Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 25, 1855, Image 2

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    Atuitingtiou `,;(ottnitl.
Wednesday Morning, July 2E, 1855.
The "JOURNAL. hits 300 Subscri
bers more, than any other paper
in this county
Agents for the Journal.
Tho rollowing persons we have appointed Agents
for the Ilunvitsanorr Jos: asst., who are author
ized to receive and receipt for !nom paid on sub
scription, and to take the names of new subscri
bers at our published prices.
. .
We do tills for the convenience of oar subscri
bers living at a distance from Huntingdon.
Jones W. TuomrsoN, Esq., Hollidaysburg,
SAMUEL COEN, East Barret),
GEORGE W. CORNELIUS, Cromwell township.
"[Exit? Hunsox, Clay township.
DAvro Brum, Cromwell township.
Dr. J. P. Antler., Penn township,
J. WAREIMM MATTERN, Franklin township,
&HULL STEFFEY, Jackson township,
COL JOO. C. WaTsox, Brady township,
MORRIS BROWN, Springfield township,
W3I. HUTCHINSON, Esq., Warriorsmark tp.,
DI,NRY NEFF, Mat Barre°.
Jowl BALSLIACII, Waterstrect, -
Maj. CHARLES MICKLEY, Tod township,
A. M. BLAIR, Dahlia township,
GEORGE WILSON, Esq., Tell township,
Jon CLARK, Birmingham.
NATHANIEL LYTLE, Esq., Spruce Creek.
Maj. W. alto., Alexandria.
13. F. WALLACE, Union FUrnilre.
SIMEON Witionr, Esq., Union township.
CAM. CLOSSON, Esq., Cass township.
SAMUEL. WViIePON, Esq., Franklin township.
DAVID PARKER, Esq., Warriorsmark.
11.1vin AtmannT, Esq., Todd township.
lit. J. ALFRED SrIADE, Dublin township.
LORD RAGLAN DEAD.-• By the last arri
val from Europe, the intelligence of th e
death of Lord Raglan, the commander-in
chief of the English forces in the Crimea,
is confirmed. Gen. Simpson is now the'
contmander-in-chief. •
brig Isabella, from liumacort, P. It, arri
ved at New York , had on board a borne,
full grown, and having but three legs, two
hind and one lore leg, there being no ap
pearance of any joint or place fortho other
leg. The breast is 'very small. Ito is re
markably active, and manages to get along
at - a respectable gait.
MarOn the 24th of this m malt the
Main Line of Public Works were to be :041
at the Exchange in Philadelphia. It is
rumored that the Central Railroad Compa
ny will be a bidder, also a company of
New York capitalists. We also notice a
movement in Philadelphia, which looks
lilfe an intention on the part of seine Penn
sylvania capitalists to become bidders.
able circumstance occurred at Morristown,
N. J., on the 4th of July. A company of
twelve ladies and gentlemen came from
Hackettstown to that place, and were
married by the Rev. John K: Shaw cf Mor
ristown who likewise married another cou
ple during the day---malting twenty-six
persons made happy or miserable, through
his instrumentality, in one day.
• •
Cogonmxn IVEAroxs.— An English of
ficer visiting the cemetery of a Russian
church at Kertsch, was gecatly surprised
to find a number of• ne w graves. As no
one had been killed, and as no epidemic
malady prevailed in the town, he oonceiv
edsuspieion, and had the graves opened.
He found in them not fewer than filly mag
nificent brass guns, quite new, and a great
quantity of projectiles and gunpowder.
Z We learn from the Peintsylvanian
that the Liquor Dealers' League for the
State of Porinsylvania now number about
twenty ileum,' members, and are thor
oughly organizing the interior of the State
with great energy . and rapidity, their ob
ject beinge concert of action to protect
themselvh and their interests, by legal,
peouiriarjr and political process, against
legislation upon the prohibitory question
All this.niay postpone, but cannot
the final triumph of prohibition. That is
"manifest destiny." its triumph is only
a question of time. It is natural that those
interested in the liquor traffic should do
their best to stay the tide of popular feel
ing. But the time is coming when Society
will wonder that ever a traffic so deadly to
good morals, social happiness, and the ge
neral good, was tolerated, much less pro
tected, by law.
The Premium List.
We publish in another Milton, a _list of
the premiums offered by the Ifuntin,!don
County Agricultural society, and to he a .
warded successful competitors at the pro.
posed fair to be held near this borough on
the 10th, 11th and 12th of October next.
