Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 28, 1855, Image 2

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• ‘74.4s
, -
Wednesday Morning, March 28,1885,
The "JOURNAL , ' has 300 Subscri
bers wore, than any other paper
in this county.
Agents for the Journal,
The following persons we have appointed Agents
for the HUNTINGDON'JOURNAL, who are author
ized to receive and receipt for money paid on sub
scription, and to take the names of new subscri
bers at our published prices.
We do this for the convenience of our sitbscri
bars living at a distance from II untingdon.
Joint W. THOMPSON, Esq., Hollidaysburg,
SAMUEL COEN, East Barrec,
(honor W. CORNELIUS, Cromwell township.
HENRY ilt•Deote, Clay township.
DAVIT, ETNIRE. Cromwell township.
Dr. J. P. Asucom, Penn township,
• J. WAREHAM MATTE., Franklin township,
SAMUEL STEVE..., J31(.1(5011 township,
COl. JNO. C. WATSON, Brady township,
MORRIS BROWN, Springfield township,
WM. HUTCHINSON, EMI., Watriorsmark tp.,
JAMES MCDONALD, Brady township,
Hexnv NEFF, West Barre,
Joist; 13AL811ACII, Waterstreet,
Maj. CHARLES MICKLEY. Tod township,
A. M. BLAIR, Dublin township,
GEORGE Bruno:T. Esq., Tell township,
JAM. CL r.K, Birmingham.
NATHANIEL LYTLE, Esq., Spruce Crock.
Mel. W. MoonE, Alexandria.
B. F. WALLACE, Union Furnace.
SIMEON Wilton; Esq., Union township.
DAVID CLARKSON, Eeq., Cass township.
Stature, Wtovax, Eeq., Franklin township.
DAVID PARKER, Esq., Warriorsmatk.
DAVID Auttextcr, long., Todd township.
Na attention paid to Letters
unless post-paid, nor to Cou►mnni
cations unaccompanied wills the
author's name.
ger We invite the attention of our
readers to several New Advertisements in
to•days paper
Mr" The Pennsylvania Canal is now
open for navigation, and boats are passing
our place daily.
or Messrs. Benedict, Leas and Smith,
of the House, and Cresswell of the Senate,
have our thanks for public favors.
Stir Mrs. David Black was so kind as
to present us with a delicious mess of fresh
Fish, for which she has our sincere thanks.
I wonder who will give the next.
Mr The matter on the subject of edu•
cation, as well as several other interesting
subjects, has been crowded out this week,
but will appear in our next issue.
vs., Master S. W. Gehrett of Cassville
has had the fortune of deciphering the
puzzle which was in the Journal of the
14th inst., and find it to read as follows :
Zia neglects Advertising not uniy
robs himself of his fair advantages, but
bestows his spoils on his wiser rivals.
Col. Wm: Williams.
Gov, Pollock has commissioned Will-
Min Williams of this borough, as one of
his Aids, with the rank of Lieut. Colonel,
Col. Williams is a man of probity, an en
terprising mechanic, and a good citizen;
and we congratulate both the Colonel and
the Governor, on so felicitous an appoint
day last a quantity of the Iron for the track
of the Huntingdon and Broad Top Moun
tain Railroad and Coal Company, arrived
at this place. Every thing now argues a
speedy completion of this important work.
The rapidity with which all things per
taining to the road is carried along confers
great credit upon those connected with it.
leir We have received from the Press
of E. W. Hinks & Co., of Boston, a re
view of the Speech of Hon. J. R. Chan
dler, of Pennsylvania, on the political
power of the Pope ; delivered in the
House of Representatives, January 10th
ISOS. By John Claudius Pitrat. This
little book is for sale, at all the Book Stores
at 121 cents, and should be read by every
veL,Horace Waters, the great Music
Publisher, Manufacturer and Dealer in
Piano Fortes, of No. 333 Broadway,
New York, has sent us the following
sheets of popular Music, published by
him, with the information that any per,on
sending him 111, will receive the four pie d
ces by mail, post-paid, they are as follows:
"Sparkling Polka," "Lilly White,"
"Tis our child in Heaven," "Our Boys."
Fire! Fire ! Firj.
On Friday last, the large brick building
familiarly known as "the Academy," was
discovered to be on fire. The engines
were promptly brought to the spot, and
although the wind was blowing very fierce
ly, our citizens succeeded in extinguish
ing the flames before they had done much
damage. The fire originated from sparks
from a neighboring chimney.
