-- Nantingbon /lottrnal. )II leuGiy : • -- *Nc°4-Xi„114,1...k,,= N Wednesday Mornu►g, Feb. 14,1855. iYILLRAII BIEWSTEIt, Editor. The ' , JOURNAL' , has 300 Subscri bers more, than any other paper in this county. Agents for the Journal. The following persons we have appointed Agents for the HUNTINGDON Jousts., who are author ised to receive and receipt for money paid on sub scription, anal to take the names of uew subseri hem at our published prices. . . We do this for the Convenience of our subscri• hers living at a distance front Huntingdon. Jelin W. Tutostrsox, Esq., Hollidaysburg, SAMUEL COEN, East Barren, Mon.. W. CORNELIUS, Cromwell township. !Ismer HunsoN ' Clay township. DAVID ETN/RE,Cromwell township. Dr. J. I'. Asncom, Penn township, .1. WARERAM MATTERN ' Franklin township, SAMUEL STEFFET, Jackson township, Ronan Minn.'s, 66 66 Col. JED. C. WATSON, Brady township, M°11...T. SPringtloloolVllSbip, Il WM. UTCHINSON,Esq., Warriors,nurk tp., JAMES McDoratn, Brady township, Gaon. W. WHITTAKER, Petersburg, HENRY Nerr, West Barren. Jens BALanscu, Waterstreet, Maj. CHARLES Mica., Tod township, A. M. IlLstn, Dublin township, GEORGE WILSON, Eaq., Tell township, JAMES CLARK, Birmingham. NATHANIEL. LTTLE, Esq., Spruce Creek. Moj. W. Moons, Alexandria. B. F. WALLACE, Union Furnace. SIMEON WRIGIIT, Esq., Union township. DAVID CLARKSON ' ' Esq. Cass township. ty SAMUEL Wirost,Esq., Franklin township. DAVID PAuxan, Esq., Warriorsmark. DAVID AURANDT, Eaq., Todd township. WANTED, A few loads of WOOD at the Journal Office. Cr No attention paid to Letters unless post-paid, nor to Communi cations unaccompanied with the author's name. ge"We are obliged to A. W. Bene dict Esq., for a report of the Public Works of Pennsylvania. Mir 'rho Legislature of Illinois, on the Bth inst , elccted Syman Trumbull, U. S. Senator fo: six years from the 4th of March next, in place of Gen. Shields. lear According; to contract we are en titled to 8 copies of tho 4 . Whole World," for one year, but instead thereof we have only received one paper, please stick to your contract. • MILNWOOD ACADEMY.—Prof. W. Wood, of Easton, Pa., has taken charge of that well known Academy, under whose auspices that institution will live and flourish. See advertisement in another column, 'Some time since we received a copy of the "New York Pick," wishing us to give it a notice, for which they pro mised to send the paper to us for one year. We received two or three papers, after the notice and then it disappeared. If you will pay us for the notice we can do very well without the paper. Mr What has become of the " New York Tribune," one of our valuable ex changes ? It has not made its appearance for some time, we regret this and hope its atnple, well filled pages Will again greet our table. One of your valuably An.. , nacs would be an acceptable accompaniment,. Superintendent of Public Printing. ___ We observe that the nomination by Governor Pollock of our worthy friend Col A. K. 31cCi.vne, of the Chambersburg Whig, was unanimously confirmed by the Senate, on last Wednesday. This is a selection that will give gener al satisfaction. His well deserved reputa tion for honesty and integrity, furnish a sure guarantee that the duties of the office will be faithfully discharged, and the Com inonwealth protected. mr. Mr. Snyder of Lewistown, Pa., has, we are informed, purchased the ma terial of the Standing-Stone" office, a paper recently published in this place, with the intention of publishing in Altoo na, a neutral paper. Judging from the slight acquaintance we have had with him, as well as from the opinion of sundry persons who have a good opportunity of knowing, we are inclined to believe that they will be well sustained in their arduous enterprise. May it be so . Something Newt Prof. MacLaurin, is said to be an old and well-known teacher of penmanship in the city of New York, and has invented and brought to perfection a system by which every person, young or old, may in a few hours practice, learn to write a free, bold, beautiful and rapid hand-wri ting—rapid it is said beyond belief. It is said, a writing book of the teegest size commonly used in schools, was written through from beginning to end, in a per fectly uniform and beautiful hand, like copper-plate engraving, in two hours, by a little girl ten years old, after a brief course of instruction. It is a 'miracle of science and art. For further particulars see advertise• ment in another column. Iter Maryland has the heaviest debt, in pro. portion to popuiatiou, of any State in the U. neon. It exceeds fifteen millions to a popula• tion of five hundred and ei,lhty•twn thousand. !!po , l And rrf, Interesting and Important Move, We would call the attention of our rea• ders to the advertisement of Hoe Ace We ll-as, Music Publisher and Dealer, of No. 333 f3roadway, to be found in another col umn of our paper. It will be seen that the advertiser has made a great reduction in the prices of music and all kinds of music merchandise, and thereby brought upon himself the opposition of the trade, who have met in convention, and combi ned to keep up the old rates. The objects had in view by Mr. WATERS are definite ly stated in his advertisement, and it is needless for us to state that he is entitled to, and will obtain the warmest sympathy and support. of the