!:ice ffittntingbon Wednesday Morning, May 8,1866. WILLIAM BREWSTER, Editor. ASSOCIATE EDITOR, SAM. G. WHITTLRER. The "JOURNAL' , has 300 Subscri bers more, than any other paper in this county. Agents for the Journal. The following persons we have appointed Agents for the HUNTINGDON JOURNAL, who are author ised to receive and receipt for money paid on sub scription, and to take the names of new subscri bers at our published prices.' . . We do tills - for the convenience of our subscri• bens living at a distance from Huntingdon. JOHN W. THOMPSON, Esq., Hollidaysburg, SAMUEL Coss, East Barren, GEonclE W. CORNELIUS. Cromwell township. HENRY HUDSON, Clay township. DAVID ETNIRE, Cromwell township. Dr. J. P. Astrcom, Penn township, J. WAREHAM MATTERS', Franklin township, SAMUEL STEFFEY, Jackson township, ROBERT M'BURNEY, « COl. JNO. C. WATSISN, Brady township, Monism BROWN, S - pringfleld township, Wm. HUTCHINSON, Esq., Warriorsmark tp., JAMES MCDONALD, Brady township, GEOROE W. WHITTAKER, Petersburg, HENRY NET?, West Barren. JOHN 13ALSBACH, Waterstreet, Maj. CHARLES MICKLEY. Tod township, A. M. BLArn, Dublin township, GEonow Armors, Esq., Tell township, JAMEs CLARK, Birmingham. NATHANIEL LYTLE, Esq., Spruce Creek. Maj. W. Moose, Alexandria. B. F. WALLAcs, Union Furnace. SIMEON WRIGHT, Esq., Union township. DAVID CLARKSON, Esq., Cass township. SAMUEL WIGTON, Esq., Franklin township. DAVtD PARKER, Esq., Warriorsmark. DAVID AURAE., Esq., Todd township. DR. J. ALFRED SHADE. WANTED, ♦ few loads of WOOD at the Journal Office, TO ADVERTISERS. Advertisers will take notice that their advertisements to secure a place in the Journal must be handed in on Tuesday morning. New Advertisements. We invite especial attention to the new advertisements in to•day's paper. 1111'Hussey & Wells, Pork Packers. Neman & Warnick, Stove dea le rs. Orphans' Court Sale, 111111rWheat, flour, hams, shoulders, dri• ed apples, &c., by Cunningham & Dunn, 11:7" Sheriff's sale. Fire in Hollidaysburg. We understand that on last Saturday a week, two fires broke out in Hollidaysburg doing an amount of injury. McFarland's Cabinet Ware Rooms and a Temperance House occupied by one Cooper, and own ed we believe by our townsman John G. Miles, Esq., were almost destroyed by the devouring element. We have not, as yet, understood how the bre originated. Price of Flour. The highest figure which flour has been up to within the last sixty years, was *l5 in 1796. It was sold in the New York Market, during the year of the Irish fam ine for $9 12 per bbl. In 1837 flour tou ched $ll per bbl., but at the 'present time it has swept ahead of that mark, and has reached an almost 'starving point' for poor families. 'The high price of the "staff of life," at the present time, may be attribut ed to the war in the East, which has been the means of stopping intercourse between the Russian Ports, and England. "The Angel Gabriel, Jr.": Our esteemed friend of the Globe has .conferred the above title on our humble sell a title, our modesty almost forbids us ac cepting. But, we are obliged to our wor thy friend of the "neuter gender" for the comparison. Like our illustrious name sake we have a mission. His, to summon the inhabitants of the Globe to judgment; ours, to bring the editor of the Globe.— So "Dad" if you would like to try your hand at a "rough and tumble" fight, trot out your phantom. It won't he the first instance of a fight between an angel and a fallen being. We read of one in the boo,c somewhere, but your predecessor came out at the "little end of the horn." If you, engage in a "fag and fag" with Gabe, Jr., you'll be likely to stick in the horn, alto gether. Why is it 1 The locofoco press of our country is en deavoring to gull the W higs into acting contrary to their principles, and forsaking them to cooperate with Locofocos, by try ing to bring up charges against the new so. ciety of Know Nothings, which proclaim Know Nothingism as antagonistic to repub licanism. This is the hue and cry of all Locofoco journals, from the organ at Wash ington, down to the puny, disgusting sheet of "apple-butter" ndtoriety. But we are of the opinion that "every tub stands best on its own bottom," and that the Whigs of the country have been battling too long and faithfully against Locofocoistn to be caught by"lly traps" now. We sincerely believe Locofocoistn to be entirely destitute of ev ery principle of real worth: and need we call upon Whigs, who all know Site same, to beware of this abortion. We were led to these remarks by the tnysterious work ingi of Locofocoism in Allegheny and Phil adelphia counties. per The crops in our county look re. marks My well. War Kew& By late advices from Europe per steam er Atlantic, we have intelligence of great moment relative to the allies and the war. The long talked of and long anticipated bombardment of Sevastopol, has at length actually began. We are informed that a battery of five hundred guns had opened on the Russian fortifications and without any apparent injury to them. up to the la test accounts. The Russian accounts (al ways the most reliable,) say that whatev er damage is done through the day, is ve ry speedily repaired during night. Our humble opinion is and ever has been that the allies have to meet obstacles ere Sevas topol falls, which they cannot surmount. That a mighty effort will be made to cap ture this fomidable barrier between the al lies and a peace, cannot be doubted. The pride of England and France, the future of Turkey, all are hazarded in the success or failure of the present struggle. The motive which actuated England and France to take sides with the Sultan against the Russian Autocrat, was not a good one ; it was not for any particular regard or friend ship these nations had for weak and imbe cile Turkey, it was for the purpose of clip. ping and injuring the powers of a nation which threatened to distance them in the march of improvement and prosperity.