Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, January 17, 1855, Image 3

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    To the honor able the Judges of the
Court of Cotunton Piens, and
Quarter 4C110011,1 of the peace for
Hie County of Huntingdon at Jan.
Term A. H. 1,4153.
The ental inquest tint the said county of
Huntingdon, lteport, That agreeably to the
directions and instructions of the Honorable
Court aforesaid, they proceeded to the l'oor
House or said county, situate in Shirley town
ship in said county, and viewed and examined
the Male whit the farm attached thereto, 11,11,1
that paid building is in good order and condi
tion, and the Paupers in the sante appear to
be well cared 11)1., both in bedding cloathing and
food, that the steward Janus Murphy deserves
the thanks or the citizens or mid county for
his humane attention to the smite; and that we
do not approve or the plan of said building,
but that snid building is made and erected 111
a substantial manner, that we entirely disap
prove of the plan of said building, and partic
ularly of the Dining Room and Kitchen as be
ing too small and inconvenient, that we recom
mend the following alterations to be made, to
wit that a dining-room and kitchen be made in
the bnsement story of mid building, the maid din.
ing room to be flute y feet long and proportioned
in width, that said kitchen be a proper aloe for
convenience. That the water in the Spring in
the field near ton white-oak tree (if found prac
ticable and if said county has the right thereof)
he brought in pipes to the proper and conve
nient place at said building undthus by proper
fixtures be made to serve ns a flowin,g stream.
That they have seen a petition signed by sun
dry, individuals, to be sent to the Legislature
asking fora We authorizing the sale of a part
of said tractor !anti, that they recommend that
non, of paid tract of land be sold at this time.
. JOHN OWENS, Foreman.
syrrs.—A petition is going round for signa
tures in Boston, asking the new Legislature of
Massachusetts to declare any person assisting
in the enforcements of the fugitive slave law
to be forever incapable of serving as a juror, or
holding office in the State unless relieved from
such merited disgrace by a pardon ; and a law
to punish by fine and imprisonment any person
holding office who shall assist in the enforce
ment of the odious law, or any claimant, or
eider and abettor of such claimant, who shall
attempt to remove an alledged slave from the
State, without his having had a jury trial.
A Yew FEATVII,I to TVADE.—WO 1.111
thatan engagement has been made with
the Rending, Catawissu, Williamsport and
Elmira Railroad Companies for the trans•
pertation to Phihula. from Western New
York of 230 ear loads of slimiks, and that
there is inquiry there also for 230 addition.
tonal ear loads to be brought by the same
route. This event demonstrates the value
of the avenue trade which has thus been
opened between Philadelphia and Western
New York. This shipment could never have
reached Philadelphia by any other route than
the one referred to.
CA LI FORNIA TOR A CCIL-Tll C Uti i./1 Demo.
crat has seen a specimen of tobacco grown
this season on the ranch of Capt. S. S. Turner,
anal nephew, which will compare favorably
with that raised in the Old Dominion—and
come say it is equal to the b6st Cuba :eaf from
the farditmed l•Veulta ale Abajo." The Demo
crat says: Tobacco grows luxuriantly where
ever it has been - planted, andlwill yield double
the q :imity to V. ace, ha , is obtaina
ble in the old tobacco growing States. The
sample shown us is from the Cuba seed,
"WitsTurint God has made is perfect," said
a western preacher to his hearers. "What de
think of me then?" said a hunch lack, ris
ing up and exhibiting his own deformity."—
“Think of you ?" said the preacher, "why I
think you are as perfect a hunchback as I ever
saw in sty life l"
SW, An old lady while indulging, a few eve•
nidgs since, in reminiscences of her girlhood,
when she had lots of beaux, exclaimed :
“Why, the truth is, that at one time I was so
happy that I was thirty uncomfortable!”
04 - I'hc Messrs, Haldeman who recently
carried on the Matilda Furnace in Mifflin coun
ty, near Mt. Union, have failed, a few days ago,
it is said to the amount of about $200,000.
Mas. Hostmimic - thinks it "rather
queer - that the falling of a little quicksilver
in a glass tube should make the weather so
awful cold.
I,KENsc LAWS.—A. bill has been passed the
Illinois llama of Representataves, repealing
all the license laws of the State.
January 1;,1853.
Flour per bid.,
Red Wheat, per hu.,• •
White Wheat, per hu.
Rye, pet be
Corn, per be
Oats. per be
Hoy, per ton •
Butter, per lb.,
Lord, per lb.,
Eggs, per duo.,
Jan, 15, 1854.
Fxtra family Pour,
Corn Meal,
Primo White -Wheat,
Prime Red Wheat,
Mail T. I Ex. T. I E. T. I Ex. T..
Twin leaves P.M. P.M. I'.Dl. A.M.
Petersburg, 2.31 7.34 3.35
Huntingdon, 2.49 7.50 4.09
Mill Creek, 3.01 8.00 4.19
Mt. Union, 3.18 8.:4 4.33
Train leaves P.M P.M. A.M. A.M.
Mt. Union, 4.25 8.14 6.35 6,26
Mill Creek, 4.41 8.25 7.05 6.39
Huntingbon, 4.55 8.38 7,30 6.93
Petersburg, 5.11 8.49 8.05 7.06
Pain & fang'
I E 1,113A:a,
And all Kinds of Legal Blanks,
Used by Magistrates & Others,
ranted al iKe JOVIINAL OFFICE.
