Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 13, 1855, Image 3

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auti Vaunt.
The Crops and the Prospect.
It is a subject of felicitation with all who
wish well to the country that the prospect of an
abundar.t crop is most favorable. From near
ly every section of the Union the accounts are
cheering. The importance of a rich harvest—
one that shall not only fill the granary of our
farmers to repletion, but afford a large surplus
—can scarcely be alluded to in terms too strong. '
For sonic months past we have been suffering
under famine prices, and the effect has been
serious upon every branch of trade. The won.
der indeed is that the laboring classes have
contrived to provide the necessaries of life.—
Meats and breadstuffs still command enormous
rates, but a hope may be indulged that the
worst has been experienced. An inimenw
breadth of land has been planted, and there
will, in all probability, not only be rt large crop'
of wheatn 'id corn, but also of rye, barley and
potatoes. We recently alluded to a tour made
by an intelligent gentlemen of this state through
twelve of the States of the Union, and to the
fact that all had been visited by refreshing rains.
The Savannah Georgalin'states that throughout
the whole extent of middle and upper Georgia
the grain crops of all kinds are excellent, and
the harvest everywhere promises to be abut,
dant. Wheat is already ht for the,sieldo. The
same is reported of the orops in Tennessee nod
Kentucky. Almost everywhere thronghout the
South, continues the Georgian, "the cereal
grains, which have Ileen planted more exten
sively this than in fanner years, give promise
of an abundant harvest." The State Gazette,
published at Austin, says it is now satisfied that
the harvest of Texas for cotton and corn will
surpass that of any of the sister States. There
is, therefore, we may fairly infer, a good time
coining, not only for the farmers, but for all
who depend directly or indirectly upon bread.
For The Journal.
Entrott—As I have been requested by a
number of my friends to write to them on my
arrival here, I have concluded to answer them
alt by giving a hasty sketch of the country, ken,
in your valuable paper. I have not as yet had
an opportunity of seeing melt of the country,
but what I have seen far surpasses my expec•
tations. For beauty, fertility, and everything
calculated to please the eye, a cannot be excel.
led. One thing operates • against this portion
of the West, however, and that is the scarcity of
timber. I would advise every one wishing to
cease here, to leave his family, and first erect
n house, or cabin ; by doing this ho will save a
groat deal. The disposition of the "suckers"
here to impose upon strangers, is notorious,
and unless one has his wiu about bins, he will
dint the "elephant."
I think the people of the county aro very
foolish to remain on their poor ridge farms viten
so inviting a field is here open to them.
I shall give a loaner sketch of the country
in my next. Yours truly.
ms E.
_ .
ANTI-RAILROAD (3 nrisaxon.—(l overnor Ma
sora seems determined that the. Alabamians
shall trawl through time on "dirt roa , ls:'—
Railreads are an abomination to bin Eacellen•
cy. l'ho'Tuscumbia Monitor sums op a re
cent speech of his as follows :
"Fellow citizens—Railroad.: are vtry 'worth.
lees property ; they don't pay .my individuals ;
they ore unprt:filabbi, and it is useless to waste.
moue). on them ; therefore I shaltveto State aid
th...e. A gitia, fellow citizens, railroads en-
r'.ch I;.(Vitra,/ that is the stockholder;;
they ("filmy ; they are prqfilab!e ;
,h , ..roiuro I 31.11 veto State aid to them."
luvut.runt.r: RENIEDIES.—Ifere are a few
i remedies for very prevalent disorders,
whin I, we have no hesitation in recommending
!IA infallible.
For sea sickness---sass at home.
Nor drunkenness—drink cold water.
For health—take "Ayer's l'ills."
&or accidents—keep out o f danger.
To make money—advertise in the "Journal."
For Coughs and Colds—take Cherry Peet.
'u keep out ofjail—pay your debts.
To be happy — subscribe for a newspaper.
Co please all—mind your own business.
To bare a good consuienec--"pay the prin•
Awl T. I Ex. T. IE. T. I Fix. T.
Train leaves P.M. P.M. P.M. A.M.
Petersburg, 2.40 8.00 4.25
Ilivitingilun, 2.50 8.11 4.40
Mill Creek, 3.08 8.25 4.50
Mt. Union. 3.25 8.A9
Train leaves P.M P.M. A.M. A.M.
'Mt. Union, • 4.33 8.12 6,35 6,26
Mill C reek, 4.51 8.25 7.04 6.39
I untingbon, 5.07 8.38 7,43 6.25
Petersburg, 5.23 8.49 8.13. 7.05
IZor Flour the lraclict remaina dull, awl sales
nre confined to the wants of the home trade a.
$10,7ti0010,87l for common and good brands
and MI @,511,50 per barrel for extra, as in
quality. Rye Flour is better, and small sales
ate reported at $8 per barrel. Of Corn Meal
further sales of 36400 barrels Country Meal
have been made at $1,87] per barrel. Wheat
is in small supply without much doing, and
about 2000 bushels lotted buyers at 268 cents
forgood white, and 202 cents forPeunsylvania
Yellow. Co, is very dull to (lay, and Penn
sylvania wan offered at 109 cents afloat
without finding buyers ; 1000 bushels in store
cold at 107 cents. Rye is scarce, and 12@15-
000 bushels Pennsylvania sold at 168 ets. Oats
continue dull, and about 1500 bushels Southern
brought 67668 cents per bushel.
arrtar t
CLARKE—BELL.—On the 29th ult., by Rev.
