Prat mend. COAL—We notice a very interesting letter in the last Lewistown Gazette, front Gen. Wm. H. Irwin to Capt. John McCanless, of Philadel• phis, relative to our Broad Top Coal Mountain. He shows, by reference to a celebrated English Geologist and Statistician, that the real weight of this coal not only largely exceeds that of any Bituminous or Anthracitous coals, hut that it weighs more to the cubic yard than any Anthra cite in Pennsylvania except the "Broad Moun tain," which exceeds the "Broad Top" only one pound to the cubic yard I A cat 7 eful analysis of this coal gives 84.80 per cent. of carbon, its specific gravity at 1.700, its weight per cu bit yard 2868 lbs., while the majority of other coals does not reach 2,400 lbs. per cubic foot, The writer then says that "when to the com pactness and density of our Broad Top coal is added its non-liability to spontaneous combus tion, owing to its Anthracitic nature, this con centration of power and economy of space can not be over estimated.' In concluding his let ter Mr. Irwin remarks, that the facts set forth by Geologists and others, "to every intelligent inquirer establishes beyond all °mar° vesy the exceeding value of the Broad Top coal-field ; it is on the quality of coal that all successful operations must depend, and on this in our coal we can rely implicitly. In purity, compactness of structure, and facility of ignition, combined with duraiility, Broad Top coal stands in the very foremost rank among the fuels of our country. TUE Coors.—The almost daily rains during the last ten days are likely to do material du. snags to the Wheat and Oats crops in this sec• tfon of the State. In some parts of the co•ln• ty, the greater portion of the Wheat is still in ehe field, and there is very great danger of it °growing" in consequence of the heavy rains. The farmers cannot get it dry enough to house it, as it has rained every day since it was cot, and in some instances it is already greatly in. jured. The Oats crop also has suffered very much by the recent rains. Nearly the entire crop is still in the fields, and it is generally ly ing so fiat on the ground that it cannot be era• died ; and a large portion of it was thrown down before it had filled, and thus seriously of the yield. If we could only have a few days, the Oats could be mowed and taken in without binding, but at the time of this writing there is no prospect of clear weather. There is every prospect of an immense crop of Corn and l'Gtatoes. Ton WCATHER.—In the absence of anything worthy of note, our Devil suggests that we write a dissertation on the weather. We would decline complying with this suggestion, were it not that the topic is an all absorbing one at present. Saturday was a beautiful day, and a retres hing tiorth.westerly wind, and gave our farmers an opportunity to secure n quantity or their grain. On yesterday of l Sol rose in brs splendor, and appearances indicated that he would reign king of day. The sky wan perfect ly clear, save hero and there little bright clouds would d o flitting by. The general opinion was that the wenthe, W 55 settled and our farmers would have no longer reason to complain. But 0, how frail are human expectations !ere night camp, they were blasted dark thunder clouds came looming. op and drenched the ertrth cone. pletely. thesky is olerelonied, nud the air is of resolve ; so much so, that contempla, tire minds entertain serious thoughts on the propriety of committing suicide. DAGUERREOTYPE/I.—Prettyman, at the Sta. tion lionse, is still engaged in taking (Inner ecotypes, which are pronounced excellent. As Mr. Prettyman has permanently located in our borough, we would earnestly advise our citizens to extend to him their patronage. GRAHAM'S MAGAZTIVR.—This excellent tang azine still continues to sustain its high charac • ter, and is rather becootinz tnoro The engravings are splendid, and we may say unstirpasotbie. The twills are three dollars per year. Pila TURCO/MIA klatagirAlf. There is a new feature to present in the flour market. The export demand continues quite limited, and the only transaction reported is 200 burls of good brand at $9 per bhl. The retail. ers and bakers purchase cautiously and only for the supply of their immediate wants, at $8,75a9,25 for common, and good brands; $9,- 50a10 for extra, nod fancy lots at higher fig ure.. No change in Rye Flour t small sales at $6,75a6,87i. 'There is a good demand for Corn Meal, and lost little here to operate in.- 500 barrels Pennsylvan i a sold et $4,25 per bbl. Grain—There is an active inquiry for Wheat, and prices have again advanced 2a5 cents per bushel; sales of 7aBooo bushels prime Tennes• se and Georgia Red, part at $1,87$ per bushel and part on private terms ;1000 bushels soath• ern and Pennsylualsia nt $1,87,90, and 25300 bushels white at $2,05. Rye is in fair request. and 14a1500 bushels at $l, 25 for old, and $1,12 for new. Corn is dull, but there is not much coning in; 1000 bushels yellow sold at 96 cents, Amt. Oats are unchanged ; 1000 bushels new Delaware sold at 47 cents per bushel. Warri6, GABERT—EBERT.—III the borough of Peters. .burg, August sth, by Geo. W. Whittaker, Esq., Mr. Sebastton Gabert of Porter township, to Miss Catharine Ebert. of Petersburg. ~ieb, KREIDER—At Lancaster, 0. on the 20th inst., Dr. Z. M. Krieder, an aged and respected . Physician of that county, and ex•represeutattve in the Legislature. SWOOPE.