, DRY-GOODS Sal• MISCELLANEOUS. S('• SPRING AND SUMMER I 0 t i T n N g T h A a l m N F E E:I n t A i n L g E d 0 S n E e ll o l u l n N t A y R , Pa. C 0 • situated on the !;)ncylyatilol9, eii.oneat;,aroft:e ATTHEOLD STAND rabic locations in the state. It is so easy °lac ' cess,, retired, healthful, and surrounded with such ' , mantic 111011108111 scenery, that no tilts who Ora. ttWi ft, wishes to learn, could find an institution more fit- HAS just received from Philadelphia and is vorably situated. Experienced teachers who are now opening at the old stand in Market graduates of Troy and Mt. liolycko Seminaries Square, the largest and prettiest asortment of uro employed in this institution, and no pains SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS will he spared to sustain its growing reputation.— ' hesou,,,,er tern, 000110011 C M, 010 1115 t Tueselv ever brought t the borough of Huntingdon: in April and continues tiro rnmahs. Charges to My Mork consists in part of Cloths, Cas mac from the time of entering, and no deductions Rimers, black and fancy Smitten., Tweeds, and made for absence except in case of sickness Pt,. a large variety of Goods of nll kinds, pits from abroad are expect.' to board in the Ladies' Dress acid volley Goods, Seminary Building with the Principal who gives of the latest style and best quality'. A large as- his mile attention to their in•eryst and advance , comment of Underslcercs, Collars and Spencers meat, black and figured Silks, a great rankly of Prints and Chinecs, Lawns, Barre Delains, Delains figured, plain and berm!, Edgin- - Lace. Ribbons, fancy and black Gimp, SitC Lace, colored Kid Gloves, Gents' Black do., Linen end *ill: • Mids., black Italian Cravats, Hosiery, Sze.. RATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, and a fine assortment of STRAW GOODS. • A good simply of FRESH GROCERIES, HARD IVA RE, QUEENS 1P ARE. GLASSWARE AND CEDAR WA RE. My stuck him been selected with the greatest care in regard to quality and price, and I flatter myselt' that I can offer inducements to purcha sers not to be found elsewhere. Call and see my Goods and examine for your selves. Thankful for the patronage of the past by my friends and the public generally, I respectfully solicit a continuance of the same, April Id, 1555-tf. If you want to get the Worth of your Money, call at D. P. Gwln's Cheap Store. Vit O . V4rZ ll_ AS opened one of the largest And prettiest assortmentsof Spring and Summer goods everbrought to Misplace. causi,tii,4orelimhs, Cassimers, Vesting's, Kentucky Jeans, Cotton Stripes, Linens. Muslins, &e. Ladles Dress Goods. Plain and Fancy Silks, Plain and Figured Chain, Spring Domains, Being° Domains, Plain Berne of all Colors, Debarge Dress mid Do mestic Dinghams. A large lot of Lawny and a groat variety of prints, &c. Hosiery, &c. Hosiery of all kincht, Gloves, kid, Silk, Hid Finish, Mitts, Long and Short, Veils, Collars, tiudersleeves, Shimasetts, Erobroirdered Hand kerchiefs, Stamped Collars and Cutlersleeves, Head Dresses, Ladies Caps, Ribbons, Colored Crapes, Florence Silks, Gentlemons Fancy Handkerchiefs, Dress Trimmings, and a variety of goods to numerous to mention. Also, a large assortment of Bonnets, Flats, Bats and Shoes, Oil Cloths, Cedar Ware, Buck ets, Tubs. Sc. Groceries, Queensware, Hardware and Salt. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine cry goods, as I can and will sell cheap er than the cheapest. All kinds of Country Produce taken in ox• change tar goods at the highest market prices. Huntingdon, April 3, 1855.-4 SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS SEVASTOPOL NOT TAKEN I Jo{.:'. 'QJ G '',ll.i\:.;S::_rfi7l,. HAVE just received Crone Philadelphia the 11 handsomest assortment of Goods ever offer• .ed to the citizens of this place, and at lower pri. ces than can be got at any other house, consist. ing as DRESS GOODS, such us Summer Silks, Clialleys, &rages, Lawns, &e., &c. l'Ott .TIIE LADIES, Coke's, Chimazetts, lindersleeves, Lnccs foul the greatest variety ofdrecs Trimmings in town. BOOTS AND SHOES of every variety, such as fine Boots, Ladies' Gaiters, Misses' Guitars and Slippers, Buskins, and a great varitty or Childrens' Bout, and Sltes. HATS AND CAPS, inch at. white Silk, black Silk, Kossuth flats of every variety. Panama and Straw !lute, nd beautiful assortment of Bonnets, EnOisla, Strew, Brade, Silk and Crape Bonnets, Bloomer Beta and Flats for children. HARDWARE AND QILIEENSWARE, °revery variety and nt lower prices then ever. Cloths, Castfimerd and Slimmer Goods of every variety and color. • CARPET AND OIL CLOT US. a mogoilkent assortment, and at exceedingly low GROCERIES of every variety, and of good (loathy. We are determined to sell our old stock MT at restored prices. We havo cn hood every variety of Guests usually kept in a country store. April to, 1855-tr. BROAD TOP DEPOT. Last arrival of Spring and Summer GOODS. (SUN INOIIA\I & DUNN have just returned tj from Philadelphia, and ore one opening at the old stand of Josiah Cuoningham & Son at the head of the Broad Top Basin, a splendid as sortment of new goods, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard-ware, Queens-ware, Cedar-ware, Bats, boots and shoes. Also, LA 3ALT, FIST, AND PLASTER, and is short everything that is usually kept in a country store. • ~ . . . The'publie are respectfully invited to cull and examine our Stock, uc we are determined not to be undersold by any house in town. All kinds of country produce taken in ex change Mr Goods at the highs or market prices. Prompt attstition 'mid to storing and liirwurd ing till kinds of rnerchniAsc. pnchice, he. iluntingdon, April 24, 2855.