Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 06, 1854, Image 4

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OMMaI Directory of Hunt. Co.
Praridant Juke:
lon. Gem. TATLitrt, of Flontingdon.
lion. Jinn). M'WILLIAMR, of Franklin tp.
flon. T. F. STEWART, of West tp.
District Attorney:
J. SNIVEL STEWART, of Huntingdon.
Sherif :
JOBLMA GREENLAND., of Huntingdon.
Sheriff's Counsel:
DAVID 1.31.Atn, Esq., of Huntingdon.
Prothonotary :
TEIMO. H. CaEmait, Esq., of Hantingdon.
Register, Recorder, :
M. F. CAMPBELL, of Henderson tp.
. .
COUPdy CoMMiSsiOnerS:
THOMAS (TAMER, of West tp.
ELM SMITH, of Union tp.
SAMLEL ‘VIOTON, of Franklin tp.
Commissioner's Clerk :
HENRY \V. MILLER, or Huntingdon.
Commissioner's allorne9:
JOIIN Man, Esq., of Huntingdon.
HENRY BREWSTER; of Slarleysburg.
DAVID PARKER, of Warrionnark.
Treasurer :
JosErn M. STEVENS, of Petersburg.
Directors of Poor:
SAMUEL, MATTEN, of Franklin tp.
JOHN BREWSTER, of Shirley tp.
JAMES SAXTON, of Huntingdon.
Poor House alttorney :
DAVID BI.A IR, Esq., of Huntingdon.
Poor House Treasurer:
HENRY BREWSTER, of Shirley tp.
Deputy Surveyor:
J. S. AFRICA, of Huntingdon.
Coroner: _
ISAAC Wo_LVERTON, of Brady tp.
Court Crier: .
SAAIt:EI. S. SMITII, of Huntingdon,
Land For Sale,
The undersigned desirous of removing to the
West offers linr sale his lands, consisting of 265
acres of improved lend; the improvements con- •
sist of a good Stone House, a double Log Barn.
Carpenter Shop, and Blacksmith Shop; at great
variety of fruit on oneenil of the form, and on
the taller end a I'm Story Log H tote, and good
frame ham and some young fruit tress planted.
There are about 100 or 170 acres cleared. and in
a good state of cultivation, the remainder is well
timbered. and within I mile of a good saw-mill;
there ore several never failing springs or water
OH the premises. This property is so situated
as to divide into two farms if desired. The pro
perty is situate about 51 miles east of this hero'
August ad. 1854. JOHN potrrat.
Town Property for Sale.
TBE subscriber otters some valuable reiirerie
for Foie in the Borough of Alexandria. iiiin•
lasting of Two fences awl Lots. The
are large and comfortable, with every reiiiiinite
outbuilding. One of the hooves lion been 'leen
pied as a store, &e. On the lot are a great vari
ety of fruit trees. Possession could be obtained
in the fill, if desired.
July 5, 1854.
-OP- •
On Nora-west Caner qf 11111 and .Ifont!ann,
ry Streelg, in the Borough of Irani laud.,
A T which a general Banking business is nou
n templateil to he done.
Drafts on Philadelphia, Pittsburg, &c., Le..
always for sale. Collections tootle at the princi
pal points in the United States.
Money received tin deposit. payulde on demand,
without interest; also for 3,6, and 12 month,
payable with reasonable rates of interest thereon.
Itlembers of Firm:
Hollidaysburg, Pa.,
R. 13..Tommsiom,
WM. 31. Lloyd.
J. M. Dra.L,
Wm. JAcis,
Huntingdon, Pa.,
WM. Dorms..ln.,
Tit.. Pistil.,
WM. P.OnutsoN,
Huntingdon, Pa., July 12, 1854. 3m.
American Artists , 'Union.
rptit iinhterihers to tl , e Wolk., at the Ar,
I U. are respectfully informed that from
the unprecedented favor which they have recei—
ed, the Secretary• feels ronli•!i•ct in stating that
the wlm:e comfier of Engravings (250.,00) will
be disposed of within a few months. of which titre
notice, through the press, will he given.
AGENTS are requested to form Cluhn and
'end in their Sal,scribers without delay.
J. W. HO I.BROOKE, Secretary,
505 Broadway, New York.
July 19, 1854.-3 m.
Farm and Saw-Mill for Sale.
mite subscribe" otters for sale his Farm and
situate in Barret" tonnsliilr, Or
this tmmy, at the junction of Stone frreck
East Branch. erumlining Two Hundred a n d Thir
ty Acre-, of which 80 Acres is cleared and in
good state of cultivation; the creel
with Pine and Oak thither. sod nll tillable.
July 5. 1854. JAMES HEMPHILL.
Chesnut Street,between ad and 4th,
OLIVER H. P. PARKER, o r Ohio, and
JAMES H. LAIRD, of this Cite, having
leased the above well known and popular house.
tor a term of yoars, are now prepared to aemim
modate guests in a manner equal to any house
in the city.
The loCatinn of this braise is superior to any
other, being in immediate pmituity to business:
also, to most of the Bunks, Public. (MINN. 1.0,t
Office and the Exchange, where omnibuses start
for all parts of the city.
The house Wring been pot in thorough repair,
and new furniture added, with many modern im
provements, will add much to the comfort of
guests. The tables will at all times be supplied
with the best the market affords, and nothing
shall be wanting, on our part, to make the
FRANKLIN truly the Tntrelers' Home.
Your putronitge is must respectfull; solicited.
July 19. 1854.-3 m.
ANY person haring a small piece of hind for
sole, within ten miles (.1 this place, sae six
or eight acres, can find a purchaser who will pay
THE CASH DOWN, by coiling at my land agensy,
at the office of the Huntingdon Journal.
July 26, 1854.
DONNETS. of all sorts and colors, also. Miss'
Flats, from 37} to 300, just reeeiveil and Mr
sale by J. & W. sAvros.
QILK Dress Matterns, Boma de Lan.. Bern
► zes, and Lawns or every variety and eider :
just received and fur sale by
plain and fancy, at very low prices, at the :tore
of GEO. G WIN.
GOLD CH.4I..VS—A fine variety for gale, ve
ry low, at ECM. SHAWN.
JUST RECEIVED andforsale Fish, Salt and
Plasterby J. & W. SAXTON.
A BEAUTIFUL assortment of Fancy (7 ass i.
men, Cloths, Summer Wear, tar men mat
boys. Also, Carpet lag, &c., &e., just receiv
ed end for sale by J. & W. SAXTON.
jOOKINO Glitsses,ju%t received and far sale
.1.4 by J. d• W. SAXTON.
ATS.—Moleskin No, 1 and 2, of the latest FRESH supply of Gingham., Cheek. and
styles. Kossuth Hats of various styles and t 1 Shatuhruy, Just received and for sale by
qualities—will be sold low at the cheap awry of I .1. t W. SAXTON.
GEU. G WIN. - --
'UST receleltig, this week, Mackerel, Herring
sir A tiao lot of PISTOLSb IEL)1 • SVASIeIk ; U toe, sad tbr auto by J. 6W. tirIXTtJN.