—In this borough, on Sunday the 6th inst., Lois, daughter of Peter and Maria Swoops, aged five years. LCH NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons who have already subscribed toward the erec• nof a Methodist Episcopal Church in the borough of Huntingdon, that Mr. James Sax• ton has been appointed treasurer of the buil. ding corninittse and that he is authorized to receive payments On those subscriptions. GEORGE W. GLAZIER, JOHN M. CUNNINGHAM, OWEN BOAT, • JAMES SAXTON. Agreat variety of handsome Giagbaroiand for tale by J. &. W. SAXTON. MISCELLANEOUS, GREAT VARIETY FAIR• The Ladies of the Huntingdon Baptist church will hold a Variety Fair, on Court week, in the Court House, commencing on the eve• ning of August Elth, for the purposeof raising money to finish the Basement story of the Bap. tilt meeting house for the use of the Sabbath School. A large variety of fancy and useful articles will be offered for sale. A Table will also be set, where victuals may be had at all times during thodayand evening. The public in general are earnestly inivited to attend. The friends in, and around Huntingdon are affectionately solicited to contribute provision of all kinds towards furnishing the table.— Butter, Eggs, Poultry and cream for Ice cream, can be left at Long & Decker's store, and what is prepared for the table can be sent to the Court House. Mrs. Mary Long Susan Hanipsor. } Com "Hannah D. Still Huntingdon County Agricultural Society. Notice is hereby gives that the Huntingdon County Agricultural Society will meet at the Court House, in the borough of Huntingdon, on Tuesday evening the 14th of August. An much important business in to be transacted at this meeting, it is to. be hoped that all the friends of the Society will attend. . . . _ N. B. The Exec;ulive Committee of the So. ciety will meet in the Town Hall a , 3 o'clock P. M., of said day, to complete the arrange. meets for holding the Ist Annual Pair in Octo. her next. J. McWILLIAMS, Pres't. J. S. Bonn, Q , J. S. 'furl', f "" T O ' August 8, 1855. TO FARMERS, WE still harcafewiithT;lebrated "Ross Grain Drills" on hand and for sale, being anxions to close out, will sell them low, and warrant them to work well. KESSLER & BRO. Mill Creek, Aug. 8, 1855—Gt. Whig County Convention, Inasmuch as the members of the Whig Coun ty Committee failed to tried at the time and place requested. to determine the line of con• duct proper to he adopted in the present state of political affairs, and as I have neither the right nor the desire to decide tlmt question, I have thought it my duty as chairman of the County Committee to give notice that the Whigs of the several townships and boroughs in the county of Fruntingdon, if they see proper, will meet as heretofbre at the usual time and place of holding such meetings, on Saturday, the ilth. day of August next, and elect two delegates from each district to meet in convention in' the borough of Huntingdon ,m Tuesday, the 1.1/h day of August 1855, at 2 o'clock, in the after noon to make the proper county nominations or not as to them may seem best. D. BLAIR, July 18, 1655 Chairman. NEW COAL BANK & COKE YARD. Persons wishing the above articles, or either of them, will do well to call on the subscriber, near Plane No. 4 Portage Rail Road, where they can obtain a good article and at a low price.— There is a good way of shipping the articles, either by Penna. Rail Road, or by Public lin provements. Pe isons at 0 distance can obtain the above articles by addressing the subscriber at Ilemloek, Cambria County, l'a. W. vox July 18, 1855-2. Ground Bents for Sale. Persons owning lots aground in the end of the 'Borough of Huntingd on, (nod laving oast of Smith street) which ado suhjeet to the payment of one dollar a your each, of groom] 1 . 311 t, will have an opportunity of buying, the same on or before the 11th d.ty of Ao g oht next. by milling on the subscriber in the Borough of Huntingdon. _ _ In case the owners oftots do not buy out the ground rents, then I will offer the whole of the ground rents due nod to become due hereafter, at public sale at the Court Hotoo in the Born' of Huntingdon, on Titers Jay the 16th day of August, at 2 o'clock, P. M. A list and nutnber of the lots, with the ground rent duo thereon, 'will be shown et the time of sale. • THOMAS D. SMITH, Ex'r of Richard Penn Smith, dee'd. July 25, —ts. ~A i tmEit s , ANo mEci/ANics. FIRE, r MARINE AND LIFE INSURANCE COM• PANT, °Rico LENNIG'S BUILDING, N. W. corner Second nud Witlrna 3treet, PHILADELI CAPITAL $300,000. This Company effects Fire insurance on Buil , dings, GooQs . ,.l!e . r .. ait . nre : &c. IdARINE INSURANCE On VESSIIIy .-- ''''' " CARGO, To nil ports in the World. " FREIGHT, Inland inconWeca on Goods by riverA, canals, railroad, and land carriage to all parts or the Union, Alga, insurance upon LIVES, upon the most favorable terms. DIRECTORA Hon. Thomitell. Flomnee I .Inmes E. Nen ll, George 11. Arnmrong, Charles Dinzeo, Edward P. Nliddleton, Ed. H. Ileinthoid, George I leindiold, I F. C. Brewster, Thomes 111:m1,411dd. Leech, THOMAS B 'MORI:NCH, President, EVIVAIII. It. 111,1,111101.1, Sree' 4*NI. BREWST11;111, Agent, I.ltlNTlNcno.s, I'A. BOOKS! BOOKS!! 0 25,00 embracing every variety to be hnd " in Boron, New York and Philndelphia—the subscriber has just received and otihrs for sale extremely low. His stock of STATIONARY is of great variety and superior quality as fol lows :—Foolscaps, Letter, Note and Wrapping Paper. Envelopes of overy kind ; Gold and Steel Pens, Portmouies, Pocket Books, Pen Knives, Pocket Knives, &c. School Books of every kind used in the country, at wholesale and retail prices. 