Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 21, 1855, Image 3

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1)Y virtue of an order of sale issued out dam
) Orphans' Court of Ilantingdon county, will
be Ad at public sale, on the premises, in Brady
township, in said county, on 27/I.IIS/M Y, the
22nd dew Id' March, 1855,.a tract of land in slot
township aforesaid, containing between 00 nod
lOU neves, adjoining lands of James McDonald
and others, Into the estate of James Ross
idinut 23 mires of which are cleared, with a cab
in house and barn thereon, and the balance of
the tract containing the bo itimberin that coon -
try. Said property la about 3 miles from Mill
Creek, on the Pennsylvania Canal and Railroad
nt the month of the hishacoquillis the
road leading from Millaireek to Allenville.—
There arc four springs on the tract and a good
Terms.—One-411 of the purchase money to
he paid on confirmation Vtlie sale, and the bal
ance in ono year thereafter, to be secured by baud
and mottgage, with intere,t.
February 1,1855-3 t.
rp HE subscriber offers for sale or rout a mil
-1 um with all the usual fixtures in good or
der. There is a splendid orchard of choice
fruit trees on the lot. Possessiea can be given
on the first day of April next.
MeAleavy's Fort, February 3rd 1855-6 t
Receipts and Expenditures •
Of the County of Ifunanydon from the :Ird.
day , ;1 January, 1$5•1, op to the sth day of
January, 1855, iiwbuliny bolkdays.
Amt. in Treasury at lost Settlement $3Ol 80
William MeGarvey, Shit ley, 52 02
Wiol i :ean, Penn, 98 07
Ito .' eincr, Springfield, 13 68
.Tult ve, i3arree, 30 64
amid Teague, Cromwell,
I S .
121 58
nee Sharrer,
Shirley 191 98
. thin Brown, Springfield,
)2 68
Thomas Dean, Walker, 4 18
Charles Green, West; 271 21
1 hinicl Womelsdorf. Franklin, 39 54
George Bowman, Shirley, 2 64
Levi Smith, Union, 31 88
John Coulter, Walker, 106 31
1853. •
James Ewing, Thirree, 300 27
James Miller, Brady, 2112 10
Josh. Greenland, Cass, 60 00
Pittard Madden, Cloy, 77 84
( ; voige Swartz, Cromwell, 449 60
Hobert Peterson, Dublin, 222 00 I
Win. Mellwitin, Franklin, 804 06
Luke Vottriltevs, llenderson, 422 20 !
Leonard Weaver, llotewell, 4 , 131 71.
dames Stewart. Jr. Jackson, 271 60
7ilichnel Fetterlaiof,•Morris, G4B 9'J
Jacob ljaLpilaingli, Penn 232 01
BetkininWt4l, Porter, 1182 92
John Lot,, Shirley, • 529 66
Solo Locke, Springfield, 132 15
John Jones, Tell, 134 17
lAracl Blirr, Tod, 420 64
William till,. Union, 143 00
W\olot He tier, Walker, 307 00
Valter Van Tries, Warriursmark 1091 80
John Hewitt, West, 321 83
IVilliiiii Ve t ch Balk 348 00
.Julia Nit. mid, Bra , 200 00
George Snoth, Cass, GO 00
Richard Madden, Clay, 135 00
Michael M,ers, Cromwell, • . 130 00
A iolrew J. Taylor, I /Odin, 113 00
John Litport, Franklin, 803 00
John Snyder, Henderson, 1263 00
Eli l'lntomer, Hopewell, 168 00
Joints W. Books. Jackson, - 397 00
David l'itssoy, Morris, 342 00
Jacob Grove, Sr., Penn, 425 00
William D. Shaw, Porter, 6811 00
David S. Umbenow, Shirley, 380 00
Benedict Stevens, Springfield, '25 00
Jacob Bogie, Tell 50 00
John McClain, Tod, . • 200 00
Nathan Greenland Union, 207 5:1
.Joseph Douglass, 'Walker, 310 00
William !Ink:hi:ton, NVarriorstnark, 520 10
Abraham Cresswell, West, 683 28
16,619 16
Amount of County tax on Unseated
lands, 487 97
Amount of School tax on Unseated
lands, 174 20
Amount of- Road tax on Unseated
lands, ' 263 47
Amount of Redemption money on
Unienied lands received since last
settlement, 176 GO
Amount received iu full on Bond n• •
f.minst sundry persons given fur
any amount over three thousand
dollars which Bridge across the
Juniata river at Huntingdon shall
cost, 750 00
Amount received for rent of
Toll House, . 35 00 •
Amount received for rent of
Court House, 32 00 87 00
Amount of Jury Fees and
Fines received from W.
