B,larritb, ttil the 28th ult., by Rev. P. If. Rightmyer, Nr..lottN Cent. to Mire Haze fl.rt.E, both of !Hair Co., Pa. °tithe 'Mule day, by the 'tame, Mr. JOUN K INCH to Miss Asl/KI.INE U iNTIILK, both of 11 Furnace, Hunt Cu. it the 21st ult., by Rev. N. S. Buckingham, Mr. (11:11. MOW:TA. of Cymru county, to . Miss Et"? arm UnotNwri.)., of A loaintirin, Pm tln he 21tIt nt the Exchnnge lintel, by lbc none, Mr. .lonx CIAI/11.111AN 1,, M 15,1 AMANDA 1C0.,114, 6001 of Alec:odd:, Tburidox, 2it:t b v o. 0. Mc u, Mr. It Ijll4ltll It. Bu TAN to rr MuNlvirrittr. HUNTINGDON. January 1,185 i Flour per bbl., Red Wheat. per bu.,• • Vhirc 11'lleat, per ha it! a, pet Int Corn, per in Cat,, per hit Hay, per ton Bolter. pe, per ISg,_<. rev dor., Pll3ilDlELPiliji, Jan, 1, 1,11 5(0 10,75 ..;1 0 , 1,55 $2.10(iA2,1 5m(,092 Extra fafaily Hour, torn Mral, Prime White Wheat Prime Red Wheat, Own, RAILROAD HOUR& THAI!. GOING Etsr. • Mnil 'l'. I Ex. T. I E. T. I Ex. T.. TJain knees P.M. I'.ll. P.M. A.IIL Petersburg, 2.21 7.84 3.83 11iintingillin, 2.49 7.t0 4.119 Mill Creek, 3.01 8.00 4.19 Mt. Union, 3.18 8. 4 4.33 ; TIMINS GOINO 1V1,4T. Truitt lenses l'.M P.M. A.M. Sit. Union , . 4.25 8.14 6.35 6,26 Mill Creek, 4.41 8.23 7.05 6.89 punting.bun, 4.55 8.38 7,30 6.53 Petersburg, 5.11 8.49 8.03 7.06 I BANK NOTE LIST. [Corrected Il'eekly.l Ple,N/411YLVANIA. •Comberintal Bank, i Phillujelphial3anks, par'Nlineral Bank, U. Stater flank, 21 , AII other solvent, 1 Chamborshurg, DisT. COLUMBIA. blettysburg, 'All .oi,ent Blinks, i Pittshargh, VIRGINIA. Snsquelea Co. nnsalcFat Ilranches, Lewistown, nu sale. Near Branches, Mitialetown,i.Wllecinatz, Carlisle. i'Under Fives, E vie, l'NoliTli CARMAN J __...., Waynesburg, I , •A II solvent Banks, 1 Washington, 1.1 . n.1er Fives, 1 Harrisburg, St I'll CAROLINA. Hpuesdale, _'All solvent Batiks, " ! Lebanon, pail 'oiler Fives, Monongahela, ..il GEORGIA. West Branch Bank, pailla,kinsville, Wyoming Bank, par:Com. ll'k Macon,no sole Ytirk, I 1 - .Nlcrell't, 111 do. failed All other solv't b'ks pm:All other solvent, Belief Notes,. Under Fives, l Towanda Reief, no sale ALABMA. i Ma;ou. :Bank of Mobile, ; Calais, D..% II other solvent, 1 Lqfayette, Bangor, 'moll Notes; a .nine Bank, Portland, 5 LOUISIANA. ' Mercantile, Bangor, !,- - t niter solvent beaks, i .. , kit. Croix, Calais, 01110. • All solvent banks, ti Sol''; Cincinnati B'ks, I Small Noyes, corxruv. NEW lI.IMPSIIIIIE. Norwalk, _ All solvent tondo, . ran vine SadeiV, *mall Notes, ;•.111 other solvent, 1 VEII3IONT. hider Fives. Bank of St. Albans, 1. KENTUCKY. - All solvent banks, '-'• MI solvent Batiks, 1 Under tires • :: Small notes, 2 srAssAcilusErrs. TENNESSEE. All solvent banks, t.\ II solvent banks, 1i . Under lives, ;: Under Fives, " 11110I)E ISLAND. ! MICHIGAN. - i Providence Co. Bank, ' Far. & Nleelt., Detroit, 1 All solvent liall'es, g , ,Mia. him. ca., to. I i Coder lives, ['All others, uncertain coNsEcTiccr. MISSISSIPPI. All s Q leont hanks, ]a Northern Banks, no sale ! Under fives, 7 4:All others, uncertain NEW YORK crrv. MISSOURI. ' All solvent hank:, pal- ll'lt State of Missouri, :.,‘, 'EW 'YORK S i'ATE2 FLORIDA. Atlas Bank, 57i .\ II Banks no sale James Bank, 1 2 i .- ILLINOIS. Northern Exchange, i -..,te Ilk & Brauches,so kitate Wk, Saugerties, I I !oder Fires, 50 Bank, Cuvaga, Lake, I ,111 others, nu sale Solvent einnitry Wks, : INDIANA. Poet Notes & Cerilf. of -- !!, to li,k .S: Brandies. 1 Dep. on time issued • mall Notes, by by Eree Wks, ?is cal' , ARKANSAS. NEW JESSEY. .1.11 Banks, no sale, f . laintield, broke NVISCONSIN. All other solvent par la. Co. Checks, Mitts'. 2 DELAWARE. , , thcr Bank, . sale Small Notes,. lOWA. All Banks. p., \ i. 0., Dolomite, no sale NI A In - LANE). , 1 , ..i. Banks. tilt ~,j, Small Notes, I' A NADA. Baltitnoeu Batiks, 3\ ii !•..I \ ent Banks, tt Salisbury, lava;.. IL, ht. or Wooster, failed Fourth Vol, or Yankee Notions. GREAT IMPROVENI ENTS Tho present number commences the Fourth Vol ume of this popular Periodical. Its success has born precedent, and its circulation, already LAW .; ER than that of any similar publication IN THE WORLD, is constantly increasing. Arrangements have been made which will enable the Publishers to make the NOTIONS Far superior to any Comic paper ever publish ed in the United Staes. THE BEST ARTIS TIC TALENT in the country has been enga on THE ILLUSTRATIONS, and each number will contain from 60 to 75 ENGRAVINGS, in the highest school of COMIC ART. Its Liter ary Contents, by a large Corps of Todented Con tributors. will challenge comparison with those of nay conic periodical either in Europe or America, and will consist of a choice repertory of humor, fits, satire, wit, comic talcs, sketch., &c., aiming to "shoot folly as it flies," but never o'crstepping the lines of strict propriety; it being the object of the Publisher to make the YAN KEE NOTIONS au ever welcome visitor at ev ery Home Circle. 'Subscription price, $1 25 per annum : or 121 cents per number. For sale by all the News Agents and Periodical Dealers in every City, Town, and Village in the United States and Canada.—T. W. STRONG, Publisher, 98 Nas sau St. N. 'l,—,Jun. 9d 1855.-31. RIDE OIL AND LEATHER STORE. D. KIRKPATRICK, No. 21 South Third Street, Between Market and Chesnut Streets, Philadelphia, HAS FOR SALE, anID2D Dry and Green Salted Patna Kips. TANNERS' OIL, Tanners' and Curriers' Tools, AT Tilt LOWEST YRICES AND 111 . 