Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, April 04, 1855, Image 3

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Water Street, Pa,
rptif.aecontl session of this Institution will bo
open( tl on the lid day of May. The school,
ns its title it divides, is designed exclusively for
FtninlFS NMI it is the aim of the Principal in
its ctinlqiti nient, to nselet in ditfustng a useful
end practical education. From the encourage
ment &trendy received, he has been induced to
make mitlitional provisions for the entertainment
end instruction of hie Pupils. The services of
cam' t 'tut Tenders have been secured, whose
time will be exclusively devoted to the inter
ests of the school,
Board, Tuition, and Rooms for the term of 18
weeks from $4O to s•t;, according to branches of
Lessons on nano and Melodeon at tensomble
Early applications solicited.
Jlnrcb 26, 1835-66. •
MO the citizens of Centre and Huntingdon
counties Witnessed' that the following is
the charges made by A. Stevens, at the settling
of his accounts with J. C. Horning.
Mare' 31,1855
One day lifting potatoes. (tee day
making applq„„ hatter. One day
butchering, at the rate of $2O per
For knocking a sink calf (which lior
flings cow had) in the head, in
February, 1854,
Half day manuring and plowing gar
Half barrel water cider,
Damage done by keeping chickens,
Planting and working 000 hills pota
Lifting potatoes, 540 hills the rest
Hogs rooting rloref field, his own as
much us Horning, Bucks or
Iforeings elierec,
liereings credit, Stevens,
119 85
Iloc Horning.
Stems mod,
184 98
153 00
April 3, 1853.-11
$3l 96
fze ,OF ALL WARS t heir Widows
and Minor
S. A.
Attorney for Government
Mishing4m, D. C
CovriNUES to giro prompt and personal itt:
million to the prosecution of Claims °revery
description against the General Government,
and particularly to these before the Treasury
Department, Pension and 13011100.4nd 80.
roans, Patent and General °dices, and Board
of Claims.
Au experience of years, and a familiarity
with the Moon,' of obtaining. the earliest and
most favorable action on Claims, with his fitcil•
hies for the dispatch of business, jiistify him in
itentrii, his Correspondents, Claimants, and
the getter:dlr. that interests intrusted to
his keepin4 not Le neglected.
l'Exstux, l;vuNvy f.t NI), PAT4NT, INN ht•ULIC
L~,en Laws,
Bo hat nearly ready for gratuitous distribn•
lion among his business Correspondents, (and
those who may become such,) n beet pamphlet
2ontaitting a synopsis of the existing Pensi o n,
Bounty Land, Patent, awl Pultlie,Land Laws,
down to the end of the late Congre+s—inch•
ding the
Bounty-Land Act of 33 March, 1855,
under c 11'.1 . 11 all who have heremfore received
le. ,; I ;•1 acres to all ()Meer, Nomcomnis.
; Chaplain:. Soldiers, Wagon
not.ter,, ; ,•!1',7 I . ;. .oI Holly ',idiom, of
op ... • . Volunteers,
and ();ti , , , , Seamen, 1/rdina•
ry Seamen, Mn iacs, Clerk:;, and Landsmen,
of the Navy not heretofore provided for, who
I..tve served not less than filarieen days (unless
i,attle) at any period since 1776
su ; mid to the
tvidowt and minor eltild re]; or all ch persons
],.:11,1 acid deveased.
This pamphlet contains "Forms of Applica
tion" more full and complete than any else.
where to be ffiund ; adapted to the wants of ev-
ery class of cliiiina iits under the Act, with co
pious decisions and instructions of the Depart.
ment, and practical suggestions as to the course
to be pursued in suspended or rejected cases.
Parties not wishing to avail themselves of
llw facilities afforded by this Office in securing
prompt andriwena/ lop rintendewe of their
claims at the Departments, Can obtain copies
..r the above patnphict by remitting thirty cents
in pustuge stamps.
Inducements to Correspondents.
Correspondents who prepare and forward
cases for management by this Agency will be
dealt with liberally ; snpplied with all necessary
blanks grali.s, and kept constantly advised of
the changes that from time to time occur in the
execution of the law.
It is within the subscriber's power to direct
his Correspondents' to the locality of very many
persons entitled under the late Act ; and hay
mg obtained several thousand Land Warrants
under former laws, he is in possession of data
that will materially assist in securing addition
al Bounty.
Fees. below the usual rates—and contingent
upon the admission of Cluin..
The highest cash prices given fin• Land Wat ,
mots, RevolutiOnary Scrip, and Illinois Lnnd
lahingto), City.
March 27 1855-It
Birmingham, Huntingdon eounty, Pa.
s o i e tt e nt .i t p e l o o n n t e h o e f l t l e nnzl s r t eknit Rood, end nin
si ruble locatiuns in the stole. It is so easy of ac
ris, retired, healthful, end surrounded with such
romantic mountain scenery, that no one who
wishes to learn, could dud an institution more fit
.eenstily situated. Experienced teachers who nro
graduates of Troy end Mt. Ilolyc Ise Seminaries
re employed in this institution, and no pains
n ill bo spared to sustain its growing reputation.—
summer le& comae.. the last Tuesday
At April and continuesllls•is month.. Charges to
cars from the time of entering, end no deductions
mane for absence except in cane of pu
pa, from otimoi are expected to board its the
tientinary Building with the Principal who gives
his %Mdte attention to their interest and advance
Betwding, Tuition and furnished rooms per
Itirm $6O 00
'alio, Dorman, French, Painting, Drawing
and Instrumental Music, ENID,
Hay. J. W. WARD,
Maiiih 27, 1855-tf.
T"Enartnership heretofore existing between
D., Brown and II aptly is this day by mu
tual consent dissolved.
All oirsons knowing themselves indebted to
the mud firm, will please nail and settle their
aecounls without delay.
Mirth 27 lb:/b—tf.
GIN . d u . lot of rislinb RI EX.. BNA mem
JN. BALL respectfully solicits the attention
•of the Binning community to a quality of
Ploughs which he is now manufacturing, and will
have ready for sale in a few days, ho is also pre
pared to make harrows, wagons, carts, wheel
barrows, &e., La., and to do all hind of repairing
at the shortest notice, and in the moat substantial
iopon N. W. corner of Montgniory and Wash •
ington ots.
March 27 1855-If.
Lancaster County, se.
