~: a 0 Vann'. NEW ADVIRTMEMENTS.—See now advertise• ments in to day's paper.—Administrator's No tice, by Alfred Crewit—Administrator's Notice by John Hodson—Fever and Ague Medicines --Boat for sale—Peaches by Kessler & Bro.— Wanted, &c., &c. TOROVED LARD LAMP.—A few excellent lard lamps, of an improved kind, for sale at this office. It is Stottesifer and Smith's im• !movement, and can be seen and examined at our office. It has been pronounced by all who have used it, to be superior to anything of the lamp kind, ever brought before the public. A COIINTERFEIT.—There arc a number of new and well executed five dollar bills on the Bank of Commerce, of Baltimore, now ill cir• culntion in our county. We were shown one by Major Garrettson. of the Huntingdon Bank. The paper is light and soft, but the plate is ve• ry good and well calculated to deceive.' It would be best to refuse all notes of that det.o• minotion on that Bank. gar Iftiz.—Lank and lean men have been in demand for the past •reek. Corpulent indi• vlduals have been in danger of melting away. Although of very moderate dimensions, our. self, we were in fear of having nothing left of us but a 'grease spot' on Friday last. Ther mometer at 95. It was hot. We say this feel. ingly, end without hesitation. Each particular pore of our "mortal coil" mined to have been converted into a spring, and although we had no sorrow. the big drops streamed down our cheeks. Wemore than perspired, we oozed a• way, "wasting our sweetness on the desert air." GOING TO SLEor.—li is n delicious moment certainly, that of tieing arl!•uestled in bed, and feeling that you shall fall gently to sleep, as caltnly as "Sinks the wave when storms are o'er." The good has come, not past ; the limbs have just been tired epough to render the remaining in one posture delightful; thelabor of the day is gone. A *lle thilure of the perspiration creeps over yon ; the spirit of conscionane , s disingages itself more and more, and with slow hushing degrees, like a mother detaching her hand from that of her sleeping child, the mind seems to lame a balmy lid clo dog over it, lit.e the closed.—The mysterious spirit is gohe to take its airy rounds. THE WORM ANE THE BETTERPI.T.--.oOrgft, dens end fields just now are full of beautiful. butterflies of every variety, of size and hue— trout the common, yellow winged flutterer am thig the flowers, looking like a yellow leaf waf ted on the wind, to the resplendent large wing ed butterfly, whose rotors rival those of the rain bow, and dazzle the eyes of the wondering child. A few days ago, these lovely wanderers from sweet to sweet, were lowly, crawling worms 'Ton the trees, or .on the ground. They were disagreeable to the sight, and those who are sow lost in admiration of the butterflies, per haps trod upon them recklessly. Thus is it with the lot of genius in the world. At first, poor and in obscurity, the miserable fop, revel ling in fancy drove and luxurious living, will sneer, nod, if possible, trample him under foot. But soon the beauty and light within the soul of genius shows itself--gradually, and with loveli• est opening, the glorious wings are spread, and the contemptons sneer melts into a glowing smile of admiration. The worts has become a butterfly. Too Doe Law.—lf we have a dog law, why isn't it enforced. We are greatly in reed of some law upon the subject, as the extreme heat of summer will soon be upon us, and it is an established fact that hydrophobia owes its exis tence, in a great measure to the extreme heat. Some of our citizens seem to think that n dug law for our borough, is unnecessary, and urge that the tax proposed to be impose.' • upon all dog owners, is greater titan they con afford to pay, whilst the usefulness of their animals trill be greatly diminished. These are eonsidera. tionswortby the attention of the council. We think flint a bornngh law thr the more effect.' remedy itgabist the tabbies which now prowl around our houses nightly, vexing our dreams with meet unearthly noises and furious Kilkenny combats ; who - so remorselessly de stroy flowers reared with care and trouble, and eren threaten the.eiigsters of the cage—the animal, in short, who by a long series of annoy ances, have caused a rise in the price of bricks; • -ur at least place them on a level with the ea. nine guardian of the night. To conclude, we only ask for the dogs n fair consideration, but don't wish it to be supposed for a moment, that , 'n fellow feeling makes us wondrous kind." Locusre.—The woods around this place are full of locusts, and more are coming. ,The Warriors' Ridge, west of the borough, we are told, is 'wary nearly coveted with them, and the noise they make is almost deafening. It sounds like the distant tinkling of a thousand small 'bells. The winds of those insects aro marked with a "W," and, in olden time it wassupposed : that this letter ferhoded war. Thu interest which this retnarkable insect fs arousing in this country, is very extraordinary, and is initnithst ed in various ways. Our locusts have brought out the Muse from the bushes, and he sends us the following effusion, which we publish verba. c fmt ct lileratini, et veltatint . . . You little red.iile Insex, What sings your song VPun the oked and various Other trees, making a constant noise Like a steme ittgina blower' At night a lung ways olf, Whar bay you biu sense last 1 hurd your voices, Some sixteen years ago ? I wonder ii you hew Staid ore: since under the ground, Buried thur out of eight ? I also wonder, now you hen elm out What you do lind to eat For you don't vein to her Such apatites as Faro's insex, And eat up every green thing. Ef you devour anything at awl I can't discover it. Are you rely a sign Of War, or Pestilence, er Farnming, Or all uigethpr / I don't think sor For I hey seen you several times Before, and nuthiti' patticlar happened Inunejetly Afterwards. 