~~ NEW STAGE LINE. THE subscriber u mild respectfully inform tho trmeling public that he is now runnin g n un ° of Hacks from Mt. Union n. Orbisonitt, follows: From Orbisonia to Mt. Union and bock ecery day, intersecting the Chantpersburg lino ut Crrbisonia. Passengers wishing to foto Slut& (hip, or any other place, will be taken on without delay. His Hacks are good and eninfortabte, and he is d etermined to have none but goad and steady drivers; in a wont, his desire is to cowry passengers in con fort and safety. JAMES S. BUHKET. Orhisonia, Nov. 0, 1854,10. FIVE PER CENT SAVING FUND, Of The National Safely Company. mama Street, swab West Own( r Third Street, Incorporated by the State of Penn sylvania In ISII. INVE PER eENT interest is given and the L money is always paid bnek whenever it is called for, without the necessity or giving notice tor it beforehand. People who have large sums pot their money in this Safety Fond, nn account of the superior safety nod convenience it alibrds, but any sum, large or small, is received! This Mrviwo Fran has more thou Mill mil lion of dollars, secniely invested for time safety of depositors., _ The Officals open fo receive nod pny money every dim. from 9 o'clock in the morning till 7 H'elcielt in the evening, and ou Monday and Thursday evenings, till 9 o'clock. People who have money to put in; are invited to call at the office for further infornintion. HENRY L. BENNER, Prea't. ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice Pres't. Wit. J. Roan, Secretary. Nov. 1, 1854. FREE EXHIBITION ! . , oftw__. -r-- -- - ' :14 At the Elephant Store. ItY.D2III - &AIM 4p LTA VINO removed :liA extensive Store to go. I, MeCalian's Row, formerly occupied by T. N. Simonton, is now prepared to accommodate his old customers, and the public generally, with a splendid and fashionable asssortment of Fall and Winter Goods, His assortment consists of Groceries, Dry Goods, lidrdware, Queensware, and all kinds ofgoods usually kept in a Country Ettore. Also, a beautiful cheap and elegant as sortment of Ladies' Dress Goods, and Trimmings of every variety. Also, !fats; Caps, Bonnets, Boots and Shoes, and a variety of goods of all kinds. Country produce taken in exchange for goods, at the highest market prices. Huntingdon, 18, 1954. J. M. IRVINE, NI. D. . . Graduate of the r oir.rsity of New York, HAVING concluded to !moue permanently in Warriersmark, Iluniiiiwion County, offers his professional services to the citizens of that place and vicinity. limn:mm.6 Medical Faculty of the University of N. Y. 'Dr. John McCulloch, Petersburg, Hunt. Co. Dr. Henry ()flatly, 'Noy, I , 1054.-ti. JUNIATA ACADEMY AND FEMALE SEMINARY, At Shirlegsburg, Huntingdon Co., Penn'a llEv. JAMES CAMPIIIiLL, A. M. Principal Seminary; liccrr J. CAMPTIELL, A. M., and A. C. FENDALL, Principals, • Academy. pun Winter Session of both Schools opens on I Wednesday, an 7th of Norrember, , and con tinue five months. TERMS—SEMINARY : Board, light, fuel and tuition, per session 850,00 Music with use of tustrutnent, per quarter 8,00 TERMS—ACADEMY : Ikard, room rent, fuel and tuition, per session Modern Languages, 5,00 Painting. and Drawing, 3,00 to 5,00 Lectures and practical instruction given in Agriculture, Chemistry, Surveying and Engi neering, &e. instruction will be given in the Seminary, in Embroidery, Gilding, Lrrousing and plain needle work. Shirleyslitirg, Oct. 18.-3 m. 111114 - ItX (Successor lo Hartley 6• Kniyht. Bedding and Carpet WAREHOUSE, No. 148 South Second Street, 1,001{9 .0111 sl•nuon sunny, rnit. , A. Where ho keeps constantly on hand a full assort mont of every article iu his line of Lubin... Feathers, Feather Beds, PATENT SPRING- MATTRESSES, Culled hair, Moss, Corn Husk and Straw 314 TTRESSES, . . _ Tided Tapestry, Tapestry, Brus;els, Three• Ply, Ingram, 1 enetian, List, Ray and Hemp Carpetings, Oil Cloths, Canton :fallings, Cocoa and Spanish Mattings, Floor and Stair Druggcts, Hearth Rugs, Door Mats, TABLE AND PIANO COVERS. To which ho respectfully invites the attention of purchasers. [Oct. 4, '54.-Iy. A SPLENDID ARRIVAL FALL AND WINTER • MACINGROPJ ♦T lITOUIS, A. WILLOUGHBY, HAS just returned from the east with a large and splendid assorttnent of Fall and winter Clothing, for mon and boys, made in the latest fashion and in the most durable manner. Who ever wants to be dressed better and cheaper than anybody else in town, lot him call at W,LLOUGIIHY'd Catnap CLOTHING &rout:, ono door west of I'. Head & Sou's drug store, Huntingdon. Call and see fur Yourselves Oct. 18, 1884. • Grocery,.Confectionary, nn ANI, r EIS LD6l'.l. NDREW'MtEBUS, would respectfully fu ll form the citizens of Huntingdon and vicini ty that lie has just returned from the cast, with a very large and fresh supply of Fruit and Couftetionaries, such as Candies, Leions, Raisins, Nuts, &c., and the largest stock of Toys and Fancy Articles, near offload for sale in this town. lle receives daily from the city of the best OYSTERS that can be found. Those in want of prinm 'shellfish,' can be accominoda. ted by calling at the saloon. lie has fitted up a saloon expressly for the Ladies. Thankful to the public for pastfavors,he hopes by slides attention to business to merits continu- ance of the same. Iluntingdon,Oct. 12, 1853. arA floc lot o f PISTOLS St Eau. REMOVAL Clothing! Clothing! Clothing! The Lwgest and best Selected Stock of Ready made Fall and Winter Clothing, Ever offered to the Citizens of Iluhtingdon county. IF you wish to get a cheap and fashionable coif of clothing at 30 per tent. lean than you can elsewhere procure them, then go to the cheap Clothing Emporium of HENRY ROMAN, op posiae Ceuta' Hotel in Market Square, Hunting don' Pa., where