Alt persons knowing themselves indebted to
the nitaeriber. by Note or Bonk neenunt, are co
gitated to call and make immediate settlement.
Having concluded to morn to the Went shortly.
therefitre no norther indulgence con be gi, en.
January 16,1815.
ETTFRS or administration have been gran
." led to the undersigned upon tho estate of
John Douglas, late of Shirley township, dee'd.—
All persons indebted to said der'd., ore reques
ted to make payment, and those having claims to
.esent them for settlement.
Ten. if, 1805-tit. • Shirley tp.
TILE snliseriber has recently returned from
Europe with about 20 pounds of Tin Ore,
the specimens, are of the very best, they have
the rock in which they were embed attached.—
To Mineralogists or Geologists, those specimens
would he very valuable. That tin ore can be
found in the United States, the subscriber has
no doubt. Any person wishing to procure all or
port of the specimens, Cllll have them by an ear
ly application to the suhscrilier. Address,
Orbisonin, Huntingdon county, Pa.
January ICI, 18:45-41.•
[Estole of Dr. Amid Diller, deed.]
THE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the
Orphan's Court of Huntingdon county. to
distribute the balance on the account of Benja
min F. Patton and John T. Matthias, adminis
trators of the estate of Dr. David Diller, late of
Warriorsmark township, deceased, to and
amongst those legally entitled thereto, hereby
gives notice that he will attend for that purpose
at the Court House ' in Huntingdon, on Tuesday
the 12th day of February next, nt three o'clock,
P. M., when and where all persons are required
to present their claims against said fund, or he
debarred from coining in for a share of the same.
Jun. 16, 12:15-4t.
THE subscriber offers his Farm for sale, situ
ate on the naystown Branch, in Walker
township, Huntingdon comity, consisting of
.240 Acres
. . .
of Slate land, 180 acres of which is in a good
state of cultivation, the balance is well timbered
one half of the xleared land is river bottom.
The buildings consist of two dwelling houses,
frame barn and all the necessnry outhouses, a
never-failing Spring and well of water, there is
on it a large orchard of grafted apple trees, wit It
n great variety of other fruit. •
The terms will he made easy—and posse onion
can be given on the first of April next. •
Jan. 16, 1855-31.*
A Miracle of Science.
DR. C. L. Kelling of Mechanicsburg Cumber
-1.) land county Pa., announces to those nfflie-
IA with Tumor's, Weds, Cancers, Polyp.,
Lupus Moles or Marks, Scrofula or King's Evil
and all diseases that have been usually treated
with Caustic or Knife, he can remove them by
an entirely new method, without cutting, burn
ing, or pain neither Chloroform or Ether is ad
ministered, to the patient.
It is no matter on what part of the body they
may be he can remove them with perfect safe
ty, and in a remarkably short time. No Min
eral or Vegetable poison is applied; and no
money required until a cure is perfected.
Prolapsts Uteri, Female complaints, Chronic,
Venereal and all other diseases treated with
positive success. Full particulars can be ob
tained by addressing in either English or Ger
man, post paid. Patients can be aceommoda
led with Board on reasonable terms.
Mechanicsburg, is one of the prettiest and
healthy towns in this or any •other State. It is
8 miles from Harrisburg on the C. V. IL H. and
accessible front all parts of the UMon.
The Dr. will visit cases in any part of the
State when desired. _ -
Kind render if you know any afflicted fellow
creature, delay not to tell them of this treat.
January 16, 1855-Iy.
Corrected Weekly.
PENNSYLVANIA. senn t herinint Bank,
Philadelphia Banks, parNineral Bank,
U. States Bank, 29)A1l other solvent,_ .. •
Chambershurg, i.' DIST. COLUMBIA.
Gettysburg, I'll) solvent Banks,
Pittsburgh, i; VIRGINIA.
Susqueleii Co. no sale Far Branches, .1
Lewistown, no sale'Near Branches,
Middletown, i Wheeltnt,
Carlisle. • it Under Fives,
Waynesburg, i,All solvent Banks, I
Washington, 1 Under Fives, I
Harrisburg, .; SOUTH CAROLINA.
Honesdale, AiAll solvent Banks, ~;'
Lebanon, pitilinder Fives, 1
:Monongahela, GEORGIA.
West Branch Bank, parsHawkinsville,
Wyoming Bank, pnr Coin. B'k Maconmo sale
York, 1 Merelets In do. failed
All other solv't b'ks par All other solvent, 1
Relief Notes, i Under Fives, a Towanda Relief, no sale ALABAMA.
.MAII4I, (Bank of Mobile, 1
Calais, _ WWI otliT. solvent, 4
LatayCtte, Bangor, Small Notes; 5
Maine Bank, Portland, 5 LOUISIANA.
Mercantile, Bangor, Other solvent beaks,
St. Croix, Calais,
All solvent banks, aJSolv't Cincinnati B'ks, 1
Small Notes, COUNTRY.
All solvent hanks, Granville Society,
Small Notes. II All other solvent,
VERMONT. Under Fives, 2
Bank of St. Albans, 1 KENTUCKY.
