Pcal auk Versona-1. Organ Players-011i streets were enlivened on Friday, by the thrilling notes of one-tuned harcl•orpat. There should be some law "in vented" to put n stop to this miserable libel on movie. Where's Sam.—We are informed by a lady that the Know Nothings have been defeated in Virginia. If this be true, (and we have an reason to disbelieve it,) we are led to think that the recent election was the cause of it. ffusec—We venture to say there is not a bor ough in the State, which can boast of •a better set of musical performers than Huntingdon.— We will bet our old hat that Miss Ada one "go ahead - of any one who would like to ,test the truth of our assertion. A regular pitched battle look place between n ‘blueliamoo . r' and an old lady on Friday last. They "locked horns" but the "bob•haired . ' nag proved the bolter horse, con• siderably 'chewili, ; ' up the "old lady." We wouldn't give lice wi f fite of an old belwetlier's tail, for all the difference betwceu a man echo would stand by and see women fight, and a dog. Prolific—A lady living in the vicinity of this place, has presented her "worser half," with three bouncing "little responsibilities." On Tuesday, however, two of then died. The high price of provision at the present time, will hardly warrant loch extraordinary and remnr kable "family extension." At least it wouldn't pay poor printers. New Church—The Methodist ,Congregn• Lion of this place nrc ahont erecting a now ed• ifica for worship. The old Wilding has been. torn down, and other preparn6:ms are being innde. The new building is to be built of brick, and will be larger than the old one. We have not asecrtaired to whom tho contract was allot. ted. Pic ..174.—The pie ale party of the public school, last week, was as interesting and line affair. We were unable to attend, but thanks to the kind and considerate ladies who were present. we were not forgotten. Our lux uriated a day en tr the "good things" sent, and no a natural consequence, have been afflicted with "pains under their aprons' . ever since. Paid.—Wo have hemo visited by several fine showers, since our lost issue, which have been the means of doing an amount of good. The gardens in the town and vicinity louk remarka bly flourishing, and WO are told by farmers that the grain has taken a start that is gratifying to the bun,rv. On Niondily morning. we had quite a frost, Curt not sullicientlyYore to do much in was unusually 'chilly' for the time of year, and made us use the language of "young America,' to the sionnter—"if you'r going to come, why don't you (antic along r= Mora New Sewell Stewart Is erecting a dwelling Ir,use on his lot adjoiuing the Court 'Rouse. Dr. B. E. McMurtrie, is also putting up a few small brick houses on ono of hislota in the north.weslern part of our borough. Several ncw4moses aro. to be ereeted-in the now town of West Huntingdon, by our enter prising fellow-townsman Captain Dorris. Various other new buildings aro going up all around. We have no space to notice them further. Oar (have Yvrrl..-:We love to spend our time in the graveyard ; it is a spot not stapes stain natural beauty, by any cemetery we ev er visited. The moss e t - tvered graves, the ivy clinging to the mmddering pile, the misletoe springing from Om dying branch, all combine here to tench the silver chord of memory, to carry no back to the days when we were young. And oh ! how ort does the hours spent there, do good. The flood.gates'of the mem ory are opened, and the "smiles and tears of boyhood's years ;! and early scenes move before our vision, ns a beautiful panorama. The wounded heart here finds a balm, and God be praised, it often 'teaches us, as we view the ivy springing from the narrow grave, and the wild flower blushing there, that something green, something fair to the sight, and grateful to the heart, will yet twine around and grpw out oldie voms and cracks of the desolate temple of the buny, heart. RAILROAD HOURS. THAIsn 110150 EAST. Mail T. I Ex. T. I E. 'l'. I En. T. Train leaves I'.M. l'.M. P.M. A,M. Petersburg, 2.40 8.00 4.25 Huntingdon, 2.56 8.14 4.40' M5ll Creek, 3.08 8.25 4.50 Mt. Union, 9.25 . 8.40 .5.03 Tx me GOING Woos. Train leaves P.M P.M. A.M. A.M. Mt. Union, 4.33 8.12 6.35 6,26 31111 Creek, 4.51 8.25 7.04 6.39 Ilitutiugbon, 5.07 8.38 7,43 6.25 Petersburg, 5.2:1 8.49 8.11 7.05 An Improvement worthyof the Pro gressive Age. ALDRICH /4 FOOTE'S PATENT WASHING MACHINE fr FIE subscriber is prepared to furnish every citizen of the Commonwealth, with one of tlisse superb articles, acknowledged by all who hove them in use, and by every ode who has les them, to be superior to anything of the kind near brought before the public. They are made of the beat Material, under the supervision of the subscriber, who is prepared to deliver them nt any point in this or the adjoin ing counties. This machine possesses twny ad vantages over any other of the kind, 11116,1 e fact, that it in no manner wears the e g, uses less soap, and is easier worked. Tho price ranges from six to seven dollars. The subscriber warrants this machine to give entire satisMetion. If it does not do everything i.e city, no charge will be made. A trial is emmosily invited and perfect 'satisfaction war ranted. A strong recommendation for the ma chine is the number already sold. Any. person who wishes one of those articles, can be accommodated by , addressing D. J. WILLIAMS, Alexandria, Iluntingdon Co., I'm. May no, 1855-nin. . AUDITOR'S NOTICE. TIE undersigned Auditor appointed by the court. of Coin 111011 Pleas of Huotilktioit coun ty to distribute the proceeds or the Sheritrs Sole or the Heal Estate of Matthew Crownover, Esq., amongst these entitled to receive . ' the same, hereby gives notice to all tho parties in- Wrested that he has appointed Saturday the 30th day of Juno next, at one o'clock, P. 31., at his office, in the borough of Huntingdon, for the hearing, of said portico, when and where all interested may 'Mend, &c. JOHN HEED, Auditor. May 30, I It MISCELLANEOUS. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. THE tmdersigned anditor appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon County, to distribute the balance in the hands of David flair, Esq., Assignee of Simon Levi, amongst those entitled to receive the same, hereby gives notice that he will attend for the purpose of making said distribution, on Friday, the sixth day of July next, at one o'clock P. M. at his dice in the borough of Huntingdon when and where all persons interested may at tend, &c. JOHN REED, May 30, 1855-4 t. Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. THE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court „of Huntingdon county, to distribute certain balances in the hands of Charles Duff and Reuben Duff, Administrators of John Duff, dec'd., and Trustees appointed by said Court, to make sale of his real estate, amongst those entitled to receive the same, hereby gives notice, that he will attend for the purpose of making said distribution on Mon. day the second day of July next, at one o'clock P. M., at his office in the borough of Hunting. don, when and where all persons interested may attend &e. .—..--- .10ITINT REED, May 30, 1.055-4 t. Auditor. PROCLAMATION: Where., the act of Assembly of the 27th day of March, A. D. 1855, has greatly extended the limits of the Borough of Huntingdon, and where• as all the laws now in force relating to the said borough, and the, by-laws and ordinances thereof are extended to the territory included in the new limits of said borough, and whereas the citizens may not he informed °Nile new relation in which they are played in regard to the premises— Notice is therefore hereby given to all whom •it may concern, that the borough ordinances generally, and 'nom especially those relating to hogs and dogs running at large, lb said borough, will be strictly enforced from end after the first day of JllllO next. By said ordinance, the own ers 01 dogs are required to pay a dog tax, and dogs running at large without muzzles are to be killed and their owners fined, and hogs running at large are to be siezed and sold by the'lligh Constable. All the good citizens are hereby en •joined to conform to said lows nod aid in enfor cing the same. THEE. FI. CREMER, Chief Burgess. Huntingdon, May 23, 1853.-3teb. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. [F:slate of Philip lianatt,clec'd.,lateof Tod tp.l THE undersigned auditor appointed by the Or phan's Court of Huntingdon County to din- 1 tribute the balance in the hands of Philip Bernet acting Executor of said dce'd. will attend for the purpose entis appointment at his often in the Borough of Huntingdon on Friday, June 15th, 1855, alt 10 o'clock. All persons interested in said fund will take notice that they will he requi red to present their claims before said Auditoro or hn debarred from craning in Ibr a skive of tic said Whine° or fund. A. W. BENEDICT, Auditor. Mu 23, $5l-4t TRUSTEE'S SALE VALUABLE REAL ESTATE liy virtne of nn order of the Orphans' Court of anntingdon County, there will be exposed to piddle cute in Ca oille, on Saturday 30di day of June, the following described property, the remaining part of the Real Estate of Robert Speer, deed. A tram of heat containing abont 200 acres, with a largo Stone House, Saw Mill and other improvements, well tinThered, situate within miles of Cassvillo. AT SO, A tract of liintl c . ontruning 120 ncren, adjoin. ing Cassvillo, Dhow 40 acres of which an: el ear. ed and in cultivation. ALSO, A point lot on back stye - 0i in Cos:wine. ALS, 1. The one undirid ed halt of the Rhodos tract of Coal Land Sittlilto on Broad Top, containing. 55 acres in all. Terms, Ono third of the Itranet) money to be paid on confirmation of sale and the hslance in two equal annual payments with interest. HENRY GLAZIER, DAvio CLARKSON, Clerk. Jrnstee. 5 P. S.—Tho remaining half interest of the Rhode, ,r,iet of Coal land, will also be offered tor sale ,a the same time. Y,ty 3, 1855-st. CHAP BOOKS, CHEAP BOOKS Alr P. VIIIN.EI'D'IT?2,, TILE CHEAP BOOKSELLER. N. IV. CORNER SIXTH AND ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA. He is constantly receiving front • the Trade, Sales, and other auction sources largo supplies of carefully selected Books in all Departments of Literature. SELECT, RELIGIOUS, SUNDAY SCHOOL, JUVENILE AND TOY BOOKS, &c. to suit all tastes, and at all prices. Books for presentation, Sc. Bibles, Testaments Prayer Books with a very large and extensive variety of Staple and Fanoy Stationary, of the best quality xnd lowest prices. . Remember the North West corner Sixth and Arch St., Philadelphia. May 23, 1852.