e , f I l ug • out • t • .r • t • ~.::.t:~:~- • . BY WM. BREWSTER. TERMS : The "II exiteonon Joutteat." Is published at lie following rates t it paid In advance si,ao If paid within six months after the time of subscribing If paid at the end of the year 0,00 And two dollars and fifty cents if not paid till 'After the expiration of the year. No subscription will be taken for a less period than six months, and no paper will be discontinued, except at the option of the Editor, until all arrearages nre paid. Subscribers living in distant counties,or in other States, will be required to pity invariably in advance. or The shore terms will be rigidly adhered in all ADVERTISEMENTS Will be charged at the fallowing rat. i 1 insertion. 2 do. 8 do. Six liues or less, ft 25 $ 371 $ 50 One square, (IG lines,) 50 75 100 Two " (32 " ) 100 150 200 Three " (48 " ) 150 225 300 Business men advertising by the Quarter, half Year or Year, will be charged the following rates: :no. 6 mo. 12 :no. 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If subscribers femora to ether places without informing the publisher, and the newspapers are sent to the former direction, they are held responsible. 5. Persons who continue to receive or take the paper from the office, are to be considered xis sub scribers and as such, equally responsible fersubscrip lion, as if they had ordered their names entered upon the publishers books. 6. The Courts have also repeatedly decided that a Post Master who neglects to perform his duty 0/ giving reasonable notice as required by the regula lions of the Post Office Department, of the neg lect of a person to lake from the office, newspapers addressed to him, renders the Post illitster liable to the publisher for the subscription price. rife" POtiTSIASTERS are required by inw to notify publishers by letter when their publi cations are refused or not called for by persons to whom they are sent, and to give the reason •of such refusal, if known. It is also their duty to frank ull such letters. We will thank post masters to keep us posted up in relation to this matter. Original Vottrß. or the Jour To a Brother. Say not so carelessly, dear brother mine, That to thy stay on earth the end is set; Too closely linked are other lives with thine— God knows! dear one. I cannot spare thee yet. And over, when reminding me of thee, The star of love dlllllO,l brightly forth at even, My heart's deep prayer arises ibrveittly— " May it bo late ere thou return to Heaven." Late, in a life that would he lone without thee, Lute, in a day who. morning )et it bright ; Not while the hopes that love lion wreathed about thee, Shed on my heart so rich and pure a light. E'en though the kindred angels wait fur thee, And hope to see thy earthly fetters rivet• Dearest, as thou art all the world to me, " May it be late ere thou return to Heaven." But when I reach that better world afar, Which shall redeem the cad mistake of this, Where, if thou Wert not, I should miss the Mar That gave to earth all it contained of bliss— When in thy early and celestial home, whence to us the spirit lire was given, The ono who loves thee waits for thee to come, Dearest one, mayest thou then return to Hen• Huutingclun. abucatinal. By J. A. Han Huntingdon County Teachers' Institute. FRIDAY` EVENING-..CONTINUED 'Mr. McDivitt responded to the call of the Institute in a most eloquent and im pressive validictory address which was listened to with deep emotion. After a beautiful introduction, he traced rapidly the rise and progress of the Huntingdon County Teachers' Institute, and portray edin glowing terms, its present proud po sition. lie said it was no longer an imag inary thing, shiouded in mystery and im perilled by doubts, but stood forth a thing of life,, firmly planted on the rock of en lightened resolution, and known and res pected by the wise and good. His ap peal to the Old Guard," those who stood by the Institute in its darkest hour, was truly felicitous. Ile hoped we might ever stand firm as the guard of Napoleon. We had a more formidable enemy to confront than the serried ranks and frowning col umns which crushed the mighty Corsica ,sti ills plains of Waterloo. We had to 1 SEE NO STAR ABOVE TILE HORIZON, PROMISING LIGHT TO GUIDE US, BUT THE INTELLIGENT, PATRIOTIC, UNITED WHIG PARTY OP THE UNITED STATES."..-[WEBSTES. contend with Ignorance, n• tyrant who holds thousands of our fallen race in a thral dom more vile than Egyptian bondage, more invincible than Europe's veteran le gions. Ile glanced at the importance of our mission, and the dignity of our calling, and exhorted us to keep our armor always bright and acquit ourselves like men. In speaking of the influence for weal or woe, in time and eternity, which the teacher's character and conduct exerts on his pupils, he made a solemn appeal to parents, pointing out :heir responsibilities, and warning them to be careful how they entrust the polishing of these priceless jewels, the immortal minds of their chil dren, to unworthy or unskilful hands • In concluding, he hoped we might live to enjoy many happy reunions