Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, April 18, 1855, Image 1

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When the warm inn, that bring:t
tied-time and harvest, has returit'd
'Tis sweet to visit the still•wood, where springs
The first flower or the plain.
I love the season well,
When forest glades are teeming with bright
fur tinrk and many-folded clouds foretell,
The coming-on of litmus.
From the earth's looaeu'd mold
The sapling draws its sustenance, and thrives;
Though stricken to the heart with winter's cold,
The divvying tree revives.
The softly warbled song
Comes from the pleasant woods, and colored
Glance quick in the brightstin, that inoves along.
The lbrest openings.
When the bright sunset fills
The silver woods with light, the green slope
1(3 shadows in the hollows of the hills,
And wide thh upland glows.
And, when the eve is born,
In the blue lake, the sky o'er reaching for,
Is hollow'd out, and dm moon dips her horn,
And twinkles many a stnr.
Inverted in the tide
Stand the gray rocks, and trembling shadows!
And the fair trees look over, side by side,
And see themselves below.
Sweet April—many a thought
:is wedded unto thee au hearts are wed,
Nor shall they fall till to its autumn brought,
Life's Bolded fruit is shed.
By J. A. Hall,
West Point. and American Education.
The course of education at West Point
is to be lengthened from four years to five.
This is a movement in the right direc
Tbero is no better education to be ob
tained in America for future success in
life, than that at West Point. We are
not speaking now in a military
point of view. For training a body of ef
ficient officers, ready for any emergency
that the varied circumstances of the most
extended frontier in the world presents,
thorn is nothing at all comparable with
it, even in Europe. But the remarkable
point is that a inan, educated at West
Point, has generally a much better pros
pect of success in any of the peaceful ave.
cations of life, than if he had spent four
years in College. Not only do our best
civil engineers and architects come from
this class, but in every department of life,
as lawyers,a editors, and even sometimes as
divines, the most practical. efficient and
successful are our West Point men.
The truth is that an education will be
most useful for general purposes, in pro
portion as it has some specific end in view.
Knowledge, pursued without some specific
object, is very much like exercise taken
for exercise's sake. For education is not
merely putting knowledge into the mind,
but rather drawing out the mind to feed
upon end assimilate knowledge. We all
know that it is not enough for the nutrition
of the body, that food be put before a man;
he must have a desire, an appetite for it ;
not enough that it is got into the stomach,
but there must be a hungering and thirsting
for it first of all, or it will not do half its
proper work.
There must be an appetite created by
some palpable, appreciated end in view,
before knowledge will accomplish half its
purpose In disciplining the mind and giv
ing real mental pourer and efficiency.—
And that object must be a real, bona fide
object, as much as possible. College hon
ors may be all very well in their place,
just as competition everywhere else in life
is useful. But the father who, desiring to
raise up a healthy family, should rely
mainly on offering rewards to whichever
of his sons eat the heartiest meals, not
even explaining to them the connection
between exercise and appetite, would soon
find how superficial were all his ideas.
It is losing sight of these facts that
makes an ordinary college education so of
ten a failure, both in the old world and the
new. It is an excellent general prepara
tins for everything, but a specific prepara
tion for nothing.
Dr. Wayland's proposed reforms in ed
ucation are in this respect of unspeakable
value. For a man to attempt to know
everything in these days of the multipli
cation of sciences is useless. Hence the
education should lie made perfect after its
kind, and inure completely specific, for he
who knows any one practical branch of
the business of life thoroughly, will have
therein acquired a power of thought, men-
$ I 25
I 50
2 50
4 00
tal discipline. and hribits of generalization
which will fit him, if needs be, to acquire
any other.
'the system of equivalents in education
might be wrought out much further and
inure practically than even this. An
equal amotim of mental discipline is the
result of various courses of study, each
of which might be specifically adapted
to the future profession of the student.—
There is no reason why the future physi
clan should not be allowed to study more
chemistry in college as an equivalent for
half his Latin, why the lawyeishould not
be allowed a larger proportion of meta
physical studies, or why the divine should
be wholly drawn away from ecclesiastical
to classic Greek. The time will come
when the application of science to every
department of industry will be so complete,
that each branch of mechanical employ
ment also will carry up a specific educa
tion adapted to it, fully equal in the disci
pline of rm nd it will confer to an ordinary
college course at present, while uniting
with this discipline strength of sinew and
practical dexterity that will contribute in
conceivably to the progress of our race.
