Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 21, 1855, Image 2

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    'Attntiugb.on o urnal.
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Wednesday Morning, Feb. 21, 1855.
The "JOURNAL' , has 300 Subscri
bers more, than any other paper
in this county.
Agents for the Journal.
The following persons we have appoint ettAgents
for the HUNTINGDON JOURNAL, who are author
ized to receive and receipt for money paid on sub
scription, and to take the anions of new subscri
bers at our published privet.
We do this for the convenience of nur subscri
bers living ate distance from Huntingdon.
Joust W. TH03111014, Esq., Hollidaysburg,
SAMUEL. COEN, East Barren,
Ottonou W. CORNELIUS. Cromwell township.
HENRY HUDSON ' Clay township.
DArto ETNlRE,Cromwell township.
Dr. J. P. ASTICO3I, Penn township,
J. WAITEHAM MATTERN, Franklin township,
SAMTIEL STET/FEY, Jackson township,
COI. JNO. C. WATSON, Brady township,
Mounts Bnowx, Springfield township,
Ws. HUTCHINSON, Esq., Warriorsmark tp.,
JAMES MCDONALD, Brady township,
HENRY NEFF', West Barren.
Jolts BAcsulc it, Waterstrect,
Maj. CHARLES MICKLEY . . Tod township,
A. M. BLAIR, Dublin township,
Uuoaow WILSON, Esq., Tell township,
JAMES etznx, Birmingham.
NATHANIEL LYTLE, Esq., Spruce Creek.
Maj. W. Moons:, Alexandria.
B. F. WALLACE, Union Furnace.
Simuos Wilma, Esq., Union township.
DAVID CLAMOON, Esq. ' Cass townshig e
Scarce WIGTON, Esq., Franklin township.
DAVID PARKER, Esq., Warriorsmnrk.
DAVID Autumn., Esq., Todd township.
fir No attention paid to Letters
unless post-paid, nor to Communi
cations unaccompanied with the
author's name.
3 4r. The School . Journal for February
is before us, it is an excellent work and
should be in the hands of all friends of
sir Yesterday the cars for the first
time, crossed over the new bridge, built in
place of the one recently burnt near Lew-
11. S. Rail Robbery.
When the stage carrying the U. S.
Mail stopped at the hotel of Mrs? Freker,
in Shirleysburg, for a few minutes, some
person, (probably the same who broke in
to John Brewster's house) carried off the
mail bag with all its contents,"and has not
since been found.
Problem 8.
The distance of the centres of two cir
cles, whose diameters are each 50, is
equal to 30; what is the area of the space
enclosed by their intersecting arcs ?
Answer next week.
Answer to problem of last week, 58.-
871 i, or 23.099 perches.
The Altoona Register.
We have received the first number of
a paper bearing the above caption, pub
lished at Altoona, Blair County, Pa., and
edited by Mr. W. 11. Snyder, of Lewis
town. It presents a creditable appearance
and is edited with considerable itbility.—
We welcome the Register into our sanc
tum, and wish it a successful career.
Dr The United States Magazine for
February is on our table, it is full of orig
inal scenes and incidents of American
History, accompanied with interesting
sketches, it is well worth the money asked
for it.
Serms, $1 per annum. Address J. M.
Emerson & Co t , publishers, 1,3, 5 and 7
Spruce street, New York.
Ear The " Student and Family Mis
::cllaney," devoted to the diffusion of use
ful knowledge and home instruction ; also
designed as a monthly reader for Schools,
is on our table, it is a• work that should be
liberally patronized among Schools, Pub
lished at 348 Broadway, New York, by
N. A. Calkins, at one dollar a year in ad
OW On Saturday night the 21st inst.,
the dwelling house of John Brewster Esq.,
of Shirleysburg, was entered while the
family were at church. The burglar ef
fected an entrance through a back win
dow ; but as the family entered on their
return from church, the burglar made good
his escape through a back door.
The only booty taken by the villain, yet
discovered, was two dollars in money.
The March number of Godey's
Lady's Book is on our table; this periodi
cal is one of our most punctual exchanges,
it never fails to make its appearance in
due time. and it maintains its charaCter so
well, that we hope it will continue. The
numerous engravings are most excellent,
and will reflect credit upon the engraver.
The literary department is such as to
please the taste of the most fastidious.—
'flit work is fast approximating perfec
tion, this number is such that it needs no
commendation from our hands, we think
it deserves a liberal patronage.
We will give the c.Huntingdon Journal"
and “Godey's Lady's Book" for one year
for 53,50; or the two best $3 Magazines
in the Union—Godey's Lady's Book and
Harper's Magazine, will both be sent ono
veer on receipt of $4,50 : Al,
, L. A. GODEY,
113 Chestnut st., Phila.
We have seldom observed so general
an outporing of God's spirit on his church
people ns daring the present season. In
almost every part of the country, as we
learn from our exchanges, the glorious
work of Revivals is, or has been in pro•
gress to a greater or less extent. Our own
community has been largely blessed in
this behalf. The Presbyterian congrega
tion, under the pastorinl care of Rev. 0.
