Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 28, 1855, Image 3

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    Lancaster County, so,
THE Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
....., . To the Sherd of Lan - eager CountV
4 ~ .
If Henry Mussel:4Rn maks you
•• ..4 secure to prosecuting. his claim, then
••• summon be good and lawful smote
etcra, Jejni 14. Miles, Michael ferry and Sarah.
Shoettherger, acting executors and devisees in
treat of Fetter Shotetherger, dee'd. ' to that they
be and amain. before our Judges at Lancaster; at
our Court of Comintern Fleas for the County of
Lancaster, there to he held on the third Monday
in April next, to answer the said Henry Mtiesel
man of a plea, wherefore he, the said plaintiff,
rend the said defendants together and undivided
do hold all those certain two tracts of hind, with
house ' linen and other buildings thereon erected,
bontitled and described as follows t No. I.ltegin
it ing in the middle of the Marietta and Mount
Jay Turnpike road, end along the tame North,
twenty-nine degrees and olio quarter East ; one
hundred and thirty.threc perches. thence by oth
er Willi late of Frederick Haines, deed., North
sixty degrees and tire-eighths West' 128 perch
es and one-tenth, to the middle of the Alitrictta
und Colebrook road, nod along the same, South
28 degrees nntl three-fourths, West 155 perches
snit one-fourth to a post, thence by lands of Hen
ry Stil,baeli South, 21 degrees, East 92 perches
and seven-tenths tort post, and South 69 degrees
and ono-half East, 36 perches and one-tenth to
the I,4,inning t Containing one hundred and
fourteen acres and one quarter, strict measure.
No. 2, beginning at a black oak stump, thence
by land of Samuel Naylor North 72 'degrees
West,29 perches and nine-tenths ton post, theme
along lands late of said Frederick ll:lines, deed.,
South 29 degrees and one-fottrtli Weed, 48 perch
es to a post on the South-West aide of a road,
t:iebee along said road and by rail land South 48
degrees and one-fourth East 28 perches and
three-tentls to a post, one-fourth,
by a small strip of
ground mild by the dec'd., to Daniel Rinehart
North 30 degrees nutl three-fourth,' East, 80
perches and three•tentlis to the beginning: Con
taining nine acres and out-half. strict measure,
being the same property conveyed by John Halde
man and wife to Homy Alusselman as per Deed,
Recorded in Record Book Z. vol. 7, pages 598 &
508; see in Recorder's Office et Lancaster where
of the said defendants partition between them to
he made according to the I,ws mei the customs
of this Commonwealth, in s u ch C34es nettle and
provided, do gainsay, and the P I:11C to be done
do not permit very eeeju.tiy and agaiust the same
laws and customs as tile plaintiff says. And
have you then there tine 11.1 es of those dununo
tuna and this wilt.
~, I!.','
Witness thu Honorable henry O. Lung, Pre.-
Mont of our said Cuurt nt Lancaster, the sixth.
day of March in the you• of our Lord ono thou
hundred and fifty-tit,
.1. 110 :11
March 20, 1855.-4 t
Fm t. , l l g . ' 3 r i e , ‘ T m i l A n N ie i ni . t E ni , l . C B z . i.i!,: , l . 7l: n tl: i ilr o aj47
Cititte and FEVER, Dump Aram, Gmsamkt
slimyY, Nunn . SweArs, and all other hams of
disenn which have a common origin ill MALARIA ,
er Musma. This subtle irtmnaphercie poison
which at certain neasons is tinavodahly inhaled at
every breath, is the same in character wherever
it cxiNts,—North, &Mill East or West, and will
everywhere yield to Ibis newly discovered anti
dote which is claimed to be the GREATEST DIS
This specific, is so lut•ntless that it may he to
hen by persons of every age, sex or manual
and it will not substitute for one disease others
still wbrso, as is too often the result in the
treatment by Quinine. Mourner, Arsenic, and
other poisonous or di:lett cons drugs not 0 mini ,
of any of which is admitted into this preps
Tho proprietor distinctly chtints the,e extra
ordinary result? from the tise of this NATURAL
It will entirely protect any'''''''' or travel
ler even in the most Fickly or swutnpy localities,
from any Ague, or Notions disease whateveh, or
any injury front constantly inhaling Malaria or
It will instantly check the Ague in persons
who have suffered for any length of time. from
ewe day to twenty years, so that they need never
have asontiAt emu., by continuing its one ac
cording to directions,
It will itionediatly relieve all distressing re
tults of Bilious or Ague diseases, such us general
liebility, night sweats, &e patient at once lie.
gins to recover appetite and strength, and contin
uos until a permanent and radical cure is etrec•
Filially, its me will ininieh Fever end Ague
front brollies and all classes. Formers and la
boring. men by adopting it as a preventive will be
tree front Ague or Bilious attacks in that 8611.11
of the year which, while it is the most sickly, is
the most valuable one to them.
titre or two bottles will answer fur ordinary
case; , Nome may require more.
Directions printed in German, French and
Spanish, accompany each bottle.
Price One Dollar. Liberal discounts made to
t heh trade.
Trade circulars forwarded on application, and
he article will be consigned on liberal terms to
responsible parties in every section of the CORTI.
try. JAS. A. RHODES, Proprietor.
. .
Providence, R. I.
At:emu—ln Huntingdon, Thomas Rend & Sun,
and ihr sale by dealera generally.
March 20, 1655-17.
THE Summer Session of this Institution, loca
ted in Shirleysimrg, rill commence Moo let,
1055, and continua fire months.
_ ,
location being pleasant, free from the
Ague and Fever of the Juniata Valley, and easy
of access by a daily line of Conches from Mt.
Union, seven miles distant, on the Central R. R.,
is well suited as a retreat for youth leaving home
for a high School. In addition to good Build
ings, there is provided a Chemical and Philoso
phical Apparatus at a cost of over Sloop. No
ardent Spirits are sold in the town, and Board
ing can he had as reasonable as anywhere die
the centre of the State.
The Principal has secured the assistence of
Mr. E. P. Swirl', A. B. of Jefferson College,
and son of the ltev. E. P. Swirl., 1). 1). No
reasonable pains will be spared to give literary
training, along with all proper attention to the
moral and religions eel tore of the pupils, in or
der to prepare for entering our best colleges, and
especially in view of praciiva/ the great end
of education. The government will he firm, yet
parental. Personal advantage, a 5011S0 of honor,
and the great laws of the Bible will be appealed
to rather than the teachers authority.
TElNs.—Boarding, tuition and room, per ses
sion, in the. family or the Principal, filly dollars.