B. Zeigler, Sheriff, 63 00
Balance due county Treasu
rer at settlement, G 4 82
Attorney General and others on crim
inal prosecutions. 1239 40
Constables for Making returns nod
advertising spring elections Sc., 262 21
Grand and Traverse Jurors, Court
Crier d:e., 2826 60
Assessors orders, 348 00
Judges, Inspectors and Clerks of
Elections, 648 44
inquisitions on dead bodies, 566 92
Road and Bridge views, 254 00
40 damages, Bcsj. Orating 60 00
do do John Hewitt 400 00
Flo do Fred. Snyder 23 00
do do John. Hess 23 60
do do Daniel Piper 160 00 922 60
State road from 21111 Creek
to Calvin 55 50
Bobert Madden fur bridge at
11.01400 n 1150 011
Alex. Carmon fur ',ridge at
!lawns 433 90
Oeorge Couch for bridge at
Couch's Furnace 389 25
Jacob Covert for bridge a
mass Black Log Creek 196 57
John Shaver l'or building
bridge at Drakes Ferry 300 00 2463 52
Robert Stitt in full 38 50
Eliot Smith 105 00
Samuel Wigton . 114 00'
'rho mas Earner 105 00 31;5 50
Amt. paid Auditors for 's3' 53 50
Clerk to Commissioners in
full for 1533 60 00
Clerk to Commissioners on
account for 1854 325 00 375 00
Treasurer of Stale Luuatio
Asylum for
David Brotherline 62 00
John Madden •og 00 1 1 4 00
Fur coal, wood, stationary,
light &e, for public offices
Court House and Jail, 403 22
Interest en County Bonds—
William B. Leas 360 00
Thomas Fisher 114 00
William Orbison, Esq., 173 50
of C. Beoher 00 00
Henry buckler 22 19
Jan B.l t accte 30 00 759 69
Amount paid Directors of
tho Poor for 1854 1200 00
W. 13. Zeigler Sheriff, for
summoning Jurors and
conveying prisonors to the
inmitentiary &c. 682 73
EteriffUreeidand on account
for some,
For County printing— •
William Lewis 77 50
Samuel Claggow 99 00 170 50
.George Jackson' the board.
log Jurors and Constables
in the ease of Conn!, m.
Elizabeth Harker 90 89
Robert Kyle fur boarding
Jurors end Constables in
ease of Comth. vs. U rut ge
Moreland 8 00 98 89
Dr. J. 11. lsclen for Medical
attendance on prisoners 3 00
Insuranceof Bridge at Hun
Postage to Wtn. Lewis
John 31. Cunningham for
plan nod tecifieatioss of
Treasurer's and Sheriff's
office 10 00
John Reed A ttnrney to Com
missioners in full for '53 10 00
John Reed Attorney to Com
missioners on account fur
1834 20 00
A. W. Benedict 10 00 40 00
For running and making
boundary fine between
Huntingdon, Centre and
Mifflin Counties 112 00
Fur running and making
poundal,' line between
Huntingdon, Dediord and
Fulton counties Gff 18
Refunding orders to sundry
persons for land sold at
Treasurer's sale 136 09
Sundry persons premiums
on wild cots and foxes. 348 85
Road tan on unseatedlands
paid 1831 190 00
Sdinol tan on unseatedlands
paid 1854 33 0.1 222 94
Theo. 11. Cromer, Prolys
fees qraionarc, nod blank
Ism!. for Proihouotays,
lien &a. 214 87
For repairs to Court House
and Jail 202 83
Mrs. Werth fur cleaning
Court house 18 75
Mrs. June Klein for same in
Mrs. Jane Krim for wash
ing for prisoner 3
Sundry persons redemption
money on unseated lands
Treasurer's Commission on
$90,994 51 at 13 per cent 514 91
18,958 03
rit fe,timony of the correctness of the above
nemunts we hare hereto set ear hands this
12th day of January, A. 1). 185.
Report of William DOITig,
rer of the lit 111 l iugdon County
To balance in hand on Ins: settle
ment before county Auditors 9th
January 1831, $lB.l 37
To rent of Academy received from
• Mr.lloll, 182 00
To interost on money in Treasurers
hands till lent out, 30 00
To rent from llev. 1.. Hawes per W.
Orbison, Esq, 30 00
By amount paid James McCabe far
repairn 2 00
By bonds of sundry persons secured
by Bent Estate and bearing niter.
cot front lot April 1853,
lly.balanee in hued of Treasurer,
4.16 37
The Outstanding debts due the Aendotnyare
as follows, vii;— • '
4 Bonds of Martin Kepbort bearing interest
from Ist April 1852, secured by mortgage
for Siss 50.
3 Bonds of 'Michael 'lecher bearing interest
from Ist April 1853, secured by mortgage
for $lOO 00.
2 Bonds of Alexander Armitage bearing in•
tercet from let April 180, secured by morl.
gage for $lOO 00.
12,721 40
Report of the Directors of the Poor
for the year 1551.
Henry Brewster, Esq., Treasurer in account
with the Directors (ph Poor.
To balance in the heads of the Treasnrer nt the
last settlement, $124 70
To proceeds ail buf,hos of wheat, 10 150
Tu cash from Mrs. Fraker for outs, 11 00
By cash pold Wm. Lewis for printing $3 50
By Cash paid George Hudson for see.
vices as Directors of the poor, 56 00
By cash to Lycoming Fire Insurance
Company, 2 63
By cash paid to J. Willliams fur
stands, 20 00
By cash paid Wm Bird for hauling, 3 26
By cash paid Airs $. A. Burket for
goods purchased of her, 25 00
By cash paid James Murphy, 56 87
By Treasurer's Conimissionen $216
00 at Ii per cent., 3 25
18,958 02
$l7O 50
Directors of the Poorinaccount with the county
of Haniinydon.
DR. _ .