We cannot here refrain from giving a
pa'sing notice to certain individuals who
are in the habit of (dimpling fires, but who
never, to use a homely phrase, do the
first hand stir." They may be classed
under the head of !actin me, They will
stand like the publican--"ufar off," ner
vously biting their kid gloves, or stroking
their maiden moustache. Such effeminate
creatures do not deserve the name of men,
and we move, that at the next fire, they
all be "cast into the flames," at wasted
I."A Second Daniel come to judgment"
Our articles in relation to Sancho Panza
of the Huntingdon Globe, have had the
effect which we presumed they would have,
of materially ruffling the tx . rnriCr,lerhil
co-partners, and been the means of bring
ing out against us the entiie cd(torial.
league of which, Sancho is.. the' willing
tool. Thu whole amount of eporial in
the last Globe consists in vile billingsgate
and low blackguardism in 'answer to a few
simple statements we made relative to the
inconsistent course which has marked the
present publisher of the Globe. We had
not expected that Sancho was so entirely
deprived of every principle which should
characterize a gentleman, but we now
find we have been giving him more credit
than he deserves. We merely intend at
present to give a hasty glance at the accu
sations made against our humble self, by
the last number of the Globe, and answer
them—where an answer is requested..
We are made to deliver ourselves in op
position to Know-Nothingism by a para.
graph which the Globe parades in its col
umns, and which it unblushingly asserts
was the real sentiments of our heart.—
We deny this charge, and pass with con
tempt the pitiable wretch who could thus,
with an etfrontry worthy a poltroon, place
such constructions on language as to make
it entirely different from the real sense
that language would convey. But we
I can pardon this silly attempt of the Globe
to produce an ill.feeling toward us, know
ing woll that a " drowning man will catch
at straws," and " misery loves company."
Oh ! Sancho, Sancho, if truth wa s
e an in
gredient indispensable with man's exis
tence, long long ago, poor brainless jacka
nape you would have served ns a loam for
the culture of turnips, or pint spa."—
We as much detest your vices as we pity
your ignorance.
Amongst other charges, this poor, self
conceited driveller of the Globe informs
its readers, that " the editor of the Jour
nal is circulating a report that he 'Sancho)
is a Roman Catholic." As *egards this
statement we can most assuredly say, that
the publisher of the Globe in giving ut
terance to it knowingly and unjustifiably
has published a wilful, deliberate and un
mittigated falsehood. That we have ever
lisped his name in connection with any
religious denomination we most positively
deny. But since ho would thus create a
sympathy in the minds of the Catholic
portion of the community, as n martyr for
its principles, we will hear lend him a
helping hand, and give him an orporiuni.
ty of showing how much 801pathy lie
deserves. The editors of the Globe must
either be Roman Catholics or hypocrites.
—they either assert what they know to be
untrue, or else, have, under the cloak of
rotes autism which they wear the deadly
leoprosy of Jesuitism, whit wh:c:i they
are secretly endeavoring to infect our
community.. Can this be doubted ?—we
defy the Globe man to prove to the con
trary. Wu do not make this assertion
without sufficient proof to corroborate our
word. Would the editor of the Globe
now possess his three hundred dollar of.
Lice of Post Master, if he wits not "under
under the bark," a Jesuit? Would one
of the editors of the Globe made use of
the expression he did some few days ago,
—that "he would sooner vote for an emis
sary of Me Pope than for an .dinctican,"
—if he was not nearly and dearly united
to Jesuitism ?—nor is this all, if the Globe,
desires it, we will furnish further proofs
of its secret alliance to Jesuitism, and the
hypocritical manner in which it is endeav
oring to serve Popery, by an open denun
ciation of the great principles of liberty—
such as freedom of speech and of action
—which American citizens love, which
they aro bound to cherish, and which they
will die for,—the exertions of Pius and
his minions in this count ry to the contra.
ry, notwithstanding.
Again, the Globe endeavors to cast op-
probrium upon us b senseless and inde
cent language—last tage fit only to be ut
tered within the brothels and hell-holes
which abound in our eastern,states,—and
which time has not met erased from
many minds. But again, we pardon our
Sancho. "fie true we may not have been
rearo4 among the hills which delighted
the authors of " Scots wa' ha'," " Camp
bell o' the Kirk," or "John .4nderson, my •
Jo,'Thut all the boasted wisdom of this
trio cannot restrain us from giving vent to
the sincere sentiment of our minds.
In another paragraph, the Globe in
forms us that—« neither arc we a hypo.
critical PROFESSOR in any other
church." We can believe him, in that
particular, as regards hypocrisy, because
the discipline of his church teaches him
that. If the Globe would int;ruatP that
all professors of religion are hypocrites,
we leave him to his own thinking,--but
place the verdict in the hands of the
" searcher of all hearts." But we have
more charity for the Globe than to believe
it means this, although such is its len
! guage. We will therelore take the ex
pression wholly to outsell as we presume
the intention of the Globe was that we
should do so, when it says," can they face
• an honest community and say the same 1"
As regards our hypocrisy we do not choose
to take Sancho for our judge, it would ap
pear too much like " Satin reproving sin."
