Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 08, 1855, Image 2

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Wednesday Morning, AngustB, 1855.
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The ' , JOUR:CUP has 300 finbgcri
berm more. than any other paper
in this county.
Agents for the Journal.
The following persons we have appointed Agents
for the Howrixonox JochwAL, alto are hor
lied to receive and receipt for money paid an sob.
icription, and to take the nitines of new subscri
bers at our published prices.
Wedo this for the convenience of our subscrl
birrs living at a distance from Huntingdon.
Jinni W. THOMPSON. Esq., Hollidaysburg,
SAMUEL COEN, East Barren,
'Buono. W. CORNELIA.. Cromwell township.
Hurray Hunan. Clay township.
DAVID ETNIRE, Cromwell township.
Dr. J. P. Asticom, Penn township,
J. WAREHAM MATTERN, Franklin township,
SAMUEL Snapper, Jackson township,
Col. JNO. C. WATS3N, Brady township,
Mounts BROWN, Springfield township,
W. HUTCHINSON, Esq.. Warriorminark tp.,
Betray NEFF, West Barren.
Maj. CIIARLES MICKLEY. Tod township,
A. N. BLAIR, Dublin township,
GEORGE WILSON, Esq., Tell township,
JAMES CLARK, Birmingham.
NATHANIEL LYTLE, Esq., Spruce Creek.
Maj. W. MOORE, Alexandria.
B. F. WALLACE, Union Furnace.
SIMEON WRIGHT, Esq., Union township.
DAVID CLARKSON, Esq., Cass township.
SAMUEL Maros, Esq., Franklin township.
DAVID Etaxxri, E.q., Warriorsmark.
DAVID AURANDT, Esq., Todd township.
DR. J. ALFRED SHADE, Dublin township.
Gov. Reeder.
The removal of Gov. Reeder excites deep
and general indignation throughout the North.
ern States, the feeling extending even to those
who have hitherto said little or nothing respec•
tieg the Kansas outrages. The Harrisburg
Democratic Union denounces the act unequi•
vocally in an article of some length, the tone
of which may be imagined trom the opening,
"A blow which will recoil with terrible effect
has been struck by the National Administra
Lion. Whether it was the impulse of a gain.
rind imbecility, ill-judging counsellors. mal
ice or disappointment, we little care. A gross
and flagrant wrong has, however, been perpe
trated, a wrong which, ere long. will bring
shame and reproach upon those who were its
instigators and its doers. The hour has passed
when a specious tale will deceive the people.-
No puerile charge of land speculations can buf
fet an instant against the storm of wrath which
will be aroused. A high minded, honorable,
fearless and determined man has been wanton•
ly and basely stricken down, because he asset..
ted•and would vindicate the fights of freemen
against a horde of lawless and law-breaking
The Easton Argus, published at Reethis
former home, tells us that his remuval has ell.
cited the strongest expressions of indignation
there. But the Argus, besides speaking its
own sentiments, clearly end fiercely tells sums
-unpleasant truths respecting the President. We
"Immediately after the first elertton held in
Kansas, one site: another of the :ilissotiri moan
dery called upon the Preside,. and filed their
complaints aginst the cl.arging him
with neglect of his officia. eve.,
lotions in lands, &c. We state 4piti aulairity
that cannot be disphied. dint President Pierce
at that time told a Newt, 'I am satisfied that
Governor Recite passeAses firmness, honesty
and capacity, and n man who has these three
qualities, don't often get wrong." We 'happen
to know, ton, that our Chief Magistrate gave
Gov. Reeder repeated personal assurances
that "he approved of his course and would
have acted precisely as be did in the same po.
How to get Asleep.
How to get s!cep is to some people indeed a
matter of high importance. Nervous persons,
who are troubled with wakefulness and exalts•
bility, usually have a strong tend any of blood
on the brain, with cold extremities. The pres-
sure of the blood on the bra in keels it in a
stimulated or wakeful state, 'and the pulsations
in the head are often painful. Let such rise
and chafe the body and extremities with a
brush or towel, or rub smartly with the hands
to promote circulation, and withdraw the ex
cessive amount of Mond from the brain, and
they will fall asleep in a few moments.
A cold bath, or a sponge bath and rubbing,
or a good run, or a rapid walk in the open air,
or going up or down stairs a few times, just
before retiring, will aid in equalizing circulation
and promoting sleep.
Them rules are simple and easy of applies.
lion in ' , vie or cabin, and may minister tothe
comfort a... thousands wits would freely expend
money for an anodyne to promote
"Nature's sweet restorer, balmy sleep."
Farmer's High School.
The Trustees of the "garmer's High School
of Pennsylvania," met in Harrisburg last week
and received the report of the Committee ap.
pointed to view the several farms proposed to
be donated to that Model School. The commit.
tee recommend that the looation should not be
hastily determined on, nor until greater publi.
city he given to the fact that the Board are
shout to act definitely on the subject. The
Board appointed Dr. A. L. Elwyn, John Strohm
and Wm. Jessup a committee to select a proper
person for Principal of the School ; continued
the committee, heretofore appointed, to receive
communications and proposed points of loco.
tion, and adjourned to meet at Harrisburg on
Wednesday, September 12th, when they will
peened to determine finally the point when
the "Farmer's High School" shall be located.
"Two or three days since, a gentleman of
the parish, in heeling runaway n•groes, came
upon a camp of them in the 'swamp on Cat is.
land. He succeeded in arresting two of them,
but the:third made fight, and upon being shot
in the shoulders fled to the sluice, where the
dogs succeeded in drowning him before oasis.
tame could arrive."—St. Francisville (La.)