16 00
All solvent banks, All solvent Banks, 1
Under lives, Small notes, 2
All solvent banks, All solvent banks, 1
Under fives, OUnder Fives,
Providence Co. Bank, Far. & Mech., Detroit, I
All solvent hanks, Mich. Inst. Co., do. I 4
Under fives, All others, uncertain
All solvent banks, fa :Northern Banks, no sale
Under fives, ll others, uncertain
All solvent banks, par (Pk State of Missouri, ri!
Atlas Bank, 37 All Banks no sale
James Bank, 14 ; ILLINOIS.
Northern Exchange, I' taco B'k & Branchcs,so
State B'k, Saugerties, lUnder Fives, 50
Bank, Cayuga, Lake, liAll others, no sale
Solvent Country Irks, INDIANA.
Post Notes & Certif. of !State B,k & Branches. 1
Dep. on time issued . Small Nome 2
by Free B ' ks, no sake. ARK ANSAS.
NEW JESSEY. iMI Banks, no sale,
Plainfield, broke; WISCONSIN.
All other solvent_ par•ln. Co. Checks, Milw. 2
DELAWARE. ',Other Banks. no sale
Small Notes, 1: lOWA.
All Banks, par Min., Dubuque, no sale
MARYLAND. :Other plinks, no sale
Small Notes,4'. CANADA.
Baltimore Banks, All solvent Bunks, 2
Salisbury, brokeiliank of Wooster, failed
A BEAUTIFUL assortment of Fancy Cassi.
mars, Cloths, Summer Wear, for men and
boys. Also, Carpet Bags, &c., just rarely.
ad and for salo by J. & W. SAXTON.
SILK Dress Matterns, *raze do T.ancs,Bcra•
zes, and Lawns of every variety and color,
jnst received and for sale by
J. & W. SAN:TON.
POUT MONNAIES, Card Cases, and the
nest Tullio, of W.T.NUOLM'S Pocket
Kotect, n very large quantity at Etbn. Snare'•i
'Ow most extraordinary disentery in the World
is the Great Arabian Remedy for Man
(Ni.! Beast.
n. _ _
LINIMENT is a most extraordinary medicine,
the truth of which is placed beyond doubt by
the vast sales of the article and the many cures
being daily performed by it, which previously
had resisted all other medicines and the skill
of the best physicians in the world. It ie corn.
posed of balsams, extracts and gums pecaliar
to Arabia—possessing, in a concentrated form,
all their stimulating, anodyne, penetrating, tine.
tuous and revulsive properties, and the same
which, ages ago, were used by the "Sons of the
Desert," with such miraculous success, in cu
ring the diseases of both man and beast.
Read the following remarkable cure, which.
should of rel fplaee IL G. Farrell's
Arabian Liniment far beyond
any similar remedy.
The following is from the principal account
ant of the wealty and respectable house of
Messrs Voris & Bro.. of this city, and presents
CURES IN THE ANNALS of medical histo.
Mr. H. G. Farrell—Dear Sit Actuated by
n sense of gratefulness, I submit the following
no an instance of the utility of Tour great med
icine. My child, throe years otd, was suddenly
attacked with a terrible disease, which in Jess
than six hours prostrated it to total helplessness.
The limbs became so rigid that not a joint
bent ; the flesh turned black and cold and en
tirely deprived of feeling ; the eyes fixed ; pnr.
tinily closed and altogether blind, following
this woo deafness to all sounds ; the spine be
came contracted and so curved that when ly
ing on its back the hend and heels only touch.
ed. Indeed, the child presented every appear
ance of being deed. Immediately on the at
tack, the family physician was called in, and
for three weeks he labored to restore it to feel
ing, but in vain,although it was blistered ado',
en times and different rubefacient Liniments
applied. A consultation of physicians was
then held, but to no purpose, the case was then
brought before the Medical Society, but noth•
ing could be suggested that had not already
been done, and the doctor then told me he
could do nothing more. We then commenced
applyit, your Liniment freely over the whole
length of the spine, and you may imagine a
parent's joy, when after a row applications, re
turning animation was apparent, and it rapid
ly recovered with the exception of the sight,
which did not become perfect fornear a month.
The child is now healthy rind robust as can be.
Five other cases of the same kind occurred
previously in my neighborhood, all of which
died, when there in no doubt if your Liniment
had been used they would have recovered._
Peoria, March lot 1851.
Er. H. G. Farrell :—I have need your Ara
bian Liniment with gratification in several
ense9, the most remarkable of which was a
large lump that appeared on my horst's breast.
It was very hard, appearing tn- be hard gristle.
It remained for nearly a year, when I applied
your Liniment, one bottle of which entirely
cured it. 1 can recommend it as the best
Liniment I ever used. JOHN CRAWL.
Peoria, Feb. 20th 1946.
Look oul for Counterfeits!
The public are cautioned against another
counterfeit, which has lately made its appear
ance,•called IV. B. Farrell's Arabian Liniment,
the most dangerous of all the counterfeits, bo
om, his having the name of Farrell, many
will tiny it in good faith, without the knowledge
that a counterfeit exists, and they will perhaps
only discover their errur when the spurious
mixture has wrought its evil effects.