— The motive therefore which led England to league with the Mahometans. in the pre sent war was a selfish one, and should be so regarded by the civilized world. Should the allies succeed in capturing the renowned fortress nothing will follow but the renewal of the scenes of Moscow ren dered ten times more terrible by explosion for, we are creditably informed that the works in and around Sevastopol are all un dermined, and therefore, the capture of any part or portion of the fortifications of the city would be marked by its explosion.— Need we ask whether this may be so—in Russia there is at present as willing hearts and ready hands as lit the torch at Moscow, where the sun of the great "uncle of his nephew" suffered its first eclipse. May we not believe that the seige of Sevasto pol will result as disastrously to the pre sent combination of European monarchies as did the campaign of Napoleon I, many years ago. _ _ Louis Napoleon made a visit to England a short time ego, and was received with the most lively demonstrations of joy and esteem, by the John Bulls. The Qu.en of that model nation of cockneys and syco phants smferred on him the high title of kniglß of some concern or other, by fast ping a garter around his Highness' leg! Poor Louis little dreamt of such condescen sion when he played the part of constable in "famous London town." But times are changing, and England has fallen. She no longer occupies the station of a consis• tent nation, but has proven herself wholly unworthy the birth place of many patriot I is men, vho once gloried in the name of Englishmen. The present war has shown France in what point she is superior to England. Tt has proven conclusively whether England' is longer entitled to the appellation of the "mistress of nations:" it shows to France and the world, that either Englishmen have degenerated since the days of Wa terloo, or that the victoiY there gained by them, was owing more to accident than superior good management or bravery on their part. An invasion of England may no longer appear to be that impracticable or improbable affair it was some time ago. Philadelphia Election. The election in the city of Philadelphia has resulted in the selection of the Whig and American candidates. The Locofoco party had made a strenuous effort to en gage the Whigs on their side, and succee ded partially in forming a 'fusion" ticket. But the election has proven that the Amer. ican party in Philadelphia, in conjunction with the Whigs who acted with it, is a match for any and all the elements of op position which can be arrayed against it by Locofocoism. The result is about as follows : For City Commissioner, Hill, Whig and Amer ican, had 22,406 votes, and Sherry, Loco foco, 22,209. Hill's majority being 197. His actual majority, however, is 374, he having received 197 more votes in the 7th Ward, which were cast out on account of the middle letter of the name being a mis print. For City Treasurer, Morton, Whig and American, had 22,458, and Hagert, Fu. sion, 22,036 ; the majority for Morton be ing 422. la the Common Council the Whigs and Americans have 43 and the Locofocos 34 members. This is not altogether a full vote of the city, but may be taken as the probable strength of the Know Nothings there, but it is asserted that there are at the least cal culation 5000 Fusionists who will support the Afherican candidate at the next Presi dential election. Tux LUMBER TRADE.—The Columbia Spy says the run of lumber thus lar has been great, and that is still striving, the river continuing in the best rafting order. Some of the oldest inhabitants say there never was as much at Columbia at ono time, within their recollection. As yet the sales have been extremely limited pur chasers holding off under the expectation of lower rates, while the lumberman maintain that they will not be lower,— The prices demanded are about similar to those of liirt r What's become of It. The Washington Union, asks the above question relative to the whereabouts of the "old patriotic Whig party, that once boast ed of a Clay, a Webster," &c. It mani fests a strong desire to save the party from becoming contaminated and injured by the "bloody Know Nothings !" This is a strange tune for the organ of Mr. Pierce to grind out. Afraid of the Whig Party of the United States becoming extinct ! Oh Mr Union, spare your fears, and we will call upon you when we desire your sym pathetic tears. It Is a strange, a remark able affair, for the Union to ask such ques tions, when well it knows the Whig party is triumphantly progressing in the march of prosperity. The Union really from be ing a persecutor, has become a political philanthropist and supplicant. But can that distressed organ of the Administration tell what has has become of the great and overwhelming Pierce party! A history of its decline and death would, we know, be highly interesting at this time, especially to the "old patriotic Whigs," whose can didate for President the Union once decla red to be a "gambler, a Sabbath breaker, a duelist, and a murderer." A WORD TO THE WISE, &0.. We seo by a recent action in one of our eastern cities that an editor has recovered the full amount of his subscription against a delitivent subscriber. The facts of the case are as follows : A person subscribed for a paper, and af- ter a certain time discontinued, by sending his paper back, without any other notice ; the subscriber had not paid anything on the paper. No regard wes paid to the no. tice, and the paper was sent on as usual. The subscrib.