'United States, r, exlor,r.liisary fi11fe.1 . ..11 ill Tile 1 1. 0 , 4 , 1 Stfiten 91; Territories 9; plyalat ion 25.0.0. fa ,hr r;,.,,,, 000; agriculture, annual va'ue $2,0)0,000M corn most valuable, yielding $400,000,000 an H. O. FAIIItELCS nually; tonnage 4,300,000 tons; capital in CELEBRATED ARABIAN LINT:MP/IT, manufactures $000,000,000; imports, 18 Il• " • rA111117'1.12 S " EXT.IN /*: .1 it ll $276978,007, and exports $230,975,159; la ~ t.hr truth of a•hinh is placed Ler (other than agricultural,) annual iialne, the vast. sales of th , " 0101 $1,500,000,000; aggregate individual income. perlornie,l by it. whiyli previ, $1,000,000,000; Calif 'mitt gold per annum, ! hat all other ine.licines and the Aid $11.00,000,090, coal fields, iurfaee T. 13,112, eq. ; °E ( } : f ." . ; 1 ) 1 1) ." ici " 1 " i " th " i '"""' miles; receipts for customs, lands, etc., 1853, I t 3 i s : s .Zrhbi a p a o l s n s s e ' sYn t g ra' :: anieiodn(F.„"„7,"ntr:ieftii,lifir rm, $31,337,574, expenditures for the same time all their stimulating. anodyne,*penetrattn/i, tine- 5443,563,263; national domain, 2.174,188 sq. thous and revulsive properties, an 4 the Cl'' miles or laud; tuitional debt. $50,000,1100; bank. Desert ."' ing capital, $300,000,1100; sehouls 91,000 ring d i ACM with '. of bi uch ;th in t i :t l l s a"t ' t t r ' bCtl 4 st acacenties, 6,000; culJrg. u, 234, and cithriches 30,800. Only lin22 of its white inhabitants cannot read and write, 10,008,000 of its 21,- 000,000 of whites are native born. Its moan are die highest, its prairies the must extensive and ',dutiful. Such is its present: what will be its future 7 THE SLOOP OE WAR ALBANY.—It HMS to he hoping against hope to anticipate the safety of this vessel, as nothing has been heard of her since she left Aspinwall, over two mouths shier. She rated 22 guns, and was built eighty years ago in New York. her officers were Cinr, manderhmes T GRIMY, of Mass., who entered the navy during the war with Cire a Brittuiu ; Lieutenants Wm. W Bleecher and M. intemn erg luut, of New York, John Quincy Adams. of Mass., and Henry 11011;,eN, of Washington City; Stinger Stephen A. McCreary; Asst. Surgeon. RiWd U. Corcoran; Purser, N ixtun White; Master, Robert A Marr, and Midship man Bennett J. Riley, with a full crew of one hundred and eighty men. DIED, On Saturday the itstit inst., in this borough, Mrs. J►SE LONONECKEIt, wife of Mr. John Longue her, in the ::Lth year of her age. On Sunday the 19th inst., in this borough, Mrs. ELIZA EIML wile °I'M. Thus. King, in the 25th year of her age. VIEt rELIFAIRMU. HUNTINGDON. November 20, 1854. $ll,OO 2,00 2.10 Flour per Md., Bed Wheat, per hu.,• • White Wheal, per lA. Rye, pm bu Corn, per bu Oats, per bu Hay, per too Butter, per Ih., Lard, per lb., Eggs, per doe., PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 28.—The Fluor market has undergone no change. There is but little export demand, and only 3a400 bar rels standard brands, part Beltiuire, were dis posed of $8,37} per barrel. Small sales for home consumption within the range of 58,37 i a 9,50 for common and extra brands, and fancy lots,such as Excelsior, Mount Vernon and New York, at higher quotations. In Rye Flour no transactions. Corn Meal is 61 cents lower-800 barrels Pennsylvania sold at $4,6} per barrel. Grain—There were but few sumph 8 or wheat ~frered on 'Change, and prices are well main• trifled. Sales of 3000 bushels at $l,OO per lot. fur prime red, 51,92 for mixed, $2 tir prime white,and 1100 bushels infhrior at $1,413. afloat. Rye continues iu demand, and 600 bushefs sold at 51,23 for Pennsylvania awl 51,:22 tar Southern. Corn is in good demand and has advanced 1 cent—sales of 5a6000 bushels at 87a88 cents fur good yellow, principally nt the latter quotation, in store; 80 cents for mixed ; and 83 cents for new. Oats are dull and pri• ces looking down-1300 bushels Delauare sold at 51 cents perbushel. BANK NOTE LIST [( . :beiveleti Ireehill.] PENNSYLVANIA. ICuutherlatttl Buuk, i Philadelphia Bunks, pari.Miiteral Iltuuk, i U. States Batik, 2u , ..111 other sol,ent. i C'ltember,ltrg, '' DIST. C OLUMBIA. Gettp,ltte,ll. All sul , :ept Batik, i . ..... . . Pittsburgh, d VIRGINIA. 17;ii, , Iiieh a Co. no sale Far Bianclies, i LeiviNtoan, no sub: Near Branches, f i Midilleiown,Wheenng, # i Carlisle. Under YIVC3, i ' - Erie, ,iAoltTli CAROLINA, Wayne , burr, i All solvent Bunks, I Washington, 'Unaer Ficus, 1 Harrisburg, bU UTII CAROLINA. Hon,dale, :All soicent Banks, Lebanon. par:Untler 1' Ives, i Monongahela. i , lill.:011111A. West Branch Bunk, par;tlankins , ide, Wyoming Bunk, par:Coin. is'k Miieue,uu wile York plureli'ts 111: , lu. ittlitil . " - All other suli't. b'ke 1.111;^All Uther m1i.111., Relief Note 4, iiliuder nee, Towanda Belief, no suli., A I.AIMAIA. MAINU.:Bank . mobile, i 10ii1i1upter wit eilt, t Cad I SI, ._. , . Lalatseve, Bangor, toull :Notes; a Matta: hank, Portland, 5 1.01:161ANA. Mercantile, 13 . ..n,ur, ;.i. Utter suit ent la. ilk:, i St. Croix, Calais, —011 W. All solvent batiks, a Sulv't Cinei;aniti Irk, I Small Suter, .:1 Clad ill, I'tsiV HAMPSHIRE. 