Vocal au Veronal. For Sale. One good TWO Horse Spiing Wagon for sale by 0. R. 11111.NRIN, Uraysvillc, Huntingdon Co., Pa. MEDICAL NOTICE. Dr. I). Houtz and Win. Gratin!, liarino•" form ed a Medical partnership, under the title of liouts & Grains, offer their professional servi ces to the citizens of Alexandria, and the sur rounding country. Office—that formerly occupied by Dr. Houtz. DANIEL HOUTZ, M. 1). WM. GRAFIUS, M. D. June 27, 1855.-3 m Grand Military Festival at Cauville, July 4th. WHOLESALE MERIDEII.—The down train of I Our national anniversary will be celebrated curs on Saturday last, went into the butchering at Cassville, by a grand military Festival.— Several distingui s hed speakers are expected.— business a grand scale. Four hogs were , Oen. Bowman will address the killed above town, and aline cow, belonging to Tickets, tiO cents. ble. C. Peightal, below. het us pure a demonstration worths. the day. 01 0 .0. W. SPEER, Chairman Committee Arrangement. 'lime 22, 1835. A Vl.TOR.—Brother Jones of the Ha Re gister, paid us a flying visit last week. .Long may he wave. _ . NovEL—An exceedingly tipsy "ranting, roaring Irishman," was conveyed to prison last Saturday, on a Ace!barrow. The "jug law" undoubtedly victimized him. Joca PRINTEO9.—Our town has been visited by severat"jours" from the Lord known where. If there is a class of people on the earth, who deserve the sympathy of a generous pubic, it i s these poor, miserable lours." I.Ecruttr..--Tho Rev. Jobe A. Bowman will deliver a lecture in the Episcopal Church, on this and tomiorrow evenings. Subject—The Lectures on the Turkish Empirei present condition of the Tuskish Empire, its . The Rev. John A. Bowman, will lecture on illuNtrating the fulfillment tel Prophecy. the "present condition of the Turkish Empire, as illustrating the fulfilment of Prophecy,'' in DAT EAPLlEn.— p l i: s i ° H ; le r V art t i o ; ll : lM il the Episcopal Church,Wednesday and devils an opportunity of Thursday evenings at en o'clock. Columbia, on the .lth, we have concluded on chine 2 , , issuing and circulating our. paper one day ear. .. enus lie, than our usual publiention day, next week. r ylvania Magistrate's Library. THE ATI', IN Tows.—The only &melody:, lion which will be made here, on the •Itti of Jo- ' iy, if we are rightly informed, will be by the Methodic Sabbath School. Preparations are being triode. and we believe extensive 01lei, for a grand celebration at Cassville. • • The No's.—On account of the unfavorable weather, picnic parties are not very numerous at present, but a large number arc projected, to enable the beauxs ;mil belles to luxuriate tom t he 4th, upon the bank+ of the Juniata, and at tither favorite and roommate spa''. Fir ;males of tilts description, "Happy ie loom. ing into popularity ; it is the spot of •‘,lvmvp stick - notoriety. !JAR:, Tot 1,-1 lard times has come agnim 'They will last, we presume, until after harvest. The glorious crops 'throughout our county, cam• not tail Milting, times easier. We harilly know how some of the very poor of our town have Managed to sustain themselves during. the past 161111, and spring, in view of the exorbitant prices demanded tbr all kind of provision.-- luuever, the ".maktut eye and hollow cheek" of a great number, attcAt that there must have been ehtttiger pain a gnawing there, 'fire Bot•t.ev.uta.—The next generation of linutingdonians, will enjoy advantages pertain ing to the streets of the town, which arc denied toils. They will see Smith street transformed into a beautiful walk. Instead of finding their fashionable protuenade upon a narrow thorough fare, they will have a promenade equal to any in the-40ra. W & imagine, (perhaps it will end in imagination) that the shove named st., which it now but a wide avenue, told I.y no means attractive, rill, (provided the em, per nit the I revs to grinv ) eventually become a non. where, the beastly and fashion of the ttevu *ill centre at certain hours ..f the day to ttdie fresh air. The street in question, is laid out and planted as the whole line of streets :should have been long ago. When the trees au•e well grown, there. •will he no more altrlC• tine rink in the town. For ourselves, we most enjoy the prospective beauty of this avenue in imagination. T. WEATHER. --We have had a variety of strange weather, during the past month. It appe:n•s however to have setted down at lust to real ,unotter. We hate been particularly tiles. .141 with that joy, which the poet s:iyi '•11118 an it the heart :" n•ro to the patter 01 the sort, rain over head. The sun had beau bid by clouds for sonic time, but he made his appearance on Tuesday in a cloudless laze of living light, and ''Like floods of gold poured on the sky, - We had got heartily tired of the rainy weather, and taunt confess we could see no beauty in the admirable lines, that "There is naught in art's bravuras That can wurl: with such it spell, lit the spirit's pure, deep fountains, ll•ltenee the holy pti,hions •1s that ineleily ot nature-- That subdued, subduing strain Which is played upon the shingles, lii the patter ta the rain:' Dicll, • _ • ~„ 611,11,11, WI Thursday the ?Ist, inst., Mrs. Merle W. Binionton, aged 39 years. -on the 21st inst., Mrs. Margaret: ;t:;vd PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. The Flour market is dull and drooping.- 1 here is no inquiry for export, and standard brands am offered at $10,25, and in some tie stances at less, without finding buyers except in small lots for home use, at that rate, inch,. ding better brands and extra at $10,3745011, and fancy brawls at higher rates. A sale of 150 lib 11: fancy extra was inudelo a retailer at $l2 per Uhl. Rye Flour and Corn Meal are inactive and dun at former quoted rates.