Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 30, 1855, Image 2

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    AuntinOn Aottnial.
-- . ,
•,, tit,4o4.
Wednesday Nornir:?, May 30, 1855.
The ' , JOURNAL' , has 300 Subscri
bers more, than an other paper
in this county.
Agents for the Journal.
The following parsons we havo appointed Agents
for the Ilmnixouos JOURNAL, who are author
ized to receive and receipt for money paid on sub
ecription, and to take sho mums of new subscri
bers at our published prices.
We do this for the convenience of .r subscri
bers living ate distanoe from Huntingdon.
Jogs W. THOMPSON, Esq., Hollidaysburg,
SAMUEL COEN, East Barren,
CFECINGE . W. CORNELIUS ; Cromwell township.
HENRY HUDSON ' Clay township.
Davro Erni, Cromwell township.
Dr. J. P. Asmcom, Penn township,
J. WAREHAM MATTER N, Franklin township,
SAMUEL STEFFEY, Jackson township,
Rona. M'BonsEr, " "
COL Jtra. C. WATSON, Brady township,
Mosurs Bnows, Springfield township,
WM. HUTCHINSON, Esq., Warriorsmark tp.,
Jam. MCDONALD, Brady township,
GEORGE W. Witirrammn, Petersburg,
HENRY NEFF, West Barr..
JOHN BALSDACH, Waterstreet,
Maj. CHARLES IVlrcitLny. Tod township,
A. M. BLAIR, Dublin township,
DEMME Witsos, Esq., Tell township,
baize CLARK, Birmingham.
NATHANIEL LYTLE, Esq., Spruce Creek.
Maj. W. Moo., Alexandria.
B. F. WALLACE, Union Furnace.
Simicitt WRIGHT, Esq., Union township. ,
DAVID CLARKSON, Esq. ' Cass township.
STRUM WIGTON, Esq., Franklin township.
DAVID PARKER, Esq., Warriorsmark.
DAVID AURANDT, Esq., Todd township.
New Advertisements.
1.1,' See Auditor's notices.
ar Washing Machines.
Er We invite particular 'attention to
the advertisement of Messrs. Hussey &
Come Again.
We are informed by same of our intelli
gent readers, that the locusts are again ma
king their appearance in our county. It
is presumed that they will be as numerous
as last year. In some portions of our
county, the locusts are raid to be unusually
thick, and should they increase much more
rapidly, We will be in the condition of the
Egyptians, in the - days of old Mr. Phara-
The Camel Ships.
The United States etoreship Supply, is
now being thoroughly overhauled at the
Brooklyn Navy Yard, and put in complete
order for a voyage to the , Mediterranean,
to bring home the camels which are to be
experimented with on our Great Western
desert. As soon as she isfinished, she
will start, and we do hope, that after the
"camels do come," they wont prove to be
k. n.'s or "elephants."
.Pie Hie.
'We. had the pleasure of attending a pic
nic party, of the female department of the
Huntingdon Select School,—J. A. Hall,
Principal—on Friday last. We rarely en.
joyed ourself better, than we did on this
occasion, among the smiling little angels;
which, by the byi is the order which the
Globe says we belong to. But supposing
wo are no angel, we felt as happy as one,
among the
"Buds, the blesaome, the beautiful llowere.
As our friend Milton has it.
The Work (ioee Bravely On.
Two horses were stolen from a gentle
man in Shirleysturg, week before last, and
last week, two were stolen from a gen
tleman living near Manor 11111. As the
Legislature has adjourned, droves of the
"light fingered gentry" may be expected
around, and as n.great , number of the mem
bers of that body, don't expect to get back,
they may be induced to Teatime their for.
trier occupation. So the best advice we
can give our patrons is, lock your stable
We hear of robberies in all parts of our
The election returns front Virginia, it
seems, do not argue well for ~ Srun " It
appears, by some indescribable misman
agement, the Locofoco candidate fnt Gov
ernor, Henry A. Wise, has been elected.
The returns from various parts of the slate
differ materially, according to the sources
front whence they come. This renders it
useless to encumber our crowded ctlurons
with the detailed figures. We have sum
med up the returns from 72 counties and
cities, as we have received them, and make
the result thus :—For Plourney, Whig nod
American, aggregate of majorities, 10,719;
for Wise, pro-slavery, Jesuit, anti•protes
tant, anti-Sam candidate, 13,300 ;
excess, 2,679. In the same counties and
cities General Pierce had, in 1852, a ma
jority of 7,810, showing an American gain
of 4,631.
Wonder if that is any , nuts' for.Locofo
no , gum•suekers.' It is considerable lel:
ling off and we opine, will go down with
about as good relish as a Jerusalem Arti•
choke. We shall see what we'shall see
however. Next week we shall be abl eto
givii the full vote.
From the Old World.