1000 PIECES WALL PAPER of the latest and prettiest styles, just re caived and for sale at Philadelphia retail prices. All the above stock the public will find it to ho to their inter,st to cull and examine before purchasing elsewhere, as he is determined to give satisfaction to every customer. Store opposite Whittaker's Ilotel, Railroad street. WM. COLON. Huntingdon, April 10, 1055.-te J. W. THOMPSON, AVVathri AV [627/, COMMISSIONER FOR PEN' A DAVENPORT, lOWA, Attends to buying, selling and locating Lands and land warrants, pays to xes, loans Money on Heal Estate security,on commission, examines and makes abstracts of title, &c. Any business intrusted, will be attended to promptly and with ft d el i t y. Rater to Hon. Geo. Taylor and Members of the Bar at Huntingdon. May 14th,1855-6mo. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between the undersign ed (trading under the flrm•of Couch 0s Dunn,) is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The hooks of said firm are in the hands of David Dunn with whom all concerned will please to make immediate settlement. GEORGE COUCH, DAVID DIT/ 0 2 4 , April 10, 11155-tf. AUGUST TEEN, 1855. TRIAL LlST.—First Week. Christian Couts vs John Hilderbrainl. J.H. Wolverton's adm'rs vs J. Entrekin's Exrs. James MeCauly vs M. Crownover, H. Mytinger vs P. Livingston. S. S. Woods' Guard'. vs Benjamin Leas. Sterrett & Potter fur use vu J. Alexander, Gar. nishce. J. Simpson Africa vs D. Flenner, et al, Hirst for Caldwell vs Daniel Africa. Joshua Johns vs Blair, Robinson 41, Co. SECOND WEEK. N & W. Shover vs Penna. R. It. Co. Horatio Teenier & Co. vs J. & W. Saxton. Adolphus Patterson vs John DaehenbaeL. Sterling & Alexander vs Bracken Stitt . & Co. John Stewart vs John Love. J. H. Lex vs Caldwell & Hoover. Thos. Vaughan vs Giffirds adoe'rs. Watterman & Young .vs Jno. Jamison. GRAND JURORS Robert Ashton, farmer, Barren Isaac Bock farmer, W arcorm ole. Jereiniah 1.170wn. farmer. Smithfield. Enoch Chilente. farmer, Tod. Simon Coulter, laborer, Walker. Pahiel Conrad, farmer, FrAnklin. Thom. Pultby. farmer, *pringfield. David Foster, farmer, Hopewell. Jacob Grove, farmer, Penn. Jatnes Gain, aentleman, 'Tenders.. Andrew Grub, Homer, Penn. Andrew Huey, fitrmer, Brady. Solomon Hamer, miller. Jackson. James Heeter, farmer, Tod. John Harper Esq,,T. P. Barren. Poet Harnish farmer, :Girls. Adam Lel - lord, tbrmer, Porter. Henry Neff, merchant, West. John Porter Esq, farmer, Henderson. Carnes Patterson. laborer, Porter. Henry S. Swoope, fltrmer. Walker. Thomas Stewart, farmrr, 13arree, George Tate, Manntiteturer Franklin. Eli. P. Wilson Esq., coach maker CUSP. TRAVERSE JURORS.—First Week. Thomas Anderson, farmer, Tod. Henry Brewster, minefield, Shirley. James Baker, mason, Springfield. John Brewster, farmer, Shirley. James Burket, Cromwell. Isaac Bowers, farmer, Penn. John Brown, farmer, Springfield. Morris Cutshall, farmer, Springfield. William W. Campbell, farmer, Tell. A. 11. Crowitt, gentleman, Henderson. Isaac Cook, Seq., Tod. Alexander Carman, nerehant. Henderson. Joseph P. Cardona, farmer. Cass Wil'Sam Conan, mechanic, Morris. John Dougherty, theme', Shirley. James Sumer. Brady. Benjamin 1J vane?, tinner, fleaderson. Herter G . rafi, farmer. Porter. John'Orafins, fiance, Warrior:nark. Tohu Grighsgan, carpenter, Porter. James Harper, clerk, Cromwell. Nathan I'. Horton, fanner, Tod. James Hight, laborer, Henderson. John Lutz, merchant, Shirlev. William S. Lyon, farmer, Tell. Abraham Lutz of Jacob, fanner, Shirley. .Tonathan K. Metz, farmer, Brady. John Morrison, farmer, Shirley. John Miller, farmer, Porter. Edwin J. Neil', Inn•keeper, Porter. Jacob Neff, farmer, Porter. Paul Orladv, farmer, Brad*;. Dacia, farmer, Hcaderson. Joseph Park, farmer, Cahn. William Piper, laborer, West. William Peiginal. farmer, West. John Piper, carpenter, Porter. George Roland, farmer, Union. Thomas A. Smelker, fanner, Shirley. Michael Smith, farmer, Morris. David Thompson, farmer, Henderson. Thomas Teague, capenter. Dublin. Isaac Wolverton, miller. Brady. Jonathan It. Wilson, farmer, West. George Wakefield, farmer, Shirley. William Wry, farmer, Warriormark. Eli Wakefield, farmer, Brady. Jacob Russel, farmer, Hopewell. &VERSE JURORS.—Second Week. Caleb Armitage, fanner, Henderson. John Anderson, farmer, Penn. Isaac 13reneman, farmer, Porter. Jacob Beck, farmer, Warriormark. Benjamin Brumbaugh, farmer, Penn. William Campbell, tanner, Tell. John Coulter, laborer, Walker. Benjamin Corbin, farmer, West. David Colestock, Stealer, Henderson. John Campbell, farmer, Jackson. William Dean, farmer, Union. James Devoe, fanner, Cromwell. Andrew DieGnbach, machinist, Henderson, Allen Edwards, manufacturer, Tod. Daniel Meaner, farmer, Waller. William Giesinger, lie men, Rattier. Robert Given, farmer, V. it!!‘k r. John Grove Sr. runner, l'enn. Jacob IletT i ter, farmer, Penn. John Mist, farmer, Barre°. Jacob thinienne, farmer, Porter. Enoch Iscaberg, farmer, Porter. Joseph Isenberg, carpenter, Walker. George Mills, Siemer, Tell. William McAteer, farmer, Warriormark. Solomon Roach, flamer, Penn. Joseph Reed, Steiner, West. John Snyder, Locktender, Henderson. George Scott, farmer, Barren. John Shank, wagon maker, Warriormark. Abram Showalter, farmer, Cass. Ephraim Thompson, Steiner, Union. John Walters, farmer, Dublin. Daniel S. Whittaker, farmer, Union Samuel P Wallace, Harmer, Morris. William Moore, merchant, Porter. PRO t LAMATION. WITEREas by a precept to mo directed, dated at Huntingdon, the 20th day of April, A. 1). 