-Iy. • SELLING OFF AT COST, [AV VIIII Illiall)11.i12_11,, The subscriber, intending to close business. will soft his large and handsome assortment of goods AT 4 1 111GINAL COST. Ilis assortment consists of Fall and. Winter Goods, Dry Goods, Groceries, hardware, Queensware, and all kinds ofgoods !many kept in a Country Store. Also, 14 beautiful cheap and:elegant as sortment of __ Ladies' Dress Goods, and Trimmings of every variety. Also, Bats; Caps, Bonnets, Boots and Slums, and a variety of goods of ail kinds. Call and exnapine fur yourself and' get bar. gains. ALEXANDER CAI{MON Huntingdon, May 23, 1834.-11. - • J. W. THOMPSON, xt - rvalliagav •COMMth:SfikVElif FOR DAVENPORT, lOWA. Attends to buying, selling and locatitt„,.. Lands and land warrants, pays to xes, loans Money on Heal Estate seruritymn commission, examines and makes abstracts of title, Le. Any business intrusted, will be attended to promptly and with fidelity • Etter to Hon. Cleo. Taylor and Members of tho Bar at Huntingdon. May 14th, 1853-finto. UST received and for sale—Mackerel, Shad, d Herring, Trent, and Codfish, by J. & W. SAXTON. THE best assortment of Carpet ever *flared, and at lower prices than can be got at any other establishment. Jost received and for salu by • J. & W. SAXTON. MISCELLANEOUS, C. G. Hu ET. C. WELLS. MOMICr MILM FORMERLY C. WELLS & CO., PORK PACKERS, Wholesale Dealers in PrOvislons, AND ORNZILIA COMMISSION MrIICRANTS. No. 325, Liberty Street, COMMERCIAL ROW, __ _ PITTSBURG, PA. Have now on hand a very large and choice stock Bacon, to which we particularly desire to invite our friends and dealers generally. May 9,1855.-7 m. ZOOS, NOTICE is hereby given to all persons whom it may concern that from and after the next set tlement by the County Auditors of Huntingdon County, (in January 1856) no clnim or demand by any person, against said County on account of any road or bridge view, election, or service of any kind rendered said county, and which is of an older standing than six years, will be allowed in settlement by said Auditors , and all demands uncalled for and unclaimed up to the time spe cified, will be considered as forfeited and forever shut out ; and the certificate, order or paper ou which it is predicated, rejected and thrown nslde as a cancelled paper. RALPH CROTSLEY, PERRY MOORE, HENRY BREWSTER. May 23, 1355. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. Where may be obtained the most speedy rem ay for ' SECRET DISEASES.—CIeets Strictures, Seminal Weakness, Pain in the Loins, Affections of the Kidneys, and.all these peculiar affections arising frost a secret habit, particularly the youth of both sexes, which if not cured, produces con stitutional debility, rendering marriage impossi ble, and in the end destroys both Mind and Body. young Men, especially, who have become the victims of Sol itary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to ad untimely grave thou sands of young men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to century the livipg lyre, may call with full confidence. Married Persona, or those contemplating marriage, bting aware of physical weakness, should immediately consult Dr. J., and he restored to perfect health. Dr. Johnston, office No. 7 South Fredrick St., seven doors from Baltimore Street, east side up the steps. igr Be particular in obtaining the name and number, or yon will mistake the place. A cure warranted, or no charge made, in from one so two days. TAKE Norton.—Dr. Johnston's office is in his dwelling, up the steps. Ilk very extensive prac tice is a sufficient guarantee, that he is the only propei physician to apply to. Dr. Joliston, member of the Royal College of ' Surgeon , . London, greduate from one of the moat eminent Colleges of the United States, and the greater part of whose life Inns been spent in the:llospitals of London, Paris Philadelphia, and elsewhere, hes effeeteil some of the most aston ishing cures that were over known, many trou bled with ringing in the ears and head when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sud den sounds, and bashfulness, with frequent blush inn attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. A CgtrrAlN 1/mmlFL—it is a melancholy flict that thousands fall victims to this horrid disease owing to the unskilfulness of ignorant pretenders who by the use of that deadly poison Mercury, ruin the Constitution, causing the most serious symptoms of that dreadful disease to make their appearance, steel, as infections of the head, nose, throat, skin, etc., progressing wills frightful ra pidity till death puts a period to their dreadful sintering, by sending them io that Bourne whence no traveler returns. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE.-1 - 01111g MCII who have injured themselves by a certain practice in dulged in when alone—a habit ftenuently learned from evil companions, or at school—the effects at which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders marriage impossible, amide strays both mind and body. . . - What a pity that a• young man, the hope of his country, and the darling of his parents should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life by the consequence 01dt:rioting from the path of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons before contemplating Marriage, should reflect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connu bial happiness, Indeed without these, the jour ney through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and tilled with the melancholy reflection, that the happiness of another becomes blighted with our CONSTITUTIONAL IVEBILITT.-Dr. J. address es young men, and nil who have injured them selves by private and improper indulgence. ISIPULILNA.—Thcso are ammo of thesad and melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, viz: Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the hood, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular power, Palpitation of the Heart Dys pepsia, Nervous Irritability, Detangements of the Digestive Functions, General Debility Symptoms of Consumption, &c. MENTALLY—Tho fearful effects on the mind ore much to be dreaded; Loss of memory, Confusion of ideas, Depression of Spirit, Evil Forbodings; Aversion to Society, Self Distrust, Love of Soli tude, &c., are-some of the evils produced. Thousands of persons of all ages,ean note judge what is the cause of their declining health. Los ing their vigor, becoming weak, pale and emacia ted, have singular appearance about the oyes, tough and sym toms of consumption.' Married persons, or those contemplating mar riage, being aware of physical weakness, should immeilktelyconstgOr. J. and be restored to per fect health. Offidigio. 7, South Frederick• St., Baltimore, Md. Am. SUROICIL OPERATIONS PSnPORIfEn. N• B. Let no false delicacy prevent you, but ap ply immediately either personally or by letter. ninyiseases Speedily Cured, To STUANOLIIB.—ThO many thousands cored nt this Institution within the last ten years, end the numerous important Surgical Operations performed by Dr. J.,witnessed by the Reporters of the papers, stud ninny other persons, notices of winch have appealed again find again before the public, is a sufficient guarantee tint the afflicted will find a skillful and honorable phys:cian. As there are so many ignorant and worthless quacks advertising themselves us lfflysicians,ruin ing the health of the afflicted Dr. Johnston would say to those unacquainted with his reputation that his Credentials or Diplomas always hang iu his office. Weakness of the organs immediately cured, and full vigor restored . . IWAlllotters post paid—remedies sent by moil. May 22, 1855.—1 y. 10 DOZEN Ames' No. 2 Shovels, just rceei• sod and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. A nto r s s t e bo a a n u d tr n ul ti lo e t oir piece, etc c at t l i te pat ets. per te ytiviljust reeeVect ;Intl ibr stile by to 5U J. d• 11: T H ata l ti b „l " o7 c a o t " bi Children of every variety for sale by J. & W. EiAXTON. HAMS, SHOULDERS, and Flitch just recut. Aived and for sale by C UNNING HAM & DUNN. THE cheapest and best lot of Chaney Borage, and &rage do Joins, also Satins, just reed and for sale by J.& W. SAXTON. AChoice lot of driud beef just ramrod and for solo at the ocw store of CUNNINUIIAM & DUNN. h e o b u v lder and 4.17,4V:471d Retailer', Merchandise. Classification of Mere-, . . County by the Appraiser dr , in Huntingdon for the year commencing the finantilelaxes A. 1).1855. of May, ALEXANDRIA DORChIGIL 4 CLASS. TAII. Benjamin J. Williams, 11 7 00 Bucher & Porter, 12 12 50 _ _ 13 10 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 Charles Porter, Henry C. Walker, William Moore, BARRET TOWNSHIP. Silas Creswell, 14 7 00 S. W. Myton, 14 7 00 Bernard Lorenz, 14 7 00 Irv. & Gregg, 14 7 00 WINDY TOWNSHIP. Kessler dr, Brother, 12 12 30 Irvin Crean & Co., 14 7 00 Robert Kyle, 14 7 00 ' BIRMINUITAM 110000011. 13 10 00 James Clarke, Owens & Kiting, Richardson Read, James Henderson, Evans & Brother, 14 7 00 14 7 00 11 7 00 CLAY TOWNS/111' 13 10 00 14 7 00 T. li. Orbison & Co. James Glasgow, . CROMWELL. TOWNSHIP. T. E. Orbison & Co., 13 10 00 'sett, Wigton & Co., 13 10 00 George Sipes, 14 7 00 David Etnier, 14 7 00 tirst.ix TOWNSHIP. Brice X. Blair & Co., 13 10 00 James Cm, 14 7 00 Andrew Wilson, 14 7 00 11 13 00 G. S J. li. Shoenbergert 13 10 00 Shorb,Stewart & J. W.'Matterit & Co.; .F. S. Isett & Son, 13 10 00 14 7 00 Fisher & MeMurtrie, , x ' 12 19 50 J. &W. Saxton, • 12 12 50 George (twin, 12 12 50 Thos. Read & Son, 13 10 00 Benjamin Jacobs, 14 7 00 Alex. Cnrmon, 14 700 David P. pwin, 13 10 00 *J. Bricker, 14 10 50 Edmund Snare, 14 7 00 Joseph Iteiger, 14 7 00 A. \\ illoughby, 14 7 00 Jacob Studer, . 14 7 00 Levi Westbrook, 14 7 00 Long & Decker, 14 7 00 Henry Roman, l4 7 00 Peter Swoope,l4 7 00 Cunningham Dunn, 13 10 00 George Couch, 14 7 00 Hartley & Co., . 