Cu au *doom air Oror—tho Court. gar Pleasent—the weather. par Have faith and struggle on. Ver Coining—the fourth of July. liEr• Activity is not always energy. /kr! Cool—Long & Decker's Ice cream. ter' Read that sermon on the first page. SEA' Becoming fashionable—to talk German. katr It is said that Pierce is a Know• Nothing. "kr The just man will flourish, in spits of envy. par Potatoes are selling in the South at per bushel. gar Fascinating—some of do young Indies of our town. Di' Water boils at 127 degreet., at the top of Mt. Blanc. ler Lelrhim that thinketh lie standeth, take heed lest he failed!. pfarl7e that soweth of the flesh, shall of the flesh reap corruption: fib Not a Know Nothing—the paste and scissors editor of the Globe. SFr William B. Astor, (son of John Jacob) is the richest man in New York City. 11/6 — A quaint writer has defined time to be "the vehicle that carries everything into noth• ing." tar Bill Brown Nays that his Shanghai rooster is as tall, that he has to get down on his knees to crow. girl' A New York journal states that a lady in that city has made n quarter of a million of .dollars by teaching school. ger Horace Greely has sailed for Europe and intends being present at the opening of the Worlds Pair in Paris on May neat. SW A rascally old bachelor 1191C3-' what is the most difficult operations a surgeon can per. form 7 To take the fate out of woman." j A lot of fellows wont on a deer hunt the other day, in Arkansas, and in less than three hours, captured fire girls awl a woman. gar Tho sand in the hourglass reminds us not only of the swift flight of time, but also of the dust into which we are one day to cram• Vir The man that was "transported with bliss," has returned to his native lamb having nerved out him time. Bliss has two years long• .or to serve SW Mr. Clark will remain in town until Fri. day evening, all those wanting daguerreotypes, 'had better improve the time by calling on him immediately. titir The last new society spoken of in Cali. fertiln is the Pay-Nothing,. It is said to be a• larmingly prosperous. The password is" Lend me a dollar"—the response is " Broke." le.-The French Legation at Washington, it is stated, has intimated that should hostilities ensue between the United States and Spain, France would promptly support her European neighbor. tar We continue to have the best accounts of the coming wheat crop. From lowa, Eli nuts, Wisconsin, Indiana nod Michigan, nil re ports are, cheering—the wheat fields never looked better. QIIi The reciprocity treaty is rapidly devel. oping its good*eireets in the large receipts of produce, lumber, ke., from Canada, since the opening of lake navigation. Among the re ceipts arc 66,000 bbls. of Canadian flour. ler A most interesting sight to see, is that of a young lady with '• lips like rubies," and with "teeth of pearly whiteness," and with cheeks that have stolen the "deep carnation of the deathless rose," with her mouth full of gin gcr•brcad PR?* The Springfiehl Republican says, that the ICnow•Nothing who would not use the word patriot, because it began with put, has conclu ded to emigrate somewhere, because : he has at last found out that "America was discovered by a foreigner. 116th' Tho New York Tribune gives a new name to an old party. The party is composed of those who are cor.tinually affected at the prospects of a dissolution of our Union, and the Tribune names them the Buo-boos. Well, nuw, make way for the 800-boos. stir To go to sleep easy, read .some of the Philadelphia "weekly papers,"—Neto York Sunday Altos. To which the Philadelphia PosOcjoins "To go to the devil easy, read some of the New York Sunday papers." g Among the most detestable and disgrace ful practices that young men can ho guilty of, is going to church and be laughing and talking during tine-of service, or when the congrega tion is dismissed, to ho standing about the church doors, staring people in the face as they come out. bar The House of Commons of the English Parliament ; has abolished the stamp duty on newspapers. This ant affects the social and po litical interests of the British Empire more than the war with Russia. It is a concession to the people which will be attended with the happiest results. ' stir The little bantum of the Globe nc• knowledges the charge we brought against him, in the Journal of the 11th inst., ah, it touched a sore place, it made him blush, poor fellow how we pity him. It is generally supposed when a man acknowledges "the corn," he has agreed to "cave in; for when a dog is engaged in a fight and "wags his tail," it is a sure sign he is whipped. In a recent speech, a /tlr. Crane, of Va. made the following oratorical flight: " I pledge myself to you, and to the world, i . _ _ old Randolph don't give a largo majority fot Wise, I'll seize the highest nob of Cheat foun. lain within her liruits, by the shaggy tops of its gigantic ehesnut oaks, and sling it clear in , to the Pacific Ocean," Mr The General Assembly of the Preoby. terian Church, in the United States of Ameri ca, will meet on Thursday, May 17, 1955, at eleven o'clock A. M., in the Ist Presbyterian 'Church of the City of St. Louis, and be opened with a sermon by Rev. Taos. H. Samna, I), D., the Moderator of the last Asiembly. The Committee of Commissioners will meet at 9 o'- clock 4. 