THE Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
To the Sheriff of Lnnenster County
.If Henry Musseltuan make iron
secure In prosecuting his claim, then
summon by good and lawful summo
ners, John G. Miles, Michael Berry and Sarnh
Shoenberger, acting executors and devisees in
trust of Peter Shoenberger, dee'd., so that they
be and appear before our Judges at Lencaster, t
our Court of Common Pleas for the County of
Lancaster, there to be held on the third Monday
in April next, to answer the said Henry Mussel
man of a plea, wherefore he, the said plaintiff,
and the said defendants together and undivided
do hold all those certain two tracts of land, with
house, barn and other buildings thereon erected,
bounded and described as follows : No. 1, begin
ning in the middle of the Marietta and Mount
Joy Turnpike road, and along the same North,
twenty-nine degrees and one quarter East ; one
hundred and thirty-three perches. thence by oth
er lands late of Frederick Hrtines,"dee'd., North
sixty degrees and five-eighths West; 128 perch
es and one-tenth, to the middle of the Marietta
end Colebrook road, and along the VIM, South
28 degrees and three-fourths, West 155 perches
and one-fourth to a post, thence by lands of hen
ry Sulsbach South, 21 degrees, East 92 perches
and seven-tenths to a post, and South 69 degrees
and ono-half East, 38 perches and one-tenth to
the beginning: Containing one hundred and
fourteen acres and one quarter, strict measure.
No. 2, beginning at a black oak stump, thence
by land of Samuel Nnyler North 79 degrees
West, 29 perches and nine-tenths too pest, thence
along lands late of said Frederick Hninesolee'd.,
South 29 degrees and one-fourth West, 48 perch
es to a post on the South-West side of a road,
thence along said road and by said land Stiuth 48
degrees and one-lburth East 28 perches and
three-tenths to a post, dienee by a small strip of
ground sold by the dee'd., to Daniel Rinehart
North 30 degrees and three-fourths East, 80
perches and three-tenths to the beginning Con
taining nine acres and one-half, strict mensure,
being the same property conveyed by John Ilahle
man and wile to Henry Mussolinin as per Deed,
Recorded in Record Book 1. vol. 7, pages 596 &
598 ; see in Iteccmder's Office at Lancaster where
of the said delendants pat Mien between them to
he made according to the laws rand the customs
of this Commonwealth, in such cases made and
provided, do gainsay, end the same to he done
do not permit very unjustly and against the some
laws and customs as the plaintiff says. And
have you then there the nature of those summo-
Ilews and this writ.
$2 31
15 00
82 81
Witness the Honorable Henry G. Long, Pres
ident of our said Court at Lancaster, the sixth
day of March in the year of our Lord one thou
sand eight hundred and
March 20, 1855.-4 t Prothonotary.
17ou the Prevention and Cure of Ixtulturrvorr
and Itiortrr.twi FEVERS. FEVER end Aucu,
Citu.t.s and FEVER, Dr mu Ao t7E, GENERAL DE
DILITY,NIGHT SWEATS, and all other rorms ut
disease which have a common origin in MoktAl,lA
Or :q.t.., This subtle atmosphere in poison
which at certain seasons is unavailable inhaled at
every breath, is the same in character wherever
it exists,—North, South East or West,—and will
everywhere yield to this newly discovered anti
dote which is claimed to he the lIREATEIEE DIS
This =peeitie is so harmless that it may be ta
ken by persons of °my age, sex or conditon
and it wil! not substitute for one disease others
still worse, as is too often the result in the
treatment by Quinine,. Mercury, Arsenic, out
other poisonous or deletremis drugs not a parti
elu of any of which is admitted into this preps
The proprietor distinctly claims these extra
ordinary results from the etc of ;;ATURAL
it will entirely protect any resident or travel•
ler even in the most sickly or swampy localities,
from any Ague, or Bilious disease whatever, or
any injury from constantly inhaling Mah,riaor
It will in=tently chgek the Ague in persons
who hove suffered for any length 01 time. front
one day to twenty yearn, on the they need never
have AstrimEll CHILL, by continuing its use ac
cording to directions,
It will immediately relieve all distressing re
mits of Bilious or Ague diseases, such an general
debility, night sweats, &c. The patient et once be
gins to recover appetite end strength, and contin
ua until a permanent and radical cure is ellec•
Finally, its use win bani,h Fever and Ague
from familia end ell class.. Farmers end la
boring nten by adopting it as a preventive will be
free front Ague or Bilious attacks in that Reason
of the year which, while it in the most sickly, is
the most %minable m, to them.
One or two bottles will answer fur ordinary
cases , some may require more.
Directions printed in German, French and
Spanish, accompany each bottle.
. .
'Price . One 1./C.414i, Liberal discounts made to
die truth,
Trade circulars forwarded on application, and
the article will he consigned on liberal terms to
responsible parties in every section orate coun
try. JAS. A. RHODES, Proprietor.
Providence,ll. I.
Anoxia—ln Huntingdon, Thomas Head & Sun,
and for tulle by dealers generally.
March 20,1855-Iy.
riko , 4tOtrltNElD
[Estate of William Buchanan deceased.]
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of
Huntingilon.county, there will be exposed at
public solo on the premises,
On Thursday the hill clay of Ainql, next,
the following described Heal Estate, to wit t
ranted in the name of Benjamin Elliot, situate
in the township of Union and county of Hunting
don, containing 26 Acres 38 Porches, bounded
thy the Juniata river, lands of James Fea. John
Grove, and others, known as thp Fisher tract.
ALSO,—On the same day, ONE TRACT OF
LAND, being part of two larger tracts, one of
which, was surveyed on a warrant granted to
Robert Simpson, and the other on a warrant to
Charles Kelly, situate in Bratty township, con
taining 266 Acres 128 Perches and allewanco,
adjoining lands of John A. Campbell, James
Lane and others.
ALSO,—On Saturday rho tilt day of April,
warranted in the name of Devitt Itapsloy, situate
in Hopewell township, Huntingdon county, con
taining 333 Acres, lying in the Little Valley
about two miles from SlTup's Mill, at the foot
of Broad Top and the Rive• mountains.
Toasts OF Sate.—Ono third of the purchase
money to be paid on confirmation of sale, and
the residue in two equal Elmwl payments, with
interest to be secured by rho bonds mid mon
lygoges of the purelmscr,
__March 10,1852--2 t. Atheinistruf: ix
LETTEMS of Administration on the estate of
Abrallani Bransteter, deed., late of the
township of Warriormark, fluntimtdon county,
having boon granted to the undersigned by the
Register of saki county, all persons indebted to
said estate will make immediate payment, and
all persons having claims will present them duly
authenticated Pr settlement.