Wllore my he obtained the tnoet speedy rem
.sEcIIET 1118EASfi9.—Clleets Strietnre,
Smith'? IVeitknesq, rain in the Loins, Affections
Of the Kidneys, and toll those peculiar
firkin,: from it serer habit, particularly the youth
of inith WWI, which if not cured, fIInPIIICP , OM-
Otitllll.lll.ll debility, rendering marriage iniciosxi
hie, nod in the CIPIIIINtross both Mind and Body.
Voting 7/len,
expecially, who have lietionie the victitnit of Sol -
itnry Vice, that dreadfal lin.l destructive habit
which annually sweeps rout untimely Crave thou
taints of yoong of the most exalted talents
nod irilliant intellect. who 'night otherwko Intro
entranced listening SCII.OOI oWI the thatider4 of
eloquence. or waked N 11,411,7 the lining lyre,
may call with full confidence.
Nlitrriril l'eraoson,
Or those contentpla , tnarriatte. ht iny: aware of
phcnical wettknept, should immediately eottAult
ll;..1., and lie restored to perfect health.
. -
Dr. Johnston,
office N. 7 Fredrick Mt.. seven tloorq from
Baltimore Street. east side up the steps. wit,
pirticular in obtaining rite mu ne and number, or
you u ill toktake the ',Nee.
A cure warranted, or no charge made, in front
one to Mir days.
TA K Nwrieg.—Dr. Johmtint's office i. in Ida
dtreiling. up the -reps. Ws eery ontew.ive prat.
tier is a malt:Mut guarantee. that he is the only
flail physician to apply to.
Dr. Joltston, member of the Royal College of
Surgeons. London, gratitude from one of the
most eminent Colleges of the United hates, ,turf
the greater part of whose tile has been si,ent in
the Hospitals of London, Paris Pltilutlelp!;it, and
elsewhere. has effected some or rho most ;won
ishing enter that were ever known. ntany trout
bled with ringing in the ears and head when
askept Crept nertmemess, being alarmed at mid
den sona , la,and lutmlifulneQs. with frequent blush
ing totentled sometimes with derangement or
mind, were cured immediately.
A Cmertitt Dom :mg.—lt is a melancholy flier
that thousnml, nail victims to this horrid diSCIOC
to the tutskilfialness of ignorant pretenders
who by the use of that ilendly poison Mercury,
ruin the Constitution, enuring the tent serious
symptoms of that dreadful disease to maim their
appearance, such as atlbetions of the head, note,
throat. Ain, ere., progressing with frightful ra
pidity till death puts is period to their dreadful
solfering, by sending them is that 13ourne whene e
no traveler returns.
have injured themselves by a certain practice in
dulged in when alone—u habit frequently learned
from evil companions, or at school—the effects
of which are nightly felt. even when asleep, and
if not cured renders tuarriage impossible, and de
stroys both mind and Lady.
What a pits that a voting man, the hope of his
country, and the darlinn of his parent. ' , lactid he
matched from all prospects and enjoyments of
HA. by the consequence ot deviating f rum the path
or nature and indulging in a certain secret
Such persons het'ore cootemplattiug Marriage.
should reflect that a sound mind and hods are
the most neees.ary regni.ites to promote connu
bial h a ,,,,L ims , indeed without these. the
ney thrattgli life heeomes a weary pilgrimage,
the prospect hourly dathens to the view; the
mind heeoracc shadowed with despair, and filled
with the melancholy retleelio d. thus the happiness
ofanother la•cotnes blighted With our own.
Coss'. It I,IONAL 1)1.11.ITY.-1)r..1. ad.h•ess
es yoking men. mud all who have injure.' theta
sel% es I. v private and improper indulgence.
1t1 . 1,5.,,..--These are some o(the sad and
mehasholy edicts produced by early habits or
vooth, viz: 1\'Vak11,..,.. of the Back and Limbs.
Votes in the head, Dimness of Sight. 1.0,:s of
Muscular power, Palpitation of the lie ir, Dys.
pepsin. Nervous Irritability, Derangements of the
Digestive Pane:ions, General Debility Symptoms
of Consumption. &e.
MENTALt.v—The fearful effects on the mind are
much to he dreaded; 1,414,4 (.1' memory, Contusion
Depression of Spirit, Evil nag...ling,
Aversion to Society, Self Distrust, Lore of Out!.
tad, &v.. are some of the 'evils produced.
Thousands of persons of all ages,can now judge
what is the cause of their declining health. Los
ing their vim., becoming weak, pale and emacia
ted, hare singular appearance about the eyes,
cough and synnems of VOUSUMptiOn.
Married persons. or those cootetoplatin,
riser, being aware of physical
inonedbitely consult he restored to per
fect health. Office, 'So. 7, South Frederick-St.,
Baltimore, Md.
N. 12. let nn tike delicacy prevent pot, lint ap
ply immediately either personally or by letter.
Skin likens, Speedily Cared,
To—The many thonsonds cured
at this Institution within the loot ten years. sad
the numerous important Surgical Operations
performed by Dr..l.,wituessed by the Reporters of
the papers, owl natty other persons, Latices of
which tare appealed again and again before the
public, is n stavient guarantee that the afflicted
will tind it skillful and honorable phys'eittn.
As there are so Mali,' ignorant and worthless
quacks advertising themselves as Physimans.rnin
ing the health at the afflicted De. Johnotun would
soy to those miacquainted with his reputation that
his Credentials ur Diplomas always hang in his
%Veakness of the organs immediately cured,
and full vigor restored
65" All letters post paid—remedies sent by
NU.) , 22, 1854.-Iy,
Merlin flirt , . Invrniors and
$570. IN CAM! PRIZES. $570.
TiiN or THE "SciEN - ritii,
ICAN"1,11.11•1•1, en the lftlr ..r
It is chit tI ilcsotc.l to the ailvancimieet Of .
illtel,Sl4 if Merlon//i.,. 1111,11(01,, Mil
,and Partners. clef iv .14,1111 y 11101 11 , 1:•14,1,1y
, I,HICII in the arts apt sciences. Prolialdy no
other journal of the same charamer is SO eXtPII.
sisely airs-01mA, or so ... Reru ny for its
practical ability. Nearly all the I",, , ieitits. Ad.
enrs which issue weekly 6,11 111.. PA I ENT t IpricL
are illuntrated with Engracin!p, tunl Ole or
all the Vatents are published regularly in it ,
columns as they are issued, thus makini, it a per
t.E.,IA 1,1 illformatiun upon the salijeets of Me
chanical Imprucenalois, Chemiqeg. Engineering
said the &lent.. getter:illy. It is pahlisheil week
ly in quarto form suitable ror bluffing, awl each
volume contaius Foul{ lltiNiiar.D AND SINT.,
PAtiLs of itemliag Stivhu.k I. 111,1)1MI/
ENoItAVINGS, with 0 full awl t•etlittlete
Its circulation on the last %'nlimic sseceileil 23.-
000 copies per week, and the practical receipts in
one volume are worth to ant family mach mare
then the silliseription price.
. .
