Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, April 11, 1855, Image 4

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    A nook for the Times.
—with Flints on Kindred Topics by Not.
Hague, 12 no. Cloth. fries, $l,
This is a volume that will interest ere, Pa
triot. In it are developoil tho relations of fihris
tendoin to the MOm . power, and other topics
peculiarly Interesinig at the present day.
"Doctor Hague is a lively and beautiful wri
ter on all subjects, but particularly so, we think
upon the topic treated of in this book. Its his
torical sketches ore comprehensite and brilliant.
and it is a book flint cannot fell to do an impor
tant service to the reading public."—N. 2.
Household Library, a perpetual fund
of instruction. Illustrated by over 500 aora
rings $1,50.
" The best Juvenile ever issued." V. Y. in
" Handsomest and cheapest book for youth
we have ever seen."—Re. Herald.
Parley's Pictorial, a book for home education
profusely embellished with fine engravings—and
put up uniform with the Household Library.—
The Youth's Galaxy, a beautiful and useful
book for children end youth with many fine cuts.
I 2mo. 60 cents.
Pius Ninth, the last of the Popes, or )lo Judg
ment of God upon the Nations.—l. mo. 25
The Coming Struggle among the Nations o
the Earth, descrilied in accordance with the pro
phecies of Ezekiel, Daniel and the Revelations ;
showing the important position Britain and
America will occupy daring and at the end of the
awful conflict. Bvo pamphlet, 10 cents.
The almost incredible number of 150,000 have
been sold.
eif Remit the price and the books ordered will
be received by return mail. For sale by all the
117 Nassau et. New York.
March 13, 1855-41.
R. CLARK, one of the first and moat ex.
perienced operators, has opened a Gallety
for a short time in the Rail Road House, where
he is prepared to take daguerreotypes of every
Ladies and Gentlemen are invited to call
and examine his specimens.
. . .. . .
Any person sitting for a picture will not be
roquired to take it if not satisfied.
Ile can take na good pictures in cloudy weath
er as in clear, only requiring longer sitting ;
therefore small children should be taken on
clear days nod between the hours of 10 and 2
Room open from 8 A. M., until 5 P. M.
March 13, 1955.
No. 333 Broadway, New York.
!Music at Greatly Reduced Rates.
VOTWITIISTANDING the combination of
music deahrs to keep op the prices of non
copyright music, against the interests of native
composers, and their refusal to extend' to Mr.
Waters the courtisies of the trade, he is ma•
king immense sales--having abundant evi
dence, that he has public countenance and sup
port, in his oppositton to the GREAT MONOPOLY,
• Sad in his-efirts to aid NATIVE TAUNT, and
to adopt the NATIONAL CEIMENCT. His stock!
of American and European music is immense,
and the catalogue of his own publicattons is
one of the largest and best selected in the Ciii•
ted States. bas also made a GREAT Re.
'SECTION in the prices of PIANOS ! MELODEONS
perior toned ti} octave pianos for $175, $2OO
and $225, interior of as good quality, and in
struments as strong and as durable as those
which cost $5OO. Pianos of every variety of
style andpr ice up to $lOOO, comprising those i
Of T. different manufactories : among them
the celebrated modern improved HORACE WA.
TER'S PIANOS and the
,final premium. ..Eotiss
PIANOS of T. GILBERT & Co's make, (owners
of the lEolian patent.) SECOND•IIAND PIANOS
.at great bargains. Prices from $lO to $150.
Mni.onnoxs from Five different manufactories,
including the well known S. D. & H. W.
SMITH'S melodeons, (tuned the equal tempera:
ment,) the best make in the nailed States. Pri•
ceo $l5,
$6O, $75, $lOO, $ll5 $125, $135, and
$l5O. Smith's Double Bank :Melodeons, $2OO.
Emit Piano and Melodeon guaranteed. The
best terms to the trade, schools, &c.: 12i per
vent. discount to clergymen and churches. All
orders promptly attended to. Music sent to all
parts of the country, postpaid, at the reduced
rates. General and select catalogues and
schedule of prices of Pianos forwarded to any
address free of charge.
February 13, 1855.-3 m
Shade Gap, Huntingdon County, Pa.
plii, next session of this well known Institu
tion will open the Ist Wednesday of May,
it is located at Shade Gap, 18 miles from the
Mount Union Station, on the Pennsylvania Rail
Road, from which place there is a daily line of
Being situated in the country, it is removed
from all the vicer and temptations of town.
The building; aro large, airy and commodious,
capable of accommodating sonic 50 boarders,
those who cannot bo accommodated in the Insti
tution, can obtain good boarding in the neighbor
hood at about $1 5u per week.
TE11319.--$5O per session of five months paya
ble quarterly in advance, washing, 30. cents per
dozen. Light and Fuel extra, for further par
ticulars, address . . .
W. 11. WOOD, PrinFjpal,
The Principals address will be Easton Pa., un
til the lot of April, after that time Shade Gap,
Huntingdon county, Pa.
Feb. 13, 1835.-3 m.
rp library will be open every Saturday after.
noon, at 3 o'clock, in their room in the
Court Hausa. Subseription 50 cents a year.—
New books have been added to the former ex
cellent collection—" Fanny Fern's" popular
writings, "Bayard Taylor's" &c. The further
patronage of the public will enable the collec
tion to be still more extended.—
By order of the
Huntingdon, Jim. 22 IBM
No. 21 South Third Stseet, Between Market
and Chesnut Strode, Philadelphia,
111102;-t!i )
fry and Green Salted Patna
Tanners' and Curriers' Tools,
eir All kinds of Leather in the Rough wanted,
for which the highest inarket price will be given
in malt, ur taken in exchange for Miles.
