Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, January 10, 1855, Image 1

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    t HAlntingbon unut
!out Ifiirs.
vA. addfrg.
amp, v 4. Adam
an. 'i.
ci..l. IV. M von', adirCrs.
. V.Vll(rVer, lA. al,
Clark & Cp., vs. Myron C Catiniugham
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. . UrfitikV.E
.v I'. Wartiormarh
h ith!iti.
,t; tartn,r, Tot).
inrwor, Sprin,llQl,l,
:n farmer, Ca,.
CL:lncr, Penn.
.N 1111,,, Ci1111,10.1,r, I
Myt.m. furin,r. \V ,t.
utIL r l',n•t, • just. ' , enc., ilcudri•.tuu.
~ .~,.a
~~t~i~it~ f'.
.1. Seel, Acialeiene, IlehdeNon.
) . 11 Shore, farmer, (lay.
p Stover, carionkr.
former, Ilvtlemon,
19 1854.
luNrc. VENvs,
I: alio, celebrated Statues, together with
, irteen Smtnettes in Bronze, and several
ed Magnificent Oil Paintings, form the
'Cm tir prizes to he distributed .among the
ire: or the Costuoyolitan Art Association
tirsLannital distribution, in January next.
'...orinopolitan Art and Literary Arsoriu•
toryanize , l (hr Enrouragonent and
? mod Dtirus:ifoi (,), Literature 'and the
'lc Arts, one war and original idan,
e Committee of Management have the
are el announeing that the First Annual
ifrition will tithe place on the 30th ofJun.
next 011 which occasion there 'will be dis
or allotted to menthe. several Inquired
is nr Art, ntnong which is tlitt.orLi'inal and
['renowned Statue :tribe GREEK sl,:\ VE
thin POW1:11, :•11,` qtoi/sa/U1
P.l! together ' ' of
PAccliAN . i;: \,
;tANCING tuna, and t,-'• •
on I , •: •
. i i 1 I. .\i:.
1! l. ,111,t , (1110, any 011 e EL
0.01 . . ey and entitles him
Kai , • 1 - iir Magazin,. for one year,
idio i• in the distributing of the Stat.
and :11101ted to
. I. u: 'Cliti•
. . one ptr, and to
is I:, tm•
I,OIIS, 011 in:coming members, can have
COM!. , i c with any mouth
:hoo,e, and r,:v r iu nutilcd tothent
- ,, ry dircet„
bersinps (I,votc , i W the purchase
CA of Art ror the ensuing year
oohs open to receive names at tne
New York, or Western office, Nan-
e Gallery rir Art 18 located at Sandi-,liy.
Western 0111,e of the A isoei,ttion,) where
-1i Or.le Bnibli.da have been erected
,iii whose spacious mittens the splendid
Altai or , tatitary and Paintings is exhib-
•onting a member of thi3 Association
. All persons receive the ,full rabic of
,figeripion (91 the start, in the shape of
eg Magazine Literature.
. Ench member is contributing toward
lasing choice Works or Art, which aro to
stributed wimp, themselve,, and are at
ame time encouraging the Artists of the
disbursing thoustutds of dollars through
rsons remitting funds for membership,
d mark letters, liftegistered," and state
loath with which they wish their maga
to commence, and also their post-Vice,
eu in All, on the receipt of whir h, a cor
m of membership, together with the meg
desired, wilt be forwarded to any part of
iso Who purchase Magazines at Book
will observe that by joining this Associ
. they neck,: 1I .11agazino and Free
I in the annual distribution, all at the
price tint they now pay for the Magazine
ustrated Catalogues of. the whole collet.
sent on dication, free of charge.
the Association. at the
tkerbocker Magazine otlice, 3.18 Broadway,
.York, and at No. 166 Water Street, Snu.
y, Ohio. Address, (at either office) for
C. 1.. DERBY, ACTUARY C. A. & 1., A.
The "Ilumwronon JOURNAL" La published at
t he following rates :
if paid in advance *L,SO
If paid N% 101111 Si,: months after the time of
If paid at the end or the year 2,00
- .