The genuine article is manulhctured only by
H. G. Farrell, sole inventor and proprietor,
and wholesale druggist, No. 17 Main street.,
Peoria, Illinois, to whom all applications for
Agencies must be addressed. Be sure pm get
it with the letters H. G. before Farrell s, thus
—H. G. FARRELL'S—and his signature on
the wrapper, all others arc counterfeits.
Sold by Thos. Read & Son, Huntingdon, R.
E. Sellers & Fleming Brothers wholesale, Pitts
burg, and by regularly authorized agents
throughout the United States.
siiir Price 25 and 50 cents, and St per bottle.
AGENTS WANTED in every town, village
and hamlet in the United States, in which site
is not already established. Address H. G. Far
rell as above, accompanied with good reference,
as to character, responsibility, &c.
t 4
January 1 2 3 4 5 6
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28 29 30 31
February 1 2 3
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Marchl 2 3
_ _ _
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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April 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 1-1
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29 30
May 1 2 3 4 5
G 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 2-L 25 26
27 28 29 30 31
3456 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
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July 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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29 30 31
August 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31
September 1
2345 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 1.1 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 2.1 25 26 27 28 29
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18 19 2Q 21 22 23 24
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2345 G 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 13
16 17 18 19 20 21 29
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
:in 51
The subscriber will offer for role on Satur
day the 27th day of January lout., Ili!. 11011ro and
lot of ground in the borough of Huntingdon.
Alei/ nn out-lot on Stone Creek hoti . otti, con
taining 1 /wren and 8 or 8 perches. Poen/whin
given on the let or April next.
- Mums—One-third cosh, the residue in two
equal annual payments, with Interest, to be se•
cured by bond. tie.
Jan. in, 1855.-3 t.
j EWERS of administration on tho Estate of
Li John W. Matthias, late of the borough of
Cassville, Huntingdon county, deed. All per
sons indebted to said estate urn requested to
make immediate pnyment, and those having
claims against the same will present them
properly authenticated fur settlement.
Jan. 10, 18.55.—Gt..
Fourth Vol. of Yankee Notions.
The present number commences the Fourth 'Vol
ume of this popular Periodical. Its mean hes
been I precedent, and its circtilation, already
LARGER than that of any similar publication
is constantly increasing. Arrangements have
been made which will enable the Publishers to
make the
Far superior to any Comic paper ever publish
ed in the. United Slues. THE BEST ARTIS
TIC TA LENT in the country has been cogs
on THE ILLUSTRATIONS, and each number
will contain from GO to 75 ENGRAVINGS, in
the highest school of COMIC ART. Ito Liter
ary Contents, by a large Corps of Talented Con
tributors. will challenge comparison with those
of sup, comic periodical either in Europe or
America, and will consist of a choice repertory
of humor , satire, wit, comic taleß, sketches, &e.,
aiming to "shoot folly as it flies," butt never
o'crstepping the lines of strict propriety; it being
the object of the Publisher to snake the YAN
KEE NOTIONS an ever wMcome visite - r at ev
ery Home Circle.
Subscription price, $1 25 per annum t or 121
cents par number. For sale by all the News
Agents and Periodical Donlors iu every City,
Town, and Village in the United States and
Canada.—T. W. STRONG, Publisher, 98 Nos
s. St. N. Y,—Jan. lid 1855.-3 V
Foundry for Sale or Rent.
1111 E Steam Foundry belonging to the under
signed nt Petersburg, will be sold or rented
on reasonable terms, including u large variety
of Patterns fur Cooking-stuven, Parlor, Ten
pinte, Wood and Coal maven; Water-pipe, Roll
ing -mill, Forge, Grist, Saw-mill and Threshing
machine castings ; amino a full assortment of Plow
patterns for all the various plows used in the
country. The foundry in favorably located for
business with all the machinnry, patterns and fix
tures in good order• Possession given on or be
fore April Ist next ensuing.
Petersburg, Jan., 80 1855.-3 t
A LT, persons knowing themselves to have un
settled accounts with the undersigned, will
please snake settlement by the 15th of January,
atter that date the books will be left in the hands
of a Justice for settlement, as I have quit the
business. JOS. H. THOMPSON.
Dec. 27, 1861.-3 t.
No. 106 North FOURTH Street (above Rece,)
MATCHES having become an indispensable
article in housekeeping, the subscriber af
ter a great socrific , of time aryl money is enabled
to offer to the Public once combin
ing Mility ant; Cheapness. The inventor knowing
the dangers apprehended on account of the thin
sey intoner in which Matches aregenerally pack
ed in paper, has by the aid of New Steam Ma
chinery of his own invention, succeeded in get
wood Box; this box is far preferable, - inasmuch
that it occupies no once room than the old round
wood box, and contains at least Two Illtxottßu
per cent. more Matches, which to Shippers is
considerable advantage; it is entirely new, and
secure against Moisture and spontaneous com
bustion, and dispels all danger on transpoata
tion by means of Railroad, Steamboat or any
other mode of conveyance.
These Matches are packed so that one gross or
more may he shipped to any part of the world
with perfect safety. They are the most desirable
article for Home consumption, and the Southern
and Western Markets that have everbeen inven
' red.
DEALERS and SHIPPERS, will do well to
call and examine for themselves.
These Matches are WARRANTED to be
superior to anyhing heretqlbre'orered to the Public.
