Varri6, .401313— NA I I.E.—On Tuesday, July 10th, by +v. S. H. Reid, Mr. Wm. Robb to Miss Sarah Naillo, of MeConnellstown, Hunt. Co. It gii6, Rico.—ln this borough, on Sunday the 22d st., Mrs. Martha, wire Of Thomas King, late ' this place, in the 724 year of her age. "Slow blest the righteous, when they die, When sinks the weary soul to rest!' RAILROAD HOURS. TRAINS GOING EAST. mail T. I Ex. T. I E. T. l Ex. T. 'rain leaves P.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. Petersburg, 2.45 9.07 3.52 Huntingdon, 3.02 9.22 4.09 Creek, 3.18 9.33 4.18 Mt. Union, 3.33 9.47 4.31 TRAINS GOING WEST. 'ruin leaves P.M P.M. A.M. A.M. It. Union, 4.16 7.12 6,26 6.26 Lill Creek, 4.33 7.25 6.39 6.39 lutit ingdon, 4.48 7.30 6.25 6.52 letersburg, 5.03 7.49 7.05 7.05 Whig County Convention, autsmuch as the members of the Whig Coun ty Committee failed to meet at the time and place requested. to determine the lino of con duct proper to be adopted in the present state of political affairs, and as I have neither the. right nor the desire to decide that question, I have thought it my duty as chairman of the County Committee to give notice that the Whigs of the several townships and boroughs in the county oflluntingdon, if they see proper, will meet as heretofore at the usual time and place of holding such meetings, on. Saturday, the day of Anost next, and elect two delegates from each district to meet in convention in the borough of Huntingdon on nimbly, the 14th day of August 1835, at 2 o'clock, in the after noon to make the proper county nominations or not as to them may mein best. D. BLAIR, C'hairinan. July 18, 185 NEW COAL BANK St. COKE YARD. Persons wishing the above articles, or either of them, will du well to call no the subscriber, near Plano No. 4 Portage Nail Road, where they ran obtain a good article and at a low price.— There is a good way of stripping the articles, either by Penna. Rail Rood, or by Public Im provements. Persons at a distanea can obtain the above articles by addressing the subscriber at Ilemlock, Cambria County, Pa. DAVID W. FON. July 18, 1855-2nl. Ground Rents for Sale, Persons owning lots of groond in tho east 211,1 of the Borough of Huntingdon, (and laying e Ist of Smith street) which aro subject to the payment of one dollar a year each, of ground rent, will have an opportunity of buying the same on or before the Nth day of August next, by calling on the subscriber in the Borough of Huntingdon. In case the owners of lots do not buy out the ground rents, then I will otter the whole of the ground rents duo and to become duo hereafter, at public sale at the Court House in the Bore' of Huntingdon, on Thursday the lath tiny of August, nt 2 o'clock, P. DI. A list and number of the lots, with the groom! rent due thereon, will lie shown nt the time of side. THOMAS D. SMITH, Ex 'r of Richard Petm Smith, decd, AND MECHANICS' FIRE 1 MARINE AND LIFE INSURANCE COM• PAM", Mice LENNIG'S BUILDING, N. W corner Second and Walnut street', 11!11..I CAPITAL mom°. This Company ends Piro Insurance on Iluil dings, Goods, Furniture, &c. MARINE INSURANCE, On VESSELS, " CARGO, To id' ports in the World. " FREIG Inland insurances on Goods by rivers, lakes, canals, railroad, and land carriage to all parts of the Union. Also, insurance upon LIVES, upon the most favorable terms. lion. Thomas B. Florence Janina B. MAU, George 11. Armstrong, Charles Dingee, Edward P. Middleton, Ed. B. Ilelnthold, tleorge Ilelmbold, F. C. Brewster, Thonms Mandertield, Leerh, Ttion,th B FLORENCE, President, EDWAIII, it. ii.31110(.10, SeCy AVM. BREWSTER, Agent, 11, vrimtnon, BOOKS! BOOKS!! embracing every Variety to be ltntl iu Boston, New York and Philadelphia—the subscriber has just received and °Rigs for Nile extremely low. llia stock of STATIONARY is of great variety and superior (path v as fol lows :—Foolscaps, Letter, Note and Wrapping Paper. Envelopes of every kind ,• Gold and Steel Pens, Portmonies, Pocket Books, Pea Knives ' Pocket Knives, Sc. School Rooks of every kind used in the coantry, at wholesale and retail prices. 100(1 PIECES WALI., PAPER of the latest and prettiest styles, just re eziyed owl for sale at Philadelphia retail prices. All MO ahovo stock the public will thid It to he to their interest to call nod mullion before purchasing elsewhere, as he is determined to give ,Iti:lltetion to every customer. Store opposite :::ttuker's Hotel, Railroad street : ~s, WM. COLON. Huntingdon, April 10, 1855.-tf J. W. THOMPSON, avviDr_amv LIV law, COMMSS/ONER FOR PRNA":t DAVENPORT, lOWA. Attends to buying, selling and locating Lands and land warrants, pays taxes, loans Money on Beal Estate security,on commission, examines and Makes abstracts of title, &c. Any business intrusted, will be attended to promptly and whit 'fidelity. Beier to lion. Geo. Taylt..r and Members of the Bar at Huntingdon. Ain) , 14th, 1853-amo. NOTICE. NoTtcn is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between the undersign ed (trading under the Orin of Donela & Dunn,) isvhis day dissolved by minuet consent. The books of said firm are in the hands al*David Dunn with whom all eoneerned will please to make immediate settlement. GEORGE COUCH, • DAVII) I)UNN. 1055-tf. DISSOLUTION. fp E partnership heretofore existing between 1 Dro. Brown and Hagerty is thioduy by mu tual consent dissolved. All persoua knowing themselves ilulubled to the said liriu, will please call and nettle their iteCollo3 Without delay. 11. 1,. BROWN, J. U. HAGERTY. Mardi 21 DENTisTay. DR. J. R. HEW ITT, Surgeon prctfßS i lllart7TVet i l lY tO tlaosa who ° may wish operations on ihe teeth. Office with Dr. Hewitt, Alexandria, Huntingdon ro,, Apia In, I85;t - t:m• . Katirir LIT'D',AUDA. AUGUST TERM, 1865. TRIAL LlST.