0 E TUE LEST • sir All kinds of Leather in the Rough wanted, for which the highest market price will be given in cash, or taken in exchange for Hides. Leather Stored free of Charge and Sold on Commission. Pee. 20, 1254.-Iy. Court Affair. LiNVARY TERM. 1866. TRIAL LIST. FIRST WM, Speer's adtu'ri., v 4. Buchnnmin's Luken'd adin'rs., vs. Madden. John Sarni', vA. Adam Houck. _ . same vs. John Fisher. Biekerstnll, vs. Patterson. D. Walker, vs, J. W. Myton's adieu. Samuel Liolingur, vs. W in. Johnston, Comth. Sliumiliorgi.r. vs. Crownover, et. al. Hirst Clark & Co., vi. Mytini & Cunningham wEUA• A. I'. Wilson. Esq., vs. M. Buoy. Com), for Kyle, vs. !lodes. Ex . rs., vs. Cryder's Contth. at suggestion or Brattom vs. Crownover S. P. Prince, so. George Bell. W. P. McCreary. Cu., so. Robert Woods. Scott & Wife, ys. Johnston. Samuel McWilliams, vs. John Jamison. - P. Platt & Co.. so. R. F. Haslet. 1 , 1.. Ha% ladorace, so. Jos. Spangler. 8111,50 • • 2,00 —2.10 'lllOO GRAND JURY I 6 60 Wm. B. Addlmnan, fanner, Warriorsmark tp. John Bumbaugh. gentleman, Ifendereon. Johti Beaver. Itinocr ' Hopewell. James Ifacr. !antler, Jackson. .1..011111•11inatt, limier, Porter. Benjamin Esq., farmer, Cromwell. Nicholas Creswell. gentleman,Porter. John M. Clark, blacksinith Sirley. Martin Fleming, farmer, Brady. John Hastings, carpenter ' Walker. John Hoover, farmer, Walker. Ludwifli Hoover. farmer, Penn. John I light, limner. Henderson. John Love, Bower, Barree. Peter Livingston, farmer. Barren. Nathaniel Lytle, saddler, Morris. John K. Mei2ahain, Warrionnark. John Myerly, flintier, Springfield. John Owens, just. peace. Warriormark. Abraham Piper, blacksmith, Porter, Daidal Price, farmer, Clay. William States, blacksmith. Walker. William Vandevender, clerk, Wed. James Lane, sr., fanner, Brady. TRAVERSE JURORS, FIIIST WKEK, David Aurandt, just. peace, Toil township. J Appleby; filmier, Dublin. Charles Ash, fanner, Benue. hhuwno Armstrong, limner, West. Robert !lower, farmer, Jackson. John C. Bolinger, Harmer. Cromwell. Edward Beigle, mason, Morris. John Branstetter, fanner, Warriormark. William Clymens, constable, Dublin. Joseph Cadman, thinner, Cuss. James Carotl o jr., carpenter, Cromwell. William A. Cole, carpenter, Jackson. Robert W. encitinghatn, farmer, Barree. William Cummings, merchant, Jackson. lames Clark, merchant, Warnormark. John 11. Easton, tailor, Henderson. John ' , milder, brewer, Henderson. dam house, tanner, Hopewell. Jacob Fink, farmer, Penn. Samuel Goodman, machinist, Henderson. Kenzie L. Green, farmer, Clay. Ileorge Guyer, merchantt Warriormark. John Hildt.:bread, gentleman, Henderson. Dickson Hall, ('armor, Brady. William B. Leas, merchant, Shirley. .John M. Leech, mill•right, Jackson. Isaac Lieinger, cabinet maker, Henderson. Samuel Marlin, fanner, Clay. Samuel MePherren, mason, Porter. • Thomas Morrison, miller, Brady. Lloyd Meredeth, shoemaker, Brady. Thomas W. Neely, Harmer, Dublin. Joshua Price, fernier, Tell. Robert 11. Porter, cabinet maker, Jackson. ' Jatnes Reed, farmer. West. William Riky, unill•right, Franklin. Il'illiam Hitler, cabinet maker, Cromwell. Samuel F. Stewart, carpenter, Jackson. John Snyder, fernier, 1011. - dunes Stewart, (Matno•) farmer, Itarree. Jacob Sumer, fernier, Warrionnark. John N. Swoops. merchant, Porter. ' Moses Swonpe, farmer, Union. Jacob Taylor, farmer, Tod. i Robert Tussey, fu•mer, Morris. George Wilson, tiu•nner, 'fell. Ntuhaniel Williams, laborer, Henderson. Jacob Kellerman, thriller, Clay. John Q. Adorns, manager, Franklin. Benjamin Briggs. farmer, Tell. David Barkstresser, fanner, Torl. Hugh L. Cook, flirmer, Cromwell. Isaac Cook, just. peace, Tod. James Culegate, fitrtner, Cromwell. John 11. Donaldson, fanner, Hopewell. Joseph . .Dysart, fanner, Franklin. Martin Flenner, wagon maker, Walker. Robert Fleming, farmer, Dublin. John Geminill, farmer. Porter. Wes'ev P. Grew, inn keeper, Warriormark i; nine. l'arau'r, HadA,m, 1)1,1,1111. , eOll4O Keith, farmer, Tod. David Lou, Jo., farini.r, Springfield, Alai:bum Canner, Cass. r!eide: I,rmer. P,on. N. 11;,r1,.. carpmiter, Ilendersol. David B. Mattcni. blacksmith, Franklin. .laines Miller, farmer, Brady. William McClure, thriller, West. Alexander C. MYton, farmer. West. Thomas Oshorn,.fitrmer, Jackson. Alexander Port, just. peace, Henderson. George Rouse, Dublin. John Spangler, fitrm*, Cam. Themes Stapleton, farmer, Tod. John Smith, Barree. Jesse Smith, farmer, Tod. George Smith, farmer, Cass. Nicholas Shaver, farmer, Shirley. George A. Steel, gentleman, Henderson. Joseph Shore, farmer, Clay. Philip Stever, carpenter, Cass. James Wilson, fanner, Henderson. Dee. 19 1554. NOTICE. ALL persons knowing themselves to have un settled accounts with the undersigned, will please make settlement by the 15th of January, alter that date the books will be left in the hands in a Justice for settlement, as I have quit the bu.iness. JOS. 11. THOMPSON Dec. 27, 1861.