We acknowledge, we, in common with
all, tall short of our duty, but we endeavor
to do what is right. Can the publisher of
the say the same'
We may not•havo reached the standard
of perfection, but we can now, with a'
clear conscience, look back upon' our past
life and say With an honest pride, thot.-sve
have never yet disgraced our manhood by
midnight drunken revels, rowdyism or dis
graceful broiliel .scenes. , • Can the editors
of the Globe look an honest community,
in the ftMe and say the same ?"
Again, the Globe endeavors to smooth
over the course it took ia relation to the
United States Senatorship, but its feeble
en•.:_avor shows most palpably the utter
disregard it has for the truth, and how
readily it inserts a prevarication where no
other means is left for escape. It now
would have its readers to believe that the
reason it supported Simon Cameron for
United States Senator, was because there
was so possible chance fur any old line
Democrat." Now any person who will
take the trouble of examining the files of
the Globe for the past year, or long before
the late election of U. S. Senator, was ag
itated, will find that Sancho has always
been a pliant tool of the Is iends of Cam
eron, and early endeavored to impress up•
on the Locofoco party the importance of
his selection to that high and responsible
office,—and openly intimated that he
(Cameros) was his first and last choice.—
Now we ask the thinking and honest por
tion of the Locofoco party if such an in
consistent, abominable and truckling rep
robate is worthy the support of any party?
—Jesuitism excepted. If the Locofoco
party wishes to preserve its name in this
county we would suggest an inrnediate
action in this matter, not because we have,
any love for the party, but because we de
spise to see imposition practiced upon a
community. 1
We usk pardon of our readers for har
ing consumed much of our space in no.
ticing the balderdash contained in the
Globe, but since the editors have kindly
promised " to keep Them (the Journal)
awake for sonic time," all we have to say is
" lay on Macduff;
And d—d be hint that first cries, Hold, enough.
Samuel L. Glasgow.
Most of our readers will undoubtedly
retnemberan individual of the above name,
who was the alledged editor of this paper
before we purchased it. He is the same
personage who acted as , a conferee, for
White, some time since, and who received
the sum of one thousand•dollars for decei
ving his constituents and openly perjuring
himself. IThat was our amusement on
opening a little eight by ten published in
the lower end of this county, by a gentle
man of the °Dunks rd" persuasion, (whose
motto is "Truth our object. Justice our
Standard. Heaven our aim,") to find a
whole column of its matter occupied by
this GieTeie in
ism and obscene phrases, (no doubt learnt
by him in some of his haunts of vice and
immorality in' the eastern cities) towards
us. Now we wish to trespess upon the
patience of our readers for a short time to
explain the nation for this behavior of
Glasgow, and in so doing, publish a few
facts, which we presume he has no very
great inclination to bear.
It hen we purchased the Journalestah
livinnent from Glasgow, (or. rather from
his wife) a positive agreement was made
between us, and which was published in
the paper, that we had the collection of
all subscriptiotx due the Journal office up
to the time we took charge of the same—
this much Glasgow admits in his commu
nication-1101V what we wish to show is
this, that SAMUEL L. GLASGOW, in the com
munication which lie publishes in the
aforesaid pamphlet, has wilfully perjured
himself. Does any one desire the proof
—here it is.
George hazard iC Elizabeth Pheasant,
To Journal Office, Dr.
Di .".4. To four yearn, 9 !nos., subscription to
Hunt. Journal, ending Ist March, 1854.
411 50.
Personally came S. L. Glasgow, the claim.
ant within, before the undersigned, a Justice of
the Peace, in and fur said county, and acknowl
edged the within account, against Z. Pheasant's
estate, doe'd., to be jut and correct to the beet
of his knowledge. SIMEON WRIGHT.
March 25, 1854."
This bill was sent to the above persons
by Glasgow, after we had purchased the
office, being one month after he had sold.
Now, Glasgow comes boldly out and call
his Maker to witness that he "is innocent."
Such is the character of this individual, he
can come unblushingly forward and "call his
God to witness that lie is innocent of the
charge we made against hirn of collecting
money due us." Nor is this all, we have
now in olir possession various other docu•
mews, which space will not permit us to
publish this week, which will clearly prove
to every honest man, to every unprejudi
ced mind that if justice was meted out,
this self-same Glasgow, would not now be
enjoying "free and unrestrained liberty,"
but would be incarcerated within the walls
which ho'd villains and perjurers. Res
pect for his respectable connexions alone
restrains us from now giving to the world
those facts; but if Glasgow continues his
slanderous blackguardism, friends will not
prevent us front giving to the world, his
guilty acts,
Now we have but one more statement
to make, and we are done for this time.—
Glasgow asserts that he came into our of
fice in company with one Joseph Rickets,
"genteelly and peaceably," &c. Now we
pronounce this a down-right falsehood.—
He came into our sanctum, with an ac
complice, armed with a revolver, used lan
guage, that could not but shock the most
depraved minds; and it was only the dia
-1 grace of quarrelling with so low and aban
doned a creature that restrained us from
meting out to him his just 'deserts and
kicking him into the Street.