The s.tearnship America, arrived at Hal,
jinx, on the
inst. The news she
tirings is of some importance, and we only
have room for a fox editorial remarks.
l'ianori, the person why attempted to as
sassinate the French Emperor, les been
condemned 40 death. In relation to the
peace prospects, the English press has but
little hope of the conclusion of a satisfac
tory peace ; all hopes appear to have fled;
no asshtonce is expected from Austria, and
very little from the remainder of Europe;
the truth is, England and France having
got themselves into this 'snap,' will have to
light it out themselves. The English pa
pers appear to think that Russia does not
want peace. _
Vie latest advices front the seat of war,
state that the Russians had made a sortie
with a large body of troops. on the allies'
right advance trench, but were driven
back. The proposed scheme of raising a
Turkish contingent, to be commanded by
English officers, has proven a failure.
A very extraordinary circumstance is
related by the English papers ; it is to the
effect that a fine American frigate built ship
recently arrived at a port its the Baltic. It
was stated that the vessel had on board 800
bales cotton, but the English correspondent
viiited the ship, and found that in addition
to the above, she hnd fifty thousand rifles,
and five thousand revolvers. The Rus
clans laugh at our cruisers, says he, and na
turally ask if John Bull has been asleep
to have allowed so valuable a prize to have
escaped. The Mtf.ssrs. C-, Mer
chants of Boston, were passengers, and is
supposed acted as supercargoes. We have
not been able to ascertain if the vessel left
America this season, and has cut her way
through the ice before our flying squadron
could come up with her, or if she reached
one of the lower ports of the Baltic last
year, and lay quiet till Spring. •
A Russian note in the form of a circular
addressed to the German States, says that
the Czar, relying on the continuance of the
policy hitherto pursued by them, will ad
here to the solution given at the Conferen
ces to the first two ppints of the guarantee.
A now bill was before the British Par
liament, to suppress Gretna Green marria
ges, but was lost by considerable majority.
A bill removing the newspaper stamp was
passed. The movement in favor of an ad.
ministration reform gains ground, and in.
dignation meetings against aristocratic mis
management continue to be held. Lord-
Palmerston is rapidly becoming as unpop
ular ,as his predecessor, Lord Aberdeen,
The John Balls are very wrathy over
the fact, that Brother Jonathan does not
sympathise with theem, and an editorial
of the London Times, which attracted no
tice, says that "the circumstance that Am
erica does not sympathise with the Allies,
is shocking and revolting." English con
tributors to the New York Exhibition, held
a meeting in London, to cons:dor how they
may get back their contributions.
One of the floating batteries just ready
to be launched in the 'Thames, and intend
ed for Sebastopol, was set on fire by a dis
charged workman. It was totally destroy
A new loan of seven hundred million
francs is under consideration by the French
Council of State.
The police of Paris have discovered that
a vast plot having its ramifications through
out Europe, was on foot, and hence the ex
ecution of Pianori had been postponed,
with a view to trace his connection thete
with. Os the day the attempt was made,
it was freely stated in various cities of Ita
ly, Spain and Clermany, that Napoleon was
deed. and Paris in a state of insurrection.
This is about all the news received,
with the exception that Austria has declar
ed her neutrality, together with all the Ger
man States.
The Dedication.
The Dedication of the Lutheran Church,
recently erected in this borough, took place
last Sabbath. The dedicatory sermon was
preached by Rev. Baker, of Altoona, and
we are free,to confess, that the reverend
gentleman in his admirable discourse, dis•
played talents of no ordinary kind. We
4ye seldom listened to a clearer, or more
comprehensive sermon than the one deliv
ered by Mr. Baker on Saturday evening.
In the particular of the right manner of
preaching, we think many of our minis
ters commit an almost unpardonable blun
der, and which, we can find nothing to pal
liate. We allude to the fact, that many of
the :cloisters of the Closple of Jesus Christ,
in these later days, preach, only to be art •
planded by their fellow-tnen,' and hence,
the resew why there is so many of the
flowery sermons spun out front pulpits,
Sabbath after Sabbath. This thing of us.
ing too many common-place or high•flown
terms, or accomodating the Scripture to
suit the opinions of wealthy - pew.renters,
or worldly church contributors, is not only
ridiculous, but absolutely sinful. The
reason why we admired Rev. Ilaker's dis
course of last Saturday evening, was, be
: cause it was simple and concise ; because
it came up to our idea of the apostolic
creel, "Christ, and him crucified."
An amount sufficient to liquidate the
debt incurred by the erection of this tent•
ple, has not yet been raised ; we hope the
citizens of the county will respond cheer
fully and generously to the call of the pn=•
tar,. ,i, (Au:— ~r
Remarkable Occurrence.
A rather strange occurrence took place
a short time ago, in one Gf the northern
townships of our county. We era infor
med by a friend living in the neighborhood,
that for some length of time, the wife of a
highly respectable farmer, (whose name
we do not see proper to make public,) had
been deranged ; so bad, indeed, that it re
quired a constant watch over her to prevent
her injuring herself. In some of the more
lucid intervals of her madness, she declar
ed it as her intention to destroy herself,
and end her misery. About a week ago,
the person whose carp it was to attend her,
having occasion to leave the room where
she was confined, on returning found she
I had disappeared. Search was instantly
made, and she was found lying by the door
of the kitchen, insensible. It appears the
trap door on the roof was open, and she
had managed to ascend to it by placing
boxes, &c., under it, and had flung herself
from the roof to the ground, a distance of
some thirty feet. The most remarkable
part of the affair is, that beyond a few brui
ses, she was safe and sound. Since this
occurrence, strange to tell, her reasoning
faculties have been partially restored, and
it is confidently believed, that reason will
again resume her power. We cannot but
believe, that this is another instance of tho
good providence of the great I Am.