-3 t. PETITION. To:the Honorable the Judges of tho Conrt o Common Pleas of lluntmgdon county now composing, and holding a court of general ses sions of the peace, in and for said county, January teni:, 1854, The Pe'tition - of William Christy, of the Bor ough of Alexandria, Porter township, Hunting don county, respectfully showed' : That your petitioner is desirous of keeping a public house or tavern in the house lie now occupies which has bean known as the old stand, in said bor ough, fur a number of years, that he has provi ded himself with necessaries for the convenience and accommodation of travellers and strangers. He therefore prays your honors to grant him a license to keep a house of public entertainment, in said house and he will pray, &c. WII,LIA . III CHRISTY, We the subscribers, do certify William Chris ty, the above applicant is of good repute fur hon esty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and convenience for the lodging and accommodation of strangers and travellers. N. Gresawell, Jas. Yocum, Daniel Spyker, John Jenkins, Abraham Piper, Elihu Chileott, J. J. Hellman, Joseph Piper, Enoch Piper, Jno. Gahegan, Enoch Kline, John N. Swoop°, Geo. 11. Fleming, Jacob Hoffman, Geo. W. Hewitt. Dec. •ill, 554.-:it. NATCRESHMATCHEMNATCHEW 4TOZN SONICTILLT, MANUFACTURER AND INVENTOR OF SAFETY PATENT SQUARE UPRIGHT. WOOD BOX MATCHES. No. 106 North FOURTH Street (there Race,) PHILADELPHIA. Air ATCHEi having become an indispensable 11 article in housekeeping, the subscriber af ter a great sacrifice of tithe and money is enabled to oiler to the Public an article at once combin ing Milks one Cheapness. The inventor knowing the dangers apprehended on account of the film soy manner in which Matches are generally pack ed in paper, has by the aid of New Steam Ma chinery of his own invention, succeeded in get ting up a SAFETY r.vrtigv SOUAIIE 1:1•81011T areal BOX j this boa is far prefet able, inasmuch Hutt it occupies no more rosin than the old round wood box, and camtains et least Two HUMMED per cent. more Matches, which to Shippers is considerable advantage; it is entirely new, and secure against Moisture and spontaneous com bustion, and dispels all danger on transponta tion by means of Railroad, Steamboat or ally other mode of conveyance. These ,hatches nr..t packed so that one gross or more ins 7 be shipped to any part of the world with perleet safety. They are the most desirable strtiele Ike Home consumptiou s and she Southern and Western Markets that have ever been inv.- DEALERS and SHIPPERS, will do well to cull and exumine for them,elve, nose Matates arc WARRANTED to be srperior to anything herelliwe rqPral to the Public. JOHN DONNELLY, Inc North FOURTH St., PhilinPa. Dee.2o, 1854.-sm. THE GREEK SLAVE! BAceIIANTE VENUS, AND TIIE DANCING THE above. celebrated Stamm., together with Fifteen Statuettes in llivoze, and iccecal hundred 31agniticent Oil Paintings, form the collection of prizes to ho distributed mom; the members of the Cosmopolitan Art Association at the first annual distribution, in Jan air next. 7'he ('oz nopolitan .Irt Lihrary A.raocia• Organized I;,r tie Encouragement and (,'ro• red Diffusion 11* Literature and Me Fine ,Irh on, rr in,. and original plan The Conti:litter yr Manageinent have the pleasure of annomicing that the First. Annual Distribution will take place on the 30th .lan• nary Item MI which occasion there will be din. tribated or allotted to members several hundred Works of Art, among which is the oriiinal and world•renowned Statue of the (i REEK SLAVE by Ilia. PowEas, costing over tire thousand dollars: to!,ther with the beautiful Statues of VEN US. BACCHANTE, HEBE, FLORA, and the DANCING GIRL; and fifteen Statu ettes in Itron,, imported from Paris; tilts, tt large collection of OIL PAINTINGS, eontpri sing some of the best productions of celebrated American and Foreign Artists. PLAN FOR TkiE CURRENT YEAH. 'rhe payment. of constitutes any one a member ur this A,tociation, and entitles him to the Knickerbocker Magazine fur one year, and also tt ticket in the distribution of the Stat uary and Paintings which are to be allotted to members iu January. Persons taking five memberships are enti tled to live of the Magazines one year, and to sir tickets in the distribution. Persons, on becoming members, can have their Magazine commence with any month they choose, and rely on its being 'nailed to them promptly 011 the first of every month, direct from Ne.v•York. The net proceeds derived front the sale of memberships are devoted to the purchase of Works-of Art fur the ensuing year Books open to receive names at tue Las tern office, New York, or Western office, San• dusky. The Gallery of Art is located at Sandusky, (the Western otliee or the Association,) where superb Grande Hui',lbws hare been erected for it, in who,e spacious saloons the splendid culleetio“ orStatuary and Paintings is exhib ited. •rIII•. ADVANTAGES SECURED by becoming a member of this Association are— ht. All persons receive the fall miser r;t' their 8;11,4,w/ion at the start, in the shape of sterling Magazine Literature. 2.d. Each member is contt anti big toward purchasing choice Works of Art, which ure to be distributed tinning themselves, and are at the same time encouraging the Artists of the country, ditinirsin g thousands of dollars through its agency. . . . lqrsotis remitting funds for membership, should mark letters, "Registered," sad state the mouth with which they wish their maga nines to commence. and also their postvliee address juju/40n the receipt of which, a cer tificate of membership, together with he map nzine desired, will be forwarded to any part of the country. Those %Ito purchase Magazines at Book. gores will observe that by joining this Associ• ation, th.w eeeeire • the , ilayazine and !Free Ticket in !he annual, dietribution, all at the sante price that they now pay fur the Magazine alone. Illustrated Catalogues of the whole collec tion sent un application, free of charge. ifirollices of the Association, at the Knickerbocker 'Magazine ntlice.2lk Broadway, New•-York, and at No. Water Street, San. dusky. i)bio. Address, (at either otlice) for C. 1.. DERBY, At•TrAnY . C. A. S. 1., A. lice. 20, 1851.