'Norwalk, ...... .. AM solvent hooks, i'Oriinvallt; Society, Small Notes, Ii A U other sob ent, 1 VERMONT. 'Coder Fives, 2 Bunk of M. Album, 1 fAll solvent Hunks, I 8.111 notes, 2 TENNESSEE. AU solvent bunks, 1 Under lives, MASSACHUSETTS: ........ All eel vent banks, #:All 1# Under lives, ii: Under 1 ties, 2 - RHODE ISLAND. ; Providence Cu. Bank, Oar. ix Mech., Detroit, 1 All solvent bunks, # Alieh. 111. t. Cu., do. if Under fives # All others, uncertain CONNECTICUT. All solvent banks, #l4Northeru Bunks, nu side Under lives, 011 others, uncertain NEW YORK CITY. ' MISSOURI. All solvent hunks, par-111 State of Mis s ouri, NEW YORK STATE.i FLORIDA. Atlas Bank, 24A1l Banks no sale James Bank, 12#: ILLINOIS. Northern Exchange, IState Wk do ltrauches,so State B'k, Saugerties, Olivier Fives, 50 Bank, Citysgu, Lake, 4All utters, no sate Solvent Country Wks, f INDIANA. Post Notes It Ceriir. of State Ilk L Branches. 1 Dep. WI time issued Small Notes, 2 by Free B'ks, nu sale ARKANSAS. NEW JEbbEY. All Banks, no sale, broke; W ISC ON bIN. All oilier solvent yar:ln. Cu. Checks, AlOw. DELAWARE. A./tiler Banks. nu sale Small Notts, lOWA. All Banks, paoMini, Dubuque, no sale MARYLAND. lither Banks, nu sale Small Notes, CANADA. Baltimore Banks, # All solvent Banks, 2 Salisbury, broke Bank or Wooster, failed ALL KINDS OF EL AM 41G1i ftailbik3l JOB PRIN'iIAG, 81,11.3 i AS OILLtd, ! A STRAY CO W, shout 7 old. Wok and white PROGRAMMES, CARDS&C colored, has liee linen tre.spanting ~ the Log Cabin Farm, . Aid ad Kinds of L e go the borough of Ilinitiamilon. for romp Inviter to clime forward and prove Used by Magistrates & Others, pruperty pay charges and take her ,twey. AMES Luting and Silk work Genova. Kid Priatc4 at the JULMAL OFFICk:. Nov 1834.-4 t KYLER. J-4 Morocco, and khan Ulm. anti .t the Mrs of GI). (twin t Read thelblioiring remqrkalde erne, should Of Nell' phtee IL G. kitr,ll's Ard,hin Liniment fitr lywowl any Rimilar mosedy. The triumphant success of the great Arabian remedy for man and beast, 11. G. FARRELL'S CELEBRATED ARABIAN LINIMENT, Ts causing counterfeits to spring up all over the conntry, spreading their baneful - influenee over the lamb robbing the pockets of the hon. PAL anti nomnpeeting, by impsine open them worthless and poisonous trash, for the genuine. TT. G. Farrell's Arabian Liniment, Fellow Citizens ! Look well before you buy. and MN' that the till of the bottle has the letter:: latfore Farrell's, for if it has not, it is t•nuud•,- jcil. The label around each bottip,or gen uine I.i,llmellt reads then, "H. G. Farrell's Celbrat•d .\rthi•o, " and the sig nature of the proprietor, in written upon the label also, and these words sure blown in the glans !cattle,'' H. G. Farrell's Arabian Lini ment, Pettria." The daring boldness of the recreant who would derein the people by imposinz upon them worthless trash, for a really genuine med. kin, thus net only ehentimt them cot of their money, but that which is far dearer—their health—ought to be held up in scorn. and re ceive the contempt his dastardly spirit merits. Let every one who regards his own health, and wishes truM and honesty to triumph over dr, ceytion anti rowdily, put his heel nn nll base in/pm/tit/us, and nphold that whieh is, just and right. The genuine TT. G. Forrelfs Arabian Liniment has proved itself to be the most re markable mediene known for the cure of rheumatism, neural cia, pains. wherever located, sprains, bruises, hardened lamps, burns, wounds corns, chronic sore and weak eyes, lame bad:, ele.etc.; and is an effectual remedy for hors, -.. and cattle in the cure of sweeny, distemper, lameness, dry shoulder, splint, wounds, etc. , and will tha further pro„ re; • ...... alid blood sin,- Look out for Counter Ails! The public are cautioned against another counterfeit, which has lately uncle its appear ance, called W. B. Farrell's ArithianLimment, the most dangerous of all the counterfeits, be cause his having the name of Farrell, t i nny will boy it in good faith, without the knowledge dint a countedeit exists, and they will perhaps only distover their error when the spurious mixture has wrought its evil effects. The genuine article is tuanufretured only hy 11. G. Farrell, sole inventor and proprietor. and wholesale druggist, No. 17 M ain street, Peoria, Illinois, to whom all applications fur Agencies Joust he addressed. Ito sure you get it with the letters li. Ci. before Farrell's, thus U. FARRELLS—and his signature on 16 00 the wrapper, all others are counterfeits. Sold hrTleis. Road & Son, Huntingdon, S. E. Sellers Fleming. 11,1 lier, win desule, Pitts lite, lit' autleirized agonts th., 17,,it..,1 _ _ . kir Prive tuid to. ENTA WA NTED ill ton - u, loimli.t iu :he Utlit.4l Slates. in whirli into 11,4 already .I.l , lruss li. (I. Far r,ll as :ftentnitnitied with : zoo(' refercree ill to charat•ter. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE ttea! , •Esinte Sa;e, Est,'le of Bei:edict Simms, dec'd. B Y virtue of no ro ilrr of Niihau's Court of Comity, will lie gold iit Public Vendnc or owe,. on the premises. in Springfield in mini county, on Thursday, December 2S, 15451. at 1 u'rh,cli of said day the following do,ri. A real est.lte vir.: . _ . A plantation or tract of land situate in Si.rit; : , field township to mill eounty, adjuntint: Imo!, or ,Mmes Booker on the WOHL S,lllllld ll(Miler nt the North, mountain lands of Nett and Nlyton On rp the East 111111 South, on whivh in erected a tka.l. TWO sToRy HousE and Lot; BARN, and tatotaining album 250 ACRES. about one humlra, ne•re, o r nbieh aro eleAr..,), 1111 , 1 011 whieli id, a iarge quantity M 1,11 Ore. Al.St),—A wither tra e m M . unimproved h ur l situated in Clay tonied.ip, said enmity, hind of Bethstrei—iir'B heir. , on the Ft-t, William Edward:, on the South .101iti 51elmin 011 the North and ethers, containing. about 50 Acres, .11:101,... lIF SALE.—One tiara of the pur• chose inialey upon the elnitirfillif of ti e sale. and the I.:1.111 .e in two elan! annual , ay !items with interest from eolith tnation or sale to Le secured hy the Bowls awl lortettee of the purchaser. BENEDIC I' STEVENS, Executor or Benedict Stevens, deetl. Nov. 29, 1554.-3 t. Auditor's Notice, Ti.untit•nogued a,.‘ittor appbotol h, the Uridtaos (;Dort of Coway, to ot,tritite the haat.a. ,, m the heads La the ad• inuti,.trutor. of oar.(l tiatoit,o those entithod thert la•rvlty given lioliuu t,• ail pereuns ilitere.iled, that Ito will 'mend for the pulp°:o of making Intl distrubution, on Siturday the 2:ld day qf Ileember it,el, at hi, nitiec, hi the borott m li of Illutitiu m tlott. at 1 o'clock, P. M. of void day, when and where all persons interested mac attend. JOHN 11.EED, Auditor. Nov. 29, '5 Auditor's Notice. rpriE undersigned auditor appointed by the Orphans, Court or Homio.thoi county, to distribute the balance in the hands of James Hnrrison,adwiuistratorof IVtlliaun Harri so t, dec'd., amongst those entitled to receive the same, hereby gives notice to all persons emelt, that he will attend for the purpose ot nothing said distribution, no rhurgduy I day of December 'met. at the. Re . in the borough of Huntingdon, ut t. . M., of said dap, when anti where all resole: interested may attend. • TIIEO. H. CHEMER, Aud. Nov. 29, Auditor's Notioe. qCIE undersigned auditor appointed by the OriMians' Court of Hiiiitinglun county, to distribute the proceeds of the Sheriff's Sale id the real estate of the Rev. James Y. Jl'Ginnis, deed., in the hands of the iultit'r..of said dec'tl. to ascertain .d report liens &r.. hereby gives notice to all persons interested. that he will at tend to the duties of his said appoilittnent, on Friday the 22d q/' December next, at his ufflim in the borough of Huntingdon, at I. o'clock, P. M., of said day, when and where all persons interested may attend. JOHN REED, Auditor. Nov. 29, '14.-It. McConnell ntown Hors —Prot ecilux a 11 e iotblimi tll Deee,fle s er. the 11 i 11.1 t LA SA I i.te+ N CONANY. 1t.11,i 0.) ,T 7 111 5 111 . 0 C L r 1 1'..1i1A1J6 • lr•i -• • • ./ " 4 "". 1:77/ . /.. 1 .1,;;;/./ . ;;;'7 "" F 473-4, B Y J. PARTON. Isseurpota led by the Slate of Pen ill A. • - '1`111..-ii.. , 1 i~. . 'l'.r - • • •t ,1•11 ill '111•11. tliell . Il:li.t•. NVhen a horse is stolen, to apprehend the lii rse and thief. if possible. 3rd. If a le.r, is stolen err, s mpriiher nr 0.11 - ipal,. .1111 i 11 , 1 , ,, to, 11.1111.11 . 1 !II! I . lolll ll e, •Htrt H. w 1 1, tll 1,11•/•,., that it I, ;or the th:er • ~••t. lurtt then enntinne the I:, til. tiffs miles. unit. , t!•ii t ~r •t• and thief are taken to ui that distanee If at the end of fifty nines they hear of the horse and thief further on, they will keep the pantait HS far as they deem it requisite, the company ticfr,Q ing • the expense. The company will Otter Me let lowing 11,1110 S TO 14,1•111 e not n.en.hers of the company. isi. For the HplirehreShsll the horst: and Ihicf within the distance of fifty mi‘e,i, s2o. over that di•diniee. $5(l. 2.1. F.,t the rap ture tit the Inie,e alone without the thief; within fitly tills., $25. All the hor.es limier the protection of the coninmii . are branded with the letters. Si. C. The ono, in the Compimy ere from .McCon itell.not n. ten n,ilr. io the ilireciiini of Bedfot•d, including the eutoitry lying between Temire iota moon taint; iu ell other direction. from McContienstown lbw• miles. No members are reeciveil beyond these limits. Nov. 02, ORPIIANS , I'OERT S.U.E. vii the tit ant taller or the Orphans' Court at Ituottitpthat. there wilt be sold at Public Hole, till the premises, on SATURDAY, the ICii iii in Itct ember, 0.454. the following described Heal s.tititte in Black bog Valley, in the tonrishii, of 5hi11..., in the county Ituntoimlon, the propoi..y Thifinn..;rownover, line of tile to,i,iop ami comity attbrebuill, dee d , to nit cc, mot niessaitge or tract 01 Mull, situate tt, toort,ml. ill Ltinek Log :Mole, to, n,lop, thin ',minty, adjoining hind, Of Peter t 'to.