Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 16, 1855, Image 2

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\ \~~ ,
Wednesday Morn mg, May 16,180.
The "JOURNAL , ' has 300 Subscri
bers wore, than any other paper
in this county.
Agents for the Journal.
The following persons we have appointed Agents
for the Mum JOURNAL, who are author
ised to receive and receipt for money paid on sub
scription, and to take the names of new subscri
bers at our published prices.
We do this for the convenience of our subscri
bers living at a distance from Huntingdon.
Joitx W. THOMPSON, Esq., Hollidaysburg,
SAmITEr. COEN, East Barren,
GEORGE W. CORNELIUS, Cromwell township.
HENRY HUDSON, Clay township.
DAVID ETN/RE, Cromwell township.
Dr. J. P. Asucom, Penn township,
SAMUEL. STEFFEY, Jackson township,
COl. Jso. C. WATSON, Brady township,
MORRIS BROWN, Springfield township,
WM. HUTCHINSON, Esq., Warriorsmark tp.,
JAMES McDorrAnn, Brady township,
HENRY NEFF, West Barren.
Roux BALSBACII, Waterstreet,
Maj. CHARLES MICKLEY. Tod township,
A. M. BLAIR, Dublin township,
GEOROE WILSON, Esq., Tell township,
JAMES CLARK, Birmingham.
NATHANIEL LYTLE, Esq., Sprnce Creek.
Maj. W. Mooan, Alexandria.
B. F. WALLACE, Union Furnace.
Soutos Walton . , Esq., Union township.
DAVID CLARKSON, Esq., Cass township.
SYMUEL Wmvrox, Esq., Franklin township.
DAVID PARKER, Esq., Warriorsmark.
DAVID AURANDT, Esq., Todd township.
New Advertisements.
Read new advertisements in another col
our Retailers of Merchandise.
INIr The universal family remedies.
U. Brigade Orders.
Bur Adjutant's Orders.
NIP" Notice of dedication.
air- J. W. Thompson's Card.
Mad Dogs.
Several dogs were killed in the vicinity
of this place on last week, by some of our
citizens. We are informed that the dogs
were mad and that one of them ran a citi
zen of the town, who only escaped by
jumping info the river. It is high time
that something be done towards ridding us
of the superabundance of dogs running at
large, if some measure is not soon adopted
we may, ere long, have to register the de
mise of some one by that dreadful plague
Jack Frost.
We had not expected that the proficien
cy of blossoms would be any just criterion
to judge of the yield of fruit, this season,
and experience has proven the truth of the
old adage that it is a very foolish thing to
"count one's chickens before they are
hatched." On last Wednesday night a
very severe frost stole over the green
growing gardens, and blossoming trees,
and destroyed, almost, our entire promised
crop of "good things." This frost was
most uncommonly severe, and was accom
panied by a real winter-day Iriz." The
ground was frozen to a degree capable of
sustaining the weight of a man. We be
lieve that "'great amount, if not the entire
crop of fruit, has been destroyed ; but we
shall see what we shall see
Out of Fashion.
We arc pleased to see that the spring
style of bonnets—now worn by our ladies
and for sale by our merchants—is decided
ly an improvement, when contrasted with
the late abominable fashion. We are glad
to see the bonnet, which, from the begin
ning when Eve used the cabbage leaf, was
intended for a covering establishment for
the head, has at length assumed its proper
place and been placed to its legitimate use.
The hateful custom with which we have
boon unmitigatedly annoyed—we refer to
the practice, or fashion if you please, of
wearing the bonnet upon the upper verte
bra of the spine—is to be dispensed with.
We really had began to doubt the correct
ness of ladies' judgment in matters of
dress, when they persisted in having their
4 hump-backed bonnets," and persisted too
in the very face of reason. We had al
most believed the ladies the slaves of sov
ereign fashion, but since they have "put
away their idol" and took to something, re
oily handsome, why of course we are led
to entirely overlook "past Conies." We
do not wish our lady friends, (especially
the younger portion,) to view us in the old
fogy l 4 t,--from all conservative, not-go.
stheadative, and rusty notions about such
matters and things, good Lord deliver us.
But we would much rather see the ancient
substitutes (such as the bent pasteboard,
or the bonnet capable of having a cradle
rocked in the crown) dragged from their
musty hiding.places and entered in the
list of competitors for universal adoration,
than to see a bonnet three inches long
stuck on the beck of a pretty lass. The
"hump back" bonnet proves how success.
fully these humbugging milliners do mis
tify and disfigure the Female Many., It
proves conclmively the controverted fact
that human nature is gullable.
American Politics.
