Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 27, 1855, Image 2

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Wednesday Morning, June 27. 18155.
wiLLLim unEwsTEti, 2 E DITORS,
71*JOURNAL:' has 300 Subseri
more, than any other paper
in this county.
Agents for the Journal,
Thefollowingpersons we trove appointed Agents
for the Iltirmitooos JOURNAL, MIIO are author
ized to receive end receipt for money paid on sub
scription, and to take the names of new subscri
bers at our published prices.
We do this for the convenience of our subscri
bers living at a distance from Huntingdon.
Jonx W. THOMPSON, Esq., Hollidaysburg,
&MULL Costs, East Berm,
Ozonon W. CORNEIAUS. Cromwell township.
ifzintv Wows ' Clay township.
DAVID ETNlSM,Cromwell township.
Dr. J. I'. ASILCOM, Penn township,
J. WAREHAM MATTERS . , Franklin township,
SAMUEL STRFFEY, Jackson township,
Rouses M'BVRNET, "
Col. JNO. C. WATSON, Brady township,
Moms Btu, ws, Springfield townslrip,
Ilotollnisos, Esq., Warriorsmark tp.,
Gens MoDow.G.D, Brady township,
ORGE W. WHITTAKER, Petersburg,
Barmy NEFF, West Barren.
Maj. CHARLES MICKLET. Tod township,
A. M. BLAIR, Dublin township,
Gronos Mums, Esq., Tell township,
:TAMES CLARK, Birmingham.
NATHANIEL LYTLE, Esq., Spruce Creek.
Maj. IV. Moons, Alexandria.
B. F. WALLACE, Union Furnace.
SIMEON WRIGHT, BIKI., Union township.
Cass township.
STAID. WinTos, Esq., Franklin township.
"'DAVID PARKER, Esq., Warriorsmark.
AURANDT, Esq., Todd township.
Meeting of the Whig Comity Committee.
The members of the County Committee op.
pointed by the Whig Convention of August
last, arc requested to meet at my office, on
Wednesday the 4th dayof July next, at 3 o'clock
in the afternoon, to consult and determine what
line of action the Whig party of Huntingdon
county should adopt in the present state of po
liticalafTairs. A full and punctual attendance
of all the members is requested.
Dr. J. A. Shade, Saml L Glasgow, K. L.
Green, B. E. Lytle, William Christy, John K.
McCallan, John M. Leech and John Leporte,
constitute said committee.
Huntingdon, Juno 27, 1825,
New Advertisements.
We invite particular attention to the card
of Messrs. Houtz and Graffius, M. D's.
CC" The Pa. Meg. Law Library.
no- Celebration at Casaville.
Mlfr Agricultural meeting.
Aar Lecture on Mental Electricity.
sor- A two horee wagon for sale.
(;RAlLtm's is a vnlti.
able book, and apparently has lost none of
its charms since the withdrawal of Mr.
, Graham. Terms-1 copy, one yaar, in
advance, 113; 2 copies, 515; 6 copies, *lO.
IVe have the pleasure of intortning our
.readers that Dr. 13urleigh an eminent Inc
•turo•, will deliver a lecture on Monday
wening, July 2, in the Court House, on
Mental Electricity. It is a ple inure for us
to cordially invite all who wish to heat. a
sound lecture, and witness many wonder
ful experiments, to attend. For reference
as to the merit of the lecturer, the reader
is directed to Rev. 0. 0. Nineteen, I'. P.
Campbill and Wm. Dorris, Esqrs.
Farmers' High School of Pennsylvania.
In accordance with an act of incorpora
tion, a meeting of the Trustees of the a
bove named proposed institution, was late
ly held at Harrisburg. A great number
of gentlemen were present, including the
Governor and Secretary of the Common
wealth. A resolution was introduced and
adopted, whereby Gov. Pollock, Frederick
lYatts and A. L. Elwyn, were appointed
,a committee to examine the different par
.cels of land tendered by gentlemen of the
State, to the Farmers' High School,. and
report the moat :advisable place for the e
rection or location of the Institution
The Committee agreed .to start on the
25th, so that any donation which may be
offered, for the purpose of having the lo
cation of the institution within •our county,
nhould 'be made immediately..
Lien. Irvin, of Centire county and Ben.
J. Miles of Erie, have tendered land for
the benefit of the institution.
The Mails.
We intended to notice at some length tl.e
subject of the missing Journals at Cassville
and Paradise Furnace. On reflection we deem
it unnecessary. The whole matter is a mere
question of veracity between our Whig and
American patrons, who have complained of the
irregularity of the Journal, and the three offi
cials who have each testified to their own l Inept
and faithful delivery of our paper. Our rea•
tiers well know which to believe. And so long
as we hear no more complaints see will leave
the Globe at leisure to attend to similar cases
in another quarter. Here is one which we
copy from the "Huntingdon American," and
which requires Mr. Lewis' sympathy and do.
ranee. We hope ho will attend to it—his mas
.ter will expect it.