•r was sued, and the edi• for recovered the full amount of his claim against him. The decision was that such notice of discontinuance. was not lawful. Subscribers will malce a note of this, and take notice that all notices•of a discon tinuance must be by letter, otherwise, ed itors and publishers may continue sending their journals, and recover the full amount for the same by a due course of law. We invite the attentfon of newspaper subscribers to the above fact. "A GOD SEND." If the "new society" had not sprang up into what a predicament would the Loco• foco journals have been at the present time for something to talk about. "Behold how gr at a matter a little fire kindleth," for now it is all commotion in the camp, and frothing and foaming, and all on account of the new order As "straws tell which way the wind blows," although we are no prophet nor the son of a prophet, present appearances would appear to intimate a ra pid dissolution of the so called Democracy from the fact that the followers of that par ticular political organization are Ariving to gain popularity by kicking against public opinion, and are denouncing a portion of their fellow•citizens for using the same privilege they do themselves. OUR BOOK TABLE. The Railway Guide for the month of Mny is before us. It is a useful work giv ing the distances between places on the line of railroad in the United States, the time of starting of the trains, &c. The Farm Journal for May, is on our table, and is a fine No. It should be in the hands of all farmers. Meredith &Co 34, North 7th st Phila , publishers The May number of the school Journ al is also before us It is an excellent ed• ucational work, and should be patronized. T. 11. Burrowes, Lancaster, Pa. Kennedy's Bank Note Review has been received. The Review is the best work of tho kind published in the United States, and can be had at 72, 3d at., Pittsburg, at $1 a year. The Knickerbocker's on hnnd, much im proved. Address. i 18, Broadway, N. Y. Kr "We are daily receiving subecri. bers," &c.—Globe. Glad to hear it, but don't believe it 'Case why, we don't think the people of our county are so easily pleased. er- A quantity of matter has been crowded out of this week's paper by the foreign news. Particulars of Itiot at Chicago. The Chicago papers bring us extended par tieulars of the riot in that city on Saturday week, of which the telegraph has given the main facts. It appears the city councils, some weeks ago, raised the price of license to Hell li. quors to 5300 per year, and stipulated that all licenses should cense on the first of July, when the prohibitory law goes into effect, provided it is ratified by the people at the June election. A number of . persons, thereupon refused to take out licenses, and persisted in selling.— Against these suits were brought, and the trials were set down for Saturday week. The excite• meet, in the meantime, rapidly increased, and on Saturday a large and excited crowd with. ered in and about the court house, blocking up every avenue thereto to such an extent that the Mayor was compelled to summons the police and order the passages to be cleared. One man only refused to obey the officers. and the attempt to eject him led to the mob, the call ing out of the military, and the wounding of several persons, after some desperate fighting. The police were repeatedly fire&upon, and one of them, named Hunt, fell with three balls in his body. His arm was subsequently amputa• ted. Nathan Weston, another officer, was dangerously if not fatally wounded. Two otli• ere wore also injured. The man who shot Hunt was pursued by a citizen, fired upon and taken to jail in a dying state. His name was Peter Martin. Fifty-six arrests were made.— The police were on duty during Saturday night and on Sunday, and every person found on the streets with firemrms was arrested. Boys were not permitted to be out after dark, and she moat effectual measures wore adopted to stop the rioters, and bring them to punishment. A number of them were severely wounded, and fliiwis ter, r,terrl. fortigu Pins. NINE DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL OF THE ATLANTIC. VIENNA CONFERENCE ENDED. THE DEMANDS OF THE ALLIES RE JECTED Br RUSSIA. BOMBARDMENT OF SEVASTOPOL. England Assents to Napoleon taking nom• maud of the allied army. The steamship Atlantic, Captain 'West, arri ved at New York, on the 4th mat., with Liver pool dates to the 23d ult. The Atlantic sailed from Liverpool at 2 o'clock on the afternoon of Monday, the 23d ult., having been detained to effect some repairs to her machinery. the Asia arrived at Liverpool, noon of Son. day, 22d. She was detained three hours off the bar, entrance to the Mersey, for want of wa ter. The conference are in their last agony. Rus sia absolutely refuses to assent to the Smite. tion of her power in the Black Sea, but offers to permit the maintenance of a Turkish arma ment equal to her own on the Black Sea wa ters,provided the Sect of no other nation have the right of entree. France and England, after vainly insisting on the unconditional reduction of the Russian power, admit that Russia's pro. positions are 'worthy of consideration," the more so that Austria has definitely refused to second the Western powers in their "hutnilia• tint; demands" on the Czar. It is now gene rally confessed, although reluctantly, that the utmost to be expected from Austria is the maintenance of a strict neutrality. Lord John Russell and Drouyn de l'Huys had been order ed home. Affairs are considerably more active in the Crimea. The general bombardment, from 500 guns, was opened on Sevastopol on the 9th April, preparatory to the assault, and was warmly responded to by the city. Much dam age was done to the works of the besiegers, and besieged, but to our latest accounts, the 15th, storming bad nut been practicable. The allied ikets lay in lino of battle off the harbor. Fifteen thousand of Omar Paella's Turks had been brought to Kamiesch, to take a share in the assault. There is a report, which we give fur what it is worth, that during Napoleon's visit to England—where, with his wife, he had been for a week, and was received with extra ordinary rejoicing,—it was agreed that be should assume personal command of the allied army. The British Baltic squadron was at Kiehl. 