P.uriy application desirable.
Tuition, in Primary English, eight dollars.
higher English, ten dollars.
Classics, twelve dollars Payable quarterly
in ad ranee.
13 , EV. G. W. SIIAIFFER, A. M.,
REITHENCES.—IIov. A. B. Brown, D.-D.—
Rec. Wm. smith, D. 1)., Canonsburg—Um D.
Elliott. 1). D.—Res. E. I'. Swift, D. D., Alic
gbany—Rec. A. G M'Gill, D. D., Princeton,
N. J.—Rev. George Elliott, Alexandria—John
Brewster, Esq., Shirleyeburg:
March 20, 1855.—tf
V . OTICE is hereby given to the member, of
11l the Huntingdon County Agricultural Sod.
ety, turd to limners and mechanics generally,
that a meeting of the Society will be held at the, to the borough of Huntingdon, on
Wednesday evening, the 11th of April, next, for
the purpose of transacting such ousiness as may he
deeni!ttl necessary to advance its interests.
MI persons inicrested in the promotion of ag
ricultural science, and the domestic arts, are ea
specttully requested to attend.
J. S. linen t s ec '
J. S. lOETT 5
March 20, 1052-3 t.
NEATLY printed on short notice, and at low
prices at the " Journal Udine"
JOOKIVG Glasses, just received and fbr sal
-14 by J. .0. Tr. sAxroiv.
• •
A Book for the Times.
V —with Hints on Kindred Topics by Win.
Hogue, 14 mo. Cloth. Price, SI, '
This is a volume that will interest every Pa
triot. In It are developed the relations of arts
tettilom to tIM Ottoman power, and other topics
peculiarly intcresirng ut the present day.
Hector Hague is a lively and beautiful wri
ter on all subjects, hut particularly so, we think
upon the topic treated of in this hook. Its his
torical sketches are comprehensive and brilliant,
and it is a hook that cannot fail to do an impor
tant service to the reading public. , —.V. Y
Household Library, a perpetual feud
of ingraction. Ilitistrtteil by over 300 cum
-Bvo. $1,50.
" The best Juvenile ever isaned."—N. Y. In
. . .
landmomoit and cheapest hook fur youth
w•e have ever seen."—Re. Herald.
Parley's Pictorial, a hook for home education
profusely embellished with fine engravings—and
put up uniform with the Household Library.—
five. $1,50,
The Youth's Galaxy, a licautiful find useful
hook lbr children cud youth wills many tine cuts.
12mo. GO cents.
Pius Ninth, the last of the Popes, or the Judg
ment of God upon the Nations.--12 me. 25
Tho Corning Str,gle among the Nations of
the Earth, ilenri:Wil it accordance with the pro
phecies of Ezekiel, Daniel and the Revelations;
showing the important position Britain and
America will occupy during and at the end of the
awful conflict. Ova pamphlet, 10 cents.
The almost incredible number of 150,000 have
been sold.
eirltemit the price end the books ordered will
be received by return mull. For side by all the
117 Nassau at. Noe• York,
Mauch 13,187,7,4 t.
W " n E t " l E fu " nt i l ' ii .,, l l ;l7l e r 2tlotlnt directed,
A. I). 1554, under t he tind reels of I t c h;
Hun. George Taylor, President of the Court of
Common Pleas, Oyer rind Terminer, and gene, !
n 1 jail delivery of the 240, judicial di•triet of l'eon
aylcnnin composed of Huntingdon, Mai r null Cam
bria, nod the lion. Ilion. F. Stuart and Juno
tion, McWillhong, Ids assoetatea, Judges of the
county of linntingdon, illltiCCs assigned, appoint
ed, to hear, try and determine all and every in
diernntits made or taken for Cr concerning all
crimes, which by . the.laws atilt; State are made
capital or felon. of death and other offences
crimes and misdemeanors, which have been or
shall hereafter be committed or perpetrated for
crimes aforesaid—l it,,, commanded to melte pub
lic preelmnation throughout my whole bailiwick
that a Court of Oyer and Terminer, of Common
Pleas and Quarter sessiotm, will be held at the
C.ntrt House in the llorough of Huntingdon ' on
the second Monday (and 9th dny) April,
next, nod those who will prosecute the said pri
soners he then and there to prosecute them es it
shall be joet, rind that all Justices of the Pence,
Coroners and Constables within said county be
then and there in their proper persona, at 10
M. of snid day, with their records, in
(1114111k/11A. examinalicihi :111,1 remembrances, to
do those things which to their offices respectfully
Dated at Hantingdon the 25th day of November,
in the year of our Lord 1854, mid the 78th
year of American Independence.
March 13, :855.
' t i le
l : at I .J:t ' CI S 4s of the
precept to
i t tc n)oo0 c directed aeo
canntv of Huntingdon, bearing tort the :nth day
of November, 1034,1 am commanded to make
Public Proclamation throughout my whole baili
wick, that a Court of Comical Plea, will he
held in the Court House in the Borough of Hun
tingdon, on the third Monday (and IGth day) of
April, A. 1)., 1834, for the trial °rani:owes in odd
Court, o hich remain umletermined before the
eaidJudgeA, when and where all jnrors, witnesses
and suitor., in the trial of all iomee are required
to appear..
Dated at Huntingdon, the 25th day at Nov.,
in the year of oar Lord 1854, and the 781 h year
of American Independenee.
Josnu,i onEr.NLAND, Sheriff.
Shirleysburg, Huntingdon Co., Pa.
pm: subscriber gives notice that he hoe as•
mimed the fharge of this Institution as Prin
cipal. and that he will open it for the reception
of pupils, on Wednesday May 2nd. It posses.
Fee superior attractions in ito healthful location,
convenient Imildings and handsome grounds.—
The Prineipal flatters himself that equal advan
tages will be found in the acquirements of his
Lady and himself, and their skill gained by long
experience in New York City, and other places.
They will spare no exertion to give their pupils
a thorough intellectual training, a cultivated
taste, polished manners, and, above all, moral
culture founded on pure christianit y without sec
tarian bias.
The charge for hoard with English tuition will he
per terin of 22 weeks,
Es 2 tuition per quarter, -- - $4 00 to 06 00
. .
Nensonable extra charges will he made for an
cient and modern languages. Music, Drawing
and Painting.
Till the omit!! circulars, containing full par
ticulars may be obtained of William B. Leas,
Shirleysburg, Pa.. or of the mibscriber at 121
Clinton Place, New York.
.1. B. KIDDER, A. M.
REFFERENCES.—Ber'ds. Wm. R. Wil
and A. D. Gillette, of New York City.