March 20, 1855, Administrator._
BLA,llllKS,..4lways buy your Blanks at the
"Journal Mee." Wu kayo now prepared a ve
ry superiorartlela of BLANK DEEDS, BONDB,
' TION &v, .
TILE Summer Session of this Institution, loca
ted in Shirleysburg, will commence May let,
1855, and continue tire months.
The location being pleasant, free from the
Ague aad Fever of the Juniata Valley, and easy
of access by a daily late of Coaches from Mt.
Union, seven miles distant, on the Central 12.8.,
is well suited as a retreat for youth leaving home
for a High School. In addition to good Build
ings, there is provided a Chemical and Philoso
phical Apparatus at a cost of over $lOOO. No
ardent Spirits are sold in the town, and Board
ing can be had as reasonable as anywhere also
in the centre of the State.
The Principal has secured the assistance of
Mr. E. P. SWIFT, A. B. of Jefferson College,
end son of the Rev. E. P. SWIFT, D. D. No
roaeonabfo pains will be spared to give literary
training, along with all proper attention to the
moral and religious culture of the pupils, in or
der to prepare for entering our beet colleges, and
especially in view of practical V!, the great end
of education. The government will be firm, yet
parental. Personal advantage, n sense of honor,
end the great laws of the Bible will he appealed
to rather than the teachers authority.
TERM B.—Board ing, tuition end room, per ses
sion, in the flintily of the Principal, fifty dollars.
Earl nypl iynti on desirable.
Tnitioti in Primary English, eight dollars.
Iligher English, ten dollars.
Classics, twelve dollars. Payable quarterly
in advance.
iII,II,IIENCES.—Rev. A. B. Brown, D. D.—
Rev. Wm. Smith, D. D., Canonsburg—Rev. I).
Elliott. D. I).—Rev. E. I'. Swift, D. 1)., Alle
glmny—Rev. A. G. M'Gill, D. D., Princeton,
N. J.—Rec. George Elliott, Ale:Canaria—John
Brewster, Esq., Shirleysburg.
March 20, 1855.-tf
NOTICE is hereby given to the members of
the Huntingdon County Agricultural Soci
ety, and to farmers and mechanics generally,
that a meeting of the Society will be held at the
Court-house, in the borough of Huntimplon, on
Wednesday evening, the 11th of April, next, for
the purpose of•transacting such ousiness its may be
deemed necessary to advance its interests.
All persons interested in the promotion of ag
ricultural science, and the domestic arts, are ro
spectlully requested to attend.
J. S. 11Aurt s
cc vs.
J. S. IsErr -
March 20, 1855—St.
WItlatEAS by a precept to me directed, dated
at Huntingdon, the 25th day of November,
A. I). 1854, under the bands and seals of the
lion. George Taylor, President of the Court of
Common Pleas, Over and Terminer, and gener
al jail delivery of the 24th judicial district drum
sylvania composed of Huntingdon, Blair and Cam
bria, and the Hon. Thomas F. Stuart and
than McWilliams, his associates, Judges of the
county of Ilantingdon, justices assigned, appoint
ed, to hear, try and determine all and every in
dictincuts anode or taken fur or concerning all
crime, which by the laws of the State are made
capitol or 11:Ionics of death and other offences
crimes nod mi,lcummors, which have been or
shall hereafter Inn committed or perpetrated fur
crimes aforesaid—l am commanded to make pub
lic proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick
that a Court of Oyer and Terminer, of Common
Pleas and Quarter sessions, will ho held at the
Court House in the Borough of Huntingdon, on
the second Monday (and 9th day) of April,
next, and those who will prosecute the saint pri
soners be then and there to prosecute them as it
shall be just, and that nll Justices of the Peace,
Corontrs and Constables within said county be
then and there in their proper persons, at 10
o'clock, A. M. of said day, with their records, in
quisitions, examinations and remembrances, to
do those tluugs which to their takes respectfully
D.ited nt Huntingdon the 35th day of November,
in the year of our Lord 1851, nod tho 78th
year or American Independenee,
March 13, :855.
WHEREAS, by a precept to me directed by
the Judges of the Common Pleas of-the
County of Iluntingdon, bearing test the 25th dav
of Novetnber, 1854,1 out commanded to make
Public Proclamation throughout my wholebaili
eick, that a Court of Common Pleas will ho
held in the toast I louse in the Borough of Hun
tingdon, nu the tido' Monday (and 16th day) of
April, .1.1)., 1354, fur the trial of all issues in said
Court, which remain undetermined before the
said Judges, when , td where all jurors, witnesses
and suitors, in the trial of all issues are required
to appear. .
- - -
Dated at Huntingdon, the 25th day of Nov.,
in the rear of our Lord 1854, and the 7ath year
of Ameriran Independence.
Shirleyeburg, Huntingdon Co., Pa.
PUP, subscriber gives notice that he has as
stoned the charge of this Institution as Prin
cipal, find that he will open it for the reception
of pupils, on Wednesday May 20d. It posses
sea superior attractions in its healthful location,
convenient buildings and handsome grounds.—
The Principal flatters himself that equal advan
tages will be found in the nequirements of his
Lady and himself, trot their cl,iil gained by long
experience in New York City. and other places.
They will spare no, exertion to give their pupils
a thorough intellectual training, a cultivated
taste, polished manners, and, above all, moral
culture founded on.purc christianity without sec
tarian bias.
The charge for board with English tuition will he
per term of 22 weeks,
Day tuition per quarter, - - - - $1 00 to 66 00
lleasonablp extra charges will he made for an.
eient and modern languages, Music, Drawing
and Painting..
Till the opening, circulars, containing full par
ticulars may he obtained of William B. Letts,
Shirleysburg, Pa., or of the subscriber at 121
Clinton Place, New York,.
.J. B. KIDDER, A. M.
REFFEILLNCES.-1/ev'ds. It.
and A. D. Gillette, of Now York City,
March 13, 1855—At.
Cassville Seminary, Male and Female.
The Summer Session will open 4th May.—
ly new and commodious building will then be
ready for use—we will then be able to accommo
date, in the Seminnry,—and in town,—ono bun.
Bred and fifty students. Front present prospects
this , much room will be necessary.