106 North FOURTH St., Philad'a•
Dec.2o, 1854.-51 n.
No. 21 South Third Street, Between Market
and Chesnut Streets, Philadelphia,
. Dry and Green Salted Patna Kips.
Tanners' and Curriers' Tools,
0' Alkkinds of Leather in the . Rongh wanted,
for which the highest market price will be given
in cash, or taken in exchange fur Ilidea.
Leather Stored free of Charge and Sold on
Dec. 20, 1854.—1 y.
No 6, South Third Street,
Importer, Manufacturer and General .
Has Constantly on hand, and
Always Finishing,
All kinds of Leather, Morocco, Calf
Skins, Sheep Skins, &c,, &c.
The attention of Country Merchants and Man-
Witetnrers, is solicited.
- Dee. 20, 1854.-t r.
1 2
THE undersigned having purchased the full
and exclusive right and privilege of con
structing, using, and vending to others, the right
to make and use, in the county of Huntingdon,
STONESIFER & SMITH'S Improvement in the
adjustable packing for a lamp for burning lard.
Lamps for sale by the dozen or singly, also
township rights for sale at reasonable prices.
All orders promptly attended to by address
ing, the subscriber, Orbisonia, Hunt. Co. Pit.
Sipesville, Nov. 15, 1854.-6 m.
BLANKS,-Always buy your Blanks at the
"Journal Wire." We have now prepared a ye.
ry superiorarticle of BLANK DEEDS, BONDS,
TIONS, &c.
nINGHAMS--Domestie and Dross, juat re
coined at D. P. GWIN'S Cheap Store.
CARPET Bags, just received and for mile I_2y
J. d* W. SA ;WON.
JUST receiving, this week, MAcktrrl, I lerring
and for ?Os by J. &W. '.\ \TON.
LT, persons Indebted to the undersigned for
L Medical attendance, nro requested to call
and nettle immediately, nod save costs. The
Hooks have been left with Alex. l'urt, Esq.—
A ward to the wise, is sufficient.
.1. S. GRIFFITH. M. D.
Dec. 13, 1854.-41.
I ELAND, CLAY & Co., Publishers of Tin:
E, have in preparation, and will soon
publish, in one volume of about 500 pages, with
two hundred engravings, cloth, gilt, THE 11,-
al of good behavior and polite accompli,hments;
containing carefel instructions in oil the apper
tains to the person, dress, manners, acquire
ments, conversation and deportment of the per
fect lady, and the finished gentleman of the best
society. l'rice one dollar.
This hook, the first and only one of its kind
will be sent, post-paid, o 4 a premium, to any per
son who will procure thirty subscrtbers to the
l)itno, en illustrnted monthly, at ten cents a
year. Each number of the Dime contains from
five to ten engravings, music, and twenty col
onies of useful and entertaining matter, suitable
for the school or flintily. It is considered the
best, as it is the cheapest paper of its kind ;and
being neither section', sectarian, nor partizan,
it is intended fur the widest circulation and the
greatest possible usefulness.
Thu illustrated Manners Book, post-paid, and
thirty copies of the Dime, ono year, fur Three
The Illustrated Manners Book, mailed, post
paid, for One dollar.
The Dime, ten cents n year, or eleven for
One dollar.
Specimens cheerfully forwarded to Touchers,
Clergymen, Postmasters, or any-persons wishing
to raise clubs and compote for Premiums.
Address .I.I.:LAND CLAY & Co., I I Spruce
st. N. Y.
Valuable Limestone Land for Sale.
THE subscriber offers At private sale, his farm,
situate in Frunklin township, uuntingdon
county, about one-half mile from the Pennsylva
nia Railroad, containing about
One Hundred and ninety Acres,
be it more or less, of the best polity of lime
stone land, about Itio acres of which arc cleared,
under good fence, and in a good state of culti
The improvements arc it two story stone 4 . -A.
dwelling house, a large frame hank harn,..talL
wagon shed, corn crib, large stable, and other
out buildings. It has a good orchard, and good
water upon it.
Any person desiring to purchase, corm call
upon me on the premises. I will show them
and make known my terms.
Nov. 15, 1854.-3 m.•
20,000 VOLUME S of new and popular
Books—the subscriber has just re•
veived from Boston, New York mid a ir * t
Philadelphia, comprising the great
est variety and most extensive stock Sr. 4
ever brought to the inter:or atilt, State, His
STAIIONERY is also of great variety and su
perior quality, in part as follow: Letter, Cap
and Note Paw, Gold and Steel Pens, Inkstands,
Blank and Time Books, Diaries for 1855, &e.—
Also, Harper's, Putnam's Hoday's and Gra
liatuN Magazines, receive d every month as soon
as out. 2000 copies of the books recommended
by the Teachers' Institute and Board of Direc
tors of the count, Grecriliefs Arithmetics and
Algebra. Towle; Spellers, and Swan's Readers.
3600 Payson & Dunton,s Boston Copy Books,
being the best system as well us the beat execu
ted books ever offered to the public, noise lowest
wholesale prices. 1000 pieces IVall Paper from
9 to 13 cents for common, 18, 23 and 37 cents for
glazed, and 1,25 to S 2 for gold. All of the above
stuck is offered extremely low for cash—the pub
lic will please call and examine.