0. McClean, has just closed a series of
exceedingly interesting meetings, of near
ly three weeks' duration. Revds. Ster
rett and Thompson assisted our beloved
pastor in conducting the exercises, which
'were in the highest degree impressive and
Solemn. Through the instrumentality of
these eminent, devoted servants of Christ
and the progress of God's people, a mighty
work of grace has been wrought in our
midst. Believers have been revived and
strengthened, nearly forty souls hopefully
converted to God, and an equal number
awakened to a sense of their lost condi
tion and made anxiously to enquire "what
shall ,we do to be saved."
During this period of refreshing in the
Presbyterian church, the Baptist congre.
gation, under the care of Rev. A. B. Still,
has received, we believe, some eighteen
or twenty new members who were immer•
sed on the last two Sabbaths; while there
is a large number entertaining a hope, or
enquiring the way.
Our Methodist brethren, too, have
"come up to the help of the Lord, against
the mighty," and are now holding. a pro
trncted meeting, which promises, we un
derstand, to be abundantly blessed by toe
ingathering of many such as shall be sa
"0 Zion, tune thy vole°,
And lift thy hands on high ;
Tell all the world thy joys,
And shout salvation nigh."
Alter having penned the above, we
were kindly favored with the following,
which we think well worthy a place in the
columns of the "Journal," it is as follows:
We noticed last week a very interesting
revival which had be'en going on in the
Methodist and Baptist Churches of this
borough. A similar outpouring of the spi
rit has been manifested in the Presbyterian
' Church of this place. The pastor, Rev.
McCLEAN, was assisted in his ministerial
labor by Revs. STE:al:Err of McVeytown,
and THOMPSON of Tuscarora. We are
free to confess that we have seldom listen
ed to more perwerful expounders of the
Word of God than the foregoing gentle.
men. Many persons have awakened front
the error of their ways, and have fled for
shelter within the outstretched arms of the
Redeemer. God speed the good work,
and may the time speedily come when the
whole world shall earnestly prepare them
selves for
"The land of souls, beyond the sable stream."
The time when universal harmony and
brotherly love shall cover the earth even as
the waters cover the sea: W hen injustice
oppression and tyranny shall exist no lon
ger, and when profit and gain shall not be
the great object of man's life, regardless
of the interests of a never dying soul.—
God speed the day when man's inhuman
ity to man shall no longer make countless
millions mourn. When the blessed com
mand of "love thy neighbor as thyself"
will be as much practised as it is now dis
It is a remarkable fact that revivals are
now going on in almost every portion of
our country, and many of the christfan
countries of the old world. This fact, to
gether with the many other fulfillments
of divine prophecy, such as wars and ru
mors of wars, famine, pestilence, &c.,
would seem to indicate the approach of
the final day of reckoning ; at least such
is the avowed opinion of some of the
greatest commentators of the present time.
Whatever may be the case, we should all
have our hearts ready for the coming of
the bridegroom.
Peterson's Magazine.
The March number of thii most excel
lent magazine is with us, with a variety.
of the choisest reading matter, the style
of fashion for March, and a variety of
fine engravings, among which "The Win
dy Day" is good, "The Shepherd" is up
to nature, The tales, excellent, among
them Is "The Husband's Ruse," "How
Uncle Joe was caught," " The Cobler of
Nantasket," The New Year's wishes,"
" Marie Trevor," a copy right has been
taken out for this tale, "Charity begins at
home," Rosa Blake and her Levers," &c.,
In the April number will be begun a
copy right story entitled the "Bound Girl."
Now is the time to subscribe it is only
two dollars a year. Address Charles J.
Peterson, No. 10:1 Chestnut St., Phila.
The volume begins with the numbers
for January and July, but subscribers nay
commence at any time.
13.taNUM?—WC saw, yesterday, a carious freak
of nature in a young cat, about half grown,
having no appearance of hair on any putt of
its skin, an opossum's tail, and the hinilluar•
teps similar to those of a rabbit. The skin on
the upper part of the body and the head is
cola mouse color, and that on the belly and
legs du lode red. The cat which bore it had
1 1 four complete kittens at the same hour.—Nor•
MrSeven thousand specimensof fowls
were exhibited at Barnuitt'6 Show last
week in New lurk City.
In another column 'will be found an in
teresting communication in relation to the
poor, by a "philanthropist." We invite
special attention to it by our readers.
It is said that charity covers a multitude
of sins, awl we are of the opinion that a
number of individuals in this, as well as
other portions of the community have
ample cause to try the experiment. If we
believe that "lie that giveth to the poor
lendeth to the Lord," why do we notprac •
lice it more? Is the security insufficient?