We have determined to connect with the In
stitution a Nounal department, and will give
special attention to. mud deliverlectures upon the
theory and preetiee of teaching. We have now
a fall and competent board of Instructors con
sisting of fear gentlemen and three ladies, pre
pared to impart instruction in all its literary,
scientitie and ornamental branches, usually
taught in the best seminaries. Farther informa
tion may be had by addressino• the Principal.
J. T. Tommx„
Camille, Huntingdon Cu., l'a.
March 27, 1855-3 t.
C 11. A D
TI? any person is desiroutrof obtaining any pro
.' perty belonging to mo I nuke this opportuni
ty of announcing that 7 am always willing to
• without requiring the musty records of the
County Docket to ho overhauled for a pretext
for exposing the sumo at •‘ Shorirs Salo."
March 20, 1835.
A most boautiful Woof Bongo do Laine pat-
A -3 - torus, and in the pieco, front 181 ctl up to 50
cts. per yard,just ruccived and far rale by
.1. 6. w. S.IXTO,V.
L o b O_KING Glasses, j up, I . . i ect I lyetkr i t , f c t i t . s 7. ettl
GOLD 01.14LVS—A line variety for sale, 1 o.
ry low, at EUM. SNAlali• '
JUST RECEIVED awl for sale Fish, Salt and
Plaster by J. & W. Skx•row.
ULOUR hy *IL HI. Wheat by tho butshei tth•
E sale at p. P. GIVINS.
A Book for tke Times.
ki —with Hints on Kindred Topics by Wtn.
Hague, 12 tno. Cloth. Price, $l,
This is a that will interest every Pa
triot. In it.are developed the relations of Chris
tendom to the Ottoman power, and other topics
peculiarly interesirng at the present day.
Doctor Ilaguo i;a lively and beautiful wri
ter on all subjects, but particularly so, wo think
upon the topic treated of in this book. Its his
torical eketohos nro comprehensive and brilliant,
and it is a hook that cannot fail to do an impor
tont service to the reading publie."—N. Y.
Parley's lb...chola Library, a perpetual fund
of instruction. Illa4tratbd by uver 500 engra
ving?, Bvo. 81, !al.
" • • " " "
"Tlie c
.1 ,er issned."—N. Y. In
. . . .
Handsomest nn.l cheapest book fur youth
we have ever seen "- -Re Herald.
: •
• • • - • • •
Parley's Pictorial, a book for home education
profusely embelliThed with fine engravings—and
put up uniform with the, Household Library.—
Bro. $1,50.
The Youth's Galaxy, a beautiful and useful
book for children end youth with many foments.
1 2ino. 60 cents.
Pius Ninth, last <Abe Popes, or the Judg
ment of God upon the Nations.-12 mo. 25
The Coining Struggle among the Nations of
the Earth, descrEied in accordance with the pro
phocies of Ezekiel, Daniel and the Revelations ;
showing the important position Britain and
A lorries wilt occupy daring and at the end of the
awful conflict. 81. a pamphlet, 10 cents.
The almost incredible 'number of 150,000 have
been sold.
"Remit the price and the books ordered will
he received by return mail. For sole by oil the
117 Nassau st. New York.
March 13, 1855-41.
DA cAtzßitrovnms.
one of the first and most ex.
perieneid operators, has opened a Gallety
for a short time in the Rail Road House, where
ho is prepared to take daguerreotypes of every
. . .
Ladies and Gentlemen are incited to call
and examine his specimens.
Any person sitting for a picture will not he
required to take it if not satisfied.
lie can take as good pictures its cloudy weath
er es in clear, only requiring longer sitting ;
therefore small children should be taken on
cleat days and between the hours of 10 and 2
11.uomi opon from 8 A. M., until 3 P. M.
Murdt 1:i, 1855,
1)1 virtue of sundry Writs of Fl. Len. Fa.
1 ) Vend Exp.. issued out of the Court of
Cum. Pleas of Huntingdon county, tuul to tne di
rected, I will expose to Public Sale at the Court
Ilousti,,,in the I3orough of Huntingdon, on
TUESDAY the 10th .lay of April next, 1935, at
10 o'clock, A. M., of suid day, the lollowin. do-',
scribed Rent Estate, to wit
small tract of land in Berme township. Min
i I tingdon county, containing forty two acres
blare or les,, with a small log house, n franca Bla
me, and blacksmith shop thereon erected, bound
ed by lands of James Livingston, Joalnut Green
and others, with a small portion cleared. Seiz
ed, taken in execution, and to be sold as the pro
perty of Gilbert Cheney.
. .
A L f T eJu i
t r t c, t interest o
adjoining f
a nt
ground in the village of Shade sap. Huntingdon
county, adjoining tho :Methodist Church lot on
the north. lot of James Sherero cn the 1111110,
fronting 30 feet each, on the pulilie street 04, 1
highway, through said„village.-4 41 1; unit being
on the west side of the same, and extending hack
at right angles thereto, 140 feet each. Seised,
taken in execution and to ho sold as the proper
ty of William Myers.
A i.SO.
rpWO untie adjuinin.4 him of ground situate
I in the village of Urbisonia. in the township
of Cromwell. each fronting 50 feet on cromwell
street, and extending in depth 140 feet to an al
ley, and numbered 9 and 10 in the recorded plan
of said villiu4e, on lot Na. 9 there is a two story
log house, used no a wheel-weight shop, and on
hit No.lo there are a two story frame dwelling
house, and shedstable. Seised, taken in execu
tion, and to be sold as the property of Joseph
LI, the defendants right, title and interest in
and to one lot of ground to the borough of
Alexandrin, bounded on the north by the Potion.
on the west by an alley no feet wide, on
the south by an alley, on the east by tlitrtslog
street to the canal, thence by the said canal to
the place of beginning, having a Tnnuery there
on erected, containing 24 lay-a-way vats, 2 limes,
4 handlers in The house. The Ton House being
45 feet by 24 bet, frame, two stories blab, n Hark
llousu Go by 24 feet, with a water privalege from
the upper spring, forever. .Seized, token in coo
cittion, and to be sold as the property of Daniel
. ,
41 1.4 i
A L . l, the right , title, Its interest of defendant
ri in and to a lot grow lin the borough of
Cassville, I%lr . 1,11110 louse thereon erec
ted, bound°, , lot or .frAhout Greenland on
the east, mad bi' le LutheranTheting honse lot
on the west, and street on the north and south
by land thrmerly belonging to.the heirs of Robert
S'prer, deed. Also. all the defendaids rights in
and to a house and lot of ground, knouts as the
Mond. Hume of Robert Speer, deed., hosing
a largo house thereon erected, being a double'
home, part of brick, and the hien& frame and
pin , tera and weather ',mad kitchen. Also,'
one other lot in the southern end of Cassville,
with ono and a MIK story log house thereon tree.
led, fronting the street on the east, and Joining
a lot et Isaac Ashton on thin south, and on the
north and west, hounded by lands of Joshua'
Greenland. Seined, taken in execution. and to.
be sold as the property of George W. Speer.
hi s a f izo w f h t i l g m
p a r l o , u p s , . o r
l s y v r t i o t l w i
t h
.. a — v e o I n e o v i r i l , nn
ground in the village of Snlshurgh, Barren I
Township, fronting, tin Met on Mein street, and
extending back 120 Met. Bounded on the east i
by Thomas Steward on the west by George W.