1 can't think You bring any effex of consequence At all, and you can leave just When you Om, or stay and hollor on. Insex. 0 one. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. Monday, July 2d, 1855. The caper tdemand for Flour, continues quite limited, and good brands are freely offered at $lO per barrel, but the buyers all refuse to pay this figure. Wheat is dull, and prices are.urs• settled—we quote red at $2,20®2.45 bush ; a lot of 500 bushels of superior white sold at $2,50. Rye is not inquired after. Corn is dull and prices barely maintained—Southern yellow was offered on charge at $1,06, without finding purchasers. Oats are unchanged—we quota Penna. at 60 cents and 58 ets.ll bo. to Groceries and Provisions no change touo• lice. RAILROAD HOURS. . TRAINS GOING EAST. 'r. I Ex. T. E. T. I Lx. T. Thin leaves P.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. Petersburg, 2.40 8.00 4.25 Huntingdon, 2.56 8.14 4.40 Mill Creek, 3.08 8.25 4.50 Mt. Union. 9.25 8.40 5.03 TRAINS GOING WEst. Train leaves P.M P.M. A.M. A.M. Mt. Union, 4.33 8.12 6.35 6,26 Mill Creek, 4.51 8.25 7.04 6.39 Huntingbon, 5.07 8.38 7,43 6.25 Petersburg, 5.23 8.49 8.13 7.05 MISCELLANEOUS. For Sale. Ono good Two Horse Spring. Wagon for sale by 0. R. RANKIN, Graysville, Huntingdon Co., PA. MEDICAL NOTICE. Dr. D. Houtz and Win. Grafius, having form ed a Medical partnership, under the title of Hants & Grating, off, their professional servi ces to the citizens of Alexandria, and the sur rounding country. Office—that formerly occupied by Dr. Houtz. DANIEL HOUTZ, M. D. WM. GRAFIUS, M. D. June 27, 1855.-3 in . _ Pennsylvania Magistrate's Library. BMWS JUSTICE, BUSINESS MA I,EI:AL GUIDE, Yew and Sia•//a lediliva,bringiny lke Law down to 1E65. A T4cotigt on the office and duties of Alder men and Jos tiecs of the Pence in the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, including all the requi red Forms of Precast and Docket Entries ; and embodying not only whatever may be deemed voluble to .10 TIrES 01: THE PEAdE, but, to Dandlords, Tenants, and General Agents ; and Making this volume as it purports to be, A Safe Legal Guide foe Business Men. By John Nuns, law Alderman of Walnut Ward, in the city of Philadelphia. The Sixth Edition. Revised, corrected, and great, enlarged by Frederick Brightly, Eeq., Author of ...A Treatise on the Law or Costs," "Equity Jurisprudence," "Nisi P tins Reports," Editor of "Purdun's Digest," &c. In ono thick volume, Octavo. Pries only s4,uo, ALSO, . COMPANION TO lIINN'S JUSTICIi GRAYDON'S FORMS , Forms of Conveyancing, and &Practice in the courts of Common Pleas, Quarter Sessions, Oyer and Terminer, the Supreme and Orphan's Courts and the offices of the vitriol's Civil cancers end Justices of the Pence. Fourth edition, revised, corrected, and adapted to the present state of the Law: with copious explanatory Notes and References, and a new, fell, and comprehensive Index. By Robert E. Wright, Esq. In one thick Octavo volume. Price only 53,50. A I,SIK STROUD AM) BRIGHTLY'S PURDON'S DIGEST.-1700 to 18Y. A Digest of the Laws of Pennsylrenin, from the gent One Thousnnd Seven Hundred, to the Eighth tiny o Mny. One Thousand Eight Hun. Bred and Fifty. The First Four Editions by the late Into Purdon, Esq. The Fifth, Sixth. Se, mall, by the Hon. Ocorge M. Shroud, Eighth Edition, Revised. with !Benzine! references ' foot Notes to the Judicial Decisions; Analytical Con tents ' • a Digested Syllabus of each Title ; and a New. Fall, and Exlianstive index. By Freder ick C. Brightl Y. Esq., Author of Treatise on the Law of Costs," "Equity - Jurisprudence," "Nisi Prin, , Reports," Editor of"Binn'sJusticc" &e. One thick Royal Bvo. Price only $5.00 . • egir The fresh and permanent value of Par don's Digest arc preserved by the publication anntmllv of a Digest of the Laws enacted each year. These annual Digests are arranged in pre rim conformity to the pion of Pardon's Digest. They are, each of thorn, republished annually ; are connected together by a General Index (pre pared anew each year.) which embraces the con tents of the Lnws of each year since the publica tion of Puril on's Digest, in one alphabet ; and are hound up with Pardon's Digest, and also sold sepnrately. Thus the purchaser of Pardon's Digest will al ways he in possession of the complete body of the Statute La. of Pennsylvania down to the very hour when he purchases it. Th.se who Irene already purchased Pardon's Digest may al ways complete it to lime for the small sum of Fifty Cents, the price of n volume containing all the annual Digests loaned since the float publica tion of the present edition of Portion's Bigot, us heretofore stated .„ KAY & BROTHER, LAW BOOKBELI..II AND PunLisumtm. 4.1917 South Fifth Street, First Store above Chestnut. CfrOrders or letters of bine ry for Lew Books from the country, promptly attended to. June 27, 1855-3 m. Notice to Supervigors. • 11l II AT the Ertst end of the Huntingdon, Coot. brie ,S; Indiana turnpike rood, from its eas tern terminus in tho borough of Huntingdon, to Getninill's Mill west of the borough of Alex. amide, in abandoned and no toll collected for the use of that distance. The Supervisors of the several boroughs and townships through whiuli that part of said road passes, are hereby notified to take charge of the same—as per act of Assembly concerning certain turnpike roads, passed 19th of April 1844. JOHN S. ISETT, Sequestritter, H. C. tt la.. fp. road, • June 19, 18,55-:fi. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. THE undersigned Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, to distribute the balance in the bands of Samuel Campbell nod R.l'. McClure, administrators of J. 11. W. McGinnis, deed., amongst thotto enti tled to rec,ive the same, hereby gives notice to all persons Interested that he will sttend to the making of said distribution, on Friday, the 2nth day of July next, at one o'clock, P. M., at his office In the borough of Huntingdon, when and where all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased, must present them or be thereafter barred from receiving any share of said fund. JOHN REED, Mditor, Juno 20, 1855-4 t - AUDITOR'S NOTICE. HE undersigned Auditor appointed by the court. ofComnion Pleas of Huntingdon colla te distribute the proceeds of the Sheriff's ale of the Real Estate of Matthew Crownover, Esq., amongst those entitled to receive the same, hereby gives notice to all the parties in- terested that he has appointed Saturday the 30th day of June newt, at one o'clock, I'. M., at his office, in the borough of Huntingdon, fat the hearing of said parties, when and where all interested may attend, &c. JOHN REED, May 30, 1855-4 t. Auditor. CLOTHS AND C✓ISS/JI:IERES, plain and fancy, at very low prices, at the store of OEO. G WIN. ARPET Bags, Looking Gismos and Hunk, , Cjult received and for :tole by Q. QIVIDI. MISCELLANEOUS. AYER'S PILLS. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS! PILLS THAT ARE PILLS! ! PROF. HATES, State Chemist. of Massachu cam, says they are the best of all PILLS and an nexed are the men who certify that Dr. Ha)ws knows. iz a"iftildi.SHAW, ChiefJustiee Supreme Com t of Mem EMORY W A SHBURN, Governor of Mass. W. C. PLUNKETT, Lieut. Gov. of Masa. EDWARD EVERETT, Ex. See of State, and Senator of U. S. ROBERT C. WINTHROP, Ex-Speaker House Rep., U. S. A. ABBOTT LAWRENCE, Minister Plonipot, to Great Britain. ijoiNIf:fiTZPATRICK, Catholic Bishop . MEN THAT ARE MEN. Among the disensos this Pill has cured with as tonishing rapidity. we may mention Costiveness, Bilious Complaints, Rheumatism, Dropsy, Heartburn, Headache arising from a fun! Stomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Morbid inaction of the Bowels, and pain arising therefrom, Phut- Lew, Loss of Appetite, all Ulcerous and Cu.a lienss diseases, which require an °meant Med icine, Scrofula or Ring's Evil. They also by purifying the blood and stimulating the System, cure many Complaints which it would nut be sup posed Om could reach t such as Deafness, Par tial Blindness, Neuralgia and Nervous Debility Derangements of die Liver and Kidneys, Clout, and other kindred con plaints, arising from a low state orate body, or obstructions of its functions. They are the best Pug:dive Medicine ever dis covered, and you will but need to use them once to know it. . Prepared by D.H. J. C. AYER, Lowell, Mass, And sold by every respectable Druggist in New England. THOS. READ & SON, Huntingdon Pa.. BU CHER & PORTER, Alexiindriu, J. 11. & Co. Waterstreet, Pa., J. M. ROL LER, Petersburg, and by all dealers everywhere. June la, 1855-2. m. SIIERIFF'S•SALE. 11Yvirtue of a writ of Vend. Exp., to ine di rected, I will expose to public Sale on the premises in the village of Saulsburg, on Wednes day the 18th of July, 1855, at I o'clock of said day ; Ono Lot of ground in the village of Souls burg, Marco Township, fronting 60 feet on Main street, and extending back 1211 feet, bounded on the cast by Thos. Stewart, on the west by Geo. W. Chesbohn, deed., having thereon erected a two story log House, kitchen and other out buildings. ALSO,—twenty-tee acres of land, more or less, adjoining the village of Saulsburg, about 20 acres of which are cleared, bounded by lands of Job Slack on the west, on the east by hinds of George Jones, having thereon erec ted a Bank Barn, 50 feet long by 30 wide, with a wagon shed attached thereto. AL.So,—aine ty-eight acres of land, more or less, lying in Jlarree township, Iluntingdon county, with 35 acres cleared, adjoining lands of Alexander Bell and others. • Seized, talon iu execution, and to he sohl, as the property of John Harper. JO S VA .GIIEENLAND. Sheriff's Office, Huntingdon, Pa. $ (1°11;0;111s, andjuislifulness, with frequent blush ing attended adThetimes with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. An Improvement worthy of the Pro- A ,EUTAIN / s t 19 a nidatieliuly fact gressive Age. that thousands fall victim, to this horrid diseam • ; owing to the unskilfulness of ignorant pretenders Ai Lionicii 84. FOOTE'S , who by the use of that deadly poison Mercury, PATENT WASHING MACHINE. rs!,ilnnipttioier.c:°.7..ltarrfieLiefniinstiitsh: , :onsltakseerti , ,r; ; appearance, such as affections of the basil, nosy, 9IIF, stfli,erilier it prepared le it Nil every j throat, skin, etc., progressing with frightful ra citizen of the Commonwealth, with one of I pidity till death nuts a period to their dreadful these superb articles, acknowledged lip nil who I stifferin,, Ly sending them is that Bourne whence have them in use, and by every one who hos tes- no trot 'der returns. ted them, to be superior to anything of the kind I TAKE PASTICIILSR NOTICE, -Young men who ever brOught before the public. I have injured themselves by a certain practice in- They ore made of the best material, milewthe I Bulged in when alone—a habit ftequently learned supervision of the subscriber, who is prepared from evil companions, or at school—the effects to deliver them atone point in this or the adjoin- I of which are nightly Cult, even wiles asleep, and ing counties. This machine