% no, er 011 file we,t 1111$1 IeJW \\ lit litre t•I.I. .41 die ail , l till the e. 1,4 land ii.i-eirli more 111.11.1,, ~111,1111. , 1 %knit a g 101 0, 11,111, ..irt: •.1 •. SIINI tl.ele. c , Vt I 1 - LIOIS or SALL —l.ll, 'I•!, day, ,lialtuaelalauce (.:lit)tt NO Mtn) . or' hos. l.run Hover, dee'll. Nov. 22. 1,54.-Xt. • Notice to Tax Collectors. litiCl/ Snit • :MI ('„ours . ax liercbs notinefl. ~ 2 late law, to apply lb. (11.41' C,:•,011111•11a Militia lines. on he:iwe On! jot M•mlay I)eveniber next. i.e../ex , nenal.at• g j en otter that time. NIVE T. WIriTO , : TIP) 111%11 7 .1: BENJ. 1.. NEFF, No, 2?. 'S4. 9t. SYNC CICRITg *.:l3st ►n. PA N AWAY from the solo:orPter i Witiker rowndlip t llootioulott r nmtw l';‘ oil e 1 , 1 of Nov. ti negro Itoyt hr the Dime t 11,orti;ton tott 17 yett,t ttf +lt' , f'" athotit 5 li.et height. olotve rewttill u ' 11:titl tit 1111 rev,n who will bring tiv. soi:!. Ain N KERR. hack to n;sl.o,L•c. 2.4, 22, is.-.3t.• W Ulf VE 1). St•littol Ho eettirs lit'Uttiott di irict, Irish 11 to tttititl•ty FI VI.: TEACH to pike tile Plllllll' said tii•trit•t, to conitticitet. ttu the is' of DoecoV.er nom. By order ol . the SISMON WRIGHT, Nov. 22, 1854.-2 t.• TAKE NOTICE ~ ~ ~, ~, I, • 1 W1 , 0111:11 1•11 . 1. ' , it' 7 -v.l vol111;w,, I hi, 11:1113 I.v ad-r.,11 11,, 4 I ek s t • I. I Letkiii..-,...11—• ri eliesi • i; s . et, ,i,ii, 'nen sit-. ti,,,k11 Li.: .1,1 • • 11 . i. • ii,enter will' .. I k Pitiire 4 . till. o •ry, it• .1t S t IS , ty us. 111 littuivil tit Ile , iee. i , tevetis 1 1 .1 1 i & laud ('(11 . 1 . 11 & 1,17NN. Nov. 22 ENCCIIIOI'S Not ice. 1 ETTEItS t..stnniviattry havitur lwen ,r,ioted 4 to the On the e-tate at . Ntate Nett late a X‘'e , ..t t.iwnsltip vow.,. tlett'tt. All iter , tal. iteletttetl, will make p:•yolutit without ilelay.aril viola I•Lim. sent them properly dollo.litivdted foe ...lenient. JACOB l'at'ter tp., Nov. 12, 1,54.--Gr. • her. Land tar Sale. A t u r e e n e r t s . 1 „t 1 , 1 . 11, ! I 11 I ta11 . 1111., 11 1 .11111 153 ACI{ES the txre df er port ofwl,iei, litnemette lied, 111 a g./oil ,Irate of culti vation 41, hoot 90 ite , es lent, 5110 whirl, iv lilt•t-.111 Ihe till . 11,1 . 1 „"d :tune holt, and 1,a11,, wagon A bevel •• the Inal•e. ..111111, • I • ,!, veer. A great rat iety tif tit, I I el, I I 11V 111114 el George Sallie I t. JOIIN I.t) 1 T. , . Nev. 22 1854.-40 P.4IA P. ago C.U . : I).1 1 1illd 4114 'ir_fr ( 3ll,) ()I, New York, Wiluld made arraniPowitts to .•,,fetpl Ptrrsnrlton, till NI •• • ‘: 18t11, during whit+ tint, •• daily, at hi- , • I'II,IONARY • , t i• .• . 1 : 1. • FIiMALF; , • I , , 08 emillected a it t , To tlioi.e till , • , • it I • - 7 I. 1•I i •: 29, 1654-3 t, J. ill. IRVINE, M. Ik Grttrbiate of Ihr tisiewsity of Sre . I_l A NI: cotirlutlo4l it, v 11 0111.01111 W,kirii.l,llkill . k. 1110011, ' , •11 I SerVICC , 111 111.!.•itiZe11. ol i rlitt!e and rico:ill. .a L :or Sale. Medical Feeolt ofthe l ' ioreNit, et' N 1)r../111111 1111 . 1`111101711, i 1,1 • , 1 ,1t• 111111. 1)r. 'leery ()Hedy. ,.• ~ . .vl,llip. 1111111610. Nov, I, 1854.—tr. • - u t the Neon-ho- Aduiiitialtator'e Not i,:c. lETTEits ut. granual to the undergignml, un thr HENRI' LIGHTNER, late ul West towit , elp tinpdon county, deu'd., all pursoom ovieMmi nail estate urn requested Iu 11.1 ke payment, and MI thusultatetstgelatites 14;1111,1 t .• same will precut damn prttpurly atutounm..om her nettlement. m.‘utimir,T Nuv. 15, '54. -tit.':iii, I, 110. I t, • , the ,tery et hi, lih ti,hi to be told." it is further sta. 1,1 L (3.01 tee behove, ) Intl ',nilin e ,. ball been Ltnli •IV.,Sen liar Jae Utlt it i lie but/ says the eating, "is us ; tuuuw it." :IV' of author • , inch h,.i hero resided, and p or eittly hr, which /8 jol.ll . lll2.plieti uud WA, As a leading object of the work was to show how I.IOIIACE Ult11:10,i came to be the mail he the hiatury is given of tile origin of his opin• jou, itt,ti,cul and religious, and as complet, as wevou.a, as 110:46101d 01 the ...milt:riot develop meat tit' his inind iu uutowuril circumulances, lid with the utmost restricted means. Mr. ureetey • s arrival w Aew fork and his early residimt, here are circumstantially narrated. Ills first hit in lite occupied iu connection with the esisoosiohuht of the lint cheap daily pa. per, and Ilse author lie raised the opportunity tu gl‘o, tor the hist mile, IL history 01 the Idea. and 01 is 0r1,1001.001. fhe subsetinilit tern present, in more or less of detail. ti race l7reely u, ails 1,11101 . , Pet, A 1.11110 1 ., and l'uttlic Speaker—it.wite.• tireely an Colynt.4,, in It; N.(111111, iii IS rditti wit% , at Church, to lioine, ie. etc. (hie chapter whimo. ti eUliCeLioll of 11as hest E.l,torial itepartees ; mealier, cm lot., tlerit l'raetteso 110' tatter tierLftilt, I lin IL.Ptilllitt 01 lilt: Lamy a tu,,, of aim ill lilt! 1.1,611. Uttic, ~.,o 111 r; t 4,t i'll 111.1:1 111ii1 11111 l•\ l'l' 111.11,11.01. A Book Esery 1.110 LADIES' COMPLETE CUIDE i.01(11LT AND FAN(V KMATIN,. ~~ I N. CO. 1 . 