March tB, 1855,
7'o the Honorable. the .ludgee of the Court If
Quarter Sessions of Ltlattiltydon County,
. .
rrillE petition of William B. Zeigler of the Qr
ough of Huntingdon, in the said comity, re
spectfully shcweth t that your petitioner has
rented that old and well known Tavern House,
on Allegheny street in the borough of Hunting
don, known as Jackson's Hotel, heretofore used
as a house of public entertainment, and is desi
reus of continuing to keep a public house there
in. Ile therefore prays your Honors to grant
him a license of the place aforesaid for the ensuing
year. And he will ever pray &e.
March Oth 1055.
We the subscribers, citizens of thu borough of
Huntingdon recommend the above petitioner,
and certify dna the inn or tavern above mentioned
is necessary to accommodate th c public and en
tertain strangers and travellers; and that the
petitioner above named is of good repute for hon
esty and temperance, and is well provided with
house, MOM and conveniences for time lodging
of strangers and travellers.
S. 11. MePlaerran Geo. Groin,William A.
Saxton, Thos. Ad
Adorns, Henry Africa, Thus.
Jackson, Daniel Africa, Wm. Rothrock, A.
Cannon. Jacob Snyder, Wu.. Stewart, T. K.
Cassville Seminary, Male and Female.
Tho Summer Session will open 4th May.—
Our new and commodious building will then be
ready for use—we will then be able to accommo
date, in the Seminary,—and in town,—one hun
dred and fifty students. From present prospects
this much room will be necessary.
We have determined to connect with the In
stitution a Normal department, and will give
special attention to. and deliver lectures upon the
theory and preetice of teaching. Wu have now
a full and competent board of Instructors con
sisting of four gentlemen and three ladies, pre
pared to impart instruction in all its literary,
scientific and ornamental branches, usually
taught in the best seminaries. Further informa
tion may be bad by addressing the Principal.
J. T. Tumus,
Cassville, Huntingdon Cu., Pa.
di t
arch 6,1855-3 t.
lany person is desirous of obtaining any pro
perty belonging to one, I take this opportuni
ty of announcing that 1 ant always willing to
sell, without requiring tho musty records of the
County Docket to be overhauled for a pretext
for exposing the same at " Sheriff's Sale."
Match 20, lab).
HR. CLARK, ono iif the first and most ox•
perienced operators, hos opened a Oalleiy
for a short time in the Rail Rood House, where
he is prepared to take daguerreotypes of every
Ladies and Gentlemen sir invited to cull
and examine MS specimens.
Any person sitting for a p i cture will not be
required to take it if not satisfied.
Ile can take no good pictures in cloudy weath•
er no in clear, requiring longer sitting ;
therefore small children should be taken on
clear days and between the hours of 10 and 2
Rooms open from B A. M., until 5 I'. M.
Mnrch 13, 1855.
10 . 0TiCE is hereby given to all Perseus inter
ested that the following named persons hove
settled their accounts in the Register's office nt
Huntingdon, and that the said accounts will ha
presented for confirmation and allowance, nt
an Orphan's Court to he held at Hu»tingdon in
and for said county of Huntingdon, on Wallies.
day, the lit!, day of April next, 1853, to wit :
t. William Moore, Ailminhdrator of William
Selfridge, late of Barren township, deed.
2. George McCrum, Administrator of Martha
Selfridge, late of B.irral township, deed.
it, Jailing Coy, Administrator of John Coy,
late of Dame township, deed.
4. John Owens, Esq., and Peter Bucket Guar
dians of James Cox, tine of the minor Children
of Joshua Cox, late of Warriorsmark township,
5. George I'. Wakefield, Administrator of
John W. Withington, late of Shirley township,
6. John Snyder, Administrator de honk non
with the will annexed of Philip Shultz, late of
llnntingdon !Trough, dec'd.
7. Robert Tiose;', 'Guardian of Ann Eliralieth
Keller, 0 minor child of John Keller, lute of Ca
tharine township, Blair county, deed.
8. The supplemental account of Daniel Piper
one of the Exeentors of the lost will and testa
ment of Jacob Ilnyett, lute of Porter township,
9. Benjamin F. Patton, Administrator of Jon.
Spitler, hoe of Wsrriorsmark township, dee'd.
In. Joshes Greenland, Esq., and Wealthy
Lorena, Administrators of Anton Loveoll, late
of Coss township, dee'd..
11. Dr. C. J. Hirst, Administrator of William
Ilirst, Esq., Into of Barret" township, deed.
12. George 1.. Calderwood, :%dintnistrator of
John Cablerwood, late or the horongli of Bir
mingham, dee'd.
13. Joseph Kurfinan, acting Administrator of
Daniel K turmoil, lute of Cass township, tlee'd.
14. James Chamberlain, Administrator of
Martin Gates, late of Franklin township. .1. ' 4.
Resister's Ofilee, Register.
Runt. 51:treh 10, 1R55.
DY virtue of sundry Writs of Ft. Fa., Leo. Fa.
and Vend Exp.. issued out of the Court of
Corn. Plena of Huntingdon county, rind to me
rented, I will expose to Public Sale at the Court
Mum in the Borough of Huntingdon, on
TUESDAY the 10th day of April next, 1835, at
10 o'clock, A. of said day, the following dc•
scribed Beal Estate, to wit
A small tract of hind in Ilarrce township,
tinydon county, containing forty two acres
blare or less, e ith a small lag house, a frame ma
nic, and blacksmith shop thereon erected, bound
ed by lands Or J3llle, tic ingstuit, Josh. Green
and others, with it smell ' , union cleared. Seiz
ed, taken in execution, and to be sold as the pro
perty of Gilbert I.:hence-
A LL the right. title, interest and claim of de
n_ fend:int, in and to two adjoining lots of
ground in the village of Shade Gap, Huntingdon
county, adjoining the Methodist Church lot on
tie north, lot of Juices Sheraro on the south,
fronting 50 feet each, on the politic street or
highway, through said vilhige. lying and being
on the west side of the Rime, and extending hack
ut right angles thereto, 140 feet each. Seized,
token in execution and to be sold no the proper
ty of William 'Myers.
9 1 W0 eerain adjoining lots of ground situate
in the village of Orhisonia, in the to..oship
of Cromwell, each fronting 5(1 feet on ...towel'
street, and extending in depth 140 feet to an nl
leyond numbered 9 and 10 in the recorded plan
of tout village, on lot No. 0 there is a two story
log house, n...ed as a wheel-might shop. nod on
lot No. 10 there are a two story frame tin tiling
house, endAhedstable. Seized, taken in execu
tion, and to be sold as the property of Joseph
. _
A LT. the defendants right, title sip! int rest in
and to one bit of ground In the of
Alexandria, hounded on the north by the Penna.