Chesong, deed., having thereon erected it Two
story Log House and Kitchen and other out boil
dings ; also, twenty-two acres of land more or l
less adjoining the village of Salsburgh about 20
of which is cleared ; bounded by lands of Jol,
Shock, on the west, on the east by lands of George
Johns, having thereon erected a Bank Barn sn
feet long by 30 wide, with a wagon shed attaelt
ad thereto. Also, Minty-eight acres ut land
more or less lyingm Baum township, Bunting
don county, with 35 acres cleared, adjoining
lands of Alexander Bell and others. Seised; ta
ken in exertion, and toluysold as the property of
John Harper.
ALSO, *.
_ . . .
One piece, parcel or tract of hold, inch
ding no island in the Raystown Branch of the
Juniata river, containing together sixty-six acres
he the same more or less, being port of a larger
tract of lend in the name of James Murdock itml
being the mansion place, whereon Otto widow of
James Entrain, Esq., dec'd., retitled before hot
death. Also,.one other niece or parrot of land
unimproved, containing fitly aeon more or less
being port of a larger tract, in the name of Oa.,
per Myers, adjoining the said last described other
tract, alm one other tract, piece, or parcel of land
containing ninety-eight acres bo the samo more
or less, adjoining the Alonlock part, on which is
erected an old Gristmill, together with the hered
itament+ and appurtenances &e. Seized and Li
ken in executicin, and to be sold as the property
of Matthew Crownover.
Susairee OFFICE, ?. Sheriff.
111111,inplun, Pa. S
March la. 1855.
EATLY printed on short notice, awl at low
prices at the Journal Office"
D ONNE'IIi. of alt torts aqd colon, also, Mis.'
1) Fluts, from 31& to 3UO, just received nod for
solely J. & W. SANTON ,
_ -
JUST receiving. ful,Nrcclt, %Aerial, Herrin.. *
.., !?c., and fors !,t• W. t VTON.
. . .
Trial Lid.
Henry Sheesly vs Moses W. Shugart.
Christian Couts vs John Hildebrand.
Luken's Adrnx., vs Maddens.
John Savage vs John Fisher.
BiekerstafT et al., vs Patterson.
D. Walker vs J. W. Myton's Admr.
Samuel Bolinger vs Wm. Johnston.
George Jackson vs Sa”amons Ears.
James Wall vs Peter Bucket.
Henry Mytinger vs Peter Livingston.
John Savage vs Barkstresser.
J. Simpson Africa vs Daniel Flenner et al.
Iliret for Caldwell vs Daniel Africa.
David Caldwell vs Dell and Cretely.
Commth. for Shoenberger vs M. Crownover.
Hirst Clark & Co., vs Myton & Cunningbm
Commth. for Bretton vs M. Crownover.
Joshua Johns vs Blair Robison & Co.
Andrew P. Wilson vs M. Buoy.
Commonwealth for Ityle vs Hooper & Hooper.
Dysarti Ex'rs., vs Cryders Admr.
Apgars F.x'rs., vs Isaac Ashton.
Horatio Frexler & Co., vs J. & W. Saxton.
Scott & Wife vs. William Johnston.
Adolphus Patterson vs Jno. Doughabough.
Philips vs Bigham et al.
Commonwealth for Kyler vs Bobert Madden.
Sterling & Alexander vs Baeken Still & Co.
James Bucket et al., vs Isett & Wigton.
Solomen Ginter vs Joshua H. Con's Admrs.
Bohm Stewart vs John S. Miller.
Louie Schneider vs Matthias Keifer.
Broad Top M. B. B. Co., vs Jacob Cresswoll.
Mary Ann Smith vs Peter Moor's F.x'rs.
William MeNite Indorsed vs John Daugherty.
Rev. McGinnis' Adtnr., vs George T. Hudson.
Grand Jurors.
Brice Blair, merchant, Dublin.
William Clark, farmer, Shirley.
Williatn Camp. carpenter. Porter.
William Crutsley, farmer, Cass.
Richard Chilcott, farmer, Union.
Charles Cowden, blacksmith, Brach•.
Henry Cohen, farmer, Barrer.
David Corbin. farmer, Walker.
Alexander Gilleland, farmer, Tell.
Joseph Hunter, carpenter, Jackson.
John JOIWI, farmer, Tell.
Jelin Kiner, farmer, Franklin. '
William Long, blacksmith, Henderson.
James Morrow, farmer, Dublin.
James Maguire, farmer, West.
James Orr, farmer, Tell.
Ntria Stewart, manufacturer, Jackson.
1,1, Stevens, tailor, Brady.
George Swartz, farmer, Cromwell.
Lewis Stever, farmer, Cass.
Isaac Taylor, farmer, Tod.
Samuel gehell, farmer, Hopewell.
John Wicks, farmer, Shirley.
John Hefner, (of Janli,) limner, Walker,
Traverse Jurors,
Robert K. Allison, farmer, Brady.
price X. Blair, merchant, Dublin.
Owen Boat, coach maker, Henderson.
Miles Brown, laborer, Spriin:l , ll.l.
Isaac Buck, farmer, Warriormark.
Samuel Campbell, teaelier,
Richard Cunningham, flamer, Joekson.
`1:11A A. Cre,swell, merchant, Barret,
Richard Culegate, blacksmith, Cromwell.
E.laard Duncan, filmier, Ilcpetcchl. .
John Duffey, mason,
George Eby, farmer, Shirley.
• John Eberle, farmer, Fratil.lln.
John Frazier, farmer, West.