If it is not why in the name of conscience
do you refuse the loan ? It is a selfevi
dent fact that there are many in this com
munity at the present time who are suffer
ing for the necessaries of life. Can We
complacently fold our arms when the cold
blasts sweep by our snug quarters, and
whilst we utter a "God help the poor" we
clutch more firmly our purser strings. A
man may as well speak to the winds as to
pray for the poor whilst he refuses to fel
low up that prayer with active and ener
getic pocket book aid. That wealth with
which you are surrounded, and which you
place so much of your affection upon, will
be the cause of your eternal ruin if you
use it not in the manner and form prescri
bed by the book of books ; for remember
that"unto whom much is given, much will
be required."
Go ye who . have never felt the bitter
stings of poverty, or experienced the pains
of hunger and starvation gnawing upon
the vitals, go ye gay of the world, light
hearted and happy though you be, visit
the abode of those who are cursed with the
wont of everything which tends towards
making life a "sunny dream." Learn a
lesson from the sunken eyes, the hollow
voice, the dying gasp of those who once
perhaps possessed as bright hopes and joy
ful spirits as now animate you, and make
the world to you a land of sunny beams.
May the pictures of poverty and want
which meet you in every community, tell
to your hearts the tale, that
"Earth is all vanity, false as 'tis fleeting ;
Grief is in all its joys, smiles with team meeting,
Youth's brightest hopes decay,
Pass like life's gems away,
Too fair on earth to stay,
Where all is fleeting.
May it tell to you that there is nothing
so true as heaven ; no true happiness but
what is found in religion ; no religion that
has not charity and without it man is but
as "sounding brass and tinkling cymbal."
We earnestly hope that a greater interest
may be awakened in favor of the poor and
needy of our fellow-citizens, and measures
adopted for their aid. •
- -
Nunneries and Roman Catholic! Schools.
The Massachusetts House of Representatives
has instructed its -committee on the judicary
to consider the expediency of reporting a bill
"making convents and nunneries, and Itutnan
Catholic schools, as open and free to public
visitation and inspection as Protestant
And why should they not be? In this coun
try there should be no secret dungeons, no
place where the authorities of a state or na
tion are not allowed to visit. No dark, secre•
tive dens, beyond the reach of law. No never.
Let every place be subject to the inspection of
the authorities. Let underground rooms be
inspected, among one sect as well as among
others.—_files Ilepubltean. •
On the 10th inst., in our Legislature, Mr.
Moorman, representative from this city, gave
notice that be unsold on tl.e next or some sub•
sequent day', ask leave to bring in "a b ell for
the regulation of Roman Catholic nunneries
and schools, and for other purposes," which
leave will doubtless be granted, and the bill
We also understand that a bill will be intro
duced, similar to the oue introduced into the
New York Legislature, preventing any grant
conveyance, devise or leaseof personal or real
estate to any person in any ecclesiastical office
and providing that all church property shall be
held and controlled by the trustees or corpora
tion, duly organized according to the provision
of law in this State—that all property hereto
fore granted or demised to any person in any
ecclesiastical office shall be deemed to be held
in trust for the benefit of the congregation or
society using the same, and upon the death of
the person or persons in whom the title shall be
vested at that time, shall vest in the religious
corporation formed-by the congregation occu
pying the same.
From the dfficulties which have arisen in
some parts of the country on this subject, it is
evident that such a law is demanded for the fu.
turn welfare of society.—Detroit Daily Adv.
Extraordinary Presentment of the Ap•
proach of Death.
. _
A few nigh; a"o, a little boy of rare intern.
genre, named Fillmore, son of George Fisher,
residing in Reistertown, Baltimore county,
about the midnight hour, awoke his mother,
and informed her that he was going to dio.—
He told his father the same thing, and when
told that he was dreaming, replied be was
awake, and know ho was going to die. The
parents thought nothing more about it, and the
child slept comfortubly until morning. When
he awoke is the morning he repeated his pre.
sentment to his parents; and as Won as break.
fast was over ho insisted on being allowed to
go and tell• Mrs. Walters, a neighbor, that he
was going to die. His mother told him that
lie had better go and see his grandmother if
he was going to die. lie made a visit to his
grandmother, and Also to Mrs. Walters, after
which he returned to his home. Bering the
afternoon of the some day, his toothier was gal
led out of the house fur a few minutes, ar.d
when site returned she found the little fellow
awfully burned by his clothes halving taken
fire. As soon as the fire was extinguished he
I said to his mother, "1 told you 1 was going to
die." A physician was called in, who dressed
his injuries, telling him that ho would soon be
well. tin said, "No ; Fillmore is going to diet'
and during the night the little boy breathed his
last. This was a most extraordinary present.
merit, and during thin whole day he spoke of
dying, though he had enjoyed excellent health.
[Bali. Repub., Feb. 2.
FLocn mom Butotim Cum,—The Pittsburg
Union says, that it has been presented by Mr.
James Gardner, of that city, with a special.
or Broom Cure Flour, which is decidedly su•
perier to the best buckwheat we have ever hod
for cakes. The way to make it up is to bake
it a little longer than buckwheat ; min the
dough with a little soda, and you will have a
mere delightful cake than can be made from
ar- Feed the hungry and clothe the
Our New York Correspondence.
NEW Yone, February, 16, 1855.