Canal. on the west by an alley 20 feet wide, on
the south by au Alley, on the mud by Ilartslog
street to the canal, thence by the said canal to
the place of beginning, haying a Tannery there
on erected, containing 24 lay-a-way vats, .2
4 handlers in the house. The Ten House being
45 feet by 24 feet, frame, two stories high, n Bark
House GU by 24 feet, with a water privalege from
the upper spring, I . ..never. Seized, taken in exe
cution, and to be sold 43 the roperty of Daniel
riper. . -
ALL the right, title, and interest of defendant
in and to a lot of ground in the borough of
Casseille, with a new frame House thereon erce
ted, bounded l.y a lot of Joslu Greenland on
the east, and by the Lutheran Meeting house lot
on the west, and a street on the north and south
by land formerly belonging to the heirs of Robert
Speer, deed. .11Ao, all the defendants rights in
mid to a house and lot of grossed, known as the
Mansion House of Robert Speer, dec'd., tinning
a large house thereon erected, being a double
house, part of brick, and the balance frame and
plastered and weather boarded kitchen. Moo,
one other lot in the southern end of Casoville,
with one and a hnlfstory log house thereon erec
ted, fronting the street on the east, and joining
a lot at Isaac Ashton on the south, and on else
north and west, bounded by lands of Joshua
Greenland. Seized, taken in execution. and to
be sold as the propertof' George W. Speer.
D y virtue of the chore writ I have !erica on
the following property to wit :—One lot of
ground in the village of Salsburgh, Barret.
Township, fronting GO feet on Main street, and
extending hock 120 feet. Bounded on the east
by Thomas Steward on the west by George W.
Chosong, ;We'd., haring therocfn erect.' a Two
story Log House and Kitchen and other out boil •
dings ; also, twenty-two acres of land more or
loss adjoining the village of Salsburgh about 20
of which is cleared ; hounded by lands of Jul.
Slack, ou the west, on the east by lands of George
Johns, having thereon erected a Bank Barn 50
Met long by 30 wide, with a wagon shed attach
ed thereto. Also. ninty-eight acres of hind
inure or less lying in Barre.) township, Hunting
don county, with 35 arms cleared, adjoining
lands of Alexander Bell and others. Seized, ta
ken in erection, and to be sold as the property of
John Harper.
Out piece, parcel or tract of land, inclu
ding an island in the Haystown Branch of the
Juniata river, containing together sixty-six acres
be the seine more or less, being part of a larger
tract of land in the MIMS of James Murdock and
being the mansion place, whereon the widow of
James Entrekin, Bs+, dee'd., resided before her
death. Also, one other piece or parcel of land
unimproved, containing fifty acres more or less
being part of a larger tract, In the name of Cas
per Myers, adjoining the said last described other
tract, also one other tract, piece, or parcel of lend
containing ninety.eight acres be the same more
or less, adjoining the Murdock part, on which is
erected en old Gristmill, together with the hered
itament.; and appurtenances &c. Seized and ta
ken in execution, and to be sold as the property
of Matthew Grownover.
SuLaires Genre, Sheri".
Ilan filiation , S
March 13, 1855.
GBOUND plaster and elovarsead, now reudy
and for sale, by KESSLER & BRO.
Mill Creek, Pa., March 13, 1555-3 t.
GOLD CHAIN'S— title variety for bale, Ye
ry low, at Eau. ARE,
Trial List.
Henry Shoesly vs Moses W. Shugart.
Christian Conte vs John Hildebrand.
L uken's Admx., vs Maddens.
John Savage vs John Fisher.
Bickerstatf et al.. vs Patterson.
D. Walker vs J. W. Myton's Adtnr.
Samuel Bolinger vs Win. Johnston.
George Jackson vs SEISIAMIITIS Exte.
James Wall vs Peter Burket.
Henry Mytinger vs Peter Livingston.
John Savage vs Barkstresser.
J. Simpson Afrioa vs Daniel Flenner oral.
Hirst for Caldwell vs Daniel Africa.
David Caldwell vs Dell and Crotzly.
Commtli. for Shoenberger vs M. Crownover.
Hirst Clark & Co., vs Slyton & Cunningiun
Comintli. for Bretton vs M. Crownover.
Joshua Johns vs Blair Robison & Co.
anew. WU..
Andrew I'. Wilson vs M. Buoy.
Commonwealth fur Kyle VA Hooper & Hooper.
Dysart, Ex'rs., vs CryderA Minn
Angers Kers., vs home Ashton.
Horatio Frexler & Co., vs .1. & W. Saxton.
Scott & Wife vs. William Johnston.
Adolphus Patterson vs Jno.Doughabough.
Philips Ex'rs., vs Bighorn et al.
Commonwealth for Kylcr V 9 Hobert Madden.
Sterling & Alexander vs Backen Still & Co.
James Bucket et al., vs belt & Wigton.
Solotnen Ginter vs Joshua R. Cox's Admrs.
Robert Stewart vs John,S. Miller.
Louis Schneider vs Matthias Keifer.
Broad Top M. R. R. Co., vs Jacob Cresswell.
Mary Ann Smith vs Peter Moor's Ex'rs.
William MeNite Indome vs John DangLerty.
11ev. McGinnis' Admr., vs George T. /Billion.
Grand Jurors.
Brice Blair, merchant, Dublin.
William Clark, farmer, Shirley.
William Camp, carpenter, Porter.
Cretsley, fanner, Cass.
Richard Chilentt, farmer, Union.
Charles Cowden, blacksmith, Brady.
Henry Cohen, firmer, Barren.
David Corbin. farmer, Walker.
Alexander Gilleland, farmer, Tell.
Joseph Bunter, carpenter, Jackson.
Julia Jones, farmer, Tell.
Jan Killer, fanner, Franklin.
William Long, blacksmith, Henderson.
James Morrow, farmer, Dublin.
James Maguire, farmer, West.
James Orr, fanner, Tell.
David Stewart, umnufactarcr, Jackman.
Asa Stevens, tailor, Brady.
George Swartz, farmer, Cromwell.
Lewis Stever, tanner, Casa.
Isaac Taylor, former, Tod.
Samuel Schell, farmer, Hopewell.
John Wicks, farmer, Shirley.
John Hefner, (of Jacob,) farmr , r, Walker.
Traverse Jurors.
Robert K. Allison, farmer, Brady.
Brice X. Blair, merchant, Dublin.