1487.--mln the spring of the year 1847,
at midday, beneath the burning sun that
scorched the roads of Andalusia on a hill
about half a league from the little seaport
of Palos, two strangers, traveling on foot,
their shoes almost worn out with walking,
their dress, which still retained the marks
of gentility, soiled with dust, and their
forheads streaming with perspiration stop
pod to sit down beneath the shade of the
outer porch of the little convent called
Santa Maria de Rabida. Their appear
ance and fatigue were sufficient prayer of
hos pita lity. '1 he Franciscian convention
were at this period the hostilers for all
destrians whose property prevented them
from seeking other refuge. Those two
strangers attracked the attention of the
"One was a man who had scarcely
reached the prim of life, tall in stature,
powerful built, of majestic gait, with a no
ble forehead, open countenance, thought
ful look, and pleasing and elegant mouth.
His hair, in his youth of a light auburn
was sprinkled hero and there about the
temples with the white streaks pretnature
ly traced by misfortune and mental anxiety.
His forehead was high ; his complexion
once rosy, had been made pole by study,
and bronzed by sun and sea. Thc tone
of his voice was deep and sonortous,
powerful and impressive. us that of man
accustomed to utter reflections. There
teas nothing of levity or thoughtfulness
in his behaviour, everything was grave
si deliberate, even in his slightest
affrcement, he seemed to have a modest
self respect and to retain habitually the
controlled demeanor of a pious worshipper,
as though he always felt himself in the
presence of God.
'The other was a child of eight or ten
years old. His features, more feminine
but already matured by the fatigues of
life, bore so strong a resemblence of those
of the other stranger, that it was impssi.
ble to avoid taking him for a son or a
brother of the elder man.
'The two strangers was Christopher Co
lumbus and his son Diego. The monks,
interested and moved at the sight of the
noble countenance of the father and the el
egance of the child, in such strong con
trast with the poverty of their condition, in
vited them into the monastery to partake of
the shelter, the food, and the rest always
accord edto wayfarers. While Columbus
and hisc htld were refreshing and recruiting
their strength with the water, bread and
olives, supplied by their host, the monks
went to inform the prior of the arrival of
two guests, and of the singular interest
inspired by their noble appearance, so
little in accordance with their poverty.--
The prior came down to converse with
'lle superior of this convent of La
Rabida who Junn Perez de la Marchen
nn, formerly confessor to Queen Isabella
n•yo then resigned over to Spain with
Ferdinand. A man of piety, of science,
and of thought. he had preferred the re.
tirement of the cloister to the honors a n d
intrigues of the court ; but this very re•
tirement had secured him great respect
in the place, and great influence over the
mind of the Queen. Providence rather
than chances appeared to have directed
the steps of Columbus, as if it had in
tend to open to him, by a safe though un
seen hand, the readiest approach to the
ear, the mind, and the-heart of the sover
Spain, at this time rapidly raising to
the front ranke of nations, was ruled by
two sovereigns conjointly, who seemed
constituted by nature, and fitted by cir
cumstances, to be the patrons of the he
roic and enthusiastic geographer, in an en
terprise which won for him Before its ac
complishment, the rertation of a dream
er :
'Nature seems to have endowed them
with beauty' qualities, and excellences of
mind and body ditrerent, but nearly equal,
as if one was intended to supply what
was wAnting in the other for the conquest,
the civilization, and prosperity which
were in store for them.
'Ferdinand, a little older than Isabella
was a skillful warrior and a consumate
lacier]. Before the age when sad expe
rience is teaching others to understand
men, he could see through a man. Ills
only defect was a certain coldness and sus
picion, arming from mistrust, and closing
the heart to enthusiasm and magnanim
'But these two virtues, in which he was.
to some extent wanting, were supplied to
his counsils by the tenderness and genius of
of the full-hearted Isabella. Young,
beautiful, admired by all, adored by him,
well educated, pious without superstition,
eloquent, full of enthusiasm for great ac
hievement, of admiration, for great men,
of faith in great ideas, she stamped on the
mind and policy of Ferdinand the hero-
ism whiclAprings from the heart, and the
love of the marvellous which senses from
the imagination . She inspired—he exe
The one found her reward in the
fame of her husband ; the other, his glory
in the affection of his wife. This double
reign, destined to become of almost fabulous
import in the annals of spain, only awai
ted, in order to immortalize itself among
all regins, the arrival of the destitute for
eigner who come to beg admittance with
in the palace of Cordova, with the letter
of a poor friar in his hand.
