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IRRNITZ. ne often thought of thee. nm.et Till tev.ra have dimmed my eye,' ; llow abort must be the mortal span Between the and the skies, For Heaven Lath round thy features thrown The light that marks thee fur its own. Thong!! rich in outward loveliness, Fond memory loves to trace The meek confiding tenderness, The soft nod Pensive grace, Which to that fair young brow has given The lock Devotion wins from Heaven. 'Cahn and unruffled ny the stream O'er which the Queen of Sight Loves to reflect her placid beam And bathe in floods of lght, Ts the collected thoughtful mien In which thy purity is seen. 'Chine is that singleness of heart That knows no selfish etc in The tears from feeling's fount that start To soothe another's pain: Who thy kind sympathy could prove, And know thee, dearest, and not love? Oh, may no enrly suffering dim Thy spirit': etillnese glow ; May'et thou return as pure to Hmi— As pure from ein RS now— Who gave thee for a phile to earth To prove thy virtues and thy worth. While memory on my soul shall trace The records of the past, Thy image time shall ne'er efface— My love unsineken last— In fond affection 'cherished there, Too pure a guest fur earth to share ! EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT By S. A. Hall. A Teacher Returned. Miss &lAN E. DRAYTON, favorably known in this community as a mostaocom plished teacher, has just returned from Steubenville Seminary, where besides the regular course of Academic study, she enjoyed the enviable opportunity of attend ing a full course of lectures on the "art of teaching." II is .hoped she will engage a school in her native county, and scatter here the seeds of improvement she gath ered on the banks of the Ohio. Correspondenoe. Below will be found a long deferred article by MY. TtlF!,•y, ^ne of our best " I SEE NO STAR &nova THE HORIZON, PROMISING LIUITT TO GUIDE 118, BUT THE INTILLIGIINT, PATRIOTIC, UNITED WHIG PARTT OP THE UNITED BTATRA.". teachers. and a letter from that noble friend of the public school system, W. G. War ing of Centre county. Apart from a little tlattery, these are sound documents. The teachers of Huntingdon county will be happy to hear from Messrs Waring and essey frequently. May 1 indulge the hope that they will continue their fa vors, and that others, incited by their ex ample, will write something for this de partment" Come, broiler!), one and all, and lend a helping hand. ALEX kNDItIA, February 1955. .1,75 Me. Hsu. —ln compliance with your general invitation to the friends of educa tion, to write on any subject in any way connected with our schools, I propose ma king some remarks relative to the condi tion of some of our school houses. Among the many subjects that have claimed the nttention of the most devoted, and enlight ened supporters of our school system, that of suitable buildings has received a prom inent share. This is but just and right for the success of the Teacher, and the health and comfort of the pupil are meas urably dependent on the adaptation of the school house to promote these ends. Con sequently, where ever we find our schools in a healthy, prosperous condition, we find that neat, commodious and comforta ble houses have been erected, or that the people arc turning their attention in that way. But let us look at some of our school houses as they really are, and then any one can judge how well they are cal culated to promote the success of the Teacher, or the health and comfort of the pupils. In the first place, then, some of them are so open that the Teacher on en tering on a cold morning, finds the frost glittering upon the walls. And even with the stove heated red hot, and those near it perspiring freely, those on the back seats are trembling with cold ; in some cases the ink freezing on the pen. Again, the ar rangement of the seats and desks, is Ire pently far from being suitable. In some cases they are so crowded together, that a child might creep from one side of the house to the other, without being seen by the Teacher. In others, the seats have no backs, and are raised so high that it is impossible for children to set upon them, and have their feet upon the floor at the same time. The writing desks are circled round the building, and the pupils placed fa 70 to face, with the side or hack to the Teacher. School houses though are sometimes made uncomfortable through carelessness. The fire is not made at the proper time, nod the house becomes ton cold, or sometimest so warm, through out mitilatetl—glass is broken out and not replaced &c. In one instance we were creditably informed it required two little boys pacing over the floor, time about, to keep the door shut, simply because the latch was broken. The Teacher should see that such things are attended to. But I ask is it possible for any Teacher to keep children quiet