It may not be amiss to take a hasty view
of the political appearance or rather atti
tude of the political parties of our country
nt the present time. Nero•, we believe,
have we experienced so extraordinary a
political excitement; the all-absorbing ques
tion appears to be politics. In a great mea
sure, the whole country is infected with
political fever, and even the ups and downs
of the "stall - of lite" is but a circumstance,
a mere item in the minds of our fellow
citizens when compared with Whig, De
mocratic or Know Nothing wire-pulling.
The position assumed by the Democracy,
is one open to attack from all quarters
-1 and one not well calculated to withstand
the assaults of opposition. It speaks out
plainly the important fact that "Satan's
kingdom is ttegibling down," that the pow
er of Locofocoism is fast oozing away, is
being crushed out ; the cause of the rapid
dissolution of this party is not beyond our
fathoming. Its champions have become
effeminate, and its principles so long bent
hither and thither, to please all sections
have become weak, and need but a gale
of true republican sentiment to wreck al
together. Ths principles of Locofocoism
have ever been in bad odor with the moral
views and designs which the founders of
our model republican form of Government
strove to inculcate. The Locofoco wire
workers see plainly that unless something
be done to stop the disorder, the very name
of their idolized political parent will be
come extinct. But how Is this to be done?
To whom shall they look, or where shall
they go ? With a cool effrontry and tlar•
ing impudence only equalled by the base
ness of the design, overtures are made for
a reconciliation between the Whigs and
themselves ! A "fusion" of the Locofoco
and Whig parties is sought after and ea
gerly tendered by the party hacks, for the
purpose of checking the growth of the
new American feeling now springing up in
the country.
The men and measures which the De
mocratic party once declared to be devoid
of every sentiment of republicanism—to
be '.the embodiement of evil, the opposite
of American prosperity," now, are worthy
a place in the "affections of the Democrat
ic brethern." Slice is unscrupulous, cor
rupt, debased political Jesuitism. Away
with this abortion. Is there a conscientious
Whig in the country who whould tolerate
for an instant the base-born idea—this un
godly fusion. We hope not—we have a
higher, a more exalted opinion of the judg
ment of our constituents.
The American Party, which is as great I
an opponert of Locofocoistn as is our own,
and which the opposition party is endeav
oring to crush out by its wholesale sland
ers, is not in principle repulsive to Whig
measures—indeed it is in a great measure,
the very counterpart of our party. If
then, such be Americanism, and we believe
that it is, is there a loyal, true-hearted fel
low.whig in the country who would, if it
should ever become necessary, hesitate in
choosing between it and the Locofoco Par
ty ? We trow not. For a quarter of a
century has the organ of which we have
the honor to be conductors, bore the stand
ard of its party through the din of battle,
on to victory. We have battled with Lo
cofocism and conquered—except on occa
sions where this treasonable ' , fusion" was
accepted by disloyal ones ; and could we,
in view of the position we occupy, or in
view of the past, or the duty we owe our
party consent, or by silence permit so vile
and unworthy an amalgamation, as our
own pure American Whig doctrine, with
tory Locofocoistn? Never. This fusion'
cannot but act disastrously to the Welfare
and character of our party. We hope the
people of the county will not be caught by
'he artful entreaties of party hacks and
hobbies; who are the upholders of Cuban
fillebustering movements, or Missouri nig
_ . . .
In relation to the longevity of American
principles, which the opposition press say
"Blush into life and—pass away,"
we are not prepared to make a proper an
swer. We think that their power is to be
felt to a still grease; degree in our country,
that they will, in a great measure contrib
ute to the breaking up of old party lines,
the removing of ancient landmarks, and
tlua formation of a purer, higher and more
virtuous political system, whose motto shall
be 'correct principles supported by truth.'
Whose aim will be the good of the whole
country ; whose leaders will be men of in
tegrity, and which shall be republican in
all its ends.
Bridge Burned.
The railroad bridge of the Pennsylva•
nia Railroad Company, over the Juniata
near Birmingham, was burned down last
Sabbath. It is supposed that the bridge
was set on fire by sparks from the Loco.
motive of the Emigrant Train. Fe much
for breaking the Sabbath.
The Cholera.
The cholera has again broken out in the
Western States, and is raging terribly, es.
pecially along the rivers. Many persons
have fallen victims to this epidemic. and
from what we can learn.from our western
exchanges, many more will be its victims
ore it vanishes away.
Persons who have any desire to go west,
would do well by tarrying until the chole
ra shall have abated, or at least take any
route but !he rivers.
"Gabriel," Jr., and Cuba.
