Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, January 10, 1855, Image 4

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    I ALL. BLE MILL pron.r.n TY
.tt Pihate Sale.
111 iS onerty ,iont.e on Swim
Greek. &tout mile+ north of
Huntingdon, Tho mill is in
~utril repair, lots 3 ran of burro, ••• r".
Raid Mill and Lath .Mill; a good
dwelling !wave for the tailltr. Also,
290 Acres of Land,
omit t :Acres of which is elenred and in a
good state of cultivation; the balance is well
covered with good timber. The farm buildings
consists uf it large Frame House, a large Frame
Item, and n lAN, Store liware. inn good stand
for a store. but now imoccupied. Also, a large
',chard of choice fruit.
The property is anti, a lease for friar years
from the lat of next April. at $ 635 a yea.
. _
For further infermation cull on the subscriber
in Ifuntinplen
L3}.t. 27, '54.-tf.
Rebecca Furnace .
THIS property situate on Stone
I Creek, about 12 miles north of,
Huntingdon ' Pa. It is in good or
der, and plenty of ore within 2 Yauwi nu "'
miles—in a line wood country where coal eon he
got readily, nail about 400 ACRES of LAND.
This property is now idle, and possession con
be given at any time.
Any farther information can he had by eel
ling with fieorge Covell, llnntinguton, or Mary
Couch, Altoona.
Sept. 27, ISs4.—tf.
l'i -.1111`:-.:'J',
LA) 2) :P
DESVECTPULEX inliwuN the citizens of
Stonerstown, Coal Mont, Hopewell, and the
country adjacent. that he has located a Medical
1 - )diee in the home formerly occupied by Lemuel
Evans. }:mi., and is now ready to attend to all
calls, and by strict attention to business, hopes
to reccire a good portion of public favor.
et,. ID her 6. 1004.-1 v.
Land For Sale
The undersigned desirous or rentoving to tin
'West corers for sale his lands, consisting or 26:
acres of improved land; the improvements enn•
silt el' a good Stone House. a doable Log Barn,
Carpenter Shop, nod Blacksmith Sling; a greet
variety of fruit vn one vol or the farm, and or
:mil i'
What a pity that a young Man, the hope of his
country, nod the darling of his parents should he
snatehe.l from all prospects and enjoyments of
Tim by the consequence ot deviating from the path
or ;ham, and indulging ie a certain teeth t habit.
Such pertain before eeldenliolatieg Marriage,
should rat, that a sound mind mid halt nre
the aunt tioce.,:try requisites to primate clam,
bird happiues,, indeed without these, the Har
ney thraugh life becomes a weary pilgriMage,
H.osocet hourly darkens 0, the view; the
mind become shadowed with despair, end tilled
with the melanelaily reflection, that the happiness
oi another becomes blighted with our own.
Coss Ili UTIONAL Mawr r.—Dr. .3. allilregA
-42, ywang men, and all who have injured them
selves by private and improper indulgence.
Imt uIASANA.--TheSU are some of the sad and
melancholy effects produced by early habits of
youth, viz, Weakness of the back anti Limbs,
Pains in the head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of
Muscular power, Palpitation or the Heart Dys
pepsia. Ner,ms Irritability, DetalllgenletitS or the
Digeilive Functions, General Debility Symptoms
o ;
of ..Mnsamption,
-nv.rd;ilv4 business is e9il
'n , k property is so situate.
into two farm: ii .It•sireil. TIM pr.
:It.: :Moot mil, 0,, or till.; bort,
1. 1.?51. JUUN I'ORTEII.
Town Property for Sale. oilers soan, valuable
tl,e Botoa,ll von
o f a it:. 110!,e.
vomlil tulle, with every reqiiisili
One of the !lonics has iwen
On 11, !ot ate 11 gent V:11.1
11A z 141144 MOUSE
131-7..T4L, GARRETTSON & CO.,
va A. 1,4 •:(
.9,, at,
t 0,.•,.
tov :1, t,, 12 r...4,,,thc
111,,bvz Firm
lic•iiilaurcL li,
yr', M.
Wm. Donuts, Jr,
Tuns. Fleur,
.Toux SCOTT,
A. P.3oN,
Wm. P. Ohluso
JA G WIN, GEO. W. GAnierrrst.
PJ., July 12, 1854.-3 m.
American. Artists , Union.
milt.: Subscribers to the Works of the Artist , '
j trhiou are respeeOully informed that rrou
tie cnt~;rccdentnl furor Nylkinh they have recei,
the Seieretiley eon:Went in t huhu; that
the who'll nutilLer or Engraving, (250,0010 will
1.3 difflo , Cil of within a lew months, of which clue
through the pre,s, will be given.
,It,ilii,NTS are requested to furm Clubs and
bete! hi their Subscribers without delay.
J. W. 110LBROOKB, Secret:try.
505 Broadway, New York.
19, 151:1,3m.
Farmland Saw-Mill for Sale.
rplrc ,Ilbsvribet oilers for sale his Farm and
1. Saw-Mill, situate in Barree township, of
this imunty, at disjunction of Stone Crock and
East Branch, containing Two I I ondred mid hi r
ty Acres, of which 80 Acres is cleared and in a
good state of cultivation: the lialance is covered
wit:i hoe awl Oak to and all tillable.
July 5, 1954. JAMES HEMPHILL.
C It c sit it t Street,betweett 3d and 3111,
( LIVER. 11. P. PARKER, o' Ohio, and
fill JAMES 11. LAIRD, of this City, having
leased the above well known awl popular house,
t term of years, are now prepared to accom
modate guests in a manner equal to any home
in the city.
The loCation of this house is superior to any
other, being in immediate proximity to business;
also, to.most of the Banks. Public Offices. Post
silica and the Exchange, where omnibusses start
fn• all parts of the city.
Thu house having been put in thorough repair,
and new furniture added, with many modern im
provements, will add much to the comfort of
guests. The tables will at all times be supplied
with the best the market affords, and nothing
shall be wanting, on our part, so make the
FRANKLIN truly this Travelers' Home.
Your patron'age is most respectfully soli: iced,
PARICHR l 1..111).
July ID, 1954.-3 m.
1 , NY perFon haviug•ii piece "r hind for
I nide, within ten miles of this olnee, cue six
:41,, 1 , 111,110=C1 . WllO will pny
CARII DOWN, I.' ID My mini
iiie When of the litintingtlf,,
July 26, 1954.