The list is not yet complete, but will be fin.
ished by the August Court. •
As this ix the first concern of the kind
held in our county, it could not of course be
expected that the premiums would Le as
magnificent as 'some others,' but neverthe•
less, they answer their purpose. Let the
farmers, inecitanics and all citizens become
contributors. The ladies, too, can have
an opportunity of displaying their skill,
ax premiums are sacred for articles in their
It should bo retnewbered that thecontri•
butor of an article, must be tho inaniifite
General Scott.
A war has been for some time carried on
between the Washington Union and the
New York Courier and Enquirer, relative
to the urrearag,es and increase of pay due
to Oen. Scott as Lieutenant General. The
controversy has been conducted as might
have been expected with sneering and so
phistry on the side of 'the organ." After
' dispassionate perusal of the controversy,
we can only arrive at the conclusion, that
there has hoes unnecessary delay. The
great question which thu country will be
disposed to ask, is not, "has everything
gone according to official routine?" or "has
the mere enforcement of rules been follow
ed ?" but simply I, loilg has not Ihe money
beets paid i"' Every one knows that when
the higher authorities are disposed to de
lay payments, or hinder justice, they have
udder cover of "regulations" and routine,
ample means wherewith to cloak injustice,
whether it be to withhold the dues front
one who is justly respected by the whole
country, or to cover up and cloak those
tvho openly violate the law.
A GOOD MOVEMENT.---We learn from
the Charnbersbn rg 1 rhig, that a determin
ed effort is now being made by a number
of the most respectable . and influential
Know Nothings of that place, and second
ed by many of the mere liberal 'men titre'
out the county, to organize an American
party entirely independent of secret mum
cils, oaths, &c. Calls are already in circa
laden in a number of the districts, and have
been numerously signed. They purpose
to hold a public meeting at an early slay in
the Court House at Chambersburg, to.give
form and effect to their purpose, and they
mean to place themselves in such a posi
ti" that they can cord:ally invite the co
operation of all who are opposed to Pierce
and Nebraska,.without requiring them to
sacrifice their self-respect and manhood by
so doing. Of course this movement would
sadly mutilate the programme of the Or
der, but an open organization now would
probably prove nt a majority of the better
men belonging to the Order from formally
withdrawing from it. This effort is an im
portant one, may lead to good results, if jit
New York Whig State Convention.
The Whig State Csininittee has issued
a call for a State Convention, (for the nom
ination of the seven State officers, and two
Judges of the Court of Appeals, who arc
to be chosen at the November election,) at
Syracuse, on the 26th of September next.
The time and place are the same as those
designated for the Republican or Anti Ne
braska State Convention ; and this act to
gether with the feelings manifested by the
member§ of the Committee and the IVitigs
front all parts of the State, who were pres
ent, indicates that the two Conventions
will probably nominate but one ticket,
and agree upon a common expression of
principles. The State Committee of the
other principle parties arc to be held in
August, or early in September, so that the
above two may survey the whole field after
their opponents have taken position, and
choose their own ground. But in any ev
ent, there is no question that the restora
tion of the Missouri Compromise will be
earnestly contended for.
A Base Insinuation.
The Globe has for some time been har
ping on our "imprisonment," once, upon a
time. We were not jugged' because we
could not procure security, but simply
because we refused it, as can be attested
by all our fellow-citizens. Our crime was
our refusing to give tip the name of a cor
respondent. Now, Mr. Lewis asserts, we
are again a candidate for the institution.—
Why does he not, in the name of justice,
try it on. It is certainly consistent with
him, and characteristic of his magnanim
ous slut to smart to law to sustain himself.
It has been so at least with every one who
itus condeicended to notice Isis balderdash.
Now wo know no other reason for the
editor of the Globe's delight in scandal,
than that given in the old proverb, "as the
twig was bent the tree's inclined."
Oar Book Table.
We would direct the attention of our
readers to the fact, that Glodey publishes
a magnificent magazine. It is in sub
stance, what its name purports, a real La
dy's Boole, and as such we recommend it
the public attention. The August num
ber has been received, and as usual, fine.
THE YANKEE NomNs.—Whoever de
sires a real book of fun, and no mistake,
should take the Yankee Notions. The
August number is on our table, and has
afforded us more opportunities by its fun.
ny "saws" of "splitting ourselves," than
all the other works of the same descrip
tion, published.