To amount received 7; orders °Elite County
Commissioners for 1853, $3OOO 00
To amount received orders of the
County Commissioners for 1851 1280 00
To amount received of Jas. Murphy, 56 87
Py cash paid sundry persons for iron bedsteads
and bedding, $779 81
By cash paid for stone coal, 156 80
Ily cash paid sundry for furnitore, 17.8 90
By cash paid for stovgs and pipe, 120 50
Ily cash paid for nueensivare, 63 47
By cash paid for groceries, 01 16
lly cash jar bell fixtures, 11 99
By cash paid for bibles, 7 08
By cash paid for hardware. 90 27
By cads paid fur provisions and haul
ing, 12 82
lip cashpaid for bringing in 'paupers, 18 62
By cash for freight, . 51 37
By cash paid for discount on $l5OO, 17 00
By cash paid J. G. Lightner ut sundry,
Lilacs for building poor house, c., 6730 00
87336 87
Outstanding debts in fluor qf sundry persiais
tip to the first day of January 1835.
J. G. Lightner when contracts are
finished, $746 01
Mtu Burket for grain in the bushel,
grain in the ground, cattle. hay,
hogs, chiclions, copper kettle, &c. 578 62
James Saxton ler balance on coal
paid Hiram Johnston, 63 20
James Saxton for services as Dime.
• of Poor for two years athl 41*.
List of Outstanding
Year. Toteaships.
1840. Allegheny,
1841. Tell,
1845. Boma;
HO& Sorrel•,
1847. Cass,
160 00
ISM. Cam,
• I:Union,
1819. Clay,
1851. Xllrady,
21 96
16 20
We rriors m ark,
1852. Fran
t Wulker,
1853. .1.11 nub',
Wm!' klin,
f Porter,
f West,
1851. f 11nrree,
t Brady,
Krom well,
Writ klin,
.1- 11 enflorsoB,
•I• Hopewell ;
t Morris, •
t Penn,
I . Bl)ring-field,
t Walker,
t Wurriurstunrk,
15 00 40 00
Witold Amount, 412,428 05
tSinee paid in part. ISinue paid in full. *lt appears by Mr. Cones
amount was paid to Mr. Neff, former Treasurer and not credited on
• _
195 87
The folloning is the Indebtedness of the County.
To William B. Lease, Bonds on Poor House property, $6,000 00
" Thomas Fisher, Esq., 1,000 00
" William Orbison '
Esq., 0,000 00
" Ears, of Conrad Bucher deed., 1,000 00
" Henry Funkier, 500 00
Given under Sent of Office, Gth JnimarY, 1,53.
HENRY W. Mil.t.En, Clerk.
penses in Philadelphia, • 06 00
Jelin Brewster for services es Dircc•
tor of Poor for one year,
Samuel Ilnitern for services as Di
rector or Poor for one year, 22 00
Sundry persons for bringing in pau
pers, 107 00
Store bills to sundry persons, 272 25
For books and Stationary, 30 83
Sundry persons for labor done, 57 7.1
James Murphy for sundry articles
for use of houss nod fitrm, 178 10
Balance on Stands, 2O 00
44G :Si
Sundry persona for keeping, outdoor
45 95
Sh i :t 2 e n ru ' n ' t ' itie Hospital fur keeping
'Minns Cohnor, 77 .00
Makte ITarrition for tin ware, 112 17
385 50
58 87
J. 11 Lightener for lettering doors, 11 93
Sundry persons for provisions, labor,
&c. • 229 45
2216 51
Proceeds V . the l'oor Hntrse Farm for the year
1181 bushels of wheat, 230 bushels of corn,
50 bushels of eats, GA bushels of rye.
On hued lot Janitary 1055, 14111- ho. sliest,
127 ho. corn, 34 bu. °nil 1200 lbs wheat
flour, 80 Dm corn meal, 50 lbs rye flour, 40 bu.
potatoes, 300 lbs beef, 800 lbs pork, 4 cows,
4 calves, 10 hogs, 3 tons of hay, 30 tons of
stone cont.
Persons admitted since lot November 1824.
43 ; discharged 1 ;of whom 27 are men, 13
women, 5 children.
Born in the V. S. 28 of whom 3 are color.
rd born in Jreland it born in Germany 8.
Articles manufactured by the inmates, 6 dress
es, 7 shirts, 7 pair of stockings, 1 skirt, 3 !
We the undersigned auditors of the c ninty
of Huntingdon do hereby certify that we have
examined the orders of the Commissioners of
said county and thh receipts for the some for
and during the past year and find a balance
due the Treasurer of sixty-four dollars and
oighty-two cents.
And also that we have examined the account,
of the Directors of the Poor of said county and
find it correct, as above stated.
We have also examined UM account of the
Treasurer of the Huntingdon County Academy
and find that it is correct, as adore stated leav
ing a bulance in the hands ofthe Treasurer, on
the Ist day of January, 1835 of fifty-eight dol
lars and eighty-seven cents.
Given under our hands at the Commission
ers office In the borough of the Huntingdon,
6th January 1855.
P. MOOR, .
$1 :0 LO
THE library will be open every Saturday after
noon, at 3 o'clock, in the i r room in the
Court House. Subscription 30 cents a year.—
New books have been added to the former ex
cellent collection—“Fannv Fern's" popular
writings, "Bayard Tnylor'i" ke. The further
patro unge of the public will enable the collec
tion to be still more extended.—
$7336 8G
Huntingdon, Jan. 22 1855.
(111LVFli and I.llted Simone Gold,Silver and
Plat;tl Spaotaalos,a ' t Snata'a Jewelry
fit INGIIAMS.-I)omestie and Dross, just re
ceived at 1) . P. WIN'S °heap Store.