That amisut few countries in the world
when such noble game can be found. And it
has this peculiarity also :—There is no season
who it is not lawful to pursue it
The Approaohieg Election.
It is a matter of some importance to the I
Whigs el Id untinidon County, to know,
the proper course which they should pur
sue the present time. To us, the path of '
duty is marked out very plainly and dis
tinctly, and we have no doubt but the idea
we have of the duty of Whigs, will meet
the approbation of our fellow:citizens.
It is very ovident that the Locofoco par
ty earnestly desire a fusion, for the pur
pose of defeating the third party now in
the field, and crippling its power. Al
though the American party at present, ap
parently scorns this assistance which the
patriotic Whigs of the country might be
induced to render, for the purpose of root.
ing out thoroughly, the corrupt doctrine of
Locofocoism, yet we feel assured, that it
cannot always he so. But, should this par
ty continuo to act in the manner it has,
continuo to insist upon acting on a distinct
platform, we would trot consider it judicious
nor prudent for the Whig party, to make
further overtures. Therefore, the whole
matter brings itself to this point, if a co
operation with a party battling against the
enemy of Whig principles is impossible,
the "fusion" with the enemy, for the ;our
pose of securing a portion of the "spoils,"
should not be dreamed of.
Therefore, we hold, there remains but
one course for us to pursue—the path of
honor and duty. Let the party net as it
hitherto has done, on a separate and dis
tinct basis. We can try, and if we can
not have the proud satisfaction of seeing
victory crown our efforts, as in by-gone
days, and of waving our glorous banner
over the stone-holds of a conquered ene
my, we may at least have the satisfaction
of having dant, our duty ; if we cannot
become conquerors, we can preserve our
nationality. Nominate a complete county
ticket, vote it, and all will be right. Let
us battle faithfully for the good old cause,
and if we cannot do better, we can at least
go down with our colors flying.
A Beautiful "Orbit.'
The very first resolution ado,ited by the
so-called ' , Democratic County Committee
of Huntingdon county," which in reality,
consists of two or three broken down pa.
laical hacks of Huntingdon Borough, is a
decided hoax. It is rich, high, and we
give it for the purpose of proving that the
Locofoco population of this county fully en.
dor se the errors into which their party has
plunged headlong, through the stupid ig
norance or wilful villainy at Gen. l'ierce,
who is its head and front.
"Resolved-Ist—That moving on in her or
bit an of old, the Democratic party is still true
to her ancient faith; and that she repudiates all
the modern political heresies of the day;'
Now in what a glorious orbit has the:so
called "Democracy" of our country been
moving for the past few years. Does any
true patriot, any free Democratic northern
man endorse the action of the lawless rut
flans of Missouri ? The Members of the
Locofoco potty of this county must, or else
they repudiate the platform erected by the
Democratic County Committee.
FerhapS the GLibe may answer the que
ry : Does the Locufoco party of this coun
ty endorse General Pierce's course, relit
tive to the Kitnzas matter, the removal of
Reeder, and his other political actions T.
There matters form part of that "orbit,"
and we really wduld like to know
it the in
telligent portion of the Democratic party
of the county, is to be hood-winked and
baml•oezeled into a quiet obedience to the
dictation of a few unprincipled demagogues
who take upon themselves the privilege
of becoming the tongue and mouth of the
Democracy. llas the Globe the indepen
dence to express itself relative to the re
moval of Reeder, by his lorti,hip Frank
Pierce I
Acre Foot and Bollowor
The Globe assails us for making a reli•
gious profession, and asserts we do not
live a consistent life. Now Mr. Lewis ve
ry well knows that whilst he charges us
with hypocrisy, he is a greater hypocrite
than we, fur everybody knows that he has
employed, a chriviun of the Torn Payne
stump, to do up his editorials. If nir. L.
chooses to employ a disbeliever in the word
of God, to blackguard and seek to blacken
our character, why of course, we shall of
fer no objection, reserving to ourselves the
privilege of preventing his hideous propor
tions, when he may most wish to keep
them hid. Does Mr. L. deny that his em•
ployee is tainted with anti religious ideas?
The Proof.
The Washington Union, and other jouanals,
have lately been engaged in assiduously contra.
dieting the statement that Mr. Barringer was
informed in Madrid by the Pope's Nuncio, that
Hon. James Campbell was to be Post Master
General. The following is Mr. 13arringer's
own statement :
"Before I had any authentic and certain
news of the formation of the cabinet, and while
it was still a subject of conjecture at the Court
of Madrid, he (the Pope's Nuncio) told me that
Judge Campbell, of Pennsylvania, was appoin
ted, and that ho was a Catholic, which was the
first information I had either of his appointment
or of his religion."
Camp Meeting•
The Camp Meeting at Manor Hill has
been postponed until the 24th of the pre.
sent month.
Keating of the Agricultural Committee.
By reference to our advertising columns
it will be seen, that the erre named com
mittee will meet in this borough on Tues-
day the 14th inst.
o.aitb . *cimrs.
Muddy—The Juniata and soma politicians ,
Flowers that are alwayB falling off—Bach.
slot's Buttons.
Cool.—The reception those two visitors met
with the other night.
bt Town.—A recruiting sergeant. Beat the
fife and blow the drum, turahnly, turalarly.
