Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 07, 1855, Image 2

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    row's nose, broke the Irish woman all to
pieces, baby loose, court-house handy, took
me to the coristable, jury sat on me, and
the jnil anid the magistrate must take me
to the towable; objected ; the dungeon
put use into the darkest honztable in the
city ; got out, and here I am, prepared to
stick to my original opinion—Niagara,
emus hoot'oti,e! son excelsux, not< intlig
mo adut
U. R. PitiLANDER DOEsTicKs, P. 13.
, jtlllttltt~bon OUCtutL
Wednesday Horning, Feb. 7, 1866. Collins line of strainers up to this date,
iVILLIAiIi lißliiiiiiii'Ult, Uttitor. for Weight and passengers. The Army
- Appropriation bill seas taken up and dis-
The ' , JOURNAL , ' has 300 Surawciri; cussed.
bens more, than any othe
in this C Y. In the House n bill from the Senate was
Agents for the Journal.
The following persons we have appointed Agents
for the HUNTINGDON JOURNAL, who nro author
ised to receive and receipt tar money paid on sub
scription, and to take the mimes of new subscri
bers at oar published prices.
We do this for the convenience of our subseri
bers living at a distance frcint Huntingdon.
JOHN W. THOMPSON, Esq., Hollidnysburg,
SAmrEr. Cons. East Barren,
Sinuous: W. CORNELIUS, Cromwell township.
HENRY ifunsosr, Clay township.
Dart,, ETNIRE, Cromwell township.
Dr. J. P. Afflict., VOllll township,
J. WAREHAM MATTEHN, Franklin township,
SAMUEL Srxrui,y, Jackson township,
Honsfur MIIuTINEY, "
COLN., C. WATSON, Brady township,
Mutants Meows, Springfield township,
WM. HUTCH incsoN, EM., Warriorsmark tp.,
JANIES MC DONALD, Brady township,
etfortrit: W. WHITTAKER, Petersburg,
nexus Net r, West llorree.
Joni Waterstreet,
Maj. CHAULES Mica's,. Toil township,
A. M. BLAIR, Dublin township,
Duontin WILSON, Esq., Toll township,
J.smcs CLARK, Birmingham.
NATHANIEL I.vvhif, Esq., Spruce Creek.
Maj. W. Moons:, Alexandria.
B. F. WALLACE, 1.711i11
3IMEON WRIOHT, Esq., Union township.
DAvin CLAIMiSON, Esq., Cass township.
Sr IWEL WIGTON, EGI., Franklin township.
Pxnunn, Wnrrifirsmark.
DAY., 'wan', Esq., Todd township.
A foe loadd of W 001) at the Journal Office.
Cir No attention paid to Letters
unless post-paid. nor to C moot.
cations unaccompanied with the
author's name.
'Reader, your attention is directed
to new advertisements in to-day's Journal.
Difr Alfred Wolfkill's grocery at Mt.
Union, was robbed of all its contents on
last Sunday night.
05).. The Railroad hriklge rimming. nor the
river. near Lewsistown, took fire on last
satorday night, and was entire con,iontsl. .
elfr The Wasitington Commonwealth,
one of our valuable exchanges, has not
reached us for some weeks. 'We regret
this, and hope its ample, well filled pages
will again grace our table.
Mr We have received the first num.
bcr of a 25 by 21 sheet published at Shir
leysburg, this county, by John Lutz, cal
led the " Shirleysburg, Herald," It is to
be " independent in politics, and uncon•
trolled by party or faction."
"At Mooresville, Manor Hill Cir
cuit, there will be dedicated to the service
of Almighty God, a new Church, for the
Methodist Episcopal Denomination, on
Sunday, the 18th inst. The Presiding
Elder, Rev. John Poisell, and other minis.
tern are expected to be present on the oc
Mr The Farm Journal for the month
of February has arrived just ns we were
ready to go to press, therefore we have on
ly time to it a passing notice ; but we
think it will compare with any of the for
mer numbers. It will hereafter be pub:
fished in Philadelphia, No. 811,1 North 71.11
SUITS IX OUR HOMES.-3 Novel, by Helen
Dlat.—This thrilling work, published by
STRINGER & TOWNSEND, 222 Broadway,
New Yoae, will be ready for delivery in
a few day,. A gentleman of great learn
ing, who has passed many years in Eu.
rope, where he became familiar with the
whole spirit of despotism, Jesuitism and
priestly domination, says, after read
the proof sheets :
" I applaud the hook—l cannot help it.—
Speaking within due hounds of moderation, I
am really of the opinion that the sensation
which it will create in sue reading community,
may almost be called electrical. The tistouii•
ding events introduced in the tale, will est°p•
ish even experts is out, present social and po.
Mica' youdition, while it will thrill and amaze
other readers, who ere leas posted in what is
going on around us. If I were to eulogise the
the work according to my opinion of its mer
its, I should have to use language which I fear
you would consider hyperbolical. I always
WI it good novel, but I have read en many that
I did not export tO see another that would make
le feel so wild ands trange ns I felt when I
lira read ' Eugene Aram' and 'Monte Cristo.'