upon their seats, and enga ged in their studies, when they are suffer ing from the extreme of either heat or cold, or upon seats that might justly be termed, instruments of torture, Ours is an age of progress and imps ivement in things pertaining to our comfort and convenience. The old log cabin with its roof of thatch, or clabboards secured with poles has giv en place to the neat and comfortable dwel ling, and the cabin barn without stabling has been superceded by the commodious bank barn with ample shelter to protect the beasts from the inclemency of the weather. Many other improvements might be no ticed, indicating that people in studying their comfort and convenience, are but looking to their own interest. In the mat ter of school houses, however, self inter est appears to be lost sight of. The com fort of the children is not only sacrificed, but their health endangered, and in some instances permanently impaired. Heavy taxes are also imposed, and the money spent comparatively to little purpose, for the schools aro truly in a very backward ' condition. Now these evils must and will continue to exist, till we have better school houses. It is true, there are other causes, but I will not notice them at present.-- Why have we not better houses, and how shall we obtain khenk, are the questions I propose answering briefly. The cause is to be found in misapprehension of ,he na ture and value of a good education. Im press it upon the minds of parents that a proper education is ono of the greatest of earthly blessings--that to secure it to their children, is rt solemn duty they owe their offspring, their country, and their God ; and the natural love that burns within a parents bosom, will prompt them to make many sacrifices to obtain this precious boon. Let public opinion be rightly awa liened, vofilet lie lens len srpc awl inditlerence HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1855. that now exists may be shaken off: Let the most intelligent and liberal minded men in the community be selected as Di rectors; men who do not think their time boat when laboring for the good of poster ty ; men who can appreciate a higher and nobler reward than that which comes in dollars and cents. And let Teachers set about the work Si self-improvement in earnest, not regarding teaching as a step ping stone to something higher, but as one of the most honorable, though responsible stations that any human being can occu py. Educational meetings ; Teachers In stitutes ; Public Newspapers; and that sterling Publication, the Pennsylvania School Journal, are practical and efficient means of exciting nn educational spirit.-- In proof of thin we may refer to Lancas ter county, whose progress in education is perhaps second to none in the State. Mr. Lamborn, an experienced Teacher and in defatigable laborer in the cause of Common Schools, speaking of their progress in that county, (l'enn. S. Journal, vol. 11. 177th page) says. "In one district, where, four years since, the teacher was discharged for teaching that the earth is a Globe turn ing upon its axis every twenty-four hours, (which was pronounced infidelity,) and where the new teacher was employed with the proviso that the same books should be used, that were used forty years before, and that the black board should not be em ployed, I was pleased to see hemisphere maps adorning the walls of the school room. In this same district, there are now three brick school houses, unsurpassed by any country school house in the county." I may notice some things hereafter that in terfere with the comfort and decency of the school room but I here written enough for the present. Yours truly, D. F. T. Near Boalsburg, Pa., March 23, 1855. Mr. J. S. Ifstus--My dear Sir ;--I sin rejoiced to learn that you retain, as Super twentieth, all the enthusiasm that distin guished you ns a teacher, and especially that it has contributed to a measure of such estimable consequence and value as the , establishment of a school to teach the art I of teaching.' If further proof were need ed of the wisdom of the enactinent provi ding a County Superintendent, beyond ha results in the great improvement, in the management and effectiveness of our schools in almost every township—it may be found in the brightened prospects for the future which are owed to it. And among these is one important result which the most sanguine advocates of Snperin. tendency did not anticipate. Many thought that the establishment of Normal Schools —a measure which has been always held to be ofessential importance in giving due effect to our system of Common Schools— but for the establishment of which the Stare has never yet been able to spare funds—would do mostservice in rendering Popular Education equal and effectual through every corner of our territory But the Superintendency, at least in our county. and in yours, besides redeeming its own promise, brings the Normal St hoot in its train—thanks to the devoted friends of education who have on their own res ponsibility undertaken its establishment.