Penna. llietliOtii College.
Session for 1855-6 orthe above
iastitution, w ill commence on the rth day
of October, and continuo without intermis
sion. until the lot of March.
This is ono of the best medical institu
tion, in the country, and we earnestly rec
ommend it to the favorable consideration of
those who intend pursuing the medical
The "Spoils."
The Cilobe sobs convulsively over the
loss of the printityof the Register's notices.
how it mill be minute enough to ask fa-
)(-,i gentle
"There's a Good Time Coming, Boys."
Before prophesying a good time, it is as ;
well we should analyze and define its com
ponents. Money at three per cent. a mo.
is the very essence of good times, for a
man with a large supply of ready cash, on
which he is desirous of realizing "topping
interest," while money down to nothing
constitutes equally fine times to those des'.
eons of finding something "over." To the
day laborer, fine times rise in all their glo
ry, when as impetus is given to building,
and to the mechanic when there is a sud
don demand for; his peculiar branch of pro
duct. $o far so good ; but it is evident
that all this is only applicable to one side
of the question. The free receipt of mo-
ney, though generally accepted as the es
sential element of good times, is in reality
but one; half—that of light expenditu - e be
ing the other. It is all very well to talk
of two dollars a day for the working man,
but when the bare necessaries of life am
ount to about a dollar and ninety-sine ets.,
we can hardly say there is much margin
for congratulation. The nearest approach
in reality to good times, consists of a gene:
rill cheapness of the essentials of life—all
of which are based upon the price of food
united to a general continuance of manu
factures and commerce. And the whole
turns on one simple pivot—the crops.—
The price of wool is regulated by that of
turnips and hay, and all labor should be
calculated with reference to this one point.
It will be found on exatuinhtion, that what
ever slight reductions take place in the
price of labor in a period of agricultural
necessity, that they are not so great as the
increased saving in expenses. Competi
tion and a full market, force the thriller to
lower his price, ana this is readily done.
list wages do not rise ;and fall like flour
by the day, and wlcan they do depreciate,
the rule of proportion which we hatsi laid
down, still holds good. The question,
however, may be raised whether the agri
cultural interests do not suffer biThis de
preciation. Regarded as inembers.of
community, every one of whom has for
his labor an equal right to prosperity, they
do not, unless hacked we imagine that
their products become a mere drug—and
which it would be difficult to suppose in
the presient condition of our carrying trade.
In the case of the present year's crop and
which bids fair to excel that of any en re•
cord, everything points to the happiest of
conditions, an active demand and an ade
quate supply. It is evident that this year,
in most instances, the depreciation in price
will bo more than counterbalanced by thu
extra quantity, not only of yield. but land
rut under cultivation.
Take it in the length and the breadth
and the height and the content, we may
reasonably anticipate good times in the
fall. Certain it is that "stwvation by hun
ger" will not be a fashionable disorder, and
that however individuals may be affected,
the great bulk cifithe people will be incal
culably benefitted by the corning times.
Sonr Grupo&
A communication in the last G 'obe, pur
porting to have its origin with an ~ old lino
Whig," whn signs himself an "Observer,"
is a racy production ; dally so. It
proves conclusively to its that ' , giant in
tellect" still lives. The writer wishes to
be peculiarly severe upon us, and denoun
ces us as klonging to the "Proscriptive
Midnight Prowlers," and consequently we
are not, he says, "true Whigs." He also
brays most lustily over our refusing to en
dorse a communication wu published, in
which a Whig and Locofoco "fusion" was
scurvily hinted at. In other words, en
dorse his views. Ile very charitably, hu
manely, fatherly-like takes open himself
the "sweet privilege" of instituting him
self guardian of the Whig party. We
have read of Chawles Yellowplush, Mr.
Heap, and others, but they dwindle into
insignificance when "observe i" made his
Now as the gentleman has so generous
ly expressed a desire to hick us out of the
party; denounced us as Know Nothings ;
ex-communicated us frotn the party, we
ask to be permitted to show how inconsis•
tent ho has acted, and how ungrateful he
has been to those to whom he is indebted
for past favors. Ile has used the most tin
measured terms of reproach against Know
Nothingism, because he imagines we be
long to "that peculiar oath-bound nrgani-
Cation." Idut lie "is caught in the net I,
spread for others." We have been infor
med that this man, the writer of the com
munication, three times made a pplicali. n
for admission into the K. N. Council if
this place, and every time wan refused !