you will find Wady muds Cloth ing airily quality, mode of sound materials, and in the moat fashionable style and at mtca ito measurably below ally other establishment in this vicinity, where it is considered that the "nimble eix•pcnce in tar preferable to the slow Wiling," and where, for good fits, fine materi als, fashionable style and finish, "he can't be beat." subscriber respectfully invites the atten tion of his numerous friends and customers nod the public in general to his immense and well as sorted stork of Mons' and Boys' Poll nod Win ter Clothing. consisting pertly of Fine cloth, Beaver, Pilot, Petersham, Whitney, Felt and Doable Overcoats, Cloth Frock, Dress Slick and Illu4ness coats, of nil qualities, styles And colors, Monkey Jackets, 'Roundabouts of differ cot 80118 ' qualities and prices. Fine Black Doeskin, Cloth and Cnssimere pants do., Fancy Cassitnere, Satinet, Tweed, as well as n variety of magnificent Vests, some of which in quality and workmanship equal any custom work, that can be obtained in any other place. Besides large assortment of Buys' Clothing, the subscri ber Also keeps on hand a well selected Mock of Gentlemen's Furnishing floods, such as handkerchiefs, cravats, collars. gloves, sacks, shirts of all Ascriptions. Underskirts, Draw ers, Knit Jackets Suspenders, Traveling Bags, lists nail Caps, nod great many other articles toe numerous to specify. Encouraged by past favors, the subscreber has fur exceeded his usual outlay in purchasing stork, and he now assures the public that no person wishing to purchase need leave his store without being suited, he is enabled to soil ut the very low est price, ! and whoever wishes to make u wise outlay of his money is respectfully invited to call and examine fur himself. HENRY ROMAN, Oct. 18; 1834, NEW GOODS FOR TIIE FALL AND WINTER OF 1851 AT trilitALP or DAVID P. GWIN. have just received, and am now opening, on the corner opposite Coats' lintel, n large and beautiful assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, consisting of Cloths, Cassimcrs, Block and FMK cy Satinet's, Vastings, Tweeds, Jeans, Flannels Yellow, White and lied. Also a large lot of Sack Flannels of all colors. French Mari noes, Coburg Cloths. all wool, Detains, Plain and Fancy Dclains, Cashmere, Doboizc, Amapa co, &c. A Large Lot of Dress Goods, Silks Black, Bard and Plain, Bonnet Silks, Col lars, endersleuyes Shimmaretts, Fancy Head- Dresses, Flouncings, Lace, Edgeings and lrtsur lion, Ribbons, Trimmings, &c. Cotton Goods, Moslins Bleached and Unbleached,Canton Flan nels, Drills. Table Diaper, Crash, Gloves, and Illusory of all kinds. floors and Skeen, Groceries, Qucenseare, Hardware nod Cedar Ware. Oil Cloths, Carpets, Carpet Sacks, &c. My old customers mai es many new ones so caw crowd in, are earnestly requested to cull and ex amine mygoods. All kinds of Country Produce taken in ex change for Goods at the highest market prices. Oct. 18, 1854. If You Want to Buy Cheap Goode, Call at the Store of titan - I it TI ItE subscriber would respectfully announce to the public, that be has returned from Philadelphia and New Yoik,, and is now opening at bis welt known stand in Market Square, the largest and prettiest assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, over brought to the borough of Huntingdon, and is now selling at unusually low prices. My stock comprises in port, Clothe, Cassimers, black and fancy, Satinetts, a large variety of Satin and Silk Vestings, Kentucky and Penna. Jeans, Tweeds, Tickings, brown and bleached Muslim, Drills, Crush Bags and Bagging, Table Diaper, &c., nod a great variety of gooti, !co te dious to mention. Ladles Dress and Fancy Goods, A largo assortment of Under slecycs, Collars and spencers. Prints in abundance,Mons. de T. anes, Remo, Alpaccas, Lnstres, Cashmeres, Florence Mar celine, and (ire. de Nap,for Bonnets and Edging, Ribbons, fancy, and black Gimp, black silk Lqce, Ladies' Kid Gloves, Gents black do., ..men and Silk Handkerchiefs, Italian Cravats, Hosiery, Sc. Soots and aboog._ $56,00 Bardware,4ueensware,alassware and Cedar Ware, A good .apply of Fresh Groceries, Hats and Caps, A great variety of Straw Goods. My stock has been selected with the greatest care in regard to quality and price, and I flatter myself that I can offer inducements to purchasers not robe Mend elsewhere. Thankful for the patronage of the past, by my friends, and the public generally, 1 respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. OEO. GWIN. nuntiugdon, Oct, 11, 1851 J. Simpeox ArnicA , A222N, PRACTIA . 4! OVIMAYONO Office with DANIEL. Armc.t, Esq., Hill street between Montgomery and Smith streets, Hunt ingdon, l'onn'a. [Sept. 20,'53. tr.] American Artists' Union. 11111 E Subscribers to the Works of the Artists' 1 Union are respectfully informed that from the unprecedented furor which they have mei:- ed, the Secretary feels confident in stating that the whole number of Engravings (250,000) will be disposed of within a few mouths, of which due notice, through the press, will be given. AGENTS aro requested to form Clubs and send in their Subscribers without delay. J. W. 1101.1111 CONE, Secretary. 505 Ilmttlway, New York. July 10, 1851. Farm and Saw-Mill for Sale. THo sultserihm otters for sale his Farm and Saw-Mill, 541111U1 in Barrer township, of this county, at the junction of Stone Creek and East Branch, containi n g Two Hundred autiTlity ty Acres, of which HO Acres is cleared and iu :tail state of cultivation; the balance is covered ilk Pine and (Ink timber. and all tillable. July 5, 1851. JAMES HEMPHILL.. Land lbr .Vale A TRACT OF . LAND situate its Germany LI Valley, near Shirleysburg, Huntingdon co., containing. about 123 Acres, the greater part of which is limestone, in a good state of cultiva tion, hounded by lands. of George Swine mid An drew Spanogle. JOHN 1.01" VS, June 21, 1834.. mrs.