-ly PORT MONNAMS, Cnses,ml the ti. nest quality of WOSTENIIO43I'd rocket knivea, a very largo quantity at Ede, Snare% Store. L.4DIES DRESS GOODS, plus. Octanes, P. Octanes, Dc Berege, Lawns. Ginghauis, and a choice variety of Gouda of all kinds, at the store nt GEO. GIVIN. A beautiful assortment of Silk Dress Patterns, lilitek Silk, noel Bonnet I.luingoust receiv ed and fur sale by J. & W. Saxton JUST received and for sole, Gam. Shoulder, Side, Dried Beef, Lake 'Front, White Fish also Dried Peaches, Dried Apples, &v. &e. fur sale by & W. SAX:TO. LADIES Lasting and Silk work Gaiters, Kid Morocco, and Goat Boots and Shoes, at the store of GEO. LAVIN. GOLD CHALVS—A fine variety for sale, ve ry low, at Eom. SNARE'. Tun Rt:cEivED and for Fish, sot an , Plusterby J. t . SAXION. FLOUR by thTbbl. Wheat by the bushel fur 11 cite at D. P. UWINS. CARPET Bilge, just received and for %nle 61 J. j• SAXTOA. Aflr"stoTo'rt!;lY --_— • --------- , GrA tine lot uf Plb.Le at EOM. StiAar's. ' Fish fur Sale. 15 Sorrels Susquehanna Shad. D ' LINNETS. of all sorts and colon, also, Miss' . 10 Half bbl. " ' '"' A flush supply of Garden Seed, Irani liihley .1.) Flats, from SI v-i `it*, justreeeived and f.r , t e ar retti-ed and f,r sole At gi,r. ,to, of A ,plvtAid let of fieunetil illFt received nod fur .1, fierdene, just itcei, rd . , ;rod f. or ,ala by salt ~rI k W. 7 , AXIIT_;. • , - ;Er, .1 v, L. -,,, , nl , b. I. .i. 11'. .I XT , o.l'. re), ::.1. to::. .1 .... SAN r.), . Boarding, Tuition kind larniihol rooms per terns St 00 Latin, (Jarman, French, Painting, Drawing and instrumental Mua le, Extra. 11ev. I. W. WAIII), Principal. March 2^, 1855-tf. BR HODES'S FEVER AND AGUE CLUE, For the prevention And Cure of Intermittent and Remittent Fevers, Fever and Agne, Chills and Fever. Dumb Ague, General Dchility Night j Sweats. and all otherforms of disease which have : com Mon origin in Malaria or Miasma. This is a natural antidote which will entirely protect any resident, or traveller even in the j most sickly or swampy localities, from any Ague or Bilious disease whatever, or any injury horn constantly . inhaling Malaria or Miasma. - „ It will instantly check the Ague in persons who have suffered for any length of time, from one day to twenty years, so that they need tever to beim another chill, Icy cots nutti n g in 111X0 Cc cording to directions. The patient at once begins to recover appetite and strength, nod continues anti: a permanent and radical core is effeetc.l. One or two bottles will answer lot onlinary cases ; some may require more. Directions prin ted Ciertnun, French and Spanish, Itccoevany each bottle. Price ono dollar. Liberal dis• counts made to the trmie. JAMES A:RHODES, Providence, R. I EVIDENCE OF SAFETY. New Yc!rk, June 11, "I have made n chemical examination of "Rhode's Fever anti Ague Cure," or Antidote to Malaria, nod have tested it liar Krseuic, Mer cury, Quinine, tad Strychnine, hut have not Umnd n particle of either in it, nar have 1 found any mthstance in its composition that would prove iniurions to the constitution. JA3iES R. CHILTOM, M. D. Chemist.' EVIDENCE OF MERIT. Lawisb9rg, Union Pa.,..11 . 1tiy . p . , 1835. el Mr. .1. A. Rhodes—Deur Sir: The box of medicine you sent me was duly received on the llth ot April. 1 have sold about one ball of it, and so titr the people who have aced it, and six of the cons were of long standioa ; my sister. who hod it for tive or six years bock, and could never got it stopped, except by quioine, and that only us long as she would take, is now, I think, entirely cured by your rmiedy... C. R. McdINGLY." CAUTION TO AGUE SUFFERERS, Take no more Arsenic, Tonics, Mercury, Qui nine, Fehrifuges, Strychnine, or Anti-Periodies, of any kind. The well-known inefficiency of the , a noxious poisons proves them to he the off syring of Moe medical principles, or of mercena ry quacks. The only remedy in existence that is both sure and harmless is RHODES' FEVER AND AGUE CURE. AGENTS—in LkHOllOOll, Thomas Ucud & Son, and for ode by deniers generally. March 20, 1555-Iy, li 1 LAIC ~~ Brought Home to the Door q/' the Million. A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY has recent ly been made by Dr. Curtis, of this city, in the treatment of Consumption. Asthma and all diseases of the Lung. We refer to "Dr. Curtis' Hygeans, or Inhaling Ilygeau Vapor and Cher ry Syrup." With this new method Dr. C. has restored many rlllicted ones to perfect health ; as an evidence of which be has innumerable cer tificates. Speaking of the treatment, a physi cian remarks ; It is evident that inhaling—con stantly breathing an agreeable, healing vapor, the medicinal properties must come in direct coo. tact with the whole of the anal cavity of the lungs, and thus escape the many and varied changes produced upon them when introduced into the stomach, and subjected to the process of digestion. The Hygeana is lint sole at all the druggists' thronethet!tt the counter. • x;;e Yewle Dutch In lir An. 14 'Cho Inhaler is worn on the lirea74 m u t e r th e linen without the let ineourenienee—the heat of the body being soffit:lent to evaporate the fluid. Hundreds of CASES of CUlt ES like the fol lowing might he named. Ono Package of Hy geana has cured me of the ASTHMA of six years standing. Jas. KeeAerry, P. 31. of P.m.., Pa. I tun mired of the ASTHMA of 10 rears standing by Dr. Curtis' Ilygenna. MarylretEasion,lir?oldpa, N. Y. Price three Dollars a Packago,—Soll by CC RTIS & PEI:10 Nti awl BOYD & PAUL. No. 14U Chambers St., N. S'.