DRY -GOODS. &C. SPRING AND SUITER GOODS, AT THE OLD STAND. GTO., 4NVIS, HAS just received from Philadelphia and is now opening at the old stand in Market Square, the largest and prettiest asortment of . . _ SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, ever brought to the borough of Iluntingtion. My stock consists in part of Cloths ' Can simers, black and fancy Satinettes, Tweeds, and a large variety of Goods of all kinds, Ladies , Dress and Fancy Goods, of the latest style and best quality. A large as sortment of Uudersleeves, Collars anti Spencers black and figured Silks, a great variety of I'riuts and Chinees, Lawns, Bar. Delains, Detains figured, plain and barred, Edging Lace, Ribbons, fancy and black Gimp, Silk Lace, colored ICJ Gloves, Gouts' Black do., Linen and Silk Ildkfs., black Italian Cravats, Hosiery, &c.. HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, and a fino nisortment of STRAW GOODS. A good xopply of FRE NH GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE. GLASSWAR E AND CEDAR WARE. My stock haft been selected with the greatest care in regard to quality and price; and 1 flatter myself that I can offer inducements to purcha sers not to he found elsewhere. Call and ace my Goods and examine for your. selves. Thankful for the patronage of the past by my friends anti the public generally, I respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. April 1001855-tf. If you want to get the Worth of your Money, call at D. P. Gift's Cheap Store. H XL ns opened one of the largest and prettiest assortments of Spring and Summer goods ever brought to this place. Consisting of Cloths, Cassitners, Vestings, Kentdcky Jeans, Cotton Stripes, Linens. Mullins, &e., &c. Ladies Dress Goods. Plain and Fancy Silks, Plain and Figured Challi, Spring Detains, Berage Delaius, Plain Berage of all Colors, Dobargo Dress and Do mestic Ginghams. A large lot of Lawns and n great variety of prints, &c. Hosiery, &c. Hosiery of all kinds, Gloves, Kid, Silk, Kid Finish. Mitts, Long and Short, Veils, Collars, Vudersleeves, obimaretts, Embroirdored Hand kerchiefs, Stumped Collars and Hndersleeves, Head Dresses, Ladies Caps, Ribbons, Colored Crapes, Florence Silks, Gentlemens Fancy Handkerchiefs, Dress Trimmings, and a variety of goods to numerous to mention. Also, a large assortment of Bennett, Flats, Hats and Shoes, Oil Cloths, Cedar Ware, Buck ets. Tubs, &c. Groceries, Qtteensware, Hardware and Salt. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine toy goods, as I can and will sell cheap er than the cheapest. All kinds of Country Produce taken in cx• change for goods at the highest market prices. Huntingdon, April :3, 1855.—tf SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. SEVASTOPOL NOT TAKEN I JG DAVE jnst received from Philadclibia the handsomePt assortment of Goods ever offer ed to the citizens of this place, and at lower pri ces than can be got at any other house, consist ing as follow: DRESS GOODS, sucl as Summer Silks, Manus, Barnes, Lawns, &c., &e. FOR THE LADIES, Calico's, Chimasetts, Undersleeves, Laces and the greatest variety °filmes Trimmings in town. BOOTS AND SHOES of every variety., such as fine Boots, Ladies' Gaiters, 'Misses' (loiters and Slippers, Ladies' Buskins, nod 0 great variety of Chiblvens' Boots and Shoos. HATS AND CAPS, such a, white Silk, black Silk, KOSSUth Hats of every variety. Panama and Straw Hats ' and a beautiful assortment of Bonnets, English, Straw, Brade, Silk :mil Crape Bonnets, Bloomer Hata and Flats for children. HARDWARE AND QUEENSWARE, ofsvcg variety aTlnt lower prices than ever. Cloths, Citssimers Lind Summer Goods of every variety and color. CARPET AND OIL CLOTHS. a magnificent assortment, and at exceedingly low prices. GROCERIES of every variety, and of good quality. We are determined to sell our old stock off at reduced prices. We have on hand every variety of Goods usually kept in a country store. April 10, 1855—tf. BROAD TOP DEPOT. Last arrival of Spring and Summer GOODS. (lUNNINGHAM & BUNN have just returned U from Philadelphia, and aro now opening at the old stand of Josiuh Cunningham & Sun at the head of the Broad Top Basin, a splendid as sortment of new goods, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard-ware, Queens-ware, Cedar-ware, Hats, boots and shoes. Also, BACON, SALT, FISH AND PLASTER, and in short everything that is nasally kept in a country store. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine oar Stock, as we nro determined not to he undersold by any house in town. All hinds at country produce taken in ex change for Goods at the highest market prices. Prompt attention paid to storing and forward ing all kinds of merchandise, produce, &c. Huntingdon, April 24, 1855.-ly fIORT MONNAIES, Card Cases, and the tl nest quality of Wosvunirotat's Pocket Knives, a very large quantity at Edat. Snare's Store. LaDJES DRESS GOODS, Mo. Delanes, B. Delanes, Do Dcrege, Lawns. Gingham., and a choice variety of Goods of all kinds, at the store of GEO. GWIN. Abeautiful assortment of Silk Dress Patterns, Simi: Silk, and Bonnet Lining, Just receiv ed and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON JUST received and for solo, Don, Shoulder, Bide, Dried Beef, Lake Trout, White F!sli also Dried Teaches, Dried Apples, &v.. &e., for sale by J. & W. SAX FON. LADIES Lasting and Silk work Gaiturs, Kid Morocco, and Goat Boots end Shoes, at the store of GEO. GI VIN. GOLD CHALVS—A rata variety fur sale, ee ry low, at Eau. SNA . 