—First Week. Christian Coins vs John Hilderbrand. J.H. Wolverton's adm'rs vs J. Entreldn's Exrs. James McCauly vs M. Crownover, Salt 11. Mytinger vs P. Livingston. S. S. Woods' Guard'ns vs Benjamin Leas. Sterrett .t Potter for use vs J. Alexander, Gar. nishee. J. Simpson Africa vs D. Flenner, et al. Ilirst for Caldwell vs Daniel Africa. Joshua Johns vs Blair, Robinson & Co. SECOND WEEK. N & W. Shaver vs Penna. 11. R. Co. Horatio Trexler & Co. vs .r. & W. Saxton. Adolphus Patterson vs John Daelienhaell. Sterling & Alexander vs Bracken Stitt & Co. John Stewart vs John Love. J. 11. Lex vs Caldwell & Hoover. Thos. Vaughan vs Garth adm'rs. IVattermana; Young vs Jno. Jamison. GRAND JURORS. Hobert Ashton, farmer, Barr. Isaac Buck farmer, Werriormath. Jeremiah Brown, farmer. Smithfield. Enoch Chilcote, farmer, Tod. Simon Coulter, laborer, Walker. Paulo] Conrad, farmer, Franklin. Thmuns Duffey, farmer, Springfield. David Foster, farmer, Hopewell. Jacob Grove, firmer, Penn. James Uwin, gentleman, !renders.. Andrew Grab, farmer, Penn. Andrew Huey, farmer, Brady. Solomon Banner, miller. Jackcon. Japes Hector, farmer, Tod. .101111 Harper Esq, J. P. Barre°. Peter Hernial,. farmer, Molds. Adam Lefford, farmer, Porter. Henry Neff, merchant, West. • John Porter Eoq, farmer, Heade... Carnes Patterson, laborer, Porter. Henry S. Swoope, fanner, Walker. Thomas Stewart, farmer, Berme. George Tate, Manufacturer Franklin. Elias P. Wilson Esq., comb maker TRAVERSE JURORS.—First Week. Thomas Anderson, farmer, Timl. bleary Brewster, merchant, Shirley. James Baker, mason, Sprinttfleld. John Brewster, farmer, Shiley. James Rurket, Cromwell. Isaac Bowers, farmer, Penn. John Brown, farmer, Springfield. Morris Cutshall, farmer, Springfield. William W. Campbell, farmer, Tell. A. 13. Cruwitt, gentleman, Henderson. Isaac Cook, Esq., J. P. Tod. Alexander Carman, merchant. Henderson, Joseph P. Curtn., farmer, Pass Canon, medullae, Morris. John Dougherty, farmer. Shirley. James Vile, farmer, Brady., Benjamin Grafi., tinner,llenderson. Henry C rafitts, farmer, Porter. John Hratiits, rinser, Warriormark. John Gaghagan, carpenter, Porter. James Harper, clerk, Cromwell. Nathan T. Horton, former, Tod. James Hight, laborer, Henderson. John Lutz, Merchant, Shirley. William S. Lyon, termer, Tell. Abraham Lutz of Jacob, farmer, Shirley. Jonathan K. Metz, farmer, Brailv. John Morrison, farmer, Shirley. Joh!! Miller, farmer, Porter. Edwin Neff, Ina-keeper, Porter. Jacob Nen*, farmer, Porter. Orlady, farmer, Brady. "livid P. Porter, farmer, Header:ion. Joseph Park, farmer, Cass. William Piper, laborer, West. William Peightal. farmer, Heel. John Piper, carpenter, Porter. George Roland, fanner, C/11011. TIMMS Smellier, fawner, Shirley. Michael Smith, farmer, Morris. • David Thompson, Milner, Hendmon. Thomas Teague, capcntrr, Isaac Wolverton, miller. Brady. Jtnathan R. Wilson, farmer, West. George Wakefield, farmer, Shirley. William Wry, farmer, Warriormark. Eli Wake fi eld, farmer, Brady. Jacob Russel, farmer, Hopewell. TRAVERSE JURORS.—Second Wctek. Caleb Armitage, farmer, Henderson. John Anderson, farmer, Penn. Isaac Breneman, fanner, Porter. Jacob Beck, farmer, Warriormark. Benjamin Brumbaugh, farmer, Ponn. William Campbell, tanner, Tell. John Coulter, laborer, Walher. Benjamin Corbin, farmer, West. David Cole:dock, farmer, Henderson. John Campbell, fanner, Jackson. William Dean, fanner, Union. James Dee., farmer, Cromwell. Andrew Dieffenbach, machinist. Henderson. Allen Edwards, tnatudlicturer, Tad. Daniel Flonner, farmer, Walker. William Giesinger, fanner, Walker. Robert Given, tanner, Walker. John Grove Sr, farmer, Penn. Jamb Hellber, farmer, Penn. J ohn Hirst, farmer, Barree. Jacob Iltancanc, farmer, Porter. Enoch Isenberg, fanner, Porter. Joseph Isenberg, carpenter, Walkor. • George Mills, fanner, Tell. William McAteer, farmer, Warriurtuark. Solomon Minch, farmer, Penn. Joseph Heed, farmer, Wee. John Snyder, Lock-tender, Henderson. George Scott, fanner, Barren. John Shank, wagon maker ' Warriormark. • Abram Showalter, farmer, enS.i. Ephraim Thompson, fanner, Union. John Walters, farmer, Dublin, Daniel S. WhittakerAnnor, Union Samuel P Wallace, farmer, Morris. William Moore, merchant, Porter. PRO 4. LAMATION. W11E... by a precept to me directed, dated at Huntingdon, the 20th day or April, A. D. 1855, under the hands and seals of the Ilea. Heorge Taylor, President of the Coma of Common flats, Oyer and 'l'ertnincr, noel gener al jail delivery of the 24th judicial disteiet ef Peru sylvania composed of Iltoitiogdon, Blob. and Cam bria, and the lion. Thomas F. Stuart mud Jona than McWilliams, his associates, Judges of the county of Ilantingdon, justices assigned, appoint col, to hear, try and deterntinc all and every in dietments wade or taken for or concerning all crimes, which by the laws of the State are made I capital or !Wellies of death and other offences crimes and misdemeanors, which have been or shall hereafter he committed or perpetrated for crimes aforesaid--I ton commanded to make pub lic proclamation throughout coy whole bailiwick that a Connor Oyer and Terminor, of Common Pleas and quarter sessions, so ill I,to held at the Court House in the Borough or Iluotingcluo, un the secoud Monday (and lath tiny) of August, next, and those who will prosecute the suid pri soners be then and them to prosecute them as it shall be just, and that all Justices of the l'eace, Coroners nod Constables within said county be then mid there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, with their records, in rjuisitions, examinations turd remembrattres, to do those things which to their ollices respectfully appertain. Gated ut Huntingdon the 80th day or April, in the ,year of mar Lord 1835, and the 70th year 01 American Independence. JOSHUA GREENLAND, Sherd.. nilfh BUS. Corn for sale by O"- , CUNNINGHAM & DUNN. F_ resh Shad and Hoc Herrings juet, received by CUNNINGHAM &DUNN. Hog,, Inking Gla3: as and Trunks, just tereired and Ivr :,eic by G. GWIII, PROCLAMATION. 