14 7 00 Robert Me Burney, John A. Wright A Co., *W. G. Bigelow, John Conrad, MORRIS TOWNSUIP. Irvine Greene Geo. li. Steiner, Law, Low & Co., William Davis, M. L. Rite, Owens & 13 10 00 14 7 00 S. Hatfield & Co., Joseph Green & Co., PENN TOWNsUIP, *Fitz, Charles & Co. PETERSBURG BOROUGH. Abraham Cromwell, • ...12 John It. fluster, • 12 SIIIRLEVSIUTRO 1301401,11, John Long Co., _ 13 J. G. Lightner & Co 14 William 13. Lens, 13 S. L. Glasgow, 14 SHIItLEY TOIVNSIIIP. S. & 0. Eby, .1. W. Smith & Co., Glasgow b Co., Oliver Etoler, A. C. Blair, TOD TOWNSHIP. John Tlamilt..n, Aaron W. Sheeder, Amos Clarke, Levi Anderson, WA LK ER TOWESRIP. William Campbell, 13 10 00 Henry Barrie k, 14 7 00 Joseph Douglass, 11 7 00 WEST TOW NSH IP. Henry Neff, 13 Benjamin Hartman, 14 Cunningham & Huyett, 14 WAHRIORMARK TOWNSHIP. B. F. Patton, George Guyer k Co., George W. Owens, Stewart Fox, Medicines. HUNTINGDON BOROUGH. T. Read & Son, . 3 SHADY TOWNSHIP. James & John McDonald, Robert Massey, Breweries. ALEXANDRIA BOROUGH. Henry Fockler, 9 HUNTINODON BOROUGH. John Funkier, 9 8 00 Classification of Seel., Oyster, Eating Hou ses, &c., for the year commencing the first day of April 1855. ALEX.% John Ik. Gregory, ALEXANDRIA TIORUEL:II. BARREE TQWNSUII'. Gregory, *Henry Jamison, HENDERSON TOWNSHIP. C. Snyder, HUNTINGDON BOROUGH. Honry Afriea, I Andrew Molina, T George Thomas, 8 Summers, 8 Henry IVeuver, 8 MORRIS TOWNSHIP. *Samuel Belgic, S *James Kelley, PORTER TOWNSII t ninnry llelfriter, 8 i 50 Billiard saloon. 11UNTINUDON. 1 Tnble 30 00 Summary, HUNTINGDON DOROUGIT William Dons, jr., eIIIRI.E% TuirNsinr, 14 700 George Eby, I 7 Q 0 ALEXANDRIA DOROCOIL John Oemmil, 1 1 7 00 An appeal will be held 'oy the undersigned at any time previous to the August Court, nt the Commissioners Office. HENRY W. MILLER, Appraiser. Notice is hereby given, that all Licenses not lifted previous to or during the August Court, I be left in the hands of a justice fur coll.. JOS. S. STEVENS, u May 16 I ?7, ss unty Treasurer. 'llll2 1132111v1 —n : 77 . V'aTllll7 REivita u wEs Issued under the seal, sanctier — ,d L thority of THE BLOOMING BRIDE, Ruts few yeare ago in the flush of health and youth,. and buoyancy of spirits, rapidly, and apparently in explicably, becomes a feeble, sickly, sallow, debili tated wife, with frame emaciated, nerves unstrung, spirits depressed, countenance bearing the impetigo of suffering, and an utter physical and mental pros tration, arising from ignorance of the simplest snd plainest rulee of health as connected with the mar rta.o state, the violation of which entails disease, tering and misery, not only to the wife, but often . I iZYCOMPLAINTS UPON THE CHILDREN " uN I THIRD AND POURTII ORNCRATION," Tr umpoedrif t VOIUMPTION, SCROFULA, KI NG . B IA, INSANITY, GOVT. won . lk s zll , co u tl en seg and DREADFUL IN FROM THE I ' , FRITANCE "And must this continue? Must this be, y t h ere no remedy? No relief? No hope?" The remedy Is by knowing the mum. and roses,. them, and knowing the monodies, and benefit Ina by thong These are pointed out in THE MARRIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION, BY DR. A. If. ILACRICEAD, PROTHI6oR 07 DLSRARDI OF WOIIF,. One Hundredth Edition, (500,000), 18mo., pp. 230. And big inestimable remedy for lox me mecca,, mu Immo. $1.00.) ROWEL COhIPLAINTS,ROWAND'S SYR- A standard work of established reputation, found clamed In the catalogues of the great trade palm in New York, UP OF BLACKBERRY ROOT, Philadelplois, and other oilier, and mold by the principal Which highly approved and popular Remo- booksellers in the foiled State.. It wee first publimbod dies, together with the University's Remedy for in 1847, since which time Complaint, of the Lungs, FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND COPIES • . THE UNIVERSITY OF Free Medicine AND POPULAR KNOWLEDGE. CHAR. TERED BY THE STATE OF PENNSYL VANIA, APRIL 29, 1853. WITH A CAPITAL OF $lOO,OOO, MAINLY FOR THE PURPOSE OF ARRES• TING THE EVILS OF ALL &.t rall l ON sNOVir.a:lll-d Also for supplying the Community with relia ble remedies wherever a Competent Physician cannot or will not be employed, have purchased from Dr. JOHN R. ItOWAND, his celebrated Rowand's Tonle Mixture Known for upwards of twenty-five years as the only sure and safe cure for FEVER & AGUE &C t!oivorsity>B Itniio:dy for Dr apepsio or I bare been sold, of ',bleb There were npnor.l4 of. Indigestion. The University's Remedy for Costive Bow- i attesting the high estimation in which it IS hold se • re. els. liable popular Medical Also the University's Almanac may be had. BOOK FOR EVERY FEMALE at the Branch Dispensary, or Store of the author having devoted his exclusive attention to the Moore & Swoope, Alexandria, Hunt. Co., Ps. treatment of complaints peculiar to retook.. In respect to Thos. Read & Son, Hunting'n, ,e .; W %el he he yearly rousulted by thousands both in person William Bell, " and by letter. Ressler & Bro., Mill Cee k, " w Sore every woman can di,over, by compel-in her own B. F. Kepner, Mifflintown, Juniata .4 symptoms with thew described, the nature, character, Benner & Crawford, Thompsontown w -. souses of, and the proper remedies for, hoe complaints. 