So much for the dramatic rower with which
,ttanlititto nueeigit' i , written. Hut its high
literary finish isnot it elder charm to a Republi
can Protestant. 1 ant no saint, but I never
tblt, so deeply in all illy life, how dangerous
n thing Jesuitism is in a free router, as when
I came to the last page of this book. I could
not repress—Slur did l desire to—the ejacula
tion that llcaven itself would send it into every
American home. This book alone hes power
enough to (Went all the schemes that Padre
Jawlen, and the whole company of Jesuits put
together, ever can conceive for the overthrow
of the Wrest form of enlightened republican.
ism the world has ever seen."
gerSmall•pox in said to be fearfully on the
increase at Cincinnati, an it is in several other
sections of the country,
'q7ongtessiottal Ytgislatibt )Iclus. Q`ommintications.
'-- ('://a;r --- ess.—)londay, January 29111, the
Senate passed a bill to extend the judicial
fee bill of 1853 to all the territories; also •
a resolution directing the payment of 41833
to the Secretary of the Territory of Alin
nesota for certain services. The Senate
refused to pass the French Spoliation bill
as amended by the (louse, until it should
be printed for examination.
In the Ilouse, the Senate resolutions
authorizing the Navy Department to send
a steamer and a tender to the relief or res
cue of Dr. Kane was passed. The House
passed a resolution nullifying the railroad
charter granted by the legislature of NI in.
January 30th, the Senate passed a res
olution of inquiry as to the receipts of the
passed, incorporating an Orphan Assylum
in the District. Mr. Houston gave notice
of his intention to move, on Thursday
next, that the House go into committee on
the bill to modify the tariff, and to make
that a test vote. A resolution was abopt
ed calling for the correspondence between
the United States and Spain touching the
disturbance of friendly relations, the in
structions of the U. S. State department
to Its envoy, and the correspondence be
tween this government and France and
Great Britain respecting ('nba. The
House then took up territorial business in
Committee of the Whole.
The French Spoliation bill passed sec
ond reading in the Senate. Mr. Pierce
gave notice of his purpose to introduce a
bill to provide for the ereeton of a build
ing for the Post Office and United States
Courts at Baltimore. Mr. Sumner pre.
sented a resolution of inquiry as to the ex
pediency of erecting a new building for
the U. S. Maride Hospital at Boston. A
communication was received from the Se
cretary of War, containing the militia sta
tistics of time Union. In the House the
subject of the Minnesota Railroad charter
was taken up nail - hand the delegate from
'Minnesota, Mr. Rice, said that the people
of that territory would correct whatever
errors they may have committed.
February Ist, the House took up the
bill authorizing the construction of a sub
terranean line of telegraph to the Pacific.
The report of the committee of the Whole,
striking out the enacting clause, was neg
ativod, and a substitute for the bill offered
by .Ir. Richardson, was adopted and pas
sed finally. It omits the grant of two mil
lions of acres of land, but grants the right
of way, and extends the penal laws of the
United States over the line for its promo.
Lion. Two unimportant territorial bills
were passed. The bill establishing the of
fice of Surveyor General in Utalt, and
granting land to actual settlers in the ter
ritory, was taken up. A motion to lay the
bill on the table was rejected. The enact.
ing clause was stricken out, in effect re
jecting the bill, but the vote was reconsid
ered, and a substitute adopted which re.
tanned the provisions relative to Surveyor
General and granting lands fur school and
university puiposes.
In the Senate, the Post Office Committee
reported against the resolution for a week
ly mail between St. Louis and San Fran
cisco. The resolution was read twice and
ordered to be printed. A bill appropria•
ling money for the erection of a building
for the Po-t office and U. S. Courtsmt Nlil
waulcie, was passed. The Senate refit,
sed to take tip the Frehch Spoliation bill.
The consideration of the Army Appropri•
ation bill was resumed.
February ‘21,1, the Senate paSsed vari•
ous private bills, end also a bill from the
Naval Committee to establish a retired list
for naval officers incapable of service. In
the House, thirty , six private bills were
sonsidered in Committee of the Whole,
and reported to the House favorably.
The Senate was not in sessi m on Sat
urday. In the House, the thirty-six pri
vete bills considered on the previous day,
were passed. The House then went into
Committee of the Whole on the private
Calender, and the bill to extend the Colt
Patent was taken up, on which a discus•
sion ensued.
Dir Kennedy's Bank Note Review,
or Counterfeit Detector for the month of
February is before us. It, as usual, gives
the best 'description of Counterfeit notes,
as well as the usual discount of the coutry.
His Fac Similies supersede all methods
of detecting counterfeits that has been dis
covered, it is so plain that any person may
become a judge. _ _
Published by Kennedy & Bro. No. 83
Third st., Pittsburg, Pa ,nt the low price
of $1 per annum.
Problem No 0.
What is the side of an equilateral trian
gle, whose area cost as much for paving,
at Bd. per foot, as the palisatling the three
sides did at r guinea per yard
Answer next week.
Answer to the problem of htst week
Vieille Now ILltot of th, Pennsylvania,
ltailrual Company, at Pittsburg, has boon tit,
at a cost or sso,ooo. it corers one and
two 014 , 13 acne of .4, ...ull.l.
Pennsyluania Legista!um—Monday, Our New York Correspondence.