J. A. Kelly, of Shirleyeburg, Rowan Clarke,
M. 1). of Newton Hamilton, Mittlin Co., to Miss
M. Annie Bell, of Vineyard Mills, Huntingdon
IXANS—KRITII.—On the 511iinat, by the Rev
N. Wesley Price, Copt. Levi Evans of Continent
to Miss Mary Keith of Trough Creek Valley,
sm.:D.—After a short but sovere illness on
suaday evening the 20th ult., Joseph Reed, of
Shaver s Creek, in this county, in the 58th year
uf his age.
normtw.—On the morning or tho 9th Jost.,
m his residence, in this borough, Jacob Hoff.
man, 1:4. H. aged about 56 years.
An all•wise God laving sent the Angel of
Death to remove a brother from our midst, a
brother loved and esteemed by us all; while NYC
bow iu humble submission to the will of Him
"Who doeth all things well," we deem it right
to mingle our fraternal sympothy with the nor.
row of his family and friends, and to express
par own feelings upon this afflicting Provi•
dunce. Therelitre,
Resolved, That the brethren of Standing
Stone thy. 17 Sons of Temperance express their
shim, sorrow in being culled upon to follow to
the grave our brother, Dr. Jacob Hoffman, a
brother, so consistent n bin practice , so fritter.
napand courteous in his intercourse with his
fellow men, and so upright and exemplary in
all the relations of life.
Resolved, That we tender oar warmest sym.
pathies to his bereaved family and friends in
the deep affliction which has come upon them.
Resolved, That as a mark of respect, we pro.
reed in a body to attend his funeral, and that
the members of the division wear theusual
badge of mourning fur thirty days.
Resolved, That the li. S. be 4irected to fur
nish a copy of these resolutions to the family of
our deceased brother.
BY virtue of a writ of Vend. Exp., to me di
rected, I will expose to public sale on the
premises in the village of Sauleburg, on Wednes
day the 18th of July, 1855, at 1 o'clock of said
day ; Ono Lot of ground in the village of Studs
burg, Berme Township, fronting 60 feet on Main
street, and extending hack 120 feet, bounded on
the east by Thos. Stewart, on the west by Geo.
W. Chesholm, deed., halving thereon erected a
two story lug House, kitchen and other out
buildings. ALSO,—twenty-two acres of land,
more or less, adjoining the village of tiaulsburg,
shout 20 acres of which am cleared, bounded
by lands of Job Slack on the west, on the east
by lands of George Jones, having thereon erec
ted a Bank Born, 50 feet long by 30 wide, with
a wagon shed attached thereto. ALSO,—nine
ty-night acres of bed, more or less, lying in
Barren township, Iluntingdon county, with 35
acres cleared, adjoining lands of Alexander Bell
and others. .
Seized, taken in execution, and to he sold as
tho property of John Harper.
Sheriff's Office, 1 Sheriy:
Huntingdon, Pa. 5
PROF. HAYES, State Chemist. of Massachn
cetts, says they ere the best of all Picts and an
nexed are the men who certify that Dr. Hayes
knows, viz _ .
Chic£Justico Supreme Couit
of M0...5.
I. : Mill:17 WA SI IBERN, Governor of Mass.
W. C. ,UNK Err, Lieut. Gov. of M t .,
El) WAR I) EVERETT, Ex. Sec of State, and
Senator of U. S.
nonEwr C. WINTHROP, Ex-Speaker House
Rep., U. S. A.
ABBOTT LAWRENCE, Minister Plonipet, to
Great Britain.
}JOLLY 11. FITZPATRICK, Catholic Bishop
Among the diseases this Pill has cured with as
tonishing rapidity, we may mention
Costiveness, Bilious Complaints, Rheumatism,
Dropsy, Heortburn, Headache arising frees n foul
Stomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Morbid inaction
of the Bowels, and pain arising therefrom, Etstu
lency, Loss of Appetite, all Ulcerous rind 01.11-
noons diseases, which y dre an c vaenont Med
icine, Scrofula or King's Evil. They also by
purifying the blood nod stimulating the System,
core many Complaints which it would not he sup
posed they could reacts ) such as Deafness, Par
tial Blindness, Neuralgia and Nervous Debility
Derangements of the Liver and 'Kidneys, Gout,
nod other kindred complaints, origins; from a low
suite of the holy, or obstructions of its finictions.
They are the best Porgatlve Medicine ever dis
covered, and you will bat need to use them once
to know it.
Prepared by DR. J. C. AYER, Lowell, Mass,
and sold by every respectable Druggist in Now
TIIOS. READ & SON, I luntingden, Pa.. BU
CHER & PORTER, Alexandria, Pa., J. 11.
HOMIER & Co. Waterstreet, Pa., J. H. ROL
LER, Petersburg, and by all dealers everywhere.
. June 13, 1855-2 in.
ACT!rE lit . /.\'l•: ~ iLLV.
Huntingdon Co., Pa.,
THU: SDA Y, the ::Bt . ll ally at ittne,itent.
TWO property is tilVOrtibiy situated with at de
pot on Canal and Railroad, and boing the princi
pal place of deposits, for the products of Trough
Creek, Plank Cabin, Jima's, Smith's and the west
end of Rishacoquillas and Mill Creek Valleys.
Must continue to he, no it has been, a permanent
stud profitable place liar business.
The business part .of the property embraces
about 13 acres with the following buildings, vim
A First class Brick Dwelling,
with latth-room, connecting with chambers, ice
house, wood•houso and other conveniences.—
Alto, a
A first class Frame Dwelling.
both of which have a fountain of pore witer in
the yards. Four tenant iIOIIBC3, ono Doctor's of
fice, ono saddler's shop, ono carpenter's shop,
large GRAIN WARE-HOUSES, on canal;
ono PLASTER SHED, ono Warehouse
on Railroad; also it BOAT-YARD
with marine Rnilway, where a
profitable business is being
done at
W 9 have also in conn,etion II Sumac and
Quercitron bark mill, with uut-sheds, &c., built
on a lamed water power. About 40 tun mer
chantable Sumac taken in annually. 100 tons
Quereitron bark ground this year.
