture by the present number, it will cer tainly take the lead in the Scientific jour nal line. Published by Quimby, Haskell & Co., N. Y., at $1 per annum. all'Billy Lewis, of the Globe, appears to take peculiar 'delight in attempting to make us appear us great a villain as him se.f. Poor soul ➢it we didn't pity him, we would tell a few plain facts relative to his city life. But we won't. We would not like his dear, Democratic brethren know what a curmudgeon they have got to deal out their Democracy. We wish to keep subh affairs us drunken rowdydow, cancer shows, police office scenes, &c., &ei profound secrets. We do. 6tucral Bctus. Western Emigration. The rapid settlement of the Northwest, as evinced by the extraordinary emigration thith er, and the vast quantities of public land sold or occupied on warrants, is one of the events of the day deserving of serious attention. The bulk of thii migratory multitude has been gen. orally composed of nor native population, but what are its components at present we ar e un able to say. Foreign immigrants are not, as a body, passed of sufficient means to go far West. A large number remain iu the cities and towns following mechanical or mental occupations.— A minority go to the interior, but generally settle in the vicinity of some of their former friends or neighbors. The native imigratiou is composed of small limners, who go West to become larger cultivators, or workmen who have accumulated money enough to start as OW.. of (arms. Few have ntuch capita', and all are promoted by hopes of bettering their fortunes by hard work, industry and economy. The statistics of the census show that this ten dency westward is destined constantly to in crease. The Middle States teem with popula tion, whielt accumulates so rapidly that on out let is an absolute necessity. Jr they did not hind it at the West, they would soon overrun Ate more northern slave States. Even as it is, with the vast domain of the West open to us, this northern hive has sent a large number of emigrants into all the border States of the South. Land is so cheap in some sections of Maryland and Virginia, that small farmers find it much better to remove thither than to under take a long and toilsome journey to the Mr West. This is a question nut of institutions but political economy. Emigration is our safb. ,ty valve. We must have a sufficient outlet fir our surplus, and it will ho found or made by necessity, whether it be conceded or refused to us. It is not possible to coop us such a por. ulation us the. northern States have acquired, so restless, adventurous and eager for fortune or the chance of its acquisition. The effort, therefore, to make Kansas and Nebraska slave States must fail. The institution may be este)). lisped there on paper, butit will be overwhelm ed by numbers, and must ultimately become extinct. Let any . ono who wishes to satisfy h....1r0n this point look to lowa, and see the !nighty influx of imigrants there, and the clear ing away of Om wilderness, as if by magic. Trial, is not a phenomenon of a day. It has been growing steadily from year to your, until it that attained its present proportions.' It can not diminish in succeeding years, because the pressure in the rear constantly increases.— Now where must all this multitude of free set. tiers go when lowa and Minnesota are maple. od 7 Cain the tido be turned back upon us; to overflow our cities and towns? Can einigra. lion be stopped? Can we avoid the European influx'? As these things are not possible, it is unde niable that emigration from the free States must go on increasing from year to year. Thou sands of industrious men can do well at the west, who make out very poorly here, rind the knowledge of this (het has been widely dissent. Mated all through the north by the numbers who have already tried the experiment. Pos. sibly they may find that the same thing is true of all the unpeopled wilderness of the country, and so become pioneers in the Virginia back• woods, or any other sparsely settled State. it is idle tend': of regulating this movement by political nutinouvres. It is beyond the reach of politicians. IVhenever the field is most prom:sing them it will go, and nothing can prevent it. SI . MMARY PusisitstaNT or A Pies:PoeKm.