&if - George Copay the Indian Chief, hos
taken the stump in Kentucky in behalf of the
K. N. ticket.
flEr Enoch's youngest daughter was 580
years old when she was married. Old maids
take courage
• serif a man deceive you, trust him not
again ; if he strikes you, thrash him like smoke
you are able.
What's the Reason—That a Leedom) from
Huntingdon county was not put on the State
Central Committee?
se-A man in Maine who had stolen n watch
gave as en excuse he was unwell, and the phy•
sician advised him to take something.
Tette, by hokey !—Luey Stone says a prin•
tern gal is always happy, because her sweet
heart is always making im a ms sloes.
eThe mother of Horace Greeley died at
Wayne, Erie county, Pa., on tare .27th day of
July. The father of Mr. Greeley is still living.
1' Among the marriages recorded at the
Register's cffice in Boston, within a few days is
that of a colored man of forty to a white girl of
n ineteen.
Nra‘lt is said that the small twigs of cedar
chopped fine, and mixed with their grain, will
cure cough in horses, and it has been used
with complete success.
g .Some of the Locofoco pppera contend
that a consistent mason cannot be a Know
Nothing. Can a natural 'know nothing' for.
eigner be it good democrat ?
bevnre of the vimthin as reads
no newspapers. Your father married a voman
vat read none, and you'rethe sad consekwence.
You're no hignorant no a 'orse."
4 ,7 0 The Whig Committca of Crawford coml.
ty, ou the 24:11 'Mat., adopted a resolution to
hold a Convention on the 15th inst., to consult
as to the nomination of a pure Whig ticket.
Ile- The last mail stage running from Phila•
dolphin made its final trip on Monday last.—
Every avenue leading from Philadelphia .inftle
the surrounding country presents now a rail:
rood communication.
"What's in. a Namc?"—"A. J. Cass," adver
tises some real estate for sale in one of the
Detroit papers. He is named, wo suppose, in
honor of Andrew Jackson, and of course famil
iarly called Jack Cass.
jr Alexander, Czar of Russia, has sent a
friendly letter to President Pierce, in reply to
one sent by the President congratulating hint
upon his sueees,ion. He proposes the most
lusting friendsWp hettr,eOn th . e United States.
and Russia.
reirin Norwich, it is stated that at Rose &
Co's stone cutter's shop, while taking off the
surface of a slab of :Connecticut River brown
stone, a lire mod was found, which on being re
leaser] from his long imprisonment, hopped off
unconcernedly I
tlet - An old lady, looking at the eurhAtie,
in Barnum's Museum, came to a couple of
large sea dogs, and after gazing at them wok
wonder, inquired of a wag who stood near if
they ever barked. 'No, madam,' said he,
'their bark is on the sea.'
SErßecause her lover was slightly edol,
young woman in Lowell took some oil of en.
due, Mondhy, with a view to commit suicide.—
Fortunately it did'hot quite work, for the lover
has been 'talked to,' and promises to marry and
make it all right. This is the best way.
Rather Mixed.—The Bloomington Pantograph
"No less than fifteen persons passed through
this place on Friday hist from Chicago, on
their way to the Penitentiary. We urn Ml w.
mcd that the Iteriff of Cook county woe in tic
gerßrigham Young, the immaculate, re.
cently closed a chnracteristie address to the
Mormons, with the following elegant phrase t
These are my sentiments. Go it, ye cripples,
wooden legs are cheap, and my time is short."
This was received with immense and enthuiss.
tic applause.
sily.A blundering compositor, in setting up
the toast, "Woman ; without her, man would
bo a savage," got the punctuntion in the wrong
plsee, which 'trade it read, "Woman, without
her tans, would be a savage." The mistake
was not discovered until the editor's wife on.
dertook to rend the proof.
A fine old Gentlentan.—A firm of jewellers 1 1
in Boston, it is said, has recently filled orders
to the amount of $lO,OOO, received from the
exebutors of the estate of a gentleman lately
deceased in Vermont, who bequeathed $OO,OOO
to he expended in the pnrchase of various ape.
rifled articles of jewelry, to be distributed.
among his relations and intimate friends.
girl short time since a widow, who was
known by the entire congregatiou to be greatly
in want of a lu.shand, was praying with great
fervency. "Oh ! Thou knowest what is the de
sire of my heart l" she exclaimed.
"A•m-a-n !" responded a brother in a broad
accent. It was wicked, but we are quite sure
that several grave members smiled on thit
iliirThesea serpent in Silver Lake, N. Y.
having exhibited himself to the select party,
whose account of his snakeship we published,
ken Leen invisible ever since, although the lake
has been carefully watched every day Ly par.
ties of observation. It is evident that these
snakes, like the spirits who cause the mysteri.
ens rapping, are very particular about their
' He clasped his Juliana's form.
j That tom the fairest under heaven
Hisdove, just like the day was warm—
The mercury at 97
1 Oh Juliana, deer, he cried,
hly love its top degree is getting ;
'Tie gold in truth's alembic tried,
That never can grow less by sweating.
She bowed her head upon his breast
As hotter pew the summer weather,
And as her form be warmly pressed,
I hey melted .fight away together !!
L l`iu'r i' CtU .
Siirrhe plattiwin of th,., Democracy has he•
come so rouse that it is in contemplation by
them, we understand, to stick up a card in
which passengers will be "requested not to
stand on the platform."
thunder storm in Petersburg on' Saturday, the
beautiful phenomena of a mirage woo observa.
ble. About 4 o'clock the inverted shadow or
Tubb street church was seen hanging over the
real building, the point of the steeples touching.