Expenoes of Uncle Sam,
It will be seen by the following table that
Uncle Sam has either become a very ex
travagant old gentleman, or has some ras
cally servants. It will no doubt be recol
lected what a hubaboo was raised, during
the administration of old John Adams, on
account of the expenses of Government
having reached the-enormous sum of near
twelve million dollars. Now what has the
Locofoco Press to say to the fact, that the
expenses of our Government for the year,
will overrun seventy-five million dollars.
Tho following is the amount of appro
priations, made during the late session of
Congress. Fourteen and a half millions
of dollars are appropriated to the Post Of
fice Department and the Ocean mail ser
Civil, diplomatic and miscellane-
Army:fortifications, Military Acct.
deco y , &c., ' 12,571,406
Indian department, naval, revolu
tionary, and othcr pension., 4,453,531
Naval service, 15,012,091
Post-office deparinent, .10,946,8 t 4
Occe.n steam mail eery ic,, 3,574.450
Texan lleht, 7,750,000
This vast spm of C 1,574,4,57 is only the
amount of specified appropriations. Tile
great mass of contingent objects of expen
diture, of which the sums were unascer
tained and could not be spec.fied, may
swell the grand totcl of-the expenses of the
year to perhaps seventy-five millions of
dollars. Although the Government ex•
penses must necessarily increase•with the
growth of the country nod the correspon
ding necessities of the public service, one
can hardly imagine the necessity of so
vast on augmentation of the necessary ex
penses of the Government as seventy five
millions of dollars; and the immensity of
the sum must arrest :he attention of eve
ry intelligent reader.'
Nies Seekers.
If there is a tribe in the country, which
could be said to come up to the idea we
have of the number implied in the exprea.
aion "numerous as the sands of the sea,"
it is the one that heads this article. Wo
do not pretend to say, the class of individu
als seeking office, is as unworthy as it
is large; but it does not always follow, that
people who think they are capable of talc
ing charge of a 'public establishment,' in
reality are. 'l'he office seekers of the pre
sent day, embrace, as the old song has it,
"The bre we r, the baker, the candlestick maker."
And more than this, the halt-fledged law
yer, who never had a 'client,' and who ne
ver plead at the bar ; the one who would
have saved his credit had he never, and in
fact That, Dick, and Harry, here there and
every where, are 'out' for 'public service.'
One good rucult may fellow, and that is, in
so large a crowd of applicants, good selec-
tions may be made.
Grand Jubilee.
The members of the Roman Catholic
Church of this county, have been holding
a jel,:lee in their church at this place, for
the post week. The immaculate concep
tion of the Virgin Mary, lately adopted by
'the Roman Church, as a leading feature in
the belief of all its members, is the cause
of the jubilee. We visited with a friend,
the church on Friday eve, but as the mem•
tiers were confessing, we left.
The jubilee is held over the whole coon
try, and is a proof that Catholics consider
the Virgin Mary of equal power with Je
sus Christ, and consequently, worthy of
equal adoration ! ! Four priests officiated.
Tum:s.—The work of ornamenting New
England with shade trees on an extensive
scale, has begun. Some five years ago the
first ornamental tree association was formed at
Chelsea. Since then, others have been formed
at East Boston, at South Boston, Haverhill, St.
Albans, 01.0 etc., for the purpose of planting
trees on every street of the several places.—
'The result, have been most happy. Take
East Boston alone. Within three years 1250
forest trove have been planted, at an expense
of about $4,000, or a little more than $3 each.
The change in that part of the city is wonder.
foil, and the rise of tlte property on some streets
ba i 1 ,1,, .1 !it, pee seer. thrr , tiglL the trees
Veit anb . *cilsors.
ter yighfahyin .I—Lehapdler's Address.
le. The dog-law is now in three.
se-. A remnant ultimatum—"Shaul„"
Mar oink—The price of butter.
or White Hats are becoming fashionable.
ler Oranges and !mous are very plenty
in the south, this season.
ter The hotel.keepers throughout the coun
try are raising the prices.
Ser There is a belief thatsorne of the mem
bers of the late Legislature were buyably.
Se. A Candidate for Matrimony—Our de
vil, Sr.
Vir Hungry—Some pie nit boys on Satur
day last. Neff ced.
SirA Scorcher—Thursday last. The 'me
meter' was considerably above ‘Ctesar.'
/Mir A negro had his head cut off by a cob
ton gin in Kentucky, recently.,
War Flour is $9O a barrel, and not to belted
at that, itt.Claiborne Parish, La.
ler" On Pit—that the editor of the. Globe
belongs to the "sag nichts."
ri Busy—Teams in hauling out the iron
fur the Broad 'hip Railroad.
Ata- Quite an improvement—Maj. Camp
bell's veranda.
ler Petrified bodies have been found' in
ler We understand that British recruiting
officers art in Harrisburg. Hang them.