And two dollars and fifty cents if not paid till
After the expiration of the year. No anliseription
will he taken for a lea; period than .six months.
and nopaper will be ,'li4contiitto.l. except at the
option ,if the Editor. until all arrearages are paid.
yin,: in distant conntiem,or in other
Statea. will lie required to pay invariably in
trir lic above terms will te rigidly adhered
to in all
Pill be charged at Ow following rates:
I insertion. 2 do. 3 do.
Six lines at less, $ 25 $ 371 $ 50
One square, (15 lines,) 50 75 1 00
Two " (32 t‘ ) 100 150 200
Three " (48 ) 150 225 :3 00
. 13,,A,55 men advertising by the Quarter. Ilalf
Year or Year, will 1w charged the following rates:
3 mo. 6 mo. 12 mo.
Ono sroare, $3 00 $5 00 $8 00
,putrom, 5 00 8 00 12 00
Throe sonoreq, 750 10 00 15 00
9 00 14 00 23 00
15 00 25 00 38 00
Ten swoires, 25 00 40 00 GO 00
11u , ine,s Conti not excreting six lines, one
ear, $4.00.
Or. copes or Icon,
if it
B:. tNus,foolscap ur less, per single quire, 1 5 0
•° 4or more quires. per " 100
r Extra charges will he made for henry
Composition. . .
All letters on business must be roar PAID
Is secure attention.
'Me Law of Newspapers.
I. .';utrteribers who do no give express notice to
the eontrarg. are considered as wishaig to continue
their subscription.
2. If subscribers order the discontinumwe of their
newspapers, the publisher may continue to bend them
until all areearages are paid.
1. 1:1* sahgeribers neglect or refuse to take their
newspapctOmn the odices to which they are direr
frd, ri.vaaaalde hy Iwo settled
their bill:: awl ante), 1 t'a discoathead.
so,h...rihrrs remove In ether plaeeg without
f/ theneirspver.4 are veal
Pc, 'I, former dircch ., ,a, they are held responxible.
s P. rsons Who rontht . i; to reeeir•e or take the
paper /nun I/o are to be ron.arder•rrl as .sub
.crribr•rs and Seek, 11, Wahl rel , ol.l . ldeAr 3111M,rip
-1;011, 0 , ;/ they hail orderer) their names entered uton
the publisher:: hook,
11. The Courts hoer: also repeatedly derided that
a Post ,Ihtstcr who neglects to prrlor•nr his duty of
giving reasonable notice us ?winked by the regula
tions y the Post (flir•e Departnuot, of the mt.
leAnf a person to take from the (take, newspapers
addressed to him, renders the Post Jhrste•r liable to
the pubhsher for the subscription pr/re.
*clict Vottrg.
Of the 4rrier
January 1, 1855.
Old Daddy Old Year, I remember you well,
When the youthfullest.flush on your visage did
When the rose in its glory, the lily so mee k,
Like the tints of the morning were spread on
your cheek.
Tho sparkle that glistened your javilnile eye
Shone ns bright on my heart as a star in the
You !nay rest then uEsure,i, that 1 loved you so
I thought, never earth, should I bid you
Ihre well. •
- Elastic and gay, you slept forth on the stage
And round and still round in a whirligig rage,
rollel and yea whirled, :Is if death at your
Like a Liu:A-hound wai baying just fresh on
I feared ut the time, that your wind would give
Or you'd cripple yourself in your frolicsome
But rippety click," go it now while you'r young,
"I cant be here long,"—was the heft of your
Ah: Old fear, too soon did the bull•plow of
Cut furrows h 0 deep, in those fuir cheeks of
Too soon, did your legs censo their duty to do
And those eyeJ to behold without spectacles,
You faltered, you fell : in the•gr:ivo of the past,
You aro quietly laid and are resting at last. •
You ran your course quick, hut you curried
Some mighty events, which may honor my song.