The reasons, we r re informed that induced
the Order to refuse him admittance, was
his political forkiism and thirst for office.
Now, will Mr. "Observer" - come out un•
der his legitimate signature and deny these
facts ? IVill he deny that ho stood at the
door of the he. n. council, until notified that
he teas rejected 1 Now these are a few
simple facts, with, tvltich we are made ac•
qualified by a gentleman of veracity, and
we give them for the purpose of showing
how utterly unworthy of confidence this
camp-follower for the ' , spoils" is. his
only object is to patch together a sufficient
I number of nfusionists" to enable hint to
take a little longer suck at the 'public teat.'
I)EAD.—A valuable -1-I.—m
az-The author of Chris final ty wai a foreign.
Cr.— Louieville Democrat.
Why yea, he came from heaven and we are
afraid that Heaven will always be a foret;ln
country to pm—Louisville Journal.
Pt.c.tsANT SPURT.—It is elated that a noted
M. D. of Indiana has recently created quite a
sensation among members of the medical pro.
fession in that section, by his success in trap
ping tape worms. Ile has invented a gold trap
lea than an inch in length and about of an
inch in diameter. A bait is placed within the
trap, and after patient has fasted several days
the apparatus is lowered by means of a string,
down the throat of the patient. The worm,
which is supposed to be hungry, pushes into
the trap to seize tho bait, and is instantly
caught by n deseenditrg portcullis, and the op.
crater, f,eling a bite, polls on the string and
draws out trap, wvpd all. The invention
of such a trap is, ion. It has actually
been patented at A a. ngton.
Tue MALAKOFF TOWER.—A Correspondent
of the Boston Post says Malakoff Tower enlist
be considered no one of the most wonderful
achievements of modern energy. During the
suspension of arms for the burial of the dead,
alter the battle of the hth of Jour, the English
and French Engineers had an opportunity for
the first time, of examining thoroughly the
construction of its works. They describe the
traverse as wonderful—fully eighteen feet in
height, nod the mass of earth which has been
raised to give solidity to the work to be like
the tinge embankment of a railway. When it
is remembered that this continent extension of
the Ratifications of Sevastopol was begun at
the, close of the winter, and that it has been
- ..ersinpletud in spite of the fire of a powerful en.
only, and of dm rocky stature of the soil, the
result does the highest honor to the skill, dn.
ring, and industry of the garrison.
ALMOST AN ELOPF.AinNT.—Mr. John TT. Still.
;on, from Philadelphia, but formerly of
• Illi
nois, was arrested last Friday evening, nt the
instigation of lice. N. Dodge, Principal of the
Cedar Hill Seminary of this place, fur attemp
clog to decoy one of the ladies from under his
charge.. Stinson was brought before Mr. J.
FL Long, of our borough, and committed by
16111, in default of bail, to the county prison.—
Ile had two separate hearings before Judge
Hayes, and was released under bonds to keep
The peace.
Ono of the young ladies, who was to have
• acted as bridesmaid upon the occasion, highly
delighted with the air of romance about the at:
fair, had commenced a letter to a friend, de
scribing the whole plot. Being suddenly calietl
away, she left the letter lie exposed. The
wind carried the letter out of the open window
into the yard below. The into pos.
session att. principal, who, with his usual
!troop IWAS and dispatch, put an cial to the all
fair Ly arresting Mr. Stinson.—lft. Joy Herald.
IND VA LI, I,—Tl.c coal area of Pennsylvania is
ibout 15,000 square miles, 10,000.0 which lie
west of the 4Vicgliaaies and principally in the
valley of the Monongahela. The Velll3 will
yield, upon tin average, 200,000 bushels per
For all purposes we mine 10,000,000 bushels
per attnum, which at five cents per bushel,
would give us 0500,000 in return for the Pitts•
burg eon!. At an nverage of ten cents, of
course we should get tiil,ooo,ooo. That which
is sold is the west perhaps would avernts,, ten
cents, and that consumed at home five cents,
the whole averaging seven and a half cents
evind us $150,000 in return.
. . .
ration of 200,000 bushels per r.crp.
we cxhanst fifty acres annually, und*thero
leg six hundred and forty acres in a square
toile, it would require almost thirteen years to
cubs est one square mile. If we have 10,000
equate miles of coal, we should not be able to
use up our coal at that rate of consumption in
lees than seven hundred and sixty nine years.