1855, under the hands and seals of the Hon. George Taylor, President of the Unita of Common Pleas, Oyer and Terminer, mid-gener al jell delivery of the 24th judicial district of Peun sylrnnia composed of Huntingdon, Blair and Cam bria, and the Hon. Thomas V. Stuart and Jona than ;McWilliams, Ids associates, Judges of the county of Huntingdon, justices assigned, appoint ed, to hear, try and determine all nod every In dictments made or taken tbr or concerning all triunes, which by the laws of the State are made capital or felonies of death and other offences crimes and misdemeanors, which have been or shall hereafter be committed or perpetrated for crimes aforesaid-1 ant commanded to make pub lic proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick that a Court of Oyer and Termintir, of Common Pleas and Quarter sessions, will ho held at the Court House in the Borough of Huntingdon, on the second Monday (and 13th day) of August, next, and those who will prosecute the said pri soners he then and there to prosecute them as it shall be just, and that all Justices of the Peace, Coroners and Constables within said county be then octet there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, with their records, in ellillitiolls, examinations and remembrances, to do those things which to their offices respectfully appertain. Dated at Huntingdon the 20th dry of April, in the year of our Lord 1855, and the 79th year of American Independence. JOSHUA GREENLAND. Sheriff. 300 BUS. Corn for sale by CUNNINGHAM & DUNN. • Fresh Shad and Roe UNNI Herrings just received by CNGHAM & DUNN. CARPET Bags, Looking Glasses and Trunks, just received and for sole by n. GAIN, PROCLAMATION. WHERAS, by a precept to the directed by I „ the to me • the Judges of the Common Pleas of this county of Huntingdon, bearing test the 20th day of April, •1855, I am commanded to make Public Proclamation throughout my whole baili wick, that a Court of Common Piens will he held in the Court Howe in the Borough of Hun tingdon, on the third Monday (and 20th day) of Au,,,uital. D.,1855, tirr the trial °full issues in said Court which remain undetermined before.the said Judges, when and where all jurors, witnesses and suitor,, in the trial of all are requ i re d ty appear. Dat'e:l at Huntingdon, the 00111 tiny of April, in the yonr of our Lord 1855. and the 70th your of American Independence.. JOSHUA GREENLAND, Sheriff. Register's Notice. VOTIOE is hereby given to all persons ',du ll ested, that the following named persons have settled their account 4 in the Register's Odice, at Huntingdon, and that the said accounts will he presented for confirmation and allowance. at an Orphans' court, to he held at Huntingdon, in nod Grr sail county of Huntingdon, on Wednes day the dvy next to wit : --; • . • 1. lleurgo Borst & Peior R•nkct. Executors of the Is., will end Ti.stlitnent of Daniel Nell; tale of West trovu•llip, 2. .John tt ,rsicirt,t Ei, xutor nr tiv I,:st atryt Tt,tuott.nt r , l : , lar;:are Entre:tin, late of Penn (and interest ite count to at...comp:myaim ,nutc. into of Nltirgaret Imtrekiii, der'd., by Thomas Enyeart. Esq., (ono of her Executors filed by) .I.lllles E. ttlngeow, Esq., one of the Administrators of said Enyeart,dee'd and Interest itecompsuivin4 the some. 4. Hance It. 'Campbell, Adniinistrator of Joules Campbell, late of Shirley township der'd. 5. Jacob Eby & Samuel Me Vitty, Admiai;• enders of David Eby, Into of Shirley township dee'd. 6. George Guyer, Jr., Administrator of Ben jamin NearLoot*, late of Warliorsmark town ship, deed 7. Henry Brewster, ligq., Administrator of Dawson C. Smawley, late of Shirley township dee'd. 8. John Oaks Acting Eat:cams of Ja:111:3 Tully Jute of Jac kson ton nsli,,lett'd D. James 1). Mytini, 31rton & James Stewart, Administrators of J. W: 3lyton lute of Jackson township, deed. 10. Jonathan I'. Roberts & Edward R. Rob erts, Executors of the last Will and Testament or William Roberts, late of West township tlee'd. 11. Moses Greenland, Acting Executor of Nathan Greenlrud , late of Cuss township dec'd. 12. Final account of Margaret Newell, Exec utrix of the last Will and Te st ament orAndrow Newell, late of Weatownship, deed. 13. Ann Miller, Executrix of Joseph Miller, late of Barrett township, deed. 14. Elizabeth Bonn, Executrix of Zaehariall Boron, late of Union township, dee'd. 15. John Speck, Administrator of John Har ker, late of Walker townedp, deed. Id. Benedict Stevens, Esq . :, Administrator of Samuel lloekenberry, lam ni Springfield town ship, deed. 17. James Chamberlain, Administrator Martin Gams, Into of Frankiin township, 18. The Trust Arconnt of l'eter of the Executors of William Laird, Into of Por ter township, deed. 19. Samuel Al. Stewart. Ailininietraioe of James Mitchell, late .IJackson township, deed.- 20. Lewis BUrchlield, Guardian of the - Minor Children of John Patterson, deed. 21. JIIIIICM POW' ' Guardian of Lucretia Pat ters rin Pat terson (loerly Lucretia Moore) as Minor Daughter of Silas Moore, deed now of foil age. 22. James Potter, Guardian of Thomas Moore, a minor Son of Silos Moore, dec'd. 23. Samuel Haw, Administrator of Abra ham Corbin, lato .Ileader.oft township, dec'd. 24. Partial Accounts of John Gifford, ailrnin istrator of Joseph Gifford, latent Shirley to wn• ship, deed. 25. Final Aeconnts of Jour. Wall, • 'Acting Executor of John WWI, lute of West township, deed. 26. The Supplemental Ae,ottat of James Saxton, Acting Executor a tha lost Will and Testament of William Foster, Into of West too ship, dec'd. HENRY GLAZIER, Register. %list tr's Office, Huntingdon, July IS, '33. 