possesses many ad- Knot cored renders marriage impossible, and de vantages over any other of the kind, from the strays both mind and hotly. fiwt, that it in no manner wears tho clothing, I What a pity theta young man, the hope of Ida tiles lens soap, and is easier worked. country, and the darling ()flits parents should lie Th e „i ce rnogos f rom s i x s o so y, do ors , snatched crow all prospects and enjoyments of The subscriber wartaNts this maohine to give life by the consequence ofdeviating from the path entire satisfaction. If it does not do everything of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit. ho says, no charge will he made. A trial it I Snell persons before contemplating Marriage, earnestly invited and perfect satisfaction war- I should reflect that a sound mind and body are rooted. A strong recommendation for the ma- the most necessary requisites to promote connu- chine is the number already sold. Mal happiness Indeed without these, the jour. Any person who wishes one of those articles, new through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, can hen accommodated by addressing the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the . It. J. WILLIAMS, i mind becomes shadowed with despair, anti filled Alexandria, Iltitaingdon Co., Pa. with the melancholy reflection tat the happiness Boy 30 , 1855-6 m. ofanot hlrin, another becomes blighted with h our ovp. - .--.-- CONSTITUTION. DuniztrY.—Dr. J. address- CHEAP BOOKS, CHEAP BOOKS i young men, and all who have injured them selves by private and impropor indulgence. IsieuissAwA.—These are some of the sail and . AV I melancholy effects produced by early habits of 11 ) 4 if 111ja1g..4.121;.%, youth, viz: Weakness of the hack and Limbs, Pauis in the head, Dimness of Sight, Loss a THE CHEAP BOOKSELLER. I Muscular power, Palpitation of the Dean Dys- N. IV. CORNER SIXTH .IND ARCH . ST, I pepsin, Nervous Irritability, Detangements of the PHILADELPHIA. I DP igestive Functions, General Debility Symptoms of Consumption, Sc. MEN TA ux—The fearful effects on the mind are Ile is constantly receiving from the Trade, Sales, and other auction sources largo supplies much to be dreaded; Loss of memory, Confusion of ideas, Depression of Spirit, Evil Torbodingto of carefully selected Books in all Depsrunents of Literature. Aversion to Society, Self Distrust, Lovo of Soli- SELECT, tude, be., are some 'Atha evils produced. RELIGIOUS. T housands of persons of all ages,can nowjudge SUNDAY SCHOOL, what is the cause of their declining health. Les- JUVENILE AND ing their vigor, becoming weak, pale and einucia • TOY BOOKS. Ste. I ced, have singular appearance shout the eyes, to suit all tastes, and at all prices. Books for I l "4 11 '"" I 'Y'""' of consumption. Married pollens, or those contemplating mer riest:intuition, Sc. . r i ve , being aware of physical weakness, should --- , . • .. Bibles, Testaments Prayer Books I immedistely consult Dr. J. and be restored to per with a very large and extensive variety o ffeet health. Office, N 0.7, South Frederick-St., i Baltimore, Md. Staple and Fancy Stationary, I ALL StlimlcAL 0 rERATioNa PE aro am En.— of the best quality and lowest prices. l N• 11. Let no false delicacy prevent you, but ap- Remember the North Wen corner Sixth and ' ply immediately either personally or 'by letter. Arch St., Philadelphia. t Skin Diseases Speedily Cured, Mop 23,1855.-1.•. ' . To, ST Iwo:mks: 7 Mo many thousands cured at this Institution w ithin the last ten years, and AUDITOR'S NOTICE. the numerous important Surgical Operations T IIE undersigned auditor appointed by the ft funu " b y Dr ' ithe ' cdl-I° P ricr ' It% papers, and luany other persons, nutices_of Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon which have appeal etltigain and again before the County, to distribute the balance in the hands . i public, is asuffleient nonrantee that the afflicted of David Blair, Esq. Assignee of Sitnon Levi,t motif find a skillful tuurbonorable phyeeian. amongst those entitled to receive the same,' As there aro use mttny ignorant and worthless hereby gives notice that he will attend fur the I quacks advertising theorist:lvo; us Physicians,rnin purpose of making said distribution, on Friday, !ing the health of the afflicted Dr. Johnston would the sixth day . ofJuly next, at ono o'clock P. M. t say to those unacquainted with his reputation that at his office to the borough of Huntingdon 1 his Credentials or Diplomas always hung in his when and where all persons' interested may at• l office tend, ace. Weakness of the organs immediately cured, JOHN HEED, ! and full vigor restored May 30, 1853-41 • A ud it or. • mat. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. May 22, 1855,-Iy. TETE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the i 1 n DOZEN Ames' No. 2 Shovels,juat reesi- Orphans' Court of Huntingdon 'county, to 11 x- , ved and for cult by J. &W. SAXTON. distribute certain balances hi the lianas of ' _ . Charles Duff and Reuben Duff, Adtninistrators of John Duff, deed., and Trustees appointed by NIA Court, to make sale of his runt estate, amongst thou', entitled to receive the same, hereby gives notice, that he will attend for the purpose of making said distribution on Mon. day the second day of July nest. at one o'clock P. N., at his office in the borough of Hunting. don, when and where all persons interested my attend &e. JOHN REED, May 30, 1855-15. Auditor. TO TAM COSTENOTORS. Collectors of Sta to and County tax for the year 1854, aro required to collect and pay over the amount remaining unpaid on their duplieAtes, on or before the 13th day of August next, or they And their surety will ho iseued against immedi• ately after that date. By order of the COUNTY COMMISsIO„NEIIS. June 0, 1155.