BARRELS Roo Herriog,just received and
fur sale at the store of OEO, GWljl.
A SPLENDID assortment of Laillaa' )reps
Goodsjust mulled at CAILMON'ti, .
CiIi.VER Bolter linty., and Salt Spuons, at
0 E. Snare'sChaapJowalry Stop,
CARPET Bags, just raceived and for sole I}y
J r d• .3.4xToN.
DURE WHITE I f EAD,juit reveivad and fur
sale by J. & W. SAXTON.
Gold Watches willbe .01 by gp.Bx.lll
Nicer than climber°.
ffirA lino lot yr rproys nt EVIL fiti.llWll.
tialauces due Ist January, 105, by the following Cul-
lector, viz: -
.Nituvw a/ Collo:1w. County rat. Slate nix. Militia fines.
Samuel Robison, 466 53
Jonathan Briggs, 1 05
A. B. Sangaree, 13 50
John R. Hunter, 14 50
Collins Hamer,.l6 65
Benedict Stevens, 1 00
'Benjamin Bowers, 3 -to
Charles Cowden,
Jacob Lough,
James . FI ainpson,
Lemuel Orem
Thonms W. Neely,
29 01
20'2 OS
12 50
G.l 39
John H. Stopebritker,
William Ramsey,
George Mar,
Conrad CaTitian,
John Conrad,
David S. Bell,
I,evi Smith,
Daniel Curtinan, •
Alexander Stitt,
Jesse Yocum,
Daniel Teagne,
Isaac Shower,
Jesse Cook,
Thomas Denn,
Asadala Sacketts,
Charles Green,
Daniel WotnelsdurT,
Solomon Houck,
Levi Smith,
John Cosher,
James Miller,
Joshua Greenland, •
Robert Peterson,
William M'llwain,
Luke Voorhees,
Benjamin Nett,
William Smith,
John Hewitt,
William Conch, .
John Nl'Donald,
George Smith,
Richard Madden,
Daniel 'Teague,
Andrew .1. Taylor,
John L,, port,
John Snyder,
Eli l'ltimmer,
JO,O, \V. Books,
David Tussey,
Jamb Grove, Sr.,
William I). Shaw,
David S. Umtenow,
Benedict Stevens,
John M'Clain,
Nathan Greenland,
Joseph Douglass,
William Hutchison,
Abraham Cresswell,
3 00
25 00
at 52
41 81
Jouys, ono of the most celebrated Phy
sicians in New York, writes an follows :
23 25
Centro-Dear air :—Having witness•
ed the excelled effects of your Ilyogs NA on
ill 11. ease of chronic lirouchitift, find being touch
in favor of counter-iritation in affections of the
throat, bronchial tubes and lungs, I can there
fore cheerftilly recommended your Medicated
apparatus as being the most coovenicut and
efli,tual mode of applying anything of the
kind I have ever sects. No doubt thousands
of persons may be relieved, and many cured
by using your remedies.
Von are at liberty to use this in any way you
may think proper,
Dospectrully, yours, &e.
No. GO9 Houston St., New York.
Prof. S Center writes us as follows •
GENTI.VIEN.-1 hare recently had occasion
to test pour• Cherry Syrup and ilygean Vapor
in a case of Mantic sore throat, (hut had refused
to yield to other forms oftreatment, and the re
sult has satisfied me, that whatever may be
the composition of your preparation, it is no
imposition, but an excellent remedy. I Wish
for the sake of the afflicted that it might be
brought within the reach of all.
Now-York Nov. 13, ISJ t. '
DEMI SIII: —I think highly of Dr. Curtis's
Hygeittm, 114 a remedy in diseases of the throat
and lung, Having had some opportunity. to
test its efficacy. 1 on: convinced that it is
a most excellent medicine, both the Syt up and
the inhaling application to the idlest.
The IIYGEANA is for unto by Thomas Head
son. See advertisement is another column
headed. Hyyeanua,
Jan. 23. 1855-6 m.
sT. lifittOENS & SON
HOST respectfully make known to their
friends and the public generally, that they
are carrying on the cabinet-making business,
in all its various branches, in
EU .: 13 Bo
where they have constantly on hand, and make
to order, all kinds of furniture ; suck as Bu
reaus, Tables, Wash and Sewing Stands, Cup•
boards, Book•enses, Wardrobes, Cot tage,French
and nigh Post Bedsteads, Spring Seat Sofas,
and Sofa Hocking Chairs, Windsor. Chairs
and Settees, and every other • article of
•furniture whichmay be called for ; all of which
are made of the very best material and in the
most fashionable style. and will bo sold at low
rates, _ . . _ .
The public are respeefully invited to call and
examine their goods ham purchasing else
where. . _ .
Ware Room on Hill st., south side, 5 doors
east of .1. G. Miles' dwelling.
Jan. 16, 1853-2 m.
Fourth Vol, of Yankee Notions,
The present number commences the Fourth Vol
ume of this popular Periodical. Its :niecess has
been 1,5 !loud precedent, and its circulation, already
LARGER than that of any similar publication
is constantly increasing. Arrangements have
been made which trill enable the Publishers to
make the
By order of the
Far superior to any Comic paper ever publish
ed in the United Stses. THE BEST Awns-
Tic TALENT in the country has been coriu
m' TILE ILLUSTRATIONS, and earl, number
will contain from 00 to 75 ENGRAVINGS, in
the highest pohool of COMIC ART. Its Liter
ary Contents, by µlarge Corps of Talented Con
tributors. will eliallanite comparison with those
of rimy tuna,: periodical alt tar in Europe or
Amman, and will consist of it choice repertory
of humor,fa,n, *lace, wit, 0014ie toles, sketches ? &c. ?
aiming to ...shoat folly as it dies," but never
o'erstepping the lines of atrial propriety; it being
the object of Op Publisher to tpuitu the TAN
KER Niyrioss MI ever welcome visitor tit ev
ery Rome Circle.