* * * * 'Ferdinand listened to Co
lumbus with attention, Isabella with en
thusiasm. From his first look and hts
first tones, she felt for this messenger of
God an admiration amounting to funati•
cism, an attraction which partook of affec
tion. Nature had given to Columbus the
personal recommendations which facinates
the eye, as well as the eloquence which
persuades the mind. It might have been
t'epposed that he was destined to have for
his first apposite a queen, and that the
truth which ho was to enrich his age was
to be first received and fosteredlin.the heart
of a woman. Isabella was that woman.
Her constancy in favor of Columbus nev
er wavered before the indi%rence of her
court, before his enemies, or his reverses.
She believed in him from the day she first
saw him ! she was his proselyte on the
throne, and his friend even to the grave.'
Consequent upon the news of the dis
covery of a new continent, were univer
sal, and every one accorded to the intre
pid navigator unliMited applause; while
the most marked honors royalty could con
fer, awaited him at the court or his sov
ereigns :
1493.—` , Ferdinand and Isabella,
ing been informed of the return and dis
coveries of their admiral by the messenger
whom he had despatched from Lisbon a
waited him at Barcelona with honor and
munificence worthy the greatest of his
services. The Spanish nobility from all
the provinces to meet him. Ile made a
triumphal entry as a prince of future
kingdoms. The Indians brought over by
the squadron, as a living proof of the ex
istence of new races of men in these new
ly discovered lands, marched at the head
of the procession, their bodies painted
with divers colors, and adorned with gold
necklaces and pearls. The animals and
birds, the unknown plants, and the pre
cious stones collected on those shores were
exhibited in golden basins, carried on the
heads of Moorish or negro slaves. The
eager crowd pressed upon them, and won
drous tales were circulated around the of
and companions of Columbus. l'he
admiral himself, mounted on a richly ca
parisoned charger presented by . the King,
next appeared eccompauiej by a numer
ous cavalcade of courtiers and gentlemen.
All eyes were directed toward the man in
spired of Heaven, who first had dared to
lift the veil of Ocean. People sought in
his face for a visible sign of his mission,
and thought they could discern one. The
beauty of his features, the tkrghtful ma
jesty of hie countenance, (libvigor of e
ternal youth joined to the dignity of riper
age, the combination of thought with ac
tion, of strength with experience, a thor
ough appreciation of his worth, combined
with piety toward God, who had chosen '
him from among others, and with grati
tude toward his sovereigns, who mlmrded
him whit the honor which he brought
them as a conqueror, made Columbus then
appear (as those relate who saw hint en
ter Barcelona) like a prophet, or a hero of
Holy Writh of Grecian story.
None could compare with him,' they
say ; 'all felt him to be the greatest or the
most fortunate of men.'
'Ferdinand and Isabella received him
on their throne, shaded from the sun by a
golden canopy. They rose up before him
ns though he had been an inspired Ines
senger. They made him sit on a level
with themselves, and listened to the sol
emn and circumstantial account of his
voyages. At the end of his recital, which
habitual eloquence had colored with his
exuberant imagination, and impregnated
with fevered enthusiasm, the Icing and
queen moved even to tears, fell on their
knees and repeated the Te Deans, a hymn
of thanksgiving for the greatest conquest
that the Almighty had ever yet vouchsa
fed to sovereigns.
Couriers were instantly despatched to
carry the wondrous news and fame of
Columbus to al the courts of Europe.—
The obscurity with which he had until
then been surrounded changed to a bril
liant renown, filling the earth with his
name. The discovery of the poor geog
rapher of Cordova become the subject of
conversation for the world.