— And I cannot see that an endowed institu. tion, however well furnished with library and apparatus, could do more for the supply of our first and most important school wants titan can and will be done by Messrs. Hall. Baker and M'Divitt; three gentlemen, distinguished for their eminent abilities as experienced, practical teachers of the very first order, yet differing as ono star from another iii peculiar qualifications, the stint of which will make the trio ' , hard to beat" as conductors of a Normal School. And, in the present condition of our schools we do not require grand opportunities of prosecuting the higher branches or educa tion. The opening of a school . the ar rangement of classes; the various modes of maintaining discipline, and a knowledge of what discipline is; the proper teaching of plain reading, writing, and the very A. B. C. itself ; some acquaintance with the laws of health, such as every teacher should possess, who is entrusted with the care of scores of children, each so liable to physical detriment by “sthool-going"— these, and hundreds of points of right and of duty which the teacher should have first thoroughly investigated before taking his sacred office—are among the first things t o be treated and practiced upon in a Normal School. And the text book, works of ref crence and apparatus necessary for illus trating these, can be found as readily at Huntingdon as at college. The skill, ex perience and wisdom of the principals are the best erglownient of the Normal School. bon, 1, the `llperinlend dents, teachers, and citizens of Huntingdon and Centre counties that they have been among the first to establish Normal ScLools, devoted to their proper object, and that by private enterprise. I hear at least one board of directors in this county proposing to offer their highest rate of salary only to those teachers who have attended the Normal School and pas sed with credit. To teachers. who have now such pres sing inducements on all sides to perfect themselves more and more in their most honorable vocation, these schools afford the first opportunity of direct professional study and practice, and will not be neglec ted by any young man who has any self respect, or the least desire to excel.— When it is not propose to become a pro fessional teacher a session's training in a Normal School will be peculiarly valuable and instructive to every youth who has the least aspiration for usefulness. With many thanks for the early information you gave me of your entetprise, and assurance of my best wishes and efforts for its success I remain yours, truly, W. G. WARING• Itiisallancous. Wonderful Freak of a Snake• Mr. John Gebhard, Curator of the Geo logical Rooms, well known for his pench ant in the study of Natural History, recent. ly made an experiment with a snake and mouse with the most wonderfal and extra ordinary results. His snakeship was some eight feet long, and proportionately large ; like all of his race, he did not mas. demo, but swallowed his food whole, be the article of provender large or small.— Mr. Gebhard, being of en inquisitive turn of mind, determined to test the fact whe ther, by some unknown process, to masti cate its food, or whether it was bolted whole. Accordingly, a mouse was preen red and placed in the cage with the snake, which at first did not appear to notice it, allowing the animal tr, run about, leap over its body, and cut up other antics in its haste to get away. In a few hours, how ever, the snake apparently "smelled n rat" and feliciting itself upon its good fortune in thus being furnished with a delectable morsel for its supper, began to move about with evident gratification, eyeing the inn' nitessimal lump of life with inward delight. Soon by the use of its most potent charm ing powers, the mouse sat upright, gazing at" its lord and master" with irrestible and evident delight. This, however, was dangerous pastime, for suddenly the snake, making a dart at the mouse, took it in itc extended jaws and merely wink ing its glaring eyes swallowed the animal as easily as would a child a sugar-plum, and then curled itself up into a listless in dolent way. Mr. G. believing that the mouse was forever "gone from his gaze," paid nu more attention to the snake until the next morning, when going to look at it lie was much surprised to find a mouse running about the cage, having the apaear ance of being saturated with blood ! Up ' on looking at the snake, a hole wvs fou in its bod y near its tail, sufficiently large to allow the egress of the mouse, and from the freshness of the wound it was evident that the mouse, swallowed alive, had eaten its way out! This being the only hypoth- esis upon which to base a conclusion, and not being certain, Mr. G. determined to watch and see if the snake would again attack its diminutive though life-loving prisoner. With patience did Mr. G. keep a vigil over the box, until his suppositions were verified, the snake again swallowing the mouse, which cat its way out of the body, a few inches from the place where it had before regained daylight ! Sixteen times was the experiment repeated, but the seventeenth time the snake was so corn. pletely perforated,that in the attempt to again swallow the mouse, and giving a sudden twitch of its body, it was snapped in twain The mouse died the nex*lay, but the snake lived a week after.