The following e.V4il VUIZES ure oflbred hp 'I
Publishers for the fourteen loreest list , or se , -
scriber,: sent in by the 1,4 of Jantaury, :
$lOO will be given for the largest lb•t; $75 fur
the 2wl; $65 ftw the 3rd; $55 nir the 4th; $5O ler
the sth; $45 for the 6th; $4O tor the 7th; $35 for
the nth. ' $5O for the 9th ; $25 for the 10th; $2O
fur the 1 th; $l5 fur the I2t11; $lO for the 13th;
and $5 for the 14th. The each will be odd to
the order of the successfill competitor immediate
ly nftcr the Ist of*January, 1855.
• TIMMS :—Oue copy, one year, $•2; one cops,
six months, Si; five copies, six noodle, S.I; ten
copies, •ix months, $8; ten copies, twelve months:,
$l5; fifteen copies. twelve months. $22, twenty
copies, twelve 1.11111 S; S2S in advauet.
No number of subscriptions uhove twenty can
be takes nt less then $1.40 catch. NUMos sun
he sent in et didnrsnt times and front different
Post itliices.
Southern uml Western mono}• taken for sub•
I;etters should he directed, 0,4-paid, to Mrtts
& C u., 128 Fuitun-titreut. N. V.
Ale•sr, Co. ore extrii,:ii els eng,igeil
in iiroeuring I,ateinti 14,1. DOW inVelltaniS, Itlld
uilvine inventor+, nithuni eilarge, in regard to the
novelty of their itnproveinentA.
HOOVER Still at His Post !!
Yrtip, undersigned now engaged in putting up
Aruntage's Electra Niagnetie Lightning
Redo in thin and adjoining counties. would res.
pectlidly coil the attention W . the intelligent pub
he to the great superinrity or this Patent, ut a
season like this, when aceidents to property and
life altnont daily occur. it is the dictate of humus
itYi on well Ite internid. to make use of the !test
means of security in our power, for though the
Lightning lie in the hands of Him who rules the
storm. His protection and blessing are ahvii3e
connected with our own eltiirt,
July 26, 1854.-tr.
The l'elebrilvil Prize Core for Fever
and Ague, by
P. 7,lAsTrr4•
T ills Remedy is wooly vegetable, without .y
portion of furvigu, turrottrial
ingriMient whllievei:h; it. e.iipo,itioti. The con
trots ol'u single Bottle to curs M.)
Muhl 06tinitie ca.t, in
it strengthens the staai:.yh • invigorates the
frame, mid restores the Pystem to its nsonily
healthy stole—in the,. it entirely prevent+ that
languor and strengtit wioeh
11,11 reel.
mended milli who have tried, in other pre
Money itotkin is the .rflet of the d it y, and i t
is atilt this , j,vt that towheinem are Pill. 11 . 1.4
For the woe gif to
sohjeet. It is the Lime with the baker um! butch
er, the 111 &e., awl it
w,ll that there is this stimulus to induce the
1t . 11,1 skilful
. 1u cleric nti l pre
coitv'ettielit sutitulde
. . .......
4111 inthrolitill, under it (INtrvs,ing awl t-r•
twiny, lit of Chitts mitt 1 . 1, is Mit iti it
condition to sillily out the ine•iiis it
is more sete.d , le mei °Lit lie I leo!,
to thiill t. , 116 II
ettergie , , for the alithh:te.
„ For
. nt . i t.te
ject, , , ...e0t , t14u it tt,tei:Nt t"
iS sititply this, "Win I hu ti; pur.
elvtstt tit the lirtielit ittrert.4l t"
The inv.tlid should testimony
resettled toestablish it. v.1111:-. the te..timml it Rtconttnenilaliolt,.
%hottid ht enrefelly ..„ merit
erutit l ' A.. ell. .0. 7.
given to it. 11114 eture. it I I hare th ,
IT of it iiersonol char:lcier. ~ t ek 10 the
w ith
l'eSileetehilitY M
Or The . ItliteiSeS,ltitti Übe ,11,150,e-
Mr 1n in+ .Irtllinit'l•, on liclievite
lily which the here litt.l tar Itt ol,servittiint of
th e fu.,,, ;i n.( the ~,.!,81.40 itepitFtiltity. 1111 , 11 , 11-
it v, not atiltthe be,t that I have ever .Ten. her
setmitt, tritti.futtle ,, , tit thcit. Po,
„Tom„lei re! IteTle'd tint
il ol
mripiaj,tt• Iv, It
wit . tte.e% 1.. the truth or Hay I . .tet, 111.1 y ;mi. thir
to irre•lNtibil.
Wl.l ini. ”o.litetor to the halter..ght eta, . ill, a denliTell 311, 01:It
11. MeNtl'itTllll.:.
stinly 111141 (!i:witt it, I tin, a ell ali.tirll ihnt the Al.i tt neric
the scientific 1: Thmi,„
”• " :flritir,l~c. of
" `,"'Y `" 1 " the thtt ever tict!ti
at' lae 1 0 1 4`.1 , •11 ,,. . I I,', •, !C . .•
.r :the ..rit•.•
••, ".•,,,•-••••• -•"- ~„ , . • • • . • „, • •„„ •, .;
(.• ;he
ri.ll l ly 1,1,,110 . 1111 , 11. %Vt . •• •
.11 , 1 I',lo tile teSiilllolly
deell as racy our reader with renetith,ll4 ot • •
we deem unnecessury and s!. ail tie ,•• ~,••
coeline ourselves ton , election or a few or th...e
whose characters and standing in the rOillinitility 91,..
are well lott.wn• mei whom , Ift ,, ition 4 gave (Pew the
the opportunity of testing the value and hefore he Collttuitooool the man-
W . er;:e
The gentletnen whose, rertitleates ire given. ",liie9. they "" I. ' lr c " nv i t we't
tn,o their eouptioit moonlit 1t1 1 1,0 , 1e0l WWI eon
are well klaiwii to the citizens 14.0100.ter :1110 ; 11( . 1 . e ,i ng deimind tilt York Comities, in I,•,,ussivanin, beside. •
nek, a litre m
nd the extensire sad., iti all parts of the
portions , if tlint State; elso to the citizens of
„ m ph,. commendation Of choir utility
ryland who re•itle the neighborhood , ~ the
sms,mud .np,riur;ry.
itteltanno and 'ride•,vater t `moth o f li t ,
Tit CY P., IVALT.EIf. fit. I).
guittleinen minted JAI., Mel ~,,I tt, v • "- filming can. Phila e•t- April 10. 1859.
prented York Co net, in the .iecate of l'enu- d.