4 140METHING waovn.—We received a paper
front a certain I'. N. iu this county, marked re
fused. The gentleman to whom we sent our
paper, called with no last week to inquire the
cause of his not receiving it, and was astonish.
ed when we told him that it had been returned.
He said that he had never ordered it to be sent
back, but that he has called weekly at the post
office for it, and was bold that there was none
f.n. hits. Come now, give us a eliatice:'
Our Post Moe Department.
Never, in the history of our short life,
have we seen such disorder in the above
named portion of our national arrangement,
than at present. We are free to confess
that there has been disorder in the post of
fice department, under Whig office-hold
ers, but who would have the foolishness to
state that any disorder was ever equal to
that which disgraces our present history.
Recent developments have thrown some
light upon the present workings of the sys
tem, under papal management, and have
likewise been the means of adding new
proof to the already over-sufficient, of the
corruption and dishonesty of our National
It has been proven conclusively, by the
very agents of the present government,
in the recent trial of the post master of NI.
Orleans, indicted for embezzling money
from letters, that a class of mail agents of
the government, have ready access to the
mails, and that frequently they tamper
with letters entrusted ; that often seals are
broken, envelopes substituted, and copies
taken, and very probably money abstracted.
And it was further adduced that the head
of the department, knowing the fraud prac
tised upon the , community, although "not
approving the outrage, wants it anti winks
at it:" What does our American citizens
think of this. What security have they?
Their most private affairs, their money,
and their confidential correspondence, are
and have been at the tender mercies of a
band of ignorant persons, whl are the
willing tools of the rapacious political se
cret hunters of Washington. The alle
gation of the press, throughout the length
and breadth of the land, that corruption and
dishonesty are practised, is thus proven to
be correct.
When our public sworn officers, resort
to such dishonorable schemes to obtain the
secrets of a political opponent, is it not
time to have them removed? Who now
dare question the source from whence the
Locofoco journals of the day, drew all their
information relative to the secrets of the
Know Nothing Party? The oaths, signs,
grips, pass-words, &c., published in Loco
foco papers, and which were chuckled o•
ver as being entirely correct, could not in
reality have been obtained otherwise than
by purloining letters from the mail bags.
One of the two points is obvious : either
the Locofoco journals must publish what
they know to be a tissue of falsehoods, or
they must procure their information direct
ly from the mail bags. For we cannot be
lieve that a man possessing a reasonable
allowance of common sense, belonging to
an organization with so peculiar nn oath.
binding requirement, could be induced, per
suaded or forced to divulge any of its ao
crets. The party that would stoop to so
miserable an alternative, to obtain the se
crets of a political opponent, deserves the
severest condemnation of an intelligent
To show the miserable manner in which
the post office affairs are managed, we
might bring forward example after exam
ple of embezilement, negligence, and oth
er evils, but cannot at present, for want of
space. We would conclude, by merely
calling the attention of the reader to the
fact that hundreds of dollars, in unopened
letters, find their way from the Post Office
to the paper mill which may be the recei
ver of the cast away paper. Surely, sure
ly, reform is needed.
The Late Ameriean'Oonvention.
The Convention of Americans from all
portions of the Union, which lately assem
bled in the city of Philadelphia, for the
purpose 'of forming a Platform of Princi•
ples, designed for the government of the
entire organization throughout our land,
an abstract of which we published in our
last issue, was not characterized by that
harmonious feeling which we had expect.
ed would have been shown by the mem
bers north and south. The harmony of
the assembly wns materially interrupted
by an imprudent introduction of the ques
tion of slavery into the meeting, by some
fanatical abolitionist, without a thought or
mayhaps a care of the consequences.—
This peculier organization, familiar to the
public under the significant title of Amer
ican party, owes its present greatness and
growing prosperity to the unanimity of its
members in all things pertaining to its suc
cess. The harmony, that's the word, in
all its councils. Now, nothing will tend
towards a more rapid dissolution of any
political party, than "family jars," dis
cords, or whatever else you may term the
petty questions of sectional nature, which
for an example, were brought forward by
members of the late convention "A.
house divided against itself cannot stand."
This is an ancient maxim, but one which
has not lost any of its correctness by age.
The American party would do well to re
member this important rule. United, the
. party of "Sam" may flourish like the green
I buy tree, but let the sectional spirit which
Iwas manifested in the late national conven•
I lion continue, and we would not bo sur
prised to see divisions occurring which all
the tact of the most skilful politicians of.
the day, or the labor of the purest patriot
cannot unite.
It is apparent that the members of the
Council from Massachusetts, or at least a
majority of them, have embraced the new
doctrine, with designs not entirely free
(rein pivicion. We me,ut with the hope
of forwarding their abolition schemes ; so
on the other hand, we doubt not but that
many of the southern members have made
it their faith, with a view of extending pro
slavery ideas or feelings. This will never
do. To flourish, the American party must
stand a firm, united band. Its members
must agree to give up every sectional feel
ing which might jar with the principles
they have espoused. Forgetting old opin
ions and cleaving to the new.
The Decree has gone forth.
President Pierce is becoming notorious.