4., of Cm same day, in the lecture pow of the Ist Church, Valuable Discoveries ofeopper Ore in the Gadsden Territory. Wo had exhibited to us on yesterday a fine specimen of copper ore, which to all appear ance, contained a very large proportion of the pure metal, as it is visible all over the surface of the specimen. The mine from which it is extracted is situated in the Gadsden purchase, and, as will be seen by_ the subjoined abstract of a letter written to Mr. Cory, member of the Assembly of this State, promises to prove of incalculable valise. The letter referred to is dated at Camp Agua Caliente, Arizona Mountains, January 12th 1854. The writer some months previously chanced • to fall in with a party who were preparing to explore that portion of Sonora acquired by the Gadsden treaty, and to take possession of val uable mines, should they be so fortunate as to discover such. Tim party in time found a copper mine, which has proven to be rich and extensive. The ore has been assayed, and found to contain seventy .five per cent of cop. per, in addition to which there are from one to one and a half ounces or gold per hundred wci ght. This mine is within one hundred miles of teamboat navigation on the Colorado river.— !he writer, however, says thateight of the coin any were left at the mines to build houses and old possession of their claim, while the amainder are engaged in making explorations for silver. Sever n al n mines containing lend, nil. wry and some copper, also a little gold have been discovered. The richness of the speci• metes had not been tested. There is no doubt in the mind of the writer, that the country pos• sesses, in a great measure, the mineral wealth it is reputed to have. The gold mines are represented nn the poorest of nil. 'The silver and leitd mines appear as if they were worked some fifty or more years ago.— The cause of their being abandoned was the hostility of the Indians, which continues to this day to be dreaded by the Mexican race. The products of the country are sold cheap, but foreign goods are held at exorbitant rates. The writer says that he would like no better business than that of inerchandizing reithin the American territory adjacent to the new bonn. dary line. Dry goods, on which the tramper. tation charges are trifling, will yield an aver , age profit of one hundred per cent. Shares in the Company's mineral property are valued at from $5OOO to $50,000. The writer says that, although these pricer may sewn visionary, it should be considered that twenty•four men only have an inexhaustible mountain of ore, and containing , also gold en• ough to pay all expenses of digging and trans• porting the ore to Europo.—Sarremcnto tie. On the 25tb ult., 75 families passed Louisville, bound for Kansas. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. There to no change to notice in the Flour market. The receipts and stocks continue small, and prices are firm. There is little or too export demand, and the only transactions reported are 1161200 barrels at $ll per bar rel tier superfineond $11,50 for extra and ex tra family ; a sale of 400 half barrels Balti more a $11,25 per pair. Rye Flour is not so much inquired after—we quote at $7,25. Corn Meal is held firmly at $4,75 per barrel. Grain—There is a fair demand for Wheat at our last quotations, but supplies continue to come forward very slowly. Sales of 2000 bushels at $2,75 per bushel for red, and $2,82 for prime Pennsylvania white, afloat. The market is bare of Rye and it is wanted at 30. Corn continues in fair request, and fur. titer sales of 8 'OO,OOO bushels yellow were made at $1,06, and 1200 bushels white at $l,. 03, afloat. Oats are dull-1000 bushels prime Delaware sold at 70 cents per bushel, and some dark at a lower rate. Clovurseed is but little inquired after—we pm. prime new at $G,25 per 61 lbs. Aar, ' At Rays Hill, Bedford CO., Pa. on Sunday morning, April 15th, lir. D. M. Pa., in the rith year of his age. In this place, on Mender evening, the 11th ult., Miss MARTHA GLASGOW, in the 21st year of her age. She was a vrofeasor of religion in connexion pith the M. E. Church, and t‘lornett her index ion by a remarkably eonsistentand devotional • Her sufferings were severe and protracted, but she never comphtined, and always looked forward to death u:ith cheerful resiinatiun— She died in the full exercise of her faculties, and without a doubt, hasgone home to her Savior. "Blessed are the dead who die its the Lord." On Tuesday morning, 17th inst., JOHN CHALMESS, youngest son of John and Anna M. Head ; aged 2 years, 1 month, and 13 days. "He died in beauty, like the snow On %towers dissolved away, He died in beauty, liken star Lost on the brow of day. So young nod yet so sorely tried Our darling son droop'd and died, From every care and pain relieved, . We can rejoice e'en while we grieve. I hope you will remember him, Though his face no more you see ; In Heaven again we all will meet, From all sin and sorrow free." On the,norning of the 14th inst., at the res• idenee of her son-in•law, Judge White, of this borough, Mrs. JUDITH McOoNNEI.I,, in the 934 year of hor,age. The deceased wits indeed a relic of the last century. She was born in Hay of the year 1763, in Frederick county, Virginia. While she was finite young her littler emigrated to Central Pennsylvania, yet in its rude state— the home of the notice Indian. With the events of the early settlement of Pennsylvania prior to the establishment of its present form of government, she was familiar and always retained a lively recollection. Many a time and oft" the writer of this has listened to her detailed nod interesting accounts of the den. Kers and uncertainties of what was their fron tier life. Her father settled with his family - in Huntingdon County, adhere she afterwards married Alexander McConnell, Esq., with whom she lived as a devoted wife until his death in 1822. Shortly after that time she crossed the Allegheny mountains and made her home in the family of her youti n , at daugh ter, where elm died. Mrs. McConnell was trimly 'a remarkable woman, and there aro ninny features of her long life to excite the pride and emulation of her numerous posteri• ty. It has been the lot of few women to live so long and so well. Her heart was full of the charities and sympathies of her sex. Her in tellect was ever vigorous and active. Early in life her mind was directed to religion, and to act as an humble, sincere christian was her -constant effort. An she lived and died—calm serene, ham. To the last the kindness and usefulness of her nature was manifest. But a few moments before her death, her reason yet unclouded, she was solicitous for the health and happiness of those about her and fearful lest she should be what she called a "trouble." In the course of nature, her earthly career was complete ; yet so necessary bud she be come to the household of her later days,that her absconee will bo an unreconciled reality.