Allir The glorious were blessed
with some delightful showers, the past week.
fits The neat State Agricultural Fair, is to
be held at Harrisburg.
re- A man named Deviany was killed in
Juniata county, last week.
be- Ho yetha I pant I for something, cool,
try Agents ice cream.
AQP There are 3129 lodges of Odd Fellows
in the United States.
14" The Mormons have established them
selves in the Sandwich Islands. Vat a people.
Queen Victu'ria was 36 years old hot
U' Gov. Gardiner of Massachusetts, has
vetoed the passed by the Legislature, de.
Oaring the fugitive slave law unconstitutional.
" A man in N. Orleani gave two lots and
$50,000 for the erection of an almshouse in that
AV'There is same reason to believe , that a
liquor law will not be relished by our sturdy old
dutch farmers.
V - e. The happiest matt we know, is a darkey,
who has' but one shirt, avid a pair of 'unmen
tionable,' •
Per We don't like to be personal, but indeed
there is entirely too much of the know•every
body's•business.bettcr-thawyouvown spirit, in
this place.
S' Try ..—We merely say to those con•
temptihle creatures, who are the lacqueys of
Locefocoism, who talkorwriting Cabe down,"
try it V yea dare.
1t There is - a man out west whois so mean
that ho charges his wife boarding, and makes
her "raise the wind" by selling 'snits.'
j6y. Let her flicker, has been changed into,
"Permit the femenine gender to be swayed to
and fro.
stiy- Broad,Top Railroad bridge,
across the Juniata nt this place, is now cross,
ler Correa ondents—We have several com
munications, from lady contributors, which will
appear BOOM
Stir A prisoner attempted to escape from
one of the New Orleans prisons lately, and fell
from the roof, breaking every bone in his body.
Eir One of the female schools of this bor
ough had a pie nic, on Tneslay last. Printers
pie nie every day.
gir•Strapg,e !—We aro informed by one far.
mere, that tips peaches are growing two, three,
and as high as five together.
Alt• The proprietor of the St. Louis hotel,
N. Y., has Been held to hail in $5,000, for at
tempts at arson in said house.
Ser. We had expectfd to sea the man with
the white pants in our borough, but instead of
him, we have the man with the white lint.
s 6-• About bricks.—lt won't do to imagine a
man a builder, because he has a 'brick' in his
Mir 'AMU h for a tootle.'—noso who have
never understood that passage of Scripture,
con have it satiscactorily explained at Dr. Mil
ler's. The Dr. can give an artificial tooth c.
qual to the original.
Western papers say that the cholera is
still prevailing.
Ser John Hiss, the expelled member oldie
Massachusetts Legislature, had to be 'put out'
of the house, vi et armie. What n gander.
1 "lisp, goes the weasel"—The Globe is
mom on the weasel' question. Why didn't the
President use the gullotine on the editor.
leir TIM auditor's notice of Mr. Benedict,
in another column, was marked Friday 16th,
instead of 15th.
lar A biography of Mr. Hildreth, the fed.
cral historian, concludesly stating that, though
not rich, he is very happy.
rge• A Good Idea—We heard some one pro
pos e getting up a masquerade, on the coming
4th of July. Wo don't think It would go down
very well, however, with timorous anti-k. m's
"ill 'round our hal"—Wo tender our
extremes', profoundest, humblest neknowledg
meats to our young friend Kate, of Hollidays
burg, for that present. Long may she wave I
ler Tryon wish to die a bachelor, bout no
thing to do with dimity. Girls have a way of
twisting themselves around you, that beats grape
vines, considerably. That's so.
air Wanted Immediately—One to invent a
plan for editing a newspaper without being con;
sidered dull by the giddy, frivolous by the "se•
ideas-minded,' unappreciated by three-fourths,
and cheated by the other quarter.
pr. Oar citizens will remember that after
the first of June, a tax of one dollar will be ha,
posed on every dog owned by them.
ga.. The renowned Josiah Perham has giv
en notice that the drawing of his third gift en•
tcrpriue, will take place on the sth of July.
gle. Vermont must have a remarkable and
law•obeying population, for it seem that the
jails of the state only average three occupants
ggir We'll bet our old boots against a jug of
Hobensack, that our Mice are as handsome as
any other place in the U. S.
Itir A Duel in the Dark.—A late California
paper mentions a duel which was fought be.
twecn a Yankee and nn Englishman, in a dark
room. The Yankee not wishing to have blood
on his hands, fired his pistol up the chimney,
when to his ;terror down enniothe Englishman.
What's in a name 7—A. new ;lay is an
nounced, in Cincinnati, by Sig. Hoggyilepork
sir The Last Word—A bill bas passed the
Massachusetts Legislature, giving the closing
argument, in criminal cases, to the prisoner's
counsel, instead of the prosecuting attorney.
oar 'fhe weather in April last, was half a
degree warmer, than has been known for the
last thirty years, for that month. The moan
temperature was 5S deg.
var "Mr. Wise in n recent speech culled the
Know Nothing party Nosey."
He must have made that remark after scratch
ing his head for an idea.
_ _
Verne what party did Gabe, Jr., belong
last 101 l when there was a'regularly nominated
Whig ticket in the field ? Was he one of the
"treasonable fusion" that defeated some of the
Whig nominees? S'peak out Gabe."—Globe.