Leather Stored free of Charge and Sold on
Per. 24, 1P51.:1y
IT subscriber would respectfully it, the
.1 traveling public that he is now running a line
f leeks from Mt. Union to Orldsonitt, as follows:
l'ronn Orbisouht to Mt. Coinn and bock again,
intersecting the Chant peraburg line
Pas. ems wishing to go to Shade Gap, or &DO
other place, null be token on without delay.
His Hacks are good and comfortable, and
hr it determined to hove none but good anti
tteady drivers; in a word, his desire is to carry
pawnore in comfort and safety.
.1 AMES S. uunK ET.
No. 29 North THIRD Street, PHILA.
Al - 0110CCOMAltuyAert,nens,CURRIERBend
and dealers in RED and o.tx SOLE LEATHER
and KIPP.
Feb. 20th 1855.-Iy.
A Miracle of Science.
R. C. L. Relling of Mechanicsburg Cumber.
U land county Pa., announces to those afflic
ted with Tum3r'a ' Wens, Cancers, Polypus,
Lupus Moles or Marks, Scrofula or King's Evil
and all diseases that have been usually treated
with Caustic or Knife, he can remove them by
an entirely new method, without cutting, burn.
ins, or pain neither Chloroform or Ether is ad.
ministered, to the patient.
It is no matter on what part of the body they
may be he can remove then, with perfect safe
ty, and in a remarkably short time. No Min
eral os Vegetable poison is applied; and no
money required until a cure is perfected.
Prolapsts Uteri, Female complaints, Chronic,
Venereal and all other diseases treated with
positive success. Full particulars can be ob
tained by addressing in either English or Ger
man, paid. Patients can be accommoda.
ted with Board on reasonable terms.
Mechanicsburg is one of the prettiest and
healthy towns in this or any other State. It is
8 miles from Harrisburg on the C. V. IL It. and
accessible from all parts of the Union.
The Dr. will visit cases in any part of the
State when desired.
Kind render if you know any afflicted fellow
creature, delay not to tell them of this treat
January 16, 1855-Iy.
_ _
J. Biaeans a SON
MOST respectrully Maktl known to their
friends and the public generally, that they
are carrying on the cabinetmaking business,
iu all its various branches, in
where they have constantly on band, and make
to order, all kinds of furniture ; such as Be
senor, Tables, Wash and Sewing Stands, Cep.
boards, Book-cases, Wardrobes, Cottage, French
and High Post Bedsteads, Spring Seat Sofas,
and Sofa Rocking Chairs, Windsor Chairs
and Settees, and every other article of
furniture which may be called for t all of which
are made of the very best material and in the
most fashionable style. and will be sold at low
The public arc respectlilly invited to call and
examine their goods before purchasing else
Ware Room on Rill at., south Bide, 6 doors
east of J. (1. Miles' dwelling.
Jan. 18, 1855—tf.
20,000 VOLUME S of new and popular
Books--the subscriber has just re(
ceivell from Boston, New York and
Philadelphia, comprising the great
est variety and most extensive stock
ever brought to the interior oldie State, Ills
STATIONERY is also of great variety and en.
parlor (polity, in pall ns follows: Letter, Cap
Note Paper,Gold and Steel Pens, Inkstands
Blank and Tim Books. Diaries for 1055, &c.
Also. Harper's, Putnam's Godoy's and Gra-
Itam's Magazines, received month as soon I
es out. Won copies of the books recommended
by the Teachers' Institute nod Board of Direc
tors of the ((minty: Greenlief's Arithmetics and
Algebra. Town's Spellers, and Storm's Readers.
3800 Payson & Duntou.s Boston Copy Books,
being the best system as well as the hest execu
ted books ever offered to the public, atehe lowest
wholesale prices. 10t)0 pieces Wall Paper from
9 to 13 cents for common, IP, 23 and 37 cents fur
glazed, and 1,25 to 1(2 for gold. All of the above
stock is offered extremely low fur cash—the pub
lic will please call and examine.
Store opposite Whittaker's Hotel, Railroad
St., Huntingdon, Po.
Nov. 8, 1854,
No 6. South Third Street,
Importer, Manufacturer and General
Has Constantly on hand, and
Always Einishing,
All kinds of Leather Morocco, Call
Skins, Sheep S kins, &c,, &c.
The attention of Country Merchants and Man-
ufacturers, is solicited.
Dee. 20, 1854.-Iy.
9"HE undersigned having purchased the full
-a- and exclusive right and privilege of con
structing, using, and vending to others, the right
to make and use, in the r ,unty of Huntingdon,
STONESIFEH & SMITH'S improvement in the
adjustable peeking for it lamp for burning lard.
Lamps fur sale by tko dozen or singly, also
township rights for sole at reasonable prices.
All orders promptly attended to by address
ing, the subscriber, Orbisonia, Hunt. Co. Pa.
Sipesville, Nov. 15, 1854.-6 m.
(Successor to Bitrtley 4. Knight.
Bedding and Carpet
No. US South Second Street,
Pt. r.c.ansluvE SCRUM: SHEET, PHIL . A.
Where ho keeps constantly on hand a full assort
went of every article i n his line of business.
Feathers,Feather Beds,
Curled Hair, Moss, Corn Hoak and Straw
Velvet Tapestry, Tapestry, Brusitels, Three-Ply,
Ingrain, I enetian, List, Rag and Hemp
Carpotings, Oil Cloths, Canton Matlings,
Cocoa and Spanish Mattings, Floor and Stair
Druggets, Hearth Rugs, Door Mats,
To which he respectfully invites the attention
of purchasers. [Oct. 4, 's4.—ly.
uAS juat returned from the east with a large
and st,lenelid as.rtment
Fall and Winter Clothing,
for men and boys, made in the latest fashion and
in dm must durable manner. Who ever wants
to be dressed bettor and cheaper than anvliody
else in town, let him call at W . LLOUGIIIIT'iI
CLOTHING SeruL•, one door west of T.