— % New York, on Tuesday, Alfred Gray, an English IlielipMkel,Wit skilful in his pram. lion, was taught in the act of picking tiepock et of a Miss, Sarah Brown, residing in Princeton, 6litss., of a ports-monnaio contain. log nearly $l2. A policeman nabbed the "operator" just in time to see him drop the woolly. Ile was forthwith taken before Jus tice at the Tombs and from them: to the Court of Special Sessions,. where ho was tried, convicted and sentenced to Black well's Island for six months. Not over twenty minutes elapsed from the time of his arrest till he was iu "Black Maria," on his way to Peal. tuntiary. This is quick work. EXTRAOIMINARY HARVEUT.—A letter from Centreville, Indiana, dated July 21st, says "We have more than a double crop of all kinds of produce in this country this year. I think wheat will range from 20 to 76 cents per bushel this fall. There never was since the , first settlement of this country such a prospect. I should' not be surprised to see potatoes sell. ing at ten cents per bushel. Yesterday I con. versed with a fernier who expects to cut four and a half tons of grass to the acre. I have some cony growing in my garden, of which I think that the stalk will not be less than six teen filet high, and more than likely it will be seventeen feet." TAPOTAYATIIY.—TIIIB is It new practice brought out by Dr. Engelstroein. It consists in whipping the patient until he can no longer squeal, my, swear, or offer any resistance ; in tact, until the Ilagillated sick man become& in• aiumible to pain, and et:amide!, the beating ph 441it1,1u ; thorn .tht patient In LUIIV4II,;:i.IIt, Cita in the high rusd to health. Fusion with the Democracy. The Delaware County Republican—an old line Whig paper strongly opposed to the K. N. has the tollowing hit at the proposed Whig fu sion with the Democracy : "Some of our political friends who have en tertained the idea of a fusion with the democra tic party, will find set forth in the resolutions adopted by the Democratic State Convention recently held at flavrisburg—a copy of which will be found elsewhere in this paper—the terms upon which that body will consent to re ceive the old Whigs. We apprehend there is not a single member of the party to which we are attached, who, for present success, will be willing to swallow Van Buren, Polk, Pierce, Kansas and Nebraska. For us the terms are entirely too severe. We hare seriously and earnestly opposed Know Nothingism, with its secrecy and proscription, and we have also car• neatly opposed many of the dogmas put forth by the Democracy, but when we see that party en• dorsing in a State Convention, all the princi• Ales and acts of the National Administration, and at the same time asking our aid to perpre. trate its iniquities, wo need only say 'that we feel more like opposing, with a still greater de gree of earnestness, both these parties under the old Whig banner, as long as there is a single thread left. Defeat in a just cause is far better than temporary success achieved by a sacrifice of pritjetple." The Reading Journal, in commenting upon the remarks of the Republican, very justly and and truthfully says, that there are few Whigs in the Slate who will be willing to acept the invi• tattoo of the Locofoco leaders, for the reasons given by the Republican,—and for the addi• tional reason, that they cannot conscientiously ally themselves, politically, with the revilers nod slanderers of the greatest and purest Milo that ever lived 1 Such an alliance would be an insult to the memory of HENRY CLAY of which no trudiearted friend of that great Patriot and Statesman would be guilty. Hover CLAY woo stabbed to the heart politically, by Foreigners and Roman Catholics for Ws zealous devotion to the cause of Americanism,—ar.d those who gloried in following his banner through storm and sunshine, are now insulted by being asked to defeat their cause, and associate themselves with the foreign political banditti who pierced the great Patriot's heart and sprinkled his blood upon the altar of Roman Catholicism I When American CLAY Whigs forgot their great lea. der and idol was sacrificed in 1814 because his associate on the Presidential ticket was Presi. dent of the Ansvican Bible Society,—when they forget that the foreign Roman Catholic vote of the United States was rallied en manse against him at the ballot box—them and sot till then, can they be induced to "fuse" with Locofocoism to defeat and overthrow the great American Party, whose leader at this day, had God spared his life, would have been the Slates man and pure•hearted Patriot, Henry Clay I lowa. We