— ti is not mach Wheat offering, Lint prices are unsettled, and only about 3500 bush• els found buyers, mostly on terms not public ; including in the sales were also 1000 lingliels air red at 52.37542,10. Rye is loWer, wad 1000 bushels Peansylvanis have been sold at affinit; Coo is in steady demand, with small receipts mitigates to, notice ; in all about 5000 bushels, mostly• Penna., yellow, have been taken at $l,OB. afloat. Oafs ark not so plen ty, and sales of Omit 2000 bushels are report ed at 57e for Delaware, and 58c for I'eunsyl• afloat. Look 'lore. The Executive Committee, of the Ilittithig. don county Agricultural Society, will hold an other meeting on Friday the 29th, to complete the RlTange ments for bolding a Fair during the co,ing autumn. :111 the °dicers, and as many of the members as can conveniently, are expected to be in at• tendauee, as very important business is to bo transacted, New Ineeovery. - - Dr. lturleigh, author of the "American span• nal," and the "Legislative Guide," will give a Lecture in the Court Douse, in this place, en Monday evening, duly 2d, on Mental EleCtriei• ty, with many interesting, and wonderful es• peritneata.. cent,. N, hall' MISCELLANEOUS, BINN'S JUSTICE, AND BUSINESS MAN'S LEG AL GUIDE Nen, and Sislh Edition, bringing the Law dawn to 1855. A Treatise on the office and 'tittles of Alder met' and 'Ns tires of the fence in the Common wealth of Penns ylvania, including all the requi red Forms of Process and Docket Entries ; end embodying not only whatever may be deemed valuable to Jr:mous OP THE PEacc, but to Landlords ? Tenants, and General Agents ; and 'nuking this volume as it purports to lie, .1 Safe Levi Guido Jim /liminess Hen. By John lat 4 Alderman of Walnut Ward, In the city of Pl.iladelphia. The Sixth Edition. Revised, corrected, and greatly enlarged by Frederick Brightly, Esq., - Author of "A Treatise on the Law of Costs," "Equity Jurisprudence," "Nisi P ties Reports," Editor of "Pardon's Digest,” &c. In one thick volume, Octavo. brie', only $4,00. ALSO, COMPANION TO BINN'S JUSTICE GRAYDON'S FORMS. Forms of ionveyaneing, and of Practice in the courts of Common Pleas, Quarter Sessions, Oyer and Termitier, the Supreme and Orphan's Courts and the offices of the various Civil officers and .Justices of the Peace. Fourth edition, revised, corrected, sod adapted to the present state of the Law : with copious explanatory Notes and References, and a new. full, nod compreliensi. Index. the Robert E. Wright, Esq. In one thick Octavo volume. Price only $3,50. A LSO:7 - STROID AM) BRIGHTLY'S PURDON'S DIGEST.-1700 to 1855. A Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania, from the Vein One Thousand Seven I kindred, to the Eighth day of May, One Thousand Eight Hon tired and Filly. The First Four Editions he the A n Improvement worthy of the Pro late John Punkin, Esq. The Fifth, Sixth. , molt, by the Hon. George M. Shroud, Eighth gressive Age. wrked. with Marginal references, foot ; A EMRICH & FOOTE% Notes to the Judicial Decisions ;Analytical Con. I tents ; a Digemed Syllabus of each Title ; nod a PATENT WASHING MACHINE. New, Full, and Exhaustive Index. BY Freder irk C. Brightly, Esq., Author of - A Treatise on the Law of Costs.""l: g nit y jarispruileuee," THE ,uh,eriher is prepared to furnish every "Nisi Mitts Reports," Editor of ‘`Bion's Justies” ' I citizen of the Commonwealth, with one of e. Goe thick Royal Bvo. Price only ss.o') th e se su perb articles, acknowledged by all who fkirl'he fresh and permanent value of Par- have them in 115 C, WWI by every one who has tes do. Digest are preserved by the publication t el l th e w, 10 bo superior to anything of the Mod annually of a Digest of the Laws enacted each ever brought before the public. year. These annual Diyesbi are arranged in Pre- Thor ore made of the best material, miler the eke conformity to the plan of Pardon' s Digest. supers .. ision of the subscriber, who is prepared They are, each ry /hem, republished annually ; u, deliver them at :my point in this or the adjoin lire connected together by a General Index (pre- ink laamtio). This ',whine possesses many na p:wed anew each year.) which embraces the con- vantages over any other of the kind, from the tents of this Laws sit each rear since the public, fact, that it it, no manner wears the clothing, lion of Turd it's Digest, in one alphabet ; and uses Jess ~.utp, and is easier worked. e re bound up with Portion's Digest, and also The price singes front six 20 teens, 410110 r, sold separately. • The subscriber warrants this ine e ldee t o g i ve Thus the purcha4er of Poolon's Digest will al- entire satisfaction. If it does not do everything way; he in possession of the complete body of he says; no charge will he made. A trial is the St into Laws of Pennsylsonia down to the earnestly invited and perfect satisfaction war very boor when lie por , h , es it. Th.ose who ranted, A strong recommendation fur the ma . li.ive already purchased Purdon's Digest only al- chine is the number already sold, ways complete it to date for the small sum of Any person who wishes one of these articles, 1•7//y Cents, the price of a volume containing all can be accommodated by addressing the annual Digests issued since the first politica- • B. J. WILLIAMS, riot, of the present edition of Pardon's Digest, , Alexandria, Huntingdon Co., Pa. as heretofore stated May 80, 1855-6ns. KAY & BR 0 . 111 E 11, LAIV BOOKSW.MIS AND P1•111..11EllS. 17 ,f- 13 ...--'ooth ly/th Stied, CHEAP BOOKS CHEAP BOOKS First Store above Chestnut. 