Store opposite Whittaker's Hotel, Railroad
St., Huntingdon, Pa.
Nov. 8, 1854.
Tsubscriber would respectfully inform the
-L traveling public that he is now running a line
of Hacks from Mt. Union to Orbisonia, as follows:
From Orbisonia to Mt; Union and back again,
every tiny, intersecting the Champersburg lino
nt Orbisonio.
Passengers wishing to go to Shade Gap, or any
other place, will be taken on without delay.
His Ilacks ore good and comfortable, and
he is determined to have none but good and
steady drivers; in a word, his desire is to carry
passengers in eumfort and safety.
Orbisonia, Nov. 8,1854.—1 y.
Of The National Safety Company.
Walnut Sired, Saig! West eT:t!er Third Street,
Incorporated by the State of Penn
sylvania in If4ll.
FIVE PER CENT interest is given and the
money is always paid back whenever it is.
called for, without the necessity of giving notice
for it beforehand.
People who have large sums put their money
in this Safety Fund, on account of the superior
safety and convenience it affords, but any sum,
large or small, is received.
This SAVINO FUND has more than half a mil
lion of dollars, securely invested for the safety
of depositors.
The Office is open to receive and pay money
every day. from 9 o'clock in the morning till '7
o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and
Thursday evenings, till 9 o'clock.
People who have money to pia in; are invited
to cull at the office for further information.
• HENRI' L. BENNER Pres't.
115)11E1a sm.ntiDdE, Vico Pres't..
W3I. J. ItEnt,, Secretary.
Nov, 1, 1854.
- 3
At Ike Elephant Store,
J\ E:i!,
11,1 VI N removed is extensive Store to No. 1,
MeCalnin's Row, formerly occupied by 'l'.
K. Simonton, is now prepared to accommodate
his old customers, and the public generally, with
at splendid and fashionable asssortment of
Fall and Winter Goods,
Ills assortment consists of
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Hardware, Queensware,
and all kinds of goods usually kept in a Country
Store. Also, a beautiful cheap and elegant as
sortment or _ _
Ladies' Dress Goods,
and Trimmings of every variety. Also, Hats;
Caps, Bonnets, Boots and Shoes, and a variety t,f
goods of all kinds. .
Country produce taken in exchange for goods,
at the highest market prices.
Huntingdon, 18, 1854.
Mus. Deimos, B. Delaney, 1)o licrege, Lawns,
Gingham, and a choice variety of Goode of all
kinds, at the store of Ggo. GWIN,
TUST received at el for sale, Ham, Shoulder,
el Side, Dried Beet; Lake Trout, White Fish
ale., Mica Dried A pple•. tor
040 by j, t \V . \ I t oy.
J. M. 111113i1i, M. H.
Graduate nr e Unirersitm
A ‘ a v lN
i f o i r e p z i n a ttlapo g te n pur t i v e , n7 it, , , , . , ,
his protessional services to the ritiivus of that
piano and rieinitY.
Medical Facultcefthe Univer,ity of N. Y.
Dr..lfilm McCulloch, Peteriburg, fleet. Co.
Dr. Henry OrladY,
Nov. 1, 1834.-tf.
Clothing! Clothing! Clothing!
The I,a7frst and hrot lected Stock of
Ready made Fall and Winter Clothing,
Ever offered to the Citizens of
ilitittingdon county.
lF con wish to get a cheap and fashionable suit
of clothing at 30 per cent. less than you can
elsewhere procure them, then go to the cheap
Clothing Emporium of HENRY ROMAN, op
posite Coats' Hotel in Market Square, Hunting
don. l'a., where you will find Ready made Cloth
ing of any quality, made of sound materials, and
in the most fashionable style and at rates im
measurably below any other establishtnent in
this vicinity, where it is considered that the
"nimble six-pence is tar preferable to the slow
shilling," and where, for good fits, fine materi
als, fashionable style and finish, "he can't he
The subscriber respectfully invites the atten
tion of his numerous friends and customers and
the public in general to his immense and well as
sorted stock of Mons' and Boys' Fall and Win
ter Clothing, consisting partly of Fine cloth,
Beaver, Pilot, Petersham, Whitney. Felt and
Double Overcoats, Cloth Frock, 'Dress Sark
And Business coats, of all qualities, styles find
colors, Monkey Jackets, Boundabonts of differ
ent sorts, qualities and prices. Fine Black
Doeskin, Cloth and Cassimere pants do., Fancy
Cassitnere, Satinet, Tweed, as well as a variety
of magnificent Vesta, some of which in quality
and workmanship equal any custom work, that
can be obtained in coy other place. Besides
large assortment 01 Boys' Clothing, the subscri
ber also keeps on band a well select.'
stock of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, such as
handkerchief's, cravats, collars. gloves, sacks,
shirts of all descriptions. Undershirts, Draw
ers, Knit Jackets Suspenders, Traveling Bags,
Hats and Caps, and great many other articles too
numerous to specify.
Encouraged by past favors, the subsereber hos
fur exceeded his usual outlay in purehasin,g stock,
anti he now assures the public that no person
wishing to pnrchnse need leave his store without
being suite', be is enabled to sell at the very /w
-est prices I and whoever wishes to make a wise
outlay o f hi s money ',WT.:I.IIIIIy inVited to call
find costume fur himself.