The picture lasted about three minutes, and
vanished at the occurrence of a loud clap of
MONUMENT To Roamer Fut:rox.—A project is
said to be on foot in Lancaster comity, Pa., for
the erection of a monument in Centre Situate,
Lancaster city, to the memory of Robert Jul.
ton, who was at native of that county. This
matter.has been talked of for a lonc, , time, but
like ninny other similar enterprises in this
country, the hopes of those interested seem no
nearer fruition than when it was first broached.
a young American Oho went to the seat of the
Crimean war, on board on American vessel
chartered as a transport writes home that the
English and French soldiers before Sevastopol
present a singular contrast, the former being
much down-hearted and feeling confident t h at
they will never see home again, while the hit:
ter seem perfectly regardless of their fate nev
er looking. further nhend than next meal time.
persons who migrated in 1z33-1 were as follows
To United States,
Australia, 8:1,11,2
Canada, &e 43„821
Other places VA;
The number who have emigrated Mace 1810
is 9,133,414 persons. The figures to Australia
are veil large, and rank next to those sent to
the United St ates.— U. S. Economist.
bar. Levi Smokier, an old and respected tin
and copper worker in New Orleans, has been
poisoned by his wife, a very particular friend of
h e r s Scott, noel her negro woman.—
Kitty, the last intinril, has confessed, but, being
a slave, her evidence is not ehtliekent to hang
wttite folks. After giving Mr. Smelser plenty
of arsenic they applied chloroformed hatalker
ehielii to hie mouth in order to enable his spirit
to pass away easily. Mrs. Smolder is several
years younger than her husband was, and
Scott wan foreman in the tin nod copper facto
day evening a week, just at dusk, two young
gentlemen who were bathing in the Miami riv
er, at Dayton, perceived a scamp
.running off
, with their clothes. They instantly swain ashore
and gave chase, but without success—and they
were compelled to betake themselves to aquat
ic sports until evening was fur enough advt.'.
ced to enable them to gain their hoarding
house unperceived. This feat they accomplish.
ed about midnight, after some unpleasant en
counters with mosquitoes and dogs.
ACORNS.-11. J. Lamborn, of Chester county
Pa., lost -fifteen head of bullocks, worth a thou.
said dt.110,, as it was thnught, front eating a•
corns, tho tonic acid of which produced consti
pation and a disease resembling dry tnurriam
Wild cherffieaves which contain prussic' acid,
will prod4 , llie same effect. Cure—inio a
pint of musses with a pint of melted laud and
,poitr doweethe animal's throat. If the body is
much bloated, add soapsuds. This has hecia
pronoune , 4 a certain cure—ns it is vcryliniph:
we would advise our stock raisers to try it, if
it banomes'aecossery,
AUOUST ELECTIONS.—Five of the Southern
States bold their general elections in August,
viz : Tennessee and North Carolina on the 2d
and Kentucky Alabama and Texas on the Gth.
In Tomo:sec a Governor, ten members of Con.
grim, and members of the Legislature arc to
be elected. In North Carolina the election
will be thr members of Congress and alb° .
State Legislature only. In Kentucky, Aloha
mu and Texas, State officers, members of Comm.
gross and numbers of the Legislature are to be
elected. In all these States the political lines
are drawn between the American and Demo
cratic parties, no other nominations having
been made. The elections in these Slates will
close the summer elections and complete the
House of Representatives with the exception of
the States of Gooroia, Louisiana, Merriam] and
Mississippi, till of which vote in the Pall,
,OWT"On Sunday, July 15th, by special li
cense from Ebenezer T. Fogg., Jr., town clerk
of South Scituate, before Perez Simmons, En
Mr. George• Lee to Mrs. Sarah Penniman, both
South Scituate.
"The gentle lady wedded to the Moor" was
fair as Desdemona, and the happy grouts as
dusky as Othello. They proved the truth of
the undying poetry of the author of Yarleo and
Inkle :
"Skins may differ, but affection,
Dwoll3 in white and black the saran.
The brid, 4 roan had arrived ut the entire
age of fifty. a n d the bride thirt}••three. Both
have tried the silken cord of Hymen with a
partner of their own race.
'Zinar. 131 ca.—hero it is Marla.—An
eetin lac . er beer trial came olf in Petersburg . ,
Va., on Saturday, i•, which interesting lacer
beer st•ttistics were brought out on oath, and
n•-„ therefore, he believed. Mr. Solomon
Keyser was the defendant, and was charged
with keeping a disorderly bier saloon. A very
respectable German witness in the case defined
what lager bier was. tie said it was matinlise
lured of malt and hops, and to make it bitter
an extra amount of the latter was thrown in—
that was bier. This compound was placed in
a barrel lined with a casing of rosin, and wns
labl is a cellar, from which laying in store was
derived the name Inger. This Was lager bier,
or "stock ale." Thu witness thought it might
burst a rum, hat would tvot make hiss drank.
He had known German Indies in New York
I and Philadelphia to pat 17 to - .:0 glasses (pints)
under their waiatbamis in one day and never
feel the ends.
TT T he N ew Yo rk
ELOPE3IENT IN __1614 Line.