13N NETS. of all 4ort,
Fbui, from 37i to 301), justrroeirc,l itml for
4:1: by J. & 117. SAXTON.
ILIi Drevs M.toeros, Iterare (le Lone,, Hera
ze+. and Lawns of ervry varivty a n d odor,
just recOved and sale by
plain nod fancy, at very prices, at the store
of (U O. (MIN.
COLD Cli.l /NS—A zinc rarirty for sale, ye.
ry to s, nt Enst. SNARE'S.
TIFT It EC!..11(Ell find forsalc Fish, Soli and
P1.' & W. Saar.),
A 11E.IUTIF1.711. assortment of Panes Cassi•
merg, Clothe, Sllllllller for mrn an t ]
bjr.. A1E41, 17, 1§1 ,, t Bog, ni.., jun.t ret oiv
ed and for self, by .1. & W. SAXTON.
TEA (S. -m ,Its 1.!” No, I awl 2, 01 tht.t latent
L.l ■ tyles. Kossuth lints of yttriotti sf, fu,.l
qualities—will be sold low et the chi:two storo of
er A Rim lot of l'lsyncti at ED... SNA Refl.
.. T
.. ii: .. ~ ~ i , ,'.. '., ~,.. ~
Whore may be 01,htinet1 the most s peedy rem
ly for
DISEASES.—OIerts Strirtnreq,
:seminal Weakness. rain in the Loins, Affections
of the Kidneys, and all those peculiar affections
arising tl inn secret leant, particularly the youth
of •exe.. which if not cured, produces con
stitutional debility, rendering marriage impossi
ble; and In the cud destroys both Mind and Body.
Young Men,
especially, who bare become the victims of Sol
itary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit
which annually sweeps to an antitnely grave thous
souls of young men of the most exalted talents
and brilliant intellect, who miuht otherwise have
entranced listening senates wi:h the thunders or
cloquctiee, or waked to racy the living lyre,
may call with full confidence.
Matt lied rereons,
or those coutemplaf ing marriage, aware of
physical weakness. should inone,liatelv consult
Dr. J., mei be restored to perfect health.
office No. 7 So:tiiF;eTl;TaTci.,s'even doors from
Baltimore Street, etist side op the steps. 10 - Be
particular in obtaining the name turd number, or
you.will mistake the place.
A core warranted, or no charge made, in from
one to two days.
'Pert, NOT., —Dr. Johnston's office is in his
abrelling,4qa the steps.. Ilia very extensive prac
tice is a sufficient guarantee', that ho is the only
propel physician to
Dr. Johston, member of the Royal College of
Surgeon,. London, graduate from one of the
must eminent Colleges of the United States, and
the greeter part of whose life has been spout in
the Hospitals of London, Paris Philadelphia, and
elsewhere, has effected some of the most aston
ishing cures that were ever knuwn, many trou
bled with ringing in the ears and head when
asleep, great nervousness, being alaimed at sud
den sounds, sand bashfulness, with frequent blush
ing attended sometimes with derangement of
mind, were cured immediately.
A Cerrrith Disgmax.—lt is a melancholy the
that tlom:ands lull victims to this horrid disease
owing to the un-kiffiduess of ignorant pretenders
who by the use of that deadly poison Mercury,
ruin the Constitution, causing the most serious
symptoms or that dreadful disease to make their
appearance, such as afflictions of the head, nose,
throat, skin, etc., progressing with frightful ra
pidity till death puts a period to their dreadful
suffering., by sending theta in that Bourne whence
no traveler returns.
TAKE Ntmca.--Young men who
have injured themselves by a certain practice in
dulged in when alone—a habit frequently learned
front evil companions, or et 501001—the 'elteetS
of ‘llil,ll are nightly felt, even when asleep, And
if not cured renders marriage impossible, nod de
stroys both mind and body.
and good
f.,arrulc(feet, on the mind are
much ./ rev.kil; I.oqi or memory, C.ifirn,i.ol
ide:l3, I),pression or spirit, .Evii Forhodio v 4f
Aver...Al to So, i.:ty. SiOr I LO, Or Still
are some .•ftlie evils produced.
. .
T1 . 0,1,111‘k perS.IS 01 nil :1;,,,,,ean now judge
w hat is ti^ esti, of their declining !width. Los
ing their vi g or, I.,..onitig weak, pale nod comeia
111, bare api)e,rinee nlnkut th e eyca,
[oar II :11,1 :yre..,ffit. 12011,111111,00?).
,onsult Dr. J. he restored to per
fect health. (Mice, No. 7, South Frederiek•St.,
Baltimore, 'Mil.
N. Li. Let no false delicacy prevent you, bat ap
ply immediately either personally or by letter.
!ItinDiseases Speedily Cored,
To SynANGEns r .—Th'e many 'thousands owed
at this Institution within the last ten years, and
the numerous important Surgical Operations
performed 1)31)r. J.,witnessed by the Reporters of
the papers, and many other persons, notices of
winch have appeared again and again before the
public, is a sufficient guarantee that the afflicted
yrlt tied a skillful and honorable phys:eian.
As there are so many ignorant And worthless
quacks advertising themselves as Physicians,rnin
ing the health of the afflicted Dr. Johnston would
say to those unacquainted with his reputation that
his Credentials or Diplomas always hang in his
Weakness of the organs immediately eared,
and full vigor restored
Car All letters post paid--remedies sent by
May 22, 187,1.-1 r
Mechanics, Inventors and Manufacturers
$570. IN CAS!! PRIZES. $570.
V 'CAN" commences on the 16th of September.
It is chiefly devoted to the advancement of the
interests of 3lechanks, Inventors, Maniyhrinrers
'and Ear,rrs, and is edited by men practically
skilled in the arts and sciences. Probably no
odler journal of the same character is so exten
sively eirvituti, or so generally esteemed for its
practical .''early all the rabighle Pat
ent., nhieh issue weekly from the Pet exit Orttec
are dbi , trand trial Eayruri'aq, :Ind the ibtiras of
all the Patents are published regularly lit its
columns as they are issued, thus making it a per
PEI , . of information upon the subjects of Me
chaniml Impromme Os, Chemistry, Engineering
and the Selen,cs generally. It is published week
ly in quarto form suitable for binding, and each
volume contains Foot HUNDRED AND Slxvggls
P.4oxs of needing Metter, SEVERAL Iluxotico
ENGUAVINOS, with a full and complete Index.—
Its circulation on the last Volume exceeded 23,-
00(reopies per week, and the practical receipts in
one volume are tint tit to any family much more
than the subscription price.