American public. His pianos are the mast celebrated in the Uni ted States, and comprise an assortment from ten different manufactories ; and he sells superior-toned pianos as low as $175. His music establishment is one of the lar gest and best stocked in the Union ; and, for pianos, melodeons, music, musical in struments, and music merchandise of all kinds, no better supplies, or at so reasona ble rates, can be procured, than by calling upon, or forwarding orders to him. ARRIVAL OF THE ATLANTIC. Later from Europe. Abstract of Foreign News. The Steamship Atlantic reached New York on Friday, the 9th inst., from Liverpool, bring ing news front Europe ono week later. The Queen of Sardinia is dead. Lord John Rus sell has resigned his post as leader of the min isterial party in the House of Comm., and the opinion seemed to prevail that the minis try must go out. Affairs before Sevastopol are unchanged. The British arniy is in a wretch. ed condition trom mismanagement. The Swe dish army is immediately to be placed on a war footing. Numerous failures are reported in Liverpool, but the amounts were exaggerated. Accounts from nations parts of Spain indicate an approaching Carlist insurrecion. Chinese advices to December twelfth, report that polit ical affairs in the south of China are more crit ical than ever. Trade was completely suspen ded, and the Canton authorities have officially applied to the American and English Consols for assistance. Considerable reinforcements were reaching the allied armies in the Crimea. Sickness was increasing in the camp. I The Russian G eneral Liprandi hasagniaad vaneed his outposts to the Tchernaya. A RI. sian army of 40,000 men, with a battery of 80 guns is said to be at the Isthmus of Perekop. At Sevastopol the French had mined the flag stall battery, and only waited a litvorable op. portunity to blow it up. The Russians have repaired and reoccupied the Quarantine fort.— Arab deserters report that the Turkish troops were treated with very little consideration by the allies. A despatch from St. Petersburg announces that the garrison of Sev ustopol made two successful night sorties on the 13th and 15th, killing a considerable number of men, and taking fourteen prisoners. The large • Russian force mustering at Perekop, is said to be for an attack on Eupatorta. Presidential Aspirants. We have from time to time, noticed the names of new candidates which are daily springing up for the honor of serving the peo. pie in the Presidency of the United States, and had intended to continue to refer our readers to the new names as they reached us. We find, however, in the New York Herald of a re. cent date, the following list of names and clam , sifications, which we present to our readers as it collies to us. The list is growing into most magnificent proportions, and we hope to be able to continue at an early day. LIST OF CANDIDATES. FOR THE KNOW NOTHING NOMINATION. Millard Fillmore, N. York, Silver Gray Whig. John M. Clayton, Del., Know Nothing Whig. Gen. Sam Houston, Texas, Know Nothing Dem. George Low, New York, Know Nothing Dent. It. F. Stockton, N. Jersey, Know Ncthing Dem. Garrett Davis, Kentucky, Know Nothing Whig. Jacob Broom, Penna., Know Nothing Dem. Wenneth Rayner, N. C., Know Nothing Whig. And a host of others. POE THE BALTIMORE DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION. Cabinet Candidates. Franklin Pierce, N. 11., Spoils Coalitionists. W. L. Marcy, New York, Anything for the Spoils Jeff. Davis, Mississippi, Secessionist. Caleb CushingMass., Filibuster. Kitchen Ca'binet and Ostend Candidates. James Buchanan, Pa., War policy Democrat. Outside Democratic Candidates. Lewis Cuss, Michigan, National Democrat. Stepen A. Douglass, 111., High Pressure Dem. Thomas J. Husk, Texas, National Democrat. Con. J. E. Wool, N. Y., National Democrat. It. M. T. Hunter, Va., High Pressure Dem. Henry A. Wise, Virginia, Administration Dem, A - nd Others. FOR TUE CHANCES OE A BALTIMORE WHIG CON. Millard Fillmore, N. Y., National Whig. John J. Crittenden, liy., National Whig. John Bell, Tennessee. National Whig. Edward Everett, Mess., Free Soil Whig. Wm. C. Hives, Virpnitt,Censervative Whig And othero. FOR THE NOMINATION OE THE NORTHERN ANTI. Thos. H. Benton, Mo., Independent Outsider. Wm. IL Seward, N. Y., Leader of the Coalition. S. P. Chase, Ohio, Free Soil Democrat. John P. Dole, ➢lass., Free Soil Democrat. J. R. Giddings. Ohio, Whig Abolitionist. LIUERTY PARTY-FREE COLORED, AND WOMEN, Gerrit Smith, New York, General Reformer. Fred. Douglass, N. Y., Black Republican. W. L. Garrison, Blass., Red Republican Rev. A. L. Brown, N. Y., White Republican. This is certainly a most formidable array of names, if not of talent. Rut as the herald has evidently omitted several aspiring individuals, we make the following additions : IN roll A "plume rnioirr." Lucy Stone, Ohio, Bloomer Democrat. Brigham Yottng, Utah, Blormon Democrat. Lola Mumtaz, California, Champion of the Now Generation. D. B. Ilturnan, Penn., Anti-Sunbury Ulla Erie Railroad. "Sam" Again Victorious. The ever victorious "Sam" has just achieved another triumph in the Empire State. An election was held on Wednesday in the 29th district, composed of Ontario and Livingston counties, for a State Senator in place of Myron it. Clark, recently elected Governor. Mr. Goodwin, the Know• Nothing candidate, was elected by over two thousand majority! A an. lute of or.e hundred guns was fired at Roches. tor in honor of the victory! The Albany Reg. later is jubilant over this result, and claims It as a purely American victory—a triumph over all sorts of combinations. T here WWI nu third candidate in the geld to distract the voters.