Times says that a suit is now pending in that
city on a habeas corpus issued hya manufac
turing jeweller of that city, to recover the lib.
verty or a young lady, the daughter of a hea.
vy drygoods dealer adult city. The circa.,
stances oi the case are these ;
The jeweller and drygoods merchant live
at Orange, New Jersey, and are both promi•
rent church members and citizens. The jaw.
eller has a wife and two children ; nevertheless
one morning last spring he and his neighbor's
daughter were missing. It was thought that.
they had gone to Eurpoe, but it was enbsegnen•
tly discovered that they had gone "Westward,
ho I" The father pursued, followed and cap.
Lured them at St. Paul's. The daughter was
brought back; but on reaching the fair City of
! the Straits, the jeweller obtained an interview
; and eloped again. The girl was recaptured
and taken to New York and placed in nu in.
sane asylum. The suit is brought for her de•
liverance. In the meantime the wife and two
. children of the jeweller are deserted. The
brute should be -lashed naked through the
• land."
- -a.
North Carolina Elections.
WA snINGTON, August 4.
The Union of to•day has a number of repot ,
ted majorities in North Carolina.
In the Fourth Congressional District, Frank
lin, Granville, Johnson, Wake, Warren and
Nash counties, give Branch, Democrat, 2800
majority. Orange gives 133 for Shepard, K.
N.. thus reducing Branch's majority to 2678.
The elections of Thomas Bailin. Dem., in the
Second District, is claimed by a heavy majori•
In the Third District, the reports favor the
election of Warren Winslow Dun. , over David
Reid. K. N.
Greenfield county, in the Fifth District gives
1500 majority for Edwin G. Itende, K.N., over
Kerr, K. N Whig.
ItAt.m.on, N. C., Aug 4.
In the First Congressional District, North.
amnton county gives Shaw, Dem., a majority
of 213
Hartford gives Paine, K. N., an increased
majority. Elizabeth City and one precinct in
Pasquotock gives Paine a majority of 197.
Five other precincts to be heard front will
probably increase the majority about 100.
One precinct in Camden gives Nine an in.
creased majority. The county will not fall
Much short °Mlle usual majority. The Ameri•
cans are sanguine of Paine's election.
RALEIGH, N. C. Aug. 4.
the 'Awn Coneessional District, Robert
T. Paine, K. N. Whig, is reported to be elected
by 300 majority.
RALEICII, 17. C. Atlg. 5.
The result in the First District is net yet pm
sitively riscertained, but Shuw, hem., is now
believed to be elected.
Thomas Ruffin, Dem., is elected in the Sec
ond, and Burton S. Drnige, in Cite Seventh Dis
trict, each by large mitjuiitimi.
In the Fourth District the majority for
Branch, Dem., in 2700.
In the Fifth I tint riet. E. J. Rondo, K. N., is
elected over John Kerr, Dem.
It is beloved the congressional delegation
will stand six Democrats to two Americans.
Tennessee Elections.
Loutsv Itte, Aug. 4
The returns of the election fluctuate, and
the result is lowland. Both• sides have sus
tained a great falling off in the vote. Thus Ihr
the chances appear to favor the election of
Johnson, Dem., for Governor.
The returns from the first Congressional
district show a majority of 700 for &Inconel.,
the American modulate. The Hermitage diS
triet gives the American candidate an overwhel.
ming majority.
Returns from 32 counties show a net gain of
1370 for Gentry, American. The election will
be very close.
An Emigrants life iuKansas.
We make the followingextract from a letter
published in the Lowell Journal, written by a
Lowell emigrant to Kansas, dated Waubause.
June 29:
I have - three and a half acres broke and
mostly planted with yarn, my claims is on An
telope creek, about three miles from Kansas
river. - It is mostly prairie; there is plenty of
firewood on it, but not an abundance of timber
for building or fencing. The timber consists
of the burr oak, black and white walnut, with
some butternut and hackberry. I have plenty
of good limestone and for IMilding. Wo are
now living in a tent, which is very comforta
ble but not very convenient.
The weather is very warm here, but there is
a constant wind, so it is not very uncomforia•
ble. There is a city about two and a•half miles
from here is now only one building upon it and
that a store ; a eßmpany have agreed to put on
a saw and grist null, which are very much
needed For.:. nul• • , ;
a mile riff, mei t! , ::„.• ••• ,••, •nile.
A:l the valuable t.inber llllB in this vicinity
are now taken, but there is plenty ofgeod
rio, which is now being taken. I should judge
there were over twenty claims within a few
miles of here.
Last week, a thousand Indians, mounted on
fine horses and well armed, paused through this
plane and the vicinity of here on their way to
the western plait., to hunt !undo and fight the
Camunches. The company in made up limn
two or three different tribes, mostly from
towntoinles. Quito a numb, ut' them g.ive vs
a call us they passed.
In coming from Kansas City here, we • pass
through a 'very fine enuntr) ; but the richest
bottoms and the bent timbered lands are in
Indian possession I have seen nothing in the
Territory which looks like Sincere. I have
heard of a few Missourians being settled here;
but none of them have slaves, with but one
exception. We should be very happy to see
you anthill our'eastern friends as Kam sow, get
our cabin up.
DRUNK ET4NEgB.—Probably there is More
ieating liquor retailed in lintifurd at this time
than over before, and evidently then is more.,
drunken... A stringent law will not make
men moral or temperate. The liquor gent-rally
us.d nt this time it stid to he a very de'c
005 article and is doing mull harm. A labo.
rm. remarked the present week to one of our
merchants, that he knew of twenty-three places
on one short street where liquors were sold.—
The town rain agency is also in lull blast, deal--
Mg out huge quantities. Clab.rooes have
multiplied to a fearful extent, and lottidreds or
flunilies in -which liquor was unknown before
Augubt l a st, now heed a variety, and oak their
friends U. drink. This one Matare alone is do.