Subseription price, SI 20 per annum t or I2}
cents per number. For sale by all the News
Agents stud Perioilieal Dealers to every City,
Town, and Village in die United States and
Cumula.—T. W, STRONG, Publisher,
situ St. N. Y,—Jau. 3tl 1803,-2V
How often it happens, that the wife linger. front
year to year in that pitiable condition as not even
for ono day to feel the happy and exhilarating influ
ence incident to the enjoyment of health.
But a few years ago in the flush of health and youth,
and buoyancy of spirits, mpidly, and apiarently in
explicably, becomes a feeble, sickly, sallow, debili
tated wife, with frame emaciated, nerves unstrung,
spirits depressed, countenance bearing the impress
of suffering, and an utter physical and mental pros
tratiou, arising from ignorance of-the simplest and
plainest roles of health as connected with the mar
rage state, the violation of which entails disease,
suffering and misery, not only to the wife, but often
300 78
6 20
1 50
2 00
2,3 00
9 00
Tram.. iiiii itt; CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA,
MOWS EVIL, Ulld other omit
worse Discos., tot
14 00
:1 15
. ntom TIII.•' PARENTS.
And moat fhb] continue? Alma tblA be? 11 there no
remedy? No relief? No bore?"
. . . .
The remedy le by knowing the C.lllll. and avoiding
then, and knowing the remedies ; and benefiting by thorn.
Ilene aro pointed out in
enonnoft 07 DIEN.OOII 07 WOlOOl.
One Hundredth Edition, (500,000),18rno., pp. 250.
15 41
A ntsoklard work of o.tabliolifol roputallon, found elaand
In the catalogues of the great trtolo boles in New
i York,
rblinclolphin and other cities, and AOl.l by the principnl
book.ellera n the United Staten. It was lirgt publielled
In 1847, ninon which time
121 42
G 13
have been Bold, of which there were upward). of
90 08
attesting the high estimation in which it le hold as a re
liable popular Modica'
the author having devoted his exclusive, attention tee the
treatment of cosaulaints peculiar to Numb, In respect to
which be Is yearly consulted by thousand. both in person
and by letter.
Hera every woman can discover, by comparing her own
symptoms with those described, the nature, character,
causes of, and the proper remedies for, her complaints.
This wife about imcoming a mother has often nett of
Instruction and advice of the utmost importance tee her
Were health, in respect tee which her emusitiveuess fun
bids consulting a medical geutlesuan, will find etch in
etruction and advice, and also explain many symptoms
which otherwise would occasion anxiety or alarm as all
the peculiarities incident to her situation aro described.
How runny aro aufferin7, from obdruct ions or irregular-
Ilice peculiar to the female syntem, which undermine the
health, the effects of which they are ignorant, and for
which their delicacy forbids seeking medical advice.
)(any suffering from prstalaus uteri (falling of the womb),
or from fluor thee (weakness, debility, he.) Many ere
In constant agony for massy munthn preceding confine
merit Many have difficult if not dangerous deliveries,
and elms and uncertain recoveries. Some °lsom lives are
heninled during such time, will each find be Its pages the
moans of prevention, amelioration and relief.
It is of course linpracticabto to convoy fully this various
/subjects treated of, ad they aro of a nature strictly in•
tended for the married or them contemplating marriage.
Header, are you a husband or a father? a wife or a
mother? Have you the sincere welfare of those you lore
et heart? Prom your sincerity, and lose uo time In
...ruing what causes interfere with their heath and hap.
es not less than your own. It will avoid to you and
yours, as it has tee thousands, many a day of pain and
anxiety, followed by sileepless nights, incapacitating the
mind for He ordinary avocation, and exhausting those
means fur medical attendance, medicines and advertised
nostrum. which otherwise would provide for declining
years, the infirmities of age and the proper education of
your children:
In consequence of the universal popularity of the work,
es evidenced by its extraonlitsary sale ' various imponi.
thine have been attempted, cc well on booksellers as on
the public, by imitations of title siege, spurious editions,
and surreptitious infringements of copyright, and other
devices and deceptions, It 11. s been tuurel accessary,
therefore, to
9,284 att 782 66
Duplientothat the above
the County Books.
12,100 00
to boy no book notes.; the worde "Dr. A. M. Macineess,
1,1 Utterly Street, N. Y.," le on (and the entry in the
Clerk's Mee on the bock of) the title page; and boy
only of respectable and honorable dealer., or send by
and oldness to Dr. A. M. Mauriceau.
Air UpOri receipt of One Dollar "THE MAR
PANION" is sent (inailtti free) to any part of the
United State., the Oanadas and British Provinces.
All letters must bit post-paid, and addressed to Dr.