— To the immediate circle of her friends she seems to have an immortally, so long had she resisted the "fell destroyer." But the grave has at last achieved its victory. Full of years she now sleop3 the sleep of death, with the sweet unimorie. of a pure life about her.- "Nothing is here for tears, nothing to wail, Or knock the breast ; no weakness or con tempt, Dispraise or blame, nothing but well and fair, And What may comfort us in a death so no „Lk,” H. RAILROAD 1101188. TRAINS Coma EAST. Mail T. I Ex. T. I E. T. I Ex. T. Train leaves RM. • P.M. P.M. A,M. Petersburg, 2.40 8.00 4.25 Huntingdon, 2.56 8.14 • 4.40 Mill Creek, 3.08 9.25 4.50 Mt. Union, 3.25 8.40 5.03 TUAINS GOING WEST. Train leaves P.M P.M. A.M. A.M. Mt. Union, 4.33 8.12 6.35 6,25 Mill Creek, 4.51 8.25 7.04 6.39 Ilontingbon, 5.07 8.38 7,43 6.52 Petersburg, 5.23 8.49 8.13 7.05 A FINE assortment of Linen Coats, Vests and Pants from B'4 upwards for sale nt the cheap clothing store of 11. HOMAN.- TOSEPH DOUGLASS, in McConnollstown Las constantly on hand, ready mado and is prepared to snake and repair Guns of all kinds at the sht.etast notice. April 23, 1855-Iy, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. LETTE RS of Administration on the estate of LCatharine Gordan, deed., Into of Toil town ship, Huntingdon county, having boon granted to 'the undersigned by tho Register of said county: aIl persons indebted to tail estate will make im mediate settlement, and all persons having claims will present them duly authenticated for settle ment. THOMAS ANDERSON, April 23, 185540 Administro:or. CLOTHING ! A New Assortment Just Opened 1 Anil Will be sold 30 per cent. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST ! H• ROMAN respectfully informs his customers And the public generally, that ho has just opened at his store room in Market Square, Hun tingdon, a splendid new stock of Ready made Clothing for Sprinlfi and Summer, consisting of Superfine black Dress and Frock Coats, black and fancyCassim ere, Cassinct and Corduroy Pantaloons ; a laro assortment of Vests, Hats, Caps, neck an d pocket Hankerchiefs Shirts, Suspenders, Carpet Bags, Trunks, &c., &c., all of which he will sell cheaper than the same quality of Goods can Ito purchased at retail in Philadclphijt or any other establishment in the country. _' -- Persons wishing to buy Clothing would do well to call and examine his stock botoro purchasing elsewhere. 11 tilitingdon, April 23, 1535-ly NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between the undersign ed (trailing under the firm of Conch & Dann,) is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The books of said firm are in the hands al David Dunn with whom all concerned will please to unite Immediate settlement. GEORGE COUCH, DAVID DUNN. April 10, 1855-tf. BROAD TOP DEPOT. Last arrival of Spring and Summer GOODS. f IUNNINGIIAM & DUNN hare just minima kj from Philadelphia, and aro now opening ni the old stand of Josiah Cunningham & Sun at the head of the Broad Top Basin, a splendid as• sortment of now goods, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard-ware, Queens-ware, Cedar-ware, Hats, boots and shoes. Also, BACON, SALT, 11511 AND PLASTER, and in short everything that is usually kept in a country store. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine our Stock, as we are determined not to be undersold by any house in town. All kinds of country produce taken in ex change for Goods at tho highest market prices. Prompt attention paid to storing and forward ing all kinds of merchandise, produce, &c. tint ingdon, April 24, 1555.-ly SALE OF TOWN LOTS, Tll , ll undersigned will offer at Public Sale on Thursday the 31st day of May ' next, 100 lots of ground in the village of Cotlhellain, in Hope well township, Huntingdon county. This vil lage will hn directly on the Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad, north of thebridge over Cone (Inn, and the lots offered for sale will lie on both sides of the Railroad, where the public road from Entrain. to the Woodcock valley road, by John Beavers, crosses the railroad at grade. All the trade and travel lending to the Broad Toplinilroad from the rich valleys of Trough Creek and Plank Cabin, through Tatman, Gap, will arrive at tho railroad at this point, and, on the other side, the trade and travel from Morri son, Cove, by the public road from Martinsburg to Phimmers, will reach the railroad nt the seine point. A limestone quarry of excellent building stuno, and a good sow mill, are within half a mile of the place, and plenty of timber in the neighborhood. • A plan of the town will be exhibited, and terms of solo made known on the day of sale. Salo to continence at two o'clock, P. M., of said day on the promises. DAVID BLAIR. Huntingdon, April 17,1855.