--6, MISCELLANEOUS. C. G. Hussar. C. WELL.. 111E . I3ItU a wrlll&if, FORMERLY C. WELLS & CO., PORK PACKERS, Wholesale Dealers In PrOvislons, AND • tOWINIZZSION MERMEASTS. No. 325, Liberty Street, COMMERCIAL ROW, PIT7'SIURG, P. 4 Have now on hand a eery large and choice stock Bacon, to which we particularly desire to invite our friends and dealers generally. May 9, 1855.-7:n. Msoll ;,111111. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons whom it may concern that from and after the next set tlement by the County Auditors of Huntingdon Connty, (in January 1956) no claim or demand by any person, against said County on account of al, road or bridge view, election, or service of any kind rendered said county, and which is of en older standing than six years, will be allowed in settlement by said Auditors , and all demands uncalled for and unclaimed up to the time spe cified, will be considered as forfeited and forever shut out; and the certificate, order or paper on which it is predicated, rejected and thrown aside as a cancelled paper. RALPH CROTSLEY, PERRY MOORE, HENRY BREWSTER. May 23, 1855. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. Where may be obtained the most speedy sem is for SECRET DISEASES.—('Meets Strictures, Seminal Weakness, Pain in the Loins, Affections of the Kidneys, and all those peculiar affections arising from a secret habit, particularly the youth of both sexes, which if not cured, produces con stitutional debility, rendering marriage impossi ble, and in the end destroys both Mind and Body. Young Men, especially, who have b;come tin; victims of Sol itary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit whieli annually sweeps to an untimely grave thou mnds of young men of the most exulted taleuts and brilliant Intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to eestaey the living lyre, may call with full confidence. Married Persons, or those contemplaunqmarriage, I,..ing aware of physical weakness, should inunediatolr consult Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. Dr. Johnston office No. 7 SoTtEFredj;l7gi.seven doors from Baltimore Street, east side up the steps. ceße particular in obtaining the name-and number, or you will mistake the place. A cure warranted, or no charge made, in from one to two days. TAKE Novicx.—Dr. Johnston's office is in his dwelling, up the steps. His very extensive prac tice is a snflielent gsavantee, that he Is the only propel physician to apply to. Dr. Jobston, mem.ber of the Rofsul College of Surgeons. London, graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges of the United States, and the greater part of whose life has been spent in the:lJospitals of London, Paris Philadelphia, and elsewhere, has effected astute of the most aston ishing cares that were ever known, many trou bled with ringing in the cars and head when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sud . A mo r s :g beu n ug n ui li t c ,, ,, ,o i r e, B e erf from 18 eta e i th a ir pa ct s per yard, just rocetvd and fur aa i la 'lm p to 50 i• sitxto.v. THE best. toborttnent of Hosiery In town cun t 'tinting of Lodi., Gentlemen, Misseti mud Children of every variety for Bele by J. & W. SAXTON. HAMS, 811OULD.ERS, and Flitch just rook ved and for sale by CUNNINGHADI I DUNN. THE cheapest and best lot of Ch.!ley Berm., and Barago do Loins, also Satins, just roc'd and for nolo by J. 4 W. SAXTON. A Choice lot of dried beef just received sod for sale at the new store of CUNNINGIiIskt &DUNN. HAM, Shoulder oud nick, just received arid for sale hr J SAXTON.• MISCELLANEOUS 'TM MILIMEWARTIVA[fiILIILV REMEDIES, Issued under the seal, sanction and authority ot How often it happcne, that the mire linger. from soar to year is that pitiaLlu ccmiltion ci liOt. 0 , 611 for ono Joy to Icri tho happy and exhilaratira 11 once incident to de cnjoyini:ut of Ltalth AND POPULAR KNOWLEDGE. CHAR- THE BLOOMING BRIDE, TERED BY THE STATE OF PENNSYL- THE UNIVERSITY ON Free Medicine VANIA, APRIL 29, 1853. WITH A CAPITAL OF $lOO,OOO, MAINLY TOR THE PURPOSE OF ARRES. TING THE EVILS OF ALL .11POREFIDIFZ Also for supplying the Community with relia ble remedies wherever n Competent Physician cannot or will not be employed, have purchased from Dr. JOHN It. 110 WAND, his celebrated Rowand's Tonio Mixture Known for upwards of twmry•tire years us the only sure and sae cure fur FEVER & AGUE &C. And hie inestimable remedy for BOWEL COMPLAINTS, ROWAND'S SY It- UP OF BLACKBERRY ROOT, Which highly approved and popular Reme dies, together with the Universit4s Remedy fur Complaints of the Lungs, The University's Remedy for Dvspepsift or Indigestion. The University's Remedy fur Costive Bow els. Also the University's Almanac 11.18 V he hod. at the Branch Dispensary, or Store of Moore & &recipe, Alexandria, hunt. Co, Po. Thos. Read & Son, liuntiug'o, . 4 - William Bell, Kessler & Bro., Mill Creek, B. F. Kepner, Mialintown, Juuinut Benner & Crawford, Thompsontown Thos. Oberholtaer, Patterson 1). Gingrich & Co., New Mexico. . 4 Jonathan Zeller. Cuotherland W. S. Prowell, New Cumberlund L. B. Riper, too. F Caslow, Milton Jemes Bleakley, Franklin, M Thompson, Dunenr.svinu, Duel Ruya, Franklin Forge, • Geo. Bergstresser, Frani:swum 1). Williams , lludidaysburg 11. Myers, .1. Thompson, Joe. Ilyston, Head Crooked Dam J. A. Blaine. Williamsburg, V'enattgo .