—Molebkin No. 1 and 2, of the latest styles. Kossuth hints of various styles and quelities—will be sold low at the cheap store of GE0.117.W. PU' WHITE LEAD, just reeeived and for E sale by J. & W. SAXTON. Gold Watches w illbe sold by Itu.spras lower than elsewhere. NEW ARRIVAL. • - J. & W SAXTON, HAVE just received from Philadelphia the 1-1 largest and handsomest assortment of D . 211 . 14 r i9 r innthr 2.01 @CM EZ. 4 .t ever offered in this place, consisting of Litoths, Cassimers, Satinetts, Vestings, &e. For the Ladies, we lave Plaid Silks, Worsted Plaids, and every variety of plaid goods, to please the taste of the Ladies. Also, Shawls Sucking Flannels, Bon net Silks, Bonnets, and the finest assortment of Collars, Under-sleeves, Shintazetts, &r., ever offered to the ladies of this place. Boots and Shoes, of every variety, for Men and Boys, Ladles Stoats, of every variety. Hats and Caps, of the very latest and best styles. • Hardware, of which we always keep the largest and best as sortment ever kept in this place. Queensware, a magnificent' assortment, which we are selling finite low. Groceries, are n little nit, but we are determined to Bell an low if not lower, thou any other house,aecording to quality. Our stock of Oil (lotus anti Carpels is good, Tuba, Buckets, Willow Ware, and everything usually kept in a country store. In fact we have everything to suit the taste of all, and at lower prices than can be got at any other house in town, if you don , .se satisfied of the fart after calling, then we give up. We have also, FISH, SALT, PLASTER. and also timely° and store Brain, us usual. Sept. 27, 1854. HYGELNA. Drought Home to the Door qf the /I WONDERFUL DISCOVEItY has recent ly loon ntade by Dr. Curtis, of this city, in the treatment a Cossumption. Asthma and all diseases of the Lung. We refer to "Dr. Curtis' Flagrant, or Inhaling Ilygeon Vapor and Cher ry Syrup." With this new method Dr. C. has restored many afflicted ones to perfect health ; as an evidence of which he has innumerable cer tificate. Speaking of the treatment, a idlysi chin remarks t It in evident that inhaling—con stantly breathing an agreeable, heeling vapor, the medicinal properties must come in direct con. tact with the whole of the oriel cavity of the lungs, and thus escape the many and varied el ges produced upon them when introduced into the stomach, and subjected to the process of digestion. The Ilygessua is for sale at all the druggists' throughout the country. New York Dutchman of Jan:l4. Thu Inhaler is worn on the breast under the linen without the least .inconvenience—tho heat of the body beings sufficient to evaporate the Sue& Hundreds of CASES if CURES like the fol lowing might be named. One Package of Hy gonna line cured no of the ASTIIMA of six years standing. Jim:. F. Keesterry, .11. of Dunerronon, ft. lam cured of the ASTHMA of 10 years standing by Dr. Curtis' Ilygcana. Morgurd Kadon, Brooklyn, Y. Price three Dollars a Package,—Sold by CURTIS its PERKINS and BOYD & PAUL, No. 149 Chambers St., N. Y.-4 pnekageg sent free by express to any part of the United States for Ten Dollars. N. B.—Dr. Curtis' Ilygeana is the ORIGI NAL and ONLY GENUINE ARTIBLE, all ethers are base imitstioll4 or nil° and INJURI OUS counterfeits. Shun them its ynn would poison. Soli by RUSSET.T. & SCHOTT, Nu. 138 Market Sweet, Philadelphia, whu will sell l' the dozen at Proprietors rates.: Sept. 20. 1854 —ly. Real Estate Agency. The undersigned him established nn agency for the Sale and .Purchase of Real Estate in Huntingdon county. Any person wishing to sell or purchase can give us a description of the propetty, its -loci, tion, quantity, quality, and terms. We engage in this agency on such terms as cannot be objected to. The Agent lots the facility of making the property extensively known. We now have some very desirable landwhich we offer on easy terms. Whi. BREWSTER. Land For Sale, The undersigned desirous of removing to the West offers for sale his lands, consisting of 265 acres of improved land; the improvements con sist of a good Stone 'foam, a double Log Barn, Carpenter Shop, and Blacksmith Shop; u great variety of fruit on one end of the farm, and on the other end a two Story Log House, and good Ironic barn, and some young fruit tress planted. There are about 160 or 170 acres cleared, and in good state of cultivation, the remainder is well timbered, and within 1 mile of a good saw-mill; there are several never failing springs of water on the premises. 'lbis property is so situated as to divide into two farms if desired. The pro perty is situate about 3f miles east of this bore' Augftst.2d. 1854. JOHN PORTER. Town Property for Sale. TE subscriber offers some valuable property for sale in the Borough of Alexandria, con sisting of Two Houses and Lots. The honors are large and comfortable, with every requisite outbuilding. One of the houses hos frost occu pied as a store, &c. On the lot are a great vari ety of fruit treas. Possession could he obtained in the g,ti, if desired. July 5, 1854. SAMUEL SPYKEB. BANKING HOUSE BELL, GARRETTSON & CO., On Jsorth•iccs' Corner of 11111 and Mintlgouta ry Sims's, us the Boronyh of litdiAydon, A T which a general Banking business is eon li. to be done. Wafts on Philadelphia, Pittsburg, &c., always for sale. Collections made at the princi pal points in the United States. Money received on Ileposit, payable on demand, without interest; also for 3, a, and 12 months, payable with reasonable rates of interest thereon. Members of Firm: Hollidaysburg, Pa., J. F. RAMEY, .1. M. DELL, Wm. JACK, Huntingdon, Pa., A. P. WlLsom, Wm. Dorms, Jo., J. Gro. MILES, THOR. FISIIEII, Wm. P. 011180 N, JOIIN SCOTT , JAMES GWIN, GEo. W. GAIINETTSON Huntingdon, Yu., July F 2, 11354.