The character of this most illustrious
man is thus admirably summed up :
"All the characteristics of the truly
great men are united in Columbus. Ge
nius, labor, patience, obscurity of origin,
overcome by energy of will; mild, but
persisting firmness, resignation toward
heaven, struggle against the world ; long
conception of the idea in solitude, heroic
execution of it in action; intrepidity and
coolness in storms, fearless of depth in ci
vil strife ; confidence in the destiny, not of
an individual, klt of the human race ; a
life risked withalt hesitation or retrospect
in venturing into unknown and phantom
ed peopled ocean, fifteen hundred leagues
across, and on which the first step no
more allowed of second thoughts than
Cresars passage of the Rubicon,—untiring
study, knowledge as extensive as the
science of his day, skillful but honorable
management of courts to persuade them
to truth; propriety of Jemeanor, noble.
ness and dignity in outward bearing,
which affords proff of greetness of
and attracts oyes and hearts ; language 1 go took a big Bring, before he laid his pen
adapted to the grandeur of his thoughts; ierous fists by the side of the others. Af
eloquence which could convince kings, ter a short length of time, the table began
and quell the muting of his crews ; a nat. to shake its rickety legs, to flap its leaves
ural poetry of style, which placed his nar I after the manner of wings, and to utter
rative on a par with the minders of his t ominous squeaks, from its crazy old joints.
discoveries anti the marvels of nature ;an Pretty soon—"knock"—under Damphools
immense, ardent, and enduring love for hand ;ho trembled and turned pale, but,
the human race pierceing even into that on the whole,stood his ground, like a man.
distant future in which humanity forgets Knock, knock, in ivy immediate vicinity
those that do it service; legislative wis. —look under the table, but couldn't see
dom and philosophic mildness in the gov- I anybody—knock,knock, KNOCK, KNOCK,
ernment of his colonies ; paternal cam- 1 directly under Bull Degge's elbow. He,
passion for those Indians, infants of hu- ! frightened, jumped from his seat, and pre.
manity, whom he wished to give over to I pared to run : but, sensible to the last, he
the guardianship—not to the tyranny and took a drink, felt better—reverently took
oppression—of the World; forgetfulness off his hat, and said "d—inn it"—and re
ef injury, and magnanimous forgiveness sumed his seat. Knocking became gene
of his enemies; and, lastly, piety, that ral—medium said the spirits were ready to
virtue which includes and exalts alt other answer questions—asked if any spirit
virtues, when it exists as it did in the would talk to ine—yes. Come along, I
mind of Columbus—the constant presence remarked—noisy spirit announced its ad
of God in the soul, of justice in the con- vent by a series of knocks, which would
science, of mercy in the heart, of grab- I have done honor to a dozen penny post
, tude in success, of resignation in sever- I torn "rolled into one." Asked who it
ses of worship always and everywhere. . was—ghost of my uncle—(never had an
" Such was the man. We know of ; uncle)—inquired if he was happy—toler
none more perfect. He contained seved ably. What are you about?—principal
ral impersonations within himself. He 1 occupations are, hunting wild bees, catch
was worthy to represent the ancient world , ing cat-fish, chopping pine lumber, and
before that unknown continent on which 1 making hickory whipstocks. How's your
he was first to set foot, and to carry to ; wife ?—sober, just at present. Do you
these men of a new race all the virtues, ; have good liquor up there I—lles, (very
without any of the vices, of the elder i emphatically). What is your compare.
hemisphere. So great was his influence I tire situation ?—am in the second sphere ;
on the destiny of the earth, that none ; Lope soon to get promoted into the third,
more than lie ever deserved the name of a ; where they only work six hours a day,
Ci vilizer. I and have apple dumplings, every dny, for
'His influence on civilization was jun. ; dinner—good bye—wife wants me to come
measurable. He completed the world; , I and spank the baby. One of the old W
ho realized the physical unity of the globe. I ales now wanted to talk spirit—was grati-
He advanced far beyond all that had been! fied by the remains of his maternal grand
done before his time, the work officid—the f mother, wits hammered out, in a series of
SPIRITUAL. UNITY OF THE HUMAN RACE.— forcible raps, the gratifying intelligence,
This work, in which Columbus had so ! that she was very well contented, and
largely assisted, was indeed too greatly as.; spent the most of her time drinking green
slated, was indeed too great to be worthily I tea, and singing Yankee Doodle.
rewarded even by affixing his name ;to ; Damphool now took courage, and sung
the fourth continent. America bears not I out for his father to come and talk to hint
that name ; but the humhn race, drawn to-' —(when the old gentleman was alive, he
gether and cemented by him, will spread I was "ono of 'em")—on demand, the fath
his renown over the face of the whole er came—interesting conversation—old
earth --Home Journal. I man in trouble—lost all his money betting
atirf auk (4) -
1 1. nowt.
coat, and a spare shirt, to get money to
set himself up in business again, m a pop
corn merchant. EDamphool sunk down,
exhausted, and borrowed the brandy bot
tle.] Disconsolate widow gets a commu
nication from her husband, that he is a
great deal happier now titan formerly—
don't want to come back to her—no, thank
you—would rather not. Old maid in
i quires if husbands are plenty—to her
Xl—Doestioks sees the Spirit Rappers.