'the Vienna Conference. Very Lath hope of Peace—Lord John Rus- sell 1 culled Home. Accounts from Vienna are Mr from favora ble as to the prospects of peace. Lord John Russell was to leave Vienna on the 20th for England, ar.d M. Drouyn de Lhuys would pro bably leave for Paris on the same day. Lord J. Russell's departure was formally announced in Parliament for the 20th April, but a private despatch intimates that he might remain a few days longer until receipt of a reply to his last letters. Prince Gortschakoff's instructions arrived at Vienna on Sunday, the 156, and the 10th con. foresee was held on Tuesday, the 17th. After four hours' conference the Russian plenipoten tiaries left, and the representatives of the al lies remained in session as hour longer. Rus• sia declined to accept the conditions of the el lies on the third point, but makes counter pro !Positions. At the• tenth conferencq, on Tuesday, the 17th April, Prince Oortschakoff announced that Russia would not assent to reduce her power in the Black Sea, nor have the sea open 'ed to all fleets. Russia would, however, pro pose that the Black Sea be a closed sea to all . fleets except* those of Russia and Turkey,— ' those two powers to maintain armaments of equal strength on its waters. These proposals were viewed by the plenipoteutiaries as 'wor thy of consideration." The eleventh and supposed FINAL Confer. ence met on• the afternoon of Thursday, the 19th. Dismissing a thousand and one rumors, wo believe that the only circumstance the pub lit know is that France and England drew up ' their demands as to the third point in a speci fic form, and communicated them to the pleni potentiaries of the other Powers. It rests there. All hopes of Austria taking the field against Russia appears to be at an end for the present. Among the conflicting rumors, that which ap. peered to bear the most consistency was, that Austria refuses to demand from Russia any concessions, further than these three t—lst. The Russian fleet in the Black Sea to remain in slain quo. It is said at present to consist of three ships of the line, and four steam frigates. 2d. the Western powers to have Consuls at Sevastopol, who are to be under the immediate protection of their Ministers residing at St. Pe. tersburg. 3d. The Allies to have the right to construct war ports on some part of the Turk. ish coast. The War Fire from all the French and English batte ries was opened upon Sevastopol on the 9th.— On the 10th, both French and English viewed the bombardment as effective; but nothing de cisive had occurred to warrant a conclusion as to the immediate issue. Thu French left bat teries had made a breach in the indented wall; the two fronts of the last erected Russian bat tery were much injured, and one of the Rua. sian works of counteenpproach, near the ca. reciting harbor, was silenced. During the two first days, the besiegers' tire was superiortoo that of the city. The progress of events is thus narrated. From St. Petersburg, April 16th, we have a despatch wherein Prince tiortschakolf announ ees, from Sevastopol, that at 0 o'clock on the morning of the 9th of April, the Allies open ed a cannonade from all their batteries, which lasted till evening, amt was carried on in a less er degree thouglimit the night. On the 10th the bombardment was resumed. The Russians replied with success, causing sensible loss to the besiegers, but with a loss to the garrison of 833 killed and wounded. The Wiener Zeitung publishes that during the night ot the 13th, the left attack of the al lies obtained considerable advantage over the Russians. The Russians were twice dislodged from a strongly fortified position, which remain ed in the hands of the French. The posses sion of this position enables the allies to forti fy the summit of the ravines, which is of great importance. Or date April 15th, Prince Gortschakoff re ports from , Sevastopol :—"The bombardment of the city continued without interruption sinee April 9th. Damages are repaired during the night. Sevastopol is to-day in almost the some state of defence as on the 9th. The loss sus tained by the garrison, considering the tremen dons lire of the enemy, is but small. There is nothing upon from other parts of the Crimea." Omar Paeha was reported to have landed at Kamiesch with 10,000 men to participate in the assault. Vire do not Sc., how he could withdraw so large [cif umber from his lines of defence at Eupatoria. Correspondence direct from Eupa. torm, of' date the 2,1 did, however, state that six French steam frigates were in waiting to eiuhark Turks, and that Omar had informed his men he, himself, would accompany them in an enterprise is which "the oyes of Europe would be upon theta." An Aunt;ion journal publishes the following order addressed by Prince Gortschakolf to the garrison of Sevastopol, ou his arrival on the :ne n af4,4, • "Soldiers I—His Majesty has designed to apd rricnet me s t t :e t L. e i m co e m a. n lir d ar o e f warriorsho sea anda itnn. sia isproud of your heroic courage, and our great Emperor, Nicholas I, on his death bed, turned his last looks towards you with grati tude. Ills successor, his Majesty, the reigning Emperor, Alexander 11., has deigned to ex press himself as follows, in letters addressed to me on the 3d and 7th of March "Tell the brave defenders of Sevastopol, in the name of our immortal benefactor, that the Emperor Nicholas wee proud of them, and that he thought of them on his death bed, and sent them, through me, the expression of his last and cordial gratitude. Tell our brave Adieu that I thank them, in his name, and that I em perfectly convinced that they were always wor• thy of his paternal solicitude." "Soldiers I the must difficult time is over.