A. M. MAURICIEAII, box 1224, New-York City.
Publlshine Office, Nt. 179 Liberty Stmt. NSA ,
T. 11. Petersen, J. M. Moss & Bro., and
Thos. Cowpertbait, it adelph ia—Mrs. Cynthia,
Williams. I alealak —Spangler & Bro., Lan
caster—S. Mel:, Will.vharre—J . Gunnison
Er, ie—Snal.ll.l.nulkr, uhbutg—B. Hall,
Pittston—Dr. S. D. Scott, nedihra—E.T.
derbrand, int/lona—J. S. Nickson and Col. A.
K. McClure, C'hambersburg—Joseph - Swartz,
Eloomsburg—G W Earle, Wu picot) •o—Put
ter & McManu L'dlcfoalc.—lt. A. Lance,
Read ng.
I•'ebruarr• G. lliss—Gm.
PENNSYLVANIA. Cuniberlaud Bank,
Philadelphia Banks, par Mineral Eank,
U. States Bank, 20 All other solvent,
Chumbersburg, i DIST. C01.1:NIBIA,
Uettysburg, - A All solvont Ilauks, :,,
Pittsburgh, 4 VIRUINIA.
Susituelea Co. no sale Far Branches, 4
Lewistown, . sale Near Branches, 'A
Middletown, ' \\licelti, A
Erie,. .
Waynesburg, i t All solvent Banks, 1
Washington, s Coder Fives, • 1
Harrisburg, • SOUTH CAROLINA.
Ilonesdale, , All solvent Banks, 1
Lebanon, , parstiuder Fives, 1
Monongahela, I , GEORGIA.
West Branch Runk, inuirlawkinsville,
Wyoming Dunk, parentn.ll'k Macommu sale
York, -4: NI e re] Ots D'k do. failed
All other solv't h'ks palf,lll other solvent,
Relief Notes i!I
•Under Fives, A
Towanda Relief, no sales • ALABAMA.
Alm.. ißttnk of Mobile, 1
Calais, 10;.111t?Ht5.solveut,
Lafayitte, Bangor, Notem,•
'Alain° Bank, Portland, LOUISIANA.
Mercantile, Bangor, I.;othor solvent beaks, .
St. Croix, Calais, 01110,
An tTOlve - th book:, Cincinnati B'ks, 1
Small Notes, ' COUNTRY.
Air solvent banks, il Grenville Society,
Small Notes, II All other solvent, I
VERMONT. Under Fives, 2
Honk or Kt. Albans, I K ENT I•CKY,
All solvent banks, P All solvent blanks, 1
Under lives, I Small notes, 2
All solvent banks, fAll solvent banks, li
Under fives, :Under Fives, 2
.... _ _ . . _
Providence Co. Bunk, iPar. & Mock., Detivil, I
All solvent banks, , :Mich. Inst. Co., do. 11
Under fives, 011 o th ers, uncertain
All solvent bunks, lai;Northerit Banks, no sale
Under fives, g.:Ail other., uncertain
All solvent looks, pnvlrk Sr, to OF Missouri,
.... Fl. 011 l DA.
Atlas 131Mit, -- ----
87. All liml.: no salt
James Bank, 12! 11.1,1 \ ttlti.
Northern Exchange, t:State ilk & lii , intlies,so
State B'k, Saugerties, 1 ruder Fives, Ott
Bank, Cuyaga, Lake, I All others, no sale
Solvent Country Irks, i' IN DIANA,
Post Notes & Certif. of State Ilk & Broaches. 1
Dap. on 01110 issued Sundt Notes, 2
by Free 11'10, no sale Alt KANSAS,
Ngw JESSEY. All Rod, no . 10 ,
minfleld, . broke )VISCONSIN.
All other solvent par In. Co. Cheeks, 1t1i1w.. 10 2
DELAWAIIE. ()diet Banks, no sale
Small Notes, 101 VA,
All Books, tie Mitt., Duhtnitto, no sole
MARYLAND. Other Pant' '
. no ~,,I0
Small Notes , A' CANAIIA,
Baltimore Books, i All solcmil 1imi1,,,. P,
ii.lidbluT, bruku, putik ur Wooster, tailed
[ox mix PAPER, EXTRA Immo, $1.00.]
IC4iTTected Irce, 1 y.l
t nder I. Ives,
A Miracle of Sc(ence.
1111. C. L. Belling of Mechanicsburg Cumber-
L) laud cantor Ps., announces to those afflict
led with Tumors, Wens, Cancers. Polypus,
Lupus Motes or narks, Scrofula or King's Evil
and all diseases that have been usually treated
with Caustic or Knife, ho coo remove Boon Ity
an entirely new method. without cutting, bun,
in F). or pain neither Chkroform or Ethur is ad.
ministered, to the patient.
It is no mutter on 1,1111 part of the Ludy they
may bo he eon remove them with iwrrwt info. ,
ty, and in a remarkably short time. Nt, Mint
cent or Vegetatile poison is appEotl; nod an
money required until a cure is iierrcen..l.
Prulapsis Pteri, Female complaints, Chronic,
Venereal and all other di,eases twat oil with
positive success. Full perliculars eau be
wined by addressing in either lingliAll or. Ger. !
moo, imst, paid. Patients can he t tectitumulm
toil with Board mt reasonable terms. .
Mechanicsburg is one of the prettiest and
healthy towns in this or any other State. It is
8 mile:l.m Harrisburg on the C. V. It. H. and
accessible from all parts of the Union.
The Dr. will visit cases iu any part of the
State when desired. -
Kind render if 'you know any afflicted fellow
creature, delay not to tell them of this trent•
Janudry IG, 1835-Iy.
