Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, January 10, 1855, Image 3

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    the Methodist world might collect 1 !lon , frit.
gamely have I been interested in periedi,
them myself! titre more I will give you b
fore I close. Stitne ten miles from where I
wrhie,,titrty yearkago, in in little vi l lage, T; ut
thy Lee, a veat.rabh, still twine;
stood on a stump 11.111 c1,111111.•lict d ilif Zone
Of the hymns of the sweet b rlst
A 9 the 1111 W, of melody praise floated mi
breeze. the womb:rift 4 ishabli ants came iloc:s•
to their doors and a heekoning to them
with his hand at he, tlitv soon g,alliered
around him, and he them
and the resurreetisii." That was the 1,T11111011•
lYtilellt or Methodism in that place. They has,
now it flourishing society there. Many other
paints 9f-interest I have observed, mai wont.'
like to notice them all if practicable, aTccially
portions of this diarist where I had the
pleasure a ,;(ki.n.,,ffitg to, in
wish the presiding hider. Among the moil
prominent is the flosrbillis.; biw.i of derset
Ilere, in the family ..I' their e~rcileot
p Loa and several oilier private :Mollie, I, in
compaty with the good bretherii in,. in
attendance at their quarterly ineeting„,
a season of much comliwt nut spiritual profit.
The loveteitit wai. nearly akin to these of the
olden time, and the scrviees it' the oecasiot
throughout will not soon he focgotimi. The
large, and beautiful brie!, church
lined during the meetin„,, there were unini,
takable signs of a revival there.
.N nil now. doctor, I have made alleretty ex•
toured tour througi this district. I Min e ;w e e
littliodisin in the utonnt i us, is the towns. un
in the agriciiltsral and so far as I ant
capable ue judging, they aro Ilaltbnore Conk.,
mice ,)letliutlists in lot'. They aro with you,
doctor, heart and s..sil is 3 our views of trouser
votive .llethotlisin. I have, vet to hear the
tirst expression of //limbos on the slave ques
tion ; mid while to .davery as a principle, they
concede. to the South the right to manage the
vexcl ipmiti,in as it may suit their peculiar
circumstances. This hi deservedly the Key
stuny Slate, incalculably • rich in its miner al
resources, its coal tad lumber regions; and its
agricultural products, and the Protestant to ito
heart's core, as its late election of governor
iaeouteatihly !woves. Long ma) it keep its
proud distinctive in the arch or our glorious
confederavy. Many of its important localities
I have not seen.
journeyings have been to-myself exceed.
inglypleasant, mid spiritually prolitable. I
now close them, as the winds are robbing those
glorious mountains of their rain•bow•hued gar
niture. In the beautiful language of the gifted
'Passing away, sing the breeze and rill
As they sweepitt their conrse by vale and hill.
Through the varying scenes or each earthly
clime ;
Tis the lesson of entie: the voice of thee,
Aml man at last, like his fathers gray,
Write, in his own dust—Passing away.' "
TUE OVIIMANI, StAtte LlNz.—On Saturday
4.vening, the liith inst., a meeting of the lea
ding citizens of St. Louis, Mu., wan held with
the view to set this project in motion. Pesoln•
Lions were adopted to this effect that an appli
cation be made to the Legislature of Missouri,
at its approaching session fur an Overland
Mail and Transportation Company to connec-
Mkiouri California. Thu President of
directed. to appoint two corn
. • . pr: pare a eltrter, with a list of
,!, .; :•to correspond with
it, interest in
oleo ot St. I. ir.
etiterprizo, t!ott it
'T , 0 , .1 t ir.rr t In•rclit of
k • trp. . • I 0( . 1 . 11 =ld e
• ' • . I with
an 1 enorgies
military ope-
:1.1, will next season
•, , t•t titan any of
Ilia suc-
• ~ to help
of military
there could. we
doute.. •-• success, for
would afford a, a.ltairable protection
t .• stations.—K..linericam
Child Burned,
tht Friday evening last a little child of Mr.
Muses IlrJwn, of this place, aged about 2 years,
was very severely burned by its cloths acciden-
tally hating fire whilst its !nether was out of
the room. Ono side and arm was sadly ioja.
P. S.—lt 11115 since died.—Hol. .IPy.
Fire in Bedford County,
The Inquirer of Dee. 22 says—" About ten
days ago the mill of Gen. James Burns, of Na
pier township, caught fire, cud with all its con•
tents, (a considerable quantity of grain being
in the mill) was burned to the ground. The
fire originated from one of the flues. The
General had lately expended about $l,OOO in
improvements on the mill. His loss is suppo
sed to be about $3,000. Nu insureneo. •
, :arfoi•nia.—The steamship Star of
the West; limn San Jean, arrived at New York
on Honda) , the Ist inst., with San Francisco
dates to the 9th, and 5625,885 in specie. The
steam tug Underwriter, from Philadelphia,, ar•
rived at San Francisco on the ith. Cotton has
Lees successfully produced in toe Sacramento
alley. Sandwich Island advices to the 10th
November are favorable to the early complc•
Con of the annexation treaty.