Owen Boat, coach maker, Henderson.
Miles Brown, laborer, Springfield.
Isaac Buck, (armor, Warriormark.
Samuel Campbell, teacher. Dublin.
Richard Cunningham, farmer, Jackson.
Silas A. Cresswell, merchant, Burrec.
Richard Colegate, blacksmith, Cromwell.
Edward Duncan, farmer, llopes•ell.
John Duffey, mason, Springfield.
George Eby, farmer, Shirley.
John Eberts, farmer, Franklin.
John Frazier, farmer, %\'eat.
Dewalt rouse, farmer, Hopewell.
Henry Grazier, farmer, Warriormark.
Thos. Henderson, (of David,) farmer, Warrior.
James E. Harper, Dublin.
Francis Huller, Brady.
Joel Isenberg, fitrmer, Porter.
Aaron Kelley, farmer, Henderson.
Samuel Keith, teacher, Morris.
Christian Long, grocer. Henderson.
David Long, farmer, Clay.
Daniel Massey, fernier, Barrer.
George Myers, farmer, Shirley.
William Marlin, plasterer, Clay.
Henry L. McCarthy, Brady.
John Merrick, farmer, Dublin.
Benjamin Neff, farmer, Porter.
Calvin Noble, farmer, Barrer.
Abraham Port, blacksmith, Henderson.
Geo. W. Patterson, blacksmith, Jackson.
David Pheasant, farmer, Unioa.
Christian Prightal, farmer, Barren'.
Abraham Renner, carpentrr, West.
Benjamin Rhodes, farmer, Cromwell.
Jesse Rutter, farmer, Cromwell.
James Slone, fru•mcr,
Joseph Showalter, farmer, Penn.
John Stewart. (Manor) farmer, Bum,
Robert Stitt, Henderson.
Andrew Taylor•, farmer, Tud.
Isaac Trout, farmer, Hopewell.
Joseph Taylor, farmer, Clay.
David C. Wilson, farmer, Barrer.
John Weight, farnmr, Franklin.
Jesse Yocum, jest. peace, Brady.
Thomas Adams, chair maker, Henderson.
John Atkinson, farmer, Dublin.
Arthur Anderson, farmer, Brady.
Andrew Allison, farmer, West.
David Beck, jr., farmer, Warriormark.
Jacob Baker, cabinet maker, Porter.
Abraham Brumbaugh, fanner, Hopewell.
Washington Baker, farmer. Tod.
John Chilcott, farmer, Cromwell.
Nicholas Corbin, shoemaker, Cass.
lumen Coy, Steiner, Barre°. •
David Clarkson, just. peace, Cass.
Archibald Dell, termer, CU.
William Dorris, sr., Henderson.
John Dysart, farmer, Franklin.
Joshua Ilieks, teenier, Porter.
Henry Holtzapple, miller, West.
Bonjaulin Isenberg, thriller, Morris.
Joseph Law, merchant, Morris.
Robert Mcßurney, merchant, Jackson.
Henry Miller, farmer, Porter.
Isaac McClain, farmer, Tod.
Peter Speck, farmer, Penn.
Caleb Swoom farmer, Union.
David Swoope, farmer, Clay.
William D. Shaw, shoemaker, Porter.
Dawson Smawlev, Steiner, Shirley.
John B. Smith, Sumer, Jackson.
John Snyder, shoemaker, Walker.
Adam Speck, farmer, Hopewell.
George 11. Steiner.
Samuel Walters. farmer, Tell.
Abraham Weight, farmer, Franklin.
George W. Price, farmer, Cromwell.
Daniel Roberts, farmer, Shirley.
Robert B. Nylon, farmer, Barren.
Huntingdon, March 13, 1855.
HOLESALE and Retail Bedding, & Dut
y tress Warehouse No. 81 North 2nd at
3rd door above Arch eact side, Philadelphia.
Feathers, Feather Beds, Bolsters & Pillows,
Curled Bair, Moss, Wool, Cotton, Flock*& flush
Mattresses, Straw Pallaisses, Settee, Pew &
Chair Cushions all kinds & rotor, Bed-ticking,
Check, Maroons & Dtunasks, by the yard or
piece, Cutts, Cattails, Sackings & Cords, Conn
terpanes white & colored, ComfoNahles of all
kinds and by the single ono or the dozen, Crib,
Berth, Single &9, 10, 11, IV, & 13, quarters
Blankets, Bleached & Unbleached Slteets, Blea
ched Muslin & Check Pillow Cases, 'rowels of
all kinds, Table Linen, Tattle Covers, Damask
Table Cloths, Bindings of all kinds & colors,
Thread, &e., &o.
N. B. Benton P. Coston's Patent Feathar
Renovator worked by steam power is daily in
operation for the purpose of purifying old and
new feathers. MI articles frost the Estattlish
tuent warranted,
March 13, isbb-Jet.
A LL person, interested are hereby notifies!
li that letters of administration upon the es
tate of &mei ()trod, late of Mount Union dee'il.,
hare been oat day granted to the undersigned
and 01l are heruhy notified that those having
claims against the estate are requested to pre
sent them, and all indebted to the estate of said
dereasco, are requested to make immediate pay
ment to the undersigned administratrim
NANCY 11001), Admlniss, till i
of Samuel Good, dee'd.
Mt. Union, Mint. Co., l'a., March 3, 1853.-Gt.
, persons knowing themselves indebted in
/1 Huntingdon Foundry Books, will accommo
date themselves, by Calling and seeing that their
'tumults are settled and closed, by note, doe
bill, or cash. There ore tunny that have nc
eolllltS Standing 3 years unsettled, they will do
well to call on or before the first weak of April
Court as I am determined, that those old to,
counts shall he settled withoutrespeetattpetsons.
Huntingdon Foundry. March 6,1855-3 t.
Furrz, HENDRY & CO.
No. 29 North THIRD Street, I'IIILA.
and dealers iu Rat and OAX SOLE LEATHER
and KIPP.
Feb. 2001 I
xn. 333 Proge?way, Nme York.
Music at Greatly Iteduced Rates.
moTwiTtisTANDixo the rombinution of
Di music rboltes to keep up the prices of non- I
copyright music, °unjust the interests of natiee I
composers, and their refusal to extend to Mr.
