Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 18, 1855, Image 2

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nttzn.on Qlrn~ll.
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Wednesday Morning, July 18, 1855,
V t ry : t
w m TER,. , EDITORS.
.acing famines provided for filling up the
trench within the Redan ; and the next
in not having immediately apprised the
French commander that they fotind it ne
cessery to retire. The British say th•y
took the Redan; but could not hold it be•
cause the -French failed to silence ;he Ma
lakoff. From this it appears there are I
"hickerings iu the camp," which will not
be of mush service to either party.
'rho telegraphic accounts from Sens.
topol down to the '2,51.11 ult., indicate noth
ing of importance as having occurred up
Ito this date, as respects the operations of
the besi ogers. They were engaged in the
lerection of new works, and it is reported
that no further assault will he mode, until
the French batteries which are in course of
construction before the Mamelon, shall be
completed, and ready to open fire. Until
this event transpires, we need expect no
further demonstrations of a warlike nn
titre from the seat of war, unless they be
on the part of the Russians. It is said
that the Russians are making vieormis ef
forts with their spies in Paris and Belgium,
to sow the seeds of discord between the
; English and French. It had been current
;ly reported in Paris that a Cabinet Coon.
cif had been held tinder the presidency of
the Emperor, to deliberate on the rinestion
whether it would not be right to authorize
Cs'eneral Pelissier to act in such a tray as
he may see fit without trailing for the co
! operation of the English.
This savors strongly of a spirit of an
tagonism, and we may eventually zee a
disunion between these two great powers.
We always considered the alliance between
England and France as insincere as it tip
! peered to us unnatural. The old jealous -
les, we predicted, which had beets sena,
ered by the atiase.i, would eventually ri
pen and become as strong as. in the days
that aro past. The breach has nut yet ec-
I curred, but the smouldering fit, of the
i volcano are still giving out their angry
mutterings, With those momentary rice.
; tiers; of smoke and flame, which are pre• gee. The friends of a pruhibitory is the
m motors et an approaching, eruption.—
different counties of this Commonwealth, will
How soon the stornsoloud will burst, we
dhold of a State Convention at IleadinT, on the Bth •
tnsy not accurately know, but the light. !•! August
. ses Some of the lazy vag:thoiels „Lo idle
ning flashes, which ever and anon•appear,
their time on the einners, should have a pro
' in the shape of recriminatory altercations
on of a square•teed boot. with ...hide
relative to the causes of the recent replace j trimmings administered.
before the Reden and Malakoff 'Power, may .- „„„t to 1,0 in c„„,„„y to
indicnte a rapid approach of the dissolu• such Christians as hini."—Bowlegs.
Lion of the the se-called sibiill-frog" union. God preserve us and Christianity front till
finless therefore, all reasonable conjectures •
which have been drawn from events which rarl. real "'' • "'
have and are now transpiring, prove ob. "ni"rallY kitten;'• ''•
Misses to mat:into,. his
feat or
!surd, the temporary union or confedera•
ack-Lillieinto 0.• sallapse.
tion which binds France and England to
p,!iit-c.,."Y2;.ottilciii,ut,zwitniped net netliiiC, are you
gether in their crusade against Russia, in
the end will be the means of widening to About as bad swamped ma certain gent, of
a greater extent the breach which has ex legal extrertien was, in Bellefonte ;and by the
I isted in the relations of the two countriss, some malt-rill.
land increasing that hereditary dislike and Arlo'''. A lianeuz correspondeut of the N. Y.
hatred which has rendered them implies. Times, says that plans are on foot fur the eel:,
IWe foes. nization of Missouri with caster:: l'rce
As a matter of fact, when' we consider and makeanelicit is abolish
the national characters of these two corn au
offset to the has, less invasion of 1,.-
trip, their grasping characteristics, their the Missourian.
attempts to overthrow every form of goy- i
~ Ectr Au ambitious man mu:, ,• • - •.•
• ~ • ,
eminent not agreeable to their des otic a-
timbledatc," for the labors of b.gli n,•
pp lv cordoned to earth. Iu th.: mutter
later, or of crushing every pewee, which in; to it however, the bug generally displays
might dare aspire to an equal greatness sh e most pluck, and oftener secures his object
with them, we are forced to believe that then does his liumaii type.
I the purpose, or object, which under any I I'resee—Cod loolisisot at the oratory of your
! circumstance might induce these countries prayers, how eloquent they are, nor at their go.
! ; to unite under one banner, could he neither i omctry, how lung they are, nor tit their ;with!
commendable or praiseworthy. We be. metie, how many they are, nor et their legie,
lieve with a cote mporary, dint any union how methodical they are, but Ile looks nt their
sincerity, how spiritual they are.
; they may horns, must have for its object
,S'enzething for lie Cirlo.—Girla you lemur some interested purpose, more or less in•
that men worth having want reosicti wives 1
consistent with the security and dominion
Clear as Mud. A bundle of ~ewmtwa bound with a string of
lof other countries or communities, and
The egregious blunder made by the ed• ! . fiats and quavers, sprinkled with ,cologne and
that union can no longer subsist than while
itor of the Globe, when he positively as• set iu a carmine situeer—this is no help ,
't is made the instrument of increasing the man who expec Is to raise family of boys ,
serted that he was sexperienced wick•
strength and extending the Empire of En- ! veritable breadsand meat. Mark that, rime.
edness," is made doubly astounding by his I
gl and and France, at th sacrifice of right ! eeseseehe bounty land applications, endeavor to "prove what ho is," in his last •
and tranquility of all feebler States. In the last net of Congress, continue to pour into
Raper. His defence, is rich, great, and !
this aspect, therefore, of the Anglo French ' the Pensian Office at Washington. Up to the
;proves his character clear as mud. Now
any individual who will read the article al.