The following CAsn Pnizgs are offered by the
Publishers for the fourteen largest lists of tillb
solihers sent in by the Ist of January, 1855,
$lOO will be given for the largest list; $73 for
the 2nd; $65 foe the 3ril; $35 for the 4th; $5O for
the 50i; $45 for the 11th; $4O for the 7th; $35 for
the Sib; $3O tic the oth; $25 for the 10th; 520
for the 11tht $l5 for the IStli; $lO for the 13th;
and $3 for the 14th. The will lie paid to
the rirderot the successful eninpetitor immediate-I
ly after the log ofJanuary, 185.1.
_T,„„,; : __O ne copy, nee year, $2l one I,l y,
Si; tire vigil., six iiinthg, $4; ten
. .
ropies, inmiths: sb; ten enpivA, ;web on;o1;th,,
$l5; ropio+, twehe month, $22, twenty
vopie, twelve nnettl..; I,:ig in ;elven,.
No number ermuleteriptiens above tent, can
$1,411 cacti.
I.e •ent in et f;itier,l, titnes•en:l l'rom ditlei'ent
wtbc.:rn awl \ • n money takep for nub
Lette . ,
I 2S Fu
~ ~. .
pOst-Vaid, to MUSN
a-Street. N. Y.
\lcv ,
are exteivovely engaged
in Frociir:og I.ittet,s fur new inventiint3,itll wiil
wivis, inscuturs, without charge, itt regard to the
novelty or their hoprovelociiti.
HOOVER Still at His Ptmt
'Dill' undersigned, now engaged in putting up
Armitage', I,lectro Mot.. Retie Lightning
Il•als in thi, and titlioining counties, would res
pectfully call attention of the intelligent pub
lic to the !treat duperiority of this Patent, at it
betvoit t:,i when llecidnat4 to (trot, ity and
life abut, daily occur, it id tile dill ne or humati.
i:y. as troll as intere, to make urn of the I , e , t
meat, of intettrity in tine power, for though the
Lightning he in the haell, of flint who rule:, the
store), Ills protection anti blessing are utnnay
conne,t,ti with our offi,r,
July 26, ith-I. -if:
le C. liqratttl ?rize !'vs "Zi
and Ague, by
P. rii.Aotrtfir.
'pins Items y i.t purely vegetable. without any
I portion 01 Foreign, deleterious, ur mercurial
ingredient w hatever in it. , composition. The ism
tents tit' a single Bottle is sufficient to cure the
most obstinate into inn single day.
It slam:idlens the stontaelt. invigorates the
frame, end restores the system to its usually
healthy state—in Met, it entirely prevents flint
languor and prostration or strength which always
attends this disease. and bt eonfidently r e e nan .
tnentled to all who have tried, in vain, other per
partitions, . . . .
r Money making is the °Mot of the day. and it
is with this object that medicines are prepare 4
the the cure of diseases to which mankind are
subject. It is the same with the baker and timeli
er, the manufacrbrer, mechanic, he., and it is
well that there is this stimulus to induce the
thoughtful and skilful to devise and prepare in
convenient Mr., suitable remedies the afflic
ted. An individual, under to distressing and tor
turing tit of Chills and Fercr, is nut iu it right
condition to study out the menus of relief; end it
is more sensible and natural that he should look
to others, than to depend upon his own prostrated
energies for the antidote. For en appropriate
and valuable remedy, therefore, it is fully to ob
ject, because it is another's interest to dispose of
it. To the invalid the important consideration
is simply this, "Will I be benefited by the pur
chase of the article uttered
The invalid should inquiry into the testimony
presented to establish its value; the testimony
should be carefully investigated,andjust so much
credit given to it, and no more, than it deserves.
If of n personal character, we should look to the
respectability of the witnesses, and the opportu
nity which they have had for an observation of
the facts, and the•prohable impartiality, and con
sequent truthfulness, of their statements. Cor
roborating statements of a number of respectable
witnesses to the truth of any fact, may amount
to irrciistilde evidence.
We might enter into a detailed account of the
study and labor incident to its preparation—of
the scientific principles upon which it is based—
of the necessity which exists, in the very nature
of the compound, Mr effecting immediate cures
in almost every instance—and of the character
end respectability of the witnesses who have tes
tified to the astonishing cures which it has inva
riably performed. We might enumerate other
cases, and cite the testimony or others, nod in
deed weary our reader with repetitions of cases.
This we deem unnecessary, and shall therefore
confine ourselves to a selection - of a few of those
whose characters and standing in the community
are well kimism, and whose position- , gave them
the opportunity of testing the value of the Prize.
The gentlemen Avila° eertillentes ore given.
at, well known to the eitizens•of I.aneaster and
York Counties, in Pennsylvania, besides ether
;notions of that State; also to the citizens of Ma
relmel who reside in the neighhorhood of the
ti:usquelniint and Title-water Canal. the
gentlemen named .lAtms MCCONKEY. E.;. re
tire-tined York Comity in the Semite of Penn
set vania for twin years. These geffilenttql were
all ('ontrsetun on the Susquehanna and Tide.
Cmeas, which terminate nt
nt the month of the Chesapeake 13:c.—
The officer: of the Companies were. of course.
neipiaimed trith the Contractors: 11114 should there
He ally doubt. applicltion may ho made to them
for the truth of the ropresentotion made in regard
to the detractors or [IRu whose certificates ore
The undersigned.. believing that great benefit
will result to the public from a knowli!dge of the
elli-acy of the Pitize Cane for Fitimit an.l Acne,
do not cheerfully certify that we have, individ
ually. witnessed it 4 successful operation in the
number ofeascs 01111,1 , cel I Vt• n:1li en,
Olel till,. in nn in.hince within ewer
11. I• It lititc,l to cure in osivie S,O. of
flu; contents of a single Wile. Date‘!. I.,•11,•.! • 1 , •1'.
Saptonper 4. Signed—
It. NICI.E.ISIN. SO, I and 2S. C. 2.•
.1. \\ILI d •• In " II '• 2 .•
.1. FISHER, • 22
1. (`U )PER, Lock No. 1 and 2, 2
it 2 "
. .