-- It was a drawn battle between the Americans and their opponents, and "Sam" came out of the co,,t e ,t ~,,,,c red all oNur With glory 1 . 111.1 4 b111,1 , ” s•Ir.4•11 , i;t l d i fr .111 '!,,,,/1,1 ilommunication. For the Journal. Mr. EDITOR :—As members of this great Republic, we are under divers bonds and obli gations, as well to the whole fld to the individ ual citizens, for the promotion of the greatest happiness of the greatest number, And if moral are as binding . npon us as civil or pecuniary hoods, which we believe to be a con ceded truth, the following obligation and reasons are respectfully submitted to the con sideration of the intelligent readers of the, Journal. Know all the world by these presents that we the people of Pennsylvania are held and firmly bound unto every individual hi the State, by every principle patriotism and philanthropy as,well as by all our resolutions and professions, and especially by our high sense of moral re sponsibility, to invoke the strong arm of civil law for the protection of the defenceless, wheth er that defencelesst , Is be moral or physical, agianst every foe to It nan progress, everythin g which tends to diml .sh she suns of our moral, mental and physical powers, and against evet7 enemy to domestic peace, prosperity and happi ness ; in the penal sum of deep sorrow, in view of thirty thousand citizens annually lust to the United States by intemperance, the es tates for which we have toiled hard in order to promote the comfort of our families, wasted in drunkenness and riotous living, millions of onr hard earned money spent in protecting the community against demons, made such, by the traffic in strong drink thousands of our children incarcerated in prisons, penitentiaries and asylums, disqualified for filling their places in society, and others suspended between hear. en and earth. as if miscreants unworthy of el tiler, to expiate crimes committed under the excitement of spirituous liquor, with all the melancholy consequences resulting from those habits, which aro too numerous and sor rowful to be recited here, and which have been too frequently stereotyped 'upon the human heart and sensibility. Now it' our time-honored sires were right in their declaration, that the essence of human Itherty consisted in a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," surely it behooves their children to protest against every thing calcnlated to sap the foundation of all that is dear to us us American citizens. And therefore weprotest against the perplex ity of our Legislature granting to a few the whole monopoly of selling liquor, because it is antidemocratic, and second it is contrary to sound v;•!sioui and morality to grata license to carry on a traffic, uS2less in itself, by which they may, and do, kill an indennite and very great number of fellow-citizens annually, ,r!!I , impunity, then taking away that life which is the "inalienable" gift of God. Is it asked if the traffic endangers human liberty ; let the poor maniac, torn from friends .and from society, believing that the flames of a premature hell is burning up bin vitain, flying from devils and and friends, maddened to de spair, and under delusion ; plunging the weap on of death in his dearest friend, answer, in demoniac yells and horrible distortions. Let the thousands of our fellow-citizens who have become the squallid inmates of prisons and posits ntiaries, deprived of the free light of Heaven and of "liberty" to associate with their race answcrin lamentations over their 'liberty" forfeited by their intemperance. Or let some yet running at large, whose judgement once well balanced, is now driven from equilibrium by a vitiated appetite, too strong an eutagonist for the understanding, tell us if they are con scious of the same amount of liberty to proc. tice virtuous abstinence which they once en joyed. _ 'ls it asked if intemperance diminishes the sum total of human happiness, let the inebriate himself answer in his lassitude after quaffing the dangerous cup, let the wretched widows and miserable orphans, made such by intemper ance, answer. But above all let the theologian lift the veil which seperates the future world from mortal view, and present the worm that never dies, and the fire that is never quenched, and let the universe of Cod answer. And now in the name and for the sake of "life" liberty and happiness, we claim a prohibitory liquor law at the hands of our Legislature, be. cause a large majo-ity of counties and Senatorial districts have decided in favour of ithy vote,be causeour senators and Representatives, are res ponsible under Cod and the constitution, to their immediate constituents only—and hemline the laws of humanity cry aloud for such an enact ment. We claim aright to be heard upon this and , every other proper subject of civil Legislation, and it is our unqualified determination to cry aloud and spare not until our prayers are ans wered, and until thd deadly Upas is cut up root