Said old :Mister Filtyfour—don't be so fast,
Though my body is loa•, yet my soul's ou the
Itty spirit still rules, though the sceptre •be
By him who succeeds,—in my purple arrayed.
Co, ask your pet Now Year, my Carrier boy,
If he can, in ono cycle, my labor destroy?
_ .
Seed Omar Paella from the Danube's bleak
Or silence the guns at Sevastopol's door?
I set Allies and Russians to cutting the
Of hundreds and thousnuls, in trenches and
To tramping down corn•lields, that, hunger
may reign,
Where plenty late gladdened both mountain
I started up too, the great Know Nothing fight
And lifted it up to its mightiest height;
And I let GnNERAL PIERCE, that most ehival-
roux man,
Batter down to the ground, and burn little
California sent in without hindrance or hors,
Many hundreds of tops of her glittering dirt:
It merely took lodging, with breakfast and ten,
And started next day, fur Old Euro pe•pe—
(A plague on.the rhyme, but th' machine must
go on)
And money got tight toad can never loosen,
While PIERCE and his minions are leagued
with the British,
Tu take specie and coin from the Banks on the
Prosiwrity smiled on this beautiful land,
\glen time's ancient sceptre first greeted my
The fruits of the earth, in alnindMice were
And silver and gold, in your pockets, were
But the great glow of health was 'a hectical
That augured decay, while it bloomed as a
You little then thought, that such rain could
From such prosperous times as then greeted
13. eyes.
$1 25
1 50
2 50
4 00
No further proceed, my respected old friend.
A tribute to pt.o, tis my pleasure to send.
I know that the principles started by you,
Must rule no awhile and then vanish from view:
But while this is the cane, be it known that aro
Ideas ns novel will rise in the Owen.
Or vt , et movitt;, ;tti,y. start,
To emancipate men and drive vice front their
I know that you found all the buAine. of
Running riot and every thinzdonble itA worth;
But Ni4gerdotn, Manel; . ester, entton and tar
And Deruneracy—bruliers—couthined near and
Have ruined our factories, closed up our mills
(While rot gut still runs from the worms of our
stills ;)
flare thrown thousands of laborers out of
Whom hunger and famine now wait to destroy.
But timo urges on, now good-bye my dear
To the sun which is rising, my footsteps now
Good morning sweet New Year, 0, beautiful
Your locks are of gold, and your eye beams
with joy.
Dispense now your treasures, as almoner
Throws blessings to mortals from land of the
sprite ;
Make happy the faces of women and men
And let girls and boys blush like the rose in
the glen.
1 hope you'll bring plenty and peace in your
And brush away famine and war from the Main,
Where industry, thrift and prosperity, mild,
Should make the stern heart lithe and gay as
a child.
Let me specially call your remembraneei kind,
To the Patrons, whom weekly my wish is to
To lay at their doors, as a dutiful
The news of the week—both the merry and sad.
Ere the ytnkr 's in Eternity roll'il—
Whitt undreamed of mutations doubtless
ithrold !
TUE III:MX(700N JOURNAL'S kind patrons and
friend 3,
I hope, will receive whnt prosperity lends ;
And the old 'Ancient Borough,' with prospects
. .
. 80 fair, •
Press on for the crown she ia destined to wear.
The stuue•eoal from Itroadtop, this year will •
- hell, harnessed up, will convey it to town.
The fact, t am Alll, will enliven us all
And build up West ifuntin , ilon, early text fall.
Then, God Mess you all—turd a quarter or
Will please tho "Poor Derr so much at this
Good Advice to Young Men.