More fui ures.—The great house of Belcher
& Co., sitgar sefiners at St. Louis, has failed
for two millions of dollars, inuolving Winthrop
G. Gray, stock broker of New York city, for
$223,000, Foster & Stephenson, bankers of
Now York, for $300,000, and sundry Boston
houses to the amount of $1,000,000
Congress.—ln the senate, Thursday, 4th, the
bill from the House continuing the Ca litornia
Land Commission was taken up mid passed,
without debate. Much time was spent in de
bate on amendments to Mr. Brodhead's boun
ty land bill. In the House, the day was spent
in senseless partizan debate, after which the
pending bill to relieve purchasers and locators
of swamp and overflowed lands was passed.
Pant & lam
iala) 1 M . r altrgibarM
And all Kinds. of Legal *Blanks,
Used by Magistrates & Otherd,
Printed at the JOIANAL OFFICE.
'll2 ALTA Ltlf3
I one per 1•1.,
lied When', per bu.,• •
\ bite Wheal, per be.
put IM
Cern, per leu
L., per lei
I ley, per tee
I',..tter, per no.,
Egg., per
Extra (:tinily Flour,
Corn Meal,
Prime IVl,ite Wheat
l'riine Rod IVhent.
111AILItO.I.Is HOUR& •
'rum, (;.6G EAsr.
'F. I }x. T. I E.'l , . I Ic.'l'..
I%min lesvcs T. 31. I'.M. P.M. A.M.
PLier,:nrg, 2.31 7.34 3.35
11tietii.geee, 2.49 7.50 4.09
Mill Creek, 3.01 8.00 4.19
Alt. Union, 3.18 8.:4 4.33
Min leaves P.M P.M. A.M. A.M.
Mt. Union, 4.25 8.14 6.35 6,26
Alin Creek, 4.41 .8.25 7.0 . 5 6.39
litnaingitn, 4.55 8.38 7,30 6.53
Petersburg. 5.11 8.49 8.05 7.06
C>.rrecfetl Weekly. I
PENNSYLVANIA. Cumberland Bank,
Philadelphia Banks, par Mineral Bank,
U. States Bank, 20 All other solvent,
Chambershurg, DIST. COLUMBIA.
Gettysburg, All solvent Bank , . .!
Swumlda Co. no sale Far Branches,
LyWiAtOWII, no sale Near Branches,
, .
Middletown, i Wheelttig,
Carlisle. A• Under 11%,
Erie, I Nolan CAROLINA '
Waynesburg, VAII solvent Banks, 1
Washington, 'Under Fives, 1
Harrisburg, .., i;sourn CAROLINA.
Ilonesdale, gAll solvent Banks,
Lebanon, pariUnder Fives,
Monongahela, :4; GEORGIA.
West Branch Bank, iniqllawkinsville,
Wyoming Bank, ifar.Com.ll'k Maeon,no sale
York. 4;slerelets B'k do. tidied
All other solv't b'ks paoll other solvent, 1
Relief Notes, i'zUnder Fives, 1
Towanda Relief, no sale ALABAMA.
MAINE. Bank or Mobile, i
Calais, 10 All other solvent,
Lafayette, Bangor, Small Notes; 5
Maine Bank, PuyHand, 5 LOUISIANA.
Mercantile, Bangor, , 2 Other solvent !was, • 1
St. Croix, 'Calais, - — 01110. .
All solvent banks, # Solv't Cincinnati B'ks, 1
Small Notes, lt cons.,
All solvent banks, , Uranvillo Society,
Small Notes, 0 All other solvent, I
VERMONT. Under Fives, 2
Bank of St. Albans, li KENTUCKY.
All solvent banks, solvent Banks, I
Under fives, iflSmall notes, 2
All solvent banks, ;;All solvent banks, 11
Under lives, .n.ler Fives, 2
Providence Co., Bank, f Far. & Mech., Detroit, 1
All solvent banks, i;.Nlich. Inst. Cu., do.
Under lives, All others, uncertain
All solvent banks, in.', Northern Banks, no sale
l'inler fives, L 3 Al I others, uncertain
All solvent banks, pat Ilk State of Missouri,
Atlas Bank, 27l All Banks no soh
James Bank, 121 ILLINOIS.
Northern Exchange, i State Il'k & Branclies,so
State Wk, Saugerties, I Under Fives, 50
Bank, Cuvagn, I.nke, I All others, no sale
Solvent Country B'ks, INDIANA.
Post Notes & Certif. of State B,k & Branches. I
Ihp. on time issued Small Notes,
by Free B'ks, no sale ARKANSAS.
NEW JESSEY. <An Banks, no sale,
Plainfield, broke WISCONSIN.
All other solvent par In. Co. Checks, Milw. 2
DELAWARE. l/tlier Banks. no sale
Small Notes, lOWA.
All Banks, paiM in., Dubuque, no sale
MARYLAND. • •Uther Bank; no sale
Small Notes, CANADA.
Baltimore Banks, i.. 111 solvent Banks, 2
Salisbury, broke; Ilank of Wooster, failed
t o tg ..i r.-, --4 .47. :.,..
i k i.
4'!. s 'c .4.,
123 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
11 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 21 25 26. 27
28 29 30 31
February 1 2 3
4 3 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 1:1 14 15 16 L 7
18 19 20 21 22 23 '24
25 26 27 28
March 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 60 31
April 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
13 16 17 18 19 20 21
• 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 It
13 14 15 16 17 •
20 21 22 23 21 2
27 28 29 30 31
June 1 2
3456 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
21 25 26 27 28 29 30
July 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 II 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
• 29 30 31
August 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 .29 30 31
September 1
2345 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
1 2 • 3 4 5 6
'T 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31
November 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31
UST receiving, this week, Mackerel, Herring
&e.. tool for solo by J. cW. SAXTON.
in , ”ll evlrfrortlitotry .4.1..0,...,7, 1,, Ihr
is the lieettl
.1% , ,'
nit , l
11. G.
January 10,1854.