NEW YORK, Oct. 25, 1854.? great joy, is informed that the prospect is
70 Hundred and One, Narrow st. S I good. Little boy asks if, when ho gets
Being satiated with the ordinary, corn- into the other world, ho can have a long
mon•place things of every day life, and tail coat—mother tells him to shut up—
having Wird a great deal about the mys. small boy whimpers, and says that he al
terious communications telegraphed to ways has worn a short jacket, and he ex
this, our ignorant sphere, by wise and be. ! poets, when he gets to Heaven, he'll be n
nignant spirits of bliss, through the digni- bob tail angel.
. .
Original 'Views of Men and Things.
fled medium of old chairs, wash-stands Damphool's attention to the bottle has
and card-tables, we three (who had met reassured his spirits, (he is easily affected
again) determined to put ourselves in by brandy—one glass makes him want to
communication with the next world, to treat all his friends—when ho has two
find out, if possible, our chances of a fa-
bumpers in him, he owns a great deal of
vocable reception, when business or pleas-
real estate ; and glass No. 3 makes him
ure calls us in that direction. Up Broad-
rich enough to buy the Custom House;)
way, till we came to an illuminated three-
and lie now ventures another inquiry of
cornered transparency, [which made Bull
his relative, who shuts him up, by telling
him, as soon as he gets sober enough to
Dogge smack his lips, and say "oysters,"]
which informed us, that, within, a large tell Maiden lane from a light house, to go
assortment of spirits, of every description, liaise and go to bed.
were constantly in attendance, ready to Went at it myself; inquired all sorts of
answer inquiries, or to run on errands in things from all kinds of spirits, black
the spirit world, and bring the ghosts of spirits and white, red spirits and gray."—
'Result as follows : By means of thumps,
anybody's defunct relations or friends to
o raps l kic
that classic spot, for conversational purpo-
kn ed that cks,
anspirituad Ilercules have gone
ks, I learn
ses, all for the moderate charge of twen
ty-five cents. [Damphool. who had been into partnership in the millinery business.
there before, said that these "deligate Ar. Julius Cesar is peddling apples and mo
iels" were the spirits of departed news- lasses candy. Tom Paine and Jack Shep
lays, who are thrown out of their legiti- and keep a billiard table. Noah is runs
mate business, and strive to get an honest ning a canal boat. • Xerxes and Othello
living, by doing these eighteen-penny are driving opposion stages. George 111
jobs.] Entered the room with becoming has set up a caravan, and is waiting, ha
gravity, and overcoming awe. Two old patiently, for Kossuth and Barnum to
footles, in white neckcloths, and no collars, come, and go halves. Dow, junior, is
a returned Californian, in an Indian blan- boss of a Methodist camp-meeting. Nit—
ket, two peaked-nosed old maids, a good i poleon spends most of his lime playing
looking widow, with a little boy, our own j penny "ante" with the Three Graces,—
sacred trio, and the "medium," composed Benedict Arnold has opened a lager bier
the whole of the assembled multitude.— saloon, and left a vacancy fur S. A. Doug-
The "medium" aforesaid was a vinegar pis, [white man.] John Bunyan is clown
complexioned woman, very ruby nose, iin a circus. John Calvin, Dr. Johnson,
mouth the exact shape of the sound hole Syksey, Plutarch, Rob Roy, Davy Jones,
to a violin—who wore green spectacles, lien. Jackson, and Hainplicol's grandfa
and petticoats of equivocal purity. ther, aro about establishing a traveling
The furniture consNted of several chairs, theater, having burroviied the capital, (two
a mirror, no carpet, a small stand, a large per cent a mouth) --they open with "flow
dining table,and, in one cornercf the room, to pay the Rent." Dr. Johnson in a lim
a bedstead, wash-stand, and book-case, cy dance; to conclude with ~ T he 11'id
with writing desk on top. After some re- I ow's Victim," the principal part by Mr.
marks by the medium, we formed the 'nag- Pickwick. Jo Smith has bought out the
is circle, by sitting close together, and ! Devil, and is going to convert Tophet into
rutting our hands on the table. Bull Dug- i a Mormon Paradise. Shakspeare has
- .1:
just pawne
horse-race, and
VOL 20. NO. 16.