Dewall F(1118C, limner, Hopewell.
Henry Grazier, farmer, Warriormark.
Thos. Henderson, (of David,) farmer, Warrior•
mark. -
James E. Harper, Dublin.
Francis Huller, Brady.
Joel Isenberg. farmer, Porter.
Aaron Keller. I . :oilier, Henderson.
Samuel Keith, teacher, Morris.
Long, grocer, Henderson.
David Long, thriller, Clay.
Daniel Massey, farmer, Horror.
George Myers, farmer, Shirley.
Marlin, plasterer, Clue.
Henry L. McCarthy, B. lv.
John Merrick, firmer, Dublin.
Benjamin Neff, farmer, Porter.
Calvin Noble, limner, Barer,..
Abraham Port, blacksmith. Henderson.
Geo. W. Patteroon, blacksmith, Jackson.
David Pheasant, farmer, Union.
Christian Peightal, farmer, Barree.
Abraham Renner, carpenter, West.
Benjamin Rhodes, farmer, Cromwell.
Jesse Butter, farmer, Cromwell.
James Slone, limner, Cub..
Joseph Showalter, farmer, Penn,
John Stewart, (Manor) farmer, Biome,
Robert Stitt, Henderson.
Andrew Taylor, thriller, Tod.
Isaac Trout, limner, Hopewell.
Joseph Taylor, farmer, Clay,
David C. Wilson, farmer, /fume.
John Weight, limner, Franklin.
Jesse Yocum, just. pence, Brady.
Thomas Adams, chair maker, Henderson.
John Atkinson, farmer, Dublin.
Arthur Antlers., farmer. Brady.
Andrew Allison, farmer, West.
David Beek, jr., farmer, Warriormark.
Jacob Baker, enliinet maker, Porter.
Abraham 13rumbaugh, farmer. Hopewell.
Washington Baker, fanner. Tod.
,Tohn Chileott, farmer, Cromwell.
Nicholas Corbin, shoemaker, Cass.
James Coy, Rumor, Barrett.
David Clarkson, just. peace, Coss.
Archibald Dell, farmer, Cuss.
William Dorris, sr., Henderson.
John Dysart, farmer, Franklin.
Joshua Hick., farmer, Porter.
Henry Holtzapple, miller, West.
Baninmin Isenberg, farmer, Morris.
Joseph Law, merchant, Morris.
'Robert Mcßurnev, merchant, Jackson,
Henry Miller, farmer, Porter,
Isaac McClain, filmier, Tod.
Peter Speck, farmer, Penn.
Caleb Swoope, farmer, Union.
David Swoope, farmer, Clay.
William D. Shaw, shoemaker, Porter.
Dawson Smawlev. farmer, Shirley.
John 11. Smith, farmer, Jackson..
John Fn7der, shoemaker, Walker.
Adam Speck, farmer,. Hopewell.
George H. Steiner.
Samuel Walters. farmer, Tell.
Abraham Weight, farmer, Franklin.
George W. Price, farmer. Cromwell.
Daniel Roberts, farmer, Shirley,
Robert. B. Myton, farmer, I.l.irrer.
Huntingdon, Mardi 18, 1855.
\X7IIOLESALE and Retail Beading, & Mat-
N , tress Warehouse No. 81 North 3stl st
lird door above Arch cast side, Philadelphia.
Feathers, Feather Beds, Bolsters & Pillows,
Curled Bair, Moss, Wool,Cotton. Flock & Husk
Mattresses, Straw Palliasses, Settee, Pew &
Chair Cushions all kinds & color, lhl•ticking,
Cheek, Moroeue & Damasks, by the yard or
plece„Cotts, Cattails, Sat'kings & Cords. Coon
terpanes white & colored, Cumfortubles of all
kinds and by the single one or the dozen, Crilt,
Berth, Single &9, 10, It, 12, 4 13, quarters
Blankets, ltieuehrd & tTobleitehed Sheets, Blea
ched Muslin A Cheek Pillow Cases, Towels of
all kinds, Table Linen, Table Covers, Damask
Table Cloths, Bindings or ill kinds & colors,
Thread, Ac., Ac.
N. 11. Bunton P. Cwt.'s Patent Feather
Renovator worked by steam power is daily in
operation Motile purpose of old and
new feathers. All articles front 'ht.' 12. tublhb -
mem watrauted.
VOUCH is hereby given to all Persons inter
" cited that the following named persons have
'tattled their accounts in the Register's office at
Hnntingdon, and that the said accounts will be
presented for confirmation and allowance, nt
an Orphan's Court to be held at Ilmitingdim in
and for said county of Huntingdon... Wednes
day, the 11 th day of April next, 1855, to wit
1. William Moore, Administrator of William
Selfridge, late of Barren township, dee'il.
2. Georg, McCrum, Adminhtrator of Martha
Selfridge, late of Barrec to decd.
3. James Coy, Admini,trator of John Cu,,
Into of Barren township, dee'd.
4. John Owens, Esq., end Peter Burket Guar
dians of James Cox, one of the minor Children
of Joshua Cow, late of Warriorsinurk township,
5. Goorge P. Wakefield, Administrator of
John W. Withington, late of Shirley township,
6. John Snyder, Administrator de honk non
with the will annexed of Philip Slinks, Litt of
Huntingdon borough, deed.
7. Robert Tinsley, Guardinn of Ann Elizabeth
Koller, a minor child of John Keller, late of Ca
tharine township, Blair county, dee d.
8. The supplemental account of Daniel Piper
ono of the Executors of tho last will and testa
ment of Jacob Iluyett, late of Porter township,
O. Benjnmin F. Patton, Administrator of .Teo.
Spitler, late of Warriorsmark township, deed.
10. JO9llllll Greenfond, Esq., and Wealthy
Doreall, Administrators of Amon Liman, late
of Cass township, deed.
11. 1/r. C. J. Hirst. Administrator of William
'first, Esq., late of Barre° township, deed.
12. George L. Calderwood, Administrator of
John Cnlderwood, Into of tho borough of Bir
mingham, dee'd.
13. Joseph Kurfman, erring Administrator of
Daniel Kurfinan, late of Cass township, deed.
14. James Chamberlain, Administrator of
Martin Gates, Into of Franklin township, ilee'd.
Register's Office, Register.
Hunt. March 10, 1855.
How often it happens, that the wife lingers from
year to year in that pitiolle condition as not even
for one day to feel the happy and exhilarating
anco incident to tho enjoyment of health .