11. t;. IlltEl.l.'S GEM.. AItABIAN
I.IN IM ENT is a most extraordinary medicine,
the truth of which is placed civil doubt by
the vast .ul. , of the article nut the Many CUMs
being daily performed by it, which previously
had resisted all other medicines and the skill
of the bestphysicians in the world. It is coin.
posed of balsams, extracts and gums peculiar
to Arabia—possessing, in a concentrated form,
all their stimulating, anodyne, penetrating, tine.
tuons and revulsive properties, and the same
which, ages ago, were used by the "Sons of the
Desert," with such miraculous success. in en.
ring the diseases of both man and beast.
16 00
Jan. 8, .1851.
Read the Allowing remarkable cure,
ehoulditsel idare IL C. .Parreli's
Arabian Liaimeal.far beyond
an 9 similar remedy.
The Wowing is from the principal account•
ant of the w.lty and respectable house of
Messrs Voris of this city. and preson s
CURES IN THE ANN \ 1.5 of :actin.] hist,
ry :
Mr. H. (i. Farrell—Dear Aetu n tpd by
a sense of groternlness, I submit the follovinc:
as an inMance of the utility of your great tned.
icine. My child, three rears old, was sullenly
attacked with a terrible 'disease, which iit less
than six hours prostrated it to total helplessness.
The limbs became so rigid that not a joint
bent; the flesh turned black and cold and cn•
tirely deprirorl MTs fixed par.
this "I ' 1 .
izig , ' •
ed. In., , •!.
tack, ,•
then held, butte no purpose. . ,
brought before the Medical
ing could be suggested that air
been done, and the doctor th, to!..
could do nothinc• more. We then
applying vour Liniment holf!
length of the spine. and you way imagine a
parent's joy, when alter a few applications, re.
turning animation was appurero, and it rapid.
ly recovered with the exception id' the night,
which did not become pet feel for near a month.
The mind is now healthy and robust as coo h.,
Five other M. of the 8111110 kind occurred
previously in my neighbo•hoodl, all of which
died, when there is no doubt if your Liniment
had been used they would have recovered......
Peoria, March Ist 1851.
Er. H. 0. Farrell t—l have used your Arn•
ldan Liniment with gratification in several
cases, the most remarkable of which was a
large lam p that appeared on my horses breast.
It was very hard, appearing to he hard gristle.
It:remained for nearly a year, when I applied
your Liniment, one bottle of which entirely
cured it. I can recommend it as the best
Liniment I ever used. JOHN CRAWL.
Peoria, Feb. 20th 1810.
Look out jiff ComiteVeits!
The public are cautioned against another
counterfeit, which has lately made its appear
ance, celled W. B. Farrell's A rahian Liniment,
the most dangerous of all the counterfeits, be
cause his having the name of Farrell, many
will buy it in good faith, without the knowledge
that a counterfeit exists, and they will perhaps
only discover their error when the spurious
mixture has wrought its evil effects.
The genuine article is manufrctured only by
H. G. Farrell, sole inventor and proprietor,
and wholesale druggist, No. 17 Main street,
Peoria, Illinois, to whom all applications for
Agencies must be addressed. 13c sure you get
it with the lettersll. G. before Farrell s, thus
—H, G. FAItRELL'S—and his signature ou
the wrapper, all others are counterfeits.
Sold by Thos. Read & Son, Huntingdon, R.
H. Sellers & Fleming lirothers wholesale, Pitts
burg, and by regularly authorized agents
throughout the United States.
4t Price 2 . 5 gnd b 0 cents, and $1 per bottle.
. . .
AGENTS WANTED in every town, village
and hamlet in the United States, in which cia
is not already established. Address H. li. Far.
roll as above, accompanied with good reference
as to character, responsibility, ate.
The subscriber will otie r for sale on Satur
day the 2711 day ofJanuary inst., his house and
lot of ground in the borough of Huntingdon.
Also an out•lot on Stone Creek bottom, elm
[alining 4 acres and 8 or 9 perches. POSsCSSII,II
ginpu ob the Ist of A mil nest. . .
—tive-thbA, the residue in two
equal annual naymetttN, cr n infrre.t. to be Se •
cured by bond. &e.
Jan. 10, 1855.-3 f.
I ETTEIIS of adminisiVation uu
Jj John W. Matthias, law of the borough or
Cassville, Huntingdon county, dee'd. Ic•r•
sons indebted to said estate are rcquc.un•il to
snake immediate payment, and. those having
claims against the onto, will present
Jail. 10, .i.`
roarth 4).
It- ess '.as
t• al •
...on b. rim/aim redent. aat. as r..e. alrenav
LARGER than that of any 1111111 i 1 VP , 11
is constantly increasing. A mu,,, , ements have
been made which will enable the to
make the
Far superior to any Comic paper rote publish
ed in the United Stses. THE BEST ARTIS
TIC TALENT in the country has hem, ',w
on THE ILLUSTRATIONS, and each number
will contain froin 60 to 75 ENGRAVINGS, in
the highest school of COMIC ART It, Liter
ary Contents, by a large Carps of ralented I:on
tributors. will challenge comparison with those
of any comic periodical either in Europe or
America, and will eonsist• of a choice repertory
of humor, jim, satire, toil, comic tales, Hkelches, tee.,
aiming to "shoot folly as it Hien," but never
o'erstepping the lines of strict propriety; it being
the object of the Publisher to make the YAN
KEE NOTIONS an ever welcome visitor• at ev
ery Hume Circle.