1 LIST RECEIVED and fo yule 4 . '";1 s:A s x te tiat;) VLOUR by the bbl. Wheat by the bugle! fur E sale at r. GWINS. CARPET Bugs, just received and for sale by J. IV. SAXTON. A groat variety of Sans, of evory variety and n for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. ar flue lot of PISTOLS Ot ED:t. SNARE'S. DONNETS, of alt sorts and colors, also, Miss' i) Flats, from 371 to 300, jost received and for sale by J. & W. AXTON. MISCELLANEOUS, MOUNTAIN FEMALE SEMINARY, Birmingham, Huntingdon county, Pa. THIS Institute is Amami on the Pennsylvania j Rail 'Road, and occupies one of the most de sirable locations in the state. It is so easy of ac cess, retired, healthful, and surrounded with such romantic mountain scenery, that no one who wishes to learn. could find an institution more fa curably situated. Experienced teachers who are graduates of Troy and Mt. Holycke Seminaries aro employed in this institution, and no pains will be spared to sustain its growing reputation.— The summer term eminence; the last Tuesday in April and continues five months. Charges to date from the time at' entering, and no deductions made for absence except in cone of sickness Pu pils from abroad are expected to board in the Seminary Building with the Principal who gives his cutitc attention to their interest and.advaneo men t. Boarding, Tuition and furnished rooms per term —. Soo 00 Latin German, French, Painting, Drawing and Instrumental Music, Extra. Ex!, I. W. WARD, Principal. March 27, 1855-a. It HODES'S FEVER AND AGUE CURE, NATURE'S INFA LLiILE SPECIFIC, Von the Prevention and Cure of INTEIMITTENT and REMITTAN/ FEVERS, FEVER and AGEE, CHILLS and Fsvint, Dunn AGEE, GENERAL DE nurry,Ninur S wx,rs, and all other forms of disease which have a common origin in MALARIA or MIASMA. This subtle atmosphereic poison which at certain seasons is unavodably inhaled at every breath, is the same in character wherever it exists,—North, South East or West,—and will 1 everywhere yield to this newly discovered anti dote which is claimed to be the GREATBST nts covEnv to MEDICINE EVER MARE._ This specific is so harmless that it may he ta ken by persons of every age, sex or coutliton and it will not substitute for one disease Others still worse, as is too often the result in the treatment by Quinine, Mercury, Arsenic, and other poisonous or delettoons drugs not a parti aro of any of which is admitted into this preps• ration. The proprietor distinctly 'claims these extra ordinary results from the use of this NATURAL ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. It will entirely protect any resident or travel ler even in the most sickly or swampy localities, from any Ague, or Bilious disease whatever, or any injury from constantly inhaling Mal,triaor Miasma. It will instantly cheek the Ague in persons who have suffered for any length of time. from one day to twenty years, so that they need never have ANOTHER CHILL, by continuing its use ac coaling to directions, It will immediately relieve all distressing re tults of Bilious or Ague dises ses, such as general debility, night sweats, &c. The patient at once be gins to recover appetite and strength, and contin ues until a peimanent and radical cure is effec ted. Finally, its use will banivh Fever anti Ague from families and all classes. Farmers and la boring men by adopting it as a preventive will be free from Ague or Bilious attacks in that season of the year which, while it is the most sickly, is the most valuable one to them. Ono or two betties will answer for ordinary cases, some may require more. Directions printed iu German, French and Spanish, accompany each bottle. Price One Dollar. Liberal discounts made to the trade. Trade circulars forwarded on epplimition, and the article will he consigned on liberal terms to responsible parties in every section oldie coun try. dAS. A. HIIODES, Proprietor. Providence, R. I. Amore—ln Huntingdon, Thomas Read es Son, and for sale by dealers generally. March 20, 1255-Ip. H kGEANA. Brought Home to the Door of the WONDERFUL DISCOVERY has recent ly been made by Dr. Curtis, of this city, in the treatment of Constunption. Asthma arid all diseases of the Lung. We refer to "Dr. Curtis' Ilygeans, or Inhaling Ilygean Vapor anil Cher ry Syrup." With this now method Dr. C. has restored many afflicted ones to perfect health ; as an evidence of which ho has innumerable cer tificates. Speaking of the treatment, a physi ciao remarks It is. evident that inhaling—con stantly breathing an agreeable, healing vapor, the medicinal properties must come in direct eon. tact with the whole of the anal racily of the lungs, and thus escape the ninny and varied changes produced upon them when introduced into the stomach, and subjected to the pro... of digestion. The Hygeana is for sale at cit the druggists' throughout the country. IV of I ork Dutchman of Jan. 14. Tho Inhaler is worn on the breast under the linen without the least inconvenience—the heat of the body being sufficient to evaporate the thud. -- iliindreds of CASES of CURES like the fol lowing might be named. One Package of Ily gonna has cured me of the ASTHMA of six years standing. Jim. F. Keesherry, P. M. of Doneannon, Pa. I am cured of the ASTHMA of 10 years standing by Dr. Curtis' Ilygenna. Mitryaret Easton, Brooklyn, N. Y. Price three Rollers a Package,—Sold by CURTIS & PERKINS and BOYD & PAUL, No. 149 Chambers St., N. Y.-4 packngeg sent free by express to any part of the United States for Ten Dollars. N. B.—Dr. Curtis' Hygenna is the ORIGI NAL and ONLY GENUINE ARTICLE, .11 others aro base imitations or vile nod INJURI OUS counterfeits. Shun them ns you would poison. Sold by RUSSELL & SCIIOTT, No. 130 Market Street, Philadelphia, who, will sell by the dozen at Proprietors rates.. Sept. 20. 