There are thousands of men In our city who
possess wealth which has been obtained at the
neglect of intellectual cultivation. Those would
give half their fortune if they could be set
back and have the 'ensure for• mental milture
which you young taco are throwing: away.—
Let this be no longer. Counnenee now to de
vote an hour or two each evening to study. It
may be difficult at first, but will be easier as
you proceed, and at length it will become the
moat delightful of all your enjoyments. The
mind makes the man. Do not suffer yourS to
be dwarfed by tun much enjoyment either in
business or pleasure. Whatever you do for
the cultivation of your intellect will bo perma
nent. Every hour expended in this manner
will return you five hours of the most elevated
enjoyment in after years.
Nor is this all. As you become intelligent,
your opportunities for usefulness will increase,
and you can be the benefactor of yutir race.—
With an increase of usefulness collies an. in.
crease of emolument. The better able you are
to help others, the better qualified wil: you be
to help yonrselves. its rot then trifle away
the best years of your existence in low and
rrivolons pleasures, which wi!l only degrade
you, and impair both your usefulness e nd site.
,CS3 inn oiler
The Lord's Prayer.
The followinzrynaint poem is said to have
been written by King James 1., though by
noise it is attributed to Bishop Andrews.
If any be distressed and fairl would gather
Rome comfort, lei him•haste unto
Our Father.
Fur we of health and hope are quite herr:arch,
Except Thou succor us
Who art in Heaven,
Thou showcat mercy, therefore, for the came
We praise the singing
Hallowed he thy name.
Oran our miseries cast up the sum,
Show us Thy joys, and let
Thy Kingdom come.
We mortal are, and alter from our birth;
thou condtant art,
Thy will be done on earth.
Thou matrst the earth, as well us planets seven;
l'h y mane is hles hero"
her -
As 'tis in Heaven:
Nothing we have t, URP, or debi4 . to pay,
Except Thol give it us;
Give us thiif day.
Wherewith to clothe us, wherewith to be fed;
Fur without thee we mutt
Uur dully broad..
Nu man from sinning owl free did live,
Forgive us, Lord, our sins
As we forgive.
If we repent nu laults,Thou ne'er distlain'st us,
We par tan them
That trespass against as.
Forgive that is past, a new path tread us;
Direct us alway 3 in thy taith,
And lead us—
Till. our peoph, arid thy chosen nation,
Into all truth, hut
Not into temptation.
Thotahat of all good graces art tho giver,
Sutler us not to wander,
But deliver us.
From the fierce hssaults of world and devil,
And flesh, so stoat thou free us
From all evil. ,
To those petitions let both church and layman,
With one consent of heart and voice, say
The Family Opposed to Newspapers,
The man that don't take a newspaper has
been in town lately, as we learn from a colons
porary. He brought the family in a two horse
wagon. He still believed that General Taylor
was president, and wanted to know if the Katil
sebatkians" had taken Cuba, and if so, WHERE
they had taken it. He had sold his corn for
twenty-five cents the price being thirty-one—but
upon going to deposit the money, they told hint
it was mostly counterfeit. The only hard mon
ey he had wassomo Marcel:ant pieces, and those
some sharperhad "run on bliss " for half ditties
His old lady smoked a "cob pipe," and would
not believe that anything else could be used.—
Otte of the boys went to a blacksmith's shop
to be measnsed for a pair of shoes, and another
mistook the market house fin• a church. After
hanging his hat on a' 'neat hook, be piously
took a seat in a butcher's stall, and listened to
an auctioneer whom Ito took to be a preacher.
Ife left belle, "meetin' was nut," and had no
great opieion of the “sarmint."
One of the girls took a lut'of seed 'onions tt
the post olliee to trade fora letter. She, had a
baby which eke carried its a "sugar trough,"
stopping at times to reek it on the siiiewalk.—
When it cried, she stuffed its month with an
old stocking, and sung "Barbara Allen." The
oldest boy had sold two "coon skins' , and seas
on a "bust." When last seen he had called for
it glass of "soda and water," and stood soaking
gingerbread and makingwry faces. The shop
keeper, mistaking his meaning, had given biro
a mixture of salt and neater, and it tasted
strongly of soap. But "he'd hears tell at' soda
and water, and was bound to give it a fair trial,
puke or no puke." Some "town fellow" came
iii and called for lemonade with a " fly in it,"
whereupon our soaped friend turned his back
and quietly wiped several flies into his drink.