In conclusion, when we asserted that
Samuel L. Glasgow, endeavored to pro.
cure money due us we merely stated the
. truth, and:if required, will prove it to the
entlitil . atjsfaction of a Court and Jury.—:
Fiiritwq ;‘ ,. e now warn and give notice to
all oer'patrons and friends thUt should
'this saitl ' Glasgoii, endeavornain to pro.
cure or rather steal that which does not be
long to him, to went him as he deserves,
and administer to his deformed being that
castigation which he so richly deserves.
sir On Monday last we received a
very fine copy of Graham's American
Magazine for April. It has a very fine
Steel engraving of Mary Queen of Scots.
Paris fashions for April, and a great va
riety of Patterns for ladies wear. The
publisher has commenced in this number,
"Mary Stwart, a romance of history," by
William Dowe, which we think will be
found to be the most interesting, chaste,
and elegant production of the kind that
has ever appeared in the pages of "Gra.
ham." Now is the time to subscribe in
order to secure the whole Romance.—
Terms, $3 per annum in advance.
Clark's Daguerreotypes.
We have the•pleasure of informing our
readers, that Mr. Clark is now in our
place, engaged in taking the "shadows"
of those who call upon him. We can safe
ly recommend Mr. Clark to our citizens,
and would earnestly invite all who have
any desire to procure correct pictures of
themselves, to give him a call. Ills room
is in the lia.lroad Station liouse,—up
FIRSTOF APRIL.—Town subscribers to
the Aurruil who contemplate changing
their residences tui the first of April, will
please notify us of the fact. Alail subscri
bers who intend removing, will please in
form us of the directions of their papers.
Our New York Correspondence.
NEW YORK, March 23, 1855.
Spring--Broiitray—The Murder ty' "Dill
Poole"—kOnopping a Cuban—The Massa.
chusetts Street Sweeping ,Machine—The
Quarantine—Death of (he Emperor Nich
olas—European News—Prospects of Peace
—The Legislature on a "Bender,"—Ran•
quet at the Astir —Till' Poole— A Novel
Scene—The Crystal Palace.
Springwithhersmiliugcountenance is again
upon us,.'sliedding her warmth over the hearts
aewell r..) .bodies of alt who come within
her bright and joyous influence. A; the sum
mer suntirtgs,out the birds and the insects,
so does flip b.eautiful weather we have enjoy
ed the t.m.-C week seem to dinw f3rtlt the livid
sands of old and young, homely and pretty,
gay and sober, who have been confined with
in doors by' the rude blasts of the winter.
Now is the•time to see iu Broadway, the la
test-fashions, the fairest ladies, and the finish
ed fops. The spring styles are just coming
out, and flounces. ribbons and lace adorn the
streets, but not more so than the pleasant faces
of the fair wearers.
Bill Poole, who of late has been a some
what notorious character, died on Thursday
morning at.five o'clock- You will 'probably
remember that on the sight of February 25th,
an affray occurred at Stanwix Hall, in which
he was severely beaten . , and also wounded by
a pistol shot. lle leaves a wife and one child
about nine years old, and an ample mainte
nance for them. Parpcne, one of his :vomit
ers, has beer. arrested, and it is said is inclined
to turn state's evidence. The coroner is now tn.
gad in holding an inquest upon the body of de
ceased, and the evidence taken, thus far, shows
the existence of a conspiracy to murder the
unfortunate man. We most sincerely hope
that the propetrators of the foul outrage may
be brought to justice. Mayor Wood has off
ered a reward of $5OO for the arrest of Darker,
the alleged assassin.
An interesting case, and one which is ma
king considerable noise here has lately been
decided in one of the courts of this city.
It appears that Don Francisco Hernandez
of Saracen, Cuba, who brought with hiss a
letter from a brother of Don Francisco, who
lived in New York. This brother—Don Elias
—wrote, requesting hint to use his influence in
the protection and assistance of Mr. Felix, in
the project he had of introducing arms, and
promoting an insurrection in that district
against thd Spanish government. Don Fran
cisco, not being in favor of revolutionary move
ments, gave notice to the Spanish authorities
of this plot, and partly from fear of the anger
of his brother's friend in Harem, and partly
induced by business, he went to Havana and
took refuge its the castle of Cabana. After
remaining there some time he concluded to
send Isis family to Spain, and for that purpose
sent rm his' ou, who was being educated at
the Hudson River Institute,at Cleverer's, New
York. His brother, however, learning this, by
sumo means prevented young Hernandez from
Sen. Franeibco Hernandez thee cunt mission.
ed Don Cristovul Carnobeli, to go on to Clay
erack, and induce his son to return with him
to Cuba. To prevent his brother front again
frustrating this plan, Carnobeli was to use the
utmost seetacy, and was supplied with letters,
&c., to prove to young Hernandez his blend.
