Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 13, 1855, Image 2
Itl ffiuntinOon rrunal. ____...,.... ~.. ~...,z oio .. 4 .,.,..,...„..A.„.„, _ .., - 7 .4 E ~:-:.. . - .; g c • - 0 p ,., .... iittilti , .le_ t ‘ . ' ' '',' ~,,' ,-:- , A4 , -- -• • ' .. 4". ~ ''' .. . .:,«,.. 4., Wednesday Morning, June 13, 1855. _ r WILI.IArtfIREWSTER EDITORS. .111. G. AVIIITTAKER. The "JOURNAL" has 300 thlbScri, hers more, than any other paper in this county. Agents for the Journal. The following persons we have appointed Agents for the Ilvitzwonon JOVENAL, who are author ized to receive and receipt for money paid on sub scription, and to take the names of new subscri bers at out published prices. We do this for convenience of our subscri bers living at a distance from Huntingdon. John W. Thompson, Esq., Hollidaysburg, SAMUEL Cons, East Borneo, Gisonou'W. CORNELIUS, Cromwell township. BEERY HUDSON, Clay township. DAVID ETNIRE, Cromwell township. Dr. J. I'. ASHCOM, Peon township, J. WAREHAM MATTERS, Franklin township, SAMUEL STEFFEY, Jackson township, Roomy M'BuunEr, Cal. Joe. C. Watson, Brady township, Mows BROWN, Springfield township, Wm. UtecurNSON, Esq., Warriorsmark tp., JAMES MCDONALD, Brady township, Germs W. Wurrrzaun, Petersburg, HENRY NEFF, West Barren. JOHN BALSBACH, .Maj. CHARLES Men., Tod township, A. M. BLAIR, Dublin township, GEonon Wrzson, Esq., Tell township, :amps Cuing, Birmingham. NATHANIEL LYTLE, Esq., Spruce Creek. Maj. W. MOORE, Alexandria. B. F. WALLACE, Union Furnace. SIMEON WRIGHT, Esq., Union township. DAVID CLARKSON, Esq., pass township. SAMUEL Wtozon, Esq.,' Franklin township. DAVID Pang., Esq., Warriorsmnrk. DAVID AURANDT, Esq., Todd township. Do. J. ALFRED SHADE. The Crops. It is gratifying to us to read the accounts from all sections of the growing crops.— All our exchanges speak in cheering tones of the growth of all kinds of grain. In this county, as far as we can ascertain, the grain is growing finely. Daguerreotypes. We have the pleasure of informing our readcrs that Mr. Prettyman is still engag ed in this borough in taking copies of the ' , human face divine." Mr. Prettyman is an accomplished gentleman, and is said to be an adapt in the business. Give him a call, at his rooms in the station house, up More Negligence. Some of our Marklesburg snbscribers complain of the irregularity of the arrival of the Journal. As we stated last week, the fault is not with us, as their papers are promptly deposited in the post office of his place, and of course we cannot carry them any further. We have now on foot a project for ferreting out the cause of the irregularity of the Journal, and hope in n 'short time to make it public, and punish ?he offenders. Foreign There has not been anything of impor •ance going on in the Crimea for some time I,ast. The Allies had not as yet attempt: ed to storm Sebastopol, and had made but poor headway in the Beige. the Russian sunplie= and reinforcements are arriving al.onst daily. and the soldiers of the Czar animated by the presence of the ablest ;11 ere in the Russian dominions. Bens. topol ;s like a dose of medicine. Whigs, Bew a re of Fusion• We positively believe that it is the in- I tention of the Locofoco party of this coun ty, to endeavor to persuade the Whig por tion of the commnnity, which does not en tirely endorse the American platform of principles, to enter into a coalition, for the purpose, as the locofoco leaders say, of de feating the Know-Nothings. Their real object is to introduce locofnco office-holders into our midst, and overthrowing the pow er of the IVhig party, make 'old mother Huntingdon," which has always been one of the first and foremost in the Whig ranks, a "turn coat." Let the Whigs of the coun ty look to this, end stand a firm and united band, as they did in days that are past, when, shoulder to shoulder they charged and conquered their former bitter and vin dictive antagonists. We most earnestly caution our Whig friends to beware of this abortion; this dis loyal and treasonable "fusion." It is only a locofoco scheme, to use unsuspecting Whigs for the purpose of building up the corrupt principles and establishing the po o'er of toryism. When we consider what the leaders of Locofocoism are,—a gang of unprincipled hacks, we can imagine how much honesty they possess, and how far they should be trusted. Away with the diabolical and unnatural amalgama;ion. gooner titan consent to so unhey an alli• anee,with a party which has ever been hos• tile to the principles of our political faith, we would give up every plea- tire which renders our existence endurable. Now as to the extent to which this trick may btirsied, w e will leave the future to diva It is begun in Allegheny coun ty, where tho Whig party has assented to the proposition of the Locofocos, in refus ing to call a Convention for the nomination of county officers; designing, we presume, to combine with the other party, for the pur• poile• of crushing out the the American ur• ganiantinn - - - EITROPEAN INSOLENCE. As we promised last week, we again turn our attention to the request, or rather the order of England to the United States, for the sympathy of our people. Ve are a free, independent, and we hope not un grateful Teeple. We think as we please, go wherrwe please, and generally, do as we please. We may be led, but cannot be driven, and the British people have had an exemplification of this truth, on several occasions, which our rough Yankee polite ness forbids us mentioning. We rejoice that the feelings of our noble countrymen are for the right, in the struggle which is now shaking, the very centre of Europ).' It is and should be to every native or our country, a proud satisfactiohto ' know that the proud, the haughty, Ore insolent, the mighty English nation craves the sympa thy of the youthrel and once despised Jon athan, a sympathy not to be obtained. 