He has already obtained a notoriety only
equalled by the brilliant administration of
John Tyler. It appears, that by a recent
decree of the President, not only are the
office-holders (from the President's private
jigger-boss' down to the poor office clerks)
who are suspected of holding American
principles, to be kicked out of office, but
every one who refuses to be governed in
his politics by the laws of the new society
which has recently made its appearance in
Ohio, called the Sag Neehta . 1 gotten up
for the purpose of counteracting Know
Nothingism. We like that ;it is glori
ous for us. It will awaken even Locofocos
to a feeling alter awhile.
It reminds us of a story we once heard
of our Washington. During the war of
the revolution, the citizens of a neighbor
ing state were rather on the side of old
.Rex,' or at most, neutral. It happened
that the Hessian army marched through
their state, burning their houses, killing
their cattle, and even cutting their heads
off—just as ihe administration is now do
ing in a political way. Washington was
told of it, and rubbing his hands with evi
dent delight, answered: "that is glorious;
if anything is going to strengthen us, sir,
it is this !"
So pile on the agony, Mr. President,
Head or Tail.
The success of the cause of American
ism, in this Commonwealth, at the next
election in October, depends entirely we
may say on the action the members of the
party take, relative to the exclusion of those
who have and who would support their
candidates, under circumstances consistent
with their party views. The idea which
has gained ground with Know Nothings,
and which is a very dangerous one to the
success of their cause, is the mistaken be
lief that they can triumph .single-handed'
over all opposition. It is a fact, that al
most all victories achieved by the Know
Nothing Party, have either directly or in
directly been accomplished by the support
the Whig party threw in that direction.—
The Whig Party will unite with a patriot
ic and republican oriranization. for the pur
pose of demolishing the false fabric of lo
c:ifocoisin, and forever destroying the polit
ical influence of a party, which has been
always characterized by a disgusting pan
dering to the cause of popery, for the pur
pose of building up its influence in the
land. The American party must do away
with the absurd idea, that it is strong and
old enough to ignore the Whig material,
which will oily act with it for sufficient
reasons. The grand mistake which the
Order ma de. in placing too much confi
dence in their strength, is fully exemplified
in the Virginia election. The Party should
learn wisdom from experience.
The Plague.
A remarkable disease hiis made its ap
pearance in the city of New York, deno
minated by some of the journals of that
place as "the plague." It was at first
supposed to be the Erysipelas, but as it
could not be properly classed under that
head, they have given it the rbove appella
tion. Its first appearance is a small dis
colored spot, generally upon the face, and
frequently extending over the greater por
tion of the body. If suppuration does
not take place, life is soon destroyed, as if
by a general mortification. It is not con
fined to any particular class of individuals,
or any particular'section, but some of the
very first families of the city have been
atttacked. By cutting out the spot, life
may be saved. We have our information
from the N. York papers, and give it for
what it is worth
It may or may not be the so•called 'an
cient plague' revived, and there is reason
to believe it is not, because it is said to be
neither contagious or epidemic—but if not,
what can it bet Perhaps a new disease
for the destruction of man.
The Kinney Expedition.
Col. Kinney sailed from New York on
the sth inst., on an expedition to Central
America, He avows it as his intention to
lay claim to some 40,000 acres of land in
the mountains of Nicaragua, but the true
object of his expedition, we surmise, is to
take part with the revolutionists against
the established Government. Ho gives as
a maim for the sudden departure of his
humble self, for Nicaragua, that he was
so narrowly watched, his steamer also be.
ing prevented from lea ving, by a strong
naval force. These would be public pa
triots, busy-bodies and revolutionists, are
getting entirely too officious. Thrusting
themselves where they are nat
merely for the purpose of becoming konwo
to the world, and then when troubles as
sail, fall back upon their citizenship to pro.
tect themselves from well-merited chits.
Litman:la. It would he an excellent plan,
and we hope our National Administration
will adopt it, of giving over these needy
filibustering adventurers to the country
whose institutions they seek to overthrow;
without any effort to procure their pardon,
as in the Cuban affair.
The Globe and its Editors•
Newspaper controversies are useless affairs,
and should be avoided as much as possible;
snore especially when such controversies be
come personal attacks on character. However,
it becomes necessary sometimes, in an editori
al life, where gross and dishonorable misrepre
sentations are uttered against an individual, to
show to the public eye the true character of the
pitiable creatures, who thus disgrace the circle
of society. The duty of exposing these miser
able counterfeits on humanity becomes imper
ative, when we consider the surprising and
alarming fact, that where any species of scan
dal is vented spinet an individual, no matter
how high his character may stand in the esti.