and branch. U. C. B. Importation of Miracles, Accounts from New York say that Uis Ho liness, Pope Pius the Ninth, in consideration of the services of the American prelates of his church in settling the question of the Imnmem Into Conception, is going tp send over to the United States the Winking Madonna of Rimini and another celebrated Madonna who weeps instead of winks. We protest against this usur• potion of the rights of our own showmen by heads of churches. Heretofore the business of miraculous pictures and wonder-doing automa ta has been the legitimate property of Barnum .d his imitators, and it is unfair to them for the Pope to interfere and despoil them of this trade. But wo have faith in their enterprise and ingenuity to get up . Madonnal that shall weep, wink, sneeze, sang, and, if desirable, dance a polka and deliver a lecture on Wm man's Rights all ou the same evening. The inported articles could make no show ngrtiust such specimens of domestic manufiteture. A. new page in the philosophy of the show busi ness is about to be opened. We shall have the country supplied averywhe ro with "Mader nas" that perform sundry more wonderful things than either winking or weeping : How His Holiness expects to make any capitol out of such a simple contrivance. as the Rimini lady, among an ingenious and practical people , like the Americans, we cannot immagme, unless it should be because he thinks a wink is as good as a nod to a blind horse. Problem No 7. The two sides of an obtuse-angled tri angle art(2.o and 40 perches; what must be the length of the third side, that the triangle may contain just an here ? Answer next week. A nswer I. proldclit Ili feet, Pennsylvania Railroad Company The animal meeting of the Stockholders of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company was held last week, at the Season Street Hall, Phila.— Hon. R. T. Conrad, gayer of the city, was called to the chair, and Samuel Esq„ was appointed Secretary. The annual report of the Board of Directors was read. It gives an encouraging account of the business and prospects of the road. From it we glean: the bellowing details., The amount of unfinished work cot the sec ond track is estimated at •$1,385,0(10. The cost of the whole road will itut materially ex ceed the amount stated in the list annual rc. port of the Board. There are now on the road 113 freight and locomotive passengers engines; 36 wide pas. gouger cars, 3-1 narrow do; 27 emigrant cars ; .15 baggage cars, with mail apartments; 1033 8-wheeled stock cars 102 8-wheeled lumber and iron tracks; 40 8-wheeled wood trucks ; and 00 •I•wheeled coal cars. The whole number of passenger carrid do. ring the year between Harrisburg and Pitts. burgh was equivalent to 157,100 passing over the whole length of the road. Being an in crease of 25,864, or nearly 20 per cent. over the previous year. The total earnings from passengers was $l, 272,581 18, being an iiierease of $222,840 83. After deducting tolls paid to other road ($234,- 737 77,) the earnings from passengers will be $1,057,813 41. The earnings from freight during 1834 were $2,026,011 55. Being an increase over the previous year of $519,091 05, or 341 per cent. The through tonnage has been largely in cressesed. The total tonnage moved during the year wns 56 0.10 per cent. greater than the year before. . . . The actual business of the road during the year was $3,512,295 13 Deduct Tells, . 618,025 88 Leaving business proper of Pennsylvania Railroad, $2,894,036 25 The cost of conducting the business of the road for the year, including $136,479 40 paid to the State for tonnage tax, was $1,431,659 63, leaving a nett revenue from the rood of $l, 462.376 60. The profits of the road fur the year, after deducting $670, 301 53 interest paid to stock holders, and $353,840 73 interest on mortgage Loads, together with all other expenses, were $310.083.16. Which leaves, after cancelling halance of interest account charged to cost of construction ' surplus profits amounting to $287, 431 41. Of this amount, the Board has set apart $lOO,OOO as the commencement of a Sinking Fond. The repeal of the tonnage tax is strongly ur. ged in the report. Mr. Lewis Elkin presented the following resoluti on, which was adopted : Resolved, that the satistactory rerfort of the Board of Directors, as just read, be and is here. by accepted and approved by this meeting, and the same be published fur the use of the stock holders. Mr. Samuel Jeans called the attention of the meeting to a resolutionpassed two years since at an annual meeting of the stockholders it: re lation to the time of .holding the annual elec tion fur directors, when. Mr. A. J. Derbyshire presented the follow. ing resolution, which was adopted : "Resolved, That the Board of Directors of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, to be elected this day, be and they are hereby direr. ted to apply nt an early day to the Legislature of this State, for the passage of an act where by the election for said Directors of said Cum. patty, shall be hereafter held on the second Monday in March, in lieu of the first Monday in February, as at present existing." On motion, mijour.rtyd. Gov. Bigler , in Washington. Governor Bigler has been in Washington for some time, it is said to secure the influence of the Administration for the