17(THEREAS, by a precept to me directed by TV the Judges of the Common Pleas of the county of Huntingdon, bearing test the 20th day I of April, 1855, I am commanded to make Public Proclamation throughout my whole baili wick, that a Court of Common Pions will be held in the Court House in the Borough of Hun tingdon, on the third Monday (and 20th day) of August, A. D.,1855, for the trial of all issues in said Court which remain undetermined before the said Judges, when and where all jurors, witnesses and suitors, in the trial of all iaooeo are required to appear. Dated at Huntingdon, the 20th day 01 in the year of our Lord 1855, and the 79th year of American Independenee. JOSHUA GREENLAND, Sheriff. Register's Notice. TicE is hereby given to nll persons inter ested, that the following named persons have settled their accounts in the Register's 011ie, at Huntingdon, and that the said accounts will be presented for confirmation and allowance, at nu Orphans' Court, to ho held at Huntingdon, in and for said county of Huntingdon, on Wodues• day the 19th day August neat to wit t 1. George Borst & Peter Bucket. Executors of the last Will and Testament of Daniel Neff, late of West township, deed. 2. John B. Given, surviving Executor of the last Will and Testament of Margaret Entrekin, late of Penn township, deed., (and interest ac comit to accompany the same. 3. Account of the Administration of the Es tate of Margaret Italtrekin, deed., by Thomas I:up:tart, Esq., deed., (one of het• Executors tiled by) James E. Glasgow, Esq., ono of the Administrators of said Thos. Enyeart, deed and Interest accompanying the same. 4. Hance It. Campbell, Administrator of James Cnmpbell, late of Shirley township deed. 5. Jacob Eby & Samuel MeVitty, Adminis• trators of David Eby, late of Shirley township deed. 6. George Guyer, Jr., Administrator of lien. jamin Nearhoof, late of Wartiocsmark town ship, dee'd 7. Henry Brewster, Esq., Administrator of Dawson C. Smawley, late of Shirley township deed. • 8. John Graks, Acting Executor of James Tully late of Jackson township, deed 9. James D. Myton, William Myton & James Stewart, Administrators of J. W. Mytun late of Jackson township, dee'd. 10.. Jonathan P. Roberts & Edward R. Rob erts, Executors of the last Will and Testament or William Roberts, late of West township deed. 11. Moses Greenland, Acting Executor of Nathan Grcenkind , lute of Cuss township deed. 12. Final account of Margaret Newell, Exec- utrix of the last Will nod Testament of Andrea/ Ik:ewe% late of West township, deed. 13. Ann Miller, Executrix of Joseph Miller, late of Barree township, deed. 14. Elizabethi Horan, Executrix of Zachariah Boron, Into of Uniim township, tlec'd. 15. John Speck, Administrator of John Mar ker, late of Walker township, deed. 10. Benedict Stevens, Esq., Administrator of Samuel Ilockenberry, late of Springfield town ship, deed. 17. James Chamberlain, Administrator of Martin Gates, late of Franklin township, deed. 19. The 'trust Account of Peter Stiker, une I • 01 the Executors of Willitun Laird, late of Por ter township, deed. 19. Samuel M. Stewart. Administrator of James Mitchell, late of Jackson township, deed. 20. Lewis Burchfield, Guardian of the Minor Children of John Patterson, deed. 21. James Potter, Guardian of Lucretia Pat tenon ((comedy Lucretia Moore) as Minor Daughter of Silas Moore, deed now of 111 age. 22. James Putter, Guardian of Thomas Moore, a minor Sun of Silas Maure, 23. Samuel Ilagey, Administrator of Abra ham Corbin, late of henderson township, dec'd. 24. Partial Accounts of John Gifford, admin strain of Joseph Gifford, lam of Shirley town ship, dee'd. 25. Final Accounts of Joules Wall, acting Executor of John Wall, into of West township, deed. . . ..„ 26. Tho Supplemental * Account of James Saxton, Aming . Executor of the last Will and Testament of William Foster, late of West town ship, dee'il. HENHY ULAZIEII, Register. Hegistees Wire, Huntingdon, July 18, '55. SUMPS SALE. DV virtue of writs of Vend. Exp., and Firs Fu., issued out of the Court of Common Pass of Huntingdon County, and to me directed, I will expose at public sale tit the Conn House in borough of Huntingdon. on IVcduesday the 15th thij rf August next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day, the following described Real Estate, to wit: All that certain plantation, tract, piece or par cel of land, situate in Shirley Township, Hun tingdon county, east of Drakes Ferry, adjoining the Juniota river, lands of John Sharrer, And rew Pollock's heirs awl others, Containing ono hundred and seventy six acres or thereabouts, on part of which the town of Mt. Union is laid out, excepting and excluding from the said levy the ground now in the possession of tho Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, and the following town lots in the recorded plan of sold town of Sit. Union, being ,numbered respectively: Numbers 3,4, 5, (1, 11, 12, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21,'22, 24,1, 2. 7, 19, 13, 16, 23, 8,9, 14, 17, 33, and 74.