coalition' •
the world will not be disposed to end cf last week the whole number of applica-
lament its speedy di sso l ution. Co m ing o-
s inus received was 177,700, of which • 10.1,797
laded to in the Globe, and conscientiously t wee e.i,loped and briefed, 08,8 dt acknowl•
vents, however, will solve all mysteries.
say the editor does not assort he is "cep', 18,700 examined, 4211 allowed, de,
The whole war, thus far, has • been we
rienced in wickedness," must indeed be 1 I 600 re.4istereil, 5:303 warrants issued, and filso
given ma y y, a continued blunder on the par t
deficient in intellect. Nature has sa y, I warrants registered.
some men so peculiar a twist of mou th
Ilse allies, owing to the lack of qualifi
i! of Seer Billy flowlege of the Globe should re
that it is utterly impossible for
oil cation on the part of their officers. Bud ! mem b er th a t the more n.fool thinks he knows,
times to speak the truth. 15'e wouldn't i the Allies beep provided with energetic I
the lea s he really does. Ho anon to be, an
for the world say Bowlegs has a and well qualified commanders• the pre• I encyclopedia, but really, an object which like a
sent condition of affairs might have been I ehimney s ims a large sized orifice in the top.
mouth, but he does "pucker" tremendous
reversed. As it is, their humiliation hat= 1 Newton said he know only that he knew notle
ly sometimes. lie is a good de d like a 1
been almost s complete, and thin gs , t mg. But Bowlegs, who has rot astride halt'
certain stream in Texas, so crooked the,. it ; become worse, ere tne war be brought may `
to , rho primer, has finished his education. The
in impossible to tell which is the right or ; difference between folks is about as much as it
left bank.
a termination. The future ls pregnant lis between co .. people.
with affairs which must, when brought to
You don't feel army *llya sore, or nothin' go-h" "Gabe is an exception when we speak
over that experience in wickeilnes' neigh- !
light, astonish the world, stud 'nay be the I of honorable etlitors—he will garble and wil•
of Cre 'ne European changes and I fully
bar, do you? Perhaps the 'records" may 7. 3" .
If we lie fully, wo are certainly “bad
reveal something not altogether consistent o r, l r„ a „ v o t , n lo g Y e l d g i TZ: n el o fi l „g.". By the by, neighbor, of „hat order is
with your present opinion of yourself.— I That the partition and enerifice of 'Fur- I your lying? Unpremeditated, eh ? We are
Perhaps the 'original condition , of some key is the iutention of France and Eng. not so fortunate no yen yeti have two chances
gentle folks wasn't very enviable. Mend land, we Lave not the slightest doubt, and ;to our cue. When we lie, we'll have to stand
your ways Bowlegs, and we may pass ov- l irla w te f d a d r i t •s h ign r s "l a l • l i ' „ u s c roi e a d l in lie th n e l i a r de w m " a r r:l- t t i l ; l s e ei b , i •e u ri rt l i i7iii t\ r/ r i . eie/y ß . l u ir t a ) s .a te n have c praye oot's
er your ''experience in wickedness." n° fem. If things continue t y o work as at pre. 'of l'itivaio,?y by repo Sono. •
guided by the °experience" you have : sent, the duy for the partition e ill Le de- dete.eices hove you purchased, neighbor, t ) n
!earned from carlv ils:oeintiems laved, we tune, hone sots thr...1,-h this contrewerstr
.. le “JOURNAL” has 300 Subsea
,ers more, than any other paper
in lists county.
Agents feir the Journal.
followin,gpersons we have appointed Agents
the HUNTINGDON JOURNAL, wl o are author
to receive and receipt for money paid on sub
.. iption, and to take the names of new subscri at nor published prices.
We do this for the convenience of our sabscri
ors living an distance from Huntingdon.
Joins W. THOMPSON ' Esq., Hollidaysburg,
&usu. Cosy, East Barren,
Oponos W. CORNELIUS, Cromwell township.
HENRY HUDSON, Clay township.
DAVID Evelns, Cromwell township.
Dr. J. P. Asucom,Ponn township,
J. Wertsmvat Marmot, Franklin township,
SAMUEL Sgsvrsv, Jackson township,
C01..N0. C. Waysoy, Brady township,
MORRIS BROWN, Springfield InWllShip,
Won. Iluronssoy,,Esq., Waryiorsmark tp.,
(Isom. W. Witirr.sliun, Petersburg,
HENRY Tient, West 'Barre,
Joust BALSBACII, Waterstreet,
Maj. CHARLES Micsi.ey. Tod township,
A. M. BLAIR, Dnhiin township,
GEORGE WILSON, ES9., T,ll township,
Jsmiss CLARK, Birmingham.
NATHANIEL LYTLE, Eq., Spruce Creek.
Mal. W. Moons, Alexandria.
B. F. WALLACE, Union Furnace.
SIMEON Wnionv, Esq., Union township.
Destro CLANISON,Em., Cone township.
Sonnet. WWITON, Esq., Franklin township.
DAVID PARHER, Fag., Warriors nook.
DAVID AunANDT, Esq., Todd township.
Dn. J. Aultru SHADE, Dublin township.
What's to be Done•
We last week published a communion
lion relative to the future action of the
Whig Party of Huntingdon County. The
portion of the article to which we alluded,
when we expressed ourself as not endors •
ing the sentiments contained therein, was,
where the American Party Was spoken of;
but more particularly, where a sly intima
tion was given of Whig and Looofoco "fu
sion." The other . portions of the comma
nication, meet our heartrapproval.
As the Whig organ of the county, it is
no doubt expected we should express our
opinion as to what would be the inner jo
dicious and proper course for the party to
pursue, in the present topsy-turvy condt
lion of politics. We believe sincerely—
and we hope our brethren throughout the
county, will-act upon tho siiggention—that
the Whig Party of the county, has strength
sufficient to triumph over all opposition,
notwithstanding the result lost
fall. Therefore, let delegate meetings be
held as usiAl, in the different townships of
the county, and representatives appointed
to the County Convention, to meet during
-the coming August Court. This is the on•
ly honorable course left for the Party to
-pursue, now, and the only one which can
pn3serva distinct, its name and nationality.