It is strange to witness how the fluctnations
of the Money Market affect men's morals. fie
who has plenty is very honorable in the pay.
intuit of all his debts; but let that same man
be pinched and contraaell, cornered here,
hemmed in there, beset by creditors on every
side, and it is surprising what a very much
lower star Bard of morals he takes. A curious
incident happened at one of our Hotels a few
days since, illustrating this in some manner.—
It appears that a judgment was rendered
against this Hotel, but it could not be collet•
test. The house furniture and utensils were all
mortgaged for their full value. The only things
that could be levied on were the eatables, and,
accordingly, the whole pantry was attached.
A still better move was taken the other day
against one of our best, if not the very first
Hotel in the city. The Hotel proprietors owed
a sum of about $6OO, which could not be col.
lectcd from them. They were finally sued, and
the lawyer went up to the Holel to serve the
summons. When he served i; the landlord
smiled, and told him he ;as taking a great
deal of useless trouble—the property was all
mortgaged, and a, judgment would be of no
use. The lawyer told him that he might do as
he wished about paying tile amount, but he
should come up about dinner time and attach
the whole dinner, and repeat the same every
day until the judgment WWI satisfied. It is,
perhaps, needless to add, that the six hundred
doliars was soon pnitl.
The seizure of the Massachusetts had made
some talk in the city. It seems that reports
have for some time been circulated, that the
strainer Massachusetts, formerly one of the
Sound boats, and afterward run between this
city nod Philadelphia, had been fitted out for
a fillibustering expedition. About a week ago
the Deputy Surveyor, with the United States
Deputy Marshal, proceeded to make a search
for arms, &e., &c., supposed to be lit her. See.
eral boxes were found in the ladies cabin, con
taining saddles, harnesses, &c., and come three
hundred and twenty.five-tons of coal in the
hold. Is the upper hold were, filled with water
having mo aggregate of about 10,000 gallons.
A number of empty casks were also found,
some under the coal, but no fire•nrms, or itinu.
nition were to he found. The master, Capt.
Jas. W. Goodrich, states, that he designed to
proceed to New Orleans with the steamer, and
to run her between that city and Texas, for the
transportation of cattle. Ile is very indignant
at the detention, and charges it to the repro.
sentation of the Spanish Consul. The'Massa-•
chusetts remains in the custody of the U. S.
Marshal, awaiting action is the premises by
the U. S. District Attorney.
We have laces afflicted with some very cold
and unpleasant weather. All last wet*. was
ono of great severity of cold. Monday was
cold, Tuesday colder, bat Wednesday was ter
rible. In the 'morning a most curious phe
nomenon was seen on the East River. The
air was intensely cold, and as fierce and cutting
a wind was blowing as ever turned an aged
umbrella wrong side out. The river was cov
ered with what appeared to be steam. This
was blown along over the surface of the water,
not rising more than twenty-five or thirty feet.
Above this, the atmosphere was perfectly clear.
The water was much agitated, mud the whole
resembled some immense cauldron full of boil
ing water. The Ferry boats had much difficul.
ty in mnking•their regular trips. Several acci
dents were occasioned by the CO.i The Reven
ue Cutter, which was anchored off the Quaran
tine, at Staten Island, dragged the anchors in
consequence of the pressure of the ice, and
was forced some distance, and was with some
difficulty saved from lacing driven on to the
beach. A smack lying near, was completely
cut through by the ice, and sunk.
At nine o'clock in the morning, the mercury
stood at sixteen degrees below zero, in Broad
way. The air continued very keen and cutting
until noon, whets it began to snow, and contin
ued to do so till Saturday. On Thursday, bu
siness was pretty much suspended ; the wind
blew a perfect hurricane; here piling the snow
up into drifts of two and three feet deep, and
there leaving a patch of ground free from all
snow, but very slippery.
The City Railroads, and those which centre
here, were much troubled by the snow. At a
fire in Fulton street, on Sunday night, aline of
hose some 60 or 70 feet, had been stretched
from a hydrant around the corner, to the fire.
The night was very cold, and as fast as the
water leaked out, it froze, so that the hose grad
ually buried itself in the ice, and is now no
whose to be seen. Frozen up in the ice, and
then covered wills the snow.
As is usual, whenever we have a remarkable
cold spell, it is set down, by all the "weather
wise" set, to be the coldest for twenty years.—
Whoever knew any year to pass •without its be
ing "the most remarkable," either for heat or
cold, seen by that wonderful person, "the oldest
On Wednerday last, a concert came off at
the Stuyvesant Institute, for the benefit of the
Ragged Schools.
On the 1 ith inst., St. Valentine's day, a con
cert is to be given by the• Newsboys of this ci
ty. We think it will be a decidedly original
affair. We do not see, however, why they
might not make some fine choral music; at all
events, they have strong enough voices, al
though our associations connected with them
would not lead us to anticipate very melodious
Yours truly,
For the Huntingdon*Journal.