5 SIIERWPS SALE. BY virtue of writs of Vend. Exp., and Fira Fa., issued out of the Court of Common Pions of Iluettngdon County, and to tee directed, I will expose us public sale at the Court House in borough of linutingdon. on Wednesday the 15th day VAnyusi next, at 10 o'clock, A. AI., of said day, the following described Real Estate, to wit; All that certain plantation, tract, piece or par cel of laud, situate in Shirley Township, Hun tingdon county, east of Drakes Furry, adjoining the Juniata river, lands of John Shaffer, And rew Pollock's heirs and others, coutaining one hundred and seventy six acres or thereabouts, on part of which the town of Mt. Union is laid out, excepting and excluding from the said levy the ground now in the possession of the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, mud the following town lots in the recorded plan of sold town of Mt. Union, Icing 'mothered respectively Numbers 3,1, 5,0, 11, 12, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 21,1, 2. 7, RI, IS, 16 ; al. 8,9, 1-I, 17, 33, and 74.—end the let or ground in the possession of the Meth °Obit Epistiottal Church awl on which a Mectieg House stands and the following lots which wcro sold on original Vend. Exp., to wit: Lots No. 58 59, do, nod 69, to J. .1. AkEll.eny and Lots Nu. 88, and 84..1,1 ut John Bare tied Lots tio. 95, and lie to Geo. W. Speer. Sei4cd, ;alum in ex . reurion, and to be sold as tip property ui.lolut . . A trout of land in Dublin toinship, Hunting don county, situated on the road leading from Burnt Gain. to Shade Gap & hounded by lands of William Brattim on the north, George %inch on the east, Aliyulnun Lung on the south, John Atkinson on the west, containing too hundred neves more or less with usual sixty acres clear ed. Baling thereon erected a two story log house & log burn with an orchard of good hear ing tipple & penult trees & n spring of never thil ingwittor. ' " ',Seized taken in execution anti to be sold as the property ofJohn Bingham deed. & Branson Binghum. The interest of said deceased being in the Meads of Deltic' 'Fugue EA., his adner. A lift of land situate in Franklin tp., Hunting don county, bounded un the south by the ,hn eta river, on the west by Dr. A. Mallon.. and on the north by A 111,11.1 Weight, containing thirteen acres, inure or less, on which are erect ed two dwelling houses, and a stable ono of the houses two story high, weatherboarded and pain ted white, the other house one story and tt•half high. Seized, token in execution, And to be sold as the property of Jeremiah Wagner. JOSHUA GREENLAND, Sher(ll; Huntingdon, Pa. DISSOLUTION. HE partxembip heretofore existing between T Drs. Brown and Hagerty is this day by tutc Vial consent dissolved. All persons knowing themselves indebted to the stud firm, will please call and settle their accounts without delay. H. L. BROWN, .1. 11. HAGERTY. March 27 1855—tf. DENTISTRY. DR. J. R. HEWITT, Surgeon 14.4 . 11 .• p n r e o T n i i ' ott r ar s P e e r c r t i r c t e d s lY to those oho may wish operations on the teeth. Office with Dr. Hewitt, Alexandria, Huntingdon Co.. ra. April 10, 1135 4 5—Gne. FISH, Salt, i'laster, Nails, Iron and Steel, all kinds of country produce taken in exchange for Goode at the store of J. & W. SAXTON. GENT Cravats and Scarfs of ovary variety.— anio Gray Stocks, just received and for side by J. & W. SAXTON. TOOHING Glas,e., just received and for 1.1 JJfir J . 4. W. .CA XTAN. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS AYER'S PILLS. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS! PILLS THAT ARE PILLS ! ! PROF. IIAYES, State Chemist. of MRI9/10111. eetts, says they are the hest of all Pima and an nexed are the men who evilly that Dr. Hayes knows, viz , . LEMUEL SHAW, ChiofJustice Supreme Com t of Mass. EMORY WA STIBURN, Governor of Mum W. C. PLUNKETT, Lieut. Our. of Muss. EDWARD EVERETT, Ex• Sec of Stoic, and Virus or of U. S. )11 E ItT \VI NTH ROP, E.•Spauker A 0 . 1"1' 1..\ VitENCE, Minister Plenipot, to 1.10 1N FITZPATRICK. Catholic MEN THAT MEN. Aeon, g the tii4ealei Leis Pill hat cured with it , rapitlilv„we nint eietttial 1.14:110 ariqng tit.mi.~i•ii..\nuvrn, ikiothid n: t!,, Bowel, awl pilin tlioroiconi let., Loss of Appetite, all IJ:el...nom am; Cu,- nem . m diseases. which require au.evaestutt Med icine, Scrofula or King's Evil. 'l'hey also nitrifying the bbuttl and stimulating the Stuteta, cure many Complaints which it WOW , ' not 1.11.1 sov iet:ea they could reach ; Buell am De4111C.,, Par tial Mint:nos, Neuralgia and Nervous Debility Derangements .ils the Liver and Kidneys, Gout, and other kindred complaints, uniting !Ilan a low state body, or obstructions of its funvtion,. They art. t a a t Purgative• Medicine ever covered, and p a will but need to use them !wee to know it. PrenartA by Dlt. J. C. AYER. Lowell. IfasA. and sold by every respectable Druggist in New England. Tl - 10S. READ & SON, nuntingdon. Pa.. Br. CIIEI{ & PORTER, Alexandria, Pa.. .1. 11 HOMIER& Co. Water,reet, Pa., .1. M. ROL. LER, Petersburg, and by 01 dealers evn ,y w h e , e Jane 13,1855-2 m. An Improvement worthy of tho Pro , gressive Age. ALDRICH & FOOTE'S PATENT WASHING MACHINE. 