Carnobeli, with the assistance of the Span
ish Consul is this city, succeeded in persuading
the young man to accompany them, and the
party had got as far us New York, and just ta•
ken the steamer for Havana, when the Uncle,
learning of the departure of young Hernandez,
came on board, and finally bad them all urros•
ted, representing them as kidnappers. On inc..
tion, however, they were discharged from ar•
rent, but the suit against them for damages is
still rnding.
The eastopf the Massachnsetts is still on
trial, but no decision has yet bet a rendered. The
famous street sweeping machines have arrived
•iu town, nude procesion of them went up Broad;
'way a day or two since They are a long-tail.
ed dragon dy sortof a. lookingthing, but will
probably answer well fur inking up light dirt.
There is now eensiderable talk of moving the
quarantine from Statue Island to Sandy Hook,
a few miles below. Staten Island is for tun
beautiful a place for the quarantine.
MUTH or TUC EMPCHOII, Silellol.l9.
We are ali astounded—perfectly struck dumb
and silent. Tho Emperor Nicholas is dead !
The news has made us forget everyteing else ;
this is the grent topic of conversation. As
you pass along the streets, you hear such Irv.
merits of conversation as these N icholas—ap•
oplexity —assassinated —dead Sevastopcl—
and the like.
The steamer Africa arrived ou Thursday the
15th, bringing the nevi of the Emperor's
death. It also brings four days later news
from Europe. Sevastopol seems to continue
to hold out against its besiegers. A few so,
tics have taken place, but nothing of itnpor.
Lance has been done. It is said that the Em•
peror Napoleon is intending to take a trip to
Sevastopol to try to hasten matters.
We think that the death of Nicholas must
put a stop to all hopes of pence, at least for the
present. His son, who is about
years of age, 'will be tiro Emperor of Russia.
ft can hardly be expected that be will be tail•
ling to commence his reign by atfeeting u tree,
ty which at least one half of his subjects wiil
consider disgraceful. his father, a man near.
ly sixty years of age, would be fur more likely
to make concessions than a young and 'ambi
tious Prince who has his own renown to carve
not. Of course the Emperor's death will
throw the country into confusion.
The Stew ligislators have been spending it
week in New York visiting the, public institu•
times of the city. They had very unplerisant
weather for their spree, and, on the whole,
from their various speeches, they seem to
have enjoyed their visit very much. On Thurs.
day night they held a banquet at the Astor
House. Plates were Mid for two hundred and
fifty persons. Speeches were made toasts de.
livered, and, in short, everybody bad a good
The excitement in regard to the Poole mur
der remains unabated. The evidence that Da
her had not left the brig "losabella Jewett,"
as he was supposed to have done, has kept the
public feeling on the stretch. The coroner's
investigation is still progressing. A print of
William Poole has been issued, while under.
neath are his last words, .t.lf I die I die a true
American." •
This was prbably one of the foulest murders
ever committed in New York; but we do not
like to see a man, who, when alive, was not all
at all noticed, when he dies, worshipped, merely
because he has hoes murdered. We respect
all means which aro node for hunting up the
murder, but we do not think that it is necessa
ry for so much adoration of the "fancy . ' man.
If more attention were to be given to the fam
ily of Poole, and less to himself, we thil.k it
would be much better for all parties. A clip
per vessel is about being derpatched after the
"Issabella Jewett" to arrest Baker, but he has
probably got on board some other vessel, and
is by this time safe. Although :35,000 reward
has been offered for his apprehension, we much
fear that ho will escape.
A eurioutiscene occurred at the Academy
of Music n few nights ago. It seems that the
opera in Loris di Lamermoer, was being per
formed. They had just got the second act,
when a young gentleman, slightly elevated—
probably intosicated with the music—step
ped front a private boa upon the stage, in
spite of the efforts of restraining friends. lie
paused a moment, and then lifting his hands
to impress silence, proceeded to a display of
his vocal Timers. Whether from the ember
rastnents of n first appearance on the stage, or
for other reasons, his voice was decidedly thick
and he seemed to have quite forgotten the
words. In the midst of his performance, he
suddenly seized by some one, and taken behind
scenes. This was truly an inglorious end to
his first and probably last appearance on the
operatic stage.