Mr. Tairrou:—Permit me to make a few
suggestions, as touching the Poor, which may
be in this borough and vicinity ; and ns the spir•
Runt agents of the great shepherd of us all, are
nourishing penitent believers with spiritual
fund, philanthropist should not be remiss'in
endeavoring to provide some way to ameliorate
suffering humanity which may be in and übout
this country., although Many may be the tmwor•
thy objects of Charity : but that is not our butt.
toss to judge at this time ; "Our heavenly Pu•
rent lettetb the sun rise upon the just and un•
just and to rain upon the righteous and wicl,
od. Would it not be proper to cal l a Public
meeting nt the Town Mil ns early ns couveni
ent, to devise ways and means, after de
liberation, upon the subject and appoint a
committee of Iwo or more, as may be necessary
to raise funds to be deposited at two or more
points, with faithful agents, and after ascertain
ing objects of charity by examination to be dis
tributed at stated times, to the needy, without
distinctic, to color, party or creed.
It might be the means, (throngh the inter
position) of Providence; to win many from the
error of their ways nod the prevention of crime
which the inclemency of the season, want ofla
bor, and high price of provisions mightinduee:
may the citizens act upon the principle of uni,
uharity and benevolence.
The Double Baby at Lancaster.
We stated a few days since, that a strange
case of malformation had occurred at Lances-
ter, in this State ; and promised a more funde
scription of the curious production which we •
hoped to gain at the hands of some of our
medical friends. As they, however, front some
cause or other, do not incline to do it, we have
put several of them under cross-examination,
and intend to embody in our own langurtio
what we have learned. Our friend Prof. N.T.
Marshall, of the Medical College of Ohio, and
perhaps others of the city, have seen the prodi
gy, which is, without doubt, ono of the most '
remarkable freaks of nature known to science,
or recorded in history. The February number
of the Western Lancet, published in this city,
will contain, as we are informed, a full scion
tine description - of the wonder.
From the lower extremity of the breast-bone
—where the junction of the two bodies takes
place—upwards, there are the upper parts of
.two perfect and well-developed infituts—two
heads, two pair of arms, two chests, two stom
achs, two hearts, two pair of lungs, and two
livers. From the same point downwards, the
blending or tho two systems into one becomes
snore and more intimate, until it seems almost
perfect and complete. The intestines and all
the lower organs are in common with coMmon
txrminii, and the legs made up of the right leg
of one and left of the of other, are a pair stand.
bog in the proper position relative to each other
and to the organs in their vicinity. In the
rear, however, the union is less perfect, there
being two well-developed spines, each tenable..
Ling in a separate aa cocuyis ; and what is pc-
culiarly strange, the two inner legs, dislocated
ht the hip joints, are .thrown backwards and
upwards, and joined together, are found pass
ing under the true skin of the back of the body
upon the right, the feet being extricated and
standing op heel to WA nearly in its face.
The child is a female, with apparently a per
feet sexual organisation. The bodies do not
exactly face each other but are more nearly face
to thee than side to side. One is apparently
somewhat more robust than the other, and it is
evident that in many of the characteristics of
their constitutions they are different. As ono
is capable or suffering, while the other is un
conscious of pain, it follows that their nervous
systems are several, from which it is, we sup.
pose, to be inferred that in Case they should
survive, each will possess a character and in
dividuality of its own.
This strange phenomenon is the off-spring of
respectable parents at Lancaster. Although
delicate, it is thought the chances are in favor
of its surviving. The case is inn the hands of
Dr. Boestler, one of the oldest physicians iti
the State, whose skill in its treatment is spoken
of in terms of high commendation.—eineinna.
1 fi. Commercial, Jan. 30.
Proscribing a Woman!
Mrs. Miller, (widow of Mahlon Miller, deed.,)
of Northampton township, Bucks county, who
has had charge of the Post Office since her
husband's death, was removed a few weeks
since, by the Jesuit Postmaster General, to the
astonishment and against the wishes of the
whole community. The reason alleged for this
proscription of a poor widow woman, is that
her son publicly advocated Know-Nothingism
Proscriptive Jesuitism dues not even spare a
woman, whose son has the manliness to avow
American sentiments! The removal of Mrs.
Miller caused great ciceitement in the commu
nity, and the outrage was denounced in un
measured terms by men of all parties. Place
a few more Jesuits like James Campbell in
power in this conntry, and there would soon be
"war to the knife" against all American Pro
testants. The work of decapitation is going
on rapidly, and in a short tone there will not
be a single American in take under the Sltlit
dynasty. All the Post Offices in the land will
be filled with Jesuit Spies!
The State Treasurer Arrested!
Our Reading exchanges inform us of an
amusing scene which occurred a lbw days since
while the railroad cars were stopping at Potts
town. It appeals that a short time since a
peruse who lodged there over night had carri
ed away with him a valuable gold watch, the
property of another. On the morning above
named, as the passenger train was passing
through the town, a person answering the des
cription of the culprit was discovered sitting
• in one of the cars, by that indefatigable officer
M. B. Missimer. Ile thereupon immediately
arrested him. The gentleman. remonstrated,
but in vain. Ile was taken to one of the he.
trio, where a search was about being institu
ted, when some one happening to drop in, re
cognized in the supposed thief our newly elm.
sea Slate Treadurer, Mr. Slifer! . It is needless
to say, that the officer was profuse in expiat'.
tions and apologies, which Mr. S. took in good
part, and consented to consider the arrest a
"good joke," although too practical and per
sonal to bear repetition.--Iforrisburg !Jerald.