-3 t. A BOOK FOR EVERY YOUNG AMERICAN. 1 ELAND, CLAY & Cu., Publishers Tor Et Dim., li•,e in preparation, onil iriil smin publish; in use volume of shout two hundred engravings, cloth, gilt, THE IL LUSTRATED - AIANNERS BOOK; A Manu al of good behavior and polite accomplishments; containing careful instructions in ell the apper tains to the person, dress, manners, acquire ments. conversation and deportment of the per fect lady, and the finished gentleman of the bed society. Price one dollar. This book, the first and only ono of its kind will be sent, post-paid, as a premium, to any per son who will procure thirty subscribers to the Dime, an illustrated mothly, at ten cents a year. Each number of the Mine contains from five to ten engravings, music, and twenty col umns of usethl and entertaining mutter, suitable for tire school or thmily. It is considered the best, as it is the cheapest paper of its kind ;and being neither Beefiest, sectarian, nor partizan, it is intended for the widest circulation and the greatest possible usefulness. The Illustrated Monitors Book, post-paid, and thirty copies of the Dime, one year, tbr Three Dollars. The Illustrated Manners Book, mailed, post paid, for One dollar. The Dime, ten cents a year, or eleven fur One dollar. Specimens cheerfully forwarded to Teachers, Clergymen, Postmasters, or any persons wishing to raise clubs and compete for Premiums._ Address LEL A NI)CLAY & Co., I I Sprnco st. N. Y. _ • HENRY W. OVERMAN, No 6, South Third Street, BELOW MARKET, Philadelphia. Importer, Manufacturer and General 12znalra. Has Constantly on hand, and Always Finishing, AR kinds of Leather Morocco, Calf Skins, Sheep Skins, &c,, The attention of Country Merchants and Man ufacturers, is solicited. RED AND OAK SOLE LEATHER. Dec. PROt LAMATION. WIIIiREMI by a precept to Inc directed, diced t Huntingdon, the 25th day of November, A. I). 1854, under the helots and seals of tho Hoe. George Taylor, President of the Court of Common Pleas, Oyer and Terminer, and gener al jail delivery of the 24th judicial district of Penn syl vanin composed of Huntingdon, Blair and Cam bria, and the lion. Thomas F. Stuart and Jona than Ale Williams, his associates, Judges of the county of Huntingdon, justices assigned, appoint ed, to hear, tee and determiac all and every le dictinents moan or taken tar or concerning all ! crimes, which by the laws of the State ore made capital or felonies of death and other offences crimes and misdemeanors, which bane been or shall hereafter he committed or perpetrated for crimes aforesaid—l am commanded to make pub lic proclamation throughout my whole beiliAick that a Court of Oyer and Terminer, of Common Pleat, and quarter sessions, will be hold at the Court House in the Borough of Huntingdon, on the second Monday (and Bth day) of January, next, and those who will prosecute the said pri soners be then and there to prosecute them its it hall be just, and that all Jiciices of the Peace, Coroners and Constables within said county be then mid there in their proper' persons, at 10 o'clock, A. M. of until day, with their records, in (llllßiti.g, exatninations awl remembrances. to , do those things which to their offices respectfully Dated at Huntingdon the 25th day of November, in the year of our Lord 18.14, anti the 78th year of Ameriran Independence. JOSHUA OREENLAND, SherilL Dee. 20, 1814. PROCLAMATION. It: A ti, by 0 precept to me directed by w the Judges of the Common Pleas of the caunty of Huntingdon, bearing test the 25th due of November, 1854, I am commanded to make Public Proclamation throughout Inc whole halal wick, that It Court of Common i'leas will he held in the Court House in the Borough of Ihm tingdon, on the third Monday (and 15th day) of Jan., A. 1)., 1854, for the trial of all issues in said Court, which remain undetermined before the said Judges, when and where all jurors, witnesses and suitors, in the trial of all issues are required to appear. _ _ Dat . ed at Huntingdon, the 25th day of Nov., in the year of our Lord 1854, and the 78th year of American Independence. JOSHUA GREENLAND, Sheriff. Dee. 20, 1854. NOTIOX. LT, persons indebted to the undersigned for Nledie:ll attendance, nre rennested to call and settle immediately. and save cacti. The Books have been left with Ale,. Port, Esti.— A word to the wise, in stitheieti, J. S. GRIFFITH, M. D. Dee, it, 1854.—1 t. PETITION, To the Uomiralole the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon County now composing and holding n court of general ses- Mon of the peace in aul fur said county, Jan uary term, 1854. The petition of Samuel Stacy. of Jackson township, in the comity of Huntingdon respect. fully sheweth, That your petitioner is desirous of keeping a piddle house, or tavern in the house he now occupies, un the road leading front Pine Grove to Lewistown, that he ha, provided him self with necessaries for the convenience and ac commodation of travellers and strangers. He herefore prays your limmes so grant him a license tc keep a house or public entertainment in said house and he wilt ........ 