frequently, tide season, made mention of the extraordinary volume of this emigration to the State of lowa, of the great extent of the land sales there, and of a progress of settle. meat which seemed to astonish even the Wes. tern people themselves. From an article in one of the Lake Journals we learn that a cen sus of the State taken in June, 1854, gave ita total population of 326,000 by actual enumer ation. This was a large increase over the to tal of 1850, which was 193,000 tbuttbeeleave land Plaindoaler tells us that it has been far surpassed by the results of the present year; tlmt by the first of January next the State will contain over half a million of persons, and that by the year 1860 the total will reach 800,1 000 or 1,000,000. These seem snore wild guesses, but the reasons given fur them are substantial and weighty. First, we have the enormous sales of the public lands in lows, which for the fiscal year midi's." June 30th, 1833 amounted to no less than 3,276.000 acres for which the government received over four millions, or more than the entire aggrega'e amount received from public land sales in all !the State doting any year for a long time past. IThe latter fact speaks more loudly then any thing else of the - wonderful growth of this young State. No doubt it will excite some curiosity in the reader to know why such a !sudden and mighty impetus seems to have been given to lowa, which has been open to settle. moot seventeen years, and been a State nine years. Its territory is undeniably attractive to emigrants , being exceedingly fertile and cheap. But there have been no railways lea ding thither, and the interior and Western parts of the commonwealth have been a sort terra incognita. Until within two years past much the largest portion of the people who thund their way to l owa did so by the route of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. But within the time mentioned three railroads have been completed through Illinois, leading to points on the Mississippi river opposite Iowa; 011 C en ! ding at Ruck Island, a second opposite Bur. lington. and a third opposite Dubuque. By menus of these the emigrants from the East Ican snore easily approach the borders of 'ow., at its Southern, middle or northern front.— 'rhen, toss, roads have been made and railroads put in course of construction through the in terior of the State, and along the lines of all these settlers have eagerly clustered. We al luded, a flee days ago, to one of these enter prises, which is in progress from Duveovort to I Council Bluffs. Such roads point the way for emigration, and the consequence hiss been that, wherever any have been laid out or pro. lingsettlers have found access, and are pen. ling the lines.—N. American. The Republican Movement in Penneylva- READING, Aug. Bth, 1855. At one o'clock to-day, pursuant to notice sent by circular to such as have been identified with the Free Democracy, a Convention was held purporting to be composed of all parties. The Convention was called to order by the nomination of C. D. Cleveland, of Philadelphi. a, as President, and C. P. Jones, as Secrete. ry. A Business Committeeof five were appointed to prepare busincsa. During the recess of the Committee, Mr. Williamson, of Huntingdon, entertained the Convention with a capital speech. Ile said the Free Soil question was the great question now bellmro the people. lie spoke enthusiasti cally of " Sam"as the old gentleman who bad been doing wonders about the county. William B. Thomas, of Philadelphia, also aclressed the Convention in a speech of some length. Ile said ho was opposed to slave ex. tension, nod he was deadly opposed to "Sam" also. Ile thought there was no party existing now suited to the wants of the times, and now was the titan to organize a new party. The Committee reported a series of resolu- Bons. The Convention then adjourned to meet nt Pittsburgh on the 29th of this month, accord ing to.a call previously issued from Pittsburgh by the Republicans of Western Pounitylvan's. Goon eon vile Tyros.—A sailor who had befriended a young woman, who had lost ber money on her way to Rochester, became some. what elated in the evening, was arrested for being intoxicated, and sentenced to pay a fine of $lO. The money which he had, in his gee. erosity, given to a weedy woman, had, son ear ly exhausted his "pile," that he couldn't"raise the wind," and was sent to jail. It having bean clearly proved that he had behaved in the most generous manner to the destitute worn., and that her friends, who had the means, neg. hided to stay by him in his troubles the corn positors in the office of the Rochester Demo• crat raised $lO, got Jack Tar out of jail, ob. tained a 1.34 for him to Buffalo, and gave him such a geed name that a first•tate berth I wa.