Read & Sun's drug store, Huntingdon.
call and see for yourselves
Oct. 18, 1854'.
Si.' mox. Aspe A. J. F. Mims,
PRikelltlAte 3OURVZI7OII4.
D•NItiL AFRICA, Esq., Hill street,
between blontgoulery and Smith streets, Hunt
ngdon, Peon's. (Sept. 20,'54. MI
TJATS,,—Moleskin No. I mll, of the latest
II styles. Kossuth lists of various styles and
qualities- wilt ho sold lose at the cheap store of
Gem watches willbe eold by ED.gewe
ft, er that: 415cwheet.
No. 106 North FOURTH Street (above Race,)
MATCHES having become an indispensable
lvi article in housekeeping, the subscriber af
ter a great eocrifics of time anti money is enabled
to offer to the Public an article at once combln•
ing Udlity anc Cheapness. The Inventor knowing
the dangers apprehended on account of the flim
'ley manner in which Matches are generally pack
ed in paper, has by the aid of New Steam Ma
chinery of his own invention, succeeded in get
wood Box ; this box is far prefetabic, inasmuch
that it occupies no more room than the old round
wood box, and contains at least Two HuNnstan
per cent. more Matches, which to Shippers is
considerable advantage; it is entirely new, and
secure against Moisture and spontaneous com
bustion, and dispels all danger on transpoata
lion by means of Railroad, Steamboat or any
other mode of conveyance.
These Matches are packed so that one gross or
more may be shipped to any part of the world
with perfect safety. They are the most desirable
article for Home consumption, end the Southern
and Western Markets that have everbeen inven
DEALERS and SHIPPERS, will do well to
sail and examine for themaelveß.
These Matches are WARRANTED to be
superior to anything heretofore offered to the Public.
106 North FOURTH St., Philad'a.
1)ec.20, 1854.-sm.
Of The National safety Company.
Walnut Street, South West Corner Third Street,
Incorporated by the State of Penn
sylvania in 15.11.
FIVE PER CENT interest is given and the
money is Always pahl bawls whenever it is
called for, without the necessity of giving notice
for it beforehand.
People who have large sums put their money
In this Safety Fond, oft account of the superior
safety and convenience it affords, but any sum,
large or small, is received.
This SaviNo FUND has more than halls mil
lion of dollar', securely invested for the safety
of depositors.
The Office is open to receive and pay money
evtry day. from II o'clock in the morning till 7
o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and
Thursday evenings, till 9 o'clock.
People who have money to put in; are invited
to call at the office fur further information.
Wa. J. REED, Secretary.
Nor. 1, 1854.
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At the Elephant Store.
HAVING removed Mt extensive Store to No. 1,
Meeshan's Row. tornarly occupied by T.
K. Simonton, Is now prepared to accommodate
his old customers, and the public generally, with
a splendid and fashionable asssortment of
Fall and Winter Goode,
His alsortment consists of
Dry Goods,
Haidware, Queensware,
and all kinds of goods nasally kept in a Country
Store. Also, a beautiful cheap and elegant as•
sortment of
Ladies' Dress Goods,
and Trimmings of Avery variety. Also, Hato;
Cops, Bonnets, Boots and Shoes, and a variety of
goods of all kinds.
Country prodtme token in exchange for goods,
at the highest market prices.
Ilunsingdon, IS, 1854.
J. 111. IRVINE, M. D.
Graduate qf the University of New York,
HAVING concluded to locate permanently in
Warriorsmark, Huntingdon County; offers
his professional serviels to the citizens of that
place and vicinity.
Medical Faculty of the University of N. Y.
Dr. John McCulloch, Petersburg, Hunt. Co.
Dr. henry Orladv,
Nov, I , 1854.—tf.
On Mirth-west Corner of Hill and Montgome
ry Streets, in the Borough of Huntingdon,
A T which a general Banking business is con-
Li templated to be done.
Brafts r on Philadelphia, Pittsburg, &c., &c.,
always for sale. rollections made at the princi
pal points in the United States.
money received on deposit.payable on demand,
without interest; also for 3,6, and 12 months,
payable with reasonable rates of interest thereon.
Members of Firm:
M. M. Jou. Tow,
Wu. M. Lloyd.
J. 3!. BELL,
Ilunlingdon, Pa.,
A. P. Wits., Wm., JR.,
WM. P. Onnuox, Joux S COTT,
Huntingdon, Pa., July 12, 1854.-3 m.
Rea/ Estate Agency.
The undersigned has established an agency
for the Sale and Purchase cf Real Estate in
Huntingdon county.
Any person wishing to sell or purchase can
give us a description of the property, its loca
tionr quantity, quality, and terms..
We engage in this agency on such terms as
cannot be objected to.
The Agent has the facility of making the
property extensively known.
We now have some very desirable land which
we offer on easy terms. Whl. BREWSTER.
BEAUTIFUL assortment of Fancy Cocci.'
Li merit Cloths, Summer Wear, for men lord
boys. Al
Also, Carpet Bags, &c., &c., just receiv
ed and fur sale by J. & W. SAXTON.