EUTENANT GEN Elt A WIN rim,” Score.—
Wirshinylon Monday, Feb. 12, 1821.—Th,
passage of the joint msolation authorizing the
creation of the office of Lieutenant General,
as a special honor to Major General Scott, has
been the cause cf great rejoicing. Cul. Pres.
Con's house is crowded tonight by the friends
of the Commandmin Chief. Gen. Shields and
Judge Douglas both electioneered in the blouse
in favor of conferring the title. Upon ascet ,
taining the vote, Col. Preston drove to the
11'ar Department, where ho announced the in.
telligence to Scott. The General dropped his
head for n moment, and tears were seen trick
ling down his cheek. His reply was worthy of
his fame, and was precisely as follows:
"Let no man any, hereafter, that his country
is ungrateful to one who has served her faith.
r: Tribune.
to the annual report of the Auditor General,
the number of taxable inhabitants in Pounsyl•
mania is 358,236. Taking the ratio of 54 of
the population to every taxable, the aggregate
number of perious iu tlm State would thus be
3,070,298. This, if a correct estimate, shows
an astonishing increase in the last live years.
That it is nut ton high we are certain. Indeed,
we think that the ratio of six inhabitants to a
taxable would be more nearly correct, which
would give the State to total population of 3.,
319,116. By this latter retie the city of Phil
adelphia would have a population of 521,638
souls, while by the thriller it would be 478,186,
the tutal number of toxublcs in the city being
st i r In Logan county, Mr. :Markham
was .6.4 to chastise his son fur diJobedience,
when the young man seized un axe, and cut
his father's backbone in two, so that he died
in a few minutes, The parricidi was arms-
TED Sr.yrEs.—The Secretary of Wnr has trans•
mitred to Congress his anneal report, showing
the effective militia force of the United States,
as follows :
Infantry—Cue.imissioneil officers, 45,1022
Non•cmnmis'd nail pri's, 1,769,335
Cavalry—Commissioned officers, 910
Non-cointais'd nod pri's 12,339
Riflemen—Commpisioned officers 1,933
Nonicommis'd and pri's, 32,456
Aggrognte, 2,4 0 I 0; 6:1
Ordnance stores now in poseession of tho
Muskets, 225,103
Bayonets, 122,795
Ball cartridges 33,706
Carbines, • 736
Rifles, 05,602
1.....j3U balls, 1.10,010
Lbs. ride pow
der, .1,852
Swords, 21,99 d
Cavalry Swords 3,7130
Horseman's pis.
Ws, 20,510
SM. The steamship Asia has arrived at Hal.
;fax, bringing news from Europe one week la
ter. The resignation of Lord John Russell
has been followed by that of the entire British
Ministry, but flp to th o latest advieca, no new
Cabinet had been constructed. Lord Derby
had been invited to form one, but failed. Af
fairs in the Crimea remain as before, except
that supplies for the allies had arrived, and the
condition of the British troops were much im
proved. In the German Diet the proposition
of Prussia against the mobilization of the Ger
manic army had been carried, notwithstanding
'the opposition of Austria. The Prussian army
is to be placed on a war footing, but Prussia
refuses to permit a French army to march
throu„oh her territory. England has agreed to
loan Sardinia X 1,000,000. Tho French ffirce
to guard the Austrian frontier, is 80,000 men.
The Greek difficulty has been arranged. Mr.
Soule is reported as lying seriously ill.
Auditor General's Report we glean the follow.
ing facts relative to the "relief notes" which
still linger in circulation, to the pollution of our
now otherwise "clean currency:
Original amount issued, $2,24:1 015
Amuunt of old issues redemed, 2,195 079
Amount of old and re issues in eir
enlation, 498 059
At the close or the fiscal year, there was in
the sinking fund s2` 0,850, applicable to the
further cancellation of relief notes, and during
the month of December, that amount was can•
celled and destroyed, thus ;caving at this .ime
in actual circulation, $217,203.
BtEr Mr. A. 0. Ooodwin,fhe alien passenger
superintendent for the poet of Boston, has
made lain annual report - by which it appears
that there were landed ,at Boston during the
year past. 10:15 vessels, bringing 31,000 pas.
sengers. Of these, about 7000 were Ameri.
eancitizens ; 17,167 were from Ireland ; 5083
were front the British Provinces ; 2276 front
England ; 15:19 from Sweden; Rll from Ger
many; 787 from Scotland—chiefly Scotch girls
to be employed in- our factories; and lesser
numbers from nearly all other European mow
tries. The general condition ()NW Mimi•
graLts is said to be better than in any previous
year. There hence been sent to their respee
live countries, 239 paupers and destitute per
' so.. The whole amount received for column.