„.„,., „„
in the (Aiwa Ily Major
• contrae t ors tot the •-'ll.V7ofillillllll4 11011
11.111, Comas. (010,11 terminate at “Ti„,ro, *cad our
dwelling we
tirace, at the mouth or the Cliesapc.ike flay.—
liaVe had down; and 'mother ,treed by 31r.
s,'""' , "" i "" '" l f • ," f .‘ um t 0 hie!, we woad!' ettl I the attention
aeiptanitco won the (:ontractors; atm ' , moth, three I , Is ,
pH ,
be an y doubt, application Inoy be moult, to Lein
, op tie trite , eientific prinelples, und is n rod that
lire the truth all.. mu,, in ia,ro
ha , been approved hy the highest toithority, and
to the eliartieters of those whose certificates are w ill ', cat t h e
who have heell oleeelved, am we lin, been. should
TO Till: PI:BLIC: i to. ,no in having a proper protection against
The undersigned. believing that great benefit ' o l'tsiduiefi. 'rile runt i , a 111101 hag
will result to the piddle front a knowledge or the tuella when eomnared with the entire
de sni,,ty
our flown, tobl s against thishar.,teuetj,,, de_
ellieney or the I'ml r: (drift: 11w I , lwatt and Aare. • .
do new eheerfullv certify that we have. itelivid- Ingot. Mr. Alt2lTatte. allverta , enlallt will he
tinily, witnessed its sitevessful operation in the ' litund in the coletteo, a this paper; and we reel
timelier of ease. nnl cool Wourrespeetive es though we were performing au imperious ditty
1,11,1 that, in el, ie,hinee within our knowledge, , to the cconmitnity, by thus inviting to it general
has it !idled to core in sitryle da, by the 11813 of t attention."
tl,e content, of 11,4,,y!, , 1,4? b . I)itted, Lancaster, PlittAo2,loA, T)ee. 4, 1832.
Seph.inia•r 4. SLited— I Mr. 'I% Aunts lue, Via, Street, west of Twelfth
R. 3117 LLISON. See. 1 and 2S. C. 2 eases.) Street, Philadelphia.
.1. WILLIA3I,j, •' 10 "II " 2 " I MY seenSl It : ..I!l.'r a trial or 'filmy weeks, it
11. FITZPATRICK, 20 7 44 attorilet line great itleatoire to inform vou that 1
,1. 1 , 1511(5, "28 ei 2 am delighted with the liglitaitig roll you
I. COOPER, Lock NO. I and 2, " 2 " placed upon my hott•ti at Ilustlt•toti. As tilt u.
‘• U " 4 " ; tny ehetnical kn,,vte•1 , ,,,• enables me to pertbeio
• t Pen , : Nt 93 T. iv. C. 3 " all opillioll. 1 Atli ,1 0t14i,,1 11111 have developed
IL 31'(111.0NN, " 29 and 3U " 11 " the correct pritiviple. in 11.0 adaptation ol rolls to
ie eeerehothoon the r • crt i tiraten high. prtia,..ieicit.ptr.cem.e„vt,y,
lives d„tre•rio„ by lightning; nx
ly able Contraltors ""ve ".11"'e s u u tt ( derat . tto ' d litillititt.:t.fittlace of
.:1 that few p our °metts art
hlillialle reeliags prompted them to give publicity . round
to the fasts therein stated. the 1 1 )110 , 01er certifi- he .
eete from 4 ,, that t i me ,• of the yrotectiou altontell he cone rods. Wishing
menthes. of al
the Senate of the Commonwealth Yilt , , sueces. in Sour ell"r1u 1,0 .
I atilt yoilts truly,
; Pelilisl , llllla. b, read with nearest all
JANIES MeCLINTIICK. 91. 1).„ who pro aliliele(l with Fever and Ague t
No. I, North Eleventh Street.
ro. • / ' o..l Pforessor of Anatomy, Philadeluitia College of
having witliesseoi IwENYY- 1 10, 1 0 ea•at.,.ll Teter M ed id ue.
ft11(1 A, eared by the celebrated 1'1? IZE i:I•:, SAIIUF,L 1100VEIR,
I [uke known tier the lametit and comfort or !
ilortlcle,s, Union Co., Pd.,
all those distressed with that I t.,aidestatte disetete Is Agent for flue ting,lon. adjoiuing etaties,
and •,!!!", • lAB . • M'Ct ' NEE Y • " and will fernisit the 1:,..1. on the matte maner,.
l i ri7o Core for Fever anti ' the Proprietor. Any pers., desiring to •a , sup
• plied witl, Ike Rods ran leave their wise Ns all the
';;;utititta,• t
il o l , i l e ll .l l 7 , , , t , r e n i tt . l, or with .kp r t i i i ii l o , ias ,s 3 ,( l - i 1 2 ; er, o
!novelle:, one-third at noon. 011 , 1 the biker, 10
t h e Meal, on the patient's ,
day, or when the chills suit fever lattle Mountain Female Seminary.
—preritalsly taking 11110 Se OrptirglitiVe I 3t o a t o„; 11 Female Setnin it i.y n: Rirnhiug.
to cleanse the bowels. 'rho !turtle to lie well
oat, 11111,01,071 I .l e Pellll-
031, en• CC.4 . 1 . Children to take it in mold „
.outlier do.yyly
~• „ e eneie,
. 00 , of the m.•,
mess proportimel age.
100ent . ,0104 ill the. 5te... 7 "P tier.. , . . • rite the 1 n,re-to breve on he
celeltrated 'two , or b . ! will tine it .0 of
lel.. tie prices and terms (tier ce., only) on 1. , ” ~,•,•.• :•,• •, .t , wit!,
• alopotta4loo, tor loy letter (posttati.i) to
I'. 31A , TIN, 195 Henry Stt•eet, New- York, „o ho „.;„1.,,,, ,„ hies,
i 1 per
. ..•
▪ toff :till u• .Li •,,,
17 " ":iin,un" (ion will 1,00111,01 ••-
~rot.ll 01 . .NoW- iork, ,010, oititer. thew- th, the
qth th„.. theee.
out the Union. A` , Z• 9 •.• 18,4•-!Y• tter term of 29 week., title. rt-,tni •
I 11"1.R AND AGIT. sr,' '•.• • •
;en Med, Frent.h. Latin. ritiethig. Sce..,ex
Ei,wAR,) tiTAMPEIt. Pupil.. (nue abroad nre esinn.ted tn
Mix•runii, tin the I.'veer tied Ague. Choure, the See , inory with the Prittehmt. is I
Fever, Pyl.epsi;,. ~Is giVes hi•e, tre atteetiou to the of t.,.•
proprieto, th, will stale. with- Itili.kEL W. WARD,
I/llt iil . ,11:11i.111 ie.' th.. Oct. 5. 1853.
SL,llll.Oli. qixtme two,. r,oil Wt. ,e
It 1111;111,1111111 . 11thIrtli. 04111 31111 111i11.1 . • 1.,111,1, ZINC PAINTS.
in use for tlii• above 1.•1' 71111:11 J'/'E 11'1.11 111 I V Ir lIT I.
'wither in.:wide 111.1 . 1111111111' 111 111 ...110/11; LEAL), .1 VIII.
"'WE ' 1 t.ll
ull lit the ingred,clll. i 2 ;
char:n.l'4,, and high ,dannla4lll;_ and .a;
tint: in their n•ii , lone, %ail., toil, (Li The New Jersey Zino Cumpan
Ni,dieine Ily vx,..11; 11,- II 1", • ; 6, 5511.1 , 1 „ woj
n don't. 11117. 11111•
10,.1 . 1 . , 1111.11 . the
nil, I ' Ali „
to la!: eit I I t ••V.