'Die United States has been too long be gulled into a co-operation with England,' by the stereotyped phrases of "common brotherhood," "own flesh and blood," and "friends in civilization," &c., &c. As Goethe inforMs us such phrases tend "to ossify the organs of intelligence." But however truly the English nation may at one time have boasted of the similarity of her institutions and people with those of America, she cannot now say the same. England is no friend to civilization, or lib eral gevernments, consequently at heart is opposed to the very fundamental princi ples of our government, and the doctrines which have made us what we are. If we but glance at the - countries conquered by England we will see that they amin a con dition infinitely worse than when in I,os session of the ign , rant and uncivilized bar barians. The policy of England has ever been to keep its subjects in ignorance. In all we agree entirely with a cetempo rary in declaring that her past history pre nests little to warrant us in regarding her as the leader of civilization, and her pre sent history presents nothing. Her great ally is France, which has expended lion ' deeds of thow_and4 of lives and hundreds of millions of money in exterminating the people of Algeria, destroying their farms and burning their villagesthat same old France that introduced the fashion of stno king out and Snfrocat4vg brave men who were not to be reached by the sword ; her chief object of adoration at present is Lou is Islapolean, the friend of despots in Italy, and the head in France of a despotism un der which no freedom in the expression of opinion is tolerated. Gladly would she add to the list of Ater allies that same Aus tria whose "sympathy for Hungary" was manifested in the hanging 'of her bravest men and scourging of her most accomplish• ed women—to secure the co-operation of Austria and Prussin,Eng,lanrivould with out a murmur abandon Hungary to the tender mercies of a Elaynau, Rome to the Pope and Louis Napoleon, and fight Rus sia, because she dared aspire to an equal greatness. Is view of all this, the suds city and insolence of that contemptible na tion in asking our sympathies, and declar ing our of for Russia to be "an un natural and unholy partiality," is without a precedent. We can assure Mr. John Bull that we considerer the successes of the Czar, of more value to the cause of civili zation and liberty, than all the victories of the Allies. The Pennsylvania Railroad. We understand that the Pennsylvania Railroad Company has purchased the cars boats, Rc., of the Forwarding Companies, ' with the intention we believe, of transfer ring the cars to its road, and the boats to some other canal. Many interested pa pers ara indulging largely in denunciatory language towards this road, for its action in this matter, declaring among other mat ters and things, that it is but a scheme of a mammoth Corporation to '.break up, di vert, and destroy the business on the Main Line, so as to boicome the purchaser for a mere song." Now we do not wish to be considered as the defenders of any "mammoth corpora tion," but we think the Pennsylvania If. R. Company has as good right to purchase these line boats, &c., as any other corpora• tion. And if the purchase is, was, or shall be made for the purpose of reducing the price set upon the public improvements, the "mammoth corporation" is in no wise to be blamed. The so-called public im provements of this Commonwealth, and more especially the Main Line, truly con• sidered, are of no material benefit to the majority of the tax payers of the State; indeed they are a continual annoyance, al ways requiring more money to keep them in repair, pay employees, &c., than they bring into the treasury If even the an nual receipts balanced the annual expen ditiist, we would be content to lot these linllnvements remain in the possession of the State, but their past financial history, is certainly of such character, to awaken the idea that they will never become of much benefit to the State. In view of all this, we imagine that the selling of the Main Line, to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, if only for "a mere song," in • the end, would result advantageously to ` the interests of our tex•burthoned, debt ' groaning, plundered old State. Let them • go for whatever they'll bring. v astopol .56111 holds out sue of the Globe, and prove how ung uar edly it talks. In other words, we'll mere ly prove the Globe a base calumniator; and how faithfully it follows in the footsteps of