complimentary vote of the Democratic members of the Legislature fur United States Senator. The "Administra tion" is so far below par in Pennsylvania that its 'influence' will not be of much benefit to Gov. 13igler or any burly else. A Washington letter writer says that "Gov. Bigler may possi bly desire to visit Prance," but Intimates that "he will not be exiled." Wo had thought that the "complimentary vote" givers to Gov. Bigler by the Democracy last fall, would have proved a "settler" for some time to come, but it seems he is still unsatisfied, and is now willing to re ceive, thankfully, the very smallest of favors-- the "complimentary vote" of the "corporal's guard" of Democrats who accidentally occupy seats in our Legislature. We take it, that af ter Gov. Bigler's emphatic repudiation by the old Keystone lust October, "the Administra tion" will not very likely sacrifice what little character and popularity it yet enjoys, by either lending its "influence" to secure him "the com plimentary vote" of the Democratic caucus for United States Senator, or by sending him to Prance I Bigler outraged public sentiment, and committed political suicide, by taking to his confidence, and elevating to office, a man tvhow the people had condemned and repudia ted as unworthy and incompetent. Through his intrigues PIERCE was caught in the same "snap," and has experienced the bitter conse quences. It is not likely he will be caught a second time, so that Bigler's chance for the "complimentary voto" of the Democrats for United States Senator, so far as the "influence of the Administration" is concerned, is oboist equal to his chance of being "exiled" to France! Sic transit gloria mundit—llitrristurg l'elc• graph, Foreigners in Office. In yesterday's Washington Union, we find an editorial article giving . a statment of the number of natives and foreigners holding• office under the United States Government, which at this time possesses interest. From the sum mary, it appears that the toilet number of per. sons employed under the State, Treasury and Interior Depatinents, is 4106, of whom 3346 are Americans by. birth, 430 foreigners, and 330 whose place of birth is not known. This is intended to prove that comparitively few foreigners are in office under the national Gov eminent; but a brief calculation will show that there aro as many as the foreig . n population bears proportion to the native in the cat. try. At the date of the last census there were 17,737,000 native whites, and 2,210,000 for eigners. This is the proportion of about one foreigners to eight natives, while the number of office holders as given above is in exactly the same proportion. If the 330 where birth is not known, be foreigners, there would be an excess of them. Whether the statement has been made up in such a manner as to show just such facts which deserve mention, Shea, of the ligthouse keepers 238 are set down as Americans, 32 foreigners, and 132 not known ; in the Custou department, 1843 Americans, 227 foreigners, and 26 not known; while in the Interior department, which embraces the Land Patent. Indian Penis., and other di. visions, there are none where birth is not known and the proportion is 286 Americans to 35 foreigners, exactly Bto I. The statment re veals that the United States despatch agent in London is an unnaturalixed foreigner, that twenty-seven of our Consuls or commercial agents, are also unnaturalised, and that of the foreigners employed in the State department one is not unturlized, "but soon will ha." "SAM" IN MISSISSIPPI.-At a town election in Ifinds.counts, Mississippi, a few days ago, the Know Nothings elected their ticket by nn overwhelming majority. This is the first do. itionstration "Sam" has made in Mississippi, hut, judging from the tone of the press in dint )lute, it will Out lit: thel.t. • PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. SATURDAY, Feb, 3,—P. M. There is no change in Cotton ; the stock is very light, and about 200 bales have been sold to-des, in small lots, at steady prices, Clover. seed is wanted at $6,50 per but. but hullers generally ask more, and we hear of no enles worthy of notice, In Flour there is no varia tion in price or demand; the receipts and sales continue small, being mostly to supply the home trade, and the only transaction we are advised of for uldpment is 500 bbls standard superfine at $9 per bbl, which is the uniform asking rate for ordinary shipping brands ; for home use, prices range at from $9 to $0,25 for common to good retailing brands, and $9,50(a) 10,50 per bbl for choice brands and extra, the latter for fancy family Flour. Rye Flour re mains dull at $6 per barrel. Corn Meal is in quired fur, but eta price below the views cf hol ders generally, and the only sale made public is 500 bbls Penns Meal at $4,25 per lib!. Grain comes in slowly, and there is very little Wheai offering; the demand, however, is limited, and only about 600 bu. good renna Red found buy ers, in lots, at 2130214,~i,Lprime lots are held at 215 e, and White at 33., at we hear of no sales. Rye is about stationary, at 123a124e. Corn is scarce and in request, but buyers and sellers ore apart in their views; the lost sales of Yellow wore at 961197 e, in store. Oats sell as wanted, and 12111500 bu. good Penns brought 54c, in store. Pi 6, In Alexandria, on