It. :q . t., A 2U and 1,0 t• 11 ;II Cie il,!:11,1“tiUll 011 . 01 IS
pear, property from destruction by lightning; Os
In erwroletration of the certificates of the high
ly respectable Contractors above named, wheat s""" asthe " 61 ' 4 " " f "" r "'I-augments ore
humane feelings prompted them to give publieitv itndrrstmal. lam corivineed that few persons will
ltc loand reekless no to fail to avail themselveo
W the facts therein stated. the following eertiti- : .
forded by your rods. Wishing
cote from Major Jatnes MeCetikev. ta that 01time the protection nt
member of the Senate of the Commonwealth I "" ti ll "'en.' in
of Pennsylvania, will be . read with interest by all I am vows truly,
who are afflicted with Fever and Agtw : JAMES MedIANTOCK, M. D.,
Na. I, North Eleventh Street,
"PEACII BOTTOM, York ro., Pa. Noe. IR, '3a. Pt °lessor or Aimumiy, Philadelohia College of
'laving witnessed TWENTY-TWO OM. 01 Fever Medicine
met Agar mired by the celebrated PRIZE CURE.
I make - this known for the benefit and eotalort of
all those distressed with that trotthiesome disease
—Fever Cella Ague, JAS. DPCUNKE Y."
Prize Cure for Fever and Agile.
Directions for icing.—Take three table-Toon,-
ful (one-third of the effluents ofthe bottle) in the
morning, one-third at noon, and the balance in
the evening, before meals. on the patient's well
day, or when the chills and fever have subsided
—previously taking a dose of purgative medicine
to cleanse the bowels. The bottle to be well
shaken. RI- Children to take it in 4111:111Cr
proportioned to age.
gir Persons wishing to become Agents fur the
celebrated Prize Cure fie.• Fever and Ague, will
learn the prices and terms (liar cosh only) on per
sonal application, or by letter (post paid) to 11.
I'. MASTIN, 125 Henry Street, New-York,
where it may be bud, wholesale and retail. Price,
1 per single bottle; $8 per dozen; $B4 per gm..
Also fur sale. wholesale, by SCIIIEFFELIN,
113noTunns Fc Co., Druggists,•l 70 Willkun street,
corner of Heckman, New-York, and others thro'-
out the Union. Aug. 9, 1854.-Iy.
MIXTI•ar, for the Fever and Ague, Chaves
Fever, Dyst.ftpsia, turd 1111 Billoll3 Affections.
The proprietor of this Medicine wilt state, with
out hesitation or fear of contrat!!‘2tion, that the
Stampede Mixture has cured more persons :'hero
it has been introduced, than any other medicine
in use for the above diseases. This Medicine has
neither arsenic nor quinine in its composition;
all of the ingredients are of a perfectfully healthy
character, and highly stimulating and invigora
ting in their tendency. Persons while using this
Medicine will not be affected by exposure to wa
ter or a damp attnosphere any more than when
in their usual health. Planters in sections of the
country where the Ague prevails, will do well to
adopt this Medicine, us the patient is not obliged
to lay by while under treatment, and they may
be assured ut a SPEEDY OVUM The proprietor
could introduce thousands of certificates front
those of the highest rusfiectability, hat prefers
saying to the sick—Buy tine bottle, and you will
have the iulitllibte proof in yourself. Full 44x:-
thins for its use accompany each bottle.
Certificates can be seen at the office. showing
where this Medicine has CUMED when all others
bare failed.
For Dyspepsia and all other Billions Com
plaints, there is not a hotter Medicine in market.
It has also been taken with the twist astonish
ing stineeits in se , mil Rheumatism and
;mit; for these eiawilaints take a tablesimuntal
tw Wu a ilay.
One lintile add. Medicine very often has the
desired effect.
Pt ice $1 per bottle: For sale by Druggists in
all part+ of the United States and Canada.
All Wholesale Orders must ho addressed to
MEAI) S BLEEHKER. Solo Proprietor,
Iht Broadway, New York.
Agent, Honacs W. Burnt, Huntingdon,Pa,
September 6. 1854.—1 y
A fresh supply of Garden Seeds trOm Risley
yardens,jua received, audforsaie by
Feb. 23, 1853,
1 O DOZEN Ames' No. 2 Shovels, jus . t recti•
I u veil .11 For sole J. & W. SA XTON.
L211,V ER and Fluted Spoons, Gold, Silver end
I'Ltted Spectacles, us Ed us. Suuru''• Jewelry
1)0ItT MONNAIES, Card Cases, and tlio il
-1 nest quality of WWITIONIIOt.tie Pocket
Knives, a very large quantity at Etht). Snares
- 77'4
Lightning Rods.'
A rrEn many years' close investigation and
tatimerons experiments, the Patentee takes
pleasure In intiirming the public that he has arri
ved at the true principles of protecting
dwellings end property from the destritetive iii•
fluence of Lightning. The calamities that
every City, 'own, Village and Country falls vic
tim to annually, through the gross negligence of
its inhaloitunts. is beyond calculation, especially
when the rowdy is so cosy to obtnin—this is
found in Armitage% Patent Magnetic
Lightning Hods, and in this 'done. This
Rod has been examined by the twist scientific
gentlemen in the wnrld—Professors M'Martrie,
Johnsen. \VOL.' and many others that have ex
mined Ilium, recommend and speak of them in
the highest terms of approbation, and have pro
nounced them the only safe rods in use in this or
nny other country, for the protection of Lives and
Property. One advantage is to divide and throw
hank a pmt of the electric !Uhl harmless to the
clouds; in time of n stroke this enables the rod
to conduct that portion of thiid that belong", to
the earth without the slightest danger of leaving
the conductor. This rod has many other advan
tages over the Uhl cute. The only place of mrtn
umeturing is in .
ri n e St ., 3 donee abore ?re!Oh. Philadelphia,
where all persons are respectfully invited to call
told examine for themselves. For sale Whole
sale and WWI, by 'ribs. ARMITAGE.
Orders promptly attended to. Terms cash.
Aug. 13, 18.47.