Oct. IR; 185.1
At Sli;rlensburg, Huntingdon Co., Penn'a
Ilmv. .1 AMES CAMPBELL, A. NI. Principal
Seminary; licalt .1. CAltrunti., A. Al.,
and A. C. F8N1,A1.1., Principals,
rEIIIE Winter Session of both Schools opens on
Wedgestluy, the ith of Nocember, and con
tinue five tnonths.
Board, light, fuel and tuition, per scs , don 556.00
Music with use of instrument, per quarter P.OO
Board, room rent, fuel and tuition, per
session $56,00
Modern Languages, 5.00
Painting and Drawing, 3,00 to 5,00
. . . . .
Lectures and practical instruction given in
Agriculture, Chemistry, Surveying and Engi
neering, &c.
Instruction will be given in the Seminary, in
Embroidery, Gilding, Bronzing and Wein neclle
Shirleysburg, Oct. 18.-3 m.
- -
ma@vll - in,
Al'just returned from the cast with a large
and splendid assortment of
Fall and Winter Clothing,
for men and boys, made in the latest fashion and
in the moat durable manner. Who over wants
to bo dressed better and cheaper than anybody
else in town, let him call at Wn.Loyannyht
eneAr CLOTHING STORE, one door west of T.
Head & Son's drug store, Huntingdon.
Call and see for yourselves
Oct. 18, 1854.
If You Want to Buy Cheap
Goods, Call at the Store of
rbEEOIIIIIB gff.7lllo.
THE subscriber would respectfully announce
to the public, that he has returned from
Philadelphia sod New York, and is now opening
at his well known stand in Market Square, the
largest and prettiest assortment or
Fall and Winter Goods,
ever brought to the borough of Huntingdon, and
is now sellitt at unusually low prices.
My stock comprises in part, Clothe, Cassimers,
black and fancy, Satinett_,A a large variety of
Satin mid Silk Vestings, Kentucky and Penna.
:Icons, Tweeds, Tickings, brown and bleached
Mullins, Drills, Crash Bags and Bagging, Table
Diaper, &c., and a great variety of goods too te
dious to mention,
Ladies Dress and Fancy Goods,
A large assortment of tinder sleeves, Collars
and spencers.
Prints in abtintlance,Mous. do Ltmes,De Bcrege,
Alpaccas, Lustier, Cashmeres, Florence Mar
celine, and Gro. do Nap for Bonnets and Edging,
Ribbons, fancy. andllack Gimp, black silk
Lace, Ladies' Kid Gloves, Gems black do.,
.anen and Silk Handkerchief., Italian Cravats,
Hosiery, &c.
Soots and Shoes.
Hardware, Queepsware, Glassware
and Cedar Ware.
A good supply or
Hats and Caps.
A great variety of
Straw Goods,
My stock tins been selected with . the greatest
care in regard to quality and price, and I flatter
myself that I can otter inducements to purchasers
not to be tiimpl aiewhere.
Thankful tin• the patronage of the past, by my
friend., and the public generally, .1 respectfully
solicit a continuance of the
i:iho. cwis,
Huntingdon, Oct, 11, 1854
J. SIMPSON Ar•rii•,
otticc with DANIEL A rtue4, Esq., 11111 street.
between Montgomery and Smith streets, Hunt
ingdon, Penn . :, [Sept. 20, '54. tf.l
• Fish for Sale.
15 Barrels Susquehanna Shad,
10 Half bbl.
just received and for sale at the store of
lAMES. Lasting and Silk work Gahm, Hid
1 - 4 Morocco, and Gout Boots and Shoes, at the
store of
QILVER Butter Knives, and Salt Spuong, at
►, E. Suore's Cheap Jewelry Store,
0 BARRELS lioo herring, just raeoivod and
for solo at tho store of GEO. G WIN.
A SPLENDM assortment of Ladies' Dress
474 Goodsjust rucoivod at C A !MON'S,
I OOKING G4ksses. jtt t received and for sale .
by J. 11 . . ,A.Xrra.N.,
1 hnvo;ust re , civc.!, En stn now opcn,g, en
the corner opporitc Hotel, a larce and .
beautiful assortment of
Fall and Winter Goode,
consisting of Cloths, Cassinars. lnck and Agn
ew Satinetis, Vestings, Tweeds, Jeans, Flannel.
fellow, White and lied. Also a large lot of
Sack Flannels of ell colors. French Mori.
noes, Coburg Clothe, all wool, Detains, Plain
and Fancy Delaina, Cashmere, Debaize, Alepa•
co, &c.
A Large Lot of Dress Goods,
Silks Black, Bard e nd Plain, Bonnet Silks, Col
lars, lindeisleeves Shimmazetts, Fancy Head-
Dresses, Flouneings, Lace, Eilgaings and Insur
tion, Ribbons, Trimmings, Aa
Cotton Goods,
Mullins Bleached and Unhloached,Canton Flan
nels, Drills, Table Diaper, Crash, Hlovos, and
Hosory of all kinds.
Bocita and Shoes, Groceries, Queensware n
Hardware and Cedar Ware.
Oil Cloths, Carpets, Carpet Sacks, &e.
My old cuslome;.s and as ninny tiw . onee as can
crowd in, are earnestly requested to cell cud ex
nmine tnygoods.