There is somo talk of having the city per.
chase the Crystal Palace, to be fitted up as n
public market. It is also proposed to convert
it into a public mucous,. The building can be
purchased fur $20,000, about onc•third of the
original cost.
Yours Truly, V. S.
For the Huntingdon Journal.
March 17, 1855,
, .
Mn. Entroa:—One would suppose by the
course of the Huntingdon Globe, that its Edi
tor was either a High Priest of the Catholic
Church or iu high pay. In several of its pre
vious numbers it devotes a considerable por
tion of its editorial to the abuse of the Ameri•
can Organization and copies an article from a
Jesuit paper, which says the order opposes all
that is Republican in principle, pure in morals,
and holy in religion. We suppose he means
that intolerant and blood stained Harlot the
Roman Catholic Church, whose intolerance has
been marked with blood is every land where
her Priests have been permitted to set up their
Idols. As the matter has become one of gen
eral intmest and of political importance we
do not choose to stand indifferent and hear
Foreigners or their hired minions denouncing
native born citizens as traitors, to Clod and
their country, merely because they do not choose
to let Catholic Priests interfere in their dear
bought rights. We have neither time nor the
advantage of an extensive library, but with
what we have, we will prove that the Catholic
religion is at war with every principle of civil
and religious liberty, and unity we not add hu
manity. Will the Globe man show that it is
not. When he does, we will meet him. We
hava been accustomed to see for years past the
combined efforts of the entire Catholic Press
as fully devoted to politics as religion, in all ca.
ses professing to act. under the sanction and
direction of their Hierarchy, rallying their rev,
dors in favor of particular measures or men,
and bringing the entire force of the Foreign
Catholic influence to bear in the same diree•
When Clay and Frelinghuyson were candi
dates, it is notorious that the very fact that Fre
liughuysen was a prominent and influential
Protestant, a,tirely eogngol in the religious
movements of the age, arrayed the Fureign
Catholic vote Of the United States in an almost
unbrokett pbsiAliX against them, afd secured
their defeat. Anti it in. equally well known
that politicians aid demagogues have :implore
constantly counted aad Cs, tut the For
vire Catholic vete, by the basest means; and
have always suceeedod in arraying it as u die- I.
find element of power and popularity for or I
against this or that man or party. And pull
ticians who have tteritieutally or with prenireli.
Cation, in the full exercise of freedom of thought
and freedom of speech, secured to Americans,
made an allusion offensive. to the sensitive pre
judices of this class of voters, have been pro
scribed and voted unavailable by the politi
cal party to which they happened to belong.—
We remember some years ago a gentleman
made a speech in a Democratic State conven•
tion, in the course of which he bad occasion to
contrast the blessings of liberty, intelligence,
and a pure religious faith, enjoyed in.our own
couutry, with the evils of tyranny, ignorance
.d corruption prevailing in Popish, Pricstmid
en South America and Mexico. And we re
member what should cause the blush of shame
or indignation to mantle the cheeks of every
American, that saute gentleman was then and
there hissed and felled down by Foreign Cat),
olics and the vile spawn of demagogues who
courted their favor, while the chief leaders of
the party, insteud . of nobly vindicating the
rights of free thought and free speech, ,
apologized and censured the gentleman and
asked part!on of the o*Mikeys and the °llan
igans for the misdeeds of their speaker who
really had said nothing more than our books of
History and travels, and our Fourth of Jnly
speeches of former years were cahstantly pro
claiming. But this influence has not been
cotifined to 'Presidential elections nor State
convention, The Senate chamber of the Uni
ted States even at its late session became a
theatre tor Senatorial demagogues, representa
tives of Sovereign States to spout eulogies in
servile strains of false and fulsome flattery of
cardinal Berlina, Nuncio of his Popish High
ness to the United States, and the cruel and
brutal persecutor mud executor of tlra champi
ons of libtMty in Europe. Politicians know
and they net upon the knowledge that in eve- •
ry county and State in the Union, the Foreign
Catholic vote has always been a separate and ' 1
distinct politiciii element, and they almost uni
versally made it available to elevate the mean
est kind of demagogues to office. And they
have shaped and treated every political ques
tion with an eye single to the Foreign vote.—
Temperance and • a • Prohibitory Low must not
be advocated because it is unpopular with For
eigners, nod demagogues are constantly tam
pering with the School Laws of the land in or
der to enter for popularity with the Catholics
under their influence the Protestant political
press of the country, has been forced to play
into their Muds and to forego the free expres.
nMn of opinion, while Protestants and Amami
cans have been proscribed as unavailable, end
not allowed fair play in the open rxpression of
opinions distasteful to Foreign Catholics.