its antitype, the Pennsylvanian, in insert ing a falsehood whero the truth will not suit. T 0 the first interrogatory : "But really Gabe, we can't see how you can make it appear that you voted the Whi et? Was George Leas on the regularly n Whig ticket? Didn't pri vote for hi joke over the defeat of James Maguire, the re gularly nominated Whig candidate? Come Gabe speak out." In relation to the manner we ever have or ever will vote, we consider none of the Globe editor's business. We do not think we are bound to 'show our hand' to every gawky country editor, of some miserable lampoonish sheet. But to ease the fuddled mind of this 'big little soul,' we answer, as we did before, that we voted for Whigs, ever since wo have been of the age required by laid forfor exercising the right of suffrage; and which, from some unaccountable delay in our making our ap pearance in the world, ha 3 not yet arrived If the judges will permit us to vote at the age of twent . y, wo are not going to offer any objection. As to the charge of the Globe, that we last fall, when editor of the Standing Stone, opposed the regularly nominated Whtg candidate for the Legisla tare, and voted for the Hindoo clnclidate, we pronounce a downright lie. The evi dence we bring forward to prove it such, is incontrovertible, it is the 'family record.' If it would be a source of any gratification to the editor, he is perfectly welcome to examine the "big bible," in which he will find that "Gabe, Jr.," was born on the 19th day of June, A. D 1834; consequently, not being , naturalizerr last fall, could not vote for any candidate then and cannot now ' until to , f , ,a , days" shall pass over. THE POll3 JOURNAL for June has been So much for the first, and now for the I received, and as usual, is replete with ex second interrogatory : I cellent reading for the agriculturalist. It “Whigs who are not of the dark lantern gen. ;is decidedly the best work of the kind pub. try, can not expect their claims lobe favorably ; lilted in the United States, and can be had considered in that quarter, during the coming ;at the extrerivaly low price of $l.OO. • campaign. Gabe is one of them, and is hound I THE U. S. MAGAZINS fur the present by oath to oppose all applicants for office who month is on cur table. This is the first have not taken a like oath. Have the Wit'!" a number of a new volume, and is a splen old Huntingdon, those who continue to tand This magazine is the cheapest out againA Know-Nothingism, an organ the did book. county y Can they expect justice from a sworn one we know of; but ° sl.o) per year. enemy.,,, NE Scitoot JounNAL for June is be- fore us, and is an excellent number. The This is another instance of the Globes I journal should be in the hands of every unscrupulous and unblushing falsifying. friend of education. Can the member of this ie editor prove us a society of ~ d aric.lanterned .gentry," as he cittrat lictuds terms it ? That we ever have lr shall he- long to any oath bound organization, having for its object the elevation of its member, I Portland Riots. over any other particular party, or that we' keeording to the Portland Advertiser, the tltlof May the Beard et' Aldermen i i'rottria. otter agreed under oath to oppose Whigs for ted n romp in the City Hall for the legal ' li4nor the purpose of electing members of such I agency, and appointed a cenimittea, consisting an organisation, we can with a clear con- 1 ?o f n tl , l3 toi r : :) al e ce r 7:ll l th t e ld frl e e n e l n t i t e ' n u t l .s " re a ci n t i l l is?te u :e t‘ i : science, with an open heart proclaim a bare putting the agency in operation. To facilitate faced, locoroco lie, And the gentleman, matte i r o t ; thieteno.,:iititittee operation. to I,liutitenc..trikn, who utters such reports, most certainly pla• and theywere sent directed the "City Agency cos himself in the position of the man who of Portland." When they arrived, the Argus was elected to the California Legislature, called „,,v to ug z n e tte p to i l iit,tree,,,Novwir,t.usetooefi!co7lli liquors, without the means of money—the greatest I and pour them into the street;' and according . liar in the country. , to the Advertiser, both tits Argos and the "State I State of Maine” intimated that -Mayor Dow, As*e are heartily opposed to newspaper while enforcing the law against them : and their controversies, but since the "unic-orn" of friends, was himself violating its provisions in the Globe, desires us to measure 'thorns" 11,:i7I'Ve'eli;i1:.,1),:iti.fti°,7,1,1 account, receiving „, intent of uulnwGd with him, we do not feel altogether like sale,wa , !, in titer, assuming the business of a following the example of Solomon, and rittu t sellTr." The Advertiser goes answering on to say not a fool according to his fol tb,utliminwel,"the' the Thal collected or eight po around '. ly;" but we will most assuredly make him • !icemen - were stationed inside, armed with pis. tired of the contest ere we have done. the mob threw a showerf moues ' which broke out the elm in i the dour, when In regard to the "document," we stated they were cautioned by the Marshal to desist we had in 'soak' for the Globe, we shall er.t peril of their lives, and that she Sheriff bring it forth most assuredly, at a conveni , t ) ted o eat season. It is a document of some int 0.. 