like the present, but should this prove to any of us the last meeting on earth, he trusted that amid fairer scenes and holier associations we might all meet and mingle once again. A copy of the address was requested fur publication, but as Mr. M. spoke with out notes or previous preparation, it could not be procured ; and this brief and very imperfect synopsis, by a member of the Institute, gives but a poor idea of its ex cellence. A motion to adjourn—subject to the call of the board of Managers, was now made. Before putting the question the President returned thanks for the honor the Institute hod conferred upon him by selecting him to preside over its deliberations. He con gratulated the members an the union and harmony that had characterized their meet ing, and trusted the .same feelings might ever prevail He spoke of the interest and profit of the discuisions, said he, had learned many things he had never thought of, and felt as if he would like now to take a school and teach. Ile hoped and believed that all felt benefited and stiinu hued to a further performance of duty. and that all would ever keep in mind the high and noble objects for which they were associated. He signified his inten tion of holding a number of Teachers' Meetings in different parts of the county du•ting the spring and staniner. On 'notion of Mr. Hall a vote of thanks was •tendered to the President and Mr. McDivitt for their addresses, and the In stitute adjourned. J. S. BARR, President. R. AlcDiviTT, Secretary. Educational Department!. The following county papers have now a portion of their columns expressly and regularly devoted to the subject of educa tion, under the above head. They, and all similarly liberal rapers, should be writ ten for and supported by Teachers : NAME. WHERE PrINTED. ED. EDITOR. Commonwealth, Was hington, A. M. Cow Review, . D. Lowery. Mar of the North, Bloomsburg, f 3. Weaver. Journal, fluotingdon,J, K.'AlcDivitt, Globe, Citizen, Sinetliport, C. H. Allen, Spir. oft/se .ige, :Meadville, S. S. Sears Crain , Deni,,crae, Bellefonte, W. Brown, School Journal, It is hoped this list will be rapidly es• tended until it embraces every county in the State. There will be no lack of fiber. ality on the part of editors in furnishing space in their columns for educational matter. Teachers will hardly be slow to improve the means thus placed within their reach for spreading information on a subject of such vast moment to the public, and such special interest to themselves. Ent'. En. By the following paragraph it will be seen that the proceedings of our county Institute, as prepared for the county pa pers, are too lengthy for publication in the School Journal. This I regret, knowing that many members of the Institute have a just pride in wishing to see our "doings and sayings" recorded side by side with those of other associations that have at tained a prominent position in the great work of reform, and found utterance in the STATE EDUCATIONAL OROAN. But it could hardly be otherwise. The proceed ings as given in our county papers, are condensed to one third of Mr. McDivitt's phonographic report, and they would have required a further condensation of three fourth': to make them admissible in the School Journal. Such brevity would have greatly lessened their value to the large number of our teachers, who unfor tunately, were not present to take part in them. As neither I nor my colleague of the Globe had time to prepare two sets of these proceedings, we deemed it our duty to make such a report as would be most useful to others though perhaps somewhat less complimentary to the Institute and ourselves. By this course we will secure a place in the School Journal for. some of the excellent Essays rend before the /n -r. or. Ea. HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1855. Huntingdon County. The teachers of this spirited county held an Institute in Huntingdon, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, the 21st, 22d and 23d of December, 1854. The proceedings are now in course of publication in the Ed ucational Departments of the " JOURNAL" and 'Crlobe." They are too long for our col umns, but none too long for the teachers of the county. In fact, they are just such a report of the proceedings of such an Insti- tute as is calculated to do the most good : not a mere minute of meetings, and ad journineats, and appointing of committees, but a full review of what was dune and said. We hope every teacher in the county will read them and support the local papers which giro them publication. — . School Jcurnul. Mr The readers of the School Journal . will observe thut Mr. Wickersham of Lan caster intends to open a Normal Institute for three months in April, May and June. The new Academy building at :Millersville has been granted free of charge for that purpose and arrangements are being made to board teachers at 82 a week. It may gratify the young teachers of this, and ad joining counties, and young persons wish ing to become teachers to learn that a sim ilar Institute will be held in Huntingdon during the coming summer. Pull