Whatever fours , the Whig county Con.
vention array see proper to pursue, that is.
whatever line of .action it may mark out
for the Party, we deem it nothing but du
ty in every true, loyal and faithful repub
lican Whig,to acquiesce. Should the con
vention make nominations, those nomina
tions should be ratified and endorsed by all
the Whigs of the County; who have so long
and ardently supported the good old prin
ciples upots which the Whig Party is foun
We hope the Whigs of the county will
faithfully perform their duty, believing us
we firmly do, that a Convention composed
of the intelligent Whigs of the County,
will know whether it should be most ju•
dicious to present a county ticket in the
field, or cooperate with any other organ
ization. At all events, we are in favor of
the Convention, and pray that the disposi•
tions of all loyal fellow party-men may be
as ours. An honorable "fusion" withnny
reTelpible party should not be ore rlolked
by tfiii Convention, in case it sheuld by
;Ismael inexpedient to nominate
The total number of killed and wound
ed on the part of the allies, in the recent
before Sevastopol, amounts it is offi
cially stated, to 6000 men. The Cholera
ha, made its appearance in the camp of the
allies. The number of officers lost by the
p,nglish in their late repulse, was 93 killed
and wounded, and 150 taken prisoner.—
The French lost 87 officers killed, 65
wounded, 17 taken prisoners. In Paris,
the dreadful repulse is chrown upon the
shoulders of the English, as being caused
by the British commanding officers in not
A Humbuy—That
j Connecticut i 3 fo.c of ,10,t.
Dam" Our farmers arc luby cutiing grain.
L fl town—The man with the thin 'pedals!
LJhd The boys of our town arc engaged is
Ira' A white Swallow has been noticed in
fhb — Mailing letters containing money is un•
safe at present.
gEir Harvest hands are receiving two`dol•
tars per day in Illinois.
I)INEASE AMONG CATTLE:A disease called
ciliation in killing the cattle in large numbers
• -
per" ' Pin net amount in the IL S. Treasurv, in the vichlitY of Molngordoi Texas, and the
• flesh of such animals as die of it is deadly poi
,uhieet to draft, is ii 18,438,712. swum, The sante:Bs:mac wa3 equally de3true.
Li,i`r A Teacher's Cowen:mi.:a is to ho held tire abont Bayou Sara in the year 18:15. It is
stat..l that nu cure 1411:1 yet been found for it. •
this boroush on the 26th net
fl 3' The k. e. State, Council of I,lll6lana
Las repudiated the Catholic test..
A Grant Ithm—The 2k w York liquor law.
'f he ulliecre. are afraid In enfore•it.
Eir Emigration is beeunting much more
slack front Europe to this country.
• XpFe. Seventy years ago, the present sit, of
Cincinnati was purchased for $5OO.
rd:r The individual who planted himself on
his good intentions has net yet sprouted.
By a Tale law in SI. 140111 H, the stores
arc permitted to ha kept open all Sunday.
IT. 4r Two men were recently drowned whilst
being baptized in one of our western ricers.
llworehotd words—What ((limy Indies are
more acquainted with than woe/en. That's se.
fiCa" Gov. Pollock has had the degree oft..
L. P. conferred upon him by the Princeton col.
Era- What was the first tubular britiv ever
built The bridge of your nose, you squab•
eyed dunce.
9iS5. A elean table cloth in no essential to a
good dinner, as ronst hoof, pi o n pudding and
brown stont,
niar There i 8 a walnut tree near Kalanntarto,
Michigan, which n wires thirty-three feet in
W. 11. Kern ling been nominated by
lie American party of Philadelphia as its can
didate for Sheriff.
Vor The ',cite', front the Kuo•w Nothing
I`hibulalphin Convention, have all 1,0.1 sus.
hined by their Stntog.
UV' Our devil is rejoicing in the downfall
of the prier of butler, us be asserts it will now
enable hint to indulge in a "spread."
A r woman hue no natural gift more be
witching than n sweet laugh. Ibis like the
sweet Round or (ham; upon the waters.
Dirt A violent rencontre occurred in IC9.ts.
:ass betwcen Mr. Stringfellow and Gov. Reeder
in which, the latter is said to barn beets badly
pEir There is an advertisement in.a Ken•
tacky paper of a minister for sale. He was a
slave in a man recently dee'd. It is stated in
the inivertisinuents that he holds a license to
preach. Churches in want of a pastor will take
DE3TIICCTIVE FLOOW,-.-Anuthe, 1100 A °cc,
red a few days ago at Elkhart river, in Indiana,
doing serious damage at Waterford, Benton,
and Syracuse. The Elkhart Herold says the
loss in that country will not he lest than $30,.
000. In various sections of New York destruc•
tire freshets have also occurred.
Wo learn from Coot fridge that the young man
lSokinen WilAnn, who, one night last week, in
di:licalty with John l'. Bradshaw, fatally
,tabbed the latter, time, lifter an examination
, Lof orc Justice Barrw. committed to jail for
trial iu ddltulz
KILLED Ur LIWITNING.-luring re thunder
sthrm near 1',,, Michigan, on Saturday
0 At r. whiie gonnin, took refuge
under a tree. The lightning struck, the tree.
entered on one aide of I 110 neck and thee of
the man, pertOratie the, it rly to the hips,
big him instantly, thee tearing the stock from
the barrel of his gin.
LA nor. or, It .131ENT.—During the
tarrprocession en the , Ith in New York, the
spectators were itttereeted by the unusual :tight
of a young girl marching with the Outer
figiette, a French corps, dressed ni colors cor
responding to their uniform. She was the
orphan daught, of a deceased comrade, adop:
IA by the regiment. Uptnt such an incident
at this was hosed the well known Opera of the
Child of the Regiment."