Will also sell the farm, containing about
2'70 ACRES
• ,
. .
- - .
about one-half cleared, arable Laud. A large.
part has recently been limed. (Lime stone con
venient, and easily quarried.) Good Bank Barn,
good Farm-house, Cr., &c., with flowing foun
tain of pure water in the yards. Attached to
the above, are building lots No. 13 to 20 and 24
o 35, inclusive, in the plan of the village.
One-third cash, or when possession in given.
Remainder in ono and two years with interest,
or if preferable, (in the purchase of the whole
property) a part can remain for a term of years.
A Lithograph diagram with further description
of the property, can be seen at this cube.
Mill Creek, Pa., May 31,'55-3t,
To Painters.
The Trustees of the Huntingdon Prosbytere
an Congregation, invite proposals to paint the
exterior oldie church edifice, including the roof,•
cupola, wood work, walls, Sc. Speeitications of
the kind and extent of work to be dons, can be
seen at the office of the undersigned, or they will
be sent by hint to any poisons requesting them.
Proposals will be reeeimd until the 20th lime,
inst. By order of the Board.
Ihuningdon, Juno 2,1855.-3 t. Sere,
Collectors ofSta to and County tax for the year
1854, are required to collect and par over the
amount remaining unpaid on their duplicates, on
or before the lath day of August next, or they
and their surety will he issued against immedi
ately after that date. By order of the
Juno 6,1855.-6 t.
Uorse Shoo and Nail rod Iron, jo.i. received
haul for sulo by
TrIMCKEItY—.I well -.elected lot of Earthen
VlVaro, fur lulu by
N ails and spikes. A general assortment by
posh Shad and Ro
c e i gazipatiLrrpny .
plaiu and fancy, at very ipw prices, at the store
of QFO.
An Improvement worthy of the Pro
gressive Age.
T"cri'tive"„soerf`ht,!er i s
those superb articles, acknowledged by all who
have them in use, and by every one who has tes
ted them, to lie superior to anything of the kind
ever brought before the public.
They are made of the bent material, under the
supervision of the subscriber, who is prepared
to deliver them at any point in this or the adjoin
ing counties. This machine possesses many ad
vantages over nay other of the kind, from the
foot, that it in no manner wears the clothing,
uses less soap, and is easier worked.
The price ranges from six to seven drillers.
The subscriber warrants this machine to give
entire satistliction. If it does not do everything
he says, no charge will be made. A iris' is
earnestly invited and perfect satisfaction war
ranted. A strong recommendation for the ma
chine is the number already sold.
Any person who wishes one of these articles,
can be accommodated by addressing
8..7. WILLIAMS ,
Alexandria, Huntingdon Co.,
May 30, 1855-6 in.
By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Huntingdon County, there will be exposed to
public sale in Cassville, on' Saturday the 30th clay
of June, the following described property, the
remaining part of the Real Estate of Robert
Spcol, deed. . . . .
‘.A tract of land containing about 200 acres,
with a large Stone House, Saw Mill and othor
improvements, well timbered, situate within
miles of Cassvillc.
A tract of land containing 120 a arcs, adjoin•
ing Cassvilic, about 40 acres of which are clear.
ed and in cultivation.
A point lot on back streci in Cassville.
The one undivided half of the Rhodes tract of
Coal Land situate on Broad Top, 'containing 55
nem in all.
One third of the parchase money to ho paid
on confirmation of mile and the balance in two
equal annual payments with interest. •
D.tvto CLARKSON, Clerk.
Trustee. s . •
. . . . .
I'. 9.—The remaining hair interest of' the
Rhodes tract or Coal land, trill also be offered
for solo at the same time.
May 23, 1855-st.
N. Ir. C M.VE II SIXTH AND .1 Reif ST.
Ile is constantly receiving front the Trade,
Salon, 711111 other auction sources large supplies
of earethlly selected Books in all Departments
of Literature.
111,1,1 D fors,
SUNDAY 5C11,101,,
); BOOKS, Sc.
to suit all tastes, and at nll prices. heel 4.for
presentation, Sc.
Bibles, Testaments Prayer Books
with a NeLv,lnvge and extsnsitm variety of
StaM and Fancy Stationary,
of the best duality and lowest prices.
Remember the North West corner S i xth and
Arch St., Philadelphia.
May 23, 1555.—1 y.
The su!ricri!,er, intending to close business,
nia cull Ilk large end licul,unse ossorttuent of
Ilis assortment consists of
Fall and Winter Goods,
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Hardware, (lueensware,
and all kinds of goods usually kept in a Country
Store. Also, a beautiful cheap and elegant as
sortment of
Ladies' Dress Goods,
and Trimmings of every variety. Also, Hat%
Caps, Bonnets, Boots and Shoes, and a variety of
goods of all kinds.
Call and examine for yourself and get bar
Huntingdon, May 23, 1834.—1 m.
THE tnnlersigned auditor uppointed by tho
Court of Common Phms of Huntingdon
County, to distribute the balance in tho hoods
of David Blair, Esq., Assignee of Simon Levi,
amongst those entitled to receive the same,
hereby gives notice that he will attel.d foe the
purpose of•tnaking said distribution, on Friday,
the sixth day . ofJuly next, at one o'clock P. N.
at his Wee nt the borough of Huntingdon
when and where all persons interested may at.
tend, &e.