January 29th, the Senate amended and NEw YOKK, February 0, 1050.
passed to a third rending the supplement Ma. En t ,. ;
to the Consolidation bill. In the House New York presents very different aspects
he Sunday liquor bill wits debated. at different times. In none however does she
January 30th, the House passed, among look more beautiful than when caroled in
other private bills, one to close finally the white. It becomes her much, covering the
trust of the late United States Bank.— muddy streets, and giving a fresh. Glenn aspect
to everything. Last week we were favored
The act to reduce the number of prison
Inspectors in Philadelphia to nine, was with a snow storm, a genuine -down East"
lorin. On W ednesday morning it began to
considered. snmv, and continued until late at night, when,
January 30th, the Senate adopted a ties- contrary to custom, it cleared off without turn
lotion of inquiry as to tin amount of nn- . into ra i n , Ihnri,u the day, mid, parties
current funds in the treasury, nod the dis- of young, men, who were in n great hurry for
position thereof. Also, to resolution of in. a sleigh ride, rode up and down broadway,
quiry as to the defalcation of Jacob M. trying Is appear as if they were en j o y in g them.
Stockier, late collector at Columbia. Bills se l ves, even though it were snowing fast.—
' °words evening, wheeled vehicles were quite
were passed relative, to Orphans' Courts, out of fashion and it was with ,eat difficulty
and to the safe transmission of real and
that the city qt, t got I n dong thoug h
personal estate. In the House, a motion !warty all double teams ams of horses. T he
to refer the tavern license bill excited touch ttext morning illts a most beautiful one. .Dust
debate. The bill to abolish the Canal warm enough to be pleasant, and not enough
Board was reported with amendments.— '•
in make the walking sloppy. Tlnulka to our
A bill was also reported to punish frauds eitizeos thoughtfulness, or our Mayor's energy
the sid walks were soon shoveled off, and pedes
trians could the use of trade mocks, bibles, stamps, trians could get along comfortly. At an early
hoer the omnibus sleighs .vere out, and all day
they were Illled;—full as onmibusosonly ran be.
to the lifter.. Broadway tons thronged with
sleighs sleds, and everything that were on run
tiers. Thousands of persons, were protnenadmg
the streets looking at the exciting scene.
How the sleighs whirl along. They are al
most as numerous as the snow. flakes were
yesterday. Here we packed into an eight
horse omnibus sleigh. It is large enottglL to
hold forty persons. Some how or other it f loes
hold sixty. Along we go, driving in mid out
between sleighs, sleds, carriages, carts, sledges
and drays. :mow we thump against an opposi.
February Ist, the Senate passed the bill
relative to telegraph companies, and the
transmission of messages. ' A bill passed
second reading to fix the salaries of mem
bers of the Legislature at $5OO per an
num, and the milage at 10 cts. per mile
for every mile travelled. In the House
an animated debate took place on the bill
relnt; to bdild;fl 6,;atiut.n, antl-1-rgal
icing their past operations.
February end, the Senate passed a sup
plement to the Allentown Railroad char.
. . .
ter. A supplement to the ',Mechanics tins sleigh, making all the ladies scream in a
Lien Law passed second rending. The very delightful manner. All this time tours
bill to increase the pay of members of the passengers are packing in, on, and about our
)legislature Passed finally. In the 'louse, sleigh, till fro look like the oft quoted swarm
of bees. At lost one testy old gentleman, who
the supplement to the Mechanics Lien corns, and
Law passed Committee of the Whole, as al:lOttri one won St
" di:M i t t :llC fu
did also the bill to reduce the expense and twenty minute:, v en tures to sterol's ' t tshat'per
secure the faithful payment of taxes, and j hafts we are about full. Why, bless me! I
a hill to extend the jurisdiction of the green you are! did you ever know an emsibu , ,
Courts in divorce cases. The bill front much less one on runners, to be full ? Nev.
the Senate to define and punish bribery, er
was debated nt length. There go a party of jovial young toes, for
ming what they calla "Gander Party." There
On Saturday, the Senate passed a bill to
a go ip ttzt; a t=d o i r l ‘r l i mardin y i g
r s . chool, s sea t t i r
t in
authorize the Philadelphia and passed
Railroad Company to declare dividends „B,„, a :, th o u g h .
A bill to incorporate the they were being carried e t:: Blackwell's Clod
in certain cases.
Pennsylvania Literary Institute, was re- —with a teacher placed at each end of ilia
jected. In the Ilonse, the bill to consoli- s' eigh to see that they did not htugh, or look
date the wards of the City of Pittsburg, arou n d, Or du any thing else unholy-like.fot ed avail°, al purposes, posse 1 finally. The Avenue, also present
scene. In the evening they are thronged with
sleighs. There is a bright moon. The sleigh
ing fine, and it is well used.
Sale of the Maine Line,
We are indebted to Eli K. Price, Esq., of
the :state 01.11illt, I'M do, Lai far the
sale of the Maine Line_olfered by him, which
was referred to the Committee on Canal and lie
land Navigation, and has been reported by
that committee with a recommendation that it
be passed.