We approached the old gentleman and tried
to get holt to "subscribe" but tie would not Its.
ten to it. He was opposed to"internal improve.
meats," and he thought "lentils" was a wicked
invention, and eulterwation nothin' but wanity
and wet:mien." None of his family ever fear.
ned to rend but one boy, and he teached school
awhile and then went a stodving diwinity."
An Allegory.
A miser being dead, and fairly interred,
came to the banks of the Styx, desiring to be
ferried over along with the other ghosts. Cho..
rou demanded his faro and was surprised to
see the miser, hither than pay it, throw him.
self into the river and swim over to the other
side, notwithstanding all the cloister and oppu.
sitiuu that could be made to him.
All 'flirter. were in an uproar; and each of
thin judges was meditating some punishment
suitable to a crime of suelt dangerous conse
quences to the infernal revenues.
"Shall ho bo chained to the rock with Pro
metheus? nr tremble below the proeipiee iu
company with the Danuidcs? or assist Sisy.
plats in rolling his stone !"
"No," said Minos, "none of these; we must
invent some severer punishment. Let him be
sent bask to earth, to see the use his heirs nee
:mak!, of
The Hero and the Printer.
"When Tamerlane had finished building his
pyramid of seventy thousand human skulls, and
was seen standing at. the gate of Damascus,
glittering in steel, with his battle axe on his
shoulder, till his fierce hosts filed out to new
victories and a new carnage, the pale on-look
er Might have fancied that nature woo in her
death throes; for havoc and despair had taken
possession of the earth—the sun of manhood
setting in seas of blood. Yet it might be on
that very gala-day of Tamerlane, a little boy
was playing nine-pine on the streets of Mauls
whose history was more important to men than
that of twenty Tamerlanes. The Tarter Kim
with his shaggy demons of the wilderness,
•passed away like a whirlwind,' to be forgotten
forever; and that German artisan has wrought
a benefit, which is yet immeasurably expand
ing itself through all countries and all times.
What are the congests and expeditions of the
whole corporations of captains, from Waler the
Pennyless to Napoleon lionaparte, compered
with these movable types of Faust? Trudy
it is a mortifying thing for your conquer to re
flect how perishable is the metal which he
hammers with such violence; how the kind earth
will soon shroud up his bloody foot-prints; and
all. that he achieved and skillfully piled togeth
er will be but like his own canvas city of camp
this evening loud with life, to-morrow 401 struck
and vanished.—'a thte earths pits and heaps of
straw.' tor here, no always, it continues true
that the deepest Force is the stillest ; that, as
in the fable, tin; mild shining of the sun shall
silently accomplish what vain essayed. Above
all, it is ever to keep in mind that, not by ma
terial but by moral power, are men and their
actions governed. How noiseless is thought!
No rolling of drums, no tramp of squadrons, or
immeasurable tumult of baggage waggons, at
tends its movements. In what obscure and
sequestered places may the head be meditating
which is one day to be crowned with more than
imperial authority ! fur kings and emperors
will be among its ministering servants ; it will
rule not over lint In all headc—and with these
its solitary combinutious of ideas, as with mag
ic formulous ; bend the world to its will ! The
time may come when 'Napoleon himself will
be better known for his laws than for his bot
tles, and the victory of Waterloo prove less
momentous than the opening of the first Nie
aunties Institute."—atry/e.
A Thanksgiving Turkey,
A. contriver of ways and means residing
Down east some years ago, being in want of
a turkey where
,with to be thankful according
to law, on the last Thursday in November set
his wits to work to procure one without labor,
love or money. Turkeys as everybody
knows are fond of apples and npple trees for
their couch and our hero, going in the stillness
of the night singled out a fine fat gobbler from
a tree full belonging to one of his neighbors.—
While reconnoitering the roost, he heard the
feathered bipeds say distinctly 'quit ! quit !
quit!' But considering these as words of
course, lie did not regard them a feather, but
taking a bit red yarn from his pocket he ma de
it fast to the leg of Isis intended prize, and re
tired without further alarming the brood, or at
all disturbing the owner.