-41 SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. SEVASTOPOL NOT TAKEN cUo _ X3o' Tile I'_ AVE juit reenived from Philadelphia the handsomest assortment of Goods ever offer ed to the citizens of this place, and at lower pri ces than can be got at any other house, consist ing as follow: DRESS GOODS, such as Summer Silks, Chunays, Barnes, Lawns, &c., &c. FOR THE LADIES, Calieb's, Chimazetts, Undersleeves, Laces and the greatest variety ofilrees Trimmings in town. BOOTS AND SHOES of every variety, such as fine Boots, Ladies' Gaiters, Misses Gaiters and Slippers, Ladies' Buskins, and a great variety of Childrens!Boots and Shoes, HATS AND CAPS, such no lehite Silk, black Silk, Kossuth Hats of every variety. Panama nod St raw Huts, and a beautiful assortment of Bonnets, English, Straw, Brittle, Silk and Crapo Bonnets, Bloomer lints and Flats for children.' HARDWARE AND QUEENSWARE, of every variety and at lower prices than ever. Cloths, Cassimers and Summer Goods of every variety and color. CARPET AND OIL CLOTHS. a magnificent assortment, and at exceedingly low prices. GROCERIES of every variety, and of good quality. Wo are determined to sell our old stock off at reduced prices. We Iwo en hind every variety of Goods usually kept in a country store. April Id, 1855-0: DENTISTRY. • • DR. J. R. HEWITT, Surgeon i p ) r c ol tist Onk r iTr c r t i ll‘ilY to tsro' his may wish operations on the teeth. °Mee with 1),. Hewitt, Alexandria, Huntingdon Co.. ra. April 10, 1855—Gm'. LITTLE Onions for sale at the now store of CUNNINUIIAM & DUNN. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, AT THE OLD STAND. Or*. AII KW4,, HAS just received from Pliiindelpilia and is now opening nt the old stand in Market Square, the largest and prettiest asortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, ever brought to the borough of Huntingdon. My stock consists in part of Cloths, Cas timers, black and fancy Satinettes, Tweeds, and a largo variety of Goods of all kinds, Ladies' Dress and Fancy Goods, of the latest style and best quality. A large as sortment of Undersleeves, Collani and Spencers black and figured Silks, it great variety of Prints and Chimes, Lawns, Baron Detains, Delains figured, plain and barred, Edginr. Lace, Ribbons, Racy and black Gimp, Silk " lace, colored Kid Gloves, Gents' Black do., Linen and Silk Iblklk., blank Italian Cravats, Hosiery, &c.. HATs & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, and n fine assortment of STRAW GOODS. A good supply of }mils tlctocEßlEri, HA lli) ir..l Q . .......... ....... _ GLASS IVA 'le b AND 'EI AUIVARL My stock has been selected with the greatest care in regard to quality and price, and I flutter myself that I can offer inducements to purcha sers not to he lound elsewhere. Call and see my Goods and examine for your. selves. Thankful for the patronage of the past by my friends and the public generally, 1 ,respectfully solicit a continuance of the MM. April 10, 1855-ti. DR. HAGUE'S GREAT WORK CHRISTIANITY AND STATESMANSHIP with lights on Kindred Topics. By Wil linys Hogue. 12mo. Cloth. Price $1 This i; a volume thnt will interest every pa triot. In it ore developed the relations of Chris tendom to the Ottoman power, and other topics peculiarly interesting nt the present day. "Dr. nague is a lively and beautiful writer on nil subjects, but particularly so we think upon the topic treated of in this hook. Its historical sketches are comprehensive and brilliant, and it is n book which cannot 11,11 to do an important service to the rending public."—N. Y. Chronicle. "Characterized by elegant culture, and wide philosophical views."—N. Y. Record,. - • "They are discussed with a breadth of view mid n pervading liberality of opinion, which in dicates the studious thinker and shrewd observer of affairs quite as much as the professed theolo- Fian. Mr. Ilagues various and accurate learn ing is effectually made use of in the illustration of his arguments, and gives a certain cellular like air to his book, though withont approaching the borders of pedantry or furnutlism.—N. Tribune "Every page in it is like sterling gold, fresh from the mind of his sanctified gems ; and will make the intellectual end spiritual miner, in search of precious ore, rich indeed. Read any ono of the twenty-eight copies handled with en intellect of strength and power, and you would own that the volume would ho cheap at thrice its offered price."—Allemy Si.ciator. EDWARD H. FLETCHER, Publisher, No. 117 Nassau St. New York. April 10, 1855-4 t. MOUNTAIN ACADEMY, Birmingham, Huntingdon Co., Pa. MIIIS Institution has been prospered thus thy, rather through the choice of those who have actually acquainted themselves with the advan tages of the location anti the school itself, than through undue exertion to have it favorably known. 'The sons of ministers, and voting men who have been engaged in teaching and are desi rous of fitting themselves more thoroughly fur the profession are admitted free •of Tuition.— Page's Theory and Practice of Teaching used as text-honk ; also Pelton's Outline Maps, for the illustrntion of Geography. Terms—Boarding, Tuition and furnished room per session $58,00 and 60,00, payable quarterly in advance. Lessons on Piano and Melodeon extra. _ . . The Summer term opens on Wednesday April, 25th inst. THOMAS WARD, Principal, THOMAS SCOTT, Assistant, April 10, 1855—St. BOOKS! BOOKS ! ! 25,000 ."2,T,, 1 ,Pai s .boot . „l`,lse_wf: i _ l 7l embracing every variety to to had in Boston, New York and Philadelphia—the subscriber has just received and offers for sale extremely low. His stock of STATIONARY is of great variety end superior quality as fol lows :—Foolseaps, Letter, Note and Wrapping Paper. Envelopes of every kind ; Gold end Steel Pens, Portmonies, Pocket Books, Pen Knives, Pocket Knives, &e. School Books of every kind used in the country, at wholesale and retail meet. 1000 PIECES WALL PAPI R. of the latest and prettiest styles, Just re tiverl for sale at Philadelphia retail prices. All the shove stock the public will find it to be to their interlst to cull and examine before purchnsing elsewhere, as he is determined to give satislitction to every customer. Store opposite Whittaker's Hotel, Railroad street. • WM. COLON. Huntingdon, April 10, 1855.