But we must expect the amount of mining to
be double what it is at present in a few yearn,
when our railroads are finished, and from the
rapid increase of the population of the West,
and coincident increase of manufactures of ev
.eq description, in fifty years we .may want the
amount quadrupled, so that from three to five
hundred years will exhaust our first or upper
strata of coal.
About three hundred feet below. sea have a
thrOu feet vein which must be made acees:dhle
in the course of another hundred years. Even
now, it is thought by some, with the improved
machinery fur ruisiug coal, it would bo rcuten•
crativc.--Pitidburg Chronicle.
Anarchy in Kansas.
The Lawrence papas state that several of
the inhithitatas of Wye(lett have been forced to
leave that ih ieo upon suspicion of being aboli
tionist,. All that is necessary is that a taint
should he pointed out by some rowdy as an
abolitionist, and forthwith. -without investign.
thin or proof, he is ordered to leave. A con
retaken of delegates from all parts of the tern--
tocy had just been held, ut which the following
reset pt ;0114 were passed
.liCvoirrit, That we look upon the conduct of
a portion of the people of Missouri, in the late
Kansas election, no a gross outrage upon the
Eketive Franchise and our rights os freemen,
and a violation of the Principles of 'Popular
Sovereignty; and Ira:much as many of the
members of the present legislature are men
who owe their election to a combined system of
&recant' fraud, wit its nut feel bound to obey
any law of their enacting.
Reso!red, That the to sully elected membeN
of the present legit:lnure be requested, as good
and patriotic citizens of Kansas, to resign and
repudiate the fraud.
Resolved, That in coyly to the threats of war
so frequently math, in our neighboring State,
our answer 11, wo.-are ready.
Reso/vcd, That the people of Kamsas are op
posed to the establishment of slavery) and if
established, it will bo contrary to the wishes of
three-fourths of our people,
Resolved, That Kansas has n right to, and
does hereby invoke the aid of the general gov
ernment against the lawless coarse of the sla
very propaganda with reference to this barite-
Cautions to Postmasters.
The Washington Union publishes the fellow.
ing gentle hints to postmasters :
Delivery of Lepers, &v.—We understand
frequent complaints against•the ilekartment
grow out of the fact that postmasters fon often,
trusting only to their memories, tell persons
there is no mail matter fur the to when is subse
quent examination proves that there was. 11
pustinasters would adhere strictly to the tale of
suiting iv personal search every time ktter4
and papets are inquired for, there would bo
uun•e dispatch in thidr delivery.
Instinaster's Assist ants to Le &MlL—Post
-1,,,t,ra at small °films, we leant, :u•e toot:inch
in Om of permitting ineempetent morn•
hers of their famili,s and other pia'sons in their
car They, (none of them being morn, an required
by law,)to Amigo the mails, nod to perform
ail the other duties pertaining to their offices.
None het sworn should be ulluwed
to have accent to the
Loaning Narspaprs.—Subwribor3 to TIOWd•
NT!, make complaint of the nomarrival nl
thew papers, and some intimate that the
loss 13 oi,asioneil by the fact of the imstinwiter
loaning to his nci L liblW3 the inip.
Incidents of a Repulse.
We extract the following from a long letter
of a correspondent of the London Times, do
ted Sebastopol, June 20:—
—As the 3Rh Regiment advanced, Our sty
ports, by some means or another, got mixed
together with them, and [Tome confusion arose
in consequence. On crossing the trench, mar
men instead of coming ulton an open field in
a firm body, were broken into twos and threes.
This arose from the want of a temporary step
above the berm, which would have enabled the
troops t 3 croon the parapet with regularity; in
stead of which, they had to scramble over it as
well as they could; and, as the top atilt) trench
is of unequal height and form, their line was
quite broken. The moment they came out
from the trench, the enemy began to direct on
their whole front a deliberate and well-aimed
milraille which increased the want of order
unsteadiness caused by the tootle of (heir ad
vance. Poor Colonel Yea sate the conse
quences too clearly. Having in vain tried to
obviate the evil caused by the broken fcrina
lion and confusion of his men, who were fal
ling fast around him, be exclaimed “This will
never do! Where's the bugler to call them
back'?" But, alas lat that critical moment
no bugler was to be found. The gallant old
soldier, by a voice and
.gesture, tried to form
; and compose men, but the thunder of the
enemy's guns close at hand and the gloom of
curly dawn frustrated his efforts; and as he rash•
ed along the troubled mass of troops which
were hoarding together tinder the rush of grape
and endeavored to get them into order kir a
I rush at the batteries, which was better than
standing still, or retreating in a panic, a charge
of the deadly missile passed, and the noble sub
tiler fell dead in advance of his men, struck at
once in the bead and stomach by a grapa shot.