1 the most violent language, called the pt. tortance to the Democrats of the county ; Iwo cowards, and said they did net dare to lire and urged . tins mob forward asserting that there showing them how far the editor of their tins no danger. The Menthe' warned him, on organ is to be trusted in politics, when pe. peril of his life, not to outer, but he rushed cuniary favors are bestowed, by opposition , egi r t e ts u t p t o h n o t d h o o or po w n i c t e h ov n e t o r b t a h t eri N i s ,ft b d n ,i ck, candidates. We did not come by it in any I This checked them fur a moment, but the lea. clandestine manner ; b ut we rece i ve d i t der reassured them, declaring that nobody was • hurt, that the police had only blank cartrul,73, from the gentleman to whom h was ad 1 etc., and then another rush was made. The dressed. I leader was reaching forward in an attenpt to unbar the door, when the police fired at the mass, and with effect. Robbins, the man who was killed, was the mate of an Eastport vessel, and is believed to have been the ringleader mentioned According to this account the po lice did not fire at the order oldie Mayor, though the Advertiser does not afford any . light on that point. An order was sent previously ton military company called the Light Guards, stationed in front of the doors, to fire, but they did not do so, and as the mob pelted them with stones, they retired in confusion to their anno. ry. Another company, called the Rifle Guards was called out, took the muskets of the Light Guards, as their own arms were without kayo. nets, and then, headed by the Mayor, tnarched into the mom where the liquor agency was to be. Thew arrived there, it is presumed, after the firing by the police, and being ordered to fire in squads utioll 010 mob outside, through the open door, they did so. By this fire, the • Advertiser nays that ono man was killed and six or seven wounded. After a few rounds fir• ed, the mob dispersed, and it appears there was no bayonet charge. We have given this meiotic( the tragedy because it is evidently the ono put tbrth by . Mayer Dow and his friends and is very minute in the details of operations, which newspaper reporters could not have known. If correct, it shows that the firing of the military was uncalled for, as the first firing by the police had intimidated the mob. A bay ' inlet charge would have cleared the streetwith• out trouble and saved life. City Newspapers. We have often noticed paragraphs going the rounds of the country papers, to the effect, that such and such a 'city paper' has declared the country papers to bo re ally worth reading, or something similar. All that city editors have in view when they make such a terrible condescension, is to procure a notice, and many of our country brethren are .sqfs' enough to give it to them. We do despise such miserable toadyism, such verdant greenitornism; just as if the country paper was not r.uperior to the “shilly.shalley, wishy-washy" love. sick, stomach.upseuing city journal. For our part, we never have, never can, and never will crowd our columns with any of the false compliments of the city pen ny-aliners. We almost raise out of our boots with indignation when we see those sickening paragraphs, paraded itt the col. tunns of respectable and elegant country papers. Locofoco of tho Loco ht and In, can- sily nc count for the election of the renegade and vagabond Wise. This is the characteris tic of Locofoccism. Dishonesty and cur ruption have been its leading features ev er since its foundation was laid, and we trow will be, until it shall become extinct. Wise, who has been elevated to the sta tion he is unworthy to occupy, was once an ultra Whig. lie deserted the party how ever, in 1842, to be appointed Minister to Brazil. 'Phis was under the administra tion of John 'l'yler, the traitor, who it ap pears, had a peculiar affection for dishon est and unprincipled men, in thus gather ing them around him. After this t.tnan of all parties" had become properly edu cated in Tyleristic arts and mysteries of political vagabondism, he came out a rant ing. rabid Locofoco leader ; enjoying the confidence of disloyal party men, and rms ' sensing all the requisfies for a successful Locofoco stump-orator, which may be brief ly comprehended in the two words—black guardism, anti billingsgate. Of the latter ingredient, he appears to have an ample store, and in the late canvass, abused men much better than himself, in terms which would confer lasting renown upon an Irish washerwoman. 'rake him all in all, we do not - thinlc the Locofoco party of Virgin al., could have settled upon an individual possessing so much impudence, and in whom the attributes of a dishonest creed are more happily blended, than Mr. Wise. Pierce at Washington, Wise at Richmond and Louis Napoleon at Paris, form a trio in which we may see the degeneracy of the officials of modern times, and an ex , ample of the promoting of min to office not for their merit, but because they have no national feelings. • OUR BOOK TABLE. Correspondence of the Cleveland Herald. Polygamy in Vtah. kph fica- I have detailed to you in previous letters the debased condition of the woman in Utah.