Its chief features are that the Goventer shall
again adevriise for proposals for the .sole of
the Public Works, such proposals to he re
ceived until 110011 of the first Monthly of Au.
gust next. Hu may accept therefore spy bid
not less than eight millions of donors, pitya-
Lie in emit in twenty lapin' animal payments
from the date of the acceptance of the,
with interest Judi' yearly ;in the tirst days
February and August at the rate of live per
(tent per annum. Other security in addition
to that of the works, to the satisfaction of the
Covenor, skull he given for onedirmtli net of
the porch, money, and any part of the price
may he paid itt anticipation of thu time; dos.
ignated, in sums not less than One hundred
thousand dollars.
Any incorporated Company chartered by
this State, which way pnreliii,e said works,
shall have and enjoy besides the power confer.
red by its exiling charter, all the powers and
rivaleges which nn association of individuals
if incorporated under the net to which this is
a supplement could or would have enjoyed,
and be subject to the reservations therein ton•
tained and to legislative investigation. The
Company purchasing shall have the power to
chtmov any rates of toll they nay deem expo
dient%ot exceeding the rates fixed and °stab •
lished list said line be the Cnunl o,,,,misi ott ers
fur the year one tlausand eight hundred and
should the Pennsylvania Railroad Cultipany
become the purchasers, and pay at 007 time
within live years the sum of five hundred thou
sand dollars cash into the treasury, in addition
to the purchase money, the reservation of the
right at the State to purchase the present
works or said Company, and the three mill
tax on the timage thereof; shall cense, and the
Compan)• shall have the right to extend its
railway by a direct route from Itarrisburg to
any point or points in the city of Philadelphia,
and exercise to relation thereto all the powers
conferred upon it by law.
The provision relating to the relingishincitt
of the rights of the State to resume the owner
ship of the line and exempt the Central Rail.
, road Company from the present wimp tax on
their road, in case they become the purchasers,
and pay a certain bonus, will be very likely to
encounter serious opposition.
The Iron Interest.
The iron interest of Pennsylvania is in an
eminently critical condition now. unequal
and unjust operation of the Walker Free Trade
policy of our Government it doing its worst
of • this important interest, and, unless it be
soon changed, and a truly 'lnterims' syrivin
adopted, the time is near at haul when ,very
iron establishment will have to blow out its
fires, nod discharge the thousands of laborers
employed by them. Many have already sus.
petled, and every day brings on intelligence
from the interior of the State of others being
compelled to do likewise.
11 bat must inevitably follow the discharge of
so many labouring men. whose families are
wholly dependent upon them for a livelihood,
can easily be foreseen. Mental nod physical
sulfuring, to an extent never before experienced
in our State among the working classes, are
the necessary consequences ; and well any
they ask, vita bone ra For whose benefit is this
simoon of devastation orcoinfort and happiness
permitted to swoop over our State and coun
ty, but that of British onpitalists and menu.
fucturers ?
This may be Democratic, certain it is that
ilia Loco Focoism. But it is not iu accordance
with the spirit and creed of Jellemoniatt Do•
mocracy, It is not in harmony with the teach•
lags Washitigton, Jefferson, Madison, and
other hailers of the Republic. It is a nrifish
policy, and no relief need be looked for until
it be made to give place to an American rye
lly the arrival of the Paeitle, wo Lave one
week ' s later intelligence from Europe. Thu
nea: she brings is important, although there
is much doubt 113 to how much value can he
attached to it. It announces that Ittisda
consented to trent on the four . 'points, labl
dc . 1 , V; of A.
101 VII in ienrin protein .tigie.t
which she, nt that time considered to he in ti. I ,
highest degree humiliating. It nmiciii t that
(headdress of the Prencli.Emperor, on
sion of his passing the Imperial Guards in is
view, exhibit.; little faith in the hopes iif
held out lie the recent Vienna Convention.—
I lit' •• le t , t , . 1 1 Sevaat. 3 l lol , lii dragging•-• • • •-•- ---. -•---- -- - - - • - - moons for medical attendonce, medicines and tolverti.cil 1
without either party making any npprunches lIAILROAD nouns.
nostrums which otlierwbe would provide for dning
tOWOrtIY success. 'Several sorties have been I yea., the Infirmities of age end the proper Mention 1.7
Am. your children.
made by the ItllSSiallg , but little advantage ' ,/,.,,,,, lenves3lql,:i..l ]:x. T. El:I:ill. nix. T
was attioml by either side. The French seise Peter,lotra, 2.31 7.34 33 , ln commie., of the universsi popularity of the work,
• • art ethhoiced by it, etersordienry sole vorines Immo,
4.09 lions here bui.ll loteanpted, as well on 'booksellers so no
works are completed, and slated to be el the . Huntingdon, 2.49 7.50
Mill I:r9ek, 3.111 8.00 4.10 the public, by huitation, of title page, spurious slitions,
Meat terminable ell:Meter. The English ,
'Mt. Linen, 9.18 8..4 4 ' 33 rV,".7llDIT.,,T.'","Irt"LeTloti It t :c ' et h r "
works are not yet perfected. A report we; in
THAI:. GOING WEST. therefore. to
Paris, that Sevastopol had been taken, but no' , train leaves P.M P.M. A.M. A.M. . CAUTION THE PUBLIC '
credit was attached to it. Prince Menseltikolf mt. Colon, 4.25 8.14 8. 33 6 ,2 6 to hey no book unless the words o Dr. A. M. Ilsruieur,
has protected his army by . immense defers- dill
, ! , - , ii ver , , , ,
4 4 . 1 3 1
8 8 . . 3 2 8 5 7 .4 ° , 4 . 0 ' r c '..r, • l'it',„ l ,: l , oo o V o r n b ' o c i Li:',, , , B ) ( it, 0., , g 0 1 . , : e t0 , wz 0 T ~,,,:.:
LI , o a r i zattr o it , r r ol A. l7 . la=lniers, or seed by
Ave works erected along the banks of the . 1, 1 ,,,,,,L1'
Telterneyn. 5.11 8.49 8.05 7.05 1
- -- • --- - --=----=---- • ---- ''' --77-------= ea-1I 0 rasa tof One Dollar ."