-3 n r. HOOVER Still at His Pont rpm: mulereiFnett, now engaged iu putting op Armitage 's Electra Magnetic Lightning Rods in this and adjoining counties, would res pectfully call the attention of the intelligent pub lic to the great superiority of this Patent, at a season like this, when axeidotts to property and, life almost daily occur, it is the dictate of human ity, as well as interest, to make Use of the best moans of security in our power, for though the Lightning be lathe hands of Him who rules the storm, thin protection and blessing are always connected with our own ettbrt, SAMUEL HOOVER. July 26, 1854.-If. Sll...ll , D a n a l 4 tlt a e d r7 . , ,, B e e ry raz v ej ie n t Lanes, Bern , and • tor just received and Eve ante by d. & W. SAXTON. A Imuutiliti assortment of Silt: Drees Pa Item A Black Silk, and Bonnet Liningonst recoh od and for sale by J. h W. SAXTOI CLOTHS AND CASSIJIIERES, plain and fancy, at very low prices, at the store of GEO. GIVIN. QILVER Batter litrivere, and Salt Seems, al E. Saere's Cheep Jewelry Store, CARPZT Bage,jett received and for eele by J. t N. SAXTON. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. Where may be obtained the most speedy rem dy for SECRET DISEASES.--Cleet. Strictures, Seminal Weakness, rain in the loins, Affections of the Kidneys, and all those peculiar idiot:flans arising l'rom a secret habit, particularly the youth of both sexes, which if not cured, produces con stitutional debility, rendering marriage impossi ble, and iu the end destroys both Mind and Body. Voting Men, especially, who 'MVO become the victim. of Sol itary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave Sion sands of young men of the most exalted talent. and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to ecstacy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. Rierried Persons, or those contemplating marriage, bt ing aware or physitml weakness, should immediately consult Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. Dr. Johnston, office No. 7 South Fredrick St., seven 'loons from Baltimore Street, mud silo up the steps. ey'lte particular in obtaining the name and number, or you will mistake the place. . _ A cure warmeted, or no charge made, in from one to two days. TAKE NOTICIL—Dr. Johnston's office Is in hie ep the steps. Ills very extensive prac tice is a mitlieient guarantee, that he is the only prone' physician to apply to. Dr. Johston, member of the Royal College of Surgeons. London, graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges of the United States, and the greater part of whose life has been spent in the:Hospitals of London, Paris Philadelphia, and elsewhere, has effected some of the most aston ishing cures that were ever known, many trou bled with ringing in the ears and heed when asleep, great nervousness, being 'thinned at sud den sounds, and bashfulness, with frequent blush ing attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. A CERTAIN DISHASE.—It is n melancholy fact that thousands fall victims to this horrid disease owing to the unskilfulness of ignornnt pretenders who by the use of that deadly poison Mercury, ruin the Constitution, causing the most serious symptoms of that dreadful disease lo make their appearance, such as affections of the head, nose, throat, skin, etc., progressing with frightful ra pidity till death puts a period to their dreadful sintering, by sending them io that Bourne whence no traveler returns. __ TAitiP,turicri.An NOTICIL—Yoting men who have injured themselves by a certain practice in dulged in when alone—a habit fie,' tiently learned from evil companions, or at school—the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders marriage impassible, and de stroys both mind and body. - - - - What a pity that a you man, the hope of his country, and the ilarlingof his parents should he snatched from 811 prospects and enjoyments of life by the consequence oftleviating from the path of nature nod indulging inn certain turret habit. Such persons before .contemplating Marriage, should reflect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connu bial happiness, Indeed without these, the jour ney through. fife becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the melancholy reflection, that the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own. - CONSTITUTIONAL DnituATv.—Dr : .1. mfdress es young men, and all who have injured them selves by private and improper indulgence. IMPUIRSANA.—Theso are some of the sad and melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, viz: Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Paths in the head, Dimness•of Sight, Lore of Muscular power, Palpitation of the Heart Dys pepsia, Nervous Irritability, Petangements of the Digestive Functions, General Debility Symptoms of Consumption, &c. Mgwrs,Lur—The fearful effects on the mind era much to be dreaded; Loss of memory, Confusion , 1 of ideas, Depression of Spirit, Evil Forbodings; Aversion to Society, Self Distrust, Love of Soli• tiny, &e., are some of the 991 s produced. . _ TbousiMds of pemons of all aies,can nowjudge what is the rause oftheir declining health. Los ing their vigor, becoming week, pale end emacia eed, have singular appearance about the eyes, tough and symtonis of consumption. Married persons, or those contemplating mar riage, being aware of physical weakness, should itnmedi•ttely consult Dr. J. and ho restored to per fect health. Office, N 0.7, South Frederick-St., Baltimore, Md. ALL SIALGICAL OPKRATIONA PERFORMED.