Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 08, 1854, Image 3

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    ROOKS 1 BOOKS !! 11'ALL PAPER! !!
20,000 VOLUME S of new and
. popal a e
Books--the subseriher bus it at re.
suited ton Boston, New York find ! , , pI A.
Philadelphia, comprising the ftre , tt . • - ..zr."'
est variety and most extensive stock
ever hrottglft to the Interior of the State, ins
STATIONERY is also if great variety and su
perior quality, in putt n 9 follons: Letter, Cap
and Note Paper, Gold find Steel Pens, Inkstands,
Blank and Time Buoks. Diaries for 1855, &o.—
Also, Harper's, Putnam's Godey's and Gra
hant's Magazines, receive d month as anon
n 9 out. 2000 copies of the hooks recommended
by the Teachers' Institute and Board of' Direc
tors of the county: Greenliers Aritloneties and
Algebra. Town's Spellers, and Swan's. Renders.
069 G Payson & Dantun,s Boston Copy Books,
being tile best system es well as the beet exerti
tech batiks ever offered to the militia, tattle lowest
wholesale prices. 1000 pieces Wall Paper from
9 to 13 coots for cot:::: 01, T 7 cents far
glazed, and 1,05 t..4.;2 far gold. All attic oboes
stock it; offered extremely low fur cash—the pub
iiv will please call and examine.
Storo oppo.ita Wilittaker'v Hotel, Railroad
St., Huntingdon, Po
Nov. 8, 1854,
THE subscriber • would respectfully inform the
trundling public that he is now running a line
of Ducks from Mt. Colon to Orbbemia, as follows:
From Orlikonia to Mt. Union and bark again,
crery clay. intersecting the Champersburg line
at Orbisonia.
Passengers wishing to go to Shade Gap, or any
other place, will he taken on without delay.
His Hacks aro good and comfortable, and
ho is determined to have none but good and
steitily drivers; in a word, his desire is to curry
passengers in comfort and safety.
Orbitionia, Nov. 8,18 M.—1 y.
Houses and Lot for Sale.
Tun subscriber will sell at private sale, in
the town of Greensburg, adjoining Altoona,
one lot, on which is erected
FIVE Two• Stony Dwitt.usys novena,
16 by 2rt feet, and well calculated liar private
thmilies. It Is a corner lut and fronts 3t feet
on Piste stied and 150 on Allegheny.
The location is very desirable, and tb Tyrone
and Altoona Plank road runs immediately along
side of it. This property now Yields about 18
per cent on its original cost, and will he sold on
the meat reasonable terms to a gond purchaser.
Application to be made immediately to
Altoona, Blair County.
Nov. 8, 1854.-31.
A Meeting of the citizens of Huntingdon
n comity, and others, favorable to the forma.
ti..ta of a county Agricultural Society, will be
held at the Court House, in tho borough of
Hittningden. on TUESDAY EVENING,
November 11th, 1834. Farmers, Mechanics,
and all others interested in the. .selence of
Agriculture. are respectfully and earnestly
invited to attend.
November 1, 11.454.
Graduate of the I:nicer:thy of New York,
HA MG concluded to locate permanently in
Warriorsmark, Huntingdon County, Ulcers
his professional services to the citizens of that
place and vichtitv.
Medico! Faculty of the University of N. Y.
1)r. Julio McCulloch, Petersburg, Hunt. Co,
Dr. Ilenry Orledv,
Nov, 1, 1854.—tr.
, g 3222 1 1.1127.
ff'BE Fall and IVi7tcr Session of this Institu
tins, will commence on Thursdkv the 16th
ibty of Norcznher, and continuo 21 weeks. Trawl
expenses per Session $5O. Students will find
it to their advantage to ha present at the begin
ning of the Se.sion.
REV. J. T. TOM LIN, Principal.
MISS KATE WALSH, Precept's,.
(100. W. SPEER, Secretary-
Nov. 1, 1254.-21.
t HE School Directorsof Todd district, wish
es to employ h 01.HITEEN TEACHERS
to take charge of the public Schools in the dis
trict, for the term of liter months, to commence
stone time in the month of November next.
By order of the Board,
Nov. I. 1854.-3 t.
7 V.lll, 1.0 LA L.
lynx, he uttered et public sale en the yremi
v err, on W ESDA Y TUE ggn or M . lOl.
DER, next, a traet id land situate in Penn tap.,
Huntingdon county, on Al ig ;loos Ridge, (being
the property of the heirs of Geurgu Brumbaugh
dec'd.,) containing
472 Acres,
rich the usual allow.nee, Fr) net's of
wni:ll are clearetl, eta is n good state of eutti
vellum the well timbered. The
,ptoyetnents ore a double log barn, it two story
lug dwelling house, With other outbuildings, and
several never fulling springs or goo,' water.
The above property Will be sold in dilfcrent tracts
to suit parchnces• There is one tract of 125
acres of excellent timber, suitable for railrand
ties. There is a public matt starts nt section 10,
end runs within 25 yards of the tract.
TEloll4,—Ole-Intif the purchase money to
he paid on the Ist el April 1555, the balance in
two equal anneal payments without interest.
CsrFarther information rim he had by calling
on GEORGE P.% It KS, residing on the premises.
Nov. I, 1854.-.3t.
Of The National Safety Company.
'Walnut Street, Sovh II t C,,rtarr Third Street,
"pm/. A DEL PIIIA.
Incorporated by 11 . te State ofj.enn-
sylvania in ISII
I'VE PER CENT interest is given and the
money is always paid bads whenever it is
called Fur, without the necessity of giving notice
tor it beforehand.
People who have largo come put their money
in this Surety Fund, on account of the superior
safety and convenience it allurds, bat any sum,
large or sinall, is received.
This SA11;0 Fuyn Ins more than half a mil
lion of dollars, ceurely invested for the safety
of depositors.
Tile 011ie° is open to receive and pay money
ovary day, from 9 o'clock in the morning till 7
o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and
Thursday evenings, till 9 o'clock.
People who have molter to put in; are invited
to call at the office for fordo, imbr o ,,,tio n ,
Wm. J. REED, Secretary.
Nov, 1, 1854.
Administrator's Notice.