After all we cannot judge notch about the VALENTINES I VALENTINES I I ' DiEzPinni ma,
to cup ocfolt
Ea..., affair, We hear but one-sided stories. : • • , United States. the Combos and British Provinces.
We know that England will defame and over. 3 000 '
~! ENT.,,, just received—eom. , All letters must be post.paid, and addressed to Dr.
. . . .. .
prising every variety of comic null A. M. MAURICEAR • , box 1224, Now-York Olt).
throw a power to satisfy her own designs ;as tune,—for f or sa l e, w h 0 1 e ,,,1 0 imii retail all or . T r r u k ° a• 8 ..... N• 1 . 1 -. 1 ..Y ~.." . .." e•
was done in the case of Bonaparte the Ist i der ,1, letter promptivattended to, Letters and AGENTS IN PENNSYLVANIA.
why should she out he equally liable to din. ! Valentines can be slit by mailwithout prepty- T. li• Peterson, J. M. Muss & Bro., and
tort the facts in the Eastern Question? We '
. ii, t lie pontnge. Call and examine at COLONS Thos,Couperthait, Philadelphia—Mrs. Cynthin
Book Store. Williams, lione.ydale—Spangler h Bro., lan.
have no access to the Russian papers and Mth meter--S.BM Tuck, us/mere—J. It. Gunnison
tains, and therefore have no evidence on their II untingdon, February Gilt 1855-2 t.
Erie—Sninl. ll.Lnulfer, Gm nvhury-11. (lull,
side. It certninly is very evident that the NOTICE. Pill,/on—Ur. S. It. Scott, Bed furd—E.T. Ilil.
Allies are losing sympathy among the Ameri- I 21, the aedik), al the Ihrnlingdan Cambria derbrand, Indiana—J. S. Niectson and Col. A.
IK. McClure, Chanaberslntry—JoAeplt Swartz,
eau people. The entire want of system and "' Hi Th ' il""" rern i an lined l'"•
That the Court of Rumination at the January . lll oolllB b B rg — O W Earle, Inryncshorti—Put.
gross mismanagement, has egcited the ridicule
term, 1855, di.teeted to he paid to the creditors ter & MeMann lickfontinc-11. A. Lance,
of every intelligent person. Tho London or the sold road, two and one fourth per cent, Reading.
Shove even, is tierce against the Aberdeen tut the amount of their claims, on which former February 6,1857-61 l .
ministry, and publishers an article on the heart- ', l ,!: . r i t l Z n y t e „, l ; e o , e , n o ( ;ll l . ' ,. l ,l.;i • i l l i c k u l t l 3 : o l ‘ . ‘ ,.t i o li prs4
less receptions given to the wounded soldiers . by tlielinSeivea or their agents.
who have returned from the Crimea. These tin- j JOAN S. 'SETT, Sequestrator.
Spruce Creek, February 2, 1855-31.
fortunate 111011 were d I • 1 1 bow•
we eay et lour s. shiver- .
hug ill the cold while the custom house oill. [tilairCounty Whig insert the above three
times and reciprocate],
cers were examining their baggage. Such .
treatment its this, dues not tend to raise up 1
friends for England. What a handle it would I REAL ESTATE.
give her against Napoleon the let, Mid lie su6 BY ir rj rn : rder l rii l sied°ut?r l,tpl outofltgingo„eo„„„.Vil
freed a part of his “01,1 Guard" to be treated he sold at public sole, on the premise,. in 11,311 Y
thus, while their baggage was being examin• township, in said comity, on TIIURSDA Y, the
ed. Yours Truly, ...V. ti. 22,,,/ day of 3fitreh, 1888, a tract of land in the
• township aforesaid, con.aining between 98 and
ti , For th e je"tini• a " „ ( t 1 1 l o le tll . 7r ' st ia th n e g c b s a ta n t d o s oV.dre:ite m s c s r, le o e n ' a il. d ,
Sale of the Poor .onee F arm. about 25 acres of which are cleared, with a cob-
The project of selling the farm attached to in bouso and barn thereott
t u e n t elef
the county Pour Rouse, has been freely discus- t t l e ,.: . trtt i r . io l n g. t o a p tig r inf the be s t
t is about 3 miles from Alili
sell., and has received the unanimous consent I Creek, on the Pennsylvania Canal and Railroad
of the taxpayers throughout this portion of the 111 nv ie Ta l u n th f . ro f , t , 1 1 1 .Alt r e e T ili t i o s v kll: 6 ';.`g: ll6
county. Judge, then, of our sui . prise, tot see- There are leadin g
springs on the tract and a good
Ma the presentment of the Grand Inquest of water-Power.