The Know-Nothings then no we glean their
objects and design is to restore things to a pro
per equilibrium and to put an end to this cell.
slant demagogueism and proscription of Amer
icans and Protestants, by teaching politicians
the practical lesson that there is another politi.
cal influence quite as potential, as that of the
Foreign Catholics of this country-, and to an
nul that band cf proscription which has render
ed true hearted and outspoken American Pro
testatits—unave:blYe etteilidetes, in the poli
tical parties of the nay, for offices of honor and
trust ; while at the slime time, a due regard to
the rights of free thought and free speech, and
a high appreciation of American Republican
ism and American citizenship, embr.teing all
the claims of osii awl religious liberty is tl,s
tered in the public mind.
Will the editor of the Globe please inform
his patrons whether a religion that Maches a
blind obedience to the Priest, and worship of a
winking Madana, or the Holy house of Loretto,
is the best suited to a Republican form of gov
ernment 1 Let him speak out on this subject
and inform the public.
"Sam" elected all the principal offices in our
township :,estertlay, and if he had chosen he
could have swept the field.
For the Journal,
MARCH 26, 1855,
MR. EDITOR :-I perceive by the returns of
the Spring election, that there has been consid.
erable accession to the Know-Nothing ranks, at
almost every point in our county, since the elec
tion last. fall—excepting Petersburg borough—
where Col. Jno. Cresswell, old lino Democrat,
was elected Burgess by a small majority over
Jno. R. Hunter, Esq., Know-Nothing candi
MAncli 26, 1855.
There is more inquiry for Floor for shipment
and the recipts and stocks crintining exceed
ingly light, holders have again put up their
prices 121 cents per barrel. Sales of 12a1500
barrels, at $9,50 for good brands, and sloalo,.
25 for extrit, the latter for a choice lot. There
is a fair inquiry for home consumption from
$9,50 to $ll as in quality Rye Flour is in steady
demand, and further sales of 2a300 barrels
were made at $9. Corn Meal has advanced
121 cents per barrel—sales of GOO barrels
Pennsylvania at $4,25.
G rain—The market continues bare of Wheat,
and the receipts are trifling. Sales of 2500
bushels at $2,25 per bushel for prime red, and
$2,33a2,35 for fair and prime white, mostly of
the latter description, including a cargo of
Southern at a price not made public. Rye con
tinues in demand, and further sales of 1000
bushels Pennsylvania at $1,25. Corn is in good
demand and the receipts have fallen off—sales
of 3000 bushels yellow, last evening, at 92 cents
afloat, and 2000 bushels at a price to be fixed.
Oats are also in good demand, and 2000
bushels sold at 55 cents per bushel for Dela
ware, and 58 cents for Pennsylvania.
Par irk,
In Alexandria on Tuesday the 20th by Rev.
F. A Rupley Mr. PHILIP H. PIPER to Miss
JANE BISBON, both of the borough of Al.
On the 18th inst by
to a Aurandt,sq.
DERSON, both of Paradise Furnace, Tod
township, Huntingdon county.
FLOUR by the bbl. Wheat by the beetle' for
tete at D. P. WINS.
WAS found on the road between Iluntit.gdon
aud MeConneliatowrl, nhont the first of
Vehreary, twit, a " Howling." The owner can
gave it by. proving prvplety, awl paying
cl,Arges. j011.:4 LEF.
March 27 18.53-tf.
TITE pnrt,ership heretofore exinting between
Drs. Brown and II ngerty is thin day by mu-
Vial consent dissolved.
All rersori knowinglhomselces itidebted to
thh - sittd firm, %rill tr.lent.e cull and settle their
fleet/11MS without delay.
Mu'reh 27 1b75-tf.
JN. BALL rovectfully solicit ; the nutrition
.of the limning community to a to,dity of
Pottghs which he h., in
manufacturing, and will
hone ready for sale n a fow tire. he is also pre
pared to make barrows, wagons, cart., wheel
barrow. &c., &a., and to do all kind of repairing
at the sllorteet notice, and in the most subttantia I
EhoponN. W. corner ..t Nl,..titgmyry and WAEII
itigtun rt•+.
lkfarch s 7 18:11-tr.
Birmingham, Huntingdon county, Pa.
THIS Institute is situated on the Pennsylvania
Rail Road, sod occupies one of the most de
sirable locations in the state. It is so easy of ac
cess, retired, healthful, and surrounded with such
romantic mountain scenery, that no one who
wishes to learn, could find an institution more fa
vorably shunted. Experienced teachers who are
graduates of Troy and Mt. Ilolyc ke Seminaries
are employed in this institution, and no pains
will be spared to sustain its growing reputation.—
The summer term commences the last Tuesday
in April and continues five mouths. Charges to
date from the tithe of entering, and no deductions
made for absence except in case of sickness :'n
pits from abroad are expected to board in the
Seminary Building with the Principal who gin Ca
his emits attention to their imercst awl advance
Boarding, Tuition and furnished rooms per
term .260 (111
Latin, Gerinan, French, Painting, Drawing
and instrumental 'gas lc, Extra.