— The Mormons, after their passions, (or, as they call it, their holy desire to people the earth) ara gratified, seldom pretend to support their nu merous wives. Brigham Young declared last conference that he did not know how many wives he had. "Tell the Gentiles;" said he, "I do not know half of them when I see them."— rhe majority of these poor women aro compel. led to work for their daily bread, and many aro in such a destitute condition that they are for. ced to seek the charity of strangers. It is an actual fact that ono of the wives of the of the Apostles gains leer livelihood by wash log for the boarders of a public house in town. Indeed it is nothing uncommon for these-lords of creation to send their wives out in canoes for wood, and any day . you can see women chop. ping logs and driving cattle to the mountains. I Subjected to a slavery worse than can be re alized in the South, turned into prostitutes and concubines against their will, denied even wo man's chief prerogative—the use of her tongue —them are now hundreds of females who only await the opportunity to abandon forever a life that so illy befits the proud spirit of American Womanhood. It was but yesterday that a widow with her daughters called upon me, and lifter asking me to lock the door of my room for tear she should be 'surprised in the house of a Gentile, unfold• od her story of bitter wrongs and sufferings.— The Bishop of her ward had demanded her whole Sanity, including herself, in marriage.— She had given ne; all she had for tithes and other taxes, and was new in the dilemma of either starving or being compelled to share an incestuous bed with the daughters of her own body. With tears in her eyes, else prayed me to afford her the means of going to'California in the spring. These cases occur every day— indeed the spirit of dissaiisfiection is univeriaj, I have never conversed with a solitary woman who was not discontented with her situation and prospects. This speaks more than all the in genious arguments in favor of polygamy, and demonstrates the "plurality system" is adverse to domestic love and happiness. Mire would boa great field for your strong minded women. If a few Bloomers and fast young ladies would come out to Utah and raise the cry of "virtue and independence," in the valley of the mountains, the whole Mormon fe• male community would rise in a move and shake off the shackles that bind them. But there is no one here to lead them on. The fear the pol the e• iss it is ioaesty, he rail• te. If or being cut off from the church, and of being "sent to eternal hell across lots," as Brigham classically expressed it, deters them from such a course, nod the desert plains that hum them in on every side prevent them from slipping so. eretly away to California or tho States. Execution of Pianori. The French papers briefly say that the asses sin Pianori was executed at 5 o'clock in the morning, on the usual place of execution. Pianori, it may be remembered, was con demned to die the death of a parricide. The place of execution was in the square of the prison of Roquette, not far from the Bastile. A scaffold was erected over night and the ear ly hoar of 5 in the morning was appoint, d; with the view of preventing a crowd. At a ve ry early hour of the Morning of execution the Advocate General visited the prisoner and ask ed whether he had any disclosures to make.— Pianori answered by a stern and decided "Not" Although at first insensible to the consolations of religion; the criminal shortly before his death besought the presence of a confescor.— lie admitted the criminality of his attempt on • the Emperor's life saying 'I • admit iny gnilt, but I know how to die." Ile further bagged that the money found on him, amounting to 100 francs, might be sent to his Emily—Wife and two children—that they might buy be Precisely at 5 o'clee - Pianori was condo to the guillotine. lie —Ls pale.but collar . His costume was the traditional ono of parri• tides—a black veil over his face, a white shirt over his clothes and his feet bare. As he was strapped to the plank, ho exclaimed, in it sten: dy voice, "Vive la Republique l" Ere be could repeat the cry the plants turned beneath the knife and his head fell. There is an extraordi nary story whispered in the Faubaurp, that the pretended attack on the Emperor was a sham, and that the real Pianori was a police agent who is sent out of the country and a lay figure executed in his stead. Abducting an American Child. - - A letter write; at Home, gives the following instance or reli,;ions chiltdsttaling. The New York Observer correspondent states the filets as follows: . . . "A day or two since, a lad, the ton of •an American artist—the well known illustrator of llarper's Illustrated Bible—was missing. The domestic, a most devout Catholic, protested her innocence of his whereabouts. The Itid's'little brother was called, and in his innocence, re marked that he guessed he was at the convett. This was the first intimation the parents had that the child had ever visited a convent. They then sent for the lieu. Mr. Ca.', who took the boy with him, and went in, in his or dinary dress, to the convent. The manner in which the inmates gathered round and wel comed the boy, convinced Mr. Casa, that the boy not often been there, anti led him to W hew that the brother would Ito found there.