Well, we will. We belonged to the anti-lo
educe, anti•popo, anti•nebraska party. We vo
ted fer , Whigs. Now will the Globe•rean tell
us who he supported in '62, when there was a
"regularly nominated Loeofoeo ticket in the
field." Wo have in our possession a certain
"document," which "circumstances" may re
quire us to bring out. Will ilia Glebe: speak
?et ?
De" A NM, rough.—lnviting bloys to a
pie hie, and then running them off with ahnrp
sticks ; just makin' a feller feel like one orein
thaninmls,' whose.
"Cont is red, whose breeches blue,
With a hole in his pants, to/ o ur—
The tail comes thrapgh."
higb". It appears from the lnst British census,
that 800 schoolmasters and schoolmistresses in
Great Britain, cannot write their omen names.
That's a little behind some parts of Lancas
ter nod all of Berke county.
. . .
Wir Look out I—"Mr.ll4ythor, that which
I wish to az you is wetherlitrychino what the
peel& gives to dogs won't pisea the human
bean after sissingers has bin fride. Please put
in the paper how this is. for if fettle strichme
is pima, Igo ogle sasSingcrs. Yearn till piz
/Mr "We the gory chosen and swoon)°, do
agile that torn Iceman must pa abe gonsin the
full amount of 20 five cents that thelead pa
over the won kwart of litter for the b enefit of
the (jury, and costs will be ruld out."
The above is a true copy of a verdict doliv•
erect at Rome, Geo., a few weeks since. It is
evidence that Philadelphia does not monopolize
all the intelligent "Jurymen."
ge." An editor ofa Locofoco journal says the
Democratic party is in favor, and desirous of
putting an end to all undue infinenee of for.
°I go born citizens in elections.
- We guess the Democratic party, if they were
to do it, would be very much in the 'medico
moot of the fellow, who, wishing to saw Itlimb
from a pretty high tree, took his seat upon the
limb on which he performed tho operation.—
"As soon as I had done the sawing," said he,
"I heard something dray."
client Ncto.
AN ARMY or LETTE: Wityrtms.L—The corre
spondence of the British army is the East
amounts to 45,230 letters received, and 43,125
sent monthly. A postmaster, three assistant
poStmasters, and seven letter•carriers, have
been stationed in the Crimea : and eighteen
horses and males are specially employed tbr the
conveyance of mails there.
CURE or DUUNRENNESS.—Certain phitoaoph•
lent philanthropists have undertaken to estab
lish in the city of New York an asylum for the
cut, of inebriates, in which drunkenness will
be treated en a disease and the drunkard as in
sane. A charter ban been granted by the Log,-
islature authorizing the detention of the pa
tient for three or even six mouth should his
reformation require it.
zeal of the disciples of Mormonism has been ver
y successful its incising concerts among the
poor and ignorant classes of pcoplo, not only
in the provincial towns, but in thu remote ag
ricultural districts of England, and it is com
puted that upwards of 30,000 persons have al
ready embraced that faith and for Salt
BANE AND ArriooTz.--The Piedmont (Va.)
Whig says :—"The Joint Worm, we under
stand, has made its appearance in this vicinity,
in variuns lucalties, within the last few days.—
We havo heard, too, that an insect which preys
upon it, and which is perhaps destined to pat n
stop to its ravages, has also conic to light.—
Will said insect, in that case, lei entitled to the
Agricultural Society's reward'!"
Hums:v.:l; ur T 111; LAW.—One ofthe cases cal
led up in the Circuit Court, on Monday, at
Pittsburg, by Judge Cider, was that of Sylves-
N.. Stokely vs Elizabeth Wise. It was begun
in the same Court, in October,• 1833—twenty
two years ego. Judge Cider reinarlfed"that he
mitst psi au end to the ease, and unless gas
poetics are present this morning, a nate prose
qui will be entered Ana thy plaintiff bo ordered
to pay the costs,".which we imagine have by
this time mounted up to the altitude of a small
SINGULAR Eschrn.—A few days since, while
Mrs. Dmrforth, of Warren, Pa., W. engaged in
her mind antics, a heavy thunder-storm came
up, mid in the midst of its fury a lightning
stroke descended upon her, burning the hair
from the crown of her Lead to tho hack of the
neck, melting Pier Aair pins, and proceeding
down her body—leaving its marie as it went
—until it passed through the floor. Strange
to say, the lady lived and is rapidly recover
—The Ripley Circuit Court, last week, senten
ced Mr. Muir to the penitentiary forging a
note of $2O. Mr. Muir is probably the richest
man in Ripley county, Indiana. It is supposed
his property is worth near $lOO,OOO. It has
been his strife to be rich, and now ho will have
the honor of bragging of being the richest man
in the penitentiary. Won't that be something
of which to be proud of.—/ndiana Sentinel.