1854 —ly. VERT IMPORTANT INFORMATION. DR. JOHNS, ono of tho most celebrated Phy sicians in Now York, writes as follows :-- DR. CERTIS—Dear rir :—Having witness. ed the excellent effects of your HYGEANA OR INHALING HYREAN VAPOR AND CHERRY SYRUP, in a case of chronic Bronchitis, and being touch in favor of counter•iritation in affections of the throat, bronchifil tubes and lungs, I cnn there. fore cheerfully recommended your Medicated cazatruaatilismasodbecionfis applying e ply aiost c ‘ ont i rien o t f null kind I have ever seen. ;If doubt thousands of persons may be relieved, and many cured by using your remedies. You are at liberty to use this in any way yen may think .11espectfully, yours, C. JOHNS, M. U., No. GO9 Houston St., New York. Prof. S Center writes no as follows : (i ENT LEMEN,-1 (tare recently bad occasion to test your Cherry Syrnp•und Hygean Vapor in a case of sore 1/ e ast, that had refused to yield to other forms of treatment, and (ho re still has satisfied or, that whatever may be the composition of your preparation, it. in no imposition, but an excellent remedy. If wish fin• the sake of the afflicted shut it might be brought within the reacts of all. Itt'v. Doctor CIInEVIM wri'asi- Nsw-York Nov. 15, Int. DEAR Sra:--1 think highly of Dr. Curtis's Ilygeans, an a remedy in diseases el the throat and lung. Having had somo opportunity to teat its efficacy. I 11111 convinced that it is a most excellent medicine, both the Syrup and the Inhaling application to the chest. The fIYtaIANA is fur sale by Thomas Read & eon. See advertisement in another column headed. Hygeanna, Jan. 23. 1855-Gm. Fisk for Pale. 15 Barrels Busgilehanna Shad, IS Half 61)1. " jast reccived4o fist sale at the store of CEO. G WIN. MISCELLANEOUS. FIVE PER CENT SAVING FUND, Of The National Safety Company, Widnut Street, South Wi?sl Corner Third Sired, PILIGADELPIII4. Incorporated by the State of Penn sylvania in 1841. FIVE PER CENT interest is given and the money is always paid back whenever it is called for, without the necessity of giving notice for it beforehand. People who have large sums pat their money in this Safety Fund, on account of the superior safety and convenience it affords, but any stun, lhrge or small, is received. This SAVINO Fustu has more than half a mil lion of dollars, securely Invested for the safety of depositors. The Office is open to receive and pay money ovary day, from 9 o'clock in the morning till 7 o'clock in tbo evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings, till 9 o'clock. People who have money to put in; are invited to call at the Wilco for further information. HENRY L. BENNER, Pres't. ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice 'Pres't. Wsi. J. REED, Secretary. Nov, 1, 1851. 0 ktr, (Sucecnor to Hao•tliy t i• Knight. Bedding and Carpet WAREHOUSE, No. 148 South Second Street, FIVE DOORS ABOVE SPRUCE !MEET, Where he keeps constantly on band a full assort meat of every article in his line of business. Feathers, Feather Beds, PATENT SPRING MATTRESSES, Curled Hair, Muss, Corn Husk and Straw M4TTRESSES, Velvet Tapentrn, Tapestry, Bruni . els, nree-Ply, Ingram, Venetian, List, Rag and Hemp Carpotings, Oil Cloths, Canton Mailings, Cocoa and Spanish Mattings, Floor and Stair Druggcts, Dearth Rugs, Door Mats, TABLE AND PIANO COVERS. To Ivliich he respectfully invites the attention of purchasers. [Oct. 4, '54.-Iy. A SPLENDID ARRIVAL FA I LL sv ANDinnin WINTER - AT THE lIICSTINCIDON 6T0.1111. A. WILLOUGHBY, AS just returned from the rest with a largo H and splendid assortment of Fall and Winter Clothing, for men and boys, made in the latest fashion and in the most durable manner. Who over wants to be dressed better and cheaper than anybody else in town, let him call at W:1,1.01.701111r6 CLOTIIING Sooae, one door west of T. Read S. Son's drug store, Huntingdon. Call and ace fur yourselves Oct. 18, 1854. HIDE OIL AND LEATHER STORE. D. KIRKPATRICK, No. 21 South Third Street, Between Market and Chesnut Streets, Philadelphia, HAS FOR SALE Ilry and Green Salted Patna hips. TANNERS' OIL, Tanners' and Curriers' Tools, AT TOE LOWEST rutcEs AND tirON THE NEST Cr All kinds of Leather in the Rough wanted, for which the highest market price wiil be given in cash, or taken in exchange for Hides. Leather Stored free of Charge and Sold on Com mission Dee. 20, 1054.-Iy. HENRY W. OVERMAN, No 6, South Third Street, BELOW DIARISET, Philadelphia. Importer,Manufacturer and General .122`ifin2 Has Constantly on hand, and Always Finishing, All kinds of Leather, Morocco, Call Skins, Sheep Skins, At, &c. The attention of etiuntry Me;cluinis and Man. ufacturers, is solicited. RED AND OAK SOLE LEATHER. Dec. 20, 1854.—1 y. NEW STAGE LINE. TILE subscriber would respectfully inform the traveling public that he is now running a line of Hacks from Mt. Union to Orbisonia, as follows: Front °Odic:ilia to Mt. Union and hack again, every • day. intersecting the Champersburg line nt Orblsonia. Passengers wishing to go to Shade Gap, or any other place, will ho taken on without delay. Ills Hacks aro good and comfortable. and he is determined to hare none but good and steady drivers; in a word, his desire is to carry passengers in comfort and safety. JAMES S. EM MET. Orbisonia, Nov. 8,1854,1 y. J. M. IRVINE, M. D. Graduate of Nee tiiiiversiti of Noy York, HAVING concluded to-locate permanently in Warriorsmark, Huntingdon County, oilers his professional services to tiro citizens of that place nud vicinity. Ritri-tuuticus Medical Faculty of the University of N. Y. Dr. John McCulloch, Petersburg, Hunt. Co. Dr. Henry Wady, . Nov, 1, i854.