LETITIIS of administration have teen gran
ted to the undersigned upon the estate of
John Douglas, late of Shirley township, deed.—
All persons indebted to said dee'd., are reques
ted to make payment, and those having claims to
present them for settlement.
Jan. 16, 1865-Bt.• Shirley tp.
V i a N ts) l %l C „. r eq ' t . ptop C n o gdo ' n lbl a is i l in s vg .
publish, in one volume or about 500 pages, with
-two hundred engravings, cloth, gilt, THE IL
al of good behavior and polite accomplishments;
contemn)e mend instructions in ell the apper
tains to the person, dress, manners, acquire
ments. conversation anti deportment or the per
thet lady, and the finished gentleman of the best
society. Price one dollar.
Thrs hook, the first and only one of its kind
will Ire sent, post-paid, 000 premium, to any per
son who will procure thirty subscribers to the
Dime, On illustrated monthly, at ten cents a
year. &tell number of the Dime contains front
live to ten engravings, music, and twenty col
-11111118 of useful and entertaining matter, suitable
fur the sc hind or Mmily. It is considered the
best, as it In the cinmpest paper of its kind ;and
being neither seetioal, sectarian, nor partizan,
it is intended for the widest circulation and the
greatest possible usefulness.
The illustrated 3laimers Book, post-paid, and
thirty copies of the Dime, one year, for Three
Tlia Illustrated Manners Book, malted, post
paid, for One dollar.
'lie Dime, ten cents a year, or eleven for
One Jolla•.
Speeimenq eheerrolV forw•nrdsd to Toneherg,
Clergymen. Postmasters, or nue persons wishing
to raise dohs and compote for Premiums.
• CLAY & Cu., II Spruce
St. N. Y.
1: utulersignedhaving purchased.sed the full
awl exclusive rigid awl privilege of con
structing, using. awl vending to others, the right
to make and usc, in the county of Huntingdon,
STIIN ESI IT! rs impror,invnt in the
adjustable peeking fora lamp lin• hurtling lard.
Lamps for sale by the dozen or singly, also
township rights for sale at reasonable prices.
All orders promptly attended to by address
ing, the subscriber, 141.isouitt, 11 nut. On Pa.
Sipesville, Nov. 15, 1834.-Gm.
IBLANKS,•AIxvoys bey your Blanks at the
"Journal Office." We have now• prepared n ve
ry staperiorarticle of 111. A N K DEEDS, DI )NDS,
TIONS, &c.
Fish for Sale.
1 1; 5 )
just recoived and fur sale at tho stnro of
JUST receiving, this week, Madsen'. Herring
&e., and for sale by J. S. W. SAXTON.
JUST RECEIVED and forst& Fish, Sall and
Plaalerby J. & W. SA\TON.
LOOKISC Claasesjust received and for sale
by J. d• 1I: SAXTON.
g 3 E.
January • 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 23 26 27
28 20 30 31 _ _
February 1 2 3
4 5 A 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 1l 15 1G 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28
March 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 12 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 - 24
25 26.27 28 29 30 31
April 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 0 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 '23 24 25 26 27 28
79 30
7 .1 2 3 4 5
/ 8 0 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 10
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31
June 1 2
3450 7 8 9
10 1 12 13 14 15 10
17 19 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 20 27 28 29 30
3 . nly 1 2 3 4 '5 G
8 9 10 T 1 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 21 22 25 2G 27 223
29 210 01
August „
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 10 II
12 .1:1 14 15 10 IT IM
1!1 20 21 22 2:1 tit 25
„1:0 27 28 20 30 31
2 3 .1 5 0 y 8
9 10 11 12 12 11 15
11; 17 18 19 28 2L 22
29 21 25 29 g; AN 29
1 2 a 4 5
V H 'J 10 11 12 13
14 13 111 IT I>s 19 20
21 22 23 24 20 211 27
28 22, 28 01
Novemberl 2
4 •2 q y— R 9 1 0
II 13 11 15 10 17,
18 19 29 21 22 2 ;1 7.1
23 20 27 28 29 30
2 3 4 5 6 T ts
10 11 12 13 1.1 11
16 IT Is 19 20 21 22
!!3 24 2a ';.6 .41 Al 22
• US 41
No. Ica Noitb ., rirJß:ll-I , titsfrt. (above Ram).
PIMA 11E 1:11114
4,1 " fIIES haring become en indispensable
1 article in ImusekeepMg, the subscriber al
ter n great ,atOie , of flint, and money is ensiled
to carter to the Pablic na mtielent once combin
ing Mit/0:n Chtappr, 'clue inventor knowing
dangers !game, cuded on account or the tiim
sey manner in whit It Alatehrs mcgenerally pack
ed in paper. hes by the aid of -New Steam Ma- .
dtinery "lids own invention, succeeded get
ting, lir 11 5.114,1" PATEXT AIWA. UPRIGHT
. . . - - .
h,07,1 V'tox ; this lox is far prefelable, inasmuch,
'lot it occupies to more room el..slito old room?
wood box, and contrails at least Two 14 utoinurs .
Fee rent. more Matches, nhich to Shippers in,
considerable advantage; it is entirely new, and;
secure asminct Moisture soul spontaneous mu ;
both., 0101 dispels all Ihlllger on transpoatn
tion by menus of Railroad, Steamboat or any
other mod 9 of conveyance.