'SAM UET, STE FITS. We the subscribers do certify Samuel Stetfey, the above applicant, is agouti repute for hones ty and temperance, and is well provided with house room, and convenience fur the lodging and accommodation of stout ers And travellers. George Siellity,liehael Kellerman, William Walborn, Henry Walborn, John Rudy, Robert Burt, John Brightal, Henry Koch, Janteß Gal laher. N. W. Semt, James Gwin, Samuel eraul, Jas.. 11. Wilmm, Samuel F. Stewart. Pee. 13, 1834.-3 t. REGISTER'S NOTCIE. v o.„,„s li ,erelty given to till persons inter ', cstell. hat the following named persons have settled their a.,...tants in the Register's Office at Huntingdon, and that the said accounts Will be presented for confirmation and allowance; at an Orphan's Court to he held at Huntingdon in and (or said enmity of 11 untingdun, on Wethiesdas . the I nth day of dal:miry next, 1855, to wit : I. dittoes l'ree, Guardian of Caroline Walkt minor child 01 .lanies Walker, deed. 2. Samuel :11' Vitiy, kxecutor of the last will and testament of James B. l'ergrin, into of the borough of Shirleysburg, deed. 3. (ieorge W. Speer, and Jas. Wilder, Ad, mini:u•ntor< of hilt Speer, late of the Duro' of Cassrille, 4. Samuel Comphell End ii. P. Welttre, Aa tninist rotors .1. 11. W. sPUittnes, lute of Dublin township. 5. Joseph Law, Guardian of Harriet Crain, one of the minor children of Evan Crain, late of Morris township, 6. J. Sewell Stewart, Gnartlian of the minor children of Joseph Wall, late of West township, dee'd. Joseph Rhode,: end Benj. Rhodes, Admin. istrotors, of the estate of Henry Rhodes, Into of Cromwell t,wnship, lIENRY GLAZIER, Herb:tee.; Oniee; ? Registor. lloot• they. 8,1654.-7 t. IMPROVED LARD LAMP MBE undersigned having purchnsed the full and exclusive right and privilege of con structing, using. and vending to others, the right to mho ontl 11 , e. in the county of Huntingdon, STONES] FE 12 & an's improvement in the adjust:tide packing firm lamp fur burning lard. Lanit, fur sale by the ilimen or singly, also township rights fur sale at reasonable prices. All orders promptly attended to by address ing. thr subscriber, orbisonia, Hunt. CO. Pa. GEO. W. CORNELIUS. Sipvsrille, Nov. 15, 1854.-6 m. Administrator's Notice• ETTEItS of administnttion of the Estate of IA Catharine Lutz, late of Shirley township, Huntingdon comity dee'd, all persons indebted to the e,tate will :mike payment without delay, and all persons hosing claims will present them properly authentientell for settlement. GEORGE EBY, SAMUEL LUTZ, Shirt• tp., Nov. 15,'31.-ft,• Adult's. ALL KINDS OF pain tiuni JOB PRINTING, SUCH AS EfSUILLA, Li; 1 A Iljl;l7_ti, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, &C.,. And all Kinds of Legal Blanks, Used by Magistrates & Others, Printed at the JOURNAL OFFICE. GINGHAMS—Domostie and Dress, just re calved at D. P. GWIN'S Cheap Store.; 2000 Feet of Safety Fuse, just received anti for sate by J. & W. SAXTON. 1 1.4 DIES DRESS GOODS , Mus. Delano, B. Delmer), De Berege, Lawns, Ginghams, and a choice variety of Goods of all kinds, at the store of GBO. GWIN. CIILVER Butter Knives, and Salt Spoons, at I.) E. Snare's Cheap Jewelry Store, A SPLENDID assortment of Ladies' Dress A Croodsjust received at CARMON'S, JUST received and for sale, am, Shoulder, D Side, Dried Beef, Lake Trout, White Fish also Dried l'eurhes, Dried Apples, &e., &c., for by i. fi NV. S.V.VII.V. valuable Limestone Land for Sale. J. NI. IRVINE, M. D. TIIE subscriber offers at private sale, his farm, Grad m al . B "f 140 uniorriay 'if Now York, situate in Frunklin township, Huntingdon H AVI N G concluded to locate permanently in county about one-half mile from the Pennsylva- " Warriorsmark, Huntingdon County, o ff ers nia Railroad, containing about bis professional services to the citizens of that One Hundred and ninety Acres, place and vicinity. be it more or less, of the best iivality of lime Raysinnarv.s stone land, about 160 acres of which are cleared, Medical Faculty of the University of H. Y. under good fence, and in a good state of culti- 1)r. John McCulloch, Petersburg, Hunt. Co. oaten. Dr. Henry Windy, The improvements are n two s'o'y stone 4. 3 4 Nov, 1, 1854.--tf. dwelling house, a large frame bank ' wagon shed, corn mil), large stable ' and other J. Simrsou AVRICA. J. F. Namur, out baihlings. It has a good orchard, and good hater water upon it. 2,..ailiLLgind Any person desiring to pnrebara, eann enll. , upon me on the premises. I will show them .r ACT XA.L.TIA VET OXL and make known my tempt. (Mice with DAN,. A cmc.s street, JAMES DYSAHT. bet , vcen Montgomery and Smith surer-, Hunt' ingdon, Penn", [Sept. tr] JUNIATA ACADEMY AND FEMALE SEMINARY, , I ,. .lyishoey, Ilmain!plon Co., Prouo Ur, JAMES A. 11. Principal Semina, ; tiro!' J. C., mei..., A. 31., and A. C. FEND.U.I., Principals, Academy. Nov. 15, 1R5 , 1.-3m BOOKS! BOOKS ! WALL PAPER::: 20,000 I.l l ;a?k i s ' 1: 3 tsubscriber: r il It i t i t ' . l 4 " ceivell from ;Boston, New York and Philadelphia, comprising the grmtt est variety and must extensive stock ever brought 10 the inter'or of the State, Ills STATICWEIIY is also of great variety and su perior quality, in mot ;IA Letter, Cap . THE Winter Session of both Schools opens on and Note Paper, Gold a n d Steel Pens, Inkstands, Blank and Time Boukq, Diaries for 1855, I f i dlors,hiy. the 71/c ry . NoLvnalw, and eon- Also. Harper's, Putnam's Godey's and Gra- • 0110 e" " c ."""t ham's Magazines. reeeivdevery month as soon ' TERMS—SEMINARY: as out. 2000 copier; of the book, recommended 11001, 11 tight, fuel and tuition, per session 551,00 it the Teacher,' Institute iced Board of !tiro.