0:7'1/niers or letters of loge ry for Law Hooks from the country, promptly attended to. 114 T-005IIEL.0 1 .1 \ .P:fipj lone 27, 1855-2 m. THE CIIEA.I. BOOKSELLER. N. W. CORNER SiNll/ .11:ell PHILADELPHIA. Notice to Supervisors. miIAT the Rant end of the H untingdon, Cam. I 1,,i0 k Indiana turnpike coal, from its rus h,' terminus in the borough of Huntingdon, to I leunnilfs Mill west attic, borough of Alex. is aboinionek.and no toll collected for the UPC of thnt distance. The Supervisors of the several boroughs and townships throniki which that part of said road passes, are herety notified to take , charge of the same—as per act or Asgombly concern certain turnpike roads, passed 19th of April 1844. JOHN S. Alin, Sequestrator, H. C. & la. 1 p, road. June 19, 1855-3 t. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. THE undersigned Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon Conner, to distribute the balance in the hands of Samuel Campbell and It. P. McClure, administrators of J. 11. W. McGinnis, deed., amongst those enti tled to receive the mine, hereby gives notice to all persons Interested that he will 'Attend tb the making of said distribution, on Friday, the 20th day of July next, at ono o'clock, P. M., at his office in the borough of Huntingdon, when and where all persons haring claim.' against the es tate of said deceased, !mist present them or be thereafter barred from receiving any share of said fond. JOHN HEED, Auditor. Juno 20, 18.55.-4 t AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Ttl E tindersigned Auditor appointed by the court of Common Netts ot Huntingdon cothi. ty to distribute the proceeds of the Sheriff's Salo of the Real Estate of Matthew Crownover, Esq., amongst those entitled to receive the same, hereby gives notice to all the parties in. Wrested that he has appointed Saturday the 30th day of.lnne next, at one o'clock, I'. M., at his office, in the borough of Huntingdon, tot the bearing of said parties, when and where all interested may attend, Ac. JOHN REED, May 30, 1833—1 t. Auditor. raver and Ague.--The most obstinate eases cured immediately by Dr. SII ALLENDER ti FNVEIt AND Autat ANTIDOTE. In no ease will the patient have more then one chill idler the first dose. Call and get it circular from the agents, THOS. liki4l) 8: SON, Drugßists &0., Iluntingdon, Pa. J not). 30, 054,1 in CARPET Bags, Looking Glasses and Trunks, just rescind poll for tale by G. GWIN. 11 • ° l l 'l l air,Tu S u ' nr3 ' 7 l l l ::l4l:, " j d us c t o ru b° , l v .a ie l :llN i g; 4ale by J. SAXTON. MISCELLANEOUS. AYER'S PILLS. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS! PILLS THAT ARE PILLS ! ! PROF. HAYES, State Chemist. of Massacho cetts, says they are the hest of all Plm,s and an nexed are the men who certify that Dr. llayes knows, viz t . SHAW, Chief Justice Supreme Court EMORY WASHBURN, Governor of Moss. W. C. PLUNKETT, LiCut. Gov. of Mast, EDWARD Evlinen, Ex• See of Stole, and Senntor of U. S. WINTHROP, Ex-Speaker llouse Rep., U. S. A. A 8130'17 LAIVRENCR, Minister Pleniput, to Great Britain. (JOHN 11. FITZPATRICK, Catholic Bishop MEN THAT ABE MEN. Among the diseases this Pill has cured with as tonishing rapidity, we may mention Costiveness, Bilious Complaints, Ill.imatism, Dropsy, Heartburn, Headache arising frem a foul Stomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Morbid inaction of the Bowels, and pain arising therefrom, Mtn !env, Loss of Appetite, all Ulcerous and Cu .11. news diseases, which require an evacuant Med icine, Scrofula or King's Evil. They also by purifying the blood and stimulating the System, cure ninny Complaints which it would not be sup posed they could reach such as Dcatness, Par tial Blindness, Neuralgia and Nervous Debility Derangements of the Liver and Kidneys, Gout, and other kindred con:plaints, .ising from a low state of the body, or obstructions of its functions. They are the best Purgative liidieine ever dis covered, and you will lint need to use them one° to know it. Prepared by DR. J. C. AYEII, Lowell, Mass, and sold by every respectable Druggist In New TADS. READ & SON, Huntingdon, Pa.. 1113- CHER & PORTER, Alexandria, Pa., J. 11. HOMIER & Co. Waterstreet,Pa.,J. M. ROL LER, Petersburg, and by all dealers everywhere. June 13, 1855-2 w. SHERI'FF'S SALE. 131' virtue of writ of Vend. Exp., to me di rected, 1 will expose to public sale on the premises in the village of Saulshurg, on Wednes day the 18th of July, 1855, nt I o'clock of said slay ; One Lot of ground in the tillage of Sauk burg, Barren Township, fronting 60 feet on Main street, and extending back 120 feet, bounded on the east by Thos. Stewart, on the west by Geo. NV. Chesil()lm, dec'd., baring thereon erected a two story log Mane, andane, kitchen and other out buildings. A LSO,—twenty-sate epees of Ina!, snore or lasi, adjoining the village of Saulsburg, ahout 20 acres of which are cleared, bounded by lands of Job Slack on the west, an the et ,t by lands of George Jones, having thereon erec ted n Bank linen, 50 feet long by 10 wide, with a wagon shed attached thereto. ALSO,—nine ty-eight acres of land, more or less, lying in Berm township, Iluntingslon county, with :13 acres cleared, adjoining lands of Alexander hell and others. Seized, taken in execution, and to he sold as the property of John harper. JOSH G EENLAND, Sheriff's Office, 1 SherW: iluntingslon, l'a. 5 He is constantly receiving from the Trade, Sales, and other auction sources largo supplies of carefully selected Books in all Departments of Literatre. SELECT, • RELIGIOUS, SUNDAY SCHOOL, JUVENILE AND 'l'OY 110(1115. &e. to suit all tastes, and at all prices. Books for csentation, Bibles, Testaments Prayer Books with a very large and extensive vatiety of Staple and Fanoy Stationary, of the beet quality and lowest price?. Remember the North West corner Sixth anti Arch St., Philadelphia. May 23, 1855.