—and the lot of ground in the possession of the 114eth odist Episcopal Church nod on which, a Meeting House stands and the following lota which were sold on original Vend. Exp., to wit: Lots No. 58 59, 60, and 69, to J. J. McElhetty and Lots No, 83, and 84, sold to John Bare and Lots No. 93, nod Or; to Geo. \V. Speer. Seized, talien in execution, nod to be sold as the property ofJohn Dougherty. A tract of land in Dahlia township, Hunting don county - , situated on the road lending from Burnt Cabins to Shade Gap & bounded by lands of Willinnt Bratton on the north, George Kelley, un the east, Abraham Long on the south, John Atkinson wt the west, containing two hundred acres more or less with about sixty acres clear ed. 'laving thereon erected a two story log house & log barn with an orchard of good bear log apple & peach trees & a smug of never fail ing water. Seized taken in exception and to 110 sold as the property of John Bingham deed. & Branson Bingham. The interest of said deceased being in the hands of Daniel Tague Esq., his adm'r. A lot of land situate in Franklin tp., dun county, bounded on the south by the Juni ata river, on the west by Dr. A. Merherran and on thwoorth by Abram Weight, containing thirteen acres, more or less, on which ore erect ed two dwelling houses, and astable, one•of the houses two story high, weutherboarded and pain ted white, the other house one story and a-half high. Seized, token in execution, and to be sold as the property of Jareminh Wagner. JOSHUA GREENLAND, Sheriff's Office, Sheriff: Huntingdon, Pa. "Who bows to all who enter in, And whilst, ho kindly smooths the skin, (lives CU.) and comfort to the chin ? Why, Thomas ! "Who renovates your long toiled blue, Likewise your pants and vests too, And makes old clothes look like new ? Why Thomas 1 "Who keeps his razors blight and keen, And shoves his customers so clean, They look like youths of seventeen I" Why, Thomas 1 Iluatin,gdon and Broad Top Shaving Saloon' occupied by Joseph Bowlin and Professor Sur' rel, where they will be found ut all times to accommodate and 'renovate' all 'who may favor them with a call. \Yo will shave you and Luke . oti your beard easy. Then walk right along, don t he afraid. July t f, 11335-Im. FSalt, Muster, Nails, iron and Steel, all E kinds al country produce taken in exchange fur Goods al the store of J. & W. SAXTON, ENT Cravats and Scarfs of ovary variety.— `,tucks, just vet:Dived and for sale & W. :iA XTON. MISCELLANEOUS, AYER'S PILLS. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS: PILLS THAT ARE PILLS 1 I HAYES, State Chemist. of Massee!m eet, says they ere the best of all P 11.1.14 and no no::,•41 are the men who certify that Dr. o llityes LEM UEL SHAW, ChiefJustiee Supreme Coutt WA SHBURN, Governor of Moss. W. C. PLUNKETT, Lieut. Gov. of Miss. F.B \VA/CD EVERETT, Ex. Sec of State, and Senator of I.T. S. ROBERT C. WINTHROP, Ex-Speaker Hong° Rep., U. S. A. ABBOTT LAWRENCE, Minister Plenipot, to Great Britain. . IiTZPATRICK, Catholic Bishop MEN THAT ARE MEN. Among theiliseases this Pill has Cured with as tonishing rapidity, we may mention Costiveness, Bilious Complaints, Rheumatism, Dropsy, Heartburn, Ileadachearisingircm a foul Stomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Morbid innetiou oldie Bowels, and pain arising thereerom, nun lency, Loss or Appetite, all Ulcerous and Cu .0- semi diseases, which require an evacuant Med icine, Scrofula or King's Evil. They also by purifying the blood and stimulating the System, cure many Complaints which it would not be sup posed they could reach ; such as Deafness, Par tial Blindness, Neuralgia and Nervous Debility Derangements of the Liver and Kidneys, Gout, and other kindred complaints, arising from a low state of the body, or obstructions of its functions. They see the best Purgative Medicine ever dis covered, and you will but need to use them once to know it, Prcpariul by DII. J. C. AYEII, T.owell, Mass, and sold by every respectable Druggist in New England. THOS. READ & SON, Huntingdon, Pa., L•U CIIPsR 84 PORTE% Alex,. Iris, Pu., J. 11. HOMMER & Co. Waterstreet,Pa.,3. it HOL LER, Petersburg, and by all dadara aver ywheie. Julie 13, 1855-2 m. Au improvement worthy of the Pro gressive Age. ALDRICH & FOOTE'S PATENT WASHING MACHINE riThE subscriber is prepared to furnish every j Citizen of the Commonwealth, with one of these superb articles, acknowledged by all who have them in use, and by every one who has tes ted them, to be superior' to anything of the kind or, brought before the politic. They are made of the best material, under the supervision of the subscriber, who is prepared to deliver them at any point in this or the adjoin ing counties. This machine possesses .many all - over any other of the kind, front the net, that it in no manner wears the clothing, uses less soap, and Is easier worked. The price ranges from six to seven dollars. The ;tiliserilie; warrants this machine to give entire satisfaction. If it does not do everything he says, no charge will be mode. A trial is earnestly invited and perfect satisfaction war rooted. A strong recommendation for the ma chine is the number already sold. Any person who wishes one of these articles, cnn be acconunodated by addressing B. J. WILLIAMS, Alexandria, Huntingdon Co., l'a. May 30, 1805—Gm. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. T FiI."I.`ERS of Administratlep had been gran ted to the undersigned, on estate of Df. Jacob Uollinim, late of the borough of Hunting don, dee'd., all persons indebted make int. mediate pnyment, nod thoorls•-iuillog Mulles will present them properly nutlwatientrd for settle ment. A. D. CIMWITT, MT'r. •*— --• books arc at the aloe uflCavid SUarc Esq. July 4th, 1855-6 t. ~,;~~1231'~~~c~ r 111 E undersignod n islies to inform 1113 friends 1 and tho public generally that he Into moved his shop to the building of And. Harrison, for me•ly occupied by hits us Collector's office. Hill St. . _ . Where ho intends carrying on the Tailoring bu.iness on such terms an will not fail to give satisfaction to all that may favor hint with their enstom. washes to return thanks for the liberal pa tronage heretofore cruised and hopes by strict attention to business to merit tt ..ertnt.iptultu.:9y ENOS H. KULP. the some, April 10, 1855-tf. MEDICAL NOTICE. 