—.llbany Trans. PRETTY Goon.—" said a little blustering man to his religious opponent, in front of the Tremont Temple, last Sun day evening. "I say, sir, to what sect do you think I belong I" "Well, I don't exactly know," replied the other ; "but, to judge from your make, size, and appearance, I should say you be longed to class called the insect l" AWTUL.-- .. Ain ' t you afraid you will break, while falling so ?" said a chap the pit of a circus, to the clown% Why so?" asked the latter. ..Because y ou are a tumbler," replied the wag. The clown fainted. Stool and Iron. The difference between common iron and steel is in the carbon in the latter p, but if iron be heated to a white heat anch plunged in cold water, it becomes very' hard. Mechanics take the advantage of this in making axles and collars for wheel work, for it is may filled and turned In a' soft state, and afterwards hardened ; this is most commonly practised in the ma chine shop. Molders who make wheels, are often embarrassed by this chemical property in iron. For as the metal is procured into the mould of moist sand, the evaporatiodof the water carries off the heat and cools the iron so quick as to make it extremely hard. This is common in such portions of the metal as have to run the greatest distance from aperture of reception. The only remedy for this, is to have the sand as dry as possible, and as many apertures as convenient. The harder the steel the coarser the grain,—fine steel has the closest grain.— A neat curved line and gray texture de note good steel; threads. cracks, bright specks denote bad. The management of the forging may indeed modify these indi cations, and steel good for some purposes may be bad for others. Very small arti cles heated in a candle, are found to be perfectly hardened by whirling them in the cold air; and tin. plates of steel, such as the needle of a compass, are hardened by being ignited and laid upon a plate of cold lead and quickly covered with anoth er. "Case hardening" is that property of iron by which it becomes very hard on its surface. Articles of iron stay be the case hardened by smearing their surface with a paste of the prussiate of potash, then heating them to a red heat, nnd dipping in cold water. In making tools, the artist is directed by the colors of the steel while heating. The different colors direct, in tempering, to a standard. When steel is to hard, it will not do for tools intend to li.tee a very fine edge, because it will soon become notched, and if too soft, it will tuo easily bend.— Purple is the color for gravers, or tools used to work in the metals ; when the col or appears is hea.ting, it is immediately plunged in coldwater; a very hard tem per will be madeif the steel is taken fit a yellow color and dipped. I3lue is the color for springs and instruments for cut ting soft substan cc., such as Bathes, &c. A New Horse Trick. A Westmoreland farmer, who had sev eral times been taken in by die Y)rlishire horse dealers, in retaliation, contrived the following scheme to deceive the 'biters." At the last Brough hill fair, he had a po ny of good shape and action, but unfor tunately, by seine accident, it had lost one of its ears. On making application to a currier, he was readily supplied with one just the same size and color as the one 10-t, which he fixed the pony's head by the bridle. The plot was successful; the pony was sold to a Yorkshireman, a bar gain was soon made, the money paid, and the bridle of course was given over, the farmer disappearing in the crowd. The purchaser, on going to put a halter on the pony, took off the bridle, and' to his sur prise, the lalse ear also, lie made some search for his brother "biter,'• but he was nowhere to be found, for he had made off from the hill in great glee at having succeeded in deceiving the Yorkshireman. —Carliale!En g.) Jour al. Take a Home Paper• The following remark from the South ern Watchman, is worthy of attention:— We are satisfied that many persons are governed by an erroneous view in regard to substning their flows papers—many of them believing that they contain little of interest, wtkjle those from a distance are brimful of every thing great and good.