-1 y. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. THE undersigned auditor appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon County, to distribute the balance in the hands of David Blair, Esq., Assignee of Simon Levi, amongst those entitled to receive the name, hereby gives notice that he will attend for the purpose of making said distribution, on Friday, the sixth day of July next, at one o'clock I'. M. at his &Ike in the borough of Huntingdon When and where all persons interested may at tend, &e JOHN HEED, May 30, 1855,1 t. Auditor AUDITOR'S NOTICE. rpm undersigned Auditor, appointed by the orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, to distribute certain balances in the hands of Charles Duff and Reuben Duff, Administrators of Jelin Duff, deed., and Trustees appointed by said Court, to make sale of his real estate, amongst these entitled to receive the some, hereby giros ;loam), that ho will attend for the purpose of making said distribution on Mon day the second day of Ally next, at one o'clock P. M., at his office in the borough of Hunting don, when and where all persons interested may attend .Cc. JOHN REED, May 30, 1805,4 t. Auditor, Ifo TAX COMANCTOION Collectors of Ste 0 and County tax for thp year 1854, are required to pcllopt and pay over the amount remaining unpaid on their duplicates, on or before the 15th day of August next, or tho 7 end their surety will hp issued against immedi ately after that date. By order of the COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. June 0, MISCELLANEOUS. i MISCELLANEOUS. C. G. Husscr. "" m ' s. VIM WralllWAGlMilt thiffilUlV UnIZZLrr a t - YgtirM*.i:, FORMERLY C. WELLS & CO., REMEDIES, PORK PACKERS, of Issued under the seal, sanction and authority Wholesale Dealers in Pr ovisions, THE UNIVERSITY OF AND Free Medicine OTNERAZ., OOMMISoros ln„ l ,, O nta 1 0,7, 1 3%. CHA.R ,NNSI L MNICICANTS. vAstA, Ann, 29, 1833. No. 324, Liberty Street, WITH A CHITA!. OP $lOO,OOO, ; COMMERCIAL ROW, MAINLY roil THE PURPOSE OF AMIE& PITT'SBURG, PA . TING THE EVILS OF ALL Have now on hand ft very large and choice ' : i t ii .l:z ir , o t n o d l i4 vliieli we particularly de si re' to Y.,..1 1/1 . ) idg . t . Z" 21CMTEDE i and dealers.generally. Also.ror supplying the' Community with rena -1 May 9,1859.-7 in. We remedies wherever a Compete. Physician cutuiot or will not be employed, have purchased from Dr. JOHN IL ROWAND, his celebrated Rowand's Tonic Mixture Known for upwards of twenty-live years as the only sure and safe cure for LOOK HERE. NOTICE is hereby given to all parsons whom it may concern that from and after the next set tlement by the County Auditors of Huntingdon County, (in January 1956) no claim or demand by any person, against said County on account of any road or bridge view, election, or service of any kind rendered said comity, and whirls is of an older standing than six years, will be allowed In settlement by raid Auditors , and nil kotands uncalled for and unclaimed up to the time ye rifled, will he considered no forfeited nod lorever shut out; and the certificate, order or paper on which it is predicated, rejected and thrown aside as a cancelled paper. RALPH CROTSLEY, PERRY MOORE, HENRY BREWSTER. Muy 23, 1853, BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. Where may be obtained the most speedy rem -3y for SECRET DISEASES.—CIeets Strictures, Seminal Weakness, Pain in the LOlll9, Allbetiom of the Kidneys, and all those peculiar atieetions arising from n secret habit, particularly the youth of both sexes, which if not cured, produces con stitutional debility ' rendering marriage impossi ble, and in the end destroys both Mind and Body. Young Men, especially, who have become the victims of Sol itary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thou sands of young men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening senates with the thunders or eloquence, or waked to ecstacy the living lyre, mny coil with full confidence. Married Persons, or those contemplating marriage, being aware of physical weakness, should immediate', consult 1)r. J., anti be restored to perfect health. Dr. Johnston, office No. 7 South Fredrick St., seven doors front Baltimore Street, east side up the steps. 0:1,P'lle particular in obtaining the nein° and number, or you will mistake the place. A cure warranted, or no charge mule, in from one to tn.° days. 'rant Noven.—Dr. Johnston's office is in his du 01114., up the steps. Ills very extensive Prac tice is a sufficient guarantee, that he is the only propel plivsidan to apply to. Dr. Jofiston, member of the Royal College of Surgeons. London, graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges of the United States, end the greater part of whose life hits horn spent in the:Hospitals of London, Paris Philadelphia, and , elsewhere, has effected some of the most aston ishing cures that were ever known, many trots bled with ringing in Ilse ears and head when asleep, great nervousness, being al:trifled at slid den sounds, end bashfitlness, with frequent blush ing attended sometimes with derangement of I mind, were cured immediately. A Cutermst DtsEssE.