1)r. D. Houtz and Wm. Grating, having form ed a Medical partnership, under the title of II rota & Grains, offer their professional servi ces to the citizens of Alexandria, mid the sur rounding country. Oillee—that formerly occupied by Dr. Houtz. DANIEL HOUTZ, M. 1). WM. GltAbniti, M. 1). June 27, 1853.-3 m Administrator's Notice. T EWERS of Administration on the estuto of IA George Hudson, dee'd., late of Clay town ship, Huntingdon county. haring been granted to the undersigned hr the Register of said coun ty : All persons indebted to said estate will make immediate settlement, and nll persons having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement. . . ..... REIMCCA BUNION, Alilll'.. .101 IN HUDSON, Ailni'r Three Springs. July 4, 18:5-60 TOSEPH DOUGLASS, in AlcConnclistown si has constantly on hand, ready made rifles, and is prepared to 'nuke and repair Gus ofull kinds at the shortest notice. April 23, lBlls—ly. CLOTHS 4ND.CASSLAIERES, plata and fain, at very low prices, at the store of KO. G WIN. WroTt . T a b c y a t i li t e h l o ni e s:ll; n d e, k v lcgi t r o g , ! I. lo . l)arrel CUNNINGHAM $: DUNN. DWED AI'PLES, peeled end unpcvlcil just received end fur sale by • CUNNINGHAM & DUNN. DURE White Lend just received and for sale I by UNNINtifIAM &DUNN. "Torso Shoe and Nail rod Iron, jest received iland for sale by CUNNINGHAM & DUNN. (1 ROCKERY-4 well-selected lot of Earthen VlVitro, for into by CUNNINGHAM & DUNN. V nits and spike , . A general assortmoul by 111 CUNNINUIIAM & I)UNN CIILVEIt Butter Knives, and Salt Spoons, at E. SnartesCheapJewelry Store, I)AnASOLS of the very bast quoit,' from 75 to :150 each lur salo by J. & W. SAXTQN. Trim wium LEADjtvit received and lb!. sale by S. W. SAXTON. 5A111.1.4 T. Incows 4 aBC/V.iill ) Attorneys at Law, iluutingdou, l'a., Mice ialllo as that furtacrly occupied by Julau Scott, Esq. 0.. t. la, 1653, JOHN SCOTT. MISCEI,I,A C. HUSSEY. C. WELL., FORNIERLY C. WELLS a; CO., PORK PACKERS, WholesalreDealers in Provisions, AND ton,r.misgroft MERCHANTS,, No. 3t15, Liberty street, COMMERCLAI, BOW, PITTSBIR I:, PA Have now on band n very large and choice stock Bacon, to which we particularly desiro to invite oar friends owl dealers generally. May 9,1859.-7 m. %VOX It!MIL NOTICE is hereby given to all persons whom it may concern that front and after the next set- tlement by the County Auditors of Huntingdon County, (in January 1856) no claim or demand by any person, against said County on Account of any road or bridge view, election, or service of any kind rendered said comity, and which is (Wan older standing than AiX years, will be allowed in settlement by said Auditors , eel all demands uncalled for and unclaimed up to the time spe cified, will be considered as forfeited and forever shut out; and the certificate, order or paper on which it is predicated, rejected and thrown aside as a cancelled paper. RALPH CROTSLEY, PERRY MOORE, HENRY BREW STE R. May 23, 1855. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. Where may be obtained the most speedy rem- Iv for SECRET DISEASES.—GIects Strictures, Seminal Weakness, Pain in the Loins, Affections oldie Kidneys, and all those peculiar ntlections arising from a secret habit, particularly the youth of both sexes, which if not cured, produces con stitutional debility, rendering marriage impossi ble, and its the cud destroys both Mind and Body. Young Men, especially, who have become the victims of Sol itary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thou sands of young men of else most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to eestney the living lyre, may call with full confidence. Married Persons, or those contemplating marriage, hying aware of physical weakness, should immediately consult Dr. J., and he restored to perfect health. Dr. Johnston, office No. 7 South Fredrick St., seven doors from Baltimore Street, test side up the steps. ce 'Be particular in obtaining the name and number, or you will mistake the place. A cure warranted, or no charge made, in front one to two days. NOTICIL—Dr. John , ton's office is in hie dwelling, up the steps. His very extensive prac tice is a sufficient guarantee, that he is the only propel physician to apply to. Dr. Joh.den, member of the Royal College of Surgeons. London, graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges or the United States, and the greater part of whose life hen horn spout in the llospitals of London, Paris Philadelphia, and elnewlicaT, has effected some of the most aston ishing titres that were ever known. many trou- WO with ringing in the ears owl howl when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed nt sod den sounds, toil bashfulness, with frequent blush ing attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. CHIIT.UN DISHASE.—It is 1111101allehOly fact that thousands all victims to this horrid diSCIISC owing to the unskilfulness of ignorant pretenders who by the use of that deadly poison Mercury, ruin the Constitution, causing the most serious symptoms of that dreadful disease to make their appearance, such as affections of the head, nose, thront, skin, etc., progressing with frightful ra pidity till death puts a period to their dreadful stinting, by sending them to dint Bourne whence no traveler rein)... T IRE PAUTICULARNor;cu.