— Now the truth is, that precisely the con trary is the tact. A home paper is better than any one from a distance possibly can be; because it contains all the foreign and general news to be found in a distant pa per, and besides this, the local news, ad vertisements, &c., which can never be found in a distant one. The man, there fore. who takes but one paper, stands greatly in his light, if he does not take the one nearest his place of residence—and no man can take so large a number of pa pers as to make desirable todispenco with the rending of his local sheet. PO' . It is one of the most awful points of view in which we can consider GOD, that as a righteous governor of the world, concerned to vindicate his own glory, he has laid himself under a kind of holy neces sity to purify the unclean, or to sinlr him into perdition. '-(WEIISTER. Z - Nit alb *mor. DOKSTICK LETTERS-CONTINUED, FIRST COMPLETE COLLECTION. Original Clews of Men and Things. HUMOROUS ASPECTS OP AMERICAN LIFE. X—Doesticks hears the Street Preaching. NEw YORK, Oct. D o 70 Hundred and One, Narraw et. Got tired of New York, although it is a town of considerable consquenco. Wan ted to see the world ; so started for the sev en-by-nine State of Rhode Island, where they shingle the houses all over, outside emit, and put the windows in the roof; Wll4 - they make their rail-fences out of cobble:omeg ; where the ducks roost on the fence, and hatch their young ones in the tops of the cherry trees; where the men look so much alike, their selves often kiss the wrong individual. [Damphool says it's a way women have, rill the world over.] Went to the City of Providence, where all the men make jewelry, and all the women believe in spirit-rappings ; where they've got a bridge wider thou it • is long, and Macadamized on both sides; where all the plaster-busts of great men have gray wigs on ; where they light the gas in the middle of the afternoon ; w here they drive five horses tactless ; where the apples grow as big as wash-tubs, and the oysters obtain the enormous size of three cent pieces. Went into the woods after chestnuts; couldn't find any, but discover ed a magnificent tree in the distance—re joiced exceedingly thereat—started for it —three quarters of a mile away ; went ahead, over stones, ditches, fences, snakes. briars, and stone walls, until, at last, I reached it, nod found it was nn elm, nn chestmits on it—got very mad ; walked round the State a couple of time, and took the first train for home. Glad to soe the old place nod!n. Saw a big crowd in the Pas It—inqui red about it, and was told the usual street screeching was going on—wanted to see ! the fun—got a good place, on a fat Irish-' man's toes. Enter Gabriel—tin horn— hole in his pantaloons—pull [)ogee says, that if angels have wings, they are also provided with tails—hence this last itein; thought in extremely probable. Gabriel mounted one end of the City Hall steps, and, after a preliminary overture on his horn, and a slight skirmish among the faithful, resulting in four black eyes, damaged nose, and a brc.lici. gious services commenced--LDamphool was entirely curried away by his sylopti• titles for this last martyr, but soon discos, ered that the fractured member was "pure ly vegetable," as the patent medicine men say, and !lie injury was speedily repaired, by means of a few shingle nails, and a piece of clap board.] Gabriel went into win ; but, spite of the sanctity of his and the holiness of his aforesaid breeches, he sans not permitted a cicar field A fe male, with bosom undressed, in the latest' fashion—petticoats, [Damphool says skit'. ticoats] not immaculate; stockings, through the texture of which, her delicate ancles were plainly visible to the naked eye— whdee hair resembled molasses candy, with a nose symmetrical as an over grown sweet potato, and, in hue, not unlike the martyr. ed lobster; and whose teeth reminded me forcibly of the "crags and peaks" men tioned by the man in the play—took up her station on the other end of the steps. She, like Gabe, went in for giving the s.'hurch of Rome "Jesse," but, otherwise did not agree with him. Did not seem willing to go to [leaven by his convey luxe, but claimed to - have discovered some kind of a north-west passage—some ex clusive path "across lots ;" and alto advo cated her right of way . , with all her wo man's power of tongue—in fact, they agreed only tolerably—Mccades antbo" —both Celestials, but of a different breed —[l3. D. says, that, some time since, they joined issue, on the Devil's head—one as serting that he has horns, and the other maintaining that his brimstone friend is it muley]—but they boils pitched into the Pope—abused all • foreigners, denounced the Church of Rome, walked into the af. fections of the Catholics generally—talk ed learnedly of priests, inquisitions, dun. geom., thumb.screus, martyrs, convents, nunneries, and other luxuries, as being the only legitimate offspring of the mother of abominations—the scarlet woman ; and, in fact, seemed to be having the field en tirely to themselves, when, lo! a change tame o'er the spirit of the Gospel show ; for, in the midst of the crowd suddenly appeared a third comb-dant—his classic dress and intellectual face, gave anmists table t.denro. that ho "is from the "c;im VOL. 20. NO. 15. of the o'..