I have this day carefully inspected n conductor
or Lightning Red, with vane and index, erected
by Mr. Thomas Armitage, on Bellevue House,
Gloucester, and have no hesitation in saying that
it is not only the hest that I have ever seen, but
that it k the only one I have yet examined that
is constructed on strictly scientific principles. It
is with much pleasure that I recommend this
conductor to the attention of owners of buildings.
into well satisfied that the Magnetic Lightning
Rod, manuthetured by Mr. Thomas Armitage. of
Philadelphia, is the best that has ever boon made.
I have spent several years in the study of the laws
of electricity and ma,vetism t and linen no hesita
tion in saying that them Rods are constructed
upon the only principle of safety. The electric
shock is received and dispensed by the magnet at
the top of the rod, and it would Ito impossible,
according to the laws of attraction and repulsion,
for a building to be injured by n stroke of light
ning when protected by one 01 these rods. I
haste been acquainted with Mr. Armitage fur sev
eral years, anti before he commenced the manu
facture of these rods 1 examined the principle on
which they are constructed, end felt convinced
that tdeir adoption would be nttentleol with com
plete ...yetis'a. The increasing demand fur these
rods, and the extensive sales in all parts of the
country, is ample commendation of their utility
and superiority.
'l'll.\ ('t E. WALLER, M. I).
ItigingSun, Philntl. ca., April 10 , IW:a
The lZilowing extract is riikeii from an editori
al in the lierncriatuu•n Telegraph, edited by .Niaj,
"The borne rod placed neon our dwelling we
have had taken down; and another ereted by Mr.
A uniTA.E, to Willa we would call the attention
of our farmers and readers generally. It is put
up on true scientific principles, and in a rod thnt
has been approved by the highest authority, and
will bear the most thorough examination. Those
who have been deceived, as we hare been, should
lose nn time in having a proper protection agaimt
lightning, substituted. The cost is n mere bag
atelle when mappared with the entire safety of
our Moves and barns against this ,lestrneti, ele
ment. Mr. ARMITAGE'S odTelliSCRIOIlt will hu
found in the INA-1111111A Or tilt paper; and we feel
as thottg't we were performing an imperiom; thity
to the community, by this inviting to it general
l'ilii..tviaPiti4,l)ec. 4, 1852.
Mr. 'l'. AinvITAGE, Vinr Strl!Pt. west of 'Twelfth
titreCt. Philadelphia
1.1: tll Si IC: After a trial of many weeka, it
~Iti.yi,u t t great pleasure to inform you that I
mu HAI, delightml with the lightning roil you
~,•.I upon myhon=e nt Bustleton. As fir on
knowtel, inn to neribmi
Ilartieton, Union Co.,
Is Agent for llnntingdon, and adjoining counties,
and will furnish the Hods on the into,, manner as
Ow Proprietor. Any tierson desiring to be sup
plied with the Rods can leave their order with the
Editor of the Journal, or with Gallus Miller, o
the Hitil Road Hotel. April 12,'54.-2m.
Mountain Female Seminary.
pIIE :Mountain Female Seminary at Diming
' ham, (luminaon county,Pa., on the Penn
sylvania Railroad, occupies one of the must
healthy and desirable locations in the State.—
Strangers visiting the Institution hsre unhesi
tatingly expressed the opinion, that it so easy of
access, retired, bellthful, and surrounded with
such romantic mountain scenery, that no ono
who wishes to learn, could find an institution
more favorably situated. Past success and fu
ture prospects have induced us to greatly enlarge
out plans, and enabled us to give such compensa
tion to teachers as will command those possess
ing the highest qualifications.
COO, per term of 22 weeks, varies from $55 to
$6O, for which good accommodations will be giv
en. Music, French, Latin, Painting, &c.,extra.
Pupils front abroad are expected to board in
the Seminary building with the Principal, who
gives hisentiro attention to the interest of the
Institution. ISRAEL W. WARD,
Oct. 5, 1853. Principal.
The New Jersey Zino Company
and improved the quality of their products, ore
prepared to execute orders for their
surEmoit PAINTS.
DRY, and GROrND I OIL, in assorted pack
ages of from 25 to 500 pounds; also •
DRY, in barrels. of 200 pounds each.
Their WRITE ZINC, which is sold dry or
ground in oil, is warranted PURR and unsur
passed lor BODY and unijOrm whiteness.
A method of preparation has recently been
discovered, which enable, the Company to war
rant their paints to keep fresh and soft in the
kegs for any rca • ouable time. In this respect
their paints will be superior to any other in the
Their BrOlen ;fine Atha. Ch iS Cold nt °low
price. and can only be made from the Zinc ores
from New. Jersey, is now well known for its pro
tective finalities when applied to iron or other
metallic surfaces.
Their Steno Color Paint possesses all the pro
perties of the Brown, and is of an agreeable col
or for painting Cottages, Depots, Oct-buildings,
I)tlle'rs supplied on liberal terms by their
Wholesale Paint healers and Imparters,
N. W. cor. of 10th & Market Sts., Phila.
April 19, 1854.-691.
• _
A to e i.;: y id l otof Itonnej:, jts i tee ‘ ,., ,, ,.i t v , ! v •d i n ci n
Gold Watches willbesuld by Ev.sNeeit
amp'. than elsewhere.
.I)0 . 1 ., 1 1 E 0
b l y V 111 T E LEA
. 1 1 ) ,
i ti , lll) r
25 B
0 . 0 1 r 1:11. 0 71,S superfine Floir i r t utu
. D oRT SION.NAILS from 23 ee p nti . ) , u l 11) 9
1 $! 5 0 .
L at Ed. Snare 3. t r
• "!
$l,OOO Reward !
Ilydro-Elecf•ic Voltaic Chains,
A RE for the first time introduced to the people
of Huntingdon and vicinity, as the most COW
venient, dleclual, and strictly scientific mode of
instantly relieving and permanently miring all
Now we know that no nunouncement similar to
the above meets the eye of the reader almost dai
ly, and perhnps this may he classed with many
others. But listen or you do us injustice. It is
claimed that Puivermacher's Electric Chain, is
the ottly magnetic remedied agent that is secured
by patent, granted by this government, on the
ground that it was n strictly useful and scientific
article. The Chains are note on exhibition at
the Crystal Palace, and attract much attention
tram the thousands who daily visit it.
The manner of using the chains is very simple.