Le tisst:ed of a S1,1:1.1 t . I•1:E. '1 i.e i. .
could introthave thousands at vertitivat 'roc, !!
tlio,e of tho highest r.•speetullility, hut prelers ' r %i .\I• drY "r
saying to the siek-13ity one kettle, unil you trill , r' . "'” in t ) iI• ". 11,0 " , "' I, nn,l tt1141,1.-
have the intulliltle proof in yourself. Full uod
shoot for its 111 . 001111/411 . 1 . each !Ratio. :k tuf.:11 , .:1 of Freo.o,tit, toPeti
Cenifit'atte4 1 . 111/ I,u .irtt nt the olliee. shins hig l''"I'l"."` to "..r•
where 11. , Jli,lieine 1130 et.7lu,t) wow, ull tiler r .ht 'heir !..‘iot , it, keep o•tr, in the
lure for .11,y te:‘,ol.:ihie mot:. lo I,lu:et
For I). ,, perisilt owl nli outer Crun• tl'.•ir pain, n ill h.. :•nlietior to any other in the
.Lore i• not a better leilierine in ono :,:t. tunrl.ct.,
It 11114 iiko been takenwiththe itong z; ,, r is sold at a ho ,
io sueeesA in tterrri l eustlN el Ithetintti,,o toot onir br in‘o! , the Zhc area
lent; fur tliede tali prate take it tahlelm.o.nal Irmo New is 1111 W t.. II known fir its pro
twiee , tel•Tiv.• ~ uvlir•., it/ iron ur °tiler
f fo e I ,ottlo of this .let wine very often lota the . f""taille
deNl4l nth et, 1 Their Stone f,,h Paint ploffit , Aeg all 111 P pro.
Price $1 per 1/1Itile: For sole Itv Droggo• . • writ,. o
t. In 1 • ,
, i.. .u. 11,,rreeilble .1.
all ports the United State. 1111.1 03.1111. ' 1.... P. ,, nting Cottages, Depot, Out-buildings,
All WIIOIINII,III OrderS aildre., , l to I Bridge,
MEAD 5 BLEECK EU. Sole Proprietor. Dealers , opplio.l .ni terms by their
914 lirtutilwoy, New Verb. Agents, I , IIIENCII 111411A.IIDS,
Agent, llonvea W. SMITH. 111111Iillgd.,1111'.. Wiroksate Atha limit. mill Importurs.
September 6.1854.—1 y N. W. roe. of lush & Market Sts., Phila.
A sale
lot of Bonnets just rereivril lull Cot
Asole by .7. ll'. SAN To.\'.
A most heautihil lot of Borage de !Aline put
terns, and iu the piece, from WI cis up to 50
ets. per yard, just received and lion sole he
.1. i f. IV. SAX DON.
Gold Illratches willbe sold by ED.SNARE
ewer than elsewhere.
4,2ILVEIt Butter Knives, and Suit Spoons, at
kJ E. Suare'sChmip.lewelry Store,
28.11111E1.6 superfine Flour. tor mile at the
e- , store of UFO. GWIN.
PORT MONNAIFS 'ruts 25 cents op to 82 50
at Ed. Snare's. Aprti 15 1812.
A fresh stipply of Garden Seeds from Risley'
Gerdeos,just received, and for sale by
Far. 23, 1453. J. tic. SAiioti.
I 0 Ttrd'il;:tiNtbAr's":ll'l,..l?.J2.
4,..111.4 , : w E1i mid Plated Spoons, Gold, Silver and
d Spectacles, at Edw. Snare's Jewelry
DORT MONNAIES, Card Cases, and the hi
nest quality of WOSTENHOLM'S Pocket
Knives, a very large quantity at Edon. Snare's
ASPLENDID USSOrtillent Of BOYS' (10th
Dig, at the .tore Of A. WILLO.IIII,
Gl:NGIIAMS—Duull,tie dud Dregs, just re
ceived at 1). I'. ()WIN'S Cheup Store..
200 U 0
• Feet of Safety Fuse, just received
*lid for Side by J. a W. bIaTOK.
Elerfro-,lngliet I.lghtning
A vorrn tunny coon eh, itivostication nod
ninnurons exlwrinicitts, the Pateatee takes
pleasure in illliortllllll, the. pliblic that hr has arri
ved at the tine prineinles of protecting iltit,dics,
dwellings and property r 1 .111711,10 41,triwtiv, itr
811,11 re of Lightning. The calamities that
uteri' City, Town. Village rind Country falls viv
ant to ionei4lly, throtidt the gross negligence of
ity inhnhihmtx, I. / 1 1.y011i1 calenhition• especially
when the remedy is so cosy to oldnin—this is
round in Arotaitoce'm Patent Magnetic
if,ightivitv.; Et 1)41.• and in this alone. This
n o d 1.1,1 111,11 1,111/01101! by the in..St Seientilie
1:01111/•111 0 11 io The Ivo , +l
neinv others th a t ha t e ex .
:Mill,' dolt, roootionotil and speak of them in
the 114.1.e.t term., t l opri,%atitity, and have pro
inieeed the, the note s ;i f ii rod, thin or
, , r the at or Liv,,nna
()„, g t tIV :1 1 1 , 1 ,1. it ,11 ititti throw
kick 31 Inlrt 41r the electric fluid harmless to the
eload, in time of a stroke this otioidea the roil
to eimilitot Thor portion iit !kid that loiii:rig+ i 0
tho eat it. i' oh .to t..e iti,os io,ti
roil ha• Imo, other adv..,
toes old one. Tle: Ha., of ia...-
ataelitring in in
l'im! St.. 3 dna', ahopet
s;tlr tri.l Ili tail, t,y 11. .1 It M I'. \ (
tr.lms promptly altrmled to. Term , rm.l).
, ~ , • , 1; , ,, a!, :
, 1,v1111.11, :ill u 1 ~cliii•li
! 1 t'; er :Intl ill
!.; ~,—•
.11., t)111 nirttic Illkttll
lit.11111i14.1”11, Noy in:ier 9i, 1853.
— BLANKS...AIways buy your Blanks at the
"Journal Wine." We hare now prepared it ve
ry superiorartiele of BLANK DEEDS,
JULKDIENT NoTEs, dubimuiss>, EXEC U.
rum% dm.
r.'. 111:k
TO THE INVALIN4 on III:NV:ill nos.
$l,OOO !Reward I
Ilvdro-Electric Voltaic Chains,
ARE nor the IlrA ..
t time ion. Weed to the people
or Ilentiewho awl vicio;ty, as the nio.t
l'eni,lll. Ore i,1 , 11, of •4trietly seienfitle mode of
instantly relieeioe and permenentiv curing ell
Now we knew that an annutowentent similar to
the niece meets the eye of the reitiler almost doi
ly, coil wimps this may he eles•mh with many
others. Om listen ur pot 11.1 It 14
Thal l'itlveronielier's Eleetrie Plinio, is
the wily magnetic retnedwal ogetst thut •hh
by patent. grouch b, this gureniment. on the
ground that it was at strictly u. 4,111 seichtilie
The Chains are tlow to exhibition at
;he Crystal .inh entail emelt attention
Ilutn the thous:m.l. who doily %i•it it.
The manner et using the ...intim: is eery simple.