—tf DI.4SOLVTION. CIO-PARTNERSHIP existing between the IJ subscribers endue the Finn into of Blair, Robinson & Co., expired by Limitation on the lot day of April, 1855, not has not been renCw ad. 11. C. Robinson is alone antho•ized to set tle the business of the firm and use the lien name in lila idntion n. E. rani, B. X. BLAIR . , 11. U. ROBINSON. N. B. The Tan-Factory will be continued by the subscriber who will pay the highest price in cash for Bark. B. X. BLAIR & Co, April 10,1855-3 t.• GRIPE VINES FOR SALE. MESSRS. TAYLOR AND DIMMER will dispose of some of their genuine Catawba and habella grope vines, at the usual nursery prices. The vines are vigorous have good roots' and will bear in one or two years. Being the hardiest and most productive native varieties, they will require no other attention thun plant ing and pruning. One or two dollars' worth of vines will supply any ordinary family with the most agreeable and wholesome fruit ; which, with a little care, can be kcpt from September till March. _ April 1", 18.55-3t.* AumiNisTnATows LETTERS of Administration on the estate of Henry Laughlin, deed., Into of the town ship of Brady, Huntingdon county, having been granted to the undersigned by the Register of said county; ali persohs indebted to said estate will make immodiate settlement, nod all persons having claims will present them duly authenti cated fin settlement, ASA S. STEVENS, Administrator. Aprillo, 1055-61.• IMMOVAN. MRS. SARAH KULP wishes to inform the ladies of Huntingdon and the surrounding country that she has moved next door to Charles Miller above the Presbyterian Church, Hill where she intends carrying on the fancy and straw Millinery lIUSIIICSS. Having received the * latest city fashion, she is prepared to attend to all that Stay favor her with their custom. April 10, 1855—tt S. A. KULP. riF beet assortment of Hosiery in town eon swing of Ladies, Gentlemen, Misses and Children of every variety for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. CIARPET Bags, Looking Bias!. and Minks, l just recciVod and Inc sale by xtmovAs. rPIIE undersigned wishes to inform his friends 1 and the-public generally that he has mooed his shop to tho building of And. linrrison, tbr merly occupied by him as Collector's eke, 11111 St. Where ho intends carrying on the Tailoring business on such terms as will not fall to glee satisfaction to all that may favor hint with their custom. . . 110 wishes to return thanks for the liberal pa trollop heretofata received and hopes by strict attentten to business to merit a sopinnanceof ENOS 11. KULI', the snme. CApril 1 . 0, 1855-tf. If you want to get the Worth of your Money, call at D. P. Gwin's Cheap Store. r. HAS opened one of the largest and prettiest assortments of Spring and Summer goods ever brought to Misplace. Consisting of Cloths, Cassimers, Vestings, Kentucky Jeans, Cotton Stripes, Linens. Muslim, &e., Ladies Dress Goods. Plain and Fancy Silks, Plain nod Figured Chia, Spring Delains, Berage Delains, Plain Beragc of all Colors, Debarge Dress nod Do mestic Gingliams. A largo lot of Lawns nod great variety of prints, &c. Hosiery, dcc. Hosiery of ell kinds, Gloves, Kid, Silk, Rid Finish, Mitts, Long and Short, Veils, Collars, Uttlersleeves, Ehimazetts, Enthroirdered Hand kerchiefs, Stamped Collars and Utadersleeves, Head Grosses, Ladies Caps, Ribbons, Colored Crapes, Florence Silks, Gentlemens Fancy Handkerchiefs, Dress Trimmings, and a varietv of goods to numerous to mention. Also, a large assortment of Bonnets, Flats, Rats and Shoes, Oil Cloths, Cedar Ware, Buck ets, Tubs, Sc.- Groceries, Queensware, Hardware and Salt. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine my goods, as I can and will sell cheap er than 911 cheapest.. . . . All kinds of country Produce taken in cx change for goods at the highest market prices. Huntingdon, April 3, 1835.—tf VISSCWITTON. THE partnership heretofore existing between Nylon and Musser is by mutual consent dis solved, and all persons knowing themselves in debted to the said firm, will please call and set tle their accounts without delay. MYTON & BIOSSER. Soulshorg, April 2, 1855.—tf MOUNTAIN FEMALE SEMINARY, Birmingham, Huntingdon county, Pa. rim is Institute is situates] on the Pennsylvania 1 Bail Road, and occupies one of the most de sirable locations in the state. It is so easy of ac cess, retired, healthful, and surrounded with such romantic mountain scenery, that no one who wishes to learn, could find an institution more fa vorably situated. Experienced teachers who are graduates of Troy and Mt. Holyoke ftieminnries are employed in this institution, and no palms will be sparest to sustain its growing reputation s The summer term commences the last Tuesday in April and continues live months. Charges to date from the time of entering, nod no deductions made for absence except in case of sickness Pu pils frosts abroad are expected to board in tie Seminary Building with the Principal who gives Isis elitists attention to their interest and tsdvance ment. TERMS. Boarding, Tuition and furnished rooms per term SOO 00 German, French, Painting, Drawing mut Instrumental Musty, Extra. Itur. I. W. WARD, Principal. Mach 27,185341. FAIR-MOUNT FEMALE INSTITUTE. Water Street, Pa, 'VIII: second session of this Institution will be opened on the Ist day of May. school, as its title indicates, is designed exclusively lilt Females; and it is the aim of the Principal in its establishment, to ❑sort in diffusing a useful and practical education. From the encourage ment already received, he has been induced to make additional pt °visions for the entertainment and instruction of hi* Pupils. The services of competent 'ranchers hove been secured, whose time will he exclusively devoted to the inter. cots of the school, Tiot,ts. Board, Tuition, and !limns for the term of 18 weeks *out $4O to $45 according to branches of study. • Lessons on Piano and 'Melodeon nt Reasomble rates._ • Earl}• applications solicited. S. 11. REID, Principal. March 26, 1855-6 t.