Our neighbor takes the privilege upon
himself of informing his renders that the
"Angel Gabriel, Jr." is in great trepida
tion relative to the belligerent attitude as
sumed by the Administration, in connexion
with the Island of Cuba. The Globe-man
is in perfect extacies over the probability
of a war with Spain, and lauds the Pierce
ite Cabinet to the skies, for its "determin
ed resolve to maintain the honor of our
flag," which we presume means the en
deavor of the Administrationists to pick a
quarrel with Spain. The Globe once de
clared itself an opposition organ, and if it
meant to be consistent, why does it now
take up the cudgles to defend Mr. Pierce,
in his piratical schemes. It has puzzled us
considerably, if not more, to make out what
that model sheet is; whether it be in rela
tion to the administration pro or con, half
and-half, or so, so ; but we have, as yet,
been unable to see the editor's true posi
tion. Some six months ago, indeed, he
grew valiant, and in a spirit of bravado,
in true Quixotic style, and in language
so terribly plain that it must have shook
the very pillars of the Capitol, and made
Frank Pierce tremble in his shirt, bravely
tendered his "three hundred dollar office"
to the ['resident because he hadn't done
something exactly right. But the Presi
dent must have most certainly neglected to
read the Globe that week, as the Globe
man is still enjoying all the rights and im
munities of an office-holder under Pierce.
The action of the President has verified
the truth of the adage, that
"'Taint a knowin' kin' o' cattle,
That's kitched wid mouldie corn."
The Globe now may be classed under the
head of Administration hobbies. If we
are asked why the Globe has ceased its
pratings, we answer in this quotation :
"Doth the wild ass bray when he hath
grass, or loweth the ox over his fodder ?"
The Globe in connexion with its Locofoco
compeers, of the State, are mere second fid
dlers to the pritna donna, tho Pennsylvani
an; he latter paper is the belwether of the
flock, and where it goes, the others follow.
But laying aside jokes, has the United
States a shadow of a right or title to the
Island of Cuba ? It most emphatically
has not.
"What though the spicy breezes
Blow soft o'er Cuba isle,
What though the prospect pleases—"
and makes Uncle Sam's mouth water for
the land of oranges and Creoles, does that
make out a claim for him. If the Presi
dent and the editor of the Globe, will take
Cuba let them "try it on."
Is it justice for us to pilfer this tempting
morsel from tottering Spain, for the simple
reason that it would be a ' , desirable acqui
sition." With the same propriety might
we think of annexing the land of "Blur
pheys" because it produces potatoes.
The benefits which will arise to the town
of Huntingdon by completion of the Broad
Top Railroad, are almost beyond the con
ception of our citizens. The good howev
er will not be limited, nor confined to this
particular place ; it is a work in which
the entire county is, or will be interested,
inasmuch as it will be the means of reliev
ing the citizens of those portions of our
county distant from it, of a portion of the
heavy burthen of taxation under which
they now labor. This will be easily per
ceived by the intelligent reader. That
portion of our county embraced under the
title of Broad Top, and the large tracts of
country adjacent, which, previous to the
commencement of this important worlc,
were worth comparatively nothing, now,
may be classed under the richest sections.
Consequently, these lands which, hereto.
fore, bore no taxation, now are made to bear
an equal burden with the other portions of
the county. The land through which the
Road passes will also become of greater
value,as likewise the property in the bor
ough and vicinity of Huntingdon
In view of all these important consider
' ations, was it not a remarkable oversight
in the good people of Bedford county, to
reject the proposition of an extension of
the Broad 'Cop Railroad to their county
seat, made by the directors. All the ben
efits which will accrue to us through the
road, might have been equally enjoyed by
the citizens of that county,had there been
public, progressive spirit enough manifes
ted by them. But, old fogyism prevailed,
and they, not being able to raise the sum
of $lOO,OOO, let the "good time" pass, and
we question whether it will return to them
As to the completion of the Road, we
are informed by ono of the contractors that
by the m oit liberal calculation, eight
mouths will see the road completed entire;
some of our more close calculating ones
however, seem to think that five, or six
months at the furthest, will not pass over
before the road will be ready for the trains.
The track is now being laid on the finish
ed sections, and we are informed that the
whole line is almost ready for the iron.—
The Stoneratown Bridge is the heaviest
work, and it is going up rapidly.
Lawn Cdaan We . steamer Swallow, front
Illinois river, brought to Pittsburg, a few days
ago a cargo consisting of 40.000 pcs. pork, for
Maws. Hussey ct Wells, pork packers of that
place, This is, we believe, tba largest cargo of
the kind ever brought to that city.
oar No change in markets
The Public Works.