11.111,CE5. ,te. lb 411111 mi.eet. New lu'rk. We shall publish in December, ,p. 1;0.1 ~,•11 • .1 ill. \l,l 111 1111.1 1 tI ilt II) lik , ie, . • I too,loi Woo 1'1',11101 . 1 ..1.0. .1 ..I 1113) .1,1 itooio,ritaillo . 11111iteol, , 111 i 11..6 igt) 17,,,;.11 it:. WU Lu• iL LIEUS, atm, Nov. 22, 1;7,14.—.1t. IMPROVED LARD LAMP. t .111: hat itig pur,:iTsed the full 1 and exelii,ive right awl privilege of eon stroetiog, 0001 g, Roil vending toolliers. the right to Make •littl .I.e, 111 111 e eOlllll, l of 1111111111,1011. h I'OIE:AVER & aitijiNt.thie 111.1,1511/ 1411 1,1111:3 11'1 1 1 111 . 11111 1 . 411 . ...lilt, by the tlor.cii or r•iiigly. 8141, [owe-hip right, For , :iie u 1 reasotighle All ortlevs 1111;111111 . ! attended to by niblees.:. log, the milmeriber, 111 , 11,6/11111, 1111111. CO. Pd. lill , /. W. CORNELIUS. ills, NllO. 15, 1854.—Gin. Ail to iit 61 rotor's Notice. of the ll:state of j Lori- bite 01' unting.liiii comity dee'd, all iirilohted t., •riie will mike payment delay. :0! will pre,ent them for -ettlem. , .. CE.,11111 , : 11111% SAMUEL LUTZ, .p., Nov. lii.':{.-tit.' A.1.'0. BoOKS! BOOKS WALL l'Al'Ell 20,000:., 4,111 II•i-t•in, No. York owl the nod too, exteli , i , o ,took rev]; hi outil t to tltr 'titer or or the Si 00. Ili. I'ATI ;L;root ...I p.lll I I 11,. ti owl or -I,i ' , roe! • I • .1 111:111k 11 1 .•1 I> .." I II t.: . 1.1 .1 • , IiI•11,•. ~i lll .011. • , 111 S )11,1,11.S •y•rt•to w,• , 1 t i• tett ....mt.'," to t. , e •ot:o. 1,, • whole‘ale 1000 piece- \Vall 9 10 1:1119.t. fo , I,IIIIIIIOH, IS. 99 autl ;17 trlizr.l, and 1,2, t., ti_ 1.11 . gold J%II id the II '4.'6: ,•\ 11,11,1.1 ‘‘• • 11 ' . A 'i!LT but t.towl utt.t to curry. .; • 131-111:E1' . • . isisset .teres, e ••t I.ept qvillity of lime no d•re• of arc cleared ao.le , .111 i :11 II e , ud state of culti U.. 11111. II: LI; el:. one:. ge rr2. batik nrsiit 1 . 01 . 11 crib, large staple, suit tither tall 1.:111.;ir , ,,. It lis% it poll iiieliard, mid good Oct. 18; 1854, ztlt, pet , . .4t , trltig ft, callA SPLENDII) Goodsjost receiver! at CARMON'S assortment of Ladies' Dress upon tie att the pit:nat.... 1 will bilOW them anti initee itutoru my tenni , . JANES D] SARI. DURE WHITE LEAD, just liceired and fur Nov. 1 5, 1854.-3m.' 'a le by R - . • Tr. tut X TOT. 1; 1 I N nir ' ; '" i ' l L is g„ir:",i ;,tileini I have reeeivail, awl not now opening, on ' Lh e e nu r i li i r u tr u r .,,, n o p r ;;: , .. e i n te , ', C r oats' Hotel, n large and oho e I irge sums pot their money Fall and Winter Goods, "' Neeolllllt of the superior consisting of Cloths, Cessimers. Black [mil Foes I, n , r re g t ,i' or i "," rn i but any .y e r h a t i .. n e is White c d n g m u , r d wee . A r I ; 0 .1 en . n i u P e l a t l : t o s f I'hix S•tt•,ro Fox, has more thou half ani l - Kuck Flannels of oil lion ofdadlars, recur ly Invexcelfor the xutely noes, (. t'org Cloths. cl:rFch Meer a1:;1,1) its n n, : ,ere,leze, every day, from 9 u'elogis in the morning till 7 , o'clock in the evening. mid Slintilay and A Lat•Fe Lot of Dress Goods, Silks Black, Bard and Plain, Bonnet Silks, Col -I'eople who harp '''''''''''''''''''''' b, pot in; are invited tars, tinilcisleeves Shimmazetts, Fancy Meri t(' call at the Mlles for further information. Dresses, Flonneings, !Awe, Edgeings aunt Insur- HENRY L lIENNER, Pent',. Rion, Ribbons, Trimmings, &c. ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice Pres't. • Cotton Goods, Rae., Secretary. Sl Nov. 1, 1854. uslins Metalled end Unlileiielied,Canton Flmt nets, Drills, Table Diaper, Crash, Gloves, and llosery of all kinds. Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Queensware, l Hardware and Cedar Ware. Oil Cloths, Carpets, Carpet Socks, he. Sly old rtstinners and ns many new 4)11. A. ran crowd in, are earnestly requested to cull and ex amine my goods. All kiwis of Country Produce taken in ex. change ii.r Goods at the highest market prices. ( Mt. la, 1854. Administrator's Notice. T ETTERS of Administration lowing been • granted to the undersigned. on the Estate of John Bradley. Sr.. deed, lnt.• of Tud township. Huntingdon vomits'. all persons indebted will make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them properly nothentieuted for settkinent. T. O. STAPLETON, JONAH .1. HEED. Nov.ll, tom ExocutorN Notice. ETTERS tstonentnry love this day been g r.inwile ,„ the ttinler,i4ned, residing itt :Vringlield township. lintitintlon comity, npou the estate of 13enelliet ,teem., Sr.. lute of said tewie.hip. Those indebted will plea4o nirke immediate payment, mid tho , e living •,,11 them, properly 10 BE N EincT STEVENS. Jr. . I. *.) Executor. 1 1' EXHIBI ION! ii, , ~, 1 , 4' . ' '''.(,,,,', .. •,, t ,&,,,...,--.. '.... ~....a..0 ~,,-. ~ ~......,.... . ia.