But a few years ngo iu the flush of health and youth,
and buoyancy of spirits, rapidly, and apparently in
explicably, becomes a feeble, sickly, sallow, debili
tated wife, with frame emaciated, nerves unstrung,
spirits depressed, countenance bearing the impress
of suffering, and an utter physical and mental pros
tration, arising from ignomneo of the simplest and
plainest rate. of health as connected with the mar
ringo state, tho violation of which entails disease,
anirering and misery, not only to tho wife, but often
KING'S EVIL, and other nod
worse Discas., as a
And must Ode continuo? Must this be? Is there no
remedy? No relie?4 No hope?"
The remedy is by knowing the causes and availing
them, and knowing the remedies, and benefiting by Mann.
!hese are pointed out in
TROMBOR 01 DEEMS. or 1/0111,4.
Oyu Hundredth Edition, (600,000), 18:no., pp. 250.
yw mx seers, xrnu EINTISO, $1.00.]
A standard work of esiablidted ivputation, found chard
In the catalogues of the great trade sales In New York,
Philadelphia, and other cilia, and sold by the principal
bnok4ellera in the United Slat.. it was Brat pubUolted
in 1847, since which time
hare been sold, of which there were upwards of
etteetleg the high °etiolation in which It Is hold as a re•
liable porde° Medical
the author having devoted Ilk exclusive attention to the
treatment of complaints peculiar to females, In roved to
which he is yearly consulted by thousands both in person
and by letter.
Hero every woman can discover, by comparing her own
symptoma with those described, the nature, character,
causes of, and the proper remedies for, her complaints.
The wife about becoming it mother has often need of
instrection and advice of the utmost importance to la,
haters health, in respect to which her sensitiveness ha ,
bids consulting a medical gentlemau, will final such in.
.straction and advice, and also explain many symptoms
which otherwise would occaaion anxiety or alarm as all
the peculiarities Incident to her 'Moabno are described.
Hew many are mirroring from obstruction's or irregular.
Hies peculiar tee the female ayatem; which undermine the
health, the effects of which they are ignorant, anal ffir
which their delicacy forbids seeking medical advice.
Many 'mitering from pr olapna uteri (falling of the womb),
or from floor elba, (weakness, debility, he.) Many are
In conntant agony for many monthn weedier, confine.
meet Many have difficult if not alangercom deliveries,
and slow awl uncertain recororlea. Some whose lives are
bamrded during 'melt time, will each Ond In its pages the
tuacee of prevention, amelioration and relief.
It id of course impracticable to convey fully the various
subjects treated of, as they are of a nature strictly
tended rut the married or those contemplating marriage.
Nader, are you a husband or a father/ a wife nr a
mother/ Ilave you the sincere welfare of those you love
at heart, l'ruve your sincerity, Mt bee 00 time in
ming what mese, interfere with their health and hap.
at not less than your own. It will avoid to you and
yours, ns it has to thousanalv, many a day of pain RIO
anxiety, followed by eleepleaa nights, Incapacitating the
mina! ter Its ordinary avocation, and °alienating them
means for medical attendance, modicinea anal advortiami
nostrums which otherwise would provide for declining
years, the Infirmities of age anal the proper education of
your children.
In consequence of the universal popularity of the work,
as ovideuced lay its extraordinary sale,
variant!. imam!.
bona leave been attempted, es well on booksollera es ou
the public, by imitations or title page, spurious editions,
and .rreptltiotta infringement' of copyright, and other
devices anal deceptions, it has been found necesnry,
therefore, to
to litay no hook unless the wools Dr. A. M. Alsruiasr,
120 Liberty Street, N. Y.," is on (and the entry in the
Uleriee Office ea the back of) the title liege ; and buy
only or respectable and honorable dealers, or rend by
mail, and address to Dr. A. Di. Maurice:.
SE- Upon receipt of Ono Dollar "THE MAR
PANION" Ia sent Nailed free) to any part of the
United States, the °brioche and Britialt Province..
All letters must be post-paid, and addressed to Dr.
A. M. MAURIOEAII. boa 1224, New-York City.
Pubthatog Other, 129 Liberty Saver, Na".
T. 1t• l'etcrsea r , J. M. 111.4 & Ilro., aml
Tlios.Cowyerthait,Phihale/p/ii , e—MrA.
Williams. Ilu;ea•dadc—Slangier & Thu., Lou.
easter—S. Tuck, Triac.d.arre--J. 13. Gunnison
Erie—S,ina B. Lnufrer, ad/m.7/-11. Hall,
Piaqou—Dr. S. D. Scott, Bedibrd—E. T. Hil
dcrbrail, Indiana—J. S. Nickson and CM. L.
E. McClure, ?'hambersbora--Jourph Swartz,
Bloomsburg—Or W Earle, Waynediora-I'.a.
ter & McMalui Belk/bilk—B. 4. Lance,
robtOry u, 1155-6 m.
Lan & 4,inicp:
11 It tillAiksio
And all Kinds of Legal Blanks,.
Usod by Magistrates & Others
Printed at the JOURNAL orna.
T ADIEs Lastfu,; nit.l Silk W(.II k
Ittaro,,, and Gent Mot, awl `Ana:, nt tlio
tar. Oa CEO.
nr„,,yia Door Vila Milli..
A NV, )Nli I , t'll, inscoyEny has recent
.tl It Iwce mcde by Dr. Curtis, of thin city, in
the treatment of Consumption, Asthma and alt
Oisesses of the oing. We refer to "1/r. Curtis'
11.),,a1i5, or inhaling Hygean Vapor end Cher
ry Syrup." With this new method Dr. C. has
restored many afflicted ones to perfect health;
on an evidence of which he has innumerable cer
tificates. Speaking of the treatment, a physi
cian remarks t It is evident that inhaling—con
stantly breathing an agreeable, healing vapor„
' the medicinal properties most come is direct con
tact with the whole of the oriel cavity of the
lungs, and thus escape the many and varied
chances produced upon them when introduced
iota the stomach, and subjected to the process
of digestion. The Hygeana is for sale at all the
druggists' throughout the country.
Nets, York Dutchman of Jan. 1.1.
Tho Inhaler is worn on the breast tinder the
linen without the least inconvenience,--the heat
of the body being sufficient to evaporate Om
Hundreds of CASES of CURES like the fol.-
lowing might he named. One Paekage of Hy
gonna has eared me of the ASTIJMA of six
years standing.
ins. F. liiewherry, P. M. of Dunconno., '
lam cured of the ASTHMA of 10 years
standing by Dr. Curtis' Ilygeana.