All kiiiaof Country Produce taken in ex
change for Goods at the highest market prices..
Oct. 18, 1931.
Grocery, Confectionary,
qirIi C STAR - 6airOAEc.
NDREW NIMBUS, would respeotfully in,
11 form the citizens of Huntingdon and
that he has just returned from the east, with
a very large and fresh supply of Fruit and
Confationarics, such as
Candies, Lemons, Raisins, Nuts, &c.,
and the largest stock of Toys and Fancy
Articles, ever offered for sale in this town.
receives dvily from the city of Baltimore,
the best OYSTERS that can be found. Those
in want of prime 'shell fish,' can be accommoda
ted by calling at the saloon. lie has fitted up a
saloon expressly for the Ladies.
Thankful to the public for past favors, be hopes
by strict attention to business to merit at continu
ance °Nile same.
Ilnutingdon, Oct. 12, 1859.
REE'irr. Io n CRUMT 4
(Sueee,sor In Hartley Knight.
Bedding and Carpet.
No. 143 South Second Street,
rive DOORS Allot% scarce srtr.r.T, raleA.
Where be keeps constantly on hand a full assort
meat of every article in his litie of brusiness„
Feathers, Feather Beth,
Curled Hair, Moss, Corn Hark and Straw
Velvet Tapestry, Tapestry, Brussels, Three-Ply,
Ingrain, Venetian, List, Ray and 11,mp
Carpetings, Oil Cloths, Canton Mattings.
Cocoa and Spanish Muttings, Flour and Stair
Dramets, Hearth Rags, Door Mats,
T., which be respectfully invites the attention
of purchasers. [Oct. 4, 'M.-Iy.
IAvE just received from Philadelphia the
I largest and Immkomest assortment of
P2ll Ara'ilr2.llll722
ever offered in this place, consisting of Vioths.
Cassimers, Satinetts, Vestiugs, &c.
For (he Ladies
we have Plaid Silks, Worsted Plaids, and every
variety of plaid goods, to please the taste of the
Ladies. Alt., Shawls, Sacking Flannels, Bon
net Silks,
Bonnets, and the fi nest assortment of
Collars, Under-sleeves, Shimasetts, &c., ever
offered to the ladies of this place.
Roots and shoes,
°revery variety, for Men and Boys, Ladies
Shoes, of every variety.
fiats and Caps,
_ .
- - -
of the very latest and hest styles.
of which we always keep the largesstud hest e‘..
sortment over kept in this place.
a magnificent assortment, which are seihn,
nre nlittle up, hot we arc determined to sell ea
low if not lower, than any other house,necording
to quality.
Our stock of Oil Cloths and Carpets
is good, Tubs, Buckets, Willow Ware, and
everything usually kept in a country store.
In fact we have everything to suit the taste of
all, and at lower prices than can he got at any
other house in town, if you don't lie satisfied of
the fact alter calling, then we give up.
We have also, FISH, SALT, PLASTER,
and also receive and store Grain, as usual.
Sept. 27, 1854.
Real Estate Agency.
The undersigned has established no agency
for the Sale and Purchase of Real Estate in
linutingdon county.
Any person wishing to sell or purchase can
give us a description of the property, its loca
tion, quantity. quality, and terms.
We engage in this agency on such terms an
cannot be objected to.
The Agent has the facility of making tho
property extensively known.
Wc now have sons, very dosirable landwbich
we offer on easy terms. \V M. 1111 J. WSTER-
Notice to School Directors and
THE School Directors of the following named
School Districts, are hereby notified that I will
meet them at the place and time designated, for
the purpose of examining teachers and granting
September 9th, at Alexandria, to examine ap
plicants tbr the schools of Porte• township.
11.—• Chose Districts which have neglected
to make out their yearly report, would confer a
titvor by attending to it immediately. The Di
rectors of the several Districts, should give me
early notice of the time when they intend open
ing their schools, so ns to enable me to appoint a
convenient time to meet them.
Teachers tiny be examined at any time by pre.
sensing certificates of good moral character from
tho Board of Directors of the District in which
they are applying.
Copies of the School Laws and deeisioni, can
he furnished to Directors by calling at the offle•
of Fisher & Williamson. on Hill street, or at my
residence op Mitllin street, in the borough of Hun
tingdon. J. S. 13Altli, Cu. Superiuteadeut.
luutingdou, August 3V, 1834.
Laud for Sale.
TnAcT OF LAND situate in Germany
II Valley, near Shirlowsburg. Huntingdon co.,
t•uataining about I*3 Acres, the greaser part
uI which i- limestone, iu u good stuns of eultiva
tion, bounded by lands of George Swills and An
' drew Spariogle. JOHN Ltyrrs.
.lane 21, 1151.
AbspAtiliful atsbortinent of Silk Dress Patterns,
Black Silk, and Bonnet Lininu,:inst reeeiv
utl and for sale by .1. & W. SAXTON.
HATS.—Moleskin No. 1 and 2, of the latest
styles. Kossath Hats of various styles and
qualities—will be sold low et thoebsse store of
JUST RECEIVED and ferule Fiih, Solt &c d
Plash rby J. S W. SAITON.
oire•A Paiute fit Rpm. Illwa as's.