+ toblitiuctl hit him on the lakes. Details of the Election Riot at Louisville. LOUIAVILLE, August 7. The disturbances yesterday, commenced in Ist ward, where an American named Burg, was stabbed and b eaten, until he was nearly dead by a party of Irishmen. The parties ma. king the assault were arrested. Afterwards, three Americans were fired upon while quietly passing a German brewery. A gentleman, rt. ding in a carriage with his wife, was fired upon at the seine time. Then a shower of shot and bullets was rained from some of the German houses, on the crowd below, and many wound. ed. Armed foreigners soon began to collect in the vicinity, when au indiscriminate slaugh ter of the Americans commenced. Other Americans crowded to the spot, when firing from the windows continuing, they set fire to the brewery, and sacked several houses in the vicinity front which shots had been fired. At six o'clock in the Mt ward, three Americans were attacked by a mob of Irish, with firearms. One killed and the other wounded. Thu Irishmen then took refuge in a house, frpm which they continued firing upon the crowd, killing two Americans. Thu house was finally broken into, the murderers captured, and one of them hung. A policeman cut him down while still living, but lie was afterwards shot, and died this looming. Meanwhile fusi. ride, rifle and gunshots were kept up from four Irish houses, on Eleventh street, on all passing Americans. Several were wounded. The Americans attacked the houses but failing to dislodge the Irish, firedthe buildings. By this time reinforcements of Americans arrived with cannon and muskets, and some of the Irish were shot in the burning buildings, and others captured. No attempts were made to stay the flames, and two or three blocks were burned. Several fires occurred in other parts of the city also, during the night. The Americans had now become infuriated and marched to the office of the Times, a Dem ocratic paper, which was only saved from de struction by the efforts of Messrs. Prentice, Spears and others. This morning there were more disturbances, and at 11 o'clock a large mob proceeded to the levee and attacked crow of Irish houses, from which it was reported some shots had been fired this morning. The mob is now partially restrained and efforts are being made to restore order and prevent further excess.. Locisvii.i.e, August 7-3 P. M. The city is now quiet. Some fifty extra po• lice are on duty. The mob has been addressed by Judge Bullock and 'several others at the Court House, and more calmness prevails.— Lance numbers of Irish are leaving the city. Five o'clock, I'. M.—lt is feared that moth er outbreak will occur tonight. in consequence of a large quantity of powder being found in the possession oldie Irish in the Eighth Ward. Louisvim.s, August 8. The origin of the riot of yesterday it is difii• cult to arrive at with positive certainty, but the generally credited version is that two gentle men, riding in a carriage in the first ward were fired at from a house occupied by foreigners.— One ot the gentlemen was wounded, and the ft ring being repeated, caused a crowd to flock thither. Among them was Edward Williams, watchman of the second ward ; Joseph Silwage and John Lotto, all of whom were wounded by shots fired from the house. Exaggerated reports of these occurrences reached the lower part of the city, and the crowd continued to increase rapidly. The house from which the firing proceeded was at tacked, and two Germans shot and so dreadful ly beaten that they are not expected to sur vive. This house was completely sacked, and the Mob proceeding to the houses at the corner of Shelby and Madison streets, from whence it wt. reported that shots had also been fired, two groceries and beer houses were riddled, and the Germans found therein seriously 41. red. Another scene of riot occurred in Jefferson street, where a party of gentleman, coining in to the city, were fired at from a large brewery. It is nut known what prot'ocation was given.