LETTERS of Administration having been
grunted to the undersigned, on the Estate of
John Bradley, Sr.. dee'd., lute of Tod township.
Huntingdon county, all persons indebted will
snake immediate payment, and those having
claims will present them properly authenticated
for settlement. 'l'. G. STAPLETON,
Nor. I, 1854.-6 t.
Exocuto;•'s Notice.
ETTERS tstamentary bare this day been
grantede to the undersigned, residing in
Springfield township, Huntingdon county, upon
the estate of Benedict Stevens, Sr., late of said
township, deed. Those indebted will please
make immediate payment, and those having
chums will present them, properly authentic.,
ted, to
Nov. 1, 'B4.—at. Executor.
Mos. Delanes, B. Delanes, De Berege, Lawns,
Ginghams, and a choice variety of Goods of all
kinds, at the store of GEO. GWIN.
DON NETS. of all sorts and colors, also, Miss'
Flats, from 37,4 to 300, just received and for
sale J. & W. *AXTON.
Or Gut c;i.ffitirs.
Trial List, November Term, 1854,
Robert Speer',i admr'A va Wm. Buchanan's ad.
John Savage vs Adam Houck.
Some cs John Fisher.
James Maguire vs John Hite.
Hon. John Stewart va John Love et al,
John E. Thompson et al vs J. W. Swoope.
Hirst for Caldwell vs Daniel Africa.
A. I'. Wilson vs Michael Buoy.
Com'th. for Kyle vs John Hooper
Ales. Dysart's ear's vs Israel Cryder's admr.
David Caldwell vs Dell & Crotsley.
Hirst, Clarke & Co. vs Myton & Cunningham,
Com'th. fur Shoetaherger vs Math. Crownover.
Com'th icr Stonehraker vs Math. Crowcovor.
S. F. Price vs Cleo. Bell.
Wm. P. McCreary A Co. vs Robert Woods.
Patrick Tully vs The P. R. H. Co.
Franklin, Platt & Co. vs R. F. Haslett.
Hugh Alexander, farmer, Jackson.
Morris Brown, farmer, Springfield.
George C. Bucher. merchant, Porter.
Henry Barriek, merchant, Walker.
Robert. Cummins, farmer, Barree.
Hugh Campbell, Steiner, Dublin.
John Carillon, mason, Henderson.
Henry Glazier, putter, Henderson.
Philip Garner, farmer, Penn. •
Robert Oration, farmer, Porter.
Samuel Hatfield, iron master, Porter.
William Leiford, farmer, Porter.
James McCabe, carpenter, Henderson.
Geo. W. Muttern, farmer, Franklin.
Samuel Musser, farmer, Jackson.
Jacob Numer, cabinet maker, Henderson,
Robert Oakmag„carpenter, Union.
Caleb Nesbitt', teenier, Brady.
John Stewart, farmer, West.
William Summers, laborer, Henderson.
Samuel Shaver, farmer, Shirley.
Samuel Spunkle, farmer, Porter.
George Wakefield, farmer, Shirley.
James Alexander, farmer, Jackson, tp.
Jacob Ausbach, farmer, Jackson,
Andrew Anderson, farmer, Porter.
John Bother, farmer, Shirley.
Alexander C. Blair, merchant. Tell.
John Bradley, inn lteeper, Brady,
J. S. Barr, teacher, Henderson.
James Boggs. farmer, Henderson.
Peter Crnwnover, farmer, Shirley.
John Chilcote, jr., farmer, Tod.
John A. Campbell, Partner, Brady.
Washington Celan, carpenter, Hiipewell.
William M. Chileond, farmer, Cromwell.
William Drennin boatman, Henderson.
Samuel Eby, merchant, Shirley.
Abraham Elias, farmer, Tod.
George M. Green, Esq., farmer, Cats.
James Goodman, farmer, Henderson.
John Grave, farmer, Walker.
Andrew Hagey, farmer, Cromwell.
Solomon limner, thriller, Porter, •
Collins Hamer, farmer, West.
George Hudson, Esq., just pence, Clay.
Jacob Hunter, farmer, Jackson.
Leonard Kessler, merchant, Brady.
Henry Lightner, jr., fernier, West.
John blunt. thrmer, Franklin.
G. Ashman Miller, clerk, Henderson.
Solomon Mycrly, farmer. Cass.
Moos Miller, farmer, Franklin.
William McWilliams, farmer, Franklin.
James Nelson, limner, Cuss.
William Oaks, farmer, ltnrree.
Alexander Oaks, farmer, Barren.
David Parker, Esry„ just. peace., Warriormarl
Robert Peterson, flamer, Dublin.
Jonas Rud y , farmer, Berme.
Job Slack, meehanie, liarree.
Matthias Savior, fitriner, Cass.
George L. Smith, tAner,
John M. Simpson, Henderson.
William I. Steel, saddler, Henderson.
Samuel Stewart, farmer, Cromwell.
Tames Simpson, farmer, Henderson.
Matthew Stewart of ,Ti.,., farmer, West.
Isaac Staid, tailor, Cass.
Artastrimi: tVillmighlty, Mita.. Henderson.
S. Miles Green, iron twister, Porter.
John Armnn, farmer, Barra:.
Benjamin F. Baker, carpenter, Tod.
Anthony Beaver, carpenter, Penn.
Thomas 'P. Cromwell, justice peace, Cromwell,
Thomas limey, fanner, Tel!.
Jacob 11. I fernier, Cass.
Joseph Douglas, gunsmith, Welker.
Nicholas C. Decker, graver, Henderson.
Jacob Elias, farmer, Tod.'
SamuelEckley, farmer, Barren.
Joseph Forrest, Fanner. Barre,
Samuel Funk, farmer, Warriorsmark.
Alfred Canine, farmer, WDrriormnark.
Augustin Grim, 14,ml:smith, Henderson.
Joseph (iibboeey, fermer, Barree.
Jacob Harnish, Mrtner, Mont:.
B t same Harper, fanner, .1 - Mblin.
Johu Kerr, Esl., fanner, Walker.
James C. Lightner, physician, Shirley.
Jacob Mu,scr, farmer, Brady.
James Mvton, farmer, West.
Matthew McCall, runner, Penn.