--t package sent free by expreaa to any part of the Unitckt State, for Ten Dollars. N. 8.-Dr. Coro,' Itygenna is the ORIGI NAL and ONLY GENUINE ARTICLE. all others are base imitations or vilo and INJURI OUS counterfeits. Shun them as you would • Sold by RUSSEI.T. & s(morr, W. 133 Market Street, Philadelphia, wbe will sell 11) the dozen at Proprietors rate, Sept. 20. 1854 —I y. VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Dn. Juuxs, one of the most celebrated l'hy sicians in NMV York, write, 00 follows Du. Currts—Pcor sir :—lftlyiog witness. ed the excellent effects of your if vitro 04 MI INHALING IlYramAx VAPOR' ?ND CHERRY 5VH1.71., hi It MAC of chronic Brunt:lOUs, and being mach id ir s , tsjor broofue,rml tubes .oeririt an d l atic k m in affection, o f floe d ung,, I c L an ei, fore cheerfully recommended your Medicated apparatus a, being the most convenient and effectual mode of applying anythie.J of the kind 1 have ever seen. No doubt thousands of persons may he relieved, and many eared by using your remediea. Yon are at liberty to use this in any you may think proper. Respectfully, yJmrs, C. JOHN'S, M. D.. No. 609 Houston St., New Yuri, j I'rof S Center write, us a, follows :- 1 0 CNTLEMI,N.—I have recently had occasion I to test your Cherry Syrup and Ifygean Vapor in a ease ore/ironic sore throat. that had ',limed jto yield to other fortes of treatment, and the re. I . . J. F. itamnr. volt has satisfied my, that whatever may he' error the composition of your preparation, it is no !r . A 1 1 imposition, bat an exerllent remedy: I wish '43110. LII, ii.;` .llLE\ for the sake of the afflicted that it. I might be plt.,§, WV; EvryoßS, brought within the reach of all. Ofilee w i t h DANIEL AFRICA, street, REV. Doetur CHLIEVER between Montgoincry and .sect,;, MM. NEW•YMIC NO, Li, fr4ept. a0,'64. DEAR Slit: —I think Wghly of Dr. Curtis's flygenon, us n rmedy in diseases or the throat , ImEAUTIFUI, assortment of Fancy Cassi• and lung. flaying had some opportunity t„, I 1.1 mere, cloths, Summer Wear, for men and test its efficacy. I to convinced that it is I t""' 4L'ON. 6"' Carpetl3° P' B ` c * , s ale by J. & W. SAX re cis. most exeelirmt medicine, both the Spill, and j d told our time inhaling application to the chest. QILls: Dress Mations, Roam: de Lanes,Bma• HyuE,Ne is for sale by Thomas Read & 17 .ces, and Lawns of every variety and color, too. See advertisement in another column I 'ust received and for tale by headed. Hygeall 1114, i J. &W. SAXTON. ! Jan. 23. 1055—tint. MISCELLANEOUS FIVE PER CENT SAVING FUND, Of The National Safety Company. frulma Street, South West Corn, Thief, Street, PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated by the State of Penn sylvania in Mil. 1, ICE PER CENT interest in given end the money is always paid hack whenever it is called for, without the necessity of giving notice for it beforehand. People who have large sums yet their money in this Safety Fund, on account oi the superior safety and convenience it affords, but any sum, large or small, is received. 'rids SAVING FUND Ilan more than half a mil lion of dollars, securely invested for the safety of depositors. The Mice is open to receive and pay money evny day. tl•om 9 o'clock in the morning till 7 o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings, till 9 o'clock. People who have money to put in; are invited to roll at the office fur further information. HENRY 1.. BENNER, Presq. nottEwr SELFRIDGR, Vice I're>•'t. We, .1. lictin, Secretary. Nur, 1, 1554. Ervz. (Successor to Hurley 6. Bedding and Carpet WAREHOUSE, No. 118 South Second Street, FIVE AllOVI: tiPRUCE SUECT, Where he keeps constantly on hand n full nssort mut of every article in his line of business. Feathers, Feather Beds, PATENT SPRING mATTEEssEs, Cul led Muir, In,s, Own Ilusk and Straw TI? 71,1,,5r,,, Ange's, Three-I'ly, ld,yrttrit, Ust, gry and Ilemp C.u . peting2, Oil Cloths, Canton Mattings, co::o3:inti spank!, mstangs, Floor and Stair nraagets, Dearth Rug,, Door Slats, TABLE AND PIANO COVERS, 'l'o a hich ho respectfully invites the attention of purehr.sers. [Oct. 4, '54.-Iy. A SPLENDID ARRIVAL FALL AND WINTER W. 3 Tr - nth \ -1 1 . AT TICE 111,IINGDON CIMTIII,, STORE A. WILLOUGHBY, H.±S just returned from the east with a large and splendid eg , :ortment of Fall and Winter Clothing, for men and boys, mode in the latest fltshion and in the most durable manner. Who ever wants to be dressed better and cheaper than` anybody else in town, let him MI at W . T.1.01:0111111 - '8 CIICAP CLOTHING STORE, one door west of T. Stm's drug store, Huntingdon. Call 111111 see for yourselves Oct. 18. 1854. HIDE OIL AND LEATHER STORE. D. KIRKPAIRICK, N 0.21 South Third Street, Del Market and Chetinat Streets, Philadelphia, ITAS FOR BALE, nifki) Dry and Green Salted Patna Kips, TANNERS' OIL, Tanners' and Curriers' Tools, AT THE ...Est PRICES AND UPON T. MAT ce Alt kindi efLeather in the Rough wanted, for which the highest market price will be given in cosh, or taken in exchange for Hides. Leather Stored free of Charge and Sold on Commission Dee. 20, 1854.—1 y. HENRY W. OVERMAN, No 6, South Third Street, BELOW 3LIIIKET, Philadelphia. Importer, Manufacturer and General rt-• -, 2' , 1'.:;'5, '13:,•1.4'_:?,, C4n,lantlN on hand, and Airway , . Vinishing I All kinds of Leather, Moriice, Call Skins, Sheep Skins, &c,, &e. The ntlenticu ~t* Country Merchants and Man. ulitetnrees, iA solicited . _ RED AM) OAK SOLE LEATHER. Der. 20, Isr,i.