The next day he went to his neighbor's house
with the following interrogatory—Ton
seen no stray gobbler here, have ye?' The
.neighbor answered that he had not, but there
might posibly be one among his turkeys and
asked him it' he should know the turkey on
seeing hint.
'O, yes, yes; said the witty man of inventions,
'I should know him very well by a bit of led
yarn he had around his right kg.' According ,
iv the whole flock of turkeys were assembled,
and the man deeply regrettinghis toss, and de.
Glaring he would not have taken a silver dollar
for the bird began to examine the whole
Gobble, Gobble, Gobble,' said the indignant
turkey, taller then the rest by a head.
"Ah! that's he,' said the man, springing up
as he spoke, 'that's the very identical turkey ;
don't you see he's got the mark on ?'
'Well he has sure enough,' said the honest
neighbor, taking, two quids of pig tail, in two
minutes 'nod yet I'll be darned and toasted
alive, if that don't look as much like a Gobbler
at mine, as two white beans. Ilowsornever,
as the critter belongs to you, why take him
that's all.
He said no more, but caught the gobbler
mid handed him over—es he supposed--to his
rightful owner. The other thanked him for
his trouble, and after inviting him to come and
take a thanksgiving supper with him, telling
bin. he should be as welcome to a hit of the
gobbler as though it were his own, he march
ed off triumphantly, with his prize under his
arm, and a laugh in his blew.
California News,
The steamship George Law Lieut. Fox, ar•
rived in New York, on the afternoon of the
'3sth , ult. She brings $1,161,646 in treasure
on freight, and 22-1 passengers.
The pilot boat Dancing Feather had return•
ed from the wreck of the Yankee Blade having
succeeded in recovering four boxes of treasure,
containing $lO,OOO.
From Oregon we learn that gold has been
discovered on the Willamette river, some seven
or eight miles above Salem. It is found in par.
tides and quartz.
A aiew r•oate has lately been discovered from
Salt Lake to Caison river. It is calculated at
500 miles, while that of Humboldt is 800.
who "thought sho would hove died - so molly
times, tit a soviety meeting, is eni.iying
Facts about the United States.
The United States are composed of thirty.
two States and nine Territories.
They contain a population of 25,000,000, of
whom 21,000,000 are whites.
The extent of the sea.coast is 12,660 miles.
The length of its ten principal rivers is 28,•
000 miles.
The surface of the five great lakes is 90,000
square miles.
The number of miles of railway in operation
is 20.000, which cost $G00,000,000.
It contains the longest railway on the globe
—,the Illinois Central—which is 734 miles.
The annual value of its agricultural produc
Eons is $200,000,000. s
Its most valuable production is Indian corn,
which yields annually $10,000,000.
The, amount of registered and enrolled ton
nage is 4,407,010 tons.
The amount of capital invested in manufac
tures in $600,000,000.
The amount of its foreign imports in 1853.
wan $167,078,047 and tints exports, $230,971,
The annual amount of its internal trade is
The annual value of the products of labor
(other than agricultural) is $1,000,000,000.
The annual value of the incomes of their in
habitants is $1,000,000,000.
Its mines of gold, copper, lead and iron are
among the richest in the world.
The value of the gold produced is $100,000,-
The surface of itscoal beds is 138,131 square
Its receipts for customs, lands, &c., hi 1953,
• was $51,472,272, and its expenditures, $1:.1,.
Within her border are 80,000 schools,. 6,
000 academies, 231 colleges, and 38,000 char•
Facts in Human Life.