• tilt More. ..t.) ) •VI •, cmovol !ii• exim.ive Store to No. I, ; I Me( How. formerly occupied by 'l'. ,ilei, TOO, iv now prepared to accommodate his ~Id vostomer, and the lobby generally, with a spletplid and thahionable assort cent of Fall and Winter Goods, ontot consists of Dry G Is, Groceries, Hardware, Queemware, and all kinds agoutis usually kept in a Country Store. Also, a beautiful cheap anti elegant as sortment Ladies' Dress Goods, and Trimmings of every variety. Also, Hatt; raps, Bonnet:, Boots and Shoes, and a variety of goods of an kind+. Omntry produce taken in exchange for goods, at the highest market prices. Huntingdon, 18. 1851. JUNIATA ACADEMY AND FI'.3IALE SEMINARY, CAMPBELL, A. M. Principal .1. (7AsiPtsmd,. A. 14., and .A. C. F 1,1,1•1„ Principals, Academy, 'I I IIE \rioter of Loth SCIIOOiR opens on 11",(Ito,gbob the illy ey . Noe, other, and eoli th...live TEMIS—SENTIN.IRV: Board, liuht. Mel and loitioo. per segqion $56.00 with o•e tiNtrument. per quarter 8,00 TEII%IS—ACADE . M.Y; Bona room rent, ruel and tuition, per ge.sion $56,00 Modern 1,111,111,44,, S„CO Painting and Drawing, 3,00 )0 5,00 Leettreqiind vyingknit instruction given in Acre.'!titre, Chemistry, Surveying and Engi neering. &e. Will he given in the Seminary, in Embroidery, Bronzing and plain needle work. Shirleyslittrg. Oct. 18.-3 m. A SPLENDID ARRIVAL FALL AND WINTER AT TOL lITNTINt:oos ci,o - i oist: STORE, . A. WILLOUGHBY, I- AS junt returned Limn the cast with a large anti spletidai 01 . Fall and Winter litr then Hurl hoY, made in the late•it rishion and in the most durable wanner. Who CVOS' Wallrn to e , setl nowt and elle,,per than anybody ebe in tOWII. let hint t•:‘ WIL,OI . •:IIIUV'S Clll, tI . 1 . /.0TIIINk; 1111, 11111,1 We. at T. lit . llll ilyttg ,tare. (7,, and 'ea saur,elvc,. t /et. 1,, RE 11410 V A L el :thing ! Clothing! Clothing! $1,,1 best So I. fled Sitlek P 2 I is Cloth:HlT, (.14'1.1.11i to the Citizens of I • . t , or •• stii•l I.r.hiotuthle Snit •,, ,•• 111. :.••• than you en. ~,•,• .. m , 111,1 gl I 1 . 1, the cheap . I • ILE !WM \N. op ; . • • .1 it: ‘13:1,,, Hunting . •..,1 made Clodt . ,„ no Item', and .11 • • nud di roes int• •r est:iltlisittnent in '....••n tlerel thin the • • : to the tiloW tit, line inateri , .• . . . tenet he ' n ~n 'mites the anew , inn. 1 1 . 11 . 11.1. nwl CllStollier9 turd Ilt ,111.1.11 to his immense anal well as k owl Boys' roll Hull Win n .1-mlg intrilY or Fine cloth. nn, Wl,ititey. Felt owl ...... ..... Frock Dress Sack , we,:s coati, or all qualities, styles and vow . Jacket,. Roundabouts of voi and prices. Fine Black I wv. , 'loth and Cassimere pants do., Fancy S,itiner, Tweed, as well an a variety of 11.1,1,0k.ei1t Vest, some of which in quality awl w ormil m.hip equal any custom work, that Ili any other place. Besides u of i'h the subscri lu r also kevi. on band a well selected swid, of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goode, such as handkci chiefs, cravats, culinrs, gloves, sucks, shirts of all descriptions. Undershirts, Draw ers, Snit Jackets Swipenders. Traveling Bags. I law awl Clio, and great many other articles too numertm+ to specify. Encouraged by past favors, the itultrideber has far exceeded his usual outlay in purchasing Stock, and he now assures the public that 110 person wishing to purchase need have hit store without being Haim!, he is enabled to sell at the Ivry low est prices and whoever wishes to make a wise untidy ur ki s money is respectfully invited to call awl examine for himself: 11 liN UX ROMAN, Nl.Eti 1,00a , S k' it 111 E F',lLl. AND 114;1 AT 01 DAVID P. GWIN. If You Want to Buy Cheap Goods, Call at the Store of J.lll ' THE subseriher would respectiully nnnottnee to the public, that be has returned from Philadelphia and New Ynik. and to now opening at his well known stand in Market Square, the largest and prettiest assortment of Fall and Winter Goode, ever blonght to the borough of Huntingdon, and is now selling at unusually low prices. 11Iv stock ewuprince in pert, Clothe. Casaimers, black and fnuey, Satinetta. a large variety of Satin Had Silk Veetings, Kentucky and Penns. Jenne, Tweeds, Tiekingn. brown and bleached Mn,ling, Drills, Crash Bogs and Bagging. Table Diaper, &e., and ugreut v..riety of goods too to (Ilona to mention. Ladies Dress and Fancy Goods, A large assortment or Cmler sleeves, Collars and spencers. Print's in almndance,Mons. de Lanes,De Berege, A lowan, Lustre , , Cashmeres, Florence Mar celine. and Oro. de Nap,for Bonnets and Edging, Ribbons, fancy, and black Gimp, black silk Lace, Ladies' Eli Gloves, Gents Week do., ~men and Silk Ilundkerchicfs, Italian Cravats, Boots ant] Shoes liardware, -- 4 - u - e;!i - sur - _a—r:e7alassware and Cedar Ware, A good supply of Fresh Groceries, Bats and Caps. A greet variety of Straw Goods. Nfy stock has been selected with the greatest care in regard to quality and price, and I flatter myself that t can oiler inducements to purchasers not to be found elsewhere. Thankful i/m the patronage of the past, by my friends, and the public generally, I respectfully solicit a continuance of the saran. GEO. GWIN. Illintingdon, Oct, 11, 1854 Grocery, Confectionary, 1 11Tz:-.)7ETIS N . DREw Amrs i, would respectfully in \ lorm the eitizet, of Iluittingtion And vicini ty shot he lies just returned from the rust. with ts very !urge nuti fresh supply of Fruit and Confectionaries. such as Canlies, Lemons, Raisins, Nuts, aml the largest stork or Tins and Fancy Articles, ever fettered for sale in thi• town. Ile receive. , daily from the city of Baltimore, the hest isTEIIS that can be found. Those ite aunt of prime `shell lish.