• • DISSOLUTION. TlLLpartnership heretofore existing between . Brown and Hagerty is this day bytnu. tual consent dissolved. All persons knowing themselves indebted to the said firm, will please call and settle their neeennts without delay. H. L. BROWN, J. H. HAGE.RTY March 27 1855—tf. rouNn. HMS found on the road between Huntingdon yv and MeConnellatown, about the first of Vebruary, last, a " Housing." Tho owner coo have it by proving property, end paying charges. JOHN LE March 27 1855—tf. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. LETTERS of Administration on the'estate of Abraham Bransteter, deed., into of the township of Warriormark, Huntingdon county, having been granted to the undersigned by the Register of said county, all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment, and all persons haring claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement. GEORGE DRANSTETTRR, March 20, 1855, Administrator. SEIRLEYSURG FEMALE SEMINARY, Shirleyaburg, Huntingdon Co., Pa. PILE subscriber gives notice that he has as j_ slimed the charge of this Institution as Prin cipal, end that ho will open it for the reception of pupils, on Wednesday Mar and. It posses ses superior attractions in its healthful location, convenient buildings and handsome grounds.— The Principal flatters himself that equal advan tages will be found in the nequirements of his Lady and himself, end their skill gained by long experience in New York City, and other places. They will spare no exertion to give their pupils a thorough intellectual training, a cultivated taste, polished manners, and, above all, moral culture fonuded on pure christianity without sec tarian bias. The charge for board wills English tuition will ho „per term of 22 weoks, Day tuition per quarter, - - - - $4 00 to $6 00 Reasonable extra charges will ho made fur an cient and modern languages. Music, Drawing and Painting. 'fill the opening, circulars, containing full par ticulars May ho obtained of William 13. Lens, Shirloysburg, Pa.. or of the subscriber at 121 Clinton Place, New York. J. R. KIDDER, A. Br. Rervannscne.—Rev'ile. Wm. R. Williume, and A. 1). Gillette, or Now York City. March 13, 1855-81. Fisp, Salt, Plaster, Nails, Iron and Stecl, all lauds of country produce, taken in for Goods at the store of J. & W. SAXTON. GENT Cravats and Scarfs of every variety.— also Gray Stocks, just received and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. pA to itA a k s s o o t ilo ro r r ti e v e .e i r ! beet yuktity front 73 y J. & W. SAXTON. PORE WRITE LEAD , just rueeirod and fur sub, by J. & W. SAXTON. STARTLING, BUT TRUE: NHAT EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW How often It happens, that tho wife lingers from year to year in that pitiatle condition as not oven for ono day to feel the happy and exhilarating influ ence Incident to the enjoyment of health. TIIE BLOOMING BRIDE, nut a few years ago in the flush of health and youth, and buoyancy of spirits, rapidly, and apparently in explicably, becomes a feeble, sickly, sallow, debili tated wife, with frame emaciated, nerves unstrung, spirits depressed, countenance bearing the impress of suffering, and an utter physical and mental pros tration, arising from ignorance of the simplest and plainest rules of health as connected with the mar giaffeerinstgandloisoviTidlant lootnonoify to the o:ll.f:lEl,gs:re% HEREDITARY COMPLAINTS UPON THE CHILDREN " UNTO um THIRD AND FOURTH OEM:RATION," Tokuont ttttt is CONSUMPTION. SCROFULA. HYPOCHONDRIA, INSANITY, (TUT. and worse Dlersa., ne a DREADFUL INHERITANCE FROM THE PARENTS. Ana most this continue? Most this IA? is there no remedy? No relief? No hope?" The remedy is by knowing the °noses and avoiding them, and knowing the remedies, and !reediting by them. These aro pointed out in THE MARRIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION, BY DR 1 If 311URICEAU, PROF FTWOR OF DOW.Mgp OF WOMEN. One Hundredth Edition, (50 - 0,000), ]Elmo., pp. 250. Gov FM nem, Fanu mmxa, $1.00.] A standard work of establiAct reputation, found classed In the catalogues of the great trade sales In New York, Philadelphia, and other cities, and ,c.ll by the principal booksellers in tho'hal Slates. It was first published In 1847, since which time PIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND COMM have been add, of which there were upwarld of • ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SENT BY MAIL, attesting the high estimation he which it is held•ee a re liable popular Medical BOOK FOR EVERY FEMALE the author having devoted his evelomive attention to the treatment of complaints peculiar to female., in respect to which he le yearly consulted by (human& both in Immo sad by letter. liere every woman can discover, by comparing her owe symptoms with those described, the nature, character, causes of, and the proper remedies for, her complaints. The wife about becoming a mother Ilan often need of Instruction and advice of the utmost importance to her futons health, In respect to which her sensitiveness for bids consulting a medical gentleman, will find such in struction and advice, and also explain many symptoms which otherwise would occasion anxiety or alarm as all the peculiarities Incident to her situation aro described. flow many are suffering from obstructions or it-regal:m iaow peculiar to the female system, which undermine the health, the effects of which they aro ignorant, and for which their delicacy Ibrbids seeking medical advice. Many suffering from prolapms Wort (falling of the womb), or from floor abbot (weaknenn, debility, ha.) Many aro In &Ault agony for many month. preceding cootne. moat Many have difficult if not dangerous deliveries, and blow and uncertniu recoveries. Some whose lives aro haatrded during such time, will each find in its pager the tueans of prevention, amelioration and relict. It Is of course impracticable