--Young men who hove injured themselves by a certain practice in dulged in when nlonc—a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or nt school—the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders marriage impossible, and de stroys both mind and body. What a pity that a young man, the hope of his country, and the darling of his parents should be snatched from all prospects eel enjoyments of life by the consequence ofdeviating from the path of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons before contemplating Marriage, should reflect that a sound mind and body) are the most necessary reqoisites to promote connu bial happiness, Indeed without these, the jour ney through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind hacemes shadowed with despair, end tilled with the melencholy reflection, that the happiness ' of another heroines plighted with our own. CONATITI , TIONAL Dttunavv.—Dr..l. address- es young seen, and all who have injured them selves by private and imroper indulgence. InPUISSANA.—These tire some of the sad and melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, via: Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the heal, Dimness of Sig at, Loss of Mescal. power, Palpitation of the Heart I fys pepsin, Nervous Irritability, Detangemeuts of the Digestive Functions, General Debility Symptoms of Consumption, he. 11;NTALLY—The fearful effects on the mind are much to he drended; Loss of memory, Confusion of ideas, Depression of Spirit, Evil Forbodings; Aversion to Society, Self Distrust, Love of Soli twin, hr., are some of the evils produced. Tlousands of persons of all ages,can now judge what is the cause of their declining health. Los ing their vigor, becoming weak, polo and wimple nod, have singular appearance about the eyes, tough and symtoms of consumption. Married persons, or those contemplating mar riage, being aware of physical weakness, should immeillitely consult Dr. J. end be restored to per fect health. Office, No. 7, South Frederick-St., Baltimore, Md. Am, SURGICAL OrEnvonxs Putuso N. IL Let no false delicacy prevent you, but ap ply immediately either personally or by letter. Skin Diseases Speedily Cured, To Syn.usocits.—The many thousands cured at this Institution within the last ten years, and the numerous import:mt. aorgfeal Operations performed by Pr. J.,witnessed by the Reporters of the papers, and. many other persons, notices of which have appeased again and again before the public, is u sufficient guarantee that the afflicted will find n skillful and honorable phys:eian. As them are so many ignorant and worthless quacks advertising themselves as Physicians,rain ing the health cattle afflicted 1)r. Johnston would say to those unacquainted with his reputation that his Credentials or Diplomas always hang in his office. . . . Weakness of am organs Immediately cured, and full vigor removed iitiT All letters post paid—remedies sent by mail. Muy 22, 1855.—1 t. - - 1 0 DOZEN Ames' No. 2 Shovols,jusi Yeti and for sale by J. & \V. SANTO:Z. Amost beautiful lot of Berne do Laine pot terns, and in the piece, from ICI etc up to 50 Ms. per yard,just received cud for mile by J. j• W. SAXI'ON. rill: best assortment of Hosiery in town con. sibting of Ladies, Gentlemen, Misses and Children of every variety for sale by J. s W. SAXTON. HAMS, kiIIOULDERS, and Flitch just renal rod and fur gale by CUicNINPHAM & DUNN. mill , . cheapest and host lot of Chagoy Bump, 4- and Bongo do Lanni, also Satins, just ree'd and fur sale by J.& W. SAXTON. Afu l r t'o b il i c o luott tlto new ebtoo o r o f , ;.!st received and CUNNINUIIAII&I)UNN. HAM, Shoulder awl Th h, ju,t revuived and fur snle by J..i W. :iAN.TON. MISCELLANEOUS. STARTLING. BUT TRUE: NHAT EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW Bow often it happens, that the wifo lingers from year to year in that pitiable el ns not even for ono day to feel the happy at.d exhilarating influ ence tueitient to tho enjoyment of health. THE BLOOMING BRIDE, Bat a few years ago in the flush of health and youth, and buoyancy of epirite, solidly, and apparently in explicably, becomes a feeble, sickly, sallow, debili tated wife, with frame emaciated, nerves unstrung, spirits depressed, countenance bearing the impress of euffering, and an utter physical and mental pros tration, arising from ignorance of the simplest and plainest rules of health as connected with the mar riage elate, the violation of which entail. disease, suffering and misery, not only to the wife, but often HEREDITARY COMPLAINTS UPON THE CHILDREN UNTO THE rm. AND VOURTEL aeNcRATIoN," MST!. .... S:9I.I.u.RIETTN.AFIMEELA. HYPOCIFFONDRIA, INSANITY, GOUT, KING'S EVIL, avid ether and worse Mamie; as n DREADFUL INHERITANCE FROM THE PARENTS. " And most this continuo? Must this bo ? Is there no reurdy? No roller? Nu hope t" The remedy Is by !mowing the VIUS. and arobling them, and knowing the remedies, and beueLtlng by them. Them are pointed out in THE MARRIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION, DY DR. A. M. MAURICEAD, PROMVOR OF OL9EARIOi OF WOMEN. One hundredth P.dit ion, (500,000), 181 no., pp. 2io. 100 TINT. PAPKII, UTUA pomso, $1.00.) . . A Mandan! work of esinitli.he.l ropntation, found clamed In the entalognea of the grebt ',des In New York, Philadelphia, end other cities. and .1.1 by the principal booksellers In the United Slates. It was sinst.publlishod lo 1947, since which time FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND COPIES hare been sold, of which there sere up ear.lA of O\E HUNDRED THOUSA\I► "ENT BY MAIL, altrotiog the high evliuuttion is which It Is bold us a ro• liablo popular Medical • • BOOK FOR EVERY FEMALE Iho author bating devoted exelnitive attention to the treatment of complaint. pecttlior 0 lemaleo, In rettpoot to m Melt Ito IA yearly cousultet 6y tbtousankle both In permit and by lab r. liens every woman can discover, by comparing her awe symptoms with those described, the nature, character, causes of, and the proper remedies for, her complaints. The wire about becoeding a mother hos often need of instruction and advice of the utmost importance to her Unto health, in respect to which her sensitiveness for. . _ bids consulting a medical gentleman, will fl l each in struction and advice, and also explain anoint symptoms which otherwise would occasion owdoly or darn% ns all lite peculiarities Incident to her situation are described. flew many are suffering from obstructions nr !mogul.