One of the last acts of the Legislature
was to pass a bill for the sale Of the main
line of the public improvements. When
the bill was presented to our worthy Gov
he—and be it said to his lasting cre
dit—affixed his sig,natureforthwith. The
action of the Governor and the Legisla
ture in this long-needed reform, has arous
ed the indignation of many of the leechs
who pester our Commonwealth, whose on
ly tie of friendship for party, lies in the
seven principles which form the platform
of the Democratic party of Pennsylvania,
viz : "five loaves and two fishes." But
all this huhaboo, is an additional proof of
the necessity of"tho Commonwealths dis
pensing with het useless and expensive
works. It is conclusive evidence that dis
honesty is practised, for does the cur yelp
before he is hurt. Frnud and deception
characterized the office holders in times
past, and the '-figures" are memorials of
the past iniquity practiced.
We hail with delight the sale of the im
provements. It will be a proud epoch in
the history of our tax-burthened and plun
dered old Commonwealth, when the papers
of sale ard.signed, sealed and delivered.'
When this sink of iniquity is filled up;
this hot-house of corruption is disposed of.
We believe that the Pennsylvania Im
provements have been the means of mak
ing more dishonest men, of doing more in
jury to the moral condition of the State ;
and of destroying the future happiness of
more persons than any other agent of evil
in the world. We have not the least doubt
that many persons who held office under
the power that encouraged the plundering
of the coffers of the Commonwealth, went
in if not honest at least well-meaning men.
But the pernicious example set them by
their superiors, and the temptations offered
metamorphosed them into cunning, low,
deceitful knaves.
The price to be paid by the purchaser
or purchasers is $7,500,000 ; or, if the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company becomes
the purchaser, the price is to be $8,500,000
in consideration of the removal of the ton
nage tax of the same road.
my Some four weeks ago, Mr. Hall
resigned his place in the faculty of the
Huntingdon Normal Institute and with
drew from the Educational Department
of our paper. His reasons for this cause,
as made known to us and the County Su
perintendent, are the care and responsibil
ity of his Select School, increased by an
additional department, and now requiring
the whole time of hiinself and assistants,
allowing him no leisule to prepare for con
ducting the proposed Institute as it shotld
be done. We have been reminded of our
neglect to Ileac: this resignation, at the
proper time, by seeing Mr. Hall's name
still in the Superintendent's Circular, as
published in the American.
fflilr'The Philadelphia "Sun" is now il
luminated with an entire new suit of type,
and is printed on a much better quality of
paper. It is now a very desirable paper.
"Squatter Sovereignty"—A Humbug.
If anything could illustrate this ridiculous
assumption of the Cass demagogue school of
statesmen better than another thing, it is the
working of the new principle in Kansas. The
Idea of "Squatter Sovereignty" is too tidicu•
lons for sensible men to dwell upon. What is
"sovereignty ?" If it means anything, it means
supreme power, the highest or uncontrollable
power. Is this what has been or was intended
to be conferred on the "squatters" of Kansas?
Certainly not, if We are to take the law of Con.
greys creating the Territory as a guide. In
that is reserving the right to appoint the Gov
ernor and other officers of the Territory, regu-
late and control the legislation of her cJuncil
c. . _
But, by the latest accounts from this new na.
lion of "Squatters," it would seem that the
pro-slavery portion of the people are taking
things literally. Since Gov. Reeder left for the
East a proclamation has been issued—bearing
date Before his departure but not published,
and without any names attached—Balling upon
the people in the several election districts to
send up Delegates to Leavenworth, on the 28th
April (last Saturday,) fm the purpose of choos
ing a Governor in the place of Gov. Reeder
who is pronounced by these "sovereigns" as
"positively unfit fur and incompetent to the du.
ties of his high and responsible station." This
doeutnent is dated April 9th, and if printed at
that time, must have been quietly circulated
among the conspirators, for Coy. Reeder did
not leave the Territory until sonic seven days
after this date, and none of the papers contain
it down to the 12th and 17th the latest dates re
ceived. The St. Louis Intelligencer of the
, 25th gives it having received the document di
rect from Parkville, Missouri, the scene of the
late mob. - . .
Ihe position assumed in this proclamation
is simple "nullification," rebellion against the
national authority, which sensible men suppose
to be sovereign notwithstanding the Jacobin
doctrine of the Cass school. Wo art not sor•
ry to see this. It will have a tendency to ox•
plodo this humbug a little sooner than we bad
expected.-0. S. Journal.