'rhos. Oherholtzer, Patterson The wife about becoxilog a mother ins often need of 1). Gingrich d's ew Mexico, ~ " in and advice of th e 'boost importance to her Jonathan Zeller. Co.,Al ton, Cutnherl iiiii i c , future health, in respect to which her sensitiveness for. W. S. Prowell, New Cumberland ~ ~ L. B. Riper, it CS bids consulting a medical gentleman, will boil such in. JnO. I,' Cotton', Milton it at stroatlon and advice, and ales exploits mauy symptoms Jomes Bleakley, Fronklin, Venango 4 , ! which otherwise would occasion anxiety or alarm as all M Thompson, Duncarscille, Blair, " 1 the pecoliarithri Incident to her situation are described. hoot Itoyn, Franklin Forgo, ft 4, a Iluo many are aulferlug from obstructions or irregular. (too. Bwn ergstresser, Franksto " , ~ ~ Well peCtlkar to the female system, which undermine the D. Williams, Hollidaysburg 11. Myers, fi ~ „ it I health, the efesis of which they are ignorant, and for J. Thompson, ,r ,j i which their delicacy forbids seeking medical advice. Jno. Ilyston, Head Crooked Dam 1 6 66 ! /deny suffering from prolapsut Wad (falling of the womb), J. A. Malaga,. Williamsburg, " " :or from fluor albus (weriknesa, debility, be.) Many are 'l'. lolls, 2nd Lock below " it it in constant agony for many months preceding confine. Kinkitiil & Lamy Yellow Epriugs, " 44 need Nl.iny hale difficult if not dangerous deliveries, E. Goodfellow, Hollidaysburg, ~ c, .Jacob Mclntyre, Martinsburg, ‘; „, I and slow and uncertain recoveries. Some whom lien ere B. Menser. Waynesboro, • tc tc ' barsrded during such time, will ear& and in its papa the im, py ()", khglid,,yyburg, iC ,c 1.141.1 Or prevention, ameliomtion mei relief. . ... •• -. • 7 00 10 00 10 50 7 00 Jaides 13011, johnslown, — Cambria, " E. Lambertson, Franklin, Venango," Chas. Ritz, tewistown, Mifflin, " J. M. Williams. McVevtown, 4 , J. IL Smith, Newton Hamilton, 4 , , 4 I'. C. Cringe, 0 J. IV. Smith. " 7 00 10 00 Jas. Strode, Jr., Strode's Mary Marks, Lewistown, A. NV. Mop- " . Moss, G. NV. Buchanan, McVeytown, " IL Kratzcr & Son, Johnstown, Cambria May 16, 1855-Bm. - - - menus for medical attendance, too:Melo. nod advertised HELIVIBOLD'S nostrums utile!, otherolse would provide for dtellotn2 yenta, the age and the proper education PU12.11 ) 1111112Tri1C)41 - e.i. sour 'him" - In conseoeuee of the universal popularity of the motif, llaLinbald , s Middy Concentrated . evidenced COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, trpuldie, by Imitation ' s tm., mae wen e, spurious editions, For Diseases of th; Bladder and Kidneys, Ob- r i .. urre d:rtr p i t t:lon, t ,l u t e r./.,tl' ,t, fl c d e l eh rs e : structions of the Urine, Chronic flonorrlirca th s ,V,,, to Olects, Weaknesses. and all diseases of the Sexual Organs, CAUTION- THE PUBLIC WHETHER IN MALE OR FEMALE, t i?:iii!t . b. o r n ty ' str u c?. l 7. Z A „ u rtte from whatever euuso they may Imre originated clerk's Mks on the hook of) the lilts tap ; and buy and no matter of how lung standing. oia; respeetuble out) heourelde dealers, or tend by If you have contracted the terrible disease, mall, and address to Dr. A. It. about... which, when once seated in the system, will go w ff_p_sa reeell. s .o. Donor "TM' MAR down from one generation to another, undermi- RIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL Opt king the constittttion and snapping the very vitaIPANION " is asst llnited State ., c i n Ni n tt /Li to any P it aa. fluids of life, do not trust yourself in the !lauds All letters moot be yost-pald, and addressed to Dr. of Quacks who start up every day in a city like A, M. MAURIODAD box 1224, New-York 011. this, andlill the papers with glaring falsehoods.,,...PltUghthZ 129 Liberty Sec"' New too well calculated to decive the young and those not acquainted with their Welts. You cannot AGENTS IN PENNSYLVANIA. T. 13. Peterson, J. M. Moss & Bro., and he too careful iu the selection of a remedy in . flum.Cow th PI Ic. l 7 —M Cynthia per , it 1.1.11 la these cases. THE FLUID EXTRACT BLICHU Williams, Honesdale—Spangler & Bro., Lan. caster—S. Tuck, Wilkesbarre—J. B. Gunnison has been pronounced by eminent physicians Erie—Sarn'l.l3.Luffer, Gransbury—B. Hall, KNOWN THE GREATEST REMEDY EVER Pillston—Dr. B. D. Scott, Bedford-13. T. Hil- It is ato derbrand, Indiana—J. S. Nickson and Col. A.edicine perfectly pleasant in its taste „. meciure, Chambmwburri—Joseph Swartz, and very innocent in its action, and yet so thor ough that it 4 , apes Bloomsbur G W Falk IV boro—Pot- ANNIHILATES EVERY PARTICLE ter & Mc - Mann Bellefonte—H. A. Lance, of the rank and poisonous vim of this dreadful Reading—Wm. Colon, Ilantinudon. discus° ; and, unlike other remedies it does not February 6,1811-6 m. dry up the diiiettse in the blood. 10 50 12_50 12 50 10 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 . . , Constitutional Debility. CLOTHING ! brought on by self-abuse, a most terrible dis ease, u With has brought thousands of the lin- A New Assortment Just Opened 1 man me to untimely graves, thus blasting the brilliant hopes of parents, and blighting iu the And Will be sold 30 per cent. bud the glorious ambition of many a noble CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST ! youth, can be cured by this INFALLIBLE REMEDY. H ROMAN respectfully informs his customers And as a e medicine which must benefit everybody • and the public generally, that he has just • Sq opened at his store room in Market uare, Hun from th spairing invalid, no equal is to be found, simply delicate to the confined and de. Wiwi., a splendid new stock of Ready mode ACTING BOTH AS A CURE AM) PRE. Clothing for Sprintll and Summer, 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 VENTATIVE. lielmbold% Highly