'l'"Lszieil„'solgor iu,le„P=o'.l,l.fill,','iittoe„veerz. these superb nrdeles, nekuowledecd by all who have thvin iu use, and by every one who has tes ted them, to be superior to anything of the kind ever brought before the public. . . . They are made of the'best material, under the supervision or the subscriber, who is prepared to deliver them tunny point in this or the adjoin ing counties. This machine possesses ninny ad vantages over auy other of the kind, from the fact, that it in no manner wears the clothing, airs less soap, and is easier worked. The price ranges from SIX to sewn dollars. The ;nbscribc7 trurrantA this machine to give entire satisfaction. If it does notdo everything In says no charge will ho made. A trial is comedy invited and perfect satisfaction war ranted. A strong recommendation for the tea chine is the number already sold. Any person who wishes Ono of these articles, can be accommodated by oddreseinl .T. tVILLIANIS. Alexondritt, Huntingdon Co., Pit, Mny 30, 1853-om. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ITTEICS of Administration bud been gran. ted to the uutierstkvied, on the estate of Dr, Jncub llotiman, late or OM borough of Hunting. don. deed.. alt ner:m r it •I‘la,m; ‘. ill noilee im mediate payment. a- I thus l•• . . present them property unthenci , ..tVl inr Fettle meat. A. B. eItEWITT, Adm'r. giff'The books nro at tho Eng. . . . _ July 4th, 1855-6! ItrbtOlt MBE undersigned to inform hi s f r i en d s 1. and the public generally that he has mated his shop to the building of And. Harrison, for merly occupied by Wm as Collector's Hill St. Where he intends carrying on the Tailoring business on such terms as will not fail to rice satisfaction to all that may furor him with their custom. He wishes to return thanks tbr the liberal pa tronage heretofore received and hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of the same. ENOS H. KUJ.t. April 10, 1855-tf. MEDICAL NOTICE. Dr. I). Houtz and Win. Gratins, having form ed a Medical partner: hip, under the title rf llama & Grafian, oiler tteir professional servi ces to the citizens of Alexandria, and the ear rounding country. . . . . Ofliecl-that tiamerly 11, How DANIEL HOUTZ, M. D. WM. WiAl , ll:5, D. Juno 27, 18.52.-2 m Administrator's Notice. J F.7"I:ERS of Administration on the estate of George ilmison. deed., late of Ulay town ship, Iliintingdon county. having been amt.! to the undergigned by the llookter of said omit. ty : A!! persons indebted to said estate will maiic immediate settlement, nod nil persons tinning claims will present them duly authenticated for settlentout. 111 , 11ECCA HUDSON. Adin'x, .101 IN Adner Three Spring:, July 4. I 853-64. TOSEPH DOtGLASS, in MeConnelisto;a el has constantly on hand, ready made rifles, and Is prepared to make nod repair Gnus of all kinds et the shortest notice. April 83, 1855-Iy, CLOTHS ✓IND CASSLIIERES, plain and fancy, at very low prices, at the !tore OD). GWIN. WHEAT by the bushel and Flour ay the barrel I V fur sole at the cheap new Store of DUNS. DINED APPLES, peeled end Impeded just received and fur sale h.) , CUNNINGHAM & DUNN. 'LIRE White Lead just received and rm. sate [ by CUNNINGHAM & DUNN. Horse Shoo and Nail rod Irou, just received and for solo by CUNNINGHAM & DUNN. MOCKERY —A well-selected lot of Earthen Ware, for tale by CUNNINGHAM& DUNN. N ails and spikes. A general assortment by CUNNINGRAM & DCNN SILVER Butler K nives, Anil Salt Spoons, at E. Stinre'sCheapJewelry Store, PARASOLS of the very best quality ilrout 75 to 350 each thr sole by & W. SAXTON. DUBE WHITE LEAD, just received and•for r sale by .1. & W. SAXTON. TILE fiinest assortment of Boots and Shwas ever ()dined in town, for sale low by ,l. y(• Gold Watches w ill be sold by F.D. Swan 4cer than elsewhere. 20 'BARRELS No. i Rna 1:11 . We. ,L „ i:WIN. C. O. liFtwEr. C. WELL. /11.1F.'52)7 FORMERLY c. & .co., PORK PACKERS Vflaolenale Dealers in Prathinns, AND atiVtlitAt cOrtllVSl6slo7 MERCUANTS, No. 32:), Liberty 4treet. COMMERCIAL ROW, PITT , BURG, PA. Have now on hand a very large and choice stock Bacon, to which we particularly desire to invite our friends and dealers generally. Nlity 9, 185 1400 . 11. VAL% NOTICE is hereby given to nil per.on3 it luny convent that (rein end sifter the next ,et 'lenient by the COMIty Auditor, or Ilun , in,lon I.' :ant, (in .huinos y claim or &island iinv per. , tortitist County 011 410,1111 i Of any rum? lui.l4e view, election, or tervire of nny rrn.loged ,ni!! evenly, null WhiCh i , Jr :in IZAT.PH rarrrsi.EY, PI•RRY mi , oRE, HENRY BREWsTER. Also the uti:versity's Almanac may he had at the Branch Dispensary, or Store of BALTIMORE LOCK Moore & Swoops, Alexandria, Hunt. Co., Pr MO, Reed & Son, Hunting'n, " " Where may be obtained the most speedy rem- wink * . Da. ily for Kr.ssier & Bro., Mill Creek, " SECIZET DISEASES.—GIects Strictures, l B. F . Kepner,. Mifilintown, Juniata, " Seminal Weakness, lain in the Loins, Affections • D anner ak c ran g er d, Tnomp ,„„ to ,, °roe Kidneys, and all those peeolinr anections Than. Dhcrholtscr, Patterson arising from a secret lildt, the youth IL Gingrieh h Co.. New Mexico, •‘ of logil room, whirl it not cured, produces eon- Jonathan Keller. Milton, Cumberl an d stitntional dchilitv, rendering marriage W. S. PrOWdly New Cuntherland " hie, and in the cud 4estroy. both Mind and Body. 1.. B. Riper, YOU .g Meet. Jno. F Cashier, Jtilton who ha' , he , ono , t("ttoo 3 James BleaLley, Franklin, Vueango " Barr Viee, that dreadful and destructive habit m D„„ aa ,„ % iD e , m a k , o whirl, annually sweeps to an untimely grave than- Danl Hoy:, Franklin Large, " sands of young men of the mast exalteil talents (;ca. Iterg.tre.scr, Frankstwan, an d brilliant Intellect, who might otherwise hare I D. Williams, Hollidaysburg - entranced listening senates with the thunder' of eloquence, or waked to testacy the lis ing lyre, • may call mit], full confidence. 