The New York Mirror says that attempt is
not only in progress in that city, but in Alba.
ny, to enrol a legion to be employed against
Cuba, in case of an outbreak. According to
the Albany Argue, a number of New York
volunteers, repeating the precedent to which
the Mexican war gave rise, applied to the otfi•
cers of two regiments to be called the Worth
Legion, to serve in case war should be declared
against Spain. Gov. Seymour declined their
application. The Mirror adds:—
'Notwithstanding this rebuff, the same par
ties, both here and in Albany ore engaged in
enlisting men to serve against a country with
which we aro now at peace. Yesterday the
American flag was flying from the Cooper
House with a label bearing this inscription at.
tached to it ; 'War with Spain.' Wanted 1000
men for Worth Legion. A. public meeting of
the persons engaged in this unlawful business
was announced to take place in the Park yes•
terday afternoon. The Sun, which keeps a
sharp scent upon everything smelling of Cuba,
reports that 'Captain Rynders with his Guards
—four men, a small bov and a dog,' were all
fltat'an,wered the belligerent all
Com. McCaulsy's Instructions.
The Washington Union has a long and In.
bored article on our relations with Spain, the
most important part of which is the concluding
paragraph, which is as follows
"It is scarcely necessary to remark that as
the late occurrences in the neighborhood of
Cuba have caused the President to send a na
val force there, the inference is conclusive that
the object is to prevent a repitition of such on.
currences, and to punish them if their repiti.
tins is attempted. Those cases are regarded
by the Executive as violations of international
law, and indignities to our flag, and aggres•
sions upon our rights and obstructions to our
commerce, which cannot and will not be toler
ated. Commodore McCauley will raise no
question of naval etiquette in connection with
the exercise of the right of visitation or exam•
ination of our vessels, by Spanish war ships.--
His business is to know that our government
repudiates all controversy as to the existence
of such right, whether it be sought to cover it
under the terms of "bringing to," or "flring
over," or any one of the naval phrases which
are so learnedly investigated in some of the
newspapers, or whether it is asserted openly
and boldly as an existing Spanish right.
"He does not go there with a lexicograillier
in his hand to enter into philological disquisi
tions with Spanish officers, but to say to them,
.You can claim no right of search, visitation,
or examination, of any vessel rightfally bearing
our flag upon the high seas ; under any guise
. or any pretext, in my presence or within my
' reach ; if you attempt it, the act willl be done
at.your peril.' If the Intelligencer chooses to
re#ard, instructions of this character as bloody,
it is welcome to make the most of them ; other
citizens of better patriotism will judge differently.
We do not pretend to conjecture whether a
a hostile collision will or will not result from the
execution of the orders of Commodore McCau-
ley. That matter is with the Spanish officials
and government. They now know the posi.
tion of our government on the question, and
they have the issue of peace or war in their
hands. If they persist in their career of ag
gressions, war is inevitable, and war by their
own act and upon their own responsibility."
As all Hlll9[llo,l= Of COM. MCCA ULEY 'S war
like instructions, we w ould odd that our late
Cuban news informs us that he is now in Ha
vana, drinking wine, and reviewing troops with
the Captain General. The Union must menu.
facture a new campaign, issue new instructions
or recall the Commodore. The Bulletin very
properly remarks, that "it looks very much as
if the Commodore, like a reasonable man, had
a quiet talk with Concha on the affairs of the
two nations, the destruction of suspected Amer
can ships, the execution of Spanish political
offenders, the arrest of Mr. Thompson and
Dr. Peck, &c., and the talk of two reasonable
men, who were out of the reach of the Union's
fulminations, had resulted in a settlement of
the difficulties. The Spaniard probably made
apologies, explanations and concessions, which
the Yankee very properly chose to accept as
decidedly preferable to a bloody, costly-and un
necessary war. Concha then asked McCauley to
take a glass of wine with him, and the wine be.
ing good—probably the best of old Amontilla.
do—McCauley's heart warmed within
and when Concha, with a heart equally rarefl•
ed by the vinous refreshment, asked him to
take a drive and see the soldiers, what could '
the Commodore do but accept the invitation ?
This was certainly a great deal better than
blustering and scolding, and threatening to
bombard the Moro."
A Forgotten Idol.
Kossuth, the very mention of whose name
was once sufficient to awaken in certain cir
cles in America a thrill of admiration, is now,
from his retreat in London, writing letters and
essays to various papers in that city and New
York, the style and contents of which reveal
to us how disgusted with what he deems the
perverse world and its doings is the once great
Hungarian. In his own clime, and wielding
the sceptre of a revolutionary government, he
evinced sagacity, vigor, and skill in moulding
events and dealing with difficult men and things.