—lt is a melancholy fact that thousands fall victims to this horrid disease owing to the unskilfulness of ignorant pretenders who by the use of that deadly poison Mercury, ruin the Constitution, causing the most serious symptoms of that dreadful disease' to make their appearance, such as atli , etions of tho head, nose, throat, skin, etc., progressing with frightful ra pidity till sleuths puts a period to Their dreadful suffering, by sending theta io that Bourne whence no traveler rehires. __ TAKE PAIMCULAII NoTtem.--Young men who have injured themselves by a certain practice in dulged in when alone—a habit 'leg acuity learned from evil companions, or at school—the effects 01 which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and IF not cured renders marriage impossible, and de stroys both mind and body. What a pity that n young ratan, the hope of his I country, and the darling of his parents should be ' snatched from nit prospects and enjoyments of lir, by the consequence adulating from the petit • of nature and indulging inn certain secret habit. Such persons before contemplating 'Berridge, should reflect that a sound mind and body ore the most neeessary requisites to promete connu bial happiness, indeed without these, the jour ' acv thratigh life becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, nod tilled with the melancholy reflection, that the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own. CoNSTITUTIONAL DuIiTLITY.—M. J. address , es yeting men, and all who have injured them , selves by private and improper indulgence. Imre issANA.—These are some of the sad and melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, viz: Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the heed, Dimness of Sight, Loss of ' Muscular power, Palpitation of the Ileum Dys pepsin, Nervous Irritability, lletaugments of the ; Digestive Functions, General Debility Symptoms of consumption, &e. I Merr.3l.l.l . —Tlie fearful c Wert; on the mind are • much to be dreaded; Loss of Meinury, Confilsioll of ideas, Depression of Spirit, Evil Forte/dings; Aversion to Sunless', Self Distrust, Love of Soli ' tulle, &r., are some of the evils produced. Thousands of persons of all ages,ctin now judge ' what is the cause of their declining health. Los ing their vigor, becoming weak, pule and eine6o ced, have singular epee:trance about the eyes, tough and symtoms of consumption. Married persons, or those contemplating mar . Huge, being aware of physical weakness; should iminedistely consult 1/r. J. and be mow.' to per feet health. Office, No. 7, South Frederick-St., Baltimore, Md. ALL SURGICAL OPERATIONS PERFORMED.— . N• 13. Let no false delicacy prevent you, Iffit ap ply immediately either personally or by letter. 44kin Diseases Speedily Cured, To STIIANGEII9.—The ninny thousands cured at this Institution tvitlnin the lust ten years, and the numerous important Surgical Operations • performed by Dr. J.,withessed by the 'Reporters of the papers, and ninny other persons, notices of ' which have appealed again and again before the public, is a sufficient guarantee t h at the afflicted will find n skillful and honorable physleinn. I lAs there are so many ignorant dint worthless 9uneks advertising themselves ing the health of the afflicted Dr. Johmton would , nip to those smacquuintest twists his reputation that , his Credentials or Diplomas always hang in his office. --- iWakness of the orgaus immediately cured, end full vigor restored Cif All letters post paid—remedies sent by mail. Maly 22, 1855.—1 y. 1 O DOZEN Ames' No. 2 Shovolsjust recut. 1 rod and for Bale by J. & W. SAXTON. Amost beautiful lot of Berne do Leine pat teens, and in the piece, from 181 ets up to 50 ctn. per yarti,just received and for sale by J. j• 11". SA TON. T"LtiVoraling"Vernh,leoTsntr,'; in loon cioln"d- Children of every variety for sole by J. & W. SAXTON, HAMS, SHOULDERS, and Flitch Just mei. vod and for sale by CUNNINGHAM & DUNN. TILE cheapest and best lot of choloy . lierogo. and Berage do Lams, also Satins, lust rec'd and for solo by J. W. SSCTON. A Choico lot of driod beef just received and for sale at the new storo of • CUNNINGHAM &CUSS. I II A.. 111, Shoulder and Finds, just received and *I for sole by J. & W. SAXTO.N. FEVER & AGUE &C And his inestimable remedy Mr ROWEL COMPLAINTS, ROWAND'S SYR UP OF BLACKBERRY ROOT, Width highly approved and popular Reme dies, together with the University's Remedy for Complaints of the Lungs, The University's Remedy for Dyspepsia or Indigestion. The University's Remedy for Costive Bow• Also the University's Almanac may be had, at the Branch Dispensary, or Store of Moore & Swoope, Alexandria, Hunt. Co., Pa. Thos. Read & Son, Huntitren, " William Bell, Kessler & Bro.,Mill Creek, " 13. F. Kepner, Aiillintown, Juniata " Benner & Crawl urd, Thompsontown " Thos. Oberholtzer, Patterson EC CI. I). Gingrich & Co: Now Mexico, .‘ Zeller..l4ilt?n, Cumberland " W. S. Trowel, New Ctimberhind 6 , ~ 1.. B. Riper, • F Ceslow, Milton James Bleakley, Franklin. Venting° •' M Thompson, Dnnenrsville, Blair, Born, FranklitiForge, 44 CC Geo. lle;gsiresser, Frani:H.l4 " " I). Willimos, Hollidaysburg 44 41 11. Myers, tf 1. 1 . 1114111P5011, " 4( 44 Inn. Ily;ton,"llead Crooked 11am " .1. A. Huninge. Williamsburg, 'l'. Falls, 2nd Lock below " ti Kinkaid & Leery Yellow Springs, " E. Goodfellow, Hollidaysburg, Jacob Mclntyre, Martinsburg, ct 13.11fenser. Waynesboro, Mary Orr, Hollidaysburg, t; James Bell, Johns . town, - : Cambria, !‘ R. Lamberts., Franklin, Venango," Ulm, Ritz, Lewistown, Alilllir, " J. M. Williams. IsleVeytown, o 4i .1. R. Smith, Newton Ramat., " ~ 1::!..:. ('reign, ! .. .. 41 .1. W. Smith. Irwin, Jr., Strode's Mills larks, Lewistown, .1. NV. IV. Buchan., McVeytown, " 11. liratzer & Son, Johnstown, Cambria ;, May 16, 1835-Bn. HELAIBOLD'S ",!j•I',.I.IiIJITI2 :M-1,1021'1.A1.11).1s1:.