• CM he aceomugulet tee' by calling nt the saloon. He has fitted tip a saloon exnressl3 fin. the Ladies. Thankful to the piddle tier past favors, he hopes Icy aria :mention to business to merit a continu ance of the same. Iluntiligflon, Oct. 12, 1853. HYGEANA. Brorrght Home to (/o Door grille Minion. WIINI4ERFUL DISCOVERY lint recent- I ly licen mode by 11r. Coati, of this city, in the treatment of Consumption. Asthma and all diseases or the Lona. Wo refer Inc "Dr. Curtis' Dygeans, or Inhaling llygean Vapor and Cher ry Syrup." With this new method Dr. C. has restored many afflicted ones to perfect health : as an evidence of whieli he has innumerable cer tificates. Speakina or the treatment, a physi cian renorl, is evident that inhaling—con stantly I...thing an agreeable, healing the medicinal properties mast come in direct con• tact with the whole of the atrial cavity of tie longs. and dins escape• the ninny and varied eh:alias produced upon them when introduced into the stomach. and subjected to the process of dige,tiott. The Hygettnit is lice sale at all the druggist:' throughout the country. New York Ibtehomin of An. 14. Tholnder worn on the bren4 under the linen without the low ineinivenienve—the heat of the hotly !being stitlicient to evaporate the thud. Umired,: of CASES of CURES like the fol lowing might he named. One Package of Ily- Lotman has cored toe of the ASTHMA of six years standing Ke,,be r e, thoiranlloll, Pa. I am muted of the AsTIIIIA or In years stamling hy lie. CUM , ' I ly,e:1110. N. 3 Price three I hdlur; ' urloge.—Sold hr CURTIS .1, PERKINS and I R & PAUL, N. 149 enamherm St., N. Y.-4 package. , ' sent trey eq.,. to inty purt of the Unite.lStutes fur Ten Dnllars. N. 13.-14. Curtis' Ilvgettna is the ORIGI NAI„ta.I oNLY GENUINE ARTIIII.R. all others are ba, inntotion: or vile tool INJURI OUS taintiterl'eits. Shun them as you would poison. Sept. 20. 1854 —ly. REEVE. 1.4 KRZOIIIO4 to Hartley Knight. Bedding and Carpet WAREHOUSE. No. 148 South Sec. ud FIVE DOORS ABOVE SPRUCE PIIICA• Where lie keeps constantly on hand a full assort. meet of every article in his line of business. Feathers, Feather Reds. PATENT SPRING MATTRESSES, Curled flair, Moss, Corn Husk and Straw MATTRESSES, Vefret Tapestry, Tapestry, lirassa.q, Three-Ply, Ingram, I ejection, List, Bug and Hemp Carpetings, Oil Cloths, Canton Mau lugs, Cocoa and Spanish Mattings, Floor and Stair Maggots, Hearth Rugs, Door Mats, TABLE AND PIANO COVERS. To which he respectfully invites the attention of purchasers. [Oct. 4, 's4.—ly. TAKE NOTICE. ALI. persons indebted to tie sobscriher will please call and settle their accounts on or ha , fore the first day of January next—all accounts remaining unsettled after that date will be placed in the hands of a proper officer for collection. JOHN N. SWOOP'. Alexandria, Sept. 6,1834.-4 in. A banctiful aasurtment of Silk Dress Pattern., Black Silk, and Bennet Lining, just reedy ad and for sale by J. ds W. SAXTON. TD WIEZ Pri lll46. 2) 121E0:Ti, RESPECTFULLY intbrms the citizens of Stonerstown, Coal Mout, llopewell. and tho country adjacent. that be has located a Medical Other in the house formerly occupied by Lemuel Evans. Es q., and is now ready to attend to all calla, and by strict attention to business, hupda I C ARPET Bags, just received and for sale 1.7 to reeelye a good portion of public favor. 3 S.epiclrtAr i s 1 953 07. BARRELS Roe Herring, just received end L V lor sale at die store of GEI). GRIN. BLARTL\G POWDER and SAFETY FUSE., cou,tantl) on hand and for sale by J. BRICKER. NEW ARRIVAL. J. S. W. SAXTON, t_SAVE rn,ivy I from • Philedelpl4 the largest and handsomest assortment of E 4. .A 11 th\ WriTnal CAD ever oared in this piece, ...wing of Cloth., Cassimers, Satinetts, estings, For the Ladles. we hove Plaid Silks. Worsted Plaids, sod *eery. variety of plaid p , ,cids. to please the taste of the Ladies. Alen, Shawls, Sacking Flannels, Bon net Silks, Bormere, and the finest assortment of Collars, Under•sleeves, Shimmies, ie., eves ofered to the Indies of this piece. Boats and Shoes, of every variety. for Men and Boys, Ladies' Shoes, of every variety. Hats and Caps, of the very latest and hest styles. hardware, of which we always keep the largest and best as sortment ever kept in this place. • Queenswares a magnificent assortment, which we are gelliog quite low. Groceries, Are a little up, hut we are determined to sell cc My, it not lower, titan any other huuse,accordiug to 4ittality. I, I v tn o r o zoek ,ru lf :s n a irlh .ket o: m, s .it a io n C Willow ]rare, n,a a re rre ana l a everything usually kept in a country store. In NCI we have everything to snit the