•••-• •
AroxrAcv.—The Catholic papers publish a
list of the nobility, clergy, and gentry of Great
Britain who have embraced Catholocialll during
the past six years. The catalogue contains the
name of one Duties*, ono Marchioness, two
Countesses, twelve "Right Honorable" ladies,
ten Ntight Honorable" geadhmen, and a large
number of the gentry -whose titles are simply
"Hon.," "Sir," or "Lady." The clerical list
has the names of two Archdeacons and eighty
Clergymen of the Church of England. The
Rev. Edward Beard is the only "dissenting
minister" named in the long array.
have received a copy of the Report of the Corn•
inittee appointed to investigate the charges of
bribery and•corruption originating in the at•
tempt to elect a U. S. Senator by the late Log.
islature. Nothing definite is discovered, but
we greatly fear some of the witnesses have very
bad memories.
Dr. Javnwof paten: medicine notoriety, ap
pease to have figured stronger than some other
candidates, who, it seems, were too smart to
leave their tracks behind them. The Doctor
is charged with saying that he understood
"Simon Cameron wns sheet buying. the Mem
bers of the Legislature, and thotight ho had as
good right to buy them is he had !" It was
found he had spent some money to advance his
interest but the matter could not be clearly tra
ced ont. •
A Sracut,s.Ton CURED.—Onno on a time a
country Dutchman early ono morning went to
town, where by chance he overheard some tra
ders telling each other how muclimoney they
had made that morning by speculation; ono of
them had made $lOO, fs2o9, $5OO, Sfc. Han's
bump of nequisitivenets was so excited that he,
without any reflection, concluded to leave his
former business, which was labor, and try his
hand at speculalion, and on his return home
made his intentions known to his faithful vrow.
Early next morning he gathered his wallet
containing his funds, amounting to five dollars,
end off he goes post baste and half bent, to
look up a Speculation. He had not proceeded
far when he met n wagoner, and accosted him
"Good morning, Mr. Wagoner, 1 wants to
speculate a lectle dish morale' wid you."—
"Well," said the wagoner, "how do you want
to speculate." "Veil," says the Dutchman, "I
viii pet you fife dollars, you can't guess what
my tog's name ish." "Call him up till I look
at him," rejoined the wagoner. Dutchman t—
"11.0.r.e Vatch, h.() Va•tch,. here Vetch ;"
the dog trots up, the wagoner eyes him for a
moment and said, "I gueeshis name is Watch."
Dutchman "0
i besure, Mr. Wagouer, you has'
won him, de monist' s yours;" and Dans re•
turned to his eld.ocenpatton perfectly makijvd
(40 - IT, ANOELINV.—Jamea Little and David
Jacobs, married men, have been attested, and
are in,jail at Bloomington, Indiana, for eloping
with Angeline Komi.=line • and Mary Wesley,
two girls whose heals were turned by reading
romances. The four wero taken up at Eliot•
ville, as they were all about to occupy the same
room in a hotel, the landlord of which knew
Little. Miss Kimberlin, the most romantic of
the two girls, had $2OO in counterfeit money;
and during the trial she rushed through the
crowd with disheveled hair and streaming
eyes, sat down by Jacobs, her lover, and threw
her arms around his neck. She said. .We
have started down bill together, and if he goes
to the penitentiary I will go with hint."
acts passed by the late Legislature of this
State, was ono "to protect the keepers of ho
tels, inns, and boarding houses," which pro
vides that they shall not bu held responsible for
the loss of any articles of value by their board
ers or guests, unless they be deposited with
them fot safe keeping, nor for the [abbacy of
their baggage if they leave their rooms unlock
ed. It gives also the right of lion upon the
baggage Mr board due, and renders swindling
boarders, who come with a mere empty show
ot' bag7age for the purpose of deceiving, lia
ble to be arrested, imprisoned, and fined to an
amount not exceeding F.,100.
TM, WORMS PREFEttAULE.—The Louisville
Journal, in answer to the remark of tho Nash.
vine Union, that "if wo refuse to elect foreign.
born citizens to omen we most do it with our
eyes open to the fact, that we should be nurs
ing an enemy of ever ificreasing strength, in
the very vitals of our country," thus responds :
"Well, if foreigners choose to gnaw at your
country's vitals merely because e. certain party
chooses not to vote for them for office, it may
be necessary to adopt measures for preventing
any snore of them from getting into the coun
try's vitals. It' their motto toward our repub
lic is, if iVCS no your offices or we will snap at
your vitals, their means of getting into the
country's insides might as well be cut. off. The
country had better have its belly half-full of
Sin,: LA Esystivium—A company are en
gaged at San Francisco in collecting
boots and shoes. The manner of conducting
the business is as follows:—Agents are employ
ed to take intocustody ali discarded subjects of
the genus boot. The physical condition of the
article is comparatively of littlo consequence ;
neither 18 it considered important to take into
account its relation of fellowship, and this sole
receives no consideration, whatever inay be the
state of its hopelessness.
. . .
The next Operation consists is cutting the
thread of the boot's existence, which being ac
complished, and a little greasing, tho valuable
remains are made into packages to be shipped
to littroi)e. It is stated that the value of boot
legs gathered prepared by this establish
ment during the period of six months amounts
to .up wards of $3,000. In many parts of Eu
rope, old boot legs may be readily sold at fitly
cents per pair.
How true it is that-one-half the world does
not know how the other half lives.