^rtr..." With , !i , l'tlified and majestic bearing peculiar to his country men, fie slowly mounted the steps, and took a position directly between the two, and, in a voice strongly tinctured with the "sweet brogue," announced himself as a champion of that much slandered gentle man, the Pope of Rome. At this astound ing impudence, the woman, for a single instant, held her peace. Gabe was so ta ken aback, that he seemed about to col lapse, but rallied, played an "ail libitum" interlude on the tin horn, and all hands "pitched in," (as Miss Agnes Robertson says). Gabriel commenced the onset, Lv asserting that the Pope is not strictly a bachelor, but has seven white wives in his parlor, thirteen ditto, bound in law-calf, in the library, a hundred and forty-one gold en.haired damsels, in his private apart ments, and a perfect harem of jetty beau ties in the coal hole. Petticoats followed, by saying that he breakfasts on Protestant babies ; drinks whisky punch out of a Protestant clergy. man's skull ; has an abducted Protestant virgin to black his boots; fifty-seven Pro testant widows to dig his potatoes, me! hoe corn, and dint he rolls tenpins, every afternoon, with the heads of Protestan , orphan children. Irishman indignantly denied all—said the country is going to the old Knick; and, some tine morning, we shall wake up, and find that the Pope, enable longer to en dure our perverseness, has sunk us all for ty miles deeper than ancient Sodom; said that his Heliness 113 all to perai tion, by one wink of his left eye ; that he is the head of the Church on Earth ; has all power, to save, or otherwise; conk! get us all out of Purgatory, and send us all ;dotin into fleas - en," by wagging his little finger; that he could, like a Joshua No. 2, make the sun and moon stand still; Taal, the planets dance an a , tronornical rigadoen ; cause the hills and mountains to execute a mighty geological jig, while old ocean should beat the time, against the blue vault of Heaven, and applauding an gels encore the huge saltations. ! Gabe said he didn't believe the yarn.— ' Petticoats remarked something about the Star Spangled Banner being always right side tip. • Irishman proceeded to describe the fu ture home of the happy in anrelipi- world, as a place where there shall be plenty of potatoes, no end of shillelalis, oceans of genuine whisky ; and where no Know- Nothing Yankee shall be allowed to come and kick up a plug muss. At the wore is now-Nothing, tlicie as a great sensation. Symptoms of a free fight rapidly developed into an uncivil war. Petticoats got mixed up with the crowd, and presently emerged, rather the worse for wear, barefooted, Lair down, nose injured by collision, eye in mourning, month bloody, and her whole appearance reminding me of the "sow that bath eaten her nine farmw." [I for get who penned this opposite quotation, and asked Bull Dogge, who, being excited by the fray, angrily asserted that it was • by ..;Nero, or some other d—d old cuss"— is ii r] Irishman seas taken away by sev j en policeman, on his national carriage—it wheelbarrow. Gabriel came out unhurt, save, that his elegant features were sotne• what marred by the finger-nails of Pet , i, costs. Perceiving that the fun was over, I turned to go, leaving the aelf•elected An gel Gabriel astraddle of a hydrant, edify. ing the passers-by, by alternately sound ing notes of victory upon his horn, and cruising like an overgrown Shanghai. Yours, devoutly, 0,. K. PHILANDER DOESTICKS, P. 13. MmuussiE.—Yesterday after noon, the Rev. S. Morias, Rabbi of the Jewish Synagogue in Cherry street, abort Third, was married to Miss Weyl, in the presence of a large assemblage. The members of the congregation and the in vited guests were admitted before the opening of the doors, by a private entrance. nearly tilling the body of the church.— Some of the ladies were dressed ;n a style of great magnificence, especially those se lected to assist on the occasion. When the doors were opened, which was at a quarter to tour o'clock, there was but little space left for the crowd of persons who were waiting without, a large proportion of whom were lathes. The marriage cer emony lasted about halt nu hour, and was V , .1 . 3' interesting. 'The annual stenral oat eommeree of the 1 ;rent , West is estimated no follows: Eight hundred stew - Al...is, of nearly two hundred tl,ousand tons, trii,r.ing thirty thousand milk, and moviur: eommerve !h 4,141,3 ~.1! thirty ~!,aar