the county to the contrary, ill your paper of 1 Terr•T e l n t r l in t r i clr n
( i ) l l l e i s Tln nt rZiX
the 17th ult. The reason of Ws decision on ge P ol i n :no year
to be sc ' eured by bond
the part of the Grand Inquest, is not given and mortgage, with interest.
and it is with the hope that toe tux payers of THOMAS ROSS, Ailmr,
the county may leant whet advantnge they arc I F 0 b..., i e. 1855_3,
to derive from holding or. to this large tract of
PRE WHITE LEAD, just received and for
land, while they are paying interest Olt th e ori- 1 3 sale by J. & W. SAXTON.
ginal oast of it,
CIINOIIANIS--Domestic and Dross, just re-
Yoar Correspondent at Shirley, in last week's tx caved at D. P. GWIN'S Cheap Store.
Joarna/, seems to think, that bemuse the • .
1 n BARTMLSltoellerring,Just received mel
()rand Inquest has decide ci otherwise, the sale s 1.. r for side et the store of GEO. OWIN.
for the present, must be given up. It is onto-
A SPLENDID assortment of Ladies' Dress
estly hoped, that instead of the sale being It- 1 ").. Goodsjust reecho/ at CAIIMON'S.
bandonml in consequence, that all who have, cjii.vEtt Butter Knives, and Salt Spoons, at
the hest intere , t td the county at heart, and 11 15. Suare's Cheep Jewelry Store,
who desire to be relieved from our present op
pressive rates of tuxation, will exert themselves
to secure the passage of a law by the present
Legislature for the sale, not only of 120 acres
of land, but of the entire farm, save about 10
nem for gardening. Your correspondent just.
ly condemns the idea of the county embnrking
in farming operations, since it is well known
that similar undertakings by neighboring coon•
ties Imre failed, fly the consult, that pauper",
no a general thing, are poor Arnie.; and
that while our lio4t farmers cannot ronliKe three
per cent on their investmunt, by the assistance
of the luck laborers in the county, it is hardly
to be presumed, that any Board of Directors
could ntakc the Poor !louse fern, yield the a•
mount necessary to pay the interest on the in
The paupers now in the Poor House, tot we
are informed, instead of being able to farm, re
quire additional hands to be employed at the
expense of the county to take care of them,
and it is net likely that our county Poor House
• will ever be filled with industriumr fin uerra,
such no would be required for conducting a
farm profitably. There are other reasons why
this land should be sold, but as we have never
yet heard one argument odbred in favor of sel
ling it, the tax-payers require nothing more
than to be called upon to act properly in a mat-
I ter of so much interest to the county.
CASS TOWN ,;1111'.
FEBRUA RV 81, 1855.
A Doubtful Story.
A Washington correspondent states that
storm seems to be gathering in tel around the
War Department, and gives the tullowing as
the cause of it :
A storm seems to be gathering in and around
the Department of War. (lea. Winfield Soma
teas SUMIIIIMed to WOSllillgtOO to appear before
the Committee no Military Allairs in the llnuse
of Representatives, to give his views on the bill
pending before that committee Ibr an increase
of the army. Upon his arrival here, he first
reported himself to the head of the War De
partment, a n d hall et fr ,, awl full conversation
with Secretary Davis. lo this interview Ile..
Scott expressed ids views upon the Military hill
and suggested various amenthnemas. After
wards, when Cm eh m 1 Scott appeared hedge the
Committee, he pm m "'mica similar amendments
there, stating that the Secretary o f War hail
fully agreed with him on all limes, several a
mendments. This being the case, the Commit
tee adopted the amendments without hesitation;
but judge of their surprise, upon learning frman
Secretary Davis that he not only disapproved
of the amendments, but had expressed his dis
approbation clearly and distinctly to General
Scott in their interview. The Secretary order
ed General Scutt to appear before hint today
for an explanation. 'l'lme result of this inter
view is not vet known, hid, it must have been
interest ing. • When doctors full out, who shall
decide ?
Ucts. Scott tins received it full share of perse
cution from the War Department, and we hope
fur the honor of the country, the above story
will not turn out to be eorrect. Who that
knows Winfield Scott could for a moment be
made to believe that ho would misrepresent the
Secretnry of War ?
- -----
I The Flour Niarket continues exeeedingly
lull, there Wing no export demand, and the
only sole; looking aro small lots for home con.
• sumption at :49.750t 9 per barrel,lbr mixed and
! good briouls and $9,25(t - t.9,50 for extra.
Crain—There is no Wheat arriving, and the
stock is about exhausted—it is wanted at
tier bushel for red, awl V 2,22 for white, with
sales of ft r,•,. hundred hushe,
Iln tho 25th ult., by Hoy. N. S. Buolikgborn,
Mr. .1 A M ES T. EV 1 Nl.l STON nod Mks MA HY
.1. MlT(ri, both of thi; county.
lota of ground Ennisville, with (IWIII•
I I ing house, it cabinet-maker's rhop, and a
stable thereon erected, being the premises for
m erly uwucd and ucettpied Jolt W. Motor,
Immediate possession will be given.
AIME:: S.. ill )11111S.