These 3inteles ar& packed so that one gross or
more may be skipped to our pnrt of the workt
with 'perfect safety. They are the most desirable
grtiele for Home cousumptionowid the Southern
and Western Alarhets khat have averhcen inven
DEALERS and KIWI , . tS, wqll to ,
call and examine for thou.. Arcs.
These allatches are ir.taRANTEp to he
superior to anything heretofore ofti•red to the Public.
106 North FOURTH St.,
Hers), 1854.-sin.
So. 21 South Third Street, Between Market
and Chesnut Streets, Philadelphia,
TIUD -1 2,a)
Dry and Green Salted Patna Kips,
Tanners' and Curriers' Tools,
Cr All kinds of Leather in the Rough wanted,
fur which the hi g hest market price will he givm 4
in cash, or taken in exchange for Hides.
Leather Stored free of Charge and Sold on
• Dee..2o, 1854.-Iy.
No 6, South Third Street,
• Philadelphia.
Importer, Manufacturer and General
DI?:A11 - 1111. )
Has elnistant: . onhand, and
Alwnya Finishing.
111 kinds of Leather Sioriceo, Calf
Skins, Sheep Skins, &0,,
The attention of anntry Merrhnott and Man,
nracturers. I!= solicited.
Dec. 20, 1854.-Iy.
Valuable Limestone Land for Sale(
mut , . subscriber offers at private sale, his farm,
situate in Franklin township, liantingdmi
count•, about one-lialfinile from the Pcnnsylva.
iiin Railroad, containing about
One Hundred and ninety Acres,
be it Inure or less, of the best .ivality of lime
stone land, about 160 neves of whi,ll are cleared,
under good fence, and in a good state of culti
va ton.
improvements are a two story stone 4 4A,
dwellingliouse, a large frame bank barn,
wagon shed, corn (nib, large stable, and other
out imildiugs. It has a good orchard, and good
water upon it.
Any person, desiring to ipurelinse, cotta call
upon me on the premises. 1 will show them
and make known my terms.
Nov. 15, 1833.-3 nm.•
20,000Et . 2 1 ; 1:3 ta s sitlt . cr i rer nod ba s fPoQsl:uiraer
cei v'e from Boston, New York uncle:a' ,
Philadelphia, comprising the great
est variety and most extensive stock •
ever brought to the interior of the State, Ills
STATIONERY is also of great variety and su
perior quality, in part as follows: Letter, Cap
and Note Paper, Cold and Steel Pens, Inkstands,
Blank nod Time Books, Diaries for 1855,
Also, 'Harpies, Putnam's, Codey's and Ora,
ham's Magazines, received every month ns 50011
as out. 2000 copies of the !woks recommended
by the Teachers' Institute and Board of Direc
tors of the count , : Greenliers Arithmetics and
Algebra. Town'S Spellers, and Swan's Benders.
3000 Payson & Dunton,s Boston Copy Books;
being the best system ns well as the best execu
ted books ever °Wend to the publie, Mille lowest
wholesale prices. 1000 pieces Wall Paper front
0 to 13 cents for common, 18, 21 and 07 cents for
glazed, and 1,25 to $2 fee gold. All of the above,
stock is offered extremely low fpr easl—the pub.
lie will please call and . _
Store opposite Whittaker's Hotel, Ilsilroa4
St., Huntingdon, Pa
Nov. 8, 1854.
TIIE subscriber would respectfully inform the
troreltug public that lie is now running n line
of Hacks from Mt. to Orhisonin, on follows:
. .
From Orbisonin to Mi. (Mien and Lack again,
every day. intersecting the eliampersburg lino
at Orhisonia.
Passengers wishing to go to Finale Gap, or any
other place, will be taken on without delay.
Ilia ❑arks are good and comfortable, and
be is determined to hero none but good and
steady drivers; in a word, bis desire is to carry
passengers in comfort and safety.
Orbisonin, Nov. 8, 1854.-Iy.
OrThe National Safety Company.
Walnut Street, South Wiwi Corner Third Street,
Incorporated by the State of Penn•
PIPE PER CENT interest is given and the
. 12 plOnCy is always paid bark whenever it is
called her, without the necessity of giving nodeo
tor it beforehand.
People who have large sums put their money
in this safety Fund, on account of the superior
safety and convenience it affords, but any sum,
large or stnutl, is received.
Fiats has more titan half a mil
lion of dollars, securely invested for the safety
of depositors.
The (Mice is open to receive ntul pny money
ct,ry don. from 9 o'clock in the morning:: till 7
O'clock in the evening, and on Monday and
Thursday evenings, till 9 o'clock.
People ho have mover to nut in; are invited
to cull nt tl.c ollice for limber information.
wog, we l'res't.
W3I, J. REED, Secretary,
Dior, 1, 1854.
NIL, Dolan., D. Deimos, Do Dense, Lawns,
Dinghums, and a choice variety of hoods of all
kinds, tit the store Qt Qko. GWIN.
else Dried Voss.lies, I)ric,l Apples, &c., &e.,
eel. by J. St. W. SAXTON,
LAll/rES Lautipg and Silk work Gaitors, Kid
Morocco, and Coot /loots and Shoe., /It the
atoru of - Clso. GWIN.
tNNV.TIi, alt sortsantl colors, ittso, H•jt,to
Flut,,rp.m 11710) PO,4 I . 3 t.FTIVOILURd
mac by W. dAVION, •