The chain is lirst moistened with common vinegar,
and then one end of the chain is applied to the
part, where the pain is located, and the other end
opposite to the first. The ends of the chain should
never touch ends other. At the moment of ap
plication, the most acute pain is instantly relieved,
wherever is is located, by the passing through the
part a constant current of uninterrupted slew°
magnetism. In the following diseases, no °the
remedy has ever given such complete and perfect
satisfaction to the patient as Pulvermacher's
Chains: Rheumatism, Painful and swelled Joints,
Pains in the Back, Deafness, Blindness, Paraly
sis, Neuralgia in the Face, Long standing Ner
vous Headache, Palpitation of the Heart, Gener
al Debility, Dyspepsia, Female Diseases, Asthma,
Contracted Joints, &c.
will be givpn to any person who will produce so
many well authenticated certificates of cure from
intelligent patients and scientific physicians, of
the above diseases, as has been performed by the
use of the Electric Chain daring the past year.
It is truly the fact that wherever the electric
chains have been introduced, bottled nostrums and
common lard have greatly diminished in sale,
People having become disgusted with the practise
of using their stomachs for drug shops.
The Electric Chains are highly recommended
by Professors Mott, Van Buren, Post and earne
r:llan, of New York; are also in daily use in every
Hospital in that city. The chains will last for
years, are always ready for use, and produce no
injurious results; when used as directed.
The introduction of tho Electric Chain into thin
country is the dawn of a new era. in medicine.—
Inirinr.t. the last twenty years, it can safely he es
timated that ten thousand females have died year
ly from thin one disease.
It is well known to medical men that this COM
-1.11 111$0.0 is beyond the reach of medicine, and
that in proportion to the amount of metlieine giv
en, the more the patient is doomed to suffer, and
somier will death close the scene.
During the last 2 years moro than one thousand
oases of /'rolaps•us L'teri (limiting of the womb)
have hecu permanently cured in England and
France. Most of tltose cases were ladies of high
standing, who bad previously tried all otherkinds
of treatment with no benefit. Among the distin
guished ladies that have been cured in Paris is the
present Queen of Prance. In this country, du
ring the last year, one hundred cases have been
cured in the city of New York, many who have
allowed their names to he published tar the bene.
lit of those suffering with similar complaints.—
The tootle of use is simply to apply one end of a
do link chain to the spine just ahoy° the hips, and
the other end upon the abdomen, and allow the
chain to remain for one hour. This to be tepeat
ed four times during the twenty-four hours.
0111tONIC -
The Elect..• Chains never titil to relieve the
severe paihs and swelling inei,lent to this disease.
The worst firms of this disease readily yield to n
few applications of a chain, and in no single in
stance have they failed to give instant relief, if
they did tint etre, a . eernetnent enee. Al! pers..,
or!• itindie invited tit call and obtain a panoilet
of 1101tACE W. SMITII, Agent for Hun
tingdon county, who will also explain their moth)
of use.
The electric chains can be sent by mail to any
part of the United States, by luldressing (post
paid) any of the agents in the principal cities, or
Joseph Steiuert, 568, Broadway Now York.
Gen. Agent, 568 Broadway, N. Y.
January 18,1854.-Iy.
D C. McGILL returns his thanks ,
U. to his friends and the public • ip,p4 .
for their very liberal patronage, and
hopes by strict attention to business 1, 1 4. 1 3. 1 F.
to merit a continuance 3f the same, in all kinds of
Castings, Cooking Stoves, Air-Tight, :odor,
Ton Plate Wood and Coal Stoves, of various si
xes, and all kinds of Ploughs: the Lancaster and,
the Plank Barshear patterns, and Keystone No.
4 Self-sharpening and hil t side Ploughs, and
Shears to snit all kinds of Ploughs in the country;
Rolling-mill and Forge Castings, Grist and Saw
mill Castings, Lewistown Threshing Machine
Patterns, and the four horse and two horse power
or Chumbersburg patterns; and all other kinds of
castings too tumorous to mention, all of which
will be sold cheaper than over for cash and all
kinds of country produce. Also, old incttle taken
in exchange for castings.
Huntir,lon 9 November 9, 1853.
HENRY COUNPROHST bavingjust re•
turned from Philadelphia with a large and
well selected stock of Dry Goods, Hoots &
Shoes, Hardware, Crockery-ware,
&e., embracing
.the usual variety of a country
store, which he has been enabled to purchase
on terms permitting him to compete snecessfully
with any other store in the vicinity, would res
pectfully solicit the patronage of his friends anti
customers, and would endeavor to merit the ap
probation, as he is well satisfied of his ability at
pretest, to suit the tastes and accommodate the
wishes of the public at large.
Ile is prepared to sell very low for CAB.-
Country Produce taken in exchange at the most
reasonable rates. March 29, 1854.
Brilliant Display of Jewelry.
rpn E public generally, and the rascals who,
some time since, entered my store and remo
ved valuables to the amount of about $llOO
without my permission, are intbrmed that I have
just opened a more general and bettor assortment
of articles in my line of business than was ever
brought to.Huntingdon, consisting•of Watches,
Jewelry, Chicks, Fine linives„
Pistols . , Perfumery, Port Mon- -
naies, Silver Ware, and Fancy *""••
Articles, &c., Ste. My old friends and customers,
and the public in general throughout the county,
are requested to call and examine my assortment.
ihintingdon, March 29, 1854.
giCkirinr •?3 141tIVZEI%
Attorneys at Law,
Huntingdon, Pa.,
Office same ns that formerly occupied by John
Scott, Esq.
Oct. 19, 1853,
THE undersigned have f' or salon .tecontl-lannal
ad Carding Machine, with all the ne
cessary fixtures, which they otrer fur sole very
low. Any one wishing to purchase will do well
to Fllaand see it. KESSLER & BRO. .
Mill Creek, April 12,
FRESH supply of Gingliams, Chock, and
Sbambray, just reeeived and for sale by
.1. & W. SAXTON.
JUST receiving, this weak, Mackerel, Herring
0 &r.. and for ,nle by .7. &W. SAXTON.
I 'lto .4 rlq.e'ta? tt Nen' CiOnag.
1 , ,i - orlittrred I'eisL , ll 'lO
Dmitentie and hotel' I linglataH, A Ilawe.ts, •ark
l'ldnnels, Tweeds and Limey...1,1.0,a h •
ed mot lion, n Inrgc Stull: of rihhons, and a hand
some assortment of dress goods for ladieg and
gentlemen. For stylo and idler eau't be boo t• for
sato at GEM \‘' I N'ti Store,
50 Racks Ground Alt am Salt hint nrtired awl
foe sato at (lhal. ti WIN'S Store.