May 30, 18JJ••4t
THE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the
Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, to
distribute certain balances in the hands of
Charles Duff and Reuben Duff, Administrators
of John Duff, deed., and Trustees appointed
by said Court, to make sate of his real estate,
amongst those entitled to receive the same,
hereby gives notice, that ho will attend for the
purpose of making said distribution on Mon.
day the second day of July next, at one o'clock
P. P. 1., at his office in the borough of Hunting
don, when and where all persons interested
may attend .Cc.
May 30, 1855-4 t. Auditor.
[Estate of Philip Barnet, dec'cl „late qt . Dm/ ip,l
rpn E undersigned auditor appointed by the (h.-
pilau's Court of Hnntingdon County to dis
tribute the balance in cite bands of Philip Barnet
:acting Executor of said dee'd. will attend for the
purpose ofbis appointment at his office in tho
Borough of Huntingdon, on Friday, June 15th,
1855, at 10 o'clock. All persons interested in
said thud will take notice that they will ho multi
red to present their claims before said Auditor,
or be debarred from coining in for a share of the
said balance or fund.
May 23,1835-4 t, Auditor.
THE undersigned Auditor appointed by the
court of Com mon Pleas of lion ti ugdo n coos•
ty to distrihnto the proceeds of the Sheriff's
Sale of the heal Estate of Matthew Crownover,
Esq., amongst those entitled to receive the
some, hereby gives notice to all the parties in•
terested that he has appointed Saturday the
30th day °Nene next, at one o'clock, P. M.,
at hie ellice, in the borongh of Huntingdon, for
the hearing of said parties, when and whee all
interested may attend, the.
May 30, 1835—1 t. Auditor.
PARPET Bags, Looking GILIMIS and Trunks,
just received and hr silo by 0. (MIN.
C. O. HussEr. C. WELL.
1.1)1111.:1;1,1" I:. 1,V1:1,1,M
Wholesale Dealers in Prinisions,
SAWED AZ .ey ommrssz ow
No. 323, Liberty Street,
Have now on hand a very largo and choice
stock Bacon, to which we particularly desire to
invite onr friends and dealers generally.
May 0,1855.-7 m.
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons whom
it may concern that from and after the next set
tlement by the County Auditors of Huntingdon
County, (in January MG) no claim or demand
by any person, against snit! County on account
of any road or bridge view, election, or service of
any kind rendered said county, and which is of an
older standing than six years, will ho allowed in
settlement by said Auditors , and all demands
uncalled for end unclaimed up to the time ape
eincd, will be considered as forfeited and forever
shut out; and time certificate, order or pnper on
which it in predicated, rejected and thrown aside
Ana cancelled paper.
May 23, 1855.
Whore may be obtained the most speedy rem.
do for
DISEASES.—GIeets Strictures,
Seminal Weakness, Pain in the Loins, Affections
of the Kidneys, and all those peculiar affections
arising from a secret habit, particularly the youth
of both sexes, which if not cured, produces con
stitutional debility, rendering marriage impossi
ble, and in the end destroys both Mind and Body.
Young Men,
especially, who have become the victims of Sol
itary Vice, that dreadful and destructiye habit
which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thou
sands of young mon of the most exalted talents,
and brilliant intellect, who misht otherwise have
entranced listening senates cacti, the thunder% of
eloquence, or waked to ccstacy the living lyre,
may rail with full confidence.
Married Perion,
or those contemplating marriage, htlim,,ware or
.physical weakness, should immediately consult
Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health.
Dr. Johnston,
_ _ _ . . . _
office No. 7 South Fredrick St., seven doors from
Baltimore Street, east side up the steps. 17X13e.
particular in obtaining the name and number, or
you will mistake the place.
A cure warranted, or no charge made, in from
ono to two (110.
TAKE Novice —Dr. Johnston's office is in his
dwelling, up the steps. His very extensive pree
tire is a sufficient guarantee, that ho is the only
propel physician to apply to.
Dr. Jason, member (It'll., Royal College of
Surgeone. London, graduate from one of the
most eminent Colleges of the United States, end
the greater part of' whose life has been spent in
the:Hospitals of London, Paris Philadelphia, and
elsewhere, has effected some of the most aston
ishing cures that were ever known, many trou
bled with ringing in the ears and head when
asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed et sud
den sounds, and bashfitine,s, with frequent blush
ing nttended sometimes with derangement of
mind, were cured immediately.
A CEIITAIN I)tsr•..we.—lt is n melancholy fact
that thousands full victims to this horrid disease
owing to the unskilfulness of ignorant pretenders
who by the use of that deadly poison Mercury,
ruin the Constitution, causing the most serious
symptoms of that dreadful disease to make their
appearance, such as ant:lions of the hend t nose,
throat, skin, etc., progressing with frightful ra
pidity till death puts a period to their dreadful
suffering, by sending them io that Bourne whence
no traveler returns.
TAKE. PAirrie Lan NoncE.--Young men MI
have injured themselves by a certain praetivc it
dulged in when alone—a habit frequently learne
from evil companions, or. at school—the aims
of which ore nightly felt, even when asleep, and
if not cured renders marriage impossible, and de
stroys both mind and body.
What a pity that a young SUM, the hope of his
country, and the derliiigof his parents should be
snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of
life by the consequence offieviating from the path
of nature nod indulging Inn certain secret habit.
Such persons before contemplating Marriage,
should reflect that a sound mind and body are
the most necessary refinishes to promote, connu
bial happiness indeed without these, the jour
ney thraugh ht.() becomes a weary pilgrimage,
the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the
mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled
with the melancholy reflection, that the happiness
of another becomes blighted with our own.