— The brewery and adjoining houses weresacked, and the brewery set on fire and totally destroy ed. Several Germans found here were badly beaten, and and an Irishman, who was shot by the mob, died this morning. On the street below no Xnunican was wounded by a pistol shot, and an Irishman was Amend beaten. It is asserted that shots had been fired front all the houses that were at tacked. The mob threatened to sack the Catholic church where it was rumored arms had been concealed but Mayor Baker and others pre veiled ou the crowd to leave without commit ting vio'ence. The mob then marched to the engine house in the Fifth word with their cannon, and the most having dispersed, all the difficulty was over. This, unfortunately, proved to ho atuerc lull in the storm. While the above had transpired in the upper part of the city, other occurrences were going on in the lower part. On Main street two Americans were wounded by skits fired from a house occupied by Irish, fur which, it is said, there was no provocation. An Irishman who was charged With shooting a Mr. Rhodes, was immediately hung in the street, but cut down before he was dead. In this affair thirty or forty shots were tired, and it is impossible to ascertain the number of killed and wounded. A row of houses occupied by Irish, the owner of which it is asserted, had fired upon the mob, was set on fire mid totally destroyed. Mr. Quinn, the owner, was killed, and eight or ten rersons ore said to have perished in the dames. The number of lives los. is estimated at front fif eon to twenty. There has I,en touch excitement to•duyy, nod some warlike movements, with hundreds of the most exaggerated reports, but the mob finally dispersed. A largo extra police force has been summon. ed, and the Mayor has issued a proclamation, calling upon all good citizens to sustain good order. Bishop Spalding publishes a card, disclaim. lug any connection with the difficulties, and calling upon his flock to assist in maintaining the peace of the city. The city is now quiet, and it is thought them will be no further disturbances. The lighting was at a distance front the polio, and did nor interfere with the election. The coffee houses have been closed and the number of drunken men in the streets is few. The keys of the Cathedral have been placed in the hands of the Mayor by Bishop Spalding. Lou E, August 8-10 o'clock. Two companies of 'voter - Items are marching to the Eighth ward, for fear or fresh disturbau- CC& HORRIBLE AFFRAY IS VillnINIA.--We learn that a horrible MSC occurred in Dinwinddie on Saturday not. The circumstances appear to be the foliuwir.g:—A Mr. Tucker Jones, res. iding about six or eight miles from Dinwinddie court house, had sent his negro boy to Peters. burg on the day belore with a load of oats, and the boy not having returned, the old man became dory angry, and reproached his son, Benjamin Jones, as the eause of the negra's delay, remarking that had he accompanied him with the oats as he had been directed, thu boy would have been hack. The son made some insolent remarks in reply, which so provoked the father that he seized a gun and pointed it towerds him. As he was tiring it, the mother turned the gull with her arm and a load was discharged through an adjoining window. As ehe was rushing out of the house to call fur help, she heard a noise behind her, pnd on looking back, ',received her 'whs.d stretched lifeless on the floor, felled by the hands of his son. These were the facie elicited yesterday Born the mother's testimony at an examining trial. Re %ma admitted to bail arid is now at largo.—Petersburg (To.) Penioerat, July 31. ;U1 cid.ssots, rare arlicle—Butter. Wiir Court is very slimly attended. Peaty—Candidates for the Legislature. Mr Horace timely has returned hoinc. The Fashion in Birmistylt Long•tailed coats. Se^ Potatoes are selling i fifty Os per bushel. &O. Thu California election took pine. on the 10th inst. Incomparable—Miss *'s beautiful eyer says our imp. Jae" The lady who gova l khose "ox uye•.' has our thuds. rg-trToinatees arc bringing only 8 cents a peck at Cincinnati. Gle-gluriotts—Walking with the gal you like these ebony nights. Zert Brick pavements nee being made by our back street citizens. f oiir The Camp Meeting at Cassville will commence on Friday next. Corning Home—Mr. Buchanan our Aruba:, sailor to the English Court. se- The recent riots in Louisville, wore the works of Irish and German foreigners. The prospects of a tremendous crop , of corn in