54) barrels Conemaagli Salt in Ft - ore:1ml l'or sale
A Into arrival of English and French Merinos
for sale low at the rtore or GED. OW' S.
100 kegs Nails and Spikes for sole by the keg
or pound, ot OE( GWI N'S Store.
500 lb, Cast Steel for drills and Sled ge s for
sale at the store of GE,), own%
500 pieces calico, new styles and patterns, ci
good qnality, sold low at the store of
Fluid tamps, a large and handsome assortment
fur sale at 1430. GWEN'S Store.
Jan. 4, 1854.
HOUSEKEEPERS study your interests, why
II go to Auction and pay extravagant prices for
half-made Fuuttrre hr.? Call at No. I, North
NINTH street, and examine the largest assort
ment of the best made Furniture and Bedding in
the city, Feather Beds, Hair, Husk, and Straw
Mattresses; a large assortment of fancy • What
nots, Soft Tables, marble tops, and Washstands;
Walnut and Mahogany French Tete-a-tetes, Di
vans, Wardrobes, Bookcases; French Bedsteads;
Fancy Stalled Seat, Cane sent, Windsor, and-of
fice Chairs, Counting-house, and cane-seat Stools,
Settee and Arm-chair Cushions; Cottage furni
ture made in every style and color; Sofa Beds and
Lounges, wholesale and retail, and warranted to
give satisfaction, and sold at the lowest prices.
Sep. 28, 1853.—1 y
Store, 29 N. 3rd St. Philadelphia,
Murree. Manufacturers, Carlicrs, Importers,
Commission and General Leather Business,
Wholesale and Retail
Manufactory 15 Margarettn Street
Aug. 24, '55.-1 r.
Will attend to all business entrusted to him. 01
flee nearly opposite the Court House.
May 4,'53.
Informs his old friends and the public that he
has returned to his old !ionic, and will attend to
all' business in his profession, entrusted to him,
with fidelity and his hest ability.
Office itiMain Street, south side, the last house
below the Court house.
Huntingdon, May 19, 1852.—Gm.
T 7 0 U I It, Wellington, Cottage,
n . Gothic, and other Clocks, for sale
cheap, at Edm. Snare's Jewelry Store,
nu,r; Barrelled English Snub and Twist
{WNW P!/: CJSingle Barrel
ed Guns, from four donera to thirty each, for
sale by J. & W. S.stcroa.
J UST reaeiring the handsomest lot of Carpets
ever uttered in this place. Also, Oil Clotho,
which will be sold low by
J. 4. W. Si XTON.
large assortment of Lawns and Beraze de
ZiLaines, just recaired at the cheap store of
1). P. C. WIN.
( - J
the cheap corner uppo s it e C,
Cut,- Utak+ U. P. (MIN.
BEAST PIA'S, Ear Rings, and ringer Rings,
in endless variety, at Et.. SNARL . ..
AN excellent variety of tine PLN KNIVES, E
Snare's. April 15, 1852
AA LARGE and splendid assortment of Boo
nets, Misses' Flats and eliildrens' Bats anti
Caps, selling at low prices at the store of
GEO. (I 117. V.
H AMS, Shoulders and Flitch, for sale at the
store of CEO. GIVIN.
Ibr men and boys, a good assortment, at the store
of GEO. G WIN.
A SUPERIOR article of Cider Vinegar for
1 - 1_ sale at the store of GEO. GIVIN.
PERFUMER Y—A good lot, of the bestou
1)E LAMES, in endless variety, at
the cheap corner of A. CARNION,
PITTSBURG Dams and Flitch for sale cheap
11 at the ELEPUANT Corner.
B ON N ETti and Hats of the latest styles, just
received at 1). I'. ((WIN'S . Store.
ho•t;c lot 01 oboes—Lace Hoots, Buskins,
ll:Misses and Children's at the Store or
1). I'. (i WIN.
A superior lot of Rifles, for sale at the
Abeautiful assortment of Cross-barred India
Silk,jusi received and for sale by
J. 8: - W..SAxrorr:
!saal "
Ilanthaplun, March 29, 1854.-3 m.
A l ,l
_ i E d i t ‘ o U rs l a i n i t ' l U S r l:o l e o s t , o Le G n e t n s. " l3 G oo a t i s t( ali s t . l r gro l
Misses Gaitors and Shoes, of an endless variety,
just received and for sale by
ANOTHER fresh supply of Berne do Lains,
Lawns, Mirage, all wool de Bngc, and part
cotton front 20 to 071 ets per yd. Also another
fresh supply of Trimmings, just rec'd and for
sale by J. & IV. SAXTON.
500 lbs. of Cod n.h, just received and fo
sale by J. & IV. SAXTON.
JUST reeeived a beautiful assortment of Scot
iped and Plain Velvet Ribbons, by •
.1.& W. SAXTON.
2 BARRELS No. t Herring just received
and for sole at the store of GEO. GWIN.
Asi i i r p e e s r t i o o r r e n o rt r icla of Burning M l id for wp itp at
f nr sale att the store of -GEO. GWIN.
YPLENDIO assortment or Boys' Cloth
log, at the store of A. %Viz-Lot:Gum
THE Trim
greatest variety •of Dress mings,
Fans, Cravats, &Mr, 'Fydo Yarn, Dross
Buttons, Ladies Collars Chennsetts, Fancy
Ildkdb., Under Sleeves, Kid and Lyle Thread
Gloves, and Hosiery of every variety, just recei
ved and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON.
• A beautiful lot of Cast Iron Pang's, for Well,:
11 and Cisterns, just received, and for sale by
Feb. 23,1853. J. & W. SAXTON
THE Ninon assortment of Boots and Shoat;
soar offered in town, for solo low by
J. 6• W. SAXTON.
Amost beautiful lot of Berugo do Leine put
terns, and in the piece, from 18i ets up to 50
et, per yard, just received a:id for sale by
I he SlC,Criber, tlinailsfol to leis friendit and pn
11,1iA, ntul to the l' Mic generally, for their pa
stilimintieue• err, on at thu sant o
stead, one il of Me. I'. e„mt'o lintel, Mar.