CONSTITUTIONAL Difnimm—Dr. J. address
es young men, and all who have injured them
selves by private nil improper indulgence.
. _
. .
IMPUIRSANA.—These aro some of the sad and
melancholy effects produced by early habits of
youth, vim Weakness of the Back inul Limbs,
Pains in the head, Dimness of Sighr Loss of
Muscular power, Palpitation of the Heart Dys.
pepsin, Nervous Irritability, Detangcments of the
Digestive functions, General Debility Symptoms
Of Consumption, he.
MENI, LLY—Tho fearful effects on them ind are
moat to be dreaded; Loss of memory, Confusion
of ideas, Depression of Spirit, Evil Forbodings;
Aversion to Society, Self Distrust, Love of Soli
tude, Sc., aro some of the evils produced.
Thottoinds of persons of all agos,ean now judge
what is the canoe of their declining health. Los
ing their vigor, becoming weak, pato and emacia
cod, have singular appearance about the eyes,
tough and symtoms of consumption.
Marriott persons, or those contemplating mar
riage, being aware of physical weakness, should
immedistely consult Dr. J. anti be restored to per
fect health. Office, No. 7, South Frederick-St.,
Baltimore, Md.
ALL Suitaicat OPERATIONS PEnronsmii.—
N. 13. Let no false delicacy prevent you, but ap
ply immediately either personally or by letter.
Skin Diseases Speedily Cured,
To Svnasomis.—The many thousands cured
at this Institution within the last ten years, and
the numerous important Surgical Operations
performed by Dr. J.,witnessed by the Reporters of
the papers, and many other persons, notices of
which have appeated again and again before the
politic, is a sufficient guarantee that the afflicted
will find n skillful and honorable phys7cian.
As then are so many ignorant and worthless
quacks advertising themselves as Physicians,ruin
ing the health of the afflicted Dr. Johnston would
Say to tho,a3 unacquainted with his reputation that
his Credentials or Diplomas always hang in his
Weakness of the organs immediately cured,
and full, vigor restored
m rAeletters post paid—remedies sent by
Mny 22, 1855.-Iy.
10 DOZEN Ames' No. 2 Shovels, just reecl•
ved and for sale by J. & NV. snxToN.
Amost beautiful tot of Berage do Lamm, pat
tarns, and in the p iece, thorn 181 ets op to 50
cts. per yard, just received and her sate by
J. j- 11'. SAXTON.
PILE boat assortment of Hosiery in town con
sitting of Ladies, Gontlomon, Misses null
Children of every variety for solo by
HAMS, SHOULDERS, end Flitch just recei.
Aired and lin. sale Its
cheapest and best lot of Chaney Iterage,
and lineage do Las, also Satins, just reed
and for halo by J.& W. SAXTON.
A Choice lot of dried beef just recetved and
for sale at the now store of
Ti A fu M e ,4l , to b u v lcler told !'litch, , just received and
VER., WrigIIMMIVW Parimv
Issued untler the seal, sanction m u d authority
Free Medioine
VANIA, APRIL tI9, 135'3.
:.'-''iP@LIITTI' id[..o;',J'l,4,ljE
Also for 9 Implying the Community with relia
ble remedies wherever a Competent Physician
cannot or will not he employed, have purchased
from Dr. JOHN It. ROWAND, his celebrated
Rowand's Tonio Mixture
KING'S EVIL, and *Shur and
warm; Dlvensea, no n
"And mast this ennlinucl Must this be ? Is there no
Anti hist inestimable remedy fur . remedy? No relief? No hope!"
BOWEL COAIFLAIN'I'S.ROWAND'S SYR- ' The remedy Is by knowing the emcee and melting
UP OF BLACKBERRY ROOT, , them, and knowing the remedies. and benefiting by them.
These are pointed out in •
Which highly approved and popular Remo THE together with the University's Remedy 1,,r THE MARRIED WOMAN'S
Complaints of the Imngs. PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION
The UnivArsity's Remedy for Dyspepsia or BY tin. n. it. MALTICR.II`, ,
The UHlVoleity's Remedy fur flew- One Hundredth Edition, (500,000), ISma , pp. MO.
els. los raw ram, tared num,
Also the University's Almanac may be had. A standard work of established reputation, foon4 awned
at the Branch Dispensary, or Store of h, the catalogues of the great trade sales in New York,
Moore & Swoops, Alexandria, hunt. Co., Pa. Philadelphia, and other cities, and soil by the principal
Th os. R en d & son,ll allt i nib,ukselbrs T 1
In ISI7, since ; , , p t l i i , t . e o ll States. It ens first published
Kessler & Bro. Mill Creek, "
n or vrnt, , dun iota „ bets been sold, of which them were upwards of
Ile ßen & Crawford, Thom psontown " 0 ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SENT BY MAIL,
Thos. Oberholtzer, Patterson
Er s, I attesting the high estimation la which It it bold as a re•
D. Gingrich & Co. New Mexico •r liable popular Medical
Jonathan Zoller. Afilton, Cumberland BOOK FOR EVERY FEMALE
S. p rowe ii , N es , cumberi ati d 1, ss the author having devoted his exclusive attention to the
L. B. RIM', . ssr treatmentof complaints peculiar to felonies, in respect to
he yearly consulte4 by thousands bath in person
:No. Caslow, Milton 0 a, and by letter.
James Bleakley, Franklin. Venango " Item omen woman can discover,, by comparing her own
AL Thompson, Ditnear.sville,
symptoms witla those described, the nature, character,
Dant Roya l Franklin Forge,
n mews of, and the proper remedies for, her complaints.