Mg incalculable initeltief. The fusltion of keg--
ping liquors on the busily sideboard is tam:
coming into use, and its evils are as greet as
these of the rtun shop. The liquor law is the
parent of that evil.—Veto Haven Pallaiwat.
July 27. _ _ .
Ktir The superioiit.77l' American inventive
genius, not only over that of our English pro,
genitors, but indeed of all other nations bas
become too tangible to he disputed. It woo
notorious at the World's Fair in London, that
the Americans fur outstriped all others in the
pseful inventions which they supplied. Wo
beat the English in vessels, railroads, tole- •
graphs and manufacture by power. We are
beating them in the scientific arts of (Theism.
try and medicine, as we have long beat the rest
of mankind. A new and practical proof of
this assertion is shown in the fact that the prin
cipal remedies of the allied armies of the East
ore Ihrnished from the labratory of our own
countryman. Du. J. C. AYER of Lowell is
filling order for immense quantities of his Cher.
ry twtoral and Cathartic Pills, Mr both the
laud and tua tutees t f Turkel. Lim medicines
have been tried and approved by Ilium in pow
er who have found them the most reliable
which they could procure for the ex:gene'es
in which are to be employed. N. Y. City Times.
MISCELLANEOUS Treats.—A despatch from
Washington, received yesterday (July 290
mentions that Gov. Reeder has at last been re.
moved, and John L. Dawson, of Pennsylvania,
appointed in his place. Dawson, no a member
off Congress, voted for the Nebraska bill, and
twice introduced a bill for the giving ot home.
steads to actual settlers.
About twelve hundred gallons of liquor were
poured into the gutter at Bangor, Me., on the
2dth inst., by order of Judge Lyon, of the Mu.
nieipal Court. Nearly or quite two•thirds of it
was seized on board the schooner Tyro, some
three _weeks since.
A colored minister, Rev. S. Dutton, of the
Baptist denomination. committed suicide at
Paterson, N. J., on the 26th inst., by cuttin g
his throat with a razor. Cause—insanity, ari•
sing from pecuniary lases and domestic affiie.
Lions. Ho was 70 years of age, and had lired
s tan,..;.r..,
[From ike I.onc!on
The Reflux of Emigration from the Uni
ted States.
We are told that the law of re-action is of
universal application, and that there is no cur
rent in the eta whose influence is not to a
grentertr less extent countervailed byu stream
in the opposite direction. Emigration front
the ever-crowded countries of the Old World to
the fertile and unfilled regions of the New seem
ed !cost I:hely to furnish us with a new exatn
ple of the ;,eneral theory. Flititory has indeed
recorded many instances where the vdid crea
ted by is rapid and extensive migration has been
replenished by the overflow of some other rate
pressing forfrard in the same direction. But
such phenomena are mostly essentially unlike
those which fall under the description of re ac
tion, and can in no sense be classified there
with. Redinmigration is a new rout curious
illustration of the mingled ebb rind Now of la
bor seeking employment in our time.
Everywhere gregarious industry is afoot,
seeking and striving alter more room for work,
and ready at short notice to cross half the globe
with tiifes and little ones, in quest of ten or
fifteen per cent better wages. Other Wham
ces, social and political, have .in recent years
stimulated vast numbert throughout till Wes
tent Europe to cross the ocean; but from no
quarters has there been such it gush of pops
lotion as from Ireland. The marvelous meg
nitude of the continuous stream to America
that tel its after the famine of 18-C7, and con
tinued without almtentent until 1532; is famil
iar to every reader. In 185:1 and 1851 the
current perceptibly declined in breadth and
volume. 'Jut front the Southern and Western
districts it has never ceased to flow up to the
present time. Strange, that already a (reenter
current Arnold now have steadily set in, and
that many who but two or three years ego bade
farewell to their! entice shares have already re•
'mimed the hope of mending their condition
in the land of promise, and have returned to
settle themselves once more on their native
When first we heard indications of this re.
action We were naturally disposed to regard it
as but rotund and superficial. In every crowd
of migratory adventurers there will always be
iind some who join in the undertaking tin. no
other reason than that their associates and kin
dred hove resolved to do so, but who are
virtually destitnto of those qualities of enter
prise, perseverance, and self . ..Hance on which,
In new and untried circumstances, their success
must mainly depend. We own, therefore, OM
we were inclined hastily to conclude that it teas
only the idle, the listless, mid the dreamers of
unrealizatt:e dreams who had become quickly
disappointed with the state of things they found
on the other side of the :Atlantic, and who had
in consequence drifted back again to the old
land, where they had never done well, to do no
badly there as before.
Further inquiries, however, have led us to
form a somewhat different estimate of the ex•
tent and character of the re-immigration that
cluing the last twelve months, especially has
been tilling place from the United States to
Ireland) and the matter is in every respect •
well deserving of thoughtful consideration.—
The tinlooked for re-action may, we believe, be
ntaittly ascribed to two causes—the over sup
ply of labor, both skilled .d unskilled, which
the surplus capital of the States has been in
suflieient to absorb; and secondly, the growing
sense of distrust and repugnance unions , the
large classes of American citizens, the
sine of organized multitudes possessing few, if •
any, ideas in harmony with their own, and
avowedly swayed by influences little in unison
with those to which the great Commonwealth
awes its being.