this county are very flattering. r,W . • Wheat is selling for a dollar a bushel at Greensburg, Ind., and corn fifty-five cents. air There has been no news of importance' received from the Crimea since our last issue: re" The town of Birmingham was in town this week. Boys, "Jordon am a hard road to. trabel." Mir The Locofoco delegate election in this borough on Saturday last, was a disgrace to the town. !:' There were nhout 400 visitors at Bed ford Springs on Friday last, and the number increasing. Nothing new—The Ifol. Iteg. says our little *din' of the Globe lies ; well, everybody knows that. 963 - • There was to he a grand meeting of the temperance men of Centre county, in Amelia. burg on the 10th. And still they come.—We are obliged to clue friends who walked up and subscribed fur the Joutnal this week. • ltr A wronger train now rune regularly between this place and Stonoretown, on the Broad Top Railroad. A Little Wrong—To be asked by a politi cian who owes you a cool hundred, to support him for the Legislature. SOP Before Pierce 'turned Reeder out of of. fire, he offered him the Ambassadorship to Englund if he would resign. . gq6". The fashionable gentle folk of our time honored borough, are introducing a new fash ion ; that'of going oafs stockings. Ably` J. Scott Harrison lies declined being nu independent candidate fir Governor of Ohio. His nomination was against his wishes. Funny—To see an illiterate, lagcr•bcer•bur reled little body taking swells over the honor of having been a chair nun of a delegate meeting . "Snaix."—Tlint's the pass•tvord of the order of "sag 'lleitis" recently established in this boy °ugh, by bill Icwis, friar. Bill needs some of them "snaix." Se r• The individual who held out the light. ed candle the other night, when a couple of per win; went by, should have a sugar tent to te ward his "lore of discovery." Nagnifeenf—To havo the toothache, the Juniata shakes, and the devil knows what else, and tormented with the a evemeasing thump, of a half dozen pianos. Horrible. Rough—Gentlemen may cry bread, butthere is no bread. Many families in town have been without the "staff of life" for a week. Flour cannot be obtained for lows nor money. "We would rather houseless roam, Whore Freedom and our God way lewl, Then be the sleekest Slave at home, That crouches to the despot's creed." De. The Locofoe° candidate for Assembly in Cambria county is instructed to go in for II • 1). Foster fur U. S. Seuntor, and a repeal of the anti•Licensa Law enacted last white'. Afar A couple of thingumbobs preached in the Diamond, last Tuesday. The “hobject and design of WAinericanism," was the subjecl.-- • The speaker is cockney. True object—money. raft Brigham Young during a recent tour throughSotahorn Utah, fell mum an inexhauk : table bed of coal. If the bed were thoroughly on tiro, we should suspect. that Brkhant had got home. "Those you make friends, Awl give your hearts to, when they once pet Thu least rub in your fortunes, fall away I eeive Like water from you, never found again list when they imam tu sink ye." Rattlesnakes its Oretion.---Tbose venomous. reptiles seem to abound in Southern Oregon. Three men r,cently went to the mountains where dens of these snakes are known to ex. lot, and in a short time killed seven hundred of them. lir The British crown contains jewels vat ued at more than half a million of dollars and would purchase stevc-pipo hats fur out Presidents, at live dollars each, allowing a new one fur every six months, till the year 51,8,i5--, which is moms time ahead, ger A man in this county cheated us out of some ten dollars, about a year ago ; last week his son returned his paper, owing us some five dollars and a half. The young nine's pro Nosily to cheat is, probably the only thing that he ever conic honesty by." Coot, Decidedly—The Globe man acme.. the American's editors of frequenting his hen roost with "felonious intent." If it be true, the Professor should be exonerated from blame, because there in an old maxim, that "mon fighting crow," dc. Suggeitive.--The Kansas correspondent ot the SI. LOlllll Democrat gives • list of the meal hers of the legislature, with the newel of the electoral district., and adds: "I cannot euhjoiq a translation of the Indian names of the elec. toral districts, because one ot two of them are slightly unconventional—suggestive, iu point el fact, of a scattily of linep 'Found the mint of. the otiginpluti, -I