!nation of the public, there will always be found
those who give it full credit. Therefore, the
only apology we offer for trespassing upon the
patience of our readers, is, the vindication of
our character and the exposition of a Judas.—
The writer of those articles in the last issue of
'the Huntingdon Globe, although he may screen
himself from the public, by assuming the edito
rial chair, without placing his name at the
head of his piratical, popish sheet, is very well
known to as. Even if we possessed no better
evidence of this "half-batched scrivner" beinl
the author of the empty pieces, the language
is sufficient ; the foul-mouthed slander it con
tains, being the characteristic of this petty tool
of designing demagogues. Amongst the thou
sand and one charges which he brings sigainst
us, we are favored with the startling inform-
Lion, that we voted illegally, and therefore, are
"liable to imprisonment," Sce., and makes it the
occasion of parading in the columns of the
Globe, hisproficiency in legal lore, and his as
tounding knowledge of the laws of the land.—
We admire Isis selfesteem, and pray that lie as
the author of the humorist/ leader in the last
Globe, may long wear his cars. He says, "we
have made the necessary examination," he.,
very good, and now, will this self-important le
gal item inform us by what rule he intends act-.
ing in the matter. Can he, dare he, will he,
and we defy, challenge .d request him to
prove by or from those records, we "voted un.
lawfully." We have made no statements we
are not able to prove to the entire satisfaction
of a Court and Jury. We have uttered no
word we ever will retract, and we defy Isis!, his
learned masters, or Isis depraved associate to
prove us "worthy a residence in the county in.
stitute.' We challenge him, his advisers or
his masters to bring forward evidence to sus
tain their unmitigated falsehoods.
But, Ise charges us with opposing the Whig
nominees, last fall, .d for proof, brings out a
paragraph from the Standing-Stone, wherein
are the names of the candidates, he positively
asserts, w•e supported. Now, strange to tell,
those eery candidates tom regularly nomiaa•
led by the Whig Party, with one or two excep
tions. Oh 'consistency thou art a jewel.' He
thus is "convicted out of his own mouth," and
process by his own testimony to be an unprin
cipled prevaricator. We hasten over various
other charges he makes against us, as being
too palpably absurd and ridiculous, to meet
with a lodging place in any one's belief, and
come at once at the real haat)en of all his fuss
and froth ; know then readers, see are styled
the "would-be Dictator General of the Whig
Party," "Leader of the Know Nothing Party,"
she. There again, is another blunder of this
unlettered genius; first, he asserted some time
ago, the Whig and Know Nothing parties were
one and the same, and now gives earls a clis
finet and separate station, with our humble
self as the leader! The insipid or rather stupid
writing of this panderer to party prejudices,
promises to
"Rob Rome's ancient geese of all their glories,
And cackling, save the Locofoco Tories."
But i kre is where the shoe pinches—we are
suspected of belonging to Me American Party!
The Locofoco Party, from the President and
his Pontifical Highness James Campbell, down
to the very dregs of Locofoco corruption, (and.
we may embrace our Globe editors in this
class,) are all determined on crushing out the
spirit of Americanism. But the editors of the
Globe, have a double object in view; all who
know them, know they are and ever have been
political aspirants—seekers after office,—gree
dy, ravenous and rapacious. They will resort
to any low scheme to further their ends.—
Hence, the character of every one who is even
suspected of believing in the American priori.
ples, is assailed, and this is the burthen of their
song, against us, designating us, as the "Angel
Gabriel, Jr." Whether wo do, or do not be
long to the American Party, is a matter of lit
tle consequence ; but it is because we are sus.
peeled, we are assailed by the menials of a cor
rupt and anti-republican administration. ,
In conclusion, we rake a word of explana
tion. We could not consistently accuse our
neighbor of the Globe (we mean the publisher)
with being the author of the scurrilous articles
in question. We know ho is an unsophistica
ted, sitnple and unoffending creature, but we
do blame him for permitting so unworthy and
evil-disposed reprobates to control his sheet.—
This miserable resort of miserable politicians
(to "gain a point,") of attacking one's char.-
ter,—indulging in vulgar personalities, &c., is
to be deplored, and should be discountenanced.
If the writer for the Globe wishes, we will con
descend to dietuss with hint and his masters,
any political point, or question, he may intro
duce, but we cannot, and will not, prostitute
our columns to tie miserable a level with the
Globe, by answering it in language similar to
that it foolishly uses against us.
Perhaps the writer is merely seeking to int.
mortalize himself, by wading through the mud
and mire of a corrupt vocabulary, end indeed
he does, by his low blackguardism, seem to be
abeliever in the doctrine that
- -
"He proves the best who Ran dust through
thick and thin,
And who the most in love of dirt excel,
Or dark de4tekiLy of groping well.
Who flings most filth, and wide polutes around
The stream."
If we arc to sum up the real character. of
our friendly writer, we could not do it better
than by giving the words of Pope:
"Dupe to a party ; child and man the same,
Bounded by nature, narrow'd still by art,
.1 trifling head, and a contracted heart."
,fortigu Nem
Important from Europe.
The Actions of the 224 and 28d of May.
The Moniteur publishes the following de
spatch from Gen. Pefissile to the Minister of
War. It is an account of actions on the nights
of the 22d and 23d of May.