Wien fees, fines, was $50,314 47.
$^ The Bellrentaine Reinthlimn says lho
Hoosiers on the Wabash turn "ague shakes"
to some account. They climb into the tops of
a "shell bark" just ns the chill comes on, and
by the time the "personal earthquake" leaves
them there is not a hickory nut on the tree.
&man AT, February 17—P. M.
The Flour market is dull. The receipts and
stocks continue small. and standard brands are
freely offered nt per barrel, without
finding buyers. Small sales are making for
home consumption at $9a9,12.1 for common
and good brands.
Grain—The &nand for Wheat continues lim
ited at the decline noted yesterday. Sales of
1200 bus nt $2,12 per bushel for prima Yens•
Sylvania red, $2,15 for mixed and $2,21 for
white. 300 bushels itye brought $1,22. Corn
is in limited demand-1000 bushels yellow sold
nt 92 cents, in store, and 4000 bushels, to or
rive, sold at 94 cents. Oats are unchanged.
In Groceries but little doing and prices are
On Feb 12th By Rev. A. B. Still, in Bun.
tingdon Mr. DAVID T. AFRICA and Chas
MARY C. B. FLENNEII, both of Iluotingduo
county Pa.
r•-• ,
Of Conjestion of the brain, at Burnt Cabins
Fulton County, on Sunday, the •Ith inst. Mr.
JONATHAN KELLY, in the 30th year of hia
In Shirlersburg on the 12 inst. in her 48th
year. Mon. • NANCY BREWSTER, wife of
Henry Brewstr, Eitg.
Mail T. I Ex. T. lE. T. Ex. T..
Thin leaves P.M. P.M. P. 31. A.M.
Petersburg, 2.31 7.34 3.35
Huntingdon, 2.49 7.50 4.09
Mill Creek, 3.01 8.00 4.19
Mt. Union, 3.18 8.:4 4.33
Train leaves P.M P.M. A.M. A.M.
Mt. Union, 4.25 8.14 6.35 6,2 G
Mill Creok, 4.41 8.25 T. 05 6.39
Iluntingbon, 4.55 8.38 7,30 6.53
Petersburg, 5.11 8.49 8.03 7.06
nuTz - , HENHV a. co.
No. 29 North THIRD Street, PHILA.
and ttealers iu Rao and OAK SOLE LEATHER
and ICI PP.
Feb. 2llth 1855.—1 y.
rPEN very desirable lots of ground in Mount
I Union, opposite the Rail Road Warehouse ;
lowing therein a Brick House, Frame Shop,
Stably and Slaughter lloyse. Will be sold at
a bargain. Apply to
(SRO. W. STEER, Cassell!,
February 20th., 1855-3 t.
pain &.
And all Kinds of Legal Blanks,
Used by Magistrates & Others
Tripled at the JOCIINIL OFFICE.
For Young Mutt Going into Businev!! •
T ADIRS!!! CHILDREN!!! and Schools !! !
Yuu can now obtain, fur the first time in the
world, n practical Ilandwriting, adapted to busin
ess or correspondence, trith as mach certainty as a
child learns to walk; and without, trendy as well as
:rah, the aid a it master !!
. .
..... .
Maelmorm s Current° Calamo (Rapid Pen)
System pots this necessary art in the power of all,
without mistake! By 4 Series of NIANUEL
GYMNASTIC EXERCISE, entirely new in
their design, it takes the chain off the hand, arm
and tingers, 'nukes the hand perfectly at home on
taper, and combines the element of Ropidity. with
eauty of Execution. It begins a revolution in
the art of writing! Such as has never before ta
ken place, and will qualify thousands of young
men for good positions as bookkeepers, account
ants and copyists, who hare tailed to learn to
write well under every other system. It is equal
ly adapted to teaching a rapid and elegant ladies'
The Essential Course of this .Series consists
of Machourin's system of Manual Gymnastic
Exercises, in Five Numbers accompanied by a
Book of Instruction, six books in all, together
with six of the MaeLaurin Yens and a holder.
put up in one package, and sent to any part of
the United States by snail, with the postage
paid, at One Dollar.
The larger Course is the some as the prece
ding, augmented by the Series of Six Round
nod Fine•hand - Copy Books and a.Blank Exer
cise Bided Book, fur additional practice, ma
king thirteen books hall, with Pens and In
struction Book, at Two Dollars.
The hook, containing a foil Exposition of
the System. with Directions, will be sent sepa
rate Is any one ordering it and including a
post age .
stamp and twelve and a half cents
This will give a full knowledge °file illll.lllO
advantages of this System over all others, and
enable the buyer to proceed understandingly,
if not already aware of the nature of the plan ;
which is, the art of writing rapidly from the
first, and at the same time well—an net
never before taught either in the schools or by
writing masters.
ExTus.—l. Primary Book of Big Exerci
ses fur hand and arm, introductory tothe Course,
adapted to children from four years and up
ward, and useful to all. ISt cents.