Concentrated COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT SARSA PARILLA, For purifying the 13Iood, removing all diseases arising from excess of Mercury, from any exposure in life, chronic constitu tional disease, arising from an im pure state of the Illood,and the only reliable and effectual known remedy out, for the cure of ScrufulaSalt Rheum, Scald Mead, Ulcerations oldie Throat and Legs, Pains and Swellings of the Bones, 'fetter, in pies on the Face ' and all sca ly Eruptions of the Skin, Sc., igtc. This article is now prescribed by some of the most distinguished Physicians in the country, and has proved 'nitre efficient in practice than preparation of Sarsaparilla yet offered the pub lic. Several eases of secondary Syphilis, Mar ; racial and Scrofulous diseases have entirely re covered in the incurable wards of our Public In stitutions whirls had roe tunny years resisted ev ' ery mode of treatment that could ha devised.— These cases tarnish striking examples of the salutary effects of this mean:Me in arresting some or the most inveterate diseases ' after the glands were destroyed and the bones already lected. • INOTlCE.—Letters from responsible Physi cians and Professors of several Mf!flicel Colleges and certificates'of cures from patients w:11 or found accompanying both ?reparations, PRICES, Fluid Extract of Buda, Si bottle or 6 b0t.45 .` " Sarsaparilla. " •' 4 , • equal in strength to one gallon Syrup of Sarsa parilla. Prepared and sold by H. T. lIELMBOLH, Chemist, 263 Chestnut St., near the Girard House, Philadelphia. To be had at Thos. Read & Son, Huntingdon, Pa.. and of Druggists and Deblers everywhere. 07 - 411 Leiters di.ocied to the Preerietur or -Igenl receive immediate atteeitiou. May 13,1855-Iy. fiARPET Bags, Looking Glasses and Trunks, just received and lor sale by U. ()WIN. MISCELLANEOUS. STARTLING. BUT TRUE: NHAT EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW Iron often it happens, that the wife lingers front year to year in that pitiable condition ns not even for ono day to feel the happy and exhilarating Mu once Incident to the enjoyment of health. ONE KINDRED THOUSAND SENT. BY MAIL, It la of courso impracticable to convey fully the venous subjects treated of, as they are of a nature strictly in. buried for the ?marled or those contemplating marriage. header, are yea a husband or • father? a wile or • mother? Have you the sincere welfare of those you love h. , ..t? Prove your sincerity, sod lose no time in -ruing stud causes Interfere with their health and bap. ea not lean than your own. It will aVuiti to you anti yours, as it has to thousands, many a day of pain and anxiety., futon,' by sleepier, nights, incapacitating the mind fur lit or , linnry avocation, and exhausting those consisting of Superfine black Dross and Frock Coats, black and fancy Cassimece, Cassinet and Corduroy Pantaloons ; a large assortment of Vests, Hats, Caps, nark and pocket Hunkerehiefs Shirts, Suspenders, Carpet flags, Trunks, &c., &c., all of which be will sell cheaper than the same quality of Goods can be purchased at retail in Philadelphia or any other establishment in the country. Persons wishing to buy Clothing would do well to call and examine his stock before purchasing else% here. Huntingdon April 23, 1855-Iy. 31/SIOIMTION. THE partnership heretofore existingbetween Alyton and Mosier is by mutual consout dis solved, and all persons knowing themselves in debted to tho said firm, will please cull and set tle their accounts without delay. my'rox MOSSER. Saulsburg, April 2, 1855.-11 MRS. SARAH KULP wishes to inform the I/1 ladies tit Huntingdon and the surrounding country that she has moved next door to Charles Miller above the Presbyterian Church, Hill St., Where she intends carrying on the fancy and straw Millinery business. Ilnving received the latest city fashion, she is prepared to attend to all that may fiwor her with their custom. April 10, IBss—tf S. A. KULP. LOOKING Glasses, just received and for sal Icy J. A. SAXTON. __ HORSE DILLS, -- - - . , E Amy printed on short noire, and at law 01 virus at rho " Journal Office" A grant varietyof handao Gingham for by j.rT.tTTON.. II; ST receiving, this week, Mackerel, Herring eke ' , and fur sale by J. & IV. SAXTON. THE Illncct ns,ortment of Book and Shoe. over offered in town, for tittle low by J. 6. ll'. SASTON. Gold watches willbe sold by E. Bass Mcr than elsewhere. 20 BARRELS No. I lierring, just arrived and for stile et the store of GEt.t. MISCELLANEOUS. 0111PEA"1Mf , %MKS isim, REAL ESTATE. By virtue of an alias order of auto issued out of the 04.bane' Court of Huntingdon county will be sold nt public sale, on the premises; to Brady township, in said octant', on . SA T UR DA Y, the 14th July, 18511, a tract of land in the township aforesaid containing between to and 100 terns, adjoining land of James McDonald. and others .late the estato of James Ross, dec'd., a bout 2% acres of which are cleated, with's cabin house and barn thereon. and the balance of the tract containing the best timber in that country. Said property is about 0 miles from Mill Creek, on the Pennsylvania Canal and Railroad, at the mouth of Kishacoquillis valley, on the road lea ding from Mill Creek toAllenville. There are four springs on the tract and a good waterpow er. Telex:el.