to convey fully the various aubjecta treated of, as they aro of a nature strictly ire tended for eke married or those contemplating marriage. Reader, are you a husband or a father? a wife or a mother? flaw you the sincere welfare of Ohms you love at heart? Provo your sincerity, and lose no limo in •ening abet moms laterfere with their health and hop es not less than your own. It MU avoid to you area 'town, as it lam to thousands, many a day of pain and anxiety, followed by sleepless nights, incapacitating the mind for its ordinary avocation, and exhausting them means for medical attendance, medicines and advertised nontrums which otherwise would provide for declining years, the infirmities of ago and the proper &location of your children. In onnsegnence of the universal popularity of the work, as evidenced by its extraordinary sale, various imposi tions have been attempted, as well on booksellers as ea the public, by imitations of title page, spurious editions, and surreptitious Infringements of copyright, and other devices and deceptions, it has been found nreennary, therefore, to CAUTION THE PUBLIC to boy no book unless the words "Dr. A. M. Ilsruirnso, llberty Street, N. Y.," la on (and the entry to the Clerk's Ogee on the back of) the title page; and boy only of respectable and honomble dealers, or send by malt, and address to Dr. A. M. /fitturleeau. ligr Upon receipt of One Dollar "THE MAR. RIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL OOM. PANION" in sent (maiktl free) to any part of the United States, the Canada. and British Province.. All letters must be postpaid, and addremed to Dr. A. M. MALFRIOEAN, boa Mt, New Oily, Publishing 01St., N, 129 Liberty Street, NOW. York. AGENTS IN PENNSTLVANI.9., T. l 3 Peterson, J. M. Moss & 13r0., and Thu.Cowpertlutit, Ph:l.atelAin—M.. Cynthia Honesdale—Spangler ez Bro., Lan. caster—S. Tuck, Wilfresborre—.l. B. Gunnison B.Lauffer, Grcotabury—B. Hall, Pi/Wen—Dr. S. D. Scott, lkdford—L•`.T. 1111- derhrand, Indiana-3. S. Nickson and Col. A. K. McClure, Chambersburg—Joseph Swartz, Bloomsburg—G W Earle, 10tyneybore—Pot, ter & McMann Bellefinite-11. A. Lance, Revd/ad—Wm. Colon, Huntingdon. February 6,1855-6 tn. --- JUNIATA ACADEMY. TnE Summer Session of this Institution, loca ted in Shirleysintrz, will commence May lot, 1855, and continue five; months. _ The loention being pleasant, free from the Ague and Fever of the Juniata Valley, and easy of access by a daily lino of Conches from Mt. Union, seven miles distant, on the Central 11. N., is well stilted as a retreat for youth leaving home, Mr a High School. In addition to good Build ings, there is provided a 'Chemical and Philoso phical Apparatus at a cost of over $lOOO. No ardent Spirits are sold in the town, and Board ing can ho hail as reasonable as anywhere else in the centre of the State. ...fie - iC;iiiii;dica; - ;;ured. the assistance of Mr. E. I'. Swir-r, A. B. of 'jefferson College, and son of the Rev. E. P. SWIFT, D. D. No reasonable pains will be spared to give literary training, along with all proper attention to the moral and religious culture of the pupils, In or der to prepare for entering our hest colleges, and especially in view of practical lip, the groat end of education. The government will be firm, yet parental. Personal advantage, a sense of honor, and the great laws of the Bible will be appealed to rather than the teachers authority. TERMS.—Boarding, tuition and room, per ses sion, in the family of the Principal, fifty dollars. Early application desirable. Tuition in Primary English, eight dollars. Higher English, ten dollars. Classics, twelve dollars. Payable (innerly in advance. REV. G. W. SHAIFFEII, A. M., _ _ _ Principal. REFKIttiNCER.—IIor. A. B. Brown, D. 15. Roo. Win. Smith, D. D., Cnnonsbnrg—Rev. D. Elliott. D. D.—Rev. E. P. Swift, D. D., Alin. glinny—Rev. A. G. 'D. D., Princeton, N. J.—Ron. George Elliott, Alexandria--John Brewster, Esq., Sliirleysburg. Mooch 20, 1855.—tf INDUSTRY MUST PROSPER. JN. BALL respectfully solicits the attention .of the liwming community to a quality of Ploughs which he is now manufacturing, and will have ready for sale in a few days, ho is else pre. pared to make harrows, wagons, carts, wheel barrows, &c., &c., nod to do all kind of repairing at the shortest notice, end in the most substantial - . Shop on N. W. corner ot Montgmcry and Wash , m ira i r i et ts 2 . 7 1855-tf. C ARV. 1" any person is desirous of obtaining any pro perty belonging to mo, I take this opportuni ty of announcing that 1 inn always willing to sell, without requiring tho musty records of the County Dockot to ho overhauled for n pretext for exposing tho santo et " Sherifrs Salo." GEO. W. sum Motet 20, 1855. Amost boantiful lot of Storage do Lane pat, torus, .d in the piece, Irvin ISI gte up to 50 cts.per yard, just recuivod and for sale by J. d' W. 8.1-17'0X RHODEPOS FLIER AM) AGUE CURE, 011) NALI'VRE'S INF.It BLE SPECIFIC - , von the Prevention and Cure of Inm:winrt.:NT 17. and REMIT! ANI FEVER mat Am!, Climbs and Ft:writ, Drmn Antic, tit:Nl:nab DE - 111LITY,NI(IIIT Sn LATn, :Intl all other forms of which have a commit origin in Mnt,agy, ...MIASMA. Thin subtle attno.pherrie poison übicll at certain seasons in unnvodably inimical et every breath, in the same in character wherever it esistn,—North, South East or Went,—and Hilt everywimre yield to thin newly discovered anti dote obit-It In claimed to he the ow:A . I4AT covi,v MIII/IVINK EVEII MADE._ This specific if;solo . irnlessilett it may he ta ifen by persons or every ago, sex or conditon and it will-not substitute for ono disease others still worse, as is too ellen the result in the treatment by Quinine, Mercury, Arsenic, and other poisonous or (Maroons drugs not a mull cle of any of which is admitted into this prepa ration. • I'ho proprietor Alistinetl3 claims three Writ ordinary results from theme