Iluntingdon, February 3,1855-4 t.
subscriber niters tier sale or rent n tan
nery with all the usual fixtures iu good or-
There is n v1,11(1111 Irrelnird of choice
fruit tree,' on dm ild. ronSi,loll eon be given
lin the linit tiny of April next.
It. MeltrliNEY.
MeAleavy'a Furl, February ant I,l.l—at
A most beautiful lot uf Berage to Imine pat
.c3. term, and in the piere, from rti op to 50
ets. per card, just received .1:111 Mr sale by
J. e i• W. Si X'/'ON.
How often it happene, that the wife linger,' from
year to year in that pitiable condition tu not even
for ono day to feel tholuippy and exhilarating influ
ence incident to thoonjoyment of health
But a few years ago in the Bush of health nod youth,
and buoyancy of spirits, rigidly, and 11pp:trendy in
explicably, becomes a feeble, sickly, wallow, debill.
fated wife, with frame emaciated, nerves unstrung,
Spirits depressed, countenance bearing tho impress
n euffering, and an utter physical and mental pros,
tration, arising from ignorance of the simplest anti
plainest rules of health Re connected with the mar
riage state, the violation of which entails disease,
wagering and misery, not only to the wife, but often
VNTO Tag mina AND porn. AriNERATIDN,"
KING'S EVIL, giant other nod
WOl,lO Disease, na a
And must this continue? Most this be? Is there no
Hurd)? No relief? No lmur'
. . .
Tho'nnuefly Ix by knnwiinc the MIS. and avnbling
thrum. and knowing the rolnNlies, and banalltlng by thorn.
TV. ant plated ant In
PROMFoR or or Wo3l/14.
Onc Ilundrnith Edition, (500,000),IAnin.,pp. 230,
I. ITU PAM, XIT. $1.00.J
A olaralard work of entablkhal repaint ion. found aboard
In lhn ratalogoen of the great tra.lo .1.. In New York,
and other and hOl.l Is tho principal
bun... era In the I'M.! Sta.. IL was ilpit pol.l,lled
11,17, Agee whirb flow
Fuld. or which there t‘, ro its.unr.l4
attesting no high egtimatiou iu which It let 111.1. i ass re•
liable popular !haHeal
the author having devotod err bistro attention to law
treatment or estop :010A me thine to females, in onset to
aWclt ilo U yearly consult‘4l by tloneustets Lott' in person
awl by letter.
every woman can discover, by comparing her own
symptoms with those doeoribea, oho nitture, character,
onuses of, fool the /Inter roluedkul for, her complain.
Tito it atmut becoining a mother Inns often inolid of
Instruction nal advice of the almost Importance to Imo
future health, In resport to wbich bee sensittrenem for.
bias consulting a medical gentleman, will find furl' lu•
Wootton and Moire, and slso explain many 4rmploms
which otherwi,u would ovue.ion sorely or alarm as all
the poculandries Incident to hrr 6ititothm urn
Ilow many aro en &ring front obstructions or irreguhve•
Kies factillur to tho fonitle system, which undermine the
health, the effects 1,1 which they aro loorant, and fin ,
which their delicacy forbids seeking tue.liral advice.
)(any sidlrring from pwlaystie usai (falling of tho womb),
or from fluor ant (wenkneso, debility, kr.) Mikity aro
in constant agony for many months pyre ding
merit Many have dieletilt If not dangerous
awl blow and uncertain recoveries. Pomo whose livio aro
Imniriled daring such time, will oath nod in its 11,4 11/0
LllOOl,l of prevention, anteliorat sou and relief.
It is of mom. Imprortivable to ninny fully the various
pobJorts Vented of, as they are of o nature strictly (c
-reated for the mould or those contemplating marring*,
Reader, are you a huabatet urn father? a wife or
mother? INTO pat the Pincerowelfe re of the:. you lora
at heartP Prove your ~ i neerity, nwi Intto no time In
•ruing what raw.,y interfere with their hoilth awl hap•
OA not leen than your own. It will mold to you and
morn, ne It WO to thounande, many a any of pain and'
euniety, followed by eleeplese nights, Incapacitating the
wind fur Ile ordinary evocation, owl ezloweting thew.
Receipts and Expenditures
Of the County n f Ilitntingdon front the ard.
day of January, 1851, tip In the sth day of
January, 1855, inch/di/8y both days.
And. in Troasury at last Settlement $3Ol 80
William MeCiarvey, Shirley,
William Dean, pee n , 98 07
Henry C,renmr, Springfield, 15 08
. -
John Love, Barree, 30 54
Daniel Torque, Cromwell, 121 58
Isaac Sharrer, Shirley 191 98
John Brown, Springfield, 12 68
Thomas Dean, Walker, I .8 18
Charles Green, West, 201 21
Daniel Womelsdorf, Franklin,
George Bowman, Shirley, .
Levi Smith, Union, •
John Coulter, Walker.