• Helmbold's Highly Concentrated COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCIIU For Diseases of ti Bladder and Kidneys, OF strt!tions of the Urine, Cllonie.9onorrlara Ulcers, IVeaknesses, and all diseases of the Sexual Organs, ........ WHETHER IN 111,ALCOlelliT..M from whatever came they may have originated 111111 no matter of how long standing. If you have contracted the terrible disease, which, when once seated in the system, will go down front one generation to another, undermi ning the constitution mid snapping the very vital fluids of life, do not trust yourself in the hands of Quacks, who start up every day inn city like this, and till the papers with glaring falsehoods too well calculated to decivc the young and those not acquainted with their nicks. You cannot be too careful in the selection of n remedy in these eases. THE FLUID EXTRACT RUCHE has been pronounced by eminent physicians THE gREATEST REMEDY EVER KNOWN It IS A medicine perfectly pleasant in itit taste and very innocent in its action, and yet so they ou , di that it 'A\\IIIILATES EVERY PARTICLE of the rank and poisonous virus of this dreadful disease end, unlike other remedies it dues not (try up the disease in the blood. Constitutional Debility. Brought on by self-abuse, a most terrible nitich hos brought thousands of the hu man race to untiinely graves, thus blasting the brilliant hopes of parents, and blighting in tine bud tbeglorions ambition of many u noble youth, can be cured by this INFALLIBLE REMEDY. And non medicine which must benefit everybody from the oimply delicate to the confined and de. sp,tiving invalid, no equal i, to be found, ACTINU 110711 AS A CURE AND PRE • VENTATIVE. Ilelnibold's Highly Coucentirated Co11.1'01.7N1) FLUID EXTRACT SARSA PARILLA, For purifying the Blood, removing all diseases arising from excess of Mercury, frost any exposure in life, chronic constitu- • tional disease, arising from an im pure state of the Illood,and the only reliable and effectual known remedy out, • for the cure of SerofulaSalt • Rheum, Scald Head, Ulcerations Oho Throat and Legs, Pains and Swellings of the Bones, Tetter, Pim pies on the Face, and all sca ly Eruptions of the Skin, he., he. This article is now prescribed by some of the most distinguished Physicians in the country, and has proved more efficient in practice than preparation of Sarsaparilla yet offered the pub lic. Several cases of secondary Syphilis, Mer curial nod Scrofulous diseases have entirely re covered in the incurable wards of our Public In stitutions whirls had for many years resisted ev ery subtle of treuunent that could be devised.— These cases burnish striking examples of the salutary effects of this medicine in arresting 80111 C of the most inveterate diseases, after the glands were destroyed and the bones already af fected. NoTicE.—Letters from responsible Physi cians and Professors of several Medical Colleges and certificates ulcures from patients will he found accomplinvin.• both Preparations, • I'ItICES, Fluid Extract of Buchn, $1 bottle or 6 hot. $5 " " Sarsaparilla. " equal in strength to ono gallon Stop of Sul's. parilla. Preperred and sold by 11. T. 11ELMBOLD, Chemist, 263 Chestnut St., near the Girard House, rhiladolpliiii. To bo hod of Thos. Head & Son, Huntingdon, Pa.. and of Druggists and Healers everywhere. 11741/ Letters directed to the Proprietor or Agent receive immediate attcation. May 13,1855-Iy. AFINE assortment, of Linen Couts, Vests and Pants from 871 tipwards for sale at the cheap clothing store cif 11. ROMAN. of Carpet TILE a bc tio n „ " erp n rre n e t s b„ evg".,„, altered,a„) other establishment. Just reeelyed and for sale by J. & Si.txToN. TUST received and fur sale—Maekerol, Y lleuing, Trunt, and Codfish, by w.134.4c0N. M ISCELLA.NEOUS, STARTLING, BUT TRUES NHAT EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW How often it happena, that the wife Hagen front year to year hi I hat pitlatle condition no not ere* for one day to feel the happy and exhilarating loan. enee incident to the enjoyment of health. THE BLOOMING . 138 IDE, But a few years ago in the flush of health and youth, and buoyancy of spirits, rapidly, and apparently in explicably, becomes a feeble, sickly, collate, debili tated wife, with frame emaciated, nerves unstrung, spirits depressed, countenance bearing the impress of eutfering,. and an utter physical anal mental pro.- 'ration, arming from ignorance of the simplest and plainest rules of health as connected with the mar riage state, the violation of which entails disease, 'sabring and misery, not only to the wife, but often HEREDITARY COMPLAINTS UPON THE CHILDREN " HNTO THE THIRD AND rot . ETH IiENERATIoN," Tranuntalleg CONSUMPFION, SCROFULA, HYPOCHONDRIA, INSANITY, K7Rli•B EVIL ,, ;;;if;ii.;;; ind worse Dbeaxes, as DREADFUL INHERITANCE FROM THE PARENTS. "And must this continue? Host this be, Is there no remedy? No relief? hope?" The remedy Is by I:eosin, the ennses and Ilvaling th;w e tt k o n p o: i i . illh o ez n nedies, and benefiting by them. THE MARRIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION, 1W DR. A. 3f. MAURICEAU, PIUTrIfFoR R► MALMO OP ROM:, Oar Ilondredth Edition. (500,000), 18mo., pr. 250. tog rise rArsot, ESTRA trimmin, $1.00.1 A standard work of established reputation. f,und classed In the catalogues of the great trade sales in New York. Philade!' bin, and other cities, and ..old by the principal bookselk re in the United Stet.. It was first published In 1837, since which time FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND COPIES bare been prold,of whieb there were upwanla of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SENT