- Hies peculiar le the female system, oltiell mulormine the health, the effects of whisk they urn ignorant, and for which their delicacy forbids seeking medical advice. Many suffering from froloprtts Wei i (baling of the womb), or from fluor Whist (weabne, debility, he.) t h ey are in constant ngeny fur many menthe preceding confine• meat Many hare difficult if eel dungeroux deliveries, eml blew and utwertuin recoveries. whohe lieu are hiwarAle,l daring euelt time, will each lied In ilk paves the limns of provontion, melioration and relief. It is of tours• inipractiusble to convey folly the various aubjects treated of, us they am of a naturo at:icily in. towlod married or those contempitling ur pallor, are you a boatload ar o father? a wife or a mother? have you the sincere welfare of tholo you hue fit. heart, Provo your sincerity, nod lose no limo to Minx what comes Interfere with their health and hop as nnt less thou you: own. It will avoid to )mr and yours, an it has to Mom:tads, many II day of pain an, anxiety, followed by bleeplors nights, ineapaeilating iho mind for its ordinary avocatioo, and min. tp:tipg those means for medical attendance, medicines awl adverb:KA uostruntn which MI.: nine would provido for declining year, lho of age awl the rrorer education of your children. . . In co.equenee of tho universal popularity of titn work, ee evidenced by ily eAttuonlinury Varintim lions have been attempted, on .L. tho publir. by !mit:Still. 14 Awl tit;ooe, I,lfrluvemeals or copyl 40 , 1 0.112! device. owl deceptions: Il 12. been 101.1 111erelOre, 10 CAUTION THE PUBLIC to boy no book unless the stools "Pr. A. N. Ilsrtuctur, 129 Liberty :Arcot, N. Y.," is on (end the entry in the Clerk's 011,ce. the back on the title page; end bey ottly of respectable and hononiblo &dins, or liCrirl by toad, nod address to Dr. A. 11. Mauriaiu. I Upon receipt of One Dollar "THE MAR RIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL 00M. PANION" Is sent (noti/id fret) to any pan of the Matted Stales. the Caned. and British Provinces, All letters eOOO be post-paid, and addressed to Do A. M. MAURICE:AU box 1294, New-York Oily. Publisbiug Office, If 129 Liberty Sdeet, Njw- York. AGENTS IN PENNSYLVANIA. T. B• Peterson, J. M. Moos k Bro., anti Thos. Cowperthait, Philadelphia—Mrs. Cynthia Williams, Honesdale—Spangler & 80, Lao caster—S. Tuck, WiThesbarre—J. B. Ununison Erie—S:llll'l.ll. Lara'er, Gretitsburg—B. Piltsfon—Dr. S. D. Scott, Bedford-I'.T. nib derbrrtml, Indiana—J. S. Nicks. and Col. A. K. McClure, .alaiahen,bury—,Jorxpli Swartz, Bloomsburg-0 Iritynesborn—Pot ter A:Mabn /.Id/diotte-11. A. Lance, Reading—Wm. Cul. - in,7lantiajdoi. February ti, 1655—Gut, CUING ! A New Assortment Just Opened'. And id be sold 30 per cent. NEWER THAN THE CHEAPEST ROMAN respectfully informs his customers and the public generally, that he hot Just opened at his storeroom in Market Square, Hun tingdon, a splendid pew stock of Ready made Clothing for liprinlll and Summer, consisting of Superfine black Dress and Frock Coats, black and fancy Catisimere, Cassinet and Corduroy Pantaloons ; a lari , e assortment of Vests, lists, Caps, neck and pocket Ilankerchiefs Shirts, Suspenders, Carpet Trunks, &r., &m, all of which he will sell cheaper titan the same quality of Goods enn ho purchased at rctail in Philadelphia or any other establishment its the country. Persons wishing to buy Clothing would do well to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Huntingdon, April 11:1, 1353-Iy. REMOVAC MRS. SAIIIII KULP wishes to inform the hulks of Huntingdon and the surrounding country that she has moved next door to Charles Miller above the Presbyterian Church, 11111 St., where she intends carrying on the funey and straw Millinery business. Having received the boast city titsluon, she is prepared to attend to all that may lit or her with their cosierm. April IU, 1855-ti S. A. KULP. ntssolatztoN,, partnership T Hh n an to s . s h e c r i. is t' li f y " nl mutual e x is t ing sbeenTsliean solved, and nll persons knowing themselves in debted to the said firm, will please call and set tle their accounts wiilions delay. MYTOI(S MOSSEII. Sealskin, April 2, 1855.—tf 001 ING Glasses, just received and for sal 1- k IV sAxru,v. MORSE BILLS, NEATLY printad on short notice, and at low prices at tho "Journal Office" A groat variety of handsonto Oinfialms and for 11 sale by J. W. SAXTON. , . JUST receiving, this week, Mackerel, herring &e., and for sale by .1. nW. gAXTON. MBE tiniest assortment of Lpois And Shea. ever offered in town, for sale low by J. i s. ' IV. &IN TOAr. Gold Watches wUtba sold by En. Wren seer than elsewhere. 