Izet street, Iln ring dt.n, »liere lie , t ill unend iv
all a lio trill Eivor !Lim itli il.eir eiptem, and al
so livers toililittlii II g" , ..1 t1 , 1 , 1111.•111 Of 11 ' ,1,111
&e., all of which he 14
determined to Sidi at low prise,
IVittelics .leivelri . of nll kind:
lie rehired at short male, AIM having tootle ar
r.:V...lM; with a goad a onkman, all repairs will
lin done in a neat anil Mir:dile manner, and every
person leaving articles for repairing ;hail hai ; il
them done nt the, precise time. By paying stries
attention at hueinrss, ded sellinig at low rates, Ilts
hopes to receive a Sitla, of ptOilie patrnnnge.
Hunt ingdon, Sept
- -
e a "
in 1* o r s his
friends and the
public general.
ly, that be has
(* h r.
in the lancin4h
and has just ris
'ceived from
Philadelphia a
selected stock of choice Marble grave-stones,
every description, which ho will furnish at Tory
reduced prices.
' All orders from any put of the county or m.l
joining comities, arilressed to the subscriber,
will ho received and promptly attcaded to.
Shop on Hill street, two doors west of Osu. A.
P. Wilson's Office.
May 18, 1853.— LT.
AdaMs & Co.'s Express.
T. K. SIMONTON, Agent, Mutiny].
Money, Packages, and goods ofall kinds, re
ceived and forwarded at the risk of the company,
to all the cities and principal towns in the United
State May 1,'52.
T " „ U ,l " ll " p d t e l7e i4" o 'l ,• h"' llTC l . L o " n el. :L ' fit '
; I ;1 1". t7t e e r h " o f ro in til i l n „ ft , P d ,;, L i t :, ' , " ,! f, ". :, " „ e n r , Y and is
well prepared to ancommodate all w 1.9 tnay fovo r
hint with their custom. The trayeling communi
ty .41 the public generally are cadiolly inrite , l
to call tt irb him, hoping it strict attention to
'twine- , to merit a kr, !oilier) of public patron
lige. No pains will h e 'pared to render
P o Jr..
Jute 29,':,3.-]
A. P. W 1,07, k. linrcit PhTnici,
.. , ITTORNE VS .1T 1.3 w.
Praetiee in the several Court,. rx
litnir, Cambria, Centre, Mu !tin end Juniurit Conn
• Mare!, 23, 1852.
Would respectfully infirm his friends and the
that he has on hand and is reeciring ftr
the coining FCllifill, a fine assortment of
ConaistinE of Watches, Chains, Breast Pin,. Fin
ger Rings, Ear Rings, Pencils, Keys,
Studs, Medallions, &e. Together wit!. hisceiehrz
ted and unrivalled
Which is equal if not superier. torn': now i s vet
Each Pen is Engraved a ith,his own I.Lnc,
and every Pen Warranted.
Oh did yon ever, no 1 never
Mercy on us what a treat;
Get head's Gold Pen, they're extra fine,
And only fornel in North Third Street.
A splendid Pen !!! Where did you get it
Pure Diamond Pointed, Can't he brat;
Yes, any friends, there's no huralruziar:
In Head's Gold Pens ofNorth Third Sire, t.
474.1tnutrs Gold Pen is found only et 55 Nor.).
Third Street, below Arch East Side.
'rims. HEAD,
Pila , lolphia. Jan. I, 11.52.
Blair county. Lancaster county
Huntingdon co. Lancaster county
Blair county. Lancaster county.
Central Penn'a. Banking Home,
OF BRYAN, GLKIM 14 CO.— Office on Alle
gheuy street, a few doors west of the Court
House, and nearly opposite tue Post Office, Hol
lidaysburg, Pa.
The Company is now ready to transact bust
nese. Upon money deposited for a specific
period ofthree, six, nine or twelve months, in
terest will be paid at such rates no are usually
allowed by Saving!. Institutions. Transient
posites received, payabl on demand.
N. R. BRYAN, C ashler
Hollidaysburg, May 21 , 185d0;
11. K. NEFF, N. D.,
AVING located himself in WARRIORMNAIti.
. 11 - 1 . in this county, would respectfully otter his
professional services to the citizens of that place.
and the country adjacent.
J. B. Ltuleni M. 1). Gen. A. P. Wilson,
M. A. Henderson, " Orbison, Esq
J. IT. Dorsey, " nee
M. Stewart, " john Esq.
lion. George Taylor.
Iluntin ; idwr, Pa,
Jneob M, Gemmih, M. D., Ak.randrta.
Johu " Petersburg.
67 > ' SE-t(,
Lots in Altoona for Sale.
north of Hollidaysburg,and about one mile north
west of Allegheny Furnace, Blair county.
After the 2tst day of May, the LOTS in said
Tow,: will be open to the public for sale.
It is well known that toe Pennsylvania Rail
Road Company have selected this place for the
erection of their main Machine and other Shops
and are now building the seine.
The Rail Road will'e opened early in the Fall
throwing at once a'large amount of trade to thin
place. The main inducement at this time in of—
fering Lots for sale, being to secure the requis—
ite Machinists and Tradesmen, and homes fo,
the Machinists and other employees of the Rail.
Road Company. Early application will secure
Lots at a low price.
Fos further information apply to C. 11. MAY
ER, at Altoona, or to R. A. McMURTRIE,
May I, IBs2—tf.
_ .
.Notice to Tavern Keepers,
1 OTIW; is hereby given to the keepers o 1 Inn
unit Taverns within the county of hunting
don, dog Clio Judges of tho Court of Quar:er Sea
steno of said county, enjoin upon the keepers o
such Inns and Taverns that they closo their rcs•
pective bars on the Sabbath, and refrain from
selling or dealing out liquors on that day ; and
the licenses of such personae's shall disregard this
injunction will ho rovoked fort h with agreeably. to
the Act of Assembly in such case made and pro
vided upon the llict of such violation coming to
the knowledge of the Court.
By the Court, 24th Jan. It 52.
May 1. 1852.
A LL persons indelited to the sulitcrilier will
please call and settle their accounts on or be
foie the first day of January nout—all accounts
remaining unsettled utter that date will he placed
in the hands of a proper officer for collection.
JOIIN N. fttarciopp,
Alexandria, Spur. it. Tall. fm.