IQIIt Dress Matterne, Berate de Laues,llera•
, and Lawns of every variety and color,
rust received and fur sale by
TORT MONNAIES, Card Cases, and the fi
r nest quality of WOSTENUOLM'e Pocket
Knives, a very largo quantity at Ede, Simnel
Abeauviful assortment of Milk Bret. Petterne r
Black Silk, and Bonnet Lining,pitit revel,
ed and for solo by & W. SAITON
plain and fanny, at very haw prises, at the mere
- ,
Mus. Delaney, B. Delane., De Berege, Lawn..
Gingham., and a choice variety of Goode of all
kinds, at the store nt GEO. GWIN.
DURK WHITE LEAN/just received mare,
I sale by J. & W. NAN7ON.
SILVER Butter Noire., and Salt Spoons, al
E. Soure.Eltr.rJerelry More,
Where may be obtained the most epeedy rem•
dy tar
SECRET DISEASES.—GIeets Strictures,
Seminal Weakness, Pain in the Loins, Affections
of the Kidneys, and ell those peculiar affections
arising from a secret habit, particularly the youth
of both sexes, which if not cured, produces con
stitutional debility, rendering marriage impost/d
-bl., and In the end destroys both Mind and Body.
Young Men,
eepecially, who have become the victims of Sol
itary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit
which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thou
sands of young men of the most exalted talents
and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have
entranced listening senates with the thunders of
eloquence, or waked to ecststey the living lyre,
may call with full confidence.
Married Persons,
or those contemplating marriage, being aware of
physical weakness, should immediately consult
Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health.
Dr. Johnston,
office No. 7 South Fredrick St., seven doors from
Baltimore Street, east side up the steps. lle
particular in obtaining the name and numberror
you will mistake the place.
A cure warranted, or no charge made, in from
one to two days.
TAKE Novice —Dr. Johnston'. office is in his
dwelling, sip the stops. His very extensive prac
tice is a sufficient guarantee, that he is the only
propet physician to apply to.
Dr. Johston, member of the Royal College of
Surgeons. London, graduate from one cf the
most eminent Colleges of the United States, and
the greeter part of whom life has been spent in
the:Hospitals of London, Paris Philatielphin, and
elsewhere, has effected some of the most system
idling cures that were ever known, many trou
bles] with ringing in the ears and head when
asleep, great nervousness, being alstrmed at sud
den 901111(1A, and bashfulness, with frequent blush
ing attended sometimes with derangement of
mind, were cured immediately.
A CERTAIN DienAsn.—lt la a melancholy fact
that thousands gill victims to this horrid disease
owing to the unskilfulness of ignorant pretenders
who by the use of that deadly poison Mercury,
ruin the Constitution, causing the most serious
:symptoms of that dreadful disease to make their
appearance, such as affections of the head, nose,
throat, skin, etc., progressing with frightful ra
pidity till death puts a period to their dreadful
suffering, by sending them io that Bourne whence
no traveler returns.
have injured themselves by a certain practice in
dulged in when alone—n habit ftaquently learned
from evil companions, or at school—the effects
of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, nml
if not cured renders marriage impossible, and de
stroys both mind and body.
What a pity that a young man, the hope of his
country, and the darling of his pnrents should he
snatched i'rom all prospects and enjoyments of
life by the consequence cit deviating from the path
of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit.
Such persons before contemplating Marriage,
should reflect that a sound mind and body are
the most necessary requisites to promote connu
bial happiness, Indeed without these, the jour
ney through life becomes a weary pilgrimage,
the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the
mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled
with the Melancholy reflection, that the happiness
of another becomes blighted with our own.
es young men, and all who have injured them
selves by private and improper indulgence.
IMPUISSANA.—These are some of the sad and
melancholy effects produced by early habits of
youth, vizi Weakness of the hack and Limbs,
Pants in the head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of
Mnscular power, Palpitation of the Heart Dys
pepsia, Nervous Irritability, Detangements of the
Digestive Functions, General Debility Symptomb
of Consumption,
MENTALLY—the fearful effects on the mind are
much to he dreaded; Loss of memory, Confusion
of ideas, Depression of Spirit, Evil Forbodings;
Aversion to Society, Self Distrust, Love of Soli-.
rude, &c., are some of the coils produced.
Thousands of persons of all ages,ean now judge
what is the cause of their declining health. Los
ing their vigor, becoming weak, pale and enincia.
red, have singular appearance about the eyes,
tough and symtotns of consumption.
!Startled persons, or those contemplating mar
riage, being aware of physical weakness, should
immedistely consult Dr. J. and be restored to per
fect health. Office, No. 7, South Frederick-St.,
Baltimore, Md.
N• B. Let no false delicacy prevent' you, but ap
ply immediately either personally or by letter.
Skin Diseases Speedily Cared,.
To SinANGERS.—The many 'thousands cored
At thin Institution within the last ten years, and
the namerons important Surgical tiperationa
performed by Dr. J.,witncseed by the Reporters of
the papers, and many other persons, notices of
which have appeased again nod Again before the
public, is a sufficient guarantee that the Afflicted
will find a skillful and honorable phys:cino.
As there arc so many ignorant mid worthless
quacks advertising themselves us Physicians,ruin
lug the health of the afflicted Dr. Johnston would
nay to those unacquainted with his reputation that
his Credentials or Diplomas always hang in his
Weakness of the organs immediately cured,
and full rigor restored
11Eir All — letters post paid—remedies sent by
May 22, 1854.-Iy.
Clothing! Clothing! Clothing!
The I,,gest and bed Selected Stock of
Ready made Fall and Winter Clothing,
Ever offered to the Citizenv of
Ituhtingdon county.