Subscription price, SI 25 per annum t or I
cents per number. For sale by all the News
Agents and Periodical Dealers in' every City,
Town, and Village in the United States and
Canada.—T. W. STRONG, Publisher, 98 Nas
sau St. N. T,—Jan. 3,11 1855.-36•
Foundry for Sale or Rent.
MILE Steam Foundry belonging to the under
-1 signed at Petersburg, will be sold or rented
on reasonuble terms, including u large variety
of Patterns for Cooking-stoves, Parlor, Ten
plate, Wood and Coal stoves ; Water-pipe, Roll
ing-mill, Forge, Grist, Saw-mill and Threshing
machine castings; also a foll assmtinent of Plow
patterns for all the various plows used in the
country. The foundry is favorably located for
business with all the machinery, patterns and fix
tures in good order• Possession given on or be
fore April Ist next enntiyK._ .
TAKE NOTICE,. Valuable Limestone Land for Sale.
1.1. persons indebted to the undersigned t rrttiE subscriber Orem at private sale, his farm,
I Medical nttentinncr, ore requested to en I 1 situate in Fronklin township. Huntingdon
anti sortie immediately, 0011 enrc e"""• Tlie county, nliont one-half mile from the Pennsylva-
Hooks have been left with Alex. Port, „I„ ennin i„i ng r o„ mi
A word to the wise, is sufficient. One Hundred and ninety Acres,
.1. M. ORIFFIIII, M. H. be it more or less, of the best iivality of !into
Dee, 13, 1854.-41. stone land, Mood Hin neres of which are cleared,
ler mod fence and In a g ood ante of multi-
JOHN DONSES(I4Y., The Improvements ore n two story stone k . ."
dwelling house, a large frame hank barn
S.IFETY PATENT SQUARE urniuirr ' rign" c " ) crib' large stable, and other
WOOD ROE MATCHES. ttt buildings. It has n good orchard, and good
No. toe North. FOURTH Street (above hoes,) """ """
Any p e er o sr desiring to purchase, corm roll
'WATCHES having become nn indispensable e premises.
Xi:l n tact known my terms. 1 will show them
17 - 1 . article in housekeeping, the subscriber of- JAMES DYSART.
ter n went sacrifice of time and money is enabled '
to ottiir to tile Public nn artielint once combin
ing tam Cheapness. The inventor knowing
the dangers apprehended on account of the Sim
sey nullifier in which Matches are generally pack
ed in paper, bus by the aid .of New Steam Ma
chinery of his own invention, Succeeded in get
ting up it RAVE,. swum; EPRIGIIT
Box ; this box is El, preletaide, inasmuch
that it oecitpie4 an tow, room than the old round
wood box. and contains at least Two 111,souro
1,, cent. more Matches. nide!' to Shippers is
colooderahle advalitaso it is entirelY new, and
,mare Moistnre , pontimeodli COlll
- danger on transpoata
tiou oy Incas, of 1:IroRd, Steamboat or any
oilier mode or conveyance
These are !nicked so flint one genii or
more to., he ..upped ht slily pert of the worhl
With perfect safety. They are the most desirable
article for Home consumption, and the Southern
and Western Markets that have cver been inven
DEALERS ;Ina SIIIPPERS, will do, well to
enure for thern.elves.
Mato n x nee II'AnitANTED to be
to •.ngtlhfuv hPre99 , ,re ollvrrrl to dm Public•.
Inc; North rounTH St., Philnfra.
.ANII, CLAY at Co., Publishers of THE
have in preparation, and will soon
, ••• ' one volume of about WO pages, with
t tred engravin, ,cloth. gilt, THE IL-
u. ',zeal behavior and polite accomplishments;
cotttaiming careful instructions in all the apper
tains to the person, dress, manners, acquire
ments. conversotion and deportment of the per
fect lady, tind the finished gentleman of the best
society. Price one dollar.
This book, the first and only one of its kind
will be sent, post-paid, as a premium, to any per
son who will procure thirty subscribers to the
Dime, an illustrated monthly, at ten cents a
year. Each number of the Dime contains .from
five to ten engravings, music, and twenty col
umns of useful and entertaining. matter, suitable
for the school or lbmily. It is considered the
best, as it is the cheapest potter of its kind ;and
being neither sectival, SeCtilThill, nor partizan,
it is intended for the widest circulation and the
greatest possible usefulness.
The Illustrated Manners Book, post-paid, and
thirty copies of the Dime, one year, for Three
Dollars. _ .
The Illustrated Manners Book, waited, post
ptiid, for One dollar.
The Dime, ten rents a year, or eleven for
One dollar.
Specimens cheerfully forwarded to Teachers,
Clergymen, Postmasters, or nuy persons wishing
to raise clubs and compete for l'rentiums.
Address LEI. .A NI)CLAY & Co., II Some
.t. N. Y.
No 6, South Third Street,
Importer, Manufacturer and General
Has Constantly on hand, and
Always Finishing,
All kinds of Leather, Morocco, Calf
Skins, Sheep Skins, &c,, &c.