taste of all. and at Inver priers than eon be got at any other house in town, if you don't he satisfied of the fort utter calling, then we give up. We have al., FISH, SALT, PLASTER. and also con cur and stare Grain, as usual. Sept. 27, 1854. Real Estate Agency. The undersigned has established an agency for the Sale and Purchase cf Real Estate is Huntingdon county. Any person wishing to sell or purchase can give us a description of the property, its toes• Lion, quantity, quality, and terms. We engage in this agency on such terms as cannot be objected to. The Agent has the facility of making the property extensively known. We now have some very desirable land which we offer on easy terms. WM. BREWSTER. Notice to School Directors and Tea chere: THE School Directors oldie following named School Districts, are herehy notified that I will meet them at the place and time designated, for the purpose of examining teachers and grunting certificates. September 9th, at Alexandria, to examine ap plicants for the schools of Porter township. N. B.—Those Distnets which have neglected to make one their yearly report, would confer a Myer by attending to it immediately. The Di rectors of the several Districts, should give mu early notice of the time when hey intend open ing their schools, so as to enable me to appoint a convenient time to meet them. Teachers may be examined it MIT time by re. seating certificates of good moral character from the Boon! of Directors of the District in whick they are applying. Copies of the School Laws and decisions, me he furnished to Directors by calling at the office of Fisher 8: Williamson. on Hill street, or at my residence on Mifflin street, in the borough of Hun tingdon. J. S. BAHR, Co. Superintendent. Huntingdon, August 30, 1854. ki," Tu l'ersons E m pl oya , e „t . -ea $5OO to $l,OOO a Tear. A CHANCE TO MANE MONET AND DO 000 p! Rook Agents Wanted. TII E Subscriber publishes a number of moot alonide Pictorial Books, very popular. and of a moral and religion. influence that while good noun may safely engage in their circulation, they will confer a public benefit, end receive a fhb . emnprnmilion for their labor. wr T. men of enterprise and met. this hull• tea oilers au opportunity for profitable employ meat seldom to lie met with. VW Persons wishing to engage in their sale, will receive promptly by mail, a Circular con taining toll particulars, with "Directions to per liens disposed to act as Agents," together with the terms on which they will he furnished, by addressing the subscriber, post-paid. ROBEItT SEARS, Pcnt.tettfirt, 181 I Piflinm street, New- York. 'l\ pnr,ss, nail ready for Agents by the lst 01. October, I S 54 i "Sears' Illustrated Description of the Russian Empire. , Fur further ptirtieulars address Ili above. August 30, 1854. CENTRAL ACADEMY, Airy View, Tuscarora Pulley, Juniat a Counts,. !',ma. Tut': Fall Session will comtnence on 31oxtisr, Ocronen 2.1554. Whole expenses of board, tuition. mon, fuel. washing and incidental. $5l to $57 per session of 22 week,— Vimationß from the Ist to the 15th of April, and from the I rah of August to the last of Sept. For further particulars see eireulars, or address (post-paid) either of the Principals. DAVID WILSON, A. U. DAVID LAUGHLIN, A. M. Aug. 20,'54.-2m. Port Royal P. O. Land for Sale. TRACT 01? LAND situate in Germany ; Valley, Dell( Shirh•c+burg, Huntingdon co., containing about 123 Acres, the greater part or whirl' is limestone, in 111,11011 state of cultiva tion, bounded by lands of George Swine and An drew Sponogle. JOHN LOTTS. June 21, 1954. J. F. RAMET. J. SIMPSON AFRICA. AT . 2115A 1 ;5 lall/, PRACTIAh SURVEYORS. Offiee with DANIEL AFRICA, Esq., Hill street, between Montgomery and Smith streets. Hunt ingdon, Peittrit. [Sept. 20, tf.] VALIABLE MILL PROPERTY At Private Sale. ti` MS property is situate on Stone , Creek, about 9 miles north of iut Huntingdon, Pa. The mill is in good repair, has 3 run of burrs, &e. • Also, a good Saw Mill and Lath a good dwelling house for the miller. Also, 290 Acres of Land, about 125 Acres of which is cleared and in a good state of cultivation; the balance is well covered with good timber. The harm buildings consists of a large France House, a large France Barn, and a large Store House, in a Vial amid 1•or a store, but now unoccupied. Also, a large orchard of choice fruit. The property is under a lease for four years from the lot ofnext April, at $655 a year. . . For further inforunition call on the subscriber iu Iluntinvion GEORGE COUCH, Sept. 27, 's4.—tr. Rebecca Furnace AT PRIVATE SAL E. THIS property is situate on Stone Creek, about 12 miles north of i t t il l Huntingdon, Pa. It is in good or der, and plenty of ore within 2 CLIDW!/ . miles—in a line wood country where coal can lie got readily, dud about 400 ACRES of LAND. This property is now idle, and possession can be given at any time. Any further information can be had by cal ling with tleorge Couch, Huntingdon, or Mary Couch, Alnico. Sept. 27, 1854.—tf.