90 BAHUELS No. I Herring, just arrived nail fur sale at the store of GEO. GIVIN. MISCELLANEOUS. wuumaawrim REMEDIES, Issued under the aunctiou 'and a uthorit y of UNIALRSITY 01 Free Medioine, ANTI POPULAR KNOWLEDGE. TEICH') ItY TIM STATE OF I.'ENN:,VI. VANIA, Al'llll, 29,1853. WITH A CAPITAL OF $lOO,OOO, MAINLY FOR TILE PURPOSE OF MIRES TING THE EMS OF ALL ,7 1)TIJItYDrii 0C4TE41114 Also for supplying the Community with relid hie remedies wherever a Competent Physician. cannot or will not be employed, have purchased frota Dr. JOHN it. ROWAND, his celebrated Rowand'a Tonic Mixture Known for upwards of tweuty-five years the only sure and safe cure for FEVER & AGUE &C And his inestimable remedy for ROWEL COMPLAINTS,ROWAND'S SYR UP OF BLACKBERRY ROOT, Which highly approved and popular Reme dies, together with the University's Remedy for Complaints of the Lungs, The University's Remedy for Dyspepsia or The University's Remedy for Costive Bow- els. Also the University's Almanac may be had. at the Branch Dispensary, or Store of Moore & Swoope,Alexandria, fatal. Cu., Read & Sep, Iltuiting'4, •• William Bell, 16 Kessler & Bro., Mill Creek, B. F. Kepner, Milllintown, Juniata 6 ' Benner & Crawford, Thompsontown " Thos. Oberholtzer, Patterson " •• D. Gingrich & Co., New Mexico, " ‘• Jonathan Zeller. Milton, Cumberlimd •• W. S. Prowell, New Cumberland " •, L. 11. 'Wrier, Jno. F Caslow, Milton CC LC James Bleakley, Franklin, Venaugo " M Thompson, Duneatsville, Blair, 6- Dant lioya, Franklin Forge, Geo. Bergstrasser, Frankstown, 6 6 D. Williams, Hollidaysburg 11. Myers, CC 4: .1. Thompson, Jno. Ilyston, Head Crooked Dam 66 66 J. A. Rutlage, Williamsburg, " 6 6 T. Falls, 2nd Lock below " 46 64 Kinkaid & Laury Yellow Springs, 66 " E. Goodfellow, Hollidaysburg, "' Jacob Mclntyre, Martinsburg, 66 r. 11. Menace. Waynesharo, 46 Mary Orr Hollidaysburg, James Heil, Johnstown, Cambria, •' li. Latnbertson, Franklin, Venaugo," Chas. Rite, Lewistown, MiShin , J. M. Williams. McVevtown, .I. H. Smith, Newton Hamilton, " I'. C. Craige, " J. W. Smith. " Jas. S trode, Jr., Strotle's Milm " More Marks, Lewistown, A. 11 i '. Moss, " 66 CC (IL W. Buchanan, MeVeytown, " 6 '• 11. Kratzer & Son, Johnstown, Cambria ' • May In, 1855—Sat. lIELAIBOLTYS I elnebold's Highly Concentraled g' \I) FLUID I , ;XTRACT BCCIII . )i,euse, of the Madder and Kidneys 00 :I 'tli.. k w the Urine, Chronic Otinordveo Gleett., Weaknesses. and all diseases of the Sexual Organs, wIIh rItER IN MALE - OR:FEMALE, faun whatever cause they may have originatel nod tui matter or how long standing. 11 son have contracted the terrible dise..,e, whivh, when once seated in the system, will go g,..:,taatiun to another, iv:del...l lo rig the comtit ut ion suit snapping the o'er:: vi llui l; of life, do not trust ,) ourself in the liani of Quad, who start op everyday iu a city like this, out till the papers with glaring falseho toe well calculated to decinc the young and 11,1., not acquainted with their nicks. Yon coffin, bo too careful in the selection of n remedy these cases. THE FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU has been pronounced by eminent physician.. THE GREATEST REMEDY'EVEI , ENQWN • " It is a medicine perfectly pleasant in its tn.! and very liniment in its action, awl yet thm ough that it • ANNI lIILATVS EVIJOIX PARTICLE _ a the milk end por&ittio.uS Tire.s id this the:idiot disease ,• and, unlike other remedies it does uu: dry up the disease iu the blood. Constitutional brought vu by self - abuse, a moot ter . l'ilde ease, nitwit has brought thousands of the hu man race to untiniel,y graves, thus blasting the brilliant hopes of parents, and blighting in the bad the glorious ambition of many a noble youth, con be cured by this INFALLIBLE REMEDY, And as a medicine which must benefit everybody from the simply delicate to the confined and de. spiting invalid, no equal is to he found, ACTIMI BOTH AS A CURE AND PRE VENTATIVE. Rambold's Highly Concentrated COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT SARSA. 1./ . tRILLA, For purifying the Blood, remising all diseases arising from excess of Mercury, from any exposure in life, cbro,de constitu tional disease, arising • from an pure state of the Blood,and the only reliable and effectual known remedy out, for the cure of ScrofttlaSalt Rheum, Scald littad, Ulcerations ofille Throat and Legs, Pains and Swellings of the Bones, Triter, Pins pies on the Face, and all coo ly Eruptions of the Skin, &c. This article is now prescribed by some of th e most distinguished Physicians in the country, and has proved snore efficient in practice than preparation of Sarsaparilla yet offered the pub lic. Several rases of secondary Syphilis, Mer curial and Scrofulous diseases have entirely re covered in the incurable wards of our Public In: stitutioue which 'had for many years resisted ev ery suede of treatment that could be devised.— These cases famish striking examples of the salutary effects of this medicine hi • Arresting some of the most inveterate diseases, After the glands were destroyed and the bones already of fected. NoTreE.—Lettors from responsible Physi cians and Professors of several Medical Colleges and certificates acmes from patients will be found accompanyiniv both Preparations, :Niers, • • _ _ . Fluid Extract of Buda, SI bottle or 6 bot. $5 `‘ " Sarsaparilla. " 46 aluel in strength to ono gallon Syrup of Sorsa -1.,!L rills. heratred and sold by 11. T. lIRLMBOLD, Cheniigt, 2i Chestnut St., scar the Girard House, Phadelphia. 4 . 0 he had t,l Thos. Read & Son, Huntingdon, Pa.. and of Druggists and Dealers everywhere. • 03"%111 Letters directed to the Proprieto. or Aticst receive immediate attention. May 13,1855-Iy. A FINE assortment pf );intni Coats, yestA and Pants from 3i¢ upwards for sale at the cheap clothing s tore of IL ROMAN. best assortment of Carpet ever offered, T'and AL lower prices titan can be got at any other establishment. Jost received nod for tale by J. & W. SAXTON. UST received mad to saie—:*eherel, Shad, eJ Iterrinig, Trent ; and Codihih, bX w. SAXTON.