Th IS first umieiennl with vorfillinn !No . ,
MO then toe cud of the elicit, is nithlo..l ... the
mai here the pout in leettteli, Ml , l the whir cool
..pjaoetr it, I . ”e of the ..1.11: .hould
toot, tott.•:, ..ther. At the taunt col it op
mie•.rein em,t 1/C4, rdieVed,
~,.1'.••• • •1. I. 10 i ” • .11,•.1. the
I• 11 1 .1,11:
in 1,1•,11). to tiii• Mk tithe
e,1•11 , 111 . 111,Tiii•AqU .1.1 perfect
h. t 1 , umt ihaiveriimeher's
1 . 31111111 .111 1
N.!'1 . :1,1 . 1 it, t e eace. ',hug Nrahtling Set-
P. , 'lptt !film 11l the lb...rt. licher
, I,c di, Disett4e,ANthtlia,
1000 1)OLLAIIS
who will produce so
loses ss . cdt scolceciic..accl cocsitic• it, or cure front
p:ctceicts acid ,ecoutiti.. physicians, or
lice /11,,C 4 , 41, lui, iluon ver u irme d by tin
use °Nice Electric. elcchi clicrinu the past year.
it it truly thu Met tit tt wherever the electric
ehain , have been introducol t hiittle.llloAtrunis mad
t , umuut Ittrd Imve greatly diminished in Sides
pc"; I , no, heemtte f!i,it,ted with the pritetieu
..f , i-m, tiwir stomachs for .Irusc slops.
Tl , c Elecirie Chains are bight,' ' , cll....culled
Profe , s,s Mott, Van Boren. fast and Cern.-
chl,ll. lit New York; are also in daily use in every
Hospital that city. The chains will last lilt
years. lire always ready fin' use. and pr.Mitee uo
whet, mietlal, , dire , lol.
The intro.lucticii orthe Electric Chain into thin
conntry is the damn iif a new eta in tneilicine.—
During. the hist twenty year, it can safely he es
timate.' that ten tAttsmse/ reimiles have died year
ly Irani this nr. disease.
It I-1 well known to inedieut 118,11111 W this coin
num 1),,,,m1 the reaell or medicine, and
11Pit in proportion to the amount of ntedietne gi,
en, the noire the patient is downed to buffer, nod
2.111 , 11Vr eh', the Set.,
Deria g the last rears more than one thousand
ca-o, ul Prob',sus treci tattling of the cumuli)
h.ive beim peounn, will cured in Et: ghoul and
1" ranee, Mont of those cases were ladies or high
standing) who had prevent* tried all other ',Mil,
of treatment with 1111 benefit. Among U,e di.stiii
gukhed ladles that have been eured iu Paris IA the
present Queen of France. In thin country, du
ring the last year, one hundred vases have been
cured in the city of New York, many who have
allowed their names to he published for the !mee
k ul' those suffering. with similar complaints.—
The mode or use in simply to apply one .11 Of d
30 1111 k 0111111 to the spine jest above the hips, and
the other end upon the elelutnen, and ,allow the
Omit] to remain for one hour. 'rids to be repent
ed line tilt., during the meaty -rotor hours.
cititoNni linEwitAnsm
The Electric Chains never litil to relieve the
strere rains and swelling incident to this disease.
The wort forms of this disease readily yield ton
few applications a a dm', :ual in no single in
swici• have they tailed to give instant relief, it'
they did not elleet it POI Iti:ment care. All persons
who are vietims of this it , thil wiener Clllllllhillt.
lire himlic invited to call um l olimin a pamphlet
of Iif)IIACE W. smyrit. Agent for Linn
lincdon county, who will also explain their tootle
Of WI.
'the electric chains can Ito sent lit mail to any
part 01 the United States, Ity addres•iitg (poor
wll) any or the ligeitts in the Itriariltal rities, or
•l'' (lit Reinert, 568, Ilro.t.lway New York.
A;!eilt, 568 Ilroattlwa: . , N. Y.
I,lto, Is. ly.
Joao. MCOTT. SAMUEL 'l'. Unows
Attorneys at Law,
ilitiilingilos, Pa.,
Office sanitt as that formerly occupied by John
Semi. Esq.
Oct. 10, 1553.
c. Nio; i Li. returns histlotlikt. .....rjur -
•l• to I,i , 14 . 1..011s tool rho pti1.11,11., "
1.11 . t•ir v.•ry 1P.......t1 t0tfr0ntw...11.1.1,;...t.. '
111,111 . . ‘.l . siritot itteolioll tlt 1 .. 1. .. 11 . , ..1.,t i tie4,-; ' 44
1.. ineri' a ..4.1:11:1 , 1:1111.e .1 the ,lille, 111 ail kind , 0!
r 1,111,. i ~) L,11,1 Sr ,, VI,. Air-1 . 1,11i. : . :11104 . ,
• 1, ! . 11,11• ',l . ,k ! .1 , 1 rt , 1,1 "441 , 1 , 1, ilj v.irillit, si•
. .1,.. i ,, !.. ! .0 . 1”.. , ,,1i, the 1...11.101, an.l
. • • - .!.t,. , . , • I I;i! , ide Ptott,l,. •liill
I I 11NFIV C4)1RN'191141)1.41s 6etring . its4 re•
j elf!! a large awl
.•I 'pry G MOWS &
•. (.:I.4,ckerw-watre.
, ~• Ilstlllt ,11 . 11.ty or n eenetr,'
.„. .......
eiMilleit i u pticelot , :e itp•
}lino i()
•n the virinite, anal l res
. ~..trottlige friends and
l ettulefiv, t. I ri t the .11.•
. .t. sati , fied his ability ut
present. 1,, .11., the• m!,l atecuintuthhtte the
n 4,t the .it large.
Ile i prepuic,l eery low lor CABll.
COMltty Prothive taken iu exeltattge ut the ittost
reu..,,e, t hl e rates. March 29. 1894.
Brilliant Itiqi,laky or Jewelry.
, lIE public evio rut.). Mill the ruseals who.
I Nome time Awe, ensured .tore end ietrio..
real valu:ibles to the amount or ,thout Thou
without ins pertni4sion, nrr N 14111141 that I 110 . e
hot opened n wore grimed and heir. ttwoirittietit
,A'artieleg in my line of b00i0,. , : than waIN ever
11,1114:lit to Huntingdon, con , istilig
Jewelry. ( . !01164. hilt, I\ hi,
Perluinery. Port \hl/1.
r Folic:. •
Ankles. :11y ()1,1 :s vii•ltimee,
tlllll the piedie in oenetui the:l,l,oW the eli11111).
tire requebted to call and t,:woue III)
Huntingdon, March 29, iSS.I.
TIE autlerdgned hare sale a stimuli-hand
± .1 trawling Machine, with all the ne
cessary Lsiares, which they odi, ti,r sale sere
low. Any one wishing to purchase will do well
to call and see it. KESSLER & BRO.
Mill Creek, April 12, 185;. 7m.•
rrillE 'finest assortment of Boots and Shoos
over °tiered iu town, for sale law by
.1. SA2tTO3I.
A etioICE lot of Shingles ti n • sale at the
cheap store tt J. BRICKER.