— He inq u ired for km but the Superior stoutly aflirtned that he was not in the convent. Mr. Cass, asked to be shown through the convent. His request was granted, but no boy was found. Mr. C. then noticed a passage leading to an other part of the building. lie insisted on be ing conducted there. Heaping a noise in a count ns he passed along, ho opened a door, and found a priest or two and a seat just vaca ted. his instated that it was the seat alike lost boy. The priest denied it. Mr. Cass, then made himself known as the represents; tine of the United States, nod pretty distinctly intimated that some of Jonathan's thunder would be put into reinsition if the boy was not forthcoming immediately. The boy was then brought forth from an ad joining room, and restored by Mr. Cass to this anxious parents." The woman's excuse was, that if she could save the souls of the children, all her sins won't] be pardoned. Probably the lying supe rior had similar views of the proceedings. lltsuoxon.tutx CONOCCT.—We learn from the N. Y. Express, that Archbishop Hughes has published what purports, on its face, to be “the controvcrsy between Senator Brooks and Archbishop Hughes, growing out of the recent ly enacted Church Property Bill, with an intro duction by the Most Rev. Archbishop of New York," but that the last letter of Mr. Brooks, giving condensed testimony of the substance and reality of all his iwevious assertions, and embodying additional conveyances of property to John Hughes, is designedly omitted its this Book of 1913 pages; also, TILE CA !NARY CEME TERY tErrEtt, and one other, though the Book purports to be a complete correspondence. It is also stated that the Archbishop has untended, and altered, his own letters. The whole Book thus becomes a fraud upon the public,—a sham and a cheat,—in character throughout, as in the controversy. THE CALonto MOTIVE n letter to the New York Times, Mr. Ericsson directly contradicts the report that he has abandoned his idea of making hot air serve the purposes of steam ; and says that on the contrary he is more than ever satisfied of the soundness of the principle and is now building a test engine to establish it. There are 'those who have been ou board a steamer propelled at the rate of seven or eight miles on hour by hot air alone, and such will not be inclined to obeli. don all hope of seeing the principle yet more successfully applied. British Empire. We find several of our exchanges copying I an error, whirls originally appeared in the New York Tribune, where it was no doubt copied from some German statistical work. It is to the effect that the area of the Russian empire is 316,016 square tulles. The error consists in the oinission of the fact that these arc German risagnme i , l nespiresoits h ar t en t ll7 ;;I:ge,„7.l„o g f ltist square miles, 25 of which are equal to one Gee. man square mile. If the statement to which we allude were correct, the Rtlsuilln empire would he comparatively a small affair, as the area of the United States is over 3,000,000 of square miles since the acquisition of the Gads den Treat" , purchase. The great empires of the world rank as follows in regard. to extent and population Area. Population. Russian, 7,906,397 65,331,563 British, 7,568,821 161,501,034 Chiuese,. 5,200,000 230,000,000 United States, 3,000,000 23,2511,972 Brazilian, 5,700,000 7,000,000 A Live YANK. tx Tun NOVA Scorto Pan- LUMEN L—The telegraph announced the elec tion of our esteemed friend Hiram Hyde, lisq,, of Truro, to the Provincial Assembly of Nova Scotia. Mr. Hyde is a native of Sandy Hill, in the State of New York, and has been for some time one of the most enterprising and successful of the citizens of that Province.— He has been for yenre the mail contrite or, and has distanced all` competitors, in spite of the unfavorable disposition of the Provincial gov ernment. Fire years ago, he obtained the con tract for establishing telegraphic communica tions between Halifax and Pictou, mid aeon jolted even his friends by completing the line in eight days from the commencement of put ting down the first pole. He has subsequently established a line to Sydney across the Gulf Of Canso, Four years ago, he opposed a 'member of the government running for the Assembly trout Truro, and, came within half a dozen vote:, of beating him. We are glad that this time he has succeeded, and doubt not that ho will prove one of the most popular and valua ble members, though not a nutive.—Borion las. Scorn—ths APPEAItANCE.