SEtzraz or• Crane 1N Portyr.asn.—The
State of Maine says that the Portland City
Marshal seized et Friday morning a large
quantity of cider which was stored in the cellar
of Mr. 1.. Harlow, of that city. Mr. Harlow
has been in the habit of inanufactering cider
upon his premisea, keeping large portioni of
it fur vinegar, and selling the remainder, both
at wholesale and retail, without Insures. lie is
an old and respected citizen of Portland, and,
has not sold nay liquors, other than the cider
of his own manufacture, fur many years. lie
had received no notification to discontinue his
anion, and whey the Manhal came and procee
ded to load a team with liquors, he retouc
hed that he slid not care to sell, and if it teas
contrary to law, he would 'no t do so any more.
Upon this the Marshal relented n little and
stopped loading—earrying away but abort
ono-third of the cider and leaving the retnain.
der in the cellar. The State of Maine wires.
sea some curiosity to ktsore by what law a part
of the contraband goods were thus seized and
a part left untouched.
Important to Killers.
We for that searebly a miller in Penn lylva
n:a has altehded to the obligations of the fol.
lowing net of the Legislature, which wns pns
sed April 15, 1835, and may be found under
the head of Inspections, Purden's Digest.
It is diue to the purchaser, and the community
generally, that it should ho complied with im
mediately. And on many of our Millers have
some six or eight diflbrent brai:ds they are lia
ble to heavy penalties fur every month they
continue this old mode of doing business
"Every miller nod bolter of floor for export,
Lion, shall cause his brand inark as aforesaid to
be entered with the Clerk of the Court of Quar
ter Sessions of the county where he resides, to
gethermith his name and place of residence,
under penalty of five dollars for every. month
during which he shall haye exercised his said
employment, without having made each entry."
Now Branch of Manufactures.
company has established at WI Iliainsburgh
near N. York, the first Plate Glass inauutheto
ry ever commenced in America. It is provi
ded with furnaces and appurtenances capable
of making plates ten feet wide by twenty feet
long, and from one-fourth to two nod a half in
ches thick. The material used is said to be of
the best kind, and the singular fact is stated in
conneotion4with this new manufacture that the
finest English plate glass is made frosts Ameri
can sand. The quality of the glass produced
at these new worke at Williainshurgh may be
understood when it is declared that the finest
print may be read through a piece four incises
thick. The occasion of casting the first great
plate ever cast in America, was celebrated in
the workshop of else establishment, by speeches
music and a dinner, on Thursday last.
AU Over.
The rush of emigration to the west is entire
ly past. The change is striking. Only a few
weeks ago, every steamer was crowded—three,
four and five hundred passengers on a single
boat—all bound to the For West." It seem
ed that the older portions of the country were
to be left to become wastes. But now the
whole stir is over. Steamers which took four
or five hundred people on their last trip to St.
Louis, will not count fifty now—some not half
the numher—and few of these are emigrants.
The hurrying out was necessary, in order to se
cure the planting of crops fur the present sea
son. Those going now would he tee late to so
me food for nest winter, and hence the emi
gration has ceased fur the present. Doubtless,
great distress will be experienced even now,
among the new settlers, owing to the high pries
of food, &e. The whole means of many was
exhausted in going out, and should the crops
fail the distress will be terrible. Cholera, too,
has broken ant fearfully among the new settlers
in Kansas, Minnesota, &tr., and how painful
must be the trials of many of those poor vic
tims of poverty and disease, in their new homes,
away from all the coinforts and conveniences
with which they had been familiar—perhaps
not a physician to be found within ninny wiles.
Wo understand that some of those who emi
grated this spring are already returning to their
old homes. All who propose emigrating to
new states or territories should look carefully
over the whole ground. It is too late to reflect
when the hard trials are upon us—when the
little ones ens starving or languishing with die.
ass*. rt"itYs 7 ,ry Dispzi,rt
A Terrific Whirlwind—Lose of Life mid
Property, -
CUTUAGO, May 24.
-Accounts reached this city last night of a
most terrific hurricane and whirlwind in tba
town of Jefferson, Cools county, and other pin,
ccs north and was' of here. . _ _
On Tuesday afternoon a revolving funnel
shaped ,laud passed swiftly along nose the
ground, about 16 miles north of here, carrying
up large sticks of wood, stones, &c. It desert•
bed a semicircle towards the southeast, and
twisting off large trees and whisking them out
of sight instantly.
The whirlwind then broke in two, and disap
peared, but almost instantly formed again, and
passed directly bark north and west, with re•
doubled force.
It struck a heavy frame house one mile from
the Illinois and Wisconsin railroad, tearing
the roof instantly off, and almost immediatily
afterwards taking the whole house instantly up
the spoof, with all its contents.
- ,
Nino persons in the house were drawn up
and hurled down in different places. Peur of
them wore instantly killed, and others mutila
ted beyond any prospect of recovery. The
whirlwind then passed over a post and rail
fence, leaving not the slightest vestige of it be
It next took up a barn and threw it upon
the horses and envie it contained crushing them
at once.
The timbers of the house and barn were
hurled to the ground with such violence as to
bury thew almost out of sight. The house be
longed to Mr. Page, whose wife, son, and two
grandchildren were killed.