-Iy. NEW STAGE LINE, frill: subscriber would respectfully Inform the 1 traveling public that Irak now running a line if Mehl from nit. Union to Orbisonia, as lidlowst From f 41dt:cilia to Mt. Union and back again, every day, intersecting the Champersburg line at Orbisonia. Passengers wkiiing to go to Shade Gap, or any other place, will he taken on without delay. Ins Ibtekn are good and comfortable, and he in determined to have none but good and steady drivers; in a word, his desire is to carry passengers in comtlert and safety. JAMES S. 131.11tKET. • Orbisonia, Nor. 8,1554.—1 y. INDUSTRY MUST PROSPER. JN. 'SALL respectfully solicits the attention sof the farming community to a quality of P/09/1" which he is now manufacturing., and will hare ready for sale in a few days, he is Also pro pare.l to make harrows, wagons, carts, wheel borrows, &c., and to do all kind of repairing at tho shortest notice, and in tho most substantial manner. Shop on N. W. corttcr el Muationery ;tad Warlr ingtott sts. March 27 1855- tf. FEMALE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. THE lilwary will he open ercruSatui•day comb it: 3 ('(lock. is their room in the Court Iran, Subseription 50 emits Sew books have been added to the orate ediunt writhig,i, Taylor's &e. The •: I patronage of the public will enable the CI lion to be nii.ll more extended.-- By order of the President. 1 Ilnutio;:don, Jan. 22 1H55. LEATHER. rxturz, licsonv & CO. No. 20 North TIIIRD Street, PHILA. j °ROCCO M CI;RIIIE. and I 131VOIrrrItS Or FRENCH CALF SKINS, :old de:ll , , in IlLoatolOAli SOLE LEATHER flAeTtyttMlVottl o a r n v d i l o u t , ' i t .t h; le l s a a te n l qualities—will be sold low at the cheap store of May 9,1945.-9 to EO. _ . MISCELLANEOUS. GREATEST MEDICAL DISCO• VERY OF THE AGE• Dr. Kennedy, of Roxbury, has discovered in ono of our common pasture weeds a remedy tlint cures V7l - 017 ERB @? 11TETUI D the worst scrofula down to a common pimple. lie has tried it in over 1100 cases, and never failed except in two cases, (both thunder humor.) He has now in his possession over two hundred certificates of its vistue, all within twenty miles of Boston. Two thottles are warranted 4 it cure a nursing we mouth. One in three 'males will cure ti a worst kind Pimples on' the thee. • • • ••• • - - T oor three bottles will clear the system of Biles. Two bottles are warranted to cure the worst case of Erpirelas. One to iwc; bottle , . nth warranted to care all Rumor in the Eye,. Two bottles ,ire warranted to cure running of the ears and blotches among the hair. Four to six. bottles arc warranted to cure cor rupt and running ulcers. One bottle Will cure scaly eruption of the skin. Two to three bottles nrc warranted to curs the worst cam of tingwortn. Tw•o to three bottles ore warrooted to cure the mom ilesuerote riISC of rheutioubut. Three to four bottles are w•arreuted to cure the salt rheum. Fire to eight bottles will cure the worst case of scrofula. A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle, and 0 perfect cure is warranted when the above quantity is token. Reader, I peddled over a thousand bottles of this in the vieinity of Boston. I knew the effect or it in every ease, eio sure as water will main mask fire, so Fure will this cue humor. I never sold o bottle of it hat that sold another; after a trio! it always speaks Mr itself. There are two things about this herb that appear to me surpri sing: ; lira that it grows in our pastures, in some place, quite plentifel.and yet its value has never been known until I discovered it in 1845—second that it should cure all kinds of humor. In order to give some idea of the sudden rise and great popularity of the discovery. I will state that in April, 1853, I peddled it and sold about slx bottles per day—in April, 1854, I sold overrate thousand per day or it. Some of the wholesale Druggists who have been in business twenty Ulla thirty years, say that nollting in the annals of patent medicines was ever like it. There is a universal praise of it from all quarters. In my own proete I always kept it strictly for hutnors—bat since its introdnetion as A general fitmily medicine, great and wonderful virtues have been found in it that I never suspected. Several eases of epileptic fits—a disease which was always considered incurable, have been ens red by a few bottles. 0, what n mercy if it will prove effectual in all eases of that dreadful mal ady—there sire but lbw who have suture of it than I have. I know of several mos of Dropsy', all of whom aged people cured by it. For the various disea ses °Nile Liver, Sib ileadache, Dyspepsia, Asthma, Fever nod Ague, Pain in the Side, Dis- Stioes of the Spine, nod particularly in diseases of the Kidneys, Ste., the discovery I‘.an done more good than troy medicine ever known. No change of diet ever neeessory—cut the best you eon get eel enough of it. DIRECTIONS volt Uom—Adults one tale spoonful per rtay.-Children over ten years des set t spoonful! —Children from live to eight years teaspoonfull. As tut directions eon he implicit ble to all constitutions take sufficient to °perm! un the bowels twit e n day. Moutffitetured by DONALD KENNF,DY, No. 120 Merrill St., Roxbury, Hass. Pries *l,OO 'l'. W. Mon., (lcuertl Agent for Pennsylva nia, Wholesale Agents.—N. Y. City, C. V. Click nor, t Barclay Street.—C. 11. Ring, 122 Broad & Clark, 275 Broadsvay.