- N. 11. Let no false delicacy prevent you, but ap ply immediately either personally or by letter. Skin Diseases Speedily Cured, To Svuvroscus.—The many thousands cured at this Institution within the lest tell years, and the numerous important Surgical Operations performed by Dr. J.,wituessed by the Reporters of the papers, and natty other persons, notices of winch have appealed again and again before the public, is a sufficient guarantee that the afflicted wall find a skillful and honorable phys7cian. As there are so many ignorant and worthless quacks advertising themselves as Physicians,ruin ing the health of the atfllieted Dr. Johnston would say to those nturequainted with his reputation that his Credentials or Diplomas always hang in his office. Weakness of the organs immediately cured, id fat rigor restored ft - All - letters post paid—remedies sent by May 22, 1854.—1 y. Mountain Female Seminary. lIE 3lonntain . Female Seminary at Riming ham, Huntingdon county,Pa., on the Penn sylvania Railroad, occupies ono of the most healthy and desirable locations in the State.— Strangers visiting the Institution hove unhesi tatingly expressed the opinion, that it so easy of access, retired, lieulthful, and surrounded with such romantic mountain scenery, that no one who wishes to learn, could find an institution more favorably situated. Past success and fu ture prospects have induced us to greatly enlarge nor plans, and enabled us to give sock compensa tion to teachers as still command those possess ing the highest qualilications. Cost, per term of 22 weeks, varies from $55 to S(10, for which good accommodations will he giv en. Music, French, Latin, Pointing, &e.,extra. Pupils from abroad are expected to board in the Seminary building with the Principal, who gives hisentire u•tenuinm to the interest of the Institution. IS It.kEL W. WARD, Oct. 5, 1853. Principal. ZINC PAINTS. ONE THIRD CHEAPER THAN WHITE LEAD, AND PREP. FRO.II AIL POI S• °NOUS 14 VA LIVES. R. B. JouNsToN, IVst. M. Lloyd, The New Jersey Zino ConVany HAVING GREATLY I:NLAHOEP TIIKIR WORKS, soil improved the quality of their proiteete, are prepared to execute online for their SUPERIOR PAINTS. DRY, and GROUND IN OIL, in assorted pack ages of from 25 to 500 pounds; also DRY, in barrels, of 200 pounds each. Their WHITE ZINC, which is sold dry or ground in oil, is warranted PURR and unsur. ' passed ter BODY and u n iform whiteness. A method of preparation boa recently been discovered, which enables the Company to war rant their paints to keep fresh and soft in the kegs for any reasonable time. In this respect their paints will be superior to any other in the market. Their Brown Zinc Paint, which is sold at slow price, and can only be mole from the Zinc ores from New Jersey, is now wen known for its pro tective qualities when applied to iron or other metallic surfaces. Their Stone Color Point possesses all the pro perties of the Drown, and is of an agreeable col or for painting Cottages, Depots, Oat-buildings, Bridges, &c. Dealers sopplied on liberal terms by their Agents, 'FRENCH & RICHARDS, Wholesale Paint herders and 'raffle., N. W. eon of lOth & 9 , Serket Sts., April 19, 1854.-6 M. ABEAUTIFUL MSSarlaleat of Fancy Callai mere Clotho, Summer Wear, for men and boys. Also, Carpet Bugs, &r.,:Mt receiv ed and for sale by J. & . SAXTON. PORT MONNAIES, Card Cases,and Ehe fi nest quality of WOSTB)11101.M'a Pocket Kai, 09, a rcry large quantity at Ediu. Sartre's Sibre. ARMITAGE'R Electro-Magnet Lightning Rods. AlrEit many years' close investlgetion and numerous experiments, the Patentee takes pleasure in informing the public that he has arri ved nt the One principles of protecting f a milies, dwellings nut property from the destructive in fluence of Lightning. The (Amities that every City, 'town, Village end Country falls vic tim to annually, through the gross negligence of its inhabitants, is beyond enlculatioa, especially when the remedy in an easy to obtain—this Is found in Arnsitages Patent Magnetic Lightning liods, mid in this alone. Thin Rod has been examined by the most scientific gentlemen in the w....lll—Professors Johnson. Weller and ninny others that have ex amined them, recommend and speak of them in the highest terms of approbation, and hove pro nounced them the only safe rods in use in this or any other country, for the protection of Lives and Property. One advantage is to divide and throw back a part of the electric fluid berinless to the clouds; in time of a stroke this enables the rod to conduct that portion of fluid that belongs to the earth without the slightest danger of leaving the conductor. This rod has many other advan tages over the old one. The only place of man-. ulacturiuginin Vine SI., 3 doors above Two lth, Philadelphia, where all persons are respeedal ly invited to call and examine for themselves. For sale Whole sale and Retail, by THOS. ARMITAGE. Orders promptly attended to. Terms cash. Rccommcndalions. Aug. 13, 1847. I have this day carefully inspecteli a conductor or Lightning Rod, with vane and index, erected by Mr. Thomas Armitage, on Bellevue Home, Gloucester, and have no hesitation in saying that it is not only the best that I have over seen, but that it is the only one i hare yet examined that is constructed on strictly scientific principles. It is with numb pleasure that I recommend this conductor to the intention ofoncl!Rflil,liugs. HIcMURTRIIi I am well satisfied that the Magnetic Lightning Hod, manufactured by Mr. Thomas Armitage, of Philadelphia, is the hest that has ever been Ihnve spent several years in the study of the laws of electricity and magnetism. and have no hesita tion in saying that these Rods are constructed upon the only principle of safety. 