The number of languages spoken in the
world amounts to 30d4.. The inhabitants of
the globe profess more than 1000 different re
ligious. The number• of men is about equal
to the number of women. The average of ho•
man life is about 33 years. One quarter die
previous to the age of seven years ; one half
before reaching Ili ; and those who passs this
stage enjoy a felicity refused to one half of the
human species. To every 1,000 persons, only
ette reaches 100 years of lite -; to every 100,
only seven reach the age of 63; and not more
than one in 300 lives to 80 years of age. There
are on the earth 1,000,000,000 inhabitants,
and of these 33,333,333 die every year ; 51,021
every day; 3,730 every hour; and sixty every
minute—or one every second. These losses
are about balanced by an equal number of
births. The married are longer lived than the
single, and above all, those who observe a su•
berould industrious contort. Tall men live
longer than short ones. Women have wore
chatters of life in their favor, previous to
being fifty years of age, than Men, but fewer
afterwards. The number of marriages is in
proportion. of 75 to every 100 individuals.—
Marriages are most frequent after the equinox.
es ; that is, during the months of June and
December. Those born in the spring are
generally more robust than others. Births
and deaths are more frequent by night than
by day. The number of melt capable of bear.
ing arms is caletdeted at one-fourth 01 the pup•
Tut; Exit List! LANUI: AWL—The words of the
English riinguage are composed of several
foreign languages. The English language may
be looked upon as a complication,, both in
, words and expressions of various dialects.—
I Oar laws were derived from the Norman, our
1 military terms front the French, oar scientific
names front the Greek, and our stock urn..
from the Latin, through the medium of the
French. Almost all the verbs in the English
language arc taken from the German, and
nearly every other noun or adjective is taken
from other dialects. The English language is
composed of 15,73 t words—of whi ch 6732 are
from the Latin,43l2 from the French, 16113
from the Sax" 1669 front the Greek, 691
from the Dutch. 211 from the Italian, 106 from
the German(not iuclnding the verbs,) 90 front
the Welch, 75 from the Danish. 56 from the
Spanish, 50 from tho Icelandic, 31 front the
Swedish, 31 from the Gothic, 16 from the 11e.
brew, 15 from the Teutonic, and the remainder
front the Arabic, Syriac, Turkish, Portugese,
Irish, Scotch, and other languages.
Life is but the second edition of a tallow can
dle. All we have to do with it is to live con•
fortably, to use the snuffers of humanity and
knOwledge to trim the wick, and keep the grease
of meanness from running too strong, and we
will be sure when the light burns low—when it
flickers in the socket—to have the consolation
of " going out" in a blaze of glory. Amen.
SLUT riffs DOOR.—It is always well to keep
tho door shut, sad when the thermometer is at
zero the following is particularly appropriate ;
"The hindmost shut the door—
But, behind or before,
Bo sure to shut the dour."
Tape the hand of the friendless; smile
on the sad and dejected ;sympathize with those
in trouble; strive everywhere to diffuse around
yen sunshine and joy. If you do this you will
be sure to be beloved.
Madame IsABELLA, a lady in France, has
beeu bugaged with great success in breaking
horses for the gorernment,andan arrangement
has been made with her to introduce her sys-
VOL. 20. NO. 2,
lot tbe larmtr.
Hu that hr the plough would thrive,
Hill mu-t iih .r held im drive.
From the Farm Journal,
Just Principles of Breeding,
With the exception of a few professional
breeders, but little attention is paid to breed
ing. Its plainest principles are almost entire
ly disregarded. Breeding "in abd in" as it is
called, or front "near relations" is - so common
with some kind of stock. as to be almost uni
versal ; while old, broken down animals, which
are fit for nothing else (fuel most of all unfit
for this) are kept for no other purpose. Ira; a.
farmer an old, limping, wheezing mare, too
rickety to work, he takes care to get two or
three colts from her before sending her to the
tanners; has he.a herd of cows, the male pro
'geny of one or more of these is yearly raised,
to serve, among other, his own daughter, and
perhaps granddaughter; hits he a (leek of sheep,
tixe or sin years is generally sufficient to ren
der it worthless; has he a lot of hogs, they aro
probably the unstained descendants of a pair
he had tea years before. All this most of them
know, or should know is wrong, It is tigainst
the laws of nature for an old, broken down
mare, to produce a healthy °Misting; nor can
the continuous offspring of near connections
be expected to be robust and strong. The size
and beauty will be diminished Aline the habil.
ity to disease will be increased. These facts
are so well established that it would be folly to
cite cases in their proof.