2. Donk of Mammoth Capital Letters,
for extra (lyinnastie Exercise during the whole
course. lsl cents. These two books also in.
dispensable in schools.
Tenting., tti, respectfully iitfornted that Mae
',them A SySteril Or (;yintlastie exercises, being
complyte tiyinualtic Exercises,
designed to give the gryntesi possible connutold
of thy pc.. Published in six numbers, price
75 cents. •- .
MICIAIII . III,I routl.littil copy boas, in two
parts, price 25 rents; and Macl.aurini sei it, or
line-limol copy books in parts. price 50
cents (are now ready.) The above tw1.1.,0
noel:.; roo;iititte 11aCI.:1111 . 11Cs Complete Series.
Price *1 30 for the set.
lin• Children in Pamiiie, and Primary Schools,
lit cents each ; sent by 'nail in paelotges 016
12, or •21. (loot:whim the Big Fixer, n. on
still'bonnls, finr pen, petted or style. Just the
thing for amusing owl instructing the child at
the 001110 time ; combining the toy and the
(took ! !r
Tub!kiwi., 71 Chambers St., N,
Feb= ry 3 185 1,.
liirAv Ens ;
No. 3:13 Broadway, Kew Pale.
Music at Greatly Reduced Rates.
Nur wLT I ISTA NDI NG the romf.inaCon if
numb: dealers to keep up the prices of non
copyright music, against the interests of nailre
eninp,wwi, and their refusal to extend to Mr.
Waters the courtisies of the trade, ho is nut.
king hanicase sales—having abundant evi
dence, that he has public countenance and sup.
port, in his opposition to the Gauvr MO:MI.OI.Y,
and in his efforts to aid NATI.: TALENT, and
to adopt the NATIONAL CelifiliNcl". Ilis stock
of American and European music is immense,
:Ad the catalogue of his own plibileallollO 13
' one of the largest ana ben! selected in the tin.
ted States. lie has also monde aI i ac.vr Ite.
DITTION in the prices of PIANos, Mvimmona
and Ml'sleALl Nova:m.3.s of all hind, Na.
perior tune,! C.. 1 octave pianos for $175, $2OO
and $225, interior of as good quality, and in.
strutnents an ,trong and as ditrabfe no thoso
which cost $5OO. Pianos of every variety of
style and price up to $lOOO, comprising them
of TEN dilrerent manufactories: among thent
the celebrated modern inipmeed Holum: WA
rim's Pmxos and the first premium ..Eur.i.ig
PiAsos of T. 011.11ERT & Co's make, (owners
of the ;Coin: patent.) SnroxomAsti Puxos
at great bargains. Prices from $.lO to $150.-
1 Mci.onnoxs from FITE different manufactories,
inoluding the well known S. 1). & 11, W,
SMITH'S melodeons, (tuned the sheet tempera,
ment.) (heti& snake is the United Slates. Pri,
ces $.15 ' 560, $75, $lOO, $ll5 $125, $135, nll4
$l5O. Smiths Double Bank Melodeons, $2OO,
Ead Piano and Melodeon guaranteed. The
best terms to the trade, schools, kr.: 12i per
cent. discount to clergymen and churches. All
orders promptly attended to. Music sent to all
parts of the country, postpaid, at the reduced
rates. General and select catalogues and
schedule of prices of Pianos forwarded to any
address free of charge.
Eobruary 13, 1855.-3 m
Shade Gap, Huntingdon County, Pa.
rp HE next session of this well known Institn
tion will open the Ist Wednesday of May,
it is located at Shade Cap, 18 miles from tho
Mount Union Station, on the Pennsylvania Hail
110:01, from which place there is a daily line of
Being situated in the country, it is removed
from all the vices and temptations of town.
The buildings are largo, airy and commodious,
capable of necommodating some 50 hoarders,
those who cannot be accommodated in the lust!,
lotion, can obtain good boarding in rho neighbor
hood at about $1 50 per week.
per session of fire months pnyas
Lie quarterly in ittivance, washing, 30 cents per
dozen. Light and Fuel extra, for further pars
dealers, address
W. H. WOOD, Principal.
The Principals address will be Eaton Pa., on,
til the Ist of April, alter that time Shade Gap,
Huntingdon county, Pa.
To the ()tailors al the Huntingdon Citinbria
and Indiana Turnpike Road Co,
That the Court of Iluntingdon at the January
term, 1855, disected to be paid to the creditors
of the said road, two and ono fourth per cent,
on the amount of their claims, on which former
dividends have been declared ; which I will pay
on the presentation of their certificates of deposit
by themselves or their agents.
JOHN S. ISETT, Sequestrator.
Spruce Creek, February 2,1855-3 t.
[ulmropunty insert the above three
times and reciprocate]
Two tot,' of ground in Dmisville, with dwel
-1 ling house, u cabinct-maker's shop, and a
stable thereon crectod, being the: premises for
merly owned and occupied . John W. Mytou,
Immediate passeealon will be given.
Huntingdon, February ; 11355-4 t.
UM!) CliA/NS—A fine variety for sale, ea,
ry low, at 11,31,