of this NATURAL ANTIDOTE TO MALANIA. It will entirely protect any resident or travel ler even in the most sickly or swampy loeulities, from any Ague, or BHI .). di: case whatever, or ton injury from constantly inhaling MAtri:tor It will instantly cheek the Ague In persons who have snared for any length of time. from one slay to twenty years, so that they need never have ANtyrit mt CHILI., by continuing its use uss- COrdill4 to directions, • It will immediately relieve all distressing re tells of Bilious or Ague diseases, such rts general debility, night sweats, S.e. The patient at once be gins to recover appetite and strength, and eontin tics nntil a permanent and radical once is eine t ed. its use will banish Fever end Ague lieu latnilies and ell classes. Farmers and la boring men by adopting it as a preventive will be free front 41gne or Bilious attacks in that season of the year which, while it is the most sickly, is the most valuable see to thorn. Ond or two bottles will answer for ordinary case, some may reqpity more. Directions printed' m German, French riml Spanish, accompany each bottle. l'rice Qoc Dollar. Liberal discounts made to the trade. Trade circulars forwarded on application, and the article will he consigned on liberal terms to responsible parties in every section ofthe coun try. JAS. A. RHODES, Proprietor. Providence, R. I. AGENTS—In Iluntingdon, Thomas Rend fc Son, and for sale by dealers generally. March 20, 1953-Iy. HVGEANA, Brought Home to the Door of the Million. WONDERFUL DISCOVERY has recent /1 ly been made by Dr. Curtis, of this city, in the treatment of Consumption. Asthma and all diseases of the LIIUg. We refer to "Dr. Curtis' Dygeans, or Inhaling Ilygean Vapor and Cher ry Syrup." With this new method 1)r. C. has restored many afflicted ones to perfect health ; as au evidence of which he has innumerable :my thic:des. Speaking of the treatmeat, a physi cian remarks: It is evident that inhaling—con stantly breathing an agreeable, healing vapor, the medicinal properties must come in direct con tact with the whole of the arial cavity of the Mugs, and thus escape the many and varied changes produced upon them when introduced into the stomach, and subjected to the process of digestion. The Hygeana is for sale at all the Itruggi,ts' throughout the country. Ness York Dutchman of Jan. 14. '"' " Tim Inhaler is worn ou the breds't under dm linen Withollt the least inconvenience—the •heat of the body being sufficient to evaporate the fluid. Hundreds of CASES of CURES like the fol lowing might ho named. One Pnekage of 11).- has tamed me of the ASTIDIA of six years standing. ins. Kre.sberry, P. M. of Duneannon, Per. I am cured of the ASTHMA of 10 years standing by Dr. Curtis' llygeenn. Margaret Easton, Brooklyn, N. Y. Primo three Dollars a Packager—Sold I/ cuirrls S. PERKINS nod BOYD & PAUL, No. 149 Chambers St., N. Y.-4 paekageg sent free by express to any part of the United Status fur T... Dollars. N. B.—Dr. Curtis' Bygeana is the ORIGI NAL and ONLY GENUINE ARTICLE, all others are base imitations or vile and INJURI OUS counterfeits. Shun them as you would poison. Sold by RUSSELL S. SCIIOTT, No. 138 Market Street, Philadelphia, who will tell by the dozen at Proprietors rater., Sept. 20. 1854 —ly. VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Jomcs, one of the most celebrated Phy. sic ans in New York, writes as follows Do. Critrts—Dem• sir :—Having witness ed the excellent effects of your 11Y0EARA OR IIYORAN VAPOR ANA CHERRY Svitur, in a ease of chronic Bronchitis, and being much in favor of counter-iritation in affections of the throat, bronchial tubes and lungs, I can there fore cheerfully recommondiad your Medicated ,apparatus as being the most convenient and effectual mode of applying anything of the kind I have ever seen. No doubt thousands of persons may be relieved, and many cured by using your remedies. Tou are at liberty to use this iu any way you may think proper. • Respectfully, yours, &e. C. JOHNS, M. D., No. 60 Flouston St., New Yell:. Prof. S Center writes us as follows t...- GENTLEMEN,—I have recently had occasion to test your Cherry Syrup and Ifygean Vapor in a case of chronic 801 T throat, that had refused to yield to other forms of treatment, and the re• sulk has satisfied me, that whatever may be the composition of your preparation, it. is no imposition, but an excellent remedy. I wish fur the sake of the afflicted that it might be brought within the reach of all. Rev. • Doctor CIIEEVER writes:- Nsw•York Nov. n, 1854. DEAR Sul:-..1 think highly of Dr. Curtis's Ifygeana, as a remedy in diseases of the throat and lung. Raving had some opportunity to test its efficacy. I am evinced that it is a most excellent medicine, both the Syrup and. the inhaling application to the chest. The lIYUEANA is for sale by Thomas Rend & son. See advertisement in another colunsn headed. Ifygcantaa, Jan. 23. 1855-4 m. Fish for Sale. 15 Barrels Susquehanna Shad, 10 Half bbl. " just received and for sale at the store of GEO. GW/14. JUST received .d for sale, Ham, Shoulder, Side, Dried Boef, Lake Trout, White Fish also Dried Ponchos, Dried Apples, &c., for sale by J. Vs W. SAXTON. MORSE BILLS, MEATLY printed on short notice, and at loft LI prices nt the "Journal Mee" IJLINNETS. of all sorts and colors, also, Mt& Flats, from 37e to 300, jn st received and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. O b OKING Glasses, reeetra ”tI for sal .c. ru.v. GOLD OLIALVS—A Rue vario; for aalo, wa ry low, at EOM. SNARE , . JUST RECEIVED and formic FisA, Solt and Plasterby J. & IV. SA,:tOll.. FLOUR by the bbl. Wheat by the bushel for sole at D. Y. OWINS. CARPET Ettgs,jusi received and for sale J. 4. Ir. s,rxroN, lv A gT i F o ta ., ! . atioty of damn! :i v li . nihrz r ajg fon A f o r:a c t i zi . ;ty Qf Eiuni.ofaeivk3.rysvajtu.nd INTA IWO 10t Of rIIiTOLS at EDM. 13)11141:11.