Ts every limner who has occasion to raise a
colt, a calf, a lamb or a pig, or indeed any an•
anal. I would say, first; see that the intended
parents are healthy, and neither very young
nor in the decline of life, second; that they
are not near mint:ens, third; that the intended
dam be "well used" after cnuception. These,
ate thedirst requisites.
The careful limner will also be anxious to
breed so as to obtain secular points in his stock.
This he can generally attain by the selection
of stuck to breed front. He can at least ap
proximate to the or figure sought and
may attain it in time by careful breeding.
Montgomery Co., Dec., 185.1,
Staggers in Horses,
Sometimes horses are taimp with stiffiless in
their limbs, to such nn extent no to cause them
to sway and stagger like a drunken man.—
They do not feel to suffer any pain ; they do
nut groan nor breath quirk; their ears and
legs are neither cold nor hot, and neither dung
nor urine show anything wrong.
This disease is ascribed to a sympathetic
derangement of the brain, depending on disor
der of the stomach, occasioned by feeding fur
some time on indigestible food, such as rape,
rye, grass, or ripe grass seed of any kind. The
disease is almost entirely confined to the time
of yenr when ripe grasses are most freely eaten.
Several horses on one farm have been affected
at once. It comes on, sometimes gradually
and sometimes suddenly. The treatment coo•
sists in giving a dose of opening medicine,
feeding on bran for several days, and giving
tonics.' The old diet must be carefuliy avoid.
ed, as no cure can be efilieted so long as the
food is given which caused the disease. Some
horses have got coinpletely well by turning
them into a bore old pasture.
Best Soil for Fruit Trees.
After altno,t halt a century of experience in
raising fruit, we are decidedly of opinion, as a
general rule, that the best soil on which to raise
fruit, is that josh eltgovil Lira forest. The sur•
face should be rolling or decending, end mod
:crawly dry and rich. Such ground needs little
Or no preparation ; the roots of the forest trees
as they decay, keep it louse and mellow, and
afford tie exact food necessary for a rapid and
healthy growth of fruit trees ; and the soil
abounds plentifully in those elements which aro
r,9l,site to form tht..! most perfect fruit. An
other consideration, and a very important one
is, that fruit trees grown on recently cleared
forest land, are much loss diseased than those
grown on old land. and the fruit is not near so
Halide to be +attached by insects.
Any one going from an old settled country
to tatew one, will not flail to observe the re
markable difference between the trees and fruit
of the den aid the other. blow much thriftier
they arc in the latter than in the former, and
how much larger, fairer, and more perfect the
fruit. .
In growing peaches, &e., we have found—
other things being equal—that new orchards
usually did best planted us old orchard ground
the trees set as near as possible to the decay
ing stumps. Previous to planting, however.
the soil should be broken up at least two feet
deep, if possible, and ashes and such other .fer
tilizers added as are necessary to insure a good
Standard Weight of Grain and Seed.
For the convenience of our readers, and in
answer to numerous inquiries, we annex be
law the standard weight of numerous articles
of Farm produce, which hi the intercourse of
trade, it is of importance to have well under
stood both by buyers and sellers,
Wheat, • -
Corn, (shelled,)
(on cob,)
()Ms, • •
Bnchwheat, •
Clovcrseed. (red
Green grass,
Blue gra.,
(letup, -
Flax seed.
Beans, .
GO Ibm
70 "
1;11 4:
.11; .1