A Gituvr Misv.tan.—The Boston Post. in rc.
ferenec to the "weav nod tear of coin,” says
that a gold coin would last two thousand years
before it would entirely disappear. Mr. That•
gander Broomsticks thinks there must be some
mistake—his gold coins of the largest dimen•
sions generally taking no mom than a week to
disappear entirely ; while he hits known a don.
ble eagle to be worn down the sire of a three
Cont. piece in the course of one evening.
CRAWFORD AND Ente.—ln the State Senuto•
riot district, composed of the counties of Craw- '
ford and Erie, there is cinch contention about
the next candidate fur Senatorial honors.—
These two counties have separate and adverse
interests on railroad matters, and therefore each
is desirous of having the Senator. Erie had
the incumbent lost term, but au her railway
troubles arc still unsettled, she is desirous of
having the position again. This difference of
lucal interests seems to cause a general cont.
anon among political parties in that section.
bar some of our fellow poverty stricken
friends think happiness depends on money—
but it dosen't. It depends as much on good di•
gestion as tipoir good clothes ' boots that don't
pinch, or anti Led bug chatcliers. Old Calph•
em swallows foul enough just before courting
slumber to "satisfy" a whole family ; as a con•
sequence, he's a miserable disp!tptie. Therein
perpetusi wariare between his stomach and
brains,. If you want to live in sunshine and
roses, and Ina Vt. tiny honest lit on your bones,
engage gOod digestion for the season, It you
don't you had better drown yourself in the Ju•
Itc,tolous LIBERTY to FRANCE.—The endem
coos of the clergy and nobility of England, by
their upplication to the French Emperor, in be
half of the religious liberty of his subjects, ,lo
nut yet appear to promise success ; no favora
ble result has been reached ; Protestant chur
ches are still held 'in durance vile" and forbid.
don the inestimable right of public w;,,,hip
agreeably to the dictates of conscience ; out
even iu the anniversary meetings orbenuvul,nt
asset:intim,. :se; mai 'ruiners uf
reports are kupt iuitWit by tic pre eve e:
spies and 114 MM who are ready to speak
(mil to the government of the things they know
RAILROAD OPENING.--R is 11111101. teed hy
the St. Louis Intelligeneer, that the Western di
vision of the 4 )hio aml Slississippi railway is
now completed, and open for travel, by which
a through route of connected railways will be
formed between St. Lois and Philadelphia,
the aggregate distance being 1029 miles. Phis
is much the shortest rigid best through route
yet opened to the west, and is on direct
that it must bee., accuse
alai travel. The co, •:. by way of V;•.:,•,•
T,Tre •, .•
,-!. ..•
i 1:::: ltoltert 1‘'all:ole, the trail....
11,1 10 18 country
great gri::::. . Franklin tvr t• , :":.•
I%linis'ter :, 91' the Colottie, t': • :.
lertrd r :: :Cr.:
ry 1:‘• : a e ti'.0:•:1::tt .1 ,
which he it:lritttl hint to httt:• i :: • ' ...1:
hit Alajost't; Burdens at Kew, tht
might invistgate sto:1 ...,:acing hint
that thee wotld hc benelieild i:t his :11ttlestv%
Illitglitlt'don:litions, 113 1110
convict, were to A tnerica I Thus it %multi ttl.
!tear that in the days of Franklitt, the ll:anti:tn.
tution to thlt cutintry c l cciaticla ao lltallper.,.
wit.; considered us trying ail evil us it it nt the
pr,,lit day. '
The „Mis,euri Republican confirms the report I
fight between Governer Reeder:toil the mob,
StrinAllow. The latter, it 344,113, 111 M. 11,,i •
ar awl demanded of hint an apology or exple.
nation of something said by the Governer iu
one of his eastern speeches, and when this was
declined be attacked the I itivernor. The re.
port re9iectingCrow, who IGIIcd 31alcolin
Clark, in also confirmed. McCrea wan taken
before Judge I.ceoniptc, of the U. S. District
Court. by a writ of habeas corpus, and after
the exainin,ttion of a large numbsrof witnesses
lie was remanded to prison fir trial, bail being
refused. The officers at the fort refused to take
McCrea into further custody, and a public 'meet.
has been hold, which has resolved to guard nod
protect the prisoner until his case shall have
been decided.
Ten NEW YOItK 11 , " 01. Liw.—ln New
York city, un Friday, 'Judge Birdsall decided
that complaints ender the Prohibitory Liquor
Law of that State can in Now York city bo
tried out the Sessions, Recorder and * City
Judgm) noel that other Judges and Justices eau
only hold, no Justices uf tint Peace, lin:Hollow
ry n. 1111.691/, and stow' their cues to the Se,
sions, it' they think proper. The effect of this
is to throw all the lIqUOr cutout for trial into the
epecial and general Sessions, and them liquor
eases there would swamp all other business, if
tried. Recorder Smith has ahead/ pre,
flounced that the lnwsupplies not to Joreign
Liquor, ' nd ales of Domestic Lignors must be !
seen, to be complained of. Thus the Liquor
Lim is no Law practically in New York cite.—
Its "theory" is recognized.-- bat . 'practiro"
Upon it amounts to nothing.. Ring Alcohol b
yet Ling.
Democratic State Convention. I countrof Huntingdon, justices Assigned, appoint- 1 gra .i'D . 97 TA p- --
iip A gm .