—One-half of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and the bal ance in one year thereafter, to be secured by bond and mortgage, with interest. THOMAS ROSS, Admr. HENRY GLAZIER, Clerk. May 9, GM& BOOKS! BOOKS!! 25,000 VOLUMES' of new and popular books— embracing every variety to be had in Boston, New York and Philadelphia--the subscribe, has just received and offers for sale extremely low. His stock of STATIONARY is of great variety and superior quality as fol lows :—Foolscaps, Letter, Note and Wrapping Paper. Envelopes of every kind • Gold and Steel Pens, Porttnonies, Pocket } Books; Pert Knives, Pocket Knives, &c. tattoo' Books of every kind used in the country, at wholesale and retail prices. 1000 PIECES WALL PAPER of the latest and prettiest styles, just re ceived and for sale at Philadelphia retail prices. All the above stock the public will find it to be to their intercst to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere, as he is determined to give satisfaction to every customer. Store opposite Whittaher's Hotel, Railroad street. icr - IN. COLON. Huntingdon, Aptil 10, 1855.-ti STATIONARY DAGUERREAN GALLERY. FP. PRETTYMAN takes this method to. 1 1 4, inform the citizens of Huntingdon and all others, that he has permanently located in Hun tingdon, where ho will he pleased to attend to all that call on hint for good and never fading pic tures. Gallery at Railroad House, where he can be found at all hours between 8 A. M. and 5 P. M. Pictures warranted correct, or no charge. E. P. P. guarantees to give full satisaction to all that patronize him; all shall he pleased with his pictures or no charge. Huntingdon, May 2,1855.-6 tn• ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. LETTERS of Adminittration on the estate of Catharine Gordan, dec'd.. hue of 'ro:L town ship, Huntingdon county, having been granted t s the undersigned by the Register of said county: nll persons indebted to said estate will snake im mediate settlement, .d all persons having claims will present them duly authenticated fur settle ment. TIIOSIAS ANDERSON, April 23, 1855-6 t• Administra.or. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between the undersign ed (trading under the firm of Couch & Dunn,) is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The books of said Jinn ore in the hands of David Dunn with whom all concerned will please to. make humiliate settlement, GEORGE COUCH, DAVID DUNN. April 10, 1053-if. DENTiSTRY. -- DE. J. IL HEWITT, Surg 1 . -111v.t Dentist, respectfully offers h professional services to those A, may wish operations on the teeth. Office wi, Dr. Hewitt, Alexandria, Huntingdon Co.. Pa. April 10, 11355-6 m.. INDUSTRY MUST PROSPER.. JN. BALL respectfully solicits the attention *of the farming community to a quality of Ploughs which he is now manufacturing, and will have ready for salo in a few days, he is also pre pared to make harrows, wagons, carts, wheel barrows, &e., &c., and to do all kind of repairing at the shortest notice, and in the most substantial manner. Shop on N. W. corner ul Montginery and Wash ington sts. March 27 1855—tf. DISSOLUTION. 111AE partnership heretofore existing between I Drs. Brows and Hagerty is this day by mu tual consent dissolved. All persons knowing themselves indebted to the said firm, will please call and settle !heir accounts without delay. H. L. BROW_: • J. H. HAGEItTY March 27 1855—tf. TO NT,. WS found on the ”oad between Huntingdon and IdeConnellstown, about the first of February, last, a "Housing" The owner can have it by proving property, and paying charges. JOHN LEH. March 27 1855-11., SZMONrAt. THE nnflemigned niches to inform bin friends I and the public generally that he has moved his shop to the hailthig of And. Harrison, for merly occupied by bun as Collector's office. Hill St. Where he intends carrying on the Tailoring busine.s on such terms as will not fail to give satisfaction to all that may favor him with their custom. lie wishes to return thanks for the liberal pa tronage heretofore received and hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of the same. ENOS 11. KULP. April 10, 1855-tf. A FINE assortment of Limn Coots, Vests and Pants from 87} upwards for sale at the cheap clothing store of H. ROMA...V. JOSEPH DOUGLASS, in McConnellstown has constantly on hand, ready made rifles, and is prepared to indica and repair Guns oral,: kinds at the shortest not?ce. April 23, 1855-Iy, Salt, Plaster, tiails, Iron nod o 'S x t . ee a l, n a g l e , kinds of country produce .en in h for Goods at do store of J. & W. SAXTON. GENT Cravats and Scarfs of every variety.— also Gray Stocks, just received and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. DARASOLS of-the very best quality front 75 1, to 350 each foe solo by J. & W. SAXTON. Putty: WHITE LEA!), just received and for sale by J. ia W. SAXTON. CIILVER Batter Knives, tovi Salt Spoons, id 0 E. Snare'sChoapJewelry Store, WHEAT by the bushel and Flour oy the barrel v l' for sale at the cheap new Store of CUNNINGHAM & DUNN. MIND APPLES, peeled and unpeeled just -L./received and for sale by CUNNINGHAM & DUNN. p i l ; 7 ‘. lol White LaNt l i , ;l4l/04 kittl i l y 'oAu . le