Fish for Sale.
15 Barrels, Susquehanna Shad,
10 Halt 10.1,
just received and fur sale at the store of
YUI{E WLLITL LEAH, just received and fat
Me by J. & W. NAXTON.
Late Arr{slit of New (Hoods.
A large lot of barred Ile6nn. Persian Twills,
Dontestie and French I lingloons, A !paced, sack
Flannels. Tweeds and Linsey., brown and Ideneh
ed innslins, a large stock of ribbons, and n hand
s o assortment of dress goods for Indies anti
gentlemen. For et) le and prier can't be heat, for
sale at GIVIN'S Store,
50 tucks Ground Aignm Salt
.Ina arrived and
for tittle at . GEI). OWLS'S Stern.
50 harruln enflamingli Salt in store and for sale
GEO. ti WIN.
A Into arrival of EngHA and French Merinos
for nose low nb the .tore nt OEO. GIVIN.
MO kegs Nails and Spikes for sale by the keg
or pound, at GEO.WiN'S Store.
500 tbs. Cant Steel fur drills and medges. for
note nt the more of GEt). UWIN.
500 pieces cativo, new style. and patterns, of
good quality, sold low at the store ut
Flni :amp, a large avid han , l , ome a , sartment
ror sale or UEU. GIVIN'S Store.
Jan. 4, 1854
OU E EH' S your interests, why
go to Auction and pay extravagant !ideas for
half-made Fie:ill's:RE I Call at No. I, North
NINTH stre l. and examine the largest assort
ment of the hi, 'mle Foritit are end Bedding in
the city. Feather 8,d,, fkir, Husk, And Straw
Matti esses; it large assortment of fancy What
SoM Tables. marble tops. and Washstands;
Walnut and Mahogauy French Tete-a-tetes, Di
vans. Wardrobes. Bookcases; French Bedsteads;
Fitnev Stalled Scat. Cane neat, Windsor, and of
fice Chairs, Como Mg-lonise. and cane-seat Stools,
Settee and Arm-chair Cushions; Cottage furni
ture made in every etude !Ind color; Split Beds and
Lounges. wholesale and retail, and wrivranted to
give satisfaction, nod sold at the lowest prices.
Sup. 28, 1853.-1 y
Store, 29 N. 3rd St. Philadelphia,
111arrove., ,Nlanuracturers. Imporiers,
Commission and Geia.rai Leather Business,
IVlndesaLe and Retail.
Mannfitetorr 15 Matrgarettu Street.
Ang. 2.1,
11. AV. 111 I T
Huntingdon, Penn'a,
nET ICE on Nlnin Street, next to that of Gan,
1J A. P. Nikon.
.Term, moderato, and till work warranted to
give entire autialketlon.
July 13, '53.
Will :mend to all loaaine. entra , te.l t.. him. Of-
Hr.. /.ally ,ppusite the Court House.
May 4, • 53.
Informs his old friends and the public that he
has returned to his old home, and will attend to
all business in his profession, entrusted to him,
with fidelity and his hest ability.
(fill, in Main Street. south side, the last house
hehu , the Court house.
Huntingdon, May 13, 1852.-Bm.
ILO SS UT 11, Wellington, Cottage,
I‘. Gothic, and other Clocks for sale
c%cap, Edni. Snure's Jewelry Store, I it,
D nun I.F. Barrelled English Snub and Twist
FUII'UNG MECES—also Single Barrel
ed Guns, from four dollars to thirty each, fur
sale by J. St W. SAXTON.
J UST receiving the handsomest lot of Carpets
everuilered in this place. Also, Oil Cloths,
which will he sold luw by.
:/. tC*_
large assortment of Lawns mot lieraze da
ImMes, just received ut the cheap store at
I). I'. UWI N
CASSINEI"rti, Cunning, Tweeds, K. leun,,
for ut the cheap corner opposite C.
Cuuts' Ruud. 1). P. GWIN.
PINS, liar Rings, and Finger Rings,
in endless viirony, at • Eisa. Sonna's.
A N excellout variety of tine PEN KNIVES, at E
SMUT'S. April 15, 1852
LARGE and Apiendid assortment of Bon
nets,' liats and tdiddiloW limb and
Cap,, svilant at low prica, ;AI the mtin, t)I
(;EO. l; 11'/.\'.
'TAMS, Bhuulders and Fliteh, at the
a a. ;[urea( UFU. IiWIN.
:or woo and bo)s, a good asaurtatent, at the .tare
ut likll. IiWIN.
1 SUPERIOR article of Chic) 11.1,11 14 , 1
Milli la the eture of UEO. OWIN.
PERFUMERY—.' emit' lot, of the hostott
I 2 A RGE DE LAINES, in endless variety.
LP the cheap corner of A. CARNIDN.
pirrsuuttu !lame and Flitch for..ele cheep
at the ELEPHANT Corner.
RONNETS and Hata of latest styles. jest
receive,! ut D. P. GII'IN'S Store.
CIGARS, CANDIES, &c., &c., wholesale end
retail, at the ci.cap store of .1. RH IC KEIL
11'11:11 A',.lts.oti!i"k_
1)..P. t; WIN.
A superior lot of Rifles. for sale at the
beautiful assortment of Crass-burred India
received and for sale be
J. & W. • N.V..
25 ‘ItItET.S No. I Herring
just received
and for sale at the store of (1 UWIN.
A s tz p . e :, i, o7e it u rt r iel o of Belying
u n t td . t ( ! i i ti ‘ t . ut
t'or sae et the store of CEO. ()WIN
'IIE greatest variety a Dress 'Crimmings,
I Funs, Cravuts. Zeflir , ' loon, Dress
Buttons, trnitius Collars, Churnings, Fancy
noler Sleeves, Kid mid 1..10 Thrust'
ilosiet. of every turiuty. just recut.
cell and lee sale by & W. snxToN.
l i A;t i e i, i2 , :eill „ ir I d rm. ~ale, , yr,
111 Luke rout. %% late F!sli
a 1... Duca l'earlies, latieil Apples. s.e.. Se.. for
.ale by .1. St. SAX FON.
A beautiful lut ut Cuut Iron Pumps ; fur Well,
23- nud eisterus,just received, And l'ut sole by
Pub. 23, 1853. J. S. W. SAXTON
D r. Jas. lirelintock's Fumily Medicines
tur yule by I lultArE W. SNITII.
Iluutingdon, Marsh 2U, 1854.-381.
BEAUTIFUL lot of Gents. Gnitors. Ladies
Gallon , and Shoes, Gents. Boots and Shoes,
Misses Gaitors 1111.1 Shoes, An endless variety,
just received itnd for sale by
J. & w. sAvrozu.
ANOTBEN froth supply of Berage de Loins,
Lawns, Beruge all wool de Bage, nod tel
cotton from 20 to 34 eta imr yd. Also another
fresh supply of Trimmings, just recd and for
talc by tic W. SAXTON.
lie, of Cod Fish, just received and 6,
j!), if)
sale by .1. tit W. SmcroN.
For tale et the Cheap Store of J. BRICKER.