Geo. Bergstrasser, Franks town,
D. Williams, Hollidaysburg a ss The wife about becomiug a mother has often need of
11. Stye., instrnotion and advice of the atutest importance to her
J. Thompson, " " hdam bran, M resod to which her sensitiveness fur.
ItYglon, head Or""ked ham " " bids consulting a medical gentleman, will GM teach in.
.1. A. Rating. Williamsburg, "
r< „ strootiou. awl advice, and also explain many symptoms
T. Falls, 2nd Lock below "
Kioknid & Lam, Yellow s pr i ngs, s blob otherwise would occasion anxiety' or alarm ne nil
E. Goodfellow, Hollidaysburg, 0 the peculiarities iuoident to ber situation are described.
- - - - -
Known for upwards of twenty-five rears as
the only sure and safe rare
Jacob Mclntyre, Martinsburg, then nut, are ataoring free obstruclirms or irregular
-11. lamer. Waynesboro, " hies welter to the female 'Talent, which nudermine the
Mary Ote, Hollidaysburg,
ven ;: go ; st ick of
, ndlich they
James Bell, Johnstown, '
Cambria, which their delicacy forbids seekilte medical advice.
(711 7 *;
h t nod
vou b ib ;
„ nu Orin. from pi WU! aler ta mg ,
it ff roc all us (nonlinear, debility, Sic.) Many are
,ICI4.II.AaIF. o
.1.11. Smith, New 101 l Hamilton, " In constant agony for many months preceding confine.
I'. Cl. Crtigo, " " to hinny have difficult if not dangerous deliveries,
J. W. Sonata. " " PM: 'low and uncertain recopori.a. Some whose lives are
lass Jr.' S l r o,l, 'S Mills "" Larded during anch time, will each find in Its peva the
Alary .Marks, Lewistown, .; r.
„ „ 1101111.1 of iwevention, amelioration and relit f.
.1. W.Moss, "
G . Iv. nno , an ,„ , Arevey „,,,,, a a Il kof mum impractinable,to, convey, fully tbevarieus
It. lCaitaer & bon, Johnstown, Cuntliria ‘• aoldects treated of, as they aro of a nstturo strictly Ire
May 16, 1305-Sot. leaded for the married or theae contemplating marriage.
Reader, arc you a bnaband or a father? a wife or a
II 'o sincere we lfare of them you lov e
}IF 13()Li ), s loat her?aye uie
;at brut? Prove your sincerity, and lose no time in
.rains whatcon.rsinterferewith their health and hare
Illelnebold's nightly Concentrated
aa not leas than your own. It will avoid to you and
I'L I"111 EX 'I . It ACT II BC 118, your,, as It lea to thousands, many a day 14 lain and
society, followed by steeple. eights, incapacitating the
For Diseases of the 111.1 , 1iler end liidneyt;, Oh- Ind fur let ordinary avo ca ti on,and exhausting theca
structions of the Urine, Chronic Uonorrh,eg ra te d
Gieets, oils noes of tnertna for 'awake% atterolawc, modioinca and adverti,l
Hue S,tin 1 llrgdnc, unstruma whist otherwise uoubl provide f o r declining
WHETHER IN MALE till FEMALE, years, the Infirmities or age and the proper education of
from whatever came they luny have originated ! your children
and no matter of now 'wig standing.
If von have contracted the terrible disease,
which, when once seated in the systetn, will go
down loin one generation to another, undermi
ning the constitution and snapping the very vital
fluids of litholo twit trust pitirself in the bands
oh Quneko, who start tip every day in to city like
this, and till the papers with glaring falsehoods
too well calculated to derive the young And those
not win:tinted with their Ricks. You cannot
be too carotid in the selection of a remedy in
these eases,
has [men pronounced by eminent physicians
It is a medicine perfectly pleasant in its taste
rind very innocent in its action, and yet so thor
ough that it
of the rank and poisonous virus or this droadroi
disease ; nut), unlike other remedies it does not
dry up the iliscase in the blood.
Constitutional Debility.
brought on by self-abuse, a most terrible dis
ease, which has brought thousands of the hu
man race to untimely graves, thug blasting the
brilliant hopes of parents, and blighting its the
bud the glorious ambition of many a noble
youth, can be cured by this
And as a medicine which must benefit everybody
from the simply delicate to the confined and de.
@pairing invalid, no equal is to be found,
Helmbold's Highly Concentrated
For purifying the Blood, remOving all diseases
arising from excess of Mercury, from
any exposure in life, chronic constitu
tional disease, arising from on im
pure state oft's° Blood,and tile
only reliable and effectual
known remedy out,
for the cure of
Scrofula Salt
Scahl l lead,
Ulcerations ofthe
Throat and Legs,
Pains and Swellings
of the Bones, Totter, Pins
plus on the Pace, and all sca
ly Eruptions of the Skin, Se., Ste.
This article is now prescribed by some of the
most distinguished Physicians in the country,
and has proved mom efficient in practice than
preparation of Sarsaparilla yet °tiered the pub•
lie. Several . cases of secondary Syphilis, Mer
curial and Scrofulous diseases have entirely re
covered in the incurable wards of our Public In
stitutions which had for many years resisted ev
ery mode of treatment that sunlit he devised.—
These cases furnish striking, examples of the
salutary effects of this medicine in arresting
some of the most inveterate diseases, alter the
glands were destroyed and the bones already af
— SlOTlCE.—Letters from responsible Physi
cians and Professors of several Medical Colleges
and certificates of cures front patients wlt be
found accompanying both Preparations,
Fluid Extract of Machu, $1 bottle or 6 hot. $5
" Sarsaparilla. " 4. fiC
equal in strength to oo gallon Syrup of Sarsa
Prepared and sold by 11. T. lIELMDOLD,
Chemist, 263 Chestnut St., near the Girard
House, Philadelphia.