- Music with ti , e of instrument, per (limner 8,00 tors of the county: Greenliers Arithmeties and; „ TERMS—ACADEMY : Algebra. TOWaN Spellers, mid Headers. ; Board, truant rent, fuel alai mitten, per 3606 Payson & Duntons Ilti , ton Copy Books, I Madero $30:0 0 heing the best system as well as the hest excett- •`. 1 " 1 "'" Lin, ,1g13g"? 5,00 led books ever offered to the piddle, attire lowest and 3,00 to 5,00 wholesale prices. 1000 pieces Wall raper from Lectures and practival instruction given in oto 13 emits for common, 18, 23 and 37 cents for A:4 ll ' l ' l ' l 're , CliemisuT: Surveying .11.'1 . . glazed, 11111 i 1,25 to $2 Mr gold. All oldie above nee , & 1 • F l oc k ofrorod ox , reowl y low fur reek—rite p u b. Instruction will he given in the Seminary. in lie will please call and examine. Embroidery, Gilding, Bronzing and plain needle- Store opposite Whittaker's Hotel, Railroad w"rk• St., Huntingdon, Pa. Shirleyslawg, Oct. 18.-2 m. NVN. COLON Nov. 8, 1854, NEW STAGE LINE. m 111; subscriber would respectlblly inform the traveling public tlint he is now running a line of Hacks from Mt. Union to I trbisonia as follows: Front Orbisonitt to :11, l'nion and nick agnin, even' tiny, intersecting the Cinimpersliurg line at o.rhistatin. Passengers wishing to go to Simile Gap, or any other place, will he taken on without delay. llis GaAs are good and eimiliirtalile, and be is determined to hart none b u t good and steady drivers; in a won!, his desire is to carry passengers in comfort and safety. ........ .LIM - 1 7 ,5 S. BURKET Orhisonin, Noy. R, 1854.-1 v. FIVE PER CENT SAVING FUND, j Or The Nathanal Safely Company. Ili,/nut Street, ..•,,t.' I r Third Sired, '1'1111..11 , 121.1'111.1 Incorporated by the State of Penn , sylvania in 1Si1• FIVE PER CENT interest is given and du money is always paid hack whenever it h called liar, without the necessity of giving ilOtiel 101 . it beforehand. Petiplc who have large sums put their money in this Safety Fund, on account of the superior safety and convenience it affords, but any sum, large ur small, is received. . . SSVII::1; FUN!, has more than bairn mil lion of dollars, securely invested for the safety or depositors. The Office is open to receive and pay motley every clay, front o'clock in the morning till 7 o'clock in the evening, and oi, Monilpy Thursday evenings, till 9 o'clock. l'eople who hate mom, to put in; are invited to call at the olhi.•c for further information. HENRY L. BENNER, Pres't. ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice Pres . c. W.,t. J. RE., Secretary. Nov, 1, 1854. FREE EXHIBITION ! -'4441. , ce l . 1 I '.--.. 1,,....i• _ 4f , : ' ) r • A ‘ I ' : -;:-• .titllC Elephant Store. 21,2„,•si2111 . 1)A . :11 H" ,N. removed Ili, exteusivo Store to No. I. ISleCithan's Row. tortuerly oveapied Iry K. Simonton, is HOW prepared to aceoninimlaie Iris old customers, and the public generally, with a splendid and fashionable asssortment or Pall and Winter Goods, lli ~,,ortment consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, and all kinds °foods usually kept in a Country Store. Also, a beautiful cheap and elegant as sortment of _ _ Ladies' Dress Goods, and Trimmings of every variety. Also, Hats; Caps, Bonnets, Boots and Shoes, and a variety of goods of all kinds. Country produce taken in exchange for goods, at the highest market prices. Huntingdon, 18, 1834. If You Want to Buy Cheap Goods, Call at the Store of tjs'YlA> THE subscriber would respectfully nunounee to the public, that ho has returned from Philadelphia and New York ' mid is now opening at his well known stand in Market Square, the largest and prettiest assortment of Fall and "Winter Goods, ever brought to the borough of Huntingdon, and is nux• selling ut unnsunily . - - My stuck comprises in 'Cart, Clotho, Cassimers, black and fancy, Satinctts, a large variety of Satin and Silk Vestings, Kentucky and Penna. Jaunt, T wee ds, Tickings, brown stnil bleached Muslim, Drills, ('rash Bags and Bagging, Table Diaper, &c., and a great variety ofgouils too te dious to mention. Ladies Dress and Fancy Goods, A large assortment of Under sleeves, Collars and sponcers. Prints in abundance,Mous. de Lones, Do Beregc, Alp nee n s , Leutres, Cashmeres, Florence Mar cell., and Gro. de Nap,liir Bonnets and Edging, Rilibons, fancy, and black Gimp, black silk Lace, Ladies' Kid (haves, Gents black do., ..,ttion and Sulk handkerchief's, Italian Cravats, Hosiery, Sc. Soots and Shoes. hardware, cueensware, Glassware and Cedar Ware, A good supply of Fre.ll Groceries, Mats and Caps, A great variety of Straw Goods. My stock has been selected with the greatest care in regard to quality and price, and I flatter myself that I can offerintlueements to purchasers not to be found elsewhere. Thankful fur the patronage of the past, by my friends, and the public generally, I respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. tirEO. GWIN. Huntingdon, Oct, 11, 1854, BLANKS.-.Always buy your Blanks at the "Journal Mee." We have now prepared a ve ry superiorartiele of BLANK DEEDS, BONDS, JUDGMENT NOTES, SUMMONIP, EXECU TIONS, le. CARPET Bags j just received and for sale bl J. 4. 