partic ulars will be given in printed circulars in the course of a week or two. En. Visallancous. Scene with a Woman in a Passion. "Let me come to morrow, lime," said I, sittting down beside her on the soft. "Remain where you are." "You do forgive me?" I asked, taking her by the hand. The reply was a box on the ears, given with such force as to bring the mars into my eyes. I sat silent under this gentle rebuke, and after some time she spoke, in sharp, short sentences, accompinied by vicious kicks aimed at her poor dog, who bore them liko a spaniel, licking his mouth whenever he caught it there, and gently wagging his tail when some mem ber suffered. "Now, I suppose I'm to couress—to ac knowledge my weakness and stupidity— I must promise—l must beg—and you, meanwhile, will laugh at •my imbecili ty. 1I . "Dearest Kate, don't tulk in this man ner, I only wish you to explain—" ..No of course not, you only wish me to explain, to account for my actions and feelings, and finally promise to make ev erything give way to you. But then you have a perfert right to make demands.— lam your slave and must have no will of my own." •Upon my word, Kate, I can't talk to you while you are in a strange temper." —.To be sure not ; a man who attempts suicide, because a poor girl does not wish to be dragged into an insane mar riage, has just cause to complain of the bad humor of other people; that is per fectly fair, and quite like the men." I could not reply, so I picked up the dog, who had been turned completely over by the last coup de pie and amused myself with fondling him. I could see that she did not know how to support the silence that ensued, and waited anxiously till some remark of mine would give her an other opportunity at having a shot at me; but I kept silence. "Put that dirty beast down," said she at length. ..Down !" But as it did not move, she seized it by the back of the necl and threw it into the passage, determinded that dothing should supply the place of her conversation.. "Have you nothing to say sir," 'came out at last. "I'm affraid of you, kate," said I gen tly taking her hand, which, after a slight effort to realise, she allowed to remain in mine, "I never saw you like this before ; I thought you the most amiable of your sex. "Then now, you see I am not." "Well, we're none of us perfect angels, and without some slight leaven or malice, you would be much too good for this sin• ful world." • ~ V ery fine, indeed, and quite original. Go on," „ I will, if you'll yomise not to box my ears.” She bit her lip, but made ncr reply, and I proceed : am hopelessly in love with you, Kato; will you, can you, so far overcome your .repugnance as to marry me !" "I've no choice; I must either do that or have your death laid at my door. It would be Fr, shocking for a clergyman, a teacher of mankind, one of the lights of the world, to drown himself, because a poor, low-bred girl would not marry him." "There is no fear of my renewing the attempt, Kate; if you really object to our un ion, say so. Ido not wish to sacrifice you to my unfortunate passion." "What generous creatures men are! I tun so foolish as to compromise my rep utation by permitting you to remain in my house, and now you wish to retract your offer of marriaga." "Confound it,' Kate, this is past endu rance. Had I known your temper earli er, the offer lould never have been. :uncle," "You wore tochPrudent, you see, to wait. I think I had kndwn you six hours when you first offered me marriage." "I was a great fool, and I am not much wiser at the present time, in rushing with open eyes into certain misery ; but you have my promise, and that must hind me." Oh ! you have never promised in writing, nor before witness, so that you are quite free to inert me." Madam. my pionnse is sacred, howev er unwisely, or unfortunately, it has been given; it rusts with you." The reader malt not take my words as a correct index of my feelings, though, I think, /played in'y part to admiration, exibiting every appearance of regret and displeasure. I 119 quite charmed with the piquancy of her ill temper. To my view she exibited herself in a new, but equally charming light; even her frown appeared strikingly handsome, and her curled lip was quite enchanting. I was even mad enough to fancy that such fracas as these would be quite delightful after marriage, when I should no longer fear her loss; that it would be plesaent to suffer ill-treatment at the hands of this sweet girl, until my suffering should make her ashamed of cruelty, and she would renew her love with increased demonstra tions of tenderness. I had not then learnt that while the quarrels of lovers are the renewel of love, the quarrels of matritno• ny are the cradle of disgust. Kate, how ever, was now plainly alarmed, and her tone was altered to the most dulcet soft ness, when she answered. . / should accept you if I thought I could make you happy." I was not generous enough to forgive her yet, and replied with frigid polite ness : " Favor me with your determination to m grow. / shall not trespass further upon your hospitality to night," taking up my hot as if about to depart. "Don't go, Charley." Thero was no resisting this appeal Charles Random. "Let pie Sleep." 