--A. B. & b. sands, 100 Fulton Street. • Fur sale by B. W. Braman, MeVeytown; Mrs. Mare Marks, Lewistown) T. Read & Sou, Hun tingdon. And sold by Agents generally May 2, 1885.-1 y. A Miracle of Science. Mt. C. 1.. Keßing of Mechanicsburg Cumber. I 1.,1 laud cottety Pa., announces to those tab, red with Tum.res, Wens, Cancers, Polypus, ! Lupus Moles or Marks, Scrofula or King's Evil and till diseases that Lace been usually treated • with Caustic or Knife. he can remove them by an entirely new method, without cutting, burn. in,g, or pain neither Chlorotbrm or Ether is ad. mosistered, to the patient. It is no matter on what part of the body they may be he can remove them with perfect safe ty, and in a remarkably short time. No Min , oral or Vegetable poison is applied; nod no money required until a cure is perfected. Prolapses Uteri, Female complaints, Chronic, Venereal nod all ether diseases treated with positive success. Full particulars can be ob. ' mined by addressing in either English or Ger man, pJst paid. Patients can be accommoda. ted with Board on reasonable terms. Mechanicsburg is one of the prettiest and healthy towns in this or any other State. It is 8 miles from Harrisburg on the C. V. R. R. and accessible from all parts of the Union. The Dr. will visit cases in any part of the State when desired. Kind render if you know• any afflietca follow creature, delay not to tell them of this treat- January 16, 1855-Iy. BANKING HOUSE BELL, GARRETTSON & CO., On Xn•ill•tre.sq ql Ilill and .1! tpt Bircels, in the linronylt of llunt,n;it,,m, T which a general Banking butinosi is con. 1.1 templated to he done. • --• •• - • • • —• • - - brafts'oh Plhiladelphin, Pittsburg, be, be., [awn), tier sale. rolleetintm made at the pal points in Om United Fumes. Money received en t, payable on demand ; hohlt inherent; also for 3,6, and 12 months, .ilhle with reasonable rates of interest thereon, Memion, of Finn: Hollidaysbinv: 11..1011N9T0N, W3I. M. Lloyd, J. 9J. BELL, WM. JACK, Iluntitaydon, Wm. Dumf., Jm, A. P. Wri.som, J. GE O. M.., Wm. P. OrmsuN, JOON SCOTT, JAM rti (i Geo. W. thuiterrnon. Huntingdon, Pi., July 12, 1854. STOVES! STOVES:STOVES: I W.RO Z., 4 ri; A. I, it: & It r. 'l7. . A, I. 4.. .., rpm: undersi o thi wow.' ve v ect al ray . 7 .... t ail 1 call the attention of Store Deer , . - '-`,,• and thous in went of a Sum, fr,r Parlor, Dining•rcom end Kitchen to our eaten sire whortment of every description of Stereo, to wit : liar Stale. six holes on top, Globe Conk liftek's Cook, for wood, Modern Troy, Complete Cook, Sweet Home, Lilly Dale, Yoeutn Cook, Hager Cook, end Parlor Stoves of different kinds too numerous to mention ; also, to our I celehrated MacGregor Heating Stove for Parlor, I hotels, hulls, :old large stoves warranted to give 1 more heat with one-quarter the fuel, then any other stove now meth,. We arc tt,, ,, ents for Barstow & Co's celebrated 1 stoves, which, foe fineness of casting, durability and utility, are not to he excelled. Also, Queen's Patent Portable Forges, the host now in use.— References in regard to the above stoves are el• ways to he seen at our store. NEMAN & WAIMICK. N. E. Corner Second & Itace Fes., Pill LA DELPHIA. MISCELLANEOUS. ARMITAGE'S Electro-Magnot Lightning Rods. FTER many year!' close investigation and numerous experiments, the Patentee takes pleasure In informing the public that he has arri ved nt the true principles of protecting families, dwellings and property from the destructive in fluence of Lightning. The calamities that' every City, 'Town, Village and Country falls vie tins to annually, through the gross negligence of its inhabitants, is beyond calculation, especially when the remedy is so easy to obtain—thin is lotted in ArtnitageN Patent Magnetic Lightning Rada, and in this alone. This Rod bus been examined by the most scientific gentlemen in the world—Professors ISPMurtrie, Johnson ' Waller and many others that have ex• mined them, recommend and speak of them in the highest terms of approbation, and have pro nounced them the only safe rods its use in this or any other conetry, for the protection of Lives and Property. One edvantage is to divide and throw Lack ti part of the electric fluid harmless to the clouds; in time of a stroke this enables the rod to conduct that portion of fluid that belongs to the earth without the slightest danger of leaving the conductor. This rod Item many other advan tages over the old one. The only place of men• utneturing is in do r ors chore Twelfth, Philadelphia, where all persons, are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. For sale Whole sale and Retail, by THOS. ARMITAGE. Orders promptly attended to. Terme cash. Recommendations. PuipnA.. Aug ? 13, 1817. I have this day carefully inspected a Conductor or Lightning Rod, with vane and index, erected by Mr. Thomas Armitage, on Bellevue Rouse, Gloucester, and have no hesitation in saying that it is not only the best that I have over seen, hut that it is the only one I have yet examined that is constructed on strictly scientific principles. It is with much pleasure that I recommend this conductor to the attention of owners of buildings. H. McMURTRIE. I am well satisfied that the Magnetic Lightning Mod, manufactured by Mr. Thomas Armitage, of Philadelphia, is the best that has ever been made• I have spent several years in the study of the laws of electricity and magnetism, and have no bonito- tion in saying that those nodsehre constructed upnu the only principle of safety. The electric . ' shock is received and dispensed by the magnetat the