I progressed, in his new play, as far as the
fourth act, where he has got the hero see
en miles and a half up iii a balluon, while
I thc disconsolate heroine is hanging, by
her hair, to a limb, over a precipice; ques
tion is, how the heroic lover shall get
down, and rescue his lady love, before her
hair breaks, or her head pulls off.
Spirits now began to come, without in
vitation, like Paddies to a wake. Soul of
an alderman called for clam soup, and
bread and butter. Ghost of a newsboy
sung out for the Evening Post. All that
was left of a Bowery fireman wanted to
know if Forty had got her butt fixed, end
a new inch and a half nozzle. Ghost of
Marmion wanted a dish of soft crabs, and
celled out, after the old fashion, to charge
it to Stanley. Medium had, by this time,
lost all control over her ghostly company.
Spirits of waiters, soldiers, tailors, (Darn
phool trembled,) babies, saloon keepers,
dancers, actors, widows, circus -riders, in
fact, all varieties of obstreperous spirits,
began to play the devil with things gene•
rally; the dining table jumped up, turned
two somersets, and landed with one leg in
the widow's lap, ono in Damphool's mouth,
and the other two on the toes of the sanc
timonious looking individuals opposite ;
the wash stand exhibited strong symp
toms of a desire to dance the Jenny Lind
Polka on Bull Dogge's head; the book
case beat time with extraordinary vigor,
end made faces at the company generally;
our walking canes and umbrellas promen
aded round the room, in couples, without
the slightest regard to corns, or other ped
al vegetables; while the bedstend, in the
corner, was extemporizing a comic song,
with a vigorous accompaniment on the
smp dish, the wash bowl, and other bed
room crockery.
Bull Dogge here made a rush for the
door, and dashed wildly down Broadway,
pursued, as he avers, to this day, by thrt
spirit of an Irishman, with a pick-ax,
hand saw, and a ghostly wheelbarrow.—
Concluding I had seen enough, I took
Damphool, and 13. D.'s bottle, (empty, or
he would never have left it,) and went
home, satisfied that "there are moro things
in heaven and earth than are dreamed of,"
except by lying '.mediums," so•called ;
who, too lazy to work, and too cowardly
to get an honorable living by stealing,
adopt this method to sponge their bread
and butter out of those whom God, in his
mysterious wisdom, has seen fit to send
on earth, Weak enough to believe their id
iotic ravings.
Disgusted, but still yours,
Mir I come for the saw sir.
IVhat saucer ?
Why, the saw,sir that yo borrowed.
I borrowed no saucer.
Sure you did, air, you borroWed a saw,
Get out you rascal, I never saw your
Be dad but ye did, sir ; there's the saw.
sir, now, sir.
Oh,you want the saw. Why the deuce
didn't you say so.
''John, how does the thermometer
stand ?"
"Againgt the wall dad."
"I mean how is the mercury ?"
"Guess it's pretty welt, dad ; it hasn't
complained lately."
"You little rascal, is it colder than yes
terday 1"
"I don't know„ dad I'll go out and leer
Novol Way of Evading the Law.
In Wooster, the liquor sellers evade the
law by putting up the fire water" in
common ink bottles and labelling "writing
This title, says an exchange, is an apt
and emphatic one. Rum is a writer, and
a writer of such po ver and eloquence that
its records are almost unequalled. It
writes down men of genius and talent as
driveling fools—it writes down rich men
as beggars—it writes down radiant brides
as comfortless widows, and lovely children
as homeless beggars. It writes the desti•
nation of Hell opposite to the entry of
many a soul•name, and indites the epitaph
of shame upon many a tombstone. Aye,
I Rum is a writer,and a terrible one at
Dirl wonder how they make limiter
matches ?" said a young lady to her hum,
band, with whom nho often disagrees.—
'Oh, the process is very simple,' said he.
'1 once made one myself.' 'lndeed
how did you menage it ?" .Went to
church with you dear, and was married
'Guess it is near dinner•time,love,—Sally
is dinner near ready ?' Snapping turtles.
Vermont, Florida' New Ilampshirt ,
nod Delawate have uo State debt.