Tr you wish to get a cheap and fashionable suit
of clothing at 30 per cent. less then you can
elsewhere procure them. then go to the cheap
Clothing Emporium of HENRY ROMAN. op
posite Paula' Hotel in Market Square, Hunting
don' Pa., where you will find Heady made Cloth
ing of any quality, node of sound materials, and
in the most fashionable style and at rates im•
measurably below any other establishment in
thin vicinity, where it is considered that the
"nimble six•pcnce is tar preferable to the slow
shilling," and where, for good fits, fine materi
als, fashionable style and finish, "he can't be
The subscriber respectfully invites the atten
tion of his num.ous friends and customers and
the public in general to his immense and well sun
meted stock of Hens' and Boys' Fall and Win
ter Clothing. consisting partly of Fine cloth,
Beaver, Pilot, Petersham, Whitney, Felt and
Double Overcoats, Cloth Frock, Dress hack
and Business coats, of rill qualities. styles and
colors, Monkey Jackets, Roundabouts of ditlcr
eat sorts, qualities and prices. Fine Black
Doeskin, Clash stall Cassimere pants do., Fancy
Cassimere, %duet, Tweed, as well as a variety
of magnificent Vests, come of which in quality
and workmanship equal any custom work, that
can he obtained in any other place. Besides a
large assortment Al Heys' Clothing, the subscri
ber also keeps on hund a well selected
stock of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goode, such as
handkerchiefs, cravats, collars. gloves, sucks,
shirts of all descriptions. Undershirts, Draw
ers, Knit Jackets Suspenders, Traveling Bags,
Hats and Caps, and great many other articles too
numerous to specify.
Encouraged by past favors, the subsereber has
far exceeded his usual outlay in purchasing stock,
and he now assures the public that no person
wishing to purchase need leave his store without
being suited, he is enabled to sell at the very lose.
eat prices and whoever wishes to make a wise
outlay of Isis money is respectfully invited to call
anti examine fur himself.
Oct. }R• 1854,
HOOVER Still at His Post
T 111.: undersigned, now engaged in putting up
Armitage's ll:leery°. Magnetic Lightning
Reds in this and adjoining counties, would res..
pectfully exit the attention t.f the intelligent pub
lic to the great auperiority of this Patent, at a
'teem like this, when accidents to property and
life almost daily occur, it is the dictate of human.
ity, as well as interest, to make use of the hest
means of secutdry in our power, for though the
Lightning he in the hands of Him who rules the
storm, Ilia protection and blessing are always
connected with our own efforts.
July . 2A 4 48,',4 . tr.
Eleriro-Magnet Lightning Rods.
AFTER many years' close investigation and
numerous experiments, th, Patentee takes
pleasure in informing the public that he has arri
ved at the trite principles of protecting families,
dwellings and property from the destructive In
fluence of Lightning. The calamities that
every City, Town, Village and Country falls vic
tim to annually, through the gross negligence of
its inhabitants, is beyond calculation, especially
when the remedy is so cagy to obtain—this in
found in Armilages Patent Magnetic
Lightning Rods, and in this alone. This
Rod tuts been examined by the moat scientific
gentlemen in the world—Professors Anfurtrie,
Johnson, Wanor and many others that have ex.
mined them, recommend and speak of them in
the highest terms of approbation, and have pro
nounced them the only safe rods in use in this or
any other country, for the protection of Lives and
Property. One Advantage is to divide a n .: throw
beck a part of the electric fluid harmless to the
clouds; in time of a stroke this enables the roil
to conduct that portion of fluid that belongs to
the earth without the slightest danger of leaving
the conductor. This rod Ito, MMly other advan
tages over the old one. The only place of man
ufacturing in in
Vine St., - 3
doors above Twelfth, Philadelphia,
where all persons are respectfully invited to call
and examine for themselves. For sale Whole
sale and Retail, by TILOS. ARMITAGE.
Orders promptly attended to.,,Tetms cash.
PIIII.AT A.. Aug. 13, 1847.
I bore this day carefully inspected a conductor
or Lightning Rod, with vane and index, erected
by Mr. Thomas Armitage, on Bellevue House,
Gloucester, and have no hesitation in saying that
it is not only the best that I have over seen, but
that it is the only one I have yet examined that
is constructed on strictly scientific priorities. It
is with much pleasure that I recommend this
conductor to the attention of owners of buildings.
1 am well satisfied that the Magnetic Li g htning
Rod, manufactured by Mr. 'limning Armitage, of
Philadelphia, is the best that has ever been made•
I have spent several years in the study of the laws
of electricity and tnagnetism, and have no hesita
tion in saying that these Rods aro constructed
upon the only principle of safety. Tho electric
shock is received and disposed by the meg:lota
the top of the rod, and it would he impossible,
according to the laws of attraction and repulsion,
for a building to be injured by a stroke of light
ning when protected by one of these roils. I
have been acquainted with Mr. Armitage for sev
eral years, nail before he commenced the menu.
faeture of these rods I examined the principle on
which they are constructed, and felt convinced
that their adoption would be attended with com
plete success. The increasing demand for thug)
rods, and the extensive sales in tall parts of the
country, is entitle commendation of their utility
and superiority.
Rising Sun, Phila.]. en., April 10, 1852.
The ibilowing extract is taken from nn editori
al in the Germantown Telegraph, edited by :Major
"The bogus rod placed cpon our dwelling we
have had taken down; and another ereted by Mr.
ARMITAGE, to which we would call the attention
of onr farmers and readers generally. It is put
up on tree scientific principles, and is a rod that
has been approved by the highest authority, and
will hear the most thorough examination. Those
who hare been deceived, us we have been, should
lose no time in having n proper protection against
lightning, substituted. The cost is a mere bag
atelle when compared with the entire safety of
our houses and barns against this destrnctiye ele
ment. Mr. ARMITAGOR advertisement will be
found in the columns of this paper; and we feel
as though we were performing an imperious ditty
to the community, by thus inviting to it general
PHILADELPHIA, Dee. 4, 1852.