But away from here he is every where utteily
at fault. First, on board the United States
ship which carried him through the Mediterra
nean, he committed the gross indelicacy of
treating with disrespect the American comman
der, thinking, of course, that as between the
two the American people would side with him
self. Next he was in error at Marseilles in
his difficulty with the French goverment ; and
finally, in the United States, in undertaking to
procure from the mass gatherings, assembled to
honor him, instructions to our own government
in regard to its foreign policy, he so thorough
ly mistook our national temper that Isis elms-
appointment and chagrin have ever since bees
visible in all Ise writes and says about Ameri
cans and their republic. Had he never come
here, the people might still have cherished for
Ishii that enthusiasm which was based upon his
I Hungarian career. But a closer scrutiny inns
dissipated the enchantment which distance lent
to him. And now indeed Kossuth is a neglec
ted idol. He writes oracular letters about Eu
ropean polities, but who reads or cares a straw
for them 1
Kossuth is in no better mood with the Brit
ish than with us, although he has made his asy
in their land. Their foreign policy meets
wills his severest criticism. The British states
men do nothing right. He wanted war and
he did not want it. True, he owes some grat
itude to Turkey for the protection she afforded
him in Isis hour of need, but that is not milli.
cient to induce him to support the cause of
Turkey and her allies against Russia. He
wants Russia attacked, crushed, despoiled of
her possessions, and yet he opposes the alli
ance formed for that ultimate design. Austria
is the grand stumblin,,i , block to Kossuth. Ile
thinks the allies should have restored Hunga
rian independence before attacking Russia.—
In fact, it is quite evident that Kossuth has
made up his mind to snarl at every body and
everything. It is a bad thing to outlive one's
fame and one's temper at the same time.
Taxing Farmers.
The Legislature has a bill before it providing
an office for some public patriot who wishes to
live at the public expense. It is a bill to re
quire an inspection of the guanno brought to
port of Philadelphia, and the inspector is to
be paid by a tax on the article of one dollar a
Lou. The Ledger says the amount imported
is about 20,000 tons annually, which will put
in the inspector's pocket $20,000 for what
should not cost over $l.OOO. If the law is pass.
cd, the effect will bo to stop guenno from coin
ing to that port, and drive it over to New Jer
sey. Why not leave farmers to make their
own bargains and examine for themselves the
quality of the article they buy, without saddel
ing them with the expense of another ushered
.judges of the election in the
First Ward will testify to the truth of the fol
lowing rich occurrence at polls this atternoon.
An Irishman presented at the polls and his
vote was challenged. He said he had his pa
pas and swore "be Jases" he could produce
them. He was told to go and get them.—
Home he went and returned and presented to
the judges his papers.—What laughter convul
sed their honors we not say, when on opening
the supposed papers the found them to be a
dismissal from the New Jersey Penitentiary
—Scioto (0.) Gas elle, 9th instant.
Times says On Sunday last, among the contri•
bution at the Church of the Holy Communion
to the funds of St. Luke's Hospital, was a roll
of five one thomtand dollar bills. They were
dropped so quietly into the plate that not even
the gentleman who received them knew from
whom they amc
Message of Gov. Minor, of Conneotiont.
HARTFORD, May- 3.—The message of Gov.
Minor was delivered this afternoon. He re
commends the amendment of the Constitution,
so as to extend the right of suffrage to colored
persons, requiring all persons to he able to
read a. write before admission to the right to
vote, and giving electors directly to the people.
He favors appropriations by the Legislature, to
the State Agricultural Society, and to the In
stitution for the Deaf, Dumb and Blind ; for
the Idiotic and to the State Reform School.—
He considers it as the duty of the Legislature
to encourage Education in every possible way ;
and would regard the repeal or modification of
the Prohibitory Law, as detrimental to the best
interests of the State. Its operation has been
such as to recommend it to general favor;
crime has been lessened under a ; poverty and
misery alleviated, and the happiness of many
firesides restored.
The balance in the Treasury at the close of
the fiscal year was 555,000. Ho favors the re•
modelling of the Judiciary system ; and con
siders that in the recent election the people re
iterated their condemnation of the act organi
zing Kansas and Nebraska. He enters largely
into the consideration of the pernicious influ
ence arising front the extent and character of
foreign immigration and after alluding to the
large and increasing number now annually
coming among us, says that this large mass of
aliens, some tinctured with the social infidelity
of Continental Europe ; very many the blind
followers of ecclesiastical despotism • a large
majority without any correct ideas of Site ditties
appertaining to citizens of a Republican Gov
ernment, and by early prejudices totally unfit
to learn thorn ; ditTernig in language, national
customs and feelings, and scattered over all the
country, still tenacity holding to and observing
those customs and forms among them. As up
pears from the statistics of crime and pauper
ism in the different States of the Union, from
this class comes a majority of the inmates of
our prisons and almshouses. When these
things are considered, and in addition, the fact
that the taxes are largely incurred to support
the foreign population—that, in many instances
the almshouses of the Old World have been
emptied, the prison doors thrown open, and
their inmates transported by the Government
to our shores a wise regard for our safety as a
requires additional legislation with reference
to foreign immigration.