Russians threw out a long lino of sentries
along their works in front of the abattin which
guards them, and at the same time we Myatt-
I ced another line of sentries opilosite Rain,
and the French a similar cordon below the
Mantel.. The officers on duty hastened to
the intermediate space, and the burying and
searching parties came out on their sad duty.
The Quartermaster. General and his staff were
on the spot, and every precaution was taken to
keep oiler t and men from crowding, about.—
The men in the trenches were enjoined not to
get upon the /mallets or into the embrasures,
or to look over. All officers and men not on
duty were stopped by the cavalry a mile be.
hind, or at the boyaux in the trenches. The
Russians seemed to be under restraint aloe, but
they crowded on the top of the Roden and of
the Malakoffparapets, watched the proacedings
with great interest. I walked ottt of the trench
utunolesmd on the right and roar of the guar
ries,tincivklhe Rodan, in which we have new
establishel(a heavy battery at the. distance of
100yards'friln the enemy's mtbrasurel.
The grdlind slopes down front oar attach for
some few. hp-mired yards, and then rises again
to the Reins. It is covered with long rank
grass and weeds, with which large stone;, with
nine! recent Ilan:mum, and with
hobs rmigin4 la depth from :;" l'ect or 4 tut to
a foot, and in Odometer from sfeet to 7 or 8 feet
where shells have fallen oral exploded. It is
impassible to give a notion of the manner in
which the earth is scattered by these explosions,
and by the passage of shot. 'l' he grass, too is
seamed in all directions by grape shot, and fur
rowed by larger missiles, as if ploughs, large
and small, had been constantly drawn over it.
Sometimes it is difficult to get over the inequall
hies in the ground, which is naturally of a bro.
ken and uneven surface. There is n reel jacket
ho the gran;--a private of the 34th is laying on
his thee, as if he were fast a sleep; leis rifle
with the barrel curved. quite round, and limit
.nearly in fwo by the grapeshot which after.
r,:rds passed through the soldier's body, is on
him, and the right hand, which protrudes
from under his chest still clutches the stock.—
It was the first hotly I saw, and the nearest to
our lines, but as we advanced and passed
the sentries they lay thick enough around and
before him. The litter-bearers were already
busy. Most of our dead seemed to lie close to
the abattis of the Radon, and many, no doubt
had bin baoa dragged up to it atnight for plunders
sake. Colonel' Yea's body was found near the
abattis on the tight of the Redon. His boots
and epaulettes were gone, but otherwise his
clothing was untouched. His head was (neat
1y swollen, and his ibatures (tug] n fine manly
thee it had been) were nearly undistinguisint
lole. Colonel Sadforth's remains were discov
ered inn similar state. The shattered frame
of Sir John Canipbell lag close to the abattis,
His sword and boots weretithen but the for.
mar is said to be in Light Division camp. It
is likely he was carried away from the spot
where he fell up to the ditch of the ;baths, fur
the facility of searching the body, as he could
not have been so the in advance no the place
where he lay.. Already his tomnins was de
composing fast, and his face was much disfigu•
red.. Cnptain Hume, lois attached,
had the the body removed, and this evening
interred it on Cotheart's Hill—his favorite re.
sort, where every one was sure of a kind word
and a cheerful saying from the gallant Drip
A Pleasant Country for a Nervous Nan.
A l'extti correspomlent of an eastern paper
describes the dumestie products of that favored
laud in glowering toms. If the half of his
account Is true, i, must to; n pleasant glare fur
a nervous man:
The cattle are not the sole occapanti of Vie
parairio by any means. Droves of wild horses
aro cut milrequoit, and door aryi in cmudesi
numbers. 'rho small brown won' or cayoute,
common, and you oecasionidly get a
~..*sipse of
bin larr ' e black brother. Bat Texes is the par
adisu•of reptiles and creeping things. ltaidle
and moccasin snakes are too 111111WI,;113 Ll,ll to
Shake a stick at; the bile ofthe former is cured
by drinking raw whiskey till it produces a eon,
pleto intoxication ; but fur the latter there is
no cure.