— The roads are better, transports of every des. criptinn arrive easily, and considerable rein forcements sent to your support are on the way. In taking the command of this army, lam convinced that, with God's blessing, success will finally crown our efforts, and that we will certainly justify the hopes of our august Soy. ereign. Adjutant general Ostensacken, who directed the defence of Sevastopol with so much honor, and his companion, the brave Ad miral Nachimolf, resume, today, their former functions. (Signed) GORTSCUAKOFF. Correspondence from the British hospital at Scutari, mentions a rapid decrease of disease. Medical stores were pouring in in the most ran dom profusion. Since the siege began five of the seven ad mirals of the Russian fleet in Sevastopol, have died or been killed. Admirals Korn]loff, Into• mine and Malin, were killed, Pamfiloff and Nachitooff died of camp diseases. Admiral Stankovitch, who is governor of Sevastopol, and commands the batteries, is represented as a man of energy and ability. Admiral Novo. silsky is a young man recently appointed. The steamer Spitfire had the submarine ca ble on hoard, of 260 miles, to be laid, the first fine weather, between Balaklava and Varna.— Lionel 0 ishorne, the engineer of ship•caual notoriety, has effected an arrangement to lay down a telegraph from Constantinople to Alex andria. He proposes to lay the wires under the Sea of Marmora, under the Archipelago to Rhodes, and from Rhodes, under the Mediter ranean, to Alexandria, provided the Turks will pay $25,000 per annum for twenty-one years. Another company proposes to lay a line from Alexandria to Candia, and thence to Italy, to join the European system. It is doubtful if any of these lines will jay one per cent. The air line from Varna to Mauls was completed, and that from Varna to Rustchuk nearly so.— Ere brig we shall have telegraphic communi• cation daily from the Crimea. A private letter gives an account of the trots ble in Krajova, already announced by tele graph. fiP An Austrian officer, on the 11th March, saw at a window a lady whose beauty attracted him, and he forthwith entered the house and deman• ded admittance to her apartment. The Indy called fur assistance to expel the intruder.— Her husband came and addressed the Austri• an civilly—“ What do you want here? Ido not know you. You are not billeted in my house, and the lady you are insulting is my wife." Without a word, the Austrian drew Isis sword and stabbed the husband to the heart.— Much excitement ensued. Some of the by• standers went to lodge is formal complaint with the police—others sent intelligence to the Turk ish commandant at Kalafat, who lost no time in sending to Krajova a battalion of infantry and a squadron of cavalry and artillery. A crowd proceeded to the Austrian General to demand the arrest of the offender. The General's reply was brief, but to the point "Go to the devil I I won't Punish my soldiers for such fellows as you I" This brutal reply rokieed the indignation of the people.— All the stores were closed, and the citizens as sembled its the streets, crying "Death to the Austrians. They are but one against four We won't submit to be slaughtered like the people of Bucharest I" A general riot ease• ed, and the citizens armed with sticks, iron bars and axes, attacked and put to death every Austrian they met. The Austrians, on their aide, turned out and attacked the people, kill ing •10 persons in tile first charge. At this juncture the national gem d'armes and the Ho man soldiers attacked the Austrians, and after a fierce fight drove them at the point of the bayonet out of the city, where they yet remain, encamped in the fields. Official statements re turn 2-I? killed on both sides. The excite ment continues, and the citizens have not re opened their stores. 'they demand justice and are about to send a deputation to Constantino. pie to seek it from the Sultan. The Baltic. Two thousand laborers were employed in strengthening the thrtifications of Riga, Com stadt, Sweaborg, lielsingfors, Revel, Wiborg and other fortresses in the Baltic, 10100 been provisioned for eighteen months, and ships la dened with rocks have been sunk at the en trance of the harbors. 