BY NAM, atteAlleg the high estimation In which It Is held as a re• liable popular Medical BOOK FOR EVERY FEMALE the author having devoted his exclusive attention to the treatment of complaints peculler to females, In respect to which he is yearly consulted by thousands both in person and by letter. Here every woman can &ears, by comparing her own symptunts with those described, the nature, character, causes of, and the proper remedies fur, her compLtints. The Wife about becoming a mother has often need of Instruction and advice of the utmost importance to her future health, in respect to which her semitlyenou fur• Lids consulting a medical gentleman, will find sad, In• %traction null advice, end also expiate many symptoms which otherwise would occasion anxiety or alarm as all the peculiarities incident to her situation are described. flew sunny are auffering from obstructions or Irregular ities peculiar to tho female system, which undermine the health, the effects of which they are Ignomnt, and for which their delicacy forbids seeking medico' whip. Many *offering from r ula r sits uteri (rutileg o! the womb), or from fluor dim (aveal.nerg, debility, he.) Many Ph, In constent agony fur many months preceding confine ment Many have difficult if not dangerous deliveries, end slow and uncertain recoveries. Form whose lives are hamrded during such time, will each lied In its mos the means of prevention, untelioratiou and relief. It is of memo itinnucticable to convey fully the various subjects treated of, as they am of a nature strictly In. b•u:rd for the married or those contemplating marriage. Reader, err you a husband or a Esther ? a wife or a mother, have you the sincere welfare of those you love at heart? Prose your sincerity, and letto no time in ruing what causes Interfere with their health and bap. %A not less than your own. It will avoid to you end years, as it lies ro thousands, many a day of pain and anxiety, followed by sleepless nights, inespaciMting the what fur Ile ordinary avocation, end exhausting those means for 'medical ettenslance, uu,licines end advertised nostrums which otherwise would provide for declining yearn. tho 'annuities of age aa•l the proper education of your children. In consequence of the tativereal popularity of the work, as evidenced by its extraordinary sale various hunts, lions have ham attempted, as tell 011%00.1.11er% as on tho public, by imitations 01 MID page, spurious editions, and surreptitious infringements of copyright, and other devices and deception, it hat been found neve.rury, therefore, to CAUTION THE PUBLIC to buy uu book unless the uunli •• 10. A. • .and theen 'l t A rr to the Clerk's Office on the beck of) 0110 ( 1101e page ; and buy tool of respectable and honorable dealers, or sent by wall, and addrese to Lk. A. M. Ilauriceau. * Upon receipt of One Dollar "THE MAR RIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COM PANION" is sent (mail, free) to soy part of the United States. the Canada. and British Provinces. MI letters moat be post-paid, and addressed to Dr. A. M. MAURIOEAU boo 1224, New-York City. Publishing 129 Liberty Street, Roy. Took. A IMAMS IN PENII'LT.A.IIA. T. 11• Peterson, M. Bro., and Cow portliai t, in—Mrs. Cynthia Williams, /hum /0/e—Spangler .1, Bro., Lai, caster—S. Tuck, Witkesburre—.l. B. Gunnison Eric—Saml. B.Lauffer, Gransburg—B. Hall, l'itldon—Dr. S. I). Scott, Beei lbrd—E. T. Hit derlwand, Indiana—J. S. Nickson and Col. A. K. McClure, Omni bersburg—Joseph Swartz, Illoomsburg—G W Earle, Waynesboro—Pot,• for A:. Me.lfatin Bellefonte -h, A. Lance, ling—W in. Colon, .././uutiugdoii, FelwoUry 5, 11355,66), CLOTHING ! A New Assort went Just Opened! And Will be sold 30 per cent. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST HROMAN respectfully informs,his enstotners ~ and the public generally, that he has just opened nt his store room in Market Square, Hun tingdon, a splendid new stock of Ready made Clothing for Sprintii and Summer, consisting of Superfine black Dress and Frock Coats, black and fancy CassimererCassinet and Corduroy Pantaloons ; a large assortment of Vests, flats, Caps, neck and pocket Hankorehiefn Shirts Suspenders, Carpet Bags, Trunks, &c., &c., nil of which ho will sell cheaper than the name quality of Goods can he purchased at retail in Philadelphia or any other establishment in the .country. Persons wishing to buy Clothing would do well to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Huntingdon, April 23, 1833-Iy, REIVIOYAVE. hips. SARAH IWIT wishes to inform the 1171 t ladies of Huntingdon and the sttr4cmoding country that she tins moved next door to Charles Miller above the Presbyterian Churcli, Hill St., where she intends carrying on the fancy and straw Millinery business. Having received the latest city fashlop, she is prepared to attend to all thatt.my flu•o l,s uvi.h tlmir cantata. Ain 10, 1855-6 S. A. KULP. X 1153 0%.11T. lON. T"E,artnershir heretofore existiug between igyton nod Mossev it by mottoil consent slit wired, aod alt o,prnotts on•ipg themselves in debtetk to the said firm, will piens° Gill nod set- Op thew neVnlnts without 141T0,N 4 MOSSE.R. _gottiqbAirc, T OCKUNG Glassesjust receivcd awl Or 14 14 by J. ,t• W. SAXTON. MORSE BILLS, x - rIATLY printed WI Shari notice, end at low inivas att the "Journal 01. Ace A g roat varioly orb: masonic Oiughings and for II sale by J. &. W. SA XTON• - - - - - JUST raisaiviag, ibis wank, Muckerel, Herring &e., and for stile by J. &W. SAXTON. THE ffine,t ussortnient of Boots and Sivas over offered in town, for sale low 11 s', &EXTON. Gold Wit Whoa illbe !mid by ED. Stan Neer than elsewhere. 