—A corres• pendent at the Boston Journal, writing from New York, of a late date, speaks as fellows in regard to the old wur••worn veteran Uenerat Scott : In passing down Twelfth St., today, I met fur the first time for many months, lien. Scutt. Ile resides in a splendid -mansion in that street, which he has purchased since the title•of Idea - tenant General was given to hint, with the'Lil• ary added from the time ofjhe war with Mex ico. Ile grows old quite rapidly, and the change in his appearance since the result of the campaign that elected Gen. Pierce is very apparent. Ills lofty form is bowed down—his elastic step ht. passed away—a look of sad. tees and weariness has settled upon those once expressive and decided features. lie leads a very retired life—sees but little company-- rarely appears in public, and • usually walks alone. It is not possible to see Gen. Scott and not be struck with the truthfulness, of Shake spear's assertion, "That there a tide in the affairs of men." A WHOLE SYNOD AT DINNED. 1$ PITTS/WHO. —The more solemn and dignified egercises of the Reformed Presbyterian Synod in se,sion at Pittsburg, were interrupted on Tuesday, says the Gazette, by a dinner at the Monongahela House, given by George 11. Stuart, Esq., of Philadelphia, n prominent and active elder of the church. The particular object of this festal interlude was to give the members of the Synod an opportunity of meeting, for the last tune, in pleasant scudsl and fraternal intercourse with Hey. Messrs. Herron and Calddwood, who are about to depart ffir India, as missionaries.— Several toasts were given on the oceasian, earn eliciting a s h in reply. Tim Synod has been in everal days and have been priucip with the discussion of a plan I • the various divisions of the Sea dans. This question hay been agita several yeas. • . LIMA: .Vl . A TIMIL—it i t but "Mae at a time'' that the mind can digest ; but "Mt/edit/ time! that the mind can absorb; but 'Wilde al a lime" that the mind can assimilate. The violation of this law is the reason why, front all this school ing., scholars learn au little—know so little. t 11 - is the flaxseed story over again. They ta• tempt to take so much at once, that it all slips through their fingers, mid lot their handn•are empty ! This is simple thet. Look about ,you all around you. You will find, a month or two months idler the term in closed, that the sehol• ars can tell you scarcely anything of the things they went over in term time, mid "recited" to the teacher. Why ? They undertook su much that it went through them undiges'e 1 ; they had not the power to ans;milate as wadi gaited moss, and aU. ?Ms lent. Occasionally here and there, an item might have been diges ted ; that was their;. Now, such might hare Lem the history qt' eve r : / day. OUVINI/ES IN K.tioue.—We have intelligence if fresh outrages in Kansas. A young law. ,er named Phillips has been seized at Leaven . worth by n party of Missourans, carried to Weston, Mo., his head shaved, hia thee black ened, then ridden on a rail through the town, Reeompati d by hideous music, and put up at auction and sold by a negro. The mob was . . still unable to make him promise to leave the territory, and when he was released his broth er took him back to. Leavenworth. The Wash ington Union publishes a series of resolutions, adopted by the metnbers of the Kausas.Legis lature, wile received certificates front Governor Reeder. They declare that they will disregard the supplementary elections, and admit !he candidates whom the Governor refused cell& cates.—nr/li _American. MAINE LAW IN MICIIIGAN.—Tho liquor shops, are closed pretty generally, though n few are dealing out on the sly. Some are under indict meat and will be dealt with promptly.. Every day adds to the number, and, therefore, every. day decreases the amount of violation. At first, various dodges were attempted, and liquor, real blue ruin, was sold under the name of pop, ginger beer, burnt cider, vinegar, and a thou sand other names signifying something to take. But when they saw the spirit of submission ta• king a strung hold upon the mind of the public, and when one alter another was hauled up to answer for their violations, they became slight ly tremulous, and concluded that it was at least safe to keep out of the way of retribution. Detroit Ing., May 26. WHIT NEXT Caledonian Mercury says, a lady connecto4 with one of the princi pal churches in the Now Town, Edinburg, Scot. land, haring become enfeebled in health, and unable to leave her bed, felt her inability to join in the public exercise of devotions, ono of her greatest deprivations. An ingenious friend suggested that she should take a house adjoin ing the church, and have ono of those gotta percha conductors actually led into her bed.— The suggestion was carried into effect, and HOW in the solitude of her sick chamber site listens to the public ministrations of her ual adviser. HARD Tines IS ARICANBA3.—The Louisville Courier learns that the mass of the people of Arkansas are actually suffering for pie necessa ries of life, At Little Rock, the principal town in the State, sugar, coffee, tea, flour, corn, ho„ are commanding famine prices, and hard to get at any price. The Arkansas and other tributa ries are nearly all dried up, and the river com munication entirely cut off. In addition to all this the growing crops throughout that region and all the South are very backward, and pro. sent the most unfavorable avearance. lotn no *doors. A Sage Remark.—Onion is Strength. Busy—The cut worms in our gardens. A Whiskey Delector—A. woman's nose. 46,* The weather is glorious for the crops. Louis Napoleon's Good Genius.