Mr. T. ARMITAGE, Vine Street, west of Twelfth
Street, Philadelphia.
Mr MAR Stn: ARm• a trial of many weeks, it
affords me great pleasure to inform you that I
am highly delighted with the lightning rod you
placed upon my house at Bustleton. As far as
my chemical knowledge enables me to perform
an opinion, lam satisfied you have developed
the correct principles in the adaptation of rods to
protect property from destruction by lightning; as
soon as the advantages of your arrangements are
understood, I am convinced that few persons will
be found no reckless as to fail to avail themselves
of the protection afforded by your rods. Wishing
you all success in your enterprise,
I am yours truly,
• ""
• No. I, North Eleventh Street,
Pinksltor of Anatomy, Philadelphia College of
Hartidon, ( Men Co., Pa.,
Is Agent for Huntingdon, and adjoining counties,
and will furnish the Rods on the same manner as
the Proprietor. Any person desiring to be sup
plied with the Rods can leave their order with the
Editor of the Journal, or with Willits Miller, o
the Rail Road llotel. April 12, '34.-2m.
D C. MeGII, I, returns his thanks
lA* to his friends and dm public .0 r m. ill",
for their very liberal patronage, and.ic5,.....„0;
hopes by strict attention to business ' viILISP.r"
to merit a continuance 3f the same, its all kinds of
Castings, Cooking Stoves ' Air-Tight, I'arlor,
Ten Platte Wood and Coal Stoves ' of various si
zes, and all kinds of Ploughs: the Lancaster and
the Plunk Barshear patterns, and Keystone No.
4 Self-sharpening and !Ill) side Ploughs, and
Shears to suit all kinds of Ploughs in the country;
Rolling-mill and Forge Castings, (gist anal Saw
mill Castings, Lewistown 'Threshing Machine
Patterns, and the four horse and two horse power
of Chambershnrg ;mitten's; and all other kinds of
castings too numorc-ss to mention, all of which
will be Pohl cheaper than ever for cogs and all
kinds of country produce. Also, old mettle taken
in exchange fur castings.
nominal., November 9, 1853.
Brilliant Display of Jewelry.
9 1 1 l : public generally, and the rascals who,
1 80100 time since, entered my store and remo
ved valuables to the amount of about $llOO
without my permission, ere informed that I hare
just opened n more general mul better assortment
of articles in rny line of business than was ever
brought to Huntingdon, consisting of Watches,
Jewelry, Clocks, Fine Knives,
Pistols, Perfumery, Port Mon-
naies Silver Ware, and Fancy
Articles, &e., &c. My old friends and customers,
and the public in general throughout the county,
are requested to cull and examine my assortinent.
Huntingdon, March 29, 1854.
Jour Scorr, SAMUEL T. Brown
"3 &Fin 'N MOWE D ,
Attorneys at Law,
Huntiugdon, Pa.,
Office slimes. that formerly occupied by John
Scott, Esq.
Oct: 19, 1853.
THE anciersigned hare for sale n secend-lian.l
- Carding Machine, with all the ne ,
reesery fixtures, which they offer for sale very
row. Any Otte wishing to purchase will do well
to call and bee At. KESSLER &
Mill creelenpril 12. I 854.—Sru.'
A fresh supply of Garden Reeds trout Risley'
Gardens, just received, and for sale by
Feb. 23, 1853. J. . &. Se=en w.
I 0 DOZEN Ames' No. 2 Shovels, just recei
ved and for sale bT & W. SAXTON.
splendid lot of Bonnets just received and for
sale by .I. t j• 1V SAXTON.
O' a ß t E
T ,n i i iN r Ai m Eli fro 25 cents
il up . 18
t co 12 52 50
Or, BARRELS superfine flour. fr,r sale at the
,tore nf t;EO. GWIN.
Late. Arrival or Nett , Goods.
A large lot of barred Delano, Persian Twills,
Domestic and French Gingham., Alpnccas, sack
Flannels, Tweeds end Linsey., brown and blench.
ed muslin., a large stock of ribbons, and a hiud
some assortment of dress goods for ladias nod
gentlemen, For style and price can't be heat, for
sale at GEO. °WIN'S Store,
50 undo; Ground Adorn Saltjust arrived and,
for sale nt 0520. (MIN'S Store. I
60 barrel. Conenningh Salt in store awl for talc
A Into arrival of English and French Merinos
for sale low at the store of GEO. O WIN.
100 kegs Nails and Spikes for sate by the keg
or pourol, at GEO. GWIN'S Store.
SOO Ihi. Cast Steel for drills sad sledges, for
sale at tire store of GPO. ()WIN.
500 pieces calico, new styles and patterns, of
good quality, sold low at the store of
Flui.lalatnge, a large and handsome assortment
for sale at GEO. (MIN'S Store.
Jan. 4, 1854.
HOUSEKEEPERS study your interests, why
go to Auction and pay extravagant prices for
half-mode PVIMITI:1110 Call at No. 1, North
NINTH street, and examine the largest assort
ment of the best made Furniture and Bedding in
the etty, eeather Beds, Hair, Busk, rind Straw
Mattresses; n large assortment of fancy What
nots, Sofa 'fables, marble tops, and Washstands;
Walnut and Mahogany French Tete-n-totes, Di
vans, Wardrobes, Bookcases; French Bedsteads;
Fancy Stuffed Seat, Cane seat, Windsor, and of
fice Chairs, Counting-house, and canc-seat Stools,
Settee and Arm-chair Cushions; Cottage furni
ture made in every style and color; Sofa Beds and
Lounges, wholesale and retail, and wurranted to
give satisfaction, and sold at the lowest prices.