top of the rod, and it would be impossible, according to the laws of attraction nail repulsion, fora building to be injured by a stroke of light ning when invectei? by one of these rods. I have been acquainted with Mr. Artn huge for mv eral years, and before he commenced the mann. facture of those rods I examined the principle on whirls they arc constructed, and felt convinced that their adoption would he attended with com plete success. The increasing, demand for these rods, and the extensive sales in all parts of the country, is ample commendation of their utility and superiority. TRACY E. WALLET?, M. D. Rising Sun, Philatl. C 3., April 10, 1E52. . The following extract is taken from en editori al in the Germantown %clegrnjo, edited by Major FuEmi "The bogus rod placed upon our dwelling we have had taken down; and another routed by Mr. AIMITArir, to which we would call the attention of our farmers and renders generally. It is put p oSt tone scientitic principles, and is a rod that has been approved by the [aghast authority, and Mill bear the most thorough examination. Those who have been deceived, es we have been, should lose no time in having a proper protection against lightning, substituted. The cost is a mere bag atelle when compared with the entire safety of our houses anti barns against this destritctire ale• moot. Mr. ARMITAGE'S IMISTIIigOIOOIII will he found in the columns of this paper; end we feel us theut,, , , we teem performing an imperious duty to the community, by thus inviting to it general attention." PHILADELPHIA, Dee. 4, 1852. Mr. T. ARMITAGE, Vine Street, west of Twelfth Street,yhilthyphia. 111 v onto Sin: Alter a trial of imply weeks, it affords Inc great pleasure to inform von that 001 highly delighted a ith the lightning rod you placed upon my house et Bustleton. As far us my chemical knowledge enables me to perform an opinion, I am satisfied you have developed the correct principles in the adaptation of rods to protect property from destruction by lightship; ns soon as the advantages of your arrangements are understood, I tint convinced that lets persons will be fumul so reckless as to fail to avail themselves of the protection afforded by your rods. Wishing you all success in your enterprise, 1 Inn Volty;tPtlly, JAMES McI'I,INTOCK, M. D., No, I. North Eleventh Street, Piot - ease'. of Allfttonly, Philadelphia College of Medicine. SAMUEL 11001'ER, Iloetleion, Union Co., !'n., Is Agent for Huntingdon, and adjoining counties, and will furnish the Rods on the same manner as the Proprietor. Any person desiring to be sup plied with the Rods can leave their order with the Editor of the Journal, or with Coffins Miller, of the Rail Road Hotel. April 12,'54. HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY. DC. MeGILL returns histbanks -.A. to his friends and the public for their very liberal patronage, and hopes by strict attention to business • to merit a Continuance 5f the same, in all kinds of Castings, Cooking Stever ' Air-Tight, ntrlor, Ten PIrAD Wood'Stoves, o and Coal Stoves of various si zes, nod all kinds of Ploughs: the Lancaster and the Plank flarshear patterns, and Keystone No. 4 Sell-sharpening and Hill side Ploughs, and Shears to suit all kinds of Ploughs in the country; Rolling-mill and Forge Castings, Orist and Saw mill Castings, Lewistown Threshing Machine Patterns, and the four horse and tsvo horse Dosser of Chambersburg patterns; and all other kinds of castings too minim, to mention, all of which will be sold cheaper than ever for cash and all kinds of country produce. Also, old mettle taken iu exiliatige for castings. Huntingdon, November 9. 1853. ROBBED, BUT NOT DISHEARTENED. Brilliant Display of Jewelry. rim E public generally, and the reseals who, 1 some limo since, entered my store and remo ved valitahles to the amount of about $llOO without my permission, are informed that I have rust opened a more general and hatter assortment of artie!es in my lino of business than wee ever brought to Huntingdon. consisting of Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, fine Knives,, ;mil yerihmeey, Port Mon itaies, Sliver Ware and Pitney Articles. Sc.. &e, old friends and mtstontets, and the public hr general . throughout the comity are requested to cull and examine my assortment EDMUND SNARE Huntingdon, March 29,1854 JOUN SCOTT SAMUEL T. BROWN CtArfe Minn% Attorneys at Law, Huntingdon, l'a., OM, ,acne RA that formerly occupied I.) John Scott, Esq. Oct. 19, 1853. TO WOOL CARDERS. rl Itl a nder,igned hare for sole a second-hand -1. ed Carding Machine, with all the ne cessary tixturci, whieh they offer for sale very ow. Anr one wishing to purchase will do well to call nor! ,iec it. KESSLER & BRO. Mili Creel:, April 12, 1854. 