Lewis Myerly, farmer, Tod.
Samuel Miller, justice Peirce, Shirty.
Joseph Norris, fanner, Penn.
George Porter, farmer. West.
John Bob, fernier, Walker.
John Stricker, farmer, West.
John Shaver, farmer, Shirley.
George Swine, farmer, Shirley.
George W. Speer, farmer, Cass.
John Shaffer, farmer, Morris.
Abraham Wright, farmer. Union..
Samuel Wilson, farmer, Warriorsmark.
John 7,entaiire, farmer, Franklin. •
John Basin, firmer, West.
Oct. 25, 1851.—:It
At the Elephant Store.
.111E, — SX1I0Ara Ma r aVilD
Li - ANIMA removed his extensive Store to No. 1,
-LA McCann's Row, tormerly occupied by T.
K. Simonton, is now prepared to accommodate
his old customers, and the public generally, with
a splendid and fashionable asssortment of
Fall and Winter Goods,
His assortment consists of
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Hardware, Queensware,
and all kinds ofgoods usually kept in a Country
Store. Also, a beautiful cheap and elegant as
sortment of
Ladies' Dress Goods,
and Trimmings of every variety. Also, Hats;
Caps, Bonnets, Boots and Shoes, and a variety of
goods of all kind',.
Country produce taken in exchange for goods,
at the highest market prices.
Huntingdon, 18, 1854.
A SPLENDID assortment of Boys' C10th
...2. log, at the store of A. WILLOCOIIHY.
L U ST received a beautiful assortment of Scot
U load and Plain Velvet Ribbons, by
LADIES Lasting and Silk work Gaitors, Kid
ettre M o o t yocco, and Goat Boots a4nilkoleisivriltlthe
Sheriff's Sales
DY virtue of anntlry ‘Vrits of Fi. Fe, Lev. Fa.
) and Vend Exp.. Issued out of the Court of
Cont. Floss of Huntingdon county, nod to me di
rooted, I will expose to Politic Salo ittithe Clifirt
MUMS, in the Borough of Huntingdon, on
TLIESDA Y the 15th day of November, at
dock, A. M., of said day, the following described
Real Estate, to wit t
All the defendeitts interest in a certain tract ;
of land in Henderson township, Huntingdon
county, adjoining Alexander liwin's hdrs nn
the north and John Glazier on the south
an d join, Si m p s i, ' on the cast nod Colestodes
on the west, containing ninety acres, more or
lees, about thirty acres cleared, with a two stn•
ry frame house and stable thereon erected.
Seized and taken in execution and tube sold ;
as the property of Samuel Friedly.
ALSO—A tract of land in Shirley township,
contMning three hundred acres, more or less,
with about two hundred cleared, and a two sto•
ry log house and 81.11 log barn thereon eructed,
bounded on the north by Samuel McGarry uud
south by Thomas Et Orbison.
Seized and taken in execution and to be sold
as the property of Thomas High.).
. ALSO—Twenty five acres of timber ;land
in Barren township, Huntingdon county, ad
joining lands of William Mallit and George
HutchiMion and lands belonging to Monroe
, Furnace.
Seized and taken in execution and to be sold
as the property of James Johnston.
ALSO—One lot of 2 acres, more or less, in
Barren township, Huntingdon county, with a
two story log house thereon erected, bounded
by Alexander, Bell, Christian Gearhart and
James Livingston. Seized, taken in execution,
and to be sold as the property of John Harper.
ALSO—One lot of ground situate in 119e
well township, Huntingdon county, adjoining
land of John Hassel, sr., and Leonard Weaver
containing ono acre, more or less, on which is
erected a one and a half story house as the
property of John A. Weaver. Also—upon
any interest the said John A. Weaver, may
have or hold in and to a tract of land, contain
ing 100 acres, more or less, situate in the town
ship of Hopewell and county aforesaid, adjoin
ing land of James Entriken, John T. Shively,
Peter Fries and .f. B. Weaver. Seized, taken
in execution and to be sold as the property of
John A. Weaver & William Fisher.
ALSO--All the defendant's right and inter
est in the following described tract of land, ly
ing in Clay township, Huntingdon county,
containing 50 acres, inure or less, bounded by
lands of Caleb Brown, on the north,
States on the west, John Hom-, on the south,
and John Star on the east, having a log house
thereon erected and about 35 or 40 acres cloth.-
ed, with an apple orchard. Seized taken in
execution and to be sold as the property of
James Cowan.
Oct. IS, 18.51—ts.
D ETAILERS of Foreign Alerchandize, who
slit have not taken out a license for the year
1824, will do so on or previous to the November
Court, a. all IkeIMIR not lifted by the 20tla of
Nov. will he left with the proper ',Meer for col
lection. Jos. M. STEVENS.
Oct. 25, 185t.-4t. Treas.
THE subscriber wishing to go west, will sell
I his hem, on Tuesday the 2Sth dap
ber next, situate in Union township, it miles
front the Donal and Railroad, and 5 miles from
Mill Creek. The Drake's Ferry and Broad
Top Railroad when made will run through the
middle of the farm, which contains 000 acres,
100 acres of which 13 cleared and the balance
well timbered. The improvements aro a two
story dwelling house, two tenant houses, a goad
double Barn, and Saw Mill, there is also a great
quantity of young fruit trees of the best finality.
There will be sold at the same 111118 and place,
Wagons, Horses Mulch Cows, Young Cattle,
and 00 or 40 hoo d of Sheep, also all the farming
utensils, and a great many articles too numerous
to mention.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. when
Inc attendance and a reasonable credit will ho
given by ELiEL
Oct. El, 18.11.-st.
LOVISIOWII Gazette, publiali the above
•3 times, and bend bill to this office.
mIIE subscriber !offers nt public sale. at the
11 Court House, in the borough of Huntingdon,
on IVnnxesu.,r TOE tM,r DAV OF NOVIOIBIiIt,
1654, his farm, situate in Walker township, with
in one mile of the borough of Huntingdon,
iso ACHES,
about 140 of which are cleare.l, under good fence
Mill in a good state Of cultivation, It is well
watered. has two good sprin4s near' the house,
and a large orchard of excellent apple trees.