the 15th ult., after a few hours illness, MARY ELLEN, only daughter of Rev. F. A. and Anna Rupley; aged d years, 1 month and six days. Weep not for her 1 Ile span was like the sky, Whose thbusand stars shone beautiful and bright ; Like flowers, that )(now not what it is to die ; Like long-linked, shadeless months of polar light ; Like music floating o'er the waveless lake, While echo answers from the llow'ry brake Weep not for her. Weep not for her ! her memory is the shrine Of pleasant thoughts, soft as the scent of flowers, • Cahn as oft windless eve the sun's decline, Sweet as the song of birds among the bow ers, Rich as a rainbow with its hues of light, Puro as the moonshiiio of autumn night : Weep not for her. N. A, RAILROAD HOURS. TA/am; Coma EAST. Mail T. f Et. T. I E. T. I En. T.. Dais leaves P.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. Petersburg, 2.31 7.34 3.35 Huntingdon, 2.49 7.50 4.09 Mill Creek, 3.01 8.00 4.19 Mt. Union, 3.18 8.:4 4.3£1 TRAINS Gonor WenT. Train leaVes P.M P.M. A.M. A.M. Mt. Union, 4.25 8.14 6.35 6,26 Mill Creek, 4.41 8.25 7.05 6.39 Huntingbon, 4.55 8.38 7,30 6.53 rotoroburg, 5.11 8.49 8.05 7.06 HERALD OF PENMANSHIP I : GOOD NEWS FOR BAD WRITERS!!! For Young Men Going into Business!! T AIDES!!! CHILDREN!!! and Schools!!! You can now obtain, fur the first time in the world, n practical Handwriting, adapted to busin ess or correspondence, with as much certainty as a child learns - to walk; and without, nearly us 1/011 us with, the nid of a master!! dueLaurin's Current() Calamo (Rapid l'en) System puts this necessary art in the power of all, without mistake ! By 4 Series of MANUEL GYMNASTIC EXERCISE, entirely now in their design, it takes the chain off the hand, arm and fingers, makes the hand perfectly at home on und combines the element of Rapidity with Reauty of Execution. It begins a revolution in the art of writing! Snell as lamas never before ta ken place. and 'it; qualify thousands of young alien for good po +Rio m as bookkeepers, ,ccount ants and copyists, who have failed to learn to write well under every other system. It is equal ly adapted to teaching a rapid and elegant ladies' hand. SELF-INSTRUCTION SERIES OF BOOKS. The Essential Course of this Series consists of MneLourin's system of Manual Gymnastic Exercises, in Five Numbers accompanied by a Book of nstruction, six books in all, together with six of the MaeLaurin Pens and a holder. put up in one package, and stmt to any part of the United States by mail, with the postage paid, at One Dollar. The larger Course is the some as the prece ding, augmented by the Series of Six Round and Fine-hand Copy Books and a Blank Exer cise Ruled Book, for additional practice, lea king thirteen books in all, with Pens and In struetiou Book, at Two Dollars. The book, containing a full Exposition of the System. with Directions, will be sent sepa. rate to any one ordering it and including a postage stamp and twelve and a half cents.— This will give a full knowledge of the immense advantages of this System over all others, and enable the buyer to proceed understandingly, if sot already aware attic nature of the plan ; which is, the art of writing rapidly from the first, and at the same time well—an art never before taught either in the schools or by writing masters. EXTR.I.-1. Primary Book of Big Exerci ses fur hand and arm, introductory to the Course, adapted to children from four years and up• ward, and useful to all. 18i cents. 2. Book of Mammoth Capital Letters, for extra Gymnastic Exercise during the whole course. Dilt cents. These two books also in dispensable in schools. THE SCHOOL SERIES. Teachers are respectfully informed that Mac. Laurin's system of Gymnastic exercises, being a complete Course of Gymnastic Exercises, designed to give the greatest possible command of the pen. Published in six numbers, price 75 cents. MacLauriu's round•hand copy books, in two parts, prico 25 cants ; and MacLaurins aortas of fine4iand copy bboks, in four parts, price 50 cents (are now ready.) The above twelve books constitute MacLaurin's Complete Sorias. Price $1 50 for the set, MACLAURIN'S 24 WRITING TABLETS for Children in Families and Pri nary Schools, 6) cents each ; sent by mail in packages of 6 12, or 24. Containing the Big Exercises on stiff boards, for pen, pencil or style. Just the thing for amusing and instructing the child at the same time; combining the toy and the book 1 1 ! CIIARLES B. NORTON, Publisher, 71 Chambers St., N, Y. February 13 1854. HATS.—Moleskin No, 1 and 2, of the latest stylus, Kossuth Hats of various styles and qualities—will be sold low at the cheap store of GEO. G WIN. SILVER and Plated Spoons, Gold, Silver and Plated Spectacles, at Edm. Soare'sJeoelry Store. CARPET sage, just received and fq .E-r miry J. iv, s e diro . PURE WHITE LEA.I), jest received and for sale by • J. &W. SAXTON. Gold Watchei w ilibe sold by Eu. NAIR tem thou elsewber, MIIIAWOOD ACADEMY, Shade Gap, Huntingdon County, Pa. Tllls next session of this well known Institt, Lion will open the let Wednesday of May, it is located nt Simile Gap, 18 1111iC9 from the Mount Union &Minn, on the Pennsylvnnia Ilnil Hood, from which place there is a Ihtily line of stnge, . . . Pitunted 'in the country, it it remoreti from all ti!evieug and temptations of toe•n. The buildings are