1114107'1E8. Still at His Post! 1 1 , 11 E undersigned, now engaged In potting up Armitage's Eleetro Magnetic Lightning Boils in this and adjoining counties, would res pectfully call the attention of the intelligent pub lic to the great superiority of this Patent, at a season like this, when accidents to property and life almost daily occur, it is the dictate of haalall ity, es won as interest, to make use of the best means of security in our power, fur though the Lightning be in the hands of Ilim who rules the storm, Ili. protection and blessing are always room:clad with our own ellints. SAM r 11 ,- 111VP:P. .... BUSINESS ITEMS. HOUSEKEEPERS. HOUSEKEEPERS study your interests, why go to Auction and pay extraveent prices for half-made FURNITURE? Coll at No. 1, North NINTH street, and examine the largest assort ment of tho best made Furniture and Bedding in the city, scattier Beds, Hair, Husk, and Straw Mattresses; a large assortment of fancy What nots, Sofa Tables, marble tops, and Washstands; Walnut and Mahogany French Tate•a-totes, Di vans, Wardrobes, Bookcases; French Bedsteads; Fancy Stalled Seat, Cane seat, Windsor, and of fice Chairs, Counting-house, and cane-seat Stools, Settee and Arm-chair Cushions; Cottage furni ture made in every style and color; Sofa Beds and Lounges, wholesale and retail, md warranted to give satisfaction, and sold at the lowest prices. Sep. 29, 1853. Real Estate Agency. The undersigned has established nu agency for the. Sale and Purchase of Real Estate iu Huntingdon county. Any person wishing to sell or purchase can give, us a description of the property, its lora. Wm, quantity, quality, and terms. We engage in this agency on such terms as cannot be objected to. The Agent has the facility of making the property extensively known. We now have some very desirable land which we otter on easy terms. WM. BREWSTER. THOMAS P. CAMPBELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Will attend to all business entrusted to him. Of tico nearly opposite the Court House, May 4,'33. A. W. BENEDICT, .ITTORNEY 4T L4IV, Informs his old friends and the public that he has returned to his old hone, and will attend to all business in his profession, entrusted to him, with fidelity and his best ability. °Mee hi Main Street, south tide, the last house below the Court house. Huntingdon, May 13, MI Adams & Co.'s Express. T. K. SIMONTON, Agent, Huntingdon. Money, Packages, and goods °fall kinds, re- ceived and forwarded at the risk of the company to nil the cities and principal towns in the United State May l , '52. rtHE greatest variety of Dress Trimmings, Fens, Cravats. Zeflir, Tyde Yarn, Dress Buttons, Ladies Collars, Chennzetts, Fancy Hinds., Under Sleeves, Rid and Lyle Thread Gloves, and Hosiery of every variety, just recei ved and for sale by J. & W. BAXTON. A NOTHER fresh supply of Borne do Loins, ti Leone, Bowe, all wool de Bage, and part cotton from 20 to 87} cts per vd. Also another fresh supply of Trimmings, just rec'd and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. A 13EAUTIFHL lot of Gents. &Rom. Ladies Gaiters and Shoes, Gents. Boots and Shoes, Misses Guitars and Shoes, of an endless variety, just received and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. 170 SS U T 11, Wellington, Cottage. s , T . J' Gothic, and other Cloel,, for sale " l ` cheap, at FAN Snare's Jewelry Store, a [ Huntingdon. " 01211 LE Barrelled English Snub rind Twist D FOWLING PIECES—aIso Single Barrel ed Guns, from four dollars to thirty each, fur sale by J. & W:SAXTON. JUST receiving the handsomest lot of Carpets everodered in this place. Also, Oil Cloths, which will be sold low by J. ??. li'. SAXTON. A LARGE Sri ss;t!endi.s: :'fS netss, Misses' Flats and obiltirens' Tlats and Caps, selling. at low prices at the store of GF:O. C; IF/V. Abeautiful lot of Cast Iron Pumps, for Wells . and Cisterns, just received, and for sale by Feb. 23,1853. & W. SAXTON riAsslNErrs, Corduroy, Tweeds, K. Jeans, for sale at the cheap corner opposite C Coats' Hotel. 1). P. GWIN. JUST received a beautiful mottment of Scol ipml and Plain Velvet Ribbons, by J. & W. SAXTON. Jas.lWelintock% Family Medicines Ibt• gale, by lIOILhCE W. SMITH. Huntingdon, Mardi 29, 1851.-3:a. beautiful assortment of Cross•barred India 11. Silk, jug) received and for gale by I. & W. SAXTON. A large lot of Shoes—Lace Boots, Buskins, LlMlsses and Children's at the Store of 1). I'. (.WIN. BOOTS/I.ArD SHOES, for men and boys, a good assortment, at the store of CEO. large assortment of Lawns and Borneo do Ill.:Ames, just received at the cheep store of D. P. GWIN. AFRESH supply of Gingluaus, Check, end Slumbray, just received and for rule by T. & W. SAXTON. 2000 Feet of Safety Faso, W. received and foe sale by J. & SAXTON. n ad f l o l r E s i i:re at o. theel„UroersolP received A s e l i t e . r t io or r e rtl n i rticic of arnin4 i , i l .s ; ;Zat • - I;VtulltedS) (old'lv ey a n d Bllated Spectacles, at SnarO Jewelry Store. GINCHIAMS—DOntertie and Dress, just re •••A- cuts,' of D. I'. GWIN'S Cheap Store. 1 n BARRELS Roe Den iugjustreeeiyed snit Lk , fur sole at the store ot (110. ASPLENDID asiortincrit (f Ladies' I)reaa Goads.jeit received at CARMON'S, FISH JIND nit solo at the store of GEO. C WIN. po4I.'LM.Z i N a N re .%IE S from2s rents 1 , 9 E to S iB B l 2 . 00 25 1 . 11 , 11 0 1:1.S soperfeto Fbag,rsAit r t l the SPLENDID norteA:stare 5 . 17 1 : 1 7 1 11 Z I b i to tzti r e a le of Ct i ; Vinegar for for PARFUIiEnI—.I good lot. or the h, 1:1)31U ND SNA B thocheupcoruoruf A. el I ” t c , s , LM ,X. PFurtT o S io l3 } CR llnnis and B ( r ).. e ., ...,: i us n a t Ilats i , ,, fi! ) ,.e ti la N t v ei A superior lot of Rifle;, for ealo 11 .:; ,;1, i1 l e i A N.r. te( lbs.or Coil Fish, just ruceivell and LA) sale by J. & W. SA:ITON. .1)11/1EASTP/NS, Ear Rings, and Finger LP in endless variety, nt St: nE'n. A l s ex r I , t variety of title lI V i I / 4 1:4,. 0 ,,, ,t•ier: o#, l'hi t ;#). I.IIIN. MISCELLANEOUS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND JEWELRTI The subscriber, thankful to his friends and pa trons, and to the Public generally, for their pa tronage, still continues to carry on at tho same stand, one door east of Mr. C. Coot's Hotel, Mar ket street, Huntingdon, where lie will attend to all who will favor him with their custom, and al so keeps on band a good assortment of Ws Tonne, et.ocits, JEWELRY, &c., &C., all of which he is determined to sell at low prices. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of all kinds will be repaired at abort notice, and having made ar rangements with a good workman, all repairs will be done in a neat and durable manner, and every person leaving 'articles for repairing shall have them done et the precise time. By paying striet attention to business, and selling at low rates, ho hopes to receive a share of public patronage. JOSEPH RIGGER Huntingdon, Sept. 7, 1852.—tf. THOS. READ, Would respectfully inform his friends and the public, thnt lie has on hand and is receiving for the coming senson, n fine assortment of os•-zpuP ct:4 a xru., Consisting of Watches, Chains, Breast Pins, Fin ger Rings, Ear Rings, Pencils, Keys, Thimbles, Studs, 'RedaMons, Ste. Together with his,:celebra ted and unrivalled — GOLD PEN. `Which is equal if not superior, to any now in to e Each Pen is Engraved with his own name, and every Pen Warranted. Oh did you ever, no I never ! Mercy en us what a treat; Oct Read's Gold Pen, they're extra fine, And only found in North Third Street. A splendid Pen !!! Where did you get it 7 Pure Diamond Pointed, can't he heat; " " -• " • Y., my friends. there's no hnmhuging In Read's Gold Pens of North Third Strut t. 'Rd's T e dst e r a ee t I below Arch Lti d it t il s %ly . at 56 Nu h THOS. READ, Plladelphia. Jan. 8, 1852.—tf. Lots in Altoona for Sale. LOTS FOR SALE IN LTOONA six miles north of Hollivaysburg,and about one mile north west of Allegheny Furnace, Blair county. Alter the 21st day of May, the LOTS in said Tows wlll be open to the public for sale. It is well known that tne Pennsylvania Rail Road Company have selected this place Inn the erection of their main Machine and other Shops and are now building the same. The Rail Road willbe opened early in the Fall throwing at once a large amount of trash to this place. The main inducement at this time in Cl fering Lots for sale, being to secure the requis ite Machinists and Tradesmen, and homes for the Machinists and other employees of t:.e Rail Road Company. Early application will secure Lots at a low price. Fos further information apply to C. 11. MAY ER, at Altoona, or to R. A. McMCRTRIE. Hollidaysburg. May I, lS.o—tt. Tnouss .lACILSON, ruciams E FRANKLIN Blair county.. Lancaster county DAVID WMIIRTRIN, WILLIA3I GLUM, Huntingdon co. Lancaster count! JArsEs titTIONER, Rican. R. Bnesr, Blair county. Luneaster county. Central Penn'a. Banking Ifouse, OF BRIAN, GLEIM & CO.— Office on All., gheuy street, a few doors west of the Cotirt, House, and nearly opposite toe Post 011ie°, floi. lid . rsbsg, Pa. The Company in now ready to transact bus i• fleas. Upon money deposited for a specific period of three, six, nine or twelve months, terest will be paid at such rates as are usfirdl allowed by Saying: , Inetitutiums. Transient dc 7cci.es rn 'R. R. El 1. 1 .1:;, Hollidaysburg, May 21, 18,10. Notice to Tavefo NOTICE is hereby given to the keepers el NT, and Taverns within the county of Hunting don, that the Judges of the Court of Quarter Ste sions of said county, enjoin open the keepers 0 such Inns and Taverns that they close their res • pectic° bars on the Sabbath, and refrain from selling or dealing out liquors on tint day; and the licenses of such persons ns shall disregard this injunction will be revoked forthwith agreeably to the Act of Assembly in such case made and pro vided upon the fact of such violation coming to the knowledge of the Court. By the Court, 24th Jan. 1852. THEO. 11. C111:11Ell, Cleric. May I. 1852. H. K. NEFF, M. D., T_TA VING located himself in WAnnionsat.snx L. in this county, would respectfully offer his professional services to tho citizens of that place and the country adjacent. REFFERENCFA: J. B. Loden, H. D. Gen. A. P. Wi!,ion, H. A. Henderson, " Win. P. Orbison,E.l, J. H. Dorsey, " lion. James Gwinu, H. Stewart, " John Scott, Esq. Hon. George Taylor. _ Huntingdon, Al, Jacob M, Gommill, '.!q. D., Alexandria. John M'Cullorb, " Petersburg. ap7,'52-tt. Late Arrival of New Goode. A large lot of barred Delans. Persian Twills, Domestic and French Ginghams, Aloacens, sack Flannels, Tweeds and Limeys, brown :11111 bleat It. cd muslins, a large stock of ribbons, and a !mod em. assortment of dress goods for ladies and gentlemen. For style and price can't ba bent, for sale at GEO. (MIN'S Stunt, Ground Aiinin Suit junarrived a. for unit at GEO. GWIN'S Stare. no barrels Conemaugh Salt in atom and for onto by GEO. G WIN. A :ate arrival of English and French Merinos for solo low at the ,toro of CEO. Ci WIN. too kege, Nuils and Spike, for crib, by the keg or pound, at GEO. GWIN'S Store. 500 11. A. Cast Steel for arias and sledges, for sale at the %tura of GEO. GWIN. 500 I,ieces odic°, now styles and patterns, of gond finality, sold low et the store of GEO. GWIN. VitaWa :mop, a large and handsome assortment fur snle nt (tEO. ()WIN'S Store. Jaan..l, 1854. A. I'. WlLsov. It. Bocce WILSON & PETRIKIN, .LITTORNEYS L✓7N', II UN TI.VGDON, PA. Vraetiee in the several Coasts of Huntingdon. Bluir, Cumltrin, Centro, Mitßin anti Juniata Coon. Mardi 21, 1053. .1 ILL KE%I)S OF plain & lautp J 013 PRINTING, SECiI • PROGRAMMES, CARDS &C . And all Kinds ot Legal Blanks: U ned by Magistrates, 8c OthorH Printed at the .10111tin o orricu. BRAN Kig..nlimiyi buy . ! L la,1;! !!!! 1, a! ! I . • • 4 .l(miutl Wo lore ;•., pron•e•.-1 • • 1. .\ ~. ii