‘ Blair, '• 2nd Lock below ICinkairi& Limy Yellow Springs, B. Goodfellow, Hollidaysburg, Jacob Mclntyre, Martinsburg, B. Mense, Warneshoro, Mary Orr Bol fi daysburer, it James Bail, Johnstown, Cumbria, 11. Lamberts., Franklin, Yenango, Chits. Ritz, Lewistown. .1. M. Williams. Me Veitect a, J. IL Smith, Newton Hamilton. " P. C. Craige, " " J. W. Smith. " Jas. Strode, Jr., StrOlieft Mary Marks, Lewistown, A. W. Moss, " if G. W. Buchanan, McVeytonn. " 11. Kramer & bon, Johnstown, Calabria May 16, 1855-Sin HELIIIBOLD'S YEEP.A r ATTIVI \ Et.i, !Muth°ld's Highly Concentrated COMPOUND FWD EXTRACT 1112C1111, For Diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys ' Ob• strmtions of the Urine, Chronic tionurrlara Sleets, Weaknesses, and all diseases of the Sexual Organs, IVIIETIIEIIIX MALE OR EIiMALE, from whatever come they may have originate, and no matter of how long statalitq.. If you have contracted the terrible disease, which, when once seated in the system, will go down from ono generation to another, undermi ning the constitution and snapping the very , itul fluids of life, do not trust yourself in the hands of Quacks, who start up every day in a city like this, and till the papers with glaring falsehoods too well calculated to device the young aud those not acquainted with their tricks. You cannot he too careful in the selection of a remedy iu these cases. TEE FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU hos been pronounced by eminent physicians THE GREATEST REMEDY EVER ENOWN It is a medicine perfectly pleasant in its mate and very innocent in its action, and yet no thor ough that it ANNIHILATES EVERY PARTICLE Dram rank and poisonous rims of this dreadful disease ; and, unlike other remedies it dues not dry up the disease in the blood. Constitutional Debility.: brought ou by self-abuse, a most terrible dis ease, m hich has brought thousands of the hu m= race to untimely graves, thus blasting the brilliant hopes of parent, and blighting in the bad the glorious maition of thinly a noble youth, eau Le caret llfj this INFALLI4Ie, UMIEDY And us a medicine which must benefit c% erybody front the simply delicate to the confined and de. spairing invalid, no equal is to be found, ACTING BOTH AS A CUBE AND rIIE • VENTATIV Hilinbold , s Highly Concentrated COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT SARSA PARILLA, For purifying the Blood, removing all diseacs arising from excess of Moreau, flora any exposure in life, chronic constitu tional disease, Arising from on im pure state of the Illood,und the only reliable and etfectual known remedy out, for the cure of Scrofalabialt • Rheum, • Scald I lead, Ulcerations otlhe Throat andLcgs, Pains and Swellings of the Bones, Tester, Pins pies on the Face, and all belt. . - ly 'Eruptions of tlic skin. &c., &c. This article is now prescribed by some of the most distinguished Physicians in the country, and has proved more efficient in practice tlian preparation of Sarsaparilla yet offered the pub lic. Several cases of secondary Syphilis, Mer curial and Scrofidous diseases have entirely re covered iu the incurable wads of our Public An stitutiond which had fer many years resisted ev ery 'node of treatment that could he devised.— These cases furnish striking wimples of the salutary elThets of this medicine in' arresting same of the most inveterate diseases 'after the glands wore destroyed and the bones I:lready af fected. NOTlCE.—Letters from responsible Physi• clans and Professors of set oral Medical Colleges and certificates acmes from 'animas w:II be found accompanying both Preparations, PRI CRS, Fluid Extract of Bacilli, $1 boffin orgebot. $5 " Sarsaparilla. " *` equal in strength to ono gullem Syrup Of Sat..- parilla. Prepared awl told by 11. T. lIELNIBOLD, Chemist, 263 Chestnut St, near the ( iimrd House, Philadelphia. To ho hod of Thos. Read le Son, Huntingdon, Pa.. and of Druggists and Dealers every where. TrAll Letters di.veted to the Proprietor or Agent receive immediate attention. May 13, 1855-Iy. AFINE assortment of Linen Coats, Vests and Pants fromB7l upwards for halo at the cheap clothing storeof 11. ROMAN. Tubest aasortmaat of Carpet ever °flared, and at lower prices than can be got at any other establishment. Just received and for sala by J. lb W. SAXTON. TITST received mid for sale—Mackerel, Shad q n n 1 Codlidi, by • & W. SAXTON. MISCELLANEOUS. STARTLING. BUT TRUE; NHAT EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW tut a few years ego in the flash of health and youth, _ad buoyancy of spirits, rapidly, and apparently becomes a feeble, sickly, sallow, debili• tated wife, with frame emaciated, nerves unstiung, spirits depressed, countenance bearing the impress Of suffering, and an utter physical end mental pros. Oration, arising from ignorance of the simplest and P ei h r " 7, '" h o ectan ' o c f 'n „ n a t fi a o w nt h ila th d e isra u se r :, saue e rinpand i raisery, not only to ;he wile, but often HEREDITARY COMPLAINTS I:PON THE CHILDREN " rtrrn THE Tlizz:x. AND FOCIVID CI:NIMATION," Tranom e tn. CONSUMPTION, SICROPTYLA, HYPOCHONDRIA, IIiSANITI', 41011:T. EVIL: nett ether nurse Dlsenees, at a DREADFUL INHERITANCE FROM THE PA 1Z " Awl mast this o , t remedy? No relief No In, `'' The remedy Is by kon,lug enu.et them, null knowing tho rented!. east Wnciiti These are pointed out In end tin by them. THE MARRIED WOMAN'S PIIIYATE MEDICAL COMPANION, One Hundredth E,dition,(soo,ooo),lSmo., pp. 230. 