The attention of Country Merehants and Man
uhicturers, i. rolicited.
Dee. 20, 1554.-Iy.
moiricE is hereby siren to all persons inter
med. that the following named persons have
settled their account; in the Register's (Hike nt
Huntingdon, and that the said accounts will be
presented tier confirmation and allowance; at an
Orphan's Court to Ire held at Ilantingdon in and
for said county or flanthigdon, on Wednesday,
the 10th day of January next, 1855, to wit:
I. dairies Cree, Guardian of Caroline Walker,
minor child of Jams Walker, flee'd .
~...—. ,
2. Samuel 1W Vaty, Es 1.. Lxeeutorof the last
will and testament of James It. Pergrin, lute of
the borough of Shirleysliarg, dee'd.
3. George W. Speer. soul .his. mlidia. Ad,
ministrators of Hobert Speer, Lite of the lloro'
of Cassville. lev'sl.
4. San owl :till R. I'.
toinistomoq .1. 11. IV. AVOinnes, lute Or
5. .1.0-vidt llorriet
one of tlin minor children of Evan Crain, Lite tit
Mori, hi , .
St ',wart, Guardian of the minor
of.loseph Wall, late of %Vogt township.'
_ . .
and Benj. Rhodes, Admin.
istrat..N. of the estate of Henry Rhodes, late of
Cronit,ll township,.deetl.
Register's Office; j . Register.
Ili Dec. 8,1614.-3 f. S
rlll, waalarsigneal halving purchased the full
1 an clmive right anal privilege of caa
-1 . as , u, . lind vending to others, the right
oa land a..., in the county of Huntingdon,
.311• I: SMITH'S amprovenient in the
pne, log Mr a hoop for burning hard.
Lumps lii .4.1 u by the dozen or singly, also
ton aship rights Par sale at reasonable prices.
All orders promptly attended to by address
ing, T ,a.tabseriber, Orbisonia, Hunt. Co. Pa.
Sipe., ilk, Nov. 15, 1854.—Gm.
! ~ .
No. 21 South Third Street, Between Market
and Chesnut Streets, Philadelphia,
P ,N1 . 511 : 1 ildatZ t ,
Dry and Green Salted Patna hips.
Tanners' and Curriers' Tools,
W" All kinds of Leather in the Rough wanted,
for which the highest market price will be given
is cash, or taken in exchange for Hides.
Leather Stored free of Charge and Sold on
Dec. 20, 1854.-Iy.
ALL persons knowing themselves to have un
settled accounts with the undersigned, will
please mike settlement by the 15th or January,
utter that date the books will ho left in the hands
of a Justice for settlement, as I have quit the
business. JOS. 11. THOMPSON.
I)ec. 27, 1864.-3 t.
rllNGllAMS—Domestic and Dreas, just re
ceived at 1). GWIN'S Cheap Store.
20 00
i F u e r
ffrr of . S t :f .s t? , : , Fuee , just received
Nov. 15, 1854.-3 m.•
20 000 I'U l.(1J11 S of new and
justd, popular irren•-
ceived from Boston, New York ands/ ‘
Philadelphia, comprising the great -Afisi,-TP,,,
em voriety and most extensive stock,_ Pik
ever brought to the interior of the State, Ills
S I'ATIO N Yis also oil:great variety and su
perior quality, in part Letter. Cap
and Nide Paper. Gold and Steel Pens, Inkstands,
Blank and Time Hooks, Diaries for 1855, &e.—
Also. Harper's, Plitnanes ' (Imlay's and Gra
hant's Magazines, received every month ns iron
as out. 2000 copies of the hpoks recommended
by the Teachers' Institute and Board of Direc
tors of the count, Greenlicrs Arithmetic,' and
Algebra. Town'i Spellers, and Swan's Renders.
3605, Payson & Dunton,s Boston Copy Books,
being the best system as well as the hest excen
led hooks ever ollbred to the public, littler lowest
wholesale prices. 1000 pieces Will Paper from
9 to !Scents l'or common, 18. 2:)0nd:37 vents for
glazed, and 1,25 to $2 for gill. All of the alcove
stud; is oilered extremely low for cash—the pub
lic will please call and examine.
Store opposite Whittaker's Hotel, Railroad
St., Huntingdon, Pa.
Nov. 8, 1834. -.
T ILE subscriber would respectfully inform the
traveling public that he is now running a lino
of Hacks from Mt. Union to Orhisonia, as follows:
From Orbisonia to Mt. Union and hack again,
every day. intersecting the Champersburg line
at Orhisonia.
Passengers wishing to go to Shade Gap, or any
other place, will be taken on without delay. •
His Hacks are good and comfortable, and
he is determined to have none but good and
steady drivers; in a word, his desire is to carry
passengers in comfort and safety.
Orbisonia, Nov. 8, 1854.-1 p.
Of The National safety Company.
Walnut Street, South West Corner Third Street,
Incorporated by the Stale of Penn
sylvania in ISM.
alwaysN T
paidn ebsittols whenever
t t the
called for, without the necessity of giving notice
for it beforehand.
People who have large sums put their money
in this Safety Fund, no account of the bnperior
safety and convenience it affords, hot any sum,
larg_c9r ryeeird.
'Phis S.tvivo
FUND has mote than bairn mil
lion of dollars, securely invested tar the safety
of depositors.
Tie Office is open to receive and pay money
ovary day, from 9 o'clock in the morning till 7
o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and
Thursday evenings, till 9 o'clock.