The Improvements
aro a Large Frame Bank Horn, Wagon Shed,
Corn Crib,and it two story Frame Dwelling
House, and all the necessary out-bnildings.
Tanats etude known on day of sale.
Oct. 25, 1834.-3 t.
TR.A.% lilt 1
QTRAYED from Penn's. Furnace, Centre Co.
L , on the night of Ont. 7th 1851, TWO 31. A RE
MULES, 2A years old—one a hay, the other
dark colored with a black stripe on her shoulder.
Ann person finding the mules and giving notice
to ghorh. Stewart A Co.. Stover's Place, P. 0.
Centre Co., will he suitably reworded.
Oct. 25, 1854.-2 t.
At Slarleasturg, Ilunthigdon Co., Penn'a
BerninaD . ; }luau J. CAMPBELL, A. M.,
and A. C. FENDAGL, Principals,
TRE Winter Session of boil' Schools opens on
Wednesdag, the 7th of November, anti con
tinuo are mouths.
Board, light, fuel and tuition, per session $56,00
Music with use of )I:smut:ant, per quarter 8,1/0
Board, room rent, fuel and tuition, per
session $56,00
Modern Languages, 5,00
Painting and Drawing, 3,00 to 5,00
Lectures and practical instruction given in
Agriculture, Chemistry, Surveying and Engi
neering, &c.
Inst;etion will he given in the Seminary, in
Embroidery, Gilding, Bronzing and plain needle
Shirloysburg, Oct. 18.-3 in.
HAS'just returned from the east with a large
and splendid assortment of
Fall and Winter Clothing,
for men and bey*, mete in the latest fashion and
in the most durable manner. Who ever wants
to be dressed better nod cheaper than anybody
else in town, let him call at IVILLOUOIIIIOI
CHEAP Currunso STORE, one door went of T.
Read & Sun's drug sturo, llantingdon.
Call and see fur yotwselYes.
Oct. 18, 1854.
CGLVER and Plated Spoons, Gold, Silver and
A 7 Plated Spectacles, at Edtn. Snare's Jewelry
PORT MONNA IRS, Card CMOS, .d the fi
nog quality Of WOSTENIIOI,SI'd Pocket
Knives, a vury large quantity at DUI. Suare'e
I ZAND, VOA oma.
Clothirigt Clothing! Clothing ! • A Tract of Land sit ante in Threetipt hig settle-
Thea(l:f:afe:sitii;iiaisi:di beat
an S iv . e l i t i ! : l l ::: ,r :li ., :_t i 4 . o .
i, o i c i n
g., ... lb ':
ry n A i meet. Clay s r ; e : n o w . i . l s d l i i i p n , :1
g it t o .: I n i 1.,,,du.
. ::::::
lie mining 70 Acres more , or less, with alanit
TF E y s o v ii r w : l f i r t e o r g e::::::: n c tt i t :: :::::nit 1
aiia % 46l lllion, ,A., i r i li ri orn i a ti a ie ß l ti, ) ,, a ,..i l i a , ,i s c ut e nnary a i Tl ll l 7 :i l t io n . lie p. r i c .ei ll oi . ,
og A irne lsi r , cdt e i
.I. of clothing rat 30 per emit, less than y,,,, can i with a good eviler. Also, it nerer failing spring
elsewhere procure them, ti en go to the cheap 1 ncnr the dwellings hounded by land .f . J" 11
Clothing Emporium of HENRY ROMAN, 0,.. Cullman, Lliga R. Green end George Hudson,
posits Coats' Hotel in Market Spiare, Mating. Liu'. WILLIAM BRADLEY.
don. l'a., whore you will find Ready made Cloth. Oet. la, 1e54.-31•
log of any quality, wide of sound materials, nod
in the most fashionable style Itnd it rates inn
measurably below any other establishment in
t L li s i ima s i ri e einA :{p
vicinity, where k
t i fi t r r be ia r c u o r, n r s a idere t t o l
the tlia s t l tl w i o e
shilling," and where, fur ipurl tits, fine materi
als, fashionable style and finish, 'qui can't be
The subscriber respectftilly invites the atten
tion of his numerous friends and customers and
the public in general to his immense and well as
sorted stock of Mena' and Boys' Fall and Win
ter Clothing. consisting partly cif Fine cloth,
Beaver, Pilot, Petersham, Whitney, Felt nod
Double Overcoats, Cloth Frock, bress Sack
and Business coats, of all qualities, styles and
colors, Monkey Jackets, Roundabouts of difrer
ent sorts, qualities and prices. Fine Black
Doeskin, Cloth and Cassimere pants do., Fancy
Cassimere, Satinet, Tweed, as well as a variety
of magnificent Vests, some of which in quality
and workmanship equal any custom work, that
can be obtained in tiny other place. Besides a
Large assortment of Buys' Clothing, the subscri
ber also keeps on hand a well selected
stock of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, such as
hundkerelders, cravats, collars. gloves, sacks,
shirts of all de.,eriptions. Undershirts, Draw
ers, Knit Jackets Suspenders, Traveling Bags,
Hats and Caps, and great many other articles too
numerous to specify.
Encouraged by past favors, the sabsercher has
far exceeded his usual outlay in purchasing stock,
and he now assures the public that no person
wishing to purchase need leave his store without
being suite.l, be is enabled to sell at the very late
ral prices I and whoever wishes to make a wise
outlay of his money is respectfully invited to call
and examine fur himself.
Oct. IS; 185.4,
11}12 , 2
I have just received, and am now opening, on
the corner opposite Conte Hotel, a large and
bewail id assortment of
Fall and Winter Goode,
consisting of Cloths, Cassithers, Black and Fan
cy Satinctts, Vestings, Tweeds, Jeans, Flannels
Yellow, White and Red. Also a large lot. of
Sack Flannels of all colors. French Merj
noes, Coharg Cloths, all wool, Detains, Hain
and Fancy Delains, Cashmere, Deltize, Alapa
co, ike.
A Large Lot of Dress Goods,
Silk Hard a nd Bonnet Silks. Col.
Lars, sleeves Shitnniazetts, Fancy Head.
Flouncings, Lave, Edgeings and bison
lion, Trimming , &e.