After considering the rights and privileges
of foreigners, the Governor adds:—"But as a
matter of policy connected with the privilege
of citizenship conferred upon the alien, we have
a right to enquire how far allegiance is due
from members of the Romish Church, to .y
power incompatible with the allegiance due
their adopted country. It' we find that combi
nations for political action exist, composed of
members of a Church throwing their entire vote
one way or the other as he wishes, feelings, or
interests of those controlling may dictate—and
further if we find these combinations but in
struments in the hands of demngogues, native
born, or thrown upon our shores by the revolu
tionary upheavin o r , s of Europe, then a strong
reason is found why a longer residence should
be required before the alien can be natural
ized.' . . _
The message closes with a recapitulation of
the powers constitutionally belonging to the
Legislature over thesubject.
Common Schools.
The ilillowing timely and suggestive veto
message indicates the firm and decided, yet
prudent and judicious manner in whirls Gov.
Pollock will give his official support to the
Common Schools of the State; a gratifying in.
dication of executive devotedness to one of the
noblest enterprises that could command the in•
fluence of at•y administration :
Exscu•rtvs CHAMBER,
Harrisburg, May 2d, 1835.
Ine Senate and House of Representat
GENTLEMEN-1 return to the House of Re
presentatives, in which it originated, Bill No.
371, entitled "An Act relative to the salary of
County Superintendents of Common Schools
in certain counties, with my objections to the
Ostensibly this bill was intended to provide
a more adequate compensation for the Super.
intendents of the counties designated, and it
the enactment itself and the intention were in
conformity with each other, I would be pleased
to give it the executive sanction. But as it is
limited in its provisions to but four counties,
when there are many others requiring similar
relief, which could readily bemffurded by a gen.
cral law, this bill is justly obnoxious to the
charge of special legislation in its most injuri•
orei and least defensible shape.
The phraseology of the bill is such as to per.
mit the School Directors in the counties nam•
ed, to virtually abolish the office of County Su.
perintendent so far as those counties are con.
cernetl, and dislocate rind derange the working '
machinery of the Common School system, im
pair the efficiency of the administration, and
materially retard its successful progress ; and
might break off from the system the office of
County Superintendent before the experiment
has been fairly tried.
The complete success of the Common School
system, in the full development of its ultimate 1
capabilities and blessings, would be the crown
ing glory of the Commonwealth; and the just
demands of an awakened and healthy public
sentiment should not be damaged by sudden'
changes of the general law, or the pernicious
influence of special legislation. The office of
County Superintendent, although but nine
months in existence, hue accomplished much
in the advancement of popular education ; hut
it requires time and suitable opportunity to de
monstrate its full powers, and for this purpose
the general law should be amended, and the
most favorable circumstances afforded the of
tire fur a full and fair experiment.
I understand there are bills, supplementary
to the school lig", now pending in the Legisla•
tore, containing provisions which substantially
grant the privileges contained in this hill with.
out its objectionable features; and which con•
fain other provisions that are deemed impel..
taut if not indispensable to the harmonious
and efficient workings of the school system.
Feeling that I can rely with confidence on
the intelligence and patriotism of the Legisla
ture for the passage, before the close of this
session, of such general amendments to the
present school law as are deemed necessary ,
.d proper ; and more especially such as will
make the office of County Superintendent more
efficient and useful, I am the less reluctant to
return this bill without my approval.
pondent of the Charleston Courier tells
the following story of a Shanghai hen nur
sing kittens
Upon entering my fowl house some lit
tle time since, t discovered a cat comfort
ably ensconced in one of the nests, where
.she had littered three kittens, as pleased
and comfortable as any young feline moth
er might be. A day or two ago, hearing
a great mewing within, I opened the door,
and found that a great Shanghai hen, well
in the mood for setting,had abandoned the
nest with eggs, and taken possession of the
kitten nest, much to the discomfort of
Tom and Tabby junior, for they could not
be made as comfortable under the foster
mother, as by the side of the legitimate
parent. The old cat the moan time was
sunning herself at the door, apparently sa
tisfied with the new nurse, Last night
the old hen left her charge for the nest
egg, but this morning I found her again in
possession of the kittens, having again a..
handoncd .11E 9:ith
Vat aA *doom
/fir Closing—the oyster season,
glar Plenty—colored "gemmin."