Additional intelligence from the locality
more than c °urnsmx the above. Accounts are
given or perms being carried 01) ono hundred
feet in the air ; and then hurled down with
great Niulence.
A number of eyowituuses have testified to
the ravages uf the tonpest, and describe it no
most terrific.
The stunearternooti n savers hail storm oc
curred in this city, after which the sky prcsra
tcd a singular appearance to the northward,
and the NI tather chrng,cd frcin Utmost oppres
sive heat to the must chillmilg atmosphere.
The following supplement bottle Law regula.
ting the hours of labor in Manufacturing eolith-
Uite:lts throu3hout this Commouwealth, pao•
sed at the last LeAislatura and boo born sUntal
by the Governor. It is believed to be a correct
copy, and will be found interesting to many
persons in our country
Seca. 1.--Be it enacted be the Senate and
House of Representatives of the Commonwenkh
of Penusyltemitt, in General Assembly met,
and it is hereby enacted by the authority of lb
same, That from nod otter the remove of tfils
ant, no nettle or Mooale operative, under the
age of yearn, shall tinder nny.con
tract be em;,loyed in any cotton, woollen, silk,
flax, bagging, or paper nmetufaetories in this
Commonweal], for a longer period than sixty
Lours in one week, or no M'aelgo of ten boar:;
ler d ey ; lee period.
--That if :my pa,,on is found to 1,,
or fmnle operative.
yoar.,, Latent er guar.
•1. •aid , contrary
• :nd be Mild,:
• . Roy j . ,tke of the
• :: tint ward, 1..
, diktrict %here
suchcominN,,o, or t #no
th, said male or timutle, or consenting
,hall for every each offence forfeit end
pay the penalty of not less than ten nor more
than fifty dollars, to be recovered before any rd
deratnn or justice of the peace of the limier
want, horon; 1 1, or divtriet, in the same !canner
penaltien ore now !•ecoveteeti for s ,!!!.,
use ortke public selufAs life iiroper district.
Se "r. 3.—That all the weed, borough. nird
tomr!hip constables nee !node their du
ty to attmd to the s!rict u!Jat.rratic,l 3 , 1 the two
prvetdina sections Milli, art, vlie!! muphtiot
shall hnvo been properly made to them au vi
olation of the setae Provided, That no.penal
ty shell be collected unless sued for in mak
month, lor 81.11 any per sou recover more than
one perulty for the working (Alany factory for
the same period °Him°.
California Senatorial Qneetion•
It is now claimed by some of the fltals of
Dr.' . thin that he is entitled to a seat in the
United Staten Senatc,thoufi he failed to obtain
a majority, and Las. not 1 declared denied
to it by the Legislature. to point raised in,
that he had a plurality on the first ballot, and
therefore, inasmuch ns the Constitution of Cal
ifornia provides that a plurality incites given
at an election, shall conntitate tt eroice whar,p
not otherwise directed in the Constitution, Wiry
contend 1)r. Guilt in the Senator elect, though
not so declared By the Legislature. The State
law, however, under which the Senatorial etc*
(ions are hold, requires a majority. It is 00(0
what singular that the Ilrgumant has not been
put forward before. It resolves itself into the
question whether the power delegated to the
Legislature to elect a Senator does not cover
the right to define bow it shall he done. The
intent of the Constitutional provision was evi
dently to supply Le2,islative omissions, rather
than defeat Legislative action. Besides, it ex
cepts cases "where otherwise directed by the
Constitution;" and another section of the sante
article says,
All pincers whose election or appointment is
not provided for •by this Constitution, and all
officers whose offices -may hereafter 1,0 created
by law, shall be elected by the people or up
poimed in the Legialalure may direct.
610ANCLIC—FLEOK—On the 22nti, in Canoe
Valley, by Rev. F. A. itnplcy, Mr. William
Sprankle, of the vicinity of Port Wuple,
to Bliss Resialt neck, of Morris township,
Hoot. CO: Pa.
WE.— SI3IVEUN—On blity 17tb, by Rev. N,
S. Buckingham, Mr. Juba Wcbb, of Cambria
Co., to Miss Sarah S. Simpson, of Huntingdon
Cu., Pa.
WEAVER - ISENBUM--011 the 22nd inst., by
the same, F. E. Weaver, of Williamsburg, to
Miss Munk Isentalg, of Alexandria.
pi 6,
HUDSON-At his residence in Clay township,
on the 21th inst., after two weeks' illness,
Geo Hudson, Esq., a victim to an aggravated
case of Typhoid Fever, .
• Esquire Hudson has lung been a citizen of
this•county, aad has ever been known as a
candid, sincere, active and efficient teen ; hon
est in 11i4 opinions, upright in his deportment,
correct in his principles,•and true to his trusts.
Endowed by nature with powers of mind of no
ordinary kind which he diligently improved by
extensive leading nod observation, ho was
looked op to and respected by all who enjoyed
the privilege of his friendship ; in all the vari
ous occupations by which ho was brought in
contact with his fellow-men ; he was admired,
and believed, as well fur• his purity of purpose,
as his conscientious discharge of duty.
The death of so valuable and esteemed a
tnetilloar of society, has indeed cast a gloom in•
to ilia his many