The subscriber, thatil,ful to hie friends and pa
tron., and to the Public wmerally, for their pa
tronage. still continues to carry on at the memo
stand. one door east of Mr. C. Cout's lintel, Mar
lot street. Huntingdon, where he will attend tp
all who will favor him with their custom, and ab
wt kerns on Will a goiri assortment of WASOHMIN
Crocus, &c., &e., all of whit& he le
thussmiosit to . ell at low !ideas.
Clur•ks, Watel.ea and .lOwelry of all kinds will
he re) aired at short untir•e. and having made an
ranger:tents with a good workman. all repairs wall
ho done in a neat and dUritlole mintier. and ever?
person leavitat articles tier repairing shall have)
then, done or the precise time. By paying atria
attention to linsiness, and selling at low rigai, be
tiOnei to receive it share of piddle patronage.
Huntingdon, Sept. 7, Inn —ly.
WPC v'fliattAinat
info rin • leis
. . - friends end the
• N-f- , mililic general
,,. '.d,-- ',. rind lie hat
, --....-- - -4 , 7 , - -47-- - ----- 1-..T.4 .. l e 'i d ird a ,
it ,';', 1111111 , ,,. : 1 '', ' 5. I ' I : ll ' : t: ii i ii nh ' i( ii i i i i ; r (il g o ut ;
li e"
~ , , . .:liiititill ' , ' ' ::., t. . : . 7 rind 3 from
*"..... 2 .i;'J. - ~ . .. _ . .-. ~ - Philadelphia •
selected .tuck o 1 choice Ma, hie grave-stones, o
every description, which lie will furnish at very
reilneeil prises.
All orders from any part of the county or ad
joining counties, addressed to the subscribers
will lie received mid promptly attended to.
Shop it hill erect, two duura west of Goo. A.
P. Wilson's °dice.
May 18, 1853.-13 ,
Adams di, Co.'s Express.
T. Tr. SIMONTON, Agent, Huntingdon.
Money, Packages, and goods ot all kinds, re
ceived and forwarded at die risk iir the company,
to all the cities and principal towns in the United
State May 1,'52.
L, •I Jill.; undersigned has lea-ed end fit
-1-4-1,-1 -I. tell up the above norm., on the
,„! a . I 1 . 111 . 11er of main mid Minitginnery Street,
4 1 in the borough of Huntingdon, and is
well preintred ro neeominiiiime nil who inny favor
him with their custom. The travelinueommuni
ty and the public generally ore cordially invited
to cull with him. hoping by strict attention to
business to merit a large portion of public patron
age. No pains will he spared to render general
June 29,'59.-1y
A. P. Writsox. R. RItt . CE PBTRixix
Practice in the aeveral Courts of Huntingdon,
111.dr, Cambria, Centre, Mifflin and Juniata Coup
le. March 23, 1859.
Would respectfully inform his friends and the
public, that he lots on hand nail is receiving for
the coming season. a fine assortment of
tEr CID C3W' ass
Consisting of Watches, Chains, Breast Pins, Fin
ger Rings, Ear Rings, Pencils, Keys, Thimbles,
Studs, Medallions, &c. Together with hkeelebra
ted and unrivalled
- ;
Which is equal ifnot superior, to any now in um
Each Pen is Engraved with his own name,
and ever• Pen Warranted.
Oh did you ever, no I never !
Mercy un no what a treat;
Get Retort Gobi Pen, they're extra fine,
And only !Mind in North Third Street.
A splendid Pen !V Where did you get it I
Pure Diamond Pointed, can't he beat;
Yes, my friends,there's nn loonlinging
In Goad's Gol d Pens of North Third Strip' t.
We'llt,ol't Gold Pen it feint only at 56 North
Third Street, below Arch Hatt Side.
Tilos. READ,
Piladelphia. Jan. 8, tBs2.—tf.
T - dace.—.
MONAD tAcuon, THOMAS E Fassict.ix
Rlsir county. Lancaver County
DAVID M'ikincratz, (kg's!,
Huntingdon co. Lancs.:ter county
JAM/CA GARDNE6I Ricien. R. Ras.,
Blair county. Lancaster county.
Central l'eun'a. Banking {louse
tt (\F
y ir A o N r
e , e ' t i L
a E r l p
, t4c hmr, Co.- e e ar pt t khe olu l - t
.0.1 nearly opposite Lis Poet Office, liol.
The Company is now ready to trimmer busi
ness. Upon money depoNit. , i! for a specific
period 01 lbr. , ", lone or twelve Tomah., in.
terra will be paid at rates as are usually
allowed by Saving. loatitntions. T•ansient de
posites reveivpd, payable on demand.
R. R. BRYAN, Cashier.
Hollidaysburg, :%1 ay 21, 1840.
11. K. NEFF, 111,
UVING located himself . in wARkion.NANK
IL in this county, would respectfully otter his
professional services to the citizens of that plans
and the country adjacent.
J. 13. Laden, M. D. Gen. A. P. Wilson,
M. A. Henderson, " P. Orbison,
J. 11. Dorsey, ' 1 lien. Janice Gwinn,
M. Stewnn, 6 ' .John Scott, Esq.
Hen. George Taylor.
Huntingdon, Pa.
Jucob M, Gemmill, M. P., Alexandria.
Julio M'Culluch, " Petersburg.
Lots In Altoona for Sale.
nort of Hollidaysburgoind about one mile north
west of Allegheny F urnace, Blair county.
After the 21st day of May, the LOTS in said
Town will be open to the pithln for sale.
It is well known that the Pennsyl. ania Rail
Road Company have seketed this place for the
erection 01 their main Machine and other Shope
and are now huitiiiii2 the same.
The Roil Road wilibeop.oniil early in the Fall
throwing at once a long. amount Of tro d , to this
place. The mom inducement at this time in of
fering Lots for sale, being to secure the requis
ite Machinists and Tradesmen, and homes for
the Machinists and other employees of Cie Rail
Road Company. Early appiteation will secure
Lots at a low pro,.
Fs. lOrth..r inl n motion apply to C. Hi MAY
ER, at Altoona, or to R. A..24cMURTIOE.
Nay 1, MI:I—H.
Notice to Tavern Keepers.
(yrieli it; hereby gi , en to the keet.ers of Inn
I \ and Taverns within the county of Hunting
don, that the Judges of the Court of Quarter See
sires of saill county, enjoin upon the keepers o
melt Inns and Taverns that they close their ros•
pectieu bars on the Sabbath, and refrain from
selling or denting ton liquors to that day ; and
the licenses ot such persons tie shall disregard this
injunction alit lie revoked forthwith agreeably to
the Act of A , :enibly in such case made and pro.
vided upon the fact of snob violation coining to
the knowledge of the Court.
By the. Court,
24th Jan. 1852.
TUE°. U. CREMEII, Clerk.
May I. 1852,
Mus. 'Manua, H. Delouse, Berege, Lawns,
Meehan., and a choice variety of Goods of all
hinds, at the store of GEO. GIVINs
jLUST received a beautiful assortment of Bed
ipwl nud Plain Velvet Hilllms, by
to 11A,
etomently en hund and for sale by
.1. IiItICKER.
C ARPET Bap, just received and fur hale
J. 4. W. BdX TOA