To be had of Thos. Read & Sea, Huntingdon,
Pa., nud of Druggists and Dealers avcrywhere.
1:0".41// I,etters di , ected to the Proprietor or
.lyeot receive immediate attention.
May 1.1, 1655-11.
A FINE assortment of Linen C 044,4, Vcsi
XI- and Pouts from 871 upwards for sale at the
chap clothing store of H. ROMAN.
THE best assortntent of Carpet, ever °tiered,
111 Id at lower prices than cools got lit soy
other establishment. Just received and for sato
by J. tb W. SAXTON.
UST received sod for Hoile—Mackercl, Shed,
nerring, Trout, nod Codfish, by
J. & W. sAvrox.
Now often it happene, that the wife lingers from
year to year in that !Aiello condition n 3 1104 oren
for one day to fed the happy and exhilarating influ
ence incident to the enjeywont of health.
But a few years ago in the flush of health and youth,
and buoyancy of spirits, rapidly, and apparently to•
explicably, becomes a feeble, sickly, sallow, debili
tated wife, with femme emaciated, nerves unstrung,
spirits depressed, countenance bearing the impress
of suffering, rind an utter physical and mental pros
tration, arising from ignorance of the simplest and
plainest rules of health as cennected with the mar
riage state, the violation of which entails disease,
suffering and misery, not only to the wife, but often .
In consequence of the univer,stl popularity of the work,
as etilleneed by ILI extraordinary sale, various
lions bare been attempted, nn well on booksellers as ou
the public, by Imitstiona of title page, apurious editions,
and nurioptitions lofringomentn of coutigbt, and other
devices nod doceptionm, ft 11118 been found necessary,
therefore, to
n. boy no book unless the words "Dr. A. M. Ilittnoot,to,
1,9 Liberty Street, N. Y.." It on fowl the entry in the
fleck, °bw on the hock ) the title page and buy
only of reopecloblo and !mumble dealers, or son 4 by
0..tt1, and othlreao to Dr. A. IL blouriceau.
ar triton receipt of Ono Dollar "THE MAR
PANION" is sent (ntaslort free) to any part of the
united Stales, the amides and Brithth Provisoes.
All letters most be post-paid, and addressed to Do.
A. M. MAIIRICEATI boo 1224,-Now-York City.
Publlslilou °Moe, N t. 19 Liberty Street, Ms , -
1. B• Peterson, J. 91. 4: Bro., and
Cowporthait, ilathlphirt—Mrs. Cynthia
Honesdale—Spangler & Bro., Lan.
caster—S. Tuck, Wilkesbarre—J. B. 0 nnison
Erie—Suml. B. Lati(rer, Grecnsiwg—.B. Hall,
rillston—Dr. S. 1). Scott, Ile , ljb,d —E. T. Bib
dcrbrand, Ind ia na—J . S. Nickson and Col. A.
K. McClure, (Thankbersburg—Joseph Swartz,
Illoonnsburg—(l W Earle, Waynesboro—Pot
ter & McMann a(e —l-I. —H. A. Lance,
Read ing—W m. Colon, Huntinution.
February 6,1853-6 in.
A New Assortment Just Opened !
And Will be sold 30 per cent.
HROMAN respectfully informs his customers
• nail the public generally, that ho hits just
opened at his store room in Market blquare, Hun
tingdon, a splendid new stock of Ready made
Clothing for Sprinffi and Summer,
consisting of Superfine black Dress and Frock
Coats, black and fancy Cassimere, Cassinet and
Corduroy Pantaloons ; a large assortment of
Vests, Hats, Caps, neck and pocket Hunkerehiefs
Shirts,Suspenders, Carpet Bags, Trunks, &c.,
&c., all of which ho will sell cheaper than the
same quality of Goods can be purchased at retail
in Philadelphia or nay other establishment in the
Persons wisting to buy Clothing would do well
to call and examine his stock before purehasiug
Iltintingdon, April 23, 1955-)y. ,
13ZI/7 0 VA Z.
'RS. SARAH KULI' eishes to inform tho
1 ,1 - ladies of Huntingdon and the surrounding
country that oho has moved next door to Charles
Miller above the Presbyterian Church, Hill St.,
where she intends carrying on the fancy and
straw Millinery business. Having received the
'utast city fashion, she is prepared to attend to
all dial may favor her with their contain.
April 10, 1833-a S. A. KULP.
THE partnership heretofore existing between
Myton and Musser is by mutual consent dis
solved, and all persons knowing themselves in
debted to the /hid firm, will please call and set
tle their accounts without delay.
Saulsburg, April 2, 1255.—tf
TOOKING Glasses, just received and for ;al
4 by J. &IXTON.
M EATLY printed on short notice, and at low
prices nt the "Journal Office"
agreat variety of handsome Ginghams and for
. sale by J. at. W. SAXTON.
JUST receiving, this week, Mackerel, Herring
Ac., and for sale by. J. AW. SAXTON.
TTHE finest assortment of Boots nod Show
ever offered in town, for sale low by
.1. IV. SA g TON.
Gold iVatelies willbe sold by ED. SNAIt
ower than elsewhere.