-4 - 21 _
.-. This body 'assembled in the Representativ , a ll.
ell to'bear ' tr y n oel determine all and every in
- dictinents made or taken fur or concern i ng
Chamber of the Capitol on Wednesday the dth crimes, which by the laws of the State are ma d e AUGUST TERM, 11355.
inst., at 10 o'clock, and organized by appoin. :
' ,
mmital or felonies of death and other offences
ling J. Glancy Jones as President, assisted be j TRIAL LlST.—Firat, Week.
crimes and inisdOmeanors, which have been or 1
a number of other officers. A large number shall hereafter be committed or perpetrated for ! --- .
of delegates were in attendance. Several of . crimes aforesaid—l am commanded to woke pub- i Christian Couts vs John Hilderbrand.
the coMities, however, wore represented by sub. lie proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick 1 J.II. Wolverton's aders vs J. Entrekin's Ears.
stitntes from the borough of Harrisburg. Con• that a Court of Oyer and Terminer, of Common I James McCauly vs M. Crownover, Sh•lf.
siderable excitement originated in reference
Pleas and Quarter sessions, will be held at the', Ti. Mytinger vs P. Litingston.
to the admission of the delegates from Dauphin Court Howe in the Borough ountingdon, on S. S. Woods' Gnard'im vs Benjamin Leas.
Sterrett & Potter for use vs J. Alexander Ginsho
countv there being two sets, and both represen•
Africa D Fl I
Ling different interests. The delegates elected the second Monday (and 10th day) of August,
Simpson vs D. miner, et a ,
by the late county convention. however prevaii• next, and those alit will prosecute Me said pri. i j s •
, one's he then and there ° prosecute them as it i '
Hirst for Caldwell vs Daniel Africa.
ed, by a mnjoritv, and took • their seats aeon, eltull . lie just, and that all Justices of the Peace !
Joshua Johns vs Blair, Robinson & (.70.
dingly, causing 'considerable ill•feelitig ! Coroners mid Constables within said county be ,
their opponents outside the ring.
The cmlwell• I o'clock, A. If. of said day, with their records, in
ninang I then nod there in their proper • persona, et to '
ACCOND were.
.11011 succeeded in nominating on third ballot : quisitions, examinations and remembrances, to :•; & W. vs Penna. It. R. Co.
Arnold Plumer, of Venangu county, as a cam I do those things which to their offices respectfully , Horatio Trexler & Co. no J. & W. Suxtvii.
didate for Canal Commissioner, by a vote of 77appertain. • l Adolphus Patterson vs John Dachenbach.
to 43 I
. The committee on resolutions made Dated at lientingdou the 20th day of April, i Sterling & Alexander vs Bracken Stitt & Cu.
their report during the evening session, which in the year of our Lord 1855, and the 79th
elicited quite a spirited and amusing debate in year of Amer". Independence. ! .T. 11. Le:: vs Caldwell 3.: Hoover.
John Stewart i'S John Love.
fl V 1 ••• 011 i d ad • s
conseqiience of a minority report being made I los. • 811 p Itlll 1:, I r d UM.
approving of the Nebraska outrage and in fa-' PROCLAMATION, Wetter:nail & Young V 8 Jae. Jamison
vor the repeal of the late liquor law. Col. !
1 V Sithitiel Black, of Pittsburg, made a set speech AT tit SIC AS
the judgby a precept to me directed by
, •
es of the Common Pleas of the
in which he took occasion togive his namesisk canny; of Huntingdon, bearing test the 20th day
! “s,-,,,,' , particular fi ts, denouncing the Know 0 5 A pril,. 1855. 1 urn commanded to make
I Nothings ns bigoted, intolerant, oro.riPtive Public Proclamation throughout my whole baili-
cowardly conspirators, Ac., and admittiug the wink, that a Court of Common Pleas will I,c
right of foreigners to hold noires and partici- I held in the Court House in the Borough of
! Bur,
pate in the making and administration of our • tingdon, on the third Monday (end .20th day) ..r
lows. 1 August, A. D., 1855, for the trial of all issues it:
During. lie progress of the debate there void Court which remain undetermined belbre the
were frequent indecent interruptions. pee I sold Judge , ' when flllll where nit jurors, nituesse•
gentleman rote to his f eet , great l y exc i te d , rind and suitors, in the trial of all issues sire required •
roared out, '‘Mr. President, this man (alludin g I t° P"' •
Dated nt Ilunttitgdon. the 20th day of April,
to a noisy delegate who sat near liiinjis a beast, in thou yearof car yj,„,.,1 1855,:„,! 0:, 79,1, year
and a disgrnee to the convention, and I wish : et •A rner i„,,,, t i m ei ,,,,1,,,,, .
him to be turnedo.t." The individual alluded ! •JOSIIIJA GREENLAND. Sheriff.
to (who evidently was under the influence of I
something stronger than "Inget'') sprang to his 1
feet and exclaimed, "Mr. President. I am a
young Democrat, but a d—n good Olio— .
that man is avd nfool, and has no bosi• !
noes her," 'the President took no notice of
this disgraceful interruption—the delegates
laughed at it—and the "young Democrat" was
permitted to continue his noisy, and in many
instances, obscene responses.
The majority report was adopted by a larze
. majority, after which the Convention adjourned
sine die. The nomination of 14. r. Heiner dues
not appear to give generul satisfaction, nod
there are inany of the party who olienly avow j
their determination to vote against him.— I
Morning ,H rah!
at Pontotoc, Miss, of which we lntuly Made
' mention, bears a remarkable likeness to the
case of Malt Ward and Professor Butler. As;
the circumstances are narrated by a letter from
r the ;dace, it appears that Brown was a native
of New Hampshire, a graduate of Dartmouth
I College, and principal of the "Pontotoc Male
I Academy.. A few days previous to the mar
der, Ito punished, for some tnisdemeanor, a lad
named Cater Wray," about 12 years of age.—
John, en elder brother of the lad, who title. I
led the same school, was subsequently expel-'
'1 led fel having at the me twice threatened j
Professor Brown if he whipped his mother
again. l'ltrae, ;lays after the occurrence, an
other brothei named Keith Wray. aged eighteen
rears, who was studying medi c i ne hien office in I
in tie ity, armed • himself with a revolver and
1 bowie knoe.went to the academy, and wanted
Brown called out, but, as he was too touch
cited at the time, the assistant refused the re-
I •
quest. Wray left, saying that he would see hint
' on his way home, and at the close of the se,
siun he tact his victim in the public Path. Ile
accosted hint rudely, told him that he hod ine
I posed WM his brother, and when he undertook
to reason the matter, called hint by at insul.