James Ewing, Bnrrco,
lumen Miller, Brady,
Joshua Greenland, - CI%BA
Richard Madden, Clay,
George Swartz, Cromwell,
Robert Peterson, Dublin,
Win. Mellwain, Franklin,
Luke Voorhees, Henderson,
Leonard Weaver, Hopewell,
James Stewnrt, .4. Jackson,
Michael Fetterhoor, Morris,
Jacob Brumbaugh, Penn
Benjamin Nell, Porter ;
John Long, Shirley,
Sela Locke, Springfield,
.lohn .loner, Tell,
Israel Baker, Tod,
William Smith. Union,
'John llctlner, Walker,
Walter Vitt' Wit! el. ..mirk
Julw Hewitt, West,
I T:i
John Me Donald, Wady,
t;eorgtt Smith. Casi,
Itielin] Madden, Clay,
Michael M.prg, Cramwt.ll,
.Itairow J..Tavlor, Dublin,
.It•ita Immo. Pranklia,
Sanlm., I 1ef1.1...f1,
Eli Platittner, Hopewell,
'lmam W. liaoks. Jaelistm,
Jacob (trove, Sr., l'enn,
William Shaw, Porter,
1)A, id S. I:taheattw, Shirkv. •
Benedict Siertms. Springfield,
Jacob II agi, To'
John Icchtiii. Tud,
Joseph I Walker.
William, Warrior:mark,
Abraham eresmvell, West,
Amount of Comity tax on l'oseated
Atnoont of School lax imrnsented
Amount of 110;a1 tax on Unseated
.‘lnont of Iledeinption money' or
1 . 11,4,1111 h a ul, reveivol since last
Amount rei•eived in full on Bond a
gainst sundry perm)ns given Iln
any amount over three ..thownni
dollars which Bridge across the
Joninta river at llinalagdon shall
cost, .
mount ri.cciv.l f,,r rent i.f
.lolotolt Ilir rent of
emirt Ilou
Amount of .Inc}• Fees and
l'itirA n.(4%4.0 from W.
B. Zi.iglor, Sheriff',
13111nliec duo county Trensu•
rer at aeUlrmaut,
Attorney (;en,rttl and ollows on (Tin,
innl pro. , cution,
Constobh, lor nothing rt•turfoi WI!
tulveriising spring tleetion..
Giltinl and Trnversn Jurors, Com
Crier &e.,
Assessors orders,
Juttkes, Inspectors and Clerics o
Elections, 6•ls .1
Inquisitions on dead 1/0.111,1,
'toad and Bridge views, 254 0
do damages, Benj. Orates 60 ni
do do John Hewitt 400 0
do do Fred. Snyder 23 0
do do John Iles 23 6
do do Daniel Piper 160 0
State road from Mill Creek
to Calvin
Hobert Madden for bridge at
11'1'1611;4,ton 1130 0
Alex. Cartoon I . or bridge nt
!taw. 433 7
(k.rrg, for bridge nt
l'otteh's Furnare 345 2:
Jacob Covert tbr bridge n
en. 141nek Log Creek 1 tni 51
.lohn Shaver tier building
bridge in Drakes Ferry 300 01
Hobert Stitt in roll 38 51
Slllikli 103 01
Samuel Wigton 114 01
Tluktotot 1141111, 105 01
.Intt. paid Auditors lit '33
Clerk 'to Commissioners in
roi lbr 1833 50 01
Clerk to Commissioners on
neeoitut for 1534 123 0 ,
Treasurer to State Lunatic,
Asvhon Site
David Brotherline 52 0
John Madden - 53 0
For coal, wood, stntionory,
light &v., tbr public oilier:4,
Court llon,e and .1:51,
William B. Lens 360 0
Thomas Fisher 114 0
Orbison, Esq.. 173 3
Ex'r. or C. llonher 00 0
!Ivory liockler 22 1
.Sohn Sharer 30 0
..Intoubt raid Directors of
the l'lJor for 1851
IV. 11. Zeigler Sheriff for
summoning Jurors and
conveying prisonors to thn
Sh.,io•l;ll,l.lkwia tilt account
for same,
For Comity printing--
William Lewis 77
Georgelismi for board.
img .liirors and Constables
in the cos, of Coto& is,
Eliznbeili 90
Robert Kyle toe boarding
Jurors and Constables in
case of ('ninth. vs. fietitgo
Dr..l. 11. Loden for Medical
attendance on prisoners
Insuranceof Bridge at Buie
Postage to Win. Lewis
John M. Cunningham for
plan and specilleations of
frensurces and Merin
John Reed Attorney to Com
missioners in full for '5:l 10
John Reed Attorney to Cone
missioners on accipnt for
1851 20
A. W. Benedict 10.
For running and making
boundary line between
Huntingdon, Centre and
Mifflin counties
For running and making
boundary line between
Iluntliig3on, Bedford 4 11 1;
Fulton counties
Refunding orders to sundry
persons for land sold at
Treasurces solo
Bundry persons premiums
Oil wild eats and foxes
Bond tax on unseated lands
paid 1851 190
School lax on unseatedlituds
paid 1854 33
Then. If. Cromer, Pro'tys
furs stationary, and blank
:12 02
39 3
2 94
91 RA
100 31
books for Prothonotays, of
flee &c.
For repairs to Court }louse
and Jail
Mrs. Werth for cleaning
Court llonse 1
Mrs. Jnne Kiem for same in
Mrs. Jane Keim for wash•
ing fly prisoners
Sundry persons redemption
money on unseated lands
Treasurer's Commission on
...... ....
piolik Al at li per cent
In testimony or tho correctness
accounts WO have hereto set
12th tiny of Jonnory, A. It. I