'Let me sleep,' said my companion half- pettishly turning :From my couch. 'Let me sleep.' The words haunted me for hoursafterwards. How often has the wish been breathed in this weary worltl—'oh, let me sleep.' The man whose conscience lashes him for misdeeds•--evils committed and nue panted of nties, as he drops his head into his thorny pillow—get me sleep. With sleep comes oblivion.' The mourner who has seen some bright and beautiful one fade Irons his embrace, like a summer flower, nipped by a too early frost, bows his head above the pallid face of the pros trate form below him, and sighs in the ag ony of his soul---'Let me sleep ! sleep with the loved one whose smile shall never welcome my foot steps more.' 'Let me sleep,' says tho traveller, who, foot sore and weary has toiled long in the world, and seen hopes purists unfulfilled, joys wither ere they are tasted, friendship which he thought enduring, changing hue like chameleons and rainbow promises, fa ding and melting into colorless let me sleep, fbr I am weary.' The rosy-checked child, the bright•eyed maiden, the thoughtful matron, those for whom life put on its fine aspect, its most endearing smiles, all have periods, in which they long for sleep, for the oblivi• on of all care, hours in which the waters of Leslie may flow darkly and deeply over them. There cometh n sleep unto all—a sleep deep, hushed and breathless. The roar of cannon, the deep toned thunderbolt, the shock of an earthquake, the rush of ten thousand armies cannot break up the still repose. With mute lips and folded arms. one after another, the ephemera of earth sinks down into darkness and nothingness. No intruding footstep shall jar upon their rest, no disturbing touch shall wring from them the exclamation. 'Let me sleep.' proem to do rod, though the world laugh at you• A Good Story. 'Two chaps came in contact at one of our restaurants some time since, and were regaling over a *gong 'nine," when the mud and bad roads became the topic of their conversation. One observed that several coal teams had been stuck in the mud, axle-tree deep, and that he saw twenty' yoke of oxen straining every nerve, but without effect. The other, no doubt thinking that a tough yarn re plied, " That when he was coming to the city he saw a man sitting on a fence' cracking his whip and bellowing at a furious rate, Ile approached him and enquired what was wrong ?" "Oh, nothing much," replied the team ster, only (pointing to the road) I have a wagon and four yoke of oxen somewhere in the mud, and the plaguey brutes won't pull a bit 1" At this moment an old Hoosier entered who heard only the winding up part of the story, drew up a chair and commen ced a yarn about what he had seen. Says he, "Friend, were you ever on the American bottoms 1 Icrossed there once, and on wading through the mud, which, as a matter of course, was not the best walk ing, I kicked out a hat, when a voice which said, “Quit.that, old fellow," saluted my ears. H..croking around and seeing nothing, I concluded to give it another kick. which I did, when the same voice was heard ex claim, "Stop you're kicking my hat !" "I then discovered that a man was stic king in the mud, and observed, "Old fellow, you'd better be getting out of that befor night, or you will be sure to freeze to death ;" he hallowed out, don't care a darn—l've a good mule under me." God of My Mother, The Rev. Cherles Morgan, of East Troy, Wis., in giving an account of a re ligious revival in that place, says : An in fidel of talent and respectability, under the p"ower of the truth,bowed upon and cried in agony, "God of my mother, have mercy upon me." His mother is a devoted Christian, in the State of New York.— .. God of my mother I" How much is re vealed in that exclamation—how conclu. elusively it proves, that this man had a mother whose faithfulness left its impres sion on his soul too deep to be obliterated by time and sin. The eminent Saint Au gustine has left an instructive record of his early training, his subsequent wander ings, and his final restoration,showing the Importance of early religious impressions. St. Augustine's mother was in deep afflic tion for his youthful errors : Is her sor row, she consulted the archbishop of Milan —and his reply shall never be forgotten. " Fear not, my daughter, " said the ven enable Ambrose, "it is impossible that the child of such tears should perish." 