We can re - tidily understand hua easily the
first or second year's oVerflow of willing hands
should have found--we should rather, perhaps,
say created wuric for themselves, hv sue•sest.'
i.' ,. .ir ch.. recant
• . , ;.,. •... _...
i ne. -erf pr-- .. • • _ . •.. :
Le a host oi thcligi ti., it de., :... • . • h...• •
clone, the execution of which is c.,1,-,...... .. •
fcrted fur *ant of cheap tied n't , , , •I , , 1 .',--..
As soon AS the desiderated e' ~ ~..,,, :., ~...,,...
these things begin to be accoip•,.,..• H : :..: 2
of the good fortune that has wee , . :.. ::.•. ~,. t
detitehntent of emigrants reach 1,, , ,, . ~ . : I. •,.1
others to seek their fortune likewise i•, :;.. ::,:..1
of abundance ; the widening . (tire , , . . ', ~••
tine spreads until at length, tn ci:::. , i .• .•, ..
its v,• , sy expansion. the 'attraction v.: , ,,,. • .cl•
together. 'The surplus fund app.i.•.,,,,,, .. 1,. •
employment of immigrant labor ii r , ~ :.
occupied, whereby the amount whi...1.,,,d, • ~,,,•
pouter obtains is wages, is gradually beaten
down towards the old sorruwiul minimum that
will barely support existence; and than all who
come after in search or work are doomed to 1
disappointment, and oftentimes to keen suflhr. I
big and distress. Who can tell how much of
human life and labor hes melted awuy in dick.
nese and privation in the great towns of the
American Republican, having only had strength
sufficient to escape front a similur fate ti Jew
weeks or months before un this side of the
ocean? We hive but few and.very imperfect
statistics on the subject ; but, an through a glass
darkly we seem to discern A Nal.fld MASS Of 11U
man misery, squallur and degradation, piled up i
in heaps in the sea-heard cities of the Union— I
heaps which our supercilious etatenien of the !
red tone school would dignify with the ulf.hand
epithet of “incidental difficithies attendant
upon the exodus"—but which the jealousy I
of American citizenship too truly polute a' as
cuenen for pntriutic apprehension and itatioual
I reproach. or tire mitten feelings, unihrtuntite.
ly, eunlinecl to the miserable classes who were
unable to find won;, and who apeecJily :ink
down into ilependeUce npon- precarious charity. '
Everywhere throughout the Northern States of
the Union, milltinal. of Irish Rowan Cetho.
lies tire to be found who, fitr very'entall reeMn.
. pence, perform, to a great extent, the servile
I lanes which in the Southern States are excel,
' t heir
by sh e e t cl o r o d populatiatt. it is rather
't.heir inisfortitue than their fault that they are
pour, ignorant and utterly futvign ii) their hal,
its and ideas, to the political commuitilv
amongst whom they duel. Wisely directed,
they might quickly be taught to assimilate in
outward forms .d observances to the free mid
self. respecting people whose protection they
have sought and obtained. Nor can it be
' doubted but that a rare so proverbially 'mita%
live would rapidly acquire, if trained to ail.,
many of the ideas and tbelings justly regarded
Ly all true Americans us essential to the mein
, tenauce of their nationhood. Uoilirtimately
fur the Roman Catholic migrantd they have
been. fin saute time badly counselled and :Idris.
ed. 'Ultramouttteisin has been as reckless and
as rapid of late in the New World as in the
Old. Its cox.conibical pretensions to para.
mount power have bees no insolently put tlirth
in New England as in Old England mid what
Las proved of more fatal consequence to its un
happy votaries, political sympathies with des.
politic and intellectual darkness have been
openly avowed stud offensively promulgated.—
'I he public inculcation of such sentimeuts by
the prelates and priesthood of the Roman Cutio
elite in America has more than unythitig else
tended to the uprise of the singular organiza•
lien known under the title of Know Nothing.
ism t and wherever its ramifications prevail, it
has become difficult, if nut impossible for Re.
man Catholic emigrants to obtain employment.
Hence the return of considerable numbers to
the laud of their nativity; and hence we fear
we must prepare to expect the infliction of ma
ny an act of hardship and injustice, each as
the indiscriminate zeal of politico.religious par.
ty has never failed to inflict.
STAR GAZE 49 ATTENTION!—The planet Ve•
nun is now the evening star and will continue
so until October lot. For two or three months
it will be increasing in brilliancy; and may be
plainly H
en with the naked eye in the evening,
east of nrd f!...,
The gmeral prospects of the war, nt hortus
and abroad, were to! Very encourny,Kr. Pnr.
tint successes before Sevastopol have. however,
revived the droopini,' spirit of the Army, el.
though the Mall reported losses of tho Allies
show that the successes were not of impor.
Yelissier, whose chatriuder suffered oiler the
repulse of the 18th of June, was regaining
confidence. and for die strength of the French
works. now close advanced towards 'the Male.
hod', there is a probability of its early cap•
A despatch front °imam! Sintrent is pub.
lished, giving an ne•eount of the embarkation
of the body of Lord Raglan for to:ilend.
issier plarela garland of thamoNl7ll3. on the
coffin, and tho French ttoops.formed an ave.
one of men, six miles long, from the camp to
the sea.