Waters the caurtisies of the trade, lie it ma-
kir.g immense sales—having abundant eel- I
deuce, that ho has public cmuntenanee and sop.
port, in his opposition to the GREAT Itloxoecit.Y,
and in his ends to aid NATIVE TALENT, and
to adopt the NATIONAL CEIIIIENCY. Ilia stock
of American and European musk is immense,
and the catalogue of his own puhlicattons is
0111 , of the largest and best selected is the Uni
ted States. fir has also made a Gae.lT 11E-
DtiCT lON in the prices of Prexos, NMI/WM
• and lilestcsL INSTRUMENTS of at/ Ainelt. Sl4.
pet iOr tuned Gi octave pianos for $173, $2OO
and $225, interior of as good quality, and in
strutueuts As stetinu and us the-able as those
which cost $5OO. PholOS of every variety of
style aonlpr ice up to $lOOO, comprising tli,se I
of TEN different tnanufnetories among Olen& '
the celebrated modern inty-ored !tonsil, WA•
Tag PIANOS and the fist inwsinni (A A ,
PIANOS of I'. Ott.nmer & Co's make, fowls:vs
of the 2Eolinn patent.) Suomi Its NI, PIANOS
at great barytens. Prices from $lO to $150. I
Mer.obroNs front rive. dilfereitt manufactories,
including the well known S. D. & If. W.
Smrrit's melodeons, (timed the c,ival tempera.
anent.) the best make in Ilte United States. Pei.
cei $l5, boo, sis, 0100, bits. sl'23. X 135, sad
5150. Smith's Double Dank ii , 200,
Each Piano and Melodeon plflll , 7ltroed. !
hest terms to the trade, schools, per I
cent. discount to elergyince and .111
orders promptly attended to. Music sent to till •
parts of the country, post•paid, at the ',defied
rates. General and select catalogues and I
schedule of prices of Piste. forward e d to any
address free of charge.
February Cl, 1555.--3 in
Shade Gap, Huntingdon County, Pa, •
THE next session of tlii, well known Institu
tion will open the Ist Wedneintsy lunv,
it is Ineatnd nt Simile Gap, IS miles from the
Mount Union Station, on the Pennsylvanin Rail
Bowl, from which place there is a daily line of
sr lames -
. . .
llcing ,•Itnated in the country. it is removed
from all the ricer and temptations of town.
The buildings are large, airy and commodious,
capable of aecommodating some 50 boardem,
those who cannot be accommodated in Om Insti
tution, con obtain good boarding in the neighbor
hood at about SI 50 per week.
Timme.--$7.0 per sessiun
lac quarterly in advance, washing, 30 meat; ger
dozen. Light and Fuel extra, for farther par
ticulars, addre,s
W. IT. WOOT), MI:a:4U
The Principele with,. will be Eakton Pa., un
til the Ist of April, after that time SLede Cap,
Titintingclon county, nt.
Feb:l3, 1955.-in,
A Miracle of Science.
n u. C. L. belling of Mechanicsburg Cumber.
U land county Pa., announces to those ofilic•
ted with Tom or ' e, Wear, Cancers, Polypi.,
Lupus Moles or Marla, Scrofula or King's Evil
and all discuses that have been usually treated
with Caustic or Knife, he can remove them by
an entirely new method, without cutting, burn.
ins, or pain neither Chloroform or Ether is ad.
ministered, to the patient, .
It is to liliLlter oil what part of the body
may be he can remove them with perfect safe•
ty, and in a remarkably short time. No Min•
oral or Vegetable poison is applied; and no
money required until a cure is perfected.
Prolapses Uteri, Female complaints, Chronic,
Venereal and all other diseases treated with
positive success. Full particulars can be ob•
tained by addressing in either English or Ger.
man, pont paid. Patients can be accommoda•
terl with Huard on reasonable terms.
Mechanicsburg is ono of the prettiest and
healthy low's in this or any other State. It is
8 mile; from Harrisburg on the C. V. R. It. and
accessible front all parts of the Union.
The Dr. will visit eases in any part of the
State when desired.
Kind render if you know any afflicted fellow
creature, delay not to tell them of this treat.
January 16, 1855-Iy.
Pain & lam
1. 1 3:11:1A rifflLL
And all kinds of Legal Blanks;
Used by Magistrates & Others
Printed at the JOURNAL OFFICE.
ItLANKS.--sAlways buy your Blanks at the
Journal Office." We have now prepared a ve
ry superior article of BLANK DEEDS, BONDS,
Fish for Sale.
15 Barrels Susquabanna Shad,
10 Half hhl. 44 44
just roceired and for Went the stern of
GEO. owly
TCST received and for sale, Ilam, Shoulder,
e) Side, Dried Beef, Lake Trout, White Fish
also Dried Peaches, Dried Apples, Sc., &c., for
sole by J. & W. SAXTON.
T AMES Lasting and Silk work Gaitors, Kid
Morocco, and Goat Boots and Shoes, at the
store of GEO. GWIN.
I) ON NETS. of ult torts and colors ktbo, Mi.'
1 , 1 m,, from 37i to 300, just roreived and for
solo by J. & W. SAX TON.
JUST receiving, this week, Maehorel. Timing
&c., and for sale by J. S. W. SAX...TON.
1 UST RECEIVED and for raj, Fish, Satt and
rtivnet .7.. t SI3T,L
How often it haff.llll, that the wife lingers from
year to year in thot pitialle condition ao not own
for ono day to feel tho happy and exhilarating Into
onoe ineidont to the enjoyment of health.
But a few years ago in the each of health and youth,
and buoyancy of spirits, rapidly, and apparently in
explicably, Immo a feeble, sickly, mallow, debili
tated wife, with frame emaciated, nerves nnetrong,
epirits depressed, countenance bearing the impress
of suffering, and an utter physical and mental pros
tration, arising from ignorance of the simplest and
plainest rules of health as immerged with the map
dogge State, the
yiola4onof'ient t i d'' Tnd miwry,notonly, t the wi,lutote
?roman 1111 l ig CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA.
HYPOC/lONDR/A, uswairrv. VONT,
KING'S EVIL, and other and
worse Dlreases, as a
And meet thle continue? Meet CAM be? is there OD
rsmedy4 NO relief? No hope r'
The remedy le by knowing the mow end arolding
them, and knowing the remedies, and benefiting by them.
These are pointed out in
One Hundredth Edition, (600,000), Itleno., pp. 260:
lon ma nrint, rax.4_stuum ' eci, 1111.00:1
A statufard work of established reputalloo. found aimed
I the mtalogues of the great trade sales lo New York,
Philadelphia, and other cities, and sold by the principal
bo.ksellers le the United States. It wan first published
lu 1847, since which time
hire boon inld, of which there were upwards of
al.twitlin; the With eetituntion in which It Is held ad r re•
liable punt/Lir Medical
thu author having devoted his exclumire attention to the
treatment of complaints peculiar to female, in respect to
whieh he I+ yearly eel:molted by thousands both in person
ar.4 by I,thr.