11'. .s.efser7A. A SPLENDID ARRIVAL FALL AND WINTER r..fAafTfiliffsj, A. WILLOUGHBY, 1S just roturnetMoni the east with a largo and splendid :tssortment of Fall and Winter Clothing, for men and boys, made in the latest fashion and in the most tutu lde manner. XVI., ever wants twin; dressed better and cheaper than anybody else in town, let him call at 11'it.t.ocr,wn•'a CHE,c CiArrnisii Seam:, one door west of T. Head & Son's drug store, Huntingdon. Call an!l scc fur yourselves. oct. is, 1554. REMOVAL Clothing! Clothing! Clothing! The I.o.vest and Lest STlveled Stork of Ready made Fall and Winter Clothing, Ever offered to the Citizens of Ifuhtingdon county. I F you wish to get a cheap and lashionable snit of clothing aI4M per cent. leis than you can eliewhere procure them, then go to the cheap Clothing Emporium of lIEN la ROMAN, op posite Couto' Hotel in Market Square, dow Pa., where you will find Ready made Cloth ing ninny quality, nettle of sound materials, nod in the most fashionahle style mid at rates im measurably below any other establishment in this vicinity, where it is considered that the "nimble iii Into is tar preferable to the slow shilling," and whore, for good tits, tine materi als, fishionable style and finish, 'lie can't he heat." The subserilier respectfully invites the mien liOn of his numerous friends and customers a n d the public in general to his immense and well as sorted stud: of Men,' and lines' Fall nod Win ter Clothing. consisting portly of line riot),. Denver, Pilot, Petersham, Whitney, Felt Hutt Double Gcerronts, Cloth Frock, Dress Suck and Rosiness rants, or ail qualities, styles :Ind colors, Monkey Jackets ' Roundabouts' of differ ent sorts, qualities unil prices. Fine lilnek Doeskin, Cloth and Cassie:ere pants do., twy C;is , imcr,,, Satinet, Tweed, as well its a varier . , inngnitkenr Vegs, stone of which in quality andworktnnu,hipegnul nny custom work, lino can he obtained in any other place. Besides o binge assortment of Boys' Clothing, the istib , cris Inv nlsn keeps on h..) n wall Sek,frd stork of Gentletunn•s Furnisldng Goods, such es lifindkerebiefsi crAvats, collars , gloves, sticks, -huts of all Ascriptions. Undershirts, Draw .,rs, Knit Jackets Suspenders, Tra,liog Iht s ; hats and Cops, and f;reatt many other articles too numerou to speeify. . - J.:neut.:l:4oa by past f'avor , .lll,:nb:er,,ber 1.4 far exeeede.llli , usual °nth, in purelia,ing,toek, and lie nut a:siire: the publiv that no person wh•liing to purehnse need leant bin store without beingsnite.l. be is i.nahle.l to sell at the t•teg . and kbe, make ait outlay of his lallael respoq fully incited to call and examine for himself. HENRY ROMAN Ovt. 18; 1854 NEW GOODS FOR THE FALL AND MINTER OF 1851 AT '.f_`,l.l i - ,11 . .AT ""iffiTt2 DAVID P. GWIN I have just received, and tun now opening, on the corner opposite Coats' Hotel, a hirge and beautiful assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, consisting of Cloths, Cassino., Itinek nod Fan cy Satinets, Vestings, Tweeds, Jeans, Flannels Yellow, White and Red. Also n large lot of Sack Flannel Or all colors. French Medi noes, Coburg Cloths, all wool, Delains, Plain and Fancy Delnins, Cashmere, Debrtize, Mans e°, &e. A Large Lot of Dress Goods, Silks Black, Bard and Plain, Bonnet Silks, Col• Lars, I.7u.lcislecves Sitiminazetts, Fancy !load• Dresses, Flouncings, Lace, Eilgeings mid Insur. lion, Ribbons, Trimmings, &c. Cotton Goods, Mullins Me:tidied and Culdeached,Cailton Flan nels, Drills ' 'falai, Diaper, Crash, (Axes, and llosery a ll kinds. Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Quecnsware, Hardware and Cedar IVare. Oil Cloths, Carpets, Carpet Sacks, &v. My old clstomers and as ninny new ones as can crowd in, are earnestly requested to call aud ex amine my goods. All kinds or Country Produce taken in ex change roe Goods at the highest market prices. Oct. 18, 1854. 0 BE L ARRS Hoe Herring, just received and for side at the store of GEO. GWIN. LAMES Lasting and Silk work Gaitors, Kid Morocco, and Goat Hoots and Shoes, at tho store of CEO. GWIN. Fish for Sale. 15 Barrels Susquehanna Shad, 10 «• 44 just received and fur sale at the store of CEO. Cll IN TWEE WHITE LEAD, juit received and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. 25 Il s r e l o ilLS superfine Flo4r i gn. 54,411 , the PORT MONNAIES from 25 cents up to $2 50 at Ed. Snare's. April Ifs 1852. AFRESH supply or Gingham., Check, sod Shambray, Just Pet:dyed and Inc sale ho .1. & W. snxToic JUST receiving, this week, Mackerel, Herring Ike., and for sale by J. &W. SAXTON. OOKING Glassee,just received and for sale J.,/ by J. 6. W. SAXTO.N. grocery, Gontbetioskary, AND ovaniaz aalcoon. t NDREW MCSHUH, would respectfully 41 form the eitisens of Huntingdon awl viand ty that he has just returned from tho omit. wilh a very large and fresh supply of Fruit N td Confectionaries, such as _ Candies, Lemons, Raisins, Nuts, tac. nod the largest stock of Toys and Fancy Articles, ever offered for sale in this tow', t :lie receives &oily from the city of Baltimore. the best OYSTERS that eon he found. Those in want of prime fish,' can be accoMmodo ted by calling at the saloon. He has fitted up a saloon expressly for the Ladies. Thankful to the public for past favors, he hopes by strict attention to bushiest to merit a eanitee ace ()NW some. Iluntinl,•vlon, Oct. 12, 1957. HYGEANA. lira":"id iJmtc to the Door el the dliUieaa WttNPERFeII. DISCOVERY has recent ,' 1 ly been mule by Dr. Curtis, of this city, in the treatment of Consumption. Asthma and all diseases of the Lung. We refer to "Dr. Curtis' Ilvgeatis, or Inhaling Hygean Vapor and Cher n. Syrisp.” With this new method Dr. C. has restered many afflicted ones to perfect health s ns SW evidence of which he has innumerable cer tificates. Speaking of the treatment, a physi cian remarks: It is evident that inhaling—con stantly breathing an ngrconble, healing vapor, the medicinal properties must come in direct con tact with the whole of the oriel cavity of the lungs, and thus escape the many and varied changes produced upon them when introduced into the stomach, and subjected to the process or digestion. The Ifygenna is for sale at all the druggists' throughout the country. New York Dutchman of Jan. le. 