120,000 is the present nominal strength of the army concentrated in the Russo-Baltic provinces. Most of the Brit. ish advanced squadron were in the Great Belt, detained by ice, but one or two ships had pea. trated further into the sea. LATER—Twelve ships of the line, with four steamers under Admiral Dundas, have come np and anchored at Kiel. The Visit of the Emperor and Em press of France. On Monday morning thousands were assets. bled at Dover, "to give the august visitors a hearty English reception." At 9 o'clock the Emperor, Empress, and suite embarked at Ca on board the screw-stcatner Pelican, and about noon steamed slowly, threitgli a dense fog, and under salute from ships-of-war and batteries rendered invisible by the thick weather, into Dover harbor. Prince Albert was on hand to receive his guests, and was accompanied by his usual attendants, nod by the French mktis ter, Count Walowski, with Madamela Comtesse. The Emperor .was accompanied by Marshal Vaillant, Minister of War ; the Puke de BINS. no, Count de Montebello, and other gentlemen; the Empress—for the benefit of the ladies be it related,—wore a straw hat, grey cloak, and plaid dress. Leaning on the arts of Prince Albert, the Empress, (the Emperor by her side) walked to the Warden Hotel, where they had lunch, besides an address from the Corporation of Dover. Thence they proceeded by special train to the Bricklayers' Arms Station, at Lon don, where the Queen's carriages and an ea• curt of troops were in waiting. Embarking in the Royal vehicles, the imperial party proceed ed at a slow pace through the streets of Lon don. along the Kent and Westminister roads, across Westminster Bridge, through Parliament at., Whitehall, Charing Cross, Pall-Mall, St. Jame's Piccadilly, Hyde Park, and by Victoria gate and Eastbourne terrace to the Paddiat t ton station, where care were ready for Windsor.— At every point along this distance of five miles the streets were packed with spectators, and°, ery window pane was crowded with gazers.— At the clubs, especially, of which Louis N}lllo. leon was formerly an habitue, the moot lively curiosity was manifested by the members to catch a glimpse of the altered fortunes of their I former associate. In passing the house in I King street in which he formerly resided, the Emperor was observed to point it out to his wife. Immense cheering marked the whole course of their progress t hrouglt London. On their arrival at Windsor Castle at 7 o'clock in the evening, the visitors were received in the grand hall by the Queen and her family, with the usual court officials, and the Lords Pelmet • stun and Clarendon. A "state dinner" follow ed. Windsor was illuminated in the evening, and the Lord Mayor of London gave a banquet to the perfect of the Seine, at which ceremony wwre prrsnnt thr 474 med, Cloncrol of ~,rl.! European Powers, and of Mexico Chili and Brazil. We believe the United States were not represented on the occasion. On Tuesday the Emperor did not, as bad been expected, hunt with the Queen's stag. hounds, but, instead, walked in the groends, and visited Queen Victoria's model farm and dairy. At 3 o'clock, he received addresses from the corporation of Windsor, the Mer chants and Bankers of London, and others; and from 4 till 6, put three regiments of Eng. huh troops through their evolutions. Then the Queen gave another grand dinner, and later in the night, an evening party. Wednesday, the 18th, the Queen conferred on the Emperor the inveature of the garter.— A grand chapter of the Order was held at Windsor, and the formalities which accompa ny the presentation of the piece of riband were duly gone through. The Queen buckled the garter around the Emperor's log, and placed the riband across the Emperor's shoulders.— A grand dinner and evening party, and con cert, concluded the evening. On Thursday, the Emperor and Empress, escorted by a detachment of the Queen's Life guards, went to London to receive the address of the municipality. The cortege of close car tinges proceeded at rather a rapid rate along the principal streets, in which it was estinia. ted that not fewer than one million of apecia. tors were assembled. Hundreds of flags were "hung on the outer walls" and a notici. ble proportion bore the words, '.l' Empire, c'est In pair 1" Guildhall had 12pen newly decorated for the occasion. At !he eastern end of the hall two thrones were placed on a raised dais, and overshadowed by a canopy pf purple velvet and gold. • Oue of the thrones bore the cypher N, the other E,—Napoleon, Eugene. Seats were res erved for the Cabinet Ministers, high allure and corps diplomatique. Clustered around the walls were devices draped with the flags of the allied nations, and bearing the legends "Balaklava," "Alma," "Inkermann." Med. allions of Queen Victoria and Napoleon 111 plentifully bestudded the walls. Lords Pal. inerson, C'arendon, Lansdowne, and a more, with numerous lesser lights of the ad ministration, werepresent, as was also the United States Minister. The Emperor wore, as usual, the uniform of a general of division. Eugenie's costume was of white and green brocade silk. When the Recorder proceeded to read the address to the Emperor, the Em. press arrow and stood by the aide of her has band. Th 3 Latest By Telegraph from Vienna, The 12th conference was held ou Saturday the 21st of April. It lasted four hours and a half, and concluded by adjourning sine die.— Russia having abaolutely rejected and demands of France ann Engl.,' Lord John Russell and M. Drouyn de L. Buys immediately took leave of the Emperor, and were to leave on Sunday the 22d. It now remains to be seen what course Austria will peruse. Advices from Balaklava have been received to the 17th. The fire of the allies had done considerable damage, but the Russians display. ed extreme activity in reparing the injured works. Several French mines had been sprung which did considerable damage to the place. A Russian lady has been captured making drawings of the French trenches. She will be sent to Malta. She said her husband, named Bonnoff; was killed at Alma, and she had since acted as a volunteer spy. Mehemet All notifies the Turkish Go - vern• meat that he has put down the Kurdieh 'mutt , rection, has killed 1400, and taken 500 prison. erP. Rhodes and Sinope arc to be forfeited. The annual caravan of pilgrims was about to set out from Constantinople to Mecca. The Very Latest. LONDON, April 23—Half past 1 o'clock.