.86' Types of mankind—babies
gay - We hare line growing weather.
Skir The haymaking season is coming
SW Excuses arc the pickpockets of time.
SW The scurvy is prevailing in Louisville.
litirNebraska cent sins 137,700 square miles
Bright—the new dollar coin, and Miss
—'s eyes.
sa- C iris, you should avoid night aft, an d
all other 'a irs.'
par Emigrants are returning to England
from Australia.
Dar The United States has an area 0f1,301
480,320 acres.
®rte- Two million boys attend School in th e
United States.
air Grapes arc an excellent article for the
Yesterday was payday of tho Broad
Top Railroad.
tar John Smith has started a gift enterprise
at Mount Union.
le' The first cold cut nail was made in 17.
76 in Rhode Island.
say- There are in Massachusetts 2632 luna
tics, and 1987 idiots.
gar Neat—the shade trees along the street
with their new dress.
ter Several b'hoys were sporting bricks in
their hats last week.
j To prevent cats from annoying you—
shoot them when kittens.
Or It is nine years ago last Tuesday, since
the battle of Palo Alto.
Tho Crimea is about one hundred and
twenty-four miles broad.
lid' Cattle arc perishing in some ports of
thelwest, for want of food.
Stir Be shall be immortal who liveth to be
stoned by one without fault.
£ No licenses were granted at the late
session of the Blair county court!
1 Henry Clay's last words were—" My.
il2ll' Our wife must be like a roast lamb—
tender, and nicely dressed.
Ate. Copernicus discovered the true theory
of the Solar System in 1532.
Oar Lunar Caustic—Seeing your rival walk
.with your lady •love by midnight alone.
Skir Flowers ato springing, birds are sing•
log, %I'inter's gose and spring is here.
Remember that the cords of wood you
give to the poor are re•cord•ed above.
114 y. Money—an article used for the purpose
of taking stains out of your character.
0:9" Our young friend "M" is informed that
her select poetry shall appear next week.
War. The world is a stubble field. wherein
the greatest geese pick the golden grains.
SW Chaplin's is the place to get yonrsolf
"slicked up" neatly. Tom does it up right.
air Pleading at the har—trying to get the
bar•keeper to trust you for a three cent nip.
100. The most interesting object in a poor
man's house at present, beside his children, in
kg- A military encampment in to be held
in thin place, the later part of the present
zit.- Coo. Pollock has signed the bill limit•
ing labor in the factories to the ten hour sys•
gr2P A seizure of 5:1000 worth of smuggled
liquors, vases, and flowers has hem outdo at
giib. A patriotliasbeun &scribed as one who
should not he afraid to die, ''eves if it took his
life." Awful !
re" The Canadian newspapere notice the
continued arrival daily of large numbers ofes•
min] slaves.
tar The Freneh National Air instead of the
Marseilles Hymn, has been changed to Parlanl
poor la ,Syria.
War The Governor of Missouri has setnpart
the 31st inst., as a darof 'thanksgiving litni•
liation and prayer."
Our towu is full of Irish gentlemen—
they hail from the completed sections of the
Broad Top Railroad.
OCR' The General Assembly of the Presby
terian Church (Old School,) convenes at Nash.
ville, Tenn., on the 17th inst.
itir' The Globe-man thinks we are green—
well, a green article mny be ripened, but a half
fried dough nut is eternally ruined.
Z A woman was at tacked by a panther in
Wisconsin, when she abused the poor creature
so with her tongue, that it fenced at her fees
Ca. llitchcock, the Know Nothing candi.
date at Mobile, is probably elected Judge by
1100 majority over his Democratic competitor.
1 There is a young lady in town an mod.
est that she keeps a covering over her bureau,
to hide its 'drawers.' Angels and ministers of
grace defend us.
tie' Our devil, yen., in view of the time
when "female devils" will be as plenty as toads
after a storm, says he ain't 'lorry he learned the
Sir At Cincinnati, on Tuesday, potatoes
sold at 18 oents a half-peck butter 40 cents a,
pound ; cucumbers 25 cents for three t aspar
agus 25 cents for four bunches.
or A little child bad been crying, and its
mother had pacified it for a moment, when be
determined to have bin bawl out, but forgetting
the cause of hie tears, he inquired: Ugh—ugh
what was I crying about just now, ma ?
A fen, bushels of potatoes may
be had by calling at the "Journal Office."
ilr'One of our citizens was thus ac.
coated by his landlord :
"As everything is on the rise, I feel it
my duty to raise your rent,"
"Sir," said th 3 tenant, feel truly
grateful, for times are so hard; that' it is
impossible to mite it myself," . lan&