Sep. 29, 18.53.—1 y
Will attend to allbusiness entrusted to him. Of
fice nearly opposite the Court ['on.;,
May 4, '33.
Informs his old friends and the public
has returned to his old home, and will attend to
all business in his profession, entrusted to him,
with Ihlelityand his hest ability.
Office in Main Street, south site, the last home
below the Court house.
Huntingdon, May 13, 1852.-6 m
TILE greatest variety of Dress Trimmings,
Fans, Cravats, Zeffir, Ty,le Tarn, Dress
Buttons, Ladies Collars. Cheinizetts, Fancy
Coder Sleeves, Kid and 1.31 e Thread
Gloves, and Hosiery of every variety,
,inst recei
ved and for sole by & W. SAXTON.
A NOTUER fresh supply of Dotage to Taint, A
Lanny, Berage, all wool do Bage, and part
cotton from 20 to 31. ors per yd. Also mintlier
fresh supply of Trimmings, just reed and for
sale by & W. SAXTON.
ABEAUTIFUL lot of Gents. Galion, Ladles
Gaitors and Shoes, Gents. Roots and Shoes,
Misses Gaitors and Shoes, of an endless variety,
just received and for solo by
Kt, SS 13 'I 11, Wellington, Cottage.
Gothic, and other Clocke, for Rale ;I sm!
cheap, at Edtn. Snare's Jewelry Store, I qlre
TIM:BEE Barrelled English Snob and Tick'
FOWLING PIECES—nIso Single Barre•
ed Guns, from four dollars to thirty mol, fiir
sale Uy J. & W. SAXTON.
TUST receiving the handsomest lot of Carpet.
40 ever offered in this placo. Moo, Oil Cloths,
which will ho sold low by
:1. d. W. SAXTON
ALARGE and splendid assortment of Bon
nets, Misses' Flats and childrene Hats and
Caps, selling at low prices at the store of
GE(,. GII7N.
Abenutifol lot of Cost Iron Pumps, for Wells
and eisterns,just received, and for sale by
Feb. 23,1953. J. & W. So now
rIASSINETTS, Corduroy, Tweeds, K. Jeans,
for sub) nt the cheap corner opposite C.
Coots' llotel• D. P. (t IN.
UST received a beautiful assortment of Scot
fired and Plain Velvet Ribbons, by
Dr. Jas. jVCllnlock's Family Medicine.
lisr sale by IWRACE W. SMITH.
Huntingdon, March 29, 1854.-3 m.
A beautiful assortment or Crum-bard
Silk, just received and for sale by
`A large lot of Shoes—Lace Boots, Buskins,
'.Misses and Children's at the Store of
for men and boys, a good assortment, at the store
of (LEO. OWIN.
Alarge assortment of Lawns And Berize de
Lainos, just reeeired at thecheap 5!!,213 . of
D. 1...G1V1N.
AFRESH supply of Gingham, Cheek, and
Shambray, Just received and for sale lir
.f. & w. sAx.r(A.
2000 Feet of Safety Fuse. just received
and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON.
225 BARRELS No. 1 Herring just received
and for sale at the store of GEO. GAIN.
Asuperior article of Burning Fluid for sale et
the store of GEO. (tWIN.
SILVER and Plated Spoon., Gold. Silver and
Plated Spectacles, at Edtn. Snare'sJervelry
fllNGllAMS—Domestic and Dress, joat re
calved at D. P. GWIN'S Cheap Store.
10 BARRELS Roo 11orring,just received and
for aide at the more of GEO. OWIN.
A SPLENDID assortment of Ladies' Dross
Goods just received at CAEMON'S.
or eafo at the store of GEO. GWIN.
ASPLENDID assortment of Boys'
ing, at the store of A. WILLOUGHBY.
A SUPERIOR article of Cider Vinegar for
11 aisle at the store of GEO. OWIN.
PERFUMERY—A good lot, of the hest,at
IAZGL DRLAII T , in endle s s varie t y , at
cheap corner ~(ziii.
pi a TMBURG llama
i ttl i, tl . i . te . h .. fir scle rn e e h r eap
4 "
BONNETS and Hats of the latest styles, Just
received at D. I'. GIVIN'S Store.
A superior lot of Rifles, for sat r , i i t . l i e u
salell. 1:; L Cod Fish, t
T e e n
s d fo
13 f irt e A 4l 7 e ' s P s rodnr. Finger Ring s,
A N N e n le r e e ll s ent variety of fine l'ln r L a ng , r.r;g 2 t
Moulders eel Flitch, for tale at the
tercel GLO. Li WIN.
The subscriber, thankful to his friends and pa
tron*, and to the Public generally, for their pa
tronage, still continues to carry on at the same
stood, one door east of Mr. C. Coat's Hotel, Mar
ket street, Huntingdon, where he will attend to
all who will favor him with their custom, and al
so keeps onlintul a good assortment of WArettes,
CLOCKS, JEwELatr, &e., all of which be is
determined to sell at low prices.
Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of ail kinds will
be repaired at short notice, soil lolling made ar
rangements wit) n good workman, all repairs will
be done in anent and durable manner, and every
person leaving articles for repairing shall luism
them done at the precise time. My paying strict
attention to business, and selling at low rotes, lie
hopes to receive a share of public patronage.