/fere every woman can disc.., by comparing her own
symptoms with those described, the nature, charades,
causes of, and the proper remealev for, her comphilnts.
The wife about becoming a mother has often need of
Instruction and adcke of the utmost luiporMuce to her
future health, in respect to which her sensitiveness fsr
bids consulting a medical gentleman, will find such
struction and advice, cud also explain many symptoms
which otherwise would occasion anxiety or alarm as all
the peculiarities Incident to her situallen are docribel
!low many aro eulicrieg from obetructione or irregular•
Wes to the female system, which undo:lntim tLe
health, tho effectit of which they are Ignorant, and for
which their delicacy forbida ',coking medical adriv.
Many eafferlng from prolaytteu ukri (falling of the womb),
or from /Ivor albu3 (ivenknciw, debility, Itc.) )Luny ere
In conaMnt agony for many manilla preceding confine.
utent Rau Lire difficult If net dangiwour deli% orius,
and slow and uncertain ri corer., Eon. who. LTce are
hazarded during such time, will each Mad in its pages ilia
Means of prercullon, ameliorateou and relief'.
It le of our.° impracticable to eon e,Y fully the varieue
•subject. trulted of, al they era of a nature ctrictly
tended for tho married or those cuntomplatins morriago.
!leader, are you a husban.l or a father? a u ifo or n
mother? flare yo.“ the sincornwelforo of those you Imo
at heart? Provo your sincerity - , and loos no limo iu
train, what eau,' interfere with their htollth end hap
so not lo9s than your own. It will avoid to you an I
rum., as It has to thousands, many a day of pain au I
ausioty, followed by alcoplcss nighto, Incayaeitating the
for Its ordinary avocation, and oshoustiog thwn
moans for medical attendance, molicinea and tolverti.R.l
nostrums which otherwise would provide for deolining
years, tho infirmitios of ',go oat the proper education e!
your children.
lneciruceof the °air:ool pltlnr=ihe:4; '7,17.."17t‘ .t .zo mWp74
on irooliellen as on
the public, by itnitatinus if title page, opurious
and surreptitious infringements of copyright, and othor
devises and deception., it boa boon found nocosaary,
therefore, W
to buy no book unless the words Pr. A. It. lLteatcasr,
Ilie liberty rtrea, N. V. it on (and the entry in the
Clerk'e oftice on the tank of) the title peat); and boy
only of renpectnble and honorable deal,,ro, or Wart by
snail, and addrus to Dr. A. 11. kfaurieeau.
SST Upon receipt of One Dollar "THE MAR.
PANION" in sent (mai. frir) to any peel of the
United States, the Canadas and Bethel Provinces.
All letters must be poet-paid, and addressed to Dr.
A. M. MAURICEAII bee 1224, New-York OUP.
Publishing Onion, 1e e. 129 Liberty Street, Nowt
r: rvr: E - C.7.7reSia 1,1 - I N
derbrawl, —.I 6 •• I
K. I.lcOure, Chamber , ' • •
Illoomsburg—G W -
ter & P 'l. '• •• • .1 I.ftnize,
Febru.av C.
FENIsyLVESja, ti.,Wt
19tiiu let is 13ituk:,
. - - .
U. Sctiits Dattl:, 21i;ail ~,lt , t• si,lrent, ..
Clianaliersburg, li MST. COLUMBIA.'
Gettysburg, All solvent Dunks, .
Pittsburgh, t VIRGINIA.
Susqueli'a Co. no soloing. Branches,
Lewistown, uo sulu,NTear Brunches,
A Witechnz,
rUtider Five;
All solvent 13nuks, 1
tilTtitter Fives.
1S Ali solvent Banks,
piir:Uniler Fives,
West ]Branch Bank, paVlLtwkinsville,
Wyoming Bank, pareont.ll'k Maeon,no sale
York, . i:Nlerelets In du. failed
All other sal% raii,;,- v 7 i
iAll other solvent,
Belief Notts ...J....4' k Under Fives,
Towanda Relief, no sale' ALABAMA.
MA IN L. Bank of Mobile, I
Calais 10!All other solvent, 1
... ~
- - .
Lafayette, Bangor, Small Notes: 5
Maine Bank, Portland, M LOUISIANA.
Mercantile, Bangor, fOther solvent leaks,
St. Croix, Calais, -.4 01110.
All solvelit bank;, fSolv't Cincinnati 13'kR, 1
Small Notes.t COUNTICT.
All solvent banks, , 411iranvillt; Society, --
Small Notes. II:All other solvent, 1
VI:ItMONT. '.Under Fives, 2
Bank of St. Albans, KENTUCKY.
All solvent banks, 111 solvent Banks, 1
Under lives, Itimall notes, 2
All solvent banks, gAn.olvent banks,
Under fires, :Vnder Fires,
Providence Co, Bank, & Mech., Detroit,
All Hideout batiks, ~Mich. Inst. Co., do. I
Under Bees, r,All others, uncertain
All solvent banks, 44Northern Banks, no sale
Under lives, P,All others, uncertain
All .)Ivent banks, prtrlrk State of Missouri,
Atlas Bank, 31rAll Banks no sale
James Batik, 12 ILLINOIS.
Northern Exchange, ,State 115'k & Branches,so
State B'k, Saugerties, I ; Under Fives,
Bank, Cevaga, Lake, LAII others, no tale
Solvent Countre Wks, f INDIANA.
Post Notes & Certif. of State 11,k & Branches. I
Dep. on time issued Sinall Notes, 2
by Free Wks, sal& ARKANSAS.
NEW JESSKY. All Banks, no sale,
Plainfield, broke; WISCONSIN.
All other solvent par in. Co. Cheeks, I.lllw. 2
DELAWARE. :Other Banks. no Salo
Small NOW, lOWA.
All Banks, psi Min., Dubuque, no sale
MARYLAND. Other Banks, no sale
Smell Notes, a CANADA.
Baltimore Bank , , ~All solvent Baas, 3
FulPhurY, heol.ellank of Woo,tsr, failed
THE tiLrlcy will 14 open ercryBaturday diet.
I t,oun , ~t 3 o', hick, itt their tunti in tie
Cutirt liet c. St,t , ,rll);:ott 5P iserite a year.--
'.':r, I ..I.e (tatted. ill. %trier 0,,
211( FITLY'
• • • • 11 1 r,!! Tim further
• 0 ".. t•;I:
By order . of die
:a 22
rpm: .6.,i g n o t having purehatetl the full
I 1 end ev•hisivu right end priviiege of enn
, . -
, rusting, using. and veiling to others, the right
, make and use, in tin. evuoty of Huntingdon,
•TONI:SIFERti SMITH'S improvement in the
%,bie peeking' for a lamp for burning lord.