large, airy and co !!!!! capable of accommodating sonic Sit boarders, those who cannot ho accommodated in the Insti tution, can obtain good hoarding in the neighbor hood at about St 50 per week. TEll3l,—sso per session of five months paya ble quarterly in advance, washing, no cents per dozen. Light and Fuel extra, for further par ticulars, address . . William I.). Shaw, Porter, 686 00 David S. Cinbennw, Shirley, :180 00 Benedict Stevens. Springhill, 25 00 Jacob Ilagie, Tl.ll 50 00 John MrClain, T,sl. 200 00. Nathan tin:unbind I.7uion, 207 53 Joseph Duglass, Walker, 310 00 - ----- William Hutchison, Warriorsmark, 520 10 OF CASII MUSIC AND PIANO STORE Abrid ,„„, crosswol, we,, 685 28 --- W. H. WOOD, The Principals address will be Easton Pa., un til the Ist of April alter that time Shade Cap, Huntingdon countr, Pa. OORAC - XiitATEBS,, Ni). 333 Broadway, New York. OPPOSITION TO MONOPOLY. Music at elreatly Reduced Rates. N()'r %A' IT 11 STA NDING the combination ti mimic dratcrs to keep up the prices of non copyright music, against the interests of natire composers, and their reftmal to extend to Mr. Waters the eourtisies of the trade, he is ma. king immense sales—having abundant evb deuce, that he has public countenance and sup. port, in his opposition to the Ittest Mos:mm.lr, and in his efforts to aid NOTICE TALENT, and to adopt the NartoxAt. CURRENVY. Ills stock of American and European music is immense, and the catalogue of his own publieattons is one of the largest and best selected to the Uni ted States. lle lets also minle a 11.:EAT It E ncrTtoN in the prices of PIANOS, MLIAIREONS and Mestt tI. INSTRUMENTS of OH kook su. just for bated octave pianos for $175, $2OO and $225, interior of as good gaatily, and struments as strong and as durable as those which cost $5OO. Pianos of every variety of style and price up to $lOOO, comprising those of TEN different mann ihetories: among them the celebrated nandom improved IfettArn WA TER'S PIANOS nod the first premium .EIO.IAN PIANOS or T. Gummy & Co's make, (owners of the dEolian patent.) SECONILIIAND IttANos at great bargains. Prices from $lO to $150. MIMOIIRONS front FIVE different tnanufaetories, including the well known 8. D. h 11. W. SMITH'S InOlOtleollB, (tuned the equal teatimea• anent.) the bed make in Me United Stales. Pei. ces $l5. $5O, $73, $lOO, $ll5, $125, $135, and $l5O. Smith's Double Dank Melodeons, $2OO. Each Piano and .Ifelodeon guaranteed. The hest terms to the trade, schools, &c.: Ilk per cent. discount to clergymn and churches. All orders promptly attended to. Music sent to all parts of the country, postpaid, at the reduced rates. Gement and select catalogues and schedule of prices of Pianos forwarded to any address free of charge. February 13, 1855.-3 m ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF REAL ESTATE. 1)Y , ~ irtue of an order of sale issued out of the r D plians' Court of Huntingdon county, will be sold at public sale, on the premises, in Brady township, in said county, on THIRSDA l, the 22nd day ql iforrh, 1855, a tract of hind in the township aforesaid, containing batween 90 and 100 acres, adjoining lands of James McDonald and others, late the estate of James Ross about 25 acres of which are cleared, with a cab in house nod barn thereon, and the balance cf the tract containing the best timber in that conn • try. Said property is about 3 miles from 21111 Creek, on the Pennsylvania Canal and Railroad at the conch of the Ilishacoquillis volley, en the road leading from 91ill.creok to There are four springs on the tract and a good water-power._ _ _ . Tertns.—One-half of the purchase money to be paid on continuation ofthe sale, and the bal ance in one year thereafter, to be aecurud by booth and mortgage, with interest. T I I OM AS ROSS, Adtnr, lIENRY GLAZIER, Clerk. February I, 1855-31. NOTICE. 7o the Creditors of the Huntingdon Cambria and Indiana Turnpike Road 0,, That the Court of Huntingdon at the January term, 1855. diaected to ho paid to 'the creditors of the said road, two and one fourth per cent, on the amount of their claims, on which forcer dividends have been declared ; which I will par on the presentation of their certificates of deposit by themselves or their agents. JOHN S. 'SEW, Sequestrator. Spruce Creek, February 2,18554-3 t. [lllairCuunty Whig insert the cheep three times and reciprocate] VALENTINES VALENTINES 3,000 N TIN ESjust recFi ved T eon, prising every variety of comic and fancy—fiir sale, wholesale and retall,---allor derv. by letter promptly attended to, Letters and Valentines can be sent by mail without prepay ing the postage. Cull fwd.:twine at COLON S Book Store. Huntingdon, February 6th 1555-21. TANYARD FOR. SALE Olt BENT. ITHIE subscriber offers for sale or rent n nery with all the usual fixtures in good or der. There is a splendid orchard of choice fruit trees on the lut. Possession eau be given on the first day of April next. It. IfeBURNEY. McAleavy's Fort, Februng 3rd 1855-6 t FOR SILL r IW(J lots of ground in Ennisville, with a, ling house, a cabinet-maker's shop, and a stable thereon erected, being the promises for m rely owned and occupied John W. Myton, deed. Immediate possession will be given. MILES &DORMS 3, 1855-41. Huntingdon, Fehr! Receipts and Expenditures of the County of Huntingdonfrom tl,e3rd. day of January, 1851, up