191 mit YAPILR, faly.t inNuiso. $1.00.1 • • Ataradaril work of evtablisl.ed reputation. found Harmed In the catalogues of thr gnat tra.nr axles in New York. Philadelphia, end other cities. and avid to the principal booksellora In the United States. It arts first published In Ill?, ' , lnce which time FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND COPIES • e been mid, of lehiell lheie ne, upwaplA ut ONE H g UNDRED THOUSA which t ND SENT MAIL, atte.tin the high Oil inr4tion in i 41 a ra• :liable popular Medical BOOK FOR EV Elt V F . E3IA LE the author Lavin denoted hit etclo,tve attention to the treatment of couplainta potentiar to female, to Tanned to uhlelt be is ~art; - thousands both in peroon awl by luact. line every netnate can 4ieeever. by coopering her own toptonts with Owe deAeribel, the nature, character, niece of, and the proper retno.hem for, her eeturteletts. 'the If About bee..llllg a ntollter halt often nue,l lustructiou and ad vice of the utolott Import: moo to he: Mum bealtb, In reaped 1.,14 conculting a medial gtutlenuip, 5.111 fitpl cuell in• iety or alarm al all otherwien wDahl poeullaeitiri to Ler iiltaaton ore time...R*l. Row nun, ate suiffiring Inca obstructions or irregular. Rica peculiar to ilia !invite ,rtem, which ender:Woo tho the elferts of which they aro ignorant, an.l for aldah their flelleacy forbids seeking ffiedleal adriee• Many suffering (mum prolulow cirri (LiMug of the womb), or from fluor taw ke.) Many air In eunitant agony for may montliii preceding couilre MP, Macy have difficult If not ilangorous end niqw end uncertain rvcoreriee. Rome whose lives or. boarded during gu,la time, will cacti 11,ml in it, ra, • 1106113 of prevention, atneli.ostion and relief. • It 1-1 of course lutproetkablo to convey folly the var.,...1 itab;,cts trenteti of, of they aro of a =tutu atrial) , in tea', t for the MU lied or them eentemplating marriage. n•e you a huthand ne a father? a wife or a t.o.ther, have yon the sincere welfare of those ,ou ILA° 'rove your sinnahy, .ant lZtee no thne ruin what eitives interreto with :Lair health and hap• c. nut leis thou your own. It will avoid to sou and ;on, as it line to thousands, tunny a day of pain an anxiety, followed by sleepless nights, incapaeitatin; the mind for its ordinary avocation, .4 exhannting those meow for medical attendance, medicines and adrerUsed Dewitt/MS otherwtre scold provide for de,lining yearn, tho infirmil;es tf 111” , and the proper ed,cation of your children. In e,onsconencupf theunietrani popularity of the a.;eitleiiil3 it. ;.xtranrdlnar;" r:ri.o. Imposi tiutia hate bra attempted, no weU on booksellers as 0.4 the public, by imitations of title fag., eclitlonm, and aunt entittuus Inning:manta of copyright, and other Seth. awl twu4, is L.s tt,s found ~.o:Jaanty, ntbre. t CAUTION THE PUBLIC to b., ad NA& unless the name Dr. A. 11. biennia-or, 1211 Liberty Street, N.Y.," ix on (and the entry in the Clerk'i OLE. on the back A) the Mk nags and boy only of respectable and hnnosehie deplete, of bend by wail, and addrees to Mn,,,, . uric IXer DP.° receipt of One Dollar "THE MAR RIED 114 OMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COM PANION" is sent (mailed fra) to any part of the United 6tates. the Canadas and British Pa oyinces. All letters must be post-pall, and addressed to Dr. A. M. MAIIRICEAII box 1224, New-York City. Pnbitoldnz, (Mae, , 122 Liberty bleed; 111. A, Tor!. AGENTS IN PIpNNSYLI:ANIA. ..... T. B• Peterson, J. M. Moss 13r0., and Thos.Cowilerthait, Philadelphia—Mrs. Cynthia llonesciale—Spangler & Bro., Lan canter—S. Tuck, Wilkabarre—j. D. Gunnison ; Erie—Sa rn i. B. Lauffer, Gro nelnery—B. ! Tilleteit--Dr. S. D. Scott, M./Vird—E.T. derbrawl, Indiana—J. S. Nielson and Col. A. MiCture t Chanthersburg—Judeph Swart., Illoonildnirg—tl IV Earle, Wayneaboo—Pot , ter • & McMillin RelteThnto-11. A. Lance, Culon,AiafinadQn. February C., 1.5..55-sm. CLOTHING ! A New Assortment Just Opened: And Will be sold 00 per cent, CHEAPER THAN TILE CHEAPEST ! 14 ROMAN resp ectfully informs Lis customers and the public generally, that he has just I.imened ut Lis *tore room in Market Square, Hun- a'splendid new• stock of gently made Clothing for Sprinfli and Summer, consisting of Superfine black Dress and Frock Coats, black and tltncy Cassimerc, Cassinet and Corduroy Pantaloon,; n large assortment of Vests, Elate, Caps, neck and pocket Ilankerchiefs Shim, Sn4yenders, Carpet llags, Trunks, &c., &e., all of which he will sell cheaper than the sonic quality of Goods can be purchased at retail in Philadelphia or Any other establishment it the country. i Persons wisldtm to Loy Clothing would do well to cull and examine his stock telerit purchasing elsewhere. Huntingdon, Apr: 2::. Y. M !SIN OVAOri. R S . SARAH KULP wishes to inform the of Huntingdon and the surrounding country thut she has moved next door to Churls,' Miller above the . Presbyterian Church, Hill St., where she intendi earrxing out the ittney and straw Millinery busine s s. Haring received the latest eiiifitaltion, she ia prepared to attend to all that may titvor Luc with their enstont. April 10; 1855-if F. A. KULP. IntIiSQL,UMION. TIIE partnership heretofore existing between M; ton and Musser 14 by muttud consent did solved, nudlll persons knowing themselves in debted to the said firm, will please call and set tle their accounts without delay. ii1i : 651 . & MOSS Ell. SaulOurg, April 2, 1252.—ff T ocisnig Glasses, just recri , d.l au l for J.4 by J. A. IF. SAXTON. IIftIISE BILLS, VEATI.T . printed on short notice, and at low Micas at the "Jonrnal Office" ik. I:T ifo ut b i y , ariety of hand j .s . no s t , a Gingham, and iw W. SAXTON. Tun receiving, ibis week, Mackerel, Herring &e., and for sale by J.