— General Canrobert telegraphs, under date of 17th,that the fire upon the city continues una• bated. It is chiefly by the artillery, but the engineers are operating and have established us much nearer to the place. Another report says that the lout of life on both sides has been very great. - A council of war has been held. The fire is to he continued for another week, and then the assault will be attempted. 6tittral3lttvs. ELOPEMENT IN Hiatt Li .—The Newark Mercury says an unprecedented excitement has been created in the neighboring village of Or ange, by the elopement of a married gentle. man with a young lady of great personal at tractions, and the daughter of one of the rich est residents of that place. The gentleman echo has thus absconded has been doing buil. netts in New York, and has left a wife and child in Orange, unprotected and towered for. Pre vious to leaving, ho borrowed of various Mud -11.19 men sums ranging from $5OO to $2,000, in all to the amount of $15,000. It is un known whether the eloping parties have gone to Europe, or whether they are 411 in this country; but we learn that both left note, avow ing their determination not to return. Mr. Wise taken Aback. We have good authority for the correctness of the following anecdote : Mr. Wise, the Accomac Pilgrim. waealdres• sing a large Assemblage somewhere is Virgin. is the other day, and is his characteristic style abusing the Know Nothings. "Is there cne of that secret traitorous elan here present." be exclaimed, "if so let him show his face.". No one rose. Vociferous cheering and shouting. Mr. Wise gathering fresh vigor and vehemence. "If there's a Know Nothing in the room I chid , lenge him to stand up like a man I Congregn• tion remain seated. Tremendous applause and vociferation. Mr. Wise brim full of gall and bitterness charging round. "Stand up ye lon. ay, godless, elm:gloss set, stand up, I defy ye, if there he one here present I" An old man in the rear of the room slowly rises, and blandly remarks, "Saml get up I" whereupon two.thirds of the assembly sprung to their feet. It is said that Mr. Wise was se confounded by this lines. peeled result, that he did not resume his speech.—Wilmington (IV. C.) Herald. FLOUR. Very different estimates have been made no to the supely of flour which will find its way to the Atlantic market by the Principal routes, be• fore next harvest. The Rochester Advertiser informed by "one of the most cautious and careful millers" of that city that the aggtegate surplus of wheat in all the region of country in the West, whose products will find an Atlantic market through the several routes of Buffalo, Oswego, and Og• densburgh, will not exceed 1,500,000 bushels, equal to only 300,000 bbls of flour. This is ex clusive of what id expected from Canada. The Buffalo Republic says that this statement is er• moons afia that it has information which fully warrants the expectation ofthe following quan tities From Lake Michigan 650,000 bbls ; from Detroit 125,000 bble ; from Toledo 100 ; 000 bbls from Cleveland 50,000 bbls ; making a total of 625,000 bbls. of flour to come for. ward before harvest, "exclusive of Canada."— The Republic further adds t, “We have no mear.s of estimating the a mount expected hom Canada, but we have heard the quantity put down at from 250,000 to 1,000,000 of barrels of flour, by gentlemen well calculated to ju'sge, and whose means of information are extensive. Dividing the above estimates, and we shall have something like 1,500,000 from the West and Canada, equal to the number of bushels which The cautioul el.mp, miller 1,4 Two Children Starved—Shocking Cru elty. A moat shocking instance of human, or ra. ther inhuman depravity, has just transpired in Covington. It seems that the wife of an Irish man recently died, leaving three children, an infant boy and two girls three and five years r,t ago. The husband, soon after her death, mar ried again, introducing into his family thr, wretch, whop with a fiendlike coolness, net her self immediately at work to destroy the live. of the little ones to whom she should have been a mother. _ _ The youngest of the three died bat a week or two after her entrance into the family, but with an atrocity scarcely conceivable, one would not suffice ; she must destroy the others. This she undertook to do by withholding their food with an obvious intention of starving them to death. Fortunately the moans of the little ones were overheard from without, and vague rumors getting afloat that all was not right within, and reaching the ears of the Council, it woe resolved to send a committee to investi: gate the matter. They went last evening, and not an hour too early. Entering the house, they found the step-mother at home, but, on in- quiry for the children, she told them that they were asleep, and could not be disturbed. This did not-satisfy the committee, and, on reaching the house, they found a door to one of the rooms locked. Rearing faint cries with. in, they instantly broke down the door and en• tered. Gods! what a sight met their eyes.