20 13AR . RELS Nn. 1 'tarring, arrived and fur sale at the flora if (AO. GIVIN. ISCELLANEOUS. tirry REAL &UTE, ny rirtrte of no alias order of sale issued out -liof the ttrpluaSs' Court of Huntingdon county will I.esakt at public sale, on the .preattso„ iu Study township, in said ....linty, on .5:4 TUB. , 2, the 11th July, A tract of hind in the. t .wnship aforesaid containing, between 90 and 100 ccres, ndjoining land of Jame.. McDonald, and; others, late tho estate of James Ross, dec'd., bout 25 neres of which are cleared, with a cabin house and barn thereon, and the balance of t h e tract containing the best timber in that country. Said property is About 3 miles from Mill Creek, on the Pennsylvania Canal and Railroad, at the month of Kishaeoquillis valley, on the road lea. ding from 21111 Creek to Allenvillo. There era four springs on the tract and a good water-pow , er. TEnsts.--One-litilf of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and the bal ance in one year thereafter, to be secured by bond and mortgage, with interest. THOMAS ROSS, Admr. HENRY GLAZIER, Clerk, Nfay 0, 1855. BOOKS ! BOOKS ! ! 25. ; 000 an 4t)l VOLUMES boo r o knso w 0,111 embracing every variety to be had "'." in Boston, New York and Philadel hie—the subscriber has just received and offers for sale extremely low. His stock of STATIONARY is of great variety and superior quality ns fol lows :—lttolscaps, Letter, Note and Wrapping Pnper. Envelopes of every kind; Gold and Steel Pens, Porttnonies, Pocket Books, Pen Knives,Pocket Knives, &c. School Books of every ind used in the country, at wholesale and retail prices. PIECES WALL PAPER of the latest and prettiest styles, just re or sale at Philadelphia retail prices. 19 .cd O and f All the alinvo stock the Wilk will tinit it to be to their interat to rail and examine before purchasing elsewhere, as be is determined 4o.gire satisfaction to every customer. Store opposit‘ Whittaker% Hotel, Railroad street. WM. COLON. Huntingdon, April 10, 1855.—tf STATIONARY DAGUERREAN GALLERY. 11 P. PRETTYMAN takes skis method to. i, inform the oitizena oS Huntingdon and all , others, that ho hos pottnanently located in Hun tingdon, where he will be. pleased to at.end to nil: dint call on hint foe good and notes fading Pic tures. Gallery nt Railroad House; where lie can be found at all hours between 8 A.. 111. and 5 P. M. Pictures warranted correct, or no charge. E. P. P. guarantees to give full sutistitction, to all that patronize him; all shall be pleased., with his pictures or no charge. Huntingdon, May 2, 1855.-610 J. W. THOMPSON, :ivy anitu da.r 11,27110 • "" COMMISSIONER FOR PENN'A DAVENPORT, lOWA. Attends to buying, selling and locating Lands and land warrants, pays to xes, loans Money on Real Estate secnrity,on commission, examines and makesatbstracts or title, &c. Any business intrusted, will be attended to promptly and wills Hot - or to lion. Goo. Taylor and Members of tie Brat Huntingdon. May 1.1111, 1855-76m0. NOTICE. NOTICE Is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing. between the undersign ed (trailing iipiler the firm of Couch & is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The liooks of Wit firm are In the hands of David. Damn With whim gii coneerved will please to. make immediate settlement. GNORGE COUCH, DAVXD DUNN. April 10, 1055-tf. DISSOLUTIQN, TILE partnership heretofore existing between Drs. Brown and Itawrty is this day by mu tual consent dissolved. All persons knowing themselves indebted to the said firm, will please call and settle their accounts without delny. H. L. BROWN. J. H. HAGERTY March 27 1853—ti. undersigned rushes to inform his friends I and the piddle generally dna he hae moved his shop to the laktilding of And. Harrison, for merly occupied by limn to collector's oflicc, Hill Ht. Where ho intends carryink; oa the .`falloting business on such terms as will not fail to give satisfaction to all that may favur liitu with their custom. He wishes to return thanks for the liberal pa tronage heretofore received and hopes by strict attention to business to merit it continuance of the same. ENOS 11. GULP. April 10, 1855-If. DENTISTRY. .10! DR. J. R. HEWITT, Surgeon roiesissionalspeetfitlly h ers may wish operations on th s nTe i eVi s . tn a l fig;ktf ‘ Dr. Hewitt, Alexandria, Huntingdon Cu., Va t April 10, 1835--fin•, .TOSEPH /11.01VGLASSI, in 4eOoonollstown hos constantly on — imud, ready made rifles, and is prepared to make and repair Guns of all kinds st the shortest notice. Awn 23, 11433-Iy, Fld'SaltLcr‘'rr, Iron a?d Staal, all !d,of thrs 4 grl " C4t"" to e"b'"e for Goods at store J. & W. SAXTON. GINT Cravats and Scarfs of every variety.— also Gray Stocks, just received and for sale by J. & §AI.rrQN. DARASOLS of the very beat quality Rum 75 1 to 350 each fov sale by J. & W, SAXTON. "WV , WWWZ LEAll,jwit receive,: and for 1 44;0 by J. & W. SAXTON. QILVER Butter Knives, end Salt Spoons, at ►7 E. Snare'sClicapJewelry Store,' ••WHEAT by the bushel and Flour ny the barrel • fur sale at the cheap new Store of CUNNINQHAM & KINN, DRIED All' US, peeled end wh e elie } jtm recelyed and for sale by CVNKINWIA II t 4 AUNX. rcopiroll 0,3 for ea.le, rby C NINGIIAM & MINN; Ljore 4hoe twjo c 9,1 ANA, 111„14 k oceived ~, aNNANWIAM & Di4NN, CinoCKKRY—A woli-selected tot of Fairthon rWatre, fur 18.16 by r eI:NNINGILASI &DUSN. Wits bPik". I;v& i tt i varrlll7,,,, Ro c o u , Nr i i A s t im l ticd s l 7. cLorn,N .pro a S SI.AIERES, -- plain awl fancy, at very tow prices, at the store of QEO. Irish for Sal!, • 15 Barrett, Slum.,Puma Simi, to Halt' " " post maenad and for sale at 'lto store of GEO. OWIN,