People who have money to put in; are invited
to call at the office for further information.
HENRY 1,. BENNER, Pres't.
W3f. J. REED, Secretary.
Nov. 1, 1854.
ri,--, \ ~. ,
,;-, \, , 1.,
~.'4l!f--, A , ',;,. 1 .,, ;, i._,,,
,', ' - ' 4 , " Vfir"' (;, , ,',,P , '
-,.., . t
_,,- _,(
t ic. -- s f 1-1;..; `,.__, :11 2 11:- . '
Millie Elephant Store.
•2 1 :X 2 .1) t . f - , 16111 7 1
I NI; removed Si. extensiee Store to No.
HAleealsan's How, formerly occupied by T.
K. Simonton, is now prepared to accommodate
Isis old customers, and the public generally, wills
a splendid and fashionalsle asssortment of
Fall and Winter Goods,
Ills ossortmeof eousists of
i)ry tairodw,
ll[tint ware, tpaeensware,
.A ail kind , ntgoods ugoulle kept in a Country
Store. Abo, a beautiful eficup and elegant as-
I.alies' Dress Goods,
and Trimming , : of evrry variety. Also, flats;
Maic, Boots:mil Shoes, mid a sariety of
good:, all knot
Country produce taken in exchange for goods,
at the highest market prices.
Huntingdon, 18, 1854.
If You Want to Buy Cheap
. Goods, Call at the Store of
THE subscriber would respecti ally announce
to the public, that ho bus returned front
Philadelphia And New Yolk, and is note opening
at his well known stand in Market Square, the
largest and prettiest assortment of
Fall and Winter GOOdf.4,
ever brought to the borough of Huntingdon, and
is now selling of unusually low prices.
My stock comprises in part, Clothe, Cassimcrs,
block and fancy, Satinetts, large variety of
Satin and Silk Vesting% Kentucky and Penna.
Jeans, Tweeds, Tickings, brown and bleached
M,islius, Drills, Crash Bags and Bagging, Table
Diaper, &c., and a great variety of goods too te
dious to mention.
Ladies Dress and Fancy Goods,
A large assortment of Under sleeves, Collars
and speurcrs.
Yriatsin athundance,Mous. de Lanes,De Borege,
Alpaccas, Lustros, Cashmeres, Florence Mar
celine, and Gro. de Nap,tbr Bonnets and Edging,
Ribbons, fanev, and black Gimp, black silk
Lace, Ladies' Kid Gloves, Gents black do., and Silk Handkerchiefs, Italian Cravats,
Hosiery, she.
Boots and Shoes.
and Cedar Ware,
A good supply of Fresh
Hats and Caps,
A great variety of
Straw Goods.
My stock has been selected with the ,rcat..t
care in regard to quality and price, ano I iho icr
myself that 1 can offer inducements to parch.,er.
not to be found elsewhere.
Thankful for the patronage of the p:1 , 1. h> my
friends, and the public generally, I rel.,et fit , ly
solicit a continuance of the same.
Huntingdon, Oct, 11, 185-1.
BLANKS,-Always Itlauks it the
"Journal Office." We 1.0, preparcil ii vi
ry superiurartiele of 131. A I 11.:Ei 1;1 is
TIUNS, &c.
CARPET Bug, in •I reveiveil und rvi. Foie by
1. p 11. 110 IV.
J. 111. IRVINE, IN. D.
Gnaw', of the Unirenrity ty . Nein York,
11A VINO concluded to locate permanently in
Wnrrior.mnrk, Huntingdon County, oll'era
his profthotiontil muffle°. to the citizens of that
place and ricinitl:l
edic al Faculipif the University of N. Y.
Dr. John McCulloch, Pctervhurg, Hunt. Co.
Dr. Henry Orhlv,
Nov, 1, 1854.—tt.
Office with DANIM. MiucA, Eq., 11111 street,
between Montgomery and Smith Ftreets, Hunt
ingdon, Penn'a. [Sept. 20,'54. tr.]
At .Shirleysbury, Iluntingdon Co.,
line. Jamas A. M. Principal
Seminary; 111,011 J. CAMPIIELL. A. M.,
and A. C. FENDALL, Principals,
t 1: winter se•isinn • if liutli Sehoolf opens on
and con
tinue ti‘i•
sli:NllN.k :
Board, ruel tuitiun. per $56,00
Music with in.trinitout.ner quurter 8,00
"I Ell
Bonn', room cola, fuel and thition• Per
Nloilern Langitii x
Painting and Dratriii,
Lectures and practical given in
Agriculture, , nin i Engi
neering, &c.
Instruction will Ise eiren in the Seminary, in
Embroidery, Bronzing oml needle
°Vt. IS.--3111.
H"inst rt.tttrttt• frt.ta the east with a large
anti 5pi0t.h , 11, , ..111111.111 ttf
FaIR 411; ter Clothing,
for men ond hog, nonlv in the latest fashion and
in the most dnealde manner. Who ever wants
to be dressed ben, nml eheaper than anybody
else in town, let him WILLOCCIIny'S
(!;...Tolso S•to;:t., the dour west of T.
Head & Son's stiff... I Inntingdon.
Call mid see 11,r
Oct. 18, 1854.
Clothing! Clothing! Clothing!