to the sth day of January, 1855, including both days. RECEIPTS. Anat. in Treasury at last Settlement $3Ol 80 iVillimn ItleGar'vey, Shirley, 1850, William Dean, Penn, 9B 07 Henry Creracr, Springfield, 14 68 1851. John Love, Barren, ---' 30 64 Daniel Teague, Cromwell, 121 58 Isaac Sharrer, Shirley 191 98 John Brown, Springfield, 12 68 Thomas Dean, Walker, 4 18 Charles Green, West, 271 21 1832. Daniel Womeladorf,Franklin, 39 54 George Bowman, Shirley, 2 64 Levi Smith, Union, 31 88 John Coulter, Walker, lgg 31 1853, James Ewing, Barret), 300 27 James Miller, Brady, 292 10 Joshua Greenland, Cass, 50 00 Richard Madden,Clay, • 77 84 George'SWartsproniell, 449 60 Robert Peterson, Dublin, 222 00 WM: ti;ellwain, Franklin, 804 06 Luke Voorhees, Henderson, 422 20 Leonard Weaver, Hopewell, 151 71 James Stewart, Jr. Jackson, 271 60 Michael Felterhoof, Morris, 0,49 99 Jacob Brumbaugh, Penn 232 Q 1 Benjamin Neff, Porter, 1182 92 John Lopg, Shirley, 529 66 Sela Locke, Springfield, 132 1.5 John Jones, Tell, 134 17 Israel Baker, Ted, 426 64 William Smith, Union, 145 00 John 11e0'ner, Walker. 307 00 JrlV:lit Vail TrivA, \Vari.i.r.nark John We:it, %%lllium Couch, Tiorn;.., John Mc lhookhl, C,9(!rge s S2!lit . ll : -.-, • Welton' Madden, Clay. A ndrew .1. Taylor, Huld.n, J Inporl, Franklin, John Snyder, Henderson, Plummer. Hopewell, Jonos W. 8001,, Jaekxon, Tus,ey, Morris, Javab tir., Alumna of County tax oo Unseated land, Amount of School tnx on Unstinted Amount of howl tax .on Unseated At i n n i of Itedcntpti un money on Unvcatctl lauds received since last saltletnent, Amount received in full on Bond n• gainst sundry persons given fir any amount over three thousand dollars which Bridge across the Juniata river at Huntingdon shall cost, Amount received for rent of full House, Amount received fur rent of Court Ilouse, Amount of Jury Fees and Fines received from W. it. Zeigler, Sheriff, Balance due county Treasu rer at settlement, EXPENDITURES. Attorney General and others un inn! prosecutions. Constables for making returns nod advertising spring elections &e., Grand nod Traverse Jurors, Court Crier dc., Assessors orders, Judges, Inspectors and Clerks of Elections, 648 44 Inquisitions on dead bodies, Road and Bridge views, 254 00 do damages, Benj. Gnats 80 00 do do John Hewitt, 400 00 do do Fred. Snyder 25 00 do du John Bess 2:4 80 do do I /aniel Piper 180-00 State road rein Mill Creek to Calvin Robert Madden fur bridge at Huntingdon 1150 00 Alex. Cannon fur bridge at 433 70 Hawes ' Georgeyourh for bridge et 389 23 Coitch's Furnace Jacob Covert for bridge a cross Black Log Creek John Sharer for building bridge at Drakes Ferry 300 00 Commissioners— Robert Stitt in fall Eliel Smith Samuel Wigton Thomas flamer Amt. paid Auditors for '53 Clerk to Commissioners in full fur 1853 Clerk to Commissioners on account for 1854 325 00 Treasurer of State Lunatic Asylum for havid Brotherline 52 00 John Madden 52 00 For coal, wood, stationary, , light &c., for public offices Court House and Jail, Interest on County Bonds— William B. Leas 260 00 Thomas Fisher 114 00 William Orbison, Esq., 173 50 Ex . r. of C. Booker 60 00 Theory Pockler 22 10 John Shaver 30 00 A mourd paid Directors of lot; 57 38 50 103 00 111 00 105 00 the Pour fur 1854 W. 11. Zeigler Sheriff fur summoning Jurors nod conveying prisoners to the penitentiary kc. &ler'llllreenland an mount for some, For County printing -I.owis Samuel Glasgow George Jackson for board ing Jurors and Constables in the case of Coma). vs. Elizabeth hlarker Robert K vle for boM-ding Jurors rind Constables in case of Cough. vs. Gem go _ Moreland 8 00 Dr. J. B. Laden for Medical attendance on prisoners Insuranoe of Hridge at Hun tingdon Postage to Win. Lewis John M. Cunningham for plan and . r,eeifii:ations of .Irensurer s and Sheriff's office J oh 'diced Attorney to Com missioners in full for '53 10 00 John Reod Attorney to Com. missiouers on account for 185.1 A. W. Benedict For running and malting boundary line between Huntingdon, Centre and Mifflin counties For running and making boundary , line between Huntingdon, Bedford and Fulton counties Refunding orders to sundry 1)4 8 9.1.4 ff.' WA Sold at , freasurer's solo Sundry persons premiums on wild cats and foxes Road tax on unseated lands paid 185.1 School tax on unseated lands paid 185.1 Theo. 11. Cromer, Pro'tys fees stationary, and blank books fur Prothonotays, Nee &e. For repairs to Court House and Jail Mrs. Werth for cleaning Court House . 19 55 Mrs. Jane Kim for saute In full Mm. Jane Kelm for wash. ing fur prisoners Sundry persons redemption money on unseated lands Treasurer's Commission on $36,9114 pl at 11 per cent 52 02 190 00 In testimony of dm correctness of Ilia abovo accounts ou !Iwo bcreto set qtjr 1141149 this 12tb day of January, A. D. 185$. SA M El, WIGTON, THOMAS HAMM, BEMJ. K. NEFF, CompliSlitmert 21 08. 101 85. 118 00. 200 00, lio ou 135 00 130 00 113 00 803 00 12300 168 00 297 00 312 00 , 125 00 16,G19 1G 487 97 174 20 263 97 176 GO 12,721 40 750 00 35 00 32 00 57 00 as 00 64 82 18,958 02 1239 40 262 21 2826 GO 248 00 566 92 922 60 56 50 2469 52 365 50 53 50 50 00 375 00 104 00 WS 22 759 GO 4280 00 682 73 160 00 17 50 99 00 176 50 90 89 98 89. 21 06 16 20 10 00 20 00 IQ 00 40 00 112 00, GO 1,3 86 00 348 85 222 94 33 9•l 214 81 202 83 15 00 40 01) 195 87 514 q 1 18,958 03