• deg epithet, and aimed a blow with his fist at
• Pmt.'s fare. The latter seeing Wray's weal.-
ons as the blow was aimed, raised a little riding
I whip, and prepared to defend himself.
diatety thereupon, Wray inflicted seven fatal'
j wounds, which caused Brown's instant death.
,The murderer was arrested and committed to
I prison, but his friends made vigorous efforts to
, forestall justice by promptly securing all the lc
. j gal counsel the place allbrds. Professor Drown
leaves a young wife, to whom he had only been
married a few mouths.
Synod of the Lutheran Church bare adopted
the following resolution :
1 hat in ll...judgment of this prt,
hyt,y, our church
from communion the therol,m of the 3rect , t to.
eiety called Know Nothings, and the men,le-v
dull such societies, and that the preit,•,
rect. session to enforce this opinion."
—The above is going the mauls of
colbeo pests, and appeared, tee believe in
the English papers ut this city—The Oazette
and Press. It is not true. There in no orgaiii
mtioo of any : sort in Ito Lutheran church un
der the name of s presbytery."Timt. proclaims
it 'bogus..! The body referred to in Itelit,ed to
he a !wench of‘dissenters' from the German Ite•
formed Church, composed almost exclusively of
G,ntans. That accounts for the milk
the comment . /mom!.
but there is no demand for export, and stam
dard brands are offered at iv 9.75, without limb
tug buyers, except in it small way tbr hemmer
cm, at front $9,75(510 fur common and good
brands. 3 , 10,256040,73' fur extra and extra fu•
t „ i7,..,a511(u:511,50 /morbid for fancy brands.
m ,•m Meal and lire Flom. arc also very inam
• •, and the pric,s remain about imne as
,v.t. noticed. Crain—The stock of old tVheat
i I,early exhorted, and there is very little
new tm.yut coming ilt ; the demand, however is
limited to the wants °Him
neighboring mi „ ners,
who only buy fur their immediate wants; abot.t
I lid bushels, mostly prime new South( ru, hero
m ip disposed of in small lots, at 2.10 e tar prime
• and 2,50 e lot white, including a small side
::••• miner, a fitir article, at 22.5 e. is
v..ith very little offering or selling,
;1,1 i. , only bid I:15c for Penna. Cern—
e receipts eon mim o very light but the de
tand is mostly 1I • ply the retailers, and
: ••• nee le per buslud luwse today, with
about 2000 bushels Southern yellow at
!mum, :alum ; shippers are not buying. Oats
are firmer, with but few offering; the last sales
mete at 521: fur Southern and 51 fin Pennsyl•
Whig County Convention.
leasmuelt as the members of the Whig Coun
ty Committee bided to meet at the time and
pier:, requested. to determine the line of con•
duct proper to be adopted in the present state
of political affairs, and so I have neither the
right nor the desire to decide that question, I
have thought it any duty to chairman of the
County Committee to give notice that the Whigs
of the toweral townships and boroughs in the
county ofHuntingdon, if they are proper, will ,
meet ni heretofore it the usual time and plaice
of holding such meetings, on Saturday, the 11 th
they nl .111,11ISI neyt, and elect two delegates
from each district to tneat in convention in the
borough of liuntintelon Ott rarstiv, the nth i
day of August 1815,i, at 2 o'clock, in the after- '
noon to make the proper county nominations
or not as to them tatty seem host.
lulu IS, 1835 Mtinpern.
W 111;11.8 by a precept to Inc directed, dated tl
at Iluntingdon, the 20th day of April,
A. I). 1835, wider the Ilan& and Coals of the '
!ion. lieurge Taylor, President of the Cu,o t of
Common fleas, Oyer and Tortuiner, and gene, i
al jail delivery or tint 24th judicial disirict of Pcuii.
sylvania composed of Huntingdon, 13Inir and Cain-
brie, and the llou. Thoniaa F. Stuart and •Jana•
Oulu ii,eruite, ;;Jitdgcs of the
Register's Notice,
moTicE k hereb y given to all pee,. inter- ;
IN erred, that the following named persons have ;
settled their accounts in the Register's Office, at !
fluntingdon, and that the said ncmurta Will he
presented for confirmation and allowance, nt AU
Orphans' Court, to be held ut Iluntingdoa, in
and for said county of Huntingdon, on W9ues•
day the 15th tiny August nest to wit t i
1. George Borst & Peter Barger. Executors
of the last Will and Testament or Daniel
late of West township, deed.
a. John B. Given, surviving Executor of the
last Will and Test:anent of Margaret Entnskitj,
late of Penn township, deed., (and interest ac
count to accompany the saute.
3. Account of the Administration of the Es
tate of Margaret Lutrekin, dee'd., be Thomas
Enyeart, Esq., deed. (one of her 'Executors
filed by) James E. Glasgow, Esq.', owe of the
Administrators of said Thai. Enyeart, dee'd and
Interest accompanying the Caine.
4. Hance H. Campbell, Administrator of
James Gumpbell, late of Shirley township druid.
5. Jacob & Sumnel McVitty, Adminis. ,
trators of David Eby, late or Shirley township j
dee'd. .
Z. George Guyer, Jr., Minittistrator of Ben
jamin Nearboof, late of Warriorsmark town
7. Henry Brewster, Esq., Administrator of
Dawrou C. Sulawley, late f Shirley town s up
dee'd. •
-- R.John Oaks Acting Executor of Janie 4
Tully Into of Juek tunl ton uship, deed
9. James D. Alyton, IVillwrn Mete.
Jnnws Stewart, Administrators of J. A': 3lyton
late of Jaeluion township, ilec'd.