Cotton Goods,
lkiu-dins Tiles...lied and Unhleaelied,Canton Flan
nels, Grills Table Diaper, Crash, Gloves, nrid
llosety of all kinds.
Bajis and Shoes, Groceries, Queensware,
Hardware and Cedar Ware.
Oil Cloths, Carpets, Carpet Sacks, Ste.
My old visit...tors and nil ninny new ones an can
crowd in, Ore earnestly requested to call uud ex
amine my goods.
• All kinds of Country Produce taken it ex
chunge tor Goods nt the higheet market prices.
Oct. 18, 1834. •
If You Want to Buy Cheap
Goods, Call at the Store of
'4ll I'D 2111'1 TiYild.
THE sub,crilier would respeetitilly announce
to the public,' that ho hen returned from
Phtb,lelphia and NM York, and is now opening
at his well knownitand in Market Square, the
lar•,!:,t and prettiest assortment of .
'Fall and Winter Goods,
over brunglit to the borough or Huntingdon, and
in now selling nt unusually low prices.
My stuck comprises in part, Clothe, Dassimecs,
black and faney, tintinett, a large variety or
Satin and Silk Ves4ings, Kentucky and Penna.
Jeans, Tweeds, Tiekings, brown and bleached
Muslims, Crash Bags and Dogging. Table
Diaper, Sc., nod a great variety of goods too te
dious to mention.,
Ladic 'Dress and Fancy Goods,
A large assortment of Linder slecycs, Collars
and spencers.
Prints in abundance,Mon, dc Lanrs,De Bercgo,'
Alpaceas, Dawes,liereg, Florence Mar
celine, and Gro. de Bonnets and Edging,
Ribbons, fancy foul blank (limp, black silk
Lace, Lin (dove:. Gents black do.,
;Alien awl Silk Hamll,7i:biers, Italian Craviits,
Hosiery, i3;ci.
Boots and Shoes.
Ilardwai.e4;e;iWuiW - iilassware
Rita - Cedar 111Tre,
A good supply OT Fresh --
Hats and Caps,
A great variety of
Siramy Goods,
My stock has been gelected with the greatest
care in regard to quality and price, and I flatter
myself' that I can offer inducements to purchasers
not to be tnand elsewhere.
Thankful rim the patronage of the past, by my
friends, and the pubtie. generally, I respectfully
solicit is contintiLuee of the saute.
-- • - -
Ountingdon, Oct, 11, 1854.
lAToEnn.ks by a precept to me directed, dated
v at Huntingdon, the 26th day of August
A. I). 1854, under the hands and seals of the
Hon. George Taylor, President of the Court of
Common Pleas, 1./er and Terminer, and gener
al jail delivery of the 2.lth judicial district of Penn
sylvania composed of flutrtingdon. Blair and Cam
bria, and the Hon. Thomas F. Stuart and Jona
than AloWilliams, his associates, Judges of the
county of Huntingdon, justices assigned, appoint
ed, to bear, try and determine all and every In
dietmonts made or taken for or concerning all
crimes, which by the laws of the State aro made
capital or felonies of death and other offences
crimes and misdemeanors, which have hems or
shall hereafter be committed or perpetrated for
crimes aforesaid—l am commanded to make
proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick
that a Court of Oyer and Terminer, of Common
Pleas and Quarter sessions, will he held at the
Court Howie in the Borough of Huntingdon. on
the second Monday (and 13th day) of November
next, and those who will prosecute the said pKi
senors be then and there to prosecute them as it
shall he just, and that all Justices of the Peace.
Coroners and Constables within said county be
then and there in their proper persons, at 10
o'clock, A. Al. ofsaid day, with their records, in
quisitions, examinations and remembrances, to
do those things which to their offices respectfully
Dated at Huntingdon the 20th day of August,
in the year of our Lord 1854, and the 78th
year of Anterie.m Independence.
Oet. 18, 1854.
WHEREAS, by it precept to me directed by
V v the ;Judges of the Conlin. Pleas of the
county of Huntingdon, bearing text the 26th day
of August, 1854, 1 am commanded to make
Public Proclamation throughout my whole heal
wick, that a Court of Common Pleas will be
hell in the Court Howie in the Borough of Hun
tingdon, on the third Monday (and Seth day) of
Nov., A.D., 1854, for the trial of all isms ill said
Court, which remain undetermined before the
said Judges, when and where all jurors, witnesses
and suitors, in the trial or all issues are required
to appear.
Dated tit Huntingdon. the 26th (lay of Auguat,
in the year of our Lord ass4,and.tho 78th year
of Atneriean Independence.
Oct. IP, 1854.
A FRESH supply of Gingham., Cheek, sail
jl Shembrey, just received and fur vale by
1. & sAxTIYs.
Insolvent% Notice.
9[lo MY eitEinToßs—Take notice, that
have applied to the Judges of Court of Com
mon Plenee, of the Cuunty of Huntingdon. for
the benefit of the Im , olvent Lawn of this Com
monwealth, and they have appointed the first
day of the t •.xt Nov. Term, to wit Monday the
13th day of November, A U., Me, for the beef
ing of me and my creditors at the Court House
in the Borough or Huntingdon, where you may
attend if you ace proper.
Oct. 18, 1884.-St.
Abenutitul assortment of Silk Dress Patter;,
Black Silk. and Bonnet Lining,ynst
ed and for sale by & W. SAXTON.
JUST receiving, thin week, Mackerel, Herring
&c., and for side by J. &W. SAXTON.
TIM undersigned will sell at Private Salo, el
f ther or all of the following described tracts
of land, to wit
No. I. A tioct of Litnestone land near the
Shade Gap, in Dublin township, containing 170
Acres. This land is patented; with good build
ings nod good water thereon; and about 100
acres cleared and cultivated.
No. 2. A tract of Limestone land in Tell fp..
nunthi g doi. Co.; Lying on the \Merl. and
Burnt Cabins'road, adjoining. Jamas Jones nod
others, containing 134 Acres of farm land and
30 acres of Mountain land adjacent. time 75
acres are cleared nod cultivated; with n i/01180
and barn, orchard and excellent water on the
No. a. A tract of 200 acres of hind, in Wal
ker township, at the mouth of ltaystown Branch
three miles below I luntingdon, partly river bot
tom and partlh red shale table land. About 80
acres are cleared and cultivated, with a dwelling
house and ham ott the pretniscs,—a number of
hearing fruit trees and a young orchard of graf
ted apple and peach trees, &e.