Margaret Easton, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Price three Dollars a Package,—Sold by
No. 149 Chambers St., N. Y.-4 packageg sent
free by express to any part of the United States
for Ten Dollars.
N. 11.—Dr. Curtis' Ilygennn is the ORIGI
others are base imitations or vile and INJURI
OUS counterfeits. Shun them as you world
Sold by RUSSELL & SCIIOTT, No. 1 , 4
Market Street, Philadelphia, who will sell b)
thadozenat Proprietors rotes..
Sept. 20. 1851 •
D n. JonNs, one Of the most celebrated Pby
in New Yuri:, writes as coll.,: •
q—__Aar 8,
Da. (.. 111,
Crthe your N
(NI, I !.. VAPOR ANp CuctlßY YR, r,
ihrouic Bronctiitis, and being much
itation iu utfuotion., of thu
'.,••! tab., and lungs, 1 ,Itu titer,
..,.n.niended yunr Medicated
the most convenient 00
erectual applying anything of
kind I hat, ever seen. io doubt. thint,:th,:,
perJonA may be relieved, and inn:.
by 'using yourreret
You arc nt liberty to use th
may think proper.
p,etfull i y, pours.
Goti Ifouston St., New Fork
ENTLEmrv,-1 have recently Ind neensiva
to test your (.erry Syrup and urgent Vapor
in a rase of chronic ,61, throw'. that had rullt,ed
to yield to other forms of treatinent., and tha
SlViqiied mo , that whatever may ho
the ,mmpositlim or your preparation, it. is nn
inginsitioo, lad an ineellent remedy. I mists
thr the sake alllietel that it might
brought within the mull of all.
li iv. Itactor Ciiktirmt wri•es,
Xcw-York sov. I.i, 18.5 I.
pr. Stn: --I think h'Adily of Dr. rortis'3
Ify,affa, ns a remedy in diseases of the throat
o Having had some opportunity to
ti ,t its efficacy. i am convinced that it is
ff unfit excelleni medicine, both the Syrup and
the inhaling application to the chest.
The II Yu}, tNA is fur bale by Thomas Read &
MOIL S . ec advertisement in another coh:eio
headed. Hyticanntr,
Jan. 23. 1855—Cm.
A LL person: interested are hereby utaiile.l
that !otters of .iininktration open the
tote of Samuel Good,late of Moent Uniou
hare heel' this day granted to the uniiiirsirned
nail all are hcroby notified that those having
claims against the estate are requested to pre
sent them, and all indebted to the estate of said
dereased, are requested to make immediate pa) •
meat to the undersigned administratrix.
NANCY GOt 111, Administratrix
of Samuel Good. dee'd.
31t. Union. Hunt. Co., Ca., March 3,1851.
it.w®`TE Se
Nu. 333 Broadway, 14k.
Music at Greatly Reduced Rates,
IN uncle to keep up the prices of nun
copyright music, ayains/ the interests or null,
composers, and the i r refusal to extend to Me.
Waters the eourtisies of the trade, he is tia
king immense sales—haying abundant evi•
deuce, that he has public contd./Ince and sup.
port, in his wesilion to the CI II EAT HONOPOLY,
I and in his ellbrts to aid NATIVE TALENT, itud
to adopt the Navtit34t. Ccnttcsev. His sloth.
of American nod European music is immense,
and the catalogue or his own publicattuns is
• one of tho largest and hest selected in the UM.
fed States.' Ile has also made a Gativr Itt.•
nei Ilex in the prices of PIANOS, Mt:Loomis:l
and Jlcstrot. lxsrnemsx•rs of all kinds. Sn•
! lwrior toned 0¢ octave pianos for $173, s_oo
anal $221, interior of as good quality, and in. strong and as durable as tho,
which cost $5OO. Pianos of every variety of
style unilpr ice up to $lOOO, comprising those
(se TEN (llfrorClA manufactories: among them
the celebrated modern improved HORACE WA.
Teti a PIANOS and the
f irst premium .1:01.1A N
Plexus of T. Gummi . A; Co's make, t ; owners
Of the patent.) SECOND.IIA ND PIA NO,
nt yr. d bargain., Prices front $lO to $130.-
MttLooeoxs fronttart; different mane fitetorie,,
inch oiling the well known S. & H. W.
SMITH'S melodeons, (timed the enuel tempera
ment,) (lie hest make in the l'hited &des. Pri.
ees $l5. $6O, $75, $lOO, Silo, $125, 5135, awl
51.700. Smith's Double think Melodeons, $2OO.
Pinuo and .3filudeon guaranteed. Ti,',
Left tornts to the track, schools, &c. 12i por
oent. discount to clergymen and churches. A
orders promptly attenacil to. Music sent te all
parts of the enentry, poet paid, at the reduced
rates. General and select catalogues and
schedule of prices of Fianna forwarded to any
address free of clutr,E,
February 1;1. 1
3111,Nit;)0!) ACADEMY,
Shade Gap, Huntingdon County, Pa.
ri II E session of this well known Instilus
I I ti.oi aill open the ist Wednesday of !tiny,
it is located at Shade Gap, IS miles from the
Mount l:nien S:ation, on tint Pennsylvania Hail
i Veal, faun which place there is a daity line of
liciag situated in the country, it is removed
I),in all the vices and temptations of town.
.1 hr buildings are large, airy and commodious,
,:,.1 io or accommodating sumo 04) hoarders,
Those ho Comic) be accommodated in the Insti.-
tutio, con niacin good bottrilitig in the neighbor
lc od :It about mb 1 ri, per week
in of Etre months poyit
ii3viire, winiliinc, 30 cents per
aow.i. Light :1,1 Fin•l extra, for further par
W. 11. WOOD, Principal.
The Principals address will bo Easton Pn., un
til the I t of April, attcr Out limo Shinlo Gap,
Minting'lon county, Pa.
Fob. 13, 1035.-11 iii.
Fish for Star.
I :; t . :tt-lunhunna Shutt,
1 ,, Galt
just received anti -.ttic At the sture,r
JUSTrcccirrd r.nd for srtle, Ham, Shouhic ,
ul Side, Dried Oct, Lake Trout, White
.139 Dried reeel , C , , Vtiea Apples, ito., for
hr .1. & W. 5 .1 X 1 On