Tlictrantula is a pleasant institution to get
into a quarrel with. Ile is a spider, with a
Lady about the size of a hen's egg, and legs
fire or six inches long, and covered with a long
course black hair. He lies in the cattle track
and if you ore him, move out of his path, as
his bite is absolutely certain death, and hone,
or gets out of any one's way, but can jump
night or ten feet to inflict his deadly bite.—
Then there is a centipede, furnished with on
unlimited number of logs, each leg armed with
claw inflicting a separate wound. If ho
walks over yen at night you will have cause
to remember him for many months to come, as
the wound is of a particularly poisonous nature
and is very difficult to heel. rho stinging liz
ard is a lesser evil, the sensation of its wound
being likened to the application of red hot iron
to the person ; but ono is to escape with life to
consider those lesser evils any annoyance. But
the insects flying, creeping, Jumping, muffing,
digging, buzzing, stinging, they are every
Ask for a cup of water, and the rejoinder in
our camp is: "Will you have it with a bug or
without?" Tie, h thud r0, g . 44-3 044.4,f the great•
cut cmie,i ties hero midi, perfectly harmlesg.—
It has 00110 or the coil elimy qualitie, of hi;
northern brother, but is frequwaly made a pet
of. Chamelions are innumerable, darting over
the pararie in every direction with juristic:el,.
ble velocity and great swiftness, and limb,
going their peculiar changing of color, corres•
ponding to the color of the object under which
they may be. The woods on the banks of the
bayOus are perfeetlT alive with immking birds
sis i iing most beautifully, and liJatliercil eau,
Mr. Minister Mason and a Persecuted
Young American Lady.
Front one of the recent letters of Itev. Dr.
Thompson we make the following extinct:
While seated one morning in the office of the
Amer icon ambassador, Air. Master came in,
and after the usual salutations, said, "Did you
ever get into a profuse perspiration and have to
wet blanket thrown over you?" "I
did yesterday. A lady came to me with the
following narrative : 'I am from the United
States, and have in care a young lady who has
been visiting her friends in this country. She
is a Protestant, and her father and mother
when dying charged her never to forsake her
Nth or marry a eitthulie. She has, moreover,
a Protestant friend in the :United States to
whom ohs is attached, and whom on her re•
turn to New York she expects to be married.
While in the South of Franco she met with a
French :.;entletnau who was smitten with her,
he procured an introdnction to her, and has
been courting her with unremitting attentions
ever since.
"She has used every measure to shake him off;
she has frowned upon him; she has told hint
she cats never marry him, that it is utterly
possible, that his attentions are unpleasant,
wearisome, disgusting, even plain,' to her, and
she has peremptorily ordered him never to see
her. Ho replies 'that is
_impossible till I. di e .
I cannot live without seeing you.' We came
to this city in hopes toeseope him, but ho sr:spit
ed our movements sod came with no. We
sought to hide Irons him here; but Ito has found
Os out. We have toldhim that we shall leave
the country, and that he had better retorts
home. 'No, lisp say:: he, •I will ro with you
when you go, I will stop, when you stop, I will
stay where you put up, I will live where you
live. I will die where you die.' Now can no&
iug be (101, to save 113 fllOlll lhio 311110pilleer
Mr. Mason said he immtdiately sent for the
invfeef of police, and gave hits the facts in
presence of the old lady.
"Your troubles are at an cud," raid the po
lice officer; "the young luau wilkee3onr ward
no more. Give me his name and mlilress; we
command him, and if he obeys s not we have
way of making him oboy." Mr. 11. returned
with the of l Tie to 11, h”1 :sings, and ann,,,
cod to the , • news of is
liver:taco : which
been : !, a goals .
she r.,•: ! • ' (1,01 •
ply t! , :!.
noble y ! . I a.!,.r an, t!,::
rather tha... . started horn
ward," sai . , aying
in mynoll, tro 1..1! tl,,y
will Ile married as re.
misting I , r, neh ent:
Prom 11,,
,~~; ~. iali^m.