No. 4. A tract of .287 acres of land in Tod
township, with a house and barn thereon erected
Mal about CO or 70 acres cleared and cultivated,
with good water and good fruit tnercon—now in
the tenancy of Vincent Robinson. 'llll6 laud
lies near the route atilt': projected Drake's I erry
& Broad Top ltailaoad.
No. 5. Ktraet ;if 140 acres of land in Hope
well tp; adjoining land of John Beacer,Jas.
ken and others—about 70 acres are cleared, with
a new leg dwelling house thereon. This land is
frelM and productive, and adjoins the Broad Top
Railroad at Coffee Run. a
The terms will be made cony to suit purchasers
and the title will he warranted.
Ihturingdon, Oct. 18.54.—tf.
T HE undersigned wishilig to
pose of tt portion or their real,i n A -
estate, will offer at public sale on lip,.
the premises, on Thursday the 9th
day of November, A. D. 1854, the
Mill and Farm,
situate 5 miles from Huntingdon, in Woo4eock
Valley, and only one half mile from the Bedad
Top Railroad; containing 204 Acres of superior
lime stone land, 2go of which are doused. Ev
ery field on the premises is supplied with run
ning water all seasons of the year. The Grist
Mill is new, with three run of stones and calcu
lated for four; w ith the most approved machine
ry. Also, a good miller's House, with neces
sary outbuildings.
This is one of the best points in the county
fin• a store and grain merchant, as almost all the
wheat that comes to H untingdon passes by the
mill, and would naturally stop there if a market
was offered. On the farm, is a large two story
stone honk., and all the necessary out-buildings
with a never failing sprin,g otlose to the house,
and a bank barn and stable. There arc 2 ore),
air& tai the premises, one of which is entirely of
grafted fruit, carefully selected.
The farm is in a fine state of cultivation, and
the mill and buildings are in good repair.
There is also 1 TO acres of wood and ore land
within 1 mile of the firm, which will he sold. with
it. There is on this tract a very fine rein of
fossil ore, which has been opened.
The above has been divided into three sepa
rate properties, and will be sold separately or
together, us purchasers may desire.
The first division to contain 10 acres immedi
ately around and including the Still, with all its
wslotr rights.
The second division to contain 175 nereq of
the them land, with the farm buildings; and the
I acres of wood and ore land.
The third division tR contain 109 acres adjoin
ing the above property, with au orchard uu the
Drafts of the whole, and also of the separate
parts, will he exhibited on the day of sale.
TERMS—will be mode easy, to suit porch:vi
ers, and will be. made known at the sale, or up
on application to one of the undersigned at Hun
tingdon, or at Lafayette College, Easton, Pa.
Oct. 11, 1824.-st.
Executor's Notice.
lETTERs testamentary Imre this clay been
. 1 granted to the undersigned, on the estate of
William Flynn, late of Hopewell township, Hun
tingdon county, deed. All persons indebted will
make immediate payment, and those haying
claims will present than duly authenticated for
Stonerstown, Bed. Co.
Coalmont. Hunt. Co.
..... ,„.
Oct. 11,'54.-6t.• v~~ Executors.
Grocery, ConftctiOnary,
ICDREW AgEBUS, would respectfully in-
form the citizens of Huntingdon and vicini
ty that he has just returned from the east, with
a very large and fresh supply of Fruit and
Conleytiounries, such as
Candies, Lemons, Raisins, Nuts, &c.,
and the largest stock of Toys and Fancy
Articles, ever offered for sale in this town,
Ho receives d•tily from the city of Baltimore,
the hest OYSTEIIS that can be found. Those
in Avant of prime `shellfish,' can be accommoda
ted by calling no the saloon. Ile has fitted np a
saloon expressl) lid• the Ladies.
. ..—..—.
Thankful to the public for past favors, he hopes
by strict attention to business ttfmerit u continu
a/lee of the same.
lluntingdon, Oct. 12, 1853,
Administrator's Notice.
1 ETTERS of mho ini strati. having been gran
ted by the Register of Wills of Huntingdon,
county to the undersigned, on the estate of
George Henderson, late of West township, deed.
they hereby giro notice to all persons indebted
to said estate, to come ibrward and make pay
ment, and all persons having claims against the
estate to present them to the subscribers for set
Oct, 11, 1854.-6 t.•
The undersigned having been appointed Ex
ecutor of the last will and testament of Henry P.
Dorsey, late of the Borough of Huntingdon,
dee'd., hereby gives notice that ho has taken out
letters testamentary on the estate of said dee'd.,
and notifies all persons indebted to said estate,
to call on him and settle their indebtedness, and
those having claims against the estate to ptesent
them in proper form.
Sept 27, '54.-6t.
CARPET Dugs, just received endfur eele by
J. f p Ir. 6.1.170. V.
ELL i.. z.. K.Zi Z g
I..ine•ruk.or to ibtrarg Knight.
Bedding and Carpet
No. IfS South Second Strert,
Where he keeps constantly oiLlianil a full assort
ment of every article iu his lino of business.
Feathen,Feather Beds,
Curled hair,corn Husk and Straw
reiret Tapestry, Tapestry, brawls, Three-Ply,
Ingrain, l'enetian, Lid, Rog and 11,,ip
Carpetingo, Oil Cloths, Canton Matting,
Cocoa mid Spanish Matting., Floor and Stair
Drugems, Hearth Rugs, Door Mats,
To which he respectfully invites the attention
of pnrchasers.
[Oct. 4, 's4.—ly. •
TO Tall Ptt
11111,, 11). !If .
R Et:3l,EcalFuLty informs the citizens of
Stunerstown, Coal Mont, Hopewell, and the
country adjacent. that he has located n Medical
Office in the home formerly occupied by Lemuel
Evan, Egg., a nd it now ready to attend to all
calls, and Icy strict attention to business, hopes
to receive n good portion of public Inver.
Septet/I),er 6, 1804.-Iy.