'I his child, wanderer tho' he had been, lived to become a most distinguished object and champion of the converting graces of God, a disciple of the school of the converted St. Paul, no less remarkable than was St. Chrysostoin of the school of the beloved disciple. Mothers, bear these things in mind. Making Bread, The Rhode Island society for the. Pro motion of Industry gave the first premium on bread to Mrs. Hiram Hill, of Providence The following is Mrs. Hill's receipt for making bread exhibited by her. For two loaves of the ordinary size take two potatoes, pare them, slice them very thin, and boil quick, until quite soft, then mash to a fine pulp, and add little by lit tle, two quarts of boiling water, stirring until a starch is formed ; let this cool, and then add one-third of a cup of yeast. This forms the "sponge," which should remain in a moderately warm place for ten or twelve hours, or "over night," until it is light and frothy, oven if a little sour it is of no consequence. When the "sponge" . is ready, add flour, and work it until you have a stiff, firm mass. The longer and more firmly this is kneaded the better the bread. Let the kneaded mass remain say from half to three quarters of an hour to rise, then divide into pans, where it should re main say fifteen minutes, care being taken that it does not rise tbo much and crack, then put the loaves into a quick oven and bake, say three-quarters of an hour. If the oven is not hot enough the bread will rise and crack, if too hot the surface will harden too rapidly and confirm the loaf. IMlrSufroring for which we obtain no sympathy—When wo are ,iifiering itn per- Lime-water in Bread. In bread making, the vinous fermenta tionsometimes Passes into the acid, thus rendering the bread sour and disagreeable. Liebig has lately performed a series of ex• periments to improve the preparation of bread, from which he comes to the con clusion, that the only effective and innoc uous means of improving the qualities of wheat and rye bread, is lime water. In making dough he advises one pint of clear limo water to be used for every five pounds of flour. The lime water is first added to the flour, after which a sufficient quantity of common water is added to work the whole into good common dough—the lea ven being mixed with water. The lime water prevents the bread becoming sour and is a healthy ingredient. Lime water can be prepared by stirring some quick lime in a vessel containing pure cold Wa ter, then allowing the sediment to settle. The clear is then to be poured off, and kept in bottles fur use. No care is requi red respecting the quantity of lime to be stirred in the water, as the water will on ly take up a certain quantity of lime, and no more. Those who use salaratus (bi carbonate of Soda) in the raising of bread, are recommended to cease its use, and em ploy pure baker's yeast and a little lime water. Our bones are composed of the phosphate of lime, and those • who use fine flour require for their health a little more lime than is contained in their food. Cream of tartar and carbonate of soda are far inferior to common yeast for making healthy bread. The Money Wasted in War. " Give me," says Stebbins, "the money that has been spent in War, and L will pur chase every foot of land on the globe.— I will clothe every man, woman undchild, in an attire that kings and queens may be proud of. I will build a schoolhouse upon every hill side, and every valley of the habitable earth. I will supply that school house with a competent teacher ; I will build an academy in every town, tukti en dow it ; a college in every State, and fill it with proffessors ; I will crown cyery hill with a church consecrated .to the promul gation of the gospel of peace ; I will sup port itt its pulpit an able teacher of right eousness, so that on every Sabbath trim. ing, the chime on one hill shall answer to the chime on another around the earth's circumference ; and the voice of prayer, and the song of praise, shall ascend like the smoke of a universal holacaust to heft. wen." ' c tijmnottr. THE DONSTICK LETTERS-CONTINUED. icznsT COMPLETE COLLECTION. Original Views of Men and Things. IMMO ROTS ASPECTS OF AMERICAN LWEi lII—DOESTICRS ON CROTON WATER. Nv.w YORK, July 29, 1854. Seven Hundred and One, Narrow st. S Only once in my life have I been drunk. It was a youthful inebriation, caused by partaking to freely of cider made front ap ples with worms in it. At present lam sober. Whether, for the last four and twenty hours, I have been so, is the point requiring elucidation. If, during that pe riod, I have been intoxicated, thou the time htis arrived when any person, who wishes to have a regular "drunk," heed only apply to the nearest hydrant. Here tofore I have supposed water to be a bev erage, innocent and harmless; but now—, well, no matter—l trill not anticipate.— Listen, while I relate a g•plain, unvarnish ed tale." I left my boarding house, in company with a friend, intending to visit the Shalt. sperian revival at Burton's—the “Midsum mer Night's Dream." Before leaving the hotel, at his suggystion, we partook of a potable, known, I think, as punch—Wil -1 key punch. I watched attentively the pre paration of this agreeable beverage, and I am certain that there entered into its cons position ,R certain amount of water—Cro. ton water, as I have reason to believe; and I ant also sure that, in that treacher. sus draught, I imbibed the first installment of that villnnous liquid which produced the diabolical state of facts -I am about to describe; and also that the second and third of those ingenious inventions (both of which we drank on the spot) were as juilty, in this