— There two children, infants, their flesh as white as death, and drawn tightly over the bones— each feature defined with the vividness of a corpse, while their eyes were almost bursting from their socicets. - - With the utmost alacrity and tenderness, food was found and administered, which was no sooner done than they were wrapped in some blankets and removed to the hospitable family of the jailer. As the sentlem en com posing the committee were withdrawing from the house with their present charge,. the female fiend informed them that they might as well leave the children, as she had plenty of fooi for them. On arriving at safe quarters with the unff.r• tunato infants, warrants were immediately is. sued for the arrest of the woman, and man who calls her wife; but the officers in visiting the spot again, found that the birds had flown; net ther the man nor female being about the prem• ises. It is surmised that they are concealed in the city, and if so, it is hoped that they may be ferretted out, and made to suffer the righteoes penalty of their most damning crime. The entire community of Covington is justly shock. ed with the dire iniquity of this transaction.— Cin. Times. Sinking of a British Vessel by a Whale The London Shipping Gazette of the 26th of March, pub Hale. the following report of Cap. tain Junes, of the British schooner Waterloo, of Portmadoe, which was sunk in the North Sea by a whale ; • "The Waterloo sailed from Lynn for Settle. dam (with barley) on the 19th inst. At 10 A. 91.. of the 21st., Lowestoft bearing W. by N., distant about 50 miles, wind E., strong gale, and high seas, vessel' under double reefed canyons, upon a wind ; on the port tack, per calved a large whale to windward runitin;z down for the vessel, partly out of stater, and swimming at a very rapid rate ; and, when about ten yard e from the ship's side, dipped, and struck the vessel under water, abreast of the fore rigging, on the port side, with his head, with n fearful blow, when the vessel was per• coined to heel and crack, and suer striking the vessel the whale plunged into the deep headtormost and rose his tail on high, nearly touching the foreyard, and then disappeared. "The pimps were fixed and worked. but by halfpast 12 foetid nlie.liad five feet of water 1.1 the well, and nettling down fist, whets the long boats was cleared and lashings ettt away. luso nearly floated off the decks, when all hands (six in number) jtituped into her without food or water, and the master, mate and tv. to et. without pickets, and only one oar and tit another 111 the beat, with the sea ruis, In about twenty minutes after abalido,,, thus vessel she capsized, ~d floated for 'oat rho same space of time on her side. and then die - appeared, headformost, at about half pest 1 P. hi. 'At the time she capsized there wan a French fishing boat about four miles to the windward and on perceiving her capsize, immediately bore up to the sinking vessel. The boat proved to be No. 22, Captain Jo• aleph Leelong, of Cahtis, which took all the crew on board at about 2 P. N., whet' , 0, 7 were all most kindly treated, and latattl at Inis, at midnight, whet, they worn p.,vide l Wt' and furnished - with jacket+, by - Bonham, Esq., IL B. M's Consul, aid sent to Louden. Terrible Tragedy in Beloit, WA. From a private letter nt Beloit, we learn tie: following particulars of a gyeadful traptly which occurred in that pluce en the m twning of the 23,1 last The wife of a citizen of that town was awa kened from her sleep on the morning of the 23d., by n noise which she beard in an adjoin ing apartment. In a moment more, she saw gloms from a dark lantern, held by a man in that room, and screaming with affright, a woks her husband, who was sleeing at her tide.— As he sprang from the lie d the intruder fired at him with a pistol, the hall just missing his head and burying itself in the pillow. Snatch• ing a double-barrelled gun from the wall, hs discharged both barrels at the intruder. 'Elm contents of one barrel entered the man's head and the other his body, killing him instantly.— Leaving the body where it fe)l, the gentleman and his wife proceeded to the nearest neighbor, told him what bad happened, and induced !dm to return with them to his house. But imag• ine the feelings of the neighbor. himself a man universally esteemed and reseted, to recog• nine in the mangled body of the dead robber, his mon son Upon returning to his house, the father found bin sun's room unoccupied, the window open, and a rope ladder extending front the window to the ground. The gentleman who shut the robber had suf. fered the loss of two gold watches some time before, in a mysterious manner and now nttrib• rites the theft to this person.— Chicago Tribune, Friday. Extraordinary Well. In an interesting letter to the New York Courier uud Enquirer, Mr. E. hfcriani, the New York meteorologist, slates that there is in Lockport, N. Y., an artesian well four hundred Net in depth, from the bottom of which rises a vein of snit water, holding in combination a a large per centage of deliquescing chlorides, which mingling with the waters of other veins, produce instantaneous crystalizations of beau• tiful selenile, in flattened eight.sided prisms of about an inch in length, an eighth of an inch in width, and a sixteenth of an inch in thick. ness. e 'aniline of these are so perfect that a single crystal may be divided by means of heat, into two dozen distinct sheets. This well is peculiar in more respects than one. It is accustomed to spout salt water for but a few moments at a time, and then subsiding remains quiet for the space ofau hour, at the conclusion of which it again bogit.s to puff and roar and shoot forth Its saline Jets. When the workmen were sinking this well, the anger, upon attain in g the depth of two fiundred and thirty feet, fell suddenly about fourteen feet, and reached the bottom of a subterranean river flowing with so strong a current as to produce a perceptible motion in the upper part of the stein of the auger. __— lair The wheat crop in the west protnisee to he a tremendous one, MCI Arty the tt•eateen of Irmo,