1 Jun. Hyston, Head Crotched Dam May 23, 1855, Married Persons. J. A. Buil:Igo. WilliamituTg, " or those contemplating marriage, being aware of , 'f. Falls, del Lock below " physical weakness, should immediately consult' Hinkaid Sc Lamy Yellow Springs, Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. 1 E. Goodfellow, Hollidaysburg, .o " Dr. Johnston, , Jscol, Mclntyre, Martinsburg, to t" office No. 7 South Fredrick St., seven dour , fr. . B. M entor . Waynesboro, 'r 41 Baltimore Street, 0114 t vide up the steps. I, 'Be Mary Orr, Hollidaysburg, particular in obtaining the name and number, or J ames Bell, Jai,,,,,,,,,, Cambria, " you will mistake the place. i B. Lamberts., Franklin, Venango," A cure wnrranted, or no charge made, in from ! ch,,,. Ri ta , Lawiaime„,, Main, ~ o ne to two days. ~ , J. M. Williams. MeVertown, t 4. tt TAHE NOTICM—Dr. Johnston's office is in hie J. R. Smith, Newton Hamilton, dwelling, up the steps. Ills very extensive prae- P. C. Craige, tics is a sufficient guarantee, that he is the only ; J. W. propel physician to apply to. Jas. Strode, Jr., Strode's Mills ' Dr. Johston, member of the Itoyal College of j Mary Mania, Lewistown, Surgeons. lontion, graduate from ono of the ; A. W. m oss , '1 moot eminent Colleges of the United States, and ; G. W. Buchanan, MeVeytown, . the greater part of whose life has been spent in 11. Kratzer & Sun. Johnstown, Cambria" the:Hospitals of London, Pods l'hiladelphia, and Moo in, 1 855-bit. H - F,I,AIBOLD'S elsewhere, lino effected SUMO of the most a.on ishing cures that were ever known, many trou bled with ringing in the ears and head .when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at SIM 1,.1\j fil•\ ' den sounds, and bashfulness, with frequent blush- -,' etr ing attended sometimes with derongement of elll. mind, were cured immediately. u 1 Br a c te n d u, A CERTAIN DISARE.—It is a melancholy fact that thousands fall victims to this horrid disease For Diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys, Ch ewing to the unskilfulness of ignorant pretenders j structions of the 1.760. , ,o. is tiouarrhoul who by the use of that deadly poison Meteor,-, ; Meet:, Wava' .• • ;,!, ,lisess e ., of ruin the Constitution, causing the most serious symptoms of thnt dreadful disease to tanks thsir i W I'ETH"' " •7 sppeosanec, MUM so afrectlons of the hen i, n.e, floe •••• ~, • . , threat, skin, etc., progressing with Rightful r e - mil tin Matter . !: polity till death puts a period to their tire,,:iful if yon h , ‘ , tl'o nset, suffering by sending themlo that Bourne whence w'l,l'h, when t , ..n tl.e aa a., ao , fluids no ni l o t c f. i c i n fe n , s i t h i i t a a our t r at: i t , :: y ri, o, ,p ,r i , o u i the v eil' Base injured tlwmsohs cs by a certain practice in - in th e tii DMID one generation to (mai ve ii• or Quacks, who start on every day in a city like [bilged in when alone—n habit frequently lea-tied from evil companions, or at school—the efft , t , et i s ,ghlea;ngionuglisalleila tho s e of which are nightly telt, even when asleep, and 'root cured renders marriege impossible, and de- Oct acquainted with their tacks. TOO cannot stroys both mind and body. be toy careful in the selection of a remedy in What a pity that a young MOD, the hope of his these cases. country, and the darling of his parents should he IHE FLUID EXTRACT ELICIIU snatched from all prospects mid enjoyanents a has been pronounced by eminent physicians life by the consequence oftleviating from the path THE GREATEST REMEDY EVER of nature nail indulging inn certain secret Inaba. KNOWN Such persons before contemplating Massive, , It is a medicine perfectly pleaiant in its taste should reflect that a sound mind and body arc and very innocent iu its action, and yet 50 then the most necessary requisites to promote contra- ough that it Mal happiness Indeed without these, the jour- ANNIHILATES EVERY PARTICLE icy through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, dik e rank and poisonous yi n , s of this dreadful the prospect hourly darkens to the Slew; the disease and, unlike other remedies it does not mind becomes shadowed with deep air, and tilled dry up the di,:enso in the bl oo d. with Han melancholy reflection. that the happiness Constitutional Debility. taanother becoanes blighted - with our ownr la ought on by bell-abuse, u most terrible da. CO,STITII7IODO, d'hfross* case , which has brought thousands of the hu es young men, and all who have injured them- man race no untimely graves, thus blasting the selves by private and improper indulgenec• , . Minato hopes of parents, and blighting in the a; ore SODIC M the sod ODD DU D hiMIUUS MIIIIIDOD Of many a noble ••• ~r,ts produced I y early !taints of ; eau lµ coed hy. this , a of the Back Mid IN FALLIBLE REMEDY. v ,''• °I And fts a medicine which must benefit everybo d y •r, u. the from the sin lv delicate to the c pal , iti•tdii,etoorits or the p 'ri ag ava '' ;ia e q ual be "d " ii.; •;; ...s. acrol Debility Symptoms I a- -• I , -." " " 11 . 