Rtsv.J. W. WARD,
&a, OF ALL WARS : their Widows
and Minor Children.
S. M. KNIGHT, Attorney for Government
Claitunnte, •
Mishingt,, P. r.
PON TIN ITES to give prompt and personal
U Minion to the prosecution of Claims of eve,
description against the General Guvermucti,
and particularly to those before the Treasury
Department, Pension and Bounty• Laud Du.
reaus, Patent and General Offices, and Board
An experience 01 years, and a familiaritv
with . the means of obtaining the curliest and
tnost favorable action on Claims, with his facil
ities for the dispatch of business, jnstify bim in
nssuring his Correspondents, Claimants, nod
tb' Public generally, that interests intrusted to
his keeping will not be neglected.
LIND 141W8.
He has nearly ready for gratuitous distribu•
lion among his business Correspondents, (wol
those who may become such,) a neat pamphLt
,ontaining a synopsis of the existing Pension,
Bounty Land, Patent, and Public Land Lows,
down to the end of the late Congress-41,1u
ding tho
Bounty.. Land Act of 3d March, 1055,
under which all who have heretofore received
less than 160 acres to all Officers Non•conunis•
slowed Officers, Chnpluins, So ldiers, Wagoii
m,ters, Teamsters, and. friendly Indians, t.d .
the Army, including State Troops, Vulunteers,
and Militia—nud All Officers, Seamen, Mina.
ry Seamen, Mirrines, Clerks, and Landsmen,
of the Navy not heretofore provided for, who
have served not less than fourteen days (unless
in battle) at Any period since 177 t; ; and to the
widows and minor children of all such persons
entitled and deceased.
This pamphlet contains 'Torms of 4pp lica•
tion" Inure full and complete than any else•
where to be found; adapted to the wants of ev•
cry class of claimants under the Act, with co.
pions decisions and instructions of !Ire Deport
ment, and practical suggestions OM to the roar,
to be pursued in stripended or rejeetei: cases.
Parties not toi,hing to avail themselves of
the facilities afforded by this Office in securing
prompt and personal soperintendenre of their
claims at the Departments, can obtain copies
of the above pamphlet by remitting thirty cents
in postoge stamps.
Inducements to Correspondents.
Correspondents who prepare and forward
cases for management by this Agency will be
dealt with liberally ; supplied with all necessary
blanks gratis, and kept coustantly adviud of
the changes that from time to time occur in the
execution of the law.
It is within the subscriber's power to direct
his Correspondents to the locality of very many
persons entitled under the late Act ; and ha,
mg obtained several thousand Land Wnrratits
under former laws, he is in possession of dote
that will materially assist in securing addition
al Bounty.
Fees, below the usual rates---and contingent
upon the admission of Claims.
The highest cash prices given for Land War
rants, Revolutionary Scrip, and Illinois Lund
Waahinyton City.
M.rch 27 1855-4 t
[Estate of William Buchanan deceased.]
B Y virtue of un order of the Orphans' Court of
Huntingdon county, there will be exposed at
public sale on the premises,
On Thursday the sth day of April, next,
the following described Real Estate, to nit :
ranted in the name of Benjamin Elliot, situato
in the township of Union and county of Hunting
don, containing 26 Acres 38 Perches, bounded
by the Juniata river, lands of James Fea. John
Grove, and others, known ns the Fisher tenet.
ALSO,—On the tame day, ONE TRACT OF
LAND, being part oftwo larger tracts, one of
which, was surveyed on a warrant granted to
Robert Simpson, and the other on a warrant to
Charles Kelly, situate in Brady township, eon
taining 266 Acres 128 Perches and f.:iacan. , c,
adjoining lands of John A. Campbell, James
Lane and others.
ALSO,--On Saturday the 7th day of April,
warranted in the name of David Lapsley, situate
in Hopewell township, Huntingdon county, con
taining 353 Acres, lying in the Little Valley
about two miles from Shoup's Mill, at the foot
of Broad Top and the River mountains.
Thom OF SALE.—One third of the purchase
money to be paid on confirmation of sale, and
the residue in two equal annual payments, with
interest to be secured by the bonds and mt..
lygages of the purchaser.
March 10,1855-2 t. Adminidrni; ix
LETTERS of Administration on the estate of
Abraham Branstetor, dee'd„ lute of the
township of Warriormark, Huntingdon county,
having been granted to the undersigned by the
Register of said county, all persona indebted to
said estate will make immediate payment, and
all persona; having claims will present them duly
authenticated for settlement.
%reit te, 1855, Administrator.