'Vito electric shock is received and disposed by the magnet at the top of the rod, and it would be impossible, according to the laws of attraction and repulsion, for a building to bo injured by a stroke of light ning when protected by one of these rods. I have been acquainted with Mr. Armitage for sne ers] years, and before he commenced the manu facture of these rods I examined the principle on which they are constructed, and felt convinced that their adoption would be attended with com plete success. Tho increasing demand thr these nuts, and the extensive sales in all parts ol• the country, is ample commendation of their utility amid TRACY E. ►VALLER, M. D. Rising -!ain, 1832. The tbllowing extract ix tnken from no editori al in the Germantown "I'deuraph, edited lie Major iIIEAS "The lan,ns roil placed upon our dwelling we hare had taken dOWII; awl another ereted by Mr. ARMITAUE, to Wilieh we would call the attention of our farmers and readers generally. It is put up on true scientific principles, and is it rod that has been approved by the highest authority, and will bear the most thorough exatnination. Those, who hare been deceived, as we have been, should lose no thne in having a proper protection against lightning, substituted. 'Flue cost is a mere bag atelle when cotimared with the entire safety of onr•houses and barns against this destructive ele ment. Mr. AIIMITAG/f8 advertisement will be found in the columns of this paper; and we feel as though we were performing an imperious duty to the community, by thus inviting to it general attention." PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 4, 195?. Mr. T. ARMITAGE, Vine Street, west of Twelfth Street, Philadelphia. Mr I:l,Art its: After a trial of many weeks, it affords me great pleasure to inform you that I em highly delighted with the lightning rod you placed upon my house pt Bustle:in. As far as my chamiical knowledge risible, me to perform an opinion, I tun satisfied you have developed the correct principles in the adaptation of rods to protect property from destruction by lightning; as soon us the advantages of your arrangements aro understood, I am convinced that tee persons will he found so reckless as to fail to avail themselves of the protection afforded by your rods. Wishing you all success in your entetprise, I KM relies truly, JAMES McCIANTOCK, M. D., No. I, North Eleventh: Street, Plofessor of Anatomy, Plailudelshia College of Medicine. SAMUEL HOOVER, Ilaratton, Union Co., Pa.. Is Agent for Huntingdon, and adjoining counties, and will furnish the Rods on the tome manner as the Proprietor. Any person desiring to be sup plied with the Rods con leave their order with the Editor of the Journal, or with Gains Miller, o the Rail Road Hotel. April PI, '54.-2m. HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY. Do C. McGILL returns histhanks .. it. to his friends and the public .„.., for their very liberal patronage, and , Z. • . hopes by strict attention. no business to merit a continuance If the same, in all kinds of Castings, Cooking Stoves, Air-Tight, Parlor, Ten Plate Wood and Coal Stoves, of various si zes, and all kinds of Ploughs; the Lancaster and the Plank Barshear patterns, and Keystone No. 4 Self-sharpening and Hill side Ploughs, nod Shears to suit all kinds of Ploughs in tho country; Rolling-mill and Forge Castings, Grist and Saw mill Castings, Lewistown Threshing Machine Patterns, and the four horse and two horso power of Chambersburg patterns; and all other kinds of castings too ntunorc as to mention, all of which will be sold cheaper than over for easlt and all kinds of country produce. Also, old mettle taken in exchange for castings. Huntingdon, November 9, 1853. ROBBED, BUT NOT DISHEARTENED. Brilliant Display of Jewelry. ring: public generally, and the rascals who, 1 some time since, entered toy store and remo ved valuables to the ummmt of about 81109 without toy permission, arc informed that I have just opened a more general and bettor assortment of articles in my hue of' business than wits ever brought to Huntingdon, consisting of Watches, Jeweler, Clocks, Fine Knives, Pistols, Perfumery, Port 51on 'names, Silver Ware, and Fancy ,' At otcles, &e, Or. My aid friends and customers, and the public in genera/ throughout the county, are requested to call and examine my assortment. EDMUND SNARE. Ilautingdeu, March 29, 1854. JOON SCOTT, SAMUEL T. Bnows gill; TRU 52.57 h% Attorneys at Law, Huntingdon, Pa" Office mune. that farntarly oecnvicd by John Scott, Eoq. Oct. 19, 1853. TO WOOL CARDERS. TUN: undersigned have for sale a second-hand ed Carding Machine, with all the ne cessary fixtures, which they offer for sale very low. Any one wishing to purchase will do well to call and see it. KESSLER. &MM. Mill Crock, April 12, 1854.-3 m .• A i'rosh supply of Garden Seeds Irons Risley' rk gardens, Just received, and for sale by Feb. 23, 1833, J. b. SOXTON. 10 DOZEN Am. , No. 2 Shovels, just mei , ved And for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. Atip/eland lot of Bonnets just received and for solo by J. d• W. SAXTON. POST MONNMES from 25 cents up to $2 50 at Ed. Snare's. April 15 1852. fl BARRELS superfine Floor. for sale at tho 4 " *tore of GEO. GIVIN. Late Arrival of New Goods, A largo lot of barred Dello., Persian Twills, Domestic and French Alpaceits. sack Flannels, 'tweeds and Linseys, brown and taint ed annslins, alargc stock of ribbons, and a hand some assortment of dress goods for ladies and gentlemen. For style and prier can't he beat, I, sale at GEO. UWILN'S Store, 30 racks ground Alhim Salt Iwo ..rrived and for sale at GEO. (IiVIN'S Store. i lnirrels Conenningh Stilt in store and for sale OLO. II WIN. A lota nrrival of English and }Wiwi, Nferino, for solo low at the wtore of OVA). (AVIS. 100 kogs Nails null Spikes for sale by the keg or pound, at 1 EO. IV 1 N'S Store. 