1 . 1 ds .1(., I INC, BOSH AS A CURE AND PRE. VLNTATI VE. Y. I:. I :•,,rfel effects. the Haim] are j amyl. (0 ;',. or memory, Confusi o n i or Lie., DopriIS•001 Suirit, Evil b'orbodings; Aversien to Society, Self ',lariat, Love of Soli- I lie., are some urtho evils produced. Thu :ands of per,ns of all ages,can nowjedge I what is the cause of their Ocelining health. L.- ing their vigor, becoming weak, pale and mach.- j red, hove singular appmarance about the eyes, 1 tough amid of consutnption. Married persons, or those contemplating mos riage, being aware of physical weakness, should immedistely consult I), .1. and he restored to per fect health. Office, No. 7, South Frederick-St., Baltimore, Md. At.,. Suntan., OrransTinus Punvoustmo.— N• it. Let no false delicacy prevent you, but ap ply immediately either personally to by letter. • Skin 1)1-cocoa Speedily Core.l. Tea STDANGETM.—The many thousands cured nt this Instillation within toe loot ten years, and the numerous important Surgical Operations portion.' by Dr. J.,witnessed by the Reporters of the papers, and many other persons, 110DVO4 of which have appealed again and again before the public, is a sufficient guarantee that the afflicted wall find a skillful and honorable plays . a:ion. As there are SO ninny IaDOMM and worthleos quacks advertising themselves as l'hysicians.ritin ing the Imola] of the afflicted Dr. Johnston Would say to those unacquainted with his reputation that his Credentials or Diplomas always hang iu his office Weakness of the organs immedintoly cured, and full igur restured fir All letters post paid—rernadies sent by May 22, 1555.-1 10 DOZEN Ames' N. •.! Sluovulm, jind rocti. tod and for sale by &W. SAXTON. A most beautiful lot of Berage Ile Leine pot torus, nod in the piece, from le:: k . ft up to 50 etc. per yurd,just received And for , itle b. J. 4. W S.IJTOV. THE best naFortment of Hosiery in town con sisting of Ladies, Gentlemen, Mks. and Children of every variety l'or sale by J. J w. xTON. HAMS, SHOULDERS, awl Flitch just mei • cod and fur sale by CUNNINGHAM S. DUNN. THE cheapest and bast lot of Chatty . Beraga. and Sarno de Loins, also Satins, jnst rec'd and for sale by J.& W. SAXTON. AChoke lot of dried beef just received and for sale at the now store of CUNISLit,tiAA 1 - 1 AM, Shoul.icr and Flitch, Pt. received and I An sale by d & W. 9AXTON. MISCELLANEOUS, Tall; ilifail•YETsi:-IFIT REMFDIES . , Issued under the acid, sanction and authority of 1 THE UNIVERSITY or Free Medicine !AND rorrLAH KNOWLEDGE. CHAR TERE() IV 'rut; sTATE OF PENEsyL :«I.\, APRIL 29, 1833. MTh A CAPITAL OF $lOO,OOO, MAINLY FDR THE PENPOSE OF AttRES TING THE EVILS OE ALL szi — 21,IPVT Also f, stipolviog the Communitynith reEtt ide remedies. wh'erevu e Competent. Physician cannot or will not hi:employed, hove purchased (rum Dr. JOHN U. 1101VAND, hie celebrated Rowand's Tonic Mixture Kllono for upwards of twenty-tive years OS the only sere and safe cure for FEVER & AGUE &G And hi• ineetimeble remedy for BO Wr.r, COMPLA I NTS, ROAVAND'S SYR. 171. OP BLACKBERRY ROOT, Which highly epprored end popular Reme. tiigethor with the University's Remedy fir • l," Jur,:lllints o. wino, 'fl.o University'i Remedy for Dyspoplia or Ihdigestion. The Univemity's Remedy for Co:dive Row• e!, llighly Concentrated 0./WOUND FLUID EXTRACT SARSA PARILLA, Fur purifying the Blood, removing all diseases arising from excess of Mercury, from, any exposure in life, chronic constitu tional disease, arising front an im pure state of the Illoodaind the only reliable and effectual known remedy out, fur the cure of Sci•ofuluSalt Rheum, Scald Head, Ulcerations ofthe Throat andLcgs, Pains and Swellings of the Runes, Tester, Pine plea on the Face, and all sca ly Eruptions of the Skin, Ac., Ac. I This article is now prescribed by some of the most distinolished Physicians in the country, and Ws proved more ellicient in practice thin preparation of Sarsaparilla yet uticreil the pub ! lie. Several eases or becundaly Syphilis, Mor i curial and St:ll4llmm diseases have entirely re ,• covered in the ineumbln ward', of our public Te -1 stitutions which had lee many years resisted es , cry mode of treatment that could he devised.— TllO.l .S. titrniA striking examples of the salutary effects of this medicine in arresting some ut the most inveterate diseases, idler the glands wore destroyed anti the bones already af , feetyll. IN(yrlcE.—Letters from mspousible and Professors of several Medical Colleges and certificates of cures from patients *ll be found accompanying both Preparations, PRICES, Fluid Extract of Raclin, $1 bottle 4346 hot. ES "Sarsaparilla." " equal in strength to one gallon Syrup of Sarsa parilla. Prepared rind sold by H. T. TIELMBOLD, Chemist, 263 Chestnut St., near the Girard House. Philadelphia. To be had of Thai. Road & Son, Huntingdon, Pa., and of Druggists and Dealer. everywhere. Q~ 11l Letters di,ctrd to the Proprietor or Arad receive immediate attention. May 13,1833-Iy. AkINI.I assortment of Linen C 041.., Vests and rants from 87} upwards for sale at the cheap clothing store of H. ROMAN. THE best Lk:Nommen of Carpet . ever otlered, and at lower prices than van be gi.,t at end other establishment. Jest reeeivod and for sale by J. It W. SAXTON. Ut.4l' received and for sale—Ateckerel, Shed, Liceriii,, Trout, add Coach, by J. d W. SAXTON. _'v •3