—Eugenie. lar Green corn at New Orleans on the lfith inst. Vile If you want to know the value of mon ey, earn it. • • Ser The Kansas Legislative will assemblu on tho 2d of July. The Height of Gallantry.—Kiasing a wo• man-who takes snuff. Look 00—We would nark° our dog•orniere to beware of the "killers." Wonder—if the ambition of oar young men reaches as high as their collars? Afir $200,000 worth of property was des troyed by fire in Baltimore on Saturday. Wir The Legislature of Mass., at its recent session abolished imprisonment for debt. pir A tire in Wilkesbarre, Pa., on the 26th destroyed property to the value of nenr $50,- 000. gir The Illinois Rock Islander proposes Judge )'flack, of Pennsylvania, for President in 1856. Star The inhabitants in the vicinity of St. Louis were favored on the -18th inst., with a "hen's egg bait storm." IlEr The latest Parisian intelligence announ ces that ..bonnets for the coining summer have run entirely to, riblipes." 3feiodean , —lhe -choir of the Presbyterian Church of this borough, has just received net excellent new molodean. Sa. Eight wagons filled with Chinese aril- - des intended for the Universal exhibition have been sent front ILu•ve to Paris. igEr The number of dogs in Allegheny City is eltimated•nt" 7000. Allegheny bids fair to becoinC the 4olo g na of America. Co/t7.—The nights and mornings during the past week have bees unpleasantly cold, and warm stoves were utmost indispensible fur com fort. kir Our government is now prepared to pay the awards of the commissioners under tho convention between tho, United States and Crept Britaih. '• The Poole Association of New Torte have issued a call for a meeting to take mess• ores to tted the convietion of Louts ILmen. Thin is ane wrinkle in law. Friendship is like a epbbler's tie, That forms two soles unity ; lint love is like the cobbler's awl, Thnt pierces through the sole. and par The Know -Nothing candidate for May. or of Troy, gave as a new rendition of the dec• location of Independence, viz: "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of Irishmen I" UV. it was ouco said of a beautiful woman that from her childhood she had ever °}.':. smilingly; as if the heart poured joy fro, :he lips, and they turned into beauty. Var If we were called upon to give our ide al, we-would our she is "Chaste as the icicle . . • That's curdled by the frost of purest snow, Auld hangs on . Dian's temple.' va.."Never pull out a gray hair," sold a gentleman to his daughter. "as two generally come to the funeral:' "I don't care," she no. swered, "how many COlllO to the funeral, if they only come dressed in black." /afay^.lhl vein the promise or Oa,: stately titles; Their surging depths iinseee wonder chin; It no wild spelCiiithiulheir might iwides, To give back thee, 0 loved ani heat ! again Deir IVron's partiality toward America is well known, but perhaps never more stem* expressed titan in a letter to Tom Moore, where he observes: “1 would rather haven nod from an American than a snuff box from an ompe• rut:,, gioir A pram et:mg an al man with sil ver hairs, and a very black, bushy beard, ask ed him "how it happened that his beard was not so gray as the hair of his head ?" "Be• cause," said the old gentleman, "it's twenty years younger 1" ifo - Ono of the clergymen in Brooklyn hiss 4 forbidden the members of his congregation to sing the popular song "Pop goes the Weasel," because one verse ends thus: "Tile Fried he kissed the cobbler's tei . fe ; Pop goes the weasel." ".ify Friend and Pitcher."—This expression is found in an old song, running as follows : Ny friend so rare, my girl so fair, With such, what mortal can be richer: Girt. no L o t these; a fig for care, With ray sweet girl, my friend andpitcher." fear Mrs. Partington wants to know if it is not inhuman and contrary to the Maine Liquor Law, for the Allies to insist ow the Czar taking four pints? "Only think I the poor man has to take two quarts at once? I don't wonder he has resisted, and fit so long about it." Joe- All things vegetable are rejoicing at the late genial rain, which, extending widely over the country, has refreshed the farm fields and groves, and rendered more audible the many wieed melody of nature. The air to, day is tear as the tone of a silver horn, sound. ing among the echoing Alps. A Pions Wish.--A chief of the Utah Indi ans ou his death•bed, recently, requested his brother to kill at his burial, one Pi•ede woman, to strangle two Pi•ede girls, bury alive one Pi. ede toy, and kill sixty horses nod sheep as a sacrifice, that he might pass in peace to the happy bunting grounds of the Indian. A Queslion.—Some time ago, 'Squire Fehl, of New Alexander, married Henry Fahneatock to Sarah Ann, daughter, of Jonathan Hall.— On the 12th instant, be married Jonathan Hall, a son of Jonathan Hall, to Sarah Jane, dough. ter of Henry Fahnestock. What relationship do the parties sustain toward each other? li:W" A Lawyer once approached a pretty Quakeress, and said she looked so charming he couldn't help giving her a kiss. "Friend," said she, "thee must not do it." "Oh, by Heaven, I will." "Well, friend, as thou_ has sworn, time raly do it i but thou must not make a practic, - -- ::