500 lbs. Cast Stool for drills nail Mottoes. fur sato at the sutra of GEO. U\VIN. 500 pieoes c.lico, nine style. and ',attune, of good quality, sold low at the store of Fluid lamps. a largo and liandainne assortment for We at OEO. (MIN'S Store. Jan. 4. 1854. HOUSEKEEPERS. HOUSEKEEPERS study your interests, why go to Auction and pay extravagant prices for half-mode full at No. 1, North NINTH street, and examine the largest assort ment of the best made Furniture and Betiding in the city, Feather Beds, Hair, Husk, and Straw Mattresses; a large assortment of fancy What nots, Soils Tables, marble tops, and Washutands; Walnut and Mahogany French Tete-a-tetes, Di vans, Wardrobes, Bookcases; French Bedsteads; Fancy Stuffed Seat, Cane sent, Windsor, end of fice Chairs, Counting-house, andcane-seat Stools, Settee and Arm-chair Cushions; Cottage furni ture made in every style and color; Sulk Beds and Lounges, wholesale and retail, and wvranted to give satisfaction, and sold at the lowest prices. Sep. 28, 1853.-1 y THOMAS P. CAMPBELL, A TTOIL VEY AT LA Will attend to all businets entreated to him. Of tire nearly opposite the Court hence. Ditty 4,'53. A. W. HENEDICT, .dTTORNEY ./IT L3W, Informs his old friends and tho public that he has returned to his old home, and will attend to all business in his protession, entrusted to him, with fidelity and his best ability. Office itiNlitin Street, south hide, the last house below the Court house. • Huntingdon, Moy 13, 1832.--titn. /1 1 }1K greatest variety of Dress Trimmings, 1. Kona, Cravats, Zeffir, Tyde Yarn, Dress Buttons, Ladies Collars, Chenitzetts, Fancy lhlkfl., ender Sleeves, Kid and Lyle Thread Cloves, and hosiery of variety, jog recei ved and for side by J. & W. SA XT( IN. AOTIIEII fresh supply of Berage do Lnins, ' Lawns, Mine. all wool do Bags, and pert cotton from 2U to 31 cts per yd. Also another fresh supply of Trimmings, past reed and fur solo by J. & W. SAx.ros. A BEAUTIFUL lot of (lents. (Jailors. Ladies Gaitors and Shoes, Gents.'lloots and Shoes, Misses Gaitors and Shoes, of an endless variety, just received and for sale by .1. si w. sAx-ros TTG SS UT 11, Wellington, Cottage, A. Gothic, and other Clocks for sole cheap, at Ella. Snorc's Jewelry Store, !loci Huntingdon. DOUBLE Barrelled English Snub and Twist FOWL/NI/ P/ECES—albo Single Barrel ed Guns, front four dollars to thirty each, for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. JUST receiving the handsomest lot of Carpets ever uttered in this place. Alsu, Oil Cloths, which will he sold low by J. i k fr. SAXTGN. A GF and splendid assortment of Bon- LARGE Caps:Misses' Flats and ebildrens' Ilats and se'lling at law prices at the .tare of GER G Abeautiful lot of Cast Iron Pumps, fur Wells and Cisterns,just received, and for sale by Feb. 23,1853. J . & W. SAXTON PASSINEVPS, Corduroy, Tweeds, K. Jeans, for sale at the cheap corner opposite C, Coats' Hotel. D. P. GWIN. UST received a beautiful assortment of Scot J iped and Plain Velvet Ribbons, by J. & W. SAXTON. Dr. Jas. M'Clintocles Family :Ifeilicilim fur side by HORACE W. SMITH. Huntingdon, March 29, 1854.-3 m. A beautiful assortment of Cross-barred India /ISilk,,itun received and for sale by J. St W. SAXTON. A large lot of Shoes—Loco Boots, Buskins, Li/dines and Children's at the Store of D. P. GI VIN. BOOTS SHOES, for men and boys, a good assortment, at the store of GEO. G WIN. t Ai.luarit7;:srtizenn„°,l Lawns. calliedapitosrtnoereo do t 1). P. GWIN. IVA ESi b i „ s v ul lt i t l :t o re f el i • n otl h an iu d s or C s i sr 1 , 1 1 : " J. & W. SAXTOA. 2000 Feet of Safety Fuse, Just received and for sale byJ. & W. SAvrow. 25 B .„Vo'r E sfil s e a N , t i o i r e e r roir just received G A sg o e s r t io or r e a o rt f icle of Burning Md . f: : ) i r ys ;T i l s 9 . at I.g - ILVEIt and Plated Spoons, Gold, Silver and Plated Spectacles, at Edm. Snare's Jewelry Store. G— INGIIAMS—DomestIe and Dress, just re. (mired at D. P. GWIN'S Cheap Store. 1 fi BARRELS Roe llerrinjust received and LW for sale at the store of GEO. GWIN. A SPLENDID assortment of Ladies' Dress Goodsjust received at CARMON'S, FISH arirD s./ILT, pr safe at the store of GEO. MIN. A SPLENDID assortment of Boys' Cloth-• Li ing, at the store of A. WILLOUGHBY. LiSUPERIOR article of Cider Vinegar for sale at the stone of GEO. GWIN. PERFUMERY—A good lot, of the bett,at EDMUND SNARE'S. BAlt e Gl ie l2 p E co L . A2 r N o fS, in 011 . 1 e.t . l a t r : lt .i y i4. t DITTSBURG Hams amt Flitch formic cheap ELEPHANT Corner. BONNETS and Hatsf l atest receal'. (vpi,ll,;il A superior lot of Macs, for sale at the ELEPHANT. r001"'of Cod !Nell, just received nod fo solo by J. & W. SAXTON. DREAST MSS, Ear Rings, fI TAI Finger Rings, Ji in endless variety, at ktiss. Sn.tnes. AN excellent variety of flue I'm; !Nivea, at E Snare'. April 15, 1652 HAMS, Shoulder. and Flitch, for halo at the 'tore at GEO. GIVIN. WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND JEWELRY, The suloserilter, thankful to his friends mat pa tronsond to the. Public generally, for their pa tronage, still continure to carry on at the sertss stand, one door east of Mr. C. Cout's Hotel, Mar. kat street, Huntingdon, where he will attensl to all who will favor him with their custom, mist a l. SO keens On hand a geed assortment of WATCIII,, CLOCKS, Jowell.., &C., Sr., all of which he is determined to sell nt low pries!, Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of all kind, will Ise repaired at short notice. and lowing made ar rangements with a good workmen, all repairs will be done in a neat and durable wanner, and every person leaving articles f'or repairing shall have theta done at the precise time. 11, paying striet attention to business, and selling sit low raw, hopes to receive a share of public patronage. JOSEP'llltltJtJtßt, ; Huntingdon, Sept. 7, 1852.