respect, as their "illustrious predecessors." And I further conscien• tiously state, that my glass of brandy (one of which we ordered soon afterwards) and which, according to my invariably custom, should have been ""straight," was also surreptitiously diluted with the same del. ectable Acid, by the malicious barkeeper; for I remember experiencing a slight con fusion on going out, and mistaking a top. ail ; :clionn, for thy Ornid,,,y Theater. VOL. 20. NO. d. We immediately entered another saloon to procure the wherewith to steady our nerves, when we partook of two gin cock tails and a brandy smash individually; and I state; according to the best of my knowl edge and belief, that our principal ingre- dient in each and every one of these corn. pounds was water—Croton water—culpa. bly introduced therein by some evil dispo sed persons, without my knowledge nr consent. On leaving the saloon, I noti ced that my friend, although a single man, had, by some mysterious process of multi. plication, become two. I kept fast hold of both, and, after doubling, with a greet deal of difficulty, a great number`and riety of corners, we reached Burton's.-- Tickets being mysteriously procured, we entered, and eventually obtained seats.... Finding, after prolonged trial, that it was impracticable to put my hat in my vest pocket, I placed it on the Door, and put both feet in it. The theater generally seemed to be somewhat mixed up. The parquette, gallery, and dress-circle were all ozre ; and the stage was whirling at a rate which must hero been extremely in convenient to the revolving actor. At length, after a liberal allowance of overture, the curtain went up, and I was enabled, by the most unremitting atten• tion. to concentrate the actors sufilcientl:, to understand the performance. And ma ny things which I hitherto deemed incor rect, were presented to my wondering vi sion. then and there. qiippolyta" wan dressed in knee breeches and brogans, and 'Titania" did not, to me, present a very teary like appearance, in a fireman's shirt, and a three-cocked hot. "Chorea" With not so objectionable, (being a gentleman,) in a talma' and plaid pantaloons, though even heonight have blacked his boots, and omitted the spurs. And I fear I did not properly appreciate the rest of the fairies, who had their heads decorated with sun flowers, and their hands full of onions. At last, the entertainment was conclu ded ; and I remember consulting my du plicate friend, as to the feasibility of a re turn to Brooklyn, to our boarding In ese. On our journey thither, we witnesses; lita ny strange things, about which I desire information. In the first place, is it the custom, as a general thing, for the City Hall and Bartium's Museum, to inclAlgo in an animated contra dance, up and down Broadway, in the middle of the night, ac companied, in their fantastic movements, by the upper story of Stewart's, and thu Bible Society's Building ? for they certain ly did, on that eventful evening, and I feel called upon to enter my solemn protest against those nocturnal architectural sana tory exhibitions; as unworthy the dignity of the Empire City. And I would, wait all humility, suggest, that, if the stony goddess of Justice, whose appropriate place is on the City Hall, will desert he r responsible post, she Might choose a mare becoming amusement than sitting cross legged, on the top of a Houston st. stage, playing the jewsharp. I am now convinced that ilia Bowling Green fountain is not permanently located on the top of Trinity Church cross; but that it was, on that metnorable night, my wondering eyes bore ample testimony. I am sufficiently well acquainted with thg City to know that the Astor House should bo found on the corner of Barclay st., but lam ready to take my oath, that, on that particular occasion, it plied, as an opposi tion ferry-boat, between Whitehall at. and Hamilton ay. 'lle last thing distinctly recolleot is, trying to pry the faro for three, on this novel craft, with a single piece of money (which I now know to have been a Bungtown copper,) and de manding two and six pence change, which I didn't get. In the morning I found myself in bed, with my overcoat on, and afterwards clis, covered my boots under the pillow--my hat in the grate, with my pantaloons and hair•brush in it--my watch in the water jug, and my latchkey in the bird cage. I premium I had tried to write a letter t. , tome one with my tooth brush, as I. found that article in my inkstand. Row, if Croton water interferes with my susceptible system, in this unaccoun • table manner, what shall I drink ? I would resort to milk, but I fear our City-edition of the lacteal contains so flicknt of the aqueous enemy to agiiin upset my too del. icate nerves, To you only can I come ; and I exclaim, like •Calsar, when he, to,, was afflicted with euporfluity of water: "Help me, Cassius, or I sink!" I sui;• mit the case to you. Reltev'e my anxiety. if within your power. fl ugelyoars, Q. K. PHILANDER DOESTIEAS, P. B. P. S. What would be this effect ,f brandy and water without any water, at, a little lemon 9. K. P. D., P.