ALL persons indebted to the It.&Criber will
please call and settle their accounts utt or
fore the first day of January next—all accounts
remaining unsettled after that date will be ideced
in the hands of a proper officer for collection.
JOHN N. SIVOO2 - 1:.
Alexandria, Sept. 6,1854.-4 m.
Brought home to the Door of the Million.
ly been made by Dr. Curtis, of this city, in
the treatment of Consumption. Asthma and all
diseases of the Lung. We refer to "Dr. Curtis'
llygeans, or Inhaling Hyaena Vapor and Cher
ry Syrup." With this new method Dr. C. has
restored many afflicted ones to perfect health ;
as an evidence of which be has innumerable cer
tificates. Speaking of the treatment, a physi
cian remarks a It is evident that inhaling—con
stantly breathing,un agreeable, healing vapor,
the medicinal properties must come in direct con
tact with the whole of the mini cavity of the
lungs, and thus escape the many and varied
changes produced upon them when introduced
into the stomach, and subjected to the process
or digestion. The llygeana is for sale at all the
druggfots' throughtTt the country.
Fein York butehm;in of An. 14.
Tho Inhaler is worn on the breast under the
linen without the least inconvenience—the heat
of the body being blifildellit to evaporate the
Hundreds of CASES of CURES like the fol
lowing 'night be named. One Package of Hy
coma has cured me of the ASTHMA of six
years standing:
Kcesberry, P. M. of Dunrannon, Pa.
I um cared of the ASTHMA of lu years
standing by Dr. Curtis' Hygenna.
Margaret Button, Brooklyn, N. 1'
Price three Dollars a l'weisnue,—Sold by
No. 149 Chambers St., N. V.—.l packugeg - sent
free by express to any part of the United States
fur Ten Dollars.
N. B.—Dr. eurthe llygenna is the ORIGI
others are base imitutions or vile awl INJURI
OUS counterreits. Shun them us you would
Sept. 20. 1854 —ly.
At Private Sale.
rIMITS property is situate on Stone
I Creek, about 9 miles north of 4--
a„' s
Huntingdon, l'u. The
good repair, bus 3 run of burrs, be. • -zott•-•.-
Also, at good Soar Mill and Lath Mill; a goad
dwelling house fur the miller. Also,
290 Aores of Land,
about 125 Acres or which is cleared and in a
good state of caltiestion; the balance is well
covered with good timber. The farm buildings
consists of a large Frame House, a large Frame
Barn, and a large Store Hon., in a good stand
fur a store '
but now unoccupied. Also, a large
orchard of choice fruit.
The property is under a lerm for four years
from the let of next April, et 5433 a year.
For further information call on the subscriber
in Huntingdon.
Sept. 27, 's4.—tf.
Rebecca Furnace
THIS property is situate on Stone c e di.irr
Creek, about 12 miles north of .. . imfiledkj
Huntingdon, Pit. It is in gond or- - MAO
der, and plenty of ore within 2 *"" '”l4
miles—in a line wood country where eualellll he
got readily, and shoot 400 ACHES of LAND.
This property is now idle, and possession can
be given rat any time.
Any furthor * inlbrination can be had by cal
ling with George Couch, Huntingdon, or Mary
Couch, Altoona.
Sept. 27, 1534.—tr.
To Brick Makers.
DROPOSALS for making 500,000 Brick, at the
.1 Warm Springs near Ilontingdon, will he re
ceived up till the lath July inst. Those propo
sing to state whether with machine or by hand,
and how much per thousand, Contractor to furnish
wood, and how much if wood furnished, and at
what rata if wood learn provided.
Work to be commenced immediately.
Address A. I'. WILSON, Huntingdon, Pa.
(Mien with DANIEL AFRICA, Esq., Bill street,
between Montgomery and Smith streets. Hunt
ingdon, renn'a. [Sept. 214'34. tf.]
Huntingdon County as.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to Mary
Carter, of said county, Greeting:
Whereas, Joseph Carter, di•t on the 24th day
ot February, instant, prefer his petition to the
lion. George Taylor, Esq., President Judge of
the Court of Common Pleas of the county of
Huntingdon, in vacation, praying that for cer•
tain causes therein set forth, he might be divorced
from the bonds of matrimony entered into with
the said Mary Carter. We do therefore com
mand you the said Mary Carter, as you were be
fore commanded, that setting aside all other bu
siness and excuses whatsoever, you he and ap
pear in your proper person before our Judges at
Huntingdon, at a court of Common Pleas there
to be held for the said county, on the second
Monday of November, A. 1). 1854, to answer the
petition or libel of the said Joseph Carter, and
to show cause if any you have, why the said
Joseph Carter your husband should not he di
vorced from the bonds of matrimony, agreeably
to the act of General Assembly in such case
made and provided. And hereof von are not to
fail. Witness the Hon• George Taylor, Esq.,
President of our said court, at Huntingdon this
20th day of August, A. D. 1854.
Steffs °lnce, Oct. 4.'54.-4t
A BEAUTIFUL assortment of Fancy Cassi
£l. niers, Cloths, Summer Wear, for men anti
boys. Also, Carpet Bags, &c., &c.. Just receiv
ed and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON.
LOOKING Glasses, just received anti for sale
by J. 6. W. SAXTON.
HATS.—Moleskin No, I and 2, of the latest
styles. Kossuth Hats of serious styles and
qualities—will be sold low at the cheap etore of
Afresh supply of Garden Seeds trom Risley'
Gardens, just received, and for sale by
Feb. 23, 1853. J. &. SAXTON.
O DOZEN Ames' No. 2 Shovels. just reed
it/ ved and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON.
10 BARRELS Rue iterring,just received and
for ode at the obrre of GEO. GIVIN.
MIXTURE, for the Fever and Ague, Chaves
Fever, Dynpepsia, and all Bilious Affection.—
The proprietor of this Medicine will elate, with
out hesitation or fear of contradiction, that the
Summate %fixture bus cured more persons where
it iota been introduced, titan any other medicine
in nse fur the above diseases. This Medicine bee
neither nrisenic nor quinine io its composition;
all of the ingredients arc of a perfectfullY healthy
character, end highly stimulating and invigora
ting in their leniency. Perrone while using this
Medicine will not be alleeted by exposure to wa
ter or a damp atmosphere any more than when
in their usual health, Planters in sections of the
country where the Ague prevails, will do well to
adopt this Medicine, as the patient is not obliged
to lay by while under treatment, and they may
be asinred of a SPEEDY CURE. TIIO proprietor
could introduce thousands of certificates from
those of thd highest respectability, but prefers
eating to the sick—Boy one bottleihnd yon will
have the infallible proof in yourself. Full direc
tions for its use accompany each bottle.