Huntingdon, Sept. 7, 1852.-Iy.
informs his
'''..*:::-., friends and the
------ -:_:,. public general-
N. ,TW•• - ___„f-; Is, that he bris
• :- Ask-, ''-''' , FT'• -- establis ho d it
t i f
,••---,' -'' 'Slarble Yard,
liiiT i A . II in the borough
. fri Huntingdon,
_.' '` : - 1!• 'HIM H '''' end has just ro
- - ••-', miowil • ocived from
..- ..
.......—. • -- -.-- - • Philadelphia a
selected stock of choice Marble grave-stones, 0
every description, which he will furnish at rosy
reduced prices.
All orders from any part of the county or ad
joining counties, addressed to the sohscriber.
will be received and promptly attended to.
Shop on Hill street, two doors west of Gen. A.
P. Wilson's Office.
May 18, 1853.—1 r•
ril II E undersigned has leased end fit-
Tr - 1 - tel up the above IltrraL, on the
°, .!,, 1 , corner of main and Montgomery Street,
" min the borough of Huntingdon, and I ,
writ prepared to accommodate all who may favor
him with their c.v.. The traveling commnni•
ty and the public generally are cordially invited
to cull with him, hoping hm• strict attention to
business to merit a large portion of public patron
age. No pains will he spared to render general
June 29,'59.-Iy.
A. P. Wm., R. Baron Par:29{ls
Practice in the several Courts of linntim:don,
Blair, Cambria, Centre, Mifflin nod Juniata Coun
t.. Much 23, 1853.
Would respectfully inform his friends and the
public, that tie has on hand and is receiving frr
the coining season, tt fine assortment of
Consisting of CS' Wat7lies, (7 31ll hains C g
, 11FastPins,
ger flings, Ear Rings, Pencils, Keys, Thimbles,
Studs, Medallions, &e. Together with his:eelel,ra.
ted and unrivalled
Which is equal if nut superior, to any now in we
Each Pen is Engraved with his own name,
and every Pen Warranted.
Oh did you ever, no I never !
Mercy on no what n treat;
Oet Read's Gold Pen, they're extra fine,
And only found in North Third Street.
A splendid Pen !!' Where did you get it ?
Pore Dianiond Pointed, can't be heat;
Yex, my fjend! t tliere's ii? litimbituilig
. •
. .
In Head's Gold Pens of North Third Stn.. t,
rltend's Gold Pen is found only nt 55 Nor.h
'third Street, below Arch East Side.
Pilattlelphia. Jan. 8, I 832.—tf.
-------- .
Blair county. Lancaster county
Huntingdon co. Lancaster county
Blair county. Lancaster county.
Central Tenn'a. Banking House,
OF lII{ VAN, q m & CO.— Office on Alte
gheuy street, a few doors west of the Court
House, and nearly opposite tue Post Office, lint.
lidaysburg, Pa.
The Company is now ready to transact tinni
ness. Upon money deposited for a specific
period of three, six, nine or twelve months, in
terest will be paid at such rates as are usually
allowed by Savings Institutions. Transient de.
posites received, payable on demand.
" • if. R. BRYAN, Cashier,
Hollidaysburg, :tiny HMO.
H. K. NEFF, M. D.,
AvixG located himself in Wanntons,ts on
AA in this county, would respectfully offer hie
professional services to the citizens of that pia,
and the country adjacent.
J. B. Laden, M. 1). Gen. A. I'. Wilson,
M. A. Henderson, " Wnt. I'. Grids., Esq.
J. 11. Dorsey, " lion. James Owl.,
M. Stewart, John Scott, Esq.
lion. George Taylor.
- -
Jacob M, Geminill, M. D., Alexandriay. Pa.
John " Petersbur
167, 1 52-a.
Lots in Altoona for Sale.
north of Hollidaysburg,and about one mile north
west of Allegheny Furnace, Blair county.
After the 21st day of May, the LOTS in said
Tows will be open to the public for sale.
It is well known that tne Pennsylvania Rail
Road Company have selected this place for tho
erection of their main Machine and other Shops
and are now building the same.
The Rail Road willbe opened early in the Fall
throwing at once a large amount of trade to this
place. The main inducement at thin time in of
fering Lots for sale, bring to secure the
ite Machinists and Tradesmen, and homes for
the Machinists and other employees of Cie Rail.
Road Company. Early application will 'lemurs
Lots at a low price.
Fat further information apply to C. H. MAT
ER, at Altoona, or to It. A. NteMURTRTE.
May 1, 1852—tt.
Notice to Tavern Keepers.
NO'T'ICE is hereby given to the keepers ot Ins
and Taverna within the county of llunting
don, that the Judges of the Court of Quarter See
stuns of said enmity, enjoin upon the keepers n•
such Inns and Taverns that they close their res
pective hare on the Sabbath, and refrain front
selling or dealing out liquors on that day; au•
the licensee of such persons as shall disregard this
injunction will be revoked forthwith agreeably to
the Act of Assembly in sort' case made and pro •
vided upon the fact of Niel; violation coining tsp
the knowledge of the Court.
Ily the Court, 24th Jan. ISM
THEO. H. CREME% Clerk.
.May 1.1852.
Adams d, Co.'s Express.
T. N. SIMONTON, Agent, Huntingdon.
Money, Packages, and goods ofall kinds, re
coined and forwarded at the risk of the company,
to all the cities and principal towns in the United
State May I , '52.
BLANKS...AIways - buy your Mimics at the
"Journal Office." We hare now e repared a ve
ry superiorarticle oIBLANK DEM> S, BON 1)F
r 1 ,1111; Ninebt assortment of Horde end Nhobb
er Wren:a iv town, for bale low hr