ILL Jonathan I'. Roberts &Edward 11. Tiol,
° u s , Execjitrits of tbo last Will ana Te,totnent
or William Roberts, late of West township
dee'd. •
Moses Greenland, Acting E:.:crat, of
Nathan t ;reentrant , late uf Cass township dee'd.
final account of Aiargaret Newell, Esee
iniix of the last Will and Ts:awn:int el* Andrew
Newell, late of West tuwtehlp, dee'd.
13. Ann Miller, Executrix of 'Joseph Miller.
hue of liarrec township;tlced.
14. Elizabeth Horan, Executrix of Zechariah
11,,,1111, late of Union township, dee'd.
15. John Speck, Administrator of Jahn ILtr
bee, late of {Talker townehip, detubl. .
I o... Benedict Stevens, Esq.,
Samuel llockenberry, late of Springfield
chip, dec'd.
It. James Chamberlain, Administrator of
llnrtin (Imes, lute 01 Franklin to, oship, deed..
IS. The 'lran Account of Peter Stiker, one t
ot the Exeentore of William Laird, Lie of ;
ter township, deed.
19. Sutton At. Stewart. Adminietrator of
Jounce Mitchult, late of barks°. two ns ip, dee'll.
11(1. Low*, Port...Mt/I, ltttardien of the :11inor
(:1111'.,!ren r‘f "Rat
Jnin. totter, 6uardmo ot Lueram l'a:-
terson (formerly (mamin Moore) to Minor
Doughter of Sint Aloore, doe'd now of roll
df;n Armitage, termer, Heildersum
.'• •lof Anderson, farmer, Con.
- ose Brenemen, farmer, Porter.
.•b Hoek, fanner, Worrier..L.
jamin lirumbaugh, PUI../1.
i:lium Campbell, farmer, 'fell.
Coulter, laborer, Walker.
I! .),semi, Col theater, AV.....
; ~• '. • ••
l(en)d Helmer, Mrrne, N'-'n I u
Giesinger, farm,. Nf al:., t.
ltebfrt Give, tanner,
John ()roof sr, farmer, l'etm.
Jacob Heffner, farmer, Penn.
- 111 -P y Fo ' . ' , " is u g e n o od f the write of \'en ll d lo u l i m •t x . ; J.l e ohu Hirst, termer, a r r , r l;•' ;'° ° . rtf r.
lens or Iluetingdon County, and to too directed, i Enoch Isenberg, former, Porter.
I will expose at public sale at the Court House in
! I Joseph Isenberg, earpeoter,
borough of Ilutitingden. on Wedmsdoe the 15th U eoroc Mills, rn,,,
sing elueust next, fit 1 0 o'el" , kf.A.: of said ; Nleteer. farmer, Worri•nalari,.
day . , the following described Heal Home, to wit: Solomon Itoueh, farmer. Penn.
All dolt certain plantation, tract, piece or
l' pur- josi . 4, „ Reed, „i i , flicr,
eel of land, situate in Shirley owitship, Ilun•
tender, lienders.
the .1 toutto ricer , lands of John Shnrrer. An t. i t ,e , n :non, forme:, onrree.
row I'olturk's heirs m:d ethers, euutoloing ono' dal :i Shark, longue
hundred and seventy six acres or thereabouts, I Abeam Shonntter, !armor, Cf,n,
on port of which the talon or Mt. ri.ion is laid Ephraim Thoinpue, Innuer, ; Union.
out, excepting end excluding frost the soid ley John Walters, rttee, Dublin.
the Around new in the possession of the Pennsyls • dfn Mel S. Whittaker, fanner, lioiun
roma Iteilreati Cumpnuy,ond the tbllowifig town • Sanotel Wallnee. (toner, Alurris.
lots in the recorded plan et sr.iii tewn of Mt. WiEiain 31orfre, Incrulitoit, Pert,.
Union, being nittuberml respectively t Numbers 5f.,,,,,,,, A5210 , 4 , •
,2i...14.!..1„1,2iti rii . hc . rf el the
. 11iptiogdon euuuly
ll,u let of ground i„ the puasessiuu f. nets Institute, fit , ' nil prase who attend
teaching are rospeetfolly rfqiiuded to Inept nt
t i
' l' l' ll ' l l' ef l tt ' i l t l t i g .
House steeds and the following lots which were I the Court loot•o', fii the I,l,filgh oflltintiligdon
sold on original Vend. Exp., to wil t Lots No. 58 , fin Thursday the 2iith of .lifly. ut 10 o'elok, A.
58, GU, cud 60, to .1. J. Alelillieny and Lots No.. NI., for the purls,e of thc 'woos:are
8:1, nod 84, sold to John Non nod I.ots No. 93, I 111 . 1 . 4;I:.12111Clil.i to 113:4 series of .111.ititlliCS.
and 96 to Geo. W. Speer.dill) Prot scetion.f ;,tier county. revious to the
Seized, taken in execution, and to he said p
op eu i ii , of th e 5ehe,,,,,, to tube join
A tract °fien d
the property ofJ
in Dublin township, ohe Dougherty.
siderMiuti the propriety of estublishing a per
sotto don roomy, she eted on the road leading
I, nut tile "fruity where stutabie buildings
e . au be uldtdiaftl m;rpose.