-tf. FEMALE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. THE library will he opou wry Saturday atter noon, nt 3 o'clock, in their room in the Croat House. Subscription 50 cents a year.— New books have been added to the former ex cellent collection—" Fanny Fern's" popular writings, "Bayard Taylor's" be. The further patronage of the public will enable tho colle6 lion to bo still more extended.— By order of the President. Huntingdon, Jan. 22 1855. LEATJJER. FRITZ, HENDRY & CO. No. 29 North THIRD Street, PHILA. TOROCCO MANUFACTUREIIH, CURIIIERB and 131_ IMPORTEM or FRENCH CALF SKINS, and dealers in Rao and OAK SOLE LEATHER and K I N.. Felt. 20tli 1855.-ly. .1. SIMPSON AntlC, J. F. RAMEY. larle.l.t . ll, , ZA .•'_',l:il..i'di'l.f-Y, ItltAt'rrAt SURVtYQB.g. Office with DAN:m. AFRICA, Ml',street ; between Montgomery awl Smith oreets, Ilunt. ugdon, Penn'. ' [Sept. 20, '54. If,] AIfBAUTIFUL assortment of Fancy CUSIii• mars,Cloths, Summer Wear, for non and boys. Aso, Carpet Bugs. &c., Cc., just. receiv ed and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON, SILK Dress I%latterns, Bernie de Lanes,flera ie., and Lawns of every variety and color, :nit received and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. HATS.—Moleskin No, 1 and 2, of the latest style.. lionnith lints of various styles and qualities—will bo sold low at the cheap storo of GEO. GIVEN: A splendid lvt.of tionuots just received and for salc, l y J. * 11'. , 4.1.111) \'. MISCELLANEOUS. BALTLMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. Whore may be obtained dhe most speedy rem. SPaIIET DISHASES.--Glects Strictures, Seminal Weakness. Pain in the Loins, Affections of the Kidneys, and all those peculiar affections arising from a secret habit, particularly the youth of both sexes, which if not cured, produces con stitutional debility, rendering marriage impossi ble, and in the end destroys both Mind and Body. Voting Men, especially, who have become the victims of Sol itary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thou sands of young men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to cestncy the livihg lyre, may call with full confidence. Married Persoafi, • or those contemplating marriage, being aware or physical weakness, should Immediately consult Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. • Dr. Johnston, office No. 7 South Fredrick St., seven doors from Baltimore Street, cast side up the steps. erne particular in obtaining the name and number, or you will mistake the place. . . A care warranted, Or no charge made, in from one to two days. Tatra Noricx.—Dr. Johnston's office is in his dwelling, up the steps. His very extonsi vo prac tice is a sufficient guarantee, that he is the only propel physician to apply to. Dr. Johston, member of the Royal College of Surgeons. London, graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges of the United States, and the greater part of whose life has been spent in the:Hospitals of London, Paris Philadelphia, and elsewhere, has effected some of the most aston ishing cures that wore ever known, many trou bled with ringing in the oars and head when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sud den sounds, and bashfulness, with frequent blush ing attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. A CERTAIN DISEASE. -It is n melancholy fact that thousands till I victims to this horrid disease owing to the unskilfulness of ignorant pretenders who by the use of that deadly poison Mercury, ruin the Constitution, causing the most serious symptoms of that dreadful disease to make their appearance, such al affections of the head, nose r throat ; skin, etc., progressing with frightful ra pidity till death puts a period to their dreadful suffering, by sending theta io that Bourne whence no traveler retnrns. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE.—Young men who have injured themselves by a certain practice in dulged in when alone—a habit ftequently learned from evil companions, or at school—the effects of which ace nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cared renders marriage impossible, and de stroys both mind and body., What a pity that a young man, the hope of his country, and the darling of his parents should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature and indulging io n certain secret habit. Such persons betbre contemplating Marriage, should reflect thht a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote noon, bind happiness, Indeed without these, the jour ney thraugh life becomes n weary- pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the melancholy reflection, that the happiness ofanother becomes blighted with our own. CONSTITUTION. DnnirAry.—Dr. J. address es young teen, and all who have injured them selves by private and improper indulgence. Ilrosomo of the sad nod melancholy effects produced by early habits of south, viz: Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pans in the head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular power, Palpitation of the Heart Dys pepsia, Nervous Irritability, Detangements of the Digestive Functions, General Debility Symptoms of Constituptioo, . . - - . - MENTALLY—The fearful effects on the mind nro much to he dreaded; LCss of memory, Confusion of ideas, Depression of Spirit, Evil Forbodiegs; A,:ersion to Society, Self Distrust, Love of Soli tude, Sc., are getno of the evils produced. . . Thousands of persons of all agos,can nnw judge what is the cause of their declining health. Los ing their vigor, becoming weak, polo and mania cad, have singular appearance about the - eyes, tough and symtoms of consamition. Married persons, or those contemplating mar riage, being aware of physical weakness, should immedintely consult Dr. .T. and he restored to per fect health. Office, No. 7, South Frederick-St., Baltimore, Md. Am. Se'Ramat. Oeetivrinus PERFORMED.