The mischief whirl I :As wretched delusion
has done, and is still doing, is almost incalcula
ble. We are often called upon to record in
cidents of its evil workings. The Boston
pers, a day or two since, contained an account
of n young Indy, formerly a teacher in one of
the public zehcohl, Ta,l
a belief in the doctrine. And another instance
has just come fo one knowledge. It is that of
a highly intelligent and amiable lady, who, ono
year ago, n•as Hying in Bo,ton, in comp:ll,o,m
moo and luxury, surrounded by all the endear
ments of domestic bliss. lint suddenly a
change came over her husband. Ife became
infatuated with the cnmpany of n cirri, of spin
iturdism, and gradually neglected his wire and
children. Ilia ovenitt - s were no longer spout
at hi; own domestic hearth stone. At last with
was forsaken, children were neglected, into
was deserted.
The Stahl:nate:l husband said that be had had
a 'vision,' wherein it woo revealed to 'hint that:
he must forsake his wife and children and be
come the 'spiritual husband' ofa certain 'owl h
um, with whom he was intimately aeputinted.
And this he did—forsaking the true. partner of
his heart, —the woman he had so solemnly
covenanted to watch over and protect, "until
death then, should part.' The deserted wife'
woo thus left to her own exertions tee means
supporting herself and her three children. She
it now residing in a neighboring city, where
she tonnages in earn a lirelihnOd ' by drCS:1111a•
king, while her husband. She Sap, in liV111•; in
clegaht luxury nt a fashionable hotel, with his
"spiritual wilb.”
The Flour markot continues dull.
There is no export demand, ore
nominal. Shipping brand are ~..; tt, :53 25-
(0 50, without finding buyer,. Ihe sales for
city consumption are limited within the range
of SO 50a 510 fur common and good brands,
and $lOlllO 50 fur extra. Itye Flour and Corn
Meal are not inquired after; we quota the for
mer at S 7, and the halm. at 51 23 I'r bbl.
Graie—'l • here•hns been more inquiry for• wheat
awl the supplies having fallen elf; the down.
wired tendency in prices has been checked.—
Sales 01 .3300 bushels new Southern and Penn.
sylrania at. 511 70a 172 per bushel for 'Red,
and SI 80 for prime white, inehuling sonic 101 l
of mixed 1,1 mal white at $1 70a I 75. 100
bushels new llye sold at-S1 12. Corn condo
nes in gccrl demand, but then, is - not notch of
fering ; 3 , 11110 busheli yellow, in store., sold at
09c, and COO bwiliebi afloat at Si. Oats are in
lhir demnod-1100 bushels old Southern) sold
at 501 c, and 1500 htwhela new, to arrive neat
work, at •15a per bushel.
Ground /tents for Sale.
l'er,ons ownlng lots of groanil iu the ca it c u d
or the Dory tp2;ll 11011tin:,lon, (and laying
ovit of Staah :,best) which are :subject to the
payment of 0110 (lunar a year each, geutual
dent, will have an opportunity. of *otiyilig the
6.11.9 On or berm, the Nth 'lay of A n,rait next,
by calling on the subscriber in the liOrough of
1., ear:e the owners (not, a, not tiny out the
ground rents i then 1 will oar the whole of t h e
ground route due 'mil to bemire ... due Itercufter,
at public eels at the - Court house in the Bur&
of llnutingdon, on Thursday the 111th day of
Ange6t, of 2 o'clock, I'. M. A liSt :old number
of the lob!, with the ground rent due thercen,
be thown at the tints of sale.
Ex'r of Richard Posit Smith, dee'd.
July 25, 'ss—le.
corner Second and Walnut streia,
CAPITAL s3oo,min.
Thin Company effects Firu Insurance on Buil
dings, Goods, Furniture, &c.
" CARGO, To• * •
punts in the IVoild.
Inland insurances on Goods by rivers,
canals, railroad, and land carriage to all 'arts ut
the Union.
Also, insurance upon LIVES, upon the most
favorable terms.
lion. Titt,,,izti B. FIOIL/34:0 .1.111,1.: P.. Ni...tli,
0.10r1,3 H. A 011 , 41,11 g, • CII.I. 0i11,,../
1....11,11.11 P. MitiditiOn, Eti. IL 1 ki1111 ,,, 1d,
George Ilehilliol.l, I F. C.,
'llioniaA Nlatlerlielil. I 1.3.• Lec,ll,'
'l'llll . M.lB Il I , I.IIIiENCE, I% c..i , Li.l.
I:. , wAili, H. 1111.iim. n. 5, - •4•'y
iVM. ÜBE:WS I'EIC, .ii:Aii,
• •
1 1AUM1,.1.:. , i.:.• ‘.lv I,_ ; .0,11,ty ;wilt 7;,