Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, January 03, 1855, Image 1

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urtingbn Nurual.
Wednesday Morning, Jan. 3, 1855.
Agents for the Journal.
The following persons we have appointed Agents
for the HUNTINGDON JOURNAL, who are author
ised to receive and receipt for money paid on sub
scription, and to take the names of new subscri
bers at our published prices.
I.,We do this for the convenience of our subscri
bers living at a distance from Huntingdon.
Jolts W. THOMPSON, Esq., Hollidaysburg,
SAMUEL COEN, East Barren,
Gsionou W. CORNELIUS, Cromwell township.
HENRY HUDSON ' Clay township.
DAVID ETNIRE, Cromwell township.
Dr.J. P. Aencom, Penn township,
J. WAREHAM MATTERN, Franklin township,
SAMUEL STEFFEY, Jackson township,
Col. JllO. C. WATSON, Brady township,
MORRIS BROWN, Springfield township,
WM. HUTCHINSON, Esq., Warriorsmark tp.,
JAMES MCDONALD, Brady township,
BEERY NEFF, West Barren.
JOHN BALSDACII, Waterstreet,
Maj. CHARLES MICKLEY. Tod township,
A. M. BLAIR, Dublin township,
GEORGE WILSON, Esq., Tell township,
JAMES CLARK, Birmingham.
NATHANIEL LYTLE, Esq., Spruce Creek.
Maj. W. MOORE, Alexandria.
B. F. WALLACE, Union Furnace.
SIMEON Wuroirr, Esq., Union township.
Cass township.
SAMUEL Wurrox, Esq.,Franklin township.
DAVID PARKER, Esq., Warriorsmark.
DAVID AURANDT, Esq., Todd township.
A few loads of WOOD at the Journal Office,
fir No attention paid to Letters
unless post-paid, nor to Communi
cations unaccompanied With the
author's name.
Read New Advertisements.
NOTICE.—The Stockholdersof the Juniata
Bridge, Company, are hereby notified that an
election will be held at the house of Christian
Coats, in the borough of Huntingdon on Tues
day the 9th day of January next, between the
hours of 2 and 4 P.M., forthe purpose of elect
ing ono President, six managers and one Sec.
rotary and Treasurer, to manage the affairs of
said Company for the ensuing year.
DorThe Court will be in session next week,
and continue two weeks. As our subscription
accounts are individually small, we cannot af
ford to run after them, but we hope those who
intend to pay will do so during the Court.
To those who have been prompt in paying, we
tender our sincere thanks.
Although the Journal has three or four hun
dred more subscribers than any other paper
published in this county, yet we would thank
fully receive more.
jar The hands in our office, like many oth
ers, contend that they are entitled to the boil
days for their recreation, and in consequence
we are only able to put out a half sheet—but
many of our cotefnporaries have been publish
ing half a sheet per week for some months--
we hope to give a full sheet iu future.
Farm Journal.—The promise was made,
that the Fifth volume of the Penn'a. Farm
Journal, published by J. M. Meredith & Co.,
at West Chester, Pa., commencing January
Ist, 1855, would surpass any of its predecessors
or cotemporaries. The January number is
now on our table, and we find the promise is
amply verified. The improvements in engra
vings as well as the various subjects on Agri
culture, Horticulture, Ste., arc excellent, and
the work should be in the bands of every far
mer. Terms, $l,OO per annum, in advance.
AGRICULTURAL.—The Huntingdon Co.
Agricultural Society will meet in the Court
House, on Tuesday evening, the 9th of Janus-
Ty. Farmers and all others interested, are re
quested to attend, as an election of officers for
the ensuing year, will take pleve at this mee
11116—Konnedys' Bank Note Review for Jan.
uary 1855 is before us. The Messrs. Kenne
dy's are determined to make their Counterfeit
Detector supersede all others; the one before
us contains all the information that can possi.
bly be given on the snbject ; and is deserving
a large share of patronage.
SarWe are informed that an effort will be
made by the friends of education, of this coon.
ty, to get an act passed during the present ses.
Ilion of the State Legislature, granting the
County Academy buildings, of this borough,
for the laudible purpose of establishing a Nor
mal School to educate teachers to supply the
Common schools.
This building is at present used as a private
dwelling, and we are pleased to hear that there
is some prospect of it being soon dedicated to
its legitimate use. We have no doubt but sue•
coos will crown the effort.
lier The Hon.. David L. Yulee has been
elected, by the Legislature of Florida, a Sen
ator ,of the United States for the term of six
years from the 4th of March next, when the
term of Hon. Jnektion Morton will expire.
The Huntingdon Journal.
This paper is now through its teens, and the
present number ushers it on its twentieth year.
It was started in September 1835, in its pres
ent name, and has survived the conflicts of
more than nineteen years, and its nineteenth
volume is now completed. The Journal is es
tablished on a firm basis. Like the sturdy oak,
it has withstood the storms of nineteen winters,
and every succeeding year but adds strength
to its roots to endure coming blasts.
The Jounxs r. has ever been the advocate and
defender of Whig measures and Whig men.—
Many of its present patrons have bees its ear ,
Hest and constant patrons, some of its readers
have gone down to the grave, others have come
to supply their place. It has battled long and
manfully in the good cause, and in sunshine
nod in storm—in political prosperity or adver
sity—it has continually pursued its onward and
upward course, striving to advance the glori
ous cause which it espoused. Its editors have
been seven in number. A. W. Benedict, Esq.
its founder, conducted it with great ability for
about seven years. It then passed into the
hands of T. H. Cromer, Esq. under whose con
trol it lost none of its ancient reposition. In
1845 it was transferred to the hands of Mr.
James Clark, who conducted it with ability and
zeal to the time of his death, in the spring of
1851. It then passed into the hands of wm.
H. Peightal, who conducted it for a short time
with credit to himself and satisfaction to lfis
readers. J. Sewel Stewart, Esq. next conduct
ed the JOURNAT, assisted part of the time by
Mr. J. A. Hall, nod the latter gentleman fir a
while had it under his sole management. Then
it passed into into the hands of S. L. Glasgow,
our immediate predecessor. During all this
time it was conducted by men of acknowledg
ed talents, and was increasing in patronage
and usefulness. Now, it is a fact which may
seem incredible to printers in some localities,
that in all the above stated changes, neither
Sheriff or Constable had anyfongency I Since
the paper has been under our guidance and
control' we have endeavored to keep up its an
cient reputation, and to extend its usefulness ;
and whether we have succeeded or not, our
modesty permits us not to assert, but will leave
it to our readers to decide.
But our object when commencing this arti
cle, was not so much to write a history of the
JOURNAL (with which most of our renders are
as familiar as ourself) but to call attention to
the important fact that the llurrixonos Joun-
NAL is the oldest paper in the county—that it
has a well established reputation—that it has
the largest and most extensive circulation—
and is, therefore, the best medium for abrerlis•
lug. And those who are not subscribers al
ready arc also advised that non , is a good time
Is subscribe—they can begin the new volume
with the new year—and will receive the cur.
rent news of the day, foreign as well as domes
tic—general intelligence as well as local. No
one can expect to be informed of the import
ant events that are trasspiring in the world
unless he is a constant reader of a well con
dueled newspaper—and no publication is as
useful to the citizen, for all purposes, as his
own county paper. The county papers should
firSt be subscribed for and paid, and if more
can be read and paid for, then the city papers
and periodicals should also be taken. But
first, and of paramount importance, is a man's
own county paper.
We hope our friends will send is idditiunnl
names, accompanied with the price of ,ri
don, thus benefiting themselves and us ut lln
same time. Begin the new year by subseri•
Ling for the JOURNAL, and time will convince
you of the wisdom of the act.
following is an extract from the "Chronicles of
Florence of Woreestor," a new book recently
published in Englund. It affords another proof
that 'there is nothing new under the son
A. D. 1273. An evil spirit caused great a
larm at a village called Trouville, in the dis•
triet of Rouen, audibly rapping with hammers
on the walk and doors. Ile spoke with a In,
man voice although he was never visible, and
his name he said was William Ardent. lie
frequented the house of a certain worthy man,
to whom he did much mischief, as well no to
his wife and tinnily ; and the sign or the cross
.and the sprinkling of holy water failed to drive
him away. Moreover when the priests conju•
red him, itt the name of the lord, to quit
the place, he answered: "I shall not depart;
nay, more. if I please, I shall kill you all. The
cross I know well enough, and as for your holy
water,T. have no fear of that." This spirit
haunted the manor and mansions of the persons
just mentioned, from the feast of All Saints
(Ist November) until after the Pacification,(2d
February,) uttering many lascivious and scoff
ing arrehes. At - last he wont away at Sep.
tuagesnna, saying he should return again at
Easter which he never did."
Felix, and a Mr. Lacoste were landed at Ha
vanna on the 9th inst, bound together, and
marched through the city strongly guarded by
soldiers to the Therm jail, where they were pla
ced in separate cells, with orders not to permit
any communication with them. The next day
the American Consul was permitted to see Mr.
Felix in his cell, but since then positive instruc
tions have been given not to permit the Amer
ican consul, nor any of the friends of the pris
oners, to see or Communicate with them. The
Consul was, however, permitted to see and
communicate with the captain and mate of the
schooner. The sailor were turned over to him
also, and will be shipped home. Felix and La-
Coate will be tried before the military commis-
sion and it is said that the evidence against
them is very strong..
Four toes of chickens, insides, and geese
were shipped from Waterford, Pa.,,for the Eas
tern markets.
The Old and the New Year.
Anon Domini one thousand eight hundred
and fiftylour has come to an end, and is num•
bered with the past. Whatever emotions of
joy or of sorrow it may have brought in its
train—they arc now all past joys and past sor-
rows. We take this OCCOSIOII, therefore, to
wish all our readers and friends a happy New
The future, like baseless fabrics of dreams,
and air-built castles, opens brightly, as the fu
ture always appears, through the enchantment
of distance. It is well that mortal vision can
not penetrate the prismatic colors of time pre
sent, to contemplate the mysteries of time to
come, else the clouds and storms of adversity
would prove more overwhelming in the anti
cipation than in their full realization.
We would not, willingly, darken any bright
spot which any oppressed mortal may see upon
his or her map of the future. Next to life,
hope is the great blessing we enjoy and (night
to cherish in our wearibome pilgrimage through
this " vale of tears;,' but we should ever re.
member that in re,gard to earthly hopes—
worldly possessions and the pleasures of MC
I '
all , all are vanity—vanitf . and vexation of spir
it; as compared with the holes that rise above
the earth and beyond the grave, with rev!, io
the skies, and the treasures that are laid
I the house not made with hands,
The year 1854 brought with it ; trt , :tt
varied blessing,t, and we hope It , .t• :
will be a: rich in the spill. nud
have been ours. A beautiful and fruitful
country—civil and religious liberty—pence
nod safety—prosperity and happiness—are
blessings to which we have been so lung and so
uniformly accustomed, that we are prone to
look upon them too much as matters of course,
Without feeling a proper degree of gratitude
toward the giver of all good. A comparison
of our beautiful and wide spread and fruitful
land—of our government—Constitution and
laws 2 —of our civil and religious freedom—and
our peace and prosperity, with the condition of
the old countries beyond the Atlantic—their
priest.ridden and down-trodden people—their
intolerance—their wars—and their poverty
and ignorance of the masses of the Subjects,
ground down by the iron heel of royalty: or if
we even compare our own condition with that
or other countries of our own continent, we
cannot but feel grateful, and praise God that
he has given us a goodly heritage—and
his counsel has guided, mid his hand sustain
ed and protected us.
It is right, always to remember and always
to feel grateful to the source from whirls all
our blessings flow; but especially is it so at a
time like this—at the commencement of a new
year—whets even amid the amusement and
festivity of the season, we are warned as it
were by the visible flight of 'rinse, the Sun
has run another circle—that we have passed
another milestone in the journey of life, and
that we are hastening to "that bourne from
whence no traveller returns."
These reflections are, as they nacessarily
must be, of a general character. But they are
solemn reflections. Every one, no doubt, upon
such occasions, takes a retrospect of each year
na it b asses, and sees and feels the special rea-
FOIIS which he bas for rejoicing.
To you, readers, one and all, we wislt a hap
py new year. If you are "increased in goods
and have need of nothing," we wish you the
enjoyment of your wealth, and a sympathising
!mart and a liberal hand. If you are poor, we
wish you contentment—more than wealth.
And to all,—old and young, and middle aged,
we say remember the poor, and supply them
bountifully from your fullness, tiw they are all
children of our common father, and tbllow
travellers with:ourselves in the voyage of life.
And in conclusion, we again wish you a happy
New Year—long life—bright hopes—health
and prosperity.
llnrtn TINIES.—The New York Herald gives
the following list of persons out of employment
in that city:
Tailors and Tailoresses,
Cabinet Makers, Upholsters, &c., : - 1,000
Machinists, Smiths, do
Printers, • 500
13oolc•binders, folders and stitehers, • 450
House carpenters,
Ship carpenters, 700
Rope•makers, block.makers, & Riggers, 500
Plasterers, 200
Umbrella makers,
Ilatters, 300
PM_ We purpose giving a series of Arith
metical problems to exercise the minds of the
youth during their hours of leisurs. •
Problem 1,
The area of a rectangular parallelogram is
4.5 acres, and the length exceeds the breadth
by four chains ; what is the length and breadth
of the parallelogram ?
Answer in one week.
—The Washington correspondent of the New
York Jonrnal of Commerce seys
"I learn from good authority, that the funds
mental article of Hawaiin annexation treaty
provides for the immediate admission of those
Islands into this Union, as an independent and
sovereign State. They are to come into the
Union as Texas did, and are to be represented,
of course, in the next Congress, by two Sena
The Administration and the Know how clerks and other employers had voted.—
Nothings. On evidence, which, to say the least of it, was
questionable, a number of gentleman holding
If' a spectacle of distress were not fitted to
laces the executi were un, r
move sad, rather than 'humorous feelings, it
alleged in to have voted, ve
in abureaus
local election. fod far
would be greatly amusing to witness the agony a eitzen against whom the Federal Admiiii,lra
of the Washington Union under the successes
lion had chosen to array itself and they were
of the Know Nothings. That paper during the thereupon instantly dismissed.
last few months has been absolutely frantic Because men whom neither bribes are
with the mingled emotions of fear and melee•
threats could induce to prostitute their rights
olence which the recent defeats suffered by the
as voters would not obey the behests of the
Administration in evety popular election that
President and his confederates,in their efforts
has transpired have excited. Instead of search-'
to force upon the people of Washington a per
ing for the cause of these changes in public
son this their chief magistrate whom they did
sentiment, as expressed at the ballot ' box, in
not praer, they were tented out a "flier..
the weakness and vices - of that rule with which
Thi. wan the penalty of their independence in
the country has bees troubled since Frank lie
the exercise of a constitutional right. Now
Pierce and his advisers wem inaugurated ,
we would ask, if, in the face of facts like the,,,
at Washington, the organ of the government
it is quite unbecoming in the "Washington
looks abroad for it, and after a remarkable Union" to be lecturing anybody on civil liber
amount of perplexity, crimination and contra. tv, or declaiming about its being in danger
diction, the monster of iniquity that is now of. then "Know Nothingism?" Why the "Know
leged to have done all the mischief, and pro- Nothings" undertake to proscribe no American
duced such a pitiable fluttering in the White born chi-heti-for political opinion, or the men.
1 House, is the organization known as the Amer- tier of its exercise. Bat President Pierce and
ican party. There eau be no doubt, we think, his cabinet ministers turn not of office scores
that this new element in the politics of the na of such men for resolving to vote for a midi
thou has had a goo deal todo with the alarming date fbr a town office, according to the dictates
disasters which have befallen the democracy of their own judgement, with which the Admin.
lately at the polls. Fleents have proved blest, istration had 110 proper concern. lie K tome
testiblv, that it is a infich more extensive and Nothingism what it may, its proscription is less
11"a°11"61° power tha t t h e "" itit t l ed h a d i ""g" l danger,us than this to American liberty.
iced it to be, mid it is Seeordingly becoming an
object of terror to the dynasties and creeds
against which it is waging war—a terror the Cost of California Gold.
more tietrful and confounding, for the reason For the information of those persons who be.
!bit it is in v5t,:,,,,,:m.1 ilitangiWe. hut what• lieve that the United States thus. far hare helm
,n California
'vet- it be, this fact, we venture to affirm, is benefited by the discovery oh gold i ,
,‘. i ;ale, that eoiCSA it is chargeable with a we propose to submit a few remarks
~,,,e heirs., :on than hostility to the feeble I and calculations.
.. . . ..
ohoiitry which has Dow direction of our nation. I Alice the of the Mexican war and the
or threat NIS to effect it;greater public , cessatiou by treaty to us of Upper California,
• c thou nursing that ministry out of othee, it the world was astonished by the announcement
i ;tide "ertler" will encounter very • towards the close of 1848, or the beginning of
any, opposition front an honeSt and in. 1819. that immence deposites of gold had been
telligent peoplt.. ; discovered in that country. As soon as the
The assaults of the Administration press up. ' truth of this report was established, vast ninn
the association which is supposed to have cur• hers of persons, young and old, flocked to that
rigid the late elections against the President country. There was a perfect stampede of
and his party, in spite, of all the powerful pat; people front every State in the Union. Pro
ronage at their commandonust of course be ex• party was sacrificed to raise money with which
peeled. To look for any other result would be to reach this Eldorado, where fortunes for all
about as absutd as to watch a drowning man j were supposed to be awaiting the mere effort
with the hope that he would offer no resistance to viler them. The first injurous effect on
to the waves which were threatening to over. the country was the sudden withdrawal of so
whelin him. But while this sort of abuse or much labor from channels of protection i it
denunciation is all very rational, when we con- was mainly, too, that description most needed
sitter its source and motives, it does follow here—that is, agricultural labor.
that it is all deserved and - true. Indeed, with We are not is possession of the statistics re.
out having any better opportunity of forming quisite to determine with exactness the num - -
a judgement respecting -the 'natter than the ber of persons who have been taken from the
editors of the Vt'ashington Union, we are entire. i old States and have gone to California. The
ly satisfied that much the largest portion of population of that State now exceeds two hour
their censure or accusations of the Kelm Noth. dyed thousand. But as there is a constant
ings are as false in fact as it is violent in spirit stream of people always is transitu, ether go.
and often coarse in language. If we are cur• ing to or leaving that country, the number of
redly informed—and we take the disclosures people windrow!' from the business of produc
er Ile Democratic. journals touching the cot.sti• the labor largely exceeds the population of
tution and malts oh the "Order "as reliable— that State. It is not our purpose to ovei.esti.
there is no teal design to interfere with the !mite the amount of labor that has been with
rights of conscience or the free exercise of a drawn from the old States, but we feel satisfied
mait's religious belief entertained by those that it will be under rather than over the mark
against whom so much clamor has been raised to say that from 1849 to 1854, each year inch'.
upon that pretence. Their purpose in this re• sive, there has been an average of 150,00 per
sped, tested by their own pledges as they have sons wits have been during that time ether in
been revealed by spies or traitors, "oath thisex. California or on their way going or returning.
tent, no more,' than iti voting for, or naming, The time is six years for 150,000 persons, or
candidates for political office, they will prefer one year the 900,000 persons.
those who are nut members of a church which Now, if we estimate the average value of
—as they allege, anti, we are bound to presume this labor at $25 per month each, or $3OO per
believe—claims and exercises seculardond Ilion year, we have $270,000,000) two l'undrml and
over its subjects, even to the degree of nullify. seventy millions of dollars as the value of the
ing, whenever it may choose to do so tbr its labor taken fromllthe eastern side of the Rocky
own ambition or interests, the allegiance they I Mountains and placed on its western side. In
owe to the civil government under which they addition to this, it cost on an average $2OO per
live. This every American citizen certainly head ns the expenses of the removal from one
has a right to tin, if he deems it expedient so to country to the other. This makes ($lBO,OOO.
use his privileges as 4a voter, and the act eat 1000) one hundred mid eighty million or dollars
not be denounced asa violation (daily provis. as the, cost of removal. The sums together
ion of the Constitution ft.' laws of the land, or makes the stun total of ($450,000,000) four
as even that species of intolerance which would hundred and fifty millions of dollars drained
prevent a Christian of any sect from the enjoy from the eastern side ofthe United States. To
meth of hfs reli.iss is all its modes, cus t om , ascertain the amount of thegold obtained from
and cerininnialZ that country we propose to take the gold coin.
. .
, . .
It will not be seriotedy contended by any em : age of the mint. This coinage wan ill
(bone or by any Protestant citizens of the rni i ls t 9. - $9,097,761
ted States, that the lairs make his election to ! I , :m, . . • - 31,981,738
political station obligatory upon his fellow 0- 1 , 51, 62,61.1092
izens, or that if they choose to keep him nut ~f Pis 2, '+. - 56,816,187
such positium, though they may do so merely 1053, • 4n,995,94.5
because he is a Protestant or a Catholic, lics 10.31, ostimate4, • - 42,000,000
religious freedom is therel.y in any proper sense
abridged. :111 the "Know Nothing," so far as
we understand their purposes, undertake to do
is to vote solidly us a pollitical party tier one
chaos or description of candidatesfor civil trusts,
rather than an another, and they who would
assert that the Constitution authorizes any in-
quisitatiun into, or imminent of their motives
for the manner n which they may see fit to
employ their suffrages, not only do not under
stand that instrument, but nre promulgating a
theory, which, if enforced practically, would
virtually destroy the elective franchise.
Time and experience will, we are persuaded
discover that the organi.zation which is so loud
ly and fiercely assai led upon the ground that
its plans and policy contemplate any diminu•
tion of the civil or religious liberties granted
and secured by the institutions of this country
is innocent of such intentions. Our purpose
in this article, however,was not to defend:Know
Nothingism against the charge of intollerauce
tbr oppmion's saiie ether in matters of politics
or conscience, but to call attention to the rather
, .
remarkable circumstance that they who are so
bitter, for that cause, in decrying the "order,"
are themselves practising in a most shameless
and vindictive manner the very vice which they
condemn. We do not allude now to that mode
of exercising the appointing power so so to re.
ward political adherents and punish political
opponents, which was inaugurated by tleneral
Jackson, and has since been used with pecu•
liar rigor and thoroughness by the democratic
party, to the great discredit and advantage of
the government. That, indeed, is a system of
proscription quite as exceptionable, if not a
great deal more so, than that which consists
- ;
merely in not voting tor, or appointing ono
candidate to publicoilicc, when there is another
that may be chosen whose superior eligihili
ty is founded in sound comprehensive principle
and positive personal merit, and not mere
partizan service and fealty. It is notorious
that citizens of the most eminent fitness for the
stationp they held, and of unimpeachable char
acter in all respects, have been abruptly dis
charged from the employment of the govern
went, simply for the reason that they differed
in political sentiment from the Adnnistrtion.
But • injudicious, ...
or unjust, if you please, as
that habit may be, it is decent and virtuous in
comparision with the sort of depotism which
has lately been practised at Washington. In
the municipal election held there a few months
ago, the heads of the Federal government, ei
ther directly or through their agents, attemp
ed to interfere in a most tyranical spirit, and
when it was discovered that the Kuow.Nothing
candidate for the Mayoralty was elected, a so.
cret iuquisitition was instructed to assertaiu
T”tal coinage,
.1, ilmse figures make the sum total of all
the LI roiurd nt the Mint, and a portion or
it hi IM V 0 I . oonl Other
sources than Calitlirein, the credit wi!l rather
be in coccus than too small Inn still ar prim,
to add to this amount twenty millions more, as
an allowance for numinit gold sold to workers
in jewelry and plate, and which boo been can
alised in the arts, The statement will then
stand thus:
California, Dr.
To labor and outfits • - :130,000,000
Credit by produt tif gold coin
and nature • 209,119,223
D balance
This shows that there is a balance due 'us in
lost labor and capital of over one hundred and
eighty millions of dollars.
So tar as California is concearned, it is prob
able that this delicieney is replaced there by
the value of property real and personal, which
the labor taken from this region of country
has produced there.
Thu injurious effect of this vast emigration
lion been felt in the undue stimulus it has
diven to the prices of produce, induced by
iminished production and increased demand.
Another bad effect of this gold crop has been
the influence it leas exerted in stimulating ex
cessive importations of foreign goods. In the
last six years the imports will exceed the ex
ports $303,000,000. Commencing in 1849
with an important trade of 7,000,000 of nomi
nal balance against this country, it rapidly in.
encased, until, in each of the past two years, it
has exceeded s6o,ooo,ooo.—Louhrille Jour
—A few days since, a passenger on ono of the
night trains of the Central railroad left a box
in charge of the porter at the station at Amster
dam stating that he would return for it iu a
day or twa, and then continued on his way to
the eastward. Not coining back, however, at
the appointed time, the box was opened, and
was found to contain the remains of a human
being. Tho body, having been partly dissected
could not be recognized. The Coroner held
an inquest upon it, and, as nothing of impor
concerning it could be elicited it was interred.
ildr"Heat of passion makes our souls to
crack, and the devil creeps into the crevices.:
amllr Ilan;-es of adjourned over.
from Friday the 22t1 until 71m-Jay thy fftfth.
Many of tie members went home to spend their
Christmas at the family fireside.
In the Senate, December the 2Gth. the Phil
adelphia lloaril of Trade memorial for the re•
lief of Dr. Kline was presented by Mr. Brod
head, and also another. from the satne body.
for improvements in I Mlaware ti e r. A rest,.
Intion was adopted instructim, the -Committer
uu Commerce to consider whether any
don lieve,ary too etlaioho wreeked.S . llllloll to
recover Wages. .1 hilt was passed appropria•
tin;; 101(1) Tor expenditures in Nebraska.— I
The revert of the Coast Survey was received,
met ordered to be printed. Bills from the
House were received and retimed, relative to
a lighthouse on Cape Race, and the reform of
the courts in the Capital district. In the House,
the Senate joint resolittion, re-appointing Ru•
Cos Choate mid tfiden Hawley Regents of the
Smithsonian Institute, was passed. Um
Whitfield introduced a bill to aid Kanras in
building a railroad. The Judiciary Committee
were instracted to inquire as to the expediency
of providing by law fur preventing the impor
tation of foreign paupers. A resolution was
passed requesting the Secretary of I he Navy to
inquire into the expediency of establishing a
naval depot at or near New Oaleaus. A bill
was passed relative to a transfer of the soot,
reignty of "Bost. Corner" from Massachusetts
to New York. The Committee on Commerce
were instructed to inquire into the expediency
of the erection of a Custom House ut Perth
la the Senate, Wednesday 27th, the Pend,
ing tertiturial bills were recommended. A
communication from the War Department in
reference to the improvement of Rock River
Rapids. The bill trout the llons, in relation
to the transfer of tne jurisdiction of Boston
Corner from Massachusetts to New York was
concurred in. The Committee on Foreign
Relations were, by vote, instructed to inquire
in reference to compensatini , Commodore
Perry for the service renderol by hit in the
Japan expedition. The Senate adjourned
over Friday. In the House, the army and
post otlieu appropriation bills were passed. A
strag,gling debate followed on the policy of in.
tomtit improvements by the national govern.
melt, and the views of I?resident Pierce there.
Neither the Senate nor House were in sos
sihn on Saturday. Jo the House severrl exec•
utive communications were received, among
theta being a plan for the organization or us
insane 'asylum in the District of Culumbittf—
Mr. Washburn, of Maine, nude an ineffectual
attempt to other ,L resolution that a national
ship be provided to convey works of art nod
inthistry from tne United States to Prance, for
the World's Exhibitio nin Paris in 1011. A
resolution wmt adopted, instructing the Post
Office Committee to inquire into the expetli.
eney of establishing nn express mail between
St. Louis and San Francisco, for the transmis
sion of letters at increased rates or postage.
From the Daily News.
American Mediation.
The introduction into Congress of a resole
tins requesting the npropriate committees to
report on the expediency of recommending the
President of the United States to offer, to the
belligerent powers of Europe, the friendly me
diation of this country to prevent the further
slaughter of their subjects, has directed very
general attention to the subject, and the press
is earnestly engaged in discussing the proprie
ty and feasibility of the prormiiimt. The stain
argument advanced against any offer ormedia
tion on our part, is its uselessness. The belli
gerents, it is urged, are , not now disposed to
listen to any otters of peace. Their animosity
has been aroused to the highest pitch, and un
til it is slaked with blood there is no of
their listening to the interposition of a. neutral
friend. On the other shin arguments of con
siderable power are urged in favor of the profr
of our mediation. TIE NS. riiiirier forcibly
“It was the proffered mediation of Alexan
der, Emperor of !tits:ie. in our last striti, with
England, which gave the tiro” tent in meet of
peace. On accepting the proposal, our guy
ernuteitt despatched three euuunitmioneri to
Russia, viz : John Quincy Adams, Albert GM.
latin, and James A. Bayard, to meet and no.
gotiato with such commissioners as Great Brit
ain might choose to appoint. Though Eng
land refused to concur in this plan, she yet
felt prompted by it to offer to treat tbr peace
directly with the sited States, and it was in
pursuance of this offer tilt the euttunissioner3
ut the two powers met at Ghent, and that a
treaty of peace was by them effected. The
spirit in the offer of mediation was made
by Russia and accepted by the United States
may he seen it: the correspondence between
the two powers on the subject, which we have
looked up and this morning publish in anoth
er column. The overture on the part of Bus.
sin was dictated by a most friendly feeling.—
It was the net of n power anxious to relieve us
and the whole civilized world from the calam
itous effect that war is sure to carry with it—
the net ofa Power which understood how difti•
cult it is for the parties to a dispute to be also
its impartial judges, and how delicate it is to
take the first steps towards concession. But
we also owe a similar debt of gratitude to Eng
land itself. It was by the mediation of Will
iam IV, that the threatened rupture between
France and the United States, in General
Jackson's administration was averted—a medi.
alien most tunguattimuus in its spirit, and
most honorable to the British king as the
monarch of a powerful highly civilized, intelli•
gent, and Christian people, and tally and most
happily successful in the attainmeni of the un
speakably important object in view. The
cited States should certainly nut be behind
Russia and England in these substantial mani
festations of good-will and esters of friendly
service. It would be a dishonorable derelic
tion—a disregard of the most serious obliga
tions of gratitude and friendly feeling'
Mt Well executed counterfeit fives on the
Bank of the Valley of Virginia, and tens and
s2o's on the Merchants' Bank of Lynchburg,
are in circulation.
Death of Doer--A despatch from Provi
dence to tho N. Y. Evening Post, announces
the death in that city, of Thomas W. Dorr, of•
ter a lingering illness.
V0L.20. NO. I
- 4 •
9 10 11 12 13
II 15 1i; 17 18 19 29
21 22 21 21 25 20 27
I; i s
11 12 1:1 II 15 11;
Is Is 20 21 22 2:1
211 27 2S
I 2
7 8 9
14 13 It;
2 22 23
28 29 3'l
11 12 13
14 19 20
25 211 27
1 2 :1
M 111
15 Ili 17
.1 5 I;
H I* . 13
14 19 20
9 :;U
1:1 1 i 15
20 21 22
10 11 12
17 114 19
71 25 21;
1 2 :1
8 11 10
15 16 17
1:2 2:1 21
'9 30 31
1:1 11 13
20 21 22
27 28 29
4 5 0
11 12 1:1
18 19 20
H 10
13 111 17
22 2:1 21
211 :1 1 1 :11
I 2 1:1
It) 20
12 13 11
1:1 20 21
1i; 17
2:1 2 1
4 5 G
11 12 13
Di 10 20
ft 10 11
16 17 18
30 :11
Arrival of the Atlantic
NEW YORK, Dec. 31-I'. .M.—The .`.tuFrr
can stsamship Atlantic, Capt. West, Liverpool
dates to the liith inst., (being one week hoer
than the previous advises,) ;mired here A',
caller six o'clock this evening.
The English Parliament had assembled, but
multi tag important liairtra nvired.
The Queen announced that she had condo•
detl a Treaty with Amcrim, settling some he
portant questions.
The Queen has deebu•ed her determination
to prosecute the war vigorously. She says that
the Treaty with Austria will require large re•
Lord John Russell had delivered an import
ant speech on the war quo-lion. Ile (levier , d,
tnat the Treaty with Austria was nut what it
ought to have been, but that it was the b.,t
that they could g( -t.
The overland mail brings the important intelli
gence that India asks the aid of tho British
Government to protcet it from Russia.
fho insurreett. in China was still (mace's.
rd. No further important movements had ta•
ken pl.te,
The Empress of Russil I; r••i,ted b, be J_
The ship QII, 11 ' , rill.' WV,t 1%:0 wreeki,
she English . sure sa,ed.
TLcre is noltin; of s,r;king importat,,e
from tim sent o r ww..
The sieire, tii•r. il to prOr , ,i
uiilt lancet spirit.
Ucneral Catirobi, t ns•
sank on Sebastopol.
It is rumored that fire ih ueand Russians
had retired to the second line of the defence of
The trenches of the Allies were filled with
water in consequence of the. heavy rains which.
have prevailed-
It is again re-iterated that Prussia had join
ed the 'Allies.
A despatch from St. Petersburg states that
if pence is not declared by the commencement
of thenew year, the Czar gill put an army of
one million men in the field
The 1111.1LIIIS are blockadi the port of Et,
A WAGER Won.--A San Francisco paper•
says that considerable amusement was created
in one of the streets of that city a short time,
since by the appearance ofan Irishman driving
betbre him, attached to a cart, one of the lean
est and most raw-boned Rosinantes which ever
the earth of California. The laughter and rid:
ienle of the bystanders were such that Pat,be
coming indignant at their sarcasms, offered
to wager one hundred dollars with say person
of the surrounding crowd that his horse could
draw a load of 3,500 weight up a steep bill
which was at hand. lie planked the moiler,
and his bet Was spedily covered by a bystander
who thought it an easy way of earning a pile.-
The cart was accordingly piled up with sucks
of potatoes until the required weight was at•
tained, and the horse proceeded to prove his
remarkable merit by walking without stuppiv
or appearent difficulty, directly up the lull.
The laughter was then upon the other side
Patrick, pocketing the ca,h, pursued his way
Foundry for Salo or Rent.
Steam Foundry belonging to the under•
signed at Petersburg, will he sold or routed
on roasonublo terms, including v large variety
of Patterns for Cooking-stoves, Parlor, Ten
plate, Wood and Coal stores ; IVater-pipe, Roll
ing-mill, Forge, Grist, Saw-nUll and Threshing
machine castings ; also a full assortment of Plow
patterns for all the various plows used in the
country. The foundry is favorably located fur
business with all the machinery, patterns and fix
tures in good order Possesston given un or be
fore Adril let next ensuing.
Petersburg, den., 3d 1635.. at
I 2
9 :;',)