Certificates can be seen at the office.„showing
where this Medicine has °Limo when an others
have failed.
For Dyspepsia and all other Billions Com
plaints, there is not a better Medicine In market.
It has also been taken with the most astonish
ing success in sererat Cane of Rheumatism and
Gout; for these complaints take a tablespoonful
twice a day.
One bottle of this Medicine very often has the
desired effect.
Price $1 per brttles For sale by Druguists in
all parts of the United States .d Canada.
All Wholesale Orders most he ruhlresied to
MEAD & BLEECKER, Solo Proprioter,
98 Brendwor, New York:
Agent, HORACE W. SIIITR I ifuntingdon, Pa,
September 6. 1834.—1 y.
HA L Elu L c6ifr r PiiidelPl P th. get:ai.Zomeeas.ori:cit.
Palll 2'.BlP,firtnEtta CUOOM
ever offered in this' piece, consistin g of Cloth
Cassitners, Snti n etts, Veetings, &e. s.
For the Ladies,
we have Plaid Silks, Worsted Plaids, and every
variety of plaid Knods, to please the taste of the
Ladies. Also, Shawls, Sacking Flannels, Bon
net Silks,
Bonnets, and the finest assortment of
Collars, Under-sleeves, Shimazetts, &c., none
OilerOd to the adieu of this place.
Boots and Shoes,
of evert• variety, for Men and Boys, Ladies'
Shoes, of every variety.
Hats and Caps,
of the very latest and hest styles.
of which we always keep the largest and best as
-80211112111 ever kept in this place.
a magnificent assortment, which we are selling
quite low.
are a little up, but we are determined to sell as
low if not lower, thou any other house,according
to quality.
Our stock or Oil Cloths and Carpets
is good, Tubs, Dockets, Willow Ware, and
everything usually kept in a country store.
In tact we have everything to suit the taste of
all, and at lower prices than can he got at an&
other house in town, if you don't be satisfied or
the fact after calling, then we give up.
We have also, FISH, SALT, PLASTER.
and also torch's and store Grain, as usual.
Sept. 27, 1854.
Real .Estate Agency.
The undersigned has established an agency
for the Side and Purchase cf Real Estate in
Hun.ingdon county.
Any person wishing to sell or purchase can
give us a description of the property, its loot.
tion, quantity, quality, and tertus.
We engage in this agency on such terns as
cannot bo objected to.
The Age has the facility of making the
property extensively known.
We now have some very desirable land which
we offei t on easy terms. 1V M. BREWSTER.
Notice to School Directors cud
THE School Directors of the following named
School Districts, are herehy notified tilt I will
meet them at the place and time designated, for
the purpose of examining teachers and granting
September 9th, nt Alexandria, to examine ap
pliyants tlr the schools of Porter township.
N. IL—Those Districts which have neglected
to make out their yearly report, would conter e
favor by attending to it immediately. The Di of the several Districts, should give me
early notice of the time when ;hey intend open
ing their schools, so as to enable me to appoint a
convenient time to meet them.
Teachers mav he examined ut anv time by pro•
seating certificates of good moral character from
the Board of Directors of the District in which
[119: are applying,
Copies of the school Lips and decisions, can
he furnished to Directors Fy calling at the odic,.
of Fisher & Williamson. on Hilt street, or nt my
residence on Mililin street, in the borough of Hun.
tingdon. .1. S. 13A1111, Co. Superintendent.
Huntingdon, August 30, 1854.
SW" Tu l'ersons out of Employment. off—
$5OO to $l,OOO - a Year.
Book Agents Wanted.
THE Subscriber publishes a number of most
valuable Pictorial Books, xery popular. and
of such a moral and religious influence that while
good men may safely engage in their circulation,
they will confer a public benefit, and receive •
compensation for their labor.
fitr 'to men of enterprise and tact, this busi•
ness offers an opportunity for profitable employ
ment seldom to be met with.
Cr Persons wishing to engage in their sale,
will receive promptly by mail, a Circular con
taining full particulars, with "Directions to per
sons disposed to net es Agents," together with
the terms on which they will 1, furnished, by
addressing the suhgeriber, post-paid.
ROBERT SEARS, Pour-tsurn,
181 117Illam street, New-York.
Ilar IN PRESS, and ready fur Agents by the
Ist of October, 1854, "Sears' Illustrated
Description or the Russian Empire.'
For further particulars address us above.
August 30, 1854.
Tfacarora Valley, Juniata
County, Pesoa. j. r,54
_ _
►LIIE Fall Sessiol , wilt commence on MoNtmv,
OCTOBER 2,1554. Whole expenses of board,
tuition, room, fuel, washing and incidental, va
ries from $5l to $57 per session of 22 weeks.—
Vacations from the Ist to thu 15th of April, nod
from the 15th of August to the last of Sept.
Fur further particulars see circulars, or address
(post-paid) either of the Principals.
Aug.3o '54 —2m Port Royal P. O.
Land fbr Sale.
A TRACT OF LAND situate in Germany'
Valley, near Shitlerthutg, Huntingdon co.,
containing about 123 Acres, the greater part
of which is limestone, in a good mato of cultiva
tion, bounded by lands of George Swine and An.
drew Spanogle. Jolly was.
Juno 21, 1854.
Fish for Sale.
15 Barrels Susquehanna Shad,
10 Half bhl. ..•
just received and for sale at the store of
BLANKS...AIways buy Our Blan ks a
Journal Office." We have now prepared a ve
ry superiorarticle of BLANK DEEDS, BONDS,
TIONS, &c.
PURE MUTE LEAD t juit received and for
sale by J. tic W. SAXTON.
plain and fancy, at very low prlees, at the storm
of CEO. 6 wiN.