20 ."41.1 1
.Y. j"" arrl'"
0 4 0. GWIN:
y virtue of an alins order of sale issued out
the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county
mill be sold nt public sale, on the preinieesi
Brady township, in said county, on SA 717R
/L1 Y, the 141 St July, 1853, A tract of land in the
township aforesaid containing between 90 and 100
rem'', adjoining land of James McDonald. and
others,late the estate of James floss, dcd'd., a
bout 5 acres of which are cleared, with a cabin
house and barn thereon. end the balance of the
tract containing the best timber in that country.
Said property is about 8 miles from Mill Creek,
on the Pennsylvania Canal and lleilroad, at the
mouth of Kisharoquillis valley, on the road lea
ding from Still Creek to Allenville. There are
four springs on the tract and a good water-pow-
Tones.—One-half of the purchase money to
he paid on confirmation of the sale, and the bal
ance in ono year thereafter, to be secured by
bond and mortgage, with interest.
May 9, 1855.
25,0nn VOLUMES of new
and popular books— '
embracing every variety to be had 14
in Bowon, New York and Philadelphia—rho
subscriber just received and olrers for sale
extremely low. Ills stock of STATIONARY
is of great variety and superior quality as fol
lows :—Foolscaps, Letter, Note and Wrapping
Paper. Envelopes of every kind; Gold and
Stool Pens, Portmonies, Pocket Books, Pen
Knives,Pocket Knives, Bc. School Books of
every kind used in the country, at wholesale and
retail prices.
100( PIECES 'WALL PAPER of the
•-•• latest and prettiest styles, jest re
caived and for sale at Philadelphia retail prices.
All the above stock the public will find it to
be to their inter7st to call and examine before
purchasing elsewhere, as he is determined to give.
satistbction to every customer. Store opposite.
Whittaker's Hotel, Railroad street.
Huntingdon, April 10, 1855.-6
Tl, P.ATETTYMAN takes this method to
U./. inform the citizens of Huntingdon and alt
other,, that he hoe permanently located in Hun
tingdon, where he will be pleased to attend to all
that call on Idol for good and never pic
Gallery at. Railroad If 3use,
where be can be found at all hours between 8 A.
M. and 5 I'. M.
Pictures warranted correct, or no charge.
-E. P. P. guarantees to give full satisfaction
to all that patronize hint; all shall be pleased
with his p'.i..aa•cs or no charge.
Huntinkilon, May 2, 1625.-6m'
xrir Jrw Va
Attends to buying, selling and locating Lands
nod land warrants, pays to xes, loans Money us
Beal Estate seettrity,on eommisidon, examines
and makes übstraels'of title, Sic. Any business
intrusted, will be attended to promptly and with
Refer to Hon. Ceo. Taylor and Members of
the Bar itt Huntingdon.
May lith, 11335-7timo.
NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership
heretofore existing between the undersign
ed (trading under.the firm of Conch fe Dunn.)
is this lay dissolved by mutual consent. Ths
hook,; or snitt firm are in the hands of David
Dunn with whom all concerned will please to
make immediate settlement.
1).A1'11) I:I,NN.
April 10, 1855-tf.
JN. BALL respectfully solicits the attention
•of the limning. community to a quality of
Picatfia which ho is now manufacturing, and will
hare ready for sale in a few days, he is also pre
pared to make harrows, wagons, carts, wheel
barrows, &0., and to do all kind of repairing
at the shortest notice, and in the most substantial
manner. • _
Shopon N. W. corner ot Stontgrnery and Wash.
ington sts.
March 27 1855-tf.
I"'partnership heretofore existing between
Drs. Brown nod Hagerty is this day by mu•
tun( consent dissolved.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to
the said firm, will please call and settle their
Recounts without delay.
.)larch 27 1855—tf.
THE undersigned wishes to inform his friends
I and the public generally that he has moved
his shop to the building of And. Harrison, for
merly occupied by him as Collector's office,
Hill St.
Where ho intends carrying on the Tailoring
business on such terms ns will not fail to giro
satisfaction to all that may favor him with their
Ito wishes to return thanks for the liberal pa-
tronage heretofore received and hopes by striot
attention to business to merit a continuance of
the same. ENOS 11. KULP.
April 10, 1855-tf.
WAS found on the road between Huntingdon.
VV und MeConnellstown, about the first of
Vebruary, last, a " Housing." The owner can
Lave it by proving property, and paying
charges. JOHN LEH.
March 27 1855-tf.
- DR : J. R. HEWITT, Surgeon ,
" i l a ) r e o r fi t ts ' s t i ' on r A e r c rt Y to L e g w i tt i o '
may wish operations on the tooth. Office with.
Dr. Hewitt, Alexandria, Huntingdon Co.. Y 0...
April 111: 1855-8 m•.
TOSEPII DOUGLAS S, in McConnellstown
u has constantly on hand, ready made rifles,
and is prepared to make and repair Guns of alt
kinds at the shortest notice.
April 23, 1855-Iy,
ISalt, Plaster, Nails, Iron and St, i, all
kinds of country produce taken in exeliangri
for Goods at the , tore of
riENT Cravats and Scarfs of every variety.—
‘-it also Gray Stocks, ust received and for sale
by J. 3; W. SAXTON.
'I4ARASOLS of the very best quality from 75
to 350 each for sale by
DUBS WHITE LEAD, just received and for
I sale by J. & W. SAXTON.
(JUNI:It Butter Knives, and Salt Spoons, et
►,O B. Snare'aCheapJewelry Store,
Wttr ar by the bushel and Flour oy the barrel
fur sale at the cheap VOW Sturu of
DRIED APPLES, peeled and unpeeled just
received and fir sale by
l)UKI IVbite Load jun received and for ea Is