The fdflowing are the latest despatches ;
Under date of July 16th, 11 P..M,:Benersl
Pelisder telegraphs—“ The enemy, who had for
some days endeavored in vain to ctop our left
'approaches in front of the Ifti:akoif tower,
attempted last nighyto drive us backs bat they
were repulsed by the first division of the see
end corps. Three times the, Rtukdans threw,
themselves upon our trenches, with their moi
shouting, but after each attempt xerecotn
polledlled to retreat bv. the .steadyjiin and calm
attitude of our soldiers, leaving Inland them
'natty of their slain. • -
July Pith.—Ben. Simpson telegraphs not!,
ing of •
importance tins occurred.. The army is
in good health. July 18th, he telegraphs a
sortie made on the left attack, was repulsed
with only three ensualities on; the British side.
The Paris Ildrie, of Jule I9th, says ;--Ac•
cording to the news received this morning, the
Missions attempted another sortie last night,
about len o'clock against the batteries of CA•
reciting 13ity, and were vigeromly repulsed.—
Letters say that the Russian ships began to
stiller from the Prowl' snorter batter; in the
side of Quarantine Bay, and deserters say that
the rations of the chipping are reduced one.
— The French hare elenred Kamiesch of all
suspicious persons, and have caleblished muni.
General Eyre, the British General, has had
his leg• amputated. General Sir John Camp.
bell died within Sevastopol, nud under a flag
of truce his sword eat returned.
The Sordid and Turkish forces bawl again
withdraw]. front the callus of Ilaidur to Balak•
lova. This may italicahieither anotkr: morti•
Beat'mr in the plan of the campaign, at Geid
opettemi s Blain-t the Honodans who have beat
receiving reinforcemmas. Gortmchakofr ha,
written to Si. relcr,lowg, ackeowhalging
their arrivhl.
Another sea expedition Is fitting out, but the
destination is unknown. It is cuppu9ed to be
either against Odessa or to relieve the Turke,
hard pressed in Anatolia, and, perhaps, it may
be for operations on the Danube. Four thou•
sand Turks arc in the Dobrudseha,
reinforcements of French ar.d English ca•
Reliable accounts to Junc 23,1 stutc-the
Rt 1.1411 111111 y under Generld Muravieff, had
invested Kars, while n Simla emms tram, lind
advuneed :ups Komi. turd was mu din
Turkish gnridson of Baionin. The Russians
number 30,000, and the Turks 13,000, under
Vasseit Paehto, and General Williams. The
Russians ere bringing !pit. fr , , , n It ernri,
and the situation ; an.
a zocarai The
The Ai Aririn irony. in the PriuMpthtiesern
Ling mnorlionably reduced, mai tie !nun
e,niveyed home to Hunlar,F a v!. umt to Vien•
Nine Briti,l; t.h;rs ver, , reennnoitLorinz ny
-!•ra tn MOO.
: ri n 1; f
thtit on ;hi, ; o:.t8
i,,t,, the Fund! I 1 ;ti;•
The Moniteur cot.t „ .
in the impost duties i Th e
sum set ape; t for the eN tilk: fete No•
on the 18th i., to bedistribu•
ted to the widows and tapiians of the war. rice
hundred Russians now at Toulon, are io be ex
changed at Odessa for French prisoneis cf
June leth.
Don Dna?ante is appoint., Minister to
Wiaington, in room of M. Canto.
A tel;raidlie mr,sage from Madrid anys
Cie rupture with Rome is complete, the Roman
Charge baying demanded bis passports on the
Church property bill.
The lilne r k lOarrily di•rtte with the United
States is definitely settled by the indemnity of
a million of seal;,
The French mail had been again stopped by
the insurgcms bear Mug°. Tea .Carlists
were shot on the 10th. at Coronae, Some skit ,
mishes occurred biding. Among the killed,
however, woo Gen. Amine, brother.inlaw of
Coble:as. Boreeloon had become quiet once
more. The treaty with the Dominican Repute•
lic is authorized by the Cortes.
Fran. Engl.:a nod Sardinia era said to
have expressed their formal disapproval of the
proposed league of the Italian Slates. The
Turin papers speuk of an attempted insurrec•
ton in the Duelt'y of Modena, and arrests had
been made at Speiela, Corrara, Matt,ati, Lortei,
and elsewhere.
Owing' to the lroublod state of Italy, the
French garrison at Roma has been reinforced
hen thousand more men.
.... . ....
Mitzziiiipublislits a reeler in the Genoa pa.
pure, warning Italians against Bonnpartiut in
Most, of the small German States are prepa•
ring to disarm. The resignation of the Han
overian Cabinet is hourly expected, and it is
said Count Platen will be the new premier.
Capt. Merryman, of the American 'barque
Umline, has been ihe first to refuse the pay
meet of the Hanawrian State dues. He re
fused to show hie papers, yet was permitted to
proceed to Hamburg andtyliver his cargo.
The Danish Government is underbood to
have replied to the United States in a long
document, regretting that the Cabinet utWash•
ington had not given longer notice of its
tention respecting: the soul aroma of Sound
dues, es p., a'ly in the present taisis. shot
Deumark's neighbors ore eodeavoring. o draw
hie Woo war,—and further that the abolition
of Sound dues would be n losa of ninny. thou
sands of dollars to Denmark, and a saving of
Ind inure than two hundred dollars anuully to
the shipping of the United States.
Denmark, thete!bre, considers it impossible,
on the. shortest notice, to comply,, and logic vs
that other notions trill rekora /inaction's de
'Moods unfavorably.
Vienna letter, in the Cologne Gazebo, re•
that morked difference has arisen he•
mean the Czar and his brake:, ComitskUne.
sod the journey of IL Pr...-!pia to
.s.for the Wing as. ,u