'rho Inhaler is worn on the breast under the linen without the least inconvenience—the heat of the body being sufficient to evaporate the . _ -- Ilundreds of CASES of CURES liko the fol low•ing might be named. One Package of Hy gentle bat cured me of the ASTHMA of site years standing. As. Kftsbrrry, P.. 11. of Thomann., Pe. lam cured of the ASTHMA ol 10 tsars standing he Dr. Curtis' Ilygenna. Margaret Easton, Brooklyn, N. Y. Price three Dollars a Package,—Sold by & PERKINS and BOYD & PAUL, N. 149 Mambo, St., N. Y.-4 packageg sent free by express to any part of the United States for Ten I)ulla•s. N. B.—Dr. Curtis' Ilygeana is the ORIGI NAL and ONLY GENUINE ARTIBLE, all others aro base imitations or vile and INJURI OUS counterfeits. Shun them as you would poison. Sold by IZUSSELT. & SCUOTT, No. 138 Market Street, Philadelphia, who wilt sell by the dozen at Proprietors rates.l Sept. 20. 1854 —ly. azzint mitonr, ( s„„-or to Hartley 6. Kniea. Bedding and Carpet WAREHOUSE. No. HS South Second Street, I'M: DOORS ABOVE SPRUCE SRVUT, Where he keeps constantly on hand a full assort went of every article in his live of business. Feathers, Feather Beth, PATENT SITING MATTRESSES, Curled Hair, Mops, Corn Husk and Straw. MATTRESSES, !vet Tapestry, Tapestry, Brussels, Three-Ply, Ingrain, rendian, List, Ray and Hemp Carpeting% Oil Cloths, Canton Mattingo, Cocoa and Spanish Mattings, Floor and Stair Druggets, Hearth Rugs, Door Mata, TABLE AND PIANO COVERS. T., which he respectfully invites the attention of purchasers. fOct. 4, '54.-I y. NEW ARRIVAL. J. & W. SAXTON, ITAvE just received fl•om Philadelphia Om lorgest and handsomest assortment of Aii9D 7 sYllsllsl[ll@C)Mgs eve, off e red in this place, consisting of Cloths, Satinetts, Ventings, &c. Tor the Ladies, leave Fluid Silks ; Worsted Plaids, and every ariety of plaid goodS, to please the taste of the Ladies. Also, Shawls, Sacking Flannels, Bon net Silks, Bonnets, and the finest assortment of Collars, Under-sleeves, Shimazetts, &c., ever Ldrered to the Indies of this place. Hoots and Shoes, Of every variety, for Men and Boys, Ladies ShoeF, of every variety. lints and Caps, of the %ery halo<t and bctt styles. Hardware, ~1 ‘,14,1, we always keep the largest and best as ,orinent ever kept in this place. Cfneensware, magnificent assortment, which we are yelling quite lute. Groceries, are alittle up, but we are determined to sell as low if not lower, than any other houseotecording to quality. Our stock of Oil Cloths and Carpets is good, Tubs, Buckets, Willow Ware, and everything usually kept in a country sttire. In fact we have everything to snit the taste of all, and at lower prices than can be got at any other house in town, if you don't be satisfied of the litet atter calling, then we give up. We have also, FISH,' SALT, PLASTER. and al,. 'euchre and store Grain, as usual. Sept. 57, 5154. Real Estate Agency, The undersigned has established an agency for the Sale and Purchase cf Real Estate i■ Huntingdon county. Any person wishing to sell oryurchaso can give us a ileseriptine of the property, its Iota• tine, quantity, quality, and terms. We engage its this agency on such terms as cannot be objected to. The Age has the facilit) of making tk• property extensively known. We now have some very desirable la . ndwhick we oiler on easy terms. \VM. BREWSTER. Notice to School Directors and Teachers THE School Directors of the following named School Districts, are hereby notified that I will meet them at the place and time designated, for thu purpose of examining teachers and granting certificates. September tith at Alexandria, to examine ap plicants for the schools ' of Porter township. N. 11.—Those Districts which have neglected to make out their yearly report, would confer a fitvor by attending to it immediately. The Di rectors of the several Districts, should give me early notice of the time when they intend open ing their schools, so as to enable me to appoint a convenient time to meet them. Teachers may be examined at any time by pre. sealing certificates of good moral character from the Board of Directors of the District in which they ore applying. • Copies of the School Laws and decisions, can be inrnished to Directors by calling at the office of Fisher & Williamson. on Dill street, or at my residence on Mifflin street, In the borough of Hun tingdon. .1. S. BARR, Co. Superintendent. lluntingdon, Angus . ' 30, 1834. Land tbr Sale. ATRACT OF LAND situate in Germany Valley, near Shirleysburg, Huntingdon co., containing about 123 Acres, the greater part of which is limestone, in a good state of cultiva tion, bounded by lands of George Swine and An drew spangle. JOHN LOTTB. June 21, 1851. A beautiful assortment of Silk,Dress Patterns, Black Silk, and 13oonct Liuingouat receiv ed aul for sa'a I.y J. W. Sarro.F.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers