MARRIED, In Tyrone*, InNuel,i , It!air C"., on fhb St), by Po'. F. A. Mille', Ur. MArnmx T. 3TRIKER lii mi” MAnr D. BRIDENLAttIII, dßusglitor of Pi lip BridueLuui ; ls, of Tyruim t„c7.,,,Lir, Muir Cu. HUNTINGDON, necorOct fi, IBM. 5. 1 .(7,t0 2,00 2.10 Vow fted Wheat, per bit. • White WlA9tr, per bu Uye, pet bu Corn, per bu ..... • • • • IPate, bu Ilay, per ton flutter, per 1t,., Lard, per lb., IZgat, per dim, BANK NOTE LIST, [Corrected Weekly.] PENNSYLVANIA.}CumberIand Bank, Philadelphia Banks, pat Mineral Bank, U. States Bank, 2iAll other solvent. Chambersburg, ; DIST. COLUMBIA. Gettysburg, All solvent Banks, I Pittsburgh, l VIRGINIA. Su m uch'a Co. no saleiPar Branches, Lewistown, no salelNear Branches, Middletown, ti l l Y i!Lr ea g! es ! Carlisle. Erie, IiNORTH CAROLINA. Waynesburg. ...;All solvent Banks, 1 Wastthingtun, sitTnder Fives, I Harrisburg, :'SOUTH CAROLINA, Honesdale, ' iAlleolvent Banks, ___. ' rnrCuder 1.11%z!::1, Lebanon . , Monongahela, i' GEORGIA. ' West Branch Bunk, parillawkinsville, wy,,,,,i ng B u nk, pac;Coni. Wk Maeon,no sale York, liNlerelets B'k do. failed All oilier 501C't h'ks par All other solvent, 1 Relief Notes, i Under Fives, Towanda Relief, no sale ALABAMA. MAINE. Bank of Mobile, Calais, 10 All other solvent, Lafayette, Bangor, —Small Notes; 5 Maine Bank, Portland, 5 LOUISIANA. Mercantile, Bangor, Other solvent 1).1,, i St. Croix, Calais, 01110. All solvent banks, i Sol v't Cincinnati B'ks, I Small Notes, COUNTICV• NEW HAMPSHIRE. Norwalk, All solvent hanks, i Granville Soeiety, Small Notes, p . \ll other solvent, I ' VERMONT. Under Fives, 2 Dank of St. Albans, 1 KENTUCKY. All solvent banks, i Alt col volt Banks, 1 Under lice, :Small notes, 2 MASSAC I 1 L'S F:' 1 - I,'. • TENNESSEE. All .solvent i. a nks, i•;: AII advent kinks, 1i Under live,, g • Under Fives, 2 RHODE ISLAND. MICHIGAN. Providence Co„ Bank, 1 Far. & Mech., Detroit, 1. All solvent bunks, #.lllich. Inst. Co., du. 1i• Under fives, __.-- 54 11 others, uncertain , ... CONSEC'I'ICUT. M ISSISSIPPI. All solvent hanks, taiNorthern Banks, no sale Under fives. lAN others, uncertain NEW YORK CITY. MISSOURI. All solvent hanks, par Ifk State of Missouri, 2 NEW YORK STATE.' FL DA• Atlas Bank, trfAll Banks no sale Jams Bank, 11.1.1N015. Northern Exchange, I State Wt.& Branclies,rM State Il'k, Saugerties, TUnder Fives, 20 Bank. Ctivaga, Lake, I:All others, no sale Solvent Country Irks, INDIANA. Post Notes & Certif. of;State B,k & Branches. I flop. on time issued Notes 2 by Free Irks, no sale: MIKASAS. NEW JESSEY. ell Bunks, nu solo, broke WISCONSIN. All other solvent par In. Co. Cheeks, Mil, 2 ;Oilier Baulks lOWA par Min., Dubuque, no sale DELAWARE, flu.ll Notes, All Banks, MARVLAND. lOther Bank:, no sale Small NOM% CANADA. Baltimore Banks, All solvent Banks, 2 Salisbury, broko:Bunk of Wooster, Wed rn9sl ex l ,l , 4ll;nfiri6dZirerery in, 14e World is 41.4 Great Arahum kfmeily for Man and Bea,l. IT. G. CELEBRATED ARABIAN LINIMENT. 11. FARRELL'S I; EN LANE AItADIA3 usimENT is a most 4,trnordinary medichte, the truth of which is placed beyond doubt by the vast sales of the article and the ninny cures being daily performed by it, which previously had reiistA all ode, medicine; and the skill of the bet ht.; o in the world. It is com posed of ha same, extracts and gums peculiar to Arabia—pos,cssing, in a concentrated lorm, all their stimulating, anodyne. penetrating, une tunes and revulsive, properties, awl the same which, ages ago, were.used by the "Sons of the Desert," with such miraculous success, in cu. ring the diseases of both man and beast. Read the j7,7l.oring remarkable CUM, which ehould of itvel.f pare, G. Parrell's Arabian Liainirnt,f4r beyond any similar rewdy. WONDERFUL AND EXTRAORDINARY Cure of Rheumatism of Twenty Years Standing. Never in my life have I bad so much pleas ure, in doing nnv thing as in giving this certi ficate to the world, anti I hope it may he the canoe of thousands of toy fellow•creatures being relieved of that dreadful disease, rheumatism. My wife has been afflicted with it for . twenty years, most of tho timotuffcring excruciating pains in every pert of her body. Having no appetite whatever. she was reduced to almost a skeleton. So violent were the pains that she seldom could sleep without taking large doses of opium. Every joint wasswelled very much, and her knees, hands, and neck, covered, with large lumps. Site could do no kind of work, the sinews and muscles being so hard and con tracted that her limbs were drawn together, so that she was obliged to be in bed constantly. In this condition she had 11.,,a for twenty years, without ever getting any relief from every thing she used, until she commenced the use of H. G. Fnrrell'a Arabian Liniment, the first bottle of which produced a great change. She ha:, now used five bottles, anti the swellings have uenrly ail gone down ; pain has entirely left her ; she :deeps well and soundly ; is more than ever she was in her lice ; has an excellent appetite, and spins and sews all day. By the use of a few bottles more site must be well as ever she was. If any one doubts this wonder ful cure, he has only to call at my residence near Peoria, and learn the circumstances front my wigs own lips, or he can further inquire of any of my neighbors. SAMUEL ELSON, Tr. G. FARRELL'S Arabian Liniment is also an excellent remedy for palsy, sprains, bruises, cramps, chilblains, burns, pains, toothache, sore eyes, etc., and in horses or cattle is the best remedy in the world where an external application is required. Look out for Counterrei , d! The public are cautioned against another counterfeit, which has lately made its appear ance, called %V. B. Farrell's Arabian Liniment, the most dangerous of all the counterfeits, be cause his having the name of Farrell, many will buy it in good faith, without the knowledge that a counterfeit exists, and they will perhaps only discover their error when the spurious mixture has wrought its evil effects. The genuine article is manufretured only by U. O. Farrell, sole inventor and ' proprietor, and wholesale druggist, No. 17 Main street, Peoria, Illinois, to whom all applications for Agencies must be addressed. He sure you get it with the letters IL 0. before Farrell s, thus H. FARREI.L'S—and his signature on the wtrpper, all others are counterfeits._ Sold bi Thos. Read & Son, Huntingdon, R. E. Sellers & Fleming Brothers wholesale, Pitts burg, and by regularly authorized agents throughout the United States. gar Price 23 and 50 cents, and $l per bottle. AGENTS WANTED in every town, village and hamlet in the United States, in which one is not already established. Address H. U. Far. roll as above, accompanied with good referec ea chsrarmr. 41-^. PETITION. To the Tiotiornble the Judges of the Court of Common lien. of Huntingdon Connty now entniniinng wtd 1101,141 g n court of Rantoul . 0 0,• elute of the peAce in 'lnd for sift miry term, 1854. The petition of Simnel Stony. of .laelvion township. in tha county of Muting:lon reepeet, fu!ly slieweth. That your petitioner I+ deairoua of I:reping a public ha ti , e. or tavern in the house he now occupies, on the road leading from Pins Grove to Lewistown, that he has provined him* self with neeestoirieg for the :lin venitnee end ac commodation of trevellern end strangers. Ile acrefore prays yonr honor+ tour:int hint a [leen+, it. keep a house of piddle untat - taiiimeut in said house and ho will pray, Ise. SAMUEL STEFFEY. We the subscribers do certify Samuel Steffey, the above applicant, is of good repute for hones ty and temperance, and is well provided with house room, and convenience for the lodging and accommodation of strangers and travellers. George Steflby, Michael Ketterman, William Walborn, Henry Walborn, John Rudy, Robert Barr, John Beightal, Henry Koch, James Gal laher, N. W. Scott, James Cwin, Samuel Craul, Jas. H. Wilson, Samuel F. Stewart. Dec. 13, 1851.-3 t. 16 00 REGISTER'S NOTCIE. N OTIC E he ; el 'i'nto all r r'° nier cste,.t t the followingna persons have settled their accounts in the Register's Office nt Huntingdon, and that the said accounts will he presented for confirmation and allowance; at an Orphan's Court to he held at Huntingdon in and toe said county of Huntingdon ' on Wednesday, the 10th day of January next, 1855, to wit : I. James Cree, Guardian of Caroline Walker, minor child of James Walker, dec'd. . . 2. Samuel Nl' Viny, Esq.,Paeeutor of the last will and testament of James B. Per grin, late of the borough of Shirleysburg, dee'd. 3. George W. Speer. and Jas. M'lbluff, Ad, ministrators of Robert Speer, late of the Born' of Cassville, dee'd. 4. Samuel Campbell and It. P. WClure, Ad ministrators of J. 11. W. NVGiuncs, late of Duhlin township, &c.d. 5. .10,eph Law, Guardian of Harriet Crain, one of the minor children of Evan Crain, late of Morris township, deed. 6. J. Sewell Stewart, Guardian of the minor children ofJoseph Wall, Into of West township, deed. 7, Joseph Rhodes and Benj. Rhodes, Admin istrators, of the estate of Henry Rhodes, late of Cromwell township, der'd. lIENRY GLAZIER, Register's Office; 2 Register. Dont• Dec. 8,1654.-3 t. 5 A ROOK FOR EVERY YOUNG AMERICAN. L Ei i i ;: ,N ,i ' A C ne L et Y p 4 rep C n o r . titiOn thi a is „ " rw s il sent publish, in ono volume of about 500 pages, with two hundred engravings, cloth, gilt, THE IL LUSTRATED MANNERS 1300 K; A Manu al of good behavior and polite accomplishments; containing careful instructions in ell the apper tains to the person, dress, manners, acquire tnents. conversation and deportment of the per fect lady, and the finished gentleman of the best society. Price one dollar. This book, the tirst and only one of its kind will he sent, post-paid, us a premium, to any per son who will procure thirty subscribers to the Dime, an illustrated monthly, at ten tunns a year. Each numbei of the tha) contains from five to ten engravings, music, and twenty col umns of useful and entertaining matter, suitable for the school or fitmily. It is considered the best, as it Is the cheapest paper of its kind tonal being neither sectimil, sectari" nor Paritisn, it is intended for the widest circulation and the greatest possible usethluess. The Illustrated Manners Book, post-paid, and thirty copies of the Dime, one year, for Three Dollars. no sale The Illustran , l Manners Book, mailed, post paid, fur One dollar. The Dime, ten cents n year, or eleven fur One dollar. Specimen% cheerfully forwarded to Teachers, Clergymen, Postniusiers, or any persons wishing to raise clubs .d compete for Premiums. Address LELAND, CLAY 8c Cu., 11 Spruce st. N. Y. sHEUW}"s BALES. Dl' virtue of a pluriel testaturn writ of Vendi tioni Exponas, issued out of the District Court of the city and county of Philadelphia, and to me directed, I will expose to sale at the Court House, in the borough of Huntingdon on THUBNDAY THE 281 m DAT 01' DECEMBER, inst. at 1 o'clock, P. 111., of said day, the fallowing described Reel Estate, to wits Nine certain lots of ground situate in the vil lage of Graysport, (now culled Spruce Ceeek)to the county of Huntingdon, numbered and descri bed as follows, to wit: Lot No. 1. being 52 feet in front and in depth extending to Michael Fet terhotrs lineohe south side of said lot being 36 pore!es long and the north side 87 perches, ac cording to the plan of sold town in that part laid out by Semi. Caldwell, Esq., Lots numbered in the aforesaid plan 2,3, 4, and 5, adjoining lot No. 1, end extending tilting the Pittsburg Road leading by way of Philip Rollers, adjoining each other, being each 52 feet in front and extending back to :Michael Fetterboirs line. the Mint:said five lots also adjoin Samuel BlTherran on the south and Joseph Johnston on the north. end on lot No, 1 is erected a Tavern House. Lot N 0.7, situate in dint part of the town aforesaid laid out by Jno. G. Miles, Esq., being 50 feet in front on-Water street and hi depth extending back to the road leading to Pittsburg by way of Philip Roller's, the south side of said lot being 168 feet long and the non side lB6i feet as marked in tne plat of said town. Lots numbered 18 6. 19 in the oleo thereof, made by John G. Miles, as aforesaid, being earls 50 feet in front on Water streetomil extending back to the old road leading to the village of Waterstreet, Na. 18 being on the north side 221 feet longand on the south side 228 feet, No. 19 being both on the north and south linos or sides ouch 231 feet long according to the plan aforesaid, and the remaining lot ma king the aforesaid nine in number, not being laid out or numbered in the plan of said town, but described as follows, to wit: Commencing GO 'feet south of lot No. 1, on which the Tavern House stands and extend ing 50 feet along the road leading from the mouth of Spruce Creek to Fetterhoors lino, so as to ex0,.1 50 feet along said line, be the measurement of the aforesaid nine lots more or less. Also, all that lot of ground in the coun ty aforesaid, adjoining Andrew MeFerren on the south, being 50 feet in front, commencing at the upper side of the old road leading to Water Street, and extendieg back to the line of said Gray and Michael Faller. Also, all the ground between the street called Water Street the old plot Town of Graysport and the Juni ata river, lying below the Public Bridge and opposite the lots Nos. 17, and 19, as numbered in said plan, being 150 feet on Raid Water Street and extending hack to the Juniata river, reser ving all the streets, lanes and alleys thereon and thereodt. Also, all that lot and parcel of ground situate in Morris townspip, in the coun ty albresaid.bounded on the north by the Lit tle Juniata river, on the west by Virgin Alley, on the south by the Penna. Rail Rord, and us the east by Carson Street on the Town of Graysport, and also several detached and con tigious pieces and parcels of ground laying south of Lot No. 1, in the new plot of the town of Graysport, on which a Tavern House is built within the line of 110 feet south of lot No. 1, on the south, and the Penna. Rail Road on the west, containing 45G square feet more or leas. Also the use of a small triangle. lying west oldie Turnpike4nd east of the Penna. Rail Road. Also one other piece of ground lying west of the Penna. Rail Road and south of Lot No. 1 aforesaid, and lying in a strip ten feet wide from the Railroad to the Fetterhoof line on the top of the hill—with a large brick hotel and other buildings thereon erected, Jte. 'fakes in execution, and to be sold as the property of Robert F. Haslett. Terms of SaIe—CASH. JOSHUA GREENLAND, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Huntingdon, Dec. O. 1854. Rt. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE, ALL persons indebted to Simon Levi, lute of the Borough of Huntingdon, are requested to call and settle immediately. Bis store books will be left with a Justice fur collection, on the first day ufJanuary next. r , AVM BLAIR, R, 1441, ir L. TV: t*. „ Lt, l cr•ons to ~ ,r ! ;:,•• MOlll,lll 0,1 R. , ii .Pllll. i 4di , and saw , le 111,0 111011 hit with &ex. Nrr, Esq.-- A word to the whim Ii snMelent. .1. b. ouirFirru, M. 1). Dec. 13, 1054.-11. _ SlitAY 11111 LI. to the reeldenee of the anbrertbm., lir• bulk ifriortiell themehle. finntihgdrin Co. shoot the lit of Fleptemher lust, a brindle bull, about I year old. The owner is reliiesteil to come liirward prove property, pay charges and take him ewer, otherwise he will be Ilinpubed of according to law. JOHN BEARER. Dec. 13, 1834.-3 t. Executors's Rale of Real Estate: BT virtue of authority given under the will of John Shultz,late of Hopewell township dec'J. will be exposed to public sale, at the house of John B. Weaver, in the vicinity of the premises, on WEDNI.DAY TM, 20111 Dec. MT, the fol lowing described Real Estate, situate in said township; containing 460 ACRES, more or less, 70 acres cleared, and the balance well timbered—interserted by the Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad throughout its whole length—adjoining lands of.lncob Eichert, James Entrckin and others. Sale to commence at I o'clock, and often , dance given and terms male known by JOHN 11. GIVEN, Dec. 6, 1854.-21. Executor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. THE subscriber will attend at the Court House, in the Borough of Huntingdon, on IVednesilay 3d January, 1855, to distribute among those entitled to the same, the balance in the hands of Alexander Pet, and Abralinm States, Executors of Frederic Shoenefelt,dee'd., whereof all parties interested hereby have no. Lice. TIIEO. H. CREME% Dec. 6,1854.-4 t. Auditor. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. Valuable Real Estate for sale, Estate of Benedict Stems, ilea. DY virtue of an order of Orphan's Court of Li Huntingdon County, will be sold at Public Vendue or outcry, on the premises in Springfield township, in said county, on Thursday, December 2S, 1851. at l o'clock of said day the following described real estate V 17.: A plantation or tract of land situate in Spring field township in said county, adjoining lands of James Booher on the West, Samna Boolier on the North, mountain lands of Isett and Myton on i tt.A. the East and South, on which is erected a ..igal• TWO STORY HOUSE and LOG BARN, and containing about 250 ACRES, about ono hundred acres of whieh aro cleared, and on which is also a large quantity of Iron Ore. ALSO,—Another tract of unimproved land situated in Clay township, said county, adjoin ing land of Berkstresser's heirs on the East, William Edwards on the South John McLain on the North and others, containing about 50 Acres. TENNIS OF SALE.—One third or the par• chase money upon the confirmation of the sale. and the balance in two equal annual nay ntents with interest from confirmation of sale to be secured by the Bonds find Mortgage of the purchaser. BENEDIC'r STEVENS, Executor ofilenerlict Stereos, deed. Nov. 29, 1854.-31. Auditor's Notice THE undersigned auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon County. to distribute the balance in the hands of the ad. ministraior, of David Peightal, dee'd.,unningst those entitled thereto, hereby gives notiee to all persons interested, that he will attend for • the purpose of making said distribution, on Saturday the 23d day of December nest, at his office, in the borough of Iluutingdon, at 1 o'clock, I'. M. of said day, when and where all persons interested may attend. JOHN REED, Auditor. Nov. 29, '5-I.—lt. Auditor's Notice. THE undersigned auditor appointed by the Orphans, Court of Huntingdon County, to distribute the balance in the hands et' James Harrison, administrator or winiam Harrison, deed., amongst those entitled to receive the same, hereby gives notice to all persons inter , ested, that he will attend for the purpose of making said distribution, on Thuradaytke 21st day of December next, at the Register ' s Office in the borough of Huntingdon, at 1 o'clock, P. M., of said day, when and where all persons interested may attend. THEO. 11. CREMER, Nov. 29, 'd4.-4t. Auditor's Notice THE undersigned auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, to distribute the proceeds of the Sheriff's Sale of the real estate of the Re, James Y. WGinnis, deed., in the hands of the adm'r. of said deed. to ascertain and report lie. &e., hereby gives notice to all persons interested, that he will at. tend to the duties of his said appointment, on Friday the 22d rif December next, at his office in the borough of Haatiaoatt, at 1 o'clock, P. H., of said day, when und where all persona interested may attend. JOHN REED, Auditor. Nov. 29, '54.-4t. Executor's Notice. LETTERS testamentary having been granted to the undersigned, on the etttate of Nancy Nett: late of West township Iluntingdon county, deed. All ',emit. indebted. will make payment without delay...! those Itgying claims will pre sent them properly authenticated tbr settlement. .1 ACOI3 11AltNCAM N, Porter tp., Nov. 22, 1834.—1 it .• Exr. Land for Sale. Atract of land situate in Germany Valley, near Shirleyslitirg. Huntingdon Co., con taining about 153 ACHES, the greater part of which is limestone land, in a good state of culti vation. About 90 acres is cleared and under good fence. 500 panel of Which is post-and-rail. The buildings are a good stone house, and reasonable barn, wagon shed, corn-crib, A never-failing spring or limestone water near the house, also a running stream a part of the year. A great variety of fruit trees. Bounded g it o lunds or George S ins and Andrew Spam,- JOHN LOTTS. Nov. 22 1854.-4 t.• D3l. (g2rIWHI ILI num, OF New York, would announce that he has made arrangements to extend his stay in PITTSBURGH, till Mondnv evening Deckmumt 18th, during which time le may be consulted daily, at his Rooms, sit the CITY Ilona., for PULMONARY CONSUMPTION, As,t3tA, Drerni.- etA, Coster-4ms, and all other diseas es connected with or predisposed to consumption. To those who have previously consulted Dr. Fitch, no charge for consultation will ho mode, us it affords us pleasure to see our former patients and all consulting Dr. Fitch on the present oc clusion may continue to correspond with him its New York, without further expense. Office hours—Nine to Five daily, Sabbath ex cepted. Nov. 22, 1834.-3 t. Administrator's Notice. T ETTERS of administration having been 14 granted to the undersigmal, on the estate or Hexer Ltoirrszu, late °Most township Nun tioplon county, deed., all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and all those haying claims alpinist the same will present them properly authenticated fur settlement. MARGAISET Nov. 15, '84.-61.' BLANKS...AIways buy yuur Blunt. at the "Journal Office." We have now prepared a ve ry ouperiurarticleofßLANK DEEDS, BONDS, JUDGMENT NOTlis, SUM ‘lo.Nh', &NEC U WIN cr. We shall publish In December, the L1 7 21] OF HORACE GREELEY, .ti! BY J. PART() N. Duodecimo. OUo pr. Liastrotai. P,U,v MEI1'11111( with the eoneeption nor the con. Di petition of thi.t book, has Mr. Urealey h a d anything to do. The author says in his pre• facet "I undertook the task, simply because I hi.ed the man—because I had taken an later. cot in bin career—because 1 thought the story Of his life ought to be told." it in further As, ted in the prefuee, (and the publinhert believe, with perfect truth,) that "nothing hue been told or :oppressed for the :take of making out a case." "'the book," says the author, "is as true as I could make it." In the preparation of this work, author viai. ted every place at which his hero resided, and complied the account of his early life, which is very full and extremely interesting, from the narratives of his relatives, schuol•fellows, fel lowa apprentices, fellow jourueymeu sad oth ers. As a leading object of the work was to show how 1101tACE GREELY came to be the man he is, the history is given of the origin of his opin ions, political and religious, and as complete an account as possible of the wonderful develop ment of his mind in untoward circumstances, and with the utmost restricted means. Mr. Greeley's arrival in New York and his early resideuce here are circumstantially narrated. His first lift in life occupied in connection with the establishment of the first cheap daily pa. per, and the author he seized the opportunity to give, for the first time, is history ot' the idea, and of its origination. The subsequent chap ters present, in more or less of detail. Horace Greely as an Editor, Poet, Author, and Public Speaker—Horace Greely in Congress, Abroad, in his Sanctum, in Broadway, at Church, at Home, on his tarn, etc. One eliapter contains a collection of his best Editorial Repartees; ;mother, of his best Practical Sugge.tions ; am other describes the Routine of the Daily Press, in an account of the Tribune Office, by day and night. ln a word, the publishers believe that the Lire of Horace Greety will be one of the most interesting, complete'and reliab:e Biographies that has ever appeared. MASON BROTHERS, 23 Park Row, N. Y. Nov. 22, 1831.-3 t. A Hook for Every Lady !! THE LADIES' COMPLETE GUIDE CROTCHET AND TO KNITTING, lay Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, Author Fashion mid Fuotine. COPIOUSLY Illustrated with original and very choice designs in Crotchet, &v., printed in colors, separate from the letter-press, on tint ed paper; also with numerous wood-cuts. prin ted with the letter-press, explanatory of terms, &e. Oblong, pp, 117. Bemoan'ily r e set in extra cloth, gilt. Price only '75 rents, n o d the Book sent HIRE of Postage. Send twill orders to GARRETT & CO.. Po.disiters, No. 18 Ann Street, New hark. Nov. 22, 1854.-Bt. We shall publish in December, Ittalll HALL; A LOMk:STIC TALE OF TILE I'ID.ENT DAY, :31* FANNY FEAN. 12m0., Limit; about 41)1) pp. Price, $1,25. O amcriciut author has itchieved so brilliant N it seeress its the tally whose writings firm ttos mune, though nut two years have yet elaps ed since the appearance ul her first book, are zarmiily fumil au wh ,over the English lan guit.:e is read. Her, . she has given the world nothing but tiOtive pieces, and her un paralleled success has been achieved in this, the most ditlicnit field of authorship. The work now announced is het first continuous tale, and of fufl scope to her extraordina ry powers. The story is one of intense inter est, which enlist the sympathy of every Ameri can, and may exert an important influence in a reform which has no encodes. It is, we be lieve, destined to make a sensation. MASON BROTHERS, 23 Park Row, N. Y. Nov. 22, 1854.-3 t. IMPROVED LARD LAMP. TI,E undersigned having purchased the full and exclusive right and privilege of con structing, using, and vending to others, the right to make and use, in the county of nntingdon, STONESIFER & SMITH'S improvement in the adjustable packing for a hoop fur burning lard. Lamps for solo by the dozen or singly, also township rights for side at reasonable prices. All orders promptly attended to by address ing, the subscriber, Orbisoniu, Hunt. Co. Pa. GEO. W. CORNELIUS. Sipesville, Nov. 15, 1854.-6 m. Administrator's Notice. lETTERS of administration of the Estnte of Catharine Lutz, Into of Shirley township, Huntinolon county dee'd, all persons indebted to the estate will make payment without delay. nod all persons having claitns will present them properly authenticated for settlement. GEORGE. EBY, SAMUEL LUTZ, Shirty tp., Nov. 15.'54.-6t.• Admr's. Valuable Limestone Land for Sale. pHE subscriber offers at private sale, his farm, -I- situate in Franklin township, Ilunting,don county, about one-I.lllmile from the Pennsylva nia Railroad, containing about One Hundred and ninety Acres, he it more or less, of the hest grainy of lime stone land, about ISO Items of which arc cleared, under good fence, and in a good state of culti vator. . . The improvements are a two story stone Art dwelling house, a large frame bank barn,Jlial wagon shed, corn crib, large stable, nod oth, out buildings. It has a good orchard, and good water upon it. Any ',arson desiring to purchase, coon call upon inn on thin premises. I will show them and make known my terms. JAMES DYSART. Nov. 13, 1834.-3 m.• BOOKS! BOOKS I! WALL PAPER!!! 20,000 VOLUMES of new and popular Books—the subscriber has just re• calved from Boston, New York and Aw it Philadelphia, comprising the great-Rai' est variety and most extensive stock ever brought to the interior of the State, His STATIONERY is also ef great variety and su perior quality, in part as follon so Letter, Cap and Note Paper, Hold nod Steel Pens, Inkstands, Blank and Time Books, Diaries for 1855, Ike.— Also, Harpers, nannies, Godey's and Gra ham's Magazines, received every month as soon as out. 2000 copies or the books recommended by the Teachers' Institute and Board of Direc tors of the count, Oreenliers Arithmeties and Algebra. Town's Spellers, and Swan's Renders 3600 rorson-tt Dunton,s Boston Copy Books, being the best system as well as the best exert,- led books ever aered to the public, satins lowest wholesale prices. IMO pieces Wall Paper [ram 9 to 13 cents for common. 18. 23and cents fir glazed, soul 1,25 to $2 Mr gold. All of the above stock is offered extremely low fur cash—the pub lic will please call and examine. Store opposite Whittaker's Hotel, Railroad St., Iluntiugdess, Pa. WM. COLON. Nov. 1, 1854. J. NI. IRVINE, 111. D. Graduate of the University of Neu , York, County,HAVING concluded to locate perutunently in Warriorsnatrk, Huntingdon his o.,,fessiomil services to the citizous of that place nod vieitti!v. WiFERENCEB Medical Faculty of the University of N. Y. Dr. John McCulloch, Petersburg, Hunt. Co, Dr. Henry l)rludt•, 46 Nov. I, 1834.—tf. LADIES DRESS GOODS, Mos. Delane4, B. Delano,, De Here e, Lawns, Gingham,, and a choice rariety of Goods of all at tbo rotrk nwro.. NEW STAGE LINE, noold seveettolly Inform the trx'rliot I u1,1,c th..t hr 110 K running tt of !hal nolo Mt. U : to jr,stolix lot tollow.o thirittinirt to Mt. than!' wad hack spin, every dey. intereeethq the 171..tuperslittrtr lino it 0nt,k,11141;, wialllng to go to Shade Onn. orally other place. will he taken on without delay. ilia Hock,, are good and comliotable, and be he determined to hare none but good and steady driver.; in a word; hie desire la to every pa,sengers in comfort and safety. JAMES S. BURK ET.. Orbisoniat, Nov. 6, 4554.-Iy. FIVE PER CENT SAVING FUND, Of The National Safety Company. Wainut Street, South 11:1•5 .. C'orlor Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated by the State of Penn sylvania in 11441. FIVE PER CENT interest is given and the money is always paid back whenever it is called for, without the necessity of giving notice tor it beforehand. People who have large sums pat their money in this Safety Fund, nn account of the superior safety and convenience it affords, hut any sum, large or small, is received. . _ Tlds SAvirio Fut!, has more than half a mil lion of dollars, securely invested for the safety of depositors. The Office is open to receive and pay money every day. from 9 o'clock in the morning till ‘7 o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings, till 9 o'clock. People who have money to put in; are invited to call at the office for further information. HENRY L. BENNER, Preet. ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice Pres't. Wm. J. Ramo, Secretary. Nov. I, 1854. AdMinistratoen Notice. f ETTERS of Administration having been granted to the undersigned. on the Estate of John Bradley. Sr.. der'd..ln, of Toil township. Huntingdon county. all persons indebted will make Immediate payment, and those haring claims will present them properly tothentieated fur settlement. T. li. STAPLETON, JONAH .1. REED. Nov.l, 1854.-6 t. Administrators. Executor's Notice. T ETTERS tstamentary have this day been grantedo to the undersigned, residing in Springfield township. Huntingdon county, upon the estate of Benedict Stevens, Sr., late of said township, 'teed. Those indebted will please make immediate payment, and those leaving claims will present Sheen, properly authentica ted, to BENEDICT STEVENS, Jr. Nov. 1, '54 -Ct. Executor. FREE EXHIBITION ! At the Elephant Store. . . • a . \ (. 6 ;ziatiLlCDß ) VING 1,111,01 extensive Store to No. I, 1 1. McCahan's Row, iortnerly occupied by T. K. Simonton, ie now prepared to accommodate hie old enstomers. and the public generally, with a splendid and th-hionable asssortinent of Fall and Winter Goods, His assortment consists of Clrocerics, Dry lino d 9, Queestaware, and all kinds of goods usually kept in a Country Store. Also, a beautiful cheap and elegant as sortment of Ladies' Dress Goods, and Trimmings of every variety. Also, Hats; Cops, Bonnets, Hoots and Shoes, and a variety of goods of all kinds. Country produce taken in exchange for goods, at the highest market prices. Huntingdon, .18. 1854. • JUNIATA ACADEMY AND FEMALE SEMINARY, At Shithrbar9,-/hatingdon Co, Penn'a REV. JAMES CAIrPHET.T., A. M. Principal Seminary; Myatt J. CAMPBELL. A. M., and A. C. FENDAI.I., Principals, Academy. rpilE Winter Session of Loth Schools opens on Wednesday, the ith (ft' Sorember, and con tinue floe months. TERMS—SEMINA RY: Boned, light, Mel and tuition, per m:ssioa $514,00 Music with use or inStetielent. per quarter 8,00 TERMS—ACADEMY: Board. room rent, fuel and t uition, per session $56,00 Modern Languages, 5,00 Painting and Drawing, 3,00 W 5,00 - . . . . Lectures cud prn.•ticnl instruction given in Agriculture, Chemistry, Surveying and Engi neering, &c. Instruction will he given in the Seminary, in Embroidery, Gilding, 13ronzing and plain needle work. Shirleysburg, Oct. 18.-3 m. A SPLENDID. ARM'S AL FALL AND WINTER AT THE HUNTINGDON ci.oTIHNO %TORN, A. WILLOUGHBY, HAs.just returned front the east with a large and splendid as+ortment of Fall and Winter Clothing, for men and bop, made in the latest fashion and in the most durable manner. Who ever wants to be dressed better and cheaper than anybody else in town, let him call at Wn.micunnv's Clear emitting° Stonn, one door west of T. Read dt Son's drug store, Huntingdon. Call and see for yourselves. Oct. 18, 1854. REMOVAL Clothing! Clothing! Clothing! The La Best and hest STl,,eted Stork of Ready made Fall and Whiter Clothing, Ever offered to the Citizens of idhalvtingdon Count). IC you wilt to get a cheap and fashionable suit of clothing at 30 per rent. less than you can elsewhere procure them', then go to the cheap Clothing Emporium of HENRY ROMAN, op posite Ci.uts' hotel in Market Square, Hunting don' Pa., where you will fluid Ready made Cloth ing of any quality, made of sound materials, and in the most fashionable style and at rates im measurably below any other establislit»ent in this vicinity, where it is considered , that the "nimble six• pence is for preferable to the slow sl,Ahag," and where, for good tits, fine materi als, fashionable style and finish, "Ito can't be beet." The subscriber respectfully invites the atten tion of his numerous friends and customers and the public in general to his Immense and well as sorted stock Meats' and Boys' Fall and Win ter Mullin, condsting partly of Fine cloth, Beaver, Pilot, Petersham, Whitney, Felt and Gamble Overcoats, Cloth Frock. Dress Sack and Business coats, of all qualities, styles aud colors, Monkey Jackets, Roundaboutior differ ent sorts, qualities and prices. Fine Black Doeskin, Cloth and Cassimere pants do., Fancy Cassinsere, `,rind. Tweed, as well as a variety of magnificent I',•.ts, some of which in quality and workmanship equal any en,tom work, that Call ho obtained in any other Place. Besides a large assortment ot trays' Clothing,, the subscri ber also keeps on hand a well selected stock of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, such its handkerchletk, cravats, collars. gloves, sacks, shirts of sill descriptions. Undershirts, Draw ers, Knit Suspenders, Traveling Bags. Hats and Caps, and great many other articles too numerous to specify. Encouraged by past flavors, the subsereher bat Liar exceeded his usual outlay in purchasing stock, and he now assures the Public that so parson wishing to purchase need leave his store without being althea, lie is enabled to sell at the me!, low est prices and whoever wishes to make as wise outlay of his money is respectfully invited to call and examine for himself. HENRY ROMAN, Oct. 18; 1854, T ADZES Lasting and Silk work Gahm', Kid Itorocro, and crvst Boots apdSlioes, at the Ventv +Jr • _tsw•rv. fil;11' GoOM MIR TUE PALL AND IS NTIM. OF 1854 AT r :? .. a ILFEMVP DAVID P. GWIN f have jugt received, and um ncili opening. on the corner opposite Coate Hotel, a large and beantirul assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, eonsiating of Cloths, Cassimers, Black and Fan cy Satinets. Vestinga. Tweeds, Jean, Flannels Yellow, White and Rut. Also a lame lot of back Flannels of all colors. French Merl noes, Coburg Clothe. all wool, De',tins, Plain and Fancy Dalai., Cashmere, Debaiss, Alapa co, ite. A Large Lot of Dress Goods, Silks Black, Bart] and Plain, Bonnet Silks, Col lars, Untie:sleeves Shimmuzetts. Fancy Head- Dresses, Mountings, Lace, Etlgeings and hour- Ron, Ribbons, Trimmings, Fee. Cotton Goode, Muslim Illenehed and Unblenehed,Canton Flan nels, Drills, Table Diaper, Crash, Gloves, and livery arm' kinds. _ Boots 111111 ShOCR ' Groceries, Queensware, Hardware and Cedar Ware. Oil Cloths, Carpets, Carpet Racks, &c. . My obi c3stomers and as niany new ones a. ran crowd in, are earnestly requested to call and ex amine my goods. All kiwis of Country Produce taken in ex change Om Goods at tie highest market prices. Oct. 18, 1854. If You Want to Buy Cheap Goods, Call at the Store of THE subsyriLer would respectlully nunounce t. the public, that he hits returned from l'bilailelphin and New Yolk. and is 1101 V opening. at his well known stand in Market Square, the largest awl prettiest u•surtinetit of Fail asad Winter Go4,ils, t.Yer "auk to the borongli Ilf 111:1,11.,,11, Mid 11 , 1'S SVliillg at tuna:a:illy low My stork comprise , in part,, Cloth, C.lAsitners, black and fancy, Satittett4. ii large variety ut Satin nod Slits Vestititts, Kentucky and Prima. Jean, 'roet4ll, Tivkings. brown and Itleaolied Marlins, Drills, Crash Bags ain! 'lagging. Diaper, &r.. and *great variety ulgouda tuu te dious to mention. Ladies Dress and Fancy Goods, A large assortment of Under sleeves, Collars and spencers. Prints in ithundance,Mou, dr. 1 . .1111, 1 . 1)e Berege, Alpaecas, Lustres, Cashmere, Moroi. Mar cell., and lira. de Nttp,ffir Bonnets and Edging, Itilthons, fancy. anti black Gimp, Mack silk Lace, Ladies' Kid Gloves, Gents Mark do., anti Silk Ilantikereltiofa, Italian Cravats, Hosiery, &e. Boots and Shoes Hardware, 9u eelisware, Glassware and Cedar Wa're, A gout] supply of Fre , li Groceries, Hats and Caps, A great variety of Stingy{'Goode, My stock has been selected with the greaten 1 . 111 . 0 in regard to quality and prier, and I flutter myself' that I ran infer inducements to purelid,i, not to he found el,ewhere. Tininkful for the patronage of the 1,1,4. by my friends, end the public, generally, I respectin:ly SOlieit it continuance of the same. GE'). 6WIN. Huntingdon, Oct, 11, 1E154 Grocery, Confectionary, Iffl.-'l' 7 ,f - lifs ..:J'liAl'-.o.D'i9> NDItIiNV NI(F.ItUS, would reqpectfilliv in ; form the citizens of limiting. mid vicini ty that he has ju,“ returned ti•r,tu the 1.115 t, With very Inrge Trod fresh supply of Fruit MP] Cunfactiotnn•ieg, such na Camlies, !Riot's, Raigins, !Nuts, &v., uud the largest stuck of Toys and !Panty Articles, ever iitliged fu• sale in this town. Ile receives from the city of Baltimore, the best 0 YWI'EIiS that ea. he found. Those in want ofprinte 'shell fish,' can be accommoda ted by eallio,tt at the saloon. Ile has fitted tip a saloon espressh for the Ladies. Theeki.el to the Pehlie fin• ling fvors, he hopes by strict attention to In , iness to merit a continu ance atilt, smite. Huntingdon,. Oct. 12, 1,333, HYGEANA &might Home to the Doer Vibe Million. t WONDERFUL DISCOVERY has recent ly been made by Dr. Curtis, of this city, ii the treatment of Ci.nsumption. Asthma end al diseases of the Lang. We refer to "Dr. Curtis llvgeans, or Inhaling Ilygean Vapor and Ober Cl' Syrup." With this new method Dr. C. ha: restored' many afflicted ones to perfect health as an evidence of which be has innumerable cer. titivates. Speaking of the treatment, a physi• eian remarks t It is evident that inhaling—con. stantly breathing an agreeable, healing vapor the medicinal properties must come in direct cow tact with the whole of the atrial cavity or the lungs, and tutus escape the many and varied changes produced upon them when introduced into the stomach. mad subjeeted to the proves, of digestion. The Ilygeamt us for sale at till the druggists' thronahout the country. New Jork Dutchman or Jan. 14. 'l'ho Inhaler is worn On the brett;it under the linen without the least inconvenience—the heat of the body being sufficient to evaporate the fluid. Hundreds of CASES of CURES like the fid. lowing 'night bo named. Ono Package of Hp gamut has owed me of the ASTHMA or :6 years standing Jas. F. lieraberry, P. M. of Duneatmon, Pa. I xm cured of the ASTHMA el' to years standing by Dr. Curtis' Ilygeana. Margaret &won. Bronklgn, N. Y. Price three lb/Hors o l'ockiiffc,—:Nold by (Tli fig & PERKINS ioid 110114 & PAUL, No. 149 elnonin, Si., N. Y.-4 packitgre. sent free by expre44 to any Hurt of the United State./ fur Ten Dollar-, N. B.—Dr. Curtis' Hvgenne le. the ORIGI NAL, and ONLY tIENUINE ARTIBLE. nll 'iii. • - nre hume imitation+ or vile and INJURI OUS counterfeits. Shun them you would poison. Sept. 20. 1054 —ly. REEVE L. -KNIGHT• ' Ilaritey Bedding and Carpet wAnemousc. No. 148 South Second Strut, FIVE 000110 ABOVE Pritrek: BREET, P1111..A. Where he keeps constantly on hand a full assort ment of every article in his line or business. Feathers, Feather Beds, PATENT SPRING MATTRESSES, Curled Hair, Mass, torn //ask and Straw TTRESSES, Velvet Tapestry, Taptstry, trussils, Three-Ph Ingram, rrnetian, List, Ray and Hemp Carpotings, Oil Cloths, Canton Matlings, Coctut and Spanish Miming., Floor nod Stair Draggers, Hearth Rugs, Door Mats, TABLE AND PIANO COVERS. To which he respectfully invites the attention of purchasers. [Oct. 4, '54.-ty. ALL KINDS OF SLAM dAlta kza`ti",C,l JOB PRINTING , SUCH AS BILLS, CIRCULARS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, &C., And all Kinds of Legal Blanks, Used by . Magistrates & Others, Printed at the JOURNAL OFFICE. JUST received a beautiful assortment of Scol iped and Plain Velvet Ribbons, by • J. & W. 8AXT.07.1. 0 BARRELS Roo Ilurring.jut roTivedmiti fbr irnß rre •wree. r.4* (yr./. qwp+.7. «w ~~i'D ~: ;t'' NEW ARRIVAL, & W. SAXTON, j,ho rectivell frous'plat die Ati,t riosiortitient of t r 03320' over hi this iiisqe. vrGioshh Cassiounr.,, For the Ladles. we. home Pleiff Worsted Plai h , sod 'Miry variety ofglad(' good., to plea-e the of the Ladies.' Al.o, Shawl. Seel , log FlAntiel4. lion• tier Sitk., and the finest e..ortment o' Under.sleevem, fiiiimazetts, &e., ere , . uttered to the litiliea of thi. place. Boots and Shoes, of every variety, fbr Men and Boys, Ladles Shoes, of every variety. Mars and Caps, of the very hoist and best styles. hardware, of which we always keep the largest and boat aa sortment ever kept in this place. Quo/maws re, a magnificent assortment, which we are selling quite luw. Groceries, are a little np, but we are determined to gall as low if not lower, than any other howte,accortling to quality. oni•qtnek of Oil Cloths and Carpels is grand, TWO, iltldiCtg, Willow Ware, and everything usually kept in a country store. In tart we have everything to suit the taste of all, nit it lower prices than can lie got at any other house in town, if you don't Le satisfied of thefuetulter colling.theft we give tip. We also, FISH, SALT. PLASTER. and ale, receive and eture Grain, us usual. Sept. 27, 1854, Real Estate Agency. The urdrr, i~_in'l fins est;bli,hal an ag,ney rd. 7' and Ptirchwst of Reid Estate in I! • • !,,a eminty. to sell or purelinse eau erty, - , !,cishin .lition of t tjunlity, ft Ild tt;11718. • engaze in this agency on such terms as cannot be objected to. The Ayent has the thcility of making the property extensively known. We now have some very desirable land which we 41fET vu easy terms. * WM. BREWSTER. Notice to School Directors and Teachers. 1111.: Sehool I)ireenn, of the following. mimed School DiAttiet,, ore hereby notified that I will oleo them nt the pine mid time de,ignated, for ;he purpose of examining. teach., and granting rertilleutes. September sth. at Alexandria. to examine ap -0;,:mt,4 for the schools of Porter township. N. lt.—Tho-t. Districts which have neglected to make out their yearly report, would corder a firer by ;mewling to it immediately. The Di rector, of the wveral Districta, .41000 give we coitrettlem time tit meet them, Teat.lier4 mar he examined At any time pra• seating eeriitimites at good moral eharAeter tints the Huard at Diem:tura of the District in winch titer are applyint, ('olden Of ille Shot Laws and ileeisiei he liartii•lledto Pireetors by ealliDg at tit fa;llill street 'esident.e 1111 NlilHitt Ittreet, itt the .1. S. 11.‘1111...(10. Kt . 118titingflt.8, Augu•t :10, 1854, jkar Employment. -11,A1 $5OO to $l,OOO a Tear. A CHANGE TO MA.; MONET AND 13, nook Agents Wanted rrliE gnhseri;.er n of 1 vnina , le l'ictorial Books. verY Pfn' ,ll,l, 1 . 1 snvh influence rho •••••iln jr,o/pr•-timftio il for their Inf, ifsp"ko men of enterprise and ta.. .... , offers an opportunity tin profitable eon,' cat seldfan to be intoith. tvi,lang to engage in their Fills, will reee;ve promptly by to, it. n (7irenint• eon ininia: purti,mlar4, with ••I)ireetiong to per son..ii,posed lia art 05 lk,nt,t." ta:ether with the ,cane on n.hicii ,bets will be fnrni.liell, by H.l,ll,ssitig the ',W....ri11., 11011E1iT SEA Itti. 1:?1 York. . Cr IN PRESS, mid ilie 1.. t 00.0., 18) , , "Sears' !Description of the Russian Umpire: Fur I urther 1.4, lOW% e. Atigtr.t.3o, 1854. CENTRAL ACADEMY, Airy View, rilBCll TOM T'alle . n. Juniata County. l'entra. Im Fall Se,sion will commence on 31oni,t r, OCTOBER 2.1354. Whole expenses of board, tuition, room, fuel, washing and iu. I lcutal. wn rie, from $5l to $57 per st.,,ion a 22 week,— VilPiltioll4 from the kt t o t h e 15th ,if April. xutt from the !nth of nuns, to the ln,t of Sept. 1.',4 further sci, circulars, or uddreia (poet-imid) either of tie DAVID ‘I"II.SUN, A. M. DAVIT) 1,A1:6111.IN, Aug. 30, '51.-21u. Purt Royal V. 0, Land for Sale. TRACT OF LAND siimite in Germany Viilley, heat Shirlerslinrg. liiintingdon co., containing about 123 'Acres, the greater fart of which it !imam'', in it good tilde of enltien tion, bininded by lands of George Swine and An drew Spanogle. JOHN LOTTS. June 21, 1854. J. SIMPSON At RICA. Yk `'N .712121. Y, J. F. ItAmai VBACTIAIi SVEITZYORg. ()[lit,. with DAsart. AFerrA. street het /wt. •11itittr,,ittiery and Smith Rill...Mß. !hut. [Sept. 21.'54. 'VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY At Private Sale. 'II I S property i. mate on Stone Creek. idiom 9 miles north of Huntingdon, Pa. The mill is in good r bag 3 run orhurra, Ake, w good Saw Mill and I.nth ; 6,d dwelling howl: for the miller. Al,O, 290 Acres of Land, about 125 Acres of which ie cleared and in a good state of cultivation; the balance is well covered with good timber. The farm buildings consists of a large Frame House, a large Frame Barn, and a large Store llouati, in a good stand fur a store, but now unoccupied. Alai', a large orchard of choice fruit. The prom.rty is under a lea , e for four years from the lot nest April, at $635 a year. Fur thriller information cull on the subscriber in Huntingdon• GEORGE COUCII Sept. 27, 's4.—tr. Rebecca Furnace AT PRIVATE SALE. I , IIIS property is simoto on Stone Creek, about 12 miles north of f iZ7.• llonting•lon, Pa. It is in good or-ig,_ der, mid 'dent,• of ore within 2 4.1 4144.:"; s tine wood country when. 1, got readily, awl shout -too ACRES of LA :\ This property is now idle, and possession eon be given at any time. Any further inform HI Mn ran he had ho rol ling with tleorge Couch, IlmttioLnion , ur Wary Conch, Alamos. Supt. 27, Is34.—e. 1270 IRE PII D ESII;(711 , 1.1.1( inform. the VitIACIIS of Stotlei,town, Coal Mont, Hopewell, atnil the country adjacent, that he has located a Medical Office in the house formerly occupied by Lemuel Evans. Esq., and is now ready to attend to all calls, and by strict attention to business, hops* to receive a good portion of public km'. 1 4 .1+termbrsr 0, 11154%-Iy. .1)q, cri• ish of Hitu- latiO I. lt,VO thi,