"Headquarters, before Sevastopol, Saturday,
May 26th, 1855.—Monsieur le Marcella' t Since
the storming of the Russian counter-approaches
in front of the Central Bastion, on the night of
the 2d of May, and the occupation of that im
portant work by our troops, the enemy to ins
pede our progress and take our attack in flank
turned their attention to the Quarantine aide,
and erected there new lines of counter-approach
They formed the plan of connecting by a ga
bionnade the ambuscades at the extremity of
the bay, those of the cemetery, and to connect
the work by a continuous covered way with the
right lunette of the Central Bastion. In the
night between the 21st and 22d, by an enor
mous effort of labor, skillfully concealed, they
commenced laying out that vast place d'armes,
so threatening for our left attack, .d so conve
nient for enabling the enemy to assemble large
bodies of men, .d make considerable sorties.
"The danger of this Russian work was evi
dent. I saw at once its extent and ordered
General De Sullen, commander of the First
Corps, to carry that position and turn tlio ene
my's new works against themselves—a delicate
and difficult operation, as a strong resistance
and obstinate struggle mig ht be counted upon
under the fire of formidable batteries.
"The General of Division Pate was charged
with the operation. Two attacks were orgaui•
zed—one at the bottom of the bay, the other
on the ambuscades of the cemetery, by the
southeast angle of that enclosure ; they were
to be simultaneous. _ _
"After having carried the new gabionnades
of the enemy, the object was to maintain our
selves in advance with sufficient solidity to pro.
test the work and to transform the Russian
work to our own use. But the developement
of the lines was immense; two successive pha
ses were to be expected in the action—one of
battle and one of labor. The combat took
place in the night between the 224 and 23d of
May ;it commenced at 9 o'clock in the even.
"Our left attack was led by General of Bri•
gade Helmet, and consisted of three companies
of the 10th battalion of Chasseurs.a.pied, three
battalions of the 24 Regiment of the Foreign
Legion, and one battalion of the 98tk of the
"The right attack, entrusted to General de
la Motterouge, consisted of picked companies
of the lot regiment of the Foreign Legion, sup-
ported by two battalions of the 28th of the Line,
with a battalion of the 13th and two battalions
el Voltigeurs of the Garde as reserve. Other
battalions were ready to march in case Gen.
Pate should need reinforcements.
"The enemy, whether they had determined
on a great attack, or with the intention of com
pleting their lines, in one night by a great effort
and eoverinr , their work by a vigorous demon
stration and effectual protection against our
attack, were there in great force to receive us.
We estimated at more than twenty battalions
the force of the enemy our brave soldiers had
to attack and to defeat. According to prison
ers-there were twenty-six battalions.
"The action commenced on n signal given by
Gen. Pate with inexpressible impetuosity. In
a few athletes all the ambuscades on our right
were in our hands. Tho veterans of the For
eign Legion had carried everything before them
and supported by the 28th of the Line they es
tablished themselves in front of the Russian
works, covering our workmen. But formidable
messes of Russians soon issued from the Quar
antine ravine. joined in the combat, and dis
puted the ground with an extraordinary (Asti.
noev. The two battalions of the 28th, the bat
talion of the 18th, and the Voltiguers of the
Garde were successfully engaged, and this he
roic struggle lasted till daybreak. Five times
the most distant ambuscades were taken and
retaken by the Russians and our troops. These
bayonet melees were terrible. Two other bat
talions of the Voltigeura of the Garde, the 9th
Chasseurs-a-pied and the Bth of the Lille were
called to the battle ground—some to fight, some
to carry off the killed and wounded ; all did
their duty.
"In the midst of this sanguinary and glorious
struggle it was impossible for the engineers to
work. We were obliged to destroy the enemy's
works, so as to prevent their holding them
themselves, and we were compelled to adjourn
the second net of our enterprise to the follow.
hog night. As the dawn broke the Russians
had ceased fighting, and our battalions return.
ed to the trenches, leaving the ground covered
‘on the left attack the ambuscades were car
ried •vith the same impetuosity. There, also,
the Russians returned the charge with extraor
dinary tenacity. Numerous assaults were made
at the point of the bayonet ; but after two hours
the enemy discouraged, beat a retreat and our
engineers installed themselves solidly in the
Russian gabionnade, which because definitely
our conquest.
"On the following night it was necessary to
complete what we had so vigorously commen
ced ; I ordered a second attack, expecting full
success from this new effort of our brave mien.
"General of Division Levaillant was intrusted
with the accomplishment of this task, with ten
battalions, of which two of the Voltigeurs of
the Garde acted as u reserve.
"Four °Mese battalions, under the orders of
Gen. Couston, were charge d to cover our con
quest of the preceding night on the extreme
left. The six others, cortimanded by (ion. Du.
vel, were to retake ou the right the gabionnade
running parallel with the great wall of the ce
metery. to beat the enemy, and allow our engi
neers to make the works definitely our own.
"The action commenced at the same hour
as on the previous evening. The impetuosity
of tin's° brave battalions belonging to the 46th
98th, 14th, and 80th was irresistible. The am.
buseades were returned and . carried ; the ene
my, driven back on all sides, retreated, keeping
op a skirmishing fire, which gradually ceased.
The engineers immediately set to work despite
a fire of grape and every sort of missile from
the place. Col Guerin and Commandant Du.
rand de Villers conducted the works with as
much intelligence as vigor.
"Our success has therefore been complete.—
The considerable success upon which the ene
my counted to arrest our attacks is in our hands
their gabions cover us ; their own ambuscades
are turned against themselves. Those which
we could not combine in our system have been
"These vigorous action were not accomplish.
ed without considerable lons, and we have paid
fur our victory with generous blood. 1 await
on this head the report of General De Salle.,
"Yesterday, upon the reiterated demand of
Gea. OstemSacken, a flag of truce was hoisted
and armistice concluded for carrying off the
dead. We banded over more than 1200 corpses
to the enemy. This field of slaughter remind
ed us of our old struggles with the Russians,
and as in those mcmond times. the honor of
arms in these havonet fights always remained
entirely with our infantry.
"According to the number of dead given up
to the enemy, end the'resalts ascertained from
recent affairs, we are assured that the leases of
the Russians are at least, four times our own ;
they give to these engagements the proportions
of a battle.. These calculations are, however,
under those Wade by prisoners and deserters.
"Our artillery, under the direction of Goner.
al Lc Bmuf, gave proof of extraordinary Tiger
and skill. It constantly swept with its fire the
ravine where the enemy assembled their re.
serves. Our projectilos did not cease to make
sanguinary gaps in the Russian masses each
time they mustered for a fresh attack. I can.
not praise too hihly the coup d'wil and cool•
nese of Gen. Le Itmuf.
"The service of the ambulance was admire.
bly performed, and great praise is due to all
who took part in this rough affair. I shall after
ward have the honor of making known to you
the names of the brave men who distinguished
themselves among the brave. The country
may be justly proud of possessing such troops,
and I intend shortly to reward the most deser
PE L 188! Ell."
Commander in Chief,
Civil Liberty as Practised and Professed.
It appears from the accounts in the Wash
ington papers that the Administration is enga.
ged in a very small business. The heads of
Departments, with,
we have a right to presume,
the concurrence of the President, are dirnis
sing men from office because in the late muni
cipal elections in that district, they had the in-
dependence to exercise their rights as voters
contrary to the dictation of their superiors.—
There is no doubt that the fact is precisely as
we have stated it. The persons recently din
charged from service are represented by their
fellow citizens to be highly respectable; they
hove received from those under whose immedi
ate supervision they held place, the most un•
qualified testimonials to their official competen•
cy and honesty; and when they applied to the
chief of the Department in which they were cm-
ployed, for the grounds on which they had been
summarily deprived of their commissions, they
were denied tiny responso to a question which
every man jealous of his reputation, and depen
ding on it for BUMPS in life, has a right to put
under such circumstances, as well as a right to
have categorically answered. The reason,
however, for there removals are by no means
in doubt, notwithstanding those imperial fuse-
tionaries who have made them will not, for the
protection of the character of the victims, de
dare the motives for their action. It is univer
sally known and proclaimed at Washington that
I the only real cause for the late dismissals of
clerks and others from their situations is, that
they refused to vote an open ballot in a local
election in which the law allowed them to poll
a closed ballot ; and being, on that evidence
alone suspected Miming voted the 'American'
' ticket, they were forthwith notified that their
services were no longer required in their seve
ral offices.
Among those who have already Cullen under
the stroke of this political guillotine, is a Mr.
Richard Cter, who, fur a 1... time, had filled
with entire fidelity, the post of principal door-
keeper of the Treasury Building.
. . .
On the day his notice was received, the ex
door keeper was told by Mr. McKean, Superin
tendent of the Treasury Building, that lie was
not aware that any complaint had been made
against him, and that his deportment in his of
fice had been perfectly satisfactory to the Su
perintendent. Mr. Carter, in explaining the af
fair, says-he can assign no cause for his remo
val, except his refusal to vote 011 open ballot at
the Into election, in obedience to a decree of
the Sag Nicht,: Association at Harmony Hall.
Another case is that of Mr. George Wilson,
who was removed a day or two since, by order
of the Secretary of the Nary, from his place as
foreman of the Engineer and Machinists' do
pertinent nt the Washington Navy Yard.—
Wilson, it appears has been attached to the Na
vy Yard from his earliest youth, had wen his
way by industry, skill and an excelleut-chame
ter, from a subordinate position to one of the
most important and responsible 'stations, and
was regarded by all his officinl associates ns
one of the most capable mechanics in the coun
When it was understood that it was intended
to remove Mr. Wilson, Mr. Hunt, Chief Engi
neer of the Navy,4ffhose foreman lie was, and
Commodore Paulding, both, it is said, remon
strated with the head of the Navy Department
against the act, but their mediation failed of its
purpose. The public will, therefore, feel cari
ous to know why so worthy and useful a servant
seas turned out of a situation to which he had
lieu through a life-long apprenticeship, and in
which he had served with laudable devotion
and efficiency. Though the Secretary who dis
charged him assigned reason for the step, we
think the whole mystery will appear clear
enough in view of the following facts. It is
stated in the Washington papers that "Wilson
voted the American ticket at the late munici
pal election, and that Mike E.Bright, n Roman
Catholic, has been appointed to Wilson's
We quote these instances merely by way of
illustration. There is a number of cases of the
kind quite as remarkable, which we have not
al ate to cite. We call attention to them, not
because of any personal or party sympathy we
' feel for the men who have been displaced, but
merely for the purpose of expressing our titter
detestation of that corrupt and dangerous pros
titution of the patronage of the National Gov.
eminent, which is being so shamefully
ed the present Adimuistration. We doubt,
if in the history of the country, the appointing
power of the Executive was ever exercised in
so despotic and attrocious a manner ns it has
been in the last few months, and is now being
exercised by the President end his cabinet.—
The whole corps of Federal officials at the cap.
ital have been, it is alleged, and not denied, re
quired, without respect to their individual prin
ciples and conviction, to surrender their free
dom as voters at a city electioti,to the absolute
dictation of the national authorities, under an
express threat that non-compliance would be
' followed by certain and instant dismissal from
office. To tenure the more effectual execution
of this infamous species of trranny, tickets
were prepared which could be identified nt the
polls, and these every clerk, nod messenger
and other proton in service of the government
at Washington, was commanded to open and
display 'before depositing them in the ballot
boxes, so that the spies stationed around might
mark and report the men who should have the
courage .d spirit of American freemen to exert
their rtglits in defiance of oppression. Andall
this was done, too, in a community in which
the local law guaranteed every voter the privi
lege of secret suffrage.
Now, we ask whether any citizen of the re
public, no matter what his political predilec
tions may be, can contemplate a state of facts
like this without intense disgust and indigna
tion? Is it not, in the first place, eminently
disgraceful, that the 'rational government
should stoop to interfere a t all in an election
hold for the choice of Councilmen and Alder-'
men of the city of Washington, and, in the next
place, are not the liberties of the people gross
y youtraged soil entrenched upon, when the
despotism ofoffiee is employed to destroy the
free exercise of the sleeting franchise? Is a
policy like thiironsistent with the nature of
our institutions? Does it not strike at thou ve
ry root of their life—the sovereignty of' the
popular voice in all elections ? And What if it
is nu obscure clerk, or yet obscurer messenger,
or on honest and skilful mechanic, who fulls
today a victim to his independ,eoco a official
persecution for opinion's sake, is not the free
dom of the whole people insulted and wounded
in the wrong done to the humblest man who is
oppressed because he deem maintain his rights?
Bid there is something peculiarly remarka
ble in so petty an exhibition of partizan spirit
by the 171011 now in possession of the govern
ment. Their presses and orators, for many
months past, have been making a terrible out,
fry against those whom they have accused of a
purpose to abridge civil and religions liberty
in this land. They have proclaimed themselrea '
the special champions of the comititutionalpri
vileges and freedom of the people. How is it
drat they reconcile these boastful professions
with their practice in turning men out of office
*pow they pretrained to vete contrary to the
instructions of the President and his Secrets•
ries of Departtnents? Have they a principle
of tolerance for foreigners, which they will not
apply in the case of the native citizen ? Will
they clamor against n change in the naturalize.
tion laws as a monstrous Invasion of the pre.
rogatives of the prospective, immigrant from
abroad, and yet deny all exercise of free suff
rage to the born American? Do they believe
it to be the height of proscription to make tho•
rough acquaintance and intense instinctive lop
alty to our institutions a test of suffrage and
office under the government, and yet esteem it
no violation of those sacred petsonal rights to
require every natural citizen to vote for the
Democratic party, tinder the penalty of being
either excluded or removed from office? These
are questions, which the recent action of the
Federal Administration suggests to every re•
fleeting mind, sad wo put them, not that we ex•
pect to have them answered by the hypocritical
demagogues who are no atrociously abusing,
the trust of power, but for the consideration of
the American people.
en an .ciss,ors.
Healthy—Our borough.
In Blast—Snuftcolored meeting.
A model
.Ibr ladies—A printer's wife.
Very plenty—Marriagenble femaies.
Majestic—The stride of a Shanghai.
etty—orer the left—Those white hate.
A gay old lad—Tho Globe pizerinetum.
Moly—Wm. McMurtrie's latticed fence.
Still to be had—Lager beer and pretzles.
. .
Distinguished Arrivals—The n lysquetom
A belarer in Gynarchit—TheGlorn man
Expected—Tin; man n'ith the jng, on the 4th.
"Away down south"—they are luxurinting
on green corn.
air The Clenrfield Hallman's Journal k of
fered for sale. Fiz•iz.l7.-izlecl.
Exeralingly scarce—Young men capable at
taking charge of a 'family institution.
Danyerous—H tinting inusquetoes with the
night air blowing in at an open 'winder.'
liar Three Liverpool packets arrived at New
York on the 20th inst. with 1200 emigrants.
Thanks—Our friends et Shavers' Creek have
our thanks, for their generous efforts in our be
hnlf. _
ler We would advise our linkers to have en
extra amount of gingerbread on hand, for tho
"glorious 4th."