--ty. HUNTINGDON MARBLE 11HD. wr.Li„/Amsi, c spec:1101 le rill II his „ and public general ly, that he has ostablis e d a Marble Yard, in the borough • 0 111111111 Aor Iluntingdon, '— and Ints just re io mini • ceived from - Philadelphia u selected stock of choice Marble grave-stones, o every description, which he will Furnish nt cot ,v reduced prices. All orders from nny pure of the county or ad joining counties, addressed to the subscriber, will be received and promptly attended to. Shop on Hill street, taco doors west of Gen. A. P. Wilson's /tiller. May 18, 1853.-Iv. BLACK BEAR HOTEL, 9111 E undersigned has leased and fit . *".' ted op the above HUTU, on the • I It corner of main and Nluntgotnery Street. p ‘ r i : ,!ti t h e :ob o e D ll' lll l ll ' l o o r da l t in e u itl 6 l l l l ‘ g. h d o ' t ' n ' ay 'ldi well barer him with their custom. The burning communi ty and thr pub generally art cordially invited to call with , hoping by strict attention to business to merit a large portion of public patron age. No pains will be spared to render general satisthetion. H(BERT K Md. Juno 29,'53.= ly. A. P. WlLcinx. H. But - cu l'uTeur. IVILSON & PETRIKIN, .dTTOILVEYS Laff, 11UNTINGUON, !'A. I'ractiro iu the 'wren' Court. of Huntingdon, Blair, Cambria, Centre, 31itilin and Juniata Conn ie, March 23, 1823. THOS. READ, Would respectfully inform his friends and the public, that ho has on hand and is receiving lea the coming beit3oll, a tine assortment of cri Consisting of Watches, Cats, lirenst Pins, Fin ger Rings, Ear ltings, Pencils, Keys. Thimbles, Studs, Medallions, .11e. Together trill' his (minim, toil and unrivalled ' GO P EN'. Which is equal irnot superior, to uny ' now In 11'8 Each Pen is Engraved with his own name, and every Pen Warranted. Oh did you ever, not 'lever ! Sherry on us what a trent; (let Read's (hilt! Pea, they're extra fino. And only found in North Third Street. A splendid Pen!!! Wllere did I•uu get it'. Pure Diatnonil Pointed, rant hr bent; Yes, my friend,. there's a, hundinging In Head's (iota Pens of North Third Streit t. gv•ltead's Cold Pen is round only nt 55 Nardi Third Street, below Arch East Side. THOS. 1113 AD, Piludelphia. Jon. 8, 1852.—tf. THOMAS JACKSON, THOMAS F FRANKLIN Blair county. Lancaster county DAVID M'Mua•rklH, WILLIAM MEIN, Huntingdon co. Lancaster county JAMES GARDNER, R im H'n. R. BRYAN, Blair county. Luncaater county. Central Penn'a, Banking House, OF BRYAN, ‘..H.Elltt & CO.— Office on Alla gheuy street; a few doors west of the Court House, and nearly opposite toe Post Mike, Hol lidilysburg, Pa. The enTripany is now ready to transact busi ness. Upon money deposited for a specific period of three, six, nine or twelve months, in terest will be paid at such rates as are usually allowed by Savings Institutions. Transient do posites received, payable on demand. . . R. IL BRYAN, Cashier Hollidaysburg, :May 21, 1840. 11. K. NEFF, M. D., WAVING located himself in Wmationsm A -Li in this county, would respectfully otter his professional services to the citizens of that place and the country adjacent. REFFERENCES J. IL Laden, M. 1). Gon. A. P. Wilson, M. A. Henderson, " Wm. P. Wilson, Evil. J. 11. Dorsey, Ilon. James Gwinn, M. Stewart, Julni Scott, Esq. Hon. George Taylor. _ _ Huntingdon, Pa. Jacob M, Commill, M. 1)., Alexandria. John M'Culloch, " Peter:bury. - - 47,12-If. Lots In Altoona for Sale. LOTS FOR SALE IN ALTOONA six miles north of Hollitlaysburg,antl about one mile north west of Allegheny Furnace, Blair county. After the 21st day of May, the LOTS in said TOWN will be open to the public for sale. 'lt is well known that the Pennsylvania Rail Road Company have selected this place for the erection of their main Machine and other Shops and are now building the same. The Rail Road willbe opened early in the Fall throwing at once a large amount of trade to this place. The main inducement at this time in of fering Lots for sale, being to secure the requis ite Machinists and Tradesmen, and homes for the Machinists and other employees of the Rail Road Company. Early application will secure Lots at a low price. For further information apply to C. H. MAY ER, at Altoona, or to R. A. McMURTRIK, Hollidaysburg. May 1, 1852—tf. Notice to Tavern Keepers. NOTICE is hereby given to the keepers of Inn and Taverns within the county of Hunting don, that the Judges of the Court of Quarter Ses slots of said county, enjoin upon the keepers such Inns and Taverns that they close their res pective burs on the Sabbath, and refrain front selling or dealing out liquors on that day ; and the licenses of such persons as shall disregard this injunction will he invoked forthwith agreeably to the Act of Assembly in such case made and pro vided upon the fact of such violation coming to the knowledge yf the Court. - By the Court, 24th Jan. 1852. THEO. 11. CREMER, Clerk. May 1. 1852. Adams & Co.'s Express, T. K. SIMONTON, Agent, Huntingdon. Money, Packages, and goods oral' kinds, re ceived and forwarded at the risk of the company, to all the citicsand principal towns in the United State May 1, '54. A most beautiful lot of Hempde LaMe pat .r& torus, and in the piece, from 181 its up to SU Cl,. per yard, just received and ror sale by w. sAxto.v. MIR: ninon assortment of Boots and St,oo' ever otferud in town, fur sato low by J. d. It'. SA .0.0.11.