- N. B. Let no titlss. delicacy prevent you, but ap ply immediately either personally or by letter. Skin Diseases Speedily Cured, To STIIANOERS.—The many thousands cured at this Institution within the last ten years, and the numerous important Surgical Operations perfumed by Dr. J.,witnessed by the Reporters of the papers, and many other persons, notices of which have appeated again anti again before the pnblic, is a sufficient guarantee that the afflicted will find a skillful and honorable phys:cian. As there are so many ignorant and worthless quacks advertising themselves os Physicians,ruin ing the health at the afflicted Dr. Johnston would say to titers unacquainted with his reputation that his Credentials or Diplomas always hang in his office. Weakness of the organs immediately mired, and full rigor restored itch - Allletters post paid—remedies sent by mail. May 22, 1854.-Iy. A Miracle of Science. DC. L. Belling of Mechanicsburg Cumber land comity Pa., announces to those attic ted with Tumw's, Wens, Cancers, Polypus, Lupus Moles or Marks, Scrofula or King's Evil and all diseases that have been usually treated with Caustic or Knife, he can remove them by an entirely new method, without cutting, burn ing,t or pain neither Chloroform or Ether is ad ministered, to the patient. It is no matter on what part of the body . they may be he can remove them with perfect safe ty, and in a remarkably short time. No Min eral m Vegetable poison is applied; nod no money required until a cure is perfected. PrOlapsis Uteri, Female complaints, Chronic, Venereal and all other diseases treated with positive success. Full particulars can be tanned by addressing, in either English or Ger ' man, past paid. Patients can be accommoda ted with Board on reasonable terms. . Mechanicsburg is one of the prettiest and henithy towns in this or any other State. It is 8 milesfroin Harrisburg on the C. V. R. and accessible from all parts of the Union. The Dr. will visit cane in any part of the State when desired. Kind reader if you know any afflicted fellow creature, delay nut to tell them of this treat ment. January 16,1855-Iy, BA NKING HOUSE • BELL, GARRETTSON & CO., On .Niot!men!. Corner uf 11111 and Montgome• ry Streets, in the Borough of Huntingdon, A T tem wl p te t h i ll:; o etcr , a l l oi l t i c a . nking business is con- Drafts on Philadelphia, Pittsburg, &e., &c., always for sale. Collections made at the princi pal points in the United States. Money received on deposit, payable on demand, withoutinterest; also for 3,6, and Ul mouths, payable with reasonable rates of interest thereon. Members of Firm: Hulticlaysltury, Pa., J. M. BELL, 13..Jolt!rwrom, War. M. Lloyd, WM. JACK; Iluntingdon, _ . A. I'. WIg,oN, Wm. Donnie, Jn., J. Gio. MILES, TRW, Fallon, W3l. I'. Onninox, Jolts SCOTT, JAMES Gwor, Goo. W. GARIWTTBOK Huntingdon, Pit., July 12, 1854. A fresh supply of Garden Seeds Irom Risley' Gardens • t •eived and fur sato by , just re!. , J. &. 6.tx.ros. Fob. 23, 1853. 10 DOZEN Ames' No. 2 Shovele,jusi rceei , vcd nod for nab by J. & W. SAXTON. MISCELLANEOUS, ARMITAGE'S Electro-Magnet Lightning Rods. A PER many years' close investigation and numerous experiments, the Patentee takes pleasure in informing the public that he has arri ved at the trite principles of protecting families, dwellings end property from the destructive in- fluence of Lightning. 'rho calamities that' every City, Town,Village and Country falls vic tim to annually, through the gross negligence of i its inhabitants, s beyond calculation, especially , when the remedy is so easy to obtain—this is' found in Arntitage , s Patent Magnetic Lightning Rods, and in this alone. This Rod has been examined by the molt scientific gentlemen in the world—Professors 11PMurtrie, Johnson, Wallor and many others that have ex amined them, recommend and speak of them in the highest terms of approbation, and have pro nounced them the only safe rods in use in this or any other country, fur the protection of Lives and Property. One advantage is to divide and throw hack a part of the electric fluid harmless to the clouds; in titan of a stroke this enables the rod to conduct that portion of fluid that belongs to the earth without the slightest danger of leaving the conductor. This rod has many other advan tages over the old one. The only place of man tgacturing is in Vine doors above Twelfth, Philadelphia, where all persons are respecthdly invited to call and examine for themselves. For sale Whole sale and Retail, by THOS. ARMITAOE. Orders promptly attended to. Terms cash. Recommendations. Aug. 13, 1847, I have this day carefully inspected a conductor or Lightning Rod, with vane and index, erected by Mr. Thomas Armitage, on Bellevue House, Gloucester, nod have no hesitation in saying that it is not only the best that I have ever seen, but that it is the only ono I have yet examined that is constructed on strictly scientific princirles. It is with much pleasure that I recommend this conductor to the attention of owners of buildings. 11. MeMURTRIE. I am well satisfied that the Magnetic Lightning• Rod, manufactured by Mr. Thomas Armitage, of Philadelphia, is the best that has over been made• I have spent several years in the study of the laws of electricity end magnetism, and have no hesita tion in saying that these Rods are constructed upon the only principle of safety. The electric shock is received and dispetsed by the magnet at' the top of the rod, and it would be impossible, according to the laws of attraction and repulsion, for a building to be injured by a stroke of light ning when protected by one of those rods. I have been acquainted with Mr. Armitage for sev eral years, and boffin he commenced the manu facture of these rods I examined the principle on which they are constructed, end felt convinced that their adoption would be attended with com plete success. The increasing demand for those rods, and the extensiVe sales in all parts of the country, is ample commendation of their utility and superiority. 'TRACY E. WALLER, M. D. Rising San, Philad. co., April 10, 1852. The following extrant is taken from an editori al in the Germantown Telegraph, edited by Major nx.ts "The bogus rod placed upon our dwelling we have had taken down; and another crated by Mr. ARMITAGE, to whirl: we would call 1110 attention of oar theaters and readers generally. It is put up on true scientific principles, and is a rod that has been approved by the highest authority, and will bear the most thorough extmination. 'Those who have beets deceived, as we have been, should lose no time in having, a proper protection against lightning, substituted. The cost is n mere bag atelle when compared with the entire safety of our houses and barns against this destructive ele ment. Mr. AIMITACE'S advertisement will ho found its the columns of this paper; and wo feel as though we were performing an imperious fluty to the community, by thus inviting to it general attention." ------------- PIIILADELI'IIIA, Dec. 4, 1852. Mr. T. Aims'Aar:, Vine Street, west of Twelfth Street ; Philadelphia. . . . . Ml' nests 811 t Alter a trial of many weeks, it affords me groat pleasure to infbrm von that I ant highly delighted with the lightning rod you placed upon my house nt Bustleton. As far as my chemical knowledge enables me to perform an opinion, I am satisfied you have developed the correct principles in the adaptation of rods to protect property 11•ont destruction by lightning; as soon as the advantages of your arrangements are understood, I nut convinced that feu• persons will be found so reckless as to fail to avail themselves of the protection afforded by your rods. Wishing you all success in roar enterprise, i ens vours truly, • JAMES McCIINTOCK, M. D., No. 1, North Eleventh Street, Professor of Anatomy, Philadelphia College of Medicine. SAMUEL HOOVER liort/don, Union Co., / Is Agent for Huntingdon, and adjoining counties, and will furnish the Rods on the same manner as the Proprietor. Any person desiring to be sup plied with the Rods can learn their order with the Editor of the Journal, or with Rollins Miller, o the Roil Road Hotel. April 12, '54. • HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY. 'pp C. McGILL returns his thanks J-ts to his friends and the public 1„,„6 4R for their very liberld patronage, and' hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continuance 3f the some, inn intls of Castings, Cooking Stoves, Air-Tight, Parlor, Ten Pinto Wood and Coal Stoves, of vorittas si zes, and all kinds of Ploughs: the Lancaster and the Plank 13arshear ',lawns, and Keystone No. 4 Self-sharpening and 11111 side Ploughs, and Shears to suit all kinds of Ploughs in the country; Rolling-mill and Forge Castings, Grist and Saw mill Castings, Lewistown Threshing Machine Patterns, and the four horse and two horse poorer of Chambersburg patterns; and all other kinds of castings too numere - os to mention, all of which will be sold eheimer than ever for rash and all kinds of country produce. Also, old mettle takon in exchange for castings. Huntingdon, November 9, 1853. ROBBED, BUT NOT DISHEARTENED. Brilliant Display of Jewelry. rimiE public generally, and the rascals who, 1 some Lima sineo, entered my store and remo ved valuables to the amount of about $llOO without my permission, are informed that I hero ;ust opened a more general ford better assortment of articles in toy lino of business than was ever brought to Huntingdon, ronsisting of Watches, Jewelry ' Clocks, Pine Mares, 1,4 -. Pistols, Perfumery, Port Mon- ••' miss, Silver Ware, and Pitney '' Articles, &e. My old friends and customers, and the public in general throughout the minty, are requested to call and examine my assortment. EDMUND SNARE. Huntingdon, March 29, 1854. donx Score. SAMVEL T, Bnow9 CPY7 ;',e DIR@V.7SI O Attorneys at Law, . Huntingdon, I'a., Office same as that formerly occupied by John Scott, Esti, Oct. 19; 1853. TO WOOL CARDERS. THE undersigned bal) for snle n second-hand cd Carding Machine, with all the ne cessary fixtures ; which they offer for sale very low. Any non wishing to purchase will do well to call nod see it. KESSLER &BRO. lUill Creek, April 12, 1854. HOOVER Still at Ills Post III: undersigned, now engaged in putting up T Arnittage's Eleetro Magnetic Lightning Rods in this and adjoining counties, would res pectfully cull the attention of the intelligent pub lic to the groat superiority of this Patent, at a season like this, when accidents to property and life almost daily occur, it is the dictate of human ity, as well as interest. to make use of the host manna of security in our power, for though the Lightning be itt the hands of Hint who rules the storm * , Ills protection and blessing aro always connected with our own etforts. SAMUEL IfOOVER. J ti)y 26, 1851.