The tereyesl ,vtri hest Selevied Slork
Ready outie Fall and Winter Clothing,
Ever of to the Citizens of
Iltilitingdon county
IF yon wish to get a cheap and fashionable suit
of clothing at 30 per cent. less than you can
elsewhere procure them, then go to the cheap
Clothing Emporium of HENRY ROMAN, op
posite Coats' Hotel in Market Square, Hunting
don' Pa., where you will find Ready made Cloth
ing of any quality, made of sound materials, and
in the most fashionable style and at rates im
measurably below any other establishment in
this vicinity, where it is considered that the
"nimble six-pence is far preferable to the slew
shilling," and where, for good fits, fine materi
als, fitshionable style and finish, "he can't be
The subscriber respectfully invites the atten
tion of his numerous friends and customers and
the puhlic in general to his immense and well as
sorted stock of Mens' and Boys' Fall and Win
ter Clothing. eqnsisting partly of Fine cloth,
Beaver, Pilot, Petersham, Whitney, Felt and
Double Overcoats, Cloth Frock, Dress Sack
and Business coats, of all qualities, styles and
colors, Monkey Jackets, Roundabouts of differ
eat sorts, qualities and prices. Fine Black
Doeskin, Cloth and Cassimere pants do., Fancy
Cassimere, Satinet, Tweed, as well as a variety
of magnificent Vests, some of which in quality
and workmanship equal any custom work, that
can be obtained in tiny other place. Besides
large assortment of Boys' Clothing, the subscri
ber also keeps on hand a well selected
stock of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, such as
handkerchiefs, cravats, collars. gloves, sacks,
shirts of all descriptions. Undershirts, Draw
ers, Knit Jackets Suspenders, Traveling Bags,
1 Dots and Caps, and great many other articles too
numerous to specify.
• Encouraged by past favors, the subscriber has
far exceeded his usual outlay in purchasing stock,
and he now assures the public that no person
wishing to purchase need leave his store without
being suited, he is enabled to sell at the Ivey low
est priers and whoever wishes to make a wise
outlay of his money is respectfully invited to call
and examine for himself:
Oct. 18; 1854
I have . imd rem•ired, and am on
the corner oppo , ite Coins' 11, tel. a large and
beautiful assortment of
Fall and Winter Goods,
emisi.ting or Cloths, CIISSiIriCI , , Block and
y Satinetis, Vestings, Tweeds, Jeans, Flannels
yellow, white and Red. Also a large lot of
Sock Flannels of French Meri
noes, Coburg Cloth , . :111 Pelains, Plain
and Fancy Dulain,, U.;:l.inere, I ,haise, Alupa
co, &e.
A Large Lot or llrcss 4400d5,
Silks Black, Bard I.ll'l ! • lillll. 1: , 01.1..•I Silks, Col.
UMICISICCV, Fancy Iload•
Dresses, owl Inmr :
Lion, Ribbons,
Muslim, Bleached and 'phi, c! , c3,Canton Flan
nels, Drills,T:dde Diaper. t Gloves, and
Ilusery of al
Boots and Slmes, Quconswarc,
Hardware and (!cd,,r W.,, e.
Oil Chd furl er.. Sacks, &c.
My old tutu.. tiny new noes as can
crowd in.. c r..,aested to call and ex
amine nt g 0...1,
All kiii Is Produce taken In ex
change t r t .it 1.• highest market prices.
Oct. Is, 1854.
1 0 ; I...eiolriecroril!ig,
I AI.I ES I.:1.4111g and Silk work Gaitors, Kid
Goat Boots and Shoes, at the
Fish for Sale.
I:, Carrels Susquehanna Shad,
lu Ita
jipit received and for sale at tho store of
:KING Glosses, just received and for sale
1.1 be J. j• IV. SAXTON.
M. Delanes, B. Delanes, 1)e forego, Lawns,
iingliams, and a choice variety of Goods of all
kinds, at the store nt G 1.40. OWIN.
LIILVEIt Butter Knives, and Salt Spoons, at
tj E. Snare's Cheap Jewelry Store,
A SPLENDID assortment of Ladies' Dross
Goodsjust received at CARMON'S
JUST received and fur mule, Ilan, Shoulder,
Side, Dried Beef, Lake Trout, White Fish
also Dried Peaches, Dried Auidv,., Sc., Se. for
sale I'' J. $. W. SAX'IO.
Grocery, Confectionary,
fritilEHUS, would respectfully in
form the citisenv of Huntingdon rind vicini
ty thnt he has just returned from the east, with
a very large end fresh nupply of Fruit and
Conf,rtionariev, such as
Candies, Leisons, Raisins, Nnis, de.,
and the largest , •ock of Toys an# Fancy
Articles, cci,. offered for sale in this town.
lle receives &lily from the city of Baltimore,
the best OYSTERS that can be found. Those
in want of prime 'shellfish,' can be accommoda
ted by coiling at the saloon. He has fitted up a
saloon express! , for the Ladles.
Thankful to Clue public for past favors, he hopes
by strict attention tobusiness to merit a egatiss
ance oldie same.
Huntingdon, Oct. 12, 18:0.
Brooght llome to the Door of the Million.