I p ,-- for tele 1, - the dozen or singly, alio
•! i•, rights foi sale et ressonehlt priecii.
Ali orders promptly ottcudecl to by attiirt.iii•
I lug. the subscriber, Orbisonin, Hunt, Co. pa.
(..; 1:0. W. CORNEIJI:e.,
Sipestillc, Nov. It, 1P54.-tiin.
BroughtMne to (hi Door of the Million,
, I ngIFl7L SON'h T 1 recent -
ly Curtis ,
this c i ty ,
the treatment of Consumption. Asthma and all
disearce of the Lung. We refer to "Dr. Cords'
Hymns, or Inhaling Ilygean Vapor and Cher
ry Syrup." With this new method Dr. C. hat
restored many afflicted ones to perfect health ;
as an evidence of which he has innumerable cer
tificates. Speaking of the treatment, a physi
cian renutrks lt it evident that inhaling —et..
stnntly breathing an agreeable, healing vapor,.
the medicinal properties must come in direct con
tact with the whole of the oriel cavity of tun
lunge, and thou escape the runny and varied
changes predicted 111 , 011 thorn when introduced
into the stomach, and sulijeeted to the process
of digestion. The Ilygeana is for sale at all the
druggists' throughout the country.
Neu , York Dutchman of Just. 14.
Tho Inhaler is worn on the breast under the
linen without rite least inconvenience—the beat
of the body being sufficient to cooperate the
Hundreds of CASES of CURES like the fol•
lowing might be named. 'lnc Package of Hy •
geeoe has muted me of the ASTHMA of tin
yrats atending.
J.,. F. liwttrry, P. If. of Dunaannon, Pa.
Ina ewe,' of the ASTHMA of 10 years
by Dr. Curtis' Ilygeuna.
IThrgard Easton, Brooklyn, N. Y.
tlo,o Dollars a Pitekage,—Sold by
cuirrts & PERKINS and 1,1011) & PAUL,
No. 149 Cloimber3 St., N. Y.-4 packages: seta
fae Icy express to arty part of the United liitsto
N. B.—Dr. Curtis' Ilygenna is the ORIGI•
others are hnse imitations or vile and INJURI
t.)I7B counterfeits. Shun them us you would
Sold by RUSSELL 8. SCIIOTT. No. 138
nrket Street, Philadelphia, who will sell by
.10 een at Proprietors rntes,l
Sap'. 30. 105.1 —ly.
D lc Jons,, cr.c of the Incit celebrated Phy•
1:1 Ncw writes as follows :—•
I witileos•
C..: • Oreut, of your IlyGnAs.l ou
CuEnur, Srmir,
belng ouch
11 of tho
i.~. ,
•••:: I vatti the.-
doubt thousanda
iced aml
yu, rernedi,.
You aro at liberty to nu: this in any way you
.zy think' proper.
11...,peetfuly, yours, &c.
C. :1011.Nb, M.
Nu. 609 Houston St., New York.
S Center writes us as follows :
G ENTLEMCS,-I have recently had occasion
to test your Cherry Syrup and Llygean Vapor
in a ease of chronic sort throat, that bad refused
to yield to other forms oftreatruent, and the no•
suit has satisfied toe, that whatever may be
the composition of your preparation, it is so
imposition, hut an excellent y.•wecly. I
for the sake of the afflicted it might be
withiathe of •
;. Doctor CUEL Eit. v• •
Y.... n. 15, IS:31.
r. SIR: —1 thh.l. i i Dr. Curtiee
I • c f 11, throat
. • 1 : . ! .1
• ~, 111.,:t Lied 11. 1/011. ;}.O Syttii•
applicntion . to the chest.
r.t..A hpr sole by Thomas )tend &
~ • •,• adverti,mtnent in another column
:So 6, South Third Street,
Importer, Manufacturer and General
Has Constantly on hand. and•
.4.lssa3s Finishing,
hinds of leather, Morocco, fall
Skins, Sheep SkiEs, itc,, fir.
Tin attention of Country Merchants and Sinn•
ulitcturers, i; solicited.
Doc. Mt, 185.1.-Iy.
20 000 VOLUMES of new and popular
Booka—the subscriber has Just re
ceived from Boston, Ace' York and
Philadelphia, comprising the great
est variety and most extensive stock
ever brought to the interfor of the State, His
STATIONERY is also of greet variety sad su
perior quality, in pats an follows: Letter, Cup
and Note Paper, Gold and Steel Pens, Inkstands,
Blank and Tinto Books. Diaries for 1855, &c.—
Also. Harper's, P11111.1'6 Godoy's and Gru
hfou's Magazines, receive d every mouth as soon.
as out. 2000 copies of the hooks recommended
by the Teachers' Institute and Board of Direc
tors of the county: Greculiers Arithmetics nod
Algebra. Town's Spellers, and Swan's Readers.
3609 Pur , on & Dunton,s Boston Copy Books,
being the best system as well as the best excre
ted hooks ever offered to the public, unite lowest
wholesale prices. 1000 pieces Wall Pelt! from
9 to 13 cents for common, 18, 23 and 37 cents for
0840,1, and 1,25 to $2 for gold. All of the above
stock is offered extremely low fbr cash—the pub
lic will please cal! and examine.
Store opposite Whittaker's Hotel, Railroad
St., Huntingdon, Pa.
Nov. 8, 1854.
j, iG ns a giON
IKOST rc,pcutfully make known to their
friend 3 and the public generally, that they
urn carrying on the eabittet•tnalting business.
in all its various branches, in
niter° they . hat craw anti) , ta, hood, and make
to ord., s;11 6iml, ,t Itirmiturt7; aneh at Bu
reaus, Tadlaa, \t :tell and Sewimr. Stands, enp•
boards,,s,Wurd,bes. Cot tage,French
and High lied,teads, Spring Seat Safi.,
and Sofa Ue•Aing ChM., Wind.or Chairs
and Ser.••,,, oeery ether artiele of
farnitur. ‘.ll:4lLiay fat' ; all of which
are made of ills eel, tnat,ial and in the
most fadtionabli , wt . )lc, and will be sold at low
The publie are rasmi.jully insited to oall arid
examine their gouda before purchasing elan
Ware Room on Bill st.. south side, 5 do.lra
es. 4. of J. U. Miles' dwellin.
jun. lU , 1?.5-2m.