Burnt Citifies to Shade Gap & bounded by lends ;
of William Bration on the north, George
the cast, Abraham Long on the south, John It is that no I . OO Y
Atkinson on the Wet t , containin g two hundred and other friends of education, os Call conveni•
acres more or le cc with u'efout sixty acres clear- rattly attend, be present mid partic . ipnle in the
Cl', Having thereon erected a two story log proceedings, ns much business of ttaportance,
house & log barn with en ',rebind of good hear- m which they are: . particularly interested, will
ing apple & peach trees &a spring of never fail- , be tratistietea•
ing water. .
i It is lobe hoped that no kelpie, in our auto,
Seized taken in execution find to be sold as ; ty, either nude r ema k w ill b e „b,, e „ t.
the property of John Bingham dee'd. Branson fir fin this:
Bingham. The interest of said deceased being to their; occasion. A
ll who intend Witching will lip] it
in the heeds of Daniel '1 ogee list(., his ;other. n ' ;
A lot of land shuts in Franklin tp., Hunting- ' lion • 5 •
'• Connie, 8 tate Supt.. f Common
don county, bounded on the south by the Jutii• t Schools, will l ie lirl.e" cud addressthe Ceti
eta river, on the west by Dr. A. Meidlierran and .
fin tiro nort h b y Abranin, weight, cmt t a i u i ng co , iventior. will c 001..., throughout the
thirteen acres, more or less, on which aro erect- ; dory and eyoutulst•
ed two dwelling houses, and astable, one of the J. S. II bill!
houses two story high, weetherboardcil and pains
C'o. Sept.
white, the other house one story and ; ".. • •
. 111 V (.11A11. BANK 244 COKE YARD,
high, 11.
the Se p i r s o e p rl e , r t , f y i k o c t u
a i e n rem ex i. eki l u l ti % r . , , n ,, , ,,, ,:i r i . ,l to IT sold
w•iil'du wail to cull fin rho ,eibe.ereibthe7.
JOSHUA. GREENLAND, near Plane Nu. 4 Portage Hail Head, where the
Sheritl's Office,/ • , can °Nail , god artiele 011,1 at a law p
' 4 " .1 . 1 " Thole is a gosh may of dlipping the articles,
cithel hy oona. Rail 'Road, or by .
enn public la,
1141.4111(, a, buy your Blanks at the provenimits. at a di onto, chts
Jennie' Oilier." We have now prepared a re- the above-articles by aibliessing the subscrihei
ryseperiorartiele of 13LAN1i DEIitDS, BONDS, at Hemlock, Carel,. Colony, Pa.
.1111)0 11;\'I' e• •
DA ViD Vr. E,
2. Jtitiirs l'utter, Guardian Of Tlioniev, Moore,
r. minor SIM of Silas AI oure, dee'd.
Semite! }fogey. AttilitniSlCattn. of Aiwa
:l,ll 1 . 001111, flemlerbuit township, dee'd. I
l'artiel Accounts of' John Gifford, sided. !
of Joseph Gifford, late si Shirley to wn•
. _
F;IIIII Account. of Jnitos Wall, 41:ting
Executor of John %Vial, Into of Wegt
nn. The Supplemental Account of JiMICI
Saxton, Actink• Executor of the tout Wit: and
'ltadunictit IVillium roster, late of West toe.l/-
Itegist er's
d.tly ly , 5
A.3llton, farmer, Barr,
!sane liu, k farmer, Werriurmail,.
Jeremiah Brown, farmer. Smithfield.
Enoch Chi!cote, thrmer, Tud.
Simon Coulter, laborer, Walker.
ianiel Conrail, farmer, Franklin.
Thorium Dolby, farmer, Springfield,
David Foster, farmer, llopenell.
Jacob Grove, fanner, Penn.
James Gwia, gentleman, Hundevon.
Atiilrew Grub, farmer, Penn.
Andrew Haley. thriller, Brad...
Solomon Hamer, miller. ham).
James Metter, lamer, Tod.
John Ilaruer Est , j.P. Barre,.
Petei Ifaraish, farmer, Slotri.i.
Adam 'Afloat, farmei., Porter.
Henry Neff, merehrim, West.
Jahn Porter lsy, farmer, fienderaini.
Carnes Patterson, Porter.
Henry S. Simla. farmer, Walker.
Thomas Stewart, funnier. Berme.
fleorge Tate, Manufacturer Franklin.
Elias P. Wileni Erq., c,nn.h maker
TilolllilY AIIlit,30:1, farmer, Tod.
Henry Brewster, mean:ham, Shirley.
James Baker, ma•mn, Springfielnt.
John Brewster, farmer, Shirley.
James Bucket, Cromwell.
Inane Bowers, farmer, Penn.
John Brown, fanner, Springfield.
Morris Clash:,ll, tanner, Springfield.
William W. Campbell, farmer, Tell.
A. B. Cronin t, gentlemnth, Henderson.
kftal, Cook, Esq., J. P. Tod.
Alexander Carman, merchant, Henderson,
Joseph P. Curfinan, farmer, Coss
Willliato Canon, mechanic, Morris.
John Dougherty, former. Shirley..
James Fife. farmer, Brady.
Benjamin Urcfnus, firmer, Hehderson.
!learn Gendius, farmer. POrter.
.10!;n • Cleatius. tinier, * AVorriormark.
.1 akin tinglongam carpenter, Porter.
James Ilarwr, clerk, Cromwell.
Nathan T. Horton, farmer, Tad.
inn met laborer, liendur•ana.
Jan Lore, merchant, Shirley.
Wilimn S. Lyon; tamer, Tell.
Abenham Luis of Jacob, farmer,
J•tnathun K. Moll., farmer, Brady.
John Morri,m, farmer, Shirley.
John Miller, farmer, Porter.
Each) J. Neils, lam keeper, Porter.
Jacob Nett', former, Porter.
Peal Orlnde, farmer,
David P. Krcer, scorer, Header.,
Joseph Pniri, farmer, Ca..
Willi:AM Piper. lahurrn., West.
P,ightai. farmer, %Veit.
Thper, carpenter, Porter.
tieorge Boland, linemen, Calm,.
TiannUJ A. Swelker, farmer, Shirley.
Michel Smith, furnace, Morris.
David Thonqnson, farmer, Headers..
Thome; Teague, camter, Dublin.
Isaac Wolverton, nuttier. Brady.
Jetuohnn R. Wilson, former, Went.
tioarge Wakefield, farmer, Shirley. •
ii .limn lire, farmer, Wareiormci:.
Wakinfonid, fortn,, Emniv. •
.Thech tnemo,, Dupe•Wc.l.