War The adage of "Charity begins at Home."
is often nothing but a handsome mask, worn by
deformed seffishment.
gi • An hi:Minna thus blends the Irish and
American mottoes, upon his sign, seer his shop
'Erin go Unom E Pluribus 13.N11.1"
ley- 'the land sales or the 111intiis Central
Railroad last month amounted to $380,000, and
for fire dues of this month to $125,000.
And still they eome.—Somebody threw to ve
ry handsome boquet into our sanctum yester
day. For whom wan it intended? Our ex der
devil nett., devil jr., or ourself?
Nolfor lime World--Somebody wishes us to
notice the ungentlemanly manner in which the
upstart baggage-masters on the Pen.. nail
road treat passenger. We don't like to.
SW-nlind. you always net so strange—
“Why,•llilly ?” "Became, whenever ma gets
sick, on always have to fetch a baby here to
squall round and make such a great wine."
SW- Accounts front Mexico represent Mr,
Gadsden, our Mexican Minister, no Pomading
the revolutionary spirit in that forlorn country,
lie is represented as favoring the insurgents.
"All the Fools are not Dead yet."—in Clay
county, Indiana, whore the prohibitory liquor
law goes into effect the 12th of June, two hun
dred citizens, have determined to get drunl«tn
that dsy, by way of tenoning their opposition
to it.
Whig Slate epurention.—We etc it slated
that n _Whip, State Convention is to be held at
Homisburg on the 4th or July, to conduit in re
gard to the future action or the party. le
anon and several other enmities, the old line
Whig; have called Convehtions for the same
. . . . . _
liar A young Virginian has gone to Paris
and "run off' with the eldest daughter of His
Excellency, the American Minister, Mr. Mason
—but legitimately run oV-the parties being
married in the most approved way, in presence
of father, mother, and sisters, and friends.
THE lIARVF:ST BEGI'N.—The harvestiV of
early Wheat was commenced in Randolph coun
ty, Illinois, last Saturday, and it promises a
most abundant yield. In a few days we shall
hove new flour from new wheat. The later
wheat, in the same section, looks remarkably
Louis Republican
edr. It is said that one of the incidental re
sults of the Japan expedition is tho discovery
that the Zodiacal light is a belt extending en
tirely round the earth, after the manner of Sa
turn's ring. The matter has excited a good
deal of interest among the astronomers, and
Professor Nemec, of Cambridge, consideis the
fact established by the observations taken.
A l'aluable Bequest—The Toronto (Canada
West) Atrial says that William Maelure,
Scotchman, lately deceased, left the boi , , of his
property, valued at $300,000, to be appropria
ted expressly for the diffusion of useful know!.
edge and instruction among the institutions, li
braries, clubs, or meetings for useful lustre,
tide of the working classes or manual laborers
in the United States of America.
Ureat Ergots in Prospeci.Zietter received
from the French camp before Sevastopol, and
dated May 22, states that the Allies wore on
the eve of great events—every thing was pre-
pared. The last arrangements had been made
In a council of war at which Dens. Canrobert,
Pelissicr, Bosquet, Lord Raglan', Omer Pasha,
Brown, Della Mormon, and Admirals 'Brunt
and Lyons were present. All the reinforce
ments had come up, making the French army
amount to 200,000 men.
The "Old Soltlicrs."--A bounty land war
rant of 160 acres was forwarded to the Presi•
dent of the United States, for military services
during the Mexican war. A. similar warrant
was forwarded to ex• President Tyler, for mili•
tury services during the late war with England.
William L. Marcy, Secretary of State re •
eeived an 80 acre warrant for military services
in the 801110 war, lie having already received a
bounty of 80 acres under the art of 1850.
Ditr The Russian Minister at Washington,
treats as a matter of merriment what he re
gards as the exaggerated accounts of the suc
cesses of the Allies in the Sea of Azoff, and
says the people of England and France requir
ed the manutheture of victories to satisfy their
clamors and avert a social revolution. As to
the number of vessels reported to have berm
destroyed in the Sea of Azoff, he remarks that
it surpasses all the Russians ever had there.
fir-•&" The Hessian Fly, the fearful enemy
and destroyer of the wheat crop, has made its
appearance in Somerset county, N. J., and
threatens to do much damage to the grain in
that vicinity. This insect imbeds itself in the
stalk of the wheat, eating it off and consequent
ly destroying the whole of the plant. Many
farmers are of the opinion that they will not
receive a recompense for their labor and seed
sown. As yet the insect is confined to a small
territory. Corn in this cottony is vigorous but
do r Colonel DeMehl, Major Mordecai, and
' one other officer of our army, despatched to the
Crimea to study the latest improvements in the
art of war, especially in artillery practice, who
went out in the Asia seine weeks since, el: ect
log to be at the Allied headquarters early in
May, are still lingering in Paris (or were very
recently) vainly awaiting the permission for
which they have applied to the French autfiori•
ties, and which, being abundantly avouched
and accredited, they presumed would be accor•
dcti them without hesitation. The muse giv
en for this rebuff, is that all (French) prcce•
dont is against the authorization required,