-tf: BUSINESS ITEMS. HOUSEKEEPERS. OUSEREEPERS study your interests, why go to Auction and pay extravagant prices for half-made FURNITURE? Call at No. I, North NINTII street, and examine the largest assort ment of the best made Furniture and Bedding in the city, Feather Beds, Hair, Husk, and Straw Mattresses; a largo assortment of fancy What nots, Sofa Tables, marble tops, and Washstands; Walnut and Mahogany French Teta-a-fetes, Di vans, Wardrobes, Bookcases; French Bedsteads; Fancy Stufled Seat, Cane seat, 'Windsor, and of fice Chairs, Counting-house, and cane-seat Stools, Settee and Arm-chair Cushions; Cottage furni ture made in every style and color; Sofa Beds and Lounges, wholesale and retail, and warranted to give satisfaction, and sold at the lowest prices. Sop. 28, 1853. Real Estate Agency. The undersigned has established an agency for the Sale and Purdhase cf Real Estate in Huntingdon county. Any person wishing to sell or purchase can give us a description of the property, its Inca. lion, quantity, quality, and terms. Wo engage in this agency on suck terms as cannot be objected to. The Agent has the facility of making the property extensively known. We now have some very desirable land which we offer on easy terms. WM. BREWSTER. THOMAS P. CAMPBELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Will attend to all business entrusted to him. Of fice needy opposite the Court House. May 4,'53. A. W. BENEDICT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Informs his old friends and the public that he has returned to his old home, and will attend to all business in his profession, entrusted to him, with fidelity and his best ability. Office in Main Street, south side, the last house below the Court house. Huntingdon, May 13, 1852. Adams & Co.'s Express. T. K. SIMONTON, Agent, huntingdon Money, Packages and goods of all kinds, re ceived and forwardelat the risk of the company, to all the cities and principal towns in the United State t May 1,'52. rfilf , .. n rev r e . : , t .at v s arit o y ffir o? rTyder Tarn, Trimmings, ese Buttons, Ladies ' Collars, Chemizetts, Fancy Hilkfti., Under Sleeves, Kid and Lyle 'Arend Gloves, and Hosiery of every variety, just recei ved and for sale by J. & W. AnxToN. ANOTHER fresh supply of Berage de Loins, Lawns, Mirage, all wool do Bage, and part cotton from 20 to 31 cts per yd. Also another fresh supply of Trimmings, just ree'il and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. A BEAUTIFUL lot of Gents. Gaitors. Ladies Gaitors and Shoes, Gents. Boots and Shoes, Misses Gaitors and Shoes, of an endless variety, just received and for salt by J. & W. SAXTON. TT O SS p T H, Wellington, Cottage, ix. Gothic, and other Clocks, for sale cheap, at Edm. Snare's Jowelry Store, I'4 o o Huntingdon. DOUBLE Barrelled English Snub and St FOWLING PIECES—aIso Single Barrel ed Guns, front four dollars to thirty each, for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. JUST receiving the handsomest lot of Carpets ever offered in this place. Also, Oil Cloths, which will be sold low by J. t t• W. SA XTON. ALARGE and splendid assortment of Bon nets, Misses' Mats and childrens' Hats and Caps, selling at low prices at the store of GEO. G IVEV. Abeautiful lot of Cnst Iron Pumps, for Wells and Cisterns,just received, nod for'sale by Feb. 23,1853. J. & W. Einicrou CASSINETTS, Corduroy, Tweeds, I. Jeans, for sale at the cheap corner opposite C Coats' Hotel. D. I'. aliaN. UST received n beautiful assortment or Seel J ipod and Plain Velvet Ribbons, by J. & W. SAXTON. DlPDJas.lll , Clintock , s 'Family Medicines . for sale by HORACE W. SMITH. Huntingdon, March 29, 1854.-3 m. Abeautiful assortment of Cross-barred India Si&jun received and fur sale by J. & W. SAXTON. AJorge lot of Shoes—Lace Boots, Buskins, Misses and Children's at the Store of D. P. OWIN. BOOTS ~ I ND SHOES, for men and boys, a good assortment, at the slave of GEO. GWIN. • Alarge assortment of Lawns and Breeze do Laines, just received at the cheap store of D. P. GI VIN. AFRESH supply of Ginghams, Check, and Shambray, just received and for sale by J. Ss W. SAXTON. 2000 Fret of Safety Faso, just received and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. 25 B an A d ß fo li r E s L are at N o the l st H o:e ri ol g GlV. r ag l . ' superior• le of Burning Fluid for ,ale at ,sore a o rt f ic GEO. SILVER and Plated Spoons, Gold, Silver and Plated Spectacles, at Edm. Snare'a Jewelry Store. GINGIIAMS—DomostIo and Dress, just re calved at D. P. GWEN'S Cheap Store. 10 BARRELS Roo Herring, just received and for sale at the store of GRO. GWIN. A SPLENDID assortment of Ladies' Die; Goods just receivod at CARMON'S. FISH SJYD SJILT, or sale at the stcre of GEO. GWIN. DORI' MONNAIES from 25 cents up to 52 50 at Ed. Snare's. April 15 1852. CY .fir; BARRELS superfine Flour. for sale nt the store of GEO. GWIN. A SPLENDID assortment of Boys' Cloth- LI Mg, at the store of A. li:'•LouwLaY. A 13UPEMOR article of Cider Vinegar for sale at the store of GEO. GWIN. PERFUMERY—A gout) lot, of the beet,at EDMUND SNARE'S. BARGE GE LA INES, in endless variety, at the cheap corner of A. CARMON. DITTSBURG HAMS and Flitch for sale cheap -I at the ELEPHANT Corner. Bt)NNETS nod Hats of the latest styles, just received at D. I'. GIVIN'S Store. A superior lut of Rifles, for sale at the ELEPHANT. rn() lbs. of Cod Fish, just received and fo CAN sale by J. & W. Eisx•row. IWO:ASTMS, Ear Rings, and Finger Rings, L. , in endless variety, at . EDM. SNARE'S. AN excellent variety of tine Van Knivaii, at E Snare's. April It, 1852 LTAMS, tihouldb - rs end slltelt, for solo nt the Al store of CEO. UNVIN. MISCELLANEOUS. WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND JEWELRY! The subscriber, thankful to his friends and pa trons, and to the Public generally, for their pa tronage, still continues to carry on at the same stand, one door cast of Mr. C. Cout's Hotel, Mar ket street, Huntingdon, where he will attend to all who will favor him with their custom, and al so keeps on hand a good assortment of WATCHES, CLOCK., JEWELRY, &c., &c., all of which ho is determined to sell at low prices. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of all kinds will be repnired at short notice, and having made ar rangements with a good workman, all repairs will he done inn neat and durable manner, and every person leaving articles for repairing shall tiara them done at the precise time. By paying striet attention to business, and selling nt low rates, he hopes to receive a share of public patronn G ge. JOSEPH BIGER don, Sept. 7, 1852.—tf. nuntitil THOS. READ, Would respectfully inform his friends and the public, that lie lots on hand and is receiving fob the cooling season, aline assortment of crt 'ZIKP asz.Llunwo Consisting of Watches, Chains, Breast Pins, Fin ger Rings, Ear Rings, Pencils, Keys, Thimbles, Study, Medallions,'&c. Together with his:celebra ted aud unrivalled GOLD PEN! Which is equal if not superior, to any new in u 5 o Each Pen is Rngraved with his own name, and every Pen Warranted. Oh did you ever, no I never Islorcy on us what a treat; Get Read's Gold Pen, they're extra fine, And only found in North Third Street. A splendid Pen!!! Where did you get it I Pure Diamond Pointed, can't be beat; . . You, my friends, there's no humbuging In Read's Gold Pops of North Third Strm t. GB'Bead's Gold Pen is found only at 55 North Third Street, below Arch East Side. THOS. READ, Piladalphia. Jan. 8,1852.—tf. Lots In Altoona for Sale. LOTS FOR SALE IN ALTOONA six miles north of Holliaaysburg,and about one mile north west of Allegheny Furnace, Blair county. After the 21st day of May, the LOTS in said Tows will be open to the public for sale. It is well known that the Pennsylvania Rai I Road Company have selected this place for the erection of their main Machine and-other Shops and are now building the same. The Rail Road willbe opened early in the Fall throwing at once a large amount of trade to this place. The main inducement at this time in of fering Lots for sale, being to secure the requis ite Machinists and Tradesmen, and homes for the Machinists and other employees of the Rail Road Company. Early application will secure Lots at a low price. Foi further information apply to C. H. NAT ER, at Altoona, or to R. A. McMUItTIIII% Hollidaysburg. May 1, 18.12—tt. TRONIAS JACKSON, THOMA , F Fitaim.rs Blair county. Lancaster county DAVID M'ATURTRIE, WILT lAIII GOMM, Huntingdon co. Lancaster count, JAMES (4...DN., RICICD. It. Bares, Blair county. Lancaster county. Central l'entea, Banking House, OF BR YAN, ULEIM & CO.-- Office on Alto gheuy street, a few doors west of the Court House, and nearly opposite toe Post Office, lidaysburg, Pa. The Company is now ready to transact busi ness. Upon money deposited for a specific period of three, six, runt or twelve months, in terest will be paid at such rates as are usually allowed by Savings Institutions. Transient de positor received, payable on demand. R. R. BRYAN, Cashier. Hollidaysburg, May 21, 1850. Notice to Tavern Keeperst v, oncE is hereby given to the keepers of Inn DI and Taverns within the county of Bunting don, that thcJudges of the Court of Quarter Sca sions of said county, enjoin upon the keepers o such Inns and Taverns that they close their res pective bars on the Sabbath, and refrain from selling or dealing out liquors on that slay ; and the licenses of such persons. shall disregard this injunction will he revoked forthwith agreeably to the Act of Assembly in such case made and pro . vide,' upon the fact of such violation coming to the knowledge of the Court. By the Court, 24th Jan. 1852. TIIEO. li. CREME% Clerk. May I. 1852. _II. K. NEFF, M. D., _ ITAVING located himself in W.tunionsais . 1 in this county, would respectfully offer his professional services to the citizens of that plaice and the country adjacent. REFFV:RENCES : J. B. Lucien, M. I). Gon. A. P. Wilson, M. A. Henderson, " Wm. I'. Or bison, Esq, J. It. Dorsey, " Hon. James Gwinn, M. Stewart, " John Scott, Esq. Hon. George Taylor. - Huntingdon, Pa. Jacob M, Gommill, M. D., Alexandria. John M'Culloch, " Petersburg. ap7,'52-tf. Late Arrival of New Goods. A large lot of barred Deblois, Persian Twills, Domestic and French Ginghams, Alpuccas, sack Flannels, Tweeds and Linseys, brown and bleach ed muslin,, a large stock of ribbons, and a hand some assortment of dress goods for ladies and gentlemen. For style and price can't be beat, for sale at GEO. GWEN'S Store, 50 sacks Ground Mum Salt just arriyed and for safe at GEO. GWIN'S Store. 50 barrels Coneniaugh Safi in stare aria for sale by GLO. GWIN. A Into arrival of English and 'French Merinos for solo low at tho store of GEO. GWIN. 100 kegs Nails and Spikes for sale by the keg or pound, at GEO.. G lE' S Store. 500 lbs. Cast Steel for drills and sledges, for sale at the store of GEO. GIVIN. 500 pieces calico, new styles and patterns, of good quality, sold low at the store of' GEO. OWIN. Fluid lamps, a large and handsome assortment for sale at GEO. GWIN'S Store. Jan. 4, 1854. A. P. \Vice.). R. Balms WILSON & PETRIKIN, 4TTORNEYS L./IW, HUNTINGDON, PA. Practice in the several Courts of Huntingdon, Blair, Cambria, Centre, MIMI n and Juniata Coun ties. March 23, 1853. iLL KINDS OF Pain & lug JO. S PRINTING, S UCH AS. LtaaA: CO LI lIMIADAI› PROGRAMMES„ CARDS,&C. , And all Kinds of Legal Banks; Vsed by Magistrates & Others Printed at the JOURNAL OFFICE. BLANKS.--Always buy your Blanks at the "Journal Office." We have now prepared a ve ry superiorarticle of BLANK DEEDS, BONDS, JUDGMENT NOTES, spi mow, Elcrell- TIONS, ;~