I ly been made by Dr. Curti., of this city, in
the treatment of Consumption. Asthma and all
diseases of the Lung. We refer to "Dr. Curtis'
llygeaus, or Inhaling Dygenn Vapor and Cher
ry Syrup.' With this new method Dr. C. has
restored Many littlicied ones to perfect health;
its an evidence of which he has innumerable cer
tificates. Speaking of the treatment, a physi
cian remarks It is evident that inhaling—con
stantly breathing an agreeable, healing vapor,
the inedieinni properties muxtcone in direct con•
tact with the whole of the oriel cavity of the
lungs, and thus escape the many and varied
changes produced upon them when introduced
leto the stonm , •h, mid subjected to the process
of digt,tion. 'Ale at all the
druggists' tlrougheui tile country.
:Yew lord. butrlnnizn of . Jan. 14.
Tho Inhaler is worn on the brew,: under the
linen without the least ineonvenienee—the heat
of the body being sufficient fti evaporate the
on to 5,00
Hundreds of CASES of CURES like the fol
lowing might ho named. One Package of fly
pane has cured me of the ASTHMA of six
years stand ing.
Jr... F. la'esberry, 1'..1/. of Dunrannon, Pa.
I aloft/cured of the ASTHMA of 10 years
standing by Dr. Curtis' Ilygenna.
ilargaret Easton, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Price three Dollars a Package,—Sold by
cuirms & PERKINS and BOYD & PAUL,
No. 149 Chambers St., N. Y.-4 packageg sent
free by express to any part of the United States
for Ten Dollars.
N. 11.-14. Curtis' Hvgeana is the ORIGI-
other; are base imitations or vile and INJURI-
M.'S counterfeits. Shun them as you would
Sold by RUSSELL & SCIIOTT, No. 138
Market Street, Philadelphia, who will sell h)
the dozen at Proprietors rates.:
Sept. to. 1854 —ly.
(suer... to Hartley t c• Knight.
Bedding and Carpet
No. 148 South Second Street,
Where he keeps constantly on l a nd a full assort
meat of every article in his line of business.
Feathers, Feather Beds,
Curled Hair, Mass, Corn Husk and Straw
Velvet Tapestry, Tapestry, Brossils, Three-Ply,
Ingrain, 1 radian, List, Rug and Hemp
Carpeting's, Oil Cloths, Canton Mattings,
Cocoa and Spanish Multiage, Floor and Stair
I)ruggets, Hearth Rugs, Door Mats,
To which he respectfully invites the attention
of purchasers. [Oct. 4, '54.-1 y.
TTAvE just received from Philadelphia the
largest and handsomest assortment of
1' 11 1 BD Yi Tr. a Vb@i DI;3
ever uttered in this place, consisting of Cloths,
Cassimers, Satinetts, Veetings, &c.
For the Ladies,
we have Plaid Silks, Worsted Plaids, and every
variety of plaid goods, to please the taste of the
Ladies. Also, Shawls, Sackihg Flannels, Bon
net Silks, Bonnets, and the finest assortment of
Collars, Under-sleeves, Shimazetts, ex., ever
offered to the ladies of this place.
Boots and Shoes,
of every variety, fir Illen and Boys, Ladies
Shoes, of every variety.
Hats and Caps,
of the very latest and best styles.
of which we alway s keep the largest and best as
sortment ever kept in this place.
a magnilieent assortment, which we are selling
quite low.
are a little up, but we are determined to sell as
low if not lower, thin, any other house,aceording
to quality.
Our stock of Oil Cloths and Carpets
is good, Tuba, Buckets, Willow Ware, and
everything usually kept in it country store.
In t:tet we have i•nerything to suit the taste of
all, and at Illwer jwice' , than can he got us any
other house in town, if you don't he satisfied of
the fact alt., calling, then we giro up.
1,,,vc also. FISH, SALT. PLASTER.
~ . .• • .1 store (iraia, an usual.
Real Estate Agency
The untlersig,l Tuts estabErh:.:: an agency
fin the Sale and Purchase nh Estate in
Huntingdon county.
Any person wishing to sell or purchase can
give us a description of the property, its loco:
quantity, quality, and terms.
We engage in this agency on such terms as
cannot be objected to.
_ _
- - -
The Agent has the fiteility of making the
property extensively known.
We now have some very desirable land which
we offer on easy terms. WM. BREWSTER.
Notice to School Directors and
• Teachers.
THE School Directors of the following name 4
School Districts, are hereby notified that I will
meet them at the place and time designated, for
thu purpose of examining teachers and granting
September 9th, at Alexandria, to examine ap
t pliennts for the schools of Porter township.
! N. 13.—Those Districts which have neglected
to inithe out their yearly report, would confer a
favor by attending to it immediately. The Di of the several Districts, should give me
early notice of the time when they intend open
ing their schools, so as to enable me to appoint a
convenient time to meet them.
Teachers may be examined at any time by pre.
seining certificates of good moral character from
the Board of Directors of the District in whick
they are applying.
Copier of the School Laws and decisions, can
Le faro klied to Directors by calling at the office
of rid, & Williamson. on 11111 street, or at my
re.ideare on Mifflin street, in the borough of Hun
, titigdun. J. S. BARR, Co. Superintendent.
Huntingdon, August 30, 1854.
Land for Sale.
TRACT OF LAND situate in Germany
Valley, near Shirleysburg, Huntingdon co.,
containing about 123 Acres, the greater part
! of whirls is limestone, in a good state of cultiva
tion, bounded by lands of George Swine and At-
drew Spanogle. JOHN LOTTS.
June 21, 1854.
Abeautiful assortment of Bilk Dress Patterns,
Black Silk, and Bonnet Lining, just recoil , .
and fur sah., 1.. J. g. W. F..tx1,1,.