& W. SAXTON. assortment ro ort sale Le , s , at td Shoes .1. d• nr. SAXTO.N. Gold Wale willbe sQI4I Dr ED. BRAY over than elsewhere. °O B an A dlo ß r E s i iii S e a N t " ;he i s i t e of- r o in ot in" arrived Gto. GWIN. =~~: MISCELLA.NEOUS. ua[palamv , gun. gawp REAL ESTATE. y virtue of an alias order of solo issued out -1 1 -Pof the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county will be sold at public sale, on tho promises, in ISt ady township. in slid county, on SATUR DAY, the 14th July, 1855, a tract of land in the township aforesaid containing between 90 and 100 reres, adjoining land of James McDonald. and other., the ostato of James Ross, doc'ti., a bout 55 acres of whirls ore cleared, with a cabin house and horn thereon, and the balance of the tract containing the hest timber in that country. Said property is about 3 tulles from Mill Creek, on the Pennsylvania Canal and Railroad, at the mouth of Rishacoguillis valley, on the road lea• ding from Mill Creek to Adlonville. There are four springs on the tract and a good. orater.por • er. TEll3l,—One-half of the purchase money to paidbe on confirmation of the sale, and the bal. anon in ono year thereafter, to he neared b^ hood "" mortgage, with A dmr. HENRY GLAZIER, Clark. May 9, iSt,5. the.e - BOOKS! BOOKS!! 25,000 nv„LuopTaorr embracing every variety to be had in Boron, New York and Philadelphia—the subscriber has just received and offers for salp extremely low. His stork of STATIONARY is of great variety and superior quality as fel laws i—Foolscaps, Letter, Note and Wrapping Paper. Envelopes of every kind ; Gold and Steel Pens, Portmonies, Pocket Rooks, Pcii Knives Pocket Knives, he. .School Books vi every kind nsed in the country, at wholesale nod retail prices. 1000 PIECES WALL PAPER of the latest and prettiest styles, Jost re ',sired and fur sale at Philadelphia retell prices. All the shove stock the pablie will find it to he to their into-tat to call and examine before purchasing. elsewhere, as ho is determined to giro stttibEtetiott to every customer. Store opposite Whittaker's Hotel, Railroad street. war. COLON. Iluntingtbot, 'Apia 10, 1.6•55.-tr STATIONARY DAGCERREAN GALLERY. "f i l P. PRETTYMAN takes this method to IA inform the citizens of Huntingdon and all others, that he has permanently located in Hun tingdon, where he will he pleased to attend to all that call on him for good and never lading pic ture.. iptolus Gallery at Railroad Rouse, where he can be found at all hours between 8 A. 3f. and 5 I'. AI. Pietures warranted correct, or no charge. It I'. I'. guarantees to give full satisfaction to all that patronize him ; all shall he pleased with his pictures or no charge. guntingdon. May 2,1855.-6 m." J. W. THOMPSON, .i\ 12WD • ,lIMISSIONER FOR PENN' A DAVENPORT, lOWA, Attends to buying, selling and locating Lends anti land warrants, pays to xes, Maas Mutiny on Dual Estate seenrity,on commission, examines 311111 makes abstracts of title, &c. Any business intrusted, will be attended to promptl; and with fidelity, Beier to Hun. (iou. tor and Members 04 the Bur at Huntingdon. Nloy 14th, 1855-Gmo. NOTICE. MOTU%ie hereby given that the partueredup heretofore existing between the undersign ed (trading under the firm of Couch & Dunn,) is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The books of said firm aro in the hands of David Dunn with whom all concerned will please to immediate erilloment. GEORGE . - 1 1 7..7 4- 1. DAVID DUN . April 10, le:is-tf. DISS oiJu non rp Ells partnership heretofore existing between I Drs. Brown and Hagerty is this day by ma taal consent dissolved. All persons knowing themsel,s indebted to the stud firin, will please call and settle their accounts without delay. H. L. BROWN, .1. H. KAGERTY Mardi 27 1855-tf. TINCONAT. r 1 E undersigned wishes to inform his fiiensh and nit public generally that he 4,4 moved his shop to the building of And. Harrison; for merly occupied by him as' ColltOor's office. Hill St. Where he intends can•ying on the Tailoring business on suchterins as will not fail to give sutiskietion to all that may lavor him with their custom. lie wishes to return thanks for the liberal pa tronage heretofore received and hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of the same. ENOS H. KULP. April 10, 1835-tf. ---- DENTISTRY. DR. J. R. HEWITT, Surgeon DOWliSt. to offers his "'a professional services to those who may wish operations on the teeth. Office with Dr. Hewitt, Alexandria, Huntingdon Co., Pa. • April 10, 1055-6ne. TOSEPII DOUGLASS, in MeCoono'blown has constantly on hand, randy pia& rifles, and is prepared to make and repair Guns of all kinds at the stivestnot:ee. A pri! 105-Iy, Fever and Ague.--The most obstinate cases eurod immediatet}}•.. by Dr. SR ALLENURII dEIed FEVER AND AIMIS ANTIDOTE. case will the patient have more than oue chill after the first dose. Call and get n circular from the agents, Dimptists, &e., tiiintingdon, Pa. .June 20, 1255.-lin Snit, Plaster, Nails, Iron and Steel, all kinds of country produce, taken in exehange tbr Goods nt the store of J. & W. SAXTON. fIt.ENT Cravats and &errs of every variety.— ` , -,A also Gray Stocks, est received and for sale by 1. & W. SAXTON. DANASOLS of the very bent quality from 75 • to 350 each for sale by DI.TiLE WHITE LEAD, just received and for ▪ tale by J. ft. W. SAXTON. S. & W. SAXTON, QILVEII, Butter Knivue, and Belt Spuone, at ►J E. Snare's Cheap Jewelry, Store, by the bushel and Flout by the barrel, V for aaln at the cheap new Store of CUNNINGHAM & DUNN. DRIED APPLES, peeled and unpeeled just -Vieeeived end for sale 'CU:StiIick4HAM &DUNN. . - BURL lyldteLeudjust received and for sale CAMTNINPfIAM & DUZiN. T-Torse Shoe and Nail rod Iron